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HOUSE OF LORDS . —Motoay , Apish . II . lord CAMPBELL moved the second reading ol the Sires Bills by which he proposed to transfer to the Hoasa of Lords the power at present possessed by the Privy Council , of hearing appeals , te reform the appellate jnrijsdlctloB . of the House of Lords , and to render permanent the office of Chief Judge ia the Court ol Chancery . The motion TU opposed by the lord Chancellor , Xord Brougham , and the Duke of Wellington , ; and the amendment being carried vritheut a division , the BOis were lost
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BOUSE OF COMMONS , Fbtdat , Atrtl 8 , Mt fC DO'COKBE revived , in Knottier form , the gnestion of the proceeding af tsrnoea , as to the adniisaibflity of petitions against pending taxes ; but sjb no notice had been giTen of his intention , is "was agreed , after tome conversation , that this debate should be adjourned to Monday . On the question that the report of the Committee of TYsys and Means should be brought up , Xord Johu Resseli . rose to mcrre , by "way of Knendment , a resolution , the purport of -which was , that the estimated deficiency of income to meet expenditure might be supplied by a judicious arrangement of the daties on com , sugar , timber , and coffee , snd a reduction of the various prohibitory and differential
duties ; and that , considering the taxes ( nearly 24 millions ) in amount , which , eiclatirely of the income-tax , tad been taken off between the termination of the war and the year 1836 , and the various other means of supplying deficiency , the House would deem it sot necessary , and therefore not advisable , to renew a tax , { viz ., od iscome ) inquisitorial , unequal , and hitherto considered as a war reserve . He was of opinion that the Government had takes too gloomy a view of the country ' s financial difficulties ; the difficulties which required toe chief consideration were the commercial ones ; and accordingly the new burdens "were proposed rather for commercial than for financial purposes . It was under pressure of war , and under great and increasing deficiencies , that an income tax had on former occasions been
imposed ; at the return of peace it had always" been removed ; and there had Veen an understanding that it VaB to be reserved for seasons of war . The present deficiency was to the extent only of about l-2 &th of the yearly revenue ; public credit continued high ; and money could be borrowed at an easy rate . The great objections to an income tax ¦ were these : —First , it taxed the funds , which led to the danger that some other metropolis of Europe would become the great jBonaymarket of tb . « world . Another objection "was the inefnality of the tax , for it assessed precarious incomes u heavily as the incomes of permanent property . Again , it was a tax of which an inquisitorial exaTninnfen mnjst be part and parcel There was a peculiar snfitness , too , in the time of proposing it . When it
was first brought forward , tha valne of money was Mllng by the operation of the paper currency ; but no such operation was in progress new , and the commerce of the country was at present in a state of great tiepressioru He admitted the necessity of providing for the deficiency , and proceeded to specify several articles of consumption from which he thought a Eufikient xevenue might be obtained for that purpose These ^ rere sugar , timber , and wheat ; on the first £ 587 , 000 , on the second £ 600 , 000 , and on the third £ 530 , 000 , might have been obtained without pressure on the people . On coffee , as on timber , a needless sacrifice of revenue had been made . There were various other suggestions from varions quarters , most of which he thought preferable to the Government plan ; for instance ,
S duty on thfi succession to landed property , and as increase of the assessed taxes on four-wheeled carriages , male servants , and other items in the ecpeaditn ^ e of the rich . He should not despair of succeeding in objects so reasonable , were it not that he fouad the question cow was , not what would be most ustful , feut what would best uphold the present Administration . He and his friends were maligned as the bitter enemies of tke farmer . He denied the charge ; be believed the principle of the fixed duty to be a beneficial one for agriculture as well as for other interests . Men of the greatest ability , and the most warmly attached to agriculture , had declared that even a fixed duty of 8 s .
would not be permanently wanted for its protection ; and yet persons , whose head * seemed to be made of the same clay as their acrea , called Ai » the bhter enemy of tb » farmers . Had ht been the means of deceiving the farmers ? He had not given and broken pledges on the subject of their interest ; and if they were angry , let them turn their anger , not on him , but on their deceivers , yow , he asked , was an income tax of jg 4 , 000 . fioo —was that a partial and unequal tax , to be imposed ,-not for the necessities of tbe country , but for the avowed purpose of supporting an Administration ? If so , be thought the nation would ere leng regret that they had elected a House of Commons which had so betrayed the trust reposed in h .
Mr . Qovlbuhs disclaimed any gloomy view of the eonntry "» condition- eBergies , or capabilities . He hailed file admission thai the deficiency must be provided lor ; and contended that it was not enough for the House to meet the mere present necessity ; they were bcand to regard the state of affairs in the East , and the probable expences which the contests there would involve , and to place their fiisances upon a basis -which would enable them to do justice to the country in future years . Mr . Pitt ' s ground for originating the Income Tax was not merely the existence of a war . but still more the existence of a great deficiency ; and so far frem proposing to confine that tax to the season of war , Mr . Piti proposed to pledge the proceeds to be raised from that tax afwr the return of peace for tbe
payment of the loans contracted during war . Lord Aitharp , in later times , had declared tbe necessity of meeting & deficiency of £ 2 . 500 , 000 , should it occur , even in profound peace , by the imposition of an Income Tax . Is truth the maintenance of public credit was just as important in peace as in wsr , and a system of loans in peace was to be carefaliy guarded againstthat system which had been so long the resource of tbe late Government . The 2 foble Xord cad talked of tbe evil influences of * tax on landed property ; yet the funds , whieh were but lately at 88 and a fractien , had xtn ? , eves since ihe announcement and diseossioB of this very tax . risen to above 90 . Jfo doubt an Income Tax was uneq ^ U ; but so was every tax ; arr i at least the ineqtuuity would here operate favourably for the
KEsall icocmei He admitted , too , the inquisitorial Character cf the tax ; bat he ho ^ ed he Bheuld be able to remove , by various regulations , the most considerable of the practical objections on this head . H « thtn adverted to the budget of the late Ministry , particularly to the proposal for the admission of foreign sugar . To that course tie pre 3- ± ut Ministe 8 had ohj-scted , not on financial grounds , bat by reason of the enaoursgement which it ¦ wonld have given to foreign FlaTery and the foreign slare trace . And at last it- - - T * oble Lord ' s bndget would have left the ccuEtr ? with a revenue deficient to the extent of aboui a cour : of millions . Now as to the new suggestion of the > T : b , e Lord . It seemed to be thought that legacies on lac t paid no legacy duty ; but the lact waa that they paid txartly the same Ie 2 acy draty O 3 if they were charged on land . It seemed also to be thaugnt , on tbe = otbt-r hand , that all personal prooeny paid probate and
legccy dnty upon succession ; but th fact was , that that "wherever personal property -stas in settlement , as the large properties in land most usually were , it paid no i ury whatever . There were indeed some landed properties unsettled , bat tbev were chieSy the smaller oew ; and it was not npon tbe ho ' sAtra ct a little that he thought it desirable to impose fresh duties . By the best approximation be had been able to make , it appeared th . t of a total of abont £ 8 , 000 . 000 produced in &ix years by the legacy cuty , upwards of £ 3 000 . 000 had been yielded by tbe l ? g ^ cies charged on land ; anQ he quoted a speech of Mr . Baring , ttie late Chancellor of the Exchequer , corroborating these results . The Noble Lord had also recommended an increase of the assessed taxes ; but such taxes did not fail , as hs seemed to think , on the rich alone , fhs window tax , indeed , had once been a very productive one ,- but that "was when the nnaUer class cf huusea was Ine ) n «'« i , which
in later timss trie Government bad been enabled to ersmpt ; snditucould not be desirable to bring back the poorer tenants irto such an assessment He qnotsii the Bpsetk of a personage whom the Nobis Lord , as member for tbe City , was bound to acknowledge as a high authority—a Bpeech of Sir John Key , Lord iliyor of London , condemsinij the window tax as bein § " the ineanie tax in its worst shape , nnjust , oppressive , and irqujBitoriaL" Full time had now elapsed for the people to fnnn tbeir opinions of the proposed measure , »? d be trusted that the House trouM enable the G- > - Vcrnmeat to nislnta c by it the credit cf the country .
