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"SS who is not with us is against vs .-east u . 1 % yrs should not care "who were against us , if those ? jaiare&r ns -were with us indeed—if they weie all i-ng— 'bni those wha are against us , have great means J ^^ against us—they , have power s they iave wealth , wuy en . persecute , they can bribe—and custom is on «^ oae- ^ sre sre poor and hare nothing to offer T > ut sJa £ jind ' B . Those who are not satisfied -with the just-Sggcf the cause and the approval of their own consdejues- areled by other inducement ^ by consideratio ns toiosafce ^ s , to beteiy n * . We are God ' s counsellors « sd plead Bis cause of the poor—they have the rich for Jiajtssud they advocate ¦ worldly interests . ^_ __
3 j is in Tain for tib to to appeal to Hib understandings rt&ix eaemies—they srealready convinced that we are jjrjjt—il is egaally Tain to appeal to their feelinggSThive none—they try to deprecate onr resentment jy seeming sympathy ^ to delay the time by devising Jasn-Riinns—they try ereiy art to blind ns , to sedace !* to repel us- ^ -and nothing will they yield to but to j ^ ar—no noiler motive Trill ever make them give up jfceir 21-gotten prey , and if ever they axe compfiHed jo jestore to us cur rights , it -will not be without a jjgjgnmnatioB to deprive us of them soon again if pos-$ jte , so that it ia no less necessary to be euergeticto j » an onr rights , than It will necessary to be watehfol to secure item -when gained . accnstomed to look to Parliament for
ffe have been jgjres , to petition Parliament—bnt as well might the jjisbJook to the wolf for pity , the dare implore the jj > g for release , as the people look to the Parliament Hutprsys upon them . The people mnst agree , most jggeaie , nmst organte to gain their Charter and gel a jistBanieBt of their ewn before ever they can hope , or jjjgam of redress . I do not know whether any of yon jateeTerbeen tosee thebieh court of Parliament , where gie collective "wisdomi of the nation sits—I never have __ I could not see without disgust nor IisUn but with SitatasncB to the proceedings there ; for what should Iseind hear?—scented dandies " perfumed like miljbeb , - decked -with trinkets like stage-players , things ¦ tijfcont head or heart , that call themselves members , — fjessngbto ** members of a dub of horse-jockeys , jjaJBHS jOTCDckfirhters ; "but not the representatives Ifjjieople whose miseries are but mirth to them .
3 Ja people do not know their own strength , do not fsHheJr own importance , « r they would never let such abjures as these libd and laugh at them . Then there 8 K ors £ o » who love to show their -wit at th& essence riibe-ccrantrs , or their folly at thfcir own expencefall fed iqajres who go to take a nap after dinner , nothing bei 2 ? so somnolent as the speeches there—amoln ' oasand worldly wise men , fonder of themselves thsn vi ihar country—lawyers , usurers , sycophants , srho , -whenever za honest man rises like ajspirit sndstsadJ in tte midst of them , set np such howlings and screecloEgs to scare him back , that one would believe Bedlam had broken loose , and all the mad folks isd come there . Jfow -what can the people expect ires such a motley assembly , but further injury and insult ? Would that another Cromwell would arise and jo tmang them to tell them whattbey are , and , to make tfcaa give place to honester men .
It is in vain expecting our rights , or even a cessation of wrong from the Court , the Ministry , or the Parliament : —irom whom , then , must we expect it ?—why frosa none but eurselveE . We must unite and with cm voi«—a voice like the sound of many waters—Tb nest HJi these things shall no leager be ! When the Honssns united to make known their minds , their Teices ¦ sreresolond that the noise struck the birds of the air as with a shot , and made them fall dead to the ground . If me people ef En eland , Scotland , and Ireland were firm to raise one universal shont for freedom—the powers that be , the despots on high , the carrion , me birds that hover over us for prey , would immefistfiy fsllfrom their liigh estate and strew the ground Bb wiihered leaves shaken from Freedom ' s tree by Q « Boreas-blast of liberty .
Butt © efiect thiB onr Traces must be muted not only number , but in Bcund ; we must not have scattered sb 3 ecmtrsry cries , but one only accordant cry " The Qarterr We wereall sbentujg for the Charter , batsoKje xsumgns , some who had taught ns that-shont , turned road rponns and said , " Oh , yon want the Charter ; hit job shan't have it until you can spell it , and lead it , ssd wntB it , ind tell us what ib Latin for the Charter jinihwt , we mustbny the books tiiev write , distribute Sa tracts thEj print , and read their papers , pamphlets , Bid periodicals . You must appoint them as missionsou , only mind yon pay them well . ' Yon must have
a drcnl&dng library , snd not only see that the books dreolate , bnt also that the library itself walk round Iran town to town and village to Tillage . Ton must bn&LschoolB for yourselves to go to school in ; you EEst bava pleaEare-grounds and play-grounds , baths , music , and dancing ; a laboratory for you to find the philoB 6 pha > stone in ; and schools to teach school mssten in as well as scholars ; in short , you must all become complete gentlemen and men of science , and n&Ter mind thengh all the wnUe you have no bread to eat , so clothes to wear , so bouse to put your heads in , nothing to do , and nothing to lire on .
