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j ^ LES WRITTEN EXPRESS LY F « B THE " NORTHERN STAR " BT CHARTrUS . THE EMIGRANTS . SO . III . " Trade ' s unfeeling train UinrD the land and dispossess the swain . " Goldsmith . Ko evil is more to be depleted , whether we regard fie infliTidnal sufferers or the nation generally , thun enagrsiion . Alas , that this eTil should ever have established itsslf in England J but woe to Englishmen , who instead of checking , promote its progress . Emigration is supposed to be the mere tfflux of & surplus popula-¦ - . . -r TtC « TyT ? TT * PT ? V W D 13 T 7 CQT XT T 3 J * T- » mrrn
tion , as < l under this erroneous idea it is considered bere ' f" ^ 1- But "who dots noi know that our conntry might be mada to yield bread enough for ourselves and to spare for others . Why then should the culti-Tators of tie soil be driven like vagrante to seek food ja a forekn 2 and ? Are there not numerous extensive tracts purposely kept barren , because the sport of the rich i / prcferxed to the'living of the poor ? And do sot tie fowls of tte air , the beasts of the field , and the ^ jjes of the Ka multiply in exhsustless profusion around ? Baizes , hsa not Great Britain power , to coicpsl tie produce of other conntries to its shores , bo that tte sits world may be said to be our harvest field ? Sivcot , then , thst England contains too many TMiishSEE .
If there be no natural necessity that any of the inhabitants of our Isle of Providence should exile themselres , is it rot a species of infatuated policy that creates sn sxSficnl s&cessity by which the most usefnl cf our people are expelled ? Th- ; iBdustrions farmer who raises food for others cannot obtain it for himself . Instead of encourag ing bis truly bectficial efforts , a parricidal ( jovcmnieii : imposes bmrtaens which oblige him to throw do ~ ii his implements in despair , and be is forced to quit bis ungrateful country in the unca-tain hope of procuring that maintenance abroad which is denied with in
him at Lwne . Tee patriot departs feelings - verted , for ha carries within him the indignant conseiocs ^ Ea that his failure is not occasioned by his own want of industry , or the want of reseurces in the country , whether internal or external ; but from the injust ice , monopoly aad oppression of its rulers . Paradoxical as it may appear , it is nevertheless true that our national distress does not proceed from poverty , but from wealth—from the misappropriation of the rights of labocrinz men by a usurping aristocracy and tyrannical capitalists . Luxury disdains homely produce and seeks its snptilies from extraneous dimes .
Another cause cf the depression which Effi ' . cts the 3 £ 7 iriL ! lnris * -s is the greedy sway of the avariciona manu facturers ; aboriginal agriculture is sacrificed to indigenous trade . To appease the selfish clamcurs of free traders , farmers are doomed to toil in vain ; yet though reduced te extremity by unmerited oppression they never think of turning their sickles into swords , but quietly leave the land where neither landlord nor raill-Iord allows them to live , and strive by patient labour in a fa foreign clime , to remove the privations they hs 3 become snrjeet to in their own conntry . May their unrequited services in this world be recompensed in a better
England , onse the merry mother of ahappy family , baa sow beccEie a step-dame to her lawful brood . The hardy sons of her soil who would identify their lives with their native land , whose feelings are as unsophisticated is the free elements that invigorate their freshened dales ; whose patriarchal pursuits nourish in them the kindliest nature ; these true-born Enclish yeomen are to bs neglected that a spurious race , sprung from foreign settlers may be favoured—beings who , spider-like , weuld spin their own bowels for profit ; whose principles fluctuate with their profits , whose allegiance shifts with their trade , and who would make England a trades-body dependent upon the custom of other nations , losing which she would become a bankrupt The cuckoo from abroad has got into our nest , and not content with her harbourage there , she casts out the genuine brood upon the pricks .
It were an easy task to compare the moral as well as political character of the agriculturist and the manufacturer , but as character depends in a great measure upon occupation , I will avoid a comparison that might be deemed invidious , and in its stead contrast the past and present appearance of rural life . Milton says or tings " Sj-metiiaes with secure delight The upland hamlets will invite , When the merry bells ring round , Aiid the jocund rebecks sound ; lo many a youth and many a maid , Dancing in the cheqner'd shade ,. And young and old come forth to play , Tdce a sunshine holiday . "
¦ Who cm raid this without mentally joining in the dasce ? And do such Ecsnea now exist in poetical description only ? Alas , the happiness that in those days was no fiction , ia now succeeded by as real misery . Two centuries of Whiggism and Teryism—of factions and class legislation , hare sufficed to throw down the maypoles , —to expatriate the merry-makers , to send young and old to the bastile—and now , instead of the youths and maids with their jecund rebeckB , making a circle of delight round the greenwood tree , we see the indigo-dyed pclica whose demon scowl has scared away all pleasure and all innocence .
The callous townsman may be regardless of the countryman ' s distress ; but ought not the general ruin of his country to make Ti'Ti look beyond his own particular interests ? Emigrants are but escaping from the eri ! day that hangs oybz England . Trade Hay bring capital into the country , bnt money is only artificial wealth . Should our iswrcoursa with foreign nations be cut off , where will the manufacturer find a customer , » nd how will he obtain bread when the farmer has gone and left the land , the true mine of wealth , impoverished ? Eaglandhaa frequently been successful in-her wars , but then she fought against foreigners . Her best defenders are becoming the adopted sous of America—of that America which broke from British thraldom , and ii now free to revenge herself . Past events should be a Issson and a warning . Oh , then , let us cease to consider emigration as a common sewer that drains our land of its refuse population . They ara ths beat and most useful of oar people that thus depart , leaving the idle and profligate behind .
