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rpHE PROPRIETORS OF KEARSLEY'S ± ORIGINAL WIDOW WELCH'S FEMALE PILLS , find it incumbent on them to caution the purchasers of these Pills against ac imitation , by a person of the name of Smithkrs , and calling herself the Grand-daughter of the late Widow Wllcii , but who has no right to the preparing of them , the Original Recipe ha-ing been sold to the late G . Kearslet , of Fleet-street , whose widow found it necessary to make the following affidavit , for the protection of her property , in the year 1798 : —
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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN , that applicac& ' . ion is intended to be made to Parliament in the ensuing Session for an Act to alter , amend , and enlarge , or to repeal , some of the powers and provisions of an Act passed in the Fifty E ghth Year of the Reign of his late Majesty King George the Thud intituled " An Act for ligh'ing with Gas the T-wd , and Neighbourhood of Leeds , in the Borough ot Leeds , in the West Riding of the County of York , " and to enable tho Company incorporated by the said
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Now Ready , Price 2 s . 6 d . r 7 ADKIEL'S LEGACY ; containing a full and Li particular Judgment on THE GREAT CON J UNCTION of Saturn and Jupiter , on the 26 . sh of January , 1842 . being the most important Conjunction since the Days of King Alfred the Great ; foreshowing the History of the World Jor 200 Years to come ! ' . ' ! Also , ESSAYS ON HINDU ASTROLOGY , and the NATIVITY of H . R . H . ALBERT EDWARD . Prince of Wales , &o , his Character and Future Destiny , &c . &c . London : Sherwood , Gilbert , and Piper , Paternoster-row ; of whom may be had , ZADKIEL' 3 GRAMMAR OF ASTROLOGY , second edition , 12 mo . 5 i . cloth . Z \ DKIEL'S TABLES to be used in calculating Nativities . i-2 mo . 2 s . 6 d . cloth .
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Just Published , price 2 s . Gd ., and seut free on receipt of a Post-office Order for 3 s . 6 d . MANLY VIGOUR : a Popular Inquiry into the CONCEALED CAUSES of itsPKEMATUKE DECLINE : with Instructions for its COMPLETE RESTORATION , addressed to those suffering from tho Destructive Consequences of Excessive Indulgence in Solitary and Delusive Habits , Youthful Imprudence , or Infection ; with Remarks on tho Treatment of Ghonorrhce , Gleet , Stricture and Syphilis . Illustrated with Cases , &c . BY C J . LUCAS , & . CO ., CONSULTING SURGEONS , LONDON .
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EDWARDS' BREAKF&ST'POWDER . THE MANUFACTURERS of this ' excellent Article have taken t . to 'Premise ? , 271 , Deansgate , Manchester , in ord ^ r to supply Agents there , and in the neighbouring Counties , ou the same terms as at their Warehouse in London . The Breakfast Pov / der is prepared from Grain of British Growth , and some of the most eumieni London Physicians affirm it to be far more nutritious and leas heating than Coffee ; it is used and recommended by many medical men , and needs but a trial to ensuro general consumption . Sold in rackets , in most Towns in the Kingdom , Prsco 6 d . per Pound ; Superfine Quality , 8 d .
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rnilE NEW YORK LINE OF PACKETS . X Sail punctually on their regular days iruin LIVERPOOL . —As follows , viz . GEO . WASHINGTON , Burrow , 600 tons 25 , h Nov . UNITED STATES , Button , ... 650 tons , 1 st Dec . I _ '¦ . ¦ ¦ These vessels are all first clas 3 , and have been built expressly for the convenience and accommodation of Cabin , Second Cabin , and Stkeuaob Passeugers , who will be treated with every care and attention during the passage by the officers of tho ehipa . Fresh water is served out daily . All Passengers ' . by these Ships will be found in lib . good biscuit bread or bread stuffs per day during the
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Just Published , Price 2 s . 6 d . ( Or sent free to the most remote parts of the Kingdom , in a sealed envelope , on the receipt of a post-office order for 3 s . 6 \ 1 . )
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Now publishing in Penny Numbers , and Fourpenny Parts , T 7 OLT AIRE'S PHILOSOPHICAL D . ICV TIONiRY , verbatim from the Edition in Six Volumes , published at £ 2 10 . There are now ready thirty-two Numbers and Part Eight .. Part Niue will be ready next Wednesday . The , Publisher pledges -his word that , this celebrated W ork will ba completed for Ten Shillings , though to effect this , he will have to give upwards of fifty double Numbers at the present rate of issue . Also , THE DEVIL'S PULPIT , by the Rev . Robert Taylor . A Scries of Astronomo-lheologioal Lectured delivered at the Rotunda , by . tms celebrated Orator . All Ihe Numbers ( 48 ) are now in print at Twopence each , or the whole may Oe had neat in Cloth , two vols . Nine Shillings ..
