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No . 10 , KIRKGATE , ( opposite the Packhorse Inn , ) HUDDERSFIELD . EDWARD CLAYTON begs most respectfully tc inform his Friends and the Public generally , that he has OPENED the above Establishment , where he intends carrying on the above business ^ all its various departments , and hopes , by strict attention to all Orders confided to his care , te merit a share of the Public ' s patronage , whiok will ever be hia study to deserve . ¦ * Orders received , and promptly attended to , for all the London and Country Newspapers , Periodicals , &c . Every description of Books and Periodicals , constantly on Sale .
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THE DUTY ON COFFEE TOTALLY REPEALED—Mental and Corporeal thirst slaked—the sick cheaply restored to health . ; A Brilliant Polish for all i E . Stallwood , of No . 6 , Little Vale-place , Hammersmith-road , at the urgent and pressing solicitation of a great number of persons , has undertaken to supply the public at their own doors within ten miles of Hammersmith , with that very popular beverage , the celebrated Breakfast Powder : —Very good at sixpence per pound—superior , at eightpence . . Also , Dr . M'Douall's very able Medicinal Treatise , and his highly valuaed FLORIDA MEDICINE . In Boxes at Is . ljd . per Box .
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Just Published , Price 2 s . 6 d . ( Or sent free to the most remote parts of the Kingdom , in a sealed envelope , on the receipt of a post-office order for 3 s . 6 d . ) * THE SECRET MEDICAL ADVISER . BEING a practical Treatise on the prevention and cure of the VENEREAL DISEASE , and other affections of the urinary and sexual organs , in both sexes , with a mild and successful mode of treatment , in all their forms and consequences ; especially Stricture , Gleets , affections of the Bladder , Prostrate Glands , Gravel , &c . shewing also the dangerous consequences of Mercury , such as eruptions of the skin , pain in the bones , &c , with p lain directions for a perfect restoration : embellished ^ with engravings . An ample consideration of the diseases of women ; also nervous debility ; including a comprehensive dissertation on the anatomy of Marriage , impuissance , celibacy , sterility or barronness , and various other interruptions of the Laws of Nature .
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THE NEW BETEBAGE . EDWARD'S BREAKFAST POWDER . THE general satisfaction thi 3 article gives , and the increasing demand for it in all parts of tha Kingdom proves its great Superiority over every Substitute for Coffee hitherto discovered . It is Pre pared from a Grain , of British Growth , and is known to be far more nutritious than Tea or Coffee . Thousands of families now use it in prefer ence to either , and thereby effect a most impor > tant Saving . Sold by Agents in mosi Towns , Price 6 d . pej Pound ; Superfine Quality , 8 d .
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CORROBORATION OF THE INNOCENT YET RELIEVING PROPERTIES OF BLAIR'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS . TO MR . PROUT , 229 , STRAND , LONDON . 19 , Lisson Grove , St . Mary Le Bone , SIR , —In recompence for the great benefit I have received from the use of Blair's Gout and Rheumatic Pills , I feel it a duty I have long owed to tho afflioted with the excruciating torture of the Gout , to make your valuable remedy more extensively known . I am upwards of seventy years of age , and have , when occasion required , used them for more than twelve years past . I have ac all times found nothing to relieve me but them , and my firm belief is that they are not composed of any thing injurious to the constitution , as I always find alter their use , mj general bodily health renewed , and my appetite coa « siderably sharpened . ... ¦
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HERMAN'S CELEBRATED GOLDEN PACKETS OF SPECIFIC MEDICIxNES , Under the Sanction and 5 y the Recommendation oj Eminent Gentlemen of the Faculty and Ik Afflicted . SPECIFIC PILLS for Gout and Rheumatism Rheumatic Headaches , Lumbago , and Sciatica , Pains in the Head and Face—Is . 9 d . and 4 s . fi per Box .
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VOHHSHIEE SUMMEE ASSIZES . tOsing to the " state of the country" -we tad no room for Aes ze news in our last two paper ? . ] Tha A s ' zi 3 commenced on Saturday Aug . 13 . The Jiul-rrs of As ^ zj aie Lord Chief Justice Dcnman , and Mr . Biron Maule . Oa Sond-. y the ass : z 3 sermon was preached in tho minster , by the Venerable Archbishop Wilberforce , thaplaia to ' tb High Sheriff Neither of the Learned Jn : « . 3 \~ ere present . Or > Monday morning Mr . Biron MxvLE " dnrsred the cl-tr Grani Jury , who had do business tj do , and after brtak-as ' . ir ^; -witn the Lord May or at the Minsioii-houBe » rt » -n ' . ; r : i Difice Sirvics at the Cathedral .
CROWN COURT . Mr . Justice ilan ' . e took his seat on the bench of the Cro-n Court between twelve ana oue o ' clock on ller .: iay . Tr . t ; Tiames of the Justice fer the three ridinjB , the corners , and other public oSoera of the ceauty having brcn celled over , \ , he folioTring gontltiasa were
THE GRiXD JURY . ¦ Richard Betbtll . of Rise , Foreman . Hd : l Eisau Robert Pctie , of 26 , Wilton Creecsrit , Jiiddleifcs . Joins Agar , of Haslebus-h , Esq . Tnorshi B iistow , of G . jitow Sill , E : < t-¦ . Edwsrd Tnomas Copley , of Aulahy , E-q . Alfri-i Hcratia Darley , of Elvingtua H : iU , Esq . TTnoaiM FUaby . oT Whit by , Esq . "WiiUam Girfcrth , of Wiganthorpe , Z : q . John Cinveaa Hodsua , of Brcunptua , Esq . Tirbarfh Gresiae , of Sewerby , E q . - ¦ G ^ vrge Lloyd , of Stockton HtlL E ? q . William iUlcer , of Xun Appletou , E--q . Thomas Mitchrison , cf Pickering , E > q . Thuaias Henry Fres . t : n , of Moreby , Esq . Edward Sw ^ nsion 5 tnngTrs . Ta , of Aine , Esq ., J ^ hn Simpson , of CaytonSaH , Esq . John V . " oo < iail , of Scaibroo ^ h , E « j , Marcua Worsley , of Conjagaam Hall . E ^ q . Eis-su-d York , of Wiebili Park , Esa .
