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fMPORTANT SAVING TO FAIMLTES . ' _ 1 AGENTS WANTED .-EDWARDS'S BRB aKFAST POWDER ( in packets , 6 d . per pomK , ) pro duces an excellent beverage , closely similar to Coffee inflaTour and appearance . It is . prewired-from-a grain of British growth , withont any Piixture whatever , and on analysation ia declared to contain more real nutriment tb . au either tea , ot ooffee . A liberal discount will be allowed toigents , who are wanted thronghout the kingdom . EDWARDS BROTHERS , groat manufacturers , &c , 99 , Blackfriar ' aroad , London .
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MORISONS PILLS . TT » WARD 5 of Three Hundred Thousand Cases \ J of well-authenticated Cures , by Morison ' s PUla of the British College of Health , having , through the medium of the press , been laid before the Public , is surely sufficient proof for Hygeianism . Sold by W . Sfcubbs , General Agent for Yorkshire , Queen ' s Terrace , Roundhay Road , Leeds ; and Mr . Walker , Briggate , and Mr . Heaton . Bri > t ; ate ; Mr . Ba . d « er , Sheffield ; Mr . Nichols , WakefieldrMr
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EAST INDIA TEA COMPANY .- " "DERSONS having a little time to spare are JL apprised that Agents continue to be appointed , in London and Country Towns , by the Bait India Tea Company , for the Fa ] e of their celebrated Teas . Office , No . 9 , Great Sc . Helen ' s Churchyard , Bishopsgate-street , London . They aro packed in leaden Canisters from an ounc 9 to a pound , and now a-lterations have been made whereby Agents will be enabled to compete with all rivals . The Licen = e 'is only Us . 9 d . per annum ; and many during . the . last sixteen years have re : dizo < l considerable incomes by the agency , without one shilling lot or loss .- —Applications to be made , if by letter post-paid to CHARLES HANCOCKS , Secretary .
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VERY IMPORTANT . MR . HOBSON , Star Office . Leeds , has become General Agent for Dr . GREER'S Genuine Improved Universal VEGETABLE HYGEIAN MEDICINES , of Glasgow , and is authorised to appropriate 10 per cent , off his sales to obtain the Charter , and aid the distressed victims of oppression . Dr . Greeks Pills aro sold in stamped boxes of I 3 ld . vte . 9 d ., 43 . Sd ., aud lla . each . The small boxes have sixty pills , the 2 ; . 9 d . have ono hundred and eighty ; the 4 s . 6 d . have three hundred and thirty and lhe Us . boxes have eight hundred aud sixty pills in each box ; so that the larger the box tho cheaper in proportion . Aa Dr . Grcer was professor
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CAUTION TO LADIES . rpHE PROPRIETORS OF KEARSLEY'S X ORIGINAL WIDOW WELCH ' S FEMALE PILLS , find it incumbent on them to caution the purchasers of these Pills against an imitation , by a person of the name of Smitujsrs , and calling horielf the Grand-daughter of the late Widow Welcu , but who has no right to the prepariug of them , the Original Recipe having been sold to the late Gv Kearslet , of Fleet-street , whose widow found it necessary to make the following affidavit , for the protection of her property , in the year 1798 : —
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H OLLAND'S BALSAM OF SPRUCE , fo COUGHS and COLDS . The Twenty-Fourth Testimony in favour of this extraordinary Medicine : — Liverpool , Feb . 20 , 1841 . "Dear Sir , —It is with feelings of the most lively gratitude that I convey to you . a knowledge of the cure that I havo obtained b y the use of your Holland's Balsam of Spruce . I feel it incumbent upon me to make you acquainted with my case ; though unwilling to put myself forward , yet 1 conceive it a duty due to society that my testimony should be added to those which I perceive . you have inclosed w th your medicine . My case was one of that numerous class which unfortuuately are of too frequent occurrence in this variable climate , namely , cold taken ; rom orer exertion in the pursuit of my busi-
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PARR'S LIFE PILLS . np HE amazing Carea performed by thia Mediojne JL .-. are truly astonishing . Instances are . occurring daily of persons who were almost at death ' s door being restored to sound and vigorous health , lhe following are selected from hundreds of a similar nature . Forwarded by Mr . Mottershead , Chemist , Market-placej Manchester . :: ¦ " To the Proprietors of Pair ' s Life Pills . " Gentlemeny—I feel it my duty , f o * the good of suffering mankind , to send you this true statement of the astonishing effects which Parr ' s Life Pills have produced upon me , and also upon my wifd and
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VALUABLE WOKKS . Just published , price 23 . 12 moi bound in cloth , iTilFTEEN LESSONS ON ^ THE ANALOGY r AND SYNTAX OF THE ENGLISH LANGUA . GE , for the use of adult persons who have neglected the study of Grammar .
