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STATE OF THE COTJKTKY . y "Tins is the only country in tie world in-which Z&S ^ &gJS . ** * ' ***' - STOCKPOET . The cries of the starring thousands in this unfortunate Borough have at length reached the hearts of the more opulent , and a pablic meeting -was held in the Court -House , on Wedntsday -week , to de-rise some immediate ineans of relief , a requisition , signed by 1 SG individuals , having keen presented to lhe Mayor . Before th ' ey separate d , np wards of £ 1 . 400 -was subscribed , includmg a grant of £ 500 from the Manufacturers Relief Committee , in London , established some years ago . Of al ! the Whig members of the corporation—ihe ' Liberals , " as they are called—only the Mayor and the Town Clerk ' s names are announced . Where are the friends of tha poor now the municipal elections are over ? - == ====== CP ATr i ~ iTT mnri rtrtTr % . mT . «•
BRADFORD . Case i . A woolcomber—without ¦ work for six weeks —has foui children earning 5 a . 6 d . per week—rent Is . Id —is . laid out for oatmeal and water , potatoes , and salt . When the -visitor entered , a child was crying for food ; there was none in the honse , and 3 trifle giTen them -was quickly £ pent for meal ; the poor child tras highly pleased with her meal and water , without milk . 2 . A woalccm'str frcm Ireland , eut of- work seven weeks—has lenr children , tie eldest ticht- jears- ^ - travelled in seach of wcrk in Tain . They have not a penny to depend npon ; their furniture was ' sold up a fortnight since ; an old pack sheet and a little straw formed their bed ; have applied twice to overscera , but were refused unless they would return to Ireland , whtre they supposed they ahould be eo better off . The mother would die in the bouse icther than beg . -
3 . A stcut good-lot'kisg man of 40—son 23 yearsof age ; three young children , with mother , make B 15 in family , without any income bnt Is . per head from their township ^ Silsden ) . This in expended on brown bread , oatmeal , sad potatoes—drink herb tsa , without sugar or milk—they are just alive , and that's alL Mother acd son were found weeping in the house , utterly unable to discover sufficient means of subsistence , though willing to do anj thing . 4 . A healthy single man , twenty-four years of agesix months out cf work—has net had a change of linen , or lain en a bed for two weeks ; is now living on food nsualiy given to pigs . 5 . A wooicomber in work—sis . children ¦ , income for last three months , 10 s . 61 per week , out of which 5 s . 2 d . for rent is paid ; lire on coar ^ food , and not . having sufficient of tlut , disease is evidently advancing en them
The last case "i s a fair sample of two-thirds of the working families of Bradford , reduced , not by sickness , but by inadequate employment . In several casts of sickness , the medical gentlemen called in hive said it Was not physic , but food that was required . One half of the -sroifci :: g men of Bradford appear to be sii . k"ing nnder privation or exhaustion . Oze srs £ h ef the operative families of Bradford are unemployed . Twothirds are suffering from deficient employment Not above one-third are iu full work and comfortable circumstances . An able-bodied comber , in fu ll work , fifteen hours per day , esrn 3 9 s . to 10 s ., but a considerable majority of these who have wc ; "k can only earn 7 s . or 7 s . 6 * 3 . on account of delay in © braising renewal of work on carrying it in .
The above cases and report are furnished ( the cases merely as spedijifcTis ; of general suffering , and not extreme casts , by two gentlemen -who have for s . rma time visittd the wuikizg population of Bradford for societies cf a religions and moral nature . 6 . A widow and seven children receive 4 s . from the township and 3 s . tM . wages—pay for rent ls .. 2 ii , leaving 6 a . 4 d- for food , coal , candles , clothing , kc . —can purchase nothing tut flour atd sharps for brown bread , potatoes , oatmeal—very rarely get niLk to their meal and wat ^ r . 7 . Wooicomber , wife , and four children—out of woik nine months ; had only had one meal of oatmeal and water from Thursday afternoon to Saturday morning . ; yesterday fead borrowed a shuvei full of coals , now consumed , and did nor know -where to get more ; have sub-Eisted by charitable aid and sue of their furniture ; dothing , noihingbLtrags .
8 . Wooicomber , nine in family—income , 2 s . -per head ; every one cf them could eat half a stone of flour weekly , could they get it ; cannot obtain more xhan half supply . ^ 9 . WoolcGmher and wearer out of work—four children earn 7 s ., -which is the only scarce of income . 18 . Wooleomber—family , six in number ; income , Is . 9 d- each ; some of tteni sick , and reduced to grtar distrtss . Jl . Wooicomber—seven in family ; income , Ss . The above tasss are a fair sample of wool combers ' families throughout the town ; their houses are almost destitute of furniture , and they are strangers to the comforts of life . Murh sickness prevails , and the miserable , care-worn appearance of the parents is appalling . KagB . coarse fWd , ignerahce and degradation are their portion . '
12 . Mechanic , usual wage 22 s ., out of work eighteen months ; now breaking stones at Sd . per day . This is the c&se with many . 13 . Mechanic , 56 years ofrge ; former wage 22 s . to 2 is . ; out of -srork nice months ; sex breaking stonesfor the bkhway ; cannot at his age turn to a new trade ; fra . 3 for some years ha £ only partial work , and has expended his savings . 14 . Mechanic , out of work eighteen months ; wife obliged to -work at power Iooni 3 in consequence ; one child waits on the family ; t ^ o female lodgers mike up their amount of income . 15 . Mechanic , out of work a long time ; clothing worn out ; wife , mother , and two children in consequence obtain a living by preparing and hacking -whitening for cleanirg fljora ; obliged to labour almost night and day to procure a misarable subsistence . Such case 3 as tie above are now of common occurrence in Bradford .
16 . Mechanic , has travelled nine months unsuccessfully in search of employment ; haa at last found full ¦ wort at Bristol on machinery f i > r exportation 1 ids employer is a-wara that he is tbus destroying the ultimate prospects of himself and workmen , but has bo alternative . 1 " . Woolcom rer . could earn in 1 S 3 C , 14 s . or 15 s . on the same nominal soit of wool , which now occupies him more closely to tarn 9 s . IS . Three years ago another comber earned 15 s . or 27 s . with less labour than he now can earn IPs . 19 . Comber of fine wool , could earn 24 s . three years ago , where he can now only earn 10 s . ! 20 . Cabinet maker , a- sious and respeciahle man , out of work eighteen months , has been obliged to leave his family in destitution to seek work elsewhere . Cases 6 to 20 ar £ furnished by a Society of Operatives .
