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Lbbds:—Printed for Um Proprietor, FEAR&W O'CONNOR, Esq., ef Hammersmith, CoiaW
Cfjartfst 3EnteU%en«
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XiEXSESTER . —Twelve mew members have been added to as to-d » y ( Monday ) and our addition was twelve last week , * lthoogb the October fair , fpregnant ** it was with the wonders of Wombwell , Batty , Holknray , kc ) , tended much to dissipate sober thought from the minds of oar population . We had a public Sleeting on Monday night , for the discussion of Tarious local and general matters . Messrs . M * rkhaiH . Saiart , it addressed the meeting . On Sunday night . . Mr . Coop 31 preached fid the parable of the good Samaritan ,
to as targe an audience as could possibly find entrance into the room at All Saints' Open : our want of apace , bow the cold weather prevents us from holding open air meetings , is severely felt ; but we an busily obtaining signatures to a requisition for the use of the < JuiliIl _ ll throughout the winter , to be presented to the new mayor on his accession to office . Four pounds , collected in Leicester , for the relief of R . J . Richardson , were forwarded to Mr . Cleave , London , by Sir . Cooper , the Secretary . It is hoped that other towns ¦ will be equally aealous in raising the means of deliverance for the prisoner .
THOWBEXOSS . —On Wednesday evening , the 13 th in&taot , a public meeting was held in the Democra tic chapel , for the purpose of hearing Mr . R . K . Philp , member of the Executive Council , state tho plan agreed npon by that body for the future agitation of tUe Chartist cause . Long before the meeting commenced the chapel was weH filled . At eight o ' clock , Mr . Philp , Mr . Clark , and several others of the leasing Chartists entered the meeting and were londly cheered by ths assembly . On the motion of Mr . Haswell , Mr . J . Watson was unanimously elected to the chair , who stated the objects of the meeting . Mr . Cirri : was first introduced , who addressed the assembly for some time . Mr . Pailp was enthusiastically reoei ttd , and stated that he was happy to meet bo many of his old friends , and likewise see so many fresh faces . He had come among them that evening to give a brief account of the
progress of the cause , in other parts that he had visited . alto to mike known the course resolved . upon by tie elected head of the National Charter Association . . Mr . P . then reported what had been dons in Manchester , Binniagh&m , and other large towrs , and gave a most pleasing statement « f the progress that Chartism was TnafciTig in almost every town and village . Mr . P . then read the National Petition which la to be presented next session of Parliament Mr . Cluer next briefly addressed the meeting , and was followed by Mr . Moore , who proposed that the petition just read by Mr . Philp be adopted . This was seconded by several pertoat in the assembly and carried unanimously . Mr . Harwell pro pose-. i that a vote of thanks be given by this meeting to F . OOnnor . Esq ., and the Executive , for their noble exertion ? in the cause . Carried unanimously , and the meeting broke up .
BI 1 STOK . —On Thursday evening last , " Mr . Mason lectured here to a numerous assembly . The large room at the Ball-court was fined te suffocation , and themselves were unable to gain entrance . The multitude tc . s so great outside , that it was fcnnd necessary to adjoru-n to an open sptce of gronnd adjoining the Miriet-place , where Mi . Mason delivered the m « t splendid lecture ever heard in Bilston . Amongst the assembled multitude were many of the Whig and Tory gentry , several of whom were candid enough to admit the truth of Mr . Mason ' s principle * , " and
acknowledged the present political system to-be a bad one , and oppressive to the working class . The principlei of the Charter are taking such deep root here , that it will never ba in the power of Whig or Tory te . preyeDt ths spread of Chartism . Publicans who were afraid to admit Chartists into their houses six months ago , are now offering their best rooms for the accommodation of our meetings . Some of our active members have commenced to agitate the villages roucd the . town , and have succeeded in planting the Charter in Ssdgely , Brvierv , and Hall Green , where we expect soon tohav * an increase of inerabtra .
IjOUGHBOROUGH . The adjourned delegate » eeung "was held on Sunday , Mr . Evelieghin the chair . The stcrstary read over the minutes of the last meeting , which were confirmed . The Chairman called on the country delegates to give in their reports on the state of their associations , which was very encouraging . Mr . Smith , of Normanton , said in his district they were not many in number , but they had disturbed the parson and Ms nock , for a short time ago they held , a meeting out of doors , and adjourned it for a week . In themes time a notice was served on all the special constables in the neighbourhood , and a blue bottle was also in attendance , but they fesred neither . They wished to have a lecturer tbU could speak well , as they felt confident it would do good . Mi Marshall , of East Leak , said if a lecturer could come over to Leak he believed it would eause many to join them . Mr . Mariot , of Hathern ,
said they had been trying to get a , lecturer for a day from Leicester , but they did not succeed , bnt if one could be engaged for a short time for the district , it would be a great deal better , as there were some places that had not come forward at all yet Mr . ilariot , of Derby , being present , the Chairman asked hint if he eould gire any information respecting Mr . Bairstow ' s visit to Leicester , when he gave every information requisite , aad it was considered that Mi . Bairstow had p . ' scty of -work round Leicester . Mr . Dean Taylor was elecifcd for one fortnight if Nottingham could spare him for that time , and the secretary was instructed to write to tke secretary at Nottingham on the abject . Ths secretaries in the villages are requested to end an account of whsl they can be answerable . for toward * defraying the expencas of the lectors on Saturday next . A vote of thinks wa *" given to the Chaiiman , and the meeting broke up .
LOTTDOK . —The Tailor ' s National Charter Association met at the Tfcree Dives , Berwick-street , Soho , on Monday , Mr . Short in the ffrsir Mr . Cuffay gave in the County Council report . Two new members were enrolled . A lecture was announced fer Wednesday , October 87 th . It was likewise agreed that the sum of two shillings and sixpence be forwarded to the Executive Committee . A vote of thanks was then passed to the Chairman , and the meeting adjourned to Monday next Bbemojtdsbt . —An interesting discussion took place on Thursday evening week , at Bigg ' s Temperance Coffee House , Abbey-street , neai Old Bennen&sey Church , between the i&cmbers of the Bermoudsey Mutual Instruction Society . Subjeet— " Are the people ia a fit sta-ifi to enjoy Universal Suffrage ? " Messrs Jones , Ross , Wild , Sherman , Lambert , Higgins , and Stone handled this interesting subject-in a masterly manner .
Cambeewell a > d Waiwobth . —The Chartists of this locality held their uEual weekly meeting on . Monday night , when a deputation was appointed to wait on the proprietor of the Meatpelier Tavern , Walwotth , to make ? rrangemenfcs for tfce use of a more commodious room , the present place of meeting being much too small for this increasing locality . The deputation was respectfully received by the worthy Hastess , who expressed her admiration of the well-eonducted meeting held there , to welcome the brave champion of the People ' s CbaTter , F . OOnnor , Esq . after thit gentleman ' s erusl imprisonment by the callous-hearted Whigs , and we cave the pleasure to say , that on and after ' . he 25 th instant , the Chartists of Camberwell and Walvorth will meet at the Montpelitr Tavern , Walwor . h , instead of the Rose and Crown .