AHthiswa&TErTgranoVvery glorious , enough toimmorfcaliEe Uib concoctorsof the scheme—the CharfiBt school master » ou ? d have gone abroad ! Bat , ¦ unfortunately , * hfle they were bidMing aese castles in the air while tber were counting their chickens , the eggs were yet to be hatched ; they had the f oundafion to lay ; they had ia » counted on the t"p < t ^—and the vision Tanished . ( To be continued . J
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MAS-WORSHIP—Past 3 . Us true patriot btet looks at the canse , never a lanssJf ; nor does he ever interpose iimself between tte cause and fhe people , like the fly in the i ^ secpe , to intercept their view , The ^ ause is not toasiTeiiin , but he . is to serve the cause , and he is 3 ssSj to scriSce s ] J for it Bj constantly fixing his jas on it , be grows like it—he imMses its influences- — te becomes jreat -and good . Are there any who join Mm ? Es rejoices at it for the canse sake I T > o they get before him ? he Kjoicesstai mere ) Rul they into inseaEmys hands ? ; He laments as Washington did Tiiw . ha brother General and compatriot Lee fell into ashsadB of the Englishj he is trilling to second or to lead , as circumstances may require . Tr < m fortune fswired Mm , he will use his fortune to favuur the less
SataaSe . He will cheek every disposition of the P » nle to God him , and will seek rather to inspire Qiaa whh confidence in themselves than in him , as M dia , irbo , when the ma of Switzarlana wonfew at-his boldness ,-told them that not ene of Iftem « S naght doas hs had done , for he was but a man like me of themselves . He will neTer raise false expectations BTprsmiiing more than he can perform , and will put xnyfiom himself every suspicion of seeking personal aBnoaisemeEt or profit , as Cs 3 arput away his susl « ka w 2 e for , . said Cssar , the wife of Cssar shall i « be suspected . Se wiu not seek , neither will he shun P-nss'Sm , far less flee from it ; and he will fSOm whatever suffering tfee Government may impose * P < a bna with xcobe ^ forfitnde having always the snasr of the cause in view and being wishful to set an fawagcg example , Such an one will serve the 6
r ™* "& sneeess—snch an one win attain true glory . SlJrl ho * few ** & there are—Washington is waat a « only one . How seldom is it but that the Pas ^ maa falls in love with himself , and the mere he srahinadf a , e less hswffl love the cause , He will « a to fiatteren and grow jealous of friends—he will « = * tooB--ihe needy and unscrupulouB will form his ?*~ ^ e Jupiter , 1 he light and heat which he « f » _ &om . the snn he will commonicate to tbese B £ KUk * who in Ike manner reTolve round Mm . The ™ s * 2 l lose its own ; name and be named after fl »*^\ ' ^^ coffie his cause , instead of the cauBe of
tfri ^ L ? 3 Charasm ? ChartiHn , aal said at the Z *™?* » jma ! Principle , It ast oat with an inten-^~* wfecSous , tohavenonEht to do with faction , wirfts 1 a t 0 BoScei ^ Chartismtookita stand cLrr ptnm § , and Boaring in the dignity of its " jaoai Sttncenr , high above an party or personal ^"™"» a hovera in tt » Heavens like the eagle of the be * n ^ L 5 L ^ ° ttDCe 'nPon faction or partisanship and 5 naL ;! S ° ** orits prey . If there be any class prejT > ZSL * at 3 ' * Phlt ^ Chartism , they win render it % in ^ ° ^^ Whiggism or Toryism ; Chartism « & S ^^ lose * " ^ ° to es ^ ^ TjriDi . ^ ^ . ^^ nnnwt or from society—the kj ^ L ™ OartiEm yffl go ont of it , all its moral Crfr * wm expire . Chartism wjai lose its " ™™ "na&-ijt men , it wm cease to atlract their » Ta k , ? 0 ! 8 ^^ topes—it will no longer beregarded ^^ n to heal the wounds of the wretched , as a Cv " ^ Cure tae ^ Tit « nf fha vmtiinA rVnitr VfO dear of w&
^ PjjS those vices which denounce , can of b » r «» s ^ Oirer to cast them out , or escape the charge Ijag ^ j- ^ 6 tnu Chartist is entitled to regard ^ i ^ " ^ sBperiorto any man who Is factious or a ££ 3 f ""^ thst man be sidled a Duke , a Lord , or ¦ W MrrT ' jr ^™* have Chartista to do with either !„ £% " Io ^» int to denounce both . Expeoaency is fe ftfcT ^ S ?!/ ** honeEt 7- Kever let onr palms itch " « & l ^ T " ^^ system ; or be Bcored or branded t » TortWrr , aa ^ tisi ^^ o Totes for either Whig ftih ^ eon > es a heterogenouj compound—an ano-Cba ^ -L Q ? iies lfimBe « to the name of Whkfeteb't ^ T ^ Public capacity acts unjustly , and " ^^ e honour of & Chartist . ^^ wCXt ^ ^ 3101 to Christiani ^ itself in this Cha ^ j ^ 'i * 18 * ito wBDB from no man ; whereas fca ^ p "* ak » its name from Jesus Christ the -WMV 0 fW * t ** W" v « M > Mi 0 VMtWf Hie
tft CSjrte ^ il" ^^ there are many modifieations « epB 3 pg « 7 , each tikiBg its aame from iU &na < MJ ^?» * a the doctrin * of CalTinisH Qi ^^ Wedeyanism from Wesley , &c Now Qa « e-W ? & **• > It takes its name from the tea to * SSL * rf i ^ sSee . «* » hich the Char-Qaatioa i ^ ' . There « i » uld be nt > sectarianism in it 11831 a n ^ ° mTenHoIi ol one man any more than C 8 a * ' T ^ T ^ 8088 ¦ has ^ o fatherl ) ut Qie Pirst Great ^ ¦^ baf «^ V ~ 'We aaTocateit ; ^ e do not set » QiBtirtT ^?* itsmoJ * && » man have than to * » 6 ento ^ V ?^ greater approval than his own ^^ itlf l t ^^ aeek-hewm ^ tobowtr ^ otber h 0 D ° nr- » men are in-^ £ ^^^ io Hhn ]» will raise them up ; ¦^ ili toiFfV **» Canse - A ^ * allowable >^ S ^^ l ^ ^ P & 3 d . AH other ^^^» SZ ^ ^ ""i ^^ d esiadeouiKlves and
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TKE ADDBESS OF THE SOUTH LANCASHIRE DELEGATES TO THEIR CONSTITUENTS , AND THE MEMBER 3 OF THE NATIONAL CHARTER ASSOCIATION GENERALLY . BaETHBEH , —There never was s time in the history of this country that the working classes had more to contend with than they have at fche present period , nor was there ever a time when apathy was more pre-YaJent We had hoped that the persecution which power and capital has raised in the country , and more especially in Lancashire , -would have long since aroused you to a sense of your duty ; and we can only attribute it to your unparalleled suffering , and the tyranny ot youi merciless employers , -who will , we are sure , exercise the same power over you that they have hitherto done , nnleHS you seek to establish your own rightthe right of labour in opposition to the right claimed by capital .
We are on the eve of the day when many of our best men are to be condemned by class-made laws ^ ( tried and sentenced they have been already ); they are to be separated from their homes , their kindred , and their friends . Fer what ! For advocating the right of a class ? No ; bnt for asserting the right of all men , without reference to class or creed . This , in the eyes of unjust law makers , is a crime not to be forgiven . Why do they persecute ? Why do they imprison ? Why do they expatriate our brethren 7 Because we want that unity of interest and fellow feeling -which they have for themselves and them only . Let as in this instance shew them that we do not want sympathy for those who have stood forward as advocates for the rights and privileges of us and our children ; nor that we do not want moral courage to come forward and take our stand as they have done . Do this and the work of persecution is at an end .
Brethren , consider for a moment what must be the feelings of those who are to be deprived of the society and support of these men ; the poet says" There are hopes from the prison , But none from the tomb . " But what hope can they have from an apathetic people ? what consolation can it be to them to know that their children are dependent on you f * r support ? Away then with littkisness ; rally all your energies ; deprive yourselves of all that is unnecessary ; abandon the public-bouse , for it gives strength to our enemies ; deal only with our friends , -with those who will give towards the support of the victims of class legislation .
