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KEW PBISON . TO ABCHITECTa TT " i ^ TSD , for the Borough of Leeds , ¦» complete ii se ; i > f Plans , Seetkms , Elevations , and explanatory Drawings , together with a gfloeral Specification of ihe manner of executing the WorkB , snfiicieilt . for contracting for the ame , and an oB&naio of tne-Cost in detent , for the proposed Hew - risen to be erected in theTowi __ ps of Analey and Woxtley , in the Bsid Borough . These Plans , Specifications , and Estimate to be made in accordance wish the Mode ] Plans , Descrip-_ on , aad Sehedoles famished by Government , Tvhicfc , a _ -well « 3 & Plan of the Site , and farther Directions for those ivho propose to send in Plans , tc- can be seen at ihe office of the Town ClerS .
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BOBOUQH OF TiKFTPB . [ ' . ¦ V . icsw piuson . WAHTED TO BOiSROW , by the Town Conne'l , the Sum of ^ £ 40 , 560 ; on Secarity of the Bo rough and Gaol Rates of xhe Borongii of Leed _ The ^ hole of ibe Loans ynQ . be repaid by Annual Instalments within . Thirtj Ye _ r 3 , and ihe Interest willhe . paidHalf-yearly . __ eMo _ sj is ' wanied for ihe building of a New Prison in and for ihe Borough , andihs Council wish to ta _ e it up as ihe Tnstftlmepts become payable to the Contractors . Part of the money -will be "wanted immediately , and the whole amount before the 1 st January , 1815 . AH applications are requested to ^ e " made to the Town . Oeifc , in * writi | ig ,-Sta _ ng the lowest rate of Interest that tnll be accepted ; and those Persona whoajsply first , _ nd ai t _ e lowest rate 6 t Interest , will have the option of mvestinjj their Money for the longest period . By Order , EDWIN EDDISON , TovmOeik , S 8 , Albion-Street . Leeds . lSsh April , 1843 .
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KEW AHaANGEMENTS FOR EMIGRATION FROM LIVERPOOL TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND CANADA , TpiTZHTJGH i "WALKER , and Ce ., M _ Rqn _ s _} . X and Gekebal E _ iG _ AH 0 ! t Agekis , Ko . 10 , Gorce Piazzas , Liverpool , having completed arraogesients "srith Messrs . P « aer » y and Con of the United States , proprietors of the Express Line from the CStyof Kew _" _ to fee -Western pans of America , aad Canada , " are now prepared to offer new and important facilities to Emigrants proceeding to any part of America or Canada' j which are the following : 1 st . _ "i __ Hg _ , ; Wal _ er . and Co ., are prepared to contract to deliver Emigrants at any part as above , either . by Canal , Railroad , or other conveyance there , as fxed prices and hw rales , guaranteeing that no defiij or detention shall occur in New York , or . else-¦ where , on tne -way . By this means the exact expence at reaching any part of the United State ? or Canada tan be ascertained before leaving England .
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I JAMES WASS , at pre ^ Bt , and for Twelve 3 Months past , residing at Leeds , ^ in the Parish o ; Leerts , and County of York , and beingont of Business , formerly a Grocer , dobereby give Notice , That I intend to present a P « tition ' to the Court of Bankruptcy , for the Leeds Disfricti' praying to be examined tenchin ? my Debts , Estate , and Effects , and to be protected from all Prooe 83 i epon making a fall Disclosure and Surrender of such Estate and effects for payment of nry just and lawful debts , and 1 hereby fnrcher give notice that the time when the matter of the said petition shall be heard . islo be advertised in the London Gazette and in the Northern Star newspaper , < me month at the least after the date hereof . As witnesB my hand this twenty-first day of April , ia the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty 4 _ ree , _ . a . v JAMES WASS . Signed in the presenca of HENRY BOULTON HARLE , Attorney at Law . 22 . Briggate , Leeds .