Mr . Williams 'Coventry ) disliked the income tax but thought Lord John Kassell had made cat no -re-rj K ^ od case i n his ether objections to tbe Miuist « ria . Stance . He had himself given notice of two proposul 3 both of . which he thcught ettter than Uiuse of the Roble Lord . First , he would propose en all inheritances or dtvisca of hud a duty tqual te the pr . YxU and legacy dot ? on personalty ; and secondly , a graduated per c-:-atage on salaries and other incoa : es payable out of the pnblic revenue- He calculated tbtt these two measures would proante from £ 4 , 0 u 0 , 00 O to £ 5 . ( . oo , oou , which , wonld be sufficient to meet the deficiency .
Sir R Ikglis suggested that , as incomes of £ 150 * cre to be wholly exempt , the possessors ef large mewses 8 hcnld have so far a proportionate benefit sa to be taxable only ob the surplus beyond the £ 159-Thas a man with £ 250 would pay only on £ 100 , the Eiaa "With £ 300 would pay only on £ 150 , and so onl He would , however , have preferred ev « aa a higher per centage on property , with a Wtal exemption of mere income . Mr . P . STEWAET said , that the suggestion of muring ; £ 15 O the unit in the scale , and taxing rBly
thfi txeess , w&s one which he should approve if he were not wholly opposed to the taxes in any shape Hb thonght it premature to include in the present arrangement a provision for the dtficiencies of Indian revenue , and for the probable expences of the Chinese "War . The Government were unnecessarily alarmed at the present circnmitances of the nation . He approve- ! the reduction cf Uve duty on coffee , but sot on timber . la the room of this odious tax he would suggest some other subjects of assessment . He would tax landta successions , ana that suggestion had this recommend-
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ation—that no present owner would suffer from it He would have a fixed duty on corn ; which duty would not only prodnce present , revenue , but serve as a stepping stone to a wholly tree trade . Sugar would be anotier resource . The West Indiana would object in vain to & re-adjustment of the sugar dnties , for they were at all events doomed to destruction from Cuba and Brazil , and might as well make up their minds to their fate at once . He made some criticisms on certain points of the tariff , and concluded by deprecating a pusillanimous view of the prteent difficulties .
. Mr . PiXKBR ( Esser ) vindicated his own consistency on the subject of the Corn Laws . It was Impossible , in the case of any very large measure , that every one of Its' points should be approvod by every one of its supporters . The credit of the country must be obtained , and though ums objections might be made to an income-tax , there was no alternative bat to accept it with a good -will . Having expatiated upon the Chinese question , he aterred to the tariff , which he condemned on the broad ground that it waa a measure of free trade , though it gave a very large protection to th 9 cotton manufacturers . He did not grudge them a protection , but he wished to see all interests protected equally . Mr . W . SOMESVILLK thanked Sis R . Peel for having exempted Ireland , and for having taxed ttie absentees , but could not support this impost without a Btern necessity .
Captain Hamilton supported the tax ; for while he felt the hardship of the impost upon the widow and the professional man , he considered also the great relief which the tariff would give to thstn , and to all other classes of consumers . He regarded this arrangement la the same light as tbe organization of a military force in time of peace for security against the breaking out of war . Mr . Shiel was persuaded of the people's generous willingness to come forward for the publio safety ; but it was a feeling of which the Minister should fee Blow to avail himself . The Minister had said , that unless he carried his tax and his tariff , he wguld retire ; but his virtue was not likely to be put to the test His first difficulty would be his suocess—would be the
people ' s feeling of his income tax , with its pressure , tts inquisitions , its conjectural surcharges , its whole train of-vexation and injustice . They would then ask whether he had not availed himself of power to abuse it ? Surely it WS 8 rash to increase a deficiency for the purpose of supplying it with as income tax . The late Chancellor of the Exchequer , had he done so , would have been . called an empiric . The tariff should at least have been perfect to warrant such an impost for lie sake . He then criticised the redaction of duty on timber , and the non-reduetion of duty on sugar . Ministers talked of the foreign slave trade , and yet lowered tha duties upon the coffee of the foreign slave colonies . The present deficiency had been charged upon the Whigs ; but it was not by the Whigs that the debt had been raised
to hundreds of millions . By them , on the contrary , taxes to the amount d £ 6 , 00 » , 000 had been remitted . ( Hear , hear . ) The Tories , too , had remitted many taxes ; the first they had remitted was this very income tax , which they had taken off in 1816 , and which was now the first to be reimposed by the Tories of 1842 . The income Tax Act , passed by the Whigs ef 1806 , was framed to continue till tbe April following the treaty of peace , and no longer . He feared this blister ; tke more it shonld draw tbe more it -wooia adhere . It had been condemned , by all the greatest interests and authorities , among whom was the lite Sir Robert PeeL It had bee « supported by Lord CastlercBfh ; but he had & much stronger case than the present Government , yet he did not succeed ; was success , then , to attend the Minister in a reformed Parliament ? Could he reconcile his measure with his profession of care for tbe poor ? How nnjost was it to
tax the intellect of one man equally with the acres of another ! Ought the landed gentleman , " who lives at borne at ease , " to pay no more th * the officer of the army or navy , or the widow struggling-to maintain four or five daughters on a slender jointure ? Nor wai it fitting that a Government should create inducements to falsification . The House had been strongly exhorted to shut out perjury in the Irish registrations ; would they not be » qaally watchful against perjury in thecollecfion of English Taxes ? If they were not hypocritical Pharisees , he hoped they would not show themselves remorseless publicans . And where was the necessity for the measure 1 The Queen " s speech , the speeches of Minister * to their own constituents , bespoke safety and fair prospects ; th § country had had no disasters ; bat when money was wanted , then the master of all the Ministers came down to the House with vague alarms and dark intimations ef danger .
