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€f)arii£i ZvcttWamct.
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THE FACTION'S STRUGGLE . Already is &e fiction in the field I Leeds is se lected as the battle ground for the first fight 1 The despicable poltroons , who so lately pleaded fox Sight Shillings Fixed Duty on Coin , hare determined to appeal to popular smypathy in favour of * Total Repeal f or in . other words to get the base and treacherous Whigs back again to office ! This will not do S Though Ph-x must be displaced , it Bust be by those in whom the people have confidence ; those who will give the people their rights , —the rights contained in . the People ' s Charter !
WORKING MEN ! Those who hare been making their rt Millions , " and amassing so much Wealth that they can publicly boast of being able to purchase up the Aristocracy of England while you have been reduced from Comfort and Plenty to the most Abject Poveity , are endeavouring to CUUCaTVluuig rv
STEAL A MARCH UPON YOU . They have called a meeting at the Court Honse at twelve o clock to-day- The object of the meetbg is to advance the cause of the Masters at the expence of the Workmen 1 Workmen , be present J Be in time ! Mind and look out , and be firm . You know your own bust ness 1 Don ' t budge from it ! Don ' t be wheedled The only way ' to get Corn Law Repeal , and to secure your share of the benefit of it , is to
GET THE CHARTER ! Stick to in No compromise ! No giving way i Mind ; be in time 1
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Leeds- —A lecture will be delivered in the Association Room , Cheapside , on Sunday evening , ( tomorrow 0 to commence at half-past six o ' clock-Holbecr . —Messrs . Longstaff and Pybus will address the Chartists of Hoibeck in their Association Room , to-morrow evening , at half-past six o ' clock . HrysrET . —Mr . John Smiihwill deliver a lecture in the * Association Room , to-morrow ( Sunday ) evening ; to commence at half-past six o ' clock . WoodHorsE . —Messrs . Chambers and Hobson will address the men of Woodhouse in ihe large room of the Black Bull , to-morrow evening , at half-past six o ' clock .
Woktlet . — -Messrs- Roberts and Bniler will address the men of Wortley in their Association Room , to-morrow evening , at half-past six o ' clock . Bxtrt . —Mr . Wm . Dixon , of Wigan , will deliver a lecture on Saturday , ( this day , ) at seven o'clock in the evening , in the Garden-street lecture room . Oa Sunday , at Ratcliff Bridge , at fix o ' clock in the evening ; and at Bury , on Monday evening , at eight o ' clock , in the Garden-street lecture room ; and on Tuesday evening , aV the Infant School Room , New Road . DcEireiELD . —Mr . JohnRedmain will deliver a leciure on Sunday evening , in the National Charter Association Room , Hall Green , at six o'clock . HpiiisvrooD . —Mr . Edward Qaike , Manchester , will leciure here on Sunday evening , at six o'clock .
Bathers . —On Monday evening , February I 4 tr , at = ix o ' clock , a delegate meeting will be held at Haihern , on important business . The following places are r * quested to send delegates , Sheepshead , Bel : on , Whaiton , Dishworth , C . iSonington , Sutton , KegwDrth , Normanion , and Leake . Locghbobocgh . —On Sunday evening , February 13 i , Mr . Pepper will preach a Chartiss sermon in the Association room . SorrB"WA £ K . —The members of the Association are requested to attend a general meeting on Wednesday evening next , Feb . 15 : h , on business of the most im Doriant nature .
Sheffield . — National Chabteb Association Room , Fig-tree Lase . — The youths association will meet on Sunday afternoon at two o ' clock . The Council will meet at the same hour . Mb . Julias Hakkxt will lecture in the above room , on Sunday evening at half-past six o ' clock , Subject— " The life , character , and writings of Robt . Barns . " Thb Chibtist Females will meet in the above Toom , on Monday-evening , at six o'clock-Ms . Wx . Jones th 8 talented and eloquent Cfcar-Bst leeturer for the North and East Ridings , will deliver two lectures in the above room ( Fig-tree L&ef ) on Monday and Tuesday evenings , Feb . 14 th « id loth , to commence at eight o ' clock each evening © wisely .
A Pcblic Meetk »« will be held in the above room , on Wednesday evening , at eight o ' clock , to dsct delegates to the Convention . Notice . —The Morning Sun containing the whole of the previous nighl ' B debates in Parliament , is pub-Edy read every evening in the Charter Association room , Fig-treelane , on Monday and Tuesday evenhigs , from seven to eight o ' clock ; Wednesday , Thursday , Friday , asd Saturday ( except next Wednesday ) from eight o ' clock to half-past nine . Free tdsussion . Rochdaie . —Mr . Bailey , of Manchester , will lecture in the Association room , Yorkshire-street , on Smday , ( to-morrow , ) at half-past two in the afternoon . .
Hcddebstceld . —A meeting will take place in the Association Room , TJpperhead Row , on Monday night , for the purpose of forming a working man ' s library and newsroom ; the chair to be taken at elg ^ t e'doek , Mr . Joh ?! ABKAif of Bradford will deliver two lectures in the Association room , Upperhead-row , on Scndsy next , the l # : h , in the afternoon , at half-past two o ' clock , and in the evening at half-past six . Ma . Wixmx Joses , the East and North Riding
lecmrer , -Kill visit the following plaee 3 during the next fonaighi , namelv , on Monday and Tuesday , U ± arid U ; h , at Sheffield ; Wednesday and Thursday , the 16 th and 17 th , at Doneaster ; Saturday and Saaday , th « ] J . h and 20 th , at Leeds ; 21 st and 22 nd , ** . Sdby ; 23 rd and 24 th , at Howdenj 25 th , at Holme ; 2 Si , & . £ HulL The reason of Mr . Jones Tisiting Saifield Is on account of an application to that effect lj the Shtfficld Council .
KoiiH Shields . —On Tuesday , the 15 : h , Messrs . nilliams and Chappie will visit thi 3 place for the Purpose of lecturing . The place of meeting will be either the " Future Admiral , " or the w George im , " near the Railway Station . . BrEJuyeEAH . —Mr . Mason's ronte for the followffig week : —Birmingham , A 3 ton-street , on Sunday ; Dudley , on Monday ; Birmingham , Sreelbouse-iane , ° a Tuesday ; Stourhridge and vicinity , Wednesday « id Thursday ; Redditch , on Friday ; and Broms-S ^ Te , on Saturday . Notice . —Asdbew Wbek 3 , of Leicester , will , in «« next fortnight , visit all the Chartist Associations erect from Leicester to Plymouth , and address «* a if convenient .
Mr . Dius Tatlob ' s Rorrs tob . tub ensuing » ttt- Oa Sunday , at Ilkestone ; Monday , Beestos ; ¦ tteday , Badford : Wednesday , New Lenton ; and ^ Suwday evening , at King George on Horsback , Aot& gbam . M acclesthld . —Mr . West will lecture in the f ^ &eiabon Room next Sunday , if not pre-engaged « Hffise of ^ g out-districts . A Meeting of Delegates from every town and village *? ihe ccsnty of Chester , will be held in the Associa-* j ° n Ktoms , Watereotes , Maccle&field , on Sunday , IS . ^» h instant , when it ia expected noplace ^ be unrepie ? ented , as business of vital iraportf ^ to the county and the good eause mutt be teasaeied .