MANCHESTER , —According to announcement by placard , tiie Carpenter ' s Hall was well filled on Moniay evening , with an audience composed of ChartistS s Socis- 'ists , Com La it repealers , and Repeal ?^ of the liaion , to beat Mr . Ymceni deliver a lecture , airer which it was understood , discussion would be iuvi : ed . Shortly after eight o ' clock , the aboTe gentleman , entered the hall , and was greeted with ihe most enthusiastic cheering , Jlr . . John Bailey , who is a Catholic and a Kepealer of the Union , and a sound Chartist , was unanimously called to ibo chair . Mr . Vincent xo 3 e and was again received by the most rapturous applause from all parlies . After an introduction , he took up every point of ihe Charter , and analysed and explained
them m a clear , powenul , talented , and convincing i manner ; combining and refuting all objections which ould be addueed against giving the power to the people , and showed clearly the superior policy of the people agitating for a full measure of justice instead of an isolated grievance . He glaccea at the que ? : ion of teetotalism , which he recommended to be adop : ed generally , if possible . He adverted to several other topics , all of which he handled in a masterly manner , and , as he had invited discussion , conclue ed an excellent and stimulating addres 3 , after occupying but a moderate time , in order to give an opportunity to other parties who wising to take part in the discussion . During the delivery of his address , he was cheered at the conclusion of almost every
sentence . After the cheering had subsided , he said that on Friday eveaing he was at the meeting at the Corn Exchange , and addressed the people there ; and , not knowing that any one was to follow , he left ; and , strange to Fay , he saw in the Manchester Times report , that Mr . Watkins answered him in a very eloquent manner . He hoped , if any one had anything to sav , be would do eo before he left the room . He was open and willing to " meet the best Hian of the League , provided he came forward as their accredited agens . Mr . Finniexa then spoke but advanced nothing new . Mr . Vincent . replied . Mr . Finnigan again spoke , and Mr . Vincent rejoined . As our space will not admit of giving both m full , we give neither . At the conclusion of Mr . Kuina ' g list speechhe said that as the League
, bad been challenged by Mr . Vincent , he , as the ageat , and on behalf of the Operative Assoeiatsoa , would Beet Mb in discussion .- ( Hear . ) Mr . YiEeent , in consequence of the Corn Law party pressing for an an 3 wcr , as to whether he would meet Mr . Franigan , had to rise twiee and state distinctly that he would meet the beat man of the League , preyidiug he e&me as their agent . This was not luffieieutly definite . They wished an answer , either yes or no . Mr . Yincect then rose and said , " No /' unites he case as before Etated . At this the Corn Law pcrty seemed as tho « gh they had gained a triiaph . Mr . Vincent then stated that he cared not who h was , even Mr . Finnigan , if the I . eagno apfointed him . A resolution was proposed by Mr . Yiaeeni is favow of the Charter , which wag seconded
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in a neat speech by the Rev . W . V . Jackson . Mr . M / Gowanmoved au ameudment , not against the Chartor , but merely acknowledging the Corn Laws to be oppressire to the working classes , which the Char tisis never denied . Mr . Warren entombed , the loeture which had been delivered , stating that he never beard the principles of the Charter better explained . Mr . Watts , a Social missionary , spoke next , showing that one did not oppose the other , and that the amendment and the resolution could be both passed without the least compromise of principle . At this all parties appeared to agree . Mr-Warren Baid there should be no division ; he was
willing that both should be put as all were Chartists present . Mr . Jackson , after consulting Mr . Vincent , Baid that the mover and seconder were willing for both togo together . The resolution acknowledged the Charter to be- the right of the people , ana ought to be contended for ; and the other merely s&id that the Corn Laws were oppressive and unjust , which no one could deny . The Chairman put the united motion to the meeting , and it was carried . A vote of thanks was given to the Chairman by acclamation . Three cheers were then given for the Charter ; three for Feargus O'Connor , Frost , Williams , and Jones ; and thus ended the meeting .
MACCLESPIEIiD . —Cotjktt Delegate Meeting . —A county delegate meeting waa held here on Saturday , when delegates from the following places attended : —Mr . J . Leader , Hanley ; Mr . T . Carter , Stockport ; Mr . J . ( Joslin ? and Mr . Alfr « d Rowley , from Coagleton ; and Mr . J . West . asd Mr . Henry Swindells , from Macclesfleld . Mr . J . West was called to the chair , and Mr . H . Swindells officiated as secretary pro iem . The following resolutions were agreed to : — " That a lecturer be appointed for the couaty of Chester . " Mr . Christopher D > yle was elected , and the Secretary was directed to write to Mr . Doyle , stating the terms , which were agreed to be 30 s . per week , bearing his own
txpences . " That s county treasurer and secretary ba appointed , and that We Frost and Henry Swindells be the treasurer and secretary for the Lecturers' Payment Fund , to whom all the sub-secretaries wishing the services of the lecturer , will address their letters , stating the quota they will be enabled to pay , as agreed to bj their delegates . " " That an address be drawn up , embodying the above , and calling oh th « people of Cheshire for their oc-operation in this most noble of struggles ; and that the Chairman do draw up the address . " The meeting then adjourned te Sunday , the 14 th of Nov . to then assemble at the Chartist rooms , Muds-street , Congleton , when all Charter asssociations are requested to sand delegates .
OLD HAM . —On Monday last , a publio meeting took place , which had been previously announced by printed placard , of which the following is a copy : — "A public meeting will b « held in the Chartist room , Grreaves * street , on Monday next , the ISth inst , to take into consideration the case of Mr . James D . twson , of L- ^ ss , who has been unjustly convicted in the penalty of £ 20 , on a charge of taking part at a public lecture delivertd at Lees , on the 23 th of July , 1841 . The meeting will be addressed by Mr . J . Lsach , Mr . J . Campbell , Mr . C . Doyle , of Manchester ; Mr . C . Connor , of Dewsbury ; anri several others . The chair to be taken at eight o ' clock . By order of the Council of the National Charter Association . " The following resolutions were unanimously passed : —moved by H . Smetburst , and
seconded by Leonard Haslop , " T . tat we , the inhabitants of Oldham , in public meeting assembled , after having maturely taken into consideration the information , indictment , and conviction ot James Dawson , of Lees , consider the whole case to be tyrannical , unjust , and contrary to the spirit of the British constitution , and cannot bat view the conduct of the party who instigated the proceedings in any other light than that of a biggotted partisanship , throwing alike disgrace upon the character of the magistrate , and the sanctity of the clergyman , and this case offers another proof of the necessity of not only having the power to elect the Members of Parliament , bat also to have ail the magistrates under the controul of the whole people . '' Moved by R . Haslani , and seconded by W . Hamer : — " That we are determined to use every effort in our
power to enable Mr . Dawson to meet his magisterial and clerical persecutor , aad , if necessary , to assist his family , in case he may be consigned to a prison , or otherwise injured in his property or person . " Moved by H . Smethurst , and seconded by R . Haslani ;— " That 33 considerable expence has already been incurred , this meeting considers it necessary that a committee ba appointed , and subscription books be placed ia the bands of our friends to me « t the expences . " Moved by H . Rishton . and seconded by T . Lawless : — "That we are resolved to struggle in the futur ; , as we have far the pist , in the great eause for Universal Suffrage , and never rest contented until the People's Charter become a legislative enactment . '' Mr . J . Campbell , Mt . J . Leash , and Mr . C . Connor addressed the meeting in a lively and energetic style to the gratification of ail present .
