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DOUBLE SHEET . rpHE PUBLISHER of the Evening Star an--L nouiices , that at an early time he will issue a sheet double its present size , at the usual price , one half of which will contain an entire wobk of 400 pages , sold at fifteen shillings , by th © booksellers , entitled the LIFE OF GENERAL GEORGE WASHINGTON . The work will be iouud particularly instructive to the Chartist body and to the people generally , as it conveys a moral lesson seldom discovered . Order the Double Sheet of the Agents of the Evening Star , or of the subscribers . As it is the object of the publisher , by this valuable double sheet to introduce the Stab into every town in the kingdom , we ask our friends to give every possible publicity to this novel enterprise , and to induce tkeir friend ' s to enclose the price , pre-paid , FOURPENCE , for a copy , as soon as possible . G . F . Pardon . N . B . The Double Sheet will be published as soon as we have received tho bulk of the orders .
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MR . JAMES CLARKSON , SOLICITOR , DECEASED . HIS CREDITORS are requested to tend in their Accounts to us , at hia lat ^ Office , Kirkgate , Bradford , to be Examined and Paid . And his Debtors are respectfully requested immediately to pay their Debts to us , while winding up his Affairs , and attending there to manage his Business . By Order of the Administratrixes , CARR & NETTLETON , of Wakefield , Solicitors . Kirkgate , Bradford , 17 th October , 1842 .
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LEEDS BOROUGH SESSIONS . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN , that the next GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS of the Peace for the Borough of Leeds , in the County of York , vrill be holden before Thomas Flower Ellis , the Younger , Esquire , Recorder of the said Borough , at the Court Housi , in Leeds , on Wednesdat , the Tweaty-sixth Day of October instant , as Two o'Clock in th 6 Afternoon , at which Time and Place all Jurors , Constables , Police-officers , Prosecutors . Witnesses , Persons bound by Recognizances , a : id others , having Business at the said Sessions are required to attend . And Notice is hereby also Given , that nil Appeals not previously disposed of will be heard at the sitting of the Court , on Thursday , the Twenty-seventh Day of October instant . And that all Proceedings under the Highway Act will be taken on the First Day of the Sesssion . By Order , JAMES RICHARDSON , Clerk of the Peace for the said Borough . Leeds , 1 st October , 1842 .
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Just Published , price One Shilling , rpHE DEVIL . Twelve Lectures delivered at the J . Working Man ' s Church in London , in which it is ciearly demonstrated from the original Scriptures that there is no foundation for the general : belief of a Spiritual influence called the Devil , and i in order that the working classes may have it in j their power to procure this publication , they will be supplied at scveppence , by the following Booksellers I Mr . , Birmingham ; Mr . , Liverpool ; Mr . D . M'Gresor , 6 , Balmeney-street , Glasgow ; Mr . W . Walker , 37 , Canon-street , Ditto ; Mr . Clarkson , 3 , I GevenhautiSJ , Ditto ; Messrs . Paton and Love , j Nelson-street , Ditto ; Mr . Drummond , 114 , Highj street , Edinburgh ; Mr . Robinson , Greenside-place , Ditto ; Mr . John Reader , Auchtermuchty : Mr . J . Burns , 7 , Barrack-street , Dundee ; Mr . Kidd , 7 , Wellgate , Ditto ; Mr . John Toah , Arbroath ; and at the Working Man ' s Church , Dockhead , London .
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: TO THE WOBLD . ! "VTERVOUSNE 5 S is a term which embraces a x \ frightful catalogue of disorders—even to in-] sanity iuelf—to describe a tenth part of the sympi toms nervous patients experience would fill a i volume ; but although their variety is bo great , they i are all referable to one and the same cause . A i nervous paiieut is like a musical instrument with its I chords loofeDed , emitting all sorts of ciscordant i instead of harmonious sounds . What is , therefore , j wanted to restore a nervous patient to health ? The | answer is , equalizing the circulation of the blood , j moro especially in the vessels of the brain , and by j that means restoring to nasure her lost equilibrium . I A medicine calculated to do thi 3 must be one that j —entering the circulating medium , will regenerate or make auew , and of a totally different character , the various secretions of ihe body , upon which nervous health depeuds . Numerous , indeed , have been the cases where imbecility of mind was manifested in various ways ; that individuals have been restored to their friends and society by a steady i course of that mighty medicine j DR . HAMILTON'S VITAL PILLS ; I and this too , after having tried all sorts of proposed remedies in vain—therefore despair not , but have I recourse to this wonder-working remedy , and you j will have mqre cause to rejoice , than if you were ; possessed of the wealth of the Indies . I In Liver Complaints , Consumption , Indigestion , i Gout , Scrofula , Rheumatism , tendency to Apoplexy , Atthmas , Head-ache , Bilious Disorders , Female ! Ctrnpiaints , &c , this medicine has also manifested , 1 itsall-coDquering powers . All who have tried these PiL's speak of them in the highest terms , and are I Zealously recommending them to the afflicted . ! " We have a great antipathy to what is termed i quack medicines , bat although all proprietary medi-( ciuesare ranked as such , we consider Dr . Hamilton ' s ; Vital Pills an honourable exception , and to which j all others we know or ever heard of . bear no comj parison in point of merit . We speak advisedly , ; ( when we say that the powers of this singular com ! pound in subduing disease under any form in which i it may declare itself , appear perfectly miraculous . ( i We ourselves know of instances where this medi-I 1 cine has been continued to be taken day by day , for I obstinate chronic complaints , and yet the patients j feeling new powers of life , a sort of re-animation , I and stronger and better in every respect , have been j thereb y encouraged to persevere , and bive bad the ; happiness to gain the grand end in Tiew—thatof being cored of the malady under which they had Iaooured . __ We pronounce this to be a triumph in medical science , and hail it as the harbinger of hap-• piness to the human race , for health is of the highest ! importance . We think they are with great ; ' truth called " Vital Pills . " — London Morning Adver-• ! tiser , July 5 , 1842 . j Sold in boxes at Is , l £ d , 2 s . 9 d and lls ; in Leeds j by Hobson , Northern Star Office ; Baines and New-1 some , Mercury Office ; Buckton , Times Office ; Smeeton , and Bell and Brooke , Boar-lane : Heaton , No . 7 , Hay , 106 , and Reinhardt and Soa , 75 * , Briggate ; and by all Tenders of patent medicines . In ' London , by Simpson and Co ., ( the Proprietors ) j appointed Agents , ) 20 , Mile End-road ; Barclay and I Sons , Famngdon-street ; Suttoa and Co ., Bow { Church Yard , and Edwards . 67 . St . Paula .