The following tale founded on facts may illustrate some cf the foregoing remarks . In Da = by Dile , Yorkshire , there is a small but rural and romantic farm situated at the foot of a precipitous crag . It is worth while climbing tiiat crag to view the varied scene beneath . Sometimes , at break of cny . misty vapours roll eff the top of the mocr down into the dale and fill it completely . Any one might easily imagine that the ocean had overflowed the land , and that hs stool upon a cliff to mark its progress . As the morning advances this seeming sea gradually evaporates , and all the characteristic fsaturas of the valley are one by one revealed in the clear sunlight- The fertile lands , intersected ia every direction with hedges and dotted with trees , present a perfect contrast to the sombre and uniform moors above . A brook , edged with trees that
Etoop as if to drink iU waters , runs playfully in and ; out of view through tte middle cf this narrow vale , i and may be called the living tenant of this landscape , j In the back ground , the distant mountains assimilate with the clouds ; in the foreground they rise bold and ; distinct like threatenin ? giants whose crushing weight , and not the unwieldy skiil , imposts terror . The j Crag itself is interspersed with large moss-grown \ stones , Titanian fragments , that have fallen from the rocky cliffs above , whe-se beetling brow 3 scowl'destrue- ; tion on all beneath . Covered with wild herbage , j smong which grow irregular clumps cf dtrarf bushes ; and trees , this spot hss more the appearance of a covert j
for birds and basis of prey , than a range far domestic \ cattle . ImmediiU-iy bslow Btauds the cottage , looking j upon the cultivated lands that spread down to the ; brooi's brink . Nor is the eye alone gratified in this j interesting sceue . In spring , a concert led by the loud ; t&rah on the top of the lefdest tree , bh& iiled vith ' every variety of sound from the shrill treble of the piping j wren to the de = p bass cf the mellow dove , makes the crag ' ring with notes of joy . The lover of nature in her , wildest or sefcest &spect 3 may sit and view a Bcene ' that will in £ p itself upon his mind , or listen to woed-: l » id ciLnsticisy that shames even ilainzir ' s singiiig i laillions . <
Learins this chatmu . g prospect , let us bend onr steps to the cottage , which , is as picturesque as the scene ; sroiind . A stringer would not distinguish it from the , c-Efttdld-i-ga wttre cattle are lodged . The thatched . roof is long aadlov ? -, and overgrown with dark moss , above whiih thehouseleek peers—the windows are very ; narrow sad look more like peep-holes than inlets of ' light . It is okrious that this hut has been built with- . oat any preconceited plan—so far from comnlting . elegasce , convenience has scarcely been attended to . The outhousea form an irregular group of dilapidated i frsildingE—a little garden lays oddly between , and on ; the outskirts of this primitive hemestes-d , is an orchard whose trees are so old as to be nearly barren . The , poultry oa the dunghill and in the pool render the place lively with confused motions and discordant BsundiL
E : chard Kobicson was the tenant cf this seqeestered firm . His father had lived is the stirring times of war when the nation -weakened its internal strength in the Tain pursuit of foreign power . IU-directe i ambition is sure to receil—reaction is a natural consequence of orerweeniag exertion . The money which Richard ' s lather sa-ved before the timea suffered their present re-IapK , be bequeathed -with bis example-aid certain prudent fir ?™* to hi * son trho sneceeded to & loBgnereditary tenancy that wa » doomed to terminate in him . According to ti » custom of the conntry , the funeral oThh aged parent -was celebrated with ft feast as though tte snrnrors were resolved by the most natural means
to av « rt the fate of the deceased from themselves When the mourning relatives had vented the free expressions cf their grief , their sense of the worth of the uepirttd , and had complied with the forms of ceremony , Ki ebard entered on the management of the farm determined to merit though he might not obtain the euc-C ££ s that had rcwaxrk-d his father ' s effarts . Our fanner ' s famiiy at this i me consisted of hinaseif and bis good wift with their son atd daughter—the former a stout lad that served his father instead of a hired servant— the latter a comely maiden thtt assisted ter mother in the same capacity . Tfeeii old grandmother at tte liTiicng day in ths -warm cbiisiey-nook , me-
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chanically knitting or spinning , while the scenes of her past life shifted before her mind ' s eye , like a revolving diorama . By dint of indnstry and economy this family of farmers kept their ground though ths times were fait retrogading , and if not happy they were at least eontent . The rouUne of each day ' s labour was planned the evening before—its regular discharge left them to enjoy without interruption their hoars of rest , which -were always cheered with recreation . Tasks were undertaken for pastime—pleasure and profit seemed to te bound np . ..... ...... _
with every sheaf of com . The father took frequent occasion from his werk to make ingenious exemplifications of moral virtue—the son sung heroic strains to animate a spirit already too prone to enterprise— the mother enforced her advice by delivering it in the accent of gentle reproof—the daughter sung tender ditties which increased her rather too morbid sensibility—but the old dames ' s voice was seldom heard except when raised against some innovation of fashion or when poured in expressions of maudlin pity upon some object of lore or distress . Thus oid the members of this connected family evince their relative stations in it
In the long winter evenings a circle of neighbours would oftentimes gather round the large turf fire that lay heaped np on the open hearth . There , while the wind shook the old dwelling , as if angry at being barred out—while the hail clattered against the windows , and the scream of the owl arose like the cry of one benighted in the storm , the heedless and happy inmates entertained each other with the sayings and doings of their forefathers . The adventures of a talker , whose tongue performs feats which the arm had never done —who tells what might have happened , if what did happen be not worth the telling ; in a word , whose iE-gination supplies all the deficiencies of reality , this important personage , as needful to enliven as the fire to warm the company , was no more wanting here than in more refined societies . The bustling wife would use the privilege of her sex to speak freely the pertinent j oke ; the daughter listened in silence , as she bent over her sewing ; none laughed so heartily as the son ; but mirth had lost its power on his aged grandmother , who dosed the while in her soft arm chair .
Could Ambitisa have stooped to enter this lowly abode , there might he have found health and content lovingly coraf erting each other . On a summer ' s Sabbath the quiet rays of the sun rested calmly upon the simple furniture , an image of that peace which the world cannot give . The oaken panels , polisbed by the rubbing of successive generations , shone black as jet ; the articles of use were burnished , and served likewise for ornaments ; the old clock constantly clacked in a corner , like a gossip whom age has made garrulous ; the pictured emblems of Faith , Hope , and Charity indicated that those virtues had ehosen this obscure cottage for their retreat from a hostile world . Here Piety might have found a refuge , and dwelt a rural hermit here .
Sometimes the tnd state of the markets would lead to a discussion of the hardness of the times . ¦ Upon this topic Richard was listened to with much deference ; for besides that his success gave much weight to his opinions , his experience and natural good sense had procured for him the honourable post of parish arbitrator . Like his prototype , "PoorRichard , " our Richard used to speak apothegms . He would say— " The times are bad , but folks are worse . Thsir fathers were earners , bnt the sons are spenders . A shilling would procure a good dinner , and if we do not need it ourselves there are many that do , and so ci 3 y we at some fnture tims : we should think of this before we waste a shilling . You
msy always spend faster than you can earn . Luxuries are far dearer than necessaries , and indeed are dear at asy price . "Wfcuit i 3 sold is low-priced ; what is bought is high . No von-. ier that extravagant sons sink faster back than tLeir careful fathers went forward . They walk slowly to work , but gallop to sport . I believe those farms are few that will not keep a comfortable house , and this is all that can be expected nowa-days . To be sure , misfortnnes will foil the best management" Thus spake Richard , whose prosparity exemplified the value of his precepts ; but little did he foresee that adversity would prove their inefficacy when cases are altered by circumstances .
Incited by the love cf adventure common to highspirited yonth Richard ' s sou went one evening without his father ' s knowledge and shot a hare . Directed by the report of the gun , the gamekeeper intercepted the young poacher ' s retreat and demanded his booty . The boy with much reluctance complied , hoping thus to appease the insatiate man of authority , but in vain . The gnn was next demanded—this bad been borrowed and therefore the lad was determined to run all risks , rather than give it up . A struggle ensued—the keeper was thrown and the victor rau off with the weapon of contention . This simple qrarrel was greatly exaggtrated —the lad was summoned , convicted , and Bent to prison . Though much vexed at his son , Richard could not but feel more resentment against his persecutor After V ; dnly endeavouring to componnd matters , his wifs and he repaired to the assiza town to do what could be done for their boy .
