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-T n HETHERINGTON , AND HIS NEW " *• MOVE . " ^ ve pve Mr . H . Hetherington ' s second letter ^ T O'Connor , the paragraphs of which are num . ** Lj for eoBTenieoce of reference . We gire the letter tbtt ^ r- H . nay hare no cause of complaint on jL fl ; though *« & ** «^ *^ ffivea in Aw paper Jfr . J ^ prt ' osfiW & his first letter . An answer from ^ g ^ or to the letter now inserted immediately *" — WHl Mr . Hetheringfon publish It ? We shall *** JeriaP 8 * " > " ""^ P 001 * 8 * 1 **> & tog ether . JSe ought ^ . go-and to get both the 5 « a and Leeds Times to a Be has interest at both places . We hare not
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. TSABGrS O'CONNOR , ESQ . "ONE OF THE 5 j T 6 A » ABISTOCKACY . - aftiioe is he armed who hath his quarrel jast , ^ Ik bat Bated , though locked np in steel , « - & « conscience with injustice is corrupted . " " Shakspebe . Queen ' s Bench , Hay SO , 1841 . srE ) _ Yon bare acted dishonourably . You hare jLj ^ a the character of those who axe seeking to *? gibe Charier by adopting what appeared to them ^\ gi jgdkioas measures ; you and your Editor , ^ toTB expended nearly twenty columns of vitupefL , oa Ster against the originators of the " New fZ . in which yon . have designated men who haTe * fsW 7 years smuggling for political justice—in fact , 4 * wHjciples of the Peeple ' s Charter—as " trum-* J 7 ^ Mo anns , " " conspirators , " "traitors , - and •^ ajution *; " and when I vindicated the conduct 01 ana
^ tjuneter myBeu menus , you postponed ine ^( arfny letter for a week , that you might nen-^ g ia effect by accompanying its publications with j * f eoftnnns of mystification from your own pen Z& perverting and falsifying &e troth ; - and in the 2 " taper we an informed that this is bat a \ Z / Sm" of your answer to my letter , the Editor 5 jVi " i " the remaining portion of Mr . O'Connor ' s S jrto Mr . Hetherington , being a development of plots ^ , » d conspiracies , we cbose rather to whithhold ?^ r nex t , than to place it at the end of that portion ! a 4 * e bow g ive , " In your last week ' s paper , howm issbud of the " remaining portion , " oat comes & S sjiiedFeargusO'Connar . notdeTelopinjthe " plots , go , ud conpiracies , " but hypocritically pretending • tender the olm branch to all who wished to unite -a jnia against the oppressor . "
j . iSss the recent development of your unprincipled Jjjset , who would unite with you , Sir?—who would j ^ job who knew y our character ? What must the gg je tfezak of the character of a man who could talk j ( "tea deriag the olive branch" to "trait « rs" and igSjpiatDTB ? " You must first , Sir , acquit us of the jgptjm hare unjustly preferred against us , or acpledge yon hare done us a hasty in j as ties . On no gg eosditions can yon expect the public to belieTe w caeerely desire to promote the success of the jjrfat cMise . For several weeks past , yon haTe pubj £ d the most unblnshing falsehoods against me and ij jnaids ; and you pretended to appeal to •¦ public -jsion , " through the Slar , to decide upon the merits
i ids "new m « Te . " How de you seek to ascertain jt public opinion ? By calling upon your hired tools ^ ptti correspondents of tbeSJor , at meetings held in ^ beashops and public-houses , to pass resolutions con-^ s siory cf the " new more ; " and the few rational adsa that you hare are constrained to admit that » resolutions appeared to partake more of the etifjizg quality of the beverage consumed , than i tniih and reason . If you could see the jsnnenble letters received by Mr . Lovett , all highly jftrcring of the 2 \ ew Move , " and would contrast in with the resolution of your party condemnatory ii , yon would see reason to regret the uiyust and as * irBl doubtless find it , unprofitable course you jjTt pursued .
I Wb&t is yonr position ? You are in the position ia unprincipled footpad that has attacked , wounded , jk r obbed an honest traveller , who , when detected K ibcnt to be brought to justice , strives to avoid the SKsare and punishment that awaits him , by endeavoursi to eSecttis escape- If I can prevent it , however you Oki sot escape . I will compel you to retract yoar innides—confess ycrur error—or I will bo clearly ehc ; your true character , that henceforth you shall be Kveriesa for humbug and mischief . 1 " , sir , come back to the question in dispute . titjTTfiwiHftng » Tirt mystification will not do so . Yon Met that Messrs . Lovett , Collins , Hetherington , 3 sTe , and those who act with them in forwarding & >* ew Move , " are " traitors" and conspirators . "
! iaiire yon are a false calumniator for so saying ; and sa vben I am anxiously awaiting your proofs , the yf hnt kindly leaves out that " p « rtion" of . your letter itka contained a " development of plots , plans , cd censpiraciea , " till next week ; when lo Ed ten old , next week , yon withdraw that portion o : as fetter altogether . You know that you are a vile aiaatatcr ; but it answers your purpose to publish i »* ia » ds against those whom yon can neither dupe » intimidate ; and then , when called upon for proofs , B ateiine to proceed further in the matter . You did fe ame a short time back . In the Star of Oct 10 , IS « , yoa duxged the committee-men of London with aft allowing a public subscription to progress on a
arge sesle under their management , unless they retared a pa eentage profit on the amount of the sub-BiptJoD ; and when yon were written to by myself ed sereal other active eomnrittee-men of London , lefaancg you to name the committee , or the men who catpDsed it , that ever took a commission upon a public ¦ bscnplaon , you basely shrunk from the proof , in the toe that your false and wicked assertion might be be-Srrwl , and that the imputation might rest upon those ffco ¦ woiild not be your tools for nnjust purposes . Id txi fener to me , in the Star of May 8 th , is this pas-Bfc : — "I defy yon to charge me wiUi ONE , even 05 E , angle dishonest , inconsistent , -unpatriotic , mean , K EJigentlemaBly-like act , during the whole period , " Sat is to say , the eight years you have been before the
eylisa people . 5 -1 do charge you with an act that is all these > SttJ—it is dishonest , inconsistent , unpatriotic , mean ' B 3 Eajeatiemaa-like , to publish in the Northern Stir fia « the Committee-icen of London receiyed a per ceat-« p proSt upon the public subscription they managed , ai Tbea called tipon to prove your assertiun or retrae ; £ > Ske a Ehuffling c-j-ward you had not honour or cour-» io do eitier . I new dare you to let the read era of fcsi ' &ritera Star read the correspondence that passe * te yeea you and the London CJommittet-men on the s ^« t I challenge you to give me the opportunity of JsbSsMng that correspondence in the Xorthern Star , fci thai Ifct xhs public pronounce upon oar respective CSacttrs .