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PEEL'S _ *_ WBIFF OUTDONE THE COFFEE TAX REPEALED ? MESSRS . CROW AND TYRELL beg to call the attention of the Chartist Public to the BEVERA . 6 E prepared by ihfcm , as a Gheap and WTulesbme snbstitate tor Taxed Coffee . Its DHtritions qualities are equalled by none in ike Market j while its mode of Preparation renders it vastly snperior to the Trash offered for Sale by those who regard not the health of the Consumer . As a means of supporting the " Executive Committee of the National Charier Association , " and as a means of crippling the Governmental Exchequer , it may be made a ready and powerful weapon in the hands of the Sons of Toil . A single Trial will prove , its superiority over other Preparations of like pretensions .
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FRAMPTON'S PILL OF HEALTH . TO THE SDPFE __ BS P _ OM BtUOWS AND UYBB COMP 1—1 KTS . rpHE unexampled success of FRAMPTON'S JL PILL OF HEALTH calls for particular attention . These Pills give immediate relief in all Spasmodic and windy complaints , with the whole train of well-known symptoms arising from a weak stomach , or vitiated bilions secretion , indigestion , pain at the pit of the stomach , biliouB or sick head-ache , heart-burn , loss of appetue , sense of fulness after meals , giddiness , dizziness , pain over the eyes , _ £ . From among many kind testimonials communicated to the proprietor of this useful medicine , the following is selected : —
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READ AND JUDGE ! ADHIXTED UHDEB PI ? TT TRASS O ? AGE THE TTBS 1 K 1 NE MONIHS ! A MOST favourable opportunity to the Industrious Classes to ensnre themselves Proprietors of Land and Property—to provide against Sickness , Want , and a Poor Law Union—is offered to Healthy Men , in Town or Country , by joining the TTNITBD PATBIOTS' BENEFIT AND COOPERATIVE SOCIETY . Established at the Commercial , Devon , and Exeter Chop-House , 59 , Tottenham Court Road . Free to a portion of Benefits immediately . Enrolled agreeably to Act of Parliament .
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GOOD NEWS FOR THE MILLION 1 Expenditure decreased tmthout comfort being diminished . rriHIS iB fully acknowledged bvthe thousands of X FamiUes who daily use EDWARD'S CELEBRATED BREAKFAST POWDER , the best and cheapest substitute for Coffee ever known . Price 6 d . and 8 d . per -pound . This excellent ^ preparation , has stood the test of public opinion now ; ; upwards of twelve months , and its still increasing consumption is the beBt argument in its favour , Very few iownB are without agents , who realize a good income by its sale , and but little is beard , of ' the many anxious imitators who tried hard to profit by the fame it has so justly obtained . Edwards Brothers . 9 S , Blackfriars-road , London .
Untitled Ad
IMPORTANT TO INVALIDS . nPHE Proprietor of DR . HAMILTON'S VITAL X PILLS , feeling convinced that the innate good properties of this Medioine , must by the recommendations of those who experience its benign efficacy , ( in many instances after all other means had failed ) do more to bring it into notice , than anything else , has abstained from publishing cases of cure , and the more so , as he well knows the frauds that are constantly practised upon the public by fictitious or manufactured ; oases , which causes little faith to be attached io such statements . But how different is it with those persons who are eye witnesses of the ourative powers of a Medioine in their own imme-
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Just Published . price 2 a . 6 d ^ and sent free , " enclosed in a sealed envelope" on receipt of a Pob j -ofiice Order for 3 s . 6 d . MANLY VIGOUR : a Popular Inquiry into the CONCEALED CAUSES of its PREMATURE DECLINE ; with Instructions for its COMPLETE RESTORATION , addressed to thoBe Buffering from the Destructive Consequences of Excessive Indulgence in Solitary and Delusive Habits , Youthful Imprudence , or Infection ; including a comprohensive Dissertation on Marriage , with directions for the removal * of Disqualifications , and Remarks on the Treatment of Ghonorrhce , Gleet , Stricture and Syphilis . Illustrated with Cases , &c .
