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AP i'ER Three Years of hard labour , and spending Three Thousand Pounds of my Friends' Money I have brought FELTING to perfection , for coarse and fine Cloth . Those who wish to see th « operation , by calling upon me , may have tho opportunity . WM . HIRST . 34 , Rackingham-street , Leeds , Jan . 26 . 1843 .
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FUNDS FOR THE NATIONAL DEFENCE FUND . TO NEWS AGENT 3 , SHOPKEEPERS , AND ASSOCIATIONS IK G NiiBAL . TTICKERMAN'S REAL CHARTIST BLACKV ING , by far the CHEAPEST and BEST ever yjt offered to the . Public . The Wholesale Profits will be devoted to the General Defence Fund . The allowance to the Trade more liberal than any other Manufacturer can allow . Give your orders immediately , and by so doing you will raise a fund sufficient to defend your noble Leaders . Remember the " Ides of March" are coming ! AU Orders and Communications to be addressed to Mr . Edward Clayton , News Agent , Huddersfield , who has been appointed Wholesale Agent . Give your orders ! Give your orders I
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Now publishing in Penny Numbers , and Fourpenny ' Parts , VOLTAIRE ' S PHILOSOPHICAL DICTIONARY , complete from the Original ia Six Volumes . Part 13 rs published this day , and Part 15 will contain the title Page to Vol . I ., and a most admirable Likeness of the celebrated Author , engraved on steel . The . Publisher , m order to keep his word with the Public , has doubled the quantity in the last two Parts , without increasing the priee , bo as to bring the Work within the price of Tea Shillings , at which the whole will be completed . Also , The DIEGESIS ; being a Discovery of the Origin , Evidences , and Early History of Chris * tianity , never yet before , or elsewhere , so fully and faithfully set forth . By the Rev . Robebt Taylor , A . B ., in Fenny Numbers , and ia Parts price Fourpence . THE DEVIL'S PULPIT , by the Reverend Robert Taylor . A Series of Astronomo Theological Lectures delivered by this celebrated Orator . In 48 Numbers , Twopence each , or in two Volumes , Cloth , price Nine Shillings . W . Dugdale , Printer and Publisher , No . 16 , Holywell-street , Strand , London .
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YB . OB TBX SOXZBB TOWS TICHSJ COMMTTEB . __ v _ Boberts , of Birmingham ... .. . 0 5 o 3 ft * - WBi , ot Sottram « 0 5 0 ~ jnnd for locating ilrs . Ellia . 050 TOB MBS . BXLIS . tmhj JoBepb Sinith , Hucslefc .. . 8 0 6 Willi&m Richard , Bedford . „ ... 0 10 ** Tlie Cbartists of Brighton , meeting " * at the Cap of liberty , pa Mi . fioTS * 0 6 0 i-OB WIDOW BCSSELL , OP NOTTTSGHiH . ^ --1 tie Chartists of Brighton , meeting » t the Cap of Liberty , per Wa flower — - 0 6 0
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BRISTOt . —At a maeting in Bear-lane Chapel , en Tnesday craning , the following "were nominated ioiaditJlx Campbell ^ accounts , Messrs . Wheeler , Dron , M'Gratb , ILn £ \ y Ridley , and Watkins . BATS . —The plaa of organisation , as proposed lj Mr . Cooper has been agreed to here . AuxiSDBii , Vals or Leves . —At a meeting } £ & here on Saturday last , it was resolved to erect ihew Ball , for a church , school house , and other js&nc purposes . SGnH Shields . —Mr . S . Kidd , of Glasgow , wred here on Tnesday night .
JkBD £ * Sbidge . —A public discussion took place jj da Democratic Chapel , on Monday . The distnseoiwis between Mr . Wm . " Blackburn , Hebden Bnije-iiaes , and Mr . J . West , from Macdesfield . Svibnni nadenooi ^ o prove that a repeal of the toa Laws , under existing circumstances , would be jfesSi to the working Masses of England , and Weaia ** a repeal of the Corn Laws would not boda dse working classes under the present system « f e-sslfgislaijon . f Cctebst . —Mr . John Mason lectured in the Aseoridoa Boom on Friday evening , and Mr . R . G . fiuanage , of Nerthampion , on Sunday eTening .