£ ¦ Hiving now , I trust , shown that you are an un-FEcpied tradueer of the characters of honest men , I lii bntfiy animadvert upon one or two points in your J ^ 7 to my tetter . Let me call your attention to tbi ^ swinginstance of your inconsistency , shuSing , and 72 *; and 1 will place the passages in juxtaposition , Sal the pablic may see how deeply F . O'Connor , at "a ? Rtp he takes , involves himself in inconsistency ^ iTlng , by haviisg departed , in the first instance , fioni ^ iandEiicerlty . Sonhern S ^ r , May 8 . Northern Star , April 24-" -Tcu suppose that tie " 1 call up in Messrs . of
" ^ or the Star , when Hill and Hobson to say , on * sjsg nnld ] T on the 10 th their word cf Lonour &s * Aj-nli , -sras in posses- men , ¦ whether or not I infe * of the facts w ^ ich I formed them cf this pre-^ 3 on the 24 th ; he was cise MOVE , and of the ^ k : c-z £ of them " precise parties u-fio icere to ? £ A . 2 GV 5 O ¦ C 0 ^^ 0 E . make it , USSIHS AGO ; and whether or not I put Mr . Hill on his guard , btfore Christmas . I know it was before Christmas . * * * 1 ask him if 1 did not tell him ifie names
of the prime titovers , ar . d the veiy plan which irould he res' jrttd to . " FEABGrS 0 C 0 > - > 0 E'• On the 20 th of February you appear to have enter" ^ i a favourable and very different opinion of "Win . 5 * Ri to wfcat yon have recently expressed ; for in the *» Senj Star of that date , you declared that Mr . ^ K Lad *• unhesitatingly , unequivocally , and indig-^ J rtfased to join in any agitation wliich bad for its psQ sry other princiiile than that contained in ths l * 8 zi Charter . "
5 ^ trn S- ^ r , Feb . 20 th , Northern Star , Marco 6 th , 1 S 41 . 1641 . r "la justice to some cf "Let Lrrett and Yin-J * TE £ -j 3 est of ns > " , cent ' s speeches be read i ^ ry Hi . Hume ' s asser- also ; to which we shall ** that the leaders of retorn next week , and ^ » stkbi g classes , gene- again let the factions trem-* 7 , bad aerted to join ble ; and here let us ob-« «» dtSnition . I issert , serve , that LOVETT -sraa W behsjf of two of the one of the two men re-** ltAding men of Lon- ftrred to in one of Mr . *¦ > Sat an appeal was O'Connor's recent letters ?«* to themand that iffSFeb 2 ) having ojs
, . . . » , as -v wwu , ouu ui * b \ i' . o . rcu . ^ v / , ii «'"* 5 ff 7 ITS HESITATING- indignantly spurned all ofm , UNEQUIVOCALLY , fexs of compromise . Again 5 J £ GNAKTLY , hurrah !" ^ ps £ D to join in any Editor o / Xorthtm Slar . y 1 ** " * Triieh had for S * ** t , directly or imj ^ y , the utabLishmeniof 2 ** " ¦ prwiplt than ¦ » K ^ iintd in the Peog > CkarUr . Kow , I : ** « as upon auaiority , 7 * &fey were two who ««* up ; he Charter . "
*• In the aVove o ^ iotations yon assert that Mr . Lovets ^ a nun irhu iadignantly spurned the idea of agitat-5 l 3 ything less than the principles of tho Charttr ; J ^| so-jner had his excellent Address ' made its ap-^^ c ^ , v . an he and his associates ¦ were " Housthoid ^^ e L cm ^ ags , " and yon laboureu to turn the cur-• St ^ . ^ ^ P iEion * 5 » i ^ st the ' > 'ew Move . 'and < Kh ^ t wto fiT "nTcd it , by the most artful perversions jt , ^ * rflis- Taie the following as an example , where u 6 i ' wit € i y and uabiushingiy attempt to make it
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appear that I looked upon " Household Suffrage and Triennial ParliameAts as the Charier in all bid the name . " Northern Slar , May t . 11
Mr . Hume ' s plan of Household and LODGER 8 uffrage , Triennial Parliament * , Voting by Ballot , No Property Qualification , Payment of Members , and Equal Electoral ¦ Districts .
" You know that every Chartist in England would be rejoiced at any extension of the Suffrage in which they were not compelled to sink the only j oat one , by ioiningfor a clap-trap ; and
* - * * I thought Mr . Hum e ' s proposition so good and so extensive , that , though I would never abandon the agitation- for , the Charter , if I saw any prospect of carrying Mr . Hume ' s plan immediately , I would give it my best exertions , as 1 considered it , in bet , the Charter with another
yet you insolentl y tell us that you look upon Household Suffrigeand Triennial Parliaments as the Charier , in all but the name . " Fsabgcs O'Connor .
name . " H . Hethekingtox . 9 . Who , after reading these passages , can doubt for an instant that this is a vUful misquotation on the part of Feargus O'Connor ? What will his poor dupes think of him , when they hear that this great stickler for their rights—this leading member of the first General Convention—was deputed , with Messrs . Rogers and Whittle , to wait apon the proprietor of the Sun , for the pnrpose of inducing him to report the proceedings of the Convention ; and as they were proceeding to the office for that purpose , this champion of "Universal
Saffrage and No Surrender , " exclaimed , " If we keep np the steam a little longer , by Qod l they will be forced to give us Household Suffrage . " "And would you take it ? " said Mr . Whittle . " Would I take it ! I would go down upon my knees , in Parliament-street , and kiss the - — of every Honourable Member as he passed along , if they would gire us Household Suffrage . And yet yon caa now basely traduce the characters sf those who have strenuously opposed House hold Suffrage , merely because they are houest and independent , and will not be precipitated into acts that judgment disapproves .
10 . r » ow , Sir , in-conclnsion , I call upon you to answer plainly the following questions : —I want no ampliScation—no mystification—plain categorical answers either affirmative er negative . 11 . First—What is . the NAME of the gentleman of " wealth , of honour , and of station , " who told you that this " New Move" was concocted at Mr . Hume ' s , " by Mr . Hume and Mr . Francis Place , on their part , and by come of the signers of the New Prospectus upon your part ?"—that is , on the par t of the "Fustian Jackets . " WHAT IS HIS NAME ? 12 . I affirm that the gentleman of wealth , of honour , and of station , is a LIAR , if he made the assertion ; and that you are a liar if he did not . Neither Mr . Place nor Dr . Black were present at Mr . Hume " s with any of the signers of Lovetfs Address , and neither of them , knew of it till it appeared in print
13 . Secondly—What iB the name of the London Committee that charged a per eentage profit upon a public subscription ; and who were the persons who acted on that Committee ? 14 . Let me have no shnffl - Be explicit The public should know who thos » - ^ a men aro whom you charge with plundering a public subscription . I never blew a London Committee that ever acted so dishonestly , and shall be curious to hear the names of the parties to whom you allnde . 15 . Thirdly . —What did the great Radical Association that you established in 1 S 35 , ever do to restore the Dorchester Labourers , or te reduce the Newspaper Stamp Duty ?