Sir R . Peel rose , and Mr . Brotherton moved an adjournment . Some question was made whether Sir B . Peel was entitled , in speaking on the motion of adjournment , to enter upon the main satgect The Speaker havimg decided that he was at liberty to do so , Sir R Peel proceeded . After expressing his anxiety to vindicate himself from the charge of exaggerating difficulties , he reviewed the fimancial state of the last few years , and showed that tbe late Ministers , who had come into offise -with a surplus of three milliODS , had quitted it with a deficit of five , making a difieresce of eight millions against the country . If those facts were subatintiated . was there any exaggeration on kia part ? He qaoted a speech in which Lord John Russell , having then a surplus , had said that no Minister weuld so far
embarrass and dtgrade his country , as to commence the financial year with a deficit even of ona million ; yet tiers was a deficit of five . The last speaker had Baid , there had b « en no disasters . When had England ever sustained such a difaster as ttat which had jo * t annihilated , with the exception of a single individual , the whole of the British force in one quarter of India ? Was not some decisive exertion necessary for enabling the Government to repair so great a calamity ? What , then , did he propose 1 A tax usually , indeed , reserved for -war , bnt equally applicable to any other great emergency . Lord John Russell himself had supported a resolution involving that admission , and proposed in 1833 by Lord Althorp , for the purpose ef dissuading the House from the removal of the window tax . The
Noble Lord now recommended a dnty npon landed saceessioBs . His own Chancellor of the Exchequer , only two ytsrs ago , had » ec * rced bis opposititn to the principle of such a tax . Sir Robert Peel than reprobated Lord Joan ' s contumelious attack upon the intellects of the agriculturists . They , however , needed no vindication of their consistency , for the very objection of the Opposition themselves to his Corn BUI was that it removed eo substantial protection from tbB land . NOW , what were the substitutes proposed this evening by Lord John for the income tsx . Nat an 8 s . duty : that resource was now disposed of by tbe passing of the Corn BilL Assessed taxes ? H ow would they relieve professional men , and tradesmen , and widows ? The
rich might escape them by going abroad , but the less affluent cl 3 S 3 fcs , who could noS travel , must stay and bear them . It "was said , retain the timber duty . In answer lo taut suggestion he explained ths various ways in which ttis remission "wouid bs-ntfit the country at large , and especially the maritime interests . Sugar was another of tbe fu ^ jects pointed out ; bat , after the sacrifices made by this country foi the extinction of tbe slave trade , and in the present state of our negotiations on that qnestion , ha had not deen ; ed it justifiable to let in foreign sugar for mere pecuniary considerations , without any security against the evils of slave cultivation . It was Siid that ve w « -re admitting coffee and ctton , bnt these had been always admitted ; aad the cnttivr-lion of them was not att « nded with the same
severity to the labourer as the cultivation of sugar . He was , indeed , proposing a new tax ? but he was remitting ot&ers to a Hreat ext = nt . Ha was reducing duties on articles of subsistence ; and he entreated his agricultural frirnrts to suspend their judgments upon this part of she subject , pertuided that he shonld be abi # . at the proper tj 3 ae , tu show the expediency t-f that reduction ior ail interests , including agriculture itself . He \ rould S& 7 * fairly , before th'jy -eoted on this question , that he CbuM not consent to increase his low duties en the import of live cattle . No wonder , however , that the public miad was agitated ¦ when suehx-fioTts hml been made to disturb it Papers " had even been circulated proposing to supply fresh meat by contract fr'Hi H : unbureh at 3 d . per pound , when at he
Hamhiygh irs ^ Jf the price was 5 ( 3 . But would reservs himself for f dture anil fuller explanation on this auhjrct He a-Jnutted that an inconie-UtX 2 uust be inquisitorial ; but it was necessary that honest men f-bouid be protected against the evasions of tbeir neighbours . The last speaker had pleaded eloquently against the inron : t-tax ; might not an equally touching picture have Ken -invwn on the other band , of the father of a sick fanrity compelled by a new winoow-tex to shut t-ut the li $ bt and the access of air from his anguishing chiiurt-n ? To be sure you might now set a loan easily , f > r the fueds were hish . Bat what had raised them ? of
Tbepio ^ pt-ct this very tax , and the condolence that Parliament woold maintain tublic credit . He-was net fairly ; iahie himself to be taunted for having said that on the success of these measures tha fate of the Governii . fcnt must depend ; nor yet his friends , -who , approving \ he tent-ra . principles cf k \ s administration , cor . st-i . ted to yie'd tbeir own opinions upon particular point * . Some men might prtfer ona form of government snrt sume another ; but h 8 agreed with Lord MeiVwvurnr that of all governments that tras the worst which , lacking power to caTry ita measures , was content to linger out its existence upon the forbearance of its ocpenert * .
Lord JoHS RtSSELL desired to explain that his allusion to heads of clay bad no reference to any particular class of members . Mr . BaOTHEMON again mooted the question , whether Sir K . Peel had been entitled to speak on the main imVject ? The " Speaker again decided in the affirmative . The * debate wna then adjourned .
Monday , April 11 . Sir R- Peel began-the * < 5 joun ; ed debate respecting the petit ' on from Finsbury , which Mr . Dancombe had presented on Friday , against the income tax . Sir R . Peel -opposed the reception cf this petition , on the guuna of tiie ancient usage excluding petitions against pending taxts . If that usage should be rescinded , great obstiuction to public business might be the consequence . It was tru 2 thui a resolution r . ow existed against the debating of petitions , but that resolution bad raised a usage <; f only live years , whereas the other was of 150 . He was airare that much difference of opinion existed on this iabjeci ; but he thought himself bound not to
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abandon a practice of so long standing without taking the sense of tbe House upon it . Lord Howick thonght the old objection to these petitions was removed by the modern prohibition of discnssioB upon them . SirR . Peel seemed to have no reason to urge against the change , except that it teas a change . Mr . Milnes supported the old practice , because he thought that if the House , by a large majority , should sanetion a tax , while tbe country in general was petitioning against it , an opinion might grow up that the Houab did not duly represent the people . Mr . F . Berkeley ahortiy supported Mr . Duncombe . LordF . Egebton also expressed his feelings that the d « ors of the House ehould ba opened as wide as possible to the people's petitions .
I ^ ord John Bussei . 1 ., tfconfb reluctant to contravene a practice which had prevailed for 150 years , felt himself obliged , since the departure from the old usuge of debating upon petitions , to support the motion of Mr . Dun combe . He could not consent to maintain the customs of antiquity only on the slle of restriction . Even if you should now shut out these petitions against the enactment of the pending tax , you could not shut oat petitions next year for its repeal . The rational course would be to allow the presentation of these like other petitions ; bat , as in the case of other petitions , to exclude discussion . Mr . J . S . WOBTtEY was disposed to support the motion . He thought the practice ot the House on such a subject should not be construed with the strictness of a penal statute .
Sir JaMES GRAHAM observed , that this usage had originated soon after the Revolution , at a period highly favourable to the rights of the people , and had eonturned uninterrupted for a century and a half . The recent exclusion of discussion might perhaps be rescinded ; and if that should happen , the supply might be effectually obstructed , and the Crown left without a remedy . lord John Manners , as an anti-revolutionist . would vote againBt a practice which the period of tbe Revolution was cited to sanction . Captain Hamilton opposed the reception of the petition . Lord Sandon desired t » uphold the existing practice until there should be a standing order against the di « - ctusion of petitions .
