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d ariuft SxtttTlisaict.
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TO HE . T . I-EOCT 229 , STBASD , LO . NDON . Frimley , near Bagshot , Surrey , February 14 th , 1842 SIR , —Having suffered much from acute Rheumatism , I was induced to try your Blair ' s Pills , and beg to bear my humble testimony loj their efficacy , not only in my own case , but in several of my fnends who have taken them on my recommendation . I am , Sir , your obliged , JUlhN GILES . The never-failing effects of Blair ' s Gout and Rheumaxio Pill ? , curing every description of Gout and Rheumatism , has secured to them a celebrity unequalled by and medicine of past or present times . They not only give relief in a few hours , where the patient has been driven nearly to madness be excruciating tortures , hu t restore to perfect health in an inconceivable ebon space of time . —See Testimonials of Lieutenant Masters < of Hawley , near Bagshot ) , late of the Royal Newfoundland Veteran Companies , who was invalided home by a Garrrison order ; the Rev . Dr . Bloomberg ; the Chevalier de la Garde ; Air . Miskin , D . irtford ; Mrs . Chambers , Maidstone ; &c . &c , which demonstrate this preparation to be one of the greatess discoveries in Medicine . They are equally speedy and certain in rheumatism , either chronic or acute , lumbago , sciatica , pains in the head and face , and indeed for every rheumatic , or gouty affection ; in fact , such has been the rapidity , perfcet ease , and comeplete safety of this medicine , that it has astonished ail who have taken it , and there is not a city , town , or village in the kingdom , but contains many of the grateful evidences of the benign influence of this medicine . The efficacy of Blair ' s Gout and Rheumatic Pills is unparalleled for the foregoing diseases , and it must be consolatory to ihe afflicted with Gout to bo assured that it possesses the property of preventing the diBease flying to ihe stomach , brain , or other vital part . Sold by T . Prout , 229 , Strand , London , Price 2 s . Sd . per box , and by his appointment , by Heaton , flay , Allen , Land , Haigh , Smith ,. BeH , Townsend , Baines and Newsome , Smeeton , Reinhardt , Leeds ; Brooke , Dewsbury ; Dennis & Son , Aloxon , Little , Hardman , Linney , Hargrove , York ; Brooke & Co ., Walker & Co ., Stafford , Faulkner , Doncaster ; Judson , Harrison , Linney , Ripon ; Foggitt , Goates , Thompson , Thirsk ; Wiley , Easingwold ; England , Fell , Spivey , Huddersfield ; Ward , Richmond ; Cameron , Knaresbro '; Pea 3 e , Oliver , Darlington ; Dixon , Metcalfe , Langdale , Northallerton ; Rhodes , Snaith ; Goldthorpe , Tadcaster ; Rogerson . Cooper ,. Newby , Kay , Bradford ; Brice , Priestley , ; Pontfcfract ; Cordwell , Gill , Lawton , Dawson , Smith , Wakefield ; Berry , Denton ; Suier , Leyland , Hartley , Parker , Dunn , Halifax ; Booth , Rochdale ; I Lambert , Boronghbridge ; Daiby , Wetherby ; Waite , i Horrogate ; Wall , Barneley ; and ail respectable j Medicine Venders throughout the kingdom . j Ask for Blair ' s Gout and Rheumatic Pills , and ; observe the name and addresB of " Thomas Prout , 229 , Strand , London , " impressed upon the Govern-\ mem Stamp affixed to each box of the Genuine : Aledicine .
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HERMAN'S CELEBRATED GOLDEN PACKETS OF SPECIFIC MEDICINES , Under the Sanction and by the Recommendation oj Eminent Gentlemen of the Faculty and the Afflicted . SPECIFIC PILLS for Gout and Rheumatism , Rheumatic Headaches , Lumbago , and Sciatica , Pains in the Head and Face . —Is . 9 d . and 4 s . 6 d . per Box . PURIFYING APERIENT RESTORATIVE PILLS , For both sexes . Trice la . l % d . sad 2 a . Sd . per box . A most celebrated remedy for Costive and Bilious Complaints , Attacks of Fever , Disorders of the Stomach and Bowels , Indigestion , Dimness of Sight , Pains and Giddiness of the Head , Worms , Gravel , Dropsical Complaints , &o . ANTISCORBUTIC , SCROFULA , AND LEPRA PILLS AND OINTMENT , For the cure of Canceroas , Scrofuloas and Indolent Tumours , and Inveterate Ulcers ; Glandular Affections of the Neck , ErysipelaB , Scurvy , Evil , Ringworm , Scald Head , White Swellings , Piles , Ulcerated Sore Legs ( thongh of twenty years standing ) , Chilblains , Chapped Hands , Burns , Scalds , Bruises , Grocers' Itch , and all Cutaneous Diseases ; also an Infallible Remedy for Sore and Diseased Eyes . Price 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d . and 11 s . per package ; the Ointment can be had seperate , Is . l ^ d . per Pot . UNIVERSAL OINTMENT , Price Is . l ^ d . per Pot . These Medicines are composed of Plants which are indigenious to our own Soil , and therefore muBt be far better adapted to our constitutions than Medicine concocted from Foreign Drugs , however well they may be compounded . These Preparations are important Discoveries made in Medicine , being the most precious of Native Vegetable Concentrated Extracts , extending their Virtue and Excellency throughout the whole Human Frame . «*• Read the Pamphlet to be had of each Agent GRATIS . No pretensions are made that any of these Aledicines form a pa nacea for all Diseases ^ but they are offered as ceri&in Specifics for particular Disorders , and for all Lomplamts closely allied to them ; not claimiug the merit of universality as is frequently done by all-FuiBcient pil ] proprietors . The CEiEBaATED Golden Packets , prepared by the Proprietor , Geo . Kbkhav , Dispensing Chemist , &c , can be had at his Dispensaries , 25 , Wincolmlte ,
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Just Published , price 2 s . 6 d M and sent free on receipt of a Post-office Order for 3 s . 6 d . MANLY VIGOUR : a Popular Inquiry into the CONCEALED CAUSES of its PREMATURE DECLINE ; with Instructions for its COAIPLETE RESTORATION , addressed to those suffering from the Destructive Consequences of Excessive Indulgence in Solitary and Delusive Habits , Youthful Imprudence , or Infection ; with Remarks on the Treatment of Ghonorrhce , Gleet , Stricture and Syph ilis . Illustrated with Cases , < tc . BT C . J . LUCAS , &CO ., CONSULTING SURGEONS , LONDON ; And may be had of the Authors , 60 , Newmanstreet , Oxford ^ street , London ; and sold by Brittan 11 , Paternoster-row ; Effingham Wilson , 18 , Bishopsgat « -st ; Field . 65 , Quadrant , Regent-street ; Huett , 141 , High Bolborn , London ; J . Buckton , Bookseller , 50 , Briggate , Leeds ; T . Sowler , Courier Office , 4 , St . Ann ' s Square , and H . Whitmore , 109 , Market Street , Manchester ; John Howell , Bookseller , 75 , Dale Srre * t , Liverpool ; W . Wood , Bookseller , 78 , High Street , Birmingham ; T . Fryer , 16 , Westgatestreet , Bath , G . Davey , ! , Broad-strfet , Bristol , W . and H . Robinson & Co . 