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The ¦ ELutMOKETTB . —A machine to supply the place of climbipg-fcoys to sweep chimneys , under the above psni p , has recently been invented and perfected by Sir F . Desanges asd a Mr . A . H . Augustus Duram , of Shropshire . It also combines the advantage of being applicable to the extinguishing of fires in chimneys or flues . It is so constructed that the most difficult chimneys—that is , those that are bailt at angles , and in which there are angular bendscan be swept clean sway by it without difficulty . A patent 13 about to be taken out by tha inventors to
secure to themselves the fruits of their ingenuity . A more particular account of this novel invention will shortly be published , bnt in the mean time it wjll not be premature to state that such an invention has been made , and that all person 3 of humanity must hail wiJh pleasure the coming into operation Of an Act of Parliament by which the sufferings of a most miserable elasa of children will be remedied , and hundreds of persona restored to the trade of human beings , from which they hitherto have been excluded in perpetuity . —Time ^
What is genuine Poetry \—There is much rhyming utterly destitute of any claim to inspiration ; bnt , as true taste in estimating the productions of the painter and the sculptor can ouly be acquired by contemplating the most perfect of their works , so is a just perception of beauty in poetry attained only by familiar intercourse with those who have followed nature into the busy world , been her companion in her lonely haunts , and , whether ' painting the Bly , ' giving ' perfume to the violet , ' or holding lightnings in coiitroul , have poured forth the richness and exhibited the capacity of the language in which they wrote to adorn and dignify their subject , to express sentiments calculated to amend the heart , exalt thr understanding , and call into active operation the noblfs : and the best feelings by which we can be actuated . —Parley ' s Penny Library .
Execution op Dklahxxt . —Dgblis , Satusday , Feb . 5 . —At an early hour the crowd assembled in front of JuJmainham prison , and , as far & 3 we could observe , behaved themselvfs with great propriety . As the bour of execution approached there could not be less than 20 , 000 persona present to witness the awful and disgusting ceremony . The arrangements of the Police authorities were excellent , and reflect credit upon the efficient Commissioners . The prisoner rose this morniDg at about half-past ax o ' clock , and was engaged in religious exercises with the Rev . Mr . Canavan , and the Rev . ilr . Mooney , until half-past nine , 3 t which hour he got breakfast , and ate heartily , and continued to manifest the greatest firmness in his awful situation , up
to the last half hour . Immediately after breakfast ie was again joined by hi ? spiritual advisers . About half-past eleven , the Sheriffs arrived , when the unfortunate man was conducted to the chapel , with his arms pinioned . It was here , for the first time , that his firmnes 3 forsook him , and he fainted from sheer weakness . Surgeon Rooney , however , bein ? in attendance , he was speedily restored , and was shortly a ? ter led or rather carried , to the drop ; hero he became very faint , and when the executioner , whose faee was masked , proceeded to put the rope round his neck , he sunk upon the grating of the balcony , and was only prevented from failing entirely prostrate by the executioner keeping bold of the collar of lie coat . The priests , meantime , were busily engaged reading the service of the dead , and the signal being given , tho bolt was withdrawn , and , almost instantaneously , lie was in eternity . At this
period there was a great sensation among the crowd , cut the majority seemed fcDgaged rather in breathing s prayer for the departing spirit of the unfortunate yonih , than in giving expression to any feeling of indignation towards him . From his confession to several of the clergy who attended him , and to the governor of the prison , his sole object was to earn the wages of an approver . After hanging the usual time , he was cut down , and the crowd separated in an orderly manner . The officers and spectators in the iEterior of the prison wrs deeply affected , and all present seemed struck with the slight advantages resulting to Eoeiety from the brnialismg ceremony . The mother of the murdered boy , Maguire , has since died in consequence of the excitement occasioned by the melancholy affair . The following is a copy of the confession which he was desirous of having drawn up , and whieh was not to be published until after his execution : —
" I state positively that I bad neither hand , act . nor part in the death of Garlibardo , the Italian boy . I was that mzbt in town . In a few days after the commission of the deed I -Brent , accompaniftd by my brother Thomas , to view the spot . Seeing many persons climbing over the wall and going into the Marquis of Ely * demesne , ¦ sre vent over the -wall also . As it -was coming nigh Palm SuEday , my brother broke down a branch from one of the trees , and we brought it home . When I lra * afterwards confined in the Castle , as a Crown witness against Cooney and hia wife , my mother came to Bee me , and it occurred to me that by referring to that branch of the tree at my home it would corroborate my testimony . I accordingly bid her say that I brought the bracch home the sight of the murder , ¦ which she
did , and in referring to this circumstim&e , and hiving been * jit -with kead constable Towers to see if my statement was correct , I at once pointed out the tree , and thuB obtained more credence for my storyj but I solemnly assert I knew nothing of the facts cf the case , unless by leading them , as detailed in the newspapers . I swore against Cooney and his wife in the hopes of having pay at the Castle ; I also swore against the meB for the assault on Mr . Cr&doci for the ssme motive , and without knowing one of them . When 1 8 &w the proclamation off-ring the reward , I went to the house where Mr . Cradcci lived and got all the particulars frcm an old ¦ w oHiaa , and then Trent and swore against the men . I accused them by mere chance . What I stated of them was false . As to the chill Thomas Maeuire , I do now
? rafess that the hope of getting again into the pay of the Cast e was my strong motive for committing the deed . I thought I eonld fix it on some one in the course of time , and if I had succeeded I dont know but I might have done a similar deed 3 gain , had my co : sdence yielded to a similar teaptation . I kept bim nearly hjJf an honr in the lane ; he t ^ ice asked me was I coming home soon , & 3 hia mother -would be btariEg Mm . I said that I "was waiting for a jstmting car . He spent part of tbe time sitting in the corner &t the stable-door , on a heap of dung er litter , heaped -cp outside . I was then turning in Bay mind how l coBld best- cut his throat . He Btood np then bj my ace . I felt his throat , and asked him had he any lasjps in his throat ? He made no reply . After
some EiinBtes I again felt hw throat "with my left hand , having tfee knife in my right band ready . Sly right band was then down in ray coat-pocket , when I asked hia the second time }>* A be lamps in his throat , and began again to feel hi ™ He raised np his head to ltt JBeftelciore easy . His back was then to me , and at that moment , -while he was in that position , with his bsad . drawn back , I cut his throat , and threw Mm from Oe . Befell on his f * ce . He uttered no cry , nor did he naif any noise whatever . On getting about three yards from him 1 looked back , and saw him on his feet &cain fwng in tha direction of the cottage in the field . 1 && Bit e ' ean the knife , bnfc I threw it into the field . 1
cannot tell -why I chose to kill the child to ieep myself ia paj at the Castle , except that I was afraid to attack * large person , and the boy being smalt and weak suited my purpose . I planned the deea fox nearly two month * before , but could not , np to the day of the murder , &n <\ * proper object , and besides I was often terrified in my own mind at the cntempJaiion of it My real orgect * as , I repeat it , not the < Sesire of stilling or destroying * humaa being , bat merely and solely to obtain reward . I wish to slate tho * e matters fnlly to n > 7 Counsel , Mr . Walsh , that the world may know the troth before my death , and thai there may be no misconception mpon ihe mind of any one concerning me . I feel "lery grateful io Mr . Alison for his Madness to me , and regret
ffiest deeply ay many and great crimes , and am at peace ¦ with tbe world . I should al # o add ^ that I know nothing whatever about the racrder at Droghedft , c « r did I even bear of it till I wa » in goal for the m * rder of Thoma * Maguire , sad that , I am totally innocent of all knowledge of that deed , or it « perpetrator . ( Signed ) Johk Delahusi . The above statement -was read over to the convict , John Balshunt , ana -which be stated before us contained fall account of -what he ¦ wished to stais . He then BJgntd it in onr present * . ( Signed ) Patbjck o ~ Reii . lt , RCC . GSOB . GE Casavak , P . P ., TJamaston Hesse . Johs Walsh , Barrlster-at-Law , late Counsel for the Coavict . Edwabd ALIC 05 , Governor of the GaoL
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The Thieves are about to present a piece of plate to onr police for their kindly forbearance and consideration . The compliment will not be ill bestowed . Exeter is the western city of refuge , and ought to be proud of its distiction . —Western Times . D canto oss week thirty-three women , in the parish of Grange , near Knocklofty , were confined , and we rejoice to say presented their lords and masters with twins—i . e ^ according to Cooker , sixty-six in eight days . —Tipperary Fress Press . A Poisi of Law . —In New York , a roller boy of a printing-office summoned his employer for five dollars , which he claimed to be due to him for labour . The jadge decided for plaintiff on authority older than anything to be found in Coke or Blackstoneon the well recognised maxim , that" the devil should hare hia due . "
Thb Waldegeave-Ddff Outrage—The Police Commissioners have directed ? that polios constable Wheatley , of the V division , -who some time ago was so brutally ill-treated by " gentlemen" at Hampton Wick , for a participation in which outrage the Earl of Waldegrave was punished by fine and imprisonment in the Queen's Bench , shall be allowed twelve months' leave from duty upon full pay , and at the expiration of that period they ( the Commissioners ) intend taking Ms case into their further consideration .