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X .-QK 2 ON . — CgVRTiST TBiriiPal Bkteat oi the League 11—Large broadsides having been posted , azmounciizg that J . T . Leader , £ * q ., ' M . R , vrocld take tbcch 2 lr , ; an j that Sidney Smith , I * q , "would lecture on the Corn Latrs , in the Theitre of the Mechanics ' Infitrtate , Princes-street , Leicester Square , a densely crowded mettin ^ -was the result . At eight o ' clock , the pioceedings ccniraeneed by Jlr . L . H . Lefghs ^ publicly Enrj ^ sting the propriety of having it understood that discussion shcnl . i be ailc-wed at the do 3 e of the lecture The Eurg ' -stion "was received "with loud cheers . Mr . Xeaderh ; re entered the Theatre , and took the chair , withr-Tit » et ceremony , and -very briefly addressed the meeting . As long as he confined himself to the Corn Xaws , be d-d not elicit a single cheer—bat announcing
Lis d = t * r : uir . atien to agitate also for the extension of the franchise , nntil every man was represented , ha "vras cretteti frith derifsniBg apnlanse . At the conclus i on , Mr . Rofiy Ridl ^ - rose , * and , addressing the Chzirnvin . said , you have declared yourself favourab : * - to a . irita .: ion and discussion—you hare also expressed a desire thv . the truth shonld ' be knewn . Kow , Sir , the only -k-sj to elicit truth is to hear both sidei I brs to s ^ k 3 en . Rt Chs ' . rmsn , yrill you allo "* " ojiesticns to bs asked the ! ec ? ET £ r ; and , ifasy differ -Kith him , allow them to > tate their o ' rjectiuns . The CnairniiKI think I c .: n recdiiv , r . c . d , to tbe satisfaction of the
fpntleman . answer that question . The business ta tr > heartbt Lottire . and , nfteriraTds , if any "wish to ask questions . " < = t or-ject , I presume they have a right to be heard . Mr . Sidney Srr . Kh ¦ would no ™ arf tfres ^ thr-ni . ilr . Sibi'Ji xc-s ; sna for two hours and a half most nr . Ov "sustained his riarsctsr of first buffocn to the Ann-Core Lajr Ht ^ se . coing- through , the rarse of chiraster from Teddy ths Tiler to Jump Jiav Crow , on ' y once in the ¦ whose tirna Ett ^ n : ptinj an ar ^ uiuent , "n-Li-ti bo compk-ttly nrs .-t b =: " ure he finished ; he asked hjw -vfs . 3 * it the -s-oiking c ! :. es £ s vrere is sn . eh a st-. te cf d « i : italioc ? iTi . s q ' -irry "S £ "a 3 aniTrtred by loud shouts of * ' Wepresw ^ iV iWrl up ! v Ccbdens , cia = s legislation .