16 . I know you did comparatively nothing . The struggle had been carried on by others for years , and yet yon would now basely appropriate the glory of success to your own efforts . Your vanity is inordinate ; bat you shall not -deceive the young men who have entered upon the struggle for liberty since our untiring efforts were erowned with success . The persons who deserve the thanks of the country , for their indefatigable exertions on bthalf of the Dorchester Labourers , are the members of the Dorchester Committee . They
conducted the subscriptions for years ; they superintended the petitions for the restoration of these honest labourers to their homes and their country—the Committee , composed exclusively of working men , made great sacrifices of time and money , and yon weald now arrogate to yourself the result of their noble exertions . No , Sir , the Dorchester Labourers and the working classes are indebted te the exertions of Mr . Hartwell and the members of the Dorchester Committee , and not to Feargus O'Connor aad the grtat Radical Association .
17 . I think your readers must have laughed outright when they read your claim to the honour of repealing the Fourpenny Stamp duty on Newspapers . Se then Watson , Hetherington , Cleave , Dr . Black , Mr . Place , Mr . John Travers , Dr . Birkbeck , and many others , who expended time and money in upholding the cause in every possible way are to yield the palm of victory to Feargus OCannor ! These good men , who paid the expense of ' pablic meetings , beaded deputations , and Watson , Cleave , and Hetherington , who sustained repeated fines and imprisonments , and rumous seizures , till victory crowned our efforts , are all to be thrtist aside , and the wreath cf laurel is to be torn from the brow of those who have honestly earned it , and placed on such an empty vain boaster as Feargus O'Connor ! Ne , no ; all men are entitled to respect for their exertions in a good cause ; -but one man has no right to lob another » f the merit be has honestly acquired by disinter ested and persevering exertion .
IS . Answer these questions honestly . If you find yonr precipitancy has involved you in difficulty , be an honest man—make ail tha reparation you can by acknowledging your error—do justice to the characters of the honest men yon have Cilnainiated , and then hold out the olive branch , and I for one will seize it with pleasure ; bat 1 will hold no communion , nor will I act with one who has no : the coorage to be honest 19 . I am , Sir , notwithstanding the vile calumnies with which you have assailed me , a faithful friend of truth and liberty . He . vst Hetherixgto . w
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THE SHOPOCRACY . . " The higher a monkey climbs , The more he shows his " Yoik Castle , 7 th 14 th Month . Sir , —Yon have written a second letter to me , in which you address me as ^' reargus O'Connor , Esq ., one of the aristocracy ; ' and you commence with a quotation from Shakspeaie . You appear very outrageous because ys-ar first letter waa withheld for a week , in order Uiat what you are pleased to designate " my
four co ' . niEns of mystificition" might appear in juxtaposition , and which fonr columns you complain neutralised the prodigious effect which jour litter would otherwise hive produced . No doubt , Sir , you ¦ would have much pre f erred a uignified silence npon ruy part ; and very little iloubt but tLe plea of "guilty , " implied by ti ; at silence , would have been mere to yoar taste . As to the " mystificaiion , "it txtcnued no further than in showing > ours ! : lf to y < , ur » fcif ; in holding up your own mirror for fceslf-riSvCtiun .
Yuaappear to forget that my letter was a reasoning npon a portion of y ^ ur own which I reprinted . But , Sir , -what must every loTer cf justice think of the Honourable Mr . Hetherington , so " anxions for inquiry , " aiu so clamorous for jjublication , when it is known that the said Mr . Heth- _ rmgtcn never published my anrtrer 19 his -leiter at all in his oicn paper , though be gaTe insertion to his o- ^ n : ! Sir , yo-ar second letter is such a compound of foil )' , vanity , and balderdash , that I scarcely know how to eomnitnceunanaijtica ' . rcT ^ iy . In tvath , Sir , jour mysterious apportionment of facts , chargts , incidents , and complaints , very forcibly reminds me of the exulting housewife , who boasted that she had £ 0 art / uUy concealed the pea , the wedding rinc , and the bean , in tbetwelfth-night cate , that the partita were & ' A obliged to submit to a coarse of medicine , before ths luciy fisder could be discovered . Sir , I defj any man , except ono -whoinows ycur propensity for mischief making , to guess at yonr object
i shall , however , attempt to scatch a line here and there , for comnitnt . You say , " What must the people thii . k of the character of a man who could talk of tendering the olive branch to traitors and conspirator *? ' Sir , as an Irishman , allow me my country ' s privilege of answering your question by asking another . "What must the people think of tb . 9 character of a man who invited " one of the greaust political humbugs that ever appeared on the public stage - as a "director of public " education , " morals , and politics ? Such , Sir , is your position ; while to prove the sincerity of mine , I have actually shaken bands with tho * 6 of your original party , who had no £ Uch objection to urge against the proposed terms .
You next say , — "What is yeur position ? Yea are in the position- of an unprincipled footpad , that has attacked , wuunded , and robbed an honest traveller , who , when detected and about to be brought to justice , strive * Id avoid the exposnre and pnnishment that awaits him , by endeavouring to effect his escape . If I c ± n effect it , however , tod shall not escape , " Will you be kind enongh to aik Dr . Black to define what you mean by the use of the term " unprincipled footpad ?" and in the mean , time , as there must be more than meets the vulgar eye at a first glance in erezj thing coming from the " educational" depot , I shall affect to consider yon as an assasiin npon principle , who
way-lays his victim ; and who , when discovered with his dark lantern in ambush , defends himself by eaying "it was a most ' unprincipled' thing in whoever discovered my privacy , and still more so in yon "who took advantage of it . " But , Sir , let sie speak to you in language -which children miy comprehend . I was once present v > hen a very fond mother called her eldest son , ubout nine yeurs of aje . to her sius , for the purp ^ s < i of iiic-sving his ycung . st sitter , a baby of four mouths , to siuuss herself by pulling his h ^ ir and scra-. chine his facs . Ths bf > y hiinsejf had btitn fur a long time a YciuntteT in tbo mutual sport ; tdl at length the httle nails got so sharp , find the " ra ^ " becaiua so sore , that it ceased to be fun , and the boy grum-
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blingly refused ; when the impartial mother boxed his ears , and said , " Get away , you nasty disagreeable brat ; see how you have mads year little sister cry . " How , Sir , for years yon haTe been in ambush , aiming the assassin ' s blow at me ; and I have , like the boy , allowed you to pull my hair and scratch my face till it ceased to be fan , and until your nails grew too long and you had nearly " established a raw" in my face ; and now I am & nasty disagreeable brat , because I kick against the amusement ! I go on , or rather I go aVout ; fox I'll be banged , if the meat tender nosed fox-hound , or blood-hound , can have a fair run at yon , you have so " foiled" the scent as you dropped your stink .
Yon complain of having had twenty columns respecting the'' new move , " and yet you bitterly inveigh against the Editor of the Star for having suppressed about four more , in which the " plots , plans , and conspiracies " were detailed . You write , in fact , as if you were the " new move" yourself , and as though you were to keep up the battle upon your own Account . However , Sir , you shall have all in good time . I am pledged to the country , and my failure will be your acquittal ; but , aetful as you are , you shall not be judge , Jury , witness , and accuser , and then force the accused into yonr own time and terms of defence . I next reply to the allegations contained in paragraph numbered 5 . Road it—and then hear what I have to say upon it
Now , this is something tangible and substantial , and just mark how I meet it . I adhere to every word in my letter of the 10 th of October . You , and five others , wrote to me for an explanation . I gave you that explanation , refusing to retract or qualify what I had said . You asked me for my authority , and I gave you Henry Hetherington , and mentioned the two specific acts of defalcations of which the said Henry Hetherington complained , in person , to me . You say that " I basely shrunk from the proof . " If giving my proof , and refusing to qualify or retract , is shrinking , then I did shrink . Bat with respect to the publication , jast observe your nasty , dirty , shuffling , shrinking , lying , scheming move . You say " you dare me " to the publication of that correspondence in the Slar .