Brethren , we have beheld with extreme regret , tbB defalcation in the attendance of delegates to the Sauth Lancashire Council . It therefore became our duty to remind the Chartists of this district , that we consider it of the utmost importance that the varieus localities should have their representatives present at such council meetings , in erder to create a feeling of brotherly affection in "the Chartist ranks in the division of Lancashire . We also know that the Chartists of 0 rea > t Britain have been in " the habit of looking up to this meeting as the most important meeting in the country . In the hope , therefore , that the past will mere than suffice , -sre have to announce that a delegate meeting will take place on
the 22 nd , when subjects of the most vital importance will be brought forward for the consideration of the delegates , one of which will be the propriety of employing a lecturer in this division of the county ; also the new plan of organization . Another equally important subject will bfl the most efficient means of procuring funds to defend the victims at the forthcoming trials , and render support to the wives and families of those ¦ who may be incarcerated . There is also another subject which win demand the careful deliberation of the delegates , which is the emendation of the constitution of the county council , and placing it upon more thoroughly democratic principles .
W « call upon the members of trades unions to come forward at this important crisis , and assist their countrymen in obtaining a thorough reform in the Commons House of Parliament , —a reform , which will give to every man an equal share in the legislation of the country ; and tills can only be obtained by the enactment of that document called the People ' s Charter . Trades unions have not answered the purpose for which they vrere originally intended , namely , keeping up the price of labour ; and whilst we are willing to admit that they have stood as bulwarks between the oppressor and the oppressed , yet they have not , nor cannot , successfully combat against the grasping and insatiable avarice of the grinding capitalist ; and why ? Because the law protects his property ; in fact he ia one of ^ be
law-makers , while the honest and industrious working man has no law to protect his labour . On the coatrary , every law made is more or leaa opposed to his real interest ; and no wonder , because he is not allowed to have a hand in making it Then seeing such to be the case , we call upon you , the intelligent mechanics and artizans—we urgently call upon you , the very life ' s blood of this nation—you who are the sinews , the prop and support of the Government and its abettors , to rally round the standard of true democracy , and shew by your honest and firm adherence to it that yen are determined to be politically free , and implacable enemies to that Leviathan , Class Legislation , which has , like a devastating tornado , blasted and destroyed the * rital interests or the great body of the working community .
To you of the Trades who haTe already joined our ranks , we are compelled to say , but we do it with all doe respect , that yon haTe been wanting in your duty ; you have been apathetic In truth your conduct lately evinces a complete indifference to the glorious cause which yon professed sincerely to espouse . To yon we Bay , shake of yourletbergy , rouse from your sloth asd exert your best energies to promete the onward progress of our holy principles . You have bo excuse ; you are convinced of the truth of the political tenets which we have preached ; therefore we say once more , put on your armour and be ready to fight the moral fight of right against cruel and oppressive might . Let your and our enemies see by your virtuous attachment to the banner of freedom , that you are worthy of those rights which God and nature intended you should possess .
Brethren , we need not remind yon of the necessity of giving your undivided support to that portion of the press advocating purely democratic principles . We are of opinion there are none so deserving attention as the Northern and Evening Stars . These bright luminaries , under all circumstances , have nobly defended the rights of the toilisg millions , and , regardless alike of calumny and persecution , have fearlessly denounced injustice and oppression , no matter whether emanating from . Government < ffieials or local tjrante . And it -would manifest the basest ingratitude on your part , if
you do not strive by all possible means to promote the circulation _ of both papers first , by taking them yourselves is preference to others , and then by introducing them into your Temperance Hotels and other places of public resort where you have any influence . By thus performing what is no more than your duty yoa axe removing the pr * jndices of those wbo are not acquainted with your principles , and , at the same time , carrying terror into the camp of your enemies , and silently , yet effectually , promulgating those glorious truths on which alone caa be based the happiness of yourselves and the salvation of your country .
In conclusion , brethren , we call upon you to shake off the apathy which you have so long manifested . Exercise all the energies you possess in the prosecution of yoar noble enterprise . Be determined that your principles shall be known , being folly assured they have only to be known to be appreciated by all who are not inaccessible to conviction . Let no danger induce you to relinquish the contest , and soon , very soon , will victory croWn your united efforts . Then will liberty be proclaimed upon the mountain tops , and the valleys
echo back the sound , while the glad newa of your country ' s freedom will reverberate from shore to shore , till distant natioBs catch the delightful theme , and with one spontaneous burst of enthusiastic rapture proclaim , Tyranny is faileD , is fallen ! and freedom , happiness , asd peace is permanently established ] ' ' We remain , yours , Is behalf of the Delegates assembled , THOS . Bailton , Chairman . Wh . Dixos , Secretary . Manchester , January 8 th , 1 S 43 .
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TBE VICTIMS . TO XH £ EDITOK OP THE KOBTHJSRN STAR . Sib , —In" the Norffiern Star of December the 17 th , appeared a report of a meeting of the Somerstown Victim Committee , at which meeting five shillings was voted to Mi . Peter Fodeo , and a like sum to Mis . Clayton , both of this town- Allow me , through you , Sir , to inform our London friends that I last week paid over the above sums to Mr . Foden and Mrs . Clayton . Mr . Ardill has their receipts for the money . Mr . Foden and Mrs . Clayton letum their grateful thanks to their kind friends , the Somerstown Comraifctea .
With respeet to Mr . Foden , allow me to atate that after suffering two years imprisonment in the cause of Cnartism , he has returned to Sheffield to find Ma home broken up and himself thrown upon the wide world without employment and without resources , to maintain himself and family . He is by trade a baker and confectioner , but owing to the depressed state of trade cannot obtain employment in Sheffield . Hia present object is therefore to start in business in the shove line for himself ; he of course needs the pecuniary mem . The Sheffield Chartists have rendered him all the assistance in their power at the present time , and could any of eur ChartiBt Mends , out of Sheffield , add to thejlittle store Mr . Foden fro * at present in hand , it would be the means of renderinghimindependentof the employocracy , and in furnishing him with the means of honourable subsistence weuld render his services of greater utility to the good causa
In the Star of Use 31 , appeared certain resolutions adopted by the Sheffield Chartists respecting the fond lodged at the Star office , collected for the purpose of bringing the remains Gf our departed brother Clayton from fiorthsllertoa to Sbtfield , but which , ewing to
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unfavourable circumstances , was not applied to that purpose ; it was recommended in the said resolutions that the fund in question should be given to Mrt . Clayton . Ho opinion baa been expressed on the subject out of Sheffield , and if , after the appearance of this letter , the country shonld still te silent , it will be inferred by Mrs . Clayton's friends thatall who subscribed to the fund are willing that it should be given to snd appropriated for the benefit of the widow . 1 beg leave to call the attention of my Sheffield
friends to the case of Mrs . Ellis . Upon the awful calamity that has overtaken that much injured woman I need not comment ; all are acquainted with the particulars of that cruel stroke of tyranny by which she has been deprived of her husband , her children of their father , and both ' of a home . Mr . Cooper ia exerting himself with praiseworthy zeal to secure the latter { a home ) forj this persecuted family , all that is needed is a few pounds to secure " a consummation devoutly to be wished" lay all lovers of the Charter and sympathisers with their suffering
fellowcresEures . Sheffield has been appealed to , and I hope will not be backward in giving its support I will keep a book open for the receipt of monies for Mrs . Ellis from the present date to the 21 st February , when all snms received shall be acknowledged in the Northern Star , and remitted to Mr . Cleave , treasurer for Mrs . Ellis . The case of Mrs . Roberts , of Birmingham , —in whose behalf appeared an address , in the Star of last Saturday , —is one also demanding the active sympathy of all having a heart that can feel for another . In the case of Mra . Roberta , only a very few pounds are required to afford her the means of procuring a decent livelihood for herself and children . Was something like five shillings given by each ff the important Chartist localities the sum wanted would be more than realized . For this object I will keep open a book for the receipt of monies until the 14 th of ; February , when all sums received shall be acknowledged in the Northern Star .