Mr . Goulburn deemed it highly important that the practice of the House should not be rendered uncertain , and above all that resolutions should net be left on tha books and daily violated . If the practice ought to be changed , it should be done by a motion to rescind tbe ancient resolution establishing it Mr . Dukcoube said , his object was to break down a pnctlce which he regarded , as an unconstitutional , bowever it might be an ancient , one . No antiquity could sanction such an injustice . If this petition &hoold be rejected , another would be presented next day ; so that Ministers would mot be much advanced by their resistance . If tfaey wished te exclude petitions , the manly way would be te move & Btoaoing order to that effect Tbe people disliked the pending tax , and the object sow was to gag them . The House divided , and the numbers were—For the exclusion of the petition ... 222 For its reception , 221
Majority lor the exclusion 1 The adjourned debate ob the report of the committee of ways and means was begun by I > r . Bow&iNG . He rejoiced that he had not been a party to the policy which had produced the deficit now to be supplied . He had seen no occasion for the Syrian nor the Indian war ; but neither did he perceive any intention in the present Ministry to terminate the hostilities in India . Still , if they had been content to assess income with some regard to its sources , he would have supported their measure ; for he was persuaded that the principle of direct taxation was the true one ; but he could not accede to the levy of an equal per centage from permanent and from transitory income . He expatiated on the general benefits of direct taxation .
. Mr . GAILY KNIGHT sketched a draught of tho will of the late Ministry , btqueathlgg to John Ball a deficit of £ 50 , 000 , 000 ; item , a war in China , item , a war in India , item , an unsettled boundary in America . He reprobated their reduction of taxes for the sake of popularity , and their resort to the expedient of loans . Referring ; to Lord John Russell ' s description of the landed gentleman as having heads of clay , he avowed his opinion that they would deserve that sarcasm if they did not show that they had the sense to support their friends against their enemies . ' Mr . Elphinstone would have preferred a revenue raised from the sources pointed oat in Lord John RusstJJ's resolution . A tax levied upon all incomes , without reference to their iuration , was peculiarly objectionable . It pressed the trading aud manufacturing interests with disproportionate severity . Tbe tariff was an improvement on the old system ; but it was imperfect in many particulars .
Sir Walter James protested against the protraction ot these debates , which wera suspending the whole commerce and manufactures of the country , embarrassing the capitalist , and starving the operative . la such a state of things it was the duty of the House ratbrr to act than to talk . Gentlemen opposite had not been able to deny that the plan of Ministers was bold , comprehensive , and calculated to raise the revenue sought from it . He defended its general principle , but thought that no man ought to be taxed for that portion of any life income whieh he laid oat in the insurance \> f the life . Mr . Wallace quoted a speech made in 1833 by Sir R . Peel , disapproving the exemption of Ireland from any income-tax that might be necessary for Great Britain . If Ireland was to be exempt , so ought Scotland to be ; and he would take the sense of the House on a motion for exempting Scotland .
Mr . LlDDELL comMiantsd upon the manner in whi « h the Whig * had redeemed their pledges cf reform , retrenchment , and psace . Reform they had oarried ; but what had been their retrenchment ? They had retrenched income , and increased expenditure . And as to the peace they had procured for tbeir country , he had only to refer to that expedition into Afighauistan against which the Duke of Wellington had so wisely and so early warned us . With respect to the measure now proposed for the repair of those evils , he gave it his cordial approbation . The proposal in the tariff for the reduction of the import duty upon live cattle had indeed given rise to ranch uneasiness among tha glaziers , but it was an uneasiness without foundation .
The markets of this country were more than equal to absorb any import likely to be let in through this reduction . Indeed , tbe countries of Northern Europe , from which so overwhelming a supply had been apprehended , were all , except Holstfin , importing countries tbeciBolves . He thought it hut right that thcB « things should be stated , in order to disabuse the agriculturists ; and , connected as hewaav . ith agriculture in all bis feelingB and fictunts , his ( statements came at ietist from an unsuspected source . He defended , also the , rt > i \ -uction of tho duty on timber . But while be approved these reductions on the tariff , there was one item of a contrary character which lie could not approve—namely , tbe imposition of a duty on coaL
Mr . WASON . quoted a speech of Mr . HusJjisson ( March , 1830 ) , as marking the distinction between a property tax and an income tax . Against the latter Mr . Wasan protested . It was property alone ¦ which he would subject to taxation . For that purposa no inqu isitorial machinery was wanted . He intenrled , if L : > rd J ^ an Russell ' s cinenuinent should be rejected ,-to move another , for tbe exemption of income "derived from industrial sources . " He sb . oa . ld willingly tako off those other taxes also which bear upon the poor , and * ho wcnld mak 9 up the deficiency by a further tax upon property .
Mr . C . W . "Wy > ' > ' begged the House to consider , that after yearB of temporizing , the day was now come •* Een an exertion must be made to put pnblic creiat upon some substantial ground . He gave a history of the income taxes of 1803 and 1806 , and explained tut ) reasons for imposing them . He observed that the iucomes of meat of the great landed proprietors were only incom&s for life ; aud said it was of no consequence whether the possessor , being only tenant for life , were to be sueeesded by a son or by a stranger . He did not believe the CGUntry would allow the-tax to last one yeiir beyond the necessity .
Mr . JIaCablay began by stating the substanca of a petition from Edinburgh , which the practice of tbe House had precluded him from laying on the table . He believed it to be true , as was said by Ministers , that a property tax was impracticable without an income tax ; but the inequality and injustice of an income tax were such , that its imposition cculd be warranted only by extreme necessity . > Ir . Roebuck had intimated that no uiaa should object to disclose his inconss . That gentkruan , in the position he held , might afford to indulge such a filing ; but that was not the sentiment cf the / mat body for whom the House was legislating , and with whom the half of life was a constant struggle against tbe appearance of poverty . This was a tax to be adopted only in the last extremity , and buch was not our prc-sent situation . Was there ever . Sir R bert Peel had asked , such a
disaster as the recent destruction of our Indian army ? In one sense , certainly , that catastrophe WO 3 deeply disastrous—deeply so , with reference to British honour and to domestic feeling ; but in a financial view , the only view material to tbe present question , the disaster was not of the same importance . The fact was not even known when the Right Hon . Baronet brought forward the present measure cf taxation ; and it certainly was not likely to require any grratiy expensive armament Ten or twelve thousand troops would be an ample foice ; of which the whole charge would probably fall short of £ 400 . 000 a-year . This was not an exigency like that in which you imposed ai » income tax to protect yon against the nations of tbe continent leagued estimates alono exceeded
with France , when your navy the aggregate charge of all your present establishments . He- believed that , at this moment , England was better able to maintain " a great war , than at any former period of her history ; and yet , from the late course of the Minuter , the people of the continent might be led to suppose that England was in a state of the greatest difficulty anddaBger . The right hon . Baronet had introduced also the topic of Indian finance—an important topic , but not yet so far explained as to form a just ground for an income tax . Mr . Macaulay thea touched upon tbe other resources which he considered as available for the present occasion . Sir R , Peel had objected to a sngar duty on th 9 score of slavery ; but , considering
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what was done about coffee and cotton , and tobacco , he thought it a strong effort of charity to believo the right hon . Baronet sincere . Thea aa to timber ^ Sir R . Peel baa pitched over £ 600 , 000 at once * a greater blow to our finances than the disaster in India . Instead cf founding an income tax to . meet a deficit , the Minister had made a deflcitto found iin income tax . Lord Stakliy said , that whatever might be the difference between the two sides of tfao H 6 pe in their conclusions , there -was » o disagreement . in their premises ; the greatness of the deficit wm no matter of doubt ; and the Opposition , now that they were no longer under the responsibility « f having taxes to find * admitted likewise that the time for make-shifta was over , that the finance of the country mast be repaired