Now , 1 dan you to the publication of it In your paper , and as yon have all the correspondence , and / have not , I dare you to it * publication in the Star . You foolish man , have you not copies of your two or three letters ? and have you not my original answers ? while I kept no copies of my answers . You have a paper ; you are not scrupulous about publishing one Bide of a question ; and why not have published your own letters , or my answers , which ever served you best , in your own paper ? Bat send my original litters , of which retain copies , and send copies of your letters to the Star , and I pledge myself that all shall be published . This is the first complaint I ever heard about their non-publication . You have the documents ; publish them . I dare you ; and then we -shall see who is the shuffler .
You next proceed with what you suppose to be two faces under one hood . You try , in paragraph numbered 6 , to fix npon me a charge of " inconsistency , shuffling , and lying . " Read that paragraph again , and then say , ceuld anything be more ridiculous ? Before Christmas , I mentioned to Messrs . Hill and Hobson tha circumstances connected with a " move" for the purpose of insuring ft junction between the middle and working classes . I reminded them of the previous " move" in 1839 , when the Birmingham Conncll , the Scotch moral philosophers , Daniel O'Connell , and the London Working Men ' s Association , did , as if by magic , turn simultaneously upon the same pointa denunciation of Oastier , Stephens , and O'Connor , and the torch-and-dagger-men . I mentioned other circumstances , which left no doubt upon the minds of Hill or Hobson , as to the attempt being made ; and , just
for one moment cast your eye over the events immediately preceding the meeting at Leeds , which was to have been the " precursor meeting , " fur the purpose of effecting a union ; read the history of the whole affair , and ask yourself whether or not circumstances justified the precaution . But , although I was sufficiently aware of the fad , and in possession ef much more information npon the subject , I neither mentioned to the one or the other more than to put them upon their guard . Moreover , 1 was not myself aware of all the fads which were connected with the circumstances . I was not aware of the secrecy by which a council was to be appointed . I was not aware that I was to be shoved out of the door that admitted the honest middle classes . I was not aware , till subsequently , that Mr . Hetherington had told a deputation that waited upon him in tha Queen ' s Bench , that " Ftargus O'Connor and ike Korthern Star must be pat dovm the first thing . "
Now , what do I say on the 24 th April 1 I say , " I call upon Messrs . Hill and Hobson to say on their word of honour , as men , whether or not I informed them of this precise move of the precise parties who were to make it , months ago . " Now , what was the '' precise move" ? A move to unite the middle and the working classes for a babble cry for the real Charter ; and who were the parties ? Daniel O'Connell , Mr . Hume , and Place , the Scotch philosopher , and the London Workingmen ' s Association . New , here again , you assume , frem your former
truckling career , that in every charge against a whole body you are individually meant ; but , here again , for plainness sake , just read over , f « r the twentieth time , the declarations of Messrs . Hume , O'Connel ) , and Roebuck , made at Leeds , on the 22 nd of January , as to the concurrence of the leading working men , and Mr . Roabuck ' d assurance that each an association was in process of formation ; sad then read yonr own first letter , in which you relieve the matter of all mystery , by telling us who tha precise men of the precise party were , while you affect to inform us of tke precise move also : —
" Mr . Hame was called upon by the Chairman to state his opinions on what he considered to be the best means of producing a union of the middle and working classes , and carrying on the movement . Mr . Home remarked that one of the first things the Association ought to do , was , to put out their definition ef Household Saffrage , as few were at present agreed upon what that ought to be . Mr . Hume submitted a definition of what he considered Household Suffrage ought to be , which was to be taken into consideration by the Association . He stated that the leading men of the working classes generally concurred in the definition , and bad promised to give their assistance , were an agitation for such a Household Snffrage to be set on f » ot .
" Mr . O'Connell cordially concurred in the suggestions of Mr . Hume . He considered it as of the first importance , that the reasonable portion of the Chartists should be get over to the aid of the rational reformers . He urged the necessity of some central body being established in London , for the diffusion of knowledge Upon political subjects . The public miud should be saturated with facts bearing on the present gross defects in the representation of the people . " Mr . Roebuck said that such a body was at present in contemplation in London , and he trusted that h would very speedily be set in opt ration , so as to act in concert with the Leeds Association . Now , Sir , what , say you to that ?
But , Sir , 1 now charge you with havinz gone further . I charge you with having been parties to drawing up , or agreeing to , an entirely new draft of political principles . 1 « all for THAT , with the APPRENTICE CLAUSE and all . I know more about the whole affair than you imagine , or than you cculd desire . You next quote my praise of Lovett and other of the " precise parties" from the Star of the Ch of March and 20 th of February . Why , to all that I sorrowfully plead guilty . My instructions to Mr . Hill were : " Give no man a chance
of retreat ; k % ep them ap to their tracts ; call after each who steps out of the Charter road , but not till he has crossed the bounds , and then warn him before yuu expese him . " I am the person who . picked np every word flattering to Lovett , Coiins , and all otbtra , and who commnnicated it to Mr . Hill , with directions to communicate it to the country ; but , bear in mind , that both the 20 th of Feb . and 6 th of March aie days previous to the 10 th of April ; and it was not till the latter day the " move" was placed before either the Slar or the country in a tangible form .
Now , just snppotse that the Editor of the SYar , or my-Bfclf , ¦ with » knowledge of both circumstances and facts , had opened a battery against the precise parties , before their circular had appeared ; what would have been th ' j result r Why , a just denunciation for having strangled what would then have been suppressed , or presented in so formidable , altered , and popular a fora , as to have cast odium upon me , and credit upon the com coctors . Yet , again , I plead guilty to the charge of having praised yon uli , while you were secretly stabbing me . I t'id so to divert you from your wicked course , and 1 failed : so ends that portion of my folly .
