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2atal sm (BcmtvaX 3Ent*IEs*tt«»
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THE SYSTEM . «¦ O 2 "what b Tricked Trorld ia thia , " D : Tinest Shsfcpaa * said , Where comeliness is deem'd amiss , And good is ill bestead ; Where fine arts are ^ forbidden lore , And genius pierced unto the core , To make its gums be shed—Where fair is fonl and fool ia fair ,
And honesty ' s aphesicx rare . Vice is entiron'd is fslaozne state , And trick is talent ' s test Evils Tonnd firtne ever wait , To £ 21 or to anfest Misery maies unthlnlrirtymirtn , Pleasiire topsin gives heedless birth , The bad the good molest—AD proper tilings inverted are ; Sare earth is some nnlneky star .
Jlerit is spnrn'd ana pines m thought , " Wisdom is folly ' s fool , Titles and rant are sold and bought , And la"w ~ is bat misrule . Banality « Inunbly pxiz'd , While pride is led Trith latteries—Simplidtj ' s a tool , Aid chastity—nlas , thB "while—The "very name makes lewdness smile , Jlerality is scouted off . Cant thrives like conning care ; Hoarse legislation ' s ceaseless voice , Prevents the patriot ' s prayer . Baligion is a factious spy , And pride piiffe Boul-charg'd charity j Biches like chariots roll . Blinding -with dnst the asking eye , Of paiafnl , pilgrim poverty .
OnrtenciBess makes unkind ingrates , We ' re hur t by those we Iots , And happiness or qnickly sates , Or mutably doth moTe . Even friendship ' s self ia time offends—Interest alone makes constant Mends , And purity's a doro That seeks in -rain a Testing place , For all conspire its life to chase . The age oi chiralry ib gone , Whsn ardent tongbt 3 -went forth , ~ B $ generous "valour prompted on , To succour -wronged ¦ srorth . Sn = h gallant . grace is deem'd Tomsuce , And fashions Dew from Sctla France , HaTe magEBtizrd tfce X » rth . Tes , inigLtbood . now is folly ' s spe , Wirt > comes aloft to shew his shape .
Where , -where , is common ssnse , I pray ? Uncommon e ' en in sonnd J Where Teason , justice , truth , I say ? They -were bus burthens found ! Where now is love ? if modest crosS 2 Humanity !—go ask her ghost I Wiisrs peace ?—aot to be lonsi > Where reformation !—in despair ! Patriotism ?—England answers where ? BinDwn and grace havs loa ? been 4 sad ,
The wine of Ef e is drawn , And Slrhy lees are Stft instead—H ^ notrr is pot in pawn ; And no cue can redeem her thence—Sweet liberty is txHed hence—Olt , when win daylight dawn ? B ^ oad £ ien ' -s stem my hopes are cnrl'd , — Tkant God there is a better -world ! J . W . Bittasaa .
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A GUIDE TO THE " BALL BOOM . " C Mnnrgn ., London . Price One Shilling . This is a neat pocket volume , well known among the lovers of dancing , to whose thanks Mr . Mitchell is « 3 iided for ibis improved Edition , The portion devosed to the " Edqnette of the Ball Room" ought to be read and understood by all vfio "wish to make themselves agreeable j and is indispensably necessary to those parties who wish to pass master even at a-miags fete . The ** Dances" serre as an excellent assistant to the memory , whieh even the best danesrssometime ? Slid rather treacherous . So person tmshi to take ihs lead in a set of Qaadnlle 3 without w The Goide" in his waistcoat pocket . There is an excellent glossary of French terms used , bnt after ¦ all—as dancing is now cultivated by the most humble , all the introduction needed bring neatness and
cleanliness in parson and dress , modesty in beha-¦* ionr , and a desire to please evinced to all—we think the English terms ought to be snbstitnted for ihe French thronghon ; tbe whole of the work . Many persons dearons of a gnide -uJiile learning to donee , wonld be afraid of the hard French terms at the lead and in ihe description of ihe ngmvss , and wonld xondnde that lhongh xhe book might really contain ¦ valuable iaformation , yet it was only to be understood by those who had misspent their time in learning French ; besides , as we hare a 2 angnage capable ortspresaug onr ideas and of making ourselves understood , even though we be giving directions for threading the intricate mazes of tbe " Caledonians ' QaadriH = s , " we think that language on ^ ht to have the preference to one which few understand , if soaztj iw taken as & whole 3 and fewer stiO know Low io pronounce .
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CABI , ISLE . _ THE ^ lA 5 r ? ACTTEt 5 G BVSUTESS — -CoBT ! Gerable HsproTeraeat has t&ken place in this branch of trade . There Las been fo" tne last lew-Bceks , a grtai demand for wearers , so * at it is pretty clear that ihej either haTe orders , , u Bee a prettj £ «> d prospect of a market for them , 3 XP 3 EX ^ TT TO MfiiBSES OF BeSETIT SOO HTTES . ^~ a ^> ' fzzx G-uu > E 5 i-Es'' of Casusle . —b * t « n momdual-- , oSce-b ^ arers , of the * - E ^ en Lodg ^ of iree t ^ rdeners , " were snmnionsd before the sia nig magistrates aftie Town Hall , for fcarag expeUt ^ , ^^^ ° ^ i ^ ^^ another ttembeffro * v SJS ^ . ? ??^ . ^ - John Sanl , solicitor ,
the VhcvxiS . Mr . Szxl contended that the masistot ^ had no jBrisdie noa in the case , for although feerniEscf the society hsd been saactioaedby tie g **** appointed to cmifj , stfll they only con-S ^ f ^ CterS ° ^ Ie -T *«* S money , and , Sliw » - -f ^ the e 2 Pd 2 n « of a member for Tid ^ ^^ f " " wards the society . It is prodeSe ?;!^ P ^ tJ- ^ emh , " If a ^ y member be in TZt ^ ^ sireanng , or appear at the Lodge S ^ a ' X ¦ h auaaasiita * or ac = ™ J ™ J so as to teS ^ & T ** 7 cf ^ sodelJ - or to ^ ST = t ^^^ J ; ri » tCTer saeh member ZriT- . ^ -Pended , or expelled from the 31 ! i' *?* Qaioniy of the members ms-u i 1 fi t * r
that fr , ^ - . " ' 3 nEop , on the other hand , argued s 5 if t ? 321532163 had & fal 1 ** perfect jnrisdic-Si ^ a ^ U ^ aoted rHle twaus-Jbnnh , SS ^ « i case of dispute bwween zceo ^ r ^ aEJ member or person claiming on 5 ns ^ member , reference shall be made to k " " ^! ? 18111 to *»» 10 Seo- 4 A , c i 6 , a . 27 , acted m , -P « ° nteaded tliat the members had l ^^^ ilJ a expelling Mb client without J ^ rf f , 1 ? attef before ? he masJstrates ^ aswas *«*» ttn ^ , ^ )^ a for ^ ° S rule . The magisfiatiW ^ T ? E 0 Iae time « and ^^ J ageed * P « i Mr -w Jmaurti 011 ^ ^ is case , and caUed g ^^ . naanop to go on with Ms case , Ha proie ^ S ^ H ^ - A . G . Dea ^ who said he had ^ a ' ieSfA ^ ^ ?***> ^ ^ e ks * « te » I * w . ? ^ M ^ MJi was in January last ,
f t «* SSw , 8 th of J * anarys 3842 ; WJtfSrfS ? « P" > nedixi his absence ^ re ^ ^ WBaSfte , ^ SOC 1 ^ and ihat he had not rf 1 * « S £ the lr n WW * o on the object ^^^ bSrf ^ ^ fanl awn pnt in the * fcea Mr w , e Procee ^§ 3 of the society to fcnee , "ff : j , 3011 ^ strongly objected as eyi-« aJcStTof ^ Wa ? 5 eceiTed as snch by a ^ S ^ i aaotwS ^ fv ^ P « ferred certain charges aa » ia » aeai ^ er of the 2 uime of Sewjtf , £ id
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that these charges had been referred to the arbitra- i tion of a committee chosen with the consent of both parties ; the result of which was , that the committee awarded that the charges made by Mr . Dean against Mr . S-well , wers unjust , frivolous , and vexations ; and that they considered Mr . Sewell as a good and useful member of the society . Mr . Saul then called two witnesses , who proyed , t h at Mr . Dean had spoken disrespectfully of the society j and endeaTonred to deter one of them from joining it ; in consequence of this conduct , a meeting of the whole body was called to consider the condnct of Mr . Dean , which they deemed sufficiently b ad to warrant them in expelling him . The foregoing are ihe main features of the case , which lasted nearly three hours . The magistrates retired for a few minutes and returned with the following decision : — We are unanimously of opinion that the case be dismissed with costs .