, that the burden could not be thrown upon the commercial and manufeoturing interests , and that the budget of last year woald not yield a revenue adequate to the ocsasion . Oa his owo aide it was equally admitted that a great emergency alone could justify such a tax . T ° es 0 were tbe points of general agteement . On the other hand , there were disagreements to be noticed even among the opposUinn ttieawolves . Some said , Tax property , but not income ; " while others , and Lord John himseir aaid "If you tax property , you must needs tax income too . " Lord John and Mr . Macnulay objected to the course take * upon the sugar and timber duties , ilr . Williama , of Coventry , took a
wholly opposite view to both of them . Lord John bad said , an income tax haa hitherto been a ^ war reserve-Hao great compliment -to his own Government , which , after twenty years of peace , had placed out finances under difficulties equal t <> those of war . When had it been neceBsairy before to hold 20 , 000 bayonets in Canada ? Who could tell what cost weuld be entailed on England by tbe war which the late Ministry had stirred up in China f Talk of peace I Look at India . The Duke of Wellington had prophetically told them what would be tho consequences even of succasa in that quarter . «• A disaster , certainly , " said Mr . Macaoiay , " but , " added he , " not a flnanoial one . " Wfaen he had thus estimated tha lives of those brave
men in pounds , BhiUinge , and ponce , who could calculate the further cost in which we might be involved by the spread of that ! insurgency against the prestige of England , which was but too likely to follow such an overthrow ? True , the Government knew nothing of that calamity when they brought forward this measure : ill as they thought of tue expedition , they had not anticipated anything quite so fatal . But they had looked a little before them ; they had foreseen the general probability of great expenditure ; and , surveying the whole state of the country , they had come unanimously to the conclusion that direct taxation was the only available resource . The Noble Lord now wanted to drive ua back upon that budget which had been already rejected by two Parliaments . But the c * rn , which had been one of its main items , was now dealt with in another way ; and the Noble Lord admitted , that his budget , even if the corn wer « btill available to it , would not yield enough
to make up the present deficiency . The Noble Lord talked of cuarging land with a profevte aad legacy duty . HiB own Chancellor of the Excht 4 uer , Mr . Bating , had condemned that very scheme , and had shown long since , as Mr . Goulburn had done in the present debate , that land already bore an equivalent stamp duty , though in another form . He acknowledged the inquisitorial nature of a tax upon income ¦ but tho bill imposing it would contain alleviations of tuis objection . And what would the Noble Lord , who proposed an increase of th « assessed taxes , say to the inquisitorial nature qt those assessments ? The present call was made upon the country , not to pay off past debt , but to meet present annual expenditure ; and so far from an unjust tax , he believed it to be both an equitable and a-wiBe one . In referenw to Mr . Shiera quotation from Waller's panegjn * 5 ;« applicable to Sir Robert Peel , Lord Stanley regretted that Mr . Sheil had not added the remainder of the
passage" when , without noise . The rising sun night ' s vulgar lights destroys . " He was glad to claim the praise awarded to ministers by taeir opponents—that the measuve now before the House whs a bold and honourable one . Mr . Laboucheee , after defending Mr . Mncaulay from wbat he complained of fts a misrepresentation by Lord Stanley of that part of his speech which related to tae disaster in India , referred to Sir R . Peel ' s cbarges against the late Government of living on fc ' ie forbearance « f its enemies , and retorted , that Sir R . Peel himself had heldofficein 1835 without » uy majority in that House . He contended that the necessity now
alleged by Ministers was of their own creating , and that the income tax was a price which the country T » as called on by Ministers to pay , for the continuance of the present system of duties on sugar ami timber . Sir R P » ei was bringing out his tariff , as if he were the author of its policy , whereas it was the policy of bis predecessor * , and iie wag but fctfciag advantage of the tide as it turned . He defended and applauded that feeling of liberty and pride which induces Englishmen to resist any measure of an inquisitorial nature . Of the tariff in general he approved , and would take his share of tbe responsibility attaching to the changes it would introduce IUWVUUVDi
. , . Lord F . Egerton condemned , as being no longer a mere excusable party niarttuvre , bat a positive crime , the delays by which Members of Opposition were paralysing the trade of the country ; a :, d he read some passages of a petition from Lancashire , very numerously signed , and praying for tae despatch of this measure . The Opposition had spent their time during theholydays In getting up petitions ; and they had spent their money , too , if he might jud ^ 'e from the placards and Btandard bearers that paraded the vicinity of the House , So far frein thinking that the course of Ministers had
lowered on the continent the estimate of Eagland ' a resources and spirit , he inferred : from thei foreign journals that the tone and measures of Sir R . Peel had impressed our neighbours with the highest respect for the country so governed . He weuld support this measure on general grounds of confidence in the Goinent ; and specifically , because that Government possessed in its councils that great man whose 8 word bad achiuved such iuecesses in India aa well an in Europe , and whose spirit , in his advancing & £ , 'e , still burnt with the brightness and clearness of his . yputb . Mr . Brothebton moved an adjournment .
Lord John Russell imputed the delays complained of to the v avtie » opposite , who had thought it more material to displace the late Government than to discuss the impoitint duties . Ay for the expedition to Affghani :: t : iii , he did not shrink from his share of respousibiiity ; but the papers relating to it had been laid on the table last year , and no motion had beeu grounded on them hy . the opposite party . He was ready to identify hijUBelf with Lord Auckland tu this master . Sir John Hobhouse expressed himself to the same effect . When the tiddinattis fur the supplemental force should be movtd , he would take an opportunity to state tha case of the lata Government .
Mr . Mark Philips bore testimony to the respectr ability of tU > i signatures attached to the petition which had been mentionoil by Lord F . Egerton , He could uot conscientiously support an income-tax , nniess upon some greater necessity , or v ? ith a view to some more extensive arrangement , than was now stated to the House . Some desultory conversation took place , which occupied t&n minutes more , and tho debate was then adjourned . Tuesday , April 12 . A discussion on the same question which had occupied it at the commencement of three forrner evenings — the question whether the House should allow petitions tu be presented against pending me-. isures of tixation , was first called on . It was rai 8 « d by Mr . Copper , ¦ wbo tendered a petition from Hertford against the income tax .
Lorol Francis Egerton desired a postponement of the debate until Thursday , on which day he would submit a resolution having for its object to admit petitions against taxes , with a due precaution against their haing debated . Colonel Sibthobp said a few words , and so did iord J . RUSSELL : but the subject seemed to nave no interest , tJ ; e Hou 8 e being very inattentive , and keepiug up a general murmur , which evinced that tbyy regarded the division of the preceding afternoon upon the Finsbury petition as having substantially disposed of the question . Mi . T . DOn com be had no notion of letting Lord F . Egerton make a feather-bed for Minibters to fall easily down upon .
Sir R . Peel was in nofoar of a fail , and therefore wanted nothing to break bis descent . He had oppose *! the abrogation of an ancient rule , and tke Howe having sanctioned'bis comse by a Diajority of 31 , be had also opposed the presentation of the Finsbury petition . The majority , however , having then shrunk to one vote , he now felt tbat it would be difficult to maintain the practice . Bufe it vpaa surely desirable , if a change was to be made , that it fihould be made without irregularity ; aud he did therefore wish for a short interval to frame such a i * solutl « n as would efifect tho . object in a safe and dtcorous mahnsr . When that should have been done , fce trusted the meetings to be convened for the purpose of p « titioniDg would be really public ones . ¦ ' . ' ¦ . ' ' . Lord Hri . wiek would recommend it to Mr . Cowptr to withdraw his motion , If Sir R . Peel would himself bring forward the regulation necessary to settle the quHstion .