As to jour mortification about Household Suffrage , and my acceptance of it , jufct allow me to set you right as to the difference between agitati . vg for a measure and accepting the same measure . I have always told the people that " there was no such thing as a Household Suffrage party , tipen principle , in the countrytLatif the praters aboutthatmeasure weresineerein their advocacy , they could carry it of tbenjselves without our help—that so far from opposing them , I for one ,-would tak « off my bat and make a low bow , if it meant the vote to every man who inhabited or dwelt in a house ; but that , upon the following day I would be at them for Universal Suffiage . But J harxaho always to * . d the people that if we . for a moment , joined in the agitation for Household Suffrage , that and Universal Suffrage would bu buried in the same grave . "
How do you prove my inconsistency ? Why , by quoting my words from the Star of the 8 th of liaic ^ , which prove they are in precise accordance with those expressed at hundreds of meetings for years psat ; and let this be , in part , my answer to Mr . Whittle ' s information—upon which just * word . I did not say what you attribute to me in paragraph numbered 9 , to Whittle , and 1 will tell you my reasons for not having said so ujn > n the occasion referred to . Firstly , then , I did not walk one step of the way with
Messrs Whittle and Rogers npt-n the occasion referred to . I was of the deputation ; and when we had nearly perfected our ^ rran-ements in the Convention room , A ! ile'i » an Scalt-s came np aijd entt-rert into a long disi-ertatuin upon the Chaiur , wiieiLupun I observed to M ^ siN RogtTS ^ ud Whittle , Weil , Gentlemen , if you are gi iiit ; to rtniaiii With Aiiiennan Scales , I will go on and prepare ilr . Young lor your arrival . " I went on , and 1 met Mr . Youufj between Somerset House and your shop , when Mr . Young told me that the Attorney General Lad moved for for a rule against
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me ia the Warminrtor case ; and , after announcing the coming of Messrs . Rogers and Whittle , I returned with Mr . Young to his office and remained there till they arrived , and remained with Mr . Young after they departed . If that is not enough , hear a farther reason . From the time that James Paul Cobbett left the Convention , to this moment , I have not opened my lips , except upon duty in the Convention , to Mr . Whittle . Again , for the last six months , while the Champion was ou its death-bed , Whittle was trumping op every possible charge against me ; and , do yon suppose , he would have preserved such a plum , as he thought it , for you ?
These observations , observe , are only to prove that I was not guilty of the meanness of speaking to Whittle ; while he waa a filthy dirty beast for Baying it , and you wera a filthy dirty brute fer printing it ; but the people must think me most sincere and devoted to their cause , wken I was ready to advance it upon the performance of such service III Bat why not ask Mr . Rogers , who is said to have been present , if I did say so , or walk with them ? If he says I did even walk with them , I will believe myself mistaken against my memory and judgment ; and then I shall plead guilty of having spoken to Whittle , and take credit for havtog said , in 1839 , what you show I have repeated in 1841 , and what , in substance , ( barring the smacft . l I have said at various public meetings .
Jast let me direct ycur confused thoughts to ths difference between accepting a thing and agitating for a thing . I have been abused for not agitating for a separation of Church and State , and yet , think you , that I would not bail the divorce as a boon , if forced upon us ? I would not agitate for Annual Parliaments ; but do you suppose that I would refuse the change ? I would not agitate for the sponging off the National Debt ; yet would I leap for joy at the news . So with many other measures , for the accompliflhmeBt of which I look to the Charter ; but to agitate for which , would be the surest means of putting the Charter to sleep for Ute present .
You then go on , and ask me three questions . To the first I answer you shall know in time ; but , for tho present , rent satisfied with the fact , that yon have more than corroborated every word he uttered . To the second I reply , you have the whole correspondence ; I dare you to publish it ; and , till published , I answer : — The name of my informant is , Henry Hetherington . Tc the third I answer that I , single-handed , in the House of Commons , kept up the agitation for the Dorchester labourers , till June , 1835 , and when the Radical associations were established , in September of the same year , they poshed the agitation to its consummation , and they , the associations , not Feargus O'Connor , but the associations in conjunction with the committee , had , before your working men ' s humbug waa in existence , insured the restoration of the men .
With regard to the remission upon newspaper stamps ; again , you write in ignorance and talk nonsense . I did not claim credit for myself ia forcing the Government to a reduction of stamp duties ; I claimed credit for the Radical Associations , and I do so still . We had accomplished it before pour Association was in existence . Dr . Wade , Mr . Bell , and myself , with three ctberB , composed the last deputation who waited upon Spring Rice . I think your readers must laugh out right at your catalogue of sufferers , when tbey find the names of Dr . Black , Mr . Place , Dr . Birkbeck , and Mr . John Tracers , among the list of suffering victims , and those of John Bell , William Carpenter , Joshua Hobs « n , Mrs . Mann , Messrs . Brady , Tinker , Ibbetson , and others , who " braved the battle and the breeze , " while you were sore of a happy result from the undertaking .
Sir , you may with as much propriety omit the name of the Duke of Wellington from an account of the battle of Waterloo , or that of Nelson from the battle of the Nile , as omit the names of Bell and Carpenter from an account of the unstamped victims ; but your reason , I presume , is because they were two who failed to make a good thing of others' sufferings , f Do not now mistake me . I not only do not wish to strip a single leaf from the laurels of those who braved prosecution , even with the hope of gain before their
eyes . Such hope , is one shape or other , ever has been , and ever will be , a strong incentive to noble actions . I am actuated by a similar hope in my present career ; but , I trust , it is not a selfish one . I honour those who struggled , and respect those who suffered in the struggle , whether they won or lost ; but when one man assumes all honour to himself , or to a few , which is due to the Radical multitude , then do I waver in bestowing upon him any praise . I nave never assumed more praise than is das to one man's exerti » n , and even that I don't ask for .
Sir , yon speak very noastingly of the numerous letters and resolutions received by Mr . Lovett , upon the subject of the " new move , " while yeu insolently call Its opponents my "hired tools , " and " paid correspondents . " Let me tell you one fact I never , in all my life , wrote a letter to an individual , or body , to back me in anything ; and , as to paid correspondents I have yet to learn it is dishonourable in a journalist to pay for the information he receives . Further , let me assure you that I have a number of highly-paid correspondents whose faces I sever saw , and from whose pen I have never , personally , had a hue , and to whom I nave never written .
I do not doubt that Mr . Lovett has had many such letters as yon hint at . He knew who to ask for thembe has been drugging the " inoraE-force Chartists" with appeals , and he was eure of a favourable response ; but why not publish them in your paper ? If your modesty forbids , send them the best , that is , the most effective , to the Star , at the rate of one column per week ; and let the tame approvals appear alongside the wild and drunken reproofs of my associates . Sir , you are jast now in a sad predicament ; you all thought to swim on the surface of the tide that was to have 8 wept me from the helm ; and , being disappointed , yon are trying to make an under-current which you hope will guide you to some sife port .
Believe me , you are mistaken , I never expected any tbing from you . The fustian jackets never expected any tbing from yon when the tug came . The storm is now about to rage , and , before it lulls , you will stand mute on London Bridge , while you , who have saved yourselves by taking to the long boat in the first squall , will sea mo steering the nood ship , Charter , without a river pilot , keeping her head up to the wind and upon the flood-tide , running down every Whig and Tory craft that comes in my course , and mooring my vessel at the choice berth , while the " wild" crew and their '' wild" pilot shall land in safety in that metropolis , which but for the rottenness of its leaders would long since have been the seat of national independence .
Sir , it is laughable to read your fuily , directed against me at a time when the " traitor" and "political humbug" is giving practical proof of liis devation to the cause , and you are lileraily impeding its course . What have you doue ? what has ycur whole party done in our lute glorious struggle , beyond an endeavour to create a suspicion against tke Convention ? Is your name to the " muster roll ? " O , perh ' . vps , you way say you were in prison . Weil , so was I ; but I contrived to smuggle ruy name out , and to have it pasted at the end of the York petition , while you were at large in the Queen ' s Bench , to hold meetings there if you pleased , and to sign petitions . What have you done ? Nothing , nothing , nothing !!! Who prevented you ? O , " you were so disgusted with Feargus O'Connor . " Sir , if all the world were abusing me , I would still stand by the people ' s rights and the Charter , and the more I was abused , the more would 1 rebuke my accusers by redoubled exertion .