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Just Published , price 2 s . 6 d ., and sent free on receipt of a Post-office Order for 3 s . 6 d . MANLY VIGOUR : a Popular Inquiry into the CONCEALED CAUSES of its PREM ATURF , DECLINE ; with Instructions for its COMPLETE RESTORATION , addressed to those suffering from the Destructive Consequences of Excessive Indulgence in Solitary and Delusive Habits , Youthful Imprudence , or Infection ; with Remarks on the Treatment of Ghonorrhce , Gleet , Stricture and Syphilis . Illustrated with Cases , &c . BT C . J . 1 UCAS , &CO ., CONSULTING SUEGEONS , LONDON . Published by the Authors ; and sold by Brittan , 11 , Paternoster-row ; Effingham Wilson , 18 , Bishopsgate-street ; Field , 65 , Quadrant , Regent-street ; Burgess , 28 , Coventry-street , Haymarket ; Huett , 141 , High Holborn , London ; J . Buckton , Bookseller , 50 , Briggate , Leeds ; T . Sowler , Courier Office , 4 , St . Ann ' s Square , and H . Whitmore , 109 , Market Street , Manchester ; John Howeli , Bookseller , 75 , Dale Street , Liverpool ; W . Wood , Bookseller , 78 , High Street , Birmingham j and by all Booksellers in the United Kingdom . " The various forms of bodily and mental weakness incapacity , suffering and disease , faithfully delineated in this cautiously written and practical work , are almost unknown , generally misunderstood , and treated upon principles correspondingly erroneous and superficial , by the present race of medical practitioners . Hence the necessity for the publication of a timely safeguard , a silent yet friendly monitor , or , whers debility has made threatening inroads , the means of escape and the certainty of restoration . The evils to which , the book adverts are extensive and identical in their secret yad hidden origin , and there are none to whom , as ParentB , Guardians , Heads of Families , and especially of public Schools , is confided the care of young people , who ought to remain for a moment devoid of that information and those salutary cautions this work is intended to convey . Not only are the most delicate forms of generative debility neglected by the family physician , but they require for their safe management the exclusive study of a life entirely abstracted from the routine of general practice , and ( as in other departments of the profession ) attentively concentrated in the daily and long continued observation requisite for the correct treatment of soxuai infirmities . '' If we consider the topics upon either in a moral or social view , we find the interests and welfare of mankind seriously involved . The effects of licentious , indiscriminate and secret indulgence in certain practices , are described with an accuracy and fores which display at once profound reflection and extensive practical experience . "—The Planet . "The best of all friends is the Professional Friend : and in no shape can he be consulted with greater safety and secrecy than in " Lucas on Manly Vigour . " The initiation into vicious indulgenceits progress—its results in both sexeB , are given with faithful , but alas ! for human nature , with afflicting truth . However , the Authors have not exposed the evil without affording a remedy . It shows how " Manly Vigour" temporarily impaired , and mental and physical emasculation , produced by uncontrolled indulgence of the passions , can be restored ; how the sufferer , who has pined in anguish from the consequences of early indiscretion—afraid almost to encounter his fellow man , can regain the vigour of health and moral courage . The work is written in a concise and perspicuous style , displaying how often fond parents aredeceivedby the outward physical appearance of their youthful offspring ; how the attenuation ofthe frame , palpitationofthe heart , derangement of the nervous system , cout-h , indigestion , and a train of symptoms indicative of consumption or general decay , are often ascribed to wrong causes ; and instead of being the natural results of congenital debility or disease , are the consequences of an alluring and pernicious practice , alike destructive to the mind and body . "—Sett ' s New Weekly Messenger . u Although a newspaper is not the ordinary channel for the expression of opinion upon the merits of a medical work , this remark is open to exception in any instance where the public , and not the isolated and exclusive members of the profession , are the parties addressed . Upon that which is directed to men indiscriminately , the world will form its own opinion , and will demand that medical works for popular study should be devoid of that mysterious technicality in which the science of medicine has hitherto shrouded its own ignorance . The work before us treats of subjects we believe generally , yet very strangely , neglected by the medical attendant , and requiring doubtlessly ( as in operative midwifery aud the surgery of the eye ) an entire devotedness to a deeply important branch of study . The tone of this book is highly moral , and it abounds in wellwritten , harrowing , yet correct displays of the suffering consequent upon unbridled sensualism . No human being can be the worse for its perusal ; to multitudes it must prove a warning beacon , a welltold appeal to reason , a permanent blessing It is written in a clear intelligible style , and is evidently the productien of a mind long and practically conversant with the diseases of the most delicate division of tho human organization . "—The Magnet . "The security of happiness in the harbiage state is the chief anxiety of all ; but many dread entering upon wedded union , through a secret fear of nnfitness for the discharge of matrimonial obliga-I ?" * * . essay w most P ^ icularly addressed to all suffering under a despondency ofthe character alladed to ; and advice will be found calculated to vated heLth ?" " * ' " ^ ° int the W * * ° ren 0 " Messrs . Lucas & Co . are to be daily consulted from ten till two , and from five till eight in the evenn *; ^ J ? ^ ^ ence , No . 60 , Newman-street , Oxford-street , London . Country Patients are requested to be as minute as possible in the detail of their cases , as to the duration of the complaint , the symptoms , age , general habits of living , and occupation in life of the party , The communication must be accompanied by the usual consultation fee of £ 1 , without which no notice whatever can be taken of their application : and in all cases the most inviolable secrecy may be relied on . Sold in Leeds , by Ma . Joseph Bucktoh , Bookseller , 50 , Briggate , bj whom this Work is seat ( post * Mid ) Ss . 6 < L