Mr . Biron Maule charged the Grand Jury . G c . j ¦ ¦ ¦ :: £ Wilson , 59 , "was arraigned upon an indictiL-ut ii . aud at the last NoTthallertcn Stssioc 3 , charging iim -frith having , on tbe 25 : h June last , f-lonioosiy stolen an ewe sheep , the property of Joha Mead , of ilein - . erby M « or . —Nut Guilty . Viliam App ' cioK . , an innkeeper and butcher at T . - . u-s-S , ^ ho h ^ d been out on bail fwm Xc-rlhallerton S . ssions , was indictsd fur having stolen sad driven away two £ ir « p : tcie property of Mr . J « hn Rob , faniicr . of Thcrpdeli , near Thiisk , on the 5 th of May last—No : Guilty .
George Wilson , 59 . "who had been acquitted on a ch-i-ye of sheep bteaasg , was again arraigned upon an indicn . itnt , chaT ^ ing him with hsTi :: g stolen , oa the S-h November las :, a quantity of horse glaring , the proper ;}* of Mr . Jonathan Horner , of JleUntrby . —To be impris-ontd foy Seven calfendar months . Join Wrl / ey , 25 , and Edward Lodjt , 37 , "were indic ' -e--. f > r L-iViEi-, on" the 6 ih April lust , in the To'wn-£ iiip cf Quick , in the West Riding , burglariously broStu , anil entered the dwelling houso of the R = v . Prascls Gardner , and stolen therefrom a purse , three Eov- ^ rr : i ; n % , a hvf sjve .-fcijn . two silk har . cksrchiifa . a pair of sLors , ani di 7 era other articles , his monies anc proper : . - . Tie J ary acquitted Wric'iey , bat found Edward Lodk-e Gu : i ;>" . His Lcrdihip beatencfei the priaocer to be trai : ; - ; cried for the term of t * n yf = ~ --, the" shortest v * ri .-i f jz ¦ jridth a parsun can bo trausporltd for
burs' * - . " T The Grand Ja : 7 ignored the bill preferred Egairst Jatnei PuliarJ , fur an alleged raps Gn tLe person of Djrothy Woodhead , at North Bierley ; and Wiiiiain Tisklsr , for s . u alleged rape at Thistleton , in the parish cf Satro ::, tear Huli , on the person cf Jvlargarct B-tnson ; both Wire discfcarged by prccLunaiion . Jcr . n Dae , 40 , Benjamin Dale . 42 , and John Huljh , 2 G , \ 7 c : r i : ia : cieJ for a t > urglary ia the dTveliicg-htuse cf Mr . Joseph Bioadbent , a ; Thorpe , in the West E i \*~ A , -r . i for feloniously stealing thc-rtfrom a pair of iruurrrs , a rraistcoat , a piece of clci :: tfs spcoui , a p ; ir of su . a . 7 tvrgs , sonitf money , and other articles . Joseph Dx . e , -Jo , vr ^ s charged ¦ ai ta hariug received poit cf uik sa : d pro :-tr : y , knowing it to hare bec-a sto ; en . As to John Djje - » te bill wa ^ ignoied ; the otter prisoners pleauid N- t Guilty . ThoJ ^ ry fouu . i J ohn Kaigh Net G-iiity ; Birjiinin Die and Jis = i > L Dile Guilty .
lei L-: rt = d BaHO . s sti : ttnc 3-a B ? rj : n ; in Dale to be tram-p -r :-¦ .-. ! liiteea ; -ears , and Jc .= rpL D ^ ic to be itupri-S-J 2-. O f . r . - . ; a : ci ^ t :. car nicntbs . Jj ' nu Di ! =, a ; a . n £ t v ? hnn the bill bnd heen ignorsd , and =. tso Ki ' . sh , fTcxe discharged by prociranation-Tho : x 2 s Lcr . j , 7 i , was indicted fcr harirg , on the 2 Sth cf ilj . roii U ; t , u » Ss ^ rborough , fcloniousiy uttered a forced bi : i ( . f txii . oise tur £ 1 UO . -frith intc-nt to defraud tbe York Q . -j as ' . Caun-. y Banking Corcpany , -well tno-Tii- 'i ; tL _ - Baiue to be furged-The Jury foajd vaepriscurr Guilty , and his Lortship sen tec > ¦* . •* . b ' ni to be imprisuufci , without hard labour , far the ; p- ' n of two yeor . 5 . JosJ . ui Kldd , 15 . was indic ' ed for ha ~ i g in his custody au . p . > sscss ' ..-a oa the C 0 ± . tf April last , at Bradford " , ft ; -. iicu 3 ] T , tn-i -with-j-ct la ^ fui excuse , a piaster ni-. ulJ , s a ~ h . th w ^ s impresied tte obverse side of a tiiir cr-i -s- i ; aiii-st tLe furm cf the staiuts .
ic-It a ^ prare-j thrrs was channel frc-ra e-lgc cf «/ . - ^ --a ealied the " mould" to tha impressicii o : tie c-jjn in the middle of the plaster cf Paris ; and . therdt-jre Lis L .-rdsliip was of opinion tkat it w ^ s not in pei ^ tcfl- ^ 7 " a- ^ icnid , " as it could ' not be Uicd as Bucb , and dirtied the prisoner to be ac-iuiUed . A verdict of Not Gaiity ttos rcCCTded , and the pri-6-ja-r "as discL ^ ir ^ -rd . Wi' /; ¦ m ELis , £ 2 . was eharged on a bill of indictm-. nt f -ita at tls l ^ st asaz ^ s , with hi i hTray robberv , near L : ^ ts .
