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10 BD CAMPBELL LATE ATTORNEY-GE-- NERAL TO THE WHIGS , AND PRESENT LORD CHANCELLOR OF IRELAND , AND FUTURE f When » tallow candle jpes out , it leaves a rerj unp leasant smell behind it ; when the Whigs . are going oat , they appoint Sir John Campbell to the Gonoellorabip of Ireland . We leave the reader to compare oar simile with its application . "Plain Jeba" has done ranch is Ms tame to merit ttis djgtiactian l * Wly conferred . upon him ; he has not ascended from the law reporter ' s desk of the Morning Chronicle to the post which he now holds , without acting so as to deserve front . the Government somewh at of honour , and somewhat of pelf . He has ever been a plain- ? oing , easily-driven and uoa-resitingiadiTidual ana from the time of crossing the Tweed np to the present day , Johnny has orrer lost eight of the main chance . As Attorney-General
8 Made by a smile , unmade by a frown , " he hunted out prey , as the jackal for the lion , and Coasted that '' during the longest period of any Attorn ey-Generalship , ( about nine years , ) there had been les s prosecutions , less informations far political cffeneea , than under any other . filling a similar ntaatioo . " That is to say , aboui'bajf » dozen exqguxo informations for nothing ; indictments ionujier&ble for treason , as it was styled ; and prosecutions for sedition , obtaining money under false prefaces , riot , coaspiracy , ice &e . & . c without end . frorj a awrciful catalogue ! Well , the Whigs were ? ratmtfor the same , and , therefore , whilst on the tcrge of moTing out from their places , pitchforked Quit faithful servant into a snug retreat . Like rats
¦ which leaving a failing house first pay the larder a Viat , so these eoooasiieal ffatrj axe determined to earry some booty jwith them in their retreat . — Sut the new Chancellor , we are told , is not to fears- any retiring pension , when he vacates the sr tolsaek , as be presently- must do . In good faith , jrecan-esrWifc this assertion- Why , there are at nre&enV « 6 - many retired Lord Chancellors , with tbeirpedBjoBS , * vai it would actually be Impossible tescpportano&jer out of the ruiaed wfen ^ ol the e ^ roly * - **^ w ^ fc « iie * e that directly' dne ^ u es OS , Jjgrf Cftinpbell will quickly come in for his Share . Henae » virtue is made of necessity ; and , with
jtoaaa mignaBa&ity , the Chancellor says he will mrf take , / or the prescni , any pension . Hence he uses , to the Irish bar , the words of Horace"Fauperien sine dote queen—I look for poverty without a pension ! "' For a man who is anxious for ipaaper ' s lot , this new-born lord h \ s Btraggled , and sweated , and toiled for wealta with a most disinterested zeal . It is eTer tbu 3 : our philosophers go on quoting Latin sndjaHring about a wish for poverty , while { hey are praying all the time that their pockets may be FpeedOj filled . The jobbing and the traffic in this case are bsd enough in all conscience , but the mockery—the ia&li on the Irish bar , is eren
And here we allude to the system of plunging iiea , adapted neither by birth , nor education , nor tem perament , nor character , into responsible offices , winch conld be , and which should be , filled by oibera . We grant that Sir John Campbell was a lawyer well learned in the Common Late ; but what he can kw > w ab out equity , or the duties and functions of a XfeK » ellor , beggars onr comprehension . Can any-Jfcnrpbe more absurd than thus to transplant him frem the subtleties of pleading , and the hair-splittiags of praetioe , bo pleatiful in the courts of Coma » Q LaWj to the broad and wide extended range of eouity jsrisprodence ! _ . ...
It is thus we _ are gulled and humbugged ; it is thus the fountain of justice is choked up and policed ; the common law judges are taken from the Gfeancery Bar ; the Chancellor ' s are taken from the GosuBen Law Bar . In the former case , it is a painfid sight , te see one filling & Judicial office ( espeliallj when in the Criminal Conrts ) who really knows nothing of the practice and but little of the theory which prevail in the tribunal over which he jiesides ; in the latter , it is equally sad , though Other more ludicrous , to see the floundering and straggling of a " fish ent of water . " We now come to the other point and an important caeiiis . Why is a " Scotchman put upon the Irish wookaek > Wby is this iaeuli tolerated by the Irish B * >
-Is it contended , that Ireland cannot furnish suffiejeat talent and sufficient learning for the post ? look at that land of genius , behold her children , atowed with every mental blessing ; turn to the Qnttaas , the Ctnxsze , the Burkes , and Sheridans , rf her history , aadjSieB ask whether it be necessary to tend to Johtf-mpvate' boose for a Lord Chan-Mflor ! : t r- ^ ' .-
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IMPGBEANT TO * ALL CHARTISTS . Ax adjoHrnta , meeting was beid at the BaUway . fidb * , B *« 6 Htoiriibw , tainar tto ¦ econd lecture of ' Jtt li « 3 W « p « i the Cort"X&w « . At the close of the ketan , Mr- George White came forward , and proposed i fvWp *> the first part of -which -was condemnatory of any agfca&on iiart of the People * Charter , the wooed part ptedged tbe meeting to join the National Cbarb * AaoeatioB . After it had been seconded , the fS" * " * " asked if any one had an objection previous to it * being pot .
Mr . AilHCS O'Keii tben cxme ferward to more SB inwodmeni . Be positiTely denied there being asy soh thing u & >' &tioial Charter Awociation , and Bfflnticiiedi as an instince , that during the first six nmeth * , £ 71 only was collected , fie aid be vroald not Itrnd tiiat , ssd b » Te such a palpable lie crammed oqtb 2 jii throat . He then mored , that that part of the raalniion vhkh pledged the meeting to join the Xrtkntl Charter Association be Left oat . Hi . JOSS C 0 LU 3 S begged leare to second the
mfmtmoTit-Dunsg the time th&t Mr . Arthur O'Heil tu < peaki % tli * greatest confusion prevailed ; he was assailed ban an ridet irith hisses , groans , and cries of " You're ao QaztiEt , " " Youte are a money-grubbing gospel-Bsnger , aod a traitor to the eauae of Chartism . " The j >« wt »« t . ^ jgQ proceeded to puttie amendment , amidst Jbe aoet avfol confoaioB . With the assistance of the Cora Ltv party cvha chuckled to Bee the diTisionj ttetrasodmentwas carried . Up to the present time , the Chartists had thought thU tinu might bring a better principle to the Collins patty , tat thU dari-lookiag , cold-blooded instance of 8 * biackest , deepest-dyed treachery , b&s caused a . " efcmgB to come o er the spirit of their dream . " and Sajpliin } ? see it is of no use to temporise longer with ¦ efc traitors .