MANSFIELD . Never , we believe , was the condition of the pDor at ' Mansfield se ted as at presert Starvation is doing its ; work , and , as it -was naturally to ¥ e expected , is fast ' : reducing the middle classes to the verge of ruin . . How ; harro-sving is it to the feelings of intelligent , honeit , in- ; dustrious , and onee-respeetable parishioners , - to be obliged » o submit to the embarrassing alternative , of either applying to the Union House fur relief , or actually parish in a land of plenty . But , is it not still i more distressing to be tsld by the minions in . cmee , ; that they have no right to relief while their homes possess a remnant of furniture , by irhich tbey could supply their exigences . We know men , whose lives j ! ¦
are in every respect irreproachable , living in "such a . stats of destitution , as to express , in the intensity of their sufferings , a wish that death -might at once put an end to their struggles . We could enumerate instances : of the niost appalling destitution , in Mansfield— - srhere ; fathers are traversing the streets in mental agony , nn- ; able to bear the sight of their nnhappy home £ —whilst the mothers , surrounded i > y their famishing offspring , have scarcely a morsel in the world , to appease their craving appetites—with scarcely any ether covering to j shield them from the inclemency of a -winter ' s ziight , than the scanty and tattered appar ^ r which they have ^ rorn in the day . - ;
KIB . KAI . DT . , State op Tkade . —The general distress is only i beginning to be felt hera In the town and district ; there are about 2 , 060 looms , and till within these twoi months past they have been all well employed , and yet : our trace has been long in a languishing staU- —two facts which can only be reconciled by supposing , what we believe to bs the case , that our manufacturers manage their afiairs with Tnore j-rndence than happens elsewhere . But s sad change is now taking place ; we see mmy of the weavers gsiag abott seeking work , and cannot find it ; ani it will still be worse with them , as the mnmifactuTers , "unable to go on any longer , are daily drawing in .- —Sco ' . smcr .. DISTRESS I > - IHE ISLE OF M . A >\
In our immediate locality , though hitherto not a subject of much public remark , distress , deepand wide ^ spread distress , txiits , and that , too , we regret to say , amongst a class hithtrto occupying a respectable station in society . As _ a direct issaa of the recent ¦ mismanagement of our circulating medium , and in a great measure in const quecce of the ruin ¦ which that mismanage- " ment sd extensively ettoiled , -sre have at the present time absolutely no trade ; artisans of every description , joiners , masons painters , and thosa belonging to every other occupation , have been many "weeks out of employment ; the result we nted not repeat . It is far from being ths panper population alone who are now in a
state of misery and destitution ; we have the names of scores of individuals , the heads of helpless families , trio , if they conld find work , conld easily earn from 12 s . to 20 s . per week , in actual starvation , willing / indeed , to work , but '" ashamed io beg . " As an illustz » tifl& : W 9 maj bare record the fact , that one day last % ' wjfj ^ t ! 'Wire" Of a respectable artisan went to a foenHa f&iUna town and purchased twopenny worth « C thB IliaRtu jam ally sold for the purpose of feeding efcttJe at 3 ; jpi * S , secretly creeping away without paying thai faiflii # * om- The person in charge of the brewery tfeaired one b £ the "workmen to run after Mrs . —¦— _ , and « ayi *' ifc « had forgot to pay for tne grains . " Tha Bin foHowed , ami wertook her whan she had reached
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home . Having entered the house , to his astonishment he there beheld the poor woman , having an infant at her breast , with her husband and four children . eagerly devouring the grains—not having tasted food for four days ! And we are daily informed of labourers and tradesmen similarly circumstanced—themselves actually in a state of physical exhaustion for want of food , and the cries of their helpless children for bread continually piercing their hearts . —Mona ' s Herald .
CARLISLE . ( Received too late for our JasLJ Public Meeting to relieve the present existing Distress . ^ A requisition having been sent t- > the Mayor , ( G . GK Mounsey , Esq . ) requesting him to call a public meeting for the above object . He readily complied , and appointed Tuesday , Dec 21 st , for holding the mesting . At twelve o ' clock , the hour appointed , about thirty gentlemen assembled in the Town-Hall , when the Mayor was called to the chair , he observed that the present meeting was called , for the purpose of devising means to relieve the public distress , which he was sorry to say prevailed to a very great extent He was glad to find there was a disposition oh the part
of those who were able to relieve the great sufferings of the poor and destitute ; there are probably some gentlemen present , who are prepared to bring forward resolutions on the subject The Rev . John Fawcett tsen came forward to move the first resolution , which wes to the following effect : — That it is the opinion of this meeting , that the distress boing at present so great , a public subscription should be immediately entsred into for the purpose of affording immediate relief . " G . H . Head , E ? q ., banker , then came forwaid to second the resolution ; he said , I cannot but express tsj sincere regret , tbat those who were the means of calling the present meeting , had not come prepared with facts to prove to -what a frightfnl extent
the present distress prevailed . 1 know there are nearly one thousand persons in Carlisle at present , who have no means cf support- There are about two hundred labourers out of v ork . Those in employment are receiving very low wages . Nine hundred were at present ntt earning more than from four to five shillings a week , and two hundred net more than frcm three to four shillings a week . Under these circumstances , is it not painful to see so few persona present ? I know many -who ought to have been here . I hope that those gentlemen whe have agitated the town for these last twelve months , will now come forward liberally with subscriptions , and convince the town that they are serious ; and that the poor and distressed are not to be
fed upon -words any longer . I hope the subscription wl ! l bs £ ufScie : ; t to relieve the distressed , not for weeks only , but for months to come . I beg leave most cordially to second the resolution which has been moved by the Rev . Mr . Fawcvtt . The resolution was then put and carried . M 3 jor Wild then moved , and the Rev . Mr . Thwaites seconded the following resolution : — " That a committee be now formed for the purpose of ascertaining the amount of . distress for the purpose of relieving the same . - This resolution was also carried . The Msyor antlsome ctljer gentlemen thtn spoke of the propriety of formine a Mendicity Society , and a Committee was formed for the purpose of considering tUe subject , and reporting to a public meeting to be held next week . A Committee of thirty persons was then formed to irquire into the present prevailing distress , -i subscription was then entered
into , headed by the Mayor , who very liberally subscribed £ 10 , Mr . Head following it up with the still inore liberal donation of £ 100 , reserving to himself the right of its appropriation . Upwards of £ 160 would be subscribed in the meeting , although the numbers presert were Email . Where "were our Members for the borough on this laudable occasion ? Where were the Messrs . Dixon ' s , the leading manufacturers of the town , and who haTe been constantly proftssing to have a great feeling for the poor , from whose haid earnings they have amassed princely fortunes , and whe are erecting formidable castles , the walls of which may be said to be ctmented wit ' a the blood of the hand-loom weaver , comimng ' ed with the tears of the emaciated factory child ? Aye , where were they ? Doubtless these were the men to whom the benevolent gentleman , Mr . Head , alluded .
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FRIGHTFUL ACCIDENT ON THE GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY . { From the Reading Mercury . ) It is with feelings 0 ! deep regret that we have to record one of the most lamentable railway accidents that , we believe , has ever occurred in this country , and which took place this morning on that part of the Great Western line , called " the gullet , " the deepest part of the Sunning-hill cutting , rather more than two miles from Reading . It appears that daring the interim that elapsed between the passing down of the goods train about midnight , and the arrival of a similar train at half-past six this morning , the embankment of the south side of the gullet , and about one hundred y ards east of the wooden bridge gave way , completely covering about forty yards of the south or down line of rails . This unfortunate occurrence being unobserved by the
policeman at this district , no intimation conld possibly be conveyed to the driver of the approaching train , consequently , on the arrival of the luggage train , at about half-past six o ' clock , a most terrific scene occurred . The train , which was ; progressing at its accustomed pace , and consisted of twelve or fourteen waggons , two trucks , and the engine and tender , was suddenly thrown off the rails , and partially shattered to atoms . The engine , which wes called the" Hecla , " ran into the mass of earth , in wbick it was more than half buried , while the tender and passei » ger trucks were turned over , and jammed against the wagfions immediately behind . The consternation at this moment , amid the expiring yells of some of the passengers , and the shrieks
of others less injured , may be more easily conceived than detailed . One of the most distressing features perhaps of this awful scene , was the lamentable cries of an aged father , who saw his son , who had accompanied him in this unhappy journey , literally crushed between the tender and the tmck , and instantaneously killed . Another of the safferers , apparently an aged man , was so shockingly mutilated , ^ hat his countenance was entirely indiscernible . Information of thedreadfol catastrophe was conveyed to Reading as speedily as possible , and several medical gentlemen were shortly on the spot . There were about thirty passengers , including some females , nearly the whole of whom were more or less injured ; about twenty were brought on to Reading , in a
carriage sent up for that purpose , and their appearance on their arrival at the station , was of the most depressing character . It is a remarkablo fact , that neither the driver of the engine nor his assistant sustained any injury ; the conductor and the gsard also escaped unhurt , although the former , we believe , was thrown from his seat over to the bank , upon which he fell with great force . The guard was thrown upon the opposite embankment , and the other officers were saved by leaping from their places . By about half-past eight o ' cloek a great number of persons had reached the spot , and the most active exertions were made to extricate the poor fellows who were lying dead beneath the wheels and among the shattered fragments of the trucks . This , however ,-was a work of difficulty as well as hazard :.