Thb Workisg Mek's Mental Imphotement Sogiett . —The members of this society held their weekly meeting at their room , No . 6 , John-street , Caldewgate , on Sunday evening last , Mr . John Hntchinson in the chair . After the usual business was gone throngh ; Mr . Heory Bo-wman Te&d some written , observations on the following question : — * Have th& poetical writings t > f Robert Burns , the Scottish poet , tended to destroy superstition , prozao ? e morality , and forward the cause of public liberty" 1 which he illustr&tad by reading a nnmber of the poems and songs of that Stirling and patriotic bard ; which afforded considerable amusement and gratification to those assembled . On the motion of Mr . Jonn Armstrong , the discussion was adjourned nntil next Sunday evening , when it is expected a lively and animated debate will take place . Nunmembers are admitted gratis . The discussion wil commence precise ! v at six o ' clock in the evening .
SHEFFIELD . —A Woaus killed is attimitisg to qcell a Fjghi . —On Thursday morning , an inquisition was hetd at the Town Hall , before Mr . Badger , on view of the body of Eiiza Rooney , a married woman , aged 42 , who , on the Tuesday night previous , while attempting to separate James M * L , ean and John ^ l'Gewan , who were fighting in her house , received a kick from one , and a blow from the other , on ibe stomach , which raptured that organ , and caused death . The poor woman has left a h us ba n d and s e veral c hi ldren , on 8 of whom , an infant of three month ' s old , was at the breast when its mother received her death blow . The inquest was adjourned .
Suicide . —On Thursday evening , an inquest was taken before Thos . Badger , Esq , at the house oi John Thorpe , the Sheaf Taveru , New Cattle Market , on view pi the body of Mary Ann , the daughter of the above John Thorpe . It appeared in evidence , that for some time past , the deceased , who was about twenty-two years of age , had b ^ cn unsteady , and addicted to drink . On Tuesday evening she was in company with some friends at her father ' s h ouse , and was the worse for liquor . Between twelve and one o ' clock , her father desired her to go to bed , which she re / used to do , and in a state of great excitement she threatened to go and drown herself in the canal . She had frequently made use of the same threat before , and , therefore , her friends did not entertain aDy apprehension that she would then
pus execution , bne contrived , however , to go uaperceived , out of the back door of the house , and almost immediately afterwards search was made for her , but without tfFect . Nothing whatever was heard of her unt J five o ' clock on Wednesday afternoon , when she wa 3 found drowned in the ca al , near the Sheai Works , at which place she wonld be enabled to throw herself in from her father ' s yard . The verdict of the Jury was , * That the deceased was fonnc drowned , having , while labouring under the effects of liquor and great excitement , thrown herself into the canal . "
BALUNGDON , keab Su » bvbt . Fatal Accice-M . —On Saturday morning , a tumbril , loaded with hme , was standing in the King's Head Yard , B-Ailinsdon . A man and boy took t > ff one of the wheels , and while the boy was nnderneath putting some crease upon it , the tumbril fell upon him , broke his neck , and he died instantly .
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The Red Bahk at PoIstPad , the scene of the murder of Maria Martin , by Corder , so m e yea r s ago , was destroyed , with othr r properly , on Monday night , by an act of incendiarism . Fbxdat Night's Gazette announce ? that the Poorlaw Commissioners have appointed Sir Francis Hastings Doyle , Bart-, of the Inner Temple , barrister-air law , a Commissioner to inquire into the employment of women and children in agricultare . Peimroses were gathered , in Maidingley-wood , on Sunday last ; and two days before Christmas violets and primrcses were gathered in the open ground . In Mr . Chrisford's garden there is an apple-tree how in blossom . —Cambridge Advertiser .
A stht or clothes , which formerly belonged to the 1 grsat Daniel Lambert , was sold among other eff-scis- the other day at Leicester . The ** smallclothes" of the maii-nioumsui measured nearJy a yard round at the knee . Oldbajl— A Sign of the Times . —At the petit sessions on Thursday , belore the rlev . T . S . Mills , J . MeUor , and J . F . L ' rers , £ . -qrs ., about sixty of tbt better class of rate-pajers , small farmers , shopkeepers , machine mak « rs , < fec . in Oidham-above-T own , were summoned for arrears of poor ' s rate . They were required to make .-uch arrangements for payment as the overseers would accept .
The Duke ot Newcastle asd " His Own " agaijs - —As we predicted on the occasion of the exten > ive enclosure a few months back 3 anoiherportion of onr celebrated pars is aboac being taken from the pabhe . The Duke ' s agent is now enclosing the whole of the west side of the bowling green , towards Lenton , inclusive of the " R ^ ck-hok-s , " the most interesting part of the park . "—Nottingham Review : Tas Blackthokse Tragedy . —The Oxfordshire magistrates have committed Ezekiel Savase and William Penn for the robbery of Mr . William Broombead , of Eckington , near Sheffield , at Black thorne , to Oxford gaol , to take their trials at the ensuing-assizes . We understand that the evidence at present against them is not thought quite sufficient for a committal for murcer , but that further evidence is expected to be forthcoming before the assizTS .
Boileh Fxplgsion . —On Thursday , about twelve o ' clock , an-expJosion took place at the patent rope manufactory of Messrs . Webster , at Deptford , near this town ; The boder , which was a very large one , blew op with a tremendous crash , carrying away the roof of thf apartment in which it was placed , and effecting other serions damage to the premises . One of the workmen , named William Halliday , was m uc h injured , and remains in a very precarious state ; two oiher persons received slight injuries . —Durham County Herald .