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f \ GRIMSHAW AND CO ., 10 , Gorae Piazzas , U » : Liverpool * Despatch fine FIRST CLASS AMERICAN SHIPS , of large Tonnage , for NEW YORK and NEW ORLEANS , every week ; and occasionally to BOSTON , PHILADELPHIA and BALTIMORE , and for QUEBEC and MONTREAL , also first rate British Vesaeb SO NEW SOUTH WALES and VAN D 1 EMANS LAND . THE " OLD" LINE OF PACKET SHIPS , ( BLACK BALL LINE , ) SAIL FROM LIVERPOOL FOR NEW YORK ,
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Just Published , Price 2 a . 6 d . ( Or sent free to the most remote parts of the Kingdom , in a sealed envelope , on the receipt of a post-office order for 3 a . 6 d . ) THE SECRET MEDICAL ADVISER . B EING a practical Treatise on the prevention and cure pf tho VENEREAL DISEASE , and other affections , of the urinary and sexual organs , in both sexes , wish a mild and successful mode of treatment , in all their forms and consequences ; especially Stricture . Gleets , affections of tbe Bladder , Prostrate Glands , Gravel , &o . shewing also the dangerous consequencoB of Morcury , such ae eruptions of the skin , directions for
Untitled Ad
Just Published , the 12 th Edition , Price 4 s ., and sent Free to any part of the United Kingdom on the receipt of a Post Office Order , for 5 s .
Untitled Ad
THE CORDIAL BALM OF SYR 1 ACUM . Is a gantlestimulant and renovator of the impaired functions of life , and is exclusively direoted to the cure of the Generative System , whether constitutional or acquired , loss of sexual power , and debility arising from Syphilitic disease ; and is calculated to afford decided relief to those who , by early indulgence io solitary habits , have ] weakened the powers of their ayatem , and fallen into a state of chronic debility , by which the constitution is left in a deplorable state , and that nervous mentality kept up which places the individual in a state of anxiety for the remainder of life . The consequences arising from this dangerous practice , are not confined to its pure physical result , but branch to moral Jones ; leading the excited deviating mind into a fertile field of seducive error , — into a gradual but total degradation of manhood—into
Untitled Ad
¦—^* e THE BEST MEDICINE IN THE WO RLD U bead ! and jcdgb for yourselves !! rnHE following statement of facts has been eon . 1 . municated to the Proprietors of PARkxt LIFE PILLS :- 8 Messrs . T . Roberts and Co . Malton , Jan . 30 , 1843 . Gentlemen , —Though it is but a very short tin * since I last wrote for a supply of Parr ' s Life PQ 18 f find that owing to an astonishing inorease in tha sale of them , 1 am again compelled to request yon to send me twenty dozen of the small , as also a suppl T of the large size , I should wish yoiOo forward them by railway to York , thence by carrier , as early &j possible , as I am afraid my present stock will be ex
Untitled Article
From the London GazetU of Friday , April 21 . : BAITKBTTPTS . Edward Tanghaa AjisUn , of 61 , Paradise-street , 3 te 9 l 3 miai 6 . apo&sraiy , ^ May 3 ind 30 , at one , at the { Jonrt of . Bankruptcy , London , itfr . Gteorge Gibson , official assignee , 72 , BaSnishaH-strset ; and Messrs Hillaaiy and Co ., * olie ! tors , * ! FeDchii «^ j-BtrBeU Daniel Divies , of 62 , Ne-wington Causeway , Surrey , earthenware deslsx . ^ lay 4 , at Isalf-past one , and Xtay 19 , " at ; one , at the Coart of Bankruptcy , London . Mr . William Turqnand , official assignee , 2 , CoptballbnQfliags ; ana 3 Ir . Lewis , solicitor , Wilmington-Eqnsrs . bow of Share
STary Bochsnsij , or formerly , Sarrey , teever , May 4 , at balf-past one , and June 2 , at eteven , at lbs Court of Bankruptcy . London . Mr . James Pester Groom , tffiaal assignee , 12 , Abcnurch-I&nft , Lombard-street ; and MtBsrs . Dimmock and Buibey , Bolkitc-rE , 18 , Skinnei-pl&e ? , S ' ze-lane . Bnckleibniy . Tnoicas " W&Ocsr , orPou'ios-in-ttie-Fyldej Lancashire , grocei , May § , -and Jiina 2 at twelve , at the ConTt of Bajfcrapiey * Liverpool . Mr . James Cizsnova , official assignee . Liverpool ; Messrs . Winataoley -and Cnamley , solicitors , JPrestan ; and Messrs . Gregory and Co ., solicitors , Beoforfi-rowi -Londoa . Th&mas 3 ro € * e , of Liverpool , victualler , May 9 , and June 2 ; at eleven , at the Court Bankruptcy , Liverpool . Mr , WlllJam Birdr official assignee , Liverpool ; Messrs . Praseis and Dodge , solicitors , Liverpool ; and Messrs . Badger and Co ., solicitors ,-FinsV-nrr-cireus London .