NOTTINGHAM . —The cause of Chartism is moving slowly and majestically onward here , and its spirit is progressing east , wett , north , and south , through the villages at \ distance . On Sunday last , Mr . D . Taylor preached at Hucknall Torkard , and Mr . J . Sweet , of Nottingham , at Arnold , to numerous and attentive audiences ; Mr . Q . Harrison , of Calverton , and Mr . Black , in the Democratic Chapel , Rloe Placa ; Mr . W . BusssU , at Ruddington , where he also formed a Council , and several members joined the Association . On Monday afternoon , Mr . D ? an Taylor lectured at Bullwell Forest to a most attentive audience of working men ; much good is anticipated from this place . The Derascratic Chapel , Rice Place , was crowded to excess to hear a lecture from that talented working man , Mr .
Joseph Burbage , of Nottingham , on Monday evening—Subject , The Robberies committed at , and subsequent to , the Reformation , on the poor of England . The lecturer made a deep impression , and several new members enrolled their names in the Association at the close of the lecture . The subject will be continued at stated periods by the same individuals , of which due notice will be given . On Sunday next Mr . Burbage will preach at Arnold ; Mr . Harrison , at the Democratic Chapel , Nottingham ; Mr . J . Barber , at Ruddington ; Mr . W . Dean Taylor , at Lumley ; and on Monday , he will lecture in the Chapel , Rice Place , Nottingham ; Tuesday , at Arnold ; Wednesday , at Woodborough ; and Thursday , at Calverton ; to attend a public dinner there in honour of the release of Feargus O'Connor , Esq .. and Bronterre O'Brien , Esq . frem their dungeons .
Glorious Triumph Of The Chartists.
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PUBLIC MEETING CALLED BY THE LEEDS PARLIAMENTARY REFORM ASSOCIATION . On Monday evening , a public meeting , called by ths Leeds Reform Association ( o / ioa the Fox and Goose Club ) , was held in the large room of the Commercial Buildings , ostensibly to promote a union all classes of Reformers—really to gull the Chartists , if possible , by getting their assistance in pissing anti-Corn Law resolutions . The "lads , " however , were too far north , and though no effort was made to get them together , ihey assembled in full force , npset the " Antis , " and passed a resolution in favour of the whole Charter . Many high sounding names were put forth by the promoters of the meeting , and amonsjst the rest Col . Thompson , Mr . Roebuck , the Bath M . P ., a Mr . C . J . SymouB , and a Mr . Curtis , from America . But all would not do . u Othello ' s occupation's gone 1 " The room wa 3 orowded to excess . Mr . James Gabth Mabshall , the President of the Association , was called to the chair .
The Chairman said the meeting had been convened by the Leeds Parliamentary Reform Association for the purpose of affording an opportunity to a few friends ef the principles of free trade , and of the extension of the suffrage , of addressing them on some important points , with respect to the best means of forwarding the principles of Reform . The object , he believed , was to lay before the meeting a statement of the real position of the people at present , and of the means they possessed for carrying into effect measures of Reform , and particularly to draw attention to the necessity for a cordial union of all classes of reformers . After some other explanatory observations , he said he would not detain them longer than to make an apology for Mr . Roebuck , who was
prevented by indisposition from attending . ( Cries ' of" Ho dare not come f " no s a traitor ; " " why ' did be run away on Sharman Crawford ' s motion ? ' ; Col . Thompson having been called upon by the Chairman , ihen rose to addresa the meeting , and was received with cheers . He said as they had placed him in front he would briefly state his opinions . Ho suspected that there was not one mau in ten in that meeting who did cot agree ia the proposition , that the defects in the representation of the people , were the sources of the evils under which the country was suffering . He did not mean that they were the cause of men slipping down in the street , or being sent to the infirmary ; these were unavoidable evil * . He then went to show what constituted a Government , which ho contended ought to rest solely on the representation of the people , for whose happiness alone they ought to govern , and not merely for the happiness of a select few . All
classes were called npon to support the Government , and to obey the laws of the country ; all clashes , therefore , ought to have an equal power in the making of the law * . As a protection in the exercise of this power , th « few sman ought to have the Ballot , ( hat he aught exercise his power in an independent manner . Th » aristocracy , m all their transactions , were « arefol fcr themselves , bnt when the people asked for the same protection , it was denied them . He did not deny that the eminent merchant and mannfaetmrer had , and ought to have , considerable inftueaee over the men whom he used well and kindly ; but no man ought to demand , because he had a share of the representation , that the bnlk of the people should hare none at all . It was like a joint stock company ; different members might have different proportions of th » res in it , bat be thought no one ever heard of a joint stock company where the shares of some of the company were nothing . ( . Hear , hear . ) He thought all would
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agree that the representation wanted amending , and he advised them not to think it vas-a hopeless business , which it might bff , if only the poor were engaged in it . There were men of wealth and talent who saw the necessity of a change , and he exhorted them sot to refuse the assistance , of such men , bat to go oa with those , who .. would S [ o on with them . One result of deective representation was the restriction upon industry , which amounted to the demand of a greater amount of the time and labour of the operative for a gives quantity of food , to . those who had that food at their disposal . Ho stood there the advocate for improvement in the representation . ( Load cheers . ) He Knew no man who had gone further than he had done . ( Continued cheer a ) There was
a document called the Charter , which he believed to be nothing bnt a fair embodiment of those principles of justice for whioh great and good men in these latter times had fought and contested . ( Prolonged cheering ) It contained , he believed , five points , which were agreed on before the document was drawn fap . It was his good fortune to be one of eight or ten members of Parliament concerned in drawing up that document . ( Cheers . ) He bad never denied it—he bad never shrunk from it—he had never disavowed the name , and never been afraid to be called a Chartist . ( Hear , hear , and cries of ** Bravo , " and loud cheers . ) But there was a difference of opinion concerning tho way in which that Charter should bo advocated . They were told there
waa only one Charter , only one Chartism , aud only one way of pushing the Charter . ( Cries of " That ' s true . ") He did not think that those who held that opinion would be able to prevent a large body o ! men from takiug another way with respect to the Charter . ( Hear , hear . ) He thought the best way to gain the Charter was by uniting on those great and pressing evils with the numbers of potrerfui men who were wiping to go with them . ( Hear . ) Ho did not ask any man or body of men to give up their own objects . What he wanted to submit to that meeting was , whether it would not be beat on the whole , admitting differences of opinion , but not quarrelling about them , to let each go his own way , if he oould , and wolcome . ( Hear , hear . ) Why should not one party say to another , if you can put down or make an
impression on the evil , in God ' s name go on . If wo can put down or make an impression oa the evil , in God ' s name do not hinder us . ( Cheers . ) It was a fair and reasonable proposal . This was the proposal which he came to make . He left it for them to consider whether thero was not something like rational sense and good reason in it , and whether there were not mauy of them who would not be inclined to adopt that course of union , or rather of nonresistance to one another , which he recommended . ( The Colonel Eat down with applause . ) Mr . Hamer Stansfkld , in moving the first resolution , said ho would not detain them long ; his health would not permit him to address them . He hoped the proceedings of the meeting would be productive of good , iu promoting that union which was bo desirable . The resolution was— That this
meeting news the defective state of the representation as ths source of the suffering under which the country labours . " Mr . Johk Speed , ( an operative , ) seconded the resolution . Mr . Jelunoeb Symonds supported the resolution . He believed there was no safety in this country , nor any chance of restoring the national prosperity , without the people were invested with a full and fair % hare in the representation . ( Loud cheers . ) The landowners had returned tho present House ot Commons , and so long as they were permitted to have a monopoly in the legislation , so long would the interests of the people be sacrificed to the cupidity of a wealthy and selfish aristocraoy . If , however , the working classes expected to have their grievances redressed , they must be united among themselves .