and several hours elapsed before the trucks Were raised . The removal of each presented a dreadful spectacle ; five of the unhappy men were extricated without much delay , but thethree remaining were soentangled with the wheels and shattered ' truck ' s that they were for a long time unapproachable . One of these , a deceutly dressed mechanic , was taken in the waist by the tender and the truck , in an upright position , his bark being nearly severed by the crash . They were all at length removed to a small hut in the Londi-n-road , where the eight bodies were depo sited and covered with straw . One of them appeared about eighteen years old , while the others , so far as we could judge , were from about twenty to thirty years of age , except one man , who appeared to be somtwhai older .
The number conveyed to the hospital is 1 " , being twelve men and five women ; thirteen were immediately placed in bed , more or less seriously injured , combining fractures and dislocations ; but , with one exception , no amputation will be necessary ; the most seriou * are two or three spinal case ? , the injuries being so severe , that there is little hope of their recovery . The other four , although much hurt and bruised , will be shortly enabled to proceed on their route to the city of Bristol . Fortunately , there were fewer patients in the hospital than has been known for some weeks past , from which circumstance every accommodation and assistance was
readily afforded to all the unfortunate sufferers . We would submit , with deference , that the passenger trucks should be placed iu a less dangerous situation than that in which th ^ y are generally ( being attached to the engine ); had they been placed behind the lugg-age waggons , this afflicting loss of life would , in all probability , have been avoided , as several of the last waggons retained their positions on the rails without receiving the slightest injury . The names of the deceased we have not yet learned ; but , from their appearance , they are principally mechanics and labourers , and were journeying towards Cirencester and Bristol .
Saturday Night . —Throughout this day a vast number of the relations and friends of the passengers who left London by the ill-fated train on Friday morning , called at the Paddington terminus to inquire as to the fate of their respective friends . General inquiries were also made by a great number of disinterested persons ; indeed , the superintendent and other officers ¦ were nearly besieged with applicants for information respecting this sad affair ; but , with very few exceptions , no intelligence c « uld be gained . There were several persons , however , ¦ who were believed to be intimately connected with the unfortunate . sufferers , who were permitted to proceed to Reading jtnd return to town free of expense . In the . morninr , Sir Fred .
Smith , the surveyor of railways , repaired to the spot where the accident happened , and after remaining for sometime , returned to the terminus , and examined the engine driver , stoker , and some others , in the boardroom ; they were each txamined separately , but no other person was allowed to be present , nor was a single syllable of their evidence allowed to transpire . It was very currently reported , up to two o ' clock , that four of the unfortunate individuals expired in the Reading hospital in the morning . Mr . Seymonx Clark , the superintendent , left town by the two o ' clock train for the purpose ( as it was understood ) of making further inquiries , and also to procure a list of the names of the sufferers .
Mbs . Carpenter ' s Statement , oxe of the Passengers . — " The train leh London at half-past four o ' clock . There were three trucks containing passengers , about forty or fifty in number . There was only one truck-load of good ? , and those were packed between the passengers . The night was very clear , and we were going at about the usual speed . All of a moment we felt a shock , and were tossed again&t each other , and up into the air and down again , and then the carriage was broken all to pieceB , and thtn we found ourselves on the ground among the luggage . I cannot say how my husband got out but after he got out he dragged mo out , and also my sister-in-law , both of whom were insensible , but afterwards recovered . The person ? who sat on the
right and left of me were killed . We were assisted out by our friends , who were not tw much injured , and laid upon the bank side , but 1 eaw no policemen at ail . At the time the accident occurred we were going at a fast rate . I and my three relatives were the only persons who were so little injured as to be enabled to come to Bristol . After the accident , a messenger was dispatched and brought persons . In about an hour afterwards some policemen and several surgeons arrived , and afterwards a train came and took us to the hospital at Reading . They took all the persons to Reading . I saw myself ten dead bodies , aud I heard that was the number killtd . I believe that every one of the passengers had limbs
broken , or ivere otherwise seriously injured , excepting I and my friends . When we came away there was a young woman expected to die every minute . I heard that she was a servant girl . I do not know how many were taken into the hospital ; but Iheard the matron say that eighteen were taken besides those dead . I heard the surgeon say that he was just going to take off one person's foot . I believe most of them were greatly injured . The engine was dnven into the fallen earthwork to a considerable depth . There wa 3 one baby there belonging to a woman , which after the accident she was unable to find for a long while , & ' ¦ length she found it unhurt and asleep between two dead men . "
FURTHER PARTICULARS . Reading , Saturday Evening , Dec . 26 . As may naturally be supposed , the utmost excitement and consternation still prevail in this town and its neighbourhood in consequence of the truly lamentable and fatal accident , some of the details of which are given above . Those details , as published , are admitted to be tolerably correct by the railway authorities here . We hear in numerous quarters that the state of the Sunning-hill cutting , the scene of the accident , has for some t me past engaged the attention of the railway engineer , and that its repair had long been conttmplated , but had been postponed in consequence of the railway labourers beiDg
engaged upon works which were supposed to be of a more pressing nature . This procrastination is held by many acquainted with the aa tare of thesoil which constitutes the cutting , and with the degree of angle of which that cutting is formed , as being reprehensible , and last of all the company are condemned for the continuance of their system of affixing the passengertrucks next the tender—a system which experience has proved to be fraught with danger to the lives of the passengers . In the present instance it &ppeai 3 clear that if the passenger-trucks had been the last in the train , no lives would have been lost , because not one of the luggage carriages were off the line .
It has already been stated that eight individuals were killed upon the spot . The following are their names in the numerical order in which they Were identified : — No . 1 . John Pook , of Stoke Canon , near Exeter , aged thirty , was identified by a letter which waa found in his pocktt , and subsequently was recognised by his father .