Notice to Lectceebs . —When any lecturer intends •? ^* Bolt on , he is requ ; sted to give at least five + tn ^ » either in the Star or by letter addressed » William Baird , 7 , Flash-street ; giving hie own Caress at the time . Bikglet . —a delegate meeting will be beldin the * ores ; ers' Court , York-str « t , Bingley , on Sunday **** i the lSih , at ten o'clock in the Forenoon , to ^ se into consideration the propriety of forming a £ « rict . The following places are requested to send J *« gates , naiBe ] y , Bradiard and gurrounding villageB , awntou , Allerton , Idle , Shipley , Baildon , Wibden , ^ ihngwonh , Haworth , Keighley , Skipton , Silstita , * onon , &c . Selit . —A delegate aeeting will be held in the |* sociiti < m-room , Mr . George WoodaTs , Temperance ««» d Audas-stieet , Gowthorpe , on Sunday , the ^ th instaat , at halfpast ten o ' clock in ihe
morn-. Babsslet . —Frank Mirfield will deliver a lecture 11 &e Association Room , on Monday . fc BEAD ? OiD >_ i Council Meeting will be held on ^ tiay next , to form a new plan for lecturing . Avi ™ HoRTON Geket . —Messrs . Edwards and ** ley will lecture on Tuesday evening next , at stt o ' clock
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Losdos . —The Chartists meeting at the Carpenter ' s Arms are requested to meet there next Tuesday , Feb , 15 , on particular business . A lecture will be delivered by Mr . M'Gralh , on Sunday evening next , at the Angel and Crown , Twig Folly . A Meeting wiH be held at the Shoemaker ' s Club Rooms , the Clock House , Castle-street , Leicestersquare , on Sunday , Feb . 13 , for the purpose of forming a sew locality . Mr . Wheeter vfUl attend aad explain the principles of the People ' s Charter . St . Pakcbas . —Ruffey Ridley will lecture at the Feathers , Warren-street , on Sunday evening . Ma . Kxowles ' s route for the ensuing week : — Brimscombe , Monday ; Dunsley , Tuesday : Kingswood , Wednesday ; Tetbary , Thursday ; Fairford , Friday ; Grencester , Saturday .
Sheffield . ^ Mt . Beal will lecture in the Political Institute , Corn Exchange , at seven o ' clock . Makkinghah . —Mr . Smith will lecture on Monday night at eight o ' clock . Stassisglet . —Mr . George Flinn will lecture on Sunday next , at half-past two in the afternoon , and at six o ' clock in the evening . Mr . Thomas Ibbotson , one of the Bradford Local Lecturers will lecture * t the following places next week : —Heckmondwike on Monday , February 14 th , and Tuesday ni ^ ht , at Batley ; Wednesday night , at Itewsbury ; Thursday night , at Birstall ; Friday eight , at Horbury .
Stcckpori- —Mr . West will lecture at Stockpori on Sunday evening , and at New Mills on Monday vening .
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Mit K . J . RICHARDSON AND TEE CHARGE OF TREASON AGAINST BIM . TO THE EDI TOB OF IHE AOKTHEE >* STAB . Sir , —Mr . O'Connor has taken a most unwarrantable liberty with my name in his letter to the Imperial Chartists of last week ; he there accuses ree of treason , &c Now , Sir , I call upon Mr . O'Connor to retract the language he has made use of towards me . aa every syllable , word , line , anct sentence is fa ' -se ! and the subject a pure inveationl
I have seen ; yes , Sir , I have been pnt to the expense of goinf to OMham to see the patties named in the letter as Mr . O'Connor's authorities , in order to beard them to their faces with their falsehoods . I have seen Isaac Nichols ; I asked him where he got his information from ? "He said , I have heard it talked of . Where ? said I . In the Duke of York , said he . Othen , I replied , its only hearsay after all ; fcnt who wen ; tfcsy who talfced of it ? O , he could not tell ; bnt he thought it was true . Did you give Mr . O'Connor your permission to publish it ? I next asked . No . . said he ; but I told him of it . Where can I find Henry Chappel ? said I . To this qnestion he turned a fray , and said , very TWlitely , " you nun s * cth him out" A few moments
conversation "with Wm proved to me he at least was not worthy of any farther notice . However , afur four hours searching , I found Chappel at his work . On asking him similar questions to the above , he very candidly told me he had heard it . With a little pressing he said Qaanaby had told him , and Quarmby was there and" heard all that passed . 1 asked him , before a witness , if he had acthorsed O'Connor to mate use of bis ' name as an authority in support of the charge . ' He distinctly , unequivocally , and emphatically denied it ! but still he said he believed it , as Qoarcnby was there-Well , Sir , I went . to Qaarmby ' s house , but ne was not at home . - I got a person of respectability to call upon him this morning to answer the charge of Chappel , the result was the following letter : —
TO R . J . XICHAXDSO 5 . SiB , —I am sorry I was not at home when you called ¦ upon me , last evening . With respect to the disagreeable affair upon which you came up to Oldham , I beg- to state most emphatically , that I know nothing in the world of the circumstance , and never in the slightest degree gave either Benry Chappel , or any individual , the least-saoas for mixing my name up with the affair in question , and that I . never made any such statement as the one 1 am charged with . I remain . Yours , fcc . J . L . QVAP . HBT . 8 th February , 1 SA . 2 .
Now , Sir , there is an end of the matter , and I hope Mr . O'Connor will retract the language I complain , of , and apologise to me for the libsrty he has taken with my name . And I hope in future he will be more wary how he founds his serious charges against indiYidaals , as I for one am resolved to submit no longer to any such wicked abuses of the liberty of the press , neither will I passively suffer any inconvenience that you or he may put me to . Yours , Respectfully , R . J . RlCHABDSON .
[ In reference to this letUr , we have enly to say , that from Mr . Richardson ' s own showing , the charge of " falsehood" and - "invention" appHed 6 y him . to Mr . O'Connor , is at the best very harmless blustr ; as the persons referred to by Mr . 0 C as the parties from whom he learned the matter made no hesitation in giving the same information to Mr . Richardson as they had given to Mr . O'Connor . Tha " talk" about these persons not having authorised Mr . O'Connor to use their names ib sheer n * nsense . They must , and doubtless did , suppose that in giving this information to Mr . O'Connor they were putting it in his power , to be used according to his discretion . They must have known little of OCo ^ nob .. and Jess of common sense , if they could think that he or any
honest man "would , knowing such things , omit to publish them for public guidance , or that any honest man cou- 'd publish euco things without giving his authority . The question is between Mr . Richardson and 3 Iessrs . Isaac Nichol 3 and Henry Chappell ; tbough . Mr . Richardson seems withful as far as possible to overlook these gentlemen , and to fix the " fakehood'" and " pure invention , " if it be one , upon Mr . O'Connor ; jast as his friend Stott labours to fix the odium of another charge of gross treachery against Mr . Richardson , and to which Air . Richardson has yet condescended no reply , upon an anonymous writer who , under the Eignatnre of ' -A Radical of the Old School , " asied , in the Star , if the undenied charges ¦ were true .