Union was strength—division was weakness . He had lately visited Swhiiiland , where the representation was a perfect democracy . The machinery was iu full operation , and at the same time , thero was the most cordial union between masters and men . This state of thiugs waa productive of tho greatest possible benefit to the ceuntry , and he did not believe there was a more prosperous people to be iound than those of Switzsrland , where , it should be borne in mind , Universal Suffrage was the law of tho land . ( Loud cheers . ) Tho speaker , after thus paving the way , went to the question of the Corn Law .-, making it evident that ho had received a retaining fee on that point . He was of opinion that machinery did not injure the working man ; ho got , however , some pretty intelligible hints that working men did not agree with him .
The Chairman then put the resolution to the meeting , and it was carried with one dissentient . Dr . Smiles moved the next resolution , as follows : — That the confiscation of the property of the industrious classes , inflicted by the existing Corn Laws , is the most prominent of the practical grievances arising from the actual condition of the elective franchise . " The reading of this resolution called forth the disapprobation of the meeting , which was expressed in mingled groans , cheers , aud various exclamations , The majority evidently discovered the jesuistical nature of the proceedings , and it was at oiica determined that , as the League had thus
attempted to slide out of their opinion as expressed in resolution 1 , the meeting would endeavour to bring them back to the teal question before them . Dr . Smiles spoke amidst great interruption . He contended that the Corn Laws wero really one of the greatest M practical ' grievances under which the country laboured , and he would maintain this despite opposition from any man , whether he called himself Whig , Radical , or Chartist . The labour of the working classes had been confiscated by the Corn Laws ; and by the property qualification , which was the results ot the Cora Laws , the landlords secured to themselves the monopoly of law-making .
Mr . Nicholls , » n operatiye , ( a member , we believe , of the Fox and Goose Club , ) seconded the resolution . Mr . Joseph Lkks replied to the " practical" views of Dr . Smiles , and was surprised he had not exhibited more practice in his resolution . The first resolution admitted that the source of all the e » Us of the country was iu de ective representation , and had Dr . Smiles been a practical man , aa he professed to be , he wonld have at once , after the source had been admitted , have come boldly ont with the remedy . ( Cheers . ) It was of no use endeavouring to lop off only a defective branch ; they must go at once to the root , as the only practical means of remedy . He was a Chartist reot and
branch—( shouts of" Bravo , lad , go on , )—and theugh he had Dot hitherto publicly advocated the Charter , yet his opinions were so well known as not te be misunderstood . ( Great cheers . ) They had seen the Corn Law agitation commenced two years ago , and commmenced just at the time when the Charter was about to take its Winning and widening way in the country . ( Loud cheers . ) There were very great snspicionsat the time whether the Corn La « r agitation was not done for the purpose of blinking the poor man from getting the franchise . ( Loud cries of " No , no , " from the Foxes . ) Now , after two years of agitation , where wero they 1 If they had supported the Charter for that time , would Peel have dared to dismiss the Parliament for fivo mouths . ( Shouts of " No , no , " and loud cheers .
With such a union of agitation they might have had an arn . y that neithtr Whigs nor Tories could have stood against . ( Tremendous cheeriDg . ) That meeti » g ought to consider in what way they could best obtain their rights . They had tried the Corn Law dodge , and found it would not answer . ( Cheers . ) The household association would not oome to the Chartists , because they would not give up a few lodgers . There was nothing they ought to stick at , they should say , at once , this association will go the whole length as a Chartist Association . ( Tremendous cheering . ) He concluded by moving " That this meeting adopt the whole principles of the Charter . " ( Tremendous cheers , which continued for some time , and threw the whole " League " nearly into convulsions . )
Mr . Andrew Gakdneb wa ? received with loud cheers by the great body of the meeting , and , in seconding the motion , said he thought the storm had new commenced , but , whatever political opinions he might profess , he hoped every man woald be allowed a . fair hearing , 'f hi 3 was the second act of the Marshall's mill meeting ; that was pot up to unite all classes of Reformers , and Colonel Thompson was then brought because they thought he could wheedle the Chartists well ; with only two exceptions , every speaker then present avowed themselves for the Charter , and declared that the object of their Association was to unite the middle and lower classes . ( Hear , hear . ) Had the HoHsehold Suffrago succeeded ? ( Shouts of No , no . ")
Why did their worthy friend , the Chairman , hold back ! Why did not their Association come out at once for the whple Charter ! Why should not they all unite on an equality of rights ? ( Great cheering . ) They agreed that the Charter was good , but denied the jpraticability of gettiag it . ( Cries of We can get it . }>) He Baid it was possible to get it , but they would get nothing less than the Charter , because the Chartists wonld not agitate for any mortal thing lesa than the Charter . ( Tremendous cheering . ) He considered Col . Thompson the best man amongst the middle classes , and he believed no one had been worse treated by the Whin P * rty than Colonel Thompson had been . He had avowed himself a Chartist , and he hoped he wonld abide bv it . f Hear .