11 , Greenside-street , Edinburgh j and by all Booksellers the United Kingdom . " The Yarious forms of bodily and mental weakness incapacity , suffering and disease , faithfully delineated in this cautiously wriUen and practical work , are almost unknown , generally misunderstood , and treated upon principles correspondingly erroneous and superficial , by the present race of medical practitioners . Hence the necessity forth © publication of a timely safeguard , a silent yet friendly monitor , or , where debility has mace threatening inroads , the means of escape and the certainty of restoration . The evils to which the book adverts are extensive and identical in their secret yad hidden origiu , and there are none to whom , as Parents , Guardians , Heads of Families , and especially of public School * , is confided the care of young people " , who ought to remain for a moment devoid of that information and those salutary cautions this work is intended to convey . Not only are the most delicate forms of generative debility neglected by the family physician , but they require for their safe management the exclusive study of a life entirely abstracted from the routine of general practice , and ( as iu other depart- ! ments of the profession ) a ttentively concentrated m i the daily and long continued observation requisite for the correct treatment of sexual infirmities . " If we consider the topics upon either in a moral or social view , we find the interests and welfare ot mankind seriously involved . Tne effects of licentious , indiscriminate and secret indulgence iu certain practices , are described with an accuracy and force which display at once profound reflection and extensive practical experience . "—The Planet . " The best of all friends is the Professional Fkie > d : arid in no shape can he be consulted with greater safety and secrecy than in " Luc as on Manly Vigour . " The initiation into vicious indulgenceits progress—its results in both sexes , are given with faithful , but alas ! for human nature , with afflicting truth . However , the Authors have not exposed the evil without affording a remedy . It shows how ** AIanly Vigour" temporarily impaired , and mental and physical emasculation , produced by uncontrolled indulgence of the passions , can be restored ; how the sufferer , who has pined in anguish from the consequences of early indiBcretiou—afraid almost to encounter his fellow man , can regain the vigour of health and moral courage . The work is written in a concise and perspicuous style , displaying how often fond parents aredeceived by the outward physical appearance of their youthful offi-priDg ; how theattenuationofthe frame , palpitationofthe heart , derangeinent of the nervous system , couah , indigestion , and a train of symptoms indicative of consumption or general decay , are often ascribed to wrong causes ; and Jnstead of being the natural results of congenital debility or disease , are the consequences of an alluring and pernicious practice , alike destructive to the mind and body . "—bell ' s New Weekly Messenger . " Although a newspaper is not the ordinary channel for the expression of opinion upon the merits of a medical work , this remark is open to exception in any instance where the public , and not the isolated and exclusive members of the profession , are the parties addressed . Upon that which is directed to men indiscriminately , the world will form its own opinion , and will demand that medieal works for popular study should bo devoid of that mjsteriovis technicality in which the science of medicine has hitherto shrouded its own ignorance . The work before us treats of subjects we believe generally , yet very strangely , neglected by the medicu . 1 attendant , and requiring doubtlessly ( as in operative midwifery stud the surgery of the eye ) an enure devotednesa to a deeply important branch of study . The tone of this book is highly moral , and it abounds in wellwritten , harrowing , yet correct displays of the buffering consequent upon unbridled sensualism . No human being can be the worse for its perusal ; to multitudes it must prove a warning beacon , a welltold appeal to reason , a permanent blessing . It is written in a clear intelligible style , and is evidently the production of a mind Jong and practically conversant with the diseases of the most delicate division of the human organization . "—The Magnet . ' "The security of happiness in the mabriage state is the chief anxiety of all ; but many dread entering upon wedded union , through a secret fear of anfitness for the discharge of matrimonial obligatwns . This essay is most particularly addressed to all suffering under a despondency of the character alluded to ; and advice will be found calculated to cheer the drooping heart , and point the way to renovated health ;" Messrs . Lucas k . Co . aTe to be daily consulted from ten till two , and from five till eight m the evening , at their residence , No . 60 , Newman-street , Oxford-street , London . Country Patients are requested to be as minute as possible in the detail of their cases , as to the duration of the complaint , the symptoms , age , general habitB of living , and occupation in life of the party , The | communication must be accompanied by the usual I consultation fee of £ 1 , without which no notice , whatever can be taken of their application ; and in all cases the most inviolable secrecy may be relied on . Sold by Mb , Joseph Buckton , Bookseller , o < K Briggate , Leeds ; Mr , J . Sowleb Courie : office , and Mr . H . Whitmore , 10 J , Market-stre-et Manchester j by whom this Wor . k . ib seni < w > st ' paid ) 3 s . ocL
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LETTER FROM MR . WM . HICK , NORTHERN STAR OFFICE , LEEDS . " Northern Star Office , Leeds , March 17 th , 1842 . C < T £ 1 entlemen , —You will oblige by forwarding , at CT your earliest convenience , the same quantity of PARR'S LIFE PILLS as last Bent . While I am writing I cannot refrain from communicating the flattering intelligence of the groat good your pill ' s ara doing in Leeds and its neighbourhood . It is clearly a great error to find fault with a medicine merely because it is a patent one ; and more especially since its use has contributed so largely to the publio health . The fact is , however , predjudice ie fast giving way , as it always must where the pills are tried . A few cases in point may serve to confirm and illustrate what I have asserted . " A young female came into che shop to-day for a box , who stated that they had done her immense good . She had been troubled with a hoarseness so bad that no one could hear her speak ; but having taken a few boxes of PARR'S LIFE PILLS , sh « was . completely restored , as waa evident by the way she spoke" Very many cases of extraordinary cures have occurred among the aged workpeoplo , both male and female . In ono mill , an aged couple , enfeebled by disease and debilitated by premature old age , had become almost past work ; they were persuaded to try a few boxes of PARR'S LIFE PILLS , and in a week were restored and strengthened that they could pursue their employment with pleasure and profit i so much t , o , that from being unable to work at their calling more than two days in the week , and this with great physical difficulty and langt'or , they can now not only do a full week'B work , but overhours besides . Bad as trade is here , the old people being favourites with the mill owner , are enabled to get as much