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LETTER FROM MR . WM . HICK , NORTHERN STAR OFFICE , LEEDS . " Northern Star Office , Leeds , March 17 th , 1842 . Cf p entlemen , —You will oblige by forwarding , at IX your earliest convenience , the same quantity of PARR'S LIFE PILLS as last sent . While I am writing I cannot refrain from communicating the flattering intelligence of the groat good your pills are doing in Leeds aud its neighbourhood . It is clearly a great error to find fault with a medicine merely because it is a patent one ; and more especially since its use has contributed so largely to the public health . The fact is , however , predjudice is fast giving way , as it always must where the pills ara tried . A few cases in point may serve to confirm and illustrate what I have asserted . " A young female came into the shop to-day for a box , who stated that they had done her immense good . She had been troubled with a hoarseness so bad that no one could hear her speak ; but having taken a few boxes of PARR'S LIFE PILLS , she was completely restored , as was evident by the way she spoke . " Very many oases of extraordinary cures have occurred among the aged workpeople , both male and female . In one mill , an aged couple , enfeebled by disease and debilitated by premature old age , had become almost past work ; they wore persuaded to try a few boxes of PARR'S LIFE PILLS , and in a week were restored and strengthened that they could pursue their employment with pleasure and profit ; so much t , o , that from being unable to work at their calling more than two days in tho week , ard this with great physical difficulty and languor , they can now not only do a full week ' s work , but overhours besides . Bad as trade is here , the old people being favourites with the mill owner , are enabled to get as muoh employment as they can do , which has excited the envy of those younger persons who had been employed in their absence ; and it is a laughable fact , that Parr ' s Pills come in for a share of their rancour . The old people continue to take the pills regularly in small quantities , and find them as necessary to their health and prosperity as their daily food , " The next and last case which I shall mention at this time , is one of a most extraordinary nature . I have not seen the individual myself , but I shall give you the fact as I have received it from his employer , and from Mr . J . Hobson , who has frequently seen him sinoe his convalesence . The man is a working mechanic and had spent about thirty pounds last year on the doctor , in going to the Isle of Man and other places , for the benefit of his health , but to no purpose . His food had consisted for a long time of nothing but rice milk , the stomach refusing to take anything stronger . His body was greatly emaciated and his temporal prospects clouded ; with a mind filled with melancholy forebodings for the future , he returned to his friends at Leeds , where he was told by his medical adviser that should he be restored a little , his disorder would have its periodical return ; but being advised to try PARR'S LIFE PILLS , he bought a few boxes , which have completely removed his disease , and enabled him to return to his work , where he was seen a few days ago by Mr . Hobson , ( it being dinner hour ) eating beef-steaks with great gusto ; and to whom he recited with pleasure aud gratitude the cause of his then healthy condition , together with a long history of his past affliction . " Should the above three cases of cures be worthy of your notice , you are at perfect liberty to make what use of them you think proper . I am , Gentlemen , yours , respectfully , " WILLIAM HICK . "To Messrs . T . Roberts and Co ., 9 , Crane Court , Fleet-street , London . " MIRACULOUS CURE FROH THE USE OF PABe ' S LIFE FILLS . Copy of a Letter just reoeived by the Proprietors from Mr . Wm . Moat , 3 , Cobbett-street , Shaw ' s Brow , Salford . M To the Proprietors of Parr's Life PillB . " Gentlemen , —I have the utmost pleasure in forwarding you this my own case of cure , effected solely by the persevering use of your Parr ' s Life Pills . Before having recourse to them . I had been for upwards of five years afflicted with a most distressing malady , which the different medical men who attended me all . pronounced to be a serious case of hydrocele ( or dropsy of the scrotum ) , and declared there was no other chance of either relief or cure than undergoing a surgical operation . I was thus driven almost to despair ; and consulted the treatise written by Sir Astley Cooper , wherein he states that the operation is generally attended with considerable danger . I therefore determined not to risk so painful and uncertain an experiment , but rather chose to leave the result to nature and Providence . Fortunately , I heard ofthe great fame of Parr ' s Life Pills , and resolved to give them a fair trial . I consequently took them for some time without perceiving any benefit , but still kept persevering ; and I have now taken twelve boxes , and to my great joy I am perfectly well , the dropsy is entirely removed , together with a scorbutic affection , which I had been muoh troubled with since my return from India in 1827 ; and now there is not a vestige of disease left in my whole system , as I am now in better health and spirits than I have been for fourteen yearn . I feel certain you would have accounts of far more cures , if people would persevere in the use ofthe pills a proper length of time , as I have done . I give you my heartfelt thanks , and authority to publish this letter , and will gladly answer any applications either personally or by letter , and remain your grateful and obliged servant . ( Signed ) "W . MOAT . " Witness—John Hough , Cheadle , carrier . " Manchester , Feb . 7 , 1842 . " FROM MR . HEATON , BOOKSELLER , LEEDS . "To the Proprietors of Parr's Life Pills . " " Gentlemen , —I am happy to inform you that we are daily hearing accounts of the good effects of Parr ' s Life Pills ; to enumerate the cases would be a task too formidable for me , and which has prevented my writing to inform you before , as I can hardly tell where to begin . One man said he wanted a box of Life Pills , for Life Pills they were to him , they had done him so much good , in relieving him of an obstinate cough and asthma . " Another said they were worth their weight in gold ! as he was not like the same man since he had taken them . " Another said his wife had had a bad leg for yeara , but after taking one small box , which was recommended by his Class Leader , her leg was much better , and when she had taken the second box , it was quite as well as thg other . A . very respectable female said her husband had been afflicted above two years , and had tried many things , but since he had taken Parr ' s Life Pills he was quite a new man . "You will please send immediately , by Deacon ' s waggon , 36 dozen boxes at Is . l ^ d ., and 6 dozen at 2 s . 9 d . " I am , Gentlemen , yours , respectfully , " JOHN HEATON . " 7 , Briggate , Leeds , Feb . 9 th , 1842 . " To Messrs . T . Roberts and Co ., 9 , Crane Court , Fleet-street , London . " CAUTION—BEWARE OF IMITATIONS . In order to protect the public from imitations , the Hon . Commissioners of Stamps have ordered the words Parr ' s Life Pills to be engraved on the Government Stamp , which is pasted round the sides of each box , in white letters on a red ground Without this mark of authenticity they are spurious and an imposition ! Prepared by the Proprietors , T . Roberts and Co ., 9 , Crane Court , Fleet-street , London ; and 6 old wholesale by their appointment , by E . Edwards , 57 , St . Pauls , also by Barclays and Sons , Farringdon-street , and Sutton and Co ., Bow Churchyard ; and retail by at least one agent in every town in the United Kingdom , and by most respectable dealers in medicine . Price Is lid ., 2 s . 9 d ., and family bexes 1 Is . each . Full directions are given with each box .