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No . a ^ Charles Williams , aged 32 , a stonemason , residing in Cheltenham , but in the employ of Messrs . Grissell and Peto , upon the New Houses of Parliament . This corpse was identified by Mr . Allen , the foreman of Messrs . Grissell and Peto . ; No . 3 , C . Sweetland , of Gloucester , stone-mason , aged 30 , identified by his father ^ but hot known to Allea . : ¦ ¦ '¦ ¦•¦ ¦ ¦[ . ^ ; - ' ' . ¦ ¦ , - -- ' - ; ¦ ' ¦ . ¦ . - "¦ . ' ; ' ' : ; : ' : ' No . 4 . —r- Mabbott i also of Gloucester , stone mason , aged 34 ; also in th ^ employ of Messrs . Grissell and Peto , and identified by Alien . No . 5 . Richard Ralph , of Harwell , near Steven ^ ton , Berks , aged 25 , recogniBed and identified by hisfather . . - '¦ ¦¦ ¦•¦ . ¦ ¦' . ¦'¦ : ¦ : " :. - .. ¦¦¦¦ , -.. ¦ . ¦• ¦ ' ; - : - ' ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦
No . 6 . The remains of a labouring man apparently , and dressed like a waggoner . Not yeli identified . No . 7 . Joseph Hands , of Clarence-gardens , Regent ' s-park , aged 25 . The name of this unfortunate young man was first ascertained by a quarterly ticket , dated peeemberj : 1841 , of the Wesleyan Methodist Society , being found ; in his possession . His mutilated remains have since been recognised by his father , who also identified those of his companion a nd friend , No . 8 , Jabez Cleave , ( errsneonsly supposed to have been a preacher ) , on whwse person a similar ticket of the sane date was found , but Who was identified as a stone-mason by Mr , Allen , the foreman at the Houses of Parliament for Messrs . Grissell asd Peto . '
The proeess of identification of the mutiJated remains of the sufferers in the miserable shed or hut in which they were deposited , led to indescribable scenes of agonised distress . The public haTe also been informed that eighteen ether individuals- were eonveyed to the Royal Berkshire Hospital , and they were promptly attended by Mr . T . Biessett Maurice , the surgeon of the wdek , assisted by Mr . G . May , Mr . F . A . Bulley , and the resident surgeon ,. Mr . James Dunn . The wounds and injuries of seae were dressed , and they were speedily enabled ' , to proeesd to their respective homes . Twelve of the unhappy Sufferers were so materially injured , that
their further removal was deemed to be dangerous , and they were , by the medical officers of the institution , admitted in-pa&ents . The nansea and addresses of these individuals , together with tha nature of the injuries , as detailed in the books of the hospital , we now subjoin : —• Johcv btainsbury , a # e 30 , by trade - a navigator , resident in Lambeth . Contusion of the back . Thomas M . Wheeler , age 30 , of Mils-buildings , Knightabridge , newspaper reporter . Contusion of the faces Since discharged at his own request . Ann Wheeler , age 3 J , wife of the above-named Thomas M . Wheeler . Fracture of the fore arm , and contnsion > of the head and bank .
Thos . Hughes , age 15 ., of Hammersmith , painter . Concussion of the brain and contusion of tho face . Thomas- Hawkins , age 24 , of Freshford , near Bath , stonemason . Comoouiid dislocation of the great toe > the metatarsa ! bone protruding , which has since b « en removed by an operation . Anthony Batten , age 43 > of Manchester Mews , Manchester-stre * t . Contusion of the back and loins . James Stapleton , age 30 v Of Cheltenham , stonemason . Dislocation of the shoulder , since reduced . William Baldwin , age 52 ; of Cheltenham , stonemasob . Fracture of the ribs . Eliza Barnes , afje 20 , of Addle-street , Cit y ^ eeryant . Severe laceration of tho scalp . Elizabeth Carpenter , aged 29 , of Charles-street ^ Blackfriars . Contusion of the leg . Hannah Cooper , aaftd 40 ^ of Thomaa-stjeet , Kennington-comtaon . Fracture of the metatareal bones and dislocation of the right feet .
In addition to the above-named sufferers , there was also admitted as an in-patient at , the same time , a man who still remains in a state of insensibility , and whose name still remains unknown . He has the appearanco of a stone rnason , is apparently about forty years of age , and the injuries ho has received consist of a compound fraeture of the skull . The unfortunate man has undergone the operation of trepanning , and still lies in a most dangerous state ; indeed , his recovery is almost hopeless .
THE INQUEST . An inquest was opened at Reading ea Friday evening , out no new fact was elicited so far as the proceedings went that day . The inquast was aajourped to Monday . On the latter day a number of witnesses wire examined , and the dead bodies were »! 1 identified . ' Mr . Sauoders , the Secretary of the Great Western Railway Company , was ia attendance , as well as Mr . Brunei , the chief engineer . After all the witnesses had been examined , Mr . Saunders caHtd Mr . Brunei to give evidence as to the actual state of tho embankment where the accident occurred . The p > ublio are aware oJ the nature of the accident from the facts detailed above , and we only give therefore Mr . Biurtel ' s examination .
Isambirt Kingdom Brunei—I am chief engineer on the Great Western Railway . With respect to the system of watching along the line , six different assistants have instructions to appoint night watch ^ men whenever there is any appearance of danger . In case of slips in the cuttings , when they are superficial , it is found better to drain them well , and to remove the loose earth , and leave the slips open to dry . These are watched for a time , and if it be found that no further movement takes place within a short time , experience has shown that this draining is sufficient . In this particular case of the Sunning cutting I saw a smalt slip about three weeks ago . I inquired of Mr . Berkham what had been doue , and 1 found it had been drained , and as I
observed that it was only a superficial one , I did not consider that there was any daager . I passed many times since , and have not observed any chauge . On Friday morning , I arrived on the spot , a few hours after the accident , and I examined the slip that had then takon place . It was a totally distinct slip , and I pointed out to Mr . Berkham the drain that had been cut round the former slip , and which was quite dittihot-- from tho new one ^ The disturbed ground of the new slip touched the old slip , but the 1 slips themselves bad begun in different parts of the Blope and in different strata There were some questions the Foreman wished me to answer , which 1 shall now state . The width of the cutting at bottom is forty feet , the depth is £
fiyseven feet , the width of the top of the cutting is two hundred and sixty-eight feet . The width of tha spoil bank on the south side is a hundred foet , froqj the north side about sixty-seven ; but of course it varies . From the bottom of the Bpoil bank to the edge of the elope is about fifteen foet . It varies , however ^ because in some placeB it is twenty and twenty-tett from the edge . The 6 poiL bank is not twenty feet high , and thirty feet from the edge of the slope . That soil would not stand at such a slope ; it would not even stand at two to onei From the railway to the edge of the slope is about twelve or thirteen feet . It would require fort ; feet distance to have the spoil bank twenty feet high . I heard something of the spoil bank havina , moved , but I
examined it carefully , and 1 find it has not moved . There is plenty of room to walk between the spoil bank and the top ofthe slope . I am not afraid of the weight of the spoil bank having any effect on its slopes . There is no partof the spoil bank so close to the top of the slope as ten feet . I examined the line immediateHr after the accident , and can speak with certainty . Thirty feet from the edge of the slope there is not niore than six or eight feet in height of spoil bank . There have beeu discussions here and elsewhere as to the best place for the passenger '' trucks , and the reason for putting . them next to the engine has been , that the daggers to which a luggage train js considered most liable , are its being overtaken by another train
in consequence of its being unavoidably less punctual than the other trains , and tho danger arising from breaking of axles in the luggage train , in either of which cases tho Front of the train is the best . The reason why the passenger trucks were put in the middle of the train nex . t day was by my directions , ; merely as a concession to an opinion which I knew was frequently expressed , On the evening in question we di 6 cu 8 sed the questioa with Mr . Saunders aud Mr . Clarke , arid we had some doubts about the propriety of taking any passengersi but being Christmas-evo , we kuew there would be many applications , and although we retained our previous opinion as to the front being the safest part , we made the alteration in deference to public opinion .