employment as they can do , which has excited the envy of tho 9 o youuger persons who bad been employed in their absence ; and it is a laughable fact , that Parr ' s Pills come in for a share of their rancour . . The old people continus to take the pills regularly in small quantities , and find them as necessary to their health and prosperity as their daily food . " The next and last case which I shall mention at this time , is one of a most extraordinary nature . I have not seen the individual myself , but I shall give you the fact as I have received it from his employer , and from Mr . J . Hobson , who has frequently seen him since his convalesence . The man is a working mechauio and had speat about thirty pounds laat year on the doctor , in going to the Isle of Man and other places , for the benefit of his health , but to no purppso . His food had consisted for & long time of nothing but rice milk , the stomach refusing to take anything stronger . His body was greatly emaciated and his temporal prospects clouded ; with a mind filled with melancholy forebodings for the future , he returned to his friends at Leeds , where he was told by his medical adviser that should he be restored a little , his disorder would have its periodical Teturn ; but being advised to try PARR'S LIFE PILLS , he bought a few boxes , which have completely removed his disease , and enabled him to return to his work , where he was seen a few days ago by Mr . Hobson , ( it being dinner hour ) eating beef-steaks with great gusto ; and 16 whom he reciied with pleasuri ) and gratitude the cause of his then healthy con dition ,, together with a long history of his past affliction "Should the above three cases of cures bo worthy of your notice , you are at perfect liberty to make what use of them you think proper . I am , Gentlemen , yours , respectfully , " WILLIAM HJCK . " To Messrs . T . Roberts and Co ., 8 , Crane Court , Fltct-street , London . " MIRACULOUS CUHB FSOM THE USE OF PAHB ' S LJTB PILLS . Copy of a Letter just received by the Proprietors from Mr . Wm . Moat , 3 , Cobbett-stieet , Shaw ' a Brow , Salford . " To the Proprietors of Parr ' s Life Pills . "Gentlemen , —1 have the utmost pleasure in forwarding you this my own case of cure , effected solely by the persevering use of your Paru'b Life Pills . Before having recourse to them , 1 had been for upwards pf five years afflicted with a moat distressing malady , which the different medical men who attended me all pronounced to be a serious case of hydrocele ( or dropsy of the scrotum ) , and declared there was no other chance of either relief or cure than undergoing a surgical operation . I was thus driren almost to despair ; and consulted the treatise written by Sir Astley Cooper , wherein he states that the operation is generally attended with considerable danger . I therefore determined not to risk so painful and uncertain an experiment , but rather chose to leave the result to uaiure and Providence . Fortunately , I hrard of the great fame of Parr ' s Life Pills , and resolved to uive them a fair trial . I consequently took them tor some time without perceiving " any benefit , but btill kept persevering ; and I have now takeu twelve boxes , and to my great joy I am perfectly well , the dropsy is entirely removed , together with a scorbutic affection , which I had been much troubled with since my return from India in 1 . 827 ! and now there is not a vestige of disease left in my whole system , as I am now in better health and ispints than 1 have been for fourteen years . I feel ' certain you would have accounts of far more cures , if people would persevere in the use of the pills a proper length of time , as I have done . I give you my heartfelt thanks , and authority to publish this letter , and will gladly answer any applications either personalty or by letter , and remain your grateful and obliged servant . ( Signed ) " W . MOAT . " Witness—John Hough , Cheadle , carrier . 4 V Manchester , Feb . 7 , 1842 . " FROM MR . HEATON , BOORSELLEB , LEED 8 . ft " To the Proprietors of Parr ' s Life Pills . " " Gentlemen , —I am happy to inform you that we are daily hearing aecoimts of tho good effects of Parr ' s Life Pills ; t % enumerate the cases would bo a task too formidable for me , and which has prevented my writing to inform you before , as I can hardly tell where to begin . < tne man said he wanted a box of Life PiDs for Life-Pills they were to him , they hud done hin s » < nuch good , in relieving him of un obstinate cougU and asthma , " Another said they were worth their weight in gold ! as he was not like the same man since he had taken them . ' " Another said his wife had had a bad leg for years , but after taking one small box , which was recommended by his Class Leader , her leg was much better , and when she had taken the second box , it was quite as well as the other . " A very respeotable female &aid her huBband had been afflicted above two yeaTs , and had tried many things , '' but since he had taken . Parr ' s Life Pills he was quite a new man . "You will please send immediately , by Deacon's waggon , 36 dozen boxes at Is . l | d ., and 6 dozen at 2 s . 9 d . " I am , Gentlemen , yours , respectfully , " JOHN HEATON . " 7 , Briggate , Leeds , Feb . 9 th , 1842 . " To Messrg . T . Roberts and Co ., 9 , Crane Court , Fleet-street , London . " Another most extraordinary case of cure , communicated by Mr . Moxon , of York : —Mrs . Mathers , of that city , had for many years been affected with a most inveterate disease , which her medical attendants pronounced to be cancer It originated in her breast , and continued to spread nearly all over her body , defying every effort of surgical skill . Parr ' s Life Pills being recommended to her , she resolved to give them a trial ; and , speaking of the result , she says she cannot express the inconceiveable advantage which she has already derived from them . Sho further states , that she is now almost well , and ascribes her convalescence Bolely to the persevering use of that sovereign medicine—Parr ' s Life Pills . N . B . An £ one doubting the acouracy of tho above statement , may , through the agent ( Mr . Moxon ) , b » directed to Mrs . Mathers , who will herselt authenticate its truth . —York , Nov . 17 tb , 1842 . CAOTIOK—BEWAKK OF IMITATIONS . In order to protect the publio from imitations , the Hon . Commissioners of Stamps have ordered the words Pabb ' s Life Pills to be engraved on the Governmen ' , Stamp , which is pasted round the sides of each > , ox , in white letters on a bed ground . Without this mark of authenticity they are spurious and at ? imposition ! Prepared by the Proprietors , T . Rb ' oerts and Co ., 9 , Crane Court , Fleet-street , London ; and sold wholesale by their appointment , bj ju . Edwards , 57 , St . Pauls , also by Barclays and Sons , Farringdon-street , and Sutton and Co ., Bow Churchyard ; Sold at 3 , Market Walk , Huddersfield ; and retail by at least one agent in every town in the United Kingdom , and by roost respectable dealers in ro < dicine . Price Is lid ., I 2 s . 9 d ., and family boxes Us . each . Full directions I are giTea with each box .
