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%otal antr Gtntr&l JhtteTlfatwt.
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THE LAND . ' THE LAND ! A Parody « " The Sea I &e Sea P The land ! the land ! our native land ! Encumbered by s tyrant band Of idle drones , -who live at ease Upon the labour of the bses—Whe " toil not , neither do they spin , " Yet rich profusion revel in ; Although to labour they refuse , They claim all labour ' s sons produce : An idle , selfish , worthless crew , Who nought bat mischief erer do—A base , destructive , tyrant band , Urarpers of our native land ¦
I loTB , I lore my native land ! And cheerfully would lend a hand To force the usurpers of oar soil—The plunderers of our honest toil , To labour's sons to yield their right , Or qo&Q before their matchless might ; To grant the working millions' prayer , The fruits of industry to share ; To listen to the people's voice , Enact the Charter of their choice ; From tyrants wrest the just demand , The freedom of our native land !
Our land ! our land ! our satire land ! Soon may a noble patriot band , United in the sacred cause Of equal rights and equal laws , Puissant armed with truth and right , Triumphant put their foes to flight ; Or teach them to submit to share , In common with each fellow-heir , The bounties which the earth affords To all who labour , Blares or lords ; \ TniTihtin the Chartists' jost demand , The freedom of their native land ! James Fb . es ch . Newcastle , Staffordshire .
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O'CONNOR'S WELCOME . 5 C 5 O BT KB . BEYCE , IK THE GREAT HALL 6 F THE BAZAAB ., OK THE SV £ MSG OF THE DEMOKSIBATIOS FOB O ' COMSOB . To tyranny farewell , O'Connor * left his cell . The chieftain comes forth ; He comes to fight for all—He comes to disenthrall The children of the North . He live * for us—for us he'd die , Then let your broadest banners fly , Oar hearts beat as of yore . The thistle and blue-bell bequeath—Glorious be our champion ' s wreath By many a laurel more .
Enshrined in every breast , The noblest and the best , As bright as eTer shone ; The hero of the fLzht , In all his moral mi ^ bt , To Tictory leads us on . Him nobly rally round—arise , And with your welcomes ring the skies ; The gletis -will echoing roar—Our wild wind free will proudly breathe Fragrance e ' er our Marshal ' s wreath , To add one laurel more .
God-like « ur hero rides O ' er faction's surging tides , With principle his g&ide ; Long may he it maintAin , And soon in triumph claim The Charter for his bride . Then Sreedom o'ei the world shall beam , And Justice , hovering on the wing , When all his fight * are o ' er , From immortality bequeath To Feargns an eternal wreath—One glorious laurel more ! THOXAS GlLLESPlB . Glasgow , October , IS 41 .
%Otal Antr Gtntr&L Jhttetlfatwt.
% otal antr Gtntr&l JhtteTlfatwt .
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ABERDEEN . —For some time back the weather has been very unsteady , and Tery unfavourable for harvest operations . For the last fortnight there has been very livtle field work done , and none of the crops hare been got in ; indeed , if there is not a speedy change for the better , tbe standing crop , as also that already cut , will be entirely destroyed . On Friday night last , there was some frost ; on Saturday morning it was dull and cloudy , and about twelve o ' clock there was a riolent hail shower , which lasted for about half an hour , and about four o ' clock the rain began to descend in buckets' full , as
the saying is , and almost con tinned unabated until the Sabbath morning . God help the poor , if such weather continues , hundreds of whom are walking the streets unwillingly idle ; those who hare work are scarcely able to supply themselres and families with the necessaries of life . If such a state of things continues , the people , in the madness of despair , will be driven to desperation , and then , woe to the oppressor 1 O I little did Sir Bob know the distress that pervades the country , or he would not haTe prorogued the den of spoliators until he had done something for . the starring million ; .
{ Tf ^ T ^ TiT * - * —CfitrEL Brctal Co ? TC > ccrr op THE MlSTSE OF COLEFXIX-HIIX WORKHOUSE , IN the Fabish op Saint MaBy s without . —We bad hitherto congratulated onrselres on ibe mild administration of the New Poor Law by the Board of Guardians and their servants ; indeed , we may say , tint that cruel and nnehristi&n law has never fully come into operation here . An attempt was made sometime back in the Board of Guardians to carry a motion for tbe building of a new baetile . for there were certain heartless Whig" feehsofers" who displayed a strong desire to hare the law carried out in aQ its horrible deformity ; but thanks to the people , who , perceiving this , returned a majority of members to the Board who were opposed to this
measure ; bo that the party anxious for tbe building of anewBastile were successfully frustrated in their intentions ; and we have remained just as we were previous to ihe passing of the New Poor Law Bill , with the exception of a certain classification having taken place . There are three hon . 5 es , OBe for children , one for males , and the other for females . The first of these has been well conducted , and through tire laudable exertions of several members of the Board of Guardians , a Tery extended and liberal system of education has been introduced ; which is creditable to those gentlemen , and which must , finally prove very beneficial to the poor , but unfortunate inmate ? . OftheBecond we bare heard no serious complaints . Bar we regret to say , that we cannot speak thus favourably of the third ; the abode of females and infant children , where , above all others ,
the milk of human kindness ought to abound ; for surely it is enough to be subjected to the confinement and scanty fare of a workhonsc , without being subjected to the most wanton attacks and harshness on the part of the master of the place . We were slow to believe the various Teports which we have heard , of the cruel and heartless treatment to which the inmates of this place were said to be subjected ; and to satisfy oursejres of the accuracy of these reports , we proceeded to partieB who had been inmates , but who were obliged to leave the house , though in extreme poverty , in consequence of the harsh and overbearing sonduct of the master , Mr . Joseph Joxon . The facts which we gathered sue nearly as follow : —1 ; appears that a certain apartment in the house is set apart for women with young children , and that a certain quantity of wheaten bread is allowed to make sods for ih « infants . The women
in this apartment had made themselves a little tea , and while partaking of it , were discovered by Mr . Hixon , and for which horrible crime he treated them with great harshness , and stopped the allowance of bread to the children . Surely , those livtle janoooKs Trere guilty of no crime , that they should thus be deprived of the little sustenance allowed * ?»! a ? d , made to suffer the biting pangs of hanger , lor the faults of their mothers . In consequence " of via , two ofthe mothers , unable lon er to hear the cnes , and bear with the sufferings of their infants , with that intrepidity , honourable to the feelings of a mother , actually scaled the walls of the prison , and went and purchased a little bread for their starving infants . This act was discovered and made eiown to Mr . Kixon , on his arrival at home ; when oe examined the women ' s apartments , and havitfg discovered the little bread deprived them of it , and m a state of rage and indignation he went from one
room to another , abusing and alarming ibe inmates , « m ? " * tenin K them with punishment , until two o ' clock in the morning . Next day he carried bis treats mto execution , by compelling every woman " ™ . across tbe y&rd every half hour at the BOund of a belL 5 ome of the women , in oonsequeace of this cruel and wanton treatment , gave *«^ i notoces t ° lea ^ e the house , which we believe is nve hours , determined to beg their bread mbei wan remain longer to be subjected to such wanton Ma erael treatment . One poor creature , whose time was up about two o ' clock was kept in the house nacl seven o ' clock at night , and then turned out to f ^ e h er way in a cold and desolate world , with four helpless children , in the dark ; and , what is Kill more unfeeling than all * he rest , her children were stripped of iheir cIoes and stockings , and sent out
with the mother in this starving condition . i-cus had the heart-broken mother , with the two youngest children in her arms , and the other two clinging to her garments—to wend her way through Jj te miry roads , a distance of a mile or upwards kbt 5 s * rl the simple facts , as related to us , without « ie slightest colouring on our parts—We have Dothiag extenuated , nor set down aught in malice , " aw shall we make a single remark on the conduct of this overseer : but leave him in the hands of the
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Board of Guardians , who , we fear not , will narrowly look into his conduct . We had almost forgot to mention one circumstance , which is utterly disgraceful to Mr . Nixon , and that is , at the dinner table , the other day , in the presence of a great number of women and . children , he made use of the most brutal and obscene language , ( such as we will not here repeat , ) towards a young woman who had been so unfortUBate as to have an illegitimate child , and actually offered every woman a shilling who wonld kick the unfortunate creature about the yard ! Oar heart sickens at the bare recital of such horrible enormities , and we are apt to exclaim , with the poet : — " Where is thy arm , Oh ! ve&geanoe , where the rod That smote the foes of Zion and of God ?" —Correspondent .