The Chisese Treats . —The great seal of England was on Saturday affixtd to the treaty recently ratified between ibis country and China , at the residence of the Lord Chancellor , in Great George-street , Hanover-5 qnare , after which it was transmitted to the War-office , for the purpose of being forwarded to tbt * Celestial" Empire , under the care of Major Malcolm , The seal is inclosed in a very handsome silver box ( similar to ihat used for the patent of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales ) , and , together with the important document to which it is appended , is inclosed in an elegant case covered with crimson velvet .
r Ccfiiors axi > Fatal Acctde . \ t . —On Saturday lastjLs a man named Laby , a Burton and Kettenng earrier , was riding through Barton Seagrave , with his son , a yonng man of about eighteen , an elm trt-e , standing in the churchyard , fell on the cart , iEJnTed slightly th « father , and broke the son ' s back . Some men were employed in felling the tree , and it appears had cnt it away on one side , withomt being i aware that the other was considerably decayed . A rope had been sent for by which to control its fall ; bnt before ihe return of the person sent the tree * ell , and at the instant of its fall the unfortnnate s , ibjects of the accident were passing Yy . —Nortnampton He } aid .
O * n 31 om ) af last a singnlar accident happened to a eh ld two years of age , son of Mr . A very , a miller , residing at Summer ' s-hil ] , Warbleton , Sussex . The infant was left in a room for a Jew minutes , whe n he took np & small penknife , left open on a chair , and inflicted a dreadful cut in his abdomen , from which the bowe ^ pro trnded . Medical assistance was immodiatelv orpcared , and the wound sewed up , and hopes are t'nt « rtained that the little sufferer may recover . , Specuiess of Fresch Advertisisg . —A dealer ia hams advert ises that his hams are so well cured thai the longer < hey are kept the better they are ; and of such an excellent quality that , if eaten constantly by women tf the worsi temper imaginable , they will render them gentle "d trMtobleM lambs . They are particularly reeoiamended as diet for child r en , to give them a quiet disposition . Another rarstm advertises vommadeior promotingthe growth oi its
of hair : an 4 states that he is bo eertam emcacy that he mates a rule of never accepting any payment of a pn .-chaser , howerer bald , until he Has his head coTereJ wiih hair . One op thosb / oteresting , and , injhese parte , rare phenomena , iXailarly known at ; the Spectre of the Brocket wal ob served by a gentleman oi Elast Enoyle , on iis i-eturn from Shaftesburj , a few days since , and which he v * ns describes : The early part of the day was otewred by fog , nntd * J « J three o ' clock , fh , when - the sun bursting through the clouds , the hill-tops , nnder his ^^ nm ^' fluence , shook off their Bhronding , while the vali ^ s remaiaed immersed in mist . On m y arrmeg at the point where the road begins to decline , I ODserved , in the direction of Wardour , a spectre of gigantic proDorrions . whieh . for a time , continued a pretty witwn
close imitator of mj actions , and , cerwm limits , an assiduons attendant on my motions , on raising iny hand to my hat , I was gratified iron a parting salute . "—Bath Paper .
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A clergtmah , whose name tvas M'Namara , died in America , about nineteen years since , leaving a very laxgo property , which not being claimed by any of his friends , was taken ssession of by Congress . The property , unless cL . iaea within two years , ceases to be private , and becomes public property . The host of the Angel Hotel , at Whitby , las t week , get before his friends a Yorkshire Christmas p ie , seven feet in circumference and containing four stones of flour , 12 lbs . of butter and suet , a brace of pheasants , a brace of partridges , two geese , two rabbits , ten chickens , six ducks , two tongues , one turkey , and 6 lbs . of ham .
Ojffi op the most singnlar names ever met with , perhaps , is that of a gentleman of fortune in K' -ut . His family name was Bsar , and as he had maternal relations of the name of Savage , his parents gave him the Christian name ( or rather the un-Christian name ) of Savage . Hence he enjoys the pleasing and amiable name of Savage Bear , Esq . Mfbber Twenty Yeabs Ago . —A man of the name of Cornelius Brosnan , was last week committed by J . Drummond , E&q , the stipendiary magistrate of this town , to the county gaol , charged with a murder committed twenty years ago on a man named Edmond M'Sweeney . The prisoner was arrested by one of the police stationed in Castleisland . —Kerry Examiner .
The Ship Scotland . —Drbadful Disaster . — Tbe ship Scotland , a well-known transient vessel , which has sailed between this port and New York for some years , e x pe r ie n ced a dreadfu l disaste r o a the 21 st nit ., about nine o ' clock in the evening , in lat . 58 , long . 22 . In a heavy gale she was struck by a s ^ a , -which carried overboard her commander ( Captain Robinson ) , the second mate ( Mr . A- Palmer ) , the steward , J . Simpson ( a boy ) , and two seamen . Jt swept the decks of cabin and round-house , bulwarks , spare spars , studding saiL ? , and railing- ; split the covering board , stove in the fore and after hatches , and caboose and caboose-house , partly filled the ship with water , and shifted the cargo . The Scotland , which sailed hence on the 8 ; h ult ., immediately put back , and reached here on Thursday in
this dilapidated state . Her escape was providential , for the whole of the chests , bo o ks , and nautical iustruinentB weTe likewise carried away . The captain ' s chronometer was found , about twenty-four hours after the accident , totally unfit for use . Fortunately , it was remembered that an old compass had been stowed away in a chest between decks , which , being regulated , was rendered available . She was out altogether twenty days . Poor Captain Robinson , who was well known in the trade , has left a wife and , we believe , three children ( sons ) to deplore his loss . He was a very amiable man , of a religious turn of mind , and was reading hia Bible when the disaster occurred . The steward , who was severely injured by the calamity , d i ed on Fr iday , on his way to the hospital . —Liverpool Albion .