By a Juror . —There have been instances of luggage waggons having beeii overtaken by other trains . Our feelings and interests are of course involved in providing the best place for the passeiigers . The axles of luggage trains are much more liable to break than the passenger-trains . Placing the carriages for passengers behind would ba a very dangerous thing . Mr . Saunders said , I ; can assure the Jury that many accidents have been avoided by placing the passengers in the luggage-trains in front . There are some trains which go at eighteen miles an hour , and others which go at forty miles , and there are cuttings and curves in the line in which it is almost
impossible , notwithstanding every precaution that is taken , to prevent a quick train running into a slow one . We can have no motive but that of the public safety and convenience , and it is not later thau yesterday that the Government Railway Inspector distinctly told me that he fully concurred in our views . The luggage-train should start at half-past four o ' clock is the merning , but it seldom gets away before fire o ' clock , and it puts aside generally at Slough , to allow the six o ' clock quick train to passit . Every precaution that could possibly be thought of to ensure safety and punctuality has been adopted by the Directors , If it was to be continued on my responsibility , I would again have the passengers in the luggage-town placed in front .
The Coroner then read over the whole of the evidence which had been adduced on both days , and oalled upon the jury to dismiss from their minds all they had heard on the subject elsewhere , and calmly and dispassionately attend only to the evidence which had been submitted to them ; Th « y would take the Whole facts into their serious consideration , giving such weight to the statements of Mr . Saunders and Mr . Brunei as their importance deserved . Ho now left the case in their hands . They mast consider their verdict .
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Tho jury retired at three o ' clock . At a few minutes before five the Coroner , who had left the apartment where the inquest was held , returned and announced that the jury had agreed to their verdict , which was "Accidental death in all the cases , and a deodand of £ 1 , 000 on the eng-ne , tender , and carriages . " ; Mr . C , Russell , M . P ., inquired whether the Jury bad stated any and what grounds for their verdict . The Coroner said they had assigned two reasons , ; but he was not bound to state them , and he would rather not . ; : :-: . ¦ , " :- '¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦''¦ ¦ : - ' ;;; ¦; '¦ : ¦ ' : ' ¦' . - ' ' :. : ' - ;; . '' . - . "¦ The following , we have the best reason to know , were the reasons assigned by the jury fur the above verdict : — 7 ''' . ' '' ' ¦ - / ' 7 . '¦ ¦ "'¦ ' ;¦ . ¦ . - :- / : : - .. ' / .. - '" The Jury are of opinion that great , blame attached to the company in placing the passenger trucks so near the engine . ^ : " 2 . That great neglect had occurred in not employing a sufficient watch when it was most necessarily required . ; W W h ; .
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matter with the meal to make the old man so ilL He said he bad purchased the arsenic from Mr . Gough , chemist , of Wem , for the purpose of destroying rats , and hinted that his wifa mnat feave administered it , if the deceased really was poisoned . ¦ ¦; ¦;¦' ¦ The female raid if any one knew about it , it was her husband . . ¦' . - ¦ ¦ / : ' ' ¦ : ' . :- >¦ ' <<'¦ ¦ ' / : ''¦ . . ¦ ¦¦ '¦ The Jury returned a verdict that the deceased ' s death was occasioned by poison , administered by Thomas ^ Harries , and that bis wife assisted him ; and they were both ful / y committed for our next asafzea , The male prisoner is a brickmaker by trade , and baa borne but an Indifferent ( character . The female is very far advanced in pregnancy , and on Thursday feigned tbat she was in labonr , but on txaminination by a surgeon the attempt to postpone the investigation filled . . ' . . '¦ ¦ "¦ " ¦¦ ' ¦" ¦ . ' . ¦ ¦ . " ' ¦ '' . ¦ . " ¦ - ¦ ¦¦ '¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ' - \ ¦ ' " - . " ¦' : ¦ ¦ . ¦ "
Jpbft Haycock was taken into Cheshire by the boat , and a report haa reached this town that he has expired , making a second victim of this unparalleled atrocity r : ¦ . ' ¦ "' . ¦ . '" . ¦ ¦' "¦ ;• ¦''¦ ¦ . ¦/ : . ¦ ' \" : ' [¦ " ¦' . - - " .
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R . E > I . \ RKABtE 5 TORM OF HaIL AND LIGHTNING . — An esteemed correspondent wishes us to put on record some- particulars of a storm of thunder and lightning , accompanied by hail ; that passed over the peninsula of Lleyn ^ on the morning of the 17 th . inst . In its passage over the park at Madryh it was of a most awful arid alarming character , and did immense damage to a long range of glass-hbuses , pits , arid frames , that are used for forcing , besides putting ; in imminent danger a large collection of valuable plants Some of the hailstones , we are assured , measured no legs than three inches and oneeighth round the base—^ all of them being of a conical shape . Hail of the same magnitude and quantify-has riot fallen in that part of the country within the memory of the present age . —Carnarvon Herald .
A Bakbabocs Trick . —An eastern shoreman stepped into a barberVshop in our city and requested the barber ^ takeoff 12 i cents worth of his hair . The barber trimmed his locks very neatly , and then combed and brushed them in the most particular style . "Are you done ] " asked the Eastern shoreman , as the barber removed the napkin from his neck ., * ' Yes , tir , " returned the man of the razor with a bow . " Are you certain you took off elevenpence ^ worthr'V Yes , sir , " returned the barber , " here ' s a glass you can see for yourself . " " Well , " said the Eastern man , " if you think you have got a'levenpence worth off , I don ' t know as ! have any use for it , arid I haven't got ho phango ; so you may just keep j the hair for your trouble . " — Baltimore Argus . : \ ;• '¦ . ¦ ¦; ¦ : . ¦ ; -v ' . ¦ ¦ : ¦ '" ¦' -. - '" r ,. ' / . ' .: ' : ¦/ :. ¦ . ¦ : ¦
Dakiko BtraoLARV in Wiltshire . —Some thieves entered the hoiise of Mr . Awdrey , at Sooth Wraxhall , on Tuesday night . They proceeded up stairs and tapped at the bed-room door of oae of the young ladies who , supposing that it was a maid-servant , desired her to come in .- Three of the fellows then entered ¦ wi th Wudgoons , aid bearing a candle ; T « vo fellows were left below as out-door arid in-door watch . The Former demanded the surrender of her money from Miss Awdrey , who gave them all she had , which they said was not sufficient . She then went to her sister in an adjoining room , who gave up ber purse and its contents . ; . Still they demanded more , arid the young ladies , apprehensive , from the high and determined spirit of their father , that he would resist and be murdered by the ruffians , repaired to his bed-room , apprised him of what was going on , and besought him to give up his money ' Having obtained this , they text demanded the
surrender of the silver plate , jewellery , watches , and all the other portable valuables , which they took to the extent of half a sack full , carefully selecting the solid silver articles , and leaving the plated behind . They next demanded wine , of which they drank a bottle , besides a quantity of brandy , arid finally decamped between three and four o ' olock , haviDg remained in the house between four and five hours without any signs of alarm or apprehension . The plunder , in addition to £ 30 in money , was prodigioHS , in plate , watches , jewellery , linen , pistols , &c ^ The daring character of the outrage has greatly alarmed all the neighbourhood about Bradford , more especially those inhabiting solitary houses , whose inmates dread a similar midnight visit from a gang whose numbers are sufiicient to overpower a whole family . Twenty-five poiinda is offored asa reward for the detection of the villains , who are thought to be to » 4 oa tba 3 Vcs . r-J ? a / A Journal .