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Just Published , Price 2 s . 6 d . ( Or sent free to the most remote parts of the Kingdom , in a sealed envelope , on the receipt of a post-office order for 3 s . 6 d . ) THE SECRET MEDICAL ADVISEE .. BEING a practical Treatise on the prevention and cure of the VENEREAL DISEASE , and other affections of the urinary and sexual organs , in both sexes , with a mild and successful mode of treatment , in all their forms and consequences ; especially , Stric- . ture , Gleets , affections of the Bladder , Prostrate Glands , Gravel , &o . shewing also the dangerous consequences of Mercury , such as eruptions ofthe skin , pain in the bones , &c , with p lain directions for a perfect restoration : embellished with engravings . An ample consideration of the diseases of women ; also nervous debility ; including a comprehensive dissertation on the anatomy of Marriage , impuissance , celibacy , sterility or barronness , and various other interruptions of the Laws of Nature . Also some animadversions on the Secret Sin of Youth , which entails such fearful consequences on its victims . tS" This Work is undeniably the most interesting and important that has hitherto been published on this subject , imparting information which ought to be in the possession of every one who is labouring under any secret infirmity , whether male or female . BY M . WILKINSON , CONSULTING SURGEON , &o . 13 , Trafalgar Street , Leeds . Of whom they may be obtained , or from any of his Agents . MR . M . W . having devoted his studies for many years exclusively to the various diseases of the generative and nervous system , in the removal of those distressing debilities arising from a secret indulgence in a delusive and destructive habit , and to the successful treatment of , VENEREAL AND SYPHILITIC DISEASES , Continues to be consulted from nine in the morning till ten at night , and on Sundays till two , —and country patients requiring his assistance , by making only one personal visit , will receive such advice and medicines as will enable them to obtain a permanent and effectual cure , when all other means have failed . In recent cases of a certain disorder a perfect cure is completed in one week , or no oharge made for medicine after that period , and in those cases " where other praotititioners have failed , a perseverance in his plan , without restraint in diet , or hindrance from business , will ensure to the patient a permanent and radical cure . A complete knowledge ofthe symptoms and treatment of these insidious aad dangerous diseases , can only be acquired by those who are in daily practice , and have previously gone through a regular course of Medical Instruction ; for , unfortunately ? there are hundreds who annually fall victims to the ignorant use of Mercury and other dangerous remedies , administered by illiterate men , who ruin the constitution by suffering disease to get into the system , which being carried by the circulation of the blood into all parts of the body , tho whole frame becomes tainted with venereal poison , and most unhappy consequences ensue , at one time affecting the skin , particularly the head and face , with eruptions and ulcers , closely resembling , and often treated as scurvy , at another period producing the most violent pains in the limbs and bones , which are frequently mistaken for rheumatism ; thusthe whole frame becomes debilitated and decayed , and a lingering death puts a period to their dreadful sufferings . What a grief for a young person in the very prime of life , to be snatched out of time , and from all the enjoyments of life , by a disease always local at first , aud whioh never proves fatal if properly treated , as all its fatal results are owing either to neglect or ignorance . Mr . W . ' s invariable rule is to give a Card to each of his Patients as a guarantee for oure , which he pledges himself to perform , or return his fee . - For the accommodation of either sex , where distance or delicacy prevents a personal visit , his PURIFYING DROPS , price 4 s . 6 d . can be had of any of the following agents , with printed directions so plain , that they may cure themselves without even tho knowledge of a bed-fellow . They are particularly recomme . nded to be taken before persons euter into the matrimonial state , lest the indiscretions of a parent are the source of'vexation to him the remainder of his existence , by afflicting his innocent but unfortunate offspring with the evil eruptions of the malignant tendency , and a variety of other complaints , that are most assuredly introduced by the same neglect and imprudence . AGENTS . Hull—At the Advertiser Office , Lowgate , and Mr . Noble ' s Bookseller , Market-place . . Leeds . —At the Times Office , and of Mr . Heaton , 7 , Briggate . Wakefield—Mr . Hurst , Bookseller . Halifax—Mr . Hartley , Bookseller . Hnddersfield—Mr . Dewhirst , 39 , New-street . Bradford—Herald Office . London—No . 4 , Cheapside , Barnaloy—Mr . Harrison , Bookseller , Market-pl . York—Mr . Hargrove's Library , 6 , Coney-street . Ripon—Mr . Harrison , Bookseller , Market-place . Knaresboro' and High Harrogate—Mr . Langdale Bookseller . Manchester—Mr . Watkinson , Druggist , 6 , Marketplace . Beverley- ^ Mr . Johnson , Bookseller . Boston—Mr . Noble , Bookseller . Louth—Mr . Hurton , Bookseller . Liverpool—At the Chronicle Office , 25 , Lord-street Sheffield—At the Iris Office . Mansfield—Mr . S . Dobson , News Agent , 519 , Belvedere-street . Mr . W ., is to be consulted everyday at his Resv dence , from Nine in the Morniag till Tea at Night , and on Sundays from Nine till Two . OBSERVE—13 , TRAFALGAR-ST . LEEDS . Attendance every Thursday in Bradford , at No . 4 , George-street ; , facing East Brook ChapJe .
Untitled Ad
HERMAN'S CELEBRATED GOLDEK PACKETS OF SPECIFIC MEDICINES , Under the Sanction and by the Recommendation 0 } Eminent Gentlemen of the Faculty and tfu Afflicted . SPECIFIC PILLS for Gout and Rheumatism , Rheumatic Headaches , Lumbago , and Sciatica , Pains in the Head and Face . —Is . 9 d . and 4 s . 64 per Box . PURIFYING APERIENT RESTORATIVE PILLS , For both sexes . Price Is . Hd . and 2 s . 9 d . per box , A most celebrated remedv tor Costive and Biliom Complaints , Attacks of Fever , Disorders of the Stomach and Bowels , Indigestion , Dimness of Sight , Pains and Giddiness of the Head , Worms , Gravel , Dropsical Complaints , < feb . ANTISCORBUTIC , SCROFULA , AND LEPRA PILLS AND OINTMEN I' , For the cure of Cancerou .-- , Scrofulous and Indolent Tumours , and Inveterate Ulcers ; Glandular Affections of tho Neck , Erysipelas , Scurvy , Evil , Ringworm , Scald Head , White Swellings , Piles , Ulcerated Sore Legs ( though of twenty years standing ) , Chilblains , Chapped Hands , Burns , Scalds , Bruises , Grocers' Itch , and all Cutaneous Diseases j alBO an infallible Remedy for Sore and Diseased Eyes . Price 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . ( id . and lls . per package ; the Ointment can be had seperate , Is . lid . per Pot . UNIVERSAL OINTMENT , Price Is . l £ d . per Pot . These Medicines are composed of Plants which are indigenious to our own Soil , and therefore must be far better adapted to our constitutions than Medicine concocted from Foreign Drugs , however well they may be compounded . These Preparations are important Discoveries made in Medicine , bomg the most precious of Native Vegetable Concentrated Extracts , extending their Virtue and Excellency throughout the whole Human Frame . $ S * Read the Pamphlet to be had of each Agent GRATIS . No pretensions are made that any of these Medicines form a panacea , for ail Diseases ; but they are offered as certain Specifics for particular Disorders , aud for all Complaints closely allied to them ; not claimiug the merit of universality as is frequently done by all-sufficient pill proprietors . The Celebrated Golden Packets , prepared by the Proprietor , Gho . Kerman , Dispensing Chemi 3 t , &c ., can bo had at his Dispensaries , 25 , Wincolmlee , and 18 , Lowgate , ( opposite the Town Hall , ) Huu , or of any of his accredited Agents enumerated ; ( for which see email placards on the wali , ) who have each an Authority ( signed by his own hand ) for vending the same "; or through any respectabls Medicine Vender in the Kingdom . Eaoh Packet bears his Name , in lm own hand thus— " Georgs Herman" to imitate whioh is Felony . The attention of the Public is respectfully requested to the undercited cases , and the most rigid investigation into their authenticity is courted : — This is to prove that the medicine I was supplie d with by Mr . Koiman , chemist , &o . Hull , I tounj almost direct relief from , when my medical man ha failed to remedy my case ; it had become a rheumv tic swelling of my knee joint , with pain and stiffness * Publish this as you think proper for your profit , &c « John Tanton , Wincolmlee , Hull . April , 1841 . AN EXTRAORDINARY CASE OF GOUT . To Mr . George Kerman . Sir , —I , John Shotton , millwright , have long been subject to the gout . My business has occasioned ma to be in most principal towns in the kingdom , ana in such principal places on my attacks 1 have had the most popular advice , wifcfa , generally speaking but little of relief . On a ri « pt attack , I took fora length of time , the most popular advertised paten * medicines of the day without the slightest visible good effect . I waa recommended to try your medicine , and had not taken one whole box of your p »» before I found myself quite well . Since that tima I have had another attack and again had t&wMMi to your medicine , and I think it tad a more decided action than even on the former occasion ; eacn dose producing a marked amount of relief , I have not had an attack ef some time . I shall be glad to bear out the validity of this ( it being intended as a pablio advertisement ) by giving my disinterested private opinion of your Specific for Gout and Rheumatism . John Shotton . Trippet , Wincolmlee , Hull , 1841 . You can make the best use of the cure your medicine made of me whilst violently afflicted with an old rheumatic complaint , renewed by taking cola , in whatsoever way you think most calculated to effect your ends and benefit the suffering thousands wno have sought in vain a cure . I have not been attacked since , which is now nearly two years . ' Alexandbe Gbainqeb , grocer . To Mr . Kerman , Wincolmlee , Hull , 1842 . To Mr . George Kerman , —It is with the most grateful feelings that I render this certificate , of my wife ' s case to you in the hope that you will make it as widely known as possible , for the benefit ot the poor suffering beings ( and your own profit ) afflict , with similar violent rheumatic affections . Your medicine is a most valuable medicine for that com ' plaint , in favour of which I cannot half say enough . Wm . Watson , her Husband , Hull , 1842 . Ship Carpenter , Wincolmle Agents . —Leeds—John Heaton , 7 , Briggate J Joseph Haigh , 116 ; Briggate ; Edward Smeeton ; T . B . Smith , Medicine vender , 66 , Beokett-street , Bar * mandtofts ; Stocks & Co ., Medioine venders , * c 5 , Kirkgate .