Tn- ?; -:. itrcator in tnis cise 13 a persin of the name of B . t - iry . ^ --i ii in tha serrice of a g = i : ' . le ^ nan r . amt-d Wood , irs : ii :. i ; :. t Kc-v ^ dhay , Lear Lstds . Some o : htr persons — t ? c trlfl and couTjcted at ti ; d last ass . Zrs for the EJLit cfiz- ^ e ^ 3 that -. vith which Ellis was ct . arit-1 . Oa iha cay prcvL ' . u * to the robbery in qutstioii the P . os-c-.:.-jr 7 j-2 L : ds aud left t : ^ L place ab-ut i :. iJ" n ^ :- . t . : j ?¦_ horns . Wh-. n he had proceeded a short « i : sti " - ; .- - . Ti t ^ s roa i he OTcTt ^ ok several men , one of vhjLLL -. ris th-j p . - ; i 3 n £ i - , :: nd af ^ r some conT ^ rsa ti : a bet ^ tcu t ::= m iLey kri ^; k ^ i him down , be-t ii ' . ; ii , and robb .-i Li-.: of EiVcr ^ . 1 ar f . civi * , which they txk from a ba > i :-. " . be L .. i in his Land . Tn ,- ja . v i \ -u .: i : tui prisoner Guilty , and he was senteEC- ^ tj c-3 ' . rac ^ rorted for £ : ttcu ycaT 3 .
Jostjh ijjjison , 24 . was cliarjed on a bill of indict " iu ::. ! : : ur - . at tie iast Rotbsi : _ ani Sessions with high " V 2 J ror-i-fry . Tn-j rr ; ..- .. i . j Wis fcund Not Gailty , s :: d inirj £ di-te , y Jo :. ii-:. ^ . L ' .-a ' ,:. ;? , £ 1 , tt .: charged with haviss commif .-. a a i-.. t" _ -y tt S " . rf £ rM . The p .-isj : u ? wij f . jun-. i G ^ - ' ty of " an ass iv . it , and adju-j ^ r : to : " . u . r nic ^ th ; im-. - isonuii-t . Isabel ! . a : c * 3 i , triio hid tu-a out on hs . Il , by virtue of a Jj . - . ^' .-s o .-dtT , si ^ cj tht : n ; id-11 e uf Jane , was indicted :. r -aT . r-e , en * ± -j 1 S : h March iast , at Bradford , feloniously s-.. d T " : ol-:. tly asi ., uit = d Wiliia : n Petty , tnd etckn :. ' . _•¦ .: his p u , u ft-ur iji ' . f-ero-A-aa ^ four shilliii -s and £ is > c-i ; e , th = n : oj : t . ; . s and property if tte said William P . t : y . —N \ -t G- . - . it-.
John ^ . L . ^ r . . . sJ Pr : s ? i ; a 3 Icc ~ e , 07 . were in-Rioted f .. r L , av : n , ? ou tht- I 2 lh ff > jarcu ii ^ t , at the B-ircur . be : L--.-ds , i ' . i ^ n : ija .--iy h-id La thtir ¦ j . -i .-vstssion , ¦ withoui iavriui excuj-, a cer . ain mouid , on which was imprwid ih ., f . u .-c and ^ r . ^ eiit ib ^ Mblanjc of the « bvei- « s and ; t 7 er ; - itdra of the pUca ' i-f the Qaeen ' t « arrfD % ii . v- ; r cjh : cileJ a j-hiiluii :. Aftt-r i-r-ir-Cij th ' . - evidence , tiTu Jurj c-v . f-rreJ for abou ; Sve rn . i- . ri-. rs , ai . d tht : ; pro ^ euucc ^ "; - .-th t-tie pri-« oatrs Not G ^ -it 7-Jt ~ ~ - ? JL > . - was aziiin indicted for a ri . is . ' crr . eanor in UaTii ^ a-. L-. r-dr . -n tie lS : h M- ^ rcb , ut > itj :. couatt-. f ' .: tLi ; .: ^ to G .- ? rc-j Gjin ^ . an d - ^ i . . ^ tfn cuiys hari : i . ' u : «~ d acvt ^ r c .-cuUrfcit shilH : c , t-j Thomki
i ^ -j Jurj feme iuni Gz ; :: j ; a ^ d in c-j ; . = ..- ; - ; ration cf iis h-iv . ; . ; : r >; . _; : ntur ; y £ vc ::, - -aths in prison , his Lordship secl-LC- ; ^ Iii rn to be i ^ prii'j ^ td'to hr-d 1-L-cur for ¦> the sp-e-s < . . f Qu ? Calendar : < i ^ : ta . John It-i-. ' . - 'i . 34 , was indicted for hr . vir ? r . ' . Almondbury , oa vi : s i 2 . h of March list , felani ' . u : > - t ^ -Un one « V 7 r ih- - rp tils pr .-p-rty of James Bradt . u : ; . GoUti — To ba Luprisondd to hard-laLou ..- for sis CwLlts . Charles C 2 i ? ood , 23 . and Jar , us Rolinson , 25 , were < buii , tu wiu . Laving b-rglario ^ siy brvkt- and antired the dis-. -ilLi ^ -iiouss of Th omas Freeman , asd itc .-cs one ^ £ 20 pro - - ^ c . ry Lote , five £ b aoUs , twelve fcoT * i - = isns , . tnd i q-.-ntity fcf silver com , and olher-r-. rticles , the jnoncys-..-d property of the said Tioiuas Frctman — Hairy Ji' j ..: zndJthn Ingham were iedfeted as accesvaries i ^ i itr the nce , in taring fcarbourea Cawood and Bobinsoc , a-. d received a portion of the stolen property , wc-ii kacwing it to have been stoltn .