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Cheapness of Railways in America . —The extent of communication by railways in America is truly surprising . They cover the United States like tLe meshes of a net . About 7 , 000 miles of . railing have already been made , or aro in actual progress . This would be incredible in a couDtry where capital is so valuable , were the railways laid out on the same expensive scale with ours . British ' railways have cost from £ 20 , 000 to £ 50 , 000 a mile . Those of America have not cost , on the average , including buildings and all requisite investment , more tnan £ 4 , 500 per mile , being from one-fourth to onetenth of the expence of British railways ; that is te say , & given sum of money expended in America has
provided the benefit of railway communication to an extent of from five to ten times as great as an equal one in Great Britain . Although these lines were not orginally laid out on a pre-arranged plan , yet tha detached lines have gradually been connected , so as to form continuous routes of great extent—some of the companies owning different portions of connected lines have found it convenient to amalgamate ^—the route between Baltimore and Philadelphia consisted of four companies on four parts of 'he line , which are now incorporated in one company , under a single board of management . One * , reat chain of railroad , commencing at Portsmouth , in New Hampshire , extends across the United States to Pensacola , in Florida , a distance of l $ 600 miles . —Allier . aum .
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— » ^ » ^ . » ^ r r » ^ r - ^ v ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ATROCIOUS MlIRIffiR AT WHIXALE , ^ NEAR WEM ; SHROPSHIRE . ( From a Second Edition 6 / the Shrewsbury Neun . ) Another murder has been perpetrated in this county , during the present week , under circumstances of greater atrouty even than the one at Bnmvgarth , near Oswestry . A wife ^ with ttte assistance ef her hus band , has adm r » ia tared poison ¦ to both h er par en is , and the mother has faUen a victim to the diabolical deed , the father . ; escapieg by a mere accident , ¦ and aa innocent person | ( according to the lasfc report ) has sSb « 8 died iii extreme , agony from the t-ffteia of the deadly food uf which he i had been a partaker . I
The noMe ofthe old man is Arthur Williams , whe resided at Whixale , within three miles of Wem , in this county , and' the perpetrators of this horrid crime , Thos . Harries and kis wife Mai ? , lived in the Banie cottage with the father and his deceased wife Eliz » Williams . The prisoner , , Thenifla ; Barries , had been previously married , his- former wife having died four years ago , leaving two children , who resided in the same cottage ; with ' .- ' . the prisoners .- It appears that tshe- deceased ' . victim had been in the habifc of correcting tbsae children , and Harries had said that he would-remember ieif for it , and this is the only motive that caii aV pre' sent be assigned for the deed , which has caused such general horror in the rieighboarhpod .
On Sunday , the 19 th , the deceased partook of an apple-duropling at dinner , and was instantly tuken ill , the Bymptoms inereasing so rapidly that bynine pyiock tha same evening she was a corpse . Her husband did not eat any ofthe dumpling , being too ill from-having taken a small portion of the poisonous mineral' on the previous uight ; and * the third party was the son of a neighbour to who / a the female prisoner had given the remainder of the poisoned food- . An inquest was held on the body of the deceased , Elian Williams , on Friday , before Joseph Bietrim , Bsq . coroner ( who had only rtturned home on Wednesday from holding an inrj , aest on the mardered woman-near Os westryi ' , when the folio wing evidence was adduced : > -r ¦' . ¦ ' Arthur Williams , husband of the deceased , livea-ina
cottage at Whixale , and the prisoners , Thomas-arid Mary Harries , with two children ef the former , resided with him . On Satuiday Jast witaess had a pig ' s- fry for hia-aupper , which was cooked by the deceased , w-ho took some flour from a bag hanging in the kitehea . to thicken the gravy . Witness ate heartily and felt very sick Afterwards , going to bed ill , and remaining so * all night . Gtot up the next morning very unwell , ami- sat in tho house till eleven o ' clock , when he went out , leaving the deceased , the prisoners , the children , and a neighbour , named John Edwards ^ there . AVitness returned to dinner , but was too unwell to . eat . ihe first dish was an applc-dmupling , of which the deceased ate heaJtily , but witness was too poorly to taste it Within five minutes after eating it , the deceased ran
towards the door , and , throwing it open , said , Oh dear , how ill I am TV and retcbed violently . The deceased then went into the garden , supported by the female prisoner , and being a longtime away , witness went out , and finding her too ill to walk , carried her into the house , and placed her in a chair . She continued getting worse till four o'clock , when witness ca * ried he * vip to bed , arid went to b « d himself , feeling very unwell He gob up about nine o ' clock , as hia wifo became much worse , and she died shortly after . Witness had occasion to go out afterwards , leaving the prisoners togotLer in the kitchen , and , on returning , beard Harries say t ° bis wife , " ihere ' s sometuing ki that floiir " The two prisoners lived in the same house with witness , but ate at a separate table , and fouud
their own victuals . They had the : ? dinner at the same ime a * the deceased , but not at the sanio table . The female prisoner assisted deceased t » bed , but neither of the prisoners made any remark at her sudden death to witness . Mary Jones , a neighbour . Was in the room at the time deceased expired ., The female prisoner Hade a diiuapliiig at the sime time as deceased , but did not take the flour from the same bag . The deceased did not eut all the dumpling , and the following moraing witness said to the female prisoner , ' There ' s some nice dumpling , give it the ehildren , " and she answered , " No , 1 may not do that . " He again requested ber to give it them , and she replied , "No , no , I muDnagiye ittheni . " A neighbour , named Betty Miushull , bad been washing at the house on Monday morning , and went on an errand tie same day . On Wednesday witness asked the female prisoner where the remainder of the dutupling was , and ube replied , " I have feiven it
the children , and they have eaten it . " The male prisoner had frequently words with , trie deceased ubout the children , but nothing of any consequence . When the female prisoner was taken into custody she said , " lam innocent , and I believe I can awear for him . " Witness knew there was poison kept in the house , having some sugar of lead in a paper which ho used for dressing cows , but it was not kept near the bag which contained the flour . The male prisoner had some powdered arsenic in a bottle which ho used for destroying rats , and kept it in the pantry . The flour was : bought trem Mr . Povey ' s , of Whixale , in a large bag , and a small ' quantity was put in another bag , and . hung in the kitchen for trifling purposes ; but the bread was always mode from the large bag . After deceased was dead , witness saw the male , prisoner go into the pantry , and while he was there his wife said , " What are you plundering at , ia there anything I can reach you ? " To which he answered , ' No , you know nothing about it .