Trusting you will excuse the length of this , and give it insertion in your columns ,. I am , Sir , faithfully yours , Geosge Julian Barney . Shtfileld , January 17 , 1843 .
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made to work so well , as the principle of the Irish medical dispensaries—that Is to say , that wherever private subspriptioas wore collected , there should be given out of public moneys a sum equal in amount to such subscriptions , " These pablic moneys , however , should have nothing to do with grand jury presentments ; but should either come out of the consolidated fund , or be produced by an income tax upon all persons having a certain income —say , for example , to begin with £ 500 a year . " Fellow-countrymen—I pnt forward these five great measures as the basis upon which I seek to combine all Irishmen in the struggle for the Repeal of the Union . They constitute the great national compact upon which I call upon Irishmen of every persuasion to rally together in order to obtain national independence and prosperity for their native land .
•• They are these : — Firstly—The total abolition of the tithe rent-charge . " Secondly—Fixity of tenure fer the occupying tenants . " Thirdly—The encouragement and perfecting of Irish manufactures . Fourthly—Complete suffrage and vote by ballot " Fiftb-j—Abolition of the present poot-law , and augmentation of welt-regulated charitable institutions . " Such , fellow-countrymen , is the basis of our repeal agitation for the year 1843 . 41 I have the honour to be , fellow-countrymen , " Your ever faithful and devoted servant , " Daniel OConnell . " Derrynane Abbey , January 1 , 1843 . "
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BiniVIINGHAIVI . CHARTIST CONFERENCE . For the last few months , and in fact , since the memorable " strike' 3 of the colliers and others , Chartism in this town was in a disdrganizsd state ; for although the localities existed in name they fell sadly Bhott of tffisientiy perfoiming those duties which fall to the lot of alt well-organfzed bodies . A number of active and Intelligent members of the National Chatter Association , deeply deploring this state of things , and knowing well that Chartism was numerically strong in Birmingham , resolved to issue printed circulars calling on each msmber and friend of the National Charter Association to attend a general meeting or Conference of the whole . The subject was brought before the membeta of the General Council for Ashton-street Locality , and it was agreed , that printed circulars should be issued , of which the following is a copy : —
" Birmingham , January llth , 1843 . Sir , —You are requested to attend a meeting of the members and friends of the National Charter Association , resident in Birmingham , on Monday , January 16 th , at the Royal Oak Inn , Little Cfcaries-street , at seven-o ' clock in the evening , for the purpose of considering the best mode of extending and strengthening the cause in this town , and adopting a good mode of operation for the future , in order that full confidence may be established amonget all the members . We remain . Sir , yours respectfully , George RkhaTdson , chairman ; William Talbert , secretary ; Messrs . Reece , Parkes , Bates , Cowan , Saunders , G , White , MurleBS , councillors . "
At the time appointed , a large number of persons were in attendance in the large aad commodious room of the Royal Oak Inn , Little Charles-street , amongst whom were the most active and intelligent Chartists of the town . A kind and brotherly feeling pervaded the whole ; and , from the general tenor of the proceedings , it will be seen that each man was animated with a desire to make Birmingham what she ought to be . On the motion of Mr . G . White , Mr . John Mason was unanimously called to the chair .
Mr . Mason then took the chair , and said -. —A . & they had done him the honour of electing him to preside on that occasion , he hoped that every one present would make it his study to preserve a good feeling whilst they freely expressed their opinions on the various questions which might be submitted to their consideration . A more important object than that for which they had now assembled could not engage the attention of the sincere acd devoted patriot in his struggle for liberty ; he congratulated them that they had been brought together for the immediate purpose of ereating a good understanding amongst the honest and sincere Chartists who desired the freedom of their country , and he had no doubt they would ultimately succeed . There was a power then present competent
to accomplish an organization of great magnitude , which , if conducted with energy and prudence , under the guidance of an efficient directing body , invested with the entire confidence of all the Association , would call forth the ; activity of the surrounding districts and set an example to the country at large , fie did not anticipate any frivolous objections would be urged , or that any person would complain of a want of proper respect la the distribution of the circulars , as he felt confident that everything had been done for the best , considering the > hort time in which they had to distribute such a large number . He hoped that they were all animated by noble sentiments , which he had no doubt would eharactevizs their deliberations that evening—( hear , hear ) . The general good was their paramount o ) ject ; and he was certain that unanimity
and decision would be the surest guarantee for their future success . Mr . White would now read over to them a aeries of propositions to be submitted to their consideration . - They had been drawn up with a tenacious regard of the existing organ . z ition .. But it was ebvious that , from the vastness of the population of Birmingham , and the disgraceful manner in which the Whig leaders had abused their confidence , it was necessary to adopt a more comprehensive mode of action than had been previously in operation , ia order to arouse the immense energies of the working classes ; and he hoped that their proceedings that evening would be conducted in such a dignified tone of feeling as to give life and vigour to the cause in Birmingham , and prove to England that that power which displayed itself in 1830 would now be used for a noblet purpose . ( Cheers . )
Mr . George White having been unanimously appointed to act as Secretary , explained the reasons for calling the meeting , and pointed out the mode by which Birmingham might be made the grand centre and bulwark of sound chartism . He referred to tbe immense numbers who , at all times , came forward at public meetings to support their principles , as a justification of the steps they were about to take , to bring about a good understanding and healthy organization of the whole . He then read over a number of propositions which had been drawn up at a preliminary meeting , and concluded by expressing a hope that they would that evening make such regulations aa would place the cause in Birmingham on a sure and irremoveable foundation . After a few remarks from the Chairman , and Messrs . Carter and Williamson ,
Mr . T . Saunders said , that from what he bad heard read by the Secretary , it appeared to him that there was au intention of breaking up tbe localities , and establishing them into one body . If such was the case , they had better submit a resolution to the effect at the outset He therefore moved , " That tbe whole of the existing localities be merged into one body . " Mr . Joseph Washbotjrne objected to the resolution , &s a member of the shoemakers' locality . He felt convinced that they would not agree to it . Messrs . Chilton , Thorne , and Williamson , also spoke on the subject , when Mr . Saunders withdrew his motion .