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THE CORDIAL BALM OF SYR 1 ACUM . Is a gentle stimulant and renovator of the impaired functions of life , and is exclusively directed to the cure of the Generative System , whether constitutional er acf uired , loss of sexual power , ami debility arising from Syphilitic idisease ; and is calculated to afford decided relief to those who , by early indulgencein solitary habits , have weakened the powers of their system , and fallen into a state of chronic debility , by which the constitution is left in a deplorable state , and that nervous mentality kept up which places the individual in a state of anxiety for the remainder of life . The consequences arising from this dangerous practice , are no | l confined to its pure physical result , but branch to moral ones ; leading the exerted deviating mind into a fertile field of seducive error , — into a gradual but total degradation of manhood—into a pernicious application of these inherent rights which nature wisely instituted for the preservation of her species ; bringing on premature decripitude , and all the habitudes of old age : —such a one carries with him the form and aspect of other men , bat without tho vigour and energy of that season which his early youth bade him hope to attain . How many men ceasu to be men , or , at least , cease to enjoy manhood at thirty ? How many at eighteen receive the impression of the Beeds of Syphilitic disease itself \ the consequences of which travel out of the ordinary track of bodily ailment , covering the frame with disgusting evidence of its ruthless nature , and impregnating this wholesome stream of life with mortal poison ; conveying into families the seeds of disunion and unhappiness ; undermining domestic harmony ; and striking at the very soul of human intercourse . i The fearfully abused powers of tho humane Generative System require the most cautious preservation ; and the debility and disease resulting from early indiscretion demand , for the cure of those dreadful evils , that such medicine should be employed that is most certain to | be successful , it is for these cases Messrs . Perry and Co ., particularly designed their CORDIAL BAiLM OF SYRIACUM which is intended to relieve those persons , who , by an immoderate indulgence of their passions , have rujned their constitutions , or in their way to tfie consummation of that deplorable state , are affected With any of those previous symptoms that betray its approach , as the various affections of the nertous system , obstinate gleets , excefges , irregularity , obstructions of certain evaouations , weakness ,, total impotency , barrenness , Jtc . As nothing can be better adapted to help and nourish the constitution , so there is nothing more generally acknowledged to be peculiarl y efficacious in all inward wastings , loss of appetite , indigestion , depression of spirits , trembling or shaking of the hands or limbs , obstinate coughs , shortness of breath , or consumptive { habits . It possesses wonderful efficacy in all cases of syphilis , fits , head-ache , weakness , heaviness , ( and lownes-s of spirits , dimness of sight , confused ( thoughts , wandering of the mind , vapours , and melancholy ; and all kinds of hysteric complaints are gradually removed by its use . And even where the disease of Sterilitt appears to have taken the firmest ; hold of the female constitution , the softening ; tonic qualities of the Cordial Balm of Syriacum will warm and purify the blood and juices , increase the animal spirits , invigorate and revive the whole animal machine , and remove the usual impediment to maturity . This medicine [ is particularly recommended tobe taken before persons enter into the Matrimonial StaTk , leat in the event of procreation occurring , the innocent offspring should bear ensiamped uponh the physical characters derivable from parental debility , or evil eruptions ! of a malignant tendency , that are most assuredly introduced by the same neglect and imprudence . ; ; Sol 3 in Bottles , price Us . each , or the quantity of four in one Family bottle for 33 s ., by which one 11 s . bottle is saved . Prepared only : by Messrs . PERRY & Co ., Surgeous , 19 , Berners-dtreet , Oxford-street , LoitfiiON , and 4 , Groat Cflarles-street , Birmingham . - Observe , none arp genuine without the signature of R . and L . PERRY and Co . impressed in a stamp on the outside of each wrapper to imitate which ) is felony of the deepest dye : The Five Pound cases ; , ( the purchasing of which will . be a saving of one pojund twelve shillings ;) may be bad asusualat 19 , Burners-street , Oxford-street , London , and 4 , Great Charles-street , Birmingham ; and Patients in the cojuntry who require a course of this admirable medicine , phould send Five Pounds by letter , which will ] entitle them to the full benefit of such advantage . ¦ May be had of all Booksellers , Druggists , and Patent Medicine ) Venders in town and country throughout the United Kingdom , the Continent of Europe and America . Messrs . PERRJY expect when consulted by letter , tho usual fee one pound , without which , no notice whatever can be taken of the communication . Patients are requested to be as minute as possible in the detail of their canes , as to the duration of the complaint , the symptoms , ape , habits of living , and general occupation . Medicines can be forwarded to any part of the world ; no difficulty can occur as they will be securely packed , and carefully protected fiom observation . \ PERRY'S PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS , Price 2 a . 9 i ., 4 s . 6 d ., and 11 s . per box , ( Observe the signature of R . and L . PERRY and Co . on the outside jof each wrapper ) are well known throughout Europe and America , to be the most certain and effectual cure ever discovered for every stage and symptom of the Venereal Disease , in both sexes , including j Gonorrhaea , Gleets , Secondary Symptoms , Striotures , Seminal Weakness , Deficiency , and all diseases of the Urinary Passages , without loss of time , confinement , or hindrance from business . They have effected the most surprising cures , not only in recent and severe cases , but when sul . vation and all other means have failed ; and are of the utmost importance to those afflicted with Scorbutic Affections , Eruptions on any part of ! the body , Ulcerations ; Scrofulous or Venereal Taint , being justly calculated to cleanse the blood from all foulness , counteract every morbid affection , and restore weak and emaciated constitutions t © pristine health and vigour . \ It is a melancholy fact that thousands fall victims to this horrid disease , owing to the unekilfulness of illiterate men ; who by the use of that deadly poison , mercury , ruin the constitution , causing ulcerations , blotches on the head , face , and body , dimness « f sight , noise in the ; ears , deafness , obstinate gleets , nodes on the shin bones , ulcerated sore throat , diseased nose , with nocturnal pains in the head and limbs , till at length a general debility of the constitution ensues , and a melancholy death puts a period to their dreadtul sufferings . Messrs . Perry and Co ., SurgeonB , Hjay be consulted as UBual , at l ' S , Berners-atreet , Oxford-street , London , and 4 , Great Cbaries-street , ( foar doors ' frem Easy-row , ) j Birmingham , punctually , from " Eleven is the Morning until eight in the Evening , aad on Sundays from Eleven till One . Only one personal visit is required from a country par ient , to enable Messrs . Perry and Co ., to give such advice as will be the means of effecting a perca 4 nf , nt and effectual cure , after all other means have proved ineffectual . j N . B . Country Druggists , Booksellers , Patent Medicino Venders , and every other Shopkeeper can be supplied with ahy quantity of Perry ' s Purifying Specific Pills , and ] Cordial Balm of Syriacum , with the usual allowance to the Trade , by most of the Jrinoiple Wholesale Patent Medicine Houses n london . Stld by Mr ; Htiio j . Briggate , Leeds