Adulteration o » Tobacco . —The adulteration of tobacco , owing to a discontinuation oF the visits of the exciseman to the manufactories , i 8 exerting a most pernicious influence on the trade of the honest merchant . Tobacco is frequently eold at 2 s . 9 d . per lb ., whereas the duty alone is 3 ? . 2 d . per lb ., which , with the price of the leaf , and the expense of manufacturing , would cost the manufacturer himself 4 s . per lb . Thi 3 demonstrates the great exteut of the adulteration of the article , the injustice to the trader who uses only the pure leaf , and a loss to the revenue of perhaps 50 per cent .
Stoppage of the Isle of Wight Banking Establishment . —Newport , Isle of Wight , Jcly . 6 . —Thi 3 town was thrown into the greatest consternation , yesterday , by the stoppage of the old established bank of Messrs . Kirkpatrick and Co . It appears to have taken place in consequence of Messrs . Rogers and Co ., their London agents , not honouring their orders to pay the acceptances , < fec , due in London on the 4 th , of which they say they had not the slightest intimation ; if bo , tradesmen are in nice hands . "Various are the rumours as to the Ultimate loss ; some say they will be able to pay in full , others that there will not be five shillings in the pound . It looks bad their stopping ia the absence of any run upon them : a good man may be run to
a stand still , and stop ; but when a man falls without any visible cause , it looks as if there was soBiething weak , about the constitution . Tbe Messr ? . Kirkpatrick have been always close men of business , living at no expence , with a high character fur honourable dealings , but they have met wi ' . h many losses , not by speculations , but by over-confidence in parties doing business with them . Their principal circulation was in Newport and Ryde , at "which latter place they had a branch bank , but the namber of "failures lately has very much contracted their issues of paper . Quite a panic prevails , to
stop the consequences of which a notice has been posted , signed by R . Simeon , Bart ., G . H . Ward , Esf ., Mr . John Cook , Mr . E . Way , and Sfiv other landowners , merchants , and tradesmen , expressing their cosfidence in tbe banking establishment of S : r R . Bassett , and Co ., and their willingness to take their notes - as cash . This ought to . restore confidence , the above four names oaly standing like as many hundred thousand pounds , but people are so frightened that nothing but gold or Bank of England notes will do for them now . Their liabilities in Cowes do not exceed six thousand pounds , but they are very heavy in other parts of the island .
The Beazils . —Important news has been received from the Brazils . A formidable insurrection has taken plase in the province of Paraiba , which threatened to extend along the northern frontiers of the Brajils . The Vice-President of Paraiba had been shot , while looking from his window , by the insurgents , and the greatest terror and excitement prevailed . The wealthy inhabitants had fled from the place in terror , and most of them had made their escape to Pernambuco for safety , takiDg wi'h them every available description of property . The wife of the Vice-President had nearly shared the tragicead of her husband , but happily she escaped .
Fua ^ cb . The French Finance Minister has brought forward his budget for 1843 , which is considered highly satisfactory to capitalist and friends of peace . M . Humann says , that 150 millions of former loans will enffica for two years , and if no unforeseen event should occur , do more will bo required . There will remain , indeed , 308 Millions of francs to cover , whilst the excess of expenditure over revenue in 1842 is 28 millions . But still no necessity ' exists for fresh loans . At least so says the Minister . There is to be a reduction of 30 millions in the expences of the army , the force of which is
to be 344 , 000 , independent of the re *> erve . In the navy there is to be a reduction of 37 millions , bringing . down the French navy estimates to be about three millions sterling , independent of the new armed and packet steamers . The expences of 1843 are csri- / . mated at 1 , 311 . 053 , 03 * Revenue 1 , 284 , K > 5 ^ 6 » Of the latter the direct contributions furnish upwards of . 406 millions , and indirect taxes 723 millions . —The prolonged debate on the address in the French Chamber of Deputies ended in a majority of
84 in favour of ministers . Isbia and - Chlsa . —An ever ) and express , with intelligence from China , India , Egypt , and Malta , has arrived . The mail from Bombay , of the 1 st ult ., was brought by the Cleopatra , which , notwithstanding an accident that detained her at Adeu for two days , arrived at Suez on ihe 18 : h . From Alexandria the mail was brought to Malta by the Oriental , which left Alexandria on the 22 ud ult ., arriving at Malta on the 28 th . The Prometheus was despatched on the same evening , and arrived at Marseilles dnring the night of the 2 od instant . The intelligence from China is important , and continues to be highly . satisfactory . The latest intelligence is Nov . 15 th , from Macao . The combined British
naval and military forces had achieved a series of important triumphs . Chusan was taken on the lit of October , after a more vigorous resistance than our people had as yet encountered from the Chinese . A vast deal of materiel was found there . Upon the 10 th and 13 th the cities of ChinI * and Ningpo were also . captured . The British loss appears to have been comparatively small , though from the resistance offered , both at Chusan and Chluhm . the loss of the Gninese was very considerable . The Indian new 3 is not of the same satisfactory character . Brigadier-General Sale had succeeded in reaching Jullalabad , but as eooc as the intelligence of the attacks made upoc bis brigade by the rebel Affghans
reached Cabul , on the 1 st of Isovember , a general insurrection broke ont , and Sir Alexander Burres and nine or ten officers who happened to be with him were killed . At the date of the last advices from Cabal , Novemter 19 th , our troops had succeeded in cheeking the _ insnrrection , but General Elphinstone and Sir William M'is ' aghten were obliged to remain iff the entrenched camp in the city , not deeming themselves ssfScienily ttrong to attempt any offensive operation . Ten regiments of Enropean and Native Infantry were en route through the Puujaub , to effect a junciion with Brigadier-General Sale , in order to move upon Cabul . The int lliyence from other parts of India Sb satisfactory . Kanalc ha 3 been evacuated by the British troops .