The Ck ) taidl of the Association met at their rooms on ffceMeciBg of Thuisday , the lots instaat , and , before « sy bajiDfcss vas transacted , the following resolution Tid BEinimocily agreed to . « Th > t , in the opinion of this Council , Arthur O'Neil ttd John Gollins haTe , by their base , hypocritical , and kadierons conduct , done great injury to the cause of GartisB 'which they professed to aArocale ) in this to * n ; g £ d that any perscm "who ¦ would "wiifully cause fiisKBBon xmeng Chartists , under snch shalJotr pretetes * , U an open traitor to the cause of liberty . "
Mr . Hopkins , chairman . Mr . C&ESSVTEJ . L . Mr . BaotGH . itr . Xt ^ ali-Mi . Thowpsos . 3 ir . Kisbeti . ilr . Ashtox , Treamrer . Mr . Heebert , Sub-Assistant-Secretary Mr . Wij . k . i > -50 > -, Sub-Secretary . lath JtjIt , 184 L
_? jS . At the meeting on Wednesday eTening , Mr . " **? £ TTiite challenged John Collins and Arthur tf 5 ea-to meetnini there on Thursday night and discuss 8 h qasatioa -with him . He was punctual in his at-™^» w » at the place of meeting , to meet eiiher , or Wh of the parties abore-namtd ; but no , they would ** 8 iTe him the chance" of discussion , for they nerer ttaie . A 5 oge public meeting -was held some time previous ¦| ti * election ; to ¦ wiiich Coliins ' s party were inrited . * 3 » ffieKjn ? -was for the purpose of appointing a nou-° *** ° » ' ooaiinittee , to tike measures to ensrire the * toa cf » qnaiified Chartist candidate ; or , in case « ne ^• M not be found , to nominate two -woiking men for «« show cf hands : they neTer attended either this or
" * ¦ weeding meetings . The Chartist non-electors ' 7 ™® ktee » bicii consisted of forty men ) then sent s * P « Kion to the Collins party , to know if they meant ?*® mte a irortine man . After waiting upon them ¦ J * ^ » epsnte times , a letter was received from them , ^ wjBia thai they had not come to any decision as J ^^ her they should nominate one or not _ «* nsxi ETening m heard by word of mouth , T **^ y intended to nominate Jokn Collins . Thenon-¦ J ^ eommittee ttien had some bilU printed , and a 2 * proTided . The substance of the bills called 2 J * 8 » -rofking men to rote for George White and at the
^™ GwKns nomination . Early on the morning J ** ffl ^ ion , Anhni O'Xeil and John Collins caused ^ " » Hlj to be posted , -which , after condemning the » . si ** " * ? - " B " eEt as far as they could to condemn "»<| casing dmsien . fc ^ . 10 ** ti 5 f clause or sentence which appeared *«« IU : — "Tia true , John Collins will be nomi-U * " ^ Bt not in connexion "with any other person . " y ** for the Town Hall g jet Collins -was not nominated , neither would l ^« ' - « iare been , if it cad Iain in Collins ' * V ^ r f hindered it ; for , when ilr . Fellows came ^^^ » second Mr . George White , John Collins g ~ M to him to sit down and leare it alone , ^ ¦ tt mea ss Joan Collins and Aitiiui O"Keil can , ^^? conduct as this , after doing everything in fc ar !? . 10 ^ aer persons from uniting themselTes i ^« & 8 . Uoa&l Chaner Assodationcall theinselTes
, ^^¦ n-eaveBfeep . me from such Mends . ^ Zoox Wilkissos , sub-Secretary , ^^ "e &G i *« B » ed a report of those prcceelin ^ B «** own « re 5 poiiuerit "' i—Ed .
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IRELAND . " Tory members ... ... •¦ ^« -40- ~ - Whi « ditto ... ... ... ... 63 Returns not yet received ... ... 2 Total members for Ireland ... . ~ .. ... * " 5 Total member * of the Honee of Commons 658 ASPECT OF THE HOUSE . . Total Tories returned ... ... 367 Total Whigs returned ...... — 285 _ Majority for the Tories ... —— , ? 2
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THE NATIONAL EXECUTIVE . TO THE CHARTIST J ^ SOCiATIOJifS i ) F Ejfef-LAND ANJ > WALES . -. ' c . FELtOW-COUNTBTMEU * AND BROTHBES , — -YOTtt suffrages have placed us in ^ in honourable and responsible position . The duties we hate * to perform are ^ of the most serious kind and of the most important cha- racter . We haTe resolved to meet' every difficnl ^ y wfth that calmness and devotion which ought to belong to men who are striving not for party advantage , nor yefc for factions superiority , but to secure for you and tot your children political freedom , better Institutioi-s wiser rules , and more just and bene 7 olent law * .
We have received from the Provisional Execatlve an account of their varied and important transactions , &gd after reviewing their arduous task , performed as it has been faithfully , firmly and successfully / we cannot avoid tendering to them our grateful thanks for the ab ? e manner in which they conducted their complicated business . They were surrounded with difficulties of no otdinarv kind ; opposedfrom without and obstructed from witbla ; nevertheless we are put in possession of supplies much larger than we were led to anticipate . Brethren , we have commenced oat . cuee * at ta moment when men ' s inimis are engrossed with tile passing events of the political world . ; : A conflict has ensued between the two great factions in the state , and , as we anticipated , it bas ^ eadfid-jn the defeat of that party whose bitter persecution we have surmounted , and whose malevolent opposition hoa been crushed . >¦¦ - "' *
We triumph not over their fall , any more than we rejoice at the success of Toryism . * The nation returned a verdict against ' Whig trickery and deceit , and returned their opponents in triumph , not because it loved the Tories , but because there wap no other party in the field whose influence was poweifijl enough to command attention , whose principles were s ? well understood as to ensure respect , and whos « character was established so as to bo supported by the majority of electors . Our party was known , but known only to be feared ; hence if the truth ninsi be proclaimed , the terror of Chaitiam has ended in the triumph of Toryism .
We nave neither been deceived in the result , nor yet are we daunted with the prospect before us . On the other haud , we confidently anticipate that those really good and patriotic wen , who , from mistaken principles have supported the Whigs in their joggling game , will now be fully convinced that no half-measure , howevetr plausible , will ever satisfy the minds , or secure the suffrages of the people of this nation . " ' i To secure the popular voice , Universal Suffrage must be made the basis of any new agitation , and all men who have the good of their country at heart should prove it by sinking all minor differences , laying aside , all silly abuse , and burying ail former fends and malice . ' * - ¦ ¦ .- ¦¦ £ . »
Let not the cry of Tory and Chartist coalition be repeated , when the truth is well known that the people turned the tide of public opinion against the Whigs , ; but never in favour of the Tories . What possible to- > terest can the Chartists have in Tory Government } What possible bensflt did they ever derive from Wolf ? Government ? We have no interest , save in the sucC&ssf of the Charter ; no safety , save in the establishment of . ' ' a Government practically carrying out oar own prin-. ciples . , ' Our duty , then , is to mate onr opinions wtdeljf known , to disseminate the tiuth , to remove prejudice , and peaceably and constitutionally strive to indentlfy our principles with the laws of our native land . We desire to establish Universal Suffrage according to the ancient spirit of the Constitution , plainly expressedin the old laws of the country , practised by our ancestors , and carried into operation beneficially and safely , in America . ¦ , i .
The object is neither to disfranchise nor de&tnpy anyclass of men in the empire , bat simply to carry , oatj the principle , that taxation and representation should , be co-equal . This is expressed in tfeejBiUj ^ jRlfithts ^ - which states , « the people haj £ inherited ffiSifcaadoin j ^ that they should not be compelled to contribute to any ; tax , talliage , aid , or other charge not set by ieommoni consent in Parliament" , " I We do not desire to exclude from ParlJ » n ^ ent all save one class in the community , but to carry , out the . seventh clause of the Act of 8 et * i « meat » - SteiCfljp » iJt « " '' Tfiflttto person who has an office , or place , or ^ tpftl ^ - under the Crown , or who-receives a , j > ension from '&& * country , shall be capable of serving aa a Member of th ^ House of Commons . " ; .. We war aghast class 4 egialation , not against . « # , class-man , whom the people might elect to serve them , In Parliament . .. . ..... . i
We do not declare against the liberty of any person belonging to any class in the empire ; we desire to see the principles of Magna Cbarta carried out so as to secure , first , " That justice shall no longer be sold , refused , or delayed ; " and , secondly , " That no man shall be taken , or imprisoned , or dispossessed of his property , outlawed or banished , or anywise burt or injured , unless by th © legal judgment of bis peers . " We do not desire to interfere with , or endanger t&e private property of our-nelghbonrs , because we have declared in the thirty-seventh article of our " Declaration of Rights , " " That all violence and injury doue to property under colour of enforeing ' or effecting political rights or changes is utterly repugnant to the constitution of this realm , aubv&t&ive of law and right order , hateful to moral justice , contrary to reason , and destructive of the social compact . "
The remaining principles of the Charter are too well understood to require much comment . Annual Parliaments were proclaimed in the reign of Edward II . and III ., and no property qualification for Members la practised in Scotland . ¦ Payment of Members is an ancient custom , and would' not be considered a great hardship by tUe most inveterate Tory . Vote by S ^ Uoi was practised successfully in ancient times by the 99 ' mans , and is used in present times by the Americans . Let our principles be well understood , and truth will prevail , nay , will be courted by those whom defeat will make curious in their inquiries and reasonable in their objections . We recommend , at this important crisis , that it be well understood to all parties , that we rejact no man on account of his creed , country , or class , who honestly declares for the Charter .