hear , and cheers . ) There was w » gentleman who should have been there , who was sot there . Where was Mr . Roebuck I ( Ch eer * , » proar , and cries of u He dare not come 1 ") He was a Universal Suffrage man , aud he had acted a very treasonable part against the people . He thought he was afraid to come , something like another of their friends , he meant Dan . ( Loud shouts of " No , no . " ) He ought to make a tour through the country , and submit his conduct to a voto of censare or of . thanks in every town . ( Laughter . ) He supported neither Whigs nor Tories , for he denounced both . ( Cheers . ) If the Reform Association were sincere in their object of union , let them lay down a good basis of union on which the Chartists oould stand as well aa them-
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selves . ( Great cheering , and cries of "No Surrender . " ) He begged leave vto second the amendment . ( Tremendous cheers , which lasted for some time . ) - ¦• :: ¦ - "'"' ¦ ¦¦¦ - ¦ . ¦ ¦ . .:. •¦¦ Previous to putting the resolution , the Chaibman said , as Mr . Curtis , from the . United Stateu , was p resent , he thought they had better perhaps hear him . V ¦ - " .: .. ¦ , ' ' -. ¦ • .. ¦ -. ¦ ..-, ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ' . ' ' ,-Mr . Curtis ; who , we understand is from Ohio , ihen stood forward and made a long speech , which had ; scaraely a reportable point in it . It is not known where the League have got hold of him . We " calculate" he wants to travel at ati easy rate to himself through England , and has found the League sufficiently gullibie to pay his expences . He came out , at the close of his , address , with an exhortation
to temperance . ,, ' - ' Mr . WestlaKE ( a Chartist / was loudly cheered ; and replied to the fallacies of Mr . Curtis . Mr . R . i F . Lees said , they wero met there that night , not to speak as to particular grievances , but to ask on what principles they were to unite in order to get all their wrongs redressed . ( Loud cheers ) What said Col . Thompson 1 He said that , because the . manufacturing and wealthy classes , a part of the aristocracy , were Buffering under the ruin of monopoly laws , therefore they were willing to unite them . But what was the object of resolution second ? To ask them to assist in destroying those laws ; but he would ask , when those laws were destroyed , did not the interest of tho manufacturing aristocrats cease to be identified with their interests \ ( Loud
cheers . ) Then he Would ask them , calmly , and seriously , what pledge had they , when the Corn Lawa were destroyed and tho pressure removed from such gentlemen as their chairman ( hisses ) , that they would go along with them to the accomplishment of the ultimate objects ? ( Repeated cheers . ) They might then ask , where are those gentlemen 1 aud he wa . s afraid that Echo would answer , Where . ' ( Laughter . ) That waa a reason why they should keep their interests identified with that of the manufacturers . Sever that interest and they severed the principle of union . ( Loud cheers . ) They asked them to give their voices , and declare in Court and Parliament that the great practical grievance was the Corn Laws . Their reply wa 9 , Give us our
rights , our votes , aud we will destroy thai aud every other grievance . ( Enthusiastic cheering . ) If they were rational enough to give their voices , they were rational enough to give their votes . ( Repeated cheers . ) Though they might assist them to destroy the Corn Laws in two or three years , when that was done they might whistle for the suffrage for fifty . ( Loud cheers . ) Mr . Curtis said the instrument by which class legislation had deprived them of their suffrage , was the Corn Laws . He asked them how it happened , when they made the Corn Laws . How could it be then the instrument , when the greatest of praotioal grievances was perpetrated without it 1 He was a thoroughgoing Radical , a Chartist , if they liked the name . He
was a Benthamite , and a follower of Jesus Chritt , and he maintained that the practical axiom of all lite was " Do unto others as you would have them do unto you . " ( Loud cheers . ) He supported the amendment . The same national effort by which they could wring from tho powerful aristocracy of the country , a repeal of the Corn Laws , which raised the rents , which Bupplied them in idleness , would accomplish all . ( Enthusiastic cheering . ) Mr . Thos . Plint rose under greatly oxcited feelings , and first endeavoured to bully , then to coax tho meeting out of an expression of their real opinion . He spoke amidst threat interruption , and mado a very proper Whig exhibition . The Chairman then put the amendment and the original resolution to the meeting , when there was a tremendous majority in favour of the amendment .
This , however , did not satisfy the " League , " and a proposition was made that the two parties should divide themselves into two sections , those in favour of the amendment taking that side of the room to the tight of the Chairman , and those in favour of the original resolution taking the other side . This was acceded to after some demur , and the two parties having taken their respective positions , the number in favour of the amendment appeared to be more than four to one as compared with those in favour of the original resolution ; in fact , the numbers were so overpowered that there could not by any possibility be any mistake . The Chairn > au , however , when he had got the meeting divided , again went through the ceremony of taking a show of hand ? , arid this having satisfied him , he declared the amendment carried . ,
Thi 3 announcement was received with tremendous cheering , clapping of hands , < fcc , which lasted fur some minutes , during which the League looked " unutterable things . " Dr . Smiles then moved , and Mr . Andrew Gardener seconded , a vote of thanks to Col . Thompson , which was carried unanimously , and which the Colonel acknowledged . A vote of thanks was also given to the Chairman , and three cheers having been given for O ' Connor , for the Charter , and for Frost , Williams , and Jones , the meeting broke up about ten o'clock .
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Hkckmondwikk . —A publio meeting was held here on Saturday evening last , when a petition against the Silent system was adopted . Mr . T . B . Smith , of Leeds , addressed the meeting . Litilktown , in Liversedgb . —Mr . T . B . Smith preached three sermons here on Sunday last , to good audiences . Mobley . —Mr . Smith preached at this place on Friday evening , to a large and respectable audience . The discourse was a sound Chartist sermen , and was listened to with the deepest attention . Mr . S . is expected to visit the friends here again shortly .
Manchester . —On Tuesday evening , a discuss-. on took place in tha large room of the Mechanics ' Institution , on Machinery and the Corn Laws . Mr . Kershaw was in the chair , and the meeting was addressed by Mr . Birch , Mr . Johu Campbell , Mr . CalverweH , Mr . Crabtree , Mr . Ross , and Air . Leach ; after which , the further discussion was adjourned . Sblby . —Mr . Skevington addressed a numerous assembly here on Wednesday week . It waB agreed to send 10 d . to the Executive . Doncastkb . —Mr . Buokley lectured here on Sunday last , on the Suffrage .
Blacko , near Colne . —A spirited meetingwas held here on Monday . Mr . Tattersall , ot'Colne , lectured , and it was resolved to assist the Chartists of that place in the O'Connor demonstration . A resolution of confidence in O'Connor and the Executive was passed , and it was determined to join the National Charter Association . Lanb-E . vd , Sw ffordsihbb . —On Friday last , Mr . Joseph Linney visited this place , whore he lectured with very good succcssv Birstal . —Mr . Smith lectured here on the benefits of education and mutual love , to an attentive audience , which would have been much larger but for the blundering of the town cryer , who was intoxicated , and quite unable to perform his duty . The bell ought to be placed in the hands of a man of more sober and regHlar habits .
Devonport . —On Monday evening , we had one of the best meetings ever held in the town of Devonport . Mr . N . Powell , of Bradford , in Yorkshire , addressed the meeting . Six new members wero enrolled . The attention of the Executive is directed to this place . Keighlev . —The Female Chartists of this town have raised amongst themselves by subscription , a handsome flag in commemoration of the release of Mr . O'Connor . Batlet- —A meeting was held here on Monday night , for the purpose of adopting a petition against the Silent System , and to bear a lecture from Mr . Smith , on the general principles of the Charter . The lecture was listened to with much attention , and it is hoped that much good will be the result .