The eyes of justice have been bandaged by law—right is wtighed in her left hand—the sword is wielded instead of the balance . Richard attended at his son ' s trial and beard the sentence of banishment pronounced against him— his own peace of mind was banished at the sound . The lad , with whose existence the best part ef his own had been identified , who had been the object of so much care and pains , who had new become capable and was willing to requite his parents—such a son to bp ignominiously torn from them and sent in such a manner to such a doom ! Richard with his wife retired into a comer of the conrt and wept bitterlythey could not comfort each other , and the lawyers , thinKing probsbly that they were beyond consolation , never attempted to console them .
When this sorrowial couple returned home they fennd their only remaining child in tears—the sight made their own flow anew for they naturally deemed that her brother ' s bereavement had occasioned her grisf , but it sprung from a deeper source . A youth , who bad volunteered his services during Richard's temporary absence , had improved the opportunity thus unsuspectingly afforded him to accomplish the ruin of his daughter , regardless of the affliction that had already befallen thiB ill-fated family . Poverty did not restrain him from committing a crime , the consequences of which it disabled him from remedying , and double
villain was he who could thus knowingly take advantage of the simple confidence reposed in him by an artless maiden to betray her to shame and want When informed of the situation of his daughter Richard heaved one sigh , looked up and then went his way without Baying a word . Bis son had been taken from him not by the decree of heaven , but cf unjust man , and sent to a barbarous land—his daughter , instead of being 4 comfort to him when he most needed it , had become a disgraceful burthen that added to the weight of his griefs , and bowed his spirits lower than the worst times could have sunk it . His fireside no more attracted his neighbours . All these things were against him . ( To be concluded in our nexl . J
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TO THE CHARTISTS OF SCOTLAND . Bhother Chartists—In my last I stated shortly the present state of the six districts in Scotland , and it trill now be proper to point cut the duties which an Executive will have to perform . Recent events have shewn us that the public mind among the working classes is running in three difierent channels—a small portion are looking to the movement for Complete Suffrage ^—amo ng the middle class they may be considered tke timid and the aristocratic . There is a considerable portion who are still labouring under the exploded idea that Trades Unions and Strikes are a remedy for the evils of class legislation . The patriotism and intelligence of the working popolatloB , have unequivocally declared for Chartist suffrage , as the only and sufficient security foi moderate labour , permanent employment , cheap government , and the establishment of national and individual liberty .
It is the duty , and will be found to be the only sound policy for the Chartist , to pay no attention to either of these movements . Complete Suffrage , if honestly taken np and persevtred in , is Chartism . Trades TJnions and a Strike for wages is an ism that has lcet its charms In this its last effort , the Chartists , i n no sense , oaght to identify themselves with it , as such identification ¦ would be tantamount to an impeachment of the Chatter being a remedy . It would be highly desirable at the present time that the Scottish Executive be format ' , and hold a mttting ts eaily as possible ; and the place I presume ought to be Edinburgh , as tb ? most centra ^
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being the easiest of access from all the six centres Then are questions of vital importance awaiting their determination . 1 . How eught the Chartists to treat the Complete Suffrage movement in Scotland . 2 . How far is it proper for the Chartists to Interfere in Strikes , and in declarations for a particular rate of wages , as Chartists . 3 . Another subject of vital importance demanding their consideration is , to ascertain the number of thoss who held Chartist principles in proportion to the adult population of the place each number represents . 4 . Another matter of great importance to the success of our movement is a declaration from this executive against all violence and unlawful proceedings . 5 . To take into consideration the despotie doetrine laid down by the Home Secretary , that a constable was to judge of what constituted a legal meeting . If so we may consider the Habeas Corpus act suspended in this country .
6 . That the names and addresses of all those at present lecturing npon the Charter be collected and officially reported through the Star , as there is great danger likely to result from inattention to this matter . It cannot be disputed bnt that these are subjects of great importance . An error committed upon any one of these , injures or retards the progress of the cause ; entire and complete uniformity of action is desirable A declaration throngh a properly elected executive is the only means whereby it can be secured . It was the duty of the nominal General Secretary for Scotland , who was appointed on the 3 rd January last , to have corresponded with the six centres , and have
ascertained their views npon these important subjects , as it is reported that he is how installed secretary to the Complete Suffrage Association of Glasgow : thus the means to convene these Bix centres is removed , it now belongs to themselves to appoint a time and elect representatives to settle the subjects mentioned , with others that might be added to it . The West Midland District has elected their delegate some time since , their election having fallen upon Mr . A . Duncan . I trust then that they will proceed to their election , so as that the Chartists in Scotland may act with the spirit of unanimity and brotherly confidence , as men wiio are engaged in a great and eood cause , ready to sacrifice every selfish consideration for the general good .
I am , respected friends , Yours , truly , David Thompson . P . S . As I have received communications already wishing me to lay before this district the propriety of getting up a delegate meeting , I am quite agreeable to serve those districts intending to elect representatives . If they think of sending their communications to me I will lay them before the Association of Alloa , and this District , and mske arrangements witb the friends in Edinburgh for their meeting . D . T . Alloa , 29 th August , 1842 .
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TO MR . PATRICK RAFTER , OF THE I RISH UNIVERSAL SUFFRAGE ASSOCIATION . LETTER I . Aye , roar in his train let them orators lash The j fanciful spirits to pamper his pride—Not thus did thy Gra ^ tan indignantly lash His soul o'er the freedom implored and denied . BrnoN . My dear Rafter , —Ths reign of Toryism has commenced here in trus earnest , and the base Whigs have succeeded in laying the foundation stone of another bloody and brutal structure ! They ate loud in their laudations of what a splendid edifice it will be But the people of England deserve to be eternal slaves if they ever again lay their bricks and mortar for them .
So O'Connell has come out for the Six Points . Have I not always told you he would de so , when deprived of Whig patronage and power , and that he would endeavour to make stepping-stones of the sham Radicals to regain it . I know your sentiments too well to believe that you can for a moment join in the supposition that O'Connell is a sincere patriot . I also believe that you are not the man to lend yourself to the propagation of any other opinion against your BenBe and judgment Yea know what my opinions are on thia subject , and you also know , from your close and personal intercourse with me for the Ia 3 t sixteen years , that I am not the man to bow down before the " golden calf " today , that I yesterday proclaimed a cold , bloated , heartless idoL No , no man shall say to me
" Is it madness or meanness that clings to tbee now ? Were he Gad as he is , but the commonest cl 3 y , With scarce fewer wrinkles than ain 8 on his brow , Such servile devotion ought shame thee away . " No one would be moro ready than I would to make any sacrifice , if I thought it were for the public good ; but , looking as I do , a little beyond the water ' s edge , I will never embark in a vessel when I know that the old admiral , boatswain , and most of the crew believe her not to be sea worthy ; and that they are only locking out for a shallow to get safely on shore , that they may leave her and her unwary passengers ( after taking their passage money ) to perish on the rocks .