STROU © . —On Wednesday , Oct . 6 th , Mr . John Pickard , rate-gatherer , put an end to his existence by suspending himself to a beam in the attic , by means of his neckerchief , in which was placed a small wire to strengthen it : he was much esteemed by all who knew him . —Same day , a most diabolical attempt was made upon the life of a respectable female , near the Mill House , on tbe road leading to Brisley from Stroui . The ruffian , after being foiled in his purpose , stripped her of her clothes , and left her to go a distance of two miles And a half is the same condition . A reward of £ 50 is offered for the offender . —On Saturday , the 9 th , a person named Foulks , pnt an end to his life by hanging himself at White ' s Hill , in the parish of Stroud . —Same day , a person named Monks , a man of loose character , attempted self-destruction by hanging himself to the bed-post , at his own house , but was prevented by his daughter .
BIBHOIHGHAIft . Great Church Rate Meeting . —In opposition to ninety-nine out of every hundred people in Birmingham , the stupid and bigotted churchwardens , Kimberley and Boucher , sot content with their former defeat , determined on calling a meeting on Friday last , at the Town Hal ] , of those who are liable to the direct payment of poorrates , in order to make an application for a rate of sixpence in the pound , very few houses under £ 20 yearly rental paying their rates direct , so that the worthies calculated on having it all their own way . The working men , however , determined to be present , and entered the Town Hall , in great numbers , long before the time of meeting . A stormy scene took place previous to the chair being taken ,
occasioned by the tomfoolery of Mr . Boucher , who thrust himself into the seat which should be occupied by the Chairman . The business began at eleven o ' clock , and after a vast deal of sparring en both aides , in which Messrs . M'Donnell , Douglas , Thompson , and others , to&k part , Mr . Alderman Weston was elected Chairman by an overwhelming majority . The church-rate party were about to demand a poll in favonr of Mr . Guttridge , but ultimately agreed to allow Mr . Weston to take the chair . The estimated expences of bell ringing , surplice washing , Sec , having been gone into , Sir . Alston moved , " That a rate of sixpence in the pound be granted . " Mr . R . K . Douglas moved that the rate should not be
granted . Upon the question being put , nearly every Hand was held up agaiast the rate , and a few white gloves in favour of it . Mr . White addressed the meeting , and blamed the Whigs and sham Reformers for not doing away with the rates altogether when they had the power of doing so ; he would nevertheless oppose the rate . Mr . Collins also opposed the rate . The church-rate party demanded a pol ) , which was appointed to take place that evening , and continue until four o ' clock on the following Thursday . The polling proceeds with great spirit , and up to the time of our writing ( Tuesday evening ) , there is a majority of 2 , 000 against the rate .
Police . —Nothing can exceed the diFgusting scenes which daily take place at the Publio-office of this town . Ou Thursday last , a man named Bates , was brought before the magistrates , at the instance of a miserable looking attorney , who said he was employed by a society for the prosecution of felons . The enormous crime laid against the prisoner , a toil-worn button-maker , was , that he had some buttons in his possession , the property of his employer , Mr . Elliot , for whom Bates had worked for ten years . The buttons were produced by a great mountain of flesh in policeman ' s clothef , who deposed to finding the buttons in tbe bottom of a teacaddy on the mantelpiece . He produced them with great pomp , aod when fairly opened to public view ,
there appeared about a score of rusty old buttons , which would not Bell for a penny at any " odds and eads" in the kingdom . The man said he had worked ten yean for Mr . Elliot , who , by-the-bye , is a great devotee at Carr ' s-lane chapel , aud as might be supposed , had , perhaps once in three months , picked up a rusty button , which might be used when others had dropped from his tattered garments . He said he had brought them from the workshop . A little snivelling clerk , identified some of tbe property , ( about three buttons , ) after which the pettifogger tried with all his might to get the man committed , as aa example . After a vast deal of solemn shaking of heads and long looks , the man , after suffering some previous imprisonment , was discharged with a lecture from the solons on the bench , on the awful
crime of taking two or three rusty buttons during ten years , in which time he had perhaps earned ten pounds for bis master for every button produced as evidence against him . Another case was that of a poor old woman named Caroline Baker , who was charged by a well-dressed jonvg woman , named Walker , with stealing a bottle-jack . The only evidence produced was that of another young female , who said that she saw the poor old woman , who is a neighbour of theirs , with something under her apron . Tbecaso was dismissed , but the question to be asked is , what compensation axe iDJured people to receive when they are thrust into a prison at the whim of every well-dressed scoundrel . During the whole of those trials , about twelve lazy policemen were lounging on the seats . When will those rascalities come to an end ?