Surrbt . —At a meeting of members of Council residing in Surrey , held at they Joan of Aro , Eastlane , Walworth , on Sanday last , Mr . Rogers in tho chair . | Reports from each locality were read and received . Lambeth paid 5 s , oa account of Council . Several resolutions for forwarding the National Petition were agreed to , and , Mr . Morton ' s motion , respecting the best plan of collecting cards for the tracts committee , was adjourned . Several notices of motion stand on the book fordiscussion on next meeting , which takes place at the School room , Colligerstreet , Deptford , when it is requested that each member will attend .
Hunslet . —The Chartists , and other friends of tho cause ia this place , had an excellent treat on Tuesday evening , in listening to one of the most pleasing , masterly , and instructive lectures , from the Rev . Mr . Hill . The subject was general , and chiefly touching on passing events , and the signs of the times—the progress of the cause—tho difficulties encountered , and the obstacles to be anticipated for the future , anc how to avoid them . We were particularly cautioned against the delusive claptraps of interested political tricksters , and shewn in an easy and familiar manner the shifting policy they will most probably pursue , to deceive the unwary , and lead ub astray from the only means of salvation—the People ' s Charter , Mr . H . concluded by beautifully illustrating the principles
of the Charter and exhibiting their vast superiority of the whole document over any other that has ever yet engaged the attention and commanded the exertions of the working millions . We had truly a grand proof « f tlWYast superiority of the power of reason and argument over threats and physical violence , against which we were carefully . cautioned . . We hope to have the opportunity of hearing our highly talented friend more frequently , and to this purpose we pray heartily that his health may be preserved , that not only we , but tho surrounding districts , may be made partakers of the privilege whenever the important duties of his office will permit of his delivering a lecture or preaching a sermon . Our sooiety is rapidly progressing in riumbers , and greatly improving in all mental asa moral acquirements . —Corre * .
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SowEHBT . —On Saturday evening and Sunday last , Mr . Vcvers addressed overflowing and attentive au ? diences in the neighbourhood of Sowerby , near Halifax , namely at Craig-bottom and at Boliderclough , and by pressing invitation at Ripponden , on Sunday evening . : CITTT OF IiONDOST . —A general quarterly meeting of the shareholders was held in the Institute , No . 55 , Old Bailey , on Sanday morning last , Mr . 6 . Wyatt in the chair . It waa agreed that the balancesheet of their receipts and expenditure should be placed in a prominent part of the hall for inspection . Messrs . Dale , G . Wyatt , Knox , Cater , Langworth , Wisedel ) , WiBe , Lane , and Salmon , jun . were elected a Committee to manage thtJ affairs of the Institute for the next quarter .
In the evening of the same day , and in the same place , Mr ., Brown , of Walworth , read a copy of tho National Petition , to which many signatures were attached in the course of the evening . Mr . William Benbow afterwards delivered a very animated and instructive lecture to a crowded audience , in his usual style . , Thk Count * CouNcit will deliver lectures in the above place every Thursday evening , to commence at eight o ' clock . Next Sunday evening , Mr . Brown , of WaJjworth , will lecture , and the following Sunday evening Mr . Watkins ; and every Friday night ,
from eight till ten o clock , the Committee of the City of London Political Tract Loan Society sits at the Dispatch Coffee Honse , Bride Lane , Fleet-street , to enroll subscribers , and to receive donations for the support of the same . Limbhouse . —New Locality . —A public meeting was held at the School Room , Limehou 3 e Causeway , on Tuesday evening , Mr . Squires in the chair . Mr . Wheeler lectured on the " fcvils of class legislation , and the People ' s Charter as a remedy . " Twenty members were enrolled . They have taken a spacious room to hold their meetings in .
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XiEZSDS . —Weekly contributions to the Unem ployed Operative Enumeration Fund : — - £ s . d . Brought forward ... ... ... ... 29 15 4 Mr . Joshua Hobson , publisher , a donation 0 5 0 Friend to the poor ... ..... 0 5 0 Shakspere Reading Room , York-street , colleoted by Mr . Tillotsou ... ... 0 1 0 48 contributors at Titley , Tatbam , and , Walker , por John Rigg 0 4 Q 48 ditto , ditto , ditto , per J . Keighley 0 4 0 12 ditto Mr . Cawood ' a , per T . Card ... 0 1 0 22 ditto , at Dickeusou and Borough ' s per Morcll Wild ... ... ... 0 1 10 49 ditto , at James Brown ' ** , ( giggers ) , per Robert Haradker ' .. 0 4 1 97 ditto , at Messrs . Marshall ' s ( overlookers ) per Wm . Wildredge ... 0 8 1 22 ditto , at Ripley and Ogle ' s , per J . Thompson ... ... 0 1 10 24 ditto , ditto . ditto , per Edward
Metcalf .. 020 30 ditto , at Lord and Brook ' s , per Wm . Robinson 0 2 6 18 ditto , at Rogers and Hartley ' s per Wm . Cliff ... ... 0 16 19 ditto , at William Robinson and Co . ' s , per Abraham Towart 0 17 44 ditto , at Sheepshanks' New Mill , per Joseph Saville ... 0 3 8 44 ditto , at Mr . Holdforth ' s , per James Hale ... 0 3 8 27 ditto , at Sherwood and Booth ' s , per Philip Walsh 0 2 3 23 ditto , at HargreavesandNussey ' s , per Joshua Standing ... 0 1 11 49 ditto , at Mr . William Kirk ' s , Layfield
MiH , per Edward Sheldon 0 4 S 24 ditto , at Fsnton , Murray and Jackson , ( boiler maker *) , Thomas Strather ... 0 2 0 46 ditto , at Fonton , Murray and Jackson , ( machine side ) , per Ww . Hesketh ... 0 3 10 17 ditto , at Fentou , Murray aad Jackson , ( old side ) , per James Hope 0 15 14 ditto , at Sherwood and Booth , per George Dockray ... . 012 12 ditto , at tfeorge Smith ' s ] and Co ., per Johu Shakleton ... ... ... ... 0 10 59 ditto , at Mr . Brownridge ' s , per Wm .