ilr . O'Connor has done that whicli Mr , Richardson ought to thank him for ; rather than to be angry with him . Ne enemy is se hateful or so dangerous as a whisperer . The man who sprats oui boMly and gives his authority for "wh . it he says , as O'Connor has done , affords to a man who may be ths subjeel ef false statements , the opportunity of inslaiitly clearing himself from injurious imputations . Had llr . Richardson _ fecen as pTotnpt in meeting and replying to the charges of treachery , ditt . nctly preferred against him by Messrs . Joseph Linney , James Wood , Paul Fairclcush , Samuel Chamberlain . Henry Nuttall , James Wheeler , James Harrison ,
James Leach , . Thomas Daviea , George Mitiheil , and Hobert Gray , as , from his letter above , he seems to have been in this case , and had he succeeded in proving those charges to be " false in every sentence " and a * ' pure invention . " we opine that Mr . Richardson would have preserved many friends whom he has lost . We beg to assure Mr . R . J . Richardson that we regard the " bit of a threat" contained in the last two lines of his lettter to be very innuocuous . 3 ir . Matthew Fletcher of Bury has also written in contradiction of the same matters , so far as they affect him . —Ed . N . SJ
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GLASGOW . —Scotch Mixing Distkicts . —The Coal Miners' Cbanist Association had an excellent meeting of delegates at Bailuston ( six miles east of Glasgow ) , on Saturday last , when a report was tendered by each delegate , some of which presented a most horrid picture . They were visited and ad-Qressed by Mr . Duucan RoberUon , who has done much good in" the various mining localities . His exertions are adding vast numbers to our ranks . He tendered a report of the various meetings be h& 4 lectured at , and many of the places wanted him back . It wa 3 moved by Mr . John M'Lay , and seconded by Mr . John Muir , " That the miners get up a press and journal or newspaper of their own , where the grievances of the miner could be pointed out . " The meeting soon after separated .
Lecture . —Mr . O'Brien delivered three lectures last week , in . St . Aan'e Church , on the " Science of Government" In hi » first lecture he dwelt at considerable length , and in severe terms , on the conduct of the majority of those who composed the first ConventioB . He then referred to the difference of opinion about the National Petition ; he said he regretted what had occurred , but now th * t both petitions were before the country , he would * dvi » e those who could not rim the English one , to low no time in gitting the Scotch one as numerously signed as possible , taking good care to have both pre « e » ted on the same d » y , and ttiting they vrere tw » distinct bodies of -petitioners , differing on details , but both foi the Chute * . After disposing of these two subjects , Mr . O'Brien entered upon his favcurite scheme of the land , the rigLt * of the poor , the laws of usury , Ac , all of which he treated in a clear and masterly style . As to the mtnns cf csnjiDg the Charter , he ( Mr . O'Brieu ) -would t « conunoa . l the people ,
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at the next general election , to appoint , by show of hands , delegates who should afterwards sit in London as a national representation . We must show that we have a clear majority of the nation for the Charter , before we could speak of any . ulterior measures . At the elose of each lecture Mr . O'Brien took a show of hands upen whether his views regarding the land , 4 c , were ia accordance with the ancient constitution or not The meetings which were well attended gave their ananiniou 3 approval of the opinions advocated by Mr . O'Brien . At the close of the last lecture the Chairman asked whether there was any one present who wished to put any questions to him . Mr . Robert Malcolm rose amidst crits of ( " si ; down , man , you are no Chartist" ); he wished to ask the lecturer what he meant by ulterior maisnres , nnA the probability of the future Cenvent ' . on recommended by Mr . O'Brien being better than the
first ? Mr . Malcolm concluded a speech of about a quirter of an hour , recommending the lecturer not to occupy so ranch time in answering the questions as he did in answering scma former queBtiona put Mr . O'Brien would tender to Mi . Malcolm the advice which he wished te- give to him ( Mr . O'Brien ) not to employ s »> much time in putting the next question ; he was surprised to hear such language from Mr . Malcolm , who he understood to be a moral force man . « f the first water , and of very delicate conscience . ( Cheers and langhter . ) Mr . O'Brien gently , but very pertinently replied to Mr- Malcolm in a manner which the young gentleman did not appear ts relish , for be went out without waiting the close ef Air . O'Brien " fl remarks . It was now near one ' eiock in the morning . A vote of thar / ks t : > the lecturer was given amidst acclamation , when the meeting broke up evidently much impressed with the importance of t&e lectures .
Public Meeting— A public meeting was held in St . Ann's Church , on Monday evening last , to hear the report of Messrs . Moir and Proudfoot , as delegates to the late Scottish Convention . Mr . Moir , at some length , went over tbi : various measures discussed and agreed to by the Couvenfcon . He dwelt particularly ou tho case of Mr . Mitchell , of Aberdeen , saying he voted against his \ Mr . Mitchell ' s ) sitting as delegate ; and hud there been a doaiu similarly situated , he would have voted against every one of them : he . ( Mr . Moir ) would ntter be a paity to the getting up or cuuuteDancing a Convention constituted on such principles . There was another subject on which he had voted in accordance with their wishes , and with great satisfaction to himself—namely , the right of the people to
avttnd all public meetings called to consider questions affecting the interest of the community generally ; and he was proud to observe that this right had been oo nobly maintained ou a late occasion . This -was a course which he had pursued hi . Lherto , and it was one he was determined to persevere in while he took any part in public . matters . iChct-ra . ) Mr . M'Farlane spoke against Mr . Moir ' s views in reference to Mitchell ' s case , md Baid the op /> oshk > n -n-as giroa from factious motives . Mr . Proudfoot concurred iu aU which had falleufroui Mr . Moir . Mr . Glllespie replied to Mr . M'Farlane . . After some further discussion , Mr . Coiquhoun moved a vote of thanks t « the worthy delegates , which was carried by acclamation . Both gentltmtn acknowledged the cordial manner in which the vote of thanks bad been
responded to . Mr . Colquboun briefly moved the adoption of the National Petition , which was seconded by Mr . Cou Murray , and supported by Messrs . Denis , MOlillin , Proudfoot . Anderson , &c , and carried , in opposition to the Scotch Petition . The meeting was afterwards resolved into a meeting of tbe Association , whta the Tre ; isarer laid btfore them a statement of his intromissions during the last year , shewing a balance in his f : vyo » T of £ 3 178 . 6 . Ji \ . He also laid before them a statement of tae O'Connor Soiree , shewing a surplus of £ 54 lSs . 5 d . After a vote of thames to the Treasurer , Mr . Coiquhoun moved the adjournment of the meeting till Tuesday evening , the 15 th inatant , for the purpose of electing a new directory , and other business connected with the Association
loysw —LiMBETn . —A meeting of the members of the General Council residing in Surrey and Marylebone , was held on Sunday las-t , at 1 , Chinawalk , Mr . Rainsley in the chair . The minutes-of last meeting were Tead and confirmed . The reports from the various localities were cheering . A letter was read from Croydon , stating that the magistrates had threatened the landlord where the meetings were held , and , therefore , they were obliged to git a new place ; they were progressing , however , and requested more cards . Mr . Andrews attended from the locality of teetotallers , held at Westbrook's ,
B ^ ackfriara-road ; twenty-four bad tiken up cards , and he expected double the number in the course of a few weeks . They had resolvedto assi .-t tho Surrey council for the advancement of the cause , ReportB were received from the deputations appointad to wait upon the localities , t ' j explain the nason why they were determined ti ho ? d open council meetings , suehrepoit 3 were of & very flattering lature ; deputnion 3 where appointed to wait upon those localit * s which had been omiitfid last week . Tho meeting adjourned n > Sunday next , at 1 , China walk ; the chair to be taken at three o ' clock .