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The Bishop op Exeter . —Our Right Rev . and respected diocesan is struck off the burgess list ; he was objected to by the Working Men ' s Association . — Western Times . Cautiow to Scolds . —A few days ago a woman , in the neighbourhood of Hawarden , in a paroxysm of passion , whilst delivering a family lecture to one of her daughters , actually dislocated her lower jaw , and her chin falling upon her chest , instantiy paralysed all powers of further ejaculation . An eminent surgeon residing in the neighbourhood was called in , who experienced much difficulty in reducing it , the patient suffering the most excruciating pain during the operation . —Carnarvon Herald .
Hrar ExTHAO&DiSABY . —We are informed that the Earl of Devon's harriers came across a donkey last week , and gave chase to the poor animal , who was enjoying himself with the pleasing reflections that his friends were at last in office , nis meditations were , however , very brief , for the hounds ran into him , and before they could be called off , the unhappy donkey was torn to pieces . If every ass that travels near Lord Devon ' s princely domain is to be subjected to this peril , we fear that the tollkeepers will soon have to abandon their gates . — Western Ttmes .
Loss of ah EinGBAhT Ship , the Urama . —On Friday , accounts arrived at Lloyd ' s of the wreck of the Urania , an emigrant ship belonging to Liverpool , which occurred on the night of Thursday week last , on West Hovle Bank , at Mostyn . She had 208 emigrants on board , and was on her passage to Sydney , New South Wales , but providentially every soul was saved by means of the life-boats stationed on the shore . The ship has become a total wreck , having partially gone to pieces . ' Remarkable Robbebt and Restitution . —A few months ago the house of Mr . Millington , watchmaker and jeweller , Symonds-street , Clerkenwell , was entered and robbed of a variety of watches and jewellery to a considerable amount , but in spite of the most unremitting exertions , no cine could be obtained to the discovery of the offenders . On Friday afternoon , whilst Mr . Millington was conversing
with a customer in his shop , a parcel was delivered by the Parcels' Delirery Company , which was found to contain a number of watches very carefully packed in wool , and alsoaqnantity of jewellery , all of which were immediately recognised as the stolen property above-mentioned . On lurther searching the box , Mr . Millington found a letter , written in a disguised hand , stating that the thief , repenting of his dishonesty , and having by the death of a relative obtained the means of { quitting the country for ever , had himself redeemed Mr . Millington ' s property , and determined by restitution to make as fall an amend as possible . The letter bore no signature , but the writer further stated that circumstances which he could not explain had thrown him , for a time , into vicious courses as the only means of gaining a subsistence . Mr . Millington believes that the party had formerly been in bis service .
Another Strike at the New Houses op Pasxiamekt . —On Thursday morning week the whole of the "rougher * , " and a good many of tbe carvers , proceeded to the above building , in order to fetch away their tools , having come to the determination , on leaving their employment the previous evening , 4 iot to work with the masons that are at present engaged there . This was also the time at which tbe men employed at the Woolwich Dock-yard and the Nelson Monument had been ordered to strike by the Society . Upwards of 100 additional masons werw
taken on , and commenced work on Thursday morning , so that in this department of the works there is every probability of the uEua ) number being engaged in a rery short time , as the active system of recruiting adopted by Messrs . Grissel and Peto in different parts of the country , has already been the means of producing nearly 109 fresh hands . Many of the old hands wear a piece of blue riband , in order that they may be distinguished from the non-Unionists , or blacks , of which class the new hands are composed .
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Lord Eliot , while riding to his office at Dublin Castle from tho Chief Secretary ' s lodge on Thursday last , was thrown from his hone , and bruised and stunned by the fall . Sign of the Times—A list , containing the names of 721 persons , occupiers of houses in the parish of Oldswmford , recommended by a vestry meeting , and sanctioned by the overseers , to be excused the payment of the last poor-rate , was last week laid before tbe bench at the petty sessions , for their signature . — Staffordshire Examiner .
Insurrection in Spain . —The latest intelligence from Spain informs us that General Ayer . be , who was in command of Saragossa , had been replaced by General Castanada , from Victoria . Tho Government is composed of the Marquis of Almeida , Pietro y Gana , and Montueeca . In Bilboa , young men were recruited for the service of the Queen . General Alchala continues at Tolosa . Urbistondo and other chiefs continue to occupy Bergara , and endeavour to stir up the country . Corunna is quiet . No news from Pampeluna .
A Sporting Doctor . —The medical profession furnishes its quota of ( fox-hunting ) enthusiasts , and many highly honourable traits are recorded of them . The following , for example : —A medical gentleman , of the name o ( Hanster , residing near Newbury , ordered his gardener to set a trap for some vermin that infested his garden . As ill luck would have it , a fox was found in it in the morning with his leg broken . On its being taken to the doctor , he exclaimed , " Why did you not call me up in the night , that I might set the leg V Better late than never ; he did set the leg ; the fox reoovered , and was killed in due form after a capital run . —Quarterly Review .
Horrid , ip True . —A lady of Algiers , who some time ago buried one of her children , recently obtained permission from the municipal authorities to have the grave and coffin opened , for the purpose of placing in the latter a still-bora infant . The coffin was found to be entirely empty , and an inquiry being set on foot as to the cause of the disappearance of the remains of the first child , it was ascertained that . the gravedigger , who is the owner ef an immense number of pigs , and who supplies most of the pork-butchers of Algiers , fed his pigs with the corpses which he buned . In his house were large
quantities of human flesh chopped up , and , on examining the graves in the cemetery , every coffin was found empty . A discovery was also made in the house of the gravedigger of jewellery to the value of about 50 , 000 francs , which had been buried with the bodies . The criminal is arrested , and tbe prosecution is going on ; but what a dreadful reflection it is for many persons to think that they may have been eating pork fed with the flesh of their own relatives I The use of pork has been interdicted for some time , aDd all the giavedigger ' e pigs have , by order of the Procureur-General , been killed and instantly buried .
In the LiST Inspector of Prisons' Report a curious passage is given from the journal of the Chaplain of Knuteford House of Correction . The Rev . gentleman iournalises as follows : — " Visited the solitary cells ; found in them ( John , about twenty years of age ; he was extremely ignorant , knew nothing of Christ , and very little of God . His father is iflatman on the river Weaver . Never went to school . Acknowledged that he knew it was wrong to steal , but he never knew it before , for his father told him every one did it . " The chaplain is
a little hard on the poor fellow ' s ignorance on religions matters ; the latter could hardly be expected to know so much about onr Saviour and the Deity as the chaplain , who is bound to cultivate a professional acquaintance with such subjects . It might be equally difficult to impress the guilt of stealing on the prisoner ' s mind , especially as his father had told him that M every one did it . " The latter , bythe-way , is described as a " flat-man ; " he seems , nevertheless , to understand tho ways of the ¦ world tolerably well .