Sir , 1 have served an apprenticeship and worked some journeywork at the trade of Chartism . In the course of my comparatively brief career , I have effected what no mortal before me has ever done . I have united the whole working population of this vast empire into one body—I have made them political inhabitants ef each town—I have t | uned the public voice to one note , the note of liberty—I have , in my " wildest" moments , kept an anxious look out , while others slept on their watch—I have been the first to announce the appearance of "Breakers a-Uead "—1 saw my danger in every step I moved ; but I am not afraid to " reap the whirlwind , " or to "ride the storm , " in pait of my own creation . I love my monster , and fear him not ; for he will be a tyrant to the bad and vicioos only .
I am now , from this dull spot , looking through the telescope of reason , and I see the whole course of the next three months bsfore me , which will set at nothing all previous changes . —For that also I am prepared . I have had no support , in my arduous undertaking , from a single newspaper or gTeat man ; but , on the cftntrary , opposition from all ; while the disappoiuted mercenary now swells the ranks of the infuriate and beaten faction . My every act is before the public ; and when I come lo ba judged , believe me , that a slight crime in me would meet with excessive punishment ; but I have pn pared a fair and impartial tribunal in an improved public opinion , ' which will not allow disappointed vanity to charge honest service with delinquency . Although you do not observe it , I am now upon my trial ; and yet I am not trying to appease those who will be my judges . No ; let the past speak for tho future .
Sir , I shall now conclude with a bit of advice . If you really profess to be honest , do not publish a parcel of foolish letters to me in your paper , and insist upon their publication in my paper also ; while you do not publish my answers , and yet complain of those answers being published at all in the same number with your letters . Where pray so fit a place for the defence , as joined to the accusation ? - . ' ¦ But you an not fond of indiscriminate publication . I recolltct you once wrote to me in 1831 , demanding
an explanation of words which I was reported , in the London Metatry , to have used , relative to yoar speech at a meeting in the Theatre at Barnsley . I replied , and you did not publish my reply ; when I saw you , some tiiue afterwards , I asked why yon had not , and you answered " O , damn it , it would not suit ; it was a confirmation of what the Mercury stated . " My crime was in having called your speech " a moat artful speech ; " and ; from that hour to the present , I have never locked spon you in any other light than a most artful man .
You contrived to swamp both the London Mercury and London Dispatch , by your art , your cunning , your grovelling and mischief-making ; but , believe me , Sir , you shall not i ;; jure the Star , as the present number is the last which shall contain a word from either you or me upon what you would gladly swell into a weekly squabble . You have filed your Bill , and jour amended
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Bill . I have answered both ; and , now , rest satisfied or continue to scrawl away ; and as you invariably best answer yourself , I shall be satisfied , that , liketbe Irish attorney , you are employed by the plaintiff and working for the defendant Now , Sir , I think you will admit , npon a reconsideration of the whole matter , that you have climbed too high , and the bump you have raised upon yoar own forehead justly entitles you to the name of " Silly Harry . " . : ;¦ ¦ ¦ " ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ . ¦ lam . Sir , ¦ ¦ ¦ " Feargus O'Connor , Esq . One of the Aristocracy ; " apropos , the use of the term , Esq ., rendered farther designation unnecessary !
P . S . —Virtuous patriot ! so thoroughly armed in this your just quarrel ! since writing the above I have just received a letter from an honest high minded independent working man , from wbicU I submit to your notice , the following extract : —" Four of the fustian petition carriers were in the Queen ' s Bench with Hetherington , and he swore to them THAT HE WOULD DESTROY THE STAR A 3 8 OdN \ AS HE GOT OUT OF PRISON . " Now , " Silly Harry " what say you to your forehead and your bump . Write no more to me , " Silly Harry j" •• Silly Harry" write no more to me . F . OC
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TO THE EDITOB OF THE NORTHERN STAR . Mr . Editor , —By your inserting the following address in your next , with corrections , if required , from your bands , you will greatly oblige the Chartists of York , And yours , &c E . Burlev . York , 25 th May , 1841 . LIBERATION OF FEARGUS O'CONNOR , Esq . TO THE CHAETISTS OF GREAT BRITAIN . Brother Chartists , —The duties of our office prompt us to again bring under your notice the necessity of bestirring yourselves on the occasion of the release of our glorious chief from the fangs of his and our merciless oppressors , and show to the world that you nre determined to do honour to him to whom honour is due .
Fellow-countrymen , every day brings us greater proofs of his devotion and value to onr cause , that although he is immured within the cheerless dungeon , his heart is still panting for the success of the cause for which he is suffering , and that neither the cupidity and slander of false friends , nor the persecution of the open enemy can turn his mind from the great and glorious objects which he ia struggling to achieve , namely , the emancipation of the whole human family from political bondage , degradation , and misery , and the establishment of the principles of truth , justice , and happiness .
Fellow-slaves , you have lately been called upon to express your feelings between Mr . O'Connor and the leaders of tha " new move ; " you nobly answered that call by your assurance of your attachment to him and your determination to stand by him ; we call upon you , therefore , to prove that attachment by sending your delegates to welcome him to your ranks on his emerging from the duugcoa . Brethren , the men of London have nobly expressed their determination to send a deputation . Tho men of Stcckton have nobly answered our first appeal ; and will the men of Manchester , Birmingham , Sheffield , and other places , holding a proud position , be left in the background ?
Fellow-countrymen , O'Connor deserves much at your bands ; he will accept no other favours : how , then , are you to repay him for his sufferings iu your cause , for the persecutions he has endured by open enemies and false friends ; how better than by being present on his again obtaining his liberty , and there seal the compact with him to stand by him as he has sworn to stand by you until death . Let your cryrthen be—to York ! to York 1 and there let your voices rend the air with your shouts for joy at again beholding your chief once more free . Then , hurrah , hurrah , hurrah , for O'Connor ; down with the cock-tailed gingers ; up with the Charter , and down with all humbug .
We are , fellow-countrymen , on behalf of the Demonstration Committee , Youra , truly , Edward Burley , Chairman . W . Cordeux , Secretary . York , 25 th of May , 1841 . P . S . The men of York hope the next week's Star will convey your determination to do your duty . All correspondence to be addressed , post paid , to Mr . Wm . Cordeux , 26 , Micklegate , York .
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DEFEAT < OF THE WHIG CORN LAW RE PEALERS AT EAGLESHAM . The supporters of the Whig Ministerial scheme of Repealing the Corn Laws being defeated in all tho large towns where they have attempted to carry popular feeling in favour ef their expediency movement , have resolved to see what can be done in a quiet way with the smaller towns and villages . The village of Eigle-Bham had , accordingly , been pitched upon by the Ministerialists of Paisley for the first of a series of meetings to bring over the people of this quarter to support the Russell ami Melbourne proposition for a Repeal of tho Corn Laws . The inhabitants here were
warned by public announcement te attend a meeting on the subject , in the Dissenting Meeting-House , ou Wednesday evening ! last , which . was to be addressed by Messrs . Henderson and Brewster , from Paisley . Determined not to be gulled by these parties , the Chartists requested the presence of ono or two Glasgow speakers to discuss the question with the above-mentioned gentlemen , on thii night specified , and to test fairly the opinions of the men of Eaglesham . 1 : ; n meeting waa called for seven o ' clock , but it was eight o ' clock before the business commenced .