Mr . George White , then addressed the meeting . It appeared to him that at a time like this , Ijge advocates of liberty should not cavil about trifles . There were numbers of our beatjjfriends at that moment with a prospect of imprisonment before their eyes ; and it would add to their punishment if , after they were incarcerated , they should find that their labours were in vain . If they would net act energetically to support those who had been placed in that position , what could be thought of them ? Tens of thousands of honest men were then suffering all tbe horrors of starvation , and there was not a man then present but was liable to share the same fate . They well knew that there was no protection for working men under the present bjbtern , and , in order to come to an unanimous decision , he would move the following resolution : —
" That as it is necessary to improve the position , and extend the principles of Chattis $ a in this great and important tows , in order to concentrate our power , we hereby resolve to unite our energies without interfering with the business of the various localities as at present conducted . " Mr . Edward Murless seconded tbe motion , which was put from the chair , and unanimously agreed to . Tbe Secretary then read the following portion of the propositions : — "That members of the General Council for the town of Birmingham be now elected , composed of twenty or more , if necessary ; that their duties shall be to divide the town into districts , appoint collectors , and to take all necessary means of extending and consolidating the organization ; that they shall have the power of electing a directing body from their members , who shall be authorised to convene the council as often as they shall deem it necessary . "
Mr . W . Chilton move * that the tesolution just read , be adopted by this meeting . Mr . John NewhoeSE seconded it Mr . James Saundees moved an amendment , " That the words 'directing committee' be substituted for ' general conndL' He thought that it would be less objectlonableand would be more legaL Mr . Smith Linden supported the original motion . He could not see any reasonable objection that could be raised against it . •; Mr . John Williamson could not see any difference in the terms . It was quite clear that the Council proposed to be appointed were intended to be superior to todo that
the local councils now existing . They were - which the others had not done . They were to extend the Organization of Birmingham , a town containing a population of nearly 200 , 600 . They had now only three localities , when they ought to have more than forty ; and no doubt they would have if they had a good working committee , aye ! that was the word—that was the real name they should call it , as it was exactly what was required—( hear , bear ) . The Anti-Corn-Law League were moving heaven and earth to gain one proselyte , and why should they nob do the same ? It was necessary for them to take more energetic steps , and he had no doubt that they would present as strong a body ere
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loDg , as they did previous to the passing of the infamous Reform BDL He should support the original motion . | Mr . Joseph Reece supported j the original motion . He would suggest the propriety of adding the word Birmingham , to those of General Council ^ a order that it might be fairly understood . ' " ^ Mr . Saunders again repeated his former statement . He considered the substitution of his amendment would not alter the spirit of the resolution , whilst it would legalise the whole . ! The Chairman explained . They were acting perfectly rigbt in pressing the resolution as It stood , as they were not met there solely as members of the National Charter Association . That meeting was open and legal , and any council they j appointed would be legal also . ! Mr . Wu . Smith Lindon , took ithe same view as the Chairman .
Several persons here called for the resolutions to be put , as Mr . Saunders' amendment had not been seconded . j Mr . John Magee thought it a perfect waste of time to indulge in the present discussion . They had not come there to talk about legality . \ He was perfectly tired of such nonsense . It was a { shame for men to talk about it who knew that there ! was nothing which a working man did that could not be turned into illegality by the present irresponsible ] Government . Was it not notorious that they had no law to protect them ? Was not the very name " Chartist , " scouted by the wealthier classes ? He should support the moti 3 n . The Chairman then pat the motion , which was carried with one dissentient . The Secretary then read the next proposition , " That the Council shall meet once per week , and oftener , if required . "
Mr . Smith Lindon moved its adoption . Mr . Walter Thorne seconded it , and it was carried unanimously . ; The Secretary read the proposition under the head "Contributions , " \ " That each member he required to contribute one penny per week or more , if their ! circumstances will permit , and that no member shall be excluded through inability to contribute . " i Mr . Edward Murless moved its adoption . Mr . Edward Taylor secondedjit Mr . J . Saunders could not see any utility in it . The localities ought to have power to dispose of their own funds . ; Mr . Williamson thought it would be useless to elect a Council unless they were { invested with the necessary amount of power for zarrying out the object for which they had been chosen , i
Mr . White said that tbe local Councils would have the same power then as they now | possess , with this difference , that they would be expected to act in eonjunction with the others who might be selected that evening . j Tbe resolution was carried unanimously . Mr . John Newhouse moved the following resolution . — . " That a monthly Conference he j held , at which a full and correct account of all the transactions of the Council shill be submitted to the members . That each member be supplied with a printed copy of the Balance Sheet , containing a complete detail of the Income and expenditure , and that the Council ] be empowered to receive all contributions and disburse the same for the benefit of the united Chartist body . " - ! Mr . Joseph Reece seconded the adoption of the resolution .
Mr . J . Williamson objected to providing printed monthly balance sheets for tbe use of tbe members . He thought a quarterly Balance Sheet sufficient ; other societies only published them half-yearly . He nevertheless shonld not move an amendment Mr Walter Thorne moved , ' ! " That the Balance Sheet be published once a quarter . " Mr . J . Magee seconded the motion . Mr . Smith Lindon supported the original motion . He had a vast deal sf experience as a collector , and bad often been asked by those who , could not attend every meeting , when do you produce your Balance Sheet ? What do you do with the money ? The publication of a monthly sheet was objected to on account ; of tbe expence . He just heard Mr . White remark , tbat a halfpenny each might be charged for them , and as they would cost only about a farthing each , those which were left could be given to the poor members that could not pay . !