Fises m ths Metropolis . —On Monday Mr . Braidwood , the superintendent of the Brigade Force , at the meeting of the directors forming the committee of the London Fire Establishment , m ade his annual record of the conn igrations that have occurred duringthe past year ( 1642 ) in and around the metropolis . The report commences by stating that fires were on the increase in London , the number of last year exceeding by 73 those of the preeeeding twelvemonths , and 213 over theaverageof the la-tnine yea r s , though happily not so extensivo in magnitude The following are the number of fires that haro taken place since the Fire Brigade was formed in the year 1833 , together with the number of houses totally destroyed and those seriously and slightjy damated : —In 1833 there were 450 fires , destroying 31 houses totally , and damaging 427 other buildings
In 1834 , 482 fires , houses burned down 28 , a n d 454 irjured . In 1835 , 471 fires ; 31 houses burned dowu and 440 damaged seriously and slightly , in Io 36 , 554 fires ; 33 houses totally destroyed , and 531 more or less damaged . In 1837 , 501 fires ; 22 houses consumed , and 479 damaged . In 1838 , 560 firea ; 33 houses destroyed , and 535 injured . In 1839 , 584 fires ; 17 houses consumed , ano 5 i > 7 damaged . In 1840 , bai fires ; 26 houses burned down , and 655 damaged . In 1841 , 696 fires : 24 houses totally consumed , 673 more or less injured ; and last year ( 1842 ) 769 fires ; 24 houses destroyed , and 743 more or less injured . From the report it appears that the chief number of fires t&ke place in private and lodging houses , and carpenters' workshops . Public houses and drapers' shop 3 follow in rotation . Upwards of 20 persons have lost their lives at fires in the course of the
year . The Flag op England . —Not a port have I visited pi nce I leit America , that I did not see the flag of England . It was the first flag I saw on en tering tha waters ef France ; it was the only one floating in the ancient harbour of Rome , at Civita Vecehia . Again 1 saw it in the deserted harbour of the PirJeus , whtre once rode the fleets of Themiftocles . 1 first saw the dome and minarets of Constantinop le f rom beneath a cloud of cannon smoke that issued from British line-of-battle ^ Bbips , salutirjg the Mahommedan ally of Britain . The first object that met my eve on scaling the summit of tho
Pyramids was the cross of St . George , which some English travellers had planted ihere . Beyond the cataractB , on the borders of ; he Desert of Nubia , the only sign of civilisation that I saw was the English cto 3 s flying from the masts of a traveller ' s boat . Here , on the extreme verge of civihoation I stood be : ore this emblem of the universal presence of that navion ; and in these lawless regions it gave me a pleasing sense of security to find myself so near a representation of that power beneatn whose broad ae ? is there is protection abroad for the most humble fugitive from violence and oppression . —American Travellers Journal . ' ¦
Windsob—Melancholy and Fatal Accident . — On Friday a very dreadful accident occurred at the Jrlalthouse at Upton , belonging to Messrs . Jennings , the brewers , of Windsor , by which one unfortunate man was killed on the spot , and two others much injured . The malthouse consists of three stories , the two lower of which are the working floors , and ihe upper was used for storing barley , a large quantity of which was placed there . There were four men at work in the bouse , and happening to perceive one of the beams of tbe floor slightly giving way , they removed the malt from that part to the other side of the flooring , which thiib became overloaded , and occasioned the subsequent accident . They then perceived some barley trickling down from the floor to the story beneath , on which one of them returned
to the room to stop up the hole or crevice , when the whole of the flooring of that story fell into the room beaeath , which was also broken away , aud the whole fell to tbe basement story , carrying the men with them in the general wreck . Assi .-tauce was speedil y p r ocured , and tne poor fellows were extricated as soon as possible , when it was found that one of them , named Robinson , was kiiled on tbe spot , having been dreadfully fractured on the head . A second , named Lane , the maltster , was found to have received several dreadful injuries , internally and externally ; he was conveyed to his lodgings , where he now lies with little or no prospect of recovery . The third man was very severely wouuded , but not dangerously ; and the f ^ arth providentially escaped with a slighi bruise . — Windsor Express .
Serioos Afpbat with Poachers . —Un Saturday last four men , named George Rawhnson , Richard Rawlinson , John Stockton , and William Dawson , were iharged at the county court , before Dr . Penny and several other magistrates , with being out armed in pursuit of game , on lands belonging to the Marquis of Westminster on the previous Saturday morning ; and also with violently assaulting the keepers , li appeared from the evidence , that on Saturday morning , December 17 , four keepers in the service of the Marqais of Westminster , namtd William Hurst , jun ., C harles D ry land , Janws Morgan , and Wiliiam Roberts , were on the look-out on the preserves belonging to the Marquis of Westminster , at Sour Bett 3 , near Churton , by Aldford ; aud about
two o ' clock a disturbance amongst the pheasants gave intimation that they were being disturbed by poachers- In the course of a few minutes afterwards they came suddenly upon five poachers , four of whom were the men whose names we have given above , and the fifth is not yet in custody . All the poachers , except one , were armed with guns , —the prisoner Wm . Rawlinson carrying a pitchfork . On seeing the poachers , the keepers , of co u rs e , hailed them ; when the former presented their guns , and warned them to stand off at their peri ) . The keepers then desired the poachers not to fire , adding , that as both parties it would be
wer e ar m ed , if a shot were fired , returned , and lives would be lost . After a good deal of maoceuvring , the poachers retired from the preserves into an adjoining field , being still followed by the koepers , when William Hurst suddenly sprang at George Rawlinson , and threw him down . The latter immediately called to his mates to come to his aid , when one of them stepped forward and aimed a tremendous blow with a # ua at Hurst , but which happily did not take effect . Both parties then closed , and a terrific combat ensued , man to man , which continued until the keepers were severely Koatftn and overDOwered . During the struggle ,
Dryland and one of the poachers bad a severe fight m a ditch , and while they were both prosterateJWilliam Rawlinson assaulted Dryland with a pitchfork , and beat him till he became nearly insensible . Ihe keepers , now finding themselves defeated , were on the point of retiring , when they heard one ot the antagonists say , " Let us follow them , and give them more , " they attempted to do so , when Hurst fired at the poachers , and one of them fell . Ihe poachers norr retired in their torn , leaviDg the wounded man behind them . aHd , after the keepers had seen , them clear away , they returned to pick him up , and hawng conveyed him to the kennels ne was there treated with the utmottTandnesB . . Information of ihe aftray was immediatly given uaoxion
to Mr . Stewardson , high constable of , and he , with the assistance of Thomas Srkinson , of Farndon , and William Moor , of Christlefon , succeeded . in apprehending Rawlinson , Dawson , and Stockton by Tuesday morning . Both the keepers and watchers were very severely beaten . After the evidence had been heard the prisoners were fully committed for trial .-Ctester Courani .
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Trade in Dundee . —Trade this week leaves us ve r y little to say . As regards flxx there is nothing whatever new from what we have for some we ^ s had to report ; the transactions being altogeth ' tr uu worthy of notice . The late Riga and Memel ships have not yet made'their appearance , but it is now pretty well ascertained that at 'he present raie of consumption there ; will not bu fl 5 x enough to keep all the machinery now at work going until the usual time of arrival of vessels from the Baltic in spring . This circumstance , h oweve r , as well a 3 the high rate at whieh flix is offering to open at for winter contracts , has uot yet produced aDy effect upon prices in this market . —Dundee Advertiser .
AwFULLr Sudden Death . —On the evening of Saturday las t , the celebration of the marriage of a couple at Potento , in this locality , was abruptly put a stop to by the death of the bridegroom , a young man named Robert iVPDougall , aervant to Mr . ' Kidd , miller there . The arrangements for the marriage being completed , the Rqv . Dr . Mitchell , the clergyman of the parish , arrived at three o ' clock , when the marriage ceremony was gone through ; andUhe company assembled were thereafter enjoying themselves , as on similar joyous occasions , when their mtrth was suddeuly terminated , and their rejoicing turned into mourning , by the bridegroom falling back upon his chair and expiring , at eight o ' clock , without either uttering a word or giving a moan . —
Caledonian Mercury . Riot at Workington . —A serious riot took place here on Monday last , in consequence of the master mariners wishing tfo reduce the wages of the sailors . About a fortnight ago , tho latter convened a meeting , and had come to the resolution , that it' any one should go on board of this vessel until they had obtained the wagys tWy were accustomed to have , he hhould be sewn up in a she ^ p ' -kin , which was provided for the occasion , and carried round the town as a mark of disgrace . Unluckily one of their number had disobeyed the resolution , and tho
punishment was cirried into effect so severely that his lite was despaired of . Five of the ringleaders of this affair w . re taken into custody , and committed to the treadmill at ; Carlisle ; but when they should have been taken off in the coach the sailors rose up in arms to rescue them , smashed ia the coach windows , and drove it out of the square twice . The magistrates , in this tryiug crisis , read the Riot Act , swore in a number of special constables , and broke up the chairs and tables in the room to arm them with , and by these resolute means they finally over came fhe mob , and the pri oners were taken off to Carlisle gaol . —Car lisle paper .