Dr . Paton being appointed to the chair , introduced Mr . Henderson , who , we believe , writes the Paisley department of the Saturday Evening Post , to address the meeting . The Rov . Patrick Brewster not having arrived , according to expectation , Mr . Henderson cauiu forward , and after a few preliminaries , entered into an exposure of the operations of the Corn Lws . After referring to the misery and destitution existing in the country , to the dull trade , and the general depression of commercial business ; he Bpoke of the comparatively comfortable condition ef the foreign artizan . He drew a number of illustrations on this head from Symond's accounts of the state of manufactures on the continent —and the habits and condition of the artizms : and
after contrasting these with the working classes here , he came to the conclusion that these things wete chiefly brought about by the effects of the Corn Liw . He advocated the necessity of the people supporting the Whig Government in their late movement for a fixed duty on Corn , and for any agitation that would bring about a modification of the present system . After referring to the Chartists as opponents to the Coru Law repeal movement , and as men blind to their own interests , he concluded by declaring his anxiety to see the people in possession of the franchise—his willingness to aid the Chartists , and his heavty approval of their views—but his opposition to their present course of proceeding , and bat down amidst loud applause .
Mr . Malcolm , jun ., of Glasgow , said , although a Chartist , be did not come forward either as the advocate of the return of the Tories to power in preference to the other faction , nor as the direct or indirect opponent to the spread » f knowledge in reference to tho operations of tbis law , but to state the real grounds upon which tha Chartists atOud in reference to the agitation attempted to be got up by the middle clasdts , to support the present Ministry , at the expance of sound principle and the cause of popular right ; and he would premise that Mr . Henderson bad done wrong in talking of the Chartists as the opponents of Corn Law repeal . Although the Chartists did not see the propriety of joining this agitation , for tho Ministerial scheme of repealing this law , did it fo . low that they were less zealous
repealers ? He held that they were the only reasonable and determined repealers of any party in the country . While they endeavoured to spread , and were anxious to receive , every sort of information relative to the Corn Law—while they thanked the iniddie class for the pains they were taking to enlighten them , they also pointed out the only way by which they were to be repealed . ( Cheers . ) They very properly considered , that those who called themselves Corn Law repealers , had advanced the strongest arguments in favour of their standing by their present movement Why , members of their kague had unhesitatingly declared , that until tbe constitution of the present House of Commons was changed , they had no hope for a repeal . Others of them , and he was glad ho could number amongst them
his moral force friend , the Rev . Patrick Brewster , had declared that they did not expect the House of Landlords to yield that measure to any appeal short o / one of tbeir fears ; and it was enly by being frightened they would accede to our just demands . ( Cheers and laughter . ) Now he entirely agreed with these opinions ; and knowing , from past experience , that without the aid of the masses , the middtt class would carry no great measure of organic reform , he was for his Chartist brethren standing by their present position , and selling their influence at the proper time . He ( Mr . M . ) knew that united the middle and working class could effect anything , but be was opposed to a junction which would not guarantee to the unenfranchised a full measure of justice . They had ne guarantee that in supporting the present Ministry in this late movement of theirs , tkat they would not be aiding their return to power , with the prospect of misrepresenting them for
other eight long years . ( Hear , bear . ) He womld have them to bear in mind , that although she middle class now came a little way and shewed their awdety to have a repeal of the Cam Laws , that they had not done so until the shoe which had been pinching their workmen began to pinch themselves . But , at the same time , be could not deny a fact , in connexion with the circumstances of these men , that although some of them were reduced to bankruptcy , the great proportion , even while loudest about dull trade and most zealous in reducing wages , had been adding fiat to flat , and factory to factory , had built houses like palaces , and enjoyed all the comforts and luxuries of life in abundance , and if they were pinched a little now , it waa no more than they merited . He did not mean , however , to base his argument upon this point . He cared net what were the motives that induced these men to come fofwaid for Corn Lav repeal . The question -with him
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was , could the masses , by holding to their present agitation compel these men to-come a little farther , in a word , come along with them for the People ' s Charter ? They had already brought-them a little way , and he felt fuily confident that they would come further . At all events , he argued in -favour of workiDg men refusing tbeir influence te iwy iiqit&tion which did not Sfi to place them in their legitimate position in the House of Commons , as tax-payers and citizens . He argued for their standing by principle in preference toexpediency , always bearing in mind that" the ' . gain of the Charter to the people at large waa an ampla guarantee that they should have not only the Corn Laws , but every other iniquitous monopoly done away . While . on the other Land , by a repeal of the Corn Laws
alone , they had no pledge that they would obtain the Charter . ( Loud caeenu ) . . ; " But Mr . ~ Henderson talked of their talcing or refusing a good measure aa glibly as if the repeal of the Corn Laws were now offered them , end thty refused to have it Who offered it them ? O , says Mr . Henderson , the Whigs offer it ! Aye , they promise as liberaHy as ever . ' But wh-.-a their purpose is served , alas ! for the ' performance ! They wish to maintain power-just now at the expeaca of popular rights , and by the ofifer of a measure w ? uch they have not the power to give . He . Was glad ,-however , that , while the people received with gratitude the . information of the Corn Law repealers , they had sense enough , to-hold fast by principle , and refused to budge from the only course which would enable them auccv-.-. s-
fully to assert and obtain their political freedom . He would wish his Chartist brethren nwer to forget tti . t , in agitating for'the Charter , they were agitating far a repeal of the Corn Laws , and that every argumt . it brought forward to expose the system by which thsy were oppressed was just an additional argument in favour of their being properly represented , and an addir tional reason for their continuing to agitate and unite until they had raised up such a power as would iorce tbe ariatooracy to yield to their just and legal claims . After one or two illustrations in corroboration of v , . it bad been advanced by Mr . H ., as to the effect of the Corn Laws , Mr . M . deprecated the sentiments so earnestly put forth by that gentleman , that the Government and the middle class brought forward this ines- iu e , more on account of the suffering operatives , than tor their own benefit ; and after a fling at Mr . Henderson for his physical force notions' of former times , and his
inconsistent conduct now iu abusing and attacking the physical force Chartists through " the organ in which lie writes , for doing less than he himself had demo on former occasions , ho concluded by expressing a hope that some inhabitant would not allow the opportunity to escape without bringing forward a resolution denouncing the Corn Laws , and declaring their adherence to the Charter , in favour of which he hoped they would also get up a petition . He sat down amidst loud chi-ers . Mr . Henderson again rose , ami made alengthtjied response . Instead , however , pt taking up the prguinents of Mr . M ., he confined himself to a history of bis own exertions and sufferings on behalf of Radicalism , and to an exposure of the doings of th ' e . . T t'ts since the time of Castlereagh and Sidmouth d > - "nwards . After a species of special pleading iu favour of Whiggery and the Ministerial Corn Law scheme , he sat down .