We strongly recommend the trades to be addressed , organised , and united . We hope much from them , and there is nothing too great for men to undertake with readiness and complete with success . We will make it our duty to arrange the divisions ef the country t from centres , to facilitate our operations and increase our strength . We also fuIJy confide in the promptitude at the various Associations BupplyiBg the Executive with the means of carrying on the agitation with energy and decibion . We need not offer any further counsel to the consistent and unintimidated supporters of . the Charter ; no difficulty , we trust , can drive them back , and no persecution frighten them from their duty . We will , from time to time , address the country , and adopt those measures which we conceive will lead to advance the cause and satisfy the most backward of onr supporters .
To the timid , the apathetic , and the doubtful , we have only to declare publicly bur resolution to act withli the law , and by every means in our power to secure the eause from the destroying hand of our opponents . Brethren , we feel deeply the grave and important task we have undertaken , and to the utmost of our power we shall endeavour to secure your good opinion and approval . Possessed of your confidence we shall be strong ; and armed with the mi ^ ht of a people , we must be eventually successful . Brethren , We remain your faithful representatives , P . M . M'Douaix , James Leach , John Campbell .
Manchester , July 20 th , 1840 . . N .. B . The new issue of Cards of Membership will be ready on the 16 th of August . All those Associations whose payments are in arrear , are requested to forward the balance due immediately .
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THE KEW HOUSE OF COMMONS COMPLETE . Those distinguished by the letter ( n ) are ner members .
ENGLISH COUNTIES . . V « , / ? te , fg . AWso / 3 fem&m . J Bedford 93383 Viscount Alford ' o * : W . ABtell ( n ) 0 : Berks 145289 Viscount Barrington 0 : R . Palmer 0 : P . Pusey 0 : Buckingham 146529 Sir W . L Young 0 : C . G . Dupre 0 : C . S . Murray 0 ] Cambridge 143 S 55 Hon . E . Yorke 0 ] B . J . Heaton 0 : J . P . Allix ( n ) 0 : Cheshire North 180420 W . T . Egerton 0 : G . C . Legh ( n ) 0 : Oiesfeire South 144990 Sir P . Egerton 0 : J . Tollemache 0 ' Cornwall-East 146275 Lord Elliot 0 ; W . Bashleigb ( n ) 0 ' . Cornwall West 156165 E . W . PendarveB 1 < Lord Boscawen ( n ) 0 J Cumberland W . James 1 ( East div . 91974 Hon . C . Howard 1 ( Cumberland E . Stanley 0 ' . West div . 77707 S . Irton 0 1 Derbyshire Hod . G . H . Cavendish 1 < North div . 101067 W . Evans 1 1 Derbyshire Sit R . Coiville ( n ) 0 3 South div . 136103 E . M . Mundy ( n ) 0 Devonshire Sir T . D . Akland 0 : North div . 171036 L . W . Bucke 0 : Devonshire Sir J . Y . Buller 0 ' . South div . 323132 Lord Conrtenay ( n ) 0 ' . Dorset 1 S 9252 Lord Ashley 0 : C . H . Start 0 : G . Bankes ( nj 0 ] Durham North H- Lambton 1 < div . 175321 H . J . Liddell 0 ¦ Durham South Lord H . Vane ( n ) V'i div . 78506 J . Bowes 1 I Essex Nor . div . 167211 Sir John Tyrrell 0 : C . G . Round 0 : Essex South div . 150026 T . W . Bramston 0 : George Palmer 0 ' . Gloucestershire C . W . Codrington 0 : East div . 175018 H . F . Charteris ( n ) 0 : Gloucestershire Hon . G . Berkeley 1 I West-div . 211886 R . B . Hale 0 : Hampshire C . S . Lefevre 1 I Nor th div . 113449 Sir W . Heathcote 0 : Hampshire J . W . Fleming 0 : South div . 165433 H . C Compton 0 : Hereford 210276 K . Hoskins 1 I J . Bailey ( n ) 0 : T . B . M . Ba ? kerville ( n ] O ' . Hertford 143 ^ 41 Viscount Grimstone 0 : A . Smith 0 : Hon . D . Ryder ( n ) 0 : Huntingdon 53149 Edwtrd Fellows 0 George Thornhill 0 Is ? e of Wight 35431 A'Court Holmes 0 : Kent East div . 1868 S 4 Sir E . Knatchbull 0 J . P . Plumtre * 0 Kent West div . 131145 SirE . Filmer 0 Lord Marsh am ( n ) 0 Lancashire Lord Stanley 0 North div . 258 ) 90 W . Patten 0 Lancashire Lord F . Egerton 0 South div . 39-2432 R , B . Wilbraham 0 Leicestershire Lord C . Manners 0 North div . 840 / 9 E . B . Farnham 0 Leicestershire H . Alford 8 South div . 72412 C . W . Packe 0 Lincolnshire Parts LordWorsley 1 ef Lindsay 173219 R . A . Christopher 0 Lincolnshire Parts C . Turner ( n ) 0 ofKtsteven 144025 Sir J . Trollope ( n ) 0 Midddlesex 1358548 G . Byng 1 Col . T . Wood 0 Norfolk East 142109 Hon . E . Wodehouse 0 H . H . Burroughs 0 Norfolk West 145576 W . Bmgge 0 W . L . Cnute 0 Northampton T . P . Maunsell 0 North div . 820 G 0 A . S . O'Brien ( n ) 0 Northampton R . C Cirtwright 0 South div . 77894 Sir C . Knightley 0 Northumber- Lord Ossulston 0 land North 66204 B . Cresswcll ( n ) 0 Northumber- S . H . Ogle (») 1 land South 77894 M . Bell 0 Nottingham H- G . Knight North 253244 T . Houldsworth 0 Nottingham Earl of Lincoln 0 Sonth - 72096 Colonel Rolleston 0 Oxford 151720 LordNorreyB 0 & . V . Harconrt 0 _ —^ J . W . Henley < n > O Radnor "" 25000 Sir John Walsh 0 Rutland 19385 G . J . Heathcote ( n ) 1 Hon . H . Davraay ( n ) 0 Shropshire N . 