Tne Grand Jcry ignored the bill ag&intt Henry Hall , and the oii ^ r prisonera pl « aded Not Guilty . Tha Jury fouad Ciwood Guilty of the burglary ; Robinson Guilty of bsing an accessary after the fact , hiring reeriyed a portion - of the money ; acd John In ^ ham Nti Qaiity . —Saatence was deferred . Benjamin Barils , 21 , pleaded Guilty cf haviug at Braoiord , ftl-.-nioaaly stakn one Eheep the property of Joseph Willis Ruddock . We understand that tho recognizances of Mr . John £ : tJKfihelson , of Lscat , t ; -grater , who Was he . ld to bail on * charge of having engraved a note plate purporting to be of tho Leeds Uuicn Bank , haTd been ducharged , the Cvunsel for the prcsecut ' . on being of opinion that so case could be established against him .
I' / " S ]/ dn-yLunib , 39 , was indicted for that he on tha 2 nd ^ ' - '• a . ** ^ ' ^^ ' at Aimondbury , feloniously did break acd \\ iK « Bta ti . ' . « h . ' .-p cf John Sykes and others , ai-d steal one f -t * i ptec * of iTfe-ed cloth , the properry of the said John V : ¦ / Sykes uni n : s partners . —T ^ e Jury found the prisoner ' ¦ > . Jfot Guiitj . ' C / .... Sydney L-... A tras i-i ^ -a icdicfed for Etialfr . 2 & ji * CC vi t . oi f . cm the -ff .-ebouse cf Mr . John F : i b ,
Untitled Article
at Crosslard Moor , in Alrr 40 ndbury , on the 13 th January last , —The Jury found t ) prisoner Guilty . Sydney Lumb was f ien indicted and found Gnilty cf having feloniously ¦ stolen two && ^ one skeleton key from George Cart > at Huddersfleld . For theae offences , the prisoner waa sentenced to be transported ten ye ? js . William Moor ! iOus « , 35 . was Indicted along -with Samuel Farrar , - ffho was not in custody , for having in the night of the 5 th of April , burglariously broken and entered the 6 . \ reUiEg-hous * of the Rar . James Nelson , . of Luddender > . Foot , in the township of Wariey , near Halifax , and stolen & top-cc * t , two table-cloths , three dresses , and . diTers other articles , his property ; and John Town send , 28 , was charged with having been an accessory ' a ^ fore tha fact in the commission of the said 1 felony . A mic named Dan Maude , 39 , had been eom-1 mitted . or this and another felony , bnt he was admitted an nrp j-orer .
¦ Na ' .-withsUndingan able address from Mr . Wilkins , ¦ on bikalf of Towasend , the Jury fouad both the prisoners Gailty . Williant Moorhosse and John Townsend were then arraigned for a burglary in the house of John Turner , at Warley , and stealing a pruning knife . The Jury found Moorhouss Guilty , and Townsend Not Guilty . They -were each sentenced to be transported for fifteen years . The Grand Jury ignored the bills against BeDJamln 0 wea and George Lund , for murder , and against Wm . Tuiinacl'ffe , charged with a riot and assault at Kirkhtaton , on the 13 th of June last .
Thomas Harrison , who had been out on bail , was charged with having on the 20 th of April last , at Ktrby Rav&EBwortb , embezzled a sum of money belonging to John Hind , and also stolen some cows , his property . Not Guilty . The prisoner was further charged with a misdemeanour , and the case being of a aimiia * description to the other , be was acquitted . Joseph Barslow , SO , Isaac Brakes , 34 , and Joseph Caiclheray , 27 , were charged with having on tho 3 rd of ilarch , at Cieckheafcoa , robbed W . Haley of four sovereigns , two half crowns , 12 s . a purse and other articles . The jury acquitted ail the prisoners . Thomas Morten , 38 , was charged with having , on the 2 nd of March last , at Sheffield , stolen a sheep , the property of Henry Downing . Not Guilty . Jonathan Broujh , 20 , was charged with having , on the loth of Aprii last , at Knapton , robbed Urbin Hemmii : g 8 of a half crown . Guilty . To be . transported ten years .
John Middlelon , GO , was charged with having , at G-eenLind , in the patish ^ of S nai th , stolen a black mare , the property of Mary Sykes . Guilty . To be imprisoned one year . Thomas Cross ' ar . d , 27 , and James Weaiherill , 27 , were charged with haying on the 5 th of June last , at Leeds , Beoljn two pigs , the property of Thomas VThallty . About two o ' clock in the morning of Sunday , the 5 'di of June , a night watchman , named Henry Thompson , was on duty scar Scott ' s Farm , on the York Road , when ha heard a noise of some pigs screaming . He proceeded towards the place , and when he had gone
about ICO yards he obsirvc-d two men running down a field , each of them wirh a little pig in his arms . They threw the pigs down , and ran away . Thompson followed them , and in the pursuit threw off his coat They went a quarter of a mile , and then all three stood still for about a minute to t " . \ e breath . During that lime Tcompson ma-Je himself acquainted with the persons of the prisoners , and he was quite sure they were the men he had followed with the pigs . The prisoners made a very violeet resistance , tht-y beat the watchman in tha most dreadful manner , his arm was broken in two places with a large be . ige stake , and it was a matter of doubt whether he vrould ever recover the use of it again .
Guilty . —The prisoners were sentenced to be transported for seven years . Joseph Thackray , 26 , and John Heys , 22 , were charged with having , on the oth of April last , at Hoyland , robbed John Kaye of a promissory note for the payment of £ 5 , a bill of exchange for the payment of £ 52 7 s . 4 d-, 103 . in silver , and other articles . The Jury found both the prisoners Guilty . They declared they were innecent . To be transported for ten years each . Charles Cnwood , who had K-en found guilty of breaking into the dweliing-housg of Thomas Freeman , of Otiey , acd James Robi 7 ison , wL , o bad btenonvlcted cf receiving stolen property , were each senttneed to be lKipiisoi-fca one yisr to hard labour . MCXDAT , ACGCST 22 . ND . ( Before 3 Ir . Justice . 1 / cuZe . ) ROBBERY AT LEEDS .