Chase Extra ordinary . —A miner , residing not many miles from the Land ' s End , who had been in the habit for some time past of inflicting severe punishment on his wife , a very pretty little woman , for the most trifling offences , proceeded so far with his brutality , that her patience became at length exhausted , and she went to a neighbouring magistrate to swear the peace against him . A warrant was immediately issued , and delivered to the constable , who repaired to a neighbouring parish , where the delinquent resided in a state of separation from his wife . It being earJy , the constable found him in bed , and immediately ordered him to turn out and go with him . The husband promptly obeyed , and having put on his waistcoat and ucket , asked leave
of the officer to go into the next room to put ou his trousers , which had been left there the night before . As he had no shoes or stockings on , the request was granted ; hut the prisoner finding himself out of the sight of the constable , determined to make his escape . He therefore cleared the stairs at a bound , and before the constable knew where he was , he was running across the country at a fearful pace . The officer and another ma a immediately followed him , but he led them a run of upwards of two miles and a half , during which he cleared at a bound old shafts , hedges , and furze bushes , until he reached
the mine where he worked , and descended the ladder . The constable guarded , as he thought , all egress from the mine , and then he and the mine captain descended ; but the prisoner led them another chase through all the subterraneous passages , and at length bolted up one of the shafts , which in the hurry had not been guarded . On reaching grass , he set off again , and did not stop till he arrived at his own houre . where he now lies in great danger from the cues and bruises he received in his feet . All proceedings against him are said to be . stopped ; the punishment he has inflicted on himself being more severe than a month at the treadmill . —Ply mouth Journal .
Horrid Murder at Dabfield , near Barnslbt . —The following are the particulars connected with one of the most diabolical and coolly-premeditated murders that has ever been committed in this part of the country . What renders the event more shocking is the fact that the unfortunate victim was assassinated by mistake , owing , it is supposed , to his being in age , appearance , and dress , very similar to the person marked out by the murderers . The deceased was a young man , named Thomas Dep ' edge , about 21 , a farming servant , in the employ of Mr . T . Heptens tall , of Billingley , near Darfield . The murder was committed on the turnpike-road , between the two places , and very near the cross-roads leading from Darfield to Doncaster , Pontefract , and
Rotherham . It appears , that on Monday night , two boat haulers , named Joseph and William Lodge , residing at Worubwell , were returning from Barnsley fair , and when they had got as far as Worsbrough-hill , a phort distance from Barnsley , they became engaged in a quarrel with two men , named Marsden and Mills , who were walking on the road . Joseph Lodge got off his horse , and attacked the two men , giving one a severe bite on the cheek , and almost biting the fingers off the hand of the other . He received himself some very severe scratches and bruises , which s&em to have exasperated him , and rouBed him to a determination of deadly revenge . Marsden and Mills having picked up the hat which Joseph Lodge had lost in the scuffle , proceeded on the road home ,
and called at the King of Bells public-honBe at Darfield-bridge , where they met with Thomas Depledge and some companions , who were also returning from the fair . In the meantime the two Lodges , who are brothers , had gone back to Barnsley , evidently with the intention of collecting a force for the purpose of assisting in their revengeful purpose . They called , with their companions , one of whom was a uephetv , named John Lodge , at all the beer-houses and public-homes on the road , and at length , their friends having left them , the three Lodges entered the publichouse at Darfield-bridge , where they found Joseph ' s hat on tbo table , and saw the two men with whom they had quarrelled . Some suspicious expressions fell from them there , and they were perceived to be
watching for MarBden and Mills leaving the house . Some evil purpose was so apparent , that Mills was strongly advised not to leave the house that night . At length , however , Marsden and Mills , along with Depledge and several others , left the house , and proceeded homewards towards Billingley . When they had got to the Milnhouses , a short distance from Darfield , the two former went forward before tbe others . At the cross roada they had gained ground a good deal , * and near this place Depledgp , it is supposed , in consequence of hearing footsteps behind , and wishing to apprise the men of some danger , left his friends and proceeded fotward at a quicker pa ^ e . Joseph and William Lodge then cam e up , spoke to the party behind , and walked sharply past
One was in his shirt sleeves , which were doubled up , and carried a large hedge stake . When they bad gone about a hundred yards farther , a very B 6 vere blow was heard by those who were in the rear . They hastened forward , and found their companion , Depledge , lying bleeding on the road ; On raising him up , he immediately expired . His mouth and nose were bleeding profusely , and it was found that he had received a dreadful blow OU the face , which had broken the bones of his nose , and completely flattened it . The lifeless body was immediately conveyed by his companions to Milnhouses . Almost directly after the murder , the two Lodges , running at fall speed , passed Marsden and Mills on the road ; one of them dropped a large hedge stake , which was afterwards found by the constable ; and
they then turned down a lane leading to Wombweil , where they were both taken into custody the Bame night . John Lodge , the nephew , had left them at Darfield-bridge . An inqnest was held upon the body of the ill-fated man on Wednesday , at the Ring of Bells public-house , before Mr . Thomas Badger , the Coroner . The greatest excitement prevailed in the sequestered little village of Darfield . The Jury heard evidence of the facts above stated until five in the afternoon , when the inquest was adjourned until the following day . On Thursday the inquiry was resumed , and after some additional evidence had been taken , the Coroner summed up , and the Jury returned a verdict of " Wiliol Murder * ' atainst Joseph and William Lodge , who were fully committed to take their trial at the ensuing Assizes .
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The greatest distress prevailg at this moment among the working classes of the metropolis . The number of unemployed tailors and shoemakers is d * ily increasing , and the Spitalfields weavers are giving themselves op to despair . The scenes of misery and want , evon in that distressed district , are qaite unprecedented . . Destruction of a Cottom Mm . at Glasgow by a irb . —The Glasgow Argiis contains an account of a destructive fire which occurred on Wednesday night at the Lancefield Company ' s cotton-spinning works , the property of , Messrs . William and Alexander Graham and Company , of Glasgow . The works were very extensive , and gave employment to no less than 1 . 100 persons . The fire commenced
in what is called the picking-room , which is situated on the top flat of the old or south mill , among some cotton . How it caught fire ho one can tell ; but the supposition is that a spark , serucfc out by the collision of a pieoe of iron with some part of the machinery , may have fallen among the cotton and set it m flames . Buckets of water , it appears , were always in readiness for a contingency of this nature , and the master of the picking-room immediately had recourse to one of these to extinguish the flames ; but the volume had become too broad to be acted upon oy the quantity of water which he had at his command . From the cotton on the floor it soon spread with a celerity which defied all attempts to stay its progress . In a space of time inconceivably short the flames were bursting from the windows and the roof ; they blazed unchecked , and scarcely half-an hour elapsed before a large portion of the roof came down . Two fire-engines were on the spot with a
promptitude which deserves high approbation ; but it was apparent from the first that to save the south mill was a work of utter impossibility . Thence the flames speedily communicated with the front building , and the whole of its roof and the greater part of the interior were destroyed . The extension of the fire to the front building caused the greatest apprehension for the safety of the new mill , which stood a few feet to the north of it ; and the most vigorous efforts were made to save it . We are happy to say that those efforts were successful , but still the loss will be very great ; not less , it is supposed , than £ 30 , 000 . Tbe insurance , however , will cover this amount . From 300 to 400 people will be thrown out of employment . In the present state of trade there is little or no hope of their obtaining employment elsewhere . A great proportion are females , all of them having dependents , more or less numerous , upon their labour .