SirB . Pjekl answeredthat without , actually originating the regula-tion himself , be would wiHingly co-operate with Lord F . Egerton in framing it .: Mr . Cuhhing Bruce was understood to recommend aCommittee , The Sveakeb , on a request frpin Lord John Russell , explained that a resolution of the House , while it remained unrescinded , was binuiag only on the Parliament which passed it ; but thiit a standing order , while unrescihded , waa binding on succeeding Parliaments . ; Lord Mahok moved , that thia debate should be adjourned to the day succeeding that oa which Lord F . Egerton should make his motion . ; \ Lord F . EGKRTON read the notice of motiou-which be propoBedto put in . Lord Palmeeston would recommend it to Mr . Cowper to postpone his motion , if Sir R . Peel would engage to support that of Lord F . Ege » ton . Sir 11 . Psel said he was willing to support Lord F . Egerton in his general object , but could not undertake ,
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without time for consideration , te support the specific motion . Mr . WAJttET would not consent to any motion for the admission of petitions , if coupled with a condition exoluding debate upon them . Sir G . Grey explained to Mr . Waklcy that there was ho new comptemise . . The proposed motion would merely annex to the proviaion for letting in petitions a ifl i jetitlon of the already estebiisaea reeolution againfit dehatlng them . Mr . Wallace was for debating all peUtions . Mr . CuBTEis thonght Lord F . Bgerton ought to let Mr . Duncombe , to whom this Bucceas was owing , have the- honour of making the motioa which was to ratify it "' " . ' : ¦ ' ' \ ' ¦ . . ... ' ¦ . .-- ,.- . ' ' Mr . O'Connell explained that there was nothing of compromise in what had been proposed . Mr . Cowper then consented that the debate should be adjourned to Friday .
Mr . Wason made a motion for reatricting election council to one committee io a time . Sir . J . Graham and Mr . Wthh showed the impracticability of any auch regulation . Mr . WALtAca supported MK Waaon , aad lamented the present t-xpence of election petitioDft , Mr . WpBTLE > said , that such expenee could be prevented only by the appointment of a proper judicial tribunal for the trial of those matters . Mr . O'CONNELL concurred ia deeming the present tribuiial unfit for its purposes . Many petitions , he said ,, would be prevented by an enactment that every registered voter should retain bis vote for the year , notwithstanding a change of residence . The tribunal for ultimate trial might be also a court of appeal from the registering barristers ; and should be cpuiposeti of lawycra belonging to the class from which the judges of the superior courts are selected .
Mr . Aglionbs exposed the impracticability M Mr , Wason' 8 auu ? ffeation , ¦ , and advised that a cdmoiittee should be appointed for considering the whole subject . Mr . Hi FiTZROY believed that the only remedy would be . to place in the chair of each committee , somo distinguished lawyer of the House . : Lord Gran vittK Somerset observed , that the lawyers of experience in the House were too few for this duty . ,. / ¦ ¦ : ¦•¦; ¦ - .. ¦ . "' / .. ; . , - ¦ , '; ' . . . Mr . WaSOS . after repeating ait observation made by several of the pteceeding speakers , that the whole question on an election committee was , what were the politic ) of the Chairman , withdrew his motion . Mr . Childers , having : just had twenty-one days' experience on a Committee , whose chairman , a Conservative , he acquitted » f partiality , felt , however , a conviction that the tribunal was not CSklCUlatiid to do justice . - ; . ''¦¦ . . . . "¦ . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . " . ¦" ¦ '
Sir R . Peel said , that the arrangement about the chairman , was a suggestion , not of his , but of Lord John Ruaseli ' 8 . Mr . Ewabt wished for a regular legal tribunal ; and here this discussion ended . The adjourned debate on the financial measure of the Government was resumed by Mr . Brotherton . He admitted that at Manchester thfcre Was no very strong feeling' against tbe income tax . Perhaps , because a new generation , bad arisen which rcmemberftd not the pressure of a like tax in former
days—perhaps because they did not understand the distinction between a tax on income and a tax on property — peihaps because , as one of his friends ba * lately told him . the manufacturera , having got no profit Isist year , thought it no great hardship to componnd at the same rate for the three years next to come . He thought the tax unnecessary . He wished for no wars : he thought the trophies of peace more glorious . At all events he would not tax income equally with ¦ : property . He would assess the funds , and all Iflnded property , as it was now rated to the poor , only raising the rate from the landlord instead of the occupier .
Colonel WOOD ( Brecon ) calculated that * out of the whole populaiion of this island , being aboat 18 , 600 , 000 persons , not more than 200 , 000 would be called on to contribute to this tax . How very much smaller a umber was this than the number who must have contributed more or teas to any indirect taxation ! He defended the conduct of himself and other cou » ty members in fiupportiug the principle of the New Corn Law agaJDstthat of the fixed duty . Mr . Mangles , admitting the magnitude of the disaster iu AfiPgbaiiistah , yet regarded it as no sufficient ground for an income tax . It was & lighter disaster than that of the Amerie&n wax ; but there seemed to be a tendency in o « r nature ever to magnify present evils ia comparison with post The Indian
Governmeht in Lord WellesUy ' s time had beon pressed with great pecuniary difficulties ; its debt was then upwards of £ 31 , 000 , 000 , being more than twice ita annual revenue . Bat in 1839 , that debt had increased by only about a million , while the yearly revenue had increased by £ 5 , 000 , 000 : and whereas , in Lord WelJesIey ' a time , the Government was commonly tramming at twelye per ceat ., tbe present rate of its loans was only five per cent . ; a rate so much lower than that of private discounts , as to prove the high credit in whieh the Government now stood . And yet we were ; told that this state of things required us to charge urselves with an income tart He adverted to the heavy loBsea auatamed by out Indian army during the Burmese war ; losses occasioned ,
indeed , by sickness rather than the sword , but equally important in a financial view , though not so painful in point of feeling . Ke believea that India , if well governed , would maintftiii herself . He did not participate in the apprehensions entertained for tiie security of our empire there . The Hindoo part of tbe people would alwaya side with us against the Mabomedan . Our dominion rested not on a mere prestige , but on public opinion , —the impression of the natives , tbat the English dynasty is a , truthful and upright ona . Mr . GRANville Vernon was not satisfied with the argument that the Indiiin finance was not very ! raatttiatly disordered in 1839 ; neither at that time were the finances of England very heavily depressed ; but the question was , how far the deficiency hod been
aggravated since ? He deplored the policy which had prompted the expedition to Affgbanistan . A Jar ^ e force was now required , not only for India but for Canada ; and even in Europe the tone of some foreign Governments was such as to forbid the neglect of defensive preparations . These were our necessities ; and be did not think them adequately met by the suggestions of gentiemeu opposite . He felt tke inequality of taxing temporary like a permanent income ; but this hardship was tot peculiar to this tax ; it : attached juat as severely to church-rate ami to county-rate . Mr . C . BULLER thought it not a little ominous tbat the tax , originally proposed for three years , was now spoken of by Sir B . Peel m very likely to last for five , and by no means sareto be removed even at the end of