John Edwards was at the house of Atthur Williams , on Sunday last , and saw deceased take some flour but of a striped bag arid make an apple dnmpliDg . The female prisoner likewise made an apple duiapling , but took the flour from another bag , and made it at the same time and at tho same table as the deceased . The female prisoner put ; the dumpling » he bad made into the pot first , and they were both tied up in cloths . ' ; ; : . ' : ' . - ¦ ¦ ¦] : ' . •¦" ¦ ¦¦ . ¦ ' Thomas Norway Arthur , surgeon , residing at Whitchurch , was in the neifthbourhood of Whixale , on Wednesday , and met with Arthur Williams . Witness asked him if it was not true that his wife died
suddenly . The old man said " Yes ; and I fear there has been foul play , " and requested witness to go into the house , which he did , and saw the female prisoner and another woman . Witness asked the old man if he suspected any one of the foul play , and he said tie "was afraid it was his son-in-law , for he had been frequently cross with the old Woman . Witness then went up stairs with Mary Jones to look at the deceased , and at the same time to ask Mary Jones some questions . The female prisoner endeavoured to follow them up stairs , which witness prevented . He examine *! the deceased , but found no outward marks of violence . He had also made a posi mortem examination of the body , in
company with Mr . Groom , surgeon , of Whitchurcb , and found the heart , lungs , and liver in a healthy state , with the exception of some little congestion of the left lung . They found the stomach very much distended . They then cut into it , and found larger patches of inflammation extending over the ftjmacb , and appearances extending ovtr it like the white of an egg . The internal or bilious coat was entirely destroyed , and it was the opinion of witness that deceased ' a death was occasioned by som 8 corrosive poison . Witness thought arsenic would produce tho exact effect in which he found deceased ' s stomach . Witness likewise took some flour from the bag and examined it with Mr . Groom , arid a chemist , and was positive it contained
arsemc , ;¦• . - . - .. .-: ¦ . : -. - . ... Mr . Taomaa Cfroom , surgeon of Whit church , corroborated the testimony of Mr . Arthur , arid was positive that arsenic Was the poison which occasioned deceased ' s death . ¦ ' . -. ,. - ¦ ¦ ¦ . : ¦¦ ¦ ¦ , ' - ' . ' : " : :. . -- ' . "' Mary Jones , a neighbour , saw the deceased when Bhe was ill , arid was with her wheri Bhe died . Witness bad frequently heard the male prisoner Bay he Would knock her brains out , if she interfered with his children ; and about three weeks ago , on a Friday , there was a snow , and the deceased had walk « d to Whitchurch . Witneas said to him , « "ib . e poor old woman will ba lost in the anow ; " and he said "——her , I should like to hear of her being found in the road , stiff . "
Elizabeth Minshull was washing at the house of Arthur WiiHanis oh Monday , arid afterwards went to Wbitchnrcb : to a sister of the deceased , to tell her of her death , and inviU her to the funeral .: When she came back and delivered the message the female prisoner gave her a piece of dumpling , which she took home . Witness ' s eon ( John Haycock , by a former husband , ) was in the house , and she gave it him for his supper . He eat it and went to bis boat on the canal , and she saw no more of him . Thomas Minshull , captiin of a canal boat , was in his boat on the canal near Whixale , arid saw John Haycock in another boat very ill , and vomiting . Witness accompanied the boat some distance , and Haycock told him to tell his mother that the dumpling bad nearly killed him , and she would never sea him again .
Richard Jones , constable , searche d the house ; and , when searching for the arsenic in the house , was told by the female prisoner that she had thrown it away three months before . She afterwards said that she had emptied the poison out , and washed the bottle clean . Witness , however , found a bottle which had contained arsenic in a basket among other bottles , He likewise found the sugar of lead in a drawer in the kitchen . This concluded the evidence . The male prisoner asked the coroner if the examinatioh would fini&h that evening , and being answered in the affirmative , said he might as well tell all . He then made a statement to the eflfett that he had told bis wife on Saturday night that Bonutaing was the
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L - " ' _ ' T-H E NORTHERN " " . ' \ . - . '¦ ..: .: . ., /¦ ; , ¦ ¦ . „ , - ¦ ' ¦ ¦¦ " ¦ - - . . ' ¦ ¦¦ . / ^ - ¦ " . . ' ' __ .. . . ; 4 : ^ 5 / - ~ M ^ r : % /^ I " - ¦ ¦ . - ¦ ¦¦¦¦'¦'¦¦ ' : . ' . ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦¦ : ¦ ¦ ¦¦¦¦ .. ¦' ¦ ' : ' ' ' ' ' - ¦ v : ¦ " ¦ ¦¦'¦ ¦ ' : "*¦ .. ¦¦ - ¦¦ . - ¦'¦ ¦' ¦'¦ - ¦¦ ¦ ' : ¦¦ . ¦'¦ ¦ r . _ ¦ . ¦¦¦¦ . ''
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• would-be political leaders of the town who have not the kflaence to get themselves placed in municipal a-alhority , have for a good number of years endea--voured to embarrass the party in power , by attacking the creuit of the community . The unfavourable state of trade and the len ' . ctcy if the council in not enforcing during the last year thb exactions on the owners of prDpferty , for entries , &c , falling due , caused a deficiency of nearly £ 300 1 b the usual amonnt of revenue . This simple ekeumstsnee "was taken advantage of , though nothing was lost thereby , and statements prejudicial to the town ' s credit , were placed in the hands of every creditor that could be found by the individuals referred ta , and thus uncalled-for alarm raised . In addition to this , the adherents of the same paity is the councii during the last five days , gave currency to acother itiWment which t * iey knew to be quite untrue , about the late provost having commenced to secure
STOPPAGE OF PAYMENTS BY THE TOWN OF PAISLEY . ( Ftovi ihe GIosqow Chronicle . J Partly on account of tho great depression of trade , and partly on account of a run raised by the circulation cf malicious and falss ttjtements regarding the affairs of the community cf Paisley , the town council , at a meeting on Wednesday evening , ordered the chamberlain to suspend rectipt or payment of deposits in the meantime , but to prucetd with all possible despatch in realiiir . £ the out&ianding debts due to the community for the regular pajmentcf the interest on the money borrowed , and other current engagements of the burgb . It is pretty generally known that a small portion of the
himself by drawing a thousand pounds , when the fact -was he had not drawn out a penny . From the position to which the affairs of the town are now driven , a full and public exposure of these matters will soon be submitted to the creditors . The councii have been negotiating for such a loan cf money as will pay off thosa who are dissatisfied , which in the ordinary state of the j money market they wouM long since have obtained , though at present tbat is difficult As regards risk to the creditors , fr ^ m the best informed quarters we are assnred there is none , ilore than oDe-third ef the whole debts of the town are due to the bank , and the members of council , or their immediate friends , and fully a half of the debt a gainst the river i s due to the same parties . This we should conceive the strongest proof that ccnld be adduced of the confidence of those "who should beit know the state of the town ' s affairs .
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BANKRUPTCY OF THE INCORPORATION OF PAISLEY . ( From the Scotch Reformers' Gazette . J ^ li sf or tunes , it is said , seldom come singly . The The bankruptcies , one after another , in Paisley , within thfese few months past were alarming enough , and added -freatly to the misery existing in Paisley . But we had no idea that the corporation of Paisley itself would go to the wall—would be found to be in an utter and absolute state ol insolvency . Yet such is the fact , which we publish on the authority of a most respectable patty connected officially with the town # f Paisley , and who writes to us as follows - . — ! " Paisley , Dec . 23 , 1841 .