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^ PEEL'S TARIFF OXJTZONEI THE COFFEE TAX REPEALED ! MESSRS . CROW AND TYRELL beg to call ' the attention of the Chartist Public to tha BEVERAGE prepared by them , as a Cheap and Wholesome substitute for Taxed Coffee . Its imttj . tious qualities are equalled by none in the Market ; while its mode of Preparation renders it vastly 35 ! perior to the Trash offered for Sale by those who regard not the health of the Consumer . As a nit am of supporting the " -Executive Committee of the Nj . tional Charter Assoeia . ion , " and as a means o ( crippling the Governmental Exchequer , it may be made a ready and powerful weapon m the handa ot the Sons of Toil . A single Trial will prove its superiority over other . Preparations ot like pretensions .
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The Proprietors have , great pleasure in announcing that Mr . J . HOBSON , Publisher of the Northern Star , has become General Wholesale Agent for the Chartist Breakfast Powder , for the District of Yorkshire . He has now a large quantity in Stock , both at Leeds and at Huddersfield , from which he is authorised to supply tha Associations and other Retail Vendors at the bama Prices as the Proprietors themselves . Orders addressed to him will meet with prompt Attention .
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TO THE WOELD . "VTERyOUSNESS is a term which embraces a lY frightful catalogue of disorders—even to insanity itself—to describe a tenth part of the symptoms nervous patients experience would fill a volume ; but although their variety is so great , ihey are all referable £ 0 one and the same cause . A nervous patient is like a musical instrument with its chords loosened , emitting all sorts of discordant instead of harmonious sounds . What is , therefore , wanted to restore a nervous patient to health 3 The
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KERxMAN'S CELEBRATED GOLDEN PACKETS OF SPECIFIC MEDICINES , : ] Under the Sanction and by the Recommendation q Eminent Gentlemen of the Faculty and th Afflicted . SPECIFIC PILLS for Gout and Rheumatism Rheumatic Headaches , Lumbago , and Sciatica Pains in the Head and Faoe .--ls . 9 d . and 4 s . 6 d per Box . PURIFYING APERIENT RESTORATIVE ' j PILLS , For both sexes . Price Is . 1 £ d . and 2 s . 9 d . per box , A most celebrated remedy for Costive and Bilious Complaints , Attacks of Fever , Disorders of the Stomach and Bowels , Indigestion , Dimness of Sight , Pains and Giddiness of the Head , Worms , Gravel , Dropsical Complaints , Ac .
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LONDON . —55 , Old Baiiet—A discn ^ sion -was to hare taken p ! ase on Thursday evening , at this pluce . tlOn the Eligibility of Wra-. rn to Es- ; rcise the Fnnchise" The dispatactaT ?» re Mrtars . Coht-n and Powell ; but owing to the absence of Mr . Po-s-tll a cenersl eiscnEsion took place ; and after several excellent addresses had been delivered , the ductsiion vras adjourned . A Meeting , called by circular , of influential persons belorgiEt to the vaiicns sections ef Chartists an - ' political Ktforjoers , was held on Thursday evenine , at the rooms of the Parliamentary AtsocistioH , 9 John-Street , Adelphi , to consider the best means of Sending delegates to the ensuing Birmingham Conference . Mr . Dan can having been called to the chair , britfly opened
the proceedings . Dr Black read an abstract of the two addresses issued by the Birmingham Council . and sut ^ l that , according to the present plan , London was entitled to send twenty-eight representatives . Ha wished the meeting to adojit some steps cakust-ed to procure unanimity npon the subject . After some litt e discussion , Mr . Wheeler moved , and Dr . Bjwfcett stevnoed , the following resolution .- — " That this meeting recommend to the various sections of reformers in the metropolitan district the propriety of sending delegates to the Birmingham Conference , to be holde . n on December 27 , 1 S 42 " Mr . FusstU would not oppose the motion ; but he ¦ wished the object of the Conference to be clearly defined . Dr- Shostie supported the motion . Ee