and breakers that surround them ! You know , and I know that this has been done in Ireland time after time ; bnt again and again fcas a fresh frigate been rigged out ; and again and again have we heard the old captain ' s cry , " Come along , my boys , pay your fare , we ' re now just going to start for the port of freedom ! " Have T ? e not often started her with 160 . cheers from the bay of Dunleary ; but alas , have we not always seen her retnrn dismantled and tattered , and her hardy crews ( the forties and the tythe victims ) wrecked and destroyed . ' while her Admiral was skulking under the gunwale of the Kingstown and Hollyhead steamer ! And this is the man , forsooth , who is to make England again
" The envy of surrounding nations ;'' and Ireland " Great , giorions , and free , first flower of the earth , And first gem of the sea !" You will bear in mind the many attempts that Mr . O'Connell has made to get the Euglish people to give up their leaders , and also the many attempts he has made to causa them to abandon Universal Suffrage for General Suffrage ! Household Suffrage ! Complete Suffrage I Well , all these have failed , and as I have foretold you , he now comes to the last kick ; for like Yorick ' s skull , " to this favour ht must come . " But what a Bight ia here , my countrymen ; the man who assisted in penning the Charter , then denouncing it , is obliged by the force of events to come back , tired ,
without any one pitying him , to the very spet from whence he started , changing as completely as the compass in a whirlwind , the doiphin , or the camelien . The times really seem to have as much effect on him as a tcuch of the hand to the sensative plant You will also bear in mind that Mr . O'Cornell has been a member and a principal adviser of the Anti-Corn Law League ; yeu will also remark that he rather ludicrously apologised for bis absence at the late Anti-Corn Law League , held in London just before the present outbreak , and when Mr . George Thompson , their secretary , made tuch a violent speech against the Government , and in wbich some very strong threats were hel-A out . I have seen this speech printed and posted in many towns , and on even the huts of the . fishermen in Hastings , along the coast Now it is a well known fact that the League premeditated stopping the mills for some time before they did so ; but did Mr . O'Connell ( whom we cannot conceive to be ignorant of their intentions ; either expose
or denounce suah an infernal scheme ? couple this with his desire to get shut of the Chartist leaders , and you have the why and the wherefore beund up in a little Whig wrapper . Ah ! the rascals , if they could only get shut of the leaders they think the people could be easily made to follow , and I am sorry to say that too many of the Chartist leaders have taken the bait that was laid for them , while they are now quite crazy because Mr . O'Connor was too wide awake for them to be caught by their chaff , and they are now crying coward at him becanse he did not give the Tory bullets a chance of trying the softness of his heart , while had he been fool-hardy enough to display his useless bravery , the rascals who now call him coward would be the first to exult in the arrest of the " hotbraiued agitator , " or the inglorious death of a man who could allow himself to be made a second Jack Kads , ' to gratify the thirsty blood-hounds whose burning throats were parching for a second Peterloo ! like Satan ,
•« Armed with hell-fliine 3 and fury , all at once O'er heaven ' s high towers to force resistless way . " Of one thing I 3 m convinced , that the Leaguers have beea much disappointed at the strike . They have been foiled in most of their deep laid plots to break np the present organization , and the foiling of which has rendered O'Connell ' s long hatched address a rather rotten reed for him to lean upon . There is enough of virtue in the pe .-ple of tngland , though they were deprived of every leader , to scout from their councils the traducer of their wives and daughters , and the betrayer of 509 , 000 of his own confiding countrymen . They still remember the cry of the factory babes ; nor do they forget the Glasgow cotton spinners , the Dorchester labourers , nor the sfeout of exultation at the fate , of the betrayed Frost No , do ; the men of England will not join with the man who could coldly and callously look on while the blood of the men of Clare is still crying for vengeance They still remember , if he shamelessly forget , the massacre of Rathcormac ! of Churchtown ! of Wallstown and Qftryjflfe'ffhflTir ? 1 I am , dear Rafter , Tour ' s in the good cause , L . T . Clahcy . London , August 2 Sth , 1842 .
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TO THE BDITOE 6 F THE NORTHERN STAB . Bravo ! bravo ! Mr . Hill , fire away at the Complete Suffrageites ! This is the last shift of the Liberals . Bang at them ! I see clearly yon have got the right BP ^ nt All the paltry dregs , the riddliugs and refuse of the " Liberal , " together with a few of our would-be amateur , half-gentleman Chutists , have thought to work wonders , and make an honcsc penny by the new dodge . I have -Watched their mtrceuvTes in Birmingham , and will give you the resuit in a fsw words . Tboy H'Oitally hate every man that is known as a who ' e nog C&artist , and are -vrond erf ally civil to these -who are
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moderate , and not violent . Those Chartists who will bow and serape before a middle ^ lass money-grabber , and acknowledge that Feargos O'Connor ia too violent , a ^ J ??? la IndiTid « als w are fu ll of e , energy ? ¥ ? £ * the canso ' mere tools of his , are sure to meet with a warm reception . I hare openly and repeatedly declared in the Chartist Room in Birmingham , that if they offered to join us , I , for one , should object to It ; for they would only do se for the purpose of destroying oar union . T * ™ 7 P umbIe «»* like about denunciationbnt I
. , rrt 11 I ¦ _ ' ' ww «« n MVMUMMIM *« VH | VHW A Sr" ? 1 ™* « J ? ? " * ™* ieBt p ° Uey t ^' oo * 1 * be pursued . "Oh . dont denounce a man because he conseterdiousl v differs with yon on minor points , " says a amock-faced animal , who likes to rub his skirts against genteel coats . My dear Sir , I have had a good deal of experience amongst politicians , and I never knew one of yoar ^ teeJ , accommodating , squeamish fellows to be worth a blackberry ; therefore , I take pride in the manner in which you are laying On the whip . Keep them up to the collar , if yon once allow any of those counterfeits to pass as genuine we are thrown back .
Some of onr prudent frienda may suggest the propriety of conciliation , thinking that by so doing , the middle-class jurymen might be favourable to us poor devils in limbo . Never mind that , don't leave the Liberals a leg to stand on ; this is their last shift , and let them know that they must either take the Chartist or Tery side of the question . I get to hear how you are getting on , and give yon thanks for your late articles . You can hardly imagine how pleasing it is to those who are buried alive , to know that the sentinel U at his post I remember well that in March , 1840 , when poor Holberry , Peddle , Brooke , Duffy , Ashton , Martin , myself , and about twenty more , were in York Castle Yard ; afrer receiving sentence , some of them remarked that tho cause would g * down during the incarceration of so many . of the moat active Chartists ; but the immediate reply of about a dozeu was , " the Star will keep it up ;" and bo it proved .
My paper is full ; I again thaDk you for being always there when wanted . I have been now a month in solitary confinement ; but am in capital health . I am yours , In the good ' eause , George White .