Mr Saunders supported the \ amendment , and suggested the propriety of each collector taking a written Balance Sheet for the saaiafaction of the members . „ i Mr . Wm . ' Chilton supported ] the motion . The balance sheet could be produced } at very little cost ; being a printer he could form a pretty correct estimate of it , and he knew there was not : one present who would refuse to pay one halfpenny for a copy . Mr . Thorne again spoke in favour of his amendment , and after the necessity of supplying a printed monthly balance sheet had been spoken to by Messrs . White , Lindon , and others , Mr . Williamson declared himself satisfied with its utility , and Messrs . Thorne and Magee consented to withdraw their amendment . The Ch A irm an put the resolution , which was carried unanimously . ]
The Secretary then addressed the meeting on the necessity of having the most energetic and business men of the town elected to carry out the resolutions already agreed to . He often remarked tbat in large meetings like tbat there was often a difficulty in selecting proper persons , through their not knowing each sther properly—with this view , the preliminary meeting had selected the names of the most active and useful Chartists in the town , not by way of dictation but to assist them in the selection of proper persons ; they could reject any that did not suit them , and pat as many as they liked on the list , when' a vote would be taken for and against each . They had been selected from each locality , so that full satisfaction might be given to ail . He then read over tbe names of twentyseven persons . Several names were [ added to the list at the suggestion of various persons present
Mr . J . Saunders moved " That the meeting should not proceed to the election of Councillors , but refer their previous resolutions to the , judgment of the localities . " , Mr . J . Magee seconded the motion . Mr . B . Taylor , said the meeting , would stultify itself by complying with Mr . Saunders ' resolution , as they had already agreed to elect twenty or more . Mr . G , White spoke in favour of proceeding at once to the election . j Several addresses were delivered on the subject A resolution moved by Mr . White , shewing the necessity of a union of action , and allowing each locality to add any active person they thought proper , was agreed to almost unanimously .
The names were then proposed and seconded separately , and put to the meeting . Oat jof tbe original list some declined to act , and others were rejected . The following persons were elested : — David Potts George White John Follows William Smith Lindon Alfred Fussel John Williamson John Mason Richard Thompson William Hopkins Walter Thorne Joseph Reece . Joseph Wjashbourne Edward Murless Mr . Watson John Newhouse Edward Jones Thomas Welsford Thomas Laoghton James Mavitty William Bradley William Ghilton Mr . Gibbons . Mr . Cowan Peter Higgins John Magee Charles Steward Willium Knight Mr . Barryj Tbomes Blake Edward Taylor George Richardson Mr . Wright
The Secretary then gave notice that other Important business was intended to have been brought forward that evening , but as it was then too late to go into it , be would advise that tbe meeting , at its rising , do adjourn to Monday evening next , at seven o ' clock , to be holden at the Royal Oak Inn , Little Charles-street —This was unanimously agreed to . ! It was also resolved that the Secretary should convene the Council for Sunday next , for the transaction of business- Their first meeting will therefore be held at the Ship Inn , Steelhouse-lane , on Sunday , at three o ' clock in the afternoon . The Chairman then read the following address , which was unanimously agreed to , and ordered } to be published with the report in the Northern Star . —;
" Fellow Patriots—Lovers of Liberty , —It Is under no ordinary feelings that we have undertaken to address yoa on the present occasion , and we cannot but suppose that you , although net moving so ardently in the cause » s we would desire to s « e every devoted lover of their country , that you , nevertheless , are animated to a high degree with similar sentiments to ourselves . The perils , difficulties , and persecutions to which all great political movements expose the most zealous of their promoters , are such as ever to be regarded concurrent in struggle against constituted powers ; but when these efforts originate in the desire to establish real and substantial justice , and contemplate the sublime object of exalting degraded humanity , we cannot bat regard apathy at this period , with the fearful persecution now threatening some of our most virtuous ? men , as most disreputable to the character of tbe working classes Did the present straggle merely comprehend the elevation of a class of society , aa in the case of . the Reform
Bill , and all the other measures proposed by the middle orders of the community , we should have found an adequate explanation in your silence ; but , as this struggle for the entire political freedom of the enalaved » ia the only grand attempt having for its object substantial justice , we feel unable to account for your present quietude , under such unparalleled Bufferings . Let as crave , for the character of our order , " yoa sill rally to the cause of liberty . To adduce facts ! of your sufferings would only be an insult to your intelligence as men , and as but weak in the force of description , compared to the daily and hourly miseries you are doomed to undergo , and feel more keenly than language can express . Be it then your duty to spurn such a condition . It is unworthy the spirit of men to submit to such a fate , and still more unworthy , with the ! power in our own bands to put an end to It when lever we have virtue to will it What motives which [ could emulate oppressed humanity in this the most rational and
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glorious of causes , do not inspire us to accomplish the freedom of our families and country ? The greatest bravery and perseverance have been and are now devoted in the cause of the worst of human tyrants , for personal ambition , imperial aggrandisement , or the subjection of every effort made by the patriots of uations to free enslaved humanity ; and , tu-eiy , we do not over calculate the dignity of sertiment and feeling which animate the working class , in supposing that thoy will prove themselves too proud to remain much longer the abject slaves ot a heartless race of rich hamand
tyrant ' . Coma forward , then , men of Birming , organize yonr moral power ; . concentrate your means and energies in such a manner and numbers as will set an example of political power to the people of England . Let honesty , pjudence . and bravery be the qualifications of your officers , and , supported by your confidence and power , yoa will attain a position of moral greatness , which the haughty aristocrat will fear to despise , and the usurping shopocrat draad to resist We demand justice and equality , and he who would refuse or trample upon the eternal principles of human right is a tyrant , and deserves a tyraufs fate . "
A vote of thanks was then given to the Chairman , to which hebrufi / replied-A colleetion was made for a poor member of the National Charter Association , from Swckport , and the meeting adjourned to Monday evening next . Although much discussion took piacd on the various propositions , yet the whole was conducted and eonclucied ia the most satisfactory manner ; and the best results are anticipated from the highly important meeting of Monday evening . We shall now have a good acting und guiding body f jr this town , the want of which has cramped our energies to a great extent It ia intended to divide the town into districts and
commence an active canvas , as all that ia necessary is to bring the great amonnt of Chartist feeling in this town into active operation .
Ctjant 'Gt %N\T\\I$Tyite.
Ctjant ' gt % n \ t \\ i $ tYite .
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RAVFOBD . —At a general mee £ iD £ of the Chartists of Radford , Mr . John Walking ,. Mr . John George Dron , Mr . Tnomas M , "Wheeler , Mr . Ruffy Ridley , and Mr . William Bolwell , were . nominated as fit persons to examine the accounts of the
Executive . XiBICESTEB- — "Che Sbakspereans were addressed by Mr . Cooper , last Sunday night , in the Shakspereaa Room , on Shakspere , and dramatic literature and dramatic representations , —the usual form of sermonizing being laid aside for this occasion i—and on Monday night , Shakspere ' s great play of Hamlet was performed to a densely crowded audience , in the Amphitheatre , Mr . Cooper taking the chief character . The affur was received with great favour , and the play is to be repeated fcext Monday evening ; Addison's Cato is to follow . On Tnesday evening the half-yearly meeting for settlement of accounts , election of committee , < fec , which had been unavoidably postponed from tbe close of the year , owing to the Birmingham Conference , < fec , was held . The election of officers for the ensuing year was postponed till next Tuesday evening .