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TO THE PUBLIC . READ the Life and Sufferings of a FACTORY LAD . A Tale replete with the most rivetting interest , commencing in No . 42 , of WHITE'S PENNY UNIVERSAL BROAD SHEET , in which publication alEo will be found numerous other tales , charades , riddles , original poetry , &c , and all the advantages of a Family Newspaper FOR ONE PENNY . London : Thomas White , 45 , Holywell Street , Strand ; Abel Heywood , Manchester ; aud all the dealers of cheap publications throughout , England , Scotland , and Ireland .
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CAUTION TO LADIES . rnHE PROPRIETORS OF KEARSLEY'S 1 ORIGINAL WIDOW WELCH'S FEMALE PILLS , find it incumbent on them to caution the purchasers of these Pills against an imitation , byi person of the name of Smithers , and calling herself tho Grand-daughter of the late Widow Welch , by who has no right to the preparing of them , tin Original Recipe having been sold to the late Q , Keabsley , of Fleet-street , whose widow found it necessary to make the following affidavit , for the protection of her property , in the year 1798 : — AFFIDAVIT . First . —That she is in possession of the Recipe for making Welch ' s Female Pills , which was bequeathed to her late husband . Second—That this Recipe was purchased byhet late husband of the Widow Welch , in the year 1787 , for a valuable consideration , and with a view tot making the medicine for public sale . Third—That she , Catherine Kearsley , is also in possession of the Receipt signed by the said Widow Welch , acknowledging the having received the money of the said Mr . George Kearslet . for the purchase of the absolute property ofthe sail Recipe . C . Kearsley . Sworn at the Mansion House , London , the 3 rd D q of November , 1798 , before me , Anderson , Mayor . These Pills , so long and justly celebrated for theij peculiar Virtues , are strongly recommended to th » notice of every Lady , having obtained the sanction and approbation of most Gentlemen of the Medictl Profession , as a safe and valuable Medicine , in effeotnally removing Obstructions , and relieving all other Inconveniences to which tho Female Frame is liable , especially thoBe whioh , at an early period of life , frequently arise from want of Exercise and general Debility of tho System ; they create an Appetite , correct Indigestion , remove Giddiness and Nervous Headache , and are eminently useful in Windy Disorders , Pains in the Stomach , Shortness of Breath , and Palpitations of tho Heart ; being perfectly hv nocent , may be used with safety in all Seasons and Climates . Sold , wholesale and retail , by J . Sanger , ISO , Oxford-street : and by most respectablo Medicim Venders in Town and Country , at 2 s . 9 d . pei box . N . B . Askfor Kcarsloy ' sWelch's Pills ; andobserve , none are genuine unless C . Kearsley is engraved 01 the Government Stamp .
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FRAMPTON'S PILL OF HEALTH Price Is . l ^ d . per box . THIS excellent Family Pill is a medicine of longtried effioacy for correcting all disorders df the stomach and bowels , the common Bymptoms of which are costiveness , flatulency , spasms , loss of appetite , sick head-ache , giddiness , sense of fulness after meals , dizziness of the eyes , drowsiness and pains in the stomach and bowels . Indigestion producing a torpid state of the liver , and a consequent inactivity of tho bowels , causing a disorganization of every function ef the frame , will , in this most excellent preparation , by a little perseverance , be effectually removed . Two or three doses will convince the afflicted of its salutary effects . The stomach , will speedily regain its strength ; a healthy action of the liver , bowels , and kidneys , will rapidly take place ; and , instead , oi" listlessness , heat , pain , and jaundiced appearance , strength , activity , and renewed health , will be the quick result of taking this medicine according to the directions accompanying each box ; and if taken after too free an indulgence at table , they quickly restore the system to its natural state of repose . Persons of a FULL HABIT , who are subject to head-ache , giddiness , drowsiness , and singing in the ears , arising from too great a flow of blood to the head , should never bo without them , as many dangerous symptoms will be entirely carried off by . their immediate use . FOR FEMALES these Pills are most truly excellent , removing all obstructions ; the distressing head-ache so very prevalent with the sex ; depression of spirits , dulness of sight , nervous affections , blotches , pimples , and sallowness of the skin , and give a healthy and juvenile bloom to the complexion As a pleasant , safe , easy aperient , they unite the recommendation of a mild operation with the most successful effect , and require no constraint of diet or confinement during their ubo . Andfor ELDERLY PEOPLE they , will be found to be the most comfortable medicinehitherto prepared . Sold by T . Prout . 229 , Strand , London , Price 2 s . 9 d . per box , and by his appointment , by Heatou , Hay , Allen , Land , Haigh , Smith , Bell , Townsend , Baines and Newsome , Smeeton , Reinhardt , Leeds ; Brooke , Dewsbury ; Dennis & Son , Moxon , Little , Hardman , Linney , Hargrove , York ; Brooke & Co ., Walker & Co ., Stafford , Faulkner , Doncaster ; Judson , Harrison , Linney , Ripon ; Foggitt , Coates , Thompson , Thirsk ; Wiley , Easing wold ; England , Fell , Spivey , Huddersfield ; Ward , Richmond ; Cameron , Knaresbro' ; Pease , Oliver , Darlington ; Dixon , Metcalfe , Langdale , Northallerton ; Rhodes , Snaith ; Goldthorpe , Tadcaster ; Rogcrson , Cooper ,. Newby , Kay , Bradford ; Brice , Priestley , Pontefraot ; Cord well , Gill , Lawton , Dawson , Smith , Wakefield ; Berry , Denton ; Suter , Ley land , Hartley , Parker , Dunn , Halifax ; Booth , Rochdale ; Lambert , Bordughbridge ; Dalby , Wetherby ; Waite , Horrogate ; Wall , Barnsley ; and all respectable Medioine Venders throughout the kingdom . Ask for Frampton ' s Pill of Health , and observe the name and address of "Thomas Prout , 22 fl , Strand , London , " on the Government 5 tamp .