119681 Sir R . Hall 0 W . O . Gore 0 Shropshire S . 102822 Earl of Darlington 0 Hon . H . Clive 0 Somerset East 237814 Col . Gore Langton 1 W . Miles 0 Somerset West 165382 T . D . Acland 0 F . H . Dickenson ( n ) 0 Stafford North J . D . W . Russell ( n ) 0 div . 118931 C . B . Adderiey ( n ) 0 Stafford Sonth Hon . CoL Anson 1 div . 129745 V . scount Ingestre 0 Suffolk East 37615 Lord Henniker 0 Sir C . B . Yere 0 Suffolk West 258689 Colonel Rushbroke 0 H . S . Waddington 0 Surrey East 399599 Henry Kemble 0 E . Antrobus 0 Surrey West 8 « 727 W . J . Denison 1 I J . Trotter 0 Sussex East 272222 G . Darby 0 A . E . Fuller ( n ) 0 Sussex West 100106 Earl of March ( n ) 0 Col . Wyndham ( n ) 0 Warwickshire W . S . Dugdale 0 North 83194 Sir E . Wilmot 0 Warwickshire Sir J . Mordaunt 0 South 71 S 94 E . J . Shirley 0 Westmoreland 35041 . Lord Lowther 0 Hoa . Col . Lomher 0 ; WiltEMre North 81441 W . Long 0 : Sir F . Burdett 0 Wiltshire South 75675 Hon . S . Herbert 0 ; John Bennett 0 Worcestershire General Lygon 0 West 83365 F . W . Knight ( . n ) 0 . Worcestershire J- Barnaby 0 East 53834 J . A . Taylor 0 . Yorkshire N . E . S . Cayley 1 < Riding 190873 Hon . W . Duncombe 0 : YorkBhire E . Lord Hotham 0 . Riding 204008 H . Broadley 0 : Yorkshire W . Hon . J . S . Worjlej («) 0 ] Hiding S 76415 E . B . Deuison ( n ) 0 ' . Whigs 19 Tories 124 iiUKU
E ^ QIilSii LUaa . Abingdon 5 . 2 . 59 T . Duffield 0 ' . Andorer 4843 Ralph Etwall 1 < Lord W . Paget ( n ) 1 ( Arundel 2803 Lord Fitzillan 1 ( Ashburton 4165 W . Jardine 1 ( Ashton-un-LJne 14673 C . Hindley 1 ( Ajlesbiry 49 U 7 C . J . B . H ' amilton 0 ' . R . R . Clayton 0 \ BaDbury ' 59 M H . W . Tancred 1 < Barastapte - 6840 F . Hodgson 0 ] Montagu Gore ( n ) 0 ] Bath 38063 Lord Duncan ( n ) 1 ( J . A . Roebuck ( n ) 1 ( Bedford 6959 Capt . Polhill 0 ] H . S nart ( n ) 0 ] Berwick 8920 M . Forster ( n ) 1 t R . Hodgson 0 ] Bererley 8302 John Townley 1 ( ¦ J . W . Hogg 0 ] Bewdley " 384 Sir T . Winnington 1 ( Birmintham 14 W 85 G . F . Munlz 1 < J . Scholefield 1 ( Blackburn 27091 W . FieJden 0 : J . Hornby ( n ) 0 ] Bodmin 5228 Major Vivian 1 ( Lord Leicester ( n ) 0 ] Bolton 43396 P . Ainsworth 1 ( 3 ^ r . Bowring ( n ) 1 ( Boston 12818 J . S . Brownrigg 0 ' Sir J . Duke 1 « Bradford 43527 John Hardy ( n ) 0 ] W . C . Lister 1 ( Bridgenorth C 284 T . C . Whitmore 0 ] Sir Robert Pigot 0 J BridfiTrater 7807 H . Broadwood 0 ] T . S . Forman 0 1 Bridport 4242 H . Warburton 1 ( T . A . Mitchell («) 1 < Brighton 41994 Capt . Pechell 1 C J . N . Wigney in ) 1 ( Bristol 104338 H . E . F . Berkeley 1 C P . W . Miles 0 ] Buckingham 3510 Sir T . Freemsntle 0 J Sir J . Chetwoode ( n ) 0 ] Bury 15085 A . WVk « 1 ( Bury St . Edmunds 114 iJ 6 LordJermyn 0 ] Lord C . Fitzroy 1 ( Calne ' 4 i 73 Earl of Shelburne 1 C Cambridge 20917 Hon . H . M . Sutton 0 1 Sir A . C . Grant 0 ] Canterbury 15316 Hod . G . S . Smjthe 0 1 J . Bradshaw 0 ] C 3 jii = le 20005 P . H . Howard 1 ( W . Marshall 1 ( Chatham ! M 0 Rt . Hon . G . S . Byng 1 ( Cheltenham 22942 Hen . C . Berkeley 1 t Chester 21353 Lord S . Grosvtnor 1 t John Jervis 1 (
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Nameof place . Pegu * . NamesofMember ||
| Chiohester 8270 r Chippenham 5270 Christchnreb . 6077 Cirencester ' 5430 ; . Clitheroe 8915 1 Cockermouth 6022 1 Colchester 16167 I CoTentry 27076 I Crioklade 11661 I Dartmouth 4597 I Derby 23607 1 Devizes 6367 1 Devonport 44454 [ Dorchester 3033 I j Dover 11924 [ Droitvricb 2487 ) Dudley 23043 ) Durham 10125 [ Evesham 3991 > : Exeter 28021 1 Eye 7206 1 Finsbury 224839 1 Frome 12240 i Gatesbead 15177 1 Gloucester 11933 [ Grantham 7427 I Greenwich 65917 ) ; ^ - » Grimsby 6836 I Guildford 3813 I 1 Halifax 31317 I I I ; Harwich 4207 51 Hastings l § 097 \ ' Helstone 3293 I ; Hereford 10180 J j Hertford 5247 1 ; Honiton 3509 I Horeham 5145 1 : Huddersfield 29095 I Hull 46426 1 J Huntingdon 3267 I Hythe 6903 I , Ipswich 29450 \ Kendal 11577 I ; Kidderminster 20165 1 Kinsale 7312 1 Knaresborough 6253 1 Lambeth 154613 1 ; Lancaster 12613 0 ! Laancestou 5394 1 ' Leeds 123393 } Leicester 40512 1 Leominster 5249 ] Lewes 6353 1 Lichfield 6499 I Lincoln 11892 1 Liskeard 4042 1 Liverpool 165175 0 . London 122799 1 ; i ; j I Lndlow 52 S 3 1 \ Lyme Regis 8345 1 ; Lymington 5472 2 ; Lynn 13370 1 ' Macclesfield 23192 1 | Maidstone 15387 \ I Maldon 4895 I ! Malmesbury 6185 1 I Mai ton 68 V 2 1 i Manchester 187022 01 Marlborough 4186 1 ! Marlow 6162 \ ; Marylebone 240294 I [ Midhurst 5627 I 1 Morpeth 6678 D i Newark 9557 1 ) 1 i Newcastle-nnder-1 i Lyne 53613 I i Newcastle-upon-1 i Tyne 65513 1 . Newport 6780 1 ' 2 ! Northallerton 4839 j ! Northampton 15351 j | Norwich 61110 ] : Nottingham 50680 j Oldham 32381 I Oxford J 8800 J ! j ] Penryn and Fal-31 mouth 11805 1 j Peterborough 55 o' 3 [ PetersEeld 49-22 I ; Plymouth 31080 | Pontefract 9857 j Poole 6959 I ' Portsmouth 50369 >; ) Preston 33871 3 ! )! Radnor 8410 )! Reading 15595 I : Reigate 3 S 97 ) Retford 37245 I : Richmond 4722 ); ) Ripon 5735 Li 1 Rochdale 20156 ) Rochester 12058 , L ; ' )' . Rye 3361 L Salford 40785 ) i Salisbury 11672 ) ; Sandwich 12183 l : I Scarborough 8760 I i Shaftesbury 8518 3 i Sheffield 91692 , ) i I ,: Shoreham 25008 ) : - L Shrewsbury 16055 L ¦ Southampton 19324 i South Shields 18756 , ¦ South wark 134117 . )¦¦ > Stafford 7062 : ) : > , St . Alban ' s 5777 < ) ' : i Stamford 7062 : ! i t . St . Ises 4776 ) Stockport 41000 : i : : t Stoke-upon-Trent 52946 : ) . ; Svrond 41205 " i . ' , I . Sudbury 5503 . ) Suuderlaud 40735 ) : » Tamworth 7182 J )¦ i > Taunton 12148 J :