JCOTTJSSBA 3 I . —OPEBATTTES * LlBSABT iXD luc * of Mxeog . —A meeting was held in the DdBMruk Ccapel , Ries-place , on Tnesday even-2 g , l 0 66 Jiadir ^ ie hest means of carrying oat the j&Te objscL Mr . E . Humphries was called to the 6 kt . lh . TL . T . Morrison said that in eonstqnenee if u * ecduson of works of the greatest interest lid importance to the working classes , from the irger libraries , they had long seen the necessity of iira $ libraries under their own jmanagement , in l&eh aiherpolilical , theologieaL , or any other works »?? roved of by the members , would be admitted , h g » Te Mm great pleasure to see them possessed of '• in independence and soundness of judgment , which
iid made them determined to consider subjects width so much 2 fierted their -welfare—to carry out liis , libraries had been established by men of Emll&r tows , and there were now several of these libraries which agree in these particulars , and have similar rules ; now as each were originally estab-Mied * to grre to persons holding the same liberal sjnaons , the advantage of reading -books to them all -tf they were to cany on * still farther the princi-$ supon which they all originated , and after con-KCTg men together of Eirnflar opinions , for their Efla 3 good , were bow to connect libraries together Qa ^ a some principle—they wonld give to each isoss ef the separate libraries , the benefit of the * &HJte « r . ) fle believed ihat the leason this *« 5 « iKnacconipEdied soener was from the want « » jnsfeiJ and equitable plan to effect it . There
W 3 K m present time 3 , 300 volumes in the ? e Sans , and if they were thns connected it would KEtesoBB -die most Taluable library in Sottingi » a ; thcragb , if unconnected , none of them could Kiaaai a position . Thfj had also the resources a e ^ to a baildingand place of meeting . He coneaded by frying down die outlines of a plan for Jja » purpose . Mr . B . Hnmphriea agreed both with 52 reaarta and plan proposed , and as the object ns so desirable , he hoped they would all exert asa'shes to carry it oni . The meeting was unasasa in their approval of it , and a committee assjag of Messrs . R . T . Morrison , B . Hum-| ^ Skerritt , Hetcher , W . H . Mott , Braley . Janata , and J . Rogers , was appointed to con-5 » ahuieTarious libraries , and farther connder agin to carry it out ; and ihen ; xeport the same "ftttreiaeetmg . A Tote of thanks was then pro-&& aad esmed to the ^"" n ^ P j and w Mr . R . - aerrbon , lor his senices in preparing the plan .
^ sbtos . —rOmUlcd in our Iasl . J— A public Bs Wdaithe Cap of liberty , Parliament-street , I ^ imsj , January 36 , 3843 , 3 ir . Trowerinthe = ^»^ rt was proposed by Mr . Allen , seconded I ^ L , as ' " Tn&i 1 he thaD ^ ° ^ this meeting ISI ^ e Ber . William Hill , the Editor af the vwl ? . l > ^ ^^ -hones ^ « id -. consistent " «« jofthe rights of the suffering mffiion ? , and ™ W 2 TEH , 2 T 0 CBI ) l T _ sxaib 3 THAT WE KXOW 5 w ??^? co ^ idecceet the -Execdtite being ? X 2 t 91 he Chartists of Brighton , as aMndcdhy Mr ^¦ fcwi at the Coherence held at Birmingham r . r * we felly cetermmed to support the r *** Q Md Norther Siars to the utmost in their S . wi Te ^^ BP ° n onr brethren generally of ^ ttfiaanons classes to do the same . " Carried ^ rt ^ B ?? . ImposedhT Mr . Paee . and seeondea
i ~^ ^ "r a , That the foregoing resolution be r *« mb Northern and Evening Stars for insersj-SeerH 11 ^ nnailimonsi y- ~ Wruiii ! £ im > ^ HEi-rox-The Chartists of this locality held rgisnai wetkly meeting on Saturday . After the £ *» « ffliB locality had been transacted , the *^ l persons were nominated to aadit the k " 7 ^ L * ExecntiTe—James Shaw , DaTid *^ Joan Catkins , and Feargns O'Connor ,
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( From the Times . ) On Friday afternoon & most determined attempt was made to assassinate Us . Drummond , the pmate secretary or Sir Kobert Peel , in the open street , and in the broad face of day . The motives of the assassin are at present inroDTed la mystery , not tbe slightest clue b 3 ing yet obtained to the cause that could have impelled him to tie commission of so aggravated a crime . But , whatever may have been the reasons icflnencing his mind , it -will be aeen , from the sn ! -jonjed account , that his purpose was carried out with the most cold-blooded determination , though , fortunately , no fatal results are at present expected to result from the wound which he aneceededin inflicting on his intended victim ;— * j
It appears , from information on which perfect reliance may be placed , that Mr . Drummond left Downing-street at about , half-past three o'clock in the afternoon , in company with toe Earl of Haddington . They proceeded together as far as the Admiralty , where Mf . Drummond left the Earl of Haddington , and went to the bankinghouse of his brother of the same name , at CharingcroBS . On Ms return therefrom , and when he bad proceeded as far aa the space between the Admiralty , and tbe Horse Guards , he was shot at by a man who apprtacbed him from behind . The assassin walked up to Mr . Drammond , and , showing a determination not to fail in the perpetration of tbe foul deed which he
contemplated , actually pnt tbe mnzzle of the pistol into the back of tbe nnsuspecting gentleman . He then fired . Immediately af cer the pistol was discharged , a policeman , woo bad witnessed tae act , rushed up , and seiasd tbe cjiminaL In the mean time be bad returned the pistol with which he bad shot 2 &x , Drummond to his breast , and bad drawn out another loaded pistol from tbe same place , and was in the act of pointing it at Mr . Drummond , when the policeman seized hin \ and pinioned bis aims from behind . The pistol was discharged , bnt tbe aim of tae assassin being thus diverted , the contents did not touch Mr . Drummond , nor was any other person injured by them .