& =- " * rrr- 'ch "wts repealed several times durirg his lecture , i Tizn ? b- ? m % cared , he said he \ ta « desirous of Snishirc irs Kifeore decently , srd tHC-u c-alOtised the British nuV . on , said hs "would recommend tb 9 Anti-Corn Xiw pa-ty not to break up after having obtained a rtpeal c : the Corn Ls . 'vrs—( loud laughter—* mtii tLey ls . d ob ' sln ^ a f . r tLe p ^ p ' e freedom of bsth hy ' . j znd nrr-l . ( Cries of " We E . re not to be c-. iuht . " ; A * n--Eg other , no doubt weighty and important truths , hv t ' .-M Lts an-Mene- that in Ireland th ' -re mre s =. vcn jfiiHiecs of itv-ple existing upon three halfpence psrday . At tie conclusion of the kcture , 31 r . Lioj-. I J- ^ uea having crught the eye of the Chairman first , be uroot-eied to prit yevsrxl quistions to Mr . Smith , which elidicd the uraal Anti-Corn Law reply , Tiz . thst deKiand
regulated supply , and a repeal vrouid g : rd increai ^ d tiuds . sdx . J ; z :.. s ti-rn ^ h ^^ ed in a cit 2 T , fLvrcli'ie , s . r . J moit pleastmr rrianaer , th ; t altbcugh trade had increased one hun-Ire-1 := M cr isiors , niach . iu . cry Lad inctcasfcd in the Eiine ratio , and he would therefore riie to know if tLe C % > m Li'ts -= Tcre repealed , if machinery would not be Etiil further iccrensed and perform all the increased iaVr-ur , and l « ive the people in a "worse condition tkan they were . { Loud cht-ers- ) This specks of argument apprared " tco cogent for the Com La ^ repea . crs ; Sidney looked straii : i ; t dr .--sra his face ; and the L ? agae men fcxTing no s ; ES « t > urre ag&inst it . be- ^ n to emit plecty uf sound . The Ciiairinnn haTica restored Eoniethic ? lie r-r . " er , s . i " :-i they had brea pleased friLh the lecture or tht _ y -wv . ul . 1 not hiTe liattn . d for t « o hours snd a half to it ; tl-ty had also heard ilr . Jones in rep ! y ; lie n % - ^ thought they hid be '; Ur close ti : e nsccting . ( Loul ib- ' -ts of Ko , co , from all parts of the theatre . ? "VVe'l tbos , is he hid bc-jn en ^ a-ed frc-si four o ' clock
vitbeut rt-freshmect , as they desired to remain , ptrba ' they -wrai-. l elect another Chairman . Mr . L then itft the Chtir , three cheers being given for him . Mr . L . H . Leigh ? being called thereto , said ha thonriit they oueht c ^ t to separate Trithcnt sifting the i--attsr a little farther . He hoped they -p- culd give tftry cue a fair Learir . i ; , and afterwarcs jndge for tht-mteiTes . i Cheers ) Mr . RufFy Ridley then ross to submit a resolution as fo ! iO" 5 rs : — " Th : it no measure of rrdress -should ercr be obtained for tee Triule people until the People's Chir : j Kcme tie Lavr of the Land . " He -srculu not ¦ sraste their time by si'eakingto the resolution , as it speke f : r iuelf . He dare say soite one "would second it- Mr . St = llwcod sc-cv-ndt ^ i the motion . It "WJia then put by the Chairman , and carried with only one diseentir-nt zn . ul afclamitiuns of Eppkuse . Tnrre cirttrs ¦ was then given for the Caarter , for Frargus O'C-mnor , for Prcst . "Williams , ani Jones , and the mectiBg separated , elate-l "with their Tictcry .
St . Panceas — On Sunday evening , the rpacir-ni om at the Fratbcrs' TaTem , " Warrsn-street , Fitzroysquare , "was d * stiy crovfiL-d . to htar Mr . Sta ' . iMroo * 4 lectn-e on ChartUm . Mr . Peiiin ^ having b « n called to the cbsir , r ^ uei ^ e-d a fair r earing f ^ T the ] fc : c ; er , cnceit ihisg to obtain the Kime for any one else . » . S ^ ilisrood then procc-ede'l , fixing the attention of his audience , pnlit-ri to pkcra : he Mkliand Counties Charter , Fcitttris ^ th e fragment ? before the -winds of com inon z&xss , and c ' ezrly sh- ^ s-ed the incoinriiteEfsa -c f Jit S ' -ur ^ t ' s dscbiraHun , s ^ . i proved the r < -. ly r ^ n pl ste sufrrsee to be ifce P-. oplo ' s Charter . Mr . StiU-- -. ocd concluded an elc-Quent and instructive si ? dr = iS aisH kud and iong-coutinocd cheering , caliins on ail-th ^ se ¦ sFao Trere not yet memt-crs to enroll tiemselves . The call -sres resr-caded to bv f-ur of the fair sex etid r . lnbliitersd Lands , making a total of thirteen , tekiaj : up tbeir cards as members of the . 'National Charter Associa ti * o . A vote of thank 3 "sraa unanimously passed to the lecturer and chiirman .