Bebmondset , Horns' Tavern , CrucifiiLane . — The cause htre is progressing greatly—discussions take place on Monday evening , new members join weekly , and each member is determined to use every exeition to arouse this densely populated place from its » faihy . The committee of the working men ' s cbapel , have kindly gr anted the use of that place to hold a publio meeting in , free of txpence , when it suki convenience . Mr . O'Connor ia expeeted to attend . Maktlebo . ve . —A public meeting was held at the Working Men ' s Hall , Circus-street , on Monday , in support of the Masons on strike . The spacious Hall was crowded . Mr . Dethridge was called to the chair : and , after a few brief remarks , stated
that ; Mr . Fiiargu 3 O'Connor had been expected to attend , but was unable to do bo , being then on his jyuruey to Yorkshire . Mr . Savage moved the foli-jwjnt ; resolution : — "That it is the opinion of this meeting that the masons now on strike are highly praise-worth y for their : ober , steady , and determined conduct , during so long and arduous a struggle ; and We arc of opinion thai the conduct of Messrs . Grisseil and Peto is highly reprehensible in refusing to gubmit the case to arbitration , and in retaining G . Allen in their tmploy ; and thia meeting pledgeB itssif , both individually and collectively , to use ¦ v-ry possible exertion for their support , until their « ai-. < 3 h-: cro ^ vued wish" sueces ^ . Mr . Cook sectaoed the resolution . Mr . Anderson ( stonemason )
in a f * elnig and eloquent speech , of considerable duration , explained the present position of the uja .-ont-, and the cheering hopes they had of success , if backed by their ftJiow-men . He recapitulated , in the genuine eloquence of nature , the numerous indignities they uau endured at the hands of George Alien , and concluded , amid much approbation , by thanking them for the noble support which iistsy had so generously afforded them . The rusolutii .. < was ihun put and unanimously carr : « d . Mr . Jordan ipuved the second resolution , l < Thar it it- tnc opinion of this meeting the assistance renderea by the Commissioners of Woods and Fore = s and the Board of Admiralty to MessTS , Gr ^ asel ! and Pcto , is partial and uujust , and plainly
tiemonstrattil the utter imUiiity of relying upon the Govfnmnt for any amelioration of the condition of the working classes , and we therefore consider it to be our duty to continue our exertions , in uniting ourselves together i © counteract such unjust itittrfereiice . between the employer and employed , likewise . to protect the rights of industry . Air . Scott seconded th \? resolution in a highly spirited address , denouncingina feeling manner thecruel treatment the men had experienced from Allen . He had himself felt the lash , but had left the employ of Pew in disgust a hhoi t time previous to the Ftrike , and had ? ince been fortunate in procuring
employment . Mr . Keuread an excellent address appended to the balance sheet of the expenditure and receipts , and in a cui . ci . se manner supported the resolution . Mr . Trtn-: a briefly addressed the meeting explaining that nine or tea vessels were in Plymouth Sound waiting for cargoes of granite , but could get none , gave buch ; u ' tibMi as would not defray the axpenaeot carriage . Mr . Bthun , ( wheelwright , ) wound up the proceedings in an excelltnt address , which elicited great applause . The Chairmaa then put the resolution , which was unanimously carried ,. and the as ? embly seperated , determined to achieve the object for which they bad assembled . There was a collection at the doer for the benefit of the masons .
Mabtlebone . —Mr . Leach , of the Executive , lectured to the Chartists of this locality on Sunday evening ; he had a crowded audience , and his lecture gave the greatest satisfaction . The cause is progressing . East £ b ;* Division op Bootjukebs . —On Sunday evening last , thia body of Chartists met in the large room of the Star Coffee H « use , Golden Lane , to hear a lecture from Mr . Lees . The room was crowded to suffocation , and the greatest enthusiasm prevailed . Several new members were enrolled .
Cambebwell A ¥ D Walworth . —The . Chartists of this locality held thtir usual weekly meeting on Monday ni ht , at the Mompelier Tavern , when business of importance was laid before the meeting , for the attainment of the People's Charter . Messrs . Brown , Pedky , Mason , and Hilliday resigned their offices as members of the General Council , also membership , of thi * locality . A vote of thanks was given to the sub-Secretary for his patt service * , and ht was requested to continue them .
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ii ^ ITH . —In consequence of the Anti-Cora Law ^ humbugs having held a meeting at an hour when the Chartists had to be looking after their work , we Buffered a doubtful defeat The triamph of the League here ia unbounded , and according to one of their leaders , "the ChartiafcB here have sunk to rise no more . " We did not much mind this however , and on Thursday ereningy the 3 rd inat ., held a public meeting in- Mason Lotf / feVip which the League were challenged to come and gite their nostrum' before the bar of publieopinion . At this meeting it was moved by Mr . Watson , Seconded by Mr . Clarke , ** That automatic machines are super- ; seding human labour to a fearful extent in the manufacturing districts , and are the cause of throwinjj
immense ni&sses of capital into the bands of a few avaricious Individuals , and thereby presenting its whoiesomevtfifluBion ; and this meeting consider that it is the dajgt of a wise Government to provide fair and remunerative employment for all those whose usefulnes 84 ft-oircum 8 cribed through the inluenee of machinery ^ and we furth er suggest that the best means of doing' so , that at present offers , is to place the surplusoinaiiufacturing population on tbe few remaining eiown lands , and also upon the reclaimed waste laudai ^ of the united kingdom under a well regulated . jjygtem of cottage economy . " Moved by Mr . Madden , seconded by Mr . Ludin , " That this meeting i&pf opinion that a repeal of the Corn Laws unaccomttBlied by aji equitable adjustment of the
nationSrpnra a . general 'reduction : of itte : reveoae and expenditure of , the country , that the mechanio and agriculturist may anter ipto fair and equal competition with the mechanics and agriculturists of the lightly taxed cheap corn-growing countries would be highly injurious , rather than beneficial , to the operatives of Britain . ' Mored by Mr . Magillvray , seconded by Mr . Macrae , "That the distresses of this country cannot be relieved by the repeal of one monopoly only , and Glass legislation being the root , whence all other monopolies arise , we have no confidence in the profvssioiiB of any paTty who agitate for a less measure than the principles laid down in that document called the People's Charter . " These motions were carried triumphantly , and some excellent speeches were made on the occasion ; not a dog of the . League dared to wag his tail , and the most gratifying part
of the business was , that we trusted to our own unaided efforts , and shall do so in future . We have to meet these gentlemen of the League at two o ' clock on Monday , and have no fear but we will give them a lesson of modesty that they will not soon forget . Leith is a bantling of O'Connor ' s , and he oughV to be proud of its growth . Our Association may be stated at 300 , and we hope to double it before May . The National Petition goes on gloriously ; anti if every city and town make tho same exertions to get signatures as we do , the petition will boast of eight instead of four millions . We do not require to go into the schools , and enlist boys of from Bix to fourteen yearaof age to get names to our petition , as the factionists are doing . They have managed to turn us out of our usual place of meetmg , but we trust that , ere long , we shall see a Co-operative Store aiid a Trades' Hall here worthy of the working men oi Leith .