Latest American IN ' ews . —The Southerner , Capt . Palmer , which sailed from Mew Yurk on the 10 : h ult ., arrived at Liverpool on Sunday night . The packet-ship , Stephen Whitnsy , was to sail next day . in the Senate , on the 10 th uh ., Mr . Caihoun offtred a resolution , calling for information in regard to the case of the murder and mutiny on board of the Creole , and asking what steps the Executive had taken in reference to the transaction , Laving fcr its object the punishment of the guiltyj the redress of the wrong done to American citizens , and the insult offered to the American flag . On tbe 11 th the risolution was taken up for consideration . Some debate baviDg arisen on the proposal of an aruendment to substitute " pereon 3 "' for slaves , " Mr . Calfaoun
condemned publications whieh had applauded ana justified the muiiny and murder , the tendency and object of which were to fortify the pretenfcioss of Great Britain in hostility to the rights of tbe United States . He warned the south to awaken from their lethaTgy , asd to guard against combinations ever menacing their institutions . Several gentlemen having delivered tbeir sentiments on the subject , Mr . Clay rose to deliver his . He had , he said , witnessed the occurrence on board the Creole with deep regret , because it added infianely to existing dificulties with Great Britain . A case had occurred , in which by mutiny and murder a vessel was thrown in the power of Great Britain ; were they to give up the murderers , or to indemnify
the United States or not t If not , then Americans were denied the freedom of their own coasting trade , and no vessels could sail from one port to another in the southern Atlantio border without incurring the risk of seizure . He hoped that Great Britain would see the necessity of doing America justice in this case . Mr . Calboun's resolution was adopted nem con . The latest advices from Washingien stated that the Bankrupt Act would not be repealed ** at present . " A draught , drawa by Mr . Everett , tb » American Minister at . the Court of St . James ' s , for 12 , 000 doL , negotiated in London , has been protested at
Washington for -non-payment , the department having notbiDg to offer but Treasury notes , and not feeling at liberty to pay them « xoept at par . Resolutions were before the Legislature of the State of New York strongly condemning the doctrine of repudiation of dfrbtB , as sanctioned by and acted upon by several Siatea . "We now , " says the Journal o / Commerce , " breathe more freely that we discover an honest purpose on the part of our fellow-countrymen not to turn swindlers and knaves . " The Legislature of Pennsylvania had agreed to resolutions also Btrongly condemnatory of the infamous repudiation docirine .
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A Bankeb's Bequest . —A dying banker thus addressed his eldest son : — " You may suppose you are going to inherit a large fortuno , bat yon are mistaken . I have no property , and the bank is insolvent to the amount of £ 210 , 000 . On the death of my father , who died of a broken hearfc , I found the bank was hardly solvent . I at first resolved to close the concern , and pay eff the creditors , but I afterwards determined otherwise . I proved my father ' swillfor a quarter of a million , and set up a large establishment . This gave me the reputation of wealth , and increased the business of t ^ e bank . I have lived in splendour , as you know , fox many years . All your brothers are handsomely provided for , and to you , as my eldest sen , I now leave the bank . I have appointed you sole : executor to * my will . You have only to prove my property for any amount you may think proper to name ; and if you manage your affairs prudently , the bank may last out your time as it has mine . "
A-wful Death . —On Friday se ' nnight , about eight o ' clock , a most avrful occurrence took place in a house occupied by an old pensioner , named Edward Horrocks , living in Farrimond ' s-row , Wallgate , Wigan . It would seem that the old man had a daughter then lyiDg dead in the house , who had expired the same day in giving birth to twins , one of wh « m is still ajive . Horrocks , who was naturally of a most irritable disposition , entered tho house botween seven and eight o'clock , and demanded to know why his supper had not been made ready ! On another of his daughters , who performed the offices of housekeeper , endeavouring to explain f ho matter , the old man flow into a most violent passion , calling down the most impious imprecations on his eyes and limbs , and swearing to all around-him , ' -whyi , awful to relate , whilst in the very act of cursing his own child , he was struck dumb , in which state he remained lingering until seven o ' clock on Sunday morning , when death pat a period to Ms wretched
xistence . The Temperance Pledge . Extraordinary Ciscumstasce . —At the last meeting of the Waterford Board ef Guardians , Mr . Curri 3 called to the recollection of the Board the fact of an application for admission , on a former Board day , by a young man named Bray , from tho county Wexi ' ord , who was paralysed and dumb . His admission hod been refnsed , as he had no claim on the union , but tho guardianB bad humanely contributed out of their own pockets on the occasion to send him back to his native place , During Father Mathew ' s recent visit to this city , this poor fellow- came up to Waterford , took the pledge , and received the blessing of the apostle , and to the astonishmeut of every ouo in the chapel where he took the pledge , he threw away hia crutches , walked off with his friends , and was able to speak to them , buvin an extremely low key . This circumstance was witnessed by thousands . — Waterford Chronicle .
A phightful accident happened at North Towan Mine , on Tuesday last . A youug man , named Johu Mitchell , who was working iii the mine , asked a man who was near him if he had ever seen any person climb up by the capstan rope . The man replied no , nor did he wish . to . Mitchell then said " Well , then , you shall see me . " He then ascended , and suspended himself by the legs , head downwards , directly over the engine-shaft . On endeavouring to regain his proper position , he slipped his hand and was precipitated to the bottom of tho shaft- in which there were five fathoms of water . He was taken up in a few hours , of courso lifelefa , with his back broken and with other irjuries . —Cornwall'Cassette .
Dreadful SuircioiL OpEB . iiioN . —One of the most appalling and arduous surgical operations perhaps ever attempted , wa 3 performed at the King's College Hospital , on Wednesday week , on a young girl of twelve , who had a tumour in a cavity of the upper jaw-bone , which actually pushed the eye-ball out of its socket , and produced tho most hideous deformity . In order to get at the tumour , incisions had to be made in the integuments of tho face , and the cheekbones sawn through and removed from their variuus detachments . For about sixteen minutes , the time
which tho operation took , the whole of the right side of the f ace ¦ was laid bare , exposing the back part of the throat , tongue , and palate . Some-of the spectators turned pale at the eight of the operation , but the poor girl bore it with wonderi ' u ] fortituGe , and the operator acted with a skill and coolness as though his nerve 3 were * of iron . After tho operation , the whole of the complicated integuments were replaced with sutures , and there are hopes of the recovery of ihe girl if the nervous system survives the shock .
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BIRMINGHAM . MB . LEACH'S LECTURE AT THE MECHANICS INSTITUTE . Large placards 'were posted throughout the town , last week , informing the public that Mr . J . Leach , of Manchester , -would deliver a lecture on the Corn "Laws , in tho Mechanics' Institatian . Ncwhall-atreet , on Friday evening , at half-past seven o ' clock . The meeting -was numerously attended ; and at the time appointed , on the motion of Mr . Frederick Curbett , Mr . Emea , of Lionel-street , vras uu .. niniously called to the chair .