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Just Published , Price 2 s . 6 d . ( Or sent free to the most remote parts of the Kingdom , in a sealed envelope , on the receipt of a post-offica order for 3 s . 6 d . ) THB SECRET MEDICAL ADVISES . BEING a practical Treatise on the prevention and cure of the VENEREAL DISEASE , and other affections of the urinary and sexual organs , in both sexes , with a mild and successful mode of treatment , in all their forms and consequences ; especially Strici ture , Gleets , affections of the Bladder , Prostrate Glands , Gravel , &c . shewing also the dangerous consequences of Mercury , such as eruptions of the skin , pain in the bones , &c , with p lain directions for a perfect restoration : embellished with engravings . ' ¦ An ample consideration of the diseases of women ; 1 also nervous debility ; including a comprehensive [ dissertation on the anatomy of Marriage , impuisl sance , celibacy , sterility or barronness , and various i other interruptions of the Laws of Nature . Also some animadversions on the Secret Sin ot Youth s which entails such fearful consequences on its victims . gS * This Work is undeniably the most interesting and important that has hitherto been published on this subject , imparting information whicft ought to be in the possession of every one who is labouring under any secret infirmity , whether male or female BY M . WILKINSON , CONSULTING SURGEON , &o . 13 , Trafalgar Street , Leeds . Of whom they may be obtained , or from any of his Agents . j MR . M . W . having devoted his studies for many years exclusively to the various diseases of the generative and nervous system , in the removal of those distressing debilities arising from a secret indulgence in a delusive and destructive habit , and to the successful treatment of VENEREAL AND SYPHILITIC DISEASES , Continues to be consulted from nine in the moraine till ten at night , and on Sundays till two ,- —and country patients requiring his assistance , by making only one personal visit , will receive such advice and medicines as will enable them to obtain a permanent and effectual cure , when all other means have failed . In recent cases of a certain disorder a perfect cure is completed in one week , or no charge made for medicine after that period , and in those cases where other practititioners have failed , a perseverance in his plan , without restraint in diet , or hindrance from business , will ensure to the patient a permanent and radical cure . A complete knowledge of the symptoms and treat * ment of these insidious aud dangerous diseases , can only be acquired by those who ara in daily practice , and have previously gone through a regular course 1 Medical Instbuction ; for , unfortunately , there are hundreds who annually fall victims to the ieno-¦ ant use of Mercury and other dangerous remedies , administered by illiterate men , who ruin the constitution by suffering disease to get into the system , which being carried by the circulation of the blood into all parts of the body , the whole frame becomes tainted with venereal poison , and most unhappy consequences ensue , at one time affecting the skin , particularly the head and face , with eruptions and ulcers , closely resembling , and often treated as scurTy ( at another period producing the most violent pains in the limbs and bones , which are frequently mistaken for rheumatism ; thus the whole frame becomes debilitated and decayed , and a lingering death puts a period to their dreadful sufferings . What a grief for a young person in the very prime of life , to be snatched out of time , and from all the enjoyments of life , by a disease always local at first , and which never proves fatal if properly treated , as all its fatal results are owing either to neglect or ignorance . Mr . W / s invariable rule is to give a Card to each of his Patients as a guarantee for cure , which he pledges himself to perform , or return his fee . For the accommodation of either sex , where distance or delicacy prevents a personal visit , hia PURIFYING DROPS , price 4 s . 6 d . can be had of any of the following agents , with printed directions so plain , that they may cure -themselves without even the know * ledge of a bed-fellow . They are particularly recoramended to betaken before persons enter into the ' matrimonial state , lest the indiscretions or a parent are the source of vexation to him the remainder of his existence , by afflicting his innocent but unfortunate offspring with the evil eruptions of the m / Jignant tendency , and * variety of other complaip ts , tbat are most assuredlj introduced by the same neglect and imprudence . AGENTS . Hull—At the Adi yertiser Office , Loweate , and Mlt Noble ' s Bookseller , Market-place . Leeds . —At the Times Office , and of Mr . Heaton , 7 , Briggate . Wakefield—M . Hurst , Bookseller . Halifax—Mr . Hartley , Bookseller . Huddersfiel / . —Mr . Dewhirst . 39 . New-street . Bradford— Air . Taylor , Bookseller , near to the Poat-office . London- -Mr . Butler , No . 4 , Cheapside , Barnslf , y—Mr . Harrison , Bookseller , Markct-pU York--Mr . Hargrove ' s Library , 9 , Coney-street . Ripon—Mr . Harrison , Bookseller , Market-placet Kn / jresboro' and High Harrogate—Mr . Langdalfil Bookseller . Manchester—Mr . Watkinson , Druggist , 6 , Marketplace . BoYerley—Mr . Johnson , Bookseller . Boston—Mr . Noble , Bookseller . •" Louth—Mr . Hurton , Bookseller . Liverpool—At the Chronicle Office , 25 , Lord-street Sheffield—At the Ir is Office . Mansfield—Mr . S . Dobson , News Agent , 519 , Belvedere-street . Pontefract—Mr . Fox , Bookseller . Gainsborough—Mr . R . Brown , Bookseller . Nottingham—Mr . Sutton , Review Office . Newark . —Mr . Br idges , Bookseller . Mr . W ., i 8 to be consulted every day at his Bed " dence , from Nine in . theMorniag till Tro at Night * and on Sundays from Nine till Two .. OBSERVE—13 , TRAFALGAR-ST . LEEDS . Attendance every Thursday in Bradford , from Ten to Five , at No . 4 , George-street , facing East Brook Chapel . ' .