Jr . hn Sharp , 32 , John Bed :, 19 , Henry Tattersall , 23 , ( jtorge Beck , 20 , and RnLcrt Wuterhouse , who had b : i-ii out on ba' . l , were chirked with having on the h . ih April last , at Leeds , robbed John Motley of 3 ( Jr ., a pound of sausages , and 2 . hat . The prosecutor resides at Camp Field , Kelbeck , and en Saturday , the l ( nh of April , he went to the tap-room of the Griffin Inn , which wa 3 kept by a relative cf his . He stayed there till twenty minutes to one o ' cjcck in the morning , and then wrnf . away being sober . He went through a street , called School dene , where he weci into a shop aud purchased a pound of sausages . The prosecutor then proceeded towards home , and after crostiiig Victoria-bridge ,
he came to Water-Jane , at the corner of which he saw s ; s or seven perrons standing , who made some observation to him , bac he did not hear distinctly what it was , and took co notice of them . Motley then found ihat the men were following him , whea he turned rouad and holding iLe sausages in his left hand said " If these are what you want pray take them . " He then walked backwards , the men followed him , and whilst Alotiey was in that position Sharp went behind him , seizea him by tho neck , and threw him to the ground . The m < - \ began to kick h ' . m aud turn out his pocket ? . Prosecutor seized -Sharp's leg and said " I'll stick to this if' I lose my Use by it . " He accordingly kept his hold of . theleg
tui baorp was ta ^ en into custody . The prosecutor cried out " murder , '; when t' ; e men said , d—a him . purr him , ana make him eo as he can't foiiow U 3 . " i Taey then kicked him ; he became insensible , and the men took froia him the articles mentioned in the indictment . A man nanud Lucas and several others , heard the prosecutor cry out , and on frivg to his , a ^ 5 i 5 tauc ? , Luca ? apprehended Sharp , and found the prosecutor lyi ^ g on tae ground and bleeding pro-: i ' usely from the mouth , and with his right-hand : brooches pocket turned insiue out . ! _ 'iho Jury found all the prisoners Guilty , except j "Waterhouse , who was acquitted . I The four prisoners were then sentenced to be im-I nriicned lcuntvn mouths to bird labour .
: i \ iccaemus Sharp , 28 , was charged with having . 1 en the _ 0 \ h of April last , at Honon , near Bradford , ; fc : c . iiiou ~ ly cat , broken , and destroyed a certain tagine , th-=- prupi-r'y of William Greenwood . _ Mr . WiLii-i . NS ( w ; tb whom was Mr . Pashley and Mr . PiciCERi . NG ) appeared for the prosecution ; Sir , Gregqsy Lewi . n and . Mr . Haix were for the defence . l _ Mr . Wilkins atateti the case . The prisoner was indicted under an Act of Parliament passed in the : ' . a and 8-. ii years of tho reign of George IV ., which provides tb . it if any person shall cut , break , or destroy , or damage , vvith intent to destroy or render ! Ujtlc £ S any loom , frame , machine , engine , or implo-! , fixed or moveable , for manufacturing cotton
I warps , worfU'd , &c , that person shall be deemed j guilty of feiony . Tho presecutor resides at Horton , ; near Bradford , and is the owner of a mill , at the end cf which is an engine , and by its power the different works arc carried on within the walls of the mill . Very early in the morning of the 27 ih of April , it was discoTercd tha ; the e-. j . ^ ine would not work with anything iiia us usaai power . Information of this circuiEStancis was given to the prosecutor , who came to the Eiiil and examined the tn ^ ine , but could dis-; cover nothing wrong . There was sufficient steam , but the speea could not be kepi up . Information ¦ was ssp-i to tie BovriL-g Iron . Works for sane experienced workmen , to see whether they could discover any defects in the engine , but their search was in
Ta ; n , ar a tee engine would no ; work . It so happened that on the third cay , a man named Squire Barker , who is in the eraplJy of Messrs . Barker and Co ., iron-founders , sought about the engine to see if there was anything conne 3 ted with it . He went to the back part of the engine under the floor , and discovered several loose stones at the bottom , and oh pulling out a stone underneath an adjoining wall , he discovered a tin tube , about eighteen or nineteen menes Jong , wir . ch was optn at the end . There was a valve in the tube which would let the air in , and prevent it returning . Oa examining the wail more closely , a stone appeared to have been recently inserted , as the mortar was : damp and soft . Barker cailewf Jir . Bottomiey , and he went down to examine
the place . On removing some stones , they found the tin tube screwed on to some gas piping , which passed through a Bolid stonewall , and throngh the cistern into the condenser of the engine . The effect of the valve was to admit a current of air into the condenser , to destroy the vaconm , and thus considerably to diminish the power of the engine . The prisoner was employed by the prosecutor as hia engine-tenter , and had been so for two year ? , daring which time he had conducted himself with much propriety . The prosecutor had at first given him 28 * . per week , but in consequence of some improvement which the prisoner had made in the engine with the consent of nia employer , 323 . per week was
given him . The prisoner had the Bole superintendence of the engine ; he had the keya of the room , and no other person had any right there save him and his employer . On the morning of the 27 th of April , the prisoner , instead of going to hia work , was observed in his best clothes , leaving the neighbourhood , and was never Been again by the prosecutor till he had beea apprehended . After the evidence for the prosecution had bsen adduced , Sir G . Lewis asked hie Lordship whether he thought the evidence supported the indictment . O . ' . c cf the witnesses waB re-called , wko stated that . Me s srs Bottomely and Co ., manufactured what was called Orleans cloth , the warp being made of cotton ,
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» ndthe weft worsted . Messrs Hill and SmitJi wore worsted spinners only . The learned Jddgb thought that in order to sustain this indictment , the engine should be employed in manufacturing and preparing woollen goods , without any mixture , ar . d also of preparing * nd manufacturing ootton goods , that was to say , making entire warps . The engine was employed for neither of those purposes , and , therefore he , ( the Judge ) thought the evidence did not sustain the indictment . The Jury , under his Lordehips direction , found the prisoner Not Guilty , but we -understand that another indictment will be preferred .