The Chairman said , that previous to Introducing the lecturer , he would notice , in the first place ,, that the lecture was intended to pr ^ -ve that a repeal of the Corn Laws would not answer the purposes which the repeal advocates s . iid they would— for his part , he had long since made np his mind th : ; t nothing less than the People ' s Charter -was calculated to bring happiness to the homes of the working classes . ( Loud cheers . ) He wouM , if they thought proper , give them a hutory of the political movements in Biiminghani for the last fifty years .
Be then gave an interesting description of the " Church and King" mobs which had beea raised through the instrumentality of a parson and a magistrate , who met at Deja Hotel to concoct their plans , in order to stifle tie demand for lilxrty whiib was then gathering strength . They -wrie awaro tf tke mischief resulting from that mob , end the treatment which that i'ood man and great phi ;< isopher , Dr . Priestly , subtaiued , so much so , that bis life was attempted to be taktn . After that time , the dissenters began to establish Sunday Schools , the effect of -which was that th * y could not now raise . * ' Church and King" mobs , although the parsons were quite as -willing to persecute now as ever , He next adverted to the various ecenes which had been tnacted previous to the establishment of the Political
Uniou , to the council of which he had been elected a member . He was sorry to . find that tho leading members of that union in whuM the peopie had plaetd so much confidence had deserted the cause of liberty , and had j'jinefi the anti-Corn Law league . In 1838 , those pretendedpatriots met on Hollowly Haad , and pledged themselves before Gud ; aud their country , to agitate for nothing less than the Charter ; yet , after all their professions , they bad joined the enemies cf the people . He hoped that Bomaof them wer * there that evening to hear him , as he Would repeat what he told them some time ago . That was , that if they would repent and let the big tear roll dowu their cheeks as a token of their contrition , the -working men -would forgive them . He considered it to be the duty of the class
to which be belonged , to go with the people ; . in fact , it -was Ifceir interest to do bo , but the working classes should rely on themselves and unite together , and they could defy both the miiidie and upper classes . ( Loud cheers . ) He could not avoid exekinm-. g , " O ! how has the fine gold become dimmed ! " when men who once professed to be toe people ' s friends had basely deserted them . He then alluded ' tj the - Noncenfwmisl , and shewed that the Dissenting paisons were losing their congregations through the poverty of the people . He saw very littie diftVnnco between Dissenting parsons and the clergy of rheEsLaMiihtd Church , for neither of them appeared to be friends cf tbe people . Tbey talked as if tbe people had nothing bnt Eoul , and seemed fc > forget they had bodies . He was himself a mtmber of
a religious bou ' y , and yet he could not help thinking that the word Reverer . d , " applied to parsons , waa a . species of blasphemy . He could net think how such men could rest on their . ¦ pillows , ' whilst their fellewcreature » ¦ were starving , end refuse to help them . He loved his children aud his grand-children , and believed tbat all men felt similarly ,, and for his part he would prefer death te the misery of -witnessing the same want and privation in Lis family that bad to be endured by 3 u many of his fellow-creatures . He exhorted the ¦ working classes to unite , and concluded a taost excellent address" by introducing the lecturer . Mr . EmeB -was loudly cheered throughout his address . Mr . LE . ACH then advanced to tie front of the spacious hustings , and said , Mr . Chairman , working tnet » of Birmingham , and middle classes too , if any of you are present , for the middle classes were as closely mixed up with the question -which he intended to
bring bef ore them that evening , as any other class in the country . * He hoped to be able to prove to them that evening that be was a complete anti-monopolist . He attended there not to defend the Corn Laws , but to examine the arguments of those who sought their repeal , and represented them as tbe sole cause of the distressed condition of the working classes . Without any farther preface , be -would go at once to the question for which they had that evening assembled . It ¦ wzb argued by the advocates of Corn Lair repeal , tbat if their propositions were carried into operation , it vrould cheapen bread , and open foreign markets Others of them asserted tbat the existence of the Com Laws cost the country fifty millions annually , and he had read a letter from Mr . Boultbee , of Birmingham , which found fault -with the anti-Corn Law lecturers for xtatiog that a repeal cf the Corn Laws would reduce tbe price of bread . one-half , -whilst at the same time Mr . Bonltbee affirmed that it would double tbe wages of
tke operative ; so that it appeared they differtd materially -with each other as to the ultimate result of a total lepeaL They could , therefore , haye no objection to hear the opinions of others on the matter . He wonld , therefore , sh » w them , in the first place , tbat a repeal of the Corn Laws ¦ w « uld not increase the wagei of tbe -workman ; for although the export tra . de of the country was rapidly increwiag from th « ye * r 1792 to 1815 , yet within that period tke-wages of manufacturing operatives had sunk from 333 . 3 d . to 14 s ., and at that period the present Corn Laws were sot in existence . "What , tben , became of the argument tbat tbe Com La-Ra -were tbe wleScaujw of low wa « e » r From
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the year 1815 to 18 i 2 trade had increased to a Very gr ? at extent , and still the wages of the operative ' were reduced to an alarming extent V lie need only tell them that the piece of oloth for whita 33 s . 3 d . was p 3 id in 1792 was now being made for 38 , M ., and those men who talked so much of a repeal of tha Com Laws increasing trade and wages , were at the present time shewing their affection for their workpeople by introducing machinery , wliich turned hundtrada on the streets to starve . He tben read the following quotation from " Smith ' s Wealth of Nations , " which is placed at the head ' of one of the columns in the . Bi > - mivglidmJournal : — . ";¦' ¦ " : ¦ ' : ' " Consumption is the sole end and purpose of all production ; and tha interest of the producer ought to be attended to only so fat as it may be necessary for ptomofcm ^ that of the consumer . The maxim is so pe rfeotly self-evident , that it would be absurd to attempt to prove it" . . . " .. " . '"¦ . ¦ . ¦"¦ ' ¦ . '" ¦ . : ;¦ \ , . :: : ' v
Now if production ought to be suited to the means of consumption , why were so many hundreds turned to starve whilst their places were occupied by inanimate matter ? It was only lately that Mr . Cobden had introduced machinery ; by which twenty-eight men and boys could do as much as would have Kept 300 men in employ previous to its'introduction . In another manufactory belonging to the same party , their average wages did not exceed three shillings per week , through shortness of work , where they formerly received thirty shillings , yet the machines were kept at work from eight to eleven o ' clock at night . When Mir . Cobden was publicly charged with acting as above statedi he said , ' As a proof that 1 have no desire to see any men starving . I have not reduced their wages for the last
twenty-five years . " But Mr . Cobden forgot to tell them that hU hands were starving . ' oh " from five to eight shillings par week , whilst machinery was doing their work ; and yet those gentlemen * - wished them to believe that they intended to serve them . As a funher proof of the fallacy " that increased trade would cause increased wages , " he need only mention the fact , that whereas ten years ago 1000 spinners in Manchester were fully employed , now they bad only 600 who were that week working 157 , 000 spindles more than the 1000 men did tea yeara previous , at -ten shillings a week less for double the worfc . In block printing a machine had been introduced , by which J 00 pieces could be printed in twenty hours , through the superintendence -of two men , -whereas it would take 350 men