considered it vronld be the nitres of proclucirg greit good Mr . Brown stated that one of the rlj ^ - . s of the Conference vras to prepare the firaft of a bill to Parliament . He did not see the utility of that measure , and foniii oppose it if it was meant to supersede the Charter . Dr . B ! ack stated that if ha vras elected on the C- 'n . ' erence , he wonld oppose cnythini ? calculated to infringe upon or supersede the Cnarter . Ruffy Ridley " * vss in favour of the motion . He wished to see a good body guard of ChartisU at the-C jnferer . ee to defend the principles and details of that mer-ure , Mr . Netsom said that th ? former CoEfersrnce had ad pied the principles of the Charter and pl-d ^ ed the mselves to consider the details of that measure on their n ~ x '
aasembling , and as hoscurasle men they ¦ would be Vcu : d to do so . Mr . Maynard supported the motion . Mr . Cuffsy thought that prfriuus to agreeing to send delegates they should b 9 shewn clearly what good had resulted from the last Conference , and what benefit was likely to be realized by the present onefn adequate proportion to its expanse . Messrs . Wes : < rrton ami E ! t corroborated Mr . Neesom regarding the present Cmi-Tence being pledged to cumins the detaiis of the Charter . ' Messrs . Campbell , Elackmore , and Dron supported the notion . Mr . Christopher agreed with Mr . CufFiy thai good evidence should be shown that the Conference ¦ would produce beneficial results before embarking in the business . The motion was then pnt and carried unanimously . A long discussion took place regarding of
the number cf delegates ^ nd the method sending them , during the course cf which several motions an ; amendments were proposed , which were all ultimately "Withdrawn and the following resolution moved by Mr . "Wheeler and seconded by Mr . Campbell was unanimously carried : — "That this meeting recommen-Js the Tarious sections of reformers to join band in band for the purpose of raising funds and electing delegates to the Birmingham Conference" Mr . Wheeler then suggested that a committee should be formed to rsise funds for the above purpose previous to the el ? ction , that th 9 money should be ensured to the elected deU gites without respect to whkh section of reformers-they belonged , their only qualification being their election by the public . Mr . Peat thought that candidates should be selected from each section in proportion to the number of members registired in . its l > oc-ks . Dr Slack approved of a committee . After conv . tlc-rsble discussion , during which it was agreed upon that the
meeting had no power to act without the sanction of their localities , Mr . Elt moved and Dr Bowkett seconded , " That a committee of seventeen be appointed to receive reports , &c" An amendment was moved , that the meeting should be aojonrned until Monday evening , and a rider , that it shcn ! d be adjourned until Friday , 18 th November ; but both -were negatived by large majorities , and the motion for 4 cornmntee carried . Messrs . FnsseU , Wheeler , Campbell , Wesurton , Black , Ridley , Cafray , Neesom , Pit , Brown . Marley , Watts , Dron , Mayn&rd . King . Lucas , and Giffcrd were then appointed , and asre * d to meet on Sunday nK . raing at nine o ' clock , ilr . Wheeler moved and Mr . Kidiey seconded , " That the meeting stand adjournei until Wednesday evening . " Carried unanimously . A vote of thanks was given to the Chairman , and the meeting , which was very crowded and composed of about equal numbers of each Bectkn of professing Chartists , adjourned .