Sto > "zmasoxS- —At the meetrng on Saturday evening , at th-j Cravti : Head , Drsry-iine , cons ? d « rabie business was tr-ii ^ ctid , and step 3 tiken to"ff 2 Tus furthering the interests of the body . THS . EE CltOTOS , BlCHJJOSD-STSEET . — TaILOES — At th- ? usual meeting of this bedy , on Sunday evening , Mr . Cuner-n in the chair , Mr . Campbell britfl / sudre » s * d the meeting , previous to the arrival of Messrs Furs-iil atd Ms . rtin . Mr . Fasseii dflivcred aa exceiiect st ! drt £ s , and ^ rts aViy supr-orted by Messrs . Can ; eron ml 31 artin . An address to the various tailors' bxiies ¦ w ^ s adopted , and considerable other business transacted . Tailors . —Ued Ltox-street , King-street . — Knffy K ^; -i .-y lectured here on Sunday eveniii ; :. Subject—The C-ucstiiution ; "which he bundled in a masterly manrer , and t > . > tLe satisfaction of his . audie-nce . Mr . Latouche also ably sddressed the meeting , "which closed ¦ wita a vote of thanks to xhe chaimnn and lecturer .
SBOEiUHEHS . —NORTHERS STAR . COFFEE HOHSE , Golden . Lase . —Mr . LVigh . lectured here on Sunday to a crowded sadieuce on the Fallscies of the Free Trade S ; . fcttm . His lecture vas bi ^ nly applauded by the audience . One individual attsmpted a Lttle opposiuon , but "was replied to in a masterly manner by th » ¦ vrurthy leclurtr . 2 f . EWCAST . LE . —Mr . Cockburn , of Xewsaslle , delif trrd a lc-crure in the Primitive M-. thcdut Chape ] , Shv ^ ff Hill , on Thurfdsy evening "week , on the iinprvitica'tinty of anything sb . ort of the Charter to amt-iicrate t ' be condition of the people . > Ir . Southeran ¦ beics c-iiled to tbe chair , briefly opened the proceedings hv rea . iin ? the placard cal-Mng the meeting , and
introdacing Mr . C ^ ckbam , "who iLnstrated ni 3 subject u-. 'leT tbrte heads First , to prove tb ^ t the people ¦ were in reality slaves . Second , the causes of tLeir slavery . Aud ' . bird , the mode of removing that stste of vassalage und ^ r "which the people lived . He attempted to prove his first position by giving thia-deflniticn of tbe term slave in stating a slave to be a man ¦ who is the tsroperry of another man , and that the industrious cizssEB of Britain , as a class , vera as much the s " . ave 3 i .-f the class above them as the negroes are to their irioifiJual masters' ; because ihey had ro roc-re pewer in the miking of the la ^ s they are forcc-d to obey than th- ; ne ^ rten , "scho were in the Kims predicament . Havh \ s at gTeat length sho ^ n the Tirious causeg of t-. eir s ' arerj , he summed up thatheidby inccntrovertHly
pr whiz a" ; l tee t-xisttsg misery in society to be , &rs ; ,-the result of c ' uiss legialaVon ; second , the disunion s . m ~ nz& % the people ; thirii , the trant of the knoTriedge of the people of their ova potet , "Bhicbjif they du ' y appreciated , "would render thtm omnipnttnt . He"ih ' -n Tery aoly s&on ' ed the various sutido ^ s proposed to remove th-3 present prevalent distress . The Plague proposed the repeal of the Com Lawi—the Whig Educationist antidote , for whieh they very generetsly propos-d to grant the Exm of £ 30 , 000 , to edcc ; te 6 0 ^ 0 . 0 : 0 of per * : us , althcuzh they considered the more io ; p" > riant ( to them ) objett of repairing the Queen ' s itvue > urthy of a grant of £ 70 , 000 . Tbe Measure iroich he oT . VJ oihtr 3 considered the most adtqxits was thePeoyle'i Carter : and even in that : he tne ^ iss cf