£ > ovel TuEATMhNT of a Fracture . —In the course of a forenoon ramble along the north beach , lately , wo came upon tho cottage of as original a pair of old ancients as it was ever eur lot to " foregather " with . The patriarch , about fourscore , stands as erect as a bulirush , with a hale health y lo o k and a n unbroken set oi ivory puch as our forefather used to sport , who could lift a goodly sized keg of whisky by seizing it with their teeth . " David , " for such is the nam . ' of our hero , had missed his footing and fallen on the Black Rock , by which two of his ribs were broken : and the following narrative of his treatment was delivered with great animation , in answer to our query whether hu had not sent for a doctor ? " Doctor 5—deevil 1 na , ua , 1 ne ' er tried Doctors a ' my life , and l'se no gaun to : begin now wi" them and their trash , o dru <; s ! Na , na , 1 just warnl'taiy ways hatne thou sees , and the wife and me fa ' n out the twa bits o '
ribs was broken and Saruh t'ied me a wee soup o ' whisky , tbou sees , and that warmed a' my inside ; and then we « ot heaps o' fldiineii and sweelt it abou ' my b r eas t , and thac keepit a' warm outside ; and Sarah gied me another glass 0 » whisky , and that ment me up like , aud koop it a ' warm ; and then , as I thoot , my ribs were pent in , I filled myself fine and Ion o meat , —heapso ' grand an ' warm meat—kepit a' strauoht in the inside ; and that I tied a cord round about me , an ' t keepitthe banes fine and ticht outside —and we just workit on that way , keeping all things fine and warm and straucht outside and inside , till the Tibs gat to men < J , and n ow they ' re as weel as ever they were ! " Tlio funny old fellow finished his narrative with a smile of triumph as he added , " Na , na , they 'll no torture me wi' their bondages and their physic ; I'm as auld ' s the maist o' them , in mair ways than ane V '—Ai / r Advertizer .
Cbeduutv . — We have seldom heard of a more striking instance of creduJify than the following , which occurred a week or two ago , to a farmer who resided oji the borders of Yorkshire , in tho parish of Borland , and near to tho town of Slaidburn . The name of his farm waa " G « M Hill , " or , as it is called by his neighbours , " Gowd Hill . ' A gypwy called upon the subject of our story , and , knowing well the weak side of humanity , ufipr pptaking of the name of his farm , gave him sundry hints of its having reference to pome , treanure concealed on the premises , and which the could discover by certain means in her power . The wily hag quickly took advantage of his credulity in lending a willing ear to her idle tales , and , in answer to his request to bn put in possession of the treasure , required the usual " infallible" crossing Of the hand with money , and as the riches to bo obta ned were great , so t he amount demanded was high , being no less than
£ 100 . But as riches were not of easy attainment , and such an opportunity of acquiring them seldom occurs the weak-minded fellow determined to poase » s th « treas r « , and gathered all his money , which amounted to £ 25 . as the price for the 'information , but the sybil would not sell him the secret for this sum , and " he accordingly borrowed of his neighbours £ 75 , to make up the amount demanded . The gypsey having received the hundred sovereign !? , wrapped them in a piece of brown paper , and going with the man upstairs , they both knelt down , aud , after pr . tending fo utter somt ) rharms upon them , she returned to him a brown parcel , to be put in a box , which was not to be opened for a week , when there was to be £ 150 , The talo scarcely needs to be further told : on opt-ning tho parcel , there were one hundred and fifty pieced of tin ! When the fraud was discovered , the impostor had decamped , but she has been traced to tho neighbourhood of Manchester , A reward of £ 10 is offered for her
apprehension . Sceweicy in Ohio . —The weather was as bright and beautiful as the opening of the month of May could make it ; tho sky a deep blue , spotted with snow-white and fleecy clouds ; and the air as fresh as a May-morning in Kn ^ land : though the scene ¦ was warmer and more intensely brilliaiu in its light . Tne outlines of the hi . Hs that bounded the valley on either side were gracefully undulated , aad ihe hills themselves were wooded to their summits . The forest-trees were in their brightest hv < ry ol green , after the heavy rains ; the paw-paw , the redbnd , and the dogwood all mingled their varied blossoms with tho gentrai- verdure ; the birds sans ; bo exultinaly , that one might have fancied a general to celebrate
convention of the feathered throng some jubilee ; in short , Nature was in h-r loveliest and most attractive garb rand it was happiness of no ordinary kind , to walk alone upon the upper deck of the boat , and feast the senses of sight and hearing , with the £ c < sn < s , and odours , and sounus , on every side . More existence was a pleasure , and gave , in its silent enjoyment , some conception of the Oriental ideas of a faradiso , which should consist of eternal repose , amid trees , and flowers , and running-streams , and singing birds . Among thrse , the ever-Varying notes of the mocking bird were ea ^ ly distinguished from their superior vigour and brilliance above allothers . The valley of the icioto is the favourite haunt of this Caradori of the Woods ; and since we
had hung with delight upon the thrilling accents of that sweetest and most winning of all songstresses from our native land , we had heard no warblings that could so well compare wiib hers , as those of the Rubini of Ohio . Mr . Atwater , indeed , calls him a Shak ^ peTe , not of Stratford upon-Avon , but oi Chillicothe , on tho Scioto , and thus describes his doings—" The Shakepere among birds seats himself on some tree , where the greatest variety of all sorts of birds dwell , and makes it his business to mock and disappoint them ; hence his common name of mocking-bird . Having seated himself in a proper place , he listens in profound silence to the songs of the several sorts of birds around him . la the vernal season , he
makes the love-call of a female of some near neighbou r , with heart-stirring melody , until the males come in nocks , to caressitheir beloved mate , w h en lo ! no such lovely bird is there ; they find , instead of Ihe lovely fair one , a homely brown thrush . Having succeeded in imposing on one species , he proceeds to play off similar ' tricks upon travellers , ' and continues his play untilhe is satisfied with his own mischief , and his neighbours' disappointment . When the other birds have young ones , he watehfls thoir uests , until the parents have left them in qutbt of food , whe n , seating himself near their domiciles , he imitates the scream of the hawk , or some other bird of prey . If the parenis hted the scream , ana come home , very well ; but if not heeded by them
he proceeds to imitate thevoicoof the young ones in the utmost agony and distress ; he utters their shrill cry and dying groan , when the affrighted and ' afflicted parents come flying in the utmost haste and trepidation , to relieve their suffering dying young ones ; bnt , behold no one is near t h e m , except the innocent , the plain , the honest and candid Mr . Thrush ( the mocking-bird ) who retires , as if laughing in his sleeve , at the trick he has played off upon the parents . " We had heard the mocking-bird in great perfection in the woods , and on the risers of the South , and especially at
Montgomery , on the river Alabama ; but the bird of the Scioto , whose notes delighted our ear , was in no degree inferior to that of the Southern stream on whose borders we had listened with intense delight tothe sweetest warbler -we had heard . The two indeed , were so equally matched in musical powers that if the single combat described in the * Music ' s Duel" of the old poet Herfick ^ ere to be again performed , the heroes should be taken from the banks of these two streams ; and the spirit-stirring vigour of ths Northern , blended with the meting tenderness of the Southern bird , would make . such JUUBic as Shakspere describes , wafting " Like perfume o ' er a bank of violets Stealing and giving odour . " —Buckingham ' s America .