Simon Harrison , 19 , Thomas Harrison , 28 , were charged with having , on the 16 th of Oct . last , at Brompton , broken into the dwelling-house of Andrew Hancock , and stolen therefrom a £ 5 note , a purse , and other articles . The prisoner , Thomas Harrison , at first pleaded guilty , but afterwards withdrew his plea . The jury found both the prisoners Not Guilty . , Benjamin Bartle , who had pleaded Guilty to having stolen a sheep , at Bradford , the property of Joseph Willis Ruddock , was sentenced to be imprisoned ten calender months to hard labour . The Court rose about seven o ' clock .
Tuesday , Aug . 23 . Robert Hudson , 43 , and William Lang , 20 , were charged with having , on the 26 th of July last , at Folkton , in the East Riding , committed a rape on Thirzi Pratt . —Guilty . Thomas Isles , 25 , was charged with having , on the 7 th of April last , at Ecclesfield , committed a rape on Mary Oldfield . The Jury found the prisoner Guilty of an assault . The prisoner's father was called , who stated that his son had been a person of weak intellect ever since he was a child . John Snotcden , 24 , who has been out on bail , was charged with having , on the 5 th June last , at Nunnington , in the North Riding , committed a rape on Elizabeth Baines . —Not Guilty .
WEDNESDAY , AUGUST 24 . John Bairsiow , 50 , and Elizabeth Cowling , 38 , were placed at the bar . John Biirstow vras charged with having on the 9 lh of October last , committed a rape on the person of Mary Cowling , and Elizabeth Cowling with aiding and assisting the said John Bairetow to commit the same . Not Guilty . Thomas Spencer , 21 , was indicted for having , on the 9 th of June last , at Lindley , in the West Riding , committed a rape on the person of Grace Newboult . Not Guilty . Abraham Lightoicler , 31 , was charged with having , on the 14 th of July last , at North Bierley , in the West Riding , committed a rape on the person of Martha Roberts ; William Kellet was charged with aiding and assisting the aaid Abraham Lightowler in committing tho offence . Not Guilty .
John Campbell , 30 , was charged with having , on the 17 th of June last , at Bradford , committed an unnatural crime . Not Guilty . Robinson Taylor , 37 , wob charged with having , on the 2 nd of July last , ut Great Driffield , in the East Riding , committed an unnatural crimo . Guilty . Sentence of Death Recorded . David Myers , 50 , was indicted for having , on the 10 th of F » bruary last , at Ripon , feloniously uttered ; i forged acceptance of Thomas Beecroft , of Hull , for the payment of £ 15 53 ., dated the 8 th of February last , with intent to defrauu the York City and County Banking Company , well knowing the same to be forgtd . Guilty . Sentence deferred .
THURSDAY , AUG . 25 . SPECIAL COMMISSION . Mr . Woetley this morning stated to his Lordship , that he was instructed to make a motion on behalf of the Attorney General , with reference to the cases of William Cockroft and other prisoners , who had been committed to York Castle for trial , since the commencement of these ass zjs , fer offences connected with the disturbances which have lately prevoiled in this country . The motion which he had to make to his Lordship was this—that these prisoners should remain upon their commitments uutil a special commission should be issued . He made the motion upon the affidavit of Mr . Maule , tho solicitor to the treasury , from which it appeared that there were at that moment 111 prisonera who had been sent for trial for various offences which
had arisen since the commencement of the assizes ; and there were also fifty-six ethers in custody in York Castle , who had been sent there to await an examination on a future occasion . The affidavit further stated that other prisoners were likely to be committed , and that it was in contemplation to advise her Majesty to issue a special commission for the trial of these offenders , as well as others charged with the like offences , it was a ' FO sworn that there had not been sufficient time to consider the cases , and that only a small portion of the d positions taken before magistrates iu different parts of the county , had as yet been transmitted to the Secretary of State , and that tho officers of the Government who had Instituted these prosecutions had not had and would not have sufficient time , if this motion were not assented to , to prepare the prosecutions on the
various cases . Mr . Justice Maule said , that having sat for a fort-Dight , and with tho probability of sitting another fortnight , he had no wish to prolong the assizes ; but he did not think the affidavit sufficient to justify the application , as it did not specify any particular prisoners , n « r did it state , except in a loose -way , that other evidence was likely to be forthcoming , It merely stated that it waa believed that important evidence might bo expected , but it did not show the existence of any grounds for expecting it . This amounted to nothing at all . Mr . Wortley said , the affidavit alleged that there had not been sufficient time to obtain copies of all dbpositiocs , to peruse those ¦ which had been obtained , so as to classify the coses , and to prepare the indictments necessary to prosecute the several prisoners .
Mr . Justica Maule said he did not think he could make any order , until he had heard what the prisoners referred to had to say upon the su ' . j ? ct ; and therefore the motion mast stand over for the present . Henry Harris , 27 , was charged with having , on the 24 tn of July , at the pariBh of L ' nthorpe , in the North Riding , feloniously assaulted Elizi Richards , and committed a rape on her person . John Whilehcad , 31 was charged with having , on the 5 th of July , assaulted Mary R ' . ley with intent to commit a rape . —To be imprisoned six months . William Fairclough , 22 , pleade ^ l guilty to having , at EmLy , in the West Riding , feloniously assaulted Wm . Dyeon , aud robbed him of eight shillings , and a pair of 5 pectacles , and two memorandum books . —To be transported fifteen years .
Joseph Raicdiffe , 35 , was charged with breaking Into the d welling-house of Joseph C lay ton , situate at M if ' gley , near Halifax , and stolen therefrom a pair of trowsers , a satin waistcoat , a pair of bhoes , a Bluff gown , and other articies . —To be transported fifteen years . John HeWewell , 26 , and Wm , Greenwood , 46 , who had been committed on charges of receiving stolen Rooiis , at Halifax , were discharge i , Sir Gregory Lewin dtcliuing to prosecute , stating that the only evidence which he could adduce being that of Dan Maude , the party who stole the property , which he admitted was not to be relied od . ¦ Benjamin Pickersgill , 51 , John Hckersjill , 25 , and James Ramsden , 24 , were charged with having burglariously entered the dwelling-house ef John Wroe , : it Alverthorpe , near Wakefieid , and stolen therefrom a cold watch and chain .