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and 18 , Lowgate , ( opposite the Town Hall , ) Hull , or of any of his accredited Agents enumerated ; ( for which see email placards on the wall , ) who have each an Authority ( signed by bis own hand ) or vending the same ; or through any respectable Medicine Vender in the Kingdom . Each Packet bftara his Name , in his own hand thus—" George Kerman" to imitate which is Felony . The attention of the Public is respectfully requested to the undercited cases , and the most rigid investigation into their authenticity is courted : — This is to prove that the medioine I was supplied with by Mr . Kerman , chemist , &c . Hull , I found almost direct relief from , when my medical man had failed to remedy my case ; it bad become a rheumatio swelliiig of my knee joint , with pain and stiffness . Publish this as you think proper for your profit , &c . John Tanton , Wincolmlee , Hull . April , 1841 . AS EXTRAORDINARY CASE OF GOUT . To Mr . George Kerman . Sir , —I , John Shotton , millwright , have Jog been subject to the gout . My business has occasioned me to be in most principal towns in the kingdom , and in such principal places on my attacks I have ha < f the most popular advice , with , generally speaking , but little of retef . On a recent attack , I took for length of time , the most popular advertised patent medicires of the day without the slightest visible good effect . I was recommended to try your medicines and and had not taken one whole box of your pills before I found myself quite well . Since that time I have had another attack and again had recourse to your medicine ,, ' and I think it bad a more decided action than even on the former occasion ; eaehdoseprodueingamarked amount of relief , I have not had an attack ef some time . I shall be glad to te bear out the validity of this ( it being intended as a public advertisement ) by giving my disinterested private op inion of your Specific for Gout and Rheumatism . John Shotton . Trippet , Wincolmlee , Hull , 1841 . You can make the best use of the euro your medicine made of mo whilst violently afflicted with an old rheumatic complaint , renewed by taking cold in whatsoever way you think most calculated to effect your ends and benefit the suffering thousands who have sought in vain a cure . I have not betu attacked since , which is now nearly two years . Alexander Grainger , grocer . To Mr . Kerman , Wincolmlee , Hull , 1842 . To Mr . George Kerman , —It is with the most grateful feelings that I render this certificate of mj wife's case to you in the hope that you will make it as widely known as possible , for the benefit ot the poor suffering beings ( and your own profit ) afflir-teu with similar violent rheumatic affections . Your medicine is a most valuable medicine for that complaint , in favour of which I cannot half say enough Wsi . Watson , her Husband , Hull , 1842 . Ship Carpenter , Wincolmlee . Agents . — Leeds—John Heaton , 7 , Briggate ; Joseph Haigh , 116 ; Brijrgate ; Edward Sum ton ; T . B . Smith , Medicine vender , 56 , Beckett-street , Burmandtofts ; Stocks & Co ., Medicine venders . < fco . 5 , Kirkgate ,
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GREEN'S DISEASES OF THE SKIN . Second edition , in 1 vol . 8 vo , with two illustrative coloured plates , price 12 s . boards ; by permission , dedicated to the President of the Royal College of Physicians , , A PRACTICAL COMPENDIUM ofthe DISEASES of the SKIN , including a Particular Consideration of the more frequsnt and intractable forms ' of these affections . Illustrated by numerous cases . By Jonathan Green , M . L > ., 40 , Great Marlborough Street , Member of the Royal College of Surgeons , London , and formerly surgeon in the Royal Navy . \* For reviews of tho first edition see the medical and general press of the period . Whittaker and Co . Ave-Maria Lane ; to be had of all Booksellers .
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Just Published , the 12 th Edition , Price 4 s ., and sent Free to any part of the United Kingdom on the receipt of a Post Office Order , for 5 s . THE SILENT FRIEND , A MEDICAlL WORK on the INFIRMITIES of the GENERATIVE SYSTEM , in both sexes ; being an enquiry into the concealed cause that destroys | physical energy , and the ability of manhood , ere ] vigour has established her empire : — with Observations on the baneful effects of SOLITARY INDULGENCE and INFECTION : local and constitutional WEAKNESS , NERVOUS IRRITATION , CONSUMPTION , and on the partial or total EXTINCTION of , tji « REPRODUCTIVE POWERS ; with means of restoration : thedestructivejeffects of Gonorrhasa , Gleet , Stricture , and Secondary ! Symptoms aro explained in a familiar manner ; tho Work is Embellished with Engravings , representing the deleterious influence of Mercury on the skin , by eruptions on the head , face , and body ; with approved mode of bure for both sexes ; followed by observations on the Obligations op MARRlAGE . jand healthy perpetuity ; with directions for the removal of Physical and Constitutional Disqualifications : the whole pointed out to suffering humanity as ai"SILENT FRIEND" to he consuited without exposure , and with assured confidence of success . By R . and L . PERRY , and Co ., Consulting Subqeons , London and Birmingham . Published by I the Authors , and sold by Buckton , 50 , Briggate , Leeds ; btrange , Paternoster-row ; Wilson , 18 , Bishopgate-street ; Purkis , Comptonstreet , Soho ; Jackson and Co ., 130 , New Bond-street , London : Guest . Steelhouse-lane , Birmingham ; and by all Booksellers in Town and Country .
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^ BuMJjivwwHp ^^ BflU ^ SPQ ' C . GRIMSHAW AND CO ., 10 , GOREE PIAZZAS , LIVERPOOL , DESPATCH fineFirst-ClassAMERICANSHlPS of l ^ ge Tonnage , for NEW YORK , and NEW ORLEANS every Week ; and occasionally to BOSTON , PHILADELPHIA , and BALTIMORE , and for QUEBEC and MONTREAL also , First-rate British Vessels to NEW SOUTH * WALES and VAN DIEMANS LAND . In those for America , passengers can be accommodated with comfortable bertha in the Cabin , Second Cabin , and Steerage . Persona about to emigrate may save themselves the expence and delay of waiting in Liverpool , by writing a Letter addressed as above , which will be immediately answered , the exact day of sailing and the amount of Passage-money told them ; and by remitting one Pound each of the Passage-money to Liverpool ! by a Post Office order , berths will be secured , and it will not be necessary for them to be in Liverpool till the day before sailing . 'To Sydney , Port Philip , or Hobart Tows , a deposit of Five Pounds for each Adult will be required . FOR NEW YORK , The Line of Packet Regis . Ton . Skip North America , Capt . Bur . Bur . To Sail . Lowber , 610 tons , 950 tons , 7 ch Jan Her regular Day . Line of Packet Ship Roscius , Collins , 1150 tons , 1700 tons , 13 th Jan . Her regular Day . State RoomB in Second Cabin for families or parties wishing to be more select . N . B . All Passongers by these Ships will be found in one pound of good biscuit brFad , or bread stuffs , per day , during the voyage , and will be allowed one shilling each per day if detained in port more than two days beyond the day agreed for sailing , according to the Act of Parliament . All other description of provisions they must find themselves . FOR NEW SOUTH WALES . Warranted firsi vessel FOR PORT PHILP AND SYDNEY , The splendid Chester-built Ship AMIGA , Capiain Darymple 316 Tons per register and 500 tons burthen ; A I twelve years , and is now only two years old ; copper-fastened and coppered ; sails very fast , and her Cabins being arranged with a view to the entire comfort of Passenger ? , presents in ail points a most eligible conveyance . Provisions of all kinds on a very liberal scale will be provided by the Vessels for New South Wales and Van Dieman ' s Land . For Passage , apply to C . GRIMSHAW & CO .,
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* M 9 * - ~ - ¦¦ »—¦ ¦¦ "' » "'" » '" > r " * " ' ~ ' """" ' BUKT . —On Mond » y evening last , the Councillor ) mil members , in pnblic meeting assembled , nnanijaoa ^ rosKsea lie folio-s ? m ? resolution : —Is copsfcqn = nee of tiie resignation of ilr . John Campbell , as General Secretary , that a » books , cards , and other document * new in Ids hands ; after they have been aaiiitei , be &rilrw . ih placed in the possession of Mi . John Cleave , * mtil such time as a General Secretary can be elected . 3 B 1 DSLET . —Mr ~ Ei $ by , ot Chorley , lectured at 2 £ siiry on Satorfay evening last . Subject , The true sta ? e of political parties" Mr . B gave general stMicdon . A few memVew trere enroiltd , and money paid . Mi . Bigbj preached two sermons on Sunday Isst oeb on class legislation , and the other on the People ' s Charter A very good collection "was made to aid tie c&ose .