Ms . BBOWN lectured on Tuesday evening to a crowded andience at Kingston-npon-ThaHiea . Mr . Brooks also addressed the assembly . Metropolitan Delegate Meeting—This meeting -was held on Sunday at 55 , Old Bailey , ilr . Page in the chair . The mirutes cf the former meeting "Were read and confirmed . Reports were received from Tarious localities . Mr . Page reported regarding the statue of Major Cirtwright , and stated that a gentleman had offered to rebrorze the inscription , which was the only one in London expressive of the principles contained in the People's Charter . Credentials were received from Mr . Cooper , for Globe FiekiB , acd from Mr . W . Bain , from the Brittania , St . Geor ^ e « -in-the-35 ast ; 2 s . 6 d . was received from Finsbnry for delegate
meeting . Messrs . Lucaa and Simpson , who were appointed by the delegate meeting to audit the accounts of the Executive , reported the result of their labours . Mr . Simpson ststed that be had pointed cut to the Secretary the increase of salary to Dr . M-Danall , and Mr . Campbell explained that it was in consequence of the extra dnty he had performed , owing to the r . onattendance of other members of the Executive . He had also objected to the heavy expecces of Mr . Bairstow for travelling , and considered the expenditure for postage , &c , to have been very heavy . He w = s sorry to find that the funds were in so low a condition , ai ; d trusted that all cards owing for wouW b-3 immediatel y settled . Mr . Lucas stated that there were marsy heavy expences in the balance shset which he could not
approve of . The expence of postage - < ras very heavy , but this the Secretary stated wag occisioned by r-r . rt ; es not pro-paying their letters . He objected to " the extra salary to Dr . JTBonall ; but on a reference to last quarter's balance sheet , he found the same salary had been then occasionally paid . They bad thrown out suggestions to the Secretary to curtail the expenses as much as possible , and that vouchers should be kept of the various disbursements . Considering the deiicute" rojit-oa in which the Executive was placed , he thought they had acted wisely and judiciously . He must rive Sir . Gampbell the credit to state that he gave th-m every facility in investigating the accounts . Mr . Cufiay rtqaeited the auditors to state whether they exuiniaed the nccourls from a balance sheet , or from the books , as there was
a difference between the expenses of ilorgin Williams , &E contain&l in the book , and stated in the balancesheet , and rifcrred to Mr . Whee . ' er" in ci-m / ooraiion of his statement Mr . Simpson stated ths . . tboy investigated both books and balance-sheet , arC except in a f . w particulars , they corroborated each oth-. r . Af u * tonie little distu == Ion had taken place on Jcvsr . il Uems of the accounts . Mr . Cufiay thought that . tb .-j auditors bad r . o ^ fulfilled their duty with that ftrictr . iis which -eras desirable in ike books ; £ 2 was pat down for Morgan Williams travelling expenses to Manchester , -whilst in the balance sheet it was 303 . for wages ; and in many instances the travelling and agitating expences -Rvra excessive . Mr . Gireintr thought that , they were undoubtedly entitled to travelling expenses , the extra
• wages to M'Donail seemed to imply that the other members 2 nd not dene their duty . Mr . Lue ^ s objected to the meeting attacking him in his capacity of an auditor ; be had performed his duty according to the besi of his ability , and thought the delegate meeting had no business to interfere . Mr . Knight asserted his right as an individual and the right of the delegate meetirg as a public body , to ex-. iaiae into the accounts of tea Uxecuyve and insisted upon exercising it " Mr . Csffay moved and ilr . Luke K : ng seconded a resolution " That the accounts cf the Executive as laid btfore them in the b Jince sheet , were unsatUfactory to the delegate meeting . " ilr . Humphreys believed tint the expeaces were enormous . Mr . Maynard protested against the resolution ; they shoald make i very
allowance for mistakes occasioned psrbapa by tb * peculiar posiaon in which the Executive and Dr . HD nail in particular had been piaced . Mr . Lucas objected to the resolution although he acquiesed in the opinion that the expences were enormous ; indeed at first examination he felt them to be frightfully lar ^ e " bn < T he believed them to be oeiaaioned by the nrgiec ' of persons prewiring the corresj . onderee . Mr . Simpson savi they called upon Mr . Bairstow publicly to explain Lia travelling expencen , they should also have called upon Dr . M-Douall to stats the reason for his increase or salary if he had not been so peculiarly situated ; Mcr . gan Williams had not received pay and therefore coald not be fairly challenged with neglect of duty , and under the circumst&ncea he believed they had done