Chippendale ... 0 4 11 68 ditto , at James Binns and Sons , per John Saunderson 0 5 8 25 ditto , at Mr . Brown ' s , Marshall-street , per James Murphy ... 0 2 1 26 ditto , at Mr . Pritchard ' s Mili , Burloy Mil ) , per Henry Critchley 0 2 2 11 ditto , at Mr . Porter ' s , per Joseph Rose 0 0 11 16 ditto , at Mr . Pearson ' s , per William Beaumont ... ... 0 14 164 ditto , at Mr . Fairbairn's , Wellington Foundry , per Thomas Foster ... ... 1 13 6 30 ditto , at Taylor and Wordsworth , per Samuel Cromack 0 2 6 24 ditto , at Haley ' s , Hope-street , Bloomfield ... 0 2 0 48 ditto , at Aldam ' s dyeworka ,
Tenterlane , per Mr . Paul 0 4 11 ^ 39 ditto , at Mr . Benyon's , per William Roberts ~ ... ... 0 3 3 16 ditto , at Robert Wood and Sons , per JameB Stewart 0 14 2 ditto , at Mr . Averiss's , per Jonathan Charlesworth ... ... 0 0 8 $ Edward Sunderland 0 1 0 £ 36 10 8 Opening op the Parish Church Oegan . —This splendid instrument , which was not completed at the time the church was opened , having now been furnished with the whole ot its stops , was formally opened on Monday last , in the afternoon , by Dr . Samuel Sebastian Wesley , of Exoter . -
Fall of Part of Messrs . Marshall ' s Mill . — On Monday niorning , at an early hour , two or three of the arches in the roof of Messrs . Marshall ' s new mill , at Holbeck , fell in with a tremendous crash , doing considerable injury to the machinery . It is providential that it happened when no person was in the premises , for had it been during working hours the probability is that a vast amount of human life would have been sacrificed . Committai . —On Tuesday , a married woman named Maria Marshall , was charged with having picked the pocket of Jane Emmerson , on the previous evening , in the Theatre . The complainant stated that she was at the Theatre on Monday evening , and the prisoner sat by the side of her ; she
detected her with her hand in her pocket , and immediately missed two half-crown pieces . A policeman was called , and on searching the prisoner two halfcrowns were found in her pocket . She was committed for trial , but bail was accepted for her appearance at the sessions . Child Missing . —On Monday week , a little boy about five years old , named William Greaves , son to Williim Greaves , a poor linen weaver , residing at Atkinson ' s Fold , Ellerby-lane , went out ' after breakfast to play with other children in the neighbourhood , and has not since returned , nor have his
parents been able to learn any intelligence of himsave that in the forenoon of the day on which ha disappeared , he was seen in tne Knostrop Road . The child had on a blue stuff frock with grey drill trousers , and canvass pinafore , without any hat , and has lightish sandy hair , very rough and curly . The parents are , of course , exceedingly unhappy ; and it is to be hoped , that if he have strayed away , and been taken care of by any parties , this notice may be useful in pointing out the means of returning him to them . They are very poor people , but have takeu much pains , and travelled mauy miles in search of their lost child .
Manslaughter at Birstal near Leeds . —On Tuesday last , an inquest waa hold before G . Dyson , Esq ., and a respectable Jury , at the house ot Mr . Richard Dearually , the Shoulder of Mutton Inn , Birstal , on view of tho body of Charles Binns . The following evidence was taken : —Mr . John Ashley , of Hightown , surgeon , said he was called to attend the deceased on the 8 th of August last , and found a wound on the right side of his head , about threeeighths of au inch in diamoter , and upwards of an inch and a half in depth ; it was such a 3 would have been produced by the point of a hay-fork . In a day or two paralysis on the left Bide took place , and on the 16 th of October he died . On a post mortem examination , he found there was a wound on the
dura mater , extending into the right hemisphere of the brain ; the depth of the wound was about three inches . In other respects the deceased appeared to have been a healthy boy . Thomas Webster , of Livcrsedge , clothier , deposed that on Saturday , the 7 th of August , he saw William Charlesworth , of Hightown , farmer , on the top of a haystack , there were a lot of children playing about , and Charlesworth said if they did not go away he would throw the fork at them . I saw the fork soon afterwards pitched , and immediately afterwords the deceased lying on the hay and the fork sticking in his head . I heard the prisoner say he
had done it but ho had not aimed it . A little boy named James Fawcett , and a girl named Ann Wear , corroborated the evidence of the last witness . Tho prisoner after being cautioned , said on the day in question his ton Benjamin was on the ground and called to him te throw him a hay fork , he called to the children to get out of the way as he was going to throw the fork . They did not do so , and unfortunately , in falling the fork hit against the end of the cart , and fell on to the deceased ' s head . The prisoner was fully committed to York Castle to take his trial , a verdict of Manslaughter haying been returned against him .
. TJBRBY . —The splendid Town Hall at this place , which cost £ 12 , 000 , was destroyed by fire on Wednesday night Ia 9 t . It was uninsured . No lives were lost . The municipal records have all perished , except the Chamberlain ' s account books . The revising barristers' documents have all been destroyed . SHEFFIELD . -Licensed Vicr&AtLEBSThursday last , the anniversary dinner of this society was held at the house of Mr . Hud f on , inTownheadstreet . Tha dinner was sumptuously served ; tho company counted of from sixty to seventy .
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. O'Brien ' s Press Fund . —The Committee met oa Tuesday night , and transacted what business there was on hand . They are happy to inform the men of Leeds that they will have an opportunity to hear their great political schoolmaster next week ; the Music Hall is engaged for three nights—namely , Tuesday , Wednesday , and Thursday , when they iope that the men of Leeds will attend , and shew to this man , who has sacrificed his all in their behalf , that they esteem hint more and more . Tho Committee would also call upon the brave men of Wortley , of Hunslet , Holbeck , and Woodhouse to attend , and shew , both by their presence and their actions , that they long to see O'Brien placed in tuch a situation , in order that those splendid talents with which he is endowed may be secured to the cause of the people . Men of Leeds and the neighbourhood , attend the Musio Hall on Tuesday , and the two succeeding evenings , and shew the enemies of your cause that O'Brien is emphatically the man of the people .
The London O'Brien Press Fund Committee —At the third sitting of this committee , Mr . Morton in the chair , credentials were received for Mr . Crotchett , jun ., as colleague with Mr . Treadwell for the Tower Hamlets . Vavious members stated thereadinesof their localities to get up balls and concerto for the benefit of the Press Fund . It was reselved (( That a deputation of six wait upon the Trades Delegates , who will have a general meeting on Friday next , and that Messrs . Parker , Watkins , Nagle , Morton , Osborn , and Treadwell , form the deputation to solicit the co-operation of the trades of London , in the objeots of this committee . " Four shillings and twopence were reported as collections aud the meeting adjourned .
J ) OING 3 OF THE " PLAOUB IN LONDON . — Mr Sidney Smith , the leading " advocate'' of the Corn Law League in London , seems to keep himself continually in hot water , always pretending to court discussion , but norer daring to meet an opponent . At a meeting of the League some short time ago , Mr . Bloomfielii attended , and advocated the Charter , m consequence of which an adjournment took place , in order that Mr . Smith might meet him ; this , however , he failed to do , but called a meeting of his owa in Wapping , at which Mr . Blopmfield attended , and was threatened by Mr . Smith with ejection by the police if he attempted to interfere . Mr . B , however , did interfere , and addressed the meeting , at the olose of which ch ; ers were given for O'Connor and the Charter , and groans for the expiring Whig faction .
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Leeds Corn Market , Tuesday , October 19 th . —There is again a good supply of Wheat to this day's market . Oats and Barley moderate . Bsans larger . Old Wheat ha 3 fully supported last week ' s prices , also fine dry New , but other descriptions have been in limited demand . Fine Barley lias made rather more money , but the inferior qualities are difficult to quit . Oats i per stone , and Beans Is per quarter higher .