DUKINFIELD . —The Chartistsheld their monthly meeting on Sunday afternoon , at their room , Hall Green , Mr . James Hague in the chair . When the Secretary had read the accounts of the last month , the two following persona were nominated in the General Council : — Messrs . Peter Glover and Peter Morris , Messrs . William Cook , and Abram Lee having resigned , on account of having other business to attend to . Eight shillings W 6 re ordered to be sent to the Executive . Lecture .- —Mr . Johu Bradley , of Hyde , delivered a lecture ou Sunday evening last , to a very attentive aadieuce . - * ;
IPSWICH . —We had a very excellent Chartist soiree or tea . party with ball , last Wednesday evening . The room wa 3 tastefully decorated with evergreens , festoons , and portraits , and intermixed with appropriate Chartist and Temperance mottoes for the occasion . Abont 150 sat down to tea aftsr which Mr . M'Phtrson was called toj the chair , who opened the business in a short speech . Several appropriate recitatiouB were given , and madrigals , glees , and solos sung . This being our first Boiree , the company was much larger than we anticipated , and altogether it passed off well . It has brought U 9 a little balance to . our treasury , and we purpose having another shoitly .. ' . ' -. ¦ ¦' - . ' : ¦ ¦¦ - . : ¦ ¦ ¦¦• ; , 'i . ' . - . '
DUBLIN . —The Irish Universal Suffrage Association held their usual weekly meeting on Sunday last , Mr . Charles Freebairn in the chair . Mr . E . F . Dempsey , secretary . The Secretary read the minutes of the la % t day ' s meeting , also the objects and rules of the association . Several letters were read , announcing the spread of Cbanist principles throughout Ireland , notwithstanding the persecution used by Whiga and Tories , towards those who daTed to advocate those very principles which thehohest Radical Reformers Of Grtat Britain , ar « seeking to obtain , apd each expressing their astonishment that Mr . O'ConneU mil . not assist ; to obtain for the people their long-lost rights . The Secretary next read »
letter from Mt . W . Thompson , of Saltcoates , Ayrshire , requesting him to propose him a member of the Irish Univer ? » 1 Suffrage Association ; Mr . Thompson was admitted with acclamation . Mr . John Dodd rose and said that before he attended the meeting of the Chartista of Dublia , he entertained the mott horrible opinions of them , he being told they were all Orangemen , and in every way inimical to the good cause of Ireland , namely Repeal ; but he was now convinced that they were most grossly calumniated , and that nothing short . of the People's Charter becoming the law of the land , will ever , benefit poor old Ireland m Repeal the Union . Mr . P . M'Mahon next rose and said that he was
rejoiced to see the meeting so well attended , and that too with men possessing so much talent , men determined to seek by every lawful means ia their power their country ' s political regeneration . Mr . Dyptt said , he did not intrnd on that occasion to trouble them with a speech , but he could not refrain from a few remarks on the document , produced by Ministers , as the Queen ' s speech ; it commenced by thanking God for giving her an opportunity of squandering many thousands of the people ' s money on the unmeaning ceremonies and gorgeous fooleries of the late state pageant called the ^ christening of the Princeof Wales , audsaid that , tUefrtiryingpeople were in ecstacies , because the young inheritor of the royal apponages of Wales and Cornwall had been brought
forth in purple and in gold , and sprinklod with a liquid said to have been brought from a miserable stream in the small and sterilo tract , called Palestine . ( Hear , hear . ) He trusted that meeting felt the full weight of the pxertious of the Court On that solemn occasion . ( Laughter . ) But , if they did not , could they refuse assent to the mighty honour and vast advantage which had been bestowed on them by the condescension of his Protestant Majesty of Prussia , who had actually come over , in propria persona , to this country , to be entertained at the expense of a famishing people ! ( Hear , hear . ) Her Majesty called their attention to that splendid instance of Roy al philanthrophy in paragraph No . 2 , of her Bpeech , and ho trusted they would worthily
and gallantly appreciate it . After other points , foreign to their interests , it waft announced that the Tories , wishing to strengthen themselves on both sides , had resolved on furnishing the manufacturers with a pretext on which further to reduce the wages of their overpaid artizans , by making , at least 3 a nominal alteration in the Corn Lawa . _ The Tory government were intent on a political bigamyi and wished to wed the land-ocraoy on one band ^ and the moneyocracy on the other . But he had better news for them still , the franchiie was to be ¦ regulated , " in other words * , Stanley ' s : bill was to be re-introduced . The franchise in . Ireland was tooattainable , as witness the results of the late electioH in their city . ( Hear , hear . ) The rest of the 6 peecb ,
with the exception of that part which / announced another healing measure—the levying of additional taxes , and the reiteration of what newspapers long ago told us about , the treaties and the opium war , was cf that description oi writing vrhichDr . Johnson lauds , where he say b , it is easy to write about Bomethini ; but he is the clever man who can pen a long letter about nothing . The wily Baronet , Boft as the cotton out of which his perfections have been twisted , is Dr . Johnson ' s clever fellow . tH « ar . ) But he was afraid readers of the present teyvvce more acuta than those of the Ppotor ' s ( Hear , hear . ) He was confirmed in that opinion when he Paw them there on so cold a-day-plotting and planning how they oould best aid m fonvsrduig that to which
great , august , and absorbing oause they were pledged and fro » the support ^ rwhich they never would shrinktill thestandard of Chartismwas placed on the ruins of elass-lejgislation , Determined to devote himself entirely to that cause he , h * d an address in preparation to the , repea ] erB of Ireland , which he humbly trusted might lead to the conviction of his countrymen , that a commoo ^ banner should be unfurled and on that emblazoned" Chartism and Kepeal ! " < Loud cheere . ) The meeting was further addressed by Messrs .- Duff , Dillon , and O'Connell , whea Mr . P . Duff was called to the chair and the marked thanks of the meeting given to Mr . C . Freebairn for his niaiily , dignified , and impartial condnct in the ch * ir , after which the meeting separated .