their duty in directing attention to the circumstances ; and they had further given their advice to the Secretary npon the subject which he waa Kitiefled would be attended to . Mr . Brown stated that the delegates having appointed the auditors , they were in duty bound to take the matter up . He objected to th ' ejextra salary to Dr . M-Douall on the ground of principle ; if the qaes-Moo had been stated to the country he was convinced that with heart and soul they would have agreed to the proposition , but such power must not be exercised unless the country guaranteed it ; it was the boanden datj of the Chartist body to put a stop to such a line of oondnct while it waa yet in the > rad , or
nltimately it wonld lead to serious consequences ; he trusted they wonld express their sentiments in a mild eansider&te manner ; their only object being to check the evil in its commencement , and to keep a watchful guard upon fche intsrest of the Association and upen the . Executive as it * head . Mr . Wieeler stated his disapyrop&tioa of the heavy expenditure of the Executive in proportion to the incrf&v > ot their fonris , so in proportion had their expences increased without any reasonable cause being assigned ; he knew that it was a very delicate abject , and Cooper and others had be ? n much mnligned for express in ; similar opinions : but a 3 an individual , ha did not appro va of several items in the balance sheet , and the fear of disapprobation should sever deter him from
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ac :: n > j V .-. a p : rt of . in houest man , And freely expressing hisopia-ou . Mr . C ' , ck stated tbat th < s delegate meeting was i-xo-. tssly appjinted to wateU over tke interests oi the it-wiJtit-s , and they would have neglected theiv ( iu-y if they had not taken the subject into consideration , the nirir . ceis of the localities v . ere generally speaking dffi . Jent in expressing their sf-ntiments npon the i-u'jtct . aad locked to them for an example . Mr . Lusas maintained that the deleg , te mtetiug hid no riijht tiMnttr '^ re , it waa the business of the liKralities . Mr . Cuffij " , with the leave ef the seconder of the motion , ¦ withdrew his resoiut-. on , and to give the localities au opponuLity to express thtir feelings , gave notice of a similar njjtlon foz the ensuing weet . - > ir . D .- < jn saiii t'ai ls a Biember of the Executive pro . tern , if the
su ! j ct had nut be-3 n broached , he should have feit it his cu * , y , though a pa ' . nful one , to have called a committee of enquiry into the Executive accounts . Mr . Wheeler , as one of the auditors of tii = Provisional Committee , laid the balance-sheet before them , and was ordered to publish it Messrs . Dron and Knight as auditors , reported that thu accounts of the Delegate meeting were perfectly correct , and the secretary waa wdered to publl £ h the balance sheet Mr . Wheeler reported that the proceeds of the lottery in his bands , when all expences were paid , was nearly £ 10 ; but that several accounts werd unsettled for . Ttie publishing of a balance sheet was ordered to be delayed until the following week , when the n ^ mes of defaulters will be tiubliibed . Mr . Lue . is reported from a body of
rtfurnitrs regarding the ecsuirg Conference . Mr . Wiieeier reported from the committee for the getting up of the Crown and Anchor meeting . Mr . Maynard moved , a .. d Mr . Humphrey seconded a resolution for printing a quantity ot hand bills , announcing the Coartiet houses of meeting , and on . of a larger description to hang up in Cvffje shops , &c : carried . A vote of thanks was tiven to Mr . Cleave , for a present of Chartist Circulars . The following resolution , moved fey Mr . Maynard , and seconded by XIr . Cook , was unanimously carried : That we highly approve of the English Chartist Circular , and wish to impress upon our several localities an t the country generally , the necessity of supporting such an able a < ivo .--ate of the democratic cause . After some minor busine .-s the meeting adjournt-d .
Britannia , TppekChapman-street , Si . George i > ' -tiie- "Ea 5 T . — Mr . Wheeler lectured here on Sunday evening ; the chair was occupied by Mr . Jones . After the lecture , steps wero taken to raise a hall in the above locality , and it was announced that a convenient place bad been settled upon . Tbesutjtctof the Executive accounts were then alluded to , and several items were a . Teed to be very heavy . The snrject was ultimately referred to the council ; and to be brought by them before the locality . The Lambetu Youths met as u'rual on Sunday , at three o ' clock , whtn a very instructive lecture was delivered by John Barber , during which he was repeat * -iUy applauded . Two members were ecrulled . Mr George Brown was apDointed to lec ' ure on Sasday next . The turn of nine shillings and sixpence waa subscribed for expences .
OTJSEBURN . —The Chartists of this locality held their weekly meeting , as usual , on Sunday morning , in their room , east end of the Railway Bridge . Mr . Hall gave in his repoit of the Newcastle delegate meeting , and received a vote of thanks . The Executive ' s balance fcbeei was read , and the S-cretary was instructed to write to tho General Secretary to correct a mistake , as it appears there should be £ 1 4 « . from this place , but instead , there is only 16 s . inserted . CHATTEBIS . Cambxjdgeshibe —A new locality has been formed in this place . 2 s . 6 j . for cards has been sent to Mr . Wheeler lor the Executive , and 3 s Cd . for the victims .