THE AVERAGE PRICES FOR THE WEEK ENDING Oct . 19 th , 1841 . Wheat . Barley . Oats . Rye . Beans . Peas Qra . Qrs . Qrs . Qrs . Qrs . Qra . 3044 592 455 — 254 0 £ s . d . £ s . d . £ s . d . £ s . d . £ s . d . £ s . d . 3 5 9 1 1310 | 1 5 5 ^ 0 0 0 2 0 5 0 0 0 Leeds Cloth MARKErs . —Thero has not been the same extent of business transacted at the Cloth Halls during the last week , as we have had to report for some time back . The slight demand for foreign markets which has existed for a week or two , seems to have altogether ceased , and on Tuesday there was scarcely a buyer of any amount in the market . The warehouses , howover , continue ia pretty full work .
Hudderspield Market . —This day's market presents a most dull and gloomy appearance , 'in consequence of bad news from America , there was little doing , and that little was confined to heavy goods , all other articles remain stationary , but very dull . Bradford Markets , Thucsdat , Oct . 21 st . — WooL—There is no distinct alteration in prices , and the demand for shaf to sorts continues active , but fine English sorts from Down fleeces are in slow request . Colonial wool is very much depressed . Tarn . —We cannot report any improved demand for Yarn ; the
production is weekly diminished , as the length of days decrease , and with but few exceptions , the mills are only working daylight , nor can we learn that any immediate hope of amends is apparent . Piece . —The arrival of ths Caledonia steamer from America has not had any beneficial effect on oar market , as only a limited business has been done . Lustres , made from White Alpaca Yarns and Cotton Warp , have been less inquired after . Merinoea and Saxonies , the original staple article of our manufacture , are more inquired for .
Salford Cattle Market , October 20 th . —There was a large show of Beasts to-day , but the quality was again but middling . Of Sheep the supply was rather better , an average one as regards number , whilst the quality of a considerable portion was decidedly inferior . The best Beef brought 6 d to 6 } d , middling 5 . }< 1 to 6 d , best Whether Mutton 6 . } d to 7 < J * Ewes , &c . 6 d to 6 £ d per lb . Richmond Corn Market , Oct . I 6 th . —Inconsequence of tho wet morning , we only had a thin supply of Grain in our market to-day , and most of the samples of now Wheat were very inferior . Wheat sold from 6 s 6 d to 9 i € d ; Oats 2 s 6 d to 35 8 d ; Barley 4 s 6 d to 5 s ; Beans 5 s to 53 6 i pa bushel .
Liverpool Corn Market , Tuksdat , Ocr . 19 & . —At our market this morning , upon a mo ierate «• mand , the full prices of Ia 3 tl ? ues < Jav were obtained for foreign Wheat , bat all descriptions of Iriah-nejj were 3 d . per bushel , cheaper , aud very little coulo be sold . There were few bnyers of Oats in attta * dance , and the transactions in either old or new were limited ; bnt qualities of the latter offerings * 3 s 2 d to 3 j 3 J per 451 bs .. Fioor and Oatmeal fflM a tolerable fair sale , at the advance above noted . Two or three thousand quarters of Egyptian Beam were sold at 343 per 480 lb 3 ; holders generally novr demand Is to 2 a per quarter above that rate .
WAKEFIELD CORN MARKET . ( bt express . ) Friday , Oct . 22 . —The supplies are now less of Wheat , and of New much short of last week ; thu description , consequently sells more freely , * t fall prices , and Old goes off steadily at the extreme rates of this day se ' nnight . Fine Barley is Id . pe'JJf * dearer , but other sorts are difficult to quit . Oati fetch rather more money . Beaas steady .
Lbbds:—Printed For Um Proprietor, Fear&W O'Connor, Esq., Ef Hammersmith, Coiaw
Lbbds : —Printed for Um Proprietor , FEAR&W O'CONNOR , Esq ., ef Hammersmith , CoiaW
Middlesex , by JOSHUA HOBaOH , at fi » nw in * Office * . He * 12 aad 13 , Market-stows , Brifr ( ate ; and TPubltthsdfcy the said Jo « Hf a Hobso * . ( for the said Fearg » s O'Cohso * , ) at bis D «* ling-house , No . 8 . Matkct-steett , Bri « g « i « . v «* internal Commomieation existing between U » «•» No . 5 , Market-street , and the said No * . 1 * * " * 13 , Market-street , Brlgtate , thus constituttaf t& » whole of the said Printing and Publishing O ** one Promises . All Cotssinnications mast be addressed , ( Post-paM * < ° Js HOBSON , Northern Star Office , Lee J * Saturday , October 23 , 18 il .
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Local Markets.
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NOMINATIONS FOR THE GENERAL COUNCIL . DONCASTER . Mr . John Bradley , boot and shoemaker , Common lane . - ¦ ¦ ¦ : . ¦ ¦ v . ' ¦ / , ;¦' . - ¦ . , Mr . Winspear Snowden , flax-drewer , Princess-street . Mr . Henry Foster , joiner , Cleveland-street Mr . John Waller , hatter , Three Cranes ' . Yard . Mr . J < ihn Emmerson , boot and shoemaker , Factory Lane . . • ' . ' ¦ ¦ - ' . ¦ :. ¦''¦ •¦ ¦ ¦ " . " - '"¦ . ¦ . - . ' ¦¦¦ .. - .. ¦ - Mr . George Bloomer , St . Thomas-street , Treasurer . Mr . Charles Buckley , boot and shoemaker . Churchstreet , Corresponding Secretary . Mr . Thomas Dernie , boot and shoemaker , Clevelandstreet , sub-Secretary .
TODKOBDBK . Mr . Wm . Helliwell , George-street Mr . John Butterworth , Blind Lane . Mr . James Stansneld . Millwood . Mr . Henry Helltwell , Hanging-ditch . Mr . Wm . Marshall , Dobtoyd . Mr . Wm . Fielden , Shade . Mr . James Schole&eld , Roomfield Lane Mr . Joseph Tisdale , Lineholme . Mr . Jonas Marland , Walsdeo . WIGTOH .
Mr . Wm . Harkness , calico-printer . Mr . Robert Waite , weaver . Mr . John Horfjjson , nailer . Mr . Thomas Sanderson , weaver . Mr . Henry Cook , hatter . Mr . Joseph Tiffin , dyer . Mr . Thomas Barnfatber , chair-maker . Mr . Richard Gate , weaver . Mr . John Bryce , tailor , President ¦ Mr . Jonathan Clarke , nailer , Union-street , Treasurer Mr . Edward Mark , calico-printer . East End , Secretary .
JtOSSLEY . Mr . John Robinson , cordwalner . Mr . Henry Wood , boot and shoemaker . Mr . Joseph Hall , eordwainer , Saddleworth . Mr . Edward Bradbury , cotton-spinner , Saddlewerth , sub-Treasurer . Mr . George Hoyle , fustian-cutter , Saddleworth , arub Seoretary .
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Northern Star (1837-1852), Oct. 23, 1841, page 8, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct571/page/8/