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The Case in a Is ' utsiikll . -A very wealthy planter in Woodlbrd county , Kn ' mncky , s-ays : — " I had rather be taxed for the poor boy ' s education than the poor man ' s ignorance ;! for the oao or the other 1 am compelled to be . " ¦ , An Action was tried in the Court of Exchequer , in which the defendant , having jengaged a house at Brighton for five weeks , at eight guita-as a week , quitted at the end of the week , because it was intolerably infested with bugs . [ Lord Abingor held ** that persons who let ready-furnisbed houses were bound to take care that the premises were free from nuisance , " and tho jury inuuudiately t ' ouud for the defendant . 1
Habd Work . —It ' s hard work ] to go up hill without leanitg forward—and it ' s hard work for a" neutral" editor to speak of politics without leaning ono way or the other . It ' s hard work to make a dinner of grape shot , unless they are wiell boiled—and its hard work to digest a fool ' s argument , unless it be soaked in something like reason . ] It ' s hard work to do nothing , and have too much of it on hand—and it ' s hard work to collect a debt of one who says , " 111 pay to-morrow . " U ' s ha r d ' work to squeeze cider out ^ pf a brick-bat—and it ' a hard work to scratch out ideas for a paragraph , after being on a spree for twenty-four hours . It ' s hard work te hold lightning by the tail—and it ' s hard work to stem the torrent of a woman ' s will . —American paper . ,
Racing Statistics of Gre ^ t Britain . —We should probably not bo far wide of the mark wore we to put down the direct expenditure of the Turf at the sum of £ 200 , 000 ; but were tho | cfnpital vested in hors-o flesh to be takeu iuto consideration , and the incitieutal disbursements to which thft a-musement inevitably leads , we icol persuaded that more than one million of money per aneum is bonafide circulated . In round numbers , it appears that during the past seasou about 10 U 0 horses have been contested , whilst £ 150 , 000 wore distributed among the winners .
Tab Late Dreadful Accident in Galway . — The inquest on the bodie 3 of the unfortunate sufLrers at the late awful calamity here , j was resumed this morning before the Corouci-, Mr . j J . Biakeny . Tbe Court-house wad densely crowded . Several witnesses were examined , all of whom concurred in Htating , that tbe commotion was produced by an unfounded alarm thac the galleries ) wro falling ; and the medical gentleman whe attended the deceased having given testimony to the effect that death was produced by suffocation , the Jury Warned a verdict , "That the several persons camel by their deaths in consequence of injuries received by reason of extreme pressure at the chapel ; and thit tho alarm given on that occasion was not the result oi' any malio ' ous intent , but arose from an apprehension on the part of the congregation of extreme danger .
Physic \ l Force . —We find thelNavy , at the present moment , consists of 234 vessels of all sorts , mounting in the whole 3 . 890 guns , which is about 670 guns less than last Now Year ' s day , and consequently we have about 7 , 000 seamen fowor in employ . It appears we have 18 Sea- # oin « line-ofbattle ships , being seven less than last year ; 39 sloops , ono less ; 36 smaller vessels , nineteen les * than last year ; b' 4 steamers , four additional ; 21 suvveying-vessels ; 10 troop-ships ; and 10 receiving-ships . Our force at home comprises 604 guns ; packets , 46 ; Mediterranean , 1 , 035 ; Brazils , 403 ; F . ast Indies , 88 G ; North America ? nd We . st Indies . 476 ; Cape and Coast of Africa , 3 u 9 ; surveying , 93 ; trocp-ships , 56 . —Hampshire Telegraph .
New Year's Day in the Ciry Prisons—Sunday btiug Mew Year ' s Day , the iwhole of the prisoners at present in Newgate , tho * e in Giltspurstreet Compter , about 200 , and the Debtors in tha Borough Compter , twenty-one in number , were regaled with lib . of roast beef , lib of bread , Bnd a pint of porter each person , tho gift ;' of the Sheriffs of London and Middlesex , Mr . Alderman Hooper aud Mr . J . Pilcher . In addition to the ; above allowance , those who are confined iu the Borough Compter wiJl , upon tho 6 th instant ( Old Christmas Da , y ) , receive from Mr . Pritchard , the Iltgli Bailiff , lib of roast beef , greens , potatoey , lib . of plum-pudding , and a pint of beer each , —thus showing that the criminals faro much better at this season of the year than tho inmates ot the union workhouses .
The Gamekeeper and the Farmeb — On Sunday Be ' nuif t'ht , one of the gamekeepers of J . Attwoocl , E ? q . having assumed a di .- ; . 'uise forjtho better detection of poachersupon theeh ! at »> , oasse ' d the housoot ' one of the tenants , near Lea Wood , Edncy Common : the farmer thinking him a rough-ldjo-king customer , and suspecting his intention of pickihg up what game he could , followed him , armed with' a atout cudgel , and came up to him at the wood ! on the Coptfeld Hall estate . The tupposed trespasser having rofused to quit the place , the farmer commenced au attack upon him , and the single-stick exercise was
maintained on both sides witti considerable skill for some minutes ; the farmer , however , began to lay about him with increased vigour , his intentions evidently being a capture , when the keeper , still maintaining his iucog ., not wi . shing to strike nia friend , presented a brace of double-barrolled pistols ; his assailant , nothing daunted , dr . w forth the hugejkey of his grauarydoor , which he as deliberately ] pointed at the distni-ed keeper , and again called upon him to withdraw—at last the keeper revealed himself to the farmer , and the incident has given rise to a hearty joke in the neighbourhood where the parties reside . — Eiscx Herald . '
The Extraordinary Mildness of the Season . —The new comet in Drace u'as at its nearest point to tho earth on the 15 ih of Decembfr . Its distance , howeve r , even at that period , was 7 , 000 000 leagues . Comets are remarkable for the high temperaturo they diffuse on our atmosphere on their approach to the earth , and for ine subsequently low temperature at their termination . I anticipate the frost wi 1 set in towards the end of the mouth , as we have tho luminaries and the planet Mercury applying to a conjunction of Saturn in Capricorn ; such a position of Saturn in Capricorn the ancient philosophers alwajs held would influence the air in
winter to very frosty weather ,, as was tho casein 1784 , when there was a protracted ifrost and phow storm , three months long , which commenced on New Year ' s eve ; and also in 1 IJ 13 , when the cold Saturn was traversing Capricorn , another j severe vinter occurred , which commenced on December- 26 th , and continued two or three month ' s . From the inclement aspects of the planets on the 3 ft and 7 th of January we may anticipate viojenfc storms of anow , f r ost , &c , and ssvere gales may be expected . A very 6 tormy period aets ia , continuing with little intermission to the end of the month . —G . Sugden , Howden , Dec . 28 . :
High Court of Justiciary . —Trial of Alexander M'Kensie for Attemt to ( Murder . —On Saturday , the trial of Alexander M [ Kenzte , cattle dealer and farmer , came on for the assault , with intent to murder , James Dnff , in the neighbourhood of Dundee . M'Keuzie was charged / under the Act George the Fourth ; cap . 38 , with assaiilt , committed by m ea n s o f l oaded fi r ear m s , and with intent to kill , in so far as , for Mir purpose of evading payment of a 8 am of £ 1 , 000 sterling , whicb . he was indebted to James Duff , grazier , ho d | d on the 15 th of October , 1842 , in or near a wood ! or plantation called the Gillie Wood , beii g part of | the policy or pleasure grounds of the Earl of Camperdowu , in the county of Forfar , into which he had decoyed the said James Duff , wickedly and felyniousl y att a c k and assault him with a loaded pistol , j and with discharging the same with intent to killjhim , whereby
he was wounded in the back to the effusion of his blood , and ser ious injury of his person , and imminent danger of his life . The prisoner , jwho appeared to bo in great distress pleaded guilty . The Lord Advocate restricted the libel . By the law , the crime , to which the prisoner had pleaded guilty , was undoubtedly capital ; and he , along with his Learned Friends with whom he consulted , had felt very great difficulty as to the course wj ^ ich ou ^ hfc to be pursued . After due deliberation , ! however , he had c o m e to the co n c lusion , that , consistently with his duty , he might in this case restrict the libel to an arbitrary punishment , in tho helief' Ihat the sentence which the Court mi ^ ht a , war d would bo suffi ciunt for the vindication of tho law . l After Bhort addresses from the Court , the prisoner was sentenced , bv the Lord Justice Clerk , to transportation lor the whole period of hu natural life .