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SXRSBY tONSDALE . —Mr . Thomas Lund , of Lancaster , addressed a crowded meeting ia the Market Place , yesterday evening week , on the distress of the country , and the best plan for ror moving it ¦ ¦• ¦ . ; . ¦ V' ; . ¦ ' . "' . . ' ¦ ' ¦ : ¦ SHEFFIELD . —{ From our own Carrenpondent . ) r-rGaiBTtsT Yooihs . —The Youths' Association met in the room Figtreo-lane , on Sunday morning , when d aniuber of new membew were enrolled . ^ hb Quben ' s Speech . —Mr . Haraey lectured to a numerous and respeetable audience on Sunday evening , in tho above roOst . The eubjecrt of his discourse being the Queen ' s speech dissected and shown up in its true character . Chabusx FEMALiEs . —The Female Awociation met en Monday evening , wiiea several new members were enrolled . >
' ] l > zciVB , s . — -h / lrt G , J . Holyoake delivered a lecture in the Chartist room , yi ^ tree-lane , om Monday eye * aug last ; Mr . Clayton in the chair . Tbs siibjecf Of t ' Je discourse was " The diaTacter ^ duty , and destiny » f the work ' mg classes . ' * The lecturer r * ceived a Yot < rof thanks at the close . BAaarAX .- —WADSWoBTis Row . — -Mr . . Charles Connor lectured at this place on Saturday eyasing last , to » n attsntiVe audience , on the necessity pf union anwngat thei * bouxing claas , fox the obtaiiPinft of the Charter . At . ' . the cou ' clueionV nine new members enroiwd their names . l ; ' -.: ¦• . ¦ vV . - .... ; ¦ -. ¦
BIXSTCW ^ -Ths Somalia ^ ^ ha > tist » towo , Held their usual w&fcly meet ing © n Wednesday '' evening-, the 2 nd inst . There was a pretty good attendance . 'jJhis brancb ; is steadily progressihg ; and through the psrseyerance ofa few iuteliigene females is likely to become a , numerous body . Tho aaeotiiig was addressed by Mr , Stiran , who , in the cbursse of his remarks on the affairs of the week , complained of the neglect of those persons who were appointed to assist him in tieexArinination of the church books . Mrs . Withers then rose and proposed the folio wins
resolution , which was seconded by Mrs . Glttens ^ and supported by Misa Langston : — " That thia meowing approves of tho conduct of Mr . Stirau , aid cousiiitr him deser f iug the sapport of all iiienda int >« rassociation , and that if thos = e persons neglect , whoso duty it was to assist him , the females present , pledge themselves to support Mr .. Stiran in- liia oresent struggle with the Church-rate party . " This resolution was carried unanimously . Great enthusiasm - ¦ ¦ prevailed . ' Mr . Leach , from Manchester , visited thia town , and delivered' an excelleut address . : ' ¦ . ' . '" ¦¦ ¦¦ .. ¦ . ' . "
"WIK CHCOMB . —On Tuesday week , Mr . Knowles lectured here on the present distress of the couatry , its cause , and remedy . Tno monthly meeting was held , at which the greatest ananimir . y prevailed , and the spirit of tho member 3 may be seen , by their subscribing the sum of five shillings for tho masons on strike ; also their resolution as much as possible to carry out Chartist principles , by every moans in their power . IiEEDS . —CheerIiVo Tea Party . —Mr . Feargus O'Connor in the chair . —Oa . Tuesday morning last , Mr . O'Connor arrived : ' u Leeds , and was shortly after waited upon by trie secretary of the National Charter Association to request that he would take the chair at a tea party to be held on that evening ,
at the Chartist Meeting Room , the proceeds to be devoted to the support of the forthcoming Convention . Air . O'Cduuor at once consented , and before seven o ' clock tho room was crowded to suffocation . In bponing the business Mr . O'Connor spoke at considerable length , explaining the present position of the Chartists , and shewing the progress that their cause had made . He traced all former failings of the democratic cause in England to -the jealousies , bickerings , aud ayarioe of leaders . He cautioned tho . p ' e ' o ' plo against taking any part in those egotistical broil 3 which may occur between parties having a seliish object to attain , and concluded a speech which was received with most rapturous applause , by assuring the audieuco that some
seven years ago he had addressed numerous audiences of from five to six persons , with the bandy-legged cripple Chartism under bis coat , when it was not fit to be seen , till at lenglh he had nursed it to that giant strength hi which they now recognised it ; and which , thank God , was capable of ' annihilating him if he dared to desert his only child . ( Great cheering and waving of hats . ) Mr . O'Connor thtn ooutinued , "the heavy part of the business has now concluded with my speech , and I beg to introduce to your riofcico the first toast , and in doin ^ f honour to which we shall put the temperance men and teetotalers to shame , by drinking it in free air instead of Samson . " He then proposed , ' The sovereignty of the . people , '' and called upon
Mr . Stonehouse to respond to the fientiment . Mr . Stonehouse observed , that the right of the people to sovereignty was acknowledged by all , but was practically frustrated by the usurpation of the few . He animadverted strongly upon the manner in which the people by disunion had allowed class legislation to triumph over popular opinion . He expressed a hope that ere long the multiplied union of the people would once more place them where they ought to be , in the ascendant , and concluded amid general cheeriiig . The Chairman then introduced Mr . Dudson , who sang an excellent song , and was tbllowed by Mir , ; Hill , who also delighted the company with another song ; the Chairman next gave "• The Charter , and may it ppeedilv become the law of the
land . " He called upon Mr ; Fraser to respond . Mr , Fraser Baid that the Charter as it ought had swallowed up all other agitation , and that the very parties who hoped to crush it by clamours for the repeal of the Corii Laws and other side blows , now began to cower beforo its mighty influence—that all that was required by the people now for the accomplishment of their object , was to resist aad oppose every measure of minor importance whioh trickfctsrs and knaves should attempt to force upon them : and concluded amid loud cheers . Mr . Hill was them introduced , and he sung an admirable coTnio song in first-rate style , and was rapturously encored . Mr . Butler then gave an excellent piece of recitation , after which , the Chairman
gave " The Leeds JNational Charter Association , and may it prosper , " and called upon Mr . Dixon to respond . Mr . Dixon said that the body which not long siuce was frowned upon by many , and despised by all classes save the working classes , was now , from the many victories which they had achieved , courted by their former enemies . If" ( said he ) there is a mock measure of humanity to be discussed , who brings the force of argument into the field 1 If there is- a question of religion , who brings real piety , forbearance , and Christianity to bear upon the subject , but the Chartiste 1 If there is a mock showof feeliug for the black slaves ^ where arc the body of white slaves who more forcibly pourtray the wrongs of all ihan the Chartists of Leeds ? We have only ,
then , to go on , to ensure tho uUimate triumph of the objbet we have in view . ( Loudcbetrs . ) Song , by Mr . Butler . The Chairman then gave the patriots of the pastand the presenttime , which was abl y responded to by Mr . Longstaffe . He showed that the patriots of the past left a legacy to tho patriots of the present day , and that as successors to the great men of old , they had turned that legacy to the best account for the people . He referred to the effect whioh the writings , the speeches , and the sufferings of bygone patriots had upon those who bow supplied their place ; and expressed a hope that the co-operation of the people would crown with victory the efforts of those who now struggled for the restoration of popular rights . ( Loud cheers . ) ' Song , by Mr . Coulson .