to de it previously , and yet these men talk of increasing their trade as a means of bettering the condition of the working men , at the same time that u . vast quantity of machinery was lying idle . They said that if the Corn Laws were abolished all their machinery would be emp \ oy ed .. What then was to becomo of the machinery of Russia , Prussia , Austria , ; Denmark , America , and other places , where it was increasing as well as here ? The ¦ working people of those places were suffering from the effects of the system , and were ill fed and ill clad ; by being robbed of the due reward of their labour . They were working for 4 s . 9 il . per weekj whilst the labourer of Manchester bad to pay 3 » . 6 il , a week for rent and firing . How , then , were they to compete with foreigners who were also improving their
machinery ? which caused John Edward Taylor to cry out that the Government must take off the export duty on machinery . He had a discussion with Mr . Hume on this subject , and had then stated that the question was whether the foreigner was to run us out of the market or wehim ? And supposing that they were prepared to run the race , previous to start ? ing they would be met by Members of Parliament who would inform them that they very much wished to see the-ti win . At the same time- informing th « ui that they should have a hundred weight of lead fastened round their necks by way of helping them , for it was quite clear that the Americans did not pay one shillirig in taxes toan Englishmen ' s five . Where , tb&nj was the chance for our success whilst labouring under .: such
riisadvantages ? The fact was , until the people were fairly represented In Parliament there was no chanco of an amelioration of their condition . ( L'iud cheers . ) He next adveited to tho notions of frte trade put forth by Colonel Torrens and others . He exposed the fallacy of their views , and asked what the working classes bad to do with free trade ? H ad they not to toil for what they could get , or starts ? The manufacturers meaat to exchange the produce of English slaves , Wittt those of the slaves on the Continent and elsewhere . The exchange instead of bettering the condition of the producer having quite a contrary tendency , they having no part or lot in the matter ; for since 181 £ > , notwithstanding their enormous exports ; there had been a reduction in the price of labour to the amount of 125
millions sterling annually . ( Shame . ) He understood from the paper which he held in his hand , that the people of Birminghani had also been reduced in their wages ( hear , hear , ) bat he denied that the reduction took place through the cause assigned by the Corn Law Repealers , Class legislation Was the cause of ft all . ( Ljud eheera . ) The manufacturers , under a notion of free trade were rambling over the world to find whether any person wanted a coat or . a shirt off them , whilat the mass of the people at home were naked . They had been trying some of their free trade experiments in China of late , and were shooting them for not allowing themselves to be poisoned for the benefit of commerce . ( Shame . ) -He was a friend to a real trade , one which would enable the producer to be
a consumer also , and thus establish a lastibg ihome trade whiah would make them all coinfoitfcble ? What hope could the manufacturers of tois country have of increasing fchoir trade as they seemed to anticipate . America was rapidly increasing their cottivn manufactures , and other nations were doing the sahie . Ho thought the stalftmeat of Mr . Curtis , as to tbo amouat of corn that might be grown on the banks of kio Ohio , and sfterwards exchanged for English manufactures would tw very well , bad not Mr . Curtis toil ! them at the same time that nobody lived there to cultivate ii . . ( Loud laughter . ) There was tho Guinea Si * teal also which were making rapid strides Id manufactures , and he would appeal to the meeting whether it was likely that those parties who had established manufactories at a
great expence were likely to relinquish them to please the English capitalfct ' With regard to the * titement « , put forth regarding tbe enormous sums paid by . the working clasises for their bread on account of the Corn Laws ; he never yet heard a man bold onough to say that he paid more than fivepence a week on account of the Corn Laws . They would thus see that the existence of those laws was not the sole cause of their sufferings ; the fact wag , they would first put down the infamovks systems of government before they could apply a real remedy . They should look at the amount "• lately , exponded on the christening of the P / ince of Wales as as they termed him , when a sword was girded on him and he was ordered ti defend bis people , although only a few days old , and totn compare the extravagance
displayed with the income of the American President Let them look at toe extravagant sums drawn from the starving poor by a bloated Church , whose priesthood devoured more than was required to keep up all the religions in Europe . They should look at the enormous sums expended to light up the walks of the aristocracy ,. and employ bludgeon-men to break their heads , as tbo realV pause of the misery that existed . ( Loud cheers . ) He once thought the Corn Law repealers were truly honest and philanthropic , but in the midst of their pretended sympathy the working classes were sinking lower in the depths : of misery and destitution . He knew a manufacturer that addressed a meeting with tears in his eyes , when depicting the sufferings of the working classes , at tho
same time that his block printers were under notice of eight shillings a-week reduction in their wages . ( Shame . ) Another member of the auti-Corn Law League had turned half his work people off , and compelled the other half to do all the woik ; and , whea those whose labour was doubled requested , an increase in their wages , he told them he wondered / bow they could for shame ask him such ah unreasonable question : although ho had the week before given . £ 50 to the anti-Corn Law League ; and , whilst their warehouses were ready to tumble down with the load of goods with which they were crammed ; yet , according to their own statements , upwards of 15 , 000 human beings were living in the filthy cellars of Manchester , who had no use for the knives and forks of Sheffield , or the
wares of BirmiEgbam , being scarcely able to procure as much food as was necessary . to keep them in-. ' existence . - They were placed iij this position , because the operatives of other towas could not purchase their cotton goods . Then there was the oppressed ¦ people of Ireland . Such was their wretched condition , that if they wer * fairly ; examined , he donM | i > . whether they bad a shilling worth of clothing eara ^ on an average ; but if the Corn L * w repealers could flnd a country one thousand miles off in the same Btate as tho people of Ireland , they 'would say they had discovered a country where the people were naked , and tbflt the accursed bread tax was the sole cause ; but , admitting tbat the Cern Laws were repealed , what would be the condition of the workman ? Would he aot be placed
in the fame condition as he was at present ? For inr ttonce , a workman is in the receipt of fifteen shillings per week ; and Is informed by- hia master that he cant find a market for his goods—on which account bis wagesmast be reduced to twelve shillings ; he would thus disable the workman from dealing in the home market , whilst he had the same imonntof taxes to pay ; the fact was , that if the Corn Laws were repealed they would just get as much bread as they could afford to purchase ; and as theif wages would be at the mercy of their employers , the saoio as now , he could not soe any benefit that would be derived to theporting men under such circtnnstances . H » then showed how the fixed incomo « f the fundholder % as Increased ; at the expence of the labourer , and read extracts from " Portert Tables , " to abow that the price of gpodf decreased
in prbport » on to the increase ef the qtwntlty exported ; by which means the home market had been destroyed . He defied them to alter the system mri « l the labourer at home had the meana of Djoying the ftrniU of hi « labour . The man who was now employed , vas heiiot aa useful aa he was forty years ago ? Why , then , should he be trampled on , itemped with the badge of infexiority and gronnd to the durt by cJmi legislation . He next adverted to the so-called National Debt M one of the causes of the distress of the country . He denied that it was a National debt ; for , if the nation owed money to itself , they had nothing to do but set themselves straight He maintained that it was a base forgery , and showed the enormous price of provisions at its contraction ; and commt > nted -with thrilling eloquence on the infamous French war , and the persons who art hounded on the people ftgsiast tte chum ol