ODHDLS . —A correspondent has furnished us with the following . I am instructed to forward to you for insertion the following resolutions which were unanimously adopted at a weekly meeting of the Chartists * f this town ; also , at the same time , to state something of the bi ^ tJry 11 the noble minded individual to whom the vote of tLanks was civtn , in order that the Chartistpublic may appreciate the services which he has rendered to the cause . Mr . Hamas is seventy-four years of age , is afflicted with svtabesa in his legs , and is subject to severe attacks of ihe rhenmatism , which , has prevented him from z-Ans , any disu-nc from home for some years pa . 't . yet , although his health has lately been wors-j tban usuil , be has undertaken journeys to Leicester and London at his own expense in crier to give bail for
Messrs . Joces of Liverpool , and Cooper of Leicester . Mr . H . has advocated the principles of the Charter for the last fifty years , and in doii . g this he has stood alone in one of the most ignorant and benighted parts of the country , amidst the jeers and sceffa , not only of every person in his neighbourhood who belong to his own class , but I regret to say , of that very class , the members of which he wishes to see elevated to their proper place in the scale of society ; he has also spent much of his property in purchasing and distributing democratic tracts ant publications , 1 bus patriotically endeavouring to enlighten his locality in a knowledge of our principles . I think , sir , if we look at the advanced age and infirmities of Mr . Hames , also the iiiflutncea that surround him , ( Lis own relations frown on our cause ) likewise his possession of wealth makes him independent of
any benefits which he may expect to derive from the establishment of the Charter as the law of the land , onr brother Chartists throughout the country will ayrte with those of Oundle , that nothing but a sincere desire to ameliorate the condition of , and give justice to , the working classes Could actuate him to exert himself as he does , and that the following resolution is no more than what is due to him from us , as a body . The resolution is as follows : —Moved by Mr . Howe , seconded by Mr . Comptcn , and resolved , ' Toat thanks are due and are hereby given to Robert Hames , Esq ., for the many exertions that venerable patriot has made in aid of the cause of the People ' s Charter , and more especially the handsome manner in which he boa become bail for our friends Messrs . Junes of Liverpool , and Cooper of Leicester . "
KOT 1 IKGHAM .-A new lt-cility has been commenced at the sign of Feaigus O Connor , Plat-Btreet Mr . Simmonds will lecture on tho 20 th , on tha political evils that curse the British nation with the best means to be used to remove , them . To commence at six o ' clock .
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lsOMINATIO >' 3 FOR THE GENERAL COUNCIL . STOCKPORT . Mr . Thomas Clark , newsagent , Heaton-lane . Mr . Joseph Carter , weaver , Water-street , Port vrood . Mr . James Mitchell , spirncr , Heaton-lane , Mr . John Ashcroft , cordwaicer , Heaton-lane . Mr . John Fallows , dres = er , C .: rrin £ ten fields . Mr . Thomas Davies , weaver , ort \ vood . Mr . Janaes Johnston , weaver , Heatou-lano , sub Treasurer . Mr . Thomas Johnston , Hiilgate , sub-Secretary .
K . i ^ GSTO ^ -rPON-TH . ' . MES . Mr . Pike , smith , Caiibury-Selds . Mr . Knowles . baker . Church-street . Mr . M'Donald , smith , Canbury-fields . Mr . Biilingate , shoemaker , ditto . Mr . Hampton , baker , Seathing Wells , Kingston . ? . ! r . Pavey , news-aeent , Loncon-road . Mr . Thompson , drilling-mastr-r , Seething Wells . Mr . Macreath , shot-maker . Young ' s BmlJinRs . Mr . D . White , plasterer , Fory-acrea . Mr . R . Legi ; , tailor , Canterbury-fields , Secretary Mr . W . James , groom , Church-street , Treasurer
£!) Arn'gt I Ntc I%Nw.
£ !) arn ' gt i ntc I % nw .
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2 THE NORTHERN STAR , ¦ ; _; - . ,- ., ; .. . , ' " . / , •/ .. . ; . v - ^ " ;
Caution To Ladies.
Northern Star (1837-1852), Nov. 19, 1842, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct457/page/2/