The Chairman then rose and said , that the political portion of the business had concluded , and that the pleasing office of master of the ceremonies , to presideover the dancing , should devolve upon another person . He expressed , himself highly delighted with ihe night ' s proceedings , and announced that at eight o'clock on the following night he would attend for the purpose of expounding his views with regard to the land , and to enrol members to the National Charter AsBociation . A vote of thanks was then passed to the Chairman , with three timeB three cheers , when the political business terminated , and dancing commenced . What constitutes the most
extraordinary feature . in the > cheering meeting , of which we have given but a brief outline abbye , is the fact , that the proceedings were conducted excl » - Bivety by operatives , young men of from nineteen to twenty-two years of age , and , in truth , it is a very exhilarating thing to find youths of-that class and age coming forward in spite of intimidation and poverty , and registering a determination to become possessed of all those rights which alone distinguish the freeman froiri tbo slave . Wo conclude in the language of Mr . O'Connor With the recommendation to the workingmen of Leeda and elsewhere , to make principle their guide and union their watchword .
M * . O'Conwe ' s LeCtuhb . —On Wednesday evening , at eight o ' clock , the Association Room w » 3 crowded to excess to bear Mr . O'Connor ' s promised address on the land . Rlr . Wm . Brook was called to the chair . Mr . O'Connor , on rising , was received with tremendous cheering , and spoke in his usual fluent und eloquent style for about an hour and a half , showing first how the people were to become possessed of the land , and secondly the use they were to make of it when they had got it ; under each of which heads ^ Mr . O'Connor introduced a splendid series of illustraiive obtervations < so as t « call forth the hearty and repeated ; plaudits of hia auditory . We had prepared a long abstract , which has been necesEarily displaced by other nsjitters . At the conclusion several uew members wero enrolled .
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/ y ^^ . ^ y- ^ s ^/ Z ^^ f JUA NOTTlNGHAItt . —On Monday tvintug last , ins usual weekly meeting of the Chartists Trasfaolden in the Democratio Chapel . Mr . Chas . FA * kes was appointed chairman . The financial business pf the association was first transacted ; afftr which thd secretary read an official letter v from the Home SecretaTj , Sir James Graham * to Mr . Wm . Russell , oontaiumg a statement of his opinions in reference to a memorial which had been passed at ^ previous publio meeting , to ^ ^ her Majesty , in behalf of John Frost , ZdphaDiaU Williams , and John Jones , A . resolution was unanimously carried that , in ihe opinion of this meeting the Home Secretary is a ; servant to the public , and therefore ought to hare complied with the wish of the memorialists { instead of which , he has left them igoorantwhether he haa
performei ? his daty by presenting the m&morial to her ^ Majestj * or not . Mj . Russell was accordingly instructed by the public meeting to address the Home Secretarj-: again on the subject . Tha chairman next brOughy the Cera Law Repealers under notice of the meeting" ; he did so , knowing that they are procuring ar ^ iiatu "es to their pelitiou"by meana of the grossest la ] sehooQ 5 , impo ? iqg upon the people at their houses , by sl&tmg that the whole of the Chartists are cheerfnlly Bignihg the petition , and on Sunday last , the naoea of all the children attending the Sunday schools , of different Disse&ting chaoela , were enrolled in the Anli-Gorn Law petition sheets : and in one instance , he wwjld provo that an iiifant ^ s name , two nionths old , had ! been set down . In defiance of every base strataftei » resorted to by faction to cajole the people , tho Chanjtiat ? hero , to a man j stand firm to their Charter , as » J our numbers daily
increase . ; ' . ¦ . ; , . . . . . ¦ : ¦; . ; : ¦ /¦ ¦ - ¦ ' \ \ r On Sd ; vday Mor , \ ia-g last the siecting of the genaral council was holdei ) in the Jp ^ toocratic chapel , at ten o ' clock ; Mr . H-nry Shiw fe > the chair ; important bu 3 iues 3 wa 3 trausacted . 3 v ext S ; mday jnovning , at ten o ' clock , in the samfe ptlace , a meeting of delcgatea hbm the county cou . % il will take plact . ¦/ ¦ ¦¦'¦¦ ¦ ; ¦ '¦ . ¦ . .. ¦ ¦ . " . - .. - . ' ¦ ' '• ' ' . ¦ ; ' . ' . ¦ .. - ... ¦ ¦; ' .. TEWEtESBimY—Mr . Khowles delivesed a splendid lecture of two hours length on Monda 7 evening . An associa , ti 6 n is about being formed , arid we hope that Chartism will again flourish in this tov ? n .
tTPPSfSl WCKRTIiEV . —A correspoudent writes us that the Corn Law repealers 1 vat « been very busilj engaged in procuring signatures against tho bread tax . Daring the week , they have resorted to th « lowest ajwi basest vniaDy ever praclised by any get of men . OnSimday last , ths F ? imitive Methodists took tlie petition sheets into' tho school-room , 3 nd took signatures of both boys and girls down , a » low . as twelve years of age , witht >« t tiic consent of their parente ; and 0 ; i Monday morning
a person bearing , tho sheets- for signatures en me to one of theiiieoi'ber'ji houses , aud took a 0 . their signatures again : on ^ the afteicnoon of tl ; e . samo day another person came to the same house , and asked for their signatures . The wbeaaii said she had given their . ' signatures : ' . in tho mornrag ; he ; said that ; si g ^ nified noihing . She observed lhat she did not understand what it . meant , but if names would do any good he might take them , and consequently he took : them & third time I
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LAMBETH MEN AT THEIR POST AGAIN . A public meeting , to petition P ; u-Hanient fer a repeal of the Corn Ij . iws , anci to elect delegates , to the Cora Law Conference , was h > lil on Tuesday n ght last , :. t t ^ e British School Room , George StKet , Lmibath . J . KichardSon , Esq ., was called to the chair , and opened the business . " by stating the objects ; of the meeting in a suitable speecb . . : Mr . , . WYtEs came forward to move the first resolution . to the effect "That t& 6 present depressed state cf trade , and the misery which existed in the country , were to be attributeii to tfce tsistiu ^ Com Laws , and that the meeting should pledge itself to advocate the repeal thereof . " . . ¦ ' ,. ' ¦ ¦ .