: Lord A Lennox 0 1 J . A . Smith 1 0 Jo * . Neeld 0 1 Capt . Boldero 0 1 Sir George Rose 0 1 W . Cripp 8 ( n ) 0 1 T . W . C . Master 0 1 M . Wilson 1 0 H . A . Aglionby 1 0 E . Horseman 10 J . Sannderson , 0 - -li SirG . H . Smyth i | I W . Williams * 1 ' . 0 Rt . Hon . E . Ellice 10 Capt . Howard ( n ) 1 0 John Neeld 0 1 Sir John Seal 10 Edward Strutt 1 0 Hon . J . G . Ponsonby 1 0 J . E . Sotheron 0 1 G . H . W . Heneage 0 1 Henry Tuffnell 1 0 Sir George Grey 1 0 Hon . A . C . Ashley 0 1 Sir James Graham 0 1 SirJ . R , ReW 0 1 E . R . Rice 1 0 J . S . Packington 0 I Thomas Hawkes 0 1 T . C . Granger ( n ) 1 0 Capt , B , Fitzroj ( n ) 0 1 Lord M . Hill 1 0 Peter Borthwick ( n ) 0 1 Sir Wm . Follett 0 1 E . Divett 1 0 Sir E . Kerrison 0 1 T . S- Duncombe 1 0 T . Wakley 1 0 T . Shepherd 0 1 W . Hutt 1 0 J . PhilpottB 1 0 Capt . M . F . Berkeley 1 0 G . E . W « lby . 0 1 Hon . P . J . TollemachtO 1 Capt . D . Dundas ( n ) 1 0 E . G . Barnard 1 0 E . Heneage 1 0 R . D . Mangles 1 0 C . B . Wall 1 0 Edward Protheroe 1 0 Chas . Wood 1 0 John Attwood ( n ) 0 1 Major Beresford ( n ) 0 1 R . Holland 1 0 Rt . Hon . J . Planta 0 1 SirR . R . Vyvyan ( n ) 0 1 £ . B . Clive 1 0 H . W . Hobhouse ( n ) 1 0 Lord Mahon 0 1 Hon . W . F . Cowper 1 0 Col . Baillie 0 1 F . A . M'Geachy ( n ) 0 1 Hon . R . C . Scarlett ( n ) 0 I W . R . C . Stansfield ' 1 0 Sir James Hanmer 0 1 Sir W . Jamea * 0 1 SirF . Poilock 0 1 Colonel Peel 0 1 5 . Maijorib&nks ( n ) 1 0 Ri ^ by Wason (»> 1 0 George Rennie ( n ) 1 0 G . W . Wood f 0 R . Godson 0 1 W . H . Watson ( n ) 1 0 A . Lawson ( n ) 0 1 W . B . Ferrand ( n ) 0 1 B . Hawe 3 1 0 Hon . C . D'Eyncourt 1 0 E . Greene 0 1 J . Marton ft 1 Sir . H . Hardinge 0 1 W . Beckett ( n ) 0 1 W . Atdam jun . ( w ) 1 0 John Easthops 1 0 Wynn Ellis ( n ) 1 0 C . Greenaway 0 1 J . Wigram ( n ) 0 1 Somers Harford ( a ) 1 0 H . Elphinstoni ( n ) 1 0 Sir Geo . Anson 1 0 Lord A . Paget 1 0 Col . Sibthorp 0 I W . R . Collet t ( n ) 0 I C . Buller I 0 Lord Sandon 0 1 C . Cresswell * 0 1 John Masterman 0 1 Sir M . Wood 1 0 Geo . Lyall 0 1 Lord J . Russell 1 0 B . Botfield 0 1 James Ackers ( n ) 0 1 W . Pinney 1 0 i . Steirxrt 6 1 W . A . MacMnnon tf 1 Lord G . Bentiack 0 1 SirS . Canning 0 1 J . Brockteharst 1 0 J . Grimsditcb 0 1 A . G . B . Hope ( n ) 0 1 George Dodd fnj 0 1 Q . Dick 0 1 J , Round 0 1 Hon . J . Howard 1 0 J . W . Childers 1 0 J . E . Denison ( n ) 1 0 M . Phillips 1 0 T . M . Gibson in ) 1 0 Lord E . Bruce 0 1 Hon . H . B . Baring 0 1 T . P . Williams 0 1 Sir W . Clayton 1 0 Sir B . Hall 1 0 Sir C . Napier ( n ) 1 0 SirH . B . Seymonr ( n ) 0 l Hon . Capt . Howard 1 0 W . E . Gladstone 0 1 Lord J . Manners 0 1 E . Buckley ( n ) 0 1 J . Q ,. Harris 1 0 W . Ord 1 0 J . H . Hind 0 1 W . Martin In ) 0 1 W . Hamilton ( n ) 0 1 W . B . Wrightson 1 0 R . V . Smith 1 0 Raikes Curri © 1 0 Marquis of Douto 0 1 B . Smiih 1 0 G . H . de Larpent 1 0 Sir J . C . Hobhouse 1 0 Gen . Johnson 0 0 J . Fielden 0 0 J . H . Lang 3 ton (») 1 0 D . Maclean 0 1 Capr . J . C . Vivian ( n ) l 0 J . H . Plumridge ( tj ) 1 0 G . W . Fitzmlliam < n ) l 0 Sir R . Heron 1 0 Sir W . Joliffe ( n ) 0 1 Thomas Gill ( n ) 1 0 Lord Ebrington ( n ) 1 0 Lord Pollington ( n ) 0 1 R . W . Milm-s 0 1 C . Ponsonby 1 0 G . R . Phillips 1 0 Rt . Hon . T . F . Baring 1 0 Sir Geo . Staunton 1 0 Sir H . Fleet wood 1 0 Sir G . Strickland ( n ) 1 0 Col . Price 0 1 C . F . Russell 0 1 Lord Chelsea 0 1 Lord Eastnor - -6- 1 G . H . Vernon 0 1 Hon . A . Duncombe 0 1 Hon . J . C . Dundas ( n ) i 0 W . \ V . R . Colburne ( n ) l 0 J . Pemberton 0 1 Sir E . Sugden 0 1 W . S . Crawford ( n ) 0 0 J . S . Douglas ( n ) 0 1 W . H . Bodkin < n ) 0 1 H . B . Curteis ( n ) 1 0 T . Brotherton 1 9 W . Wyndham 6 1 W . B . Brodie 1 0 Sir T . Troubridge 1 0 H . H . Lindsey 0 1 Sir J . Johnstone ( n ) 0 1 Sir F . Trench 0 1 Lord Howard ( n ) 1 0 J . Parker 1 0 H . G . Ward 1 0 Sir C . M . Burrell 0 1 Charles Goring in ) 0 1 Col . Tomline ( n ) 0 1 B . D'Israeli in ) 0 1 Lord Bruce ( n ) 0 1 C . C . Martyn ( n ) 0 1 J . T . Wawn ( n ) 1 0 Alderman Humphrey 1 0 B . Wood I 0 Hn . Col . Carnegie ( w ) 0 1 Edward Buller (»> 1 0 6 . W . J . Repton ( n ) 0 1 Lord Listowell 1 0 Marquis of Granby 0 1 SirG . Clerk 0 1 W . T . Praed 0 1 H . Marsland 1 0 R . Cobden ( n ) 1 0 Lewis Ricardo ( n ) 1 0 Alderman Copeland 0 1 W . H . Stanton ( n ) - 1 0 S . P . Scrope 1 0 F . Villiers ( n ) 1 0 i D . O . D , Sombre ( n ) 1 0 Alderman Thompson 0 1 D . Barclay ( n ) 1 0 Sir R . Peel 0 1 1 > L E . H . A'Court 0 1 Bon . H . Labonchere 1 0 E . T . Bainbridge 1 0