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' ^* * ' * PROOF OF MIDDLE-CLASS SYMPATHY . TO THE EDITOR OP THE NORTHERN STAR . SIR , —In passing through a few colliery districts of Durham , and Northumberland , I have learned a few faots . namely , any one who has the least deBire for freedom can not obtain employment upon the most tediouB terms , that is to say , they can only be employed from day to day , so that if it is found that any slave thus employed shall look into the Northern Star , or any other liberal paper , such slaves are , without a day ' s notice , discharged from their employ and turned out of their cottages . You must understand , sir , that employers here aro both coal mine , collage , and slave proprietors , for if a man desires work and ia willing to sacrifice political
principle , he may he a slave for twelve months , and after being thus bound he cannot abstain from work a single day without a note from the oolliery dootor , without being subject to imprisonment—neither are the colliers allowed to have a doctor of their own choosing—such gentlemen are to be selected by the master miners . If a collier takes in a lodger who does not work on the same establishment , the csllier must pay one Bhilling and sixpence e-week more rent for such lodger . School masters are of the same appointment , for it happened a few weeks ago that a poor man , although the firat scholar in the whole colliery , was roosted out of the neighbourhood , and wns not allowed to have either a school or employment because his mind was tinged a little with thinking about politics .
The coal-masters are supremely good , pious , and religious . The other day , a raving madman cried out in the street , " Thank God . ' no man need go into the pit " ( hell ) , when a poor slave cried out , " What a d d lie , for I have to go into the pit ( coal pit ) every day , and work there from twelve to fourteen hours , or me and my family must starve . " The lazy , canting knave had t © walk about his business . If colliers are only found talking about politics over a pot of beer , it becomes hard work for tho publican to get his licence renewed . You may judge for yourself how things are here , when some of the coal masters are magistrates . They know too well that if the People ' s Charter was made the basis of all future legislation , it would ere long be Impossible for any of them to have a supreme control over the labour and lives of a thousand slaves and their families .
By inserting the above in your next Star , as my proof of middle class sympathy , you will very much oblige , A Chartist Labourer in ihe Colliery Districts for the last month , Peter Rigby . Neweastle-upon-Tyne , Sept . 25 , 1842 .
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NOMINATIONS TO THE GENERAL COUNCIL . LIVERPOOL—TOXTETH-PiRK . Charles Hook , painter . George Rigg , cordwainer . Wm . Jones , painter . Samuel Morris , blockmaker . Thomas HodgBon , brass-turner . Richard Parry , stonemason . George Rigg . cordwainer , sub-Treasurer . Charles Gwilliam , bricklayer , sub-Seoretary . BAHNSLEY . Robert Garbut , weaver , Indle ' s-fold . James Noble , basket-maker . New-street . Benjamin Bailey , weaver , Kingston-place . Wm . Hilton , weaver , OJd Town . Gtorge Haigh , weaver , Burton . Thomas Lingard , new ' s-agenfc , New-street . John Pettott , weaver , Theatre Yard . Johu Armitage , weaver , Pall Mall , sub-Trea surer . Patrick Bradley , weaver , Wilson Piece , sub Secretary . BRITANNIA , UPPER CHAPMAN-STREET , ST . GEORGES ' S
IN THE EAST . William Jinkins , shoemaker , 51 , Nelson-street . James Jagot , shoemaker , White-street , Bethnal-Green . George HaH , carpenter , Ely-place , Globe-lane . Nathaniel Caiiuon , bootmaker , William-streot . John Robarts , bootmaker , Star-street , Commercial-road . Richard Thomas , shoemaker , Star-street . William Bain , shoemaker , Flying Horse Court , Moorfields . William Henry Wilkins , shoemaker , Norfoikstrect , Bub-Treasurer . James Hammond Knowhs , 6 , Windsor-street , BishopEate , sub-Secretary .
CHESTERFIELD . Thomas Taylor , bobbin'nett weaver , Beetwell street . Francis Barnes , smith , Lord ' s-mill-street . George Perry , smith , do . do . Samuel Hawley , smith , Boythorpes . John Kycroft , twine-spinner , Silter-gate . Robert Bown , labourer , St . Mary ' s Gate . Johu Savage , engineer , Glueman Gate . John Briddon , cordwainer , Beetwell-atreet . Thomas Throsby , warper , Hollis-lane . John Williams , hatter , Brampton , sub-Trea surer . John Wigley , Bobbin-nett weaver , Beetwell street , sub-Secretary .
MILNROW . Mr . James Milnes , weaver . Mr . John Clegg , fuller , Lawfield . Mr . Joseph Lawton , weaver , ditto . Mr . Thomas Lawton , ditto , ditto . Mr . Henry Clough , ditto , ditto . Mr . Thomas Milligan , ditto , Stonepilfield . Mr . Rebert Clegg , ditto , Milnrow . Mr . Robert M ilaes , ditto , Moor-Heuse , sub Treasurer . Mr . John Butterworth , di ' . to , Stonepitfield , sub Secretary .
DEEBT . Mr . J . Jonson , silk weaver , ladders-lane . Mr . Bibbey , cordwainer , Bridge-gate , Mr . Tatem , gardener , Willow-row . Mr . Sjmons , smith , Walker-lane . Mr . Peet , framework-knitter . Mr . Wheildon . tailor , St . Peter ' s-cfaurch-yard . Mr . ThomE 3 Alexander , tailor , Brook-street . NOTTIHGHAM , Mr . John Bramor , Collect-street , Blond-lane . Mr . Beujamia Humphries , framework-knitter , Lee's-yard Narrow-marsh . ' ; Mr . James Midoieton , smith , Ekeston-road , New Radibrd . Mr . Joseph Green , warp-hand , Paradise-row . Mr . John Baum , framework-knitter , Abingerstreet . Mr . William Rayner , bobin and carriage hand , Martin's-yard , Narrow-marsh . Mr . Johu Day , plumber and glazier , Saint Ann'sstreet , York-street . Mr . George Clarkestone , lace-hand , Bloomsgrove . Mr . Charles Roberts , tailor , Hookley . Mr . John Moislej , lace-hand , Narrow-marsh , sub-Treasure ; . Mr . Isaac Barton , framework-knitter , Cherrystreet , Bub-Secretary . NORWICH . Mr . Edward Davis , cordwaioer , St . Paul's . Mr . Thomas Hewitt , weaver , do . Mr . William Clarke , do ., Clements . Mr . John Stanley , do ., St . Pauls , sub-Secretary . Mr . John Middleton , do-, Martin ' a-place , sub-Sscretary .
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( From our own Correspondent J On Friday last , at a little before two o ' clock in the afternoon , Mr . D . Maude took bis seat upon the bench , and after disposing of the night charges , Mr . M'Cartney was placed at the bar to answer a charge of attending illegal meetings , and using seditious and icflammatory languagoat tho same . Mr . Inspector Wolfenden , of the Pendleton police force , said that it would be in the recollection of the magistrate that he arrested the prisoner at his residence in Liverpool , on a warrant for attending an illegal meeting at Ecclss , on the 10 th of August , and that at hiB ( Wolfenden ' s ) request , tho prisoner wa 3 remanded on last Friday until to day , to allow him time to make out aiiother charge against the prisoner . at the bar , and that he was new able to prove that the prisoner attended an illegal meeting at Leigh on tha 11 th of August , and that at the said meeting ha made use of seditious and inflammatory language .