tha latter period . Whatever objection wns made to the t : ix , the answer of tho Ministerialists was always that ihe Whigs had committed this or that liiiatake . Such recriminations , even had they been fair , ¦ would not be logical ; but they were not Mr , for tbe present Ministtira tyere the parties proparly responsible for many wf the very evils now chirged on tueir piedeceasors . For instance , the Canadian expences , and the uneasy state of the negotiation about the Arac , riciiri boundary ; and even to th « Indian war they had given a tacit sanction by dropping their notice of jjiutioa against the policy of the late Government respecting India . When the estimates were to be votudvtha Conservatives had always recommended an increase of our armaments , and when the postage ivas
to bo reduced , they bad given way , as tha Whigs had done , to publio opinion . Why was the lndia » debt introduced into these debates ? Was England to be charged with it ? If not , it had no buainess in the calculation of the general deficit . There had been a « reat Indian rttificit in 1830 ^ when Mr . Goulburn was Chancellor of the ^ Exchequer before . I > i » i Mr . Gi > ulburn come then to the house for an income tax ? No : te then diminished the rovenue by taking off the tax on beer .. Lord John Russell had now proposed a re-Solution , in which he did not barely condemn the Minieterial measure , but suggested one of hi 3 own . Sir R , Peel ' s plan was to protect the great monopolies , and . break down only the minor onea . Ler < i John ' s , on the contrary , sought to abolish the greatest . The articles on which Sir B . Peel was remitting duties , were not such as the poor consumed ; but all classes would have been relieved by Lord John RusseH's
reduction of duty on corn and augar ; Sir R . Petil had done just what was best for the landed interest , removing exactly so much of the duty on corn as produced them obloquy without' protection . Mr . C . Bailer then commented on the addresses of the county members to their constituents , ridiculing Lord Stanley ' s assertions oh the wriject of the vast quantity of corn grown at Tamboff , and the popular agitation of tbe Lincolnshire members ajjaingt any alteration in the old corn law . Mr . Gaily Knight had last night repeated to the House what he called the wiil of the late Government . The ieal leKaoies of that Government had been reli ^ ioHs liberty to Catholics and Dissenters , emancipation to the negroes ,: launicipal franchise to the towns ; and freedom of commerce to the whole people ; but the executors of that "will were those who hod been their constant opponents , and for ten years had used all possible means to defame them .
Mr . BpRTHWiCK . insisted on th « i appalling magnitude of tho late calamity in India . A parallel had been drawn between our losses in . this and in the Americaa war ; but what had been the result of our loflsea in America ? That America had been wrested from us . For hia own part , he came to that House unpledged , and ' would giv « hi « best consideration to any suggestion j from whatever quarter , for the benefit of the country ; and , however , unwillingly , ' -at a late hour , and in an impatient House , he must discharge the duty oE delivering his sentiments . The iJnpatience of the House , however , rose to such a height when the Hon . Member had spoken
about half an hour , that he fopnd it necessary tp move on adjournment ; upon which , at a little after midnight , the galleries were cleared for a division . The House , however , did not divide , but parmitted the Hon . Member t » ' resume hio speech . He attributed the commercial distress of this country , not to the Cora Law , but te the revolutions of the Gonti / 2 ent , and warmly espoused the . interests of agriculture . He thought tbers might hav « been a better plan than that ^ of Sir Robert Peel , but it was the best that had been propounded , and he Bhould feel himself bound in duty to give his independent vote in its favour . ¦ ' ¦ ' . ' ¦¦¦'• : ' : ¦ ¦ ; ¦ ¦ ; : " '' . ¦ ¦ ¦ . . : ' - ¦ ' . . ' ¦ . ¦ ¦¦'• The debate was then adjourned , Sir Robert Peel expressing fcia hope that it would conclude the next night .
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Mr . MASTERHAN deplored the injury occasioned to the coiflmeTcial world by the delay ; and that evil waB further insisted on by Sir W . James . ; Lord J . Russell expressed his confidence that the debate Would cipsa oh Wiednesday night . _ Mr . M . Phillips desired to observe , as to delay , that the country ^ had -waited five dreary months to kapW the intentions of Government- ¦ SirR . ; Peel said that t&ough it was quite fair to debate the question fully , it was hardly allowable to put off the effective part of the bill till ten o ' clock of each evening ..- . ' : ¦¦ : ' : ' . ; : ' ' ! '• ¦ ¦'¦¦ ¦ . ¦¦ . ¦¦¦ ' : " ' .. ¦'¦ - . ¦ . '" . ¦ .. ' . '¦ ¦¦ . The ' other orders of the day . were then read , and the House adjourned . >
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BaieH * owr . GREAT ? PUBLIC MEETING .--TRIUMPH OF THE CHARTISTS , On tho evening of Thuraday , April 7 th , a publie meeting was convened by a requisition of eleotors of the borough at the Towa Hall , for the purpose of hearing the different candidates for kbe representation of the borough at the antici paled eleotioa declare their political principles . At seven o ' olockj the hour appointed for the commencement of the business , the room was crowded to suffocation . On the proposition of Mr . Allen , " ¦ ¦ ;
Mr . John Goob jvas unanimouely called to the chair . ' . ' . ¦ ¦ ' . ¦ ' ¦ . .. ' ¦ ¦¦' : ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . . - -. .. . Mr . Brooker , the Chartist candidate , on entering the roonii was received with Jond cheers . Mr . Harford , the rejected of Lewes , also mounted the platform ,: amidst the cheers of his party , and crios of "Go back to Lewes , " "Nobribery , " &o . The ViasTRY Clebk having read the requisitioa calling tho meetinR , TheCHAiRUAN brLeflyaddressed the meeting , claiming an impartial hearing for each gentleman who would address them ; ^ The Vestry Clkril read a letter from Captain Pechelly statiug that in consequence of the imporiant business in the House of Commons he was unable to attend . . ¦¦ / ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ .. •• • .. : ~ ' " -, ¦ ' y- ' . :
The- Chairman then called upon Mr , Chaxlea Brooker , as the senior candidate , to declare hJB opinions to them . Air . Bbookkr , on rising , was received with loud cheers . He addressed them as electors and nonelectors oF Brighton . Tbe country was in a sinking and ruinous conditioa ; i « ey v * *? now making the last tiial" : it was the last straw that Woke the camel ' s back , and Sir Robert Peel was making , the last trial upon poor John Bull ' s back . - Sir Robert Peel had admitted that John Ball could have no more taxation in an indirect manner ^ but he . wa s making a trial of direct taxation ; but it was a redaction , and not an increase thai they wanted in tiie taxation . As hio seniinie . its were well known to them , it would be