The Colliery Riots in Ayrshire . —At the Hi « h CoHrt of Justiciary , Edinburgh , on Friday , William Gibson , Robert Wood , James Graham , and Robert Donnachie were placed at the bar accused of mobbing and rioting with loaded firearms , for the purpose of assaulting , m ' olesting , and intimidating working men employed hi the colliery at West Hawkedfield , in the parish jof St . Evox , Ayrshire , on the 14 ih and ] 6 th November last ; and in particular with wounding and injuring Bernard Boyle . Michael Brady , Charles Donally , and Wm . Clark , and with dischargiug a loaded pistol , or other fire-arms , at John Dawson , by Whieh he was murdered . A great number of witnesses having been examined for the prosecution , thp Lord Advocate departed from the whole charge against the prisoner Donnachie . The declarations of the otherprisoners were theu read , generallyi denying the in the libeland
charges , stating circumstances to the effect of bringing out a case of a / t 6 i . Exculpatory proof being then read , the Lord Advocate addressed the jury for the Crown , and Mr , Crawford for Wood and Graham , for whom he craved a verdict of not proven , at the B&me time strongly recommending Gibson , whose guilt had been clearly established , to the leniency of the court . The Lord Justice Clerk then summed up the evidence , and the Jury retired a little after eleven to consider as to their verdict ; and in about half ; an hour returned into court and delivered he following verdict : — " Unanimously find William Gibson Guilty ; and by a great majority find Robert Wood and Jas Graham Guilty of mobbing , rioting , jand assault , but not Guilty of murder , and by a great majority recommend the prisoners to the leniency of the oourt . Find Robert Donnachie Not G ; ailty . " The court delayed proaoineing sentence .
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Mvjor-Gknfsul Pkrc y Df . i'MM' nd , <\ B , I ) rector-General of the Royal Artil ' . died at Woolwich on Sunday . Copenhagen , W aichere n , Flushing , Corunna , and Waterloo , formed the oitwf of the various . encoHnters in which he was engaged . A Generous Landlord . —The Marqois of Exeter , at hisJaterent audit in St . Martin ' s , Stamford B . ron , returned to his agricultural tenant the amonnfc of the half-year ' s Income-iax . —Lincolnshire Chron * xcle . A pugilistic contest , which terminated fatally , took place at HunstG » n , near Chichester , about three o ' clock op Sunday morning last , between Edmund and Ephraim Cousens , the sons of two brothers The men , it appears , with others , had been drinking through the n-ight . and a quarrel having ensued , the parties agreed to fight . The contest continued near an hoar , und terminated in Ephraim being unable to rise frum the effects of a blow which the other had
dealt him . He lingered through the day , and died at seven o ' clock in the evening . An inques > was held on tho remains on Wednesday , before Mr . I . L . Seliis ^ when a verdict of " Manslaughter * was relumed against Edmund Couaens , who has « ince been committed for trial at the- nexc assizos . — Sussex paper . Attempt to upset a Railway Train . —A lad named Wrlliam Hart was brought before the Maycsf of Reading on Wednesday last , charged with having wilfully placed a piece iron upon one of the rails of tho Great Western line , with the view of obstructing the free passage of the same . From the fact * deposed t o in evidenc e , it would seem that , at a few minutes before nine o ' cloc k , on Tuesday morning last , the policeman on duty at that part of the line which passes immediately opposite Battle frarm , observed something on the rail , at a distance of nearly half a mile from him , which he suppu ^ d to
bo a rabbit until its stationary app arance excited a suspicion in his mind that he was mistaken . As the train was at that moment in sight , he , after some little hesitation , ran towards the spot w \ th all possible spec d , and had hardly succeeded in kicking olf the iron whe , n the engine passed by . There is no doubt , from the construction of the intended ob-3 facle , and from its peculiar position on tha rail , that , in nine cases out of ten , the effect would have been to throw the engine off the line , and , in the present instance , to send it down an embankment twenty-two feet in depth . Tbe prisoner , who is a farmer ' s labourer , and only sixteen years of age , pleaded guilty to the charge . We hear tha : this wanton and reckless youth has been beforo repeatedly seen loitering on the railway , and frequently ehasiised for so doing by the Company ' s officers . He wax fined £ 5 , and , in default <> f payment ,, committed for three months . —Devize * C ? a-
zeltee . Accident on the Edinburgh and Gr .. * -Gow Railwa y — Malicious Conduct . —An accident occurred to the evening train on Sunday last , on this railway , which fortunately was not attended with serious result ' s , though it was clearly the etf > s of wilful and deliberate malice on the part of -ome unknown miscreants . The evening train , which left Glasgow at five o ' clock on Sunday evenir . u , had arrived wiihin a hundred yards of the P > raont station , and was running wiih great velocity , apparently not intending to stop there , when the r jjine came in collision with a low truck , the prop- rr-y of the Cempany , which hid been placed acros- ; the
rails in such a , position as vffccoually ta block op the road . The wheels of the truck not being < . n the r&ilp , t . h ¦ engine was able to push it but a little way , When tho velocity of its prepress caused it t pass over it , crushing both truck and wheels . B , this , however , the engino itself was thrown off the rails ; and it was fortunate that the connectien between the engine and the carriages gave way , bo that none of the carriages were dragged after ; and tb < : passengers , of whom there were about thirty , escaped with a few slight bruises , occasioned by their being thrown violently against the sides of the carnages . The arrival of the train iu Edinburgh was delayed by this accident from seven at night , its usual period of arriving , till two in the morning . —Scotsman .