Mr . Maude—Have you any ¦ witnesses ? Policeman—Yts . Timothy Taylor was then sworn , when the following questions were asked by the magistrate : — Mr . Maude—What is your name ? Witness—Timothy Taylor . . Mr . Maude—Whet trade are you ? .. . Witness—A silk weaver , Mr . Maude—Where do you live ?' . Witness—Near Leigh . Mr . Maude—Were you at a meeting oa the 11 th of August . Witness—Yes . Mr . Maufie—Did the people at that meeting stop any mills ? Witness—1 believe they stopt Mr . Isherwood ' s mill , but Mr . Jones stcpi . hia when he saw the mob coming , for fear they would do any damage . Mr . Maude—Did any of them go on to the premises of Mr . Jones ?
Witness—No . Ono man ashed tho engineer if tho plug was out of the boiler , and he said " No ; but I will go and take it out , " Mr . Maude—Who said he would go and take it ou . ? Witness—Tho Engineer . It was the engineer himself that pulled out the plug . Mr . Maude—Did they make much noise ? Witness—Yes . Mr , Maude—What kind of a noise was it ? Witness—Shouting . Mr . Maude—What time of the day was this ? Witness—About noon . Mr . Maude—Did you see the prisoner there ? Witness—No . Mr . Maude—At what time of the day was the meeti ng held ? Witness—At night .
Mr . Maude—What did you hear at the meeting ? Witness—When I went to the meeting there was a man speaking , and he advised the paople not to return to work again until the Charter was the la ^ of the Jand , ami that tho Cbarier would give them Universal Suffrage , Vate by Ballot , and Annual Parliaments ; he also mentioned the other points of the Charter . Mr . Maude—Did he tell them how they were ' to get the Charter ? Witness—Yes ; he told them they must get it by moral force ; that they must ask for their right 3 in a moral and peaceable manner from their fellow men ; and if they refused them , then they must trust to their own right arms ; aye . and their bodies , too , and their long zig-zig click clack bits of steel ; and that the Repealers of Ireland were ready to join them to obtain their rights any day . Mr . Maude—Is the prisoner the person that was speaking at that meeting , and made uss of the language that you have stated ?
The witness paused for several minutes , and made no answer . Mr . Maude—Come , now , toll us if the prisoner bs tho person that made use of that language 1 The witness still hesitating , the magistrate again asked him for an answer . Witness—I cannot justiy £ ay whether it is the same person or not . Mr . Maude—You are not positive ? Witness—No . Mr . Maude—Do you swear that the prisoner is the person that spoke at the meeting ? Witness—No , I cannot Bwear that the prisoner is the same persen . Mr . Maude—But you think , to the best of your recollection , that it ia the same person ?
Witness—Yes ; I think that the person is like the person that spoke at the meeting , but I cannot positively swear that it is the same . Mr . Maude—Was it dark ? Witness—No ; it was dusk . Mr . Maude—How far were you from the person that was addressing the meeting ? Witness—About thirty yards . Mr . Maude—Did the speaker advise the people to stop the mills ? Witness—No , not that I heard ; he told them that he had attended a great many meetings in other places , and that the people were determined net to commence working until they got the Charter , and he hoped the people of Leigh would do likewise .
Mr . Maude—Did he mention any particular place were he bad held meetings ? Witness—No . Mr .. Maude—How many persons were there present ? Witness—Four or five hundred . Mr . Maude . —Was there any other meeting that week ? Witness—Yes ; there was one on the Saturday . Mr . Maudo—Was the prisoner at that meeting ? Witness—I did not sea him ; I never saw him in ray life , neither before nor since . Mr . Msude—What countryman did you think the person was that was speaking to the people ? Witness—An Irishman .
Mr . Bent cross-ex iniined the witness—I thmk yon eaid you were a silk weaver ? Witness—Yes . Mr . Bent—Then you are not a policeman ? Witness—No . Mr . Bent—Thesi clothes of yours are of a very neat make—will you be kind enough to tell me where you borrowed them to coma here in ? Witness—Not from you . Mr . Bent—I know that ; but will you tell me where you got them ? Witness—I bought them , and paid for them honestly . Mr . Beat—I think you told the magistrate that Mr . Jones turned out his bands for fear that some damage would be done to the mill . Did Mr . Jones tell you that he was afraid ?
Witness—No . Mr . Bent—Then I suppose you saT ? it ? Witness—No , I did not see it ; but eora& of the workpeople told me that that was tho reason that lie stopped lis mill . Mr . Bent—I think yon said that the mob had sticks . Did you flee the prisoner there ? Witness—No . Mr . Bent—Can you swear that the prisoner is the man that spoke at the meeting on the 11 th of August ? Witness—I cannot swear positively to the man , but I think it is the same . Mr . Bent—Then you cannot swear positively ? Witness—No . Mr . Bent—Did you take notes of what the speaker said ? Witness—No . . Mr . Bant—Will you be kind enough to tell U 3 what he aaid about those zigzag click-elack bits of Bteol you told us about ? Witness—Physical force . ( Loud laughter . )
Mr . Beet—O J physical force ; but repeat the words that the speaker used ; that is what I want to hear . Witness—Why be did not say physical force ; but the people understood what be meant . Mr . Bent—Come , sow , will you tell us how you know that the people understood the speaker to mean physical force ? Witness—Because they laughed and cried , " hear , hear . " Mr . B-nt—How long was it after the meeting before you heard anything of having to be a witness ? Witness—Thia mor : iin ? .
Mr . Bent—Then you are sure that it was not mentioned to you before that tiaia ? Witness—Mr . Martin asked me about a fortnight after the meeting if I was . at it ; and I told him I waB . He asked me what I heard j and I told him that also . lir . Bent—What did yon tell him ? Witness—The same that I have said here to-day . Mr . Bent—Did he take it down in writiDg at tbs time ? Witness—No ; not that I saw . Mr . Bent—Did you ever see the prisoner before the night of the meeting ? Witness—No ; nor since , until I came here .
Mr . Bent—Am I to understand , from what you say , that you have not seen the prisoner ( allowicg that he was the person who spoke at the meeting at Xeigh ) until you eamo into this court or that you saw him downstairs ? "Witness— -I saw him down stabs . Mr . Bent—How . many persoas were there present atthattime ? Witness—Two or three , throe or four . Mr . Bent—Two or three , three or four ! pray bow many is that ? " Witness—There was four . Mr . Bent—What did you say then ? did you say . that he was the person who spoke at the meeting ? ¦ . ' :
.. Witness—No ; I said then , as I have Eaid uinso , that he was like the man that spoke , but I could sot swear that it was hiai . Mr . Bent—I have no mere questions to ssk . The decision was that he bo bound over to appear at the Khkdalp sskzss , himself in £ 120 , and '< wo sureties in £ 00 each , with forty-eight hours notice ,. Bail was immediately tendered , and . Sir . MCuitn&y was released on Monday ' afternoon .