As the honr was now pretty late , on the suggestion of Mr . Malcolm , a gentleman in the vicinity res-. ; to propose a resolution . This the Chairoiau , Mr . Head . rson , and tbe manager of the Kirk who chanced to be present , objected to . Mr . Malcolm called upon them to hear what was the nature of the motion first . During tho time that Mr .- Malcolm stood up calling upon Mr . Henderson if he . was a Chartist , as be professed , and also a Corn Law repoaier , to allow a motion to be passed in favour of both views , a person near him asked in anangry tone , ' " Will . yeusign a petition for a repeal of the Corn LawsV Yes , said Mr . M ., with all my heart ; will you turn and sign the Charter ? This declaration seemed to putthe meeting right as to ti » e nature of Mr . Malcolm ' s opposition , and iuud t-ila arose from all parts of . the house to Mr . Henderson to support this view .
Mr . Henderson tried to get out of the business , by declaring , that although he was a Chartist , a * rhe Church had only been given'for the delivery of n ' cture on the Corn Laws , he could not consent t ^ me passing any resolution . In defiance , however , of ths wry faces of the Chairman , and the croaking of the Kirk managers , Mr . JOHN HUNTEE moved the following resolution , which was seconded by another inhabitant : — " That this meeting lo » ks upon the Coin Laws a * « ne of the fcreateat evila tiat have ever afflicted this country , and is , therefore , anxious for their immediate removal ; but having no hope of ever accon . piisb . ing their abolition , while the landed aristocracy have their pre ^ -snt preponderance in the legislature , we petition for the People ' s Charter , so that the people having power , maj remove the Corn Laws and all ether juoropolies . "
As tbe Caoiirman btiil refused to put any resolution , Mr . Malc <> hu- stood forward and took a show of hands for the motion , and nearly the entire meeting held Tip their hands . He then took ' , the opposite—all agitin .-ifc the motion , -when only two hands were held up . T ; . e result was greeted with great cheers . On the motion ef Mr . Jack , thanks were voted to the Chairman . On the motion of Mr . Gardner , thanks were also voted to Mr . Henderson for his address , so far as it related to the Corn Laws ; this wns seconded by Mr . Malcolm , and responded to with cheers . Three cheers for the Charter closed the busir . i-j- * , when the meeting quietly dispeisoU . —Abridged jtr- ; , i tlie Scottisft . Patriot .
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Queen Square Police Office , London . —The Best Defence and an Honesp Declaration . — On Saturday , Edward Thompson , a very fashionably dressed man , but whoso manners indicated that the dress and the proprietor but ill corresponded , - was charged with attempting to pick the pocket of Mrs . Louisa Godwin Wyse , a lady residing at Greenstreet , Chelsea . Complainant stated , that on Thursday evening she was walking along Beauford-row , near the foot of Chelsea-bridge , ia company with her little boy , who wag , about seven years of age . when on a sudden she felt a hand in her pocket , ana turning round found the prisoner close behind her . She immediately accused him of attempting to pick her pocket , when be said it was quite absurd to think of such a thing . On a policeman coming np , she gave him into custody . He no sooner saw the
policeman advancing towards Him , than beset off running , and after a pursuit of tea minutes was captured . Mr . Burrell inquired what he knew of the prisoner , if at all acquainted with him . Gough said he had known him tor two years as the associate of common thieves . Prisoner expressed a wish to say something , and Mr . Burrell desired him to go on . Prisoner" I wish to say somotbing . That officer ( Gough ) is the - — rascal in England . There isn't a man ia London as lives by the ring but what has to pay him money , or else they gels taken into custody . He has had money of me frequently , and all the thieves will tell you 60 . He comes up to them in the street and asks them for something , and in coarse they gives it him . " Mr . Burrell thought these observations proved , at any rate , what the prisoner was . He was then removed to undergo the ptuushmeni .
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THE NEWS FROM CHINA . We have been true prophets as to the courac of events in China . The settlement announced ia April , bad as the terms wore , has proved , . as . we predicted , no settlement at all ; it was repudiuud b y the Emperor , recourse was a ^ ain had to aitL , s with brilliant success , the Hague torts were capturtd , and all the Chinese dei ' tiices forced u ^ : o Canton , which was thus placed in the power ; .:: J at the meroy of our forces . The union jack was hoisted ou the wa ! i 3 of the British factory , wi ^ h . had been the sceue of the wrongs and insults pi jvoking the expedition .
We are , however , in all probability , far from tie settlement of the dispute , ?<> r all tha' is gained Ly arms is likely to be lo-i , by negotiations with so crafty and faithless a peot-lc . Captain Elliot ' s infatuation in haying Bupposed ; that matters were pyi - manently settled , and directed that the troops in . Chusan evacuate tbe island and w ithdraw to Calcutta , is perfectly woKd . « vful , and the sooner iha negotiations are in the l ;; inds of an officer less the dupe of the Chinese , the better wilt be the . proH '; . vfc of an advantageous termination oi' the war . Sir J . Breiner observe ? , as to the forbearance exerciitd towards Canton , —
" It -was at our rrercy , and it h ; is so remained , a monument of British magnanimity and forbearance ; / fear , however , that the forbcaruiice is tnisunderstu-nl , aitd that a further punishment must be resorted to br . / ore this arrorjard and perjidious Government is brouolu to
reason . " Then follows the old story as to the Plenipotentiary ' s propensities to temporising , and trying what paper would do :- — ' "Her Majesty ' s Plenipotentiary being , howevtr , desirous lo try the efftd of another proclamation , and to show his desiie for an equitable adjustment of ujfuira , addressed the Major-GeHeral and myself , requesting that we would make no further movement towards the city , until the disposition of the provincial Government officers were put to the ted , as far as regards their non-interference ; and vie have , amse ^ uenily , remained in statu quo , but reports ( on whidi we can rely ) are daily reaching vs , which slate that Jire vessels are fitting otit about sc-o . -n miles above Canlon ; ferts , in the rear of the city , in course of erection , und the people are forbidden to bring us supplies , while the teas and silks , and every other valuabie , are removing from it "
The fulminations of the Emperor against the English are curiosities of an Imperial style : — " "They are , ' says he , like dogs and sheep in tbeir dispositions . It is difficult for heaven and earth unj longer to bear with tbe English , and both Gods ai ; d men arn indignant at their conduct . ' 'I have - heard , ' says tke Empero ^ « tbat for months p ast they buvo debauched men ' s wives and daughters—made captiw , 3 —carried away property—built forts—opened wator courses , and set up a counterfeit public officer , who issues proclamations ordering the people to pay the duties . In sleeping or eating , I find no quiet . '
" The blood of the Tartar rulers is excited by these enormities . Keshen is ordered to be delivered over to the board of punishment—' still , however , retaining his eontmand ; and the Admiral Kivan , tliough descended from the God of War , is lo lose his ballon . " —Examiner
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THE NORTHERN STAR . 7 ^ J ^ TV ' ¦¦ ' ¦ — ¦ -
Northern Star (1837-1852), June 12, 1841, page 7, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct553/page/7/