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BtTRY . —According to request and announcement , Mr . Doyle , ef Manchester , lectured in the Working Man ' s Hall , on the question of the Corn Laws , on Monday night He addressed the meeting for an hour or better , and then challenged discussion ; but no One had the hardihood to oppose him . He went into the question in all its ramifications , quoting largely from Campbell's work , proving that a repeal without accompanying measures , and with the present state of the franchise , would be a curse , Instead of a blessing , to the people . The meeting was highly delighted with Mr . Doyle ' s very able discourse . A vote of thanks
being moved to the lecturer , Mr . Doyle returned the compliment , and advised every working man , who wished to view the question of the Corn Laws in a proper manner , immediately to procure for himself the book written by Mr . Campbell , Secretary to the Executive , . and when every man has read that work he will be able to lecture himself . Mr . Doyle will lecture Again on Monday , the 25 th , when he will ba willing to meet any Corn Law repealer to discuss the question whether their repeal , without accompanying measures , will be of any benefit to tbe working classes ; but if there will be no person to discuss the question , be wilt lecture on the cause of the distress of the people .
LONDON . —Discussion on Chartism and the Corn Laws—On Friday evening last , a discussion took place at the Social Hall , Juhn-street , Tottenham Court Road , on the question" Whether Chartism or a Repeal of the Corn Laws would tend most to relieve the distress of the country . " The Hall was crowded to excess , and the chair having been taken by Mr . Abbey , at the appointed time , Mr . Farrow opened the question on tbe side of tbe CbartisU by reading a letter from Mr . Hearne , a Corn Law Repealer , who had challenged the St . Fancras Chartists , a few days previous ; he was in consequence invited to attend , but he had since got a fresh light upon the subject , for he declined attending , stating as his reason that he thought it impolitic to bring the two parties into open collision . Mr . Farrow
then entered into an excellent explanatory detail of the principles of the People's Charter , and detailed the evils of our manufacturing system as exemplified in the factory , and called upon thtm , one and & \\ , to unite for the Charter , as a remedy that would relieve not only the Corn Laws , but every other national grievance . — Dr . SnoUkie said nothing was so easy as to deceive the great mass of the people . They had been deceived by the cry that cheap food would produce low wages , whereas it was a well known fact , proved by the statistics , that this was not the case ; it mattered not to a man what amount of money he earned , it was the quantity of produce which he crald purchase with it He was for supporting every measure of reform . It a aociety was started for the purpose of draining or
paving our narrow alleys and courts , or any other progressive measure , he would give it his countenance . —Mr , C . F . Goodfellow said the last speaker had travelled wide of the subject , but he would confine bimself to the argument of instalments . We are willing to receive any instalment , but we will not agitate for it—we will not divide and weaken those energies the concentrated power of which are necessary for the attainment of that which will relieve us of all monopolies . — Mr . Lloyd Jones was rather disappointed to hear bo little said on tbe relative value of tbe two propositions . It mattered not whether these men were sincere ; the question was , which was moat calculated to remove the distress—which would tend most to improve the moral happiness of tbe people . If for the sake of
argument , he admitted that all the Corn Law repealers were dishonest , and all the Chartists honest , still if the dishonest men proposed measures which would benefit the community , would that be a reasonable argument for their rejection ? He did not believe the Corn Law repeal would produce the great effects many anticipated —he did not believe that it would tend greatly to ad ranee the moral or physical condition of the people . The supply of foreign corn necessary in this country was a mere fraction , compared with t&at grown at home . Supply was regulated by demand ; the demand for labour in tbe manufacturing market would only be in proportion to tbe demand for com ; the quantity of corn consumed would necessarily be very limited , while our power of manufacturing goods would , by the aid of machinery , be almost unllraltable . Tbe consequence would be , there would be a glut In tbe market ; bands would be thrown out of employ ; they would be obliged to compete with and undersell others , and all
would again be in a state of confusion . Mr . Parry , in a long speech , replied to Mr . Jones . Mr . Ruffy Ridley , in the course of a long speech , went into a valuable detail of statistics of the rate of wages , prices of materials , < fcc . in foreign nations , and inquired what benefit it wonld be to the working classes of this country , to see a large loaf in a window , while the pane of glass hindered them from obtaining it He shewed that , by giving the people political power , they would no longer be at the expence of maintaining such an enormous and useless Church and State Establishmentthat they would no longer be compelled to maintain such an expensive military and naval force—that they would no loDger dare to appropriate suoh enormous sums under the item of secret service money , &c , and cencluded an eloquent address amidst much cheering . The subject for' next Friday was decided to be" Which 1 b most worthy of agitation , Socialism or Chartism ?"