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¦ BXOItlSON'S PILLS . TTPWARUS of Three Hundred Thousand Cases U of well-authenticated Cures , by Morison ' s Pills of the British College of Health , having , through the medium of the presa , been laid before the Public , is surely sufficient proof for Hygeianism . Sold by W . Stubbs , General Agent for Yorkshire , Queen ' s Terrace , Roundhay Road , Leeds ; and Mr . Walker , Briggate , and Mr . Heaton , Briggate ; Mr . Badger , Sheffield ; Mr . Nichols , Wakefield ; Mr . Harrison , Barnsley ; Miss Wilson , Rotherham ; Mr . Clayton , Doncaster ; Mr . Hartley , Halifax ; Mr . Stead , Bradford ; Mr . Dewhirst , Huddersfield j Mr . Brown , Dewsbury ; Mr . Kidd , Poutefract ; Mr . Bee , Tadoaster ; Mr . Wilkinson , Aberford ; Mr . Mountain , Sherburn ; Mr . Richardson , Selby ; Mr . Walker , Otlty ; Mr . Collah , East Witton ; Mr . Langdale , Knareabro' and Harrogate ; Mr . Harrison , Ripon ; Mr . Bowmtn , Richmond ; Mr . Grasby , Bawtry ; Mr . Tasker , Skipton ; Mr . Sinclair Wetherbyi ; Mr . Rushworth . Mytholmroyd .
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EDWARDS' BREAKFAST POWDER . rPHE MAMUFACTURERS of this excellent JL Article have taken the Premises , 271 , Deansgate , Manchester , in order to supply Agents there , and in the neighbouring Counties , on the same terms as at their Warehouse iu London . , The Breakfast Powder is prepared from Grain of British Growth , and some of the most eminent London Physicians affirm it to be far more nutritious and less heating than Coffee ; it is used and recommended by many medical men , and need but a trial to ensure consumption . Sold in rackets , in most Towns in the Kingdom , Price 6 d . per Pound ; Superfine Quality , 8 d . It is the aim of tho Manufacturers to provide an excellent and wholesome Beverage at the cheapest possible rate , and from the satisfaction the Breakfast Powder has given , they fearlessly assert it to be the best and cheapest substitute for Coffee ever discovered . Edwards Brothers , 99 , Blackfriar ' s Road , London , and 271 , Deansgate , Manchester .
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WATKiNS'S TESTIMONIAL COMMITTEE . N OTICE . —A Special General Meeting will be held at the Dispatch Coffee House , Bride Lane , Fleet Street , on Monday Eveninb next , October 24 th , at Eight o'Clock , when all Parties having Raffle Sheets , Subscription Books , &c , are requested to bring the same , as a Balance Sheet will be brought forward , and all Defaulters published the week follow'ing . WM . SALMON , Secretary . 6 , New Court , Farringdon Street , Oct . 18 ih , 1842 .
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THE NEW YORK LINE OF PACKETS . Sail punctually on their regular days from LIVERPOOL . —As follows , viz . CAMBRIDGE , Barsiow 800 tons 19 th Oct . ROSCOE , Huttleston .... .... 617 tons , 25 th Oct . STEP . WHITNEY , Thompson , 1034 „ 1 st Nov . These vessels are all first class , and have been built expressly for the convenience and accommodation of Cabin , Second Cabin , and Steerage Passengers , who will be treated with every care and attention during the passage by the officers of the ships . Fresh water is Berved out daily . All Passengers by these Ships will be found in lib . good biscuit bread or bread stuffs per day during the voyage , and will be allowed one shilling each per day , if detained in port more than two days beyond tho day .-agreed-upan for sailing , according to the Act of Parliament . Good convenient apparatus for cooking is provided and ever necessary suitable for the voyage . As these ships are deoided favourites , being celebrated for their fortnnate and quick passages hence to America , it is requested that all persons desirous of securing good berths will deposit , by post , or otherwise , £ 1 each as early as possible , and passengers will not require to be iu Liverpool more than one day before the day named for sailing . —Address P . W . BYRNES , 36 , Waterloo-road , Liverpool .
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PEEL'S TARIFF OUTDONE ! THE COFFEE TAX REPEALED ! MESSRS . CROW AND TYRELL beg < o call the attention of the Chartist Pubhe to ft , BEVERAGE prepared by them , as _ a Cheap ^ Wholesome substitute for Taxed Coffee . Its nntij , tious qualities are equalled by none in the Market . while its mode of Preparation renders it vastly ^ periortothe Trash offered for Sale by those who regard not the health of the Consumer . As a meanj of supporting the " Executive Committee of the Nv tional Charter Association , " and as a means of crippling the Governmental Exchequer , it may b , made a ready and powerful weapon in the hands o [ the Sons of Toil . A single Trial will prove its superiority over othej Preparations of like pretensions . Prepared and Sold by the Proprietors , 31 , Bel . grave Gate , Leicester . The Proprietors have great pleasure in announc . ing that Mr . J . HOBSON , Publisher of th « Northern Star , has become General Wholksalk Agent for the Chartist Breakfast Powdeii , fw tho District of Yorkshire . He has now a jar ® quantity in Stock , both at Leeds and at Huddersfield , from which he is authorised to supply the Associations and other Retail Vendors at . tho ? ama Prices as the Proprietors themselves . Orders addressed to him will meet with prompt Attention .