X 1 ? T £ ETOWM , { IS Liveesedge t—The Chartists r f this place held 8 saeial tea party on th * 27 th Bit ., 5 ntfc 3 fesuse adjoining Idttletown Gardens , occupied by Hx . wbliam Boocock . The rooms -a-sre t&strfnlly ^© co : a u > d with portraits of the permeated friends of Use people . Tea van on the table at fire o'clock , and np-warfs of one hnndred and thirty persons partook of the b&vera ^ e . which "was prepared in an excellent style , and £ sve great satisfaction . Several appropriate toasts "Were ^ fifiTsrards given . STOCKS * ORT- —On Ssndsy evening ' . - »\ , the large 1
Sown in Bomber's-ferow -was crammedto hear the report of delegates to tie Conference . Mr . Joseph Carter was called to the chair . 3 Ix . Thomas Cjari then rose and eaterea at length into the proceedings 61 the Conference fmri spake in flittering terms of the Plan * of OrgMr ' zition submitted to the Chartist delegates ty "Mr . Thomas Cooper , of I < e 5 cestei . Mr . John Ailinson , the other delegate addresed the meeting f 01 some time on the necessity of union in onr ranks , as the best means of m&kin ; the Charter the law of thB land . A Tote of ¦ fhar . 'lrn -was then Tmanimonsiy given to- Messrs . Clark sad AHinson , and the meeting broke np .
TAT 72 STQCS- —A pnblic tea was held at the Temperance Hotel , on Tuesday week , ea "which occasion the loom -seas tastefully decorated -with appropriate banners sad evergreens . About 145 sat down amongst whom Vera a number of respectable females . After tea , the following resolution * were agreed to : — " Viewing with deep Tegret the late disturbances in the manufacturing districts ant * belieTing them to have emanated from ykw leaislation , this meeting pledges itself never to eease agitation until the Charter become the law of the 2 snd . " " Teat in the opinion of this meeting the late conduct of lord Abinger , in his address to the Grand Jury , at Liverpool , ¦ was tyrannical and nsjnst , and this meeting pledges itself to nse all legal means to remove Trim from the judicial bench . "
1 ONDON . —Stab Coffee House , Goldes Lake j —Mr- Bolwell , who had teen e&eczeS as delegate to the ; Birmingham Conference , attended and gave ji report of fna mission ; and from the manner in which he was , ' received , it was evident he ga ? e satisfaction to his con- j Stifcaents , who passed a nnaiimous vote of tha ^ fca for , Bis conduct during the attings of that body in Birming- ( |«» ii six , Samuel Glark then endeavoured to show the meeting thai these Conferences did not in any way advice the tausa of Chartism ; that they were . attended j ¦ With 3 . « reat esosaee , the chief portion of which came
from the poorer classes of society ; that it was an ex--bavag » -t waste of funds , as the money would be'better pplied if given to the Hupposi of the wives and famine * of the political victims . "He was listened to with great attention ; but failed to carry conviction to his hearers , as several present opposed his views . Mi . Bolwell having replied , it was nnanimonsly resolved , That , on Sunday evening next , we dispense with a eeinrer ; and , In lien thereof , ttiat . the following question be discussed by ihe members : •¦ Has the late Conference produced any beneficial xesnlt ? " Mr . Bolwell "will open the debate , TnaiTitAining the affirmative . Dis ^ cession is invited .
SHEFFIELD . —FiG-JTBEE LaSE . —On Sunday evening , Mi . Edwin Gill readlettera from the delegates of ths Conference , giving an account of their itewardaKp , which gave general satisfaction . He also shewed file haired of the Stngites to an v < 4 pn with the -working masses , not only by their recent condnct in the Town HaS , but by their factious withdrawal from the Birtmngham Conference- Mi . Peter Poden also eloquently addressed the meeting . The room was beautifully decorated for the Christmas festivities and well filled . IffAKCHESTER . —The CHartists of Manchester held a tea-party in their loom . Brown-street , on Sunday evening last . The xoom was splendidly decorated with festoons of evergreens and portraits of the most distinguished characters connected with the Chartist
movement Aboct 350 aat down to tea , and after regaling themselves witii the good cheer so amply provided for Hhssn , the tables were remored , sud Mr . "Donovan was called upon t * preada , -who , aftfi a few remarks-, read fiis first toast , which was , " The Peeple ' s Charter , and Ittayits glorious principles live in every heatt , be echoed by every tongue , and soon berecc-gnisedas the law o ? the land , jiving peace and happiness lo onr l > eloved country . " The Rev . W . V- Jackson responded to -Qsa toast in a most powerful and Impressive spfeech , "Which oscupied nearly an hoar in the delivery . The Bst . Gentleman was loudly applauded throughout . The Chairman thenzsae and sii 4 the aexttoaht was one ¦ which he was sure "would xtcomTiveEd itself , and , therefore , -would require no recommendation froa him -.
•* 3 ! he northern Star—may ths glcrious troths advocated by that luminary shine more and more resplendent , fill every vesSge of ignorance be removed from off the people , thus rendering futile all further attempts to enslave and degrade them . " Mi . Laxe , one cf the delegates to the Birmingham Conference responded to de sentiment in a most effective manner , and was listened to thronghont with the greatest attantion . The Chairman then rose and said , the next toast was one in -which he was sure they would feel deeply interested ; it-was as follows : — "Frost , . Williams , Jones , and Ellis—may the people , for whos £ cause they are suffering the horrors of exDe , and the manacles of felens , never cease theii ^ reitioas to restore them to their homes , their country , and friends ; and may those exertions l > e speedily crowned with success . " The Oiar&fc National Anthem was then sung by the "whole company , accompanied by the hand , which
tad a most solemn and imposing effect . The Chairman then gave the next toast , which was ably lasponded to by Mi . Fiides , and was as follows : " The immmorial memory of Henry Hnnt , E = q . with all those that have died in the cause of human freedom- ** —The Chairman then sud ha would make no lemark'upon the next toast , bat leave it to their own feelings : it was as follows : " FeirjTUsjO'Connor , Esq . ; may he eTer live is the grateful affections of a people for whom he has dene and Buffered so much , and may his disinterested services be duly appreciated by seconding his tffoits to lender them great , glorious , and free . " ( Tremendous eheering . ) The band then played several favourite airs , and several recitations having been given ,: the clock of St . Andrews struck one , when thecompany commenced sporting the fantastic toe , and broke up at nine o ' clock , highly delighted with the manner they had commenced tbe new year . OPENSHAW . —The Chartists of this place held a tea party and ball in the Association Room , on Monday evening last , when upwards of one hundred persons sat down . The committee deserve the praise of all who attended upon this occasion for their excellent arrangexnents , which were of that nature that notwithstanding the xnini' mffg of the room all went off with comfort and good ordei . The room was beautifully decorated yriifo splendid portraits . On the tea equipage being removed Mi . Dawson was unanimously called apon to preside , ana the usual patriotic toasts having ieen given , the company enjoyed themselves till a late hour , and retired highly delighted . ¦ L ^» - . . L . . . > L , _ . _ . ^_^^^__ i „
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NOMINATIONS FOR THE GENERAL COUNCIL . 1 L 05 DOS —( XEWTSGTOS . ) Mr . Thomas Allan , chairman , Charlea-street , Bran&on-streeL Mr . Wffljym Dobell , carpenter , 12 , Salisbury Crescent . Mr . Nicholas Hoi dor , shoemaker , 7 , Northamptonplace . Mr . Wailam Emery , gJass cutter , No . 23 Erne ' s AichConri , llr . James Batton , gentlemen , 14 , Elliott ^ plaoe , Prospect-place , sub-Treasurer . ilr . William Pedlej , plrmber , No . 5 , Soath&mptonstreet , Camherwell , suh-5 ecretarv .