KIDDERMINSTER . —A meeting of the unemployed of this town was held on Sutton Common , on Monday last ; Mr . Clisset being on a visit at Kidderminster , gave a short address . Mr . Cronch followed , and announced that fif r . Clissit would deliver a lectare at the Free Mason's Arms the same evening ; but the landlord refused the use of the room , assigning as a reason that it was wet , and that it would cost him three shillings to clean the room . Notwithstanding this disappointment , we sent the cryer round the town , announcing the meeting to take place at the White Horse Iuu . Mr . Crouch was unanimously called to tbe chair , who , in a brief speech , introduced Mr . Clissit to the meeting , who delivered a plain but instructive lecture , during which he frequently elicited the plaudits of his hearers . The Chairman then delivered a rather lengthy discourse , and at the close announced his intentisn . of delivering a lecture in the same room on Monday next *
CARRIHGTON , near Nottingham . —The Chartists in this locality met at their room , Mansfleldroad , on Sunday evening last , and after the pecuniary bu 8 iness was gone through , it was agreed to have a tea party aad ball on Shrove Tuesday , for the benefit ot the wives and children of the victims of magisterial oppression , who are now suffering varionB terms of imprisonment ia Southwell bouse of correction . DtJKIPf FIEtD . —Mr . Rigby lectured in this town on Sunday night . He showed the moral impossibility of Class Legislation , no matter how propped up by political quackery , ever effecting any general good to society . The audience was small in consequence of the shortness of the notice .
X . EAMIWGTON . —At our usual weekly meeting at the Prince of Wales Inn , Mr . Henry Sansford in the chair , Mr . James Green delivered a very able lecture on the present distress of the country and its remedies ; after which a long discussion followed on Cooper ' s proposed plan of Organization , by Messrs . Sansford , Shepherd , Hobson , and Allen . The debate was ultimately adjourned till next Sunday evening . Several new members were enrolled , and many old ones came and paid their subscriptions . RTJTHERGCEN—On Monday tbe ninth instant , a public meeting of the inhabitants of this place was held in Mr . Fulton ' s Hall , to hear the report of the Delegates ( Mr . Charles M'Ewan and Mr . W . E . Pattis « n , | of the proceedings at the Conference .
STOCKPORT . —On Friday evening last , Mr . E . Manlz , of London , visited this town , and lectured in the Association Room , on the present aspect of society ; bnt owing to the brevity of the notice , together with the inclemency of the weather , the attendance was not so ? reat , nevertheless the talented lecturer went through much interesting matter , and throughout displayed a thorough knowledge of his subject . At the conclusion he received a unanimous vote of thanks , and tbe meeting broke up quite satisfied with the proceedings of the evening . On Sunday night , Mr . Man ( z preached to a numerous and respectable audience . His discourse was listened to throughout with marked attention , and gave universal satisfaction . Fifteen shillings and ninepence was collected at the door ; also four shillings and three-pence for a member who was theu ou hia deathbed .
XiONGTCW , ( STAFFORDSHIRE POTTER 1 E 8 . )—A few men of the right Bort having determined en opening tbe Association Room as soon as they could procure some talented lecturer ; they engaged Mr . E . Mante and Mr . Brown , of London , who were passing through that part of the country . Mr . Man ' . z lectured on Monday , the 9 th , to a glorious meeting . Mr . Brown lectured on the 16 th , to a very good audience , and gave general satisfaction . On Thursday , the 12 th , Mr . M . Simpson , of Hanley , lectured to a very good audience , and was cheered throughout his lecture , which lasted about one hour anda half . The Association Roam will be opened oh every Tuesday night , at seven o ' clock , when lectures will be delivered . The council hope to open the room as a general news roam , in a Bhort time , when the Northern and Evening Stars will be publicly read . SOUTH SHIELDS . —A placard having appeared from the Committee of the Anti-Corn Law Association
of this town stating that a Mr . Liddell would deliver a lecture on the repeal of the Corn Laws , on Thursday , the 12 tb inst , the Chartists considered It desirable , as it was the first time they had dared to attempt to palm their free-trade nostrums upon the working men here publicly , to nip their proceedings in the bad , and if possible , to strangle their darling bantling at its birth . Consequently , long before the time appointed for holding the meeting , the room was crowded to suffocation , and hundreds went away unable to get admittance . Business was commenced by appointing Mr . Briggs , a member of the Society of Friends , as chairman , to which no opposition was offered . The lecturer was also allowed to proceed withont the least interruption throughout the whole of his addresss , and after he bad finished , Mr . Wm . Carr , chairman of the Complete Suffrage TTnioa , proposed a vote of thanks to the
lecturer , when Mr . Hamlet Booth , a working man , said he could not let this meeting separate without giving his opinions frankly aad disinterestedly upon some of the statements of the lecturer . This was the signal for the freebootereUo commence their usual interruption by groans and yells of the most discordant sound , not forgetting to use physical force by pulling the coat of our friend , and other ungentlemanly means ; bnt Mr . Booth was not to be pat down , and proceeded to shew forth the fallacies that had been adduced , in a bold and straightforward manner , proving to the satisfaction of all unprejudiced minds that it was useless for the working classes to attempt a repeal of the Cora Laws ox any other bad- law until they had first gained the Suffrage , and after a very able address proposed the following resolution amidst the cheers of the Chartists and wry faces of the humbugs : — " That this meeting is fally alive to the wicked and mischievous effects of the Com
Laws , and also-monopolies of every kind ; we , therefore , resolve to use all lawful means in our power to remove the parent of all monopoly—class legislation ; aad as the only honest and effectual way of attaining this desirable ebjtct , we pledge ourselves to agitate lor the document called the People ' s Charter , being satisfied that all attempts to waste the people ' s time and money on anything abort of this can only call forth oar pity for their ignorance , or contempt and derision at their futile and wicked designs . " Mr Mitchell seconded the resolution ia a very able manner , and sat down amidst tremendous cheering . Mr . Carr again rose , and in a plausible and deceitful speech , in which be attempted to gull the working men into a belief tbat the repealers were honest in their intentions when they stated that
the repeal of Corn Laws would give food ^ md employment to all classes of the community , sat down by proposing the following amendment : — "That the repeal of the Corn Laws would be of great benefit to the working classes . " , Mr . Cook seconded the amendment . The Chairman put the amendment first , when very few hands were held up . He then pat the motion , when a forest of hands were raised ; Mr . Broadbrim refused to give his decision , stating that the Chartists bad holdup both hands instead of one . Mr . Mitchell then proposed that each party hold up both hande , when the humbugs confessed that they were beat Three cheers were giveu for F . O'Connor , three for Frsst , Williams , Jones , and Ellis , and three for the Chatter , when Ui « meeting separated .
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FIXITY OF TENURE . The following is the letter of Mr . O'Connell allnded to in Mr- O'Connor ' s letter of last week : — " TO THE PEOPLE OF IRELAND . *• • Hereditary bondsmen . ' know ye not , Who would be free themselves muBt strike the blow ? ' 11 There are two propositions of perfect truth , which ought to be kept in the constant recollection , and engraved on the mind of every true Irishman . " Tbe first ia , that no political measure whatsoever can be of any efficacious or permanent value to Ireland , except the repeal of the union—the restoration of her native parliament . " The second is , that at the present period the means of constitutionally and peaceably repealing the union are in the hands of the people of Ireland .