BIRMINGHAM . —Public Meetings—A public meeting was held at the Chartist meeting-room , Freeman-street , on Monday evening last , Mr . Thorpo in the chair . Mr . Wilkinson , sub-Secretary , read a circular from the Executive at Manchester , explaining the necessity of the Association exerting themselves to carry out the plans laid down by the Executive . The Chairman then called upon Mr . John Mason , of Newcastle-upon-Tyne , to deliver a lecture . Mr . Mason proceeded at great length to lay down the glorious objects for which the Chartists were straggling , and , after a beautiful display of manly and energetic oratory on tbe grievances of the people , he adverted to the case ef M'Leod . and commented on the effect which a war with
America would produce on the Chartist movement He said that the Chartists would not consent to be made the instruments of tyranny , and would not fight in defence of an odious aristocracy , who were the sole cause of the sufferings endured by the industrious classes of Great Britain . There were bounds to human endurance , and he hoped that before Sir Robert Peel entered into a war with the freemen of America , that he would enfranchise the working classes of this country . Some of tbe Tory papers , in speaking of a war with America , bad warned the Americana that they bad some millions of slaves ready t » revolt , bat the sapient writers seemed to forg et that there were also millions of famishing slaves in Great Britain , anxious for an opportunity of throwing off tbe galling
yoke by which they were fettered . He then described the great sacrifices which had been made by other nations for the establishment of liberty , and pointed oat the results which would follow the establishment o ^ the People ' * Charter , and concluded » moat brilUarit and animated speech by calling on all thr oe who had not previously done so to enrol V i « ir names In the ranks of freedom by Joining the Nat / onal Charter Association . He was loudly cheered throo Aunt and sat down amldstenthuBiasUc applause . Mr . 'George White next addressed tho meeting . HeT laid ' that he had no need to attempt anything in the to- ape of a
speech , after the splendid address which had 1 mn dellveredby Mr . Mason . He itood before them for the purpose of introducing necessary business . " He then explained the subject connected with tb e National Petition for 1842 , which had been draw a up by the Executive daring their stay in Birmingui on , and after dwelling on the glaring disparity in the '^ ay of various useless parties , and the paltry sum dole d out to those without whom society could not poesi ) , iy exist , asset forth in the petition ; he showed the n ecessity of every man who was not a slave at heart , a' verting himself to procure signatures to it He also referred to the election of delegates to a Convention , wJ Jch would assemble
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for the purpose of superintending the presentation of the petition , and hoped that the people woald not only see that it was numerously signed , but that proper and well tried men would Deselected to see that it was received in a proper manner by those who usurped the power of the nation . He then read two addresses from the Chartists of London , wherein they bore testimony to the upright conduct of Mr . John Fussell , whom some parties bad been representing as a spy . Mr ; John Wilkinson , sab-Seecetary , then presented bimself , for the purpose of declaring the state of the poll for the election of two Councillors in the room of Messrs . Ntsbett and Lynell , wtao had resigned . The candidates ware Messrs . F > Corbett , W . Thome , Vaughan , and Splnks . The yoteswere taken by ballot , Mr . Frederick Corbett , and Mr . Walter Thome , were declared duty elected , Mr . Vaughan declared : himself satisfied with the manner in which the election was conducted , after which the meeting separated .
SiNfDAT Eveniko Lectdee . —Mr . Mason lectured in the Chartist room . Freeman-street , on Sunday evening last , at half-past six , and gave great satisfaction . Several persons applied for cards at the conclusion . CARLISLE . —PROCEEDINGS OF THE COUNCIL OV the Carlisle Radical Association . —On Saturday evening last , the members of the Council were busily engaged in superintending a raffle , which they hod got up In behalf of Win . Blake , who will be tried this week , at Cockermouth , for an alleged assault on one of the ¦ watchmen during the late election for the borough . Great exertions were made ; and we are happy in being able to state that a sufficient sum of money was raised to fee Mr . Ramshay , the leading barrister at the Sessions , so that poor Blake will be ably defended , and .
no doubt , cleared , if anything lite justice be done him . The Council held another meeting oh Sunday evening , when Mr . Joseph Richardson , the secretary , read the National Petition for 1842 , which appeared in the Star of last Saturday . The Petition was highly applauded by all present as a most perfect and able document , which does great credit to the Executive . On the motion of Mr . Bowman , seconded ' by Mr . J . B . Hanson , Mr . Arthur , bookseller , was- ordered to procure 100 copies of the Petition from the Star office , with a view to circulate them in various districts ; after which public meetings were to be caUad for the adoption of the same ; and every exertion is to be made to procure signatures . The Council are also about to make arrangements for the suitable reception of Mr . Feargos O'Connor .
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VALE OF LEVEN DEMONSTRATION . GREAT TORCH-LIGHT MEETING I On Thursday , Oct 14 th , Feargus O'Connor , Esq . paid his visit to the Vale of Leven . Some little raisunderatanding had arisen between the people of the Yale and Paisley , each demonstration having been fixed for the same day . Mr . O'Connor decided upon being at Leven on Thursday , and preparations were made accordingly . About balf- ^ ast twelve o ' clock the steamer arrived at Dumbarton quay , which was really covered with human beings , who received the distinguished advocate of Universal Suffrage amid deafening acclamations . The Dumbarton carpenters attended in a body , although tbe masters attempted to dissuade them from attending ; yet these same masters , Tories in politics , had no objections to give them permission to attend meetings , when seeking the overthrow of a Whig Ministry .
The operatives of Leven , having many of them been hindered from attending at mid-day , Mr . O'Connor staid at Dumbarton till six o ' clock at night , at the particular request of the operatives there . Mr . O'Connor met them in public meeting , and with music went through the town , a place to address them being secured . He gave an eloquent speech on the occasion , alike distinguished by close reasoning and withering sarcasm ; and after urging them to unite with their fellow-countrymen to aid in carrying tho Charter , retired amid the plaudits of the assembly . Mr . William Thomason then followed Mr . O'Connor , and pointed out theobligation laid upon every man to aid in emancipating their fellow-subjects from the miseries of class legislation , and concluded by sub * mitting a motion expressive of confidence iu Mr . O'Connor , and of their resolution to petition to aid in carrying the Charter , which was carried amidst loud acclamations .
At six o ' clock the coach left Dumbarton with Mr O'Connor for the Yale , along with the carpenters , and were met near Renton by hundreds of mea and women with torches in scores , which literally illuminated the heavens . They joined Mr . O'Connor just at the commencement of the avenue leading to Renton , the hundreds upon hundreds of voices uniting with cheers , which ran like thunder along the Tale . The carriage , having paused till the procession , composed principally of carpenters and printers , was completely formed , and the two bands of music having struck up , the solid column of human beings began to move through Renton , and a more imposing sight can scarcely be conceived . Before and behind was a range of human beings , and hundreds of torches flaming , te which we saw no termination , and which seemed to make the vale literally one blBZe of light- ,
Having passed through Renton , the Alexandria , Bonhill , and also the Jameston Chartists , joined the procession . Here the salutations again commenced ; and what with the rolling of drams , the echoes of the people , the darkness of the night , lighted with hundreds of torches , which illuminated the bleak hills on tke left , flags waving in the night breeze , the wild echoes ringing from the top to the bottom of the Yale , after each acclamation , as well as the peaceful yet stern determination of the assembled thousands , gave a grandeur to the proceedings which really awed the enemies of Chartism .