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STAG HUN ? ON TOMIES MOUNTAIN AND THE LOWEll LAKES . The lovers cf this delightful terra-aqua ' . icRiuussmenfc ( pecuiiar ' to Killaruuy ; w < . re gratifisd to their hearts * content on Thursday . The wtsSher being highly propitious , nil the . fairy flotilla of L . ci . Iane was under weigh at r . n onvly hour , freighted with the youth , beauty , p . nd icsLion cf the kingdom of Kerry ,-and no few contributi' .-ns ficin the kingdoms beyond . At high meridian lha hounds were in fu ! l cry , and at this critical moniuiit the boats begsn to rendezvous near O Sullivan ' a Cascade . " The antifrr'd monarch of tha Taste Sp : ui ! gfrora his heathery couch iu haste , "
exactly opposite' Vincent Point—dashed towards the cataract—bounded towards the teeming tiood just hclow the fall , and stretchod gallantly avray with all his deep-mouthed ' enemies at his heels . He had not gone far , however , when another Red Rover created a diversion in his favour , and a few hounds ¦ were seen hanging on the haunches of the lutter . iThis double hunt was only enjoyed by a , few boats in the rear . ) The iluckrush beagles , however , were no fools , and the stragglers soon returoed to the attack . 'iho first str . g bid noiv reached the boundary of Gkna , when , as though scrupulous ( unlike eorae of his biped followers ) of trespassiug on Lord K ^ i ; m : ire ' s property , albeit in a case of life and death , the hardpressed animal turned him round , looked at his pursuers , and descending space to the shore , and panting and exhausted , plunged into ibe lake .
Scarce had he laved his sides in the pure and refreshing waters , ero a squadron of boats closing around him , compelled him to swim back to land . But the dogs would net suffj ? him , re-inviaoralcd though he ¦ was , to ascend the mountiin again , and , like polite Irishmen , seemed Ecsious , and iu fact did all in their power to give the ladies and gentlemen n full ? . nd satisfactory opportunity of beholding the exhilarut ' . Eg amusement . They now urged him along the water ' s edta , and it soon became a contsst not mtrciiy betvreen Ihu quarry and his pursuers , but betw en tho h'mtero on the land and the rowers on the lake . Once more , in the meantime , did the 6 tag plunge into the glassy bas ' n , and on . co more w& 3 he driven back . But though he ind thus twice renewed his strength , on asain reaching Yii : C 3 nt'a Point ( the very spot where he was Btartoii ) , ho for the third time sought refuge in the lake ' s pure bosom . He was at laBt capturad by Cjuusellor Leihy's boatmen .
Among the spectators of this unequalled bunt wera the following distinguished visitors , then Ktajinf ; at tho Muckross Hotel : —lisv . Robtrt Longti-ld , Custleinary ; Mrs . Jepb . 80 n , Mallow ; Wilson Gnn , E .-q , Kattoo ; Peter Thomson and Blennerhas&tt Thompson , Btqra ., nnd the ladies-of their party . — Correspondent of the Kerry Post . .
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From the London Gazette of Friday , Sept . 23 . BANKRUPTS . Julius E ^ ald Beerbohm and William Edmund Slaughter , of Fohchurch-street , City , merchants , Oct 8 , at twelve , and Nov . 4 , at one , at the Cuuit of Bankruptcy . Mr . W . Whifcuiore , official assignee , Basinghall street ; and Messrs Crowder and Maynurd , solicitors , Mansion-house-place . John Keid , formerly of St . Alban ' s , Herlfordehire , and late of Sydney ; but now of S 3 , King William-street , City , chemist , Oct . 6 , at one , and Nov . 4 , at two , at the Court of Bankruptcy . Mr . W . Whit more , official assignee , Bi 6 inghall- £ itrcet ; and Mr , P . B . Smith , solicitor , 17 , Baeinchall-street .
John James ; Istlin , of St . Bsnnetfs-placfi , Gracechurch-strect , City , merchant , Oct . 6 , at twelve , and Nov . 4 , at . twe , at the Court of Bankruptcy . Mr William Pennell , official assignee , 31 , Basinghall-street , and Messrs Bruco and sons , solicitors , Bilitar-square , London . William Chapmin and Charles Nason Woodyer , of Hope-wharf , Wapping , coal merchants , Sept , 29 , at one , and Nov . 4 , at twelve , at the Cuurt cf Bankruptcy . Mr . Gtorge Green , cfflcial assignee , 18 , Aldermanbury ; and Messrs O rerton and Hughes , solicitors , 25 , Old Jewry . William Brokcopp , of 213 , High-street , Southwark , Surrey , grocer and cheesemonger , Sept . 29 , at twelve , and Nov . 4 , at eleven , at tho Court of Bankruptcy . Mr Georpe Gibson , official assignee , 72 , B-Mi-igbuU-btreet , and Messrs Bennett on *! Bclding , solicitors , 9 , Scofsvard , Cannon-street , London .
Jonathan Thompson , of Oxford-s ^ -eet , liiicldiesex , and Cheapside , ' City , dealer in paper b-nfiinvn , Si . pt . ? 9 , aud Nov . 4 , nt two , at tho C ^ urt of Bankruptcy . Mr George Green , official assignee , 18 , AUlermanbucy j and Mets . s May hew and Co ., solicitors , Cirey-Btrefct , Lincoln ' s-inn . ¦ West Henry P . isrkes , of Birmingham , hosier and laca de . iler . Oct * . 6 , at i \? o , and Nov . 4 , at ona at tiae evert of Bankruptcy . 'Mr . George Gibson , official assignw , 72 , B .-. eintfhull-street ; and Messrs Reid and Siiaw , solicitors Fridaj-street . Sanders Casw , of Ciipaton , Nortbami > torj 8 hira , fljur and wait dealer . Oct . S , at ten , and Nov . 4 , at one , at the li : « a Hotel , Northampton . Mr . Wiiiiam Andrews , solicitor , Market Harborough ; and Messrs Bridges and Mason , solicitors , 23 , Rad Lioc-fquare , London .
PASTNERSUIl'S DISSOLVED . Robert Eaye and John Fisher , Mo ; d Green . Yorkshire , fancy manufacturers . Thomas MaUin and Henry Matin , of Sheffield , Yorkshire , file manufacturers . H ; : nry Day and Dankl Stone , ol Manchester , tcucbers of chemistry . -John Piiestiy , sen , John Priestly , j : m ., and James Priestley , of Lower Ciowts , Lancashire , cotton spiners ( so far as regarita - Juhn Priestly , Jan ., ) Edward Actfvs and RicfcaM Greg-: ou , cf Liverpool , maEaficturing chemists .