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CAHUSI . 3 . —Stats op Public Feeling—Ex-EK 1 IOSS OF THE PEOPLE IS BEHALF OF THE ISCi ] : CHEJk . TED Chartists . —I > uriii 2 tfie past -wttt , tee m-.-i-i intense anxiety h £ s been difplajed by the ¦ wurlv - ii . K rissscs eeceraJiy , for the fate of tbrir i > r .,. stcurtd and persecuted Chartist brethren , -who -were tifcicgand expected to take Vtb ' . r triads nutlet Ibe Specie Commiv sio-s in different parLs of the country . Tie Evening Star has been eargerly looked after as the most likely vthicle thxeogh vrhicti correct infonaaticn is conveyed to ibe public . Parties have assriublt ^ eich evening in different girts of tte town to iUten to tbe contents of tfcit icdeptDdent acd spirited journal , ¦ which so we )] dtstr ? cs the cordial support of the ¦ working classes , tiius ice only daily paper devoted to the prosperity and -wrii-bting of the -worjdng classes , and < ppcstd to
the tyranny and oppression of the great raid veaitfay . " We trait the -working ci&Eses -will do all in their poorer to prcincte and txiind tbe ssJ ° of so valuable an organ , for it is of the most paramount itapottr . rce , that the real conditir-2 / * eeJii ; ja . ¦ wa nts , scd wishes of the pc-op ' . e should be Uisce public , and tb ^ v-Ic-e , fallacies , tyrannies , aud oppressions of the zr ^ at ard powerful , a * -iy exposed , arid tiiis is more Ec-ctt .-2 . ry w . : tn ^ e considrr that the prers iu jtcci-al . is a v ;; e sink of iniquity and ctrrupiion , and' the servile tool of tha factions which seppors it . Moreover a paper coaduc *< - ' : wHh that tilent and fearless independence -which the Evening Star has fcitberto displayed , is weii calculittru to give a proper tore and direction to the people's "ill . The partial , urjtist , and tacOTinajy charge of Lord Abin ^ er , to the grid jury at Liverpool , T . as beard with feelings
or disgust and incignauoD , that the very judgment Esat should be stained and polluted by one placed there to jniV . y administer the lafr , and not to deliver siliy and u- jast disquisitions on the politics of a party , taking czTd to single cut that pz"t . " for destruction , by qucsti' ^ ing tbeir honesty and nialignicg their motives . Tie s' -iinje aid unprtcfcdentfcd proceedings against V . " uHa : ii Elis at Stafford , in raking up fresh evidence Efier tb 3 pr-.-ieciticn bar ; clcsed , and the iMaics made b- 'd i >; : c-jssfuliy established an a ' ibi . "which , "without lurcher evidence , must have been t . ral to a conviction , Wis loudly and bitterly complained of ; "H-hiie the able ce'ence ar-d triumphant acquittal of C .-t . per , rrere heard ¦ with feelings of m . mingled pleasure : turl d = i"ght . It is cosa :-. ! - r ? ; mat iir . O'Connor stui the otfcur Cisartists , agiictt wi . 012 3 tiiia bill vas foucii at Liv . rpaoi , did
• wise ;? in traversing ncti ! £ txt ass ; z = £ . 'inis course "Will Eliow the ajpfcited ttate of puVhc feeliu ^ , arising out of the late outbreak , to subside into a calm , so that mere impartial justice 11137 be done to those charged with cvuspir&cy , on the evidence of a viie Miscreant , ¦ whese "word will not be taken by an unprejudiced jcry . Moreover , trn » course tvLl allow time for getting up abie and conclusive defences ; aiM enable the peop : e to support tbeir friends vita that ahiiity , which they so well deserve , hat tie Chartists ia every locality exert themselves to the utmost of their posFsj-, in getting np defence fanes for tbescppcitof those ¦ sxo have already suffered much in the right-ous cause ; ant ' ., ah-yye ail , do not aliow the widow ' s tears , nor the
orphan ' s cries , to reproLch you with ne-tjltct in performing so important a euty . Lt-t Committees and coliectois he appointed in e ? ery place , where tbtre is a Chartist Association ; and Irt thu eood work be immediately proceeded with ; p-LTStverance , prcrr . ptitude , and zeal wul secure compkte success ; and you will have the heartfelt satisfaction of hi-. o-winy that y < u have nobly done your duty . Ti > = r ^ are fe— so vrell-calculated to perform this arduous . duty r . s the fc ^ i lies , and ve wtrs tlad to learn that in C ; ri ;> le they haa comtntEced operatiocs , and vrere Euccctaing to a great extent . We trust this example m . l ' m ioVio-rc-. l in other places ; at the same time , it mu ^ t not fur 3 manienS damp the ardour of the males , who cucht to vie with their fair brethren in the holy woiic—Correspondent .
LOKDOK .-55 , Old Biilfy , Sunday eTeai ; :: ; , Mr-Jlanis dilirrred an ^ txcfciJcnt poii :: cal sermon . The room was crowded to ° excess , and a gcc . 1 collection was m . ' -. ue for the political victims . The sbarehol' ; ers aucouucc' j . thr . t they were about taains very tstensive preii ; £ ^ 3 to ccs'strt into a Charlis : H . iil , tie present room be : ns much Uo limited for tLs niiiube ; 3 " . < iihing to ol : t . in aoiuission . 3 ! rTE 0 P 0 LiTAN delegate meeting , Sunday , Oct . 10 th , Jlr . Et- s m th = chair . Upon the roil being caliea , a long discussion arose apon the non-attendance of members , a . ; :- ! tho secretary was instructed to enforce the rule upon that subject . vOne shiUing aad sixpsnea was receivird from the Albion for delegate nitetlng -, 6 j from the Albion for defe . ee fund ; Ss . froni the Three Doves ; 7 s . 8 J . from the Clockhouse ; 7 d . from tbe Carpent-rs ' Arms ; 3 s . 3 > 1 . frum Tower Hamlets' bo-.-tmtktrs ; and 8 s . 5 d . from Chittists and other frisnus tt Stratford . Creiief-. tiiis v ; ere itc ^ ived from Messrs . 5 IuJ ? e an ^ i Cock , from Miry ' ebonej ^ Mr . Teuicn , from Lambeth Teetorallers ; Mr . WrieLt , from Islirc ' . cn ; and Mr . ; - ' a :. z , f . or . i tLe tiik-weavers , Tower HamKti K-. ports TTcrc n-criTi-u f- 'en : icVcral loca ; it : ts regarang the n ^ rr ETibT * :: p : ii -. n bc-uks issued by the delegate mcit-nir ; and it w _ s uIti .-Bi- . riy resc-lved that tbe boc > k = ihi / u : d be K > Id to tho Losuiitits , and they should lake r .-. ps in Ciip ' .- = iEg of them , and the returns according to their own jci ^ mcit Mr . Dron reported from . ' the 0 : Esrvition Con :. "ni ' : ES , and rrcemmended that a succor ;; . ; n of public uu-. tinrs should be got up in order to creata a pnSi'j : pj : nifei-tc ' : oa of sympathy on behaif cf tie psliticai v : ct . i :: s . Tbe Committee were authorised to take
• wnst apj thty ' . ' . eeir . ei most expedient to carry out thus object . Mr . Cock was elected a member of the Observation Coiarni ' . tte in the placs of ilr . Abel Cook , ie . " : gntd- ^ r . Cuff-17 moved , and Mr . Mantz seconded , thai the name of Mr . Matthews be withdrawn from the Observation Committee , on account of his beir . g a member of the Complete Suffrage body . After some discussion , the suVj = ct was deferred until the ecsuins ¦ week . Ths subject of the Tract and Lecturing Com " - mittee having been disposed of , some discussion arose regarding the Provisional Committee , and the meeting adicumed .