human iik-rty have , to a certain extent , succeeded in causing a difference of opinion—a scheme which , in ail proD ^ b liry , tsus concocted by the gents -svho meet in the G-jrn Bschinge—some of "whom "were at tha compiling Li thai document ; and one of ita most prominent advokua , when he thought that the working classes could n ^ ver acquire the attainment of the blessings of its principles , now that he sees it witkin their grasp , has become one of its most inveterate opponents , and is laking hell and earth to cause division , and impede the progress of human liberty , as ha Hever looked at ii in any other "way than accumulating his big purs © . Ztlr . C made a very energetic appeal to the meeting . As they would wish to remove the misery , which , bo "vras sorry to * ay , existed to a very alarming extsnfe , in all parts of the country , he would , impress upon them the necessity " of pro testing against all their clap-trap
schemes , snl go the whole hog for the Charter , as the -only sure mods of procuring a cheap loaf , plenty of means cf procuiing education , and equal protection for the property C ^/ pui ) of the poor artisan es the rich capitalist " or aristocrat . Mr . C sat down , amidst most deafening cheers , ilr . Sinclair moved the following Tesointion , whicli was ably seconded by Mr . John Cain , and agreed to : —" Teat this meeting are of opinion that ail tbe miserj now feit i > y the industrious classes of this country is reaiiy fas i-jsuiz of cisss lcgislit'on . Tiey beiisva that nc-thing thort of a fall -n-. l fres representation in tbe s - -ti cm renovj ih \ l dir . teis f and they do hereby pledge tasm&rlves- farth- ^ ijh to j . - -in tho National Chartef isioci « lon aa the mosv ^ Cicient ineab * < rf' proenriag that desirable c ' j-o ; " A- » : er whldi wteal Joined the AstQcizzim nir : ; a-i . i , aftt * » Tote rt thanis haTin * besn carried to Its cbsuoian , fltf mpetf * £ separated ;
Untitled Article
SALTORD . —Mr . Brophy , from Dublin , lectured to a numeronB audience in the Chartist Room , Salford , on Sunday evening last , and produced a good Impression . A Tote ef thanks ¦ was giren him at the conclusion by Kclamiition . MAKCHESTER . —The Redfern-street CharHrt Room was on Sunday evening last densely filled with an ¦ attentive and respectable audience , to hear Mr . Dixon , of "Wigan , ^ who delivered aa excellent lecture , wbJch gave universal satisfaction , and for "which he received the best thanks of his hearers . MilES PiATUKG . —Mr . Griffin lectnred for two hours and a half at Miles Platting , and held a short discussion afterwards ; for which he received the unanimous thanks of his bearers . Strand Street . —Mr . Donovan lectured at Strandstreet , to a lively and spirited meeting , and for which be received their hearty thanks . Lectures were likewise delivered in three or four other rooms in the town and neighbourhood . r South Lancashire Delegate Meeting . —The abova meeting was held on Sunday last , in the Chartist R-: r > m , Bro-vvn-strett East Manchester delegates present ;—Mr . Henry Nuttall , Redfem-street ; Mr . Win . Growcott , Brown-street East ; Mr . James Gresty , Chorlton-upin-Medlock and Hulme ; Mr . Edward Dramuiond , tiilors and shsemakers , Manchester . Mr . Thomas Rmkin , Salford ; Air . Samuel Yardley , Oldbara ; Mr . John Harvia , Ashtou ; Mr . John Byron , 4 X"T
V . ^ ml . ^__ -TT _ . „ . "V , . " > T— . T—\»»« "TT ^ » ~ D .. II * . ~~ m * . ^ L \^ — 3 . _ 1 Ns ^ ton Heath ; Mr . John Kay , FAilsworth and Hollidgvrood ; 2 > It . Hrnry Gilmore , Bolton ; Mr . John iA'Cch , Rochdale ; Mr . John B « tterworth , Milnrow ; Mr . James Caxtleige , Warrington ; Mr . John Mason , Mossley ; Mr . John Crowder , WaterUead Mills ; Mr . Amos Smith , Heywood ; Mr . Jonas Schofie i , Openshaw and Droylsden ; Mr . Reuben Hague , Lees ; Mr . VCiiliaui Dlxoa , "Wigan and Chowbent ; Mr . Michael Rofeerts , Bury ; Mr . Samuel Grimshaw , Rooden Lane ; Mr . R > bert Hamer , Jtatcliffe Eridjro ; and Mr . Henry Worthiiigton , Eccles . Mr . James Gresty was called to the chair . Litters "were read from a few other places . The minutes of the last delegate meeting were read Gver a = d confirmed . Every delegate was then called upon by the Secretary to tender hi 3 quota of the money towards tfee Missionary and Convention Fund .