Mr . Dxnmmona was immediately conveyed te bis brother ' s bank , which , as our readers are aware , is only a short distance from the spot , where the shots were fired . Hfire a medical man from the immediate neighbourhood was called in , and be examined tbe wound made by tie balL He found that the ball bad penetrated the skin of the back , through tbe coat and under garments , but be could not trace it further , not having with him at the time the necessary instruments . Ab , however , Mr . Drnmmond did not seem too much debilitated by loss of blood to bear being removed to kis own residence , be advised bis being immediately conveyed there . He was accordingly taken there in s carriage .
Mr . Guthne , 3 Jr , Bransby Cooper , the eminent surgeons , and Mr . Jackson , surgeon ard apothecary , were ic attendance , and proceeded more fully to examine the wound . It was then ascertained that the ball had entered near tbe spine , and that it bad made a circuit either over the bip-bone or under the lower rib , and then lodged near jthe pit of the stomach under tbe breast ; thence the ball was extracted by Mr . Gutfarie wittiout any difficulty , as it Jay near tbe surface . It was first thought that tbe wound was of a dangerous character , en the supposition that the ball bad taken serious effect internally ; bnt . oa farther examination , it did not appear that any vital part was injured . The symptoms exhibited by tbe patient , after ihe ball was extracted , were found to be favourable , and tbere seemed to be no reason then to apprehend that tbe event would be attended with fatal effects .
Tbe assassin , on being secured by the policeman , was conrcjed to Gardiner * s-lane police-station , where he gave bis name as M'N&ughten . He refnsed to give bis place of residence , bnt it ij supposed that he is either a Scotchman or a native o ! tbe north of Ireland , who had been located at Glasgow . He was then searched , and there were found on him two £ 5 notes , £ i in gold , and & deposit receipt of a Glasgow Bank for £ 750 , made out in tbe name of " Daniel M'Naughten . " Thus the receipt confirmed the statement made by the prisoner with resptct to bis tame . The prisoner was well , tfeongb not genteely , dressed .
. Nothing transpired that could with certainty lead to a knowledge of tbe motives which induced the prisoner to commit this dreadful act . It dots not appear that be had had any previens correspondence with Mr . Djuoimond , « that he had preferred any claim * or complaint to tbe Treasury , or was a disappointed applicant for cjnee . His demeanour throughout was cool and collected , nor did there appear any evidence of insanity . Tbe policeman who apprehended him heard him say , on bis being arrested , He , * ' or " , " \ ihe policeman is uncertain which ) " shall not disturb my mind any langer . "
' It is stated that tie prisoner bad been seen loitering about tbe public ofices for some dayB previously . On one occasion the effice-keeper of tie CouncU-cffioe , who bad observed tbe prisoner staying about tbe door , asked him what bis object was in so doing , and inquired whether he was in tie service of the police . In answer to this question , tbe prisoner said that he was , and tbat tbe gentlemen of the omee need sot be afraid for their property .
PCBIHEB PABTlCULAfiS . On Saturday morning , the prisoner , who gave his name in a broad Scotch accent , John M'Naugbten , was ex * imined at Bow-street , before Mr . Hall . He is described as a young man , rather above the middle height , having tbe appearance of a mechanic , and was respectably dressed in a bl ^ ck coat and waistcoat and drab trousera . He is rather thin , has a gaod colonr , and bis countenance betokened nothing ferecons or determined . Tbe statement of the affair given above was corrobo rated by tbe evidence of tbe witnesses examined , and Mr . Bransby-Cooper , Burgeon , described tbe process of extracting the ball , and explained Mr . Dmmmond " s situation , "srhick be considered not free from danger Tbe evidence having been all gone through ,
Mr . Hall , addressing tbe prisoner , said , I am about to remand you for a fortnight , and if yon wish to gay anytbisg in answer to tbe charge , I am ready to hear you . Ton are not compelled to say anything unless yon think proper . But it is my duty to tell you , tbat if yon do say anything , it will be taken down in writing and made use of , if necessary , hereafter . Now , having given you tbat caution , do you wish to say anything ? Prisoner—I am much obliged to you , Sir , but I Bball say noibing at present . Tbe Clerk—Then you are remanded for a fortnight . Tbe prisoner . immediatelyileft tbe dock , asd was conducted to one of the cells atUcbed to tbe court , but bad not been tbere more than a minute or two , when be sent a message to tbe magistrates intimating that he wished to say something ; he was accordingly again placed at tbe bar .
Mr . Hall—I understand you wish to say something ; if so , I am ready to hear you . Tbe prisoner , after , a slight pause , said—Tbe Tories in my native city bave compelled me to do this ; they follow and persecute me wherever I go , and have entirely destroyed my peace ol mind . Tfiey followed me to France , into Scotland , and all over England ; in fact , they follow me wherever I go ; I can get no rest for them night or day . I cannot sleep at nights , in consequence of the course they pursue towards me . I believe they bave driven ine into a consumption . I am etire I shairuever be the man I formerly was . I used to bave good health and strength , but I have not now . They have accused me of crimes of which I am not guilty ; they bave done everