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j MUSIC HALL, REEDS. TT1HE above Hall haa been transformod by tfce JL\. Metamorphestan Chrysobtom of the Great Primordial,
- . ¦ '¦ ¦ . " .- ittARHXAGB. ¦ ¦ .; '¦ ' : ' . ' . .
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THE GREAT WIZARD OF THE NORTH , From the Strand Theatre , Londoni- into a gor-ieous Palace of Entertainmerit , realising in the Maguf ; c-ent Decoratidtis and dazzling galaxy of unparalled Apparatus , all the glories and awe-inspiring f-pleridaur of Arabian romance . Here the nobler u , fc > alg , joined with the sparkling treasures of the East , have exhausted their stores in producing a coup { d ' wil
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PRICES OF ADMISSION : — Front Seats Two Shillings . Second Seats One Shilling . Back Seals Sixpence . Doors open at half-past Seven , and 4 he Wizard enters his Mystic Circle at a quarter-past Eight o'clock precisely ; concluding at half-past Ten or Eleven o'clock . —Carriages in attendance at a quarter-past Ten o Clock . The above Entertainmerit is truly Scientific and : SiaiclLV Moral .
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THE GREAT WIZARD OF THE NORTH Has been honoured with the royal Command to perform before HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN , PRINCE ALBERT , AND THE COURT . He has also had the pleasure of performing , in . London , before the following illustrious and distinguished individuals : — H . R . H . THE DUKE OF SUSSEX H . R . H . THE DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE LI . R . K . THE DUCHESS OF CAMBRIDGE H . R . H . PRINCE GEORGE OF CAMBRIDGE H . R . H . PRINCKSS AUGUSTA OF CAMBRIDGE ; the t > uke and Duchess of St . Alhane , the Duchess of Cleveland , the Duchess Dowager of Richmond , Duchess of Inverness , Prince Liven , Prince and Princess of Capaa , His Excellency Prince Castel Circuialj ' Princ Jane Soutzo , Duke and Daclu'ss of Leedp , Duchess of Buckingham , Marquis of Granby , Marquis and Marchioness of Lbndomierry , Lady Frances Vane , and two hundred and fifty of the Nobility .
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NEWS AGENCY , ; , BOOKSELLING AND LONDON P £ RIOD 1 CA ' . ESTA BLISHMENT , No ; 10 , KIRKGATE , ( opposite the Packhor 8 e Inn , ) ¦ ¦ ¦ - ; " , HTJDDERSFIELD . EDWARD CLAYTON : begs most respectfully to inform his . Friends and the Publjc goafttally , that he has OPENED the above EstablKhinent , where he intends carrying on the above buiinoss in all itB various departmentSj and hopes ; by strict attentioii to all Orders confided to his care , to merit a share of the Public's patronage , which it will ever ba his study to deserve . Orders received , andi proinptly attended to , for all the London and Qouritry Newspapers , Periodicals , &o . Every Jdescription of Books and Ptriodicalfe , constantly on . Sale . Leeds , Halifax , Manchester , and Liverpool Papers . . ' '¦ ¦' . ¦' . ' , ' " ¦ : " . " . . . . . . ' . ¦ . ' . / . - ¦ ¦ . : . ' ; . ' Agent for the Sale of Dr . M'Douall ' s Celebraxkd Florida Pills , which have only to be known tQ be duly estimated ; no Family should be without these Pills in the Houis , read MDpuall ' s Pamphlet and judge for yourselves . Wholesale arid Retail Agentfor Jackson ' s Breakfast Beverage . - '';/ , '" ¦¦¦ ¦ A liberal allowance made to Country Agents .
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C . GlilMSHAW AND GO ., 10 , GOREE , PIAZZAS , ( opposite george ' s dock , ) LIVERPOOL , DESPATCH fine First-Class AMERICANSHIPS of largo Tonnage , for NEW YORK , every Week in the Year , and occasionally to BOSTON , PHILADELPHIA , BALTIMORE , arid ^ NEW ORLEANS , in . which Passengers can be accommodated with comfortable berths in the Cabin , Second
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CHARTIST BLACKI 2 TG . ROGER PINDER , of Edward ' s Place , Edward ' Square , Huii , begs to call the attention of tho Chartitit 9 generally to liis Chartist Blackings on the sale of which a profit accrues to the . " Executive Committee of the National Charior Association " A better A riiclo cannot bei manufactured . Fur the accomriiodation of the several Chartist Locaiiiicg , R > P . has appointed Mr . J . Cleave , Shoe Lane , Fleet Street , General Agent for London and its Vicinity ; and Mr . J . Hobson , Bookseller and News A ^ ent , at Huddersfield and Leeds , and Mr . T . B . Snvth , 5 , Beckett Sireet , Leeds , General Agents for Huddersfield , Leeds , and the West Riding of Yorkshire . Stocks of Chartist Blacking are in the hands of the above Agents , at their respective Establishments , which they are authorised to dispose of , Wholesale , at the samie rates as at the Manufactory . :
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SHEFFIELD . FTTXERAL OF THE TICUM , SAMUEL HOLBERRr . MAG > TFICE >* T DEMONSTRATION . From the moment thai the death of poor Holberry became known , the Fig Tree-lane Council determined upon bringing the body of the deceased to Sheffield , and giving it a public funeral in . testimony of the high esteem in which the deceased patriot was held by his brother Chartists of this town . Mr . Samuel Ludlam , a veteran in the cause and personal friend of Holberry ' s was delegated on the Tuesday night to proceed to York to demand the body . The following morning , ( Wednesday ) , Mr . Ludlam departed on his melancholy mission , and returned to
Sheffield a : mid-day on Thursday , with the body , in the company of Mr . Robert Demaine , and Mr . Peter M'Laughlen . of York , wbcse zealous serrices cannot be too much admired and applauded . The body was lodged at the house of Mrs . Holberry ' s parents at Attercliffe , with whom she resided . Mrs . Holberry , the wife of the unfortunate patriot , is a-woman possessirg considerable personal attractions and mental accomplishments of nomean order . Her sufferings may be better imagined than described ; we shrinkfrom the painful task of attempting to pourtray them . On Friday , green placards , edged with black , were posted through the town announcing the funeral as follows : —
" Funeral procession of Samuel Holberry , the Martyr to Liberty . — ' Peace to his Soul ! ' —The friends of freedom will assemble on Monday , June 27 th , 1842 , in Paradise-square , at one o ' clock , for the purpose of forming into procession , with band , banners , 6 cc ; and from thence will march to Attereli&j , t >> meet the body of tho departed Samuel Holberry , previous to its interment in the Cenetry . Marshals are appointed to form the procession and direct the route . —It is particularly re " quested that all parties attending the funeral will abstain from intoxicating ' drinks , observing our Motto of * Peace , Law , Order / and all will observe that strict decorum ¦ which the solemnity of the occasion demands . Mr . G . J . Harney , and Sir . S . Parks , will deliver appropriate addresses afier the burial service . "
Monday , June " 27 th , a day that will long be remembered in Sheffield , came , and the sun rose bright and glorious to smile upon the efforts of the people to do honour to the remains of their martyred friend . A large placard , printed at Birmingham , was placed outside Mr . Harney ' s residence in Hartshead , and attracted the attention of many hundreds in ihe coarse of the morning . Certain jackalls from the Police OSee bad made themselves busy in copying ibe placards , notices , Sec . in front of Mr . Barney's house , { whether they ware officially employed we cannot say ) and in tie course of the morning Mr . Rayner , the superintendent of the Sheffield police
called upon Mr . Harney , and requested that he would withdraw the above placard . Mr . H . politely declined doing so , at the same time telling Mr . Rayner that he had nothing to fear , if the peace of the town was left to the keeping of the Chartists , and they were not interfered with . By twelve o ' clock some hundreds of persons had assembled in Paradise square—their numbers speedily augmented to thousands . About one o ' clock the people in den 5 c mass left the Equare and proceeded to Attercliffe . Tie tody was enclosed in a splendid oak ccffLa , handsomely decorated , made at York under the direction of the Chartist body . The following was tae inscription , upon the breast-plate : —
B Samuel Holbesbt , Died a martyr to the cause of Demecracy , - June 21 st , 1842 , Aged 27 . " All the mournful preparations having been completed , the procession started in the following order : — The band , playing ihe solemn air of Pleyel ' s German Hymn . Two Undertakers . Two Mutes . The hearse , beautifully decorated , containing the body of the deceased Patriot . Large and magnificent black banner of the National Charter Association , ( Figtree-lane , ) with ; he following inscription : — K Vengeance is mine , and I will repay it , saiih the
Lord . " M Clayton and Holberry , the Martyrs to the People's Charter . " On the reverse side" Thou shalt do no murder . " Two mourning coaches , containing the female relatives of the deceased . An open carriage , containing several female mourners . The male relatives of the deceased , on foot . Members of the Council of the National Charter Association , ( Figtree-lane . ) Members of the Association . Females , two deep—Men , four deep . Members of the Political Institute , two deep , bearing a white banner , vrith the following inscriptions : — " Political Institute , Birks— Clayton—and Holberry , ilartyrs to the
Charter . " On the reversei ! The Lord hateth the hands that shed innocent blood . " The procession commenced its solemn march about half-past two o ' clock ; of course it was not confined to the members of the Association , as some thousands accompanied it on either side . On reaching the town , the road , along the Wicker , from the Railway Station to the Bridge , _ was densely crowded , and immense numbers continued to swell the mass , as it moved on . The pavement on each side of the roadj the dooiways , windows , and in some instances the roofs of the houses were crowded with anxious 22 z » ts . even some of the chambers appeared to be
literally crammed with human beings ; and in every rook and corner , where a view cculd be obtained , there were men and women watching with seemingly intense interest tLe melancholy ? igbt . We observed many , very many , females , nnable to control themselves , giving vent to their feelings in teare . The procession haying passed through the "Wicker , proeeeded up Waingate , the Hajmarket , High-street , Fax Gate , Barker Pool , down Coalpit Lane , to Sheffield Moor . Leaving the ranks for a moment , the writer had a view of the procession from Mr . Barraclongh ' s chambers in Far Gate ; the sight was truly splendid ; but it was on Sheffield Moor that the mighty multitude showed to the best advantage . By the time the procession had reached this quarter , in advance of the
many thoHsands of persons were band , and whilst the vanguard ( so to Epeak ) of the procession had reached the bottom of the Moor , the rear had not yet left the top of Coalpit Lane . We will not ourselves pretend to estimate the numbers , the Sheffield Iris , a Whig paper and no friend to the Chartists , says 20 , 000 ; when a Whig paper says 20 , 000 , some idea may be formed of the real number . Several persons , not Chartists , have told os they estimated the number at 50 000 . Suffice it to say that no previous assemblage in Sheffield , within the memory of liviDg man , has at all approached in numbers that of Monday last . Is Charti = m dead 1 "We may observe that along the line of march the shop 3 were closed . We are sorry
we cannot give the middle class credit for intending any respect thereby .. From Sheffield Moor the procession proceeded along the New road to the Cemetery , the fields on each side being lined with spectators . On comiDg within view of the Cemetery some hundreds of persons were seen already within the gates , who had obtained admission to the ground by a private road . As soon as the gates were opened aruih , fearful , bnt fortunately only momentary , ^ ioofc place . There was nothing like tumult or disorder , the rush that was made being occasioned fcy the intense and natural desire to get as near to the grave as possible . The band remained at the
gates ; the hearse , coaches , and people following , en masse , up the gravel walk to the chapel . The coffin , having being removed from the hearse and taken within the chapel , where was admitted the mourners and a few select friends , the burial service was read by the Reverend Mr . Landells , Independent Minister of Lee-croft-Chapel . The ooffin was then removed , and haying been lowered into the grave , scarcely a dry eye viewing the sad spectacle , the Her . Gentiemen offered up a solemn and impressive praytr , and having done so immediately retired . The following hymn composed for the occasion by
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John Henry Bramwich of Leicester , was then given out by Mr . Samuel Parkes , and sung to the air of the O . ld Hundredth psalm : — Great God ! is tbia the Patriot ' s doom ? Shall they who dare defend the slave , Be hurl'd witkin a prison ' s doom , To fit Uiem for an early grave ? Shall victim after victim fall , A prey to cruel class-made laws ? Forbid it . Lord ! on Thee -we call , Protect us and defend our cause-In vain net prayd the powers that be . To burst the drooping c&ptWe ' s chain . But mercy , Lord , belongs to Thee , For thou hast freed him from all pain . Is this the price of L ' . bwty ? Must Martyrs fall to gain the prza ? Then be it so , we -will be free , Or all become a sactific-j . =
Tbo' Freedom mourns htr murder'd son , And weeping friends Burround bis bier ; Tbo * tears like mountain torrents run , Our cause iB water'd by each tear . O ; may his fate ceznect the bond That binds us to our glorious cause , Raise , raise the cry , let all respond , Justice , aud pure and equal laws . Mr . Juliin Harney , standing on the edge of the crave , then addressed the assembled pi ople in nearly the following vrord = : —
Sisters and Brethren , —We bave gathered together upon this mournful occasion to pay a last tribute of respect to a departed brother , one of the martyred victims of dc ? poii ? m , one endeared to us alike by his public virtues and private worth—one who was emphatically au "honest man "— "the noblest work of God . " You within the compass of my voice—but few compared with the many thousands of whom you are a portion—you who knew him as a public man can bear witness to his sterling honesty , his unbounded integrity , his thorough mcorrupiibility , and dauntless courage . His affl . c ! ed partner , his sorrowing relatives—those who knew him a < $ a neighbour , or a townsman , all who had the happiness to enjoy his friendship can testify
to nis moral jtreatness ; and their presence and tears tt-is day are the evidences of his virtues , and their veneration for ths possessor of them . Yet have we assembled here to-day to mourn over the grave of one so good , so brave , so noble of heart and fou ! . Why . O why is this 1 What was his crime ? What his offence I—for which he has been ? ent to tho cold giave I He s-iw his country enslaved , heT sons in bond-iire , her daughters in misery—he heard the cry of di-tres .= , the wail of agony which ransj through ; he land , and his heart was moved with pity for his fellow creatures , and beat high with stern resolve to break his country ' s fetters . Oppression hovered over" England , and freedom had Had her shores ;
but—She has sons that never , never , Whilst heaven has light or earth hi ? graves , Will Btoop to be the despota" slaves !" and-of these was the heroic patriot over whose inanimate remains we now mourn . Brave himself , he believed in the courage of all who applauded his generous sentiments , and in the hour ot" trial , left unsupported , he fell . Possessing a heart without guile , he believed in the truth of all men , and confided in miscreants who betrayed him into the hands of the enemies of his country . W hat language can be too strong in which to denounce the incarnate fiends—th * Iscariot traitors to whom I allude 1 " Those catacombs of living death "—to speak of them in the language of Curran— " where the wretch that is buried a man , lies till his heart has time to fe .-ter and dissolve , and is dug up an informer !"
Oh ! for gold uncounted , for power unlimited , for the wealth of Croesus , or the sceptre of the Cse ^ ars , I would not have that man's blood upon my head . But why dwell upon the crime 3 of the rotten-hearted villains , that for the sake of filthy lucre would betray the caus 3 of freedom ? They were but the despicable tools of their bass employers , the oppressors that have pursued him to his grave . If nothing short of his blood would satisfy them , why the mockery of sentencing him to imprisonment 1 Fonr years of torture , two of which have been sufficient to consummate the horrid tragedy ! Oh ! possessed I the power to give utterance to the thoughts swelling within my breast , could I launch the thunders of eloquence against the heads of the destroyers of Holberry , I would rouse ye to men of more than common mould ; my words should make
" The very stones To rise against earth ' s tyrants , "' and the cry of Holberry and justice ringing through the land should strike the death-knell of tyranny , and proclaim to the world the overthrow of despotism and oppression . Our task is not to weep , we must leave tears to women ; our task is to act , to labour with heart and soul for the destruction of the horrible system under which Holberry has perished . Hia sufferings are over , he is where " the wicked cease from troubling and the weary are at rest . " He sleeps well . He is numbered with the patriots who have died
maityrs to the cause of liberty before him . His is the bloodless laurel awarded him by a grateful and admiring people ; how different to the wreath which encircles the brow of the princely murderer and the conquering deEtroyer ! Compared with the honest , virtuous fame of this son of toil , how poor , how contemptible appear the so-called glories that emblazon the name of an Alexander or & Napoleon ! Desolated empires and slaughtered myriads have preserved their namesfrom oblivion , but will not iu a future and a better age save them from execration , —whilst with the Tells and Tylers of the earth , the name of Holberry will be associated , venerated and adored
i ' " Far dearer the grave or the prison , i Illumed by one patriot ' s name , i Than the trophies of all who have risen On liberty ' s rains to fame . " j Be ours the task to accomplish , by one glorious effort , the freedom of our country , and thereby pre-! vent , for the future , the sacrifice of the sons of free-| dom . Tyrants have in all ages and all countries strore by persecution to crush liberty , and by torj ture , chains , and death , to prevent the assertion of ! the rights of man . It would appear that our ; haughty rulers are bent upon following the same j course , and seeking by the same means to arrest the : progress of democracy . We bid them defiance—we i tell these puny Canutes that , despite their bidding ,
the ocean of intellect will move on . Here , by t ; ie grave-side of the patriot—here , under the bright blue canopy of the Bkies , let us enter into a " solemn league and covenant' '—let ths honest and true embrace in fraternity , and swear with me—swear by the in-perishable truth of our principles—by the dead relies of our murdered brother—swear , whilst the spirit of Holberry hovers over us , and smiles approval of the vow—swear to unite in one countless moral phalanx , to put forth the giant strength which union will call into being , and aid , assist , and fraternise with each other to burst the bonds that bind ye . Swear as I now swear , that neither persecution , nor scorn , nor calumny—neither bolts , nor bars , nor chains , nor racks , nor gibbets—neither the tortures of a prison death-bed , nor the terrors of the
scaffold , shall sever us from our principles , affright us from our duty , or cause us to leave the onward path of freedom . But that , come weal , come woe , we swear , with hearts uplifted to the throne of eternal justice , to have retribution for the death of Holberr?—swear to have our Charter law , and to annihilate for ever the blood-stained despotism which , has slain its thousands of martyrs and tens of thousands of patriots , and immolated at its shrine the lovers of liberty and truth . If ye do this and act upon your vow , while we mourn the death of Holberry , our children will rejoice that he died not in vain ; but that from his ashes rose , phcenix-like , his dauntless spirit , inspiring you with the love of freedom , and the stern resolve to set your country free .
The deepest silence prevailed during Mr . Haruey's address , interrupted only by the occasional half-suppressed responses of hi 3 hearers . Mr . Samuel Parkes followed—Friends and fellowcouinrymen , the circumstances that have called us together are the moit solemn , important , and affecting that < can possibly be contemplated . We are calied upon to do honour , not to one who was seated on a throne of grandeur , swaying the sceptre of royalty over empires—nor to one who inhabited the gorgeous palace , or the costly mansion , nor to one who sought to lay up gold as the dust , or silver as the balance—nor to one who wished to raise a splendid monument whereby to perpetuate his fame ; but to ono who , deeply imbued with the feelings of
humanity , . deeply sympathised with those suffering aiouDd him , be was ready to use any and every means for the purpose of lessening their sorrows and mitigating their woes . Thence it was that he became an easy prey to those vile tools , men of his own order , who were employed by the powers that be , to entrap the unsuspecting into the meshes of the law , thereby hoping to defeat , by such means , the glorious end which Holberry had in view , namely , the freedom of his countrymen from that political bondage in which , for ages , they had been held . Let no one dare to insult his dead ashes now that they are laid in the Bilent tomb . Many have been the base calumnies that
have been cast upon his character by his enemies , some nave branded him with the name of traitor , assassin , and spoliator ; as one who desired to enrich himself at the expense of others ; but ah I' my friends , such motives as those did not exist in the breast of the departed martyr . Ah ! no ; but rather Jet them refer back ^ to the causes which were in existence , which led him to adopt the means he did for the overthrow of class-legislation , and the annihilation of bad laws , and to which he was incited by the hireling spies of a corrupt Government . My friends , I have stated already that the circumstances which have called as together are of the most solemn , painful , and impressive charac-
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ter . Remember that wo now stand upon the tombs of the departed of all ages . Look at the vast assemblage that have congregated and followed , in mournful procession , to this consecrated spot ., and then contemplate that , at a day not far distant , worlds upon worlds shall be congregated together , not by the mere sound of music , but the blast of the archangel ' s trumpet shall sound through the caverns of the department " arise ye dead and come to judgment ; " seo the graves opening , tombs shivering , the earth quaking , and the rocks rending , mountains falling , planet after planet , comet after comet , constellation after constellation , the sun turned into darkness , and the moon into blood . and the whole universe kindled into
one grand conflagration , then shall nature utter'her final groan ; after which shall be seen erected inpthe high heavens above , the great white tlirone—white , indicative of its purity , upon which shall be seated the great judge of all the earth , around whom shall be gathered the oppressed and the oppressor , the monarch and the subject , the tyrant and the slave , who shall each receive , without partiality , according to his works , then we trust to meet our departed friend enshrined ia au immortal and glorified body iu the climes of bliss ; where the chains of slavery never clanks , the tear of sorrow never falls , and the sigh of distress is never heard . In conclusion , 1 call upon you by all that is great and wise aud good
to prepare for that solemn and important event , and while you are so doing forget not the great and glorious struggle in which you are engaged , and for which Holberry has suffered a martyr ' s fate . Rally round the standard of your Charter , and for the sake of a Shell , a Frost , a Clayton , and a Holbtrry ; for the sake ef the widowed wives and fatherless children of those departed patriots ; for the sake of all that are now suffering j and for the sake of posterity yet unborn , rest not , day nor night , until by every legal and constitutional means you have made the Charter the law of the land , and thereby proclaimed the physical , moraland political freedom of the universal family of man .
Mr . Thoma 3 son followed Mr . Parkes delivering a brief address . The parties then left the grave , and the ma ^ s of people forming in procession left the Cemetery , returning to the town by the same line of route taken in coming to the greand . The mourners returned to Aitercliffo ; the people to Paradisesquare , where they almost immediately separated , returning quietly to their homes . It was ten minutes to seven o'clock when the people reached the Square , the proceedings having thus occupied close upon seven hours .
Some fears were entertained that considerable damage would be done to the beautiful walks and graves in the Cemetery by the presence of so large a . number of people ; happily these fears proved illfounded ; the only damage done was the trampling down oF tho grass and a fevr of the floworsin the vicinity of the grave- ^ this was unavoidable . We did not observe a solitary case of drunkenness or disorderly conduct , either going to or returning from the Cemetery . Public Meetings . —A meeting was held the same evening in Paradise Square , to take into consideration the propriety of memorializing the House of Commons , demanding an investigation into the conduct of Sir James Graham , regarding the death of Samuel Holberry . Notwithstanding that the people must have been fatigued with the labours of
the day , m the course of au hour from the first dispersion of the people , they had re-assembled many thousands Btrong ; indeed , by half past eight o'clock , the Square in every part was nearly filled . Mr . Evisson was called to the chair , aud opened the business in a brief but effective address . Mr . Clark , of Stockport , was then introduced to the meeting , and addressed the people for upwards of an hour iu a soul-stirring address , iu the course of which he was loudly and enthusiastically cheered . Mr . Edwin ( not William ) Gill moved a resolution denunciatory of the Government with Tespect to poor Holberry ; seconded by Mr . Samuel Parkes , and carried unanimou&ly . On the motion of Mr . Harney , seconded by Mr . George Parkes , the following memorial was unanimously agreed to—its adoption closing the proceedings of tho day : —
To Ihe Honourable the Commons of Great Britain and Ireland in Parliament assembled . The Memorial of the Inhabitants of Sheffield , in public meeting assembled , this 27 th day of June , 1842 ; Sheweth , —That Samuel Holberry of Sheffield , was convicted * t the York Spring assizes of 1840 , of conspiracy and sedition , and sentenced to four years imprisonment in Northallerton Houso of Correction . That your memorialists have good reasons for asserting their belief that the said Samuel Holberry was entrapped into the commission of the acts for which he was doomed to so cruel a punishment , by miscreants employed for the purpose of fermenting disorder with the view of thereby retarding the establishment of the people ' s liberties .
That the said Samuel Holberry at the commencement of hia imprisonment was compelled to work at the treadmill , a punishment clearly illegal , he not having been sentenced to hard labour . That though subsequently the said Samuel Holberry was removed from the degrading ( and in his case unlawful ) punishment of the treadmill , yet during the space of eighteen months he was subjected to all the odious restrictions of the " silent system , " which , in the opinion of your memorialists , is a system of refined torture , opposed alike to the common dictates of humanity and the precepts of the Christian religion .
That owiDg to the cruel restrictions and general bad treatment to which the said Samuel Holberry was subjected , his health rapidly declined , and he became speedily reducsd to a state of extreme debility and Buffering . That in the month of September , 1841 , the said Samuel Holberry was removed to the county gaol of York . That his health continuing to decline , his friends and the inhabitants of Sheffield repeatedly petitioned or memorialised her Majesty ' s Home Secretary in his behalt , in which petitions or memorials they declared and reiterated their conviction , that death would be his unhappy lot unless immediately set at Yibertr .
That your memorialists are aware that memorials to the Home Office in behalf of the said Samuel Holberry , were also sent from York , Brighton , and several other places , to all of which but one uniform answer was received , "That Sir James Graham saw no sufficient grounds consistent with his public duty for interfering in the case . " That the said Samuel Holberry expired in York Castle of a liver complaint , on Tuesday , June the 21 =:, J 6 ' 42 , caused in the opinion ef your memorialists by the long confinement to which he was Eubjected . Taat upon the IA'ques ? held on tho body evidence was given that the deceased had been in a dying s ' . ate since the month of April las-t . That this was known to Her Majesty's Home Secretary cannot be denied , Sir James Graham having been in the regular receipt of medical certificates testifying to the state of the deceased ' s health .
Your Memorialists are aware that an order for the rele&se of the said Samuel Holberry , reached the authorities at York a few days previous to hiB death , with the conditions annexed that ho should enter into sureties to be of good behaviour for five yeaTs , himself in £ 200 and two other persons in £ 100 each . Suoh conditions , added to the fact that on receipt of the order for his release , the unhappy victim had not five days instead of five years to live , renders such seeming act of clemency a wanton and cruel mockery . That your Memorialists do request jour Honourable House to appoint a committee to inquire into all the facts connected with the treatment and death of the deceased Samuel iiolberry , with the view of rendering substantial justice .
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Bairatow would address the Sheffield Chartists that evening in the Town Hall . At the hoar appointed the hall was crammed in every part , the audience listening with intense interest to the splendid address of Mr . Bairstow . A collection to wards meeting fchfl expences of the public funeral of poor Holberry was made at the olose . On Friday , a large meeting of the unemployed waa held in Paradisesquare . The meeting had been called bjy the Rev . R . S . Bayley , to be holden at the Corn Exchange ; accordingly some thousands assembled * Mr , Edwin Gill ( not Mr . Gill , of the Political Institute ) being observed in the crowd was speedily summoned to address the people , and the ory being raised "To Paradise-square , " an adiournment took place , when
Mr . Gill , Mr . Saniuel ParkeSj and a gentleman from York addressed the meeting , and were enthu-Biastically applauded . Another adjournment was made to Fig-tree-lane , when a large number of new members was enrolled . Mr , Bailey in the meantime had gone to the Exchange , and finding only one person left , returned quietly home to chew the cud of disappointnient . The Independent of la ? t Saturday , in noticing some of the foregoing meetings , says , — " An attempt has been made this week at a Chartist movement ia Sheffield , but with small success . Our readers are well aware of the complete separation of the more rational and intelligent portion of the Chartists from the disciples of
O Connor . It was in the latter interest that the move of the week has been made / ' But he praotically gives himself the lie , when he winds up by telling his readers , that , " The authorities of the town have kept a watchful eye upon the proceedings of the week . " Poor fellow ! Little need for his employers keeping " wide awake / 'if oiir success was so V-small , ' * Their VwatchfalneBsV is the proof of our progression . In less than a week we have enrolled at the Fig Tree-lane Room , one hundred and thirty new members!—Not so very bad , Mr . Independent . Mr . Clark , of Stockport , lectured twice in the Fig Tree-lane Room on Sunday last . The room was filled in tho afternoon and densely crowded in the evening . t t 0 ii iv ¦
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v ^ ^ ^ v ^ ^ ^^ * F ^^ W * r ^ \ t ^ r ^^^^^^^^^^^^ P ^^^^^ * B J u w ^ W ^^ V J J ^ F ^ DUBLIN . The Irish Universal Suffrage Association met on Sunday the 26 th of June , at the great room 3 , No . 14 , North Ann-stieet . Mr . Donald Turner was calied to the chair . Mr . Wm . H . Dyott the secretary , read the minutr . s of the last meeting , which were confirmed . He next read a letter signed '" Matthew O'Connoll , " which appeared in the Freeman ' s Journal '" of- the 21 st inst ., and the reply of the committee of the Association , which reply was paid for as an advertisement , and appeared in the advertising columns , though the letter appeared in the columns of tho leading article . ( Hoar , hear . ) He said that both the letter and the answer to it should be sent to the Northern Star for publication ; for the double purpose of affording the Chartists an opportunity of replying to the allegations in the letter ; and also to assist them in discovering who and what this Matt . O'Connell is i and what ho was doing during tho seventeen years which ho says he sojourned in Yorkshire .
Mr . Dyott then read an excellent letter from that genuine Irishman and sterling patriot , Mr . Leeson , of which the following is an extract :-r-.. " I consider Universal Suffrage to be the battering ram that will shortly domolish the long-built but feebly-propped citadel of bribery , corruption , tyranny , et cum mutis aliis . "In my opinion the man who speaks against Uni ^ versal Suffrage is an enemy to mankind , arid a slavemaker of the children yet unborn . Every lover of real freedom should promulgate the glorious principle of the Charter . ' Homo noii sibi natus sed quoguc aliis . '" ( Greatcheering . ) Mr . Dyott , moved that Mr .: Leeson ' s letter be inserted on the minutes , which was earried unanimously .
Mr . O'Higgins , moved " That Mr . James Cullen , of Cullen , be admitted a member of the Irish Universal Suffi age Association . " Mr . H . Clark seconded the motion . Mr . Cullen was admitted . Mr . O'Higgins rose to bring forward the motion of which he had given notice on that day week . He said that he was sure that there was not a man in the meeting who had read the Northern Star tot the last five years , who would not join him ( Mr . O'Higigns ) most cordially , in tendering to tho Editor of that paper , the Rev . William Hill , their most sincere and hearty thanks for his able , consistent , fearless and uhflluching advocacy of the rights of the working classes—( hear , hear ) . They all knew that
he ( Mr . 'O'H . ) was a Roman Catholic , ' but perhaps some of them did hot know that the Rev , Mr . Hill is a Protestant minister —( hear , hear )* Mr ; Hill set a bright example to other clergymen by taking part with the poor , the forlorn , tho destitute , aud the wayworn wanderer . The Editor of a popular journal such as the Northern Star , has a great deal more to encounter than those who are unacquainted with tho difficulties attendant on such an arduous undertaking imagine . A government , whether it be Whig or Tory , will be exceedingly jealous of a newspaper devoted to the interests of the people , and will watch every opportunity , and have recourse to every means to entangle such a paper in the laws : of libel and sedition . Now as the Northern Star is the
representative of 3 , 500 , 000 people , the representative of the wants and wishes of such a vast number of the working classes , the wonder is how and by what means a paper could have been conducted so long without tailing a victim to its enemies or to a want of knowledge on the part of some of its millions of friends and supporters . The whole Whig presa and the whole Tory press were equally opposed to the rights of the people The Whigs , to be sure , professed to be friends of tho people ^ and pointed out the Tories as their hereditary enemies , while the ambition of the Whi ^ a was to have the power to act the part of the Tories . Their deep-laid and insidious schemes to take away the last remnant of public liberty were going on smoothly onoujjh , until the establishment of the Northern
Star , when the Editor of that paper took the mask off Whiggery , and exposed its hideous countenance , and nefarious schemes against public liberty , to the astonithed eazo and execration of a duped , confiding , and deluded people , ( dear , hear ) For this single service , though by far more valuable than tho people are yet alive to , tho Editor of the Northern Star is entitled to the thanks of every lover of justice , of right , of a fair day ' s wages for a fair fair day ' s work . ( Hear , hoar . ) When the Irish Catholic clergy were assailed by Whig and Tory alternately , and by both together vvhen it answered their purpose ; when they were designated by a Whig scribe as hulking , idlo vagabonds , opposed to a legal provision for the poor , lest it lessen their
own influence over their benighted followers , who was it that stood boldly forward in defenca of truth and justice ? who was it that threiv all his energy , all his talent , and all his vast power , into the scale in favour of the injured , the wronged , and misrepresented Irish Catholic priesthood?—The Rev . Wil-Jiam Pillj Editor of the \ Northern Star . ( Hear , hear ) He it was who contrasted the conduct ot the Irish Catholic clergy towards their poor , persecuted flocks , with that of the ministers of the Established Church . He it was , who first taught the millions of English readers to know and to understand how the poor unpaid Irish Catholic priest was " insta ' nMn Beason and out of / season , " in ministering to the spiritual wants of his parishioners ,
going forth at all houra of the day and of the night , administering spiritual consolation to those whom want , disease , or old age , had laid on the bed of sickness , giving his last shilling to the widow and tbo orphan ; and often begging alms ef these who could afibrd to give th-jm , iu order that he might privately aid those who required them—those whom sickness had reduced to tho last stage of povertywho had no one to look to , no friend on earth but the priest . And , during those visits to the sick-bed of the destitute and afflicted , it frequently happened that the priest inhaled the contagion , and fell a victim to it himself , whjle the pampered , proud , and overbearing parsons of tbm church by law established , rolled along in hisOTded chariot ; arid , not
content with all his worldly grandeur , and the contempt aud acorn with which he treated the poor Catholic . priest , he villified and slandered him into the bargain . The Reverend Mr . -Hill " -laid ' the-conduct of the Irish Catholic priests and the conduct of their iraducers clearly and truly before his readers ; and , without easing one word as to ; the relative merits of the faith of either , he proved to the satisfaction of every unprejudiced ; reader , that the practices of the Irish Catholic priests were more in accordance with those of the Apostles and primitive Christians than the practices of their ^ traducerB , the Whigs and Tories , both lay and clerical ^ - ( hear , bear , / For this expose , for this act of justice , towards his ( Mr . O'Higgin ' p ) Catholic countrymeH , the Rev . Mr . Hill was surely entitled to the thanks of any and every assembly of enlightened and unprejudiced Irishmen—( hear , hear , hear , and cheers . ) tint there were grounds which entitled Mr . Hill
not only to the thanks , but the gratitude of the Irish Universal Suffrage AB 3 dciation . When their Association was in its its infanoy , when its members did not number twenty-five , Mr , Hill gave publicity to their proceedings as freely and as heartily as if they numbered as many thousands . When their Association was declared to be unlawful by the greatest criminal lawyer of the age , but the moat unscrupulous asserter of anything to answer his purpose for the moment ; when that great lawyer pledged his professional reputation that it was a transportable offence to be a Chartist in Ireland ; when the same man , the same pious old gentleman , had no compunctious yisitatipnai for having at one time described them as Orangemen , and at another time as Ribbonmen ; and when he did not scruple at instigating , publicly instigating his deluded followers to come here and force their way into this very room ; and break the windows and everything else they could break ; do all tho
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damage in their power , and then run off to the police office and send a sergeant and twelve police men into this room under the pretence of suppressing a riotj and dispersing an unlawful assembly ; arid when the Dublin " liberal '' papers published every lie , every Blander that could be heaped upon us , and at the same time refused to insert pur justification ; oven when offered to be paid for as an advertisement . ' Theu the Northern Star not only published our proceedings , but the proprietor of that paper ,: Feargus O'Connor , published a short letter calling upon the English Chartists to send their papers to our Association ; the result of which was that four hundred papers a week were sent to us for a considerable time ; and those papers were
transmitted to tho provinces , so that in one year , notwithstanding all the opposition aud misrepresentation on the part of the Dublin "liberal' ? press , instead of twenty , we have now no less than 984 enrolled members ' —( hear , hear , and great cheering . ) Wo owe this spreading of our principles—this vast increase in our numbers , in a very great measure , to the publication of our proceedings in the Northern Star , and to the admirable articles written by the Rev . Mr . Hill in favour of public liberty , without reference to sect or party—( hear , hear . ) The proprietor of that paper , Mr . O'Connor , has suffered enough already for the crimes of others , for the publication of that which the Attorney-General is pleased to call libel , without subjecting himself to fresh prosecutions , additional and overwhelming exponce , fine , and imprisonment , ¦ with , a view to destroy tho paper , and , through its destruction , rivet
the chains of slavery on the worn-out limbs of the oppressed working olassss of Great Britain and Ireland , which is the end aimed at by ; all the brawlers against the " tyranny of the Northern Sta , r "—( hear , hear . ) They must be shallow politicians indeed who do not see that in the event of honest Joseph Hume succeeding in getting rid of Feargus O'Connor and the Northern Star , his friends the "base , bloody , and brutal Whigs , " will get rid of tha complaints , the cries of the people , who , in auoh an event , will be allowed to die quietly . There will be no one to excite the sympathies of the people for a Clayton , a Poddie , a Holberry , and that pure spirit , Watkins . Let us , at any rate , join heart and hand to sustain , as far as in our power , the Northern Star , its intrepid proprietor , and its mild , amiable , enlightened , and unflinching editor , the Rev . William Hill— ( hear , hear . ) Ritr . O'Higgins concluded by moving the following resolution : —
'' That any factious interference with the real liberty of the press , either by private individuals or by public bodies , ia in direct opposition to the principles of the People ' s Charter ; that we . know from experience , that the movements of a popular journal are jealously watched by the emissaries of the law ; and that it therefore requires the utmost skill , vigilance and circumspection on the part of the Editor to steer his paper clear of the legal pit-falls by ' . which he . is surrounded ; that we are fully aware that private individuals , and occasionally public bodies consider themselves aggrieved by the suppression of part , or pernaps the whole of their
correspondence which upon reflecting they will find is but very rarely done , except to avoid the meshes of the law ; and seeing as we do , that the Northern Star has been conducted with the most consummate skill , talent and integrity , its columns always open to the publication of the grievances of a people wholly unacquainted with tho law of libel , we deem it an act of common justice to the Rev . Wm . Hill , the Editor , to tender him pur most hearty thanks for his manly , straightforward , and able advocacy of the rights of the people of Great Britain and Ireland ; for his unanswerable defence of the Irish Catholic clergy ; an'd . fpT tnV kindneW and courtesy which he has uniformly extended to this association . "
Mr . Dyott earn he had great pleasure in seconding the proposed vote of thanks and confidence in the Editor of the Northern Star . He had had something to do with the management of newspapers as well as othor periodicals , and he knew how difficult * matter it was to do one's duty to the public and steer clear of offence to individuals . He had as often admired the tact and forbearance of the Rev . W . Hill as he had the splendid common-sense articles which filled the leading columns of the people ' s paper , lie did not like to name or denounce any : but there were soma amongst the ostensible chieftains of the movement who seemed to pamper their own overweening vanity and ridiculous Bolf-itnportance , instead of cherishing at
all sacrifices the great cause of justice and the millions —( hear . ) ft was to be regretted that such differences should come , but they were the natural consequences of tho petulant temper of some , and the morbid taste for notoriety of others ; no matter i ow procured . ( Vith such rash and weak-minded men , the Editor of the Slar had much trouble * If he were imprudent enough to insert all they spoko and wrote , ho would bring the paper he conducted into danger and contempt , damage the cause , and retard the progress of Chartism . Were he to do this from any mistaken delicacy , he would discover that they should be now passing a vote of censure on him instead of a vote of confidence . He was the great literary helmsman , and it behoved him to look
ahead and steer clear of all dangers , whether from open foes or over-officions and imprudent friends—( hear ) For his ( Mr . D ' s ) part he must : confess he thought they owed the present proud position of the people principally to the advocacy of the Northern Star , the powerful organ of democracy . Ha saw by the factional prints that a coalition of the Whig and Tory aristocracies was about being in all likelihood formed—this was the consequence of the growing , or rather matured strength of the people . The Chartists could beat either of the factions single-handed j and with Mr . Hill at the head of their energetic press , and Feargus O'Connor to organise their moral-force meeting * they would , please God , be found too many for Whigs and Tories he
united- ^ - ( cheers . ) When contrasted the servile prints of the day , which lauded every thing appertaiuing to wealth and rank in the most fulsome strain of parasitical adulation , with the honest , fearless , and independent paper he held in his hand , ( the Northern Star , ) he could not sufficiently express hia contempt for the mean-souled conductors of journals which lent themselves to the support of the present nefarious system , and his admiration of the man who spoke through the columns of the Star the words of encouragement and protection for the poor ; those of biting scorn and titter exposure for tho unfeeling rich and tyrannical . greats—( cheers ) . Let them take up a Saunders of Dublin , or & Morning Post of London , and read the columns
of frivolous nonsense about when tho Q , leen drove , and how ; about Lady Fuch-a-one ' a ball , and Lord such-a-ono ' s iete ; the Duko's dejune a la fowchette , and the Marquis ' s tournament , then lay them down in wondering disgust ; when in parallel columns they saw displayed the unheard of wretchedness , the utter destitution of the labouring and 1 luxuryproducing classes —( hear ) . Lot them then scan the honest broadsheet he held in his hand , and ¦ fia'd 'oily held up to merited derision , tyranny to just indignation , see courage and wisdom , united , ability and prudence conjoinpd , and , thank heaven that ths destinies of Chartism had fallen into such able , such judicious , such unimpeachable hands—( cheers . ) Mr . Dyott , after some other excellent observations , resumed his seat amid general acclamation .
Mr . Henry Clark said , as an Irishman and a Roman Catholic , he could uot allow that vote of thanks to pass without giving expression to his riaost cordial approval of it . lie had read the defence of the Irish Catholic Clergy , in the Northern Star , and he must say that it was most admirably written , and so true that he thought for a timo that the Iiev . Mr . Hill could not have known so much abont the character iand Christian practices of the Irish Catholio Clergy , unless he had aflcompauied them on some of their nocturnal visitations to the bed oi sickness and poverty ,
Mr . Fowler said that he was brought up in what was called conservative principles , and was represented by some vile contemptible wretches , who did not scruple at asserting what they knew to be false —that he was an Orangeman . Ho never was an Orangeman . He never was a regularly enrolled member of any political society , till he joined the Irish Universal Suffrage Association . He was a convert to their principles ; and if any thing was wanting to confirm him in them it was amply made - » b bv the liberal and enlightened sentiments which
ha heard there that day . It may be said with tjreat justice that the majority of those present were Roman Catholics , and delighted him exceedingly to see how cordially they aH concurred in this vote of thanks to a member of his , Mr . Fawler ' s , communion , a Protestant Clergyman . He was a freeman of the city , and he would do all in his power to get all his protestant friends to join the Association , and to pledge themselves never to vote for any candidate for Dublin , who would not give the pledgo to oppose any ministry but One that would support the Charter ( hear , hear . )
Mr . Woodward said that he highly approved of th e vote of thanks to the Rev . Mr . Hill , and that he waa delighted with the liberal speeches which he heard from the mover and seconder of the resolution . He fMr . Woodward ) was not a Catholio , but he was as strenuously opposed to a paid church establishment as any Catholic in Ireland . In fact , the Catholics have spoiled the Protestant olergy by paying them , and thus rendering them proud and independent of their own flocks . What does the rector of this parish care about him ( Mr . Woodward ) , or about any other Protestant in the parishj so long as he can rely upon an act of Parliament to compel the If
Catholics to pay him ^ qOQa-year . they did not pay him , he should come to aim ( Mr ; Woodward ) for his mite , and thus be forced , from necessity , to look after his spiritual wants . The Rev . Mr . Hill is the advocate of the voluntary system of supporting the clergy . He ( Mr . Woodward ) fully agreed with him , and , if it were for nothing else , he wouM thank him for that . Several other members spoke eloquently in support of the resolution , after which it was put from the chair , and carried unanimously The usual thanks were given to the chairman j after which the meeting adjourned till Sunday next , at six o ' clock , p . m .
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State of the Town . —Progress of Chartism . — The number of inmates of the Sheffield poor house on the 18 : h of June , was 466 . The payments to the out-poor for the week ending June 18 th ,- was ag follow : —Paid to the regular ticket poor in money , bread , Sac , £ 93 17 s ( id . Paid to the casual poor in money , bread , etc ., £ 287 Jos . Gd . Being a total ot ' £ 48 \ 13 s . Od . paid in out-door relief lor that one week only ! The corn law repealers , it appears , are about to hold another " National" ( hole and corner elected ) delegation in tho Metropolis , with the view of pressing upon the Government the necessity of adopting some measures calculated to affurd at least temporary relief to the people . The committee of the Free Trade Association has addressed an
advertisement to the shopkeeepcrs and middle class calling upon them to furnish the said committee with information respecting " the exceedingly depressed and alarming state of their trade , " and the Rev . R . S . Bailey has addressed a circular to the unemployed and suffering of the working class , requesting information respecting their condition . This gentleman , together with Edward Smith , Wm . Fisher , and Wm . Vickers , EFqrs . will go from Sheffield as the representatives of this town . Of course their election will not be submitted to the people ; nor will the working classes feel any interest in their proceedings , regarding them , and very justly too , as " humbugs , " who with all their affected sympathy for the working classes , nevertheless refuse to assist
them in their struggle for their rights , which if obtained would enable them to save themselves . The death of the lamented Holberry has caused a great sensation in Sheffield . In addition to the public meeting reported in last week ' s Slar , Mr . Bairstow lectured on the evenings of Monday week in Paradise-square , and again on Monday evening in the Fig-tree-lane Room , where the rxeetiug was held , instead of in the Cattle-market , in consequence of the rain . Thousands were present the first night and wonld have been the second night , but the roon would not hold them . On Tuesday evening the mournful intelligence of the death of poor Holberry reached the town , and the next morning bills were published announcing that Mr
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¦ .- ; ¦ - ,. :- DEATHS . . ; ' ; . ;• . / y . ' ; v : \; ¦ . . . . ; , ¦ ; On Saturday last , the 25 : h ult .,. suddenly , at Thirsk , Mr . William JacksoU , shoemaker , aged 54-On the 26 th uU ., at Richmond , iii the 73 rd year of her age , Mrs . Stephepson , relict of the late Mr . ¦ John Stephenson , of thit place , veterinary surgeon * . On the 27 th ult ., at RichMond , the infant dau |* ter ____ of J . R . Simpson , Esq . ,: JT * ^ ^ ^ N . Onf Wednesday , the 22 nd ult ., Mr . Joseph I » Mfy » ¦¦ > v , - "' vV aged 31 years , sou of the late Robert Ht ^ ei ^ ^ : H ; "^ rA funeral was attended > i > y a vast coricoursorw wia- * : > \^ T ) tionsandfriende . Therdeceased >\? as a nwmierof ., - -V V ^/ A the Manchester Order of Odd Fello ^ vg ^* riflS ^ 8 . y ' fr ^ r ffr ! j * followed to the grave by 107 of the abova ^ enfeere . • •" , ' r ^> VV >^^ ' : ' ¦ ' '¦''' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' : ^ ^ < K pr jy- y -:
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POUBONT by Faxkisk . —Thtkbeb Stoem . — On Monday , the 20 th nit ., this neighbourhood was visited by a severe thunder storm , accompanied with heavy rains , which proved to be only the prelude to another and more fearful one . On Tuesday , during the whole of which day , the atmosphere was pervaded with a thick haze , as evening drew on the indications of a thunder storm became more apparent , and abont seven , the heavenly artillery awoke in all its grandeur ; the lightning was truly appalling ; flash succeeded flash , and the peals of thunder rolled with little or no intermission for three-quar ters of an hour . Ths thunder though mostly con-:
fined to a westerly direction , frequently appeared to come from all quarters of the heavens at one and the same time . While between Polmont and Falkirk , ha writer of this paragraph perceived a mass of fire , hiving the resemblance of a rose snrrounded with numerous coruscations of party-coloured flame , darting from a dense mass of clouds , which was instantaneously followed by a stunning peal of thunder . A great quantity of rain fell , which has improved the appearance of the crops very much . Barley and oats are already shot in this neighbourhood , and the appearance of the fields promises an early and abundant harvest .
BsECKlN . —Trade in the weaving department is still getting worse and worse , and numbers , it is supposed , to the amount of 200 who are going idle , not that they are generally dismissed from theiremployers altogether , but being compelled to wait from one to eight or ten day 3 for each piece , so that those unemployed regularly , amount to ths number above Stated . Numbers of other trades are in the same state , the greater part of which are calmly submitting to oppression , "without ever lifting up their voice .
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THE NORTHERN STAB . 5 ¦ ¦ ¦ . ¦ . - —— — . - ¦ ™ : ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - . ¦¦ . ...- ¦ ¦ . . . . ¦ .. . ¦ -, " ¦¦ . . . — : ——— : — . '' __ ¦¦ - " = 3
J Music Hall, Reeds. Tt1he Above Hall Haa Been Transformod By Tfce Jl\. Metamorphestan Chrysobtom Of The Great Primordial,
j MUSIC HALL , REEDS . TT 1 HE above Hall haa been transformod by tfce JL \ . Metamorphestan Chrysobtom of the Great Primordial ,
- . ¦ '¦ ¦ . " .- Ittarhxagb. ¦ ¦ .; '¦ ' : ' . ' . .
- . ¦ '¦ ¦ . " .- ittARHXAGB . ¦ ¦ . ; '¦ ' : ' . ' . .
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On Monday last , at Thirsk , Mr . Richard Varley , to Miss Sarah Spierff i both of that place .
Northern Star (1837-1852), July 2, 1842, page 5, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct437/page/5/