" Deab . Sib , —At last meeting of our council , the pnblic and reporters were ordered to withdrrw , and all the important business was transacted af ttrwards .. Lait night , there was another meetiDg ( private ) , at which it was resolved unanimously that the chamberlain should be instructed to stop paying or receiving any money , thus virtually suspending payments in the meantime ; and to-day our unfortunate town is in a perfect ferment on the snbject—and no wor . der , when there are moneys lodged in the Town and River Cart Savings Banks to
the amount of £ 19 , 000 . These banks were set agoing by the influence of the present Provost , who is connected with the Saturday Post and Renfrewshire Reformer , and who , in style similar to other puffers , lauded the security to the skies—and at the same time did all that was possible to prevent money being lodged in the Government Savings Banks , by endeavouring to call in question the security of the Government!—which was rated as nothing , when compared with that of the River Cart or Corporation of Paisley .
" The true Btate of our corporation finances is , that there is a deficiency of income to meet the expenditure by at least £ 700 annually , and no prospect whatever of matters mending in this respect ; the income is about £ 3 , 300 , and the unavoidable expenditure not under £ ¦ 1 . 000 , so that to continue is just to make bad worse But of couisi these mattera will have to be inquired into by proper and legal authority now . —Yours , & . c "
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flREADPlJL ACCIDENT BY THE FALL OF A BUILDING , IN MANCHESTER . FIVE PEBSOW 8 KILLED AK » TEN SERIOUSLY . BtRT , On Friday evening the site of the late fire , in Man-Chester , ( the particulars of whieh we gave last week , ) Was . rendered the scene of a most appalling accident by the falling of one of the walls of the building in which the late 1 fire ocewred upon some worftmen employed totake it down . The fire occurred onJIonday week , wher f 2000 ' bags of cotton were destroyed , worth about ? . £ 10 , 000 , and a ^ zantity of corn , flbur , groceries , and tallow . The whole damage was estimated at upwards
fit £ 30 , 000 . Though the warehouse had been com- ; pletely gutted by the flre , two of the entire walls were left standing , and that at the back of the building , to the south of Picadiily , about 19 fetfc high by 100 feet in length , was carried by mtans of two- stone arches over the Rochdale canal . This wall wa » about to be removed at four d " cloek on Friday afternoon , when the ttone of one of the crshes , ¦ w hich had' become rotten , giving way , the arch collapsed , and the wall dividing into fc-vpo portions fell a . heap of ruins upon the men who were below , v v ' . \\ r • . ' . ''¦ ¦ . ¦¦ " / ; , ' ¦; . ' , ¦ . ¦¦ v . ¦' :. ¦ : ' ¦' ¦ ' "' : "¦
The wjsoie accident was the work of" but a moment . The rhen had no chanae of escape ; they had barel y time to perceive their awful situation and raise one loud shriek of terror ere they were silenced and hidden from view beneath the falling mass . . Eortunattely Sir Charles-Shaw , the chief commissioner Of police , haying heard of tha accident within a few minutes 08 its occurrence , sent a body of police to the spot . Sir Charles himself superintended the eaecution of the order-, and barriers-were then thrown across to prevent the access of the public . The number of men employed about the building when the accidentoccured was one hundred and three , and had the wall coma down in an unbroken mass ,-instead of fallinga » described above , the probability is that the whole ef them . would have been » saoriflced . ' ¦ : ' -. ¦ '" ' -. ' ¦ ' . ' ¦
As the following did nofranswer to their names they were supposed to be in the ruins .- — -James Perkins , Thomas Finnigan , Patrick Gonlan , George Erowdma n , Peter Radical , Michael Mahon , Thomas Gfarlaad , John . Donally , Patrick Finnigan , William Harrison ^ Michael Dolan , Pi ^ iok Tully , William Hurly , John Locke , and Thomas SiJcox—in all fifteen persons . Beside * these , howeverj a great number had received injuries from / ailing bricSs and other materials , but were not aerfously hurt . The four men whose names are placed first on the list were rescued from the ruins almost directly the search began , and though so much hurt that it was deemed necessary to take taam to the infirmarj . ifris not supposed that their lives- are endangered by their wounds . The search for the remainder of ^ the sufferers
waa a wo » & of greater tisiei and they have-suffered riiuch raose severely . Peter Radical was discovered about six o ' olock , with his ssull fractured , and suffering from internal injuiiesj he was conveyed to the in $ r « riiary , but there are slight hopes of his recovery . Michael Mahori was also taken out of the ruin » about ; thesametime , and tbongU-not much bruised eaternally he ' hadeTidently received euch internal injuries-as leave but faint hope of his recovery . About balf ^ past six , Thomas Garland , another ofi . the sufferers , wa » £ ound arid though still alive his body was frightfullj mangled an 4 crushed , whilst his haad was cowpletely . scalped . Patrick Mnnigan and William Harrison were taken from the rriins about this-time to the iriflrriiarjF . Both Of them were much hurt , the former having one shoulder
dislocated and being otherwise injured , arid the " ether having frwo of his . . ribs- bjoken . Hurly was found with several of his left ribs-broken . The left leg of one of the su ^ rers , supposed to be Silcox ' s , was found about this tinie . J ohn DonaUy was next taken out-dead ; and two" hqur ^ afterward * Uwlan , also dead . Wear him , also dead ,: were found the remains of Tully . The latter was found standing upright amongst a heap of bricks , iri . which his body was- so firmly imbedded , that nearly an hour . elapsed after his bead aud shouldera- had been bared before it conld be extricated . A more painful and heart rending scene tAaa was presanted . at the infirmaiy about nine o ' clock on Friday evening was never witnessed . Upwardsof oae hundred men were employed in the building at the time of the
accident , and the nw&t exaggerated report as to the extent of the fataUty , got abroad . Thew-ives , children , and friends of many of these men had been at work during the day in the different factories , and on returning hotrie , rand hearing the prevailing ^ reports , they naturally niBhed . to the scene of the acsident to learn the fate of ithos * near and dear to them . : . V Though the bodies of two of the mea , named Silcox and Roche , " have not yet been found , there ib now . ' no doubt as to thei » being amongst the kilted . Theforiner was some years ago a master builder at Leeds , but had . been reduced ia circumstances , and of late employed on the works of the Manchester and Biraaingham Railway . It is . said that he has a wife and family resident in
Leeds . Huriy ; one of the wounded men ; has a wife arid two children . Harrison , who lives in Faucettstreet , Anooats , baa a wife and sis children dependent , upon him for support Patrick Tully and John Donally > both killedj were yonng men , the latter a native of StocSport , and nnmarried ; but the former is married , and has . left a wife and three children . He was a resident at Oir Mill Brow , Great Aucoats . The othet sufferers were mostly married men . Garland has a wife and four children , living in Buxton-street Patrick Finnigan has a wife and .: three children , / resident in MasQB-street ^ Manchesfcer and Thomas Finnigan has a wife and three children , resident at Aahton-under-Ly rie . - ¦ ¦ ¦ . V - ¦ '¦ V- i - / .. ; - - - . " ..:,. - ; ' ;¦ : . . - . •/;• " :. ¦ - ' . . ' . ¦¦' .
Though the ruins of the warehouse had been played upon aH the week by the fire-engines they still smouldered ; arid , during the time occupied in searching for the bodies on Friday night , they again broke out into flames , a great quantity of unconsumed cotton being amongst th ^ rriin s , and considerable exertions had to be used during the nighV by the firemen to subdue them .
Northern Star (1837-1852), Jan. 1, 1842, page 6, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct411/page/6/