unnecessary for him to detiin them witb .. a long speech . * He was the unfiinchins advocate of the Peopled Charter . ( Loud cheers . ) Mr . BrOoker explairied in very clear language th © six points of the People ' s Charter , commencing with XJniversal Suffrage . He contended that the poor man had as grciat a stake in the country , and as gr * at a right to be represented , through his representative in Parliament i as the greatest nobleman in the land . As to Property Qualification , it ' .. scoped that unless a man poss ' Ssed property , he certainly could not possess much wisdom . He contended to the contrary , and would , therefore , abolish Property Qualification . And again , as to the Payment of Members . If a poor man was sent as a representative , why should
he not be remunerated by the state for services dono to the state ! With Annual Parliaments , he believed that where they ended slavery began . Although ke preferrd open voting , yet , as a protection , he would advocate the Ballot . He also advocated thedivisioH of the country into equal ekcioral districts , showing the absurdity of" sending two Members for one place , it often occurrias : that the TOter supported two men of opposite principles . He Was for tho total separation of Church and State , for the immediate Repeal of the New Poor Law , which he declared to be an invasion of the rights of Eugliohmen , and that the Poor Law Commission was a complete inqaisitjon Mr . Brooker related a case of a poor man , who hung himself at Jevington , rather than # o into the
EasibourneWorkhouso , on Monday last , to an dm tree , near the churohyard ; and that the jury brought in a yerdict offelo de se . Mr . Brooker concluded a long speeoh by exhorting them to stand firm to the prinoiples of th « People ' s Charter , and sat down amidfct loud cheering . _ MrJ Nicholson , of London , being the next candidate was called for aud appeared amidst loud cheering . He declared himself to be a Radical of the old scbooI , one of Home Tooke ' s time , a supporter of the principles of William Cobbett ; he laahed the Whies in fine style , amidst loud applause
You have toe common enemy in front now , said Mr . N ., but don ' t be humbugged by the Whigs any more ; they calHhetnselYes Liberals uow , only let them get into office ) again and they will be very liberal with your money . He repeatedly cautioned them against sending a Whig , and after three quavterB of an hour ' sJashirjg the sot disitnt Whig Liberals , he . sat down loudly cheered by cautioning ih-im against beinff humbnpged any more by the VVhi ^ 3 . The Chairman then called upon Lord Hervey , the Tory , but he had sent a polite note stating that he should not appear before the electors until the day of nomination . ; : ; : . '
Mr . Hahford was then called upon , who appeared amidst the cheering of his friend ? , and tSe groans and hissea of the Chartist 3 , with cries of "No bribery "— "Go back to Lewes" — "Oh you advocate of the truck system "— - "We won't have yo "—and many expressions of disfitisfaction ; however , Mr . H . tried to make a speech by partly reading one to an aasembly oomposed of nesriy three hundred persons ; his topics of address was the income-tax aud the hew tariff , which he opposed ; he was in favour of Vote by Ballot , Triennial Parliamenta , and Housei old Suffrage : ¦ Mr . Harford concluded a speech full of Whig or Liberal promises , and was very glad to resume his seat , loudly cheered by his party , and the hissefl of the opposition . ¦ M r . John Sandv , in a yery excellent speech , proposed Charles Brooker , Esq ., as ; a fit and proper person : to represent this borough in Parliament . Mr . Flower i a a rather warm address seconded the resolution , telling Mr . Harrdid ihat he was a Whig and nothibg else , and he must not expect their support . ¦ , •¦ - . .,. ¦ . ' : . ' ... . . ' . ¦ Mr . George Faithfuli ., a lawyer , moved , " That Mr . Summers Harford is a fit and proper parson to represent the borouKh . " v ^ .. Mr . HiLtow secoatied the nomination of Mr . Harford . ¦ '¦ . ' ... ' - : ¦ : ' •' In conseqaence of no person proposingMr .
Nicholeon his name was hoc put , however Mr . N . declares he will be on the huftincjs at the day of election , that he will tjo to the poll , and -. fight , it out to the last ; The Whigs of Brighton wtre never in saoh a quandary before . Mr . Nicholson' will knock them on one side w th his debt and taxation-riddanca scheme , and Mr . Brooker will goad them on the othersicie most Htrenuously with the Charter , backed by the working men of Brighton , assisted by that indomi able champion of the people , Feargus O'Connor . Hurrah for the Charter !
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Al . l . piV , — -Mr . Abram Duncan left this town on the morning of Friday last , for London , benis delegated froni this district to the Loirdou Convention . He took along with him a box containing the signatures , from this district , to the National Petition ; and it is very cheering to announce that : the number ot' signatures from this district amounted to no less than 18 , 090 . XJORHAM . —The National Petition from this place has been gent < itr . ic containa the signatures of 1 , 785 males , and 800 feraaJes—total 2 , 685 . SQVTU SHIELDS . —The Petition from this place has been forwarded , with 3 , 4 * 0 signatures attached , and supported also by £ 1 to the Cenvention Funds .
aiJUWINGaAM . — -The ChartUt and New Move ConventionB both diasolyed on Saturday night , many delegates having left on Friday . On Sunday , tha GounciU of tha vatioua localities met to draw up resolution 8 , and appoint movers and seconders to them , and for other urgent business * respecting tke forthcoming great demonstration ^ In th » evecing , a . funeral oration was delivered by Mr . E . P . Mead , for Mr . Henry Frost . The room was crowded to suffocation . EUHY . —Mr . Rankin , of Manchester , lectured here ori Monday last , to a crowded meeting . At the' close ? 'f uia lecture , the sum of 6 s . 3 $ d . was eolheked fer the . Mancbester victims . \ . NEW Iff ILLS . —Mr . E . Clarke , of Manchester , delivttied a " powtrfnl and instructive lecture , in tiie Chartist mectipg room , New Mills , on Monday eveniug . Iast . ^ . - .., ¦ , ¦;• .- ¦ - ¦''¦¦ ' ' : : ¦ ¦ . ' ¦ , ' -.. " ' . ¦ . .
HUDD 3 BRSPIEliO . —Delegate Meeting . —On Sunday last , the a < ljourned meeting of the General CpuncUlora of the Huddersfield district waa held in the Chartist room , HonJev , whea councillors from the following : places were present : —Holmfirth , Thomas Had * dock , Win . Cuttall ; Kirkheaton , John Marsland , John Dyaon ; Honloy , Edward Haigh ,: Charles Boothroyd ; J > alton , Matthov Carter ; Berry ^ Brow , Joshua Robinson ; Yew Green , Divid GledhiU ; Lepton , Richard Inmau ; AlmondWy , William SvJrea ; HudderfifleW , JosUb Thomas , Edward Clayton . Mr . Josiah Tfromu waa uDanlxnonsly called to toe chaur . The report ! handed ia by the various Councillors from each locality
were gratifying as far as regards the spreading of the principles of democracy , the number of members , aud the spirit manifested by ths people The forthcomiHg Convention having caused great excitement , all ia quite alive , and a good spirit manifeatedi The propriety ot impropriety of engaging a l ^ torer for the preseDt waa discuesed , when it was agreed , that for the present no one should be engaged—several local lecturers having volunteered to give their services gratis to any place needing a lecturer ., After the business of the district had been dispensed with , and a vote of thanks givw to the Coairman , the meeting adjourned to that day fiva weeks , to be held in the oarna place . :
Qumeviah Iiarltammt
QumeviaH iiarltammt
Untitled Article
THE NORTHERN STAB . 7 m ¦ - - ' - ¦ ¦ ' " . - . - . .... ' .. . ¦ ¦ . ' .. . - . - - ,. . - ¦ - . ... - . , , - - . . . -. . .. ' j . ^ : - ¦;
Northern Star (1837-1852), April 16, 1842, page 7, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct594/page/7/