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Nameofplace . Papula- XT ,,, .., S £ ^ Names oJ Members . J ; 3 . ., " - . . * ; . ... ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - . ¦¦?¦ ¦?; - TiriBtook 5802 Lord E . Rasaen («) 10 - , , J . Rundla I 0 Tewkesbary 5780 ; WvDowdeswell 0 1 ' r ' 4 i'Martin '¦¦ ¦ ' 1 ft Tb . etfo . Kl' 34 ^ 5112 ^ , Baring o 1 -Xo ^ IJaflfcm 0 0 _ , . . Sir ^ aowsFlower 0 0 Thirsk -2835 jTBWI (») - . / 1 0 Tivertou 9766 Lord Palmenton , i 0 _ , John Heathcoat 1 ^ 0 Jotnea 3442 LordSeymonr 10 _ „ ¦ ¦ ' C . B . Baldwin 0 1 Tower Hamlets 359864 W . Clay 10 Col . FoxXn ) 10 Troro 8262 Edmund Turner 1 d „ ' J . E . Vivian 0 1 Tynemonth 23205 ¦ H . Mitc&lfe ( n ) 10 WakeBeld . 21139 Jos . Holdsworth ( n ) 1 0 WaUingftard 2467 W . S . Blaokstone 0 1 WalsaU 15066 liobert Scott ( n ) 1 0 Wareham 2566 J . S . W . E . Drax ( n ) 1 0 Warrmgton 18184 J . T . Blackbnrne 0 1 Warwick 9190 W . Collins 1 0 _ . ., Sir C . Douglas 0 1 Wells 9190 W . G . Hayter 1 0 _ , , . * R . Blackraore 0 1 Wenlook 3481 Hon . G . C . Forester 0 1 „ . x . ¦ T . M . G&BkeU 0 1 Westbury Sir R . Lopez 0 1 Westminster 202460 Capt . H . J . Rous ( n ) 0 1 J . T . Leader 1 0 Vy eymouth 8095 Lord Villiers 0 1 G . W . Hope 0 I Whitby 10399 A . Chapman 0 1 Whitehayeu 15716 M . Attwood 0 1 Wigan 20774 P , Greenall ( n ) 0 1 " , T . B . Crosse ( n ) 0 1 Wilton 1997 Lord Fitzharris ( n ) 0 1 Winchester 9212 B . East 0 1 . B . Escott ( ra ) 0 1 Windsor 7071 J . Ramsbottom 10 Ralph Neville 0 1 Wolwarkaaiptoa 67514 Hon . C . P . VilHers 1 0 J . Thorneley 1 0 Woodstock 7055 F . Thesiger 0 1 Worcester 27313 Sir 3 . Wilde ( n ) 1 0 J . Bailey 0 1 Wycombe 6299 G . H . Dashwood 1 0 R . Bemal . jun . ( n ) 1 0 Yarmouth 21448 W . Wilshere I 0 C . E . Rumbold 1 0 York 34461 J . H . Lowther 0 1 H . R . Yorke 1 0 Whigs 166 ... Tories 156 ... Chartists 3 Thetford , one seat in dispute . [ In the Whig and Tory papers , the members for Oldham , General Johnson and Mr . John Fielden , as well as the member for Rochdale , Mr . Shaman Crawford , are Bet down as Whigs . We have not classed them as such , but claim them as ChartietB . j THE UNIVERSITIES . Cambridge R . t . 'Hn . H . Goulburn 0 1 Hon . C . E . Law 0 1 Dublin Rt . Hon . F . Shaw 0 1 Dr . Lefroj 0 1 Oxford T . B . G . Estcourt 0 1 Sir R . H . Inglia 0 1 Whigs 0 ...... Tories 6 WELSH COUNTIES . Anglesey 48323 W . O . Stanley l ' o Brecknock 47763 Colonel Wood ; ' 0 1 Cardigan , ^ . 64780 Col . W . E . Powell 0 1 Carmarthen ~ \ 200655 Hod . G . R . Trevor 0 1 ^ J . Jones 0 1 Carnarvon 65753 Col . E . Pennant (») 0 1 Denbigh 83167 Sir W . Wynne ( n ) 0 1 , Hon . W . Bagot 0 1 Flint 60112 E . M . L . Mostyn ( n ) 1 0 Glamorgan -126612 C . M . R . Talbot 1 0 Viscount Adair 0 1 Merionethshire 35609 R . Richards 0 1 Monmouth 98130 Lord G . Somerset 0 1 Octavius Morgan O 1 Montgomeryshire 66485 Rt . Hn . C . Wynne 0 1 Pembroke-- 81424 ViscountEmlyn in ) 0 1 / ¦ j , " Whigs 3 Tories 13 , j f V WELSH DISTRICTS . Beaoipiris 18817 Lt .-Col . Paget 1 0 Cwdfraa 8236 Pryse Pryso 1 0 Carmarthen 17641 D . Morris 1 0 Carnarvon 7642 W . B , Hughes 0 1 Denbigh 14245 J . Mainwairing ( n ) 0 1 Haverfordwest 10832 Sir R . B . Phillips 1 0 Montgomery 18680 H . Cholmondeley ( n ) 0 1 Pembroke 1436 Sir J . Owen (») 0 1 Swansea 18833 Major Vivian 1 0 Whigs 5 Tories 4 WELSH BOROUGHS . A * pbB \ ^ , 5 026 C . M . R . MoMan 0 , 1 mm $ 1327 Sir R , Bulkeley ( n > 1 0 MerthyrTydril 22083 Sir J . J . Guest ' 0 Monmoutb 11163 R . J . Blewitt 1 0 Whigs 3 Tories 2
SCOTCH COUNTIES . Aberdeen 175657 Capt . W . Gordon 0 1 Argyle 101973 Campbell ( MOnzie )( n ) 0 1 Ayr 3985 LordKelburne 0 1 Banff 48604 J . Duffy 1 0 Berwick 34048 Sir H . Campbell 0 1 Bute 14151 SirW . Rae 0 1 Caithness 34529 G . Traill ( n ) 1 0 Clackmanan and Kinross 23801 Col . Abercrombie 0 1 Damfries 73770 J . H . Johnstone 0 1 Dunbarton 32211 A . Smollett ( n ) 0 1 Edinburgh 219345 J . Ramsey ( n ) 0 1 Elgin and Nairn 43585 Major C . Bruce 0 1 Fife 128839 Capt . Wemyes 1 0 Forfar 139606 Hod . F . Gordon ( n ) 1 0 Haddington 36145 Sir T . Hepburne 0 1 Inverness 94797 H . T . Baillie 0 1 Kincardine 31431 Hon . H . Arbuthnot 0 1 Kirkcudbright 40590 Alex . Murray 1 0 Lanark 316819 Capt . Lockhart ( n ) 0 1 Linlithgow 23291 Hon . C . Hope 0 1 Orkneys and Shetland 58239 F . Dundas 1 0 Peebles 10573 W . F . Mackenzie 0 1 Perth 142894 H . H . Drummond 0 1 Renfrew 133443 P . M . Stewart ( n ) 1 0 Ross and Cromarty 74820 T . Mackenzie 0 1 Roxburgh 43663 Hon F . Soott ( ra ) 0 1 Stirling 72621 — Forbes 0 1 Sutherland . 25518 David Dundas 1 0 Wigton * 36258 Capt . Dalrymple 1 0 Whiza 9 Tories 20