"As to the first proposition , I need waste no words in proving it 3 accuracy . No man can know anything of the real state of Ireland without being conscious that any other measure , save the repeal of the union , can , at best , be the palliative ^ or lenitive oC some particular evil ; but that there can be no real remedy for the immense and augmenting distress of the Irish people , save only the restoration of the Irish Parliament . Without that restoration the destitutien of the people must go on augmenting ; and theconnection of the two conntries must terminate in a total separation . If driven te it , the IriBh people are perfectly capable—of course they are—of managing and maintaining their independence as a separate natian . He is an idiot who could doubt it 1 But it would be a grievous calamity , under all the circumstances , to be driven to the necessity—a necessity which , whilst I live , can never arise . Whilst I live , there shall evv be , at least hope—of the repeal ; and repeal only begins when hope ends .
" As to the power we have of attaining the repeal , that man is a greater idiot still who could doubt that the people of Ireland have sufiicient power to obtain the repeal of the union statute . The overwhelming majority of a nation , whose people amount to eight millioBB and a half , never yet combined to achieve any one political advantage which it would be practicable to withhold from them . We have that majority unequivocally favourable to the repeal . All we want is combination , became Without combination millions are but chaff before the wind . With combination , they are as peTierful ( without being destructive ) as the thunderbolt 1 " Men of Ireland . ' simplify your political creed ; it consists but of two propositions : — "Thefir 8 t—• That the repeal of the union is the enly remedy for all the woes of Ireland . '
" Secondly— ' That you have the repeal of the union in your own power , if yon have tbe honesty to desire it , and the virtue to combine for its achievement . '" After some farther reference to tbe repeal of the union , Mr . O Conneli thus proceeds : — "This is my new year ' s gift to yon , ; people of Ireland , the knowledge that you can , if ^ jfibn will , be free ! " It requires an Irish parliament , a domestic legislature , t » achieve tbe great measures essential to do justice to Ireland or to promote the prosperity of her people . " The measures essential for these purposes are" Firstly—The total extinction of the tithe rentcharge . " Secondly—The establishment of fixity of tenure for the occupying tenantry of Ireland .
" Eveiy day more and more painfully demonstrates the necessity of an arrangement of this description . It is a pure question of blood , whether multiplied murders are to be continued and to fill us with horror and apprehension I Are these things to be continued 1 Are we to have the multiplied landlord murders of the clearance system ? Are we to have the diabolical assassinations of tbe landlords and their agents . Ought any motive to be so strong as that which should impel xxb to remove the causes of these horrible and degrading crimes ? I conjure every man who calls himself a Christian to join with me in extinguishing the causes of those most unchristian crimes .
" Let it be recollected that it is a fact unquestionable in political economy , that all over the world countries are prosperous and the people are happy , in the ratio of tbe numbers of occupying proprietors . Countries are miserable as the number of occupiers cease to be proprietors . Misery exists in the ratio in which the occupiers hold lands by a short , an uncertain , or unstable tenure . It is true tbat the Btate of property in Ireland forbids the hope of multiplying for the present the number of occupying proprietors ; but a remedy would be found to mitigate the evil , and to increase the security , and thereby the prosperity of the occupying tenant , by giving him fixity of tenure—a fixity which would leave to the landlord an adequate rent ; but would allew the tenant tbe continuance of his enjoyment of the land and the benefit of his improvements .
" Seme symptoms have latterly appeared in England of the disposition on tbe part of some of the tenantry to join in any application to the Legislature to pass a law , tending to secure fixity of tenure . If this disposition were extended , as in truth it ought , we , perhaps , might get EDgliBh assistance sufficiently to enable us to procure relief for the Irish tenants . An identity of interests may produce a co-operation equally advantageous to both parties . ' ¦ It has , indeed , been said tbat to legislate against the landlord would be to deprive him of bis property , or to depreciate it ; and that , therefore , no law ought
to be enacted to benefit the tenant at the expence of the landlord . Those who reason thus , totally forget that several acts of Parliament have been passed in favour of the landlord , and against the tenant Let there be no act of Parliament at either side , and tbe condition of the tenant will be greatly benefited by depriving the landlord of much of the legal machinery by { which he . is enabled to extort exorbitant rents from the occupying tenants . All that would be necessary would be to repeal a few acts of Parliament , and to restore the ancient common law of England with respect to the relation of landlord and tenant "
Mr . O'Connell proceeds to review the state of the Law of landlord and tenant in Ireland , and thus concludes : — V By reason of the acts of Parliament I have mentioned , tbe landlord cares nothing fer the character of his tenant , nor mnch for his solvency , provided that he can stock the lands at alL If the seasons be abundant , and prices high , the landlord gets an enormous rent If the seasons are bad , or if prices fall , the landlord pounces upon the tenant—sells all his moveable property and crops—totally ruins him '—and then , by civil bill ejectment , at the eost of a few shillings , evicts him from the possession , turns him and his family adrift upon the w&rld , and makes them beggars .
"The enormity of this landlord-power in such a country as Ireland , is full of the most disastrous and sanguinary effects . And , alas ! the avarice of the Irish landlords is but very frequently aggravated by the very bitter antipathy which too many of them bear to the people and to the religion of the people . " Sorely nobody can say that it consists with humanity , aye , or with public safety , to leave this tremendous power in the hands of the landlords . " If the machinery of oppression , which the statute law gives to the landlords , were taken away from them , the difficulties in the way of an arrangement for fixity of tenure would be easily obviated , " But after all , it is only in a domestic legislature that this subject can he calmly and deliberately , taken up and handled , and legislative security given to the industrious tenant for the permanency of his tenure .
" Thirdly , The third measure necessary for justice to Ireland is , the legislative encouragement and protection to our native manufactures . " Fourthly—The fourth great measure essential for justice to Ireland , is the extension of the franchise and vote by ballot . " The fifth heasuke essential to the prosfbbity of Ireland is—tbe abolition of the puesent system of poob laws , and the 8 dbstitdt 1 on of a great increase of medical AKD OTHER WELL-ABRaNGED PUBLIC CHARITIES . ' There is nothing so satisfactory in the arrangement of public charities , dot any plan that could be
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There is a degree-of esteem—a degree of deference dne to advecates for the cause sake ; and » o long as they remain true to the cause they deserve to be esteemed next to i it ? but never as it—never before it No good man but will refuse worship -when offered to him . No great people-wiU refuse to offer It Whence , then , does the man-god rise ? ( To be continued . J
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Northern Star (1837-1852), Jan. 21, 1843, page 7, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct634/page/7/