when the spirit of the "whole district was manifestsd by tlw very liberal manner they have come forward in their subscription to buth funds , ar . d of th-ir expressed -. ct-rw . ination to strive every nerve and in everyway do xhfcir duty , whilst the Convention is Bitting . The ni-.-nsy . matters bsing . satisfactorily arranged , a discussion commenced upon the subject of South and North Lancashire , and these divisions sending members to tho Convention . On this subject , several letters were read frpa Mr . Bsesly and others , shewing "that the Chartists of North Lancashire had resolved to s « nd one delegate ¦ whjm they intended to pay themselves , and that lir >« -ever much they respectsd Dr . M'Dduall , Mr . Jamc 3 Leach , or aDy other man , still , if either of thosa two were elected for North Lancashire , ^ hey , the Chartiits of the North , would consider themselves ULroDrestnted . The discussion was conducted -wifci
calmness and with a judicious and cautions regard for the cause . The uniwrsal expression amongA the'delegates "VT 2 S that they should , if possible , come to such a conclusion as "would ereato unity and harmony , and thereby give satisfaction to their constrfcaents . Tbe discusiiou la-ted upwards of thret hours . Many motions and amendments were bronght forward and nrjatiTed , and a vanVty of suggestions were thrown out . The dircussiun ended by she submission of the folio wing resolution and amendment , the latter being carried , e : tl ; U « n voting fur it and two against it , and only tw * Vv / iing for the origina : proposition . The motion was proposed by Mr . Henry Xuttall , and seconded by Jlr . Crowder : — "That North Lancashire be allowed to send one delegate to the forthcoming Convention , and
that Sonth Lancashire elect one out of the three persons now in nomination . " The amendment was moved by Mr . Parkin , and seconded by Mr . Gilmore : — " That we , the delegates of South Lancashire , spprova of the decision of the Executive in settling that t . ? o delegates be elected to represent Lancashire in tht Convention . " Tim following resolutions Were also carried—moved by Mr . James Catliedge , and seconded by Reuben Hague : —" That those persons "who go from town to town calling themselves Chartist " ectureM recc-ive their credentials from the sub-Eecretary of tbe aiswciatkn to which they belong , certifying that they
are of good moral character , sober , and qualified to undertake such an important mission , and that the various £ S 5- ; c : aticn 3 be requested not to countenance aay oca who cannot prodnce such requisite credentials Tnere being persons out at present who , however enthusiastic they nricht be , would do well to retire until time and experience have b « fct * r qualified them for snch an arduous and responsible calling . " " Tiiat this meetin g adjourn till this day foitnight , to assemble at t-be sarae idice . " " Th-j best thank 3 of th-j dele-Eates ware given to the Secretary and Chairman , and tae mteting disparted , -after Bitting upwards of eight hours .
COL 145 . —The Rev . TV . Y . Jackson , of Manchester , preached a splendid sermon to a crowded and attentive iiu-3 : ence , in the large Chartist News Room ,-Windy Hank , on Sunday . TIViHTON . —Mr . E . P . Mead , of Birmingham , has been in this town fon-daya , during which time he addressed the At-Jociation twice , and lectured public 1 ? en Lhe evils arising from class-legialation . A room was ensrasred for the purpose at the Temperance Convc Hotel kept by Mr . Brimson . His lecture occupied about two ioure , and throughout the course of its delivery , he rivetted the tHention of the audience by forcibly depicting the various monopolies springing from that monit-j of iniquities—class legislation . The -National Petition is being numerously signed .