^^ CLEBKXSTmA . Mr . ^ Iliani Bails , blacking manufacturer . 49 , CoppieeSow . ' ' Mr . Afexander ^ rp , prmter , 5 , Taylor ' s Row . Gr ^ n SrS "* * COrdwaillEt ' > Bowling Air . Michael "Weedons , optician , Vineyard Walk . Sir . Bichard Cameron , braoe-maker and hosier , 12 , Dorrington-streei . ' Jtfr ^ Qa ^ Wcstray , printer , 49 , Coppice Row ,
TBS 1 AHBEXH XOCAUTT . ^ Mt , MaBard plasterer , 4 , Brooke-street , Lam-Mr . Dron , djer , 2 S , Oaklej-Btreet . do . £ ?• $£% ?* > ^^ ^ Paradise-street , do . ^^ Wjlliam Rogers , shoemaker , 98 , East-street , Mr . Join Moy , taflor , 1 , China-walk , do . ^^^ j . Rogers , cooper , 1 , China-walk , do ., subm . Qiarles Thorp , shocmakerB , 8 , London-street , IiOndon-ioad , sub-Secretary . ^
WLsao * . Mr . James Milnes , weaver , Meadowhead . & *¦ Henry Gough , do . d 0 . ilr . Bobert Qegs ; , weaver , iSnTow . Mr . John Bntterworth , weaver , I ^ wfield . Mr . John Ciegs ^ fuller , Lawfidd . Mr . Bobert Milnes , wearer , Moorhonse , mlaxeasnrer . ^ Mr . John Buttemorth , p-eaver , Slonepitfie'd ,
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HEBDE . tBUIPGK . Mr . John S'ott , rover , High-street . Mr . Jobn Ingham , tailor , Blackwater-atreet . Mr . Thomas Dawaon , news-agent , Commercial-Ftreet . > Ir . Robert Gledhill , grocer , Bridge Lanes . Mr . James Midgley , powerloom-weaver , C&lder Side . Mr . Elias Hitchen , p 9 werloom-weaver , Caldei Side . Mr . John Greenwood , twifter , Garden-street . Mr . Thomas > Iiicb ? ll , siripper and grinder , Hebdenbridfje , sub-Treasorer . ilr . Henry Barret , grocer , Commercial-street , sub-Secretary .
STTXDERL&-ND . Mr . Ibskett Riley , weaver , Ropery-lane . Mr . Robert Watken , do ., do . Mr . Robert Heppeil , engineer , Middle-street . Mr . Wiiiiam Chalk , cordwahter , Robinson ' 8-lane . Mt . John Cnalk . butcher , High street . Mr . Lianiel Mitchell , rigger . John-street . Sir . James Hail , labourer , Soutn-pier . Mr . Andrew Wiikie , mason , Titter ' s-lane , sab-Treasurer . T Mi . John Esplin , cordwainer , 30 , Robinson ' s-lane , sub-Sscfeiary . COVSB .
>* r . George Whittaker , vreaver . JVlr . Abraham Greenwood , do . Mr . Benjamin Fonlds , twister . Mr . James Stansfieid , wea ? er . Air . Robert Smith , do . Mr . Ht-nry Higson , -Jo . Air . James Driver , Le .-ter-&treet . Air . Joseph Bu ? cock , tailor . Sir . James Mooney , High-street , Windy-bank , sub- Secretary .
HOSLET . iir . Thomas Walker , batcher . Air . Joseph Eastwoo 2 , green grocer . Air . Bramwll Dyson , labourer . Mt . Isaac K t ^ un , weaver . Air . Friend Vicktrman , c oth-dresser . Mr . Matthew Bucklej , weaver , sub-Treasurer . Air . John Roberts , slubber , sub-Secretary . All communications to be addressed to the care of Air . Bramwell Dyson , Honlty .
¦ WJLHRIJ . GTOK . Mr . Thomas Savory , powtr-loom wearer , Crossley street . Mr- Tomlinson , spinner , Orchard-street . Air . James Savory , power-loom weaver , Nay lor street . Air . Widworth Fitton , pin pointer , Foundry lane . Air . John Boardman , shoemaker , Dolman's lane . Mr . John Boardman , power-loom weaver , Hope street . Air . Richard Hall , tailor , Warwick-street . Mr . John Webster , bootmaker , Bank-street , 6 ub Treasurer . Air . Joseph Houghton , watch-glasB maker . Bear vard , Bridge-street , sub-Secretary .
WAHSES-GATE ( NOTTINGHAM ) Mr . John Wells , cordwainer , New-street . Mr . Levi Gothard , framework knitter , Victoriastreet . Alt . James Leeson Sharp , framework-knitter , AianTers-street . Air . Comelion Varney , lace-maker , Manversstreet . Mr . John Reeve , framework-knitter , Poplarsquare . Poplar . Mr . Elmer Rollett , framework-knitter , Woolpacklane . Air . Willaim Lovett , lace-maker , Poplar-fquare , Poplar . ilr . Edwin Smith , warp hand , Warser-gate , sub-Treasurer . Air . John Gann , labourer , Poplar-square , Poplar , sub-Secretary .
Blair's Gout And Rheumatic Pills.
D Ariuft Sxttttlisaict.
d ariuft SxtttTlisaict .
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Northern Star (1837-1852), Jan. 7, 1843, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct632/page/2/