Jlr . W . Hawes- secoded the resolauon , and made nse of the usual argumeuts adduced against the Corn Laws , at the conclusion of which Mr . Hijj e rose't o propose an ^ junendment He looked upon that dise-as&ion as a large cako The Chairman began to nibbje at the side of it , and was followed by the others , who had ' pretty nearly nibbled all round the cake . ( Laughten ) .-He ' -tMr ' . ' -Hind ) would show them , if they would but listen to him for five iuiriutss , that he would eat right through it . ( Cheers ,, and laughter . ) He liked and prizsd a large loaf as well ai any nuuv , for be -was a teetotaUerj and ho liked pletty ! tea . ( A voice— "With rwm in it ") iLood laughter ) The Chairman bail told them that they would
have certain , resolutions . He . had told theni that tihty might get , by the repeal of these Food Laws , meat at 2 Jd . per poufld * but did he nst know there were thousands of labeurini » men , both » Hr ' tcuUural and . manufacturing , who were unable to . procure meat at all , and who aever would , undpr the present system ? ( Loud cheers . ) What was the price of meat to the poor weaver or CaTliaVe , or the cloth weaver of Leeds , who had about 3 |< V per day for the suppoit of his children and himself ' —( hear . ) How was that map to get two or three ; pounds of meat , even though it were but 2 > , d . . % pound , while be could not even got bread ; -.: and ' "While ' - ' : the present system lastwdhe nevor woald—( cheers ; j Tiie Chairman had farther
said , that notwithstanding aU the demonstrations made W Parliament , of the starvation prevailing ; notwitastanding all . this privation , they would not repeal those laws . ; He . ( Mr . Hiud ) . would ask whether the present Parliament waa mote likely to repea them than the former one 1 He then alluded te . tb bribery used at tbe late election , and stated that then were at that time sixty eases before Parlia , nient of petitions against elections . This country was in the same position as France before the Revoliition , by tbe system of class legislation—( loud cheers . ) Look to Louis the Fourteenth's time , ai } d bis glorious wars , together with that of his successor Louis the Fifteenth . At that tinio the nobility were high in the land , and
contributed nothing to the taxes , all of which fell on the peopie . ' - The aristocracy of this country were going on in the sar . ' . e way , and soon they would plaee Eugtand in the same position as France was then ^ - ^ ( cheers . ) He knew that the agricultural population had been for the last fifty years in a stateof starvation— - ( hear . ) Ho had been in Hampshire last autumn , and he was then iu a village , and he was met with such conipiaints as these—? ' My husband bas been out of work . for the last nine weel ^; we arc starving" —and therewere hundreds of such cases . Talk of the Christian religion , let them have justice ? ( Hear , hear , hear . ) The anti-Corn Law people were under a mistake . If the Cora Laws were repealed to-morrow they would
have bread but a very little cheaper , they would only have the amount , of food they could not produce themselves—( hear , hear . ) They could not employ air the world for that What they wanted was a reform of the system which enabled the Peels and the Marshalla to accumulate millions while others are left to starve . ( Loud cheers . ) He would not give a farthing fer a system that did not prevent ' a ; man dying with six niillions of money , and at the same time prevent ' another man dying of starvation . ( Avoice , " . ¦ ' ¦ Could you ? ' ) Yes , I could , ( said Mr * Hine ) have I not told you how , you blockhead ?—( cheers , uproar , and laughter . ) The amendment he had to propose was , " That the feeling of the meeting ia decidedly hostile to all monopoly ,
whether in commerce or legislation , whether in conij timber , sugar , or in the religieua and civil institutiona . This meeting is there-fore of opinion , that the Com Lawsare Wicked , and ' passed byan usurping Parliament ; as well aa the sugar and timber prohibitions , togeth r with every other monopoly , and ought to be totally and unconditionally lepealed j and , to prevent any future enaefctnent of that or any similar perafc / oi s scheme , this meeting is further of opinion , that , in order io prevent this ; and save the people from ^ class legislation , radical reform in Parliament is imperiously demanded . Teat all present evils and future ones can be prevented by no other machinery tbanth * adoption of that great , clear , and comprehensive document—the Peoples ' s Charter . "
Mr . ^ Brown seconded the resolution in . a ludd manner , showing the fallacies adduced in favour of the present scheme . Mr .. G . H . UGGEI . T proposed another amendment , which he uUimately withdrew in favour of the " whole hog" one . ¦ " - . . . .:. ¦ : ;' - . "•" - ; ¦; ' : : . '¦ ¦ ¦ ¦' . ' : . ; ;" ' — . ' .: . ' - . . ; Mr . Sewbll supported the amendment Jn favour of the whole Charter , in an able speech , which tho Chairman acknowledged to be carried by a large majority . The Rev . Mr . HUDSpii same forward to propose a resolution te the following effect .- —" That this meeting do petition Parliament " for the immediate repeal of tbe ConiXaws . " . ¦;' .- . ¦' . ¦; ¦"¦ ' ' ¦ :- ¦ . ' . ' . ¦• ••• '¦ ¦'' . ¦ ¦ "¦¦' : " , The Rev . Mr . SQUiRESseconded the metion . Mr . RAiNStEV moved as an omendment , " That this meeting adopt the National Petition instead of the one proposed . " ; ' ¦¦ •' ¦ " ; : ' .- . ¦ - - " :- .. ';¦" ' . '¦ .. ' ¦ : . '' .. '¦¦ -: ' - . ' ; ' ¦ , ' .. '
Mr . Ross seconded the amendment , which was supported by Mr . PeAT i and carried by a large majority . The following gentlemen were then proposed as delegates to the Corn Law Conference : —John Fell Christie , Et ^ . ; John M'Leod , Esq ; Tames RichardsoD , Etq . ; an * . Joseph Huine , Esq . The Chaieman was about to propose them to the meeting , when . . ] ' / " . ¦ /¦ ¦ : •;• . ;¦ ¦¦;/;¦; : ¦ a . ' -: ; . : .: ; . ¦¦ ¦ " . Mr . Taylor moved an amendment , Thafc Mr . Benjamin Huggett , Mr . Rainaley , Mr .. Bobs , and Mr . Hine be sent aa delegates instead of those flirt proposed . "; , ; : ¦¦¦ ; V ; 'V ' ,- ¦ .: ' . ' . ' ; ' ¦ ' ¦ .: ¦ ¦ : ' /¦ ' // : Mr . Jago seconded the amendment , wbJca was eartied by a large majority . ; : ;
The ; Chaikman then banned the delegates thefe credentials , stating that" the ComLLaw Leapue bad passed a resolution stating " That no per » Mi shosld b « admitted as delegates who were elected at public meetings where Chaitist resolutions were passed . " A vote of tbanks was then passed to the Chairman , and tbe meeting separated highly dolighted to perceive that the daya of humbug are paiiaed . ¦ ,. The deputation attended next morning at the Crown ' and Anchor , and waited three : hcuw while the committee were deciding whether they should be admitted , aMwere immedately informed ,. ' That the constitution of the meeting tbat elected them wouIdii £ S _ adniit of their being received . " The deputation *« fcnTit 8 » KfrP | g | L forced back on their first pi-pg » pHngutf ^^^ P ^ W »^ R * jiJryT perscn who ktpt thd iv gang-way" wfth ^^^^^ U ^ n ^^^ V hand , but Weifc af UrwaidB treated j ^ P ^^^ ' ^ K ^ ^^ t
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AND . . lEEpS ; :. GrJ ^
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YOL . T . SO . 221 . SATURDAY ' FEBETJAK ^ 12 , 1842 , ¦ : ^ iSS ^^ ' :
To The People Of Leeds!
Northern Star (1837-1852), Feb. 12, 1842, page 1, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct417/page/1/