| SCOTCH DISTRICTS . Dumfries 23654 W . Evyart 1 0 Elgin , &c . 17638 Sir A . L . Hay ( w ) 1 0 Falkirk , &o . 39112 W . Baird ( a ) 0 1 Haddington , &c . 17755 J . M . Balfour 0 1 Inverness , &c . 33500 J . Morrison 1 0 Kilmamock , &c . 34382 A . Johnstone ( n ) 1 0 Kirkcaldv , &o . 17083 Col . Fergusson 1 0 Leith , &o . 380 C 8 The Lord Advocate 1 o Montrose 32857 P . Chalmers 1 0 Stirling , Dumfermline , &c . " 37769 LordDalmeny 1 0 Wick , &o . 21522 S . Lock . 1 0 Wigton , & 0 . 8765 J . M . Taggart 1 0 Whigs 10 Tories 2 SCOTCH BOROUGHS . Aberdeen 58019 A . Bannerman 1 0 Ayr , Irvine , &o . 23826 Lord J . Stuart 1 0 Dundee , 46355 G . Duncan ( n ) 1 0 Edinbnrgh 1621 G 5 Rt . Hn . T . Macaulay 1 0 W . G . Craig 10 Glasgow 202426 J . Oswald 1 0 J . Dennistouu 1 0 Greenock 27571 R . Wallace 1 0 Paisley 54466 A . Hastie 1 0 Perth 20016 Hon . Fox Maule 1 0 Selkirk 6833 Sir A . Pringle 0 1 St Andrews and 17597 Edward Ellice 1 0 Cupar Whigs 11 Tories 2 IRISH COUNTIES . Antrim 323306 J . Irving 0 1 N . Alexander 0 1 Armagh 220651 lord Acheson 1 0 Colonel Verner 0 1 Carlow 81756 CoL Bruen 0 I H . Bunbury 0 1 Cavan 227933 Colonel Clements 0 1 J . Young 0 1 Clare 250616 Major Macnamara 1 0 C . O'Brien 1 0 Cork C 76762 D . O'Connell (») 1 0 — Roche 1 0 Donegal 298104 Sir C . Hayes 0 1 Colonel Conolly 1 0 Down 352571 Viscount Castlereagh 0 1 Earl of Hillsborough 0 1 Dublin 183042 Hamilton 0 1 Taylor 0 1 Fermanagh 149555 M . Archdall 1 0 Sir A . B . Brook 1 0 Galway 394287 J . Bodkin 1 0 T . B . Martin 1 0 Kerry 264559 M . J . O'Conneil 1 0 Hon . W . Browne 1 0 Kildare 108401 R . More O'Ferrall ' 10 R . Archbold 1 0 Kilkenny 169283 Hon . P . Butler 1 0 Major G . Bryan 1 0 King ' s CoHnty 144029 Hon . J . Westanra 1 0 ! A . Armstrong 1 0 Leitrim 141303 Viscount Clements 1 0 S . White i 1 © * In Thetford , Mr . Baring was at the head of the poll , the votta for the other two were 72 eacbj ; the House will consequently have to decide between them .
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Name of place . Popula- Namesof Members , J | Limerick 233505 W . S . O'Brien 10 Caleb Powell 1 0 Ltndondeny 222416 Sir £ L Bateson 0 1 Capt . T . Jones 0 1 Longford 112558 L . White 1 0 H . White 10 Louth 108168 R . M . Ballew 1 0 T . V . Dawson 1 0 Mayo 367956 R . D . Browne 10 -Blake 10 Meath 177023 D . O'Connoll 1 0 H . Grattan 1 0 Monftghaa 19 S 532 Hoa . H . Westenra 1 0 E . Shireley ( ra ) 0 1 Qactn ' sCounty U 5843 SirC . Coote 0 1 Hon . T . Vesey ( n ) 0 1 Roscommon 233513 O ' Connor Don 1 0 F . French 10 SHgo 171508 W . Percival 0 1 W . E . O . Gore 0 1 Tipperary 412598 R . O . Cave 10 J . . Manor 1 0 Tyrone 302493 Rt . Hon . T . Corry 0 1 Lord C . Hamilton 0 1 Waterford 148077 Hon . R . S . Carew 1 0 W . Villiers Stuart 1 0 Westmealh 148161 B . M . Tuitc ( n ) 1 0 B . Chapman 1 0 Wexford 167029 Wioklow 121577 Sir R . Howard 1 0 Col . Acton 0 1 Whiga 40 Tories 22 IRISH BOROUGHS . Armagh 9189 Col . J . D . Rawden 1 0 Athlone 11362 Capt . Beresford 0 1 Bandon 12 ( il 7 Sergeant Jackson 0 1 Belfast 53287 E . Tenneut 0 1 J . Johnstone ( n ) 0 1 Carlow 9114 Capt . Langatd { n ) 1 0 Carrickfergus 8698 P . Kirk 0 1 Cashel 6971 Dr . Stock 1 0 Clonmel 15134 R . D . Pigot 1 0 Coleraine 5752 E . Litton 0 1 Cork 107016 F . S . Murphy 00 1 0 D . Callaghan 1 0 Downpatriok 4784 D . Kerr 0 1 Drogheda 17365 Sir W . Somerville 1 0 DubUn 203752 J . B . West ( n ) 0 1 E . Grogan ( n ) 0 1 Dundalk 10478 T . N . Ridlington 1 0 Dungannon 3515 Lord Northland 0 1 Dungarvon 65 J 9 Rt . Hon . R . L . Shiel I 0 Ennis 7711 Hewitt Bridgetaan 1 0 Euniskillen 5270 Hod . R . H . Cole 0 1 Galway 33120 M . J . Blake 1 0 Sir V . Blake ( n ) 1 0 Kilkenny 2 * 741 John O'Connell 1 0 Kineale 6097 W . H . Watson 1 0 Limerick 65092 Sir D . Roche 1 0 J . O'Brien in ) 1 0 Lisburne 5218 Capt . Meynell 0 1 Londonderry 10130 Sir R . Ferguson 1 0 Mallow 5229 Sir D . O . Norreys 1 Newry 13009 Lord Newry 0 1 Portarlington 3 Q 91 Col . D . Daxner 0 1 Rosa 5011 Col . Gore ( w ) 1 0 Sligo 15152 J . P . Somcrs 1 0 Tralee 9562 Maurice O'Connell 1 0 Waterford 28821 W . Christmas 0 1 M . Reade 0 1 Wexford 10673 Sir E . Esmonde ( n ) 1 0 YoughaJ 9608 Hon . C . Cavendish 1 0 Whigs 24 Tories 16
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COMPARATIVE LOSS AND GAIN . W . T . Places . Members . gain gain Andover Paget v . Pollen 1 0 Argyleshir © Campbell v . W . F . Campbell 0 1 Athlone Beresford v . O'Connell 0 1 Bamstaple ......... G » re v , Cbicheater o i Bedfordshire Astell V . Russell ............... 0 1 Bolton Bowriog v . Boiling I 0 Bath Duncan v . Powerscourt ...... 1 0 Ditto ... v ^ Roebuck v . Bruges 1 0 Bedford Stuart v . Crawley 0 l Berwick Forster v . Holmes l 0 Beveiley Tovraleyv . Fox 1 0 Bradford Hardy v . Busfield 0 1 Blackburn Hornby r . Turner 0 1 Brighton Wigney v . Dalrymple 1 0 Buckingham ... Chetwode v . Verney ., 0 1 Caithness ., Traill v . Sinclair l 0 Cambridge Sutton v . Pryme l Cambridge tcounty ) AUix v . Towneley 0 1 Carlow ( county ) ... Bunbury v . Yatos 0 1 Cornwall , West ... Boscawen Rose v . Lemon ... 0 1 Cornwall East . Raahleigh v . Vivian 1 CricWade ........... Howard v . Goddard ......... 1 0 Cheshire , North ... Legb . v , Stanley 0 1 Ciwririre , Sooth ... ToOeiiiache V . Wilbraham „ . 0 1 Dorsetahire ......... Bankesv . Strangways 0 l Dublin ( city ) West v . O'Connell 0 1 Ditto Grogan v . Hutton .... 