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ST . JAMES'S PARK . —SUNDAY . TO THE SECRETARY OF STATE WHITEHALL , 1 st . January , 1843 . Sir , —Agreeably to tha wishes of the assembled multitude iu the Park , near the Horse G-aariis . thifl day , I have the honour to transmit a copy of ta-i following resolution passed unanimously in referout-e to certain proceedings in Warwickshire , which arn eon « aidcrad aa an evident tampering with the c . iuonal rfghts of the people at large—namely , the sanction given by tho Administration to an assemblage twld at Birmingham , for the purpose of contemptuous exultation—aiifce rtflcctive on the Government , tht go « verned , and equally dangerous to the public welfare . Charles Henry Ackerlet , Chairman .
Resolved unanimously , " That the object of the Go * vernment agents at Birmingham appears , by their rfaat . rdly acts on both sides , to have attempted to neutraVze , under , the word 4 Alteration , ' that opinion which h * 3 been already carried by upwardB of four millions of signatures for the rights of tbe wotkiae . ^ asaes ia their Pdti ' aon , registered as tbe Charter . T ' . tthe retrogade word' alteration' as a backward move , being in opposition to forward motion , —this Assembly nf the London Operative Mechanics , in behalf of their f » l . o \ r men in Vnm provinces—will not sanction the inconsistent proceedings of ttra past week , for endeavouring ti > undo what has already been done . Therefore the Charter , as recognized by the whole country , and ' nailed t- ¦ th © ruast . ' sliail be the lever of all our Rights , as those jf all mankind . ''
The above was received with enthusiastic approbation , folio wed by three tremendous cheers , many congratulating the Chair-nan iCapt . Ack < Tley ) in his auepj-ctotu comnienceniant of the ensuing new year .
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^ GUILDHALL , LONDON . While Sir' Chapman Marshall aad Sir Jnrnes Duke , ths sitting Alderman , were on Saturday adjudicating on a ease which required the presence of two Magistrates , a tall well-dressed lady , of" a certain age , " advanced to the table with the air of'a grenadier . * The case having just concluded which occupied th © attention of the two Magistrates , Sir James Duke , on beholding the lady , hastily quitted his seaf . and retreated imo the Magistrates' private room ; & r C . Marshal ! was , however , not so fortunate . The worthy Magistrate , who appeared as if some sudden calamity had overtaken him , thus addrr sed the lady—Now Misa Newell , what do you w ant with me 1
Miss Newell ( with greafc solemnity)—WeM , Sjur Chapman , I ' ve got you ; > . nd though one gei , > man won ' t , listen'to me , another bhali j for four-andtwenty years I have pursued this subject , and as this is tho last day of tho old year , I ' m determined to bring it to a point . Alderman- ^ Do , madam , tell me how long ywi are going to detain me ? Mws JSeweil ( looking up at ihe office clock , and then at her gold watch)—Why » vhat do yon think of ' a quarter of an hour 1 Alderman—Nb ; pray say rive minutes .
Miss Newell—I'd rather you'd split the difference } however , I can say a good dial in fi ? e minutes . Alderman—Well begin . Miss Newell—Sir Chapman , do you believ in God ? Alderman—Really , Madam , IMiss Newell—Come , come , Sir Chapman , IV- ^ ot you in a corner , and you must answer me ; do you believe in a God \ Alderman—Upon my word you must not—Miss Newell—Oh , well , I suppose you do believe ;
well that's one , point gained , however . —( Hor <; tha Court was an irrepressible sc ^ ue of laughter . ) W ^ H , as I told you some twenty-four years ago , whtu w © were both much younger , that 1 had a divine revelation from heaven , which informed me that I si . mid sit upon tho throne of this kingdom . What wa the consequence I They locked me up in St . Lu-Vs . However , I got out , and aj ; ain I paid you a v , ifc , when you were Lord Mayor , at the Mansion-h uae , some time ago . Alderman—Yes , I remember it , Miss .
Miss Newell ( in a voice of triumph—Oh ! y « y- do remember it . Well , the n , from that hour to ims I have pursued the same steady line of coudu t—( Laughter)—and my undying conviction is ( striking her hand with much force upon the table ) tiiit I shall wear the Crown of England , have a large house , and keep a great number of servants . Alderman—Now pray , Madam , come to a conclusion , for you Bee the five minutes have just exp i r ed . Miss Newell ( looking at tho clock , and again at her watch)—Hot so fust , Sir , I know what o ' clock it is—( Roars of laughter )—besides I say that the Queen of this country sets a had example to her subj cis . Alderman—I cannot hear thi * ; you mHst not be allowed to talk- thus . I won ' t listen !
Misa Newell—But yon must , and I ask again , why the Queen , a l ad y occupying a station the highest in the land , does not suckle her own child i Only place me in such a situation , Sir Chapman , and I'll let ihe world see an example of a great lady nurturing her own babe . ( The gravity of the Court was quite overcome by this speech , and justice fairly laughed outright . ) Alderman—Miss Newell , yon have had more than five minutes allowed you , and I must beg of yon to retire . Do not compel me to use force . Miss Newell—Well , I have done for the present I rather like you , Sir Chapman , and , a s it ' t he last day of the old year , I was determined to eay as much as I oould , and I think I have opened some of your eyes , so give us your hand at parting .
The Alderman , most good humouredly extended his hand at the request of the lady , who , "fffifc . . - shaking it most warmly , dropped a gracefnltfourasgS ^ X 4 V to the Alderman , exclaiming , "Pardon nieiM ^ 2 ^ fi ^ tT £ . ^ f man , if I take leave of you in the words ^ M ^ od yr " * * oj old song— 'Adieu , thou dreary pile 1 '"—( LdW ^ H ^^^ Ji ^ v ^ r ter , dnring which the candidate for the Crogr »* wV 0 , %£$ S tij drew . ) ^ ( r ^^ j ^ ra ^' Xk . ^^ M lli § i ) A&s s
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Untitled Article
CHRONICLES OF THE CABEWORK . By Ebwuo ) West . TFe have received the first number of a new pnb-£ cstion nsdex thi 3 title , "which is intended to be corairuied weekly , aid to form as the end of the year o ^ i which ~ wa have just entered , a Tolnme of iitfer esjiT'g details , calculated lo excite the attention of those " * r i > o are noi above coiumisserating the TOats and sufferings of the destitute , which it is intended to pourtraj in a series of anecdotes ; the one beginnin , ? in the present nnmbsr , exceedingly "well imixen aP « is , relates to a jenng pprig of the aristocracy bra * in the lap of wealth , and trameo . to habiis of setfi sbaess by defective education . The B CsnoBidts of * & £ Careworn" present a wide
field , and we ha Te no doubt from the specimen before us , the talei ited writer will carry out his plan in such a mau ^ ner as to obtain the M recom-Paoce of his literary 1 ibonrs in the sympathy of the publlc The vrori , i " "tt tells us , "is the result of the daily jraiks , aud the occasional wanderings , ^ Erhi ^ tbe lis t year , of Oi ie "who professes himself to be a iorsr of the human i itt , —of one who can find vxzzn beapaih tire moss . homely of bonnets , —who can look for merit in tie me . ^ est of cottages , —who ^ b synipadase with a sorrxr * ""fnl man , equally fcpon Ms eeneli ofsaaw , as "when np " > a a bed of damask , — ard Troald plead for him who , "O tha world denies iae right to make known his tale of suffering and of Baser ?"
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Untitled Article
" THE NORTHERN STAR . ¦ : ' ¦ 3
Northern Star (1837-1852), Jan. 7, 1843, page 3, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct632/page/3/