Tne Jury found all the prisoners guilty ; to be each transported for ten years . The Judge awarded £ 5 to young Wroe far his meritorious conduct . FRIDAY , August 26 . ( Be / ore Mr Justice Maule . J PROPOSED SPECIAL COMMISSION . This morning the Hou . J . S . Wortley , resumed his application for adjourning the trial of one hundred and two prisoners confined in York castle on charges of riot . His Lordship had received an amended lffidavit , containing the names of the prisoners to which tUia application extended , but he was not able to carry tho statements further than in the affidavit he made yesterday . Notice had bsen given to all the prisoners , by reading it over to them , of the nature of this application , and therefore they had an opportunity of opposing it .
Mr . Newton add he was instructed by three prisoners , Rushworth , Brook , and Gibbons , te oppose this application . He cemplained that such a surveillance had been kept up in the gaol that free access could not be had with the piisoners , for the purpose of preparing their defence . He trusted therefore that his LordBhip woald not make this order peremptory , but grant a rule nisi that they might have an opportunity of obtaining a copy of Mr . Maule ' s affidavit and of answering it . His clients were anxious to . take their trials forthwith . Mr . Wortley said , that his application did not apply to any of the prisonera for whom Mr . Newton appeared .
Mr . Justice Mawle . —In all donbtful cases , beyond doubt , the proper course was to grant a rule nui . He had considered this application and the affidavit on which it was made . He had taken an opportunity of consulting with Lord Dariman , and upon a full consideration he had come to a conclusion , in which he had the authority of Lord Denman for stating that his Lordship fully concurred , that this affidavit did not sat out sufficient grounds for granting bo general an application—and therefore , acting with the full concurrence of Lord Denman , he refused the application . Ann Greenwood , 25 , was charged with the murder of Emily Greenwood , her daughter , by suffocating her in a privy . The evidence failed in bringing home the charge against the prisoner , and the Jury consequently brought in a verdict of Not Guilty .
John Lodge , 21 , was charged with having on the 30 th of Oatober last , at Darfield , committed perjury in the testimony he gave on an inquisition taken before Thomas Badger , Esq ., coroner , touching the death of Thomas Depledge . Guilty . Mr . Bliss took some objections to the verdict , which were overruled ; but the Judge said , as the prisoner had been confined Binoe the 13 th of March , he should discharge him .
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Robert Hornby , 24 , was charged with having on tie 24 th of July last , at Doncaster , broken into the dwelling-house of James Thompson , and stolen therefrom several articles of wearing jipparel . Guilty . To be transported ten years .
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MAGISTRATES' ROOM . -Monday , Aug . 22 . Before Mr . Sergeant Murphy . Joseph Allen was charged with stealing an apron , and some other small articles . The prisoner had been previously convicted , and was sentenced to be imprisoned eighteen months to hard labour , the last week in solitary confinement . William Boulton , 27 , was charged with having on -the 19 th of May last , at Kirk Smeaton , feloniously stolen one lamb , the property of Thomas Boulton . Guilty . To be imprisoned 12 calendar months , tho last week in solitary confinement . James Wagden , 45 , Henry Wagden 15 , and Mary Ann Arrowmith , 20 , were charged with having , on the 9 th 6 f July last , at Aimondbury , near Huddersfield , feloniously stolen a cow , the property of Mary Whitehead .
The Jury not being able to agree on their verdict , retired to consult , and on their return they found the male prisoners Guilty , and acquitted the female . Jame 3 Wagden 10 be imprisoned twelve months , and Henry Wagden for three months , the last week in solitary confinement . Robert Quar , 27 , was charged with having , on the " 25 th of May ; last , at Leeds , feloniously stolen a cow , the property of Michael Houghton . Guilty . To be imprisoned twelve calendar months , the last week in solitary confinement .
John Ingham was mdiotedfor having on the 1 st of July last , at Marton , in the North Hiding , burglariously broken aud entered the dwelling-house of William Moss , and stolen therefrom two stone weight of bacon , two bottles of pickles , one pound weight of tea , and various other articles . Guilty . To be imprisoned for two years to hard labour , the first and last month to be in solitary confinement . James Howorth 40 , was oharged with having feloniously recoived a leg of mutton , 4 lbs . weight of hog's lard , a flitch of bacon , aud some eggs , the property of William Ferguson Holroyd . Not Guilty . Joseph Hardman 27 , was charged with having burglariously entered the dwelling-house of Samuel Lees , and stolen an iron-bar therefrom . Guilty . Sentence deferred .
John Welsh 13 , Henry Bradley 14 , and Cornelius Welsh 14 , were charged with having , at Holmeupon Spalding Moor , stolen a coat , the property or' Robert Hill . The prisoners John Welsh and Henry Bradley pleaded Guilty ; the other boy was deaf and dumb , no evidence was offered against him , and he was acquitted . The other prisoners were each sentenced to bo imprisoned for twelve months to hard lrbour , the last week in solitary confinement . The Court adjourned at six o ' clock . Tuesday , August 23 . Joseph Hardman , 27 , was charged with having committed a burglary in the house of William Day Martin , of Holuifirth . Guilty . To be transported for fifteen years .
George Bonet , 19 , was charged with having , on the ' 25 Ui of June last , at Hmderwell , feloniously embezzled four shillings and tenpence the . property of George Moon , his master . To be imprisoned for Biz calendar months to hard labour—The first and last week in solitary confinement . Henry Redman Baker , 37 , was charged with having burglariously broken and entered the dwelliug-house of Joseph Webb , with intent to steal therefrom . Tho Jury , after a short consultation , found the prisoner Guilty , audho was transported for ten years .