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liberty . He maintained tbat they had not only paid off the debt , but seTenteen shillings extra as interest into the bargain ; and yet the sconadre ls never rubbed off * single farthing- The Whifi * had added three mi : H 6 B 8 to it , and hod the effronteiy to say they had lent that sum to tbe people . ( Laugirter . ) One thing was mush to be regretted , and that was that little Ruasell bad not lived fifty years ago , as he had lately proposed to increase the revenue by lowering taxation . He wished he would take out a patent ( Laughter . ) It had often been stated that working mien paid no taxes ; but it was well known that the only real property in existence was labour , and tire question wa * , who were the real payers of the taxes ? A shopkeeper might say that he paid the money , buthe muatflrst have it placed
in his pocket by the real 1 producers of wealth , was it right then that protection should be given to cold inanimat * matter , and denied to the hand which caused it to have value ? That question would have to be answered by the Goyernment of tha oonnfery , and if they refused to answer the working classes would do it for them . ( Loud , cheers . ) A vast deal was said about property by these who are possessed of wealth . The workshops which a great many of them had left would be of no Talue if they did not return to th » m , but the moment they went to their work in the morning they Would give value to everything they touched , &nd imTnediately afterwards there were hundreds of Acts of Parliament to protect it , but not one to protect the hand that created it The present system not only
crushed the operative , hut even the manufacturera were beginning to fee ! tha pressure . He was satisfied that thousands of them hardly knew how to turn themselves , but they had only to blame their own folly for it . He then made a powerful appeal to the audience on the injustice practised towatds the hand loom weavers and agricultural labourers , and gave a severe custigatiou to the parson ^ for thoir doctrine , that poverty was the will of God . He denounced it as an insult to reason and blasphemy against heaven . He said the parsons would advise the working classes hot to interfera in political that it would lead ta infidelity and sedition , but they forgot that doctrine when they went to the farmers' field for their titbes , and in some cases in Ireland they : even took the potatoes from those who had not sufficient to feed thtir families , and feadnot
even stopped short of murder rather than lose their hold . ! ( Shame . ) He ( Mr .. Leach ) would advise them , on the contrary , to paystsict attention to ¦ politics , forit was mixed up with every action of-their lives , with every a < tick they eat or wore , and was consequently of the liwt importance . He compared it to so many wires all meeting at one common centre , that centre being the people ' s pockets , on the end of one wire went the beef of their tables under the name of pensions , another wire dragged the coat off their backs ; under another pretence , another pulled the shoes off their children ' s feet and so on to the end of the chapter until nothing wiis left , to / the working man but , rags and misery . He then referred tp the enormous salaries ' . . dtaw ' h by the Archbishop of Canterbury and others , and shewed how many hundred years it would take a handloom weaver to earn their enormous
incomes , at their present rate of wages , and expased the enormous taxation aud extravagant expenditure that existed . He entered largely into the question of wages as regulated by supply and . demaiid i and aaid , that if they would take away all chance of a working man being enabled to live by his labsur as a mechanic , they ought , at least , to give him the means of failing back on the land as a security for liberty and life . —( Loud cheeia ) Ho did not object to machinery as such , but ho did object to it taking the coat off his back , and the food out of his cupboard . Ho coincided with Mr . Butter worth in a Btate-faent vrhioh he had ^ made at a meeting once . He did not dare if every manufacturer iu the country waa to go to bed by steam provided they did not at the same time take his bed from under him . He exposed
the hypocrisy of the members of the Anti-Corn Law League , who were turning their workmen out of employment , and introducing machinery to do the work , and afterwards placed all the poverty thus created to the account of the Corn Laws . He called on the working men to secure t ^ o power of sending members to Parliament , if they intended to derive any benefit from a repeal of the Corn Laws , or any other laws . They should be determined . that human beings should be protected in preference to any thing else . It was said that Sir Robert Peel was about to lay on a property tax . If he did , he would forgive him all his political sins for the last twenty j ears . It would give the middle classes such a twitch as would bring them to their senses . It was thought by some that the working classes would
then have "to bear it all ; but it would be like throwing water on a dupk ' s back , they could pay no more . The middle classes were much in tha same position in 2 S 29 as they were now , at . that time , they made great professions of what they would do for fche people * which caused the men of Birmingbam and other places to help them out of the mire . They ware again trying the same game ; but they were not to bo deluded ' , again . If they really wished the people to have jutticfl , let them at once acknowledge the right of tha whole people to tha franchise , and they Would be able to make England what she ought to be . He would draw to a conclusion iriorder to allow time to any person who thought he had made a wrong statement to contradict kiin . He contraated
tae fearless and honourable conduct of the Chartiata at their meetings , with the cowardice and injustice of the anti-Corn Law League , and made some curious exposures of the mode adopted by the ruanafciturers to compel their workpeople to sign their petition and contribute to their fund . He concluded a powerful lecture by saying that be was prepared to argue the question of-the Corn Laws with any man in a peaceable orderly manner , and would shew from incontrovertible facts thnt the Corn Law repeal was founded in error . Tho day of liberty would never come unless the people exerted themselves , and then the torrent of public opinion would wash down the barriers opposed to human happiness . Mr . Leach tfcen retired amidst loud and
longcontinued cheering . Mr . Walter Thorne then moved a vote of thanks to Mr . Leach , for liis very able lectuire , which was seconded by Mr . Barratt , and carried unanimously ; after which , on the motion of Mr . G . " W [ hUe , the thinks of the meeting Were unanimously given to the worthy and venerable Chairman , wkich he acknowledged , by declaring his determinatiou to stind by the people , and thanked them for that park of tbair esteem . Three hearty chetrs were then given for the Charter , three for Feargua O'Connor , and three for Bronterre O'Brien , and his intended newspaper ; after which tbe requisition to the Mayor to call a meeting in favour of the Charter was read , and a number of burgesses and householders ' names attached , and the meeting separated . Important rELEGATE Meetiko . —According to previous notice ,- a meeting of delegates , for the counties of Warwick and Worcester , was held at the Ship Inn , Steelhouse Lane , on Sunday Lost , at half-past two o ' clock . Present—Mr . j . Chance , of Stourbridge ; Mr . j . A . Browning , of Wednesbury ; Mr . Bbbert Mahon , of Coventry ; Mr . Beesley , of Dudley ; Messrs . Follows and Porter , Steelhouse Lane ; Mr . Ji Blackwell , of Worcester ; and Messrs . Spinks and Cresswell , of Freeman-street , Birmingham . The room was crowdod with visitors , and Mr . Chance was unanimously called to the chair . The . Chairman openei the business in his usual clear and straightforward manner . Ha wished the delegates to report as to the amount of signatures th « y were likely to obtain , as well as what they had already
obtained . They would also state how they had proceeded in the collection of funds for the support of the Convention , and whether they were prepared to pay anything then into the bands of Mr . Follows , tho treasurer . Their attention would also be directed to the Lecturers' Fund , and he hoped that they were . all prepared to report the ttate of their localities as far as those subjects were concerned , and delivered an excellent address , at the conclusion of which he reported the position ol Stdurbridge . They were getting on very well with the petition , and would get a larger amount of sigratures than on any previous occasion . Mr . Browning said they expected to get 5000 signatures at Wedneabury . — - Mr . Beesley said that they . had only got a pines of