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From the Gazette of Tuesday , Sept . 27 . BANKUBPTS . Richard Hodgson Smith , of 103 , Cornaiil , and formerly of -Cuahiou-oourt , Broad-street , City , merchant , October 8 , at oua , and -November 8 , at t-kven . at the Court of Bankruptcy . Mr . T . M . Alsagar , offisial aebignee , Birchiu-laue ; and Jlr . Wm . Baron , Eolicitor , 21 , Old Jewry . William Henry Ball , of Konnington-cross , Surrey coach master , October 8 , ¦ at . eleven , a ad November 8 . at twelve , as the Court ef Bankruptcy . Mr William Whitmore , ifikial ansiguee , Ba-inghail-sireet ; and Messrs . Milter and Cwr , solicitors , 47 , Eastcheap , London . ¦ -,,- »«• Hannah- Simmonda , of Lsamingiea Priors , Warwickshire , miUintr , Oetober 11 aad November 8 , at two , at ' the Lausdowce Hotel , Leainingtoa Priors . Messrs . Parkes and Sod , solicitors , X , VerulambnildiDgs , Gray ' B-inn ; and Mr . Cojc , solicitor , LeammgtonPrioM . ¦ . ¦ - .. t
_ _ , _ John Badcoeb , of Shrlvenham , Berkshire , grocer , October 12 , at twelve , and November 8 , at eleven , at the Bell Inn , Fairingdon . Ms . James Hainer , soliclto * ,-F-ortingdon . ¦ - Horton Payn , of Liverpool , ma 3 ter miner , Ort . 8 , ana Nov . 8 , at / he Clarendon-rooms , Liverpool , tir- ^ J Cross , solicitor , Liverpool ; and Messrs . Vincent ana Sherwood , solicitors , 0 , King ' s-bench-wrik , Inner-tem ple , London , PAUTNKKSHirS DISSOLVED , ¦ Carlos B ; tck-bRT ? Ppole and John Harrison ,
ofHalifx vorj ^ hire truce Kacufactuicta . Tki .-maa r-Iirtglty amii- ^ id iii ' dgUy , of HudtojUcU . , ' Samuel Tnorp and William Brock , of SJutcheEter , stntt' raorcbaut ? . Htii'i' Lunn , Juhn CrowtLer , and V . 'iUU ' . ra Crovrthcv , oE Paddock . Btai EudUexeSfr' 4 ) c ' . cth £ & \ Htt ? i ;» .
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ANOTHER VICTIM OF CLASS TYRANNY . On Friday evening last , Mr . James Cartledge , the Sesretary to the' South Lancashire Delegates , was arrested by Mr . . Inspector Irvine , en a charge of using seditious language at Mottram Green , on Sunday , tho 14 th August Mr . Cartledge was conveyed in a coach te the Town Hall , and consigned to the lock-up underneath that building . A great number of papers and bosks were fiefzjd , consisting of Chartist Circulars . Northern Stars , and portraits given with that paper , together with s quantity of children ' s school books . Mr . Cartledge having for some -years back conducted a seminary for the instruction of youth , in which capacity he is much respeoted . A box fu I of books , belontini ? to Mrs . Cartledge ' s brother ; -were also taken to the Town Hall , where they were subjected to a rigid scrutiny .
Mr . Cartlodge having been kept in the lock-up from Friday until Monday , was removed to Hyde , accompanied by Irvine and Cross , for tho purpose , aa the Hyde TBa ^ iat ' . ates informed him , to hear the depositions against him read over , at the eansa time telling him there-were other charges against him of a serious nature in Lancashire . The depositions were then rtad and sworn to , ami Mr . CartleOge asked if he had ar . y questions to put to the witnesses , the Chairman advising him to be ci . u ' . ioun , as his que-tions would be written down and appear against him on hia triaL Cartledge , bowoytr , put a fdw questions , and elicited from t'ue witnesses ' that they were officers in the Cheshire cocstabuFnry force . Cartledpe declined saying anything in defence , and Captain Clark having consulted his brother magistrates , stated that it -was a bai . ' able off-nca , and ordered Cartledge to find two suroties in three . hundred poueds each , and himself in s ; x hundred pounds , to appear at the next Chester Afcsizes , and to givo forty-eicht hours' notice .
Notwithstanding the exorbitant amount of bail demanded from this poer man , s-uch vras the conduct of tfce magistrates that thoy refused to tnko four sureties at £ 150 each , instead cf two nt £ 300 . I applied for liberty to see- Mr . Cartage , vhich was readily granted , cm ! I veas locked up wuh him in his cell for somo time , and after consulting with him concerning his bail , he desired that I wculd make it known to the . public , through tbe columns' of the Star , that he received the best of treatment at the hands of the Manchester officers .
23anlmi£I& &"C.
23 anlmi £ i& &"c .
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So plentjfdl is money at the present moment , that bills are how discounted in . Liverpool at 3 per ceat ., while in London good paper may , vjo believe , be discounted for 2 per cev&r * l \ verpoQl Albion ,
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( COPT . ) ADDRESS OF THE WATKINS TESTIMONIAL COMMITTEE TO JOHN WATKINS . On presenting you ,. Sir , with a token of the love and good-will of the metrepolitan Chartists for the beneflcer-ce and kindness which you have always evinced towards the -working classes in your disinterested labours and writings in the people ' s cause , we take the opportunity to express to you the trust and reliance which vre place in your fidelity and constancy , and to signify to you cur admiration of your abilities and the value which we put upen their exercise in the field of Chartism . "We would also acknowledge cur estimation of your prudence , foresight , and love of justice , and conclude with assuring you of our respect and confidence so long aa you pursue your present consisteat coursa . We are , &c
KB . WAIKIKSBEPLY . Gentlemen , —If I accept this mark of your approval and esteem , it is for the sake of the cause ; for I well knew that had I not served that cause faithfully you ¦ would not have deemed me worthy of it . I accept it then as a token of your gratitude for past services , and of encouragement for the future , and that others may see you are not forgetful of your friends , but wish that their example may hold forth as an incentive to others to deserve similar marks of esteem This , I take it , is the true use of Euch tokens , to encourage us all in " patient perseverance in well-doing . " 1 Bhall for ever cherish the remembrance of your favour , and I trust that my condnct will shew tbut I merited it . 1 am , Gentlemen , Yocfi Bbothes Chartist .
N . B . —All persons in the country desirous to add to the London Testimonial will please to forward their mites to the office of the Northern Star .
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THE NORTHERN STAR 7 . _ . i .... . . -. , _ _ _ — i . _ , ¦ . ¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦¦¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦ -.. - ¦ . _ f I ¦¦ _ . » ' " ' ' ''"'"""""" '"* " " " . " ¦¦' ' ¦¦¦ * ' '" - -- ' . '"' . ' - * ' . . ' . ' - ' -U- " —¦**¦ t «¦¦ ¦ . ! . ¦¦ ., _ . —
Northern Star (1837-1852), Oct. 1, 1842, page 7, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct450/page/7/