The procession , having passed through Alexandria , came to the Bo&hill Bridge , over which they bad to pass on their way to the bastings . The gate was closed , and the whole procession arrested in its progress . The Insulted inhabitants were about to force their way across the bridge , when Mr . O'Connor sent Mr . Thomasou to request the mass to desist ; that he woald address the multitude on the Alexandria side of the bridge , and then proceed over to Bonhill . This promise pacified the people , and all was quiet The carriage having put back ,
Mr . O'CONNOR gave an effective address on the advantages of representation . He launched one of his moat powerful denunciations against the tyranny of employers in interfering with their men , and depriving them of the means of expressing their thoughts , and setting aside , by their proceeding , a constitutional right He promised the masters a demonstration when he came back from the North , in about a month , when he would have another day with the Chartists of the Yale . He exhorted them to go right a-head for the Chatter , and concluded amid protracted cheering . The carriage again moved across the bridge , when Bonhill , as Alexandria before it , was completely swarming , the bands and assembly moved to the high part of the town , where the hustings had been erected . The immense body having reached the place , Mr . John Miller was called to the chair . The Chairman opened the meeting in an apropriate speech .
Mr . Thomason was called upon to read the address to Mr . O'Connor ; after it bad been adopted , Mr . O'Connor was again intioduced to the meeting , amid a burst of applause which almost seemed as if it would be endless . His really eloquent address was a panoramic view of Chartism , and contained an account of his own straggles in bringing the popular cause to-its present standing . He also noticed the rapid progress of Chartist principles , by a reference to the first and second petitions , and congratulated the assembly on an accession of strength by the union of Ireland . After cautioning them against violence , and urging the necessity of onion , he concluded amid long continned applause . Three resolutions were adopted . The first pledged the people to the six points of the Charter .
The second was expressive of the gratification felt by the English and Scottish Chartists , at the prospect of Ireland embracing tbe doctrines of Chartism , and their readiness to co-operate with Ireland to gain ISolversat Suffrage , and also her domestic legislature . , The third recommended a National Petition and Convention , and a pledge from tho Immense assembly to carry out the plan to the utmost of their power . The friends of Mr . O'Connor then went to- a sapper , served up in Mr . Tbomason ' s school , where , after doing duty to the viands , the cloth was withdrawn , and Mr . John M'Crae called to the chair .
The Chairman opened the business ia-a speech of considerable talent , in which he pourtrayad the sufferings of the Chartists , and the insufficieney of opposition to pat down th » spirit of a united nation . He eulogised at great length the labours of F « argu » O'Connor , and exhorted the operatives to unit * together to complete their country's emancipation , lla proposed , as a sentiment , " The People , the some * of all power . " Song , by all the company , " Scots wha hae wi Wallace bled . * Next was The health of Feaigua O'Connor , Esq ., " and do «« in good style .
Mr . ( yco « KOR then replied , te & apeecb in wbicb he stated , hat whUe his oast coarse bad been honourably alluded to , yet , lie remarked , tlwir expressions of cobSdene © would serve as a retaining for the rotor * . He then pointed oat the causes of public misery , ¦• itexcessive taxation—ft bad distribution of wealth—a wholesale want of employment , by the action of machinery superseding manual labour , and all tb » natural fruit of exclusive legislation , and until the producers of wealth were represented , their miseries woald continue . He then referred to the power of the people in the case of Catholic Emancipation , aad remarked that the Tory Dafce and Peel found it unsafe to withhold a removal
of Cathoik disabilities , when the 32 nd Regiment were subscribing to the National Rent He made some remarks on Peel ' s mistake in supposing bis majority of ninety-one represented the people . He then referred to the state of Ireland under Whig rule , the introduction of nine thousand policemen , at 18 s . weekly , equal to an armed force of 27 , 000 men , at 6 a . a week . He then proceeded to prove that all aristocrats , whether Whig or Tory , were opposed to concessions being made to the people . He then referred to the Corn Laws , and remarked that free trade in labour and human industry was all contended for by the party , leaving the people more to do , bat not much for doLig it . and referred to
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Mr . Sturge at Birmingham , in asserting that the Leago had abandoned principle , and remarked that if Chzr tistawereto do the same , they would be upset as s party . He observed that no . system had ever been originated bdf what was first despised , then hated , then reasoned with , then eonttod , And finally legislated for . Chartism , he remarked ; bad passed tbe first stages , anil now they were courted , bat he cautioned them against striking a bargain for anything short of Universal Suffrage . He then referred to the bugbear of physical fare , and talked about the inconsistency of Tories denouncing it when they talked about the constitution being based upon the blood of their ancestors , and out liberals commemorating the Polish Betrfotloii—the gloriott * day * of July , and the Mhievenierit of American' Independence , ' all physical struggles . Poverty might drit * a people to violence , but ne exhorted them to be pe » oful , to be united , and avoid any movement that might
bring them into collision with the law . -They might calculate upon the assistance of the Intelligent portion of the middle class , and remarked that the Whigs themselves would give the Charter , rather than remain long on the bleak side of Downlng-Btreet After pointing out in a pleasing style the concurrent causes at work to favour them , he exhorted them to organise , unite , petition , agitate , and , by peaceful efforts , their cause would be triumphant , and crowned with complete success . ( Hear , and cheers . The learned gentleman resnmed his seat amid tb « cheers of the meeting . The next toast was " TJnivertrt Suffrage and no surrender . " Tbe next sentiment « n tiie memory of Wallace , Muir , Palmer , Jerrold , M * --grat , Banrd , Hardy , Wilson , —Scottish martyrs ; with Emmett and Fitzgerald , of Ireland ; and Hampden , Sydney , Wat Tyler , and all of every country and agev who have struggled and died for their constitutional liberties . "
This sentiment was answered by an appropriate response by William Thomason . : The next toast was Frost , Williams , and Jones , and all incarcerated Chartists , may they be speedil 7 restored i » their families . " Mr . Charles Qlen gave an address , In responding ; to this sentiment which gave , general satisfaction * " England , Ireland , and Scotland , may all these three countries straggle keart and hand for the People * Charter , and the salvation of our common country . * Bong— " Exile of Erin , " by Gkohge Fkbgusoic . " . James Bronterre O'Brien and tbe democratic press , " " William Thomason and the Chartist Circu ' ar , " were answered in warm style . " The females of tb » Vale of Leven , " responded to . " The health of the Chairman and Vlce-Chairman , " { Mr . Wm . Thomson ) was warmly received . Chahles GtSN snug "> O , Scotland , I love thea "
The remaining part of the night was spent in songr , addresses , and cheerful chat ; when the meeting broke up , falfy convinced that a more brilliant day , considering the size of the placa , was never witnessed in the annals of Chartism . The proceedings throughout * proved Leven to be worthy of the place assigned it in the struggle for freedom . The impression left on the public mind , has been overwhelming asongthe middle classes ; . one man especially wp » so convinced of the injustice done to Mr . O'C , that , although a moral-fore man , he enrolled next morning , fully satisfied that Mr . O'Connor was what he was himself oa this question . We anticipate another day from Mr . O'Connor , according to promise , before he returns to England . Let us be united , and we will make
Parliaments no more those sacred things That make or mar the destiny of kings , - Like loaded dice by Ministers are thrown , And eacU new » tt of sharpers cog their own . By spreading intelligence , diffusing patriotic principles , that God , in whose name we have hoisted our banners , will crown our efforts with success . For the heart and the mind , And the voice of mankind , Shall arise in communion , And 8 haU resist that proud union .