meeting at Dudley within the last fortnight They would do what was necessary , and intended to hold a meeting shortly for the purpose of passing the petition and electing a delegate . Mr . Biackwell stated that they were getting on as . well as might be expected ia Woiceater , considering that it was a calhe ^ dral town , and consequently full of prejudice against popular rights . \ They woald do aa well as they could He hoped they should bo enabled to get 8000 signatures , Mr . MahoQ staVed that , as far as his observation went , he had reason to believe that , a majority of tbe people of poventry were in favour of the Peopled Charter , and . in their Association , they had some of the most intelligent aud influential of the working men . They intended to hold a meeting shortly for
the purpose of passing the petition , after whieh they would get as many signatures as possible . The principles of the Charter war * progressing rapidly in Co-• vautiy . Mr . Creeawell stated that the Freemau-street Association had 160 sheets in the course of being filled ; iifty-nine were hasded ia filled , and the rest were in a state of fprwardBess . Mr . Follows , on behalf of Steelhouse-lane , stated that they had twelve sheets , and calculated on getting a large number of signatures iu St . MaryV Ward . The Chairman nexfc fntrodaced the subject of the Convention ' fund , and wished those who had any money for that purpose to hand it in . He had brought £ l . 3 s . for the purpose from Stourbridge , and they intended to make it £ 2 by the time it was required . Mr . Biackwell said he had brought none with him from Worcester , aa they did not know how much they would be required to pay . The Chairman stated that each place should pay as much as they
could , and if there was a surplus remaining they could apply it to other purposes . Mr . Biackwell replied , that they had a part and / would do as well as they could . Mr . Mahon stated that they had l » tely engaged in getting up a fwid to defray tbe expeneee of a publio meeting , after which they would dp what was requisite . - - The Chairmaa next enquired whether the secretary to the Convention Fund had eorresponded with the towns i » the district . Mir . Cresswell replied that he bad corresponded with several places , and had not received an answer . The Chairman hoped that every town in the district womld feel the necessity of exerting themselves on the present occasion , and forward their quota to the treasurer aa Boon as posaible . Mr . Browning thought that a * the period for tho assembling of the Convention was so close at hand , each place should forward their money as soon aa possible , as it would not bo right to oall a p » blicmeettag for ti » elecUoa of a delegate until
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the means for his support was ready . The Chairman said he wa 3 sorry to find that some of the towns did riot let them know -what tkey inieuded . He knew that , aitbongh the people were poor , yet they could raise v £ 25 for such an important occasion . He hoped to see this district taking the stand it formerly had don * . He wisfled the jneeting to coine to a resolution on th « subject . > Ir , Haaon gave a description of thelyoaition in which Kidderminster was placed . Mr . Mahon then moved , " That every town desirous of supporting the Convention Fund in the couaties of Warwick and Worcester will Bigmfy such by remitting ivo instalmenfc of £ 1 each previous to the 24 th of February , and tho remainder as soon possible afterwards . '' Tna iiiotioo waBUnanimously agreed to . The Ciiairmah tbea cilled
their attentiou ^ to the Lecturers' Fund , aaid requested M . Ma-on to . inform the meeting aa to the manner in which his sa ^ wy had been paid , and whether any places were in- arrear since tlie last meetings A long conversation then took place , in Whieh Messrs . Corbet * ( treasarer to -the Lecturers' Fund ) , White , Mason , and others , took part , When it was ascertained that several places had : neslected to act up to the agreement of the last delegate meeting .: Mr . Mahon spoke on the necessity of keeping a lecturer in ihe district ; and providing for him property . They had to give up all their comforts * and travel through the country , scowled at fey tbeir enemies , and ofter tr ^ ted . coldly by thoee that ought to be their frienda . He attributed the blame to the Councils ; he thoughts that
they were too apathetic . They could do all that wa 3 necessaryby sacrificing two hours of a Sabbath morning . He knew the peopie were right enough ; the Council * should bo called on to do their duty . Mr . Biackwell stated that Worcester would do what was required © a behalf of the Lecturers * Fund , Oa they had doua previously . Mr . Mahon made some suggestions as to the best modo of getting the funds regularly forvvardsd . A long conversation then took place , in whieh the whole of the delegates took part , assisted by Mr . Ma 3 on , when it was ascertained -that i the bestway to secure regularity , was that each ph-. ce should , forwaxd their money to the Treasurer every fortnight , at his residence , AdaRi-street ,. Chancery Buildings . Mr . Mahon then moved , " That each sub-Siicretary t > 8 reauested to
forward an accoun'l ; f rom their books of the sums paid by them to the Le . cturers Fund , together with the date of each payment , and be requested to Bend their mohey every fortniglit . fc Mr . Tiederick Cbrbetfc . Adaiii-street , Chancery Buildings , and that the Committee formerly appointed bo requested to take ' means to- carry out thia resolution . '' -Mr . Folloirs second ed the resblution , which was tanied una . nisiously . Mr . Biackwell then stated that the m , eh ef Worcester thought that-the Lecturers" Fund poinntittee had not attended fii . ffieieatly to their dutk $ , upon which the members of it who were present agreed . to resign , in Older to give the delegates au opportunity of electing a fresh bno . Tha foJlowing were then chosen as a fresh ComTnittee , the three first being re-dketed : —Q . ¦ * ¦ White , ' F . Corboit ,
H . Cresswell ,- ^ Messrs .. - Fus 3 ell , Follows , Thorne , and Potto . Mr . Mahon then delivered an exsellent address on the feeling which existed amongst the trader in favour of the Char tt > r . Mr . Black wail thought that once a month was too often to hold delegata meetingB , and said he was . instructed to say that quarterly ; meetings would beoften enough . Mr . Follows thought that as there was so much important business to be transacted , in the next few weeks , thai the question should be deferred until after the silting of the Convention . Mr . Mahon suggostcd the propriety of each Association at . a distance from Birmingham requesting any of . their members who . . 'fceuld afford it to give their attendance at the delegate meeting
gratis , they could thus effect a saviag in their funds . The Cha , irman hoped that each place that csuld would aeud a delegate to the ntxfc meeting , and that those who could riot-do so would send a letter . For his part he nev * er had made any charge for his attendance , and never would . Mr . Cresswell then moved f > That the ne « b delegate meeting bo held at the Ship Inn , Steelhouse-Iane , ' on that day three weeks . " Mr . Browning seconded the resolution , which was carried unanimously . Mr . White was then called to the chair , and a vote of thanks unanimously given to the Chairman , after which the meeting separated . All monies for tha Convention Fund are requested to be forwarded to Mr . Follows , hair-dresser , Monmouth-street , Birmingham .
FiiEEMANSTREET-MEETiNGS .--A lecture was delivered in the Chartist Room , Freenian-street , on Sunday evening last , : by Mr . John Mason , Mr . Smith Lindon in the chair j the lecture gave great satisfaction , aud tw ; elye new meBabers were enrolled . : Mokdat BSveninq » Mbetin * . —The usual weekly meeting of the members of the ^ Katlonal Charter Association Tva 3 held at their ropht , Freemaa ^ street ,: on Monday evening , Mr . Welsfprd in the chair . The meeting was addressed by Mr . George White at some length , after which ihe requisition te the Mayor , requesting him to call a meeting of the inhabitants to consider the propriety of petitioning Parliament for the People ' s Charter , received several signatures .: Notica was given tbat a pew room would be opeaed in Aswnstteat , on the following Monday « voning , after which the meeting separated .
STEBLHot ! 8 E ; LAHE .--The memberB of this spirited associatioH hold their meetings every Tuesday evening , at the Ship Inn , Steelhouse-lane , end are making active exertions to procure siguatures to the National Petition .
%T≫Tal Anlr Gmetax Zfrxtttlizente.
% t > tal anlr GmetaX ZfrxttTlizente .