"WOEKINCi MAVS BALL , MILE EKD —Mr . Illingwcrth lectured to a crowded audience to tbeir satisfaction . Mr . Shaw reads letter from Julian Harney in the Northern Star , and 3 s . Sd . waa collected for the victims . The Committee for assisting Dr . M 1 ) ouall ' s family met tt the Ko £ 3 Inn , on Sunday evening , Mr . Simpson in the chair ; Mr . 'Wheeler reported that tfee money collected was £ 15 19 s . lid ., and that £ 10 had been promise ! by llr . Dnnconiba ; M . P .. Mr . Wheeler was requested to write , and a deputation was likewise appointed U wait on all persons who had received books and not returned them . "All- books not returned by Sunday , Oct . 22 nd , the holders ¦ will be considered defaulters and their names published accordingly . Mr . Cuf&y was authoriz .-d to draw of tbe treasurer pro ( em , Mr . Wheeler , the sum requisite to furnish materials to make a suit of clothes ; Messrs . Cuffay and Cooi having kindly volunteered to manufacture them free of expense . A balincs sheet will Ebortly be published .
Observation Cojimiitee . —On Thursday evening this body met as usual at the Dispatch , and considerable business was transacted . Messrs . Wheeler and Cuffay ¦ were instructed to lay out ths sum of 9 s . 6 d . in tracts , and conversation took place regarding the propriety of tbe Committee publishing a sarits ef tracte . Messrs . Cuffay and Wheeler were also deputed to procure parchment for the efficil credentials of -parties acting as lecturers in the metropolitan districts , atd Mr . Wheeltr was authorized to write all persons shvin it might be deemed avisable to entrust with , tbe arduous duties of Chartist lecturers in these perilous times of spits and traitors . The niettizg then discussed the propriety of getting up a series of public meetings , 2 nd unanimously agreed to recommend the same to the delegate mecong .
Albion Coffee House , Chvech-street , Shoke-DlTCH . —A spirited discussion on the Sturte addrtss took plsce on Sunday Evening , acd the qucS-un was tdpnrned to Efxt Sunday evening at seven o ' clock , the members arc invited to attend . Nine shillings ¦ was collected oa Sunday tie 16 th , for the victims . Tower Hamlets . —A general meeting of t '^ e Conncillors of this locality was held on Sunday evruh-ir , at the Bricklayers' Arms , Brick Line , at whicn it was resoiv « i— " That the said Councillors do meet It- - nrst Sunday in November , at the Halifax Arms , Mik- End , New Town , and every succeeding month , at tke places of meeting of fee several localities , ¦ with the view o : better concentrating their energies . " Mr . Robson was appointed Secretary , and Mr . Drake Treasurer , te the United Councillors . The Secretary was empowered to call together the Councincrs upon any emergency that may arise rtq-iiring thfcir deliberations .
WARWICK . —At the usual weekly Chartist meet-Ing heid at ths Saracon ' a Head , the first question discussed was , what effect will the present leign oi terror have on tiie Chartist movement ? and the conclusian arrived at was , that it would remind the people of the real character of the hereditary enemies of civil and religious liberty ; but as gold seven times tried in the fire , Chartism would ultimately come out pure , uniUoyed , and triumphant . The working classes have sufficient knowledge now to move , even without Issuers , tetrefore ttiey abould hold firmly together and support tbeir incarcerated brethren and tbeir f&miles , ana tnu would they prove themselves invincible , and the principles of ths Charter immutable as fate . T ; venty . two additional raffia tickets for tbe General Defence Pond were sold . at Is . each , and eight more were ordered ; 10 s . 6 d . was handed in for Wnite " s support ; 85 . was acknowledged from Birmingham , for ditto . Tee question for discussion next night will be , what course Bhould tbe Chartists adopt in tbe event of tbe Coru law League renewing tbeir agitation , as threatened bj Obden and bis bandies of tracts ?
CaStiTEMHAxO . —Tbe caure of freedom is rapid ] progressing in this toiru- On Wednesday evening , Oct 12 th , Mr . Gammfcge , of Northampton , delivered a verj interesting lecture on tbe position that tbe Chartls body now bold , and gava great satiifsction to all pr € i . ' :-t . —Mr . William MiUom lectured oa Sunday tivenli g , at the above room , after which a collection tvss aiide for the defence fund . Ox Mondat evening last , a meeting "was held in the v . . Panics InstUuUca , to auuit tba £ C ^> ont £ for tbe y . -.- - quarter , and likewise : o nominite persons for the C -eral Council . The report of the accounts was rrtr-ived : and t « n s ? ii [ Kn ;;» pa ; d in for tbe defence i ; -. ' ,. raiting a total of three pounds , « £ . sii bave been cju .- .. z ± in this place .
Untitled Article
NiWCASTf £ . —Mr . Kimpster Robion lectured in the Cbartlst Ha' i , float Inn , Cloth-market , on Sunday evening , on tbe present distress of this country , clearly proving miKo femment to be the causa of it , and a fall and free repr esentation in the state , to be tbe only means of coring it . Tbe Chairman then made an appeal to the meeting oa behalf of the widow and orphans of the late Mr . Hnssel , cf Nottingham , whose body wasfonnd drowned in tbe Tyne . on Wednesday iast , and 5 s . 9 d . was coUtcted for them , and after a few remarks on the Stafford Commission , and the species of justice msted out to Mr . Ellis , tbe meeting separated , highly tratified with Mr . R / s lecture .
The Chartists of Newcastle held their weekly meeting on Monday evening as usual , Mr . Smith in the chair , when Messrs . Frankland , Sinclair , Smith , Knox , Binns , Gib , ani Shrimpton were appointed to draw up the rules and make other arrangements for tbo anticipated debating society . Mr . Wm . Beesley was nominated as a fit and proper parson to form one of the Executive Committee . A vote of thanks was unanimously agreed to for the gentlemen in London , who in the time of need came forward and made up the deficiency pjade in our Executive bj the powers that be , and bscame tbe Provisional Executive pro . tern , and another rote of toank « was unanimously carried , to Mr . Roberts for his able services to our caase at Stafford . BRIGHTON . —The sum of £ 1 has been sent from this place to the Treasurer of the Defence Fund . At a meeting on Monday evening , Mr . T . L . Clancy was nominated for the Execusiva .
OUSE 3 URN —The Chartists of this locality assembled in their room , East end of the Railway Bridge , on Sunday rooming , when business of great importance was transacted . Several pieces from the Northern Star were read and commented on . Several sums were banded in for the Defence Fund . MAKSFZSIiD — The Chartists of this locality met in their room on Sunday , when it was resolved that a second subscription of one pound be sent for the general Terence fund , to the Evening Star office , and that five shillings be given to an exile in distress . KSBDEFi BRIDGE . —A ball was held in the Democratic Chapel , on Friday , the 14 $ h inst , which was numerously attended . Some good musicians were in attendance . The amusements were continued till a late hour , when the company separated highly delighted with the evening ' s entertainment
Cijavltet Sntclttscnrr.
Cijavltet Sntclttscnrr .
Evening Star.
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Northern Star (1837-1852), Oct. 22, 1842, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct621/page/2/