Notwithstanding the badness of trade , tho spirit of the Yale , is unbroken ; their stein devotion to Justice proves them descendants of the Covenanters and tbe Mountaineers of former days ; and the forthcoming petition will show that the hearts of the men are in the right place , and that its sons con contribute their quota towaids freeing the country from the miseries of class legislation . —Correspondent . - '
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MR . BUCKINGHAM AND THE QUARTERLY REVIEW . in tbe last number of the Quarterly Review is an article , entitled " Buckingham and Combe oo America " —in which the writer evinces a strong desire to pro duce unfavourable impressions , not so much against the books as against their writers . In a letter addressed to the public prints on this subject , by Mr . Buckingham , is the following statement of a fact , which ought to be as widely know ? as the article in the Review itself , that the bane and antidote may both be equally public : and as the Reviewers do not admit replies to their statements , either of fact or opinion , it is only through the medium of the public journals that both sides can be seen . - Mr . Buckingham
says" There is one assertion , however , made by the K © - viewer , which , for the sake of truth , it is desirable to have corrected . At the close of his introductory strictures , be says , — ' So much for Buckingham . We donot remember to have alluded to him on any former occasion in this journal . ' . ¦ ¦ ! " It happens to have escaped the recollection of thi » writer , that in the year 1622 , there was an article in this same Quarterly Review , ending with the same words— ' So much for Buckingham' —professing to be s > review of my Travels in Palestine , " but containing BO much ot falsehood and calumny , that I felt it my OUtJT
to Institute an action for libel against tbe publisher , Mr . John Murray , in tbe Court of King ' s Bench ; and , though be bad tbe ablest assistance that tbe bar could render him , in the talents of the present Lord Lyndhorsfc , Baron Parke , and Baron Gumey , engaged as bis counsel in the cause , be found it then desirable to ask for mercy at my hands ; and , abandoning all defence of bis libellous publication , be instructed bis counsel to withdraw their plea of justification , make a humble apology in open Court for the injury unjustly done to an honourable man , and consent to a verdict , with costs , being ; recorded against bim . This was Mr . Murray ' s course on that occasion .
" The writer of the libellous article was subsequently ascertained to be th * Mr . William John Bankes , of Corfe Castle—who recently appeared before the polios magistrates in London , a second time , charged with » nameless offence , having before narrowly escaped conviction for the same impurity—and on the trial of this individual , at the same period with Mr . Marray , for false and libellous imputations , similar to those incorporated in his article in the Quarterly Review—the counsel on my behalf being tbe present Lords Abinger ,
Danman , and Brougham , aad those on Mr . Bankes' behalf the present Judges Lyodbnrst , Parke , and Ourney —the Special Jury , after a trial of ten hours , and the examination of a best of witnesses , under tbe direction of the late Lord Tenterdea , brought in a verdict against Mr . William John Bankes , the writer of the article in the Quarterly Review , as goilty of a false , scandalous , and malicious libel , and adjudged him to pay £ 40 » damages , ; while the costs ef Mr . Marray and Mr . Bankes conjoined , were understood to amount to several thousand pounds !
" . ' Evil communications corrupt good manners : ' and as Mr . Bankes' loss- ef memory is so extraordinary thai he forgot his own rank and name , and represented himsett to the police magistrates to be * one John Harris , s servant out of placV—( committing his indecencies , as be wroto his libels , ondsr a false name }—bo Mr . Marray memory , or that of his Editor , seems to have utterly failed him also , when he professes not to remember having ever alluded to ne before in bis journal . The Non-mi-reoordO' fantily is not of the parest breed or clearest vision , and therefore often get eatangledin their own meshes .
" Whether tbe actual recollection of this trial and conviction of tbe Quarterly Review ana its calumnious contributor , may have in any degree cMtributed to the malignant spirit of tbe present article ea my work on America , the public may judge for themselves . Bat it is right that both its editor and publisher , as well am the public , should be reminded ol Hhew facts ; and , contenting myself with having done : this , I leave these worthies to- digest them aa they may . " " It may be a * satisfactory to othen , wit uudoubtedy is to mywif , to be able to contrast , with tbe spiteful and contemptuous spirit of the write * in the Quarterly Review , tbe uaaolieited , but frank and generous testimony of an English Nobleman * , tk * n whom no man ha * had a better opportunity of fonaiag an accurate judgment j , aud the equally impartial testimony of one of the au >» t distinguiabed America * Travellers of the present ds;—whose knowledge of bis own country is pe > haps , more extensive than thai of any man on either sida of tka Atlantic "
Letter from Lord Athbwrtouto Mr . Buckingham . " I have read a considerable portion of your woik on Amer ica—my long residence in that country leadiag me to take a deep interest in everthing that concern * tbe great r # pnblie—and I ha » e found la it mot * geaend and varied Information than in any of the numerous work * on the same subject which have issued from tbe proas I am bound also to say , that , though I do sot agree with you in all your views aud opinions , they setm to > bear tbe stamp of general impartiality and candour " Letter from George Catlin , E $ q , of New York , to Jfr » Bvckinahami
«< My wife and myself , who are now residing in Lon « don , have read your very interesting work ou our native country , America , with pewliar satisfaction j inasmuch as the nature of my pursuits has led us to visit nearly all the places and institutions you have so vividly aad so justly described in your pages , as well as in your eloquent lectures , which we have attended . In listening to tbe one , and in reading the other , we have been carr ied along by a feeling scarcely less vivid and less real than if we were fellow-travellers with you , and actually passing over the scenes you have so graphically described . I think you have brought to the parent country a very encouraging and just account of her Transatlantic Child , and this at a time wh * n general and correct information is peculiarly desirable , to nmeve mutual prejadices , and to promote a fair and trfendlj undetstaadiof bttween the . two wuntriet "
^ Portrp .
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Northern Star (1837-1852), Oct. 23, 1841, page 3, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct571/page/3/