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POZtBIOirr bt Faixikk . —A Fbibkdlt Tens Oct . —On Wednesday , the 2 ad enrrent , & nnmber of &e friends of Mr . Bowrie , Parkhall , resolred on giving him & •* daig as a mark of their esteem for Mm & 3 a member of their community . Accordingly on the above morning twenty-seven ploughs arrived « pon the gronnd and tnrned over a goodly field . The day being fine , and tbe machinery , horse and man , in good trim , the day's work passed to the complete satisfaction of all . After the more toilsome part was accomplished the owners of the ploughs sat down to an excellent dinner in ParkhalL The cloth being removed a nnmber of loyal and patriotic toasts were responded to , and the party spent a most delightful evening . BRADPOSD—Bi ? ho ? Blaze— On Thursday ihe 3 rd inst ., the Universal Friendly Society of "Wool Combers held their anniversary at the house of Mr . John Forrest , the Unicorn Inn , Ivegate , Bradford , ¦ when sixty of the members sat down to an excellent dinner , which did great credit to the ¦ worthy host and hostess ; when the cloth was drawn the secretary read the yearly report which gave great satisfaction . Alter the business of the society was done , the r est of the evening was spent in hannonT- _ ¦
ITOTTlirGHJMa—On Sunday last , W . D . Taylor addressed a numerous and respectable company at The Pheasant , Charlotte-street . At the conclusion of his address a collection was made for the beneSt of the stone masons now on strike , in London . A resolntion was also unanimously earned , tbat a collection be made in the reading room every Sunday morning during the continuance of the said strikf .
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_ _ -. _ THE NORTHERN STAR . *
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ABERDEEN AOii Monday week , the-weekly meeting of the Aberae ^ n Charter Union was held , Mr . M'Pher 3 on in the , chair . The minntes oJP the previous meeting having been read , Mr . James M'PheT 3 on was nominated as the representative in the National Conyeritioh ^ Five shillinga were giroa bj tho Female Association to assist in defraying the expense of tUe Glasgow delegaticn , and a Tote of thaaks was passed unaninionsly to item for their liberality ; Tie following resolution was also passed , ¦' That we cordially invite
the middle and all other classes to become members of the Aberdeen Chartesr Union , who can conscientiously sign the following pledge : M hereby pledge myself to U 88 every lawful means in my power for obtaining the Peop e ' s Charter . '" It was also agreed to give Feargus O'Connor , Esq . a hearty welcome , should he again be induced io visit our locality . An essay was then delivered on the origin of British liberty by Mr . Sutherland . A letter from Lord LyndhUret ' s Secretary was read , acknowledging the receipt of the petition from the inhabitants of Aberdeen ,. and promising that he should " duly present it to her Majesty . " A vote of thanks was given for the prompt answer he had given , and the meeiing separated .
ON FBiDAYNr « HT , at eight o'clock , a public meeting was held in the Temperance Hall , 204 ^ Georgestreet , for thei purpose of electing a delegate to represent this district in the National ConveHtibn . The large hall was . full on this occasion . Mr . John Pullaa was unanimously called to the : chair , and opened the business of the meeting in a neat address , and introduced Mr . Archibald M'Donald , who moved the following resolution -. —" That the inhabitants of Aberdeen , in publio meeting assembled , agrae to send a local delegate to represent them In the Ifational Convention , to be held in London , on the 10 th of March next , and
that they hereby pledge themselves to raise funds to defray the necessary expenses . " This was seconded by Mr . Wright , and carried unanimously . Mr . John Legge , on coming forward to xuovo the second resolution , was loudly cheered . He delivered a speech of great length ,-and sat dowm by moving " that James M'Pherson-repressnt the inhabitants of Aberdeen in the National Convention . '' This was seconded by Mr . Duncan Nicolson , at cobf l '* ' 7 A . We length , and carried without a dis 3 ent \ ent ¦ vpW . A committee was appointed to carry the resolutions into effect , and after a vote of thanks to the chairman , the meeting broke up . r - ; ... ' : ¦ ¦ .,. "' . " . ' .- ; *' . - ' .. ' ¦ ¦;' ,
Olb Abebpeen . — -On Wednesday nigh * week , a public meeting was held in the Teetotal Hall , Highstreet , for the purpose of forming a Chartist Association , at eight o ' clock . The Hall was crowded . Mr . William Adams wqs called to the chair , who opened the business , in an appropriate and pithy address , and Introduced Mr . Nicoisoh , from Aberdeen , Mr . Nicolson delivered aa address on the present : state of the country , &c ., and sit down warmly applauded . Mr . Archibald Macdonaid then explained the r rtaciples of the Charter , and was followed by Mr . James J * icpherson , who delivered a powerful address on the W- <» cessl ^ jr of uniting in one common bond of union t © overturn the unjust system ef things -which now exists . A gentleman named Mr . Gibbs then put some Questions to the speakers , which were answered to his s « eming satisfaction . The National Petition , and copies of the Chartet , were distribated , arid an Association formed . A Tote of thanks was given to this Chainnan , and the meeting separated . '¦ -: ¦ ¦ ..:. ; ; ' ..- - ¦ - ¦ - " . ¦ '' ; . . - ' , ¦ - . ¦ . ¦ . "' . ¦' .. ' . '¦ ¦ . - *¦ ; . - . ' -.
CHESTER . —Mr . Christopher Doyle lectured here on Thursday night week , at seven o ' clock , In the Chartist Meeting Room , Steam Mill-street Admission gratis , and free- discussion was invited ; The room , which will hold between 309 and 400 persons , was crowded . Thanks were voted to him at thedose , and eight new members were enrolled . Th « National Petition m adopted at a public meeting on Monday night laatV .. ¦ ' ' . . ' ¦ . . ' . ¦ ' , ' . ¦;' ,. ' ¦" ; -- ^ : '; .. ; ' v ' V- - ¦¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ : ' . " EOIXWWOOD .-Od Sunday evening last , Mr . William Booth , of Newton Heath , delivered an excellent lecture in the Ralph Green Chartist As 3 ociatioa Reom , to a crowded audience . Several aow momben were enrolled . '¦ .. '¦ ¦'" ¦' ¦' : ¦ , . -. . '¦ ¦ . ¦ --: ' . ' .:. ¦ . ¦ ¦' - .: ' T . OCGHBOROUGH . —Tho Chartista of thi » place are taking up the intended demonstration to O'Connor ¦ with great spirit . They bate obtained the Theatre for the occasion , and an making « very sflbrt to maka Ifc worthy of the champloa of Chartism .
KAKLBT , PoiTBBiB *~ Mr . Jsmtm I « Mb , neater of the Executive ,- in pusimg thropgh tiwi Pottorlae to Bristol , delivered a moat able and arfumentatlTO address , at tbe € f « orge and Dragon Inn , on the rights of industry , aad its olalnu to ltga ) ptotectto * . The address wa « perfectly free from declamation and personal invective , and has been well received by all classes . Mr . Leaoh ' a lecture wa » attended by a nomeroaa audience . "'¦'¦ ¦"¦ ¦ : . . - . : ¦/ , : . ' ¦ :. ¦ ¦ ¦ . . . " ¦ : . ' . ¦ ¦ ¦ - ' : ; , ¦ ¦ . - . CAOTPSIE . —On Saturday ^ eTesin * , Mr . Wllliani Thomaaon , from the Tale of Levan , addressed a large and enthusiastic Bieettag in the ChartiBt Hall , > In Alexander Davis , in the chain The lecturer gave neat satufacMonto h ^ andJoiw . ' '•' - -
Northern Star (1837-1852), Feb. 12, 1842, page 3, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct417/page/3/