0 l Dublin ( county ) ... Hamilton v . Lord Brabazon 0 1 Ditto Taylor v . Evans 0 1 Dumbartonshire ... Smollett v . Colqnhoun o l Bdinbnxgb County Ramsay v . Craig 0 1 Falkirk ..... Baird v . GiUon o 1 Falmouth Pluraridge v . Freshfleld 1 0 Flintshire ... Mostynv . Glynne 1 0 Gloucester ............ Berkeley v . Hope 1 0 Gloucestershire ( East ) Charteris v . Moreton X o l Greenwich Pundag V . AttWOOd 1 0 Guildford .... „ , Mangles v . Scarlett 1 0 Haddington ......... Balfour v . Stewart 0 1 Harwich Attwood v . Ellice 0 l Hereford Hobaousa v . Burr I 0 Herefordshire ...... Baskerville v . Price 0 1 Hertfordshire Ryder v . Alston 0 l Honiton M'Geachy v . Stewart ' 0 l Horsham Scarlett v . Hurst 0 l Hull Hanmer v . Hutt © 1 Ipswich Wason v . Kelly 1 0 Ditto ,. Rennie v . Cocfeirane 1 Kent ( West ) Marsham v . Hodges 0 l Kerry County Browne v . Blennerhasset ... 1 6 Kinsale Watson v . Thomas 1 0 Kilraarnock Johnston v . Colquhoun 1 0 Knaresborough lawson v . Rich ............... 0 1 Ditto ... Ferrand v . Langdale 0 1 Lewes Elphinstpne v . Fitzroy 1 o Ditto Harford v . Cantelupe 1 o Lincoln Collett v . Bulwer 9 1 Lincolnshire ( S ) ... Turnorv . Heathcote 0 1 Ditto Trollope v . Handley 0 1 London Lyall v . Crawford 0 1 Ditto Mastermanv . Pattison o l Xeeds Beckett v . Baines 0 1 Ludlow ... Ackersv . Sahrey 0 l Montgomery . Cholmondelyv . JEM wards 0 l Ma « ylebone Napier v . Teignmouth 1 0 Midhurst Seymour v . Spencer 0 1 Newark Manners v . Wilde 0 1 Newcastle-under- lumer i
jLyne ., uarns v . v Newport , Isle of Wight Martin v . Hawkins 0 2 Ditto Hamilton v . Blake O 1 Northumberland , N Cresswell v . Howick t > i Nottingham ......... Larpent v . Walter 1 0 Petersfield Joliffe v . Hector 0 l Pontefract PoHington v . Stanley ......... 0 1 Preston Strickland v . Parker . 1 0 Queen's County ..... Veseyv . Fitzpatrick 0 1 Reading Chelsea v . Talfourd 0 1 Ditto Russell v . Palmer ....... 0 1 Renfrewshire Stewart v . Houston l 0 Kocheater Douglas v . Bernal . 0 l Ditto Bodkin v . Hobhouse 0 l Roxbnrgb . 8 hire Scott v . Elliott 0 1 Rutlandshire Dawneyv . Heathcote .......... 1 Rye Cuiteis v . Moneypenny 1 0 Scarborough . Johnstone v . Style 0 1 St Alban ' s Repton v . Muskett 0 l Staffordshire ( 1 * . ) ... Adderiey v . Buller 0 1 Shaftesbnry Howardv . Matthew l 0 Shrewsbury Tomline 7 . Slaney .... o l Somersetshire ( W . ) Dickenson Y ^ Sandford 0 1 Southampton ...... Lord Bruoe v . Lord Duncan 1 South Shields Wawn v . Ingham 1 0 Stirlingshire Ferbes v . Abercromby 0 1 Stftckport .... Cobden v . Major Marsland ... 1 Stoke-upon'Trent Ricatdoy . Davonport 1 0 Sudbury Villiers v . Bailey 1 Ditto ., Sombre V . Tomlioe 1 e Sussex ( East ) ...... Fuller v . Cavendish 0 1 Sussex ( West ) March v . Lennox 0 1 Ditto .. Wyndham v . Surrey 8 1 Wakefield Holdsworth v . Laacellea ... l o Walsall Scott V . Gladstone 1 0 Wareham Drax v . Calcraft . I 0 Waterford city Christmas v . Barron 1 0 Ditto ... — Reade v . Wyse 0 l Westbury Loptz v . Briscoe 0 1 Westminster Rous v . Evans .. » 1 Wigtonshire -.. Dalrymple v . Blair ............ 1 0 Wicklow Acton v . i- Gratton 0 1 Winchester ......... Estcotfc v . Mildmay 0 1 Windsor Neville v . Gordon 0 l Wigan Greenall v . Standish 0 1 Ditto Cross v . Ewart 0 1 Worcester ( W . ) ... Knight V . Winnington 0 1 Yorkshire , W . R . ) Wortley v . Morpeth 0 1 Ditto Denison v . Strickland 0 1 j Total 38 78 SUMMARY . ENGLAND AND WALES . Tory members •¦• ... 303 Whig ditto 193 Chartists ditto ... 3 Thetiord double return j ... 1 Total members for England ana Wales— - 500 SCOTLAND . Tory members ~< ... ... 24 Whig members ... 29 Total members for Scotland ... 53
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A Paltry Job . " —The custom-house " weighers , " a numerous and industrious body , are said to be reduced tft the greatest distress by a new scheme , which has completely the appearance of being a Whig "job . " This Bcheme is the appointment of an officer called " the Inspector-General of Landing Waiters , " who receives about £ 700 per annum , on the express condition that he saves the amount of his salary out of the wages of the poor " weighere , who , as they do not receive above 2 s . 6 d . a day , cannot afford any reduction . The consequence w said to be so serious , that upwards of 150 ol the "weighers , " many of whom have been fifteen or twenty years in the employ of the Customs , are literally starving . The principle of making a place with a large salary by grinding down the humble pittance of an industrious class would be hard to believe on any authority , were not the disposition of the Whiga to oppress the poor already so notorious as to allow of a belief of any enormity . Even if theoffioe were a necessary one , the principle would be most detestable ; but it seems that there is not even thia poor consolation , as there are already six or eight " surveyors-general , " who reader the u inspector " completely superfluous . The affair , in all itebearinga , appears an excellent specimen of Whiggery . — Times . .
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Northern Star (1837-1852), July 24, 1841, page 7, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct559/page/7/