TXEXSEbSBITS 3 DISSO 1 . VJSD . Joseph Ellis and John WH&m , of Ardwick , Lintashire . Joiners- Ssrah Brieiley and Thamas Thompson , < & Hocbdale , LaicashSre , tea dealers . Edmondson Cooban and James Cooban , of Liverpool timber xnertfcauts . Thomsa Taater and TViOiairi EUis , of BieTbj , Yoikshiw , tradtrs .
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—^ Fnm the Gazette of Tuesday , April 35 . BA 5 KB . UFXS . ^ WiiiifTa Campling , innkeeper , Long Melfqrd , to surrender May 9 , at two , asd June 9 , at twelve , at the Oonrt of Bsniroptcy . " Alsager , official assignee , Birchin-buae ; Baimond and Goday , solicitors , Qr&fsinn ; Hunt , solicitor , Ipswich . Jossph Tarty , ; TnetSli 2 Hit , St . Panl"a Chureh-yarel , Hay 5 . at h&lf-pait eleyen , and Jons 5 . at tleven , at the Court" of Baafcrnptcy . Q-raham , official assignee , BastnghsU-ssreetj T&n Ssnaau and Camming , solicitors , IGng-B * reet , Cheapsid& - Alfred Siocken , eoach-maia , HaOdu-Btreet , Bs 3-pave-sqasie , May 9 and June 7 , at twelve , at the Court of "Bankruptcy . LsckingtoB , oKeial a&ilgnee , Coleman-streeUbuiidiDjs ; Tan Sandau and Camming , solidtar * , King-street , Cbeapside .
Williani Hill , wine-aierehant , Newnatle-tipon Tytie , May 12 , at 4 &eren * and ^ sss 12 , at one , at the Neweastle-Dpon-Tyne District Court Baker , official wSgnaa ; Ckaters , solicitor ? Bell . Brodrick , and BaU , solicitors . Bo v Cfcurcb-y&ra . London . John DeakiD , gr ; c « r , I > . nr } ey , Shropshire , May 3 and June 3 , at one , at T ^ R"Rirmin » htn ) District Court . Bit-Beoton , official assignee , Robinson and Gar&ett , solidtora , Welling ; Siaaey , aolicitor , Birmi- go&m . . Henry Conn , arsonle manufacturer , Tzuro , Cornwall , 35 ay 8 , at twelve , and Jane 1 , at eleven , at the Exeter District Coart Hlitsal , official assignee ; Browne , solicitor , Hatton-eourt . Threadaetdle-street , Londeoo .
Sd-waraBeci , aSjineVmalcei , Eveiton , Devonatdre . May 8 , at twelve , acd June i , at eleven , at Hie Exeter District Court . Heaciman , official assignee , "Exeter ; TPreford , solicitor , Exeter ; Sole , solicitor , Alderman-Imjy , London .
Abanftrnpt^ *T.
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2 THE NORTHERN STAR , g- ¦ : — i , ;
Eoboucrh Of Zj5eds.
Northern Star (1837-1852), April 29, 1843, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct479/page/2/