ERISTOu . —A public meeti ^ Chartists "was held at tie Hall of Science on Tuesday , the 1 st inst ., to take into consideration the best means of alleviating the diilrcss now existing iu tbe country . Mr . Felix Wiliiim S :: n = on being called to the chair , and having explained the nature of the cause which brought them tegetber , called upon Mr . John Copp to propose the fnil-jwissf resc-lutiun , wiiicb was seconded by Mr . Win . Hcn'y Clifton , aid supported i : the most powerful snd elcqnent manner by Mr . Henry Vincent : — " Th ; it this mating is of opinion that the present distress existing iu Viift country originates from class legislation , ar . d that tbe adoption of the whol-j of the principles contained in t ' ae ' Pcopl-j ' s Charter' would be tho
means of obtaining immcdia . * e relief for the people This meeting is therefore determined not to agitate nor assist in agitating for any other measure short of the c People ' s Charter ; ' and farther pledge themselves to sign and supp-rt the National Petition ' at present lyin ; for signature" The resslution being put to the nutting , tue immense mass , which numbered littl j short of five th ^ usacd p ; rscns , of the working tni midiilc classes , held np their hands in token of approval . There was not one raised against it A . vot-j of thaaks having been given to the Chairman , Mr . Vincent , and three cheers for ourselves , the Charter , and Frost , Willunis , and Jones , the meeting separated in the most peaceable and orderly manner .
BROMSGROVi ! .-Mr . Mason leotured here on the 29 th ulL , and on the Monday following , the friends dined together at the George Inn , where an ample repast was provided . Several excellent toasts were proposed and responded to , and % very agreeable evening was spent [ The repoit of this ought to have been sent last "week . 3 HEBSSfJ-BRIBGE . —At a meeting of the Chartist Council of Hbbden-Bridge , on Wednesday evening , the 2 nd inst , a number of females attended , and came to a resolution to form a Female Chartist Association at tBe above place , when they elected the following persons as their treasurer , secretary , and chairman , James Uttley , tresiu-er ; Jamss Helliwell , secretary ; John Crosslev , chairman .
SSTTLS , —We have had an extraordinary meeting for the first time on Chartist principles ; Mr . Lund , Lancaster , addressed the meeting ; Mr . James Favtcit , chairman of Long Preston ; also Mr . JPfixon , groc « r , made a most excellent speech . . STAFFORD . —On Wednesday , the 2 nd instant , Mr . J . Leach , visited thisplaca ; a public meeting was convened , by handbill , for the large room , at the White Hart Inn , and discussion invited . Mr . We Peplow was called to the chair , who briefly introduced Mr-Leach to the meeting . Mr . Lsach , on rising , was
received with marks of spprobation ; he delivered a most splendid lecture , "which occupied upwards of two hours , * ' on . the causes of human destitution , and tho means to be adopted for it 3 alleviation , " to an audience of np wards of three hundred persons , and concluded amidst several i ounds of applause . Tae Chairman inquired if any one had anything to say in answer to what Mr . Leach had advanced ; and no one coming forward , he introduced 3 s . J . Linney to the mei ting , who likewise addressed them on tho imperishable principles of liberty ; ufter which several females and males enrolled themselves as members of the association .
YEOVIi—A Chartist Boiree and ball were held here on Monday evening week , whicli "went off weli nd gave great satisfaction . CROYDON , Subret . —At a meeting of Chartists held here a few days ago , a vote of thanks to Fcargus O Connor , Esq ., fer bis persevering and unflinching advocacy of the people ' s cause , vr&a unanimoosly agreed to . SOUTH BIOLTOIf . —The National Petition is being numerously signed hexa . anDDIXTOK . —On Snnday , llr . Edward Clarke , of-Manchester , delivered a soul-stirring and elo ^ ueDt address in the Chartist ChapeL He exhorted the audience to become united , and trust in neither Whig or-Tory promises , but stand firm to their own order . A grand concert feas also taken place in the abovi Chapel , for tbe benefit of tke Sunday and Evening SchooL
B 2 LTOJJ .-On Sunday last , Mr . Isaac Barrow delivered a lecture on tha christeniug of the Prince of \ Vaits , in tbe Chartist Rooms . After which Mr . Pariinsyn read the Queen ' s Speech and very ably comir . ented upon it . KACOlit-SFiirZiD . —Mr . J . West lectured here on Sandiy nigLtlast , and "ive a most hnmorens and in-EtrucUv-i analysis of her Majesty ' s Speech , to a delighted audience .
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Untitled Article
2 T HE N Q RTH-E RjT Sf AR ,
A Cheap Winter Beverage.
Northern Star (1837-1852), Feb. 12, 1842, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct417/page/2/