Henry Mitchell , 18 , was charged with having at Bingley , feloniously stolen oue filly and a saddle , the property of Laao Doughty . The prisoner was sentenced to be imprisoned for six calendar months to hard labour , the first and last weeks in solitary confinement . He applied to the Court to send him out of the country , —a request which Mr . Sergeant Murphy declined to accede to , and warned the prisoner as to his future conduct , as should he again be found gnilty of any offence he would undergo the horrors of transportation , which he would deplore to the end of his lite . Samuel Blackburn , 61 , was charged with having feloniously uttered a certain bill , indorsed "March 7 , settled W . Scott , 1828 " with intend to defraud William Scott , he well knowing the same to be forged . The Jury found the prisoner Guilty of uttering .
Christiana Blackburn , 29 , was then charged with having committed wilfui and corrupt perjury , —in having sworn that sho saw he r father pay to Mr . Scott , burgeon , of Sherburn . a sum of £ 12 10 s . for which sum Mr . Scott had brought an action against her father , in the Barkstone Court of Requests , and that ehe witnessed Mr . Scott sign a receipt for the eatne . Guilty .
Wednesday aug . 24 . Jane EUwood , 21 , waa oharged with having , at Knaresborough , on the 23 d of May last , feloniously and unlawfully endeavoured to conceal the birth of a child by throwing it into the river Nidd . George Bentley 25 , m&'William Hair , 27 , were charged with having , at Cottingham , ^ feloniously aspaultcd John Goorge Lee and stolen from his person six shillings , a penknife , and a small paper box containing steel pens , his property . —Guilty—To be transported for fifteen years . Thomas Abel , 23 , was charged with having at Leeds , on the 19 th of March last , feloniously assaulted Samuel Keeble , aud stolen from hia person , four half crowns , two shillings and one sixpence , two steel keys and a canvass purse , bis property .
The prosecutor is coachman to Mr . Brooke , surgeon , of Leeds , but does not reside in that gentleman ' s house , but in Church-lane , in tint town . On the 19 th of March , his master paid him six half-crowns for some account outstanding between them . At night , prosecutor went to his ciub , and there paid one shilling , and when within a few yards of his own door three men sprung on him from a stable , and after abusing him , robbed him of all his money and some other things . The proseculer distinctly saw two of the men , one was
the prisoner , and the other was called Fothergill , and had , on the prosecutors description , been apprehended . He was tried and convicted of the robbery at the Leeds quarter sessions . The prosecutor gave a description of the prisoner , but he had absconded , and was not apprehended until about a month after . The prosecutor picked him out of a number of men who were shown to him in the prison yard at Leeds . —Guilty . —To be imprisonud one year to hard labour .
Thursday , August 25 . Christiana Blaekburn was this morning brought up for judirment , when Mr . Serjeant Murphy said that he had referred the point set up by the Counsel , Mr . Pasbloy , to the Lord Caief Justice Denman and Mr . Justice Maule , and the opinion they had expressed waa that there was default in the trial , consequently , the sentence of the Court wus that the prisoner should pay a rjne of la . to the Queen and ba imprisoned for twelve calendar months . Thomas Cookson , 20 , was charged by the Coroner's inquisition with the manslaughter of William Sykes , at Halifax . Not Guilty . William Ravidin , 34 , was charged with having on the 3 rd July lastf at ; Barnsley , burglariously broken and entered the warehouse of Eiizibeth Armitage , with intent to steal therefrom . Guilty . To be transported for ten years .
William Frankleton , 63 , was charged with having , in March lust , at Halifax , feloniously received 8 lbs . weight of bacon , the property of Edward Fayrer , well knowing tho same to have been stolen . Not Guilty . Thomas Rawcliffe , 30 , was charged with having , in February last , at Halifax , feloniously received one pair of shoes , the property of Joha Crossland , well knowing them to have bsen stolen . Not Guilty . Richard Wilkinson , 61 , 'was charged with having , on the 22 d of January last , at the borough of Leeds , feloniously forged ; md uttered a certain warrant for the payment of money , with intent to defraud one Thomas Robinson . ¦ The Jury found the prisoner Guilty of uttering , but recommended him to mercy , which recommendation was acceded to by the prosecutor . The prisoner was sentenced to a fortnight's imprisonment , commencing from the opening of the assizes .
Charles Gillatt , who bad been out on bail , was charged with having , on the 14 th of June last , at Sheffield , stolen from the person of Joseph Newbald , a coat , waistcoat , handkerchief , and pair ef boots , his property . Verdict , Not Guilty .
Friday , August 26 . Tliomas Lupton , who had bsen on bail , was indicted for stealing at Bradford , on the 11 th of July last , a promissory note for £ 10 , the property of Thomas Steel . Guilty . To be imprisoned twelve calendar months to hard labour . EeUcard Emmott , 24 , was charged with having on the 38 th of April last , at Leeds , feloniously assaulted Joseph Glover , and stolen from his person 13 s . in silver , 6 lbs . of mutton , and other articles . Guilty . To be transported fifteen years . --- .- > -.-¦ -,.-. rrss ,,,. . ^^ - 11 1 ' '
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France . —In the ? French Chamber of Peers on Saturday afternoon , the Duke de Broglie read the Report of the Commission of the Peers on the Regency Bill . It is a long document , and oonoludes by recommending una nimously the passing of the project of law as voted . ty tho Deputies . New Orleans . —We h . we New Orleans papers of the 6 th . The Picayune a unounces the airival , on the 5 th , of the new British Consul to Texas , Capt . Elliot , of Chinese notoriety . He came via Havana , and was landed at the Bali ' * & from the British steamer Forth . The yellow ftT ia fc ^ id by some of the physicians to hare made it » appearance in ihe city ; butotherBof the craft deny Jt « e fact . I ' Who hhall decide when doctors disagree I "
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2 THE NORTHERN STApg , . ¦ - -,, . ¦ .., - ; ; . -y , ¦ ,. -. . ¦ : .- ¦ ¦
Northern Star (1837-1852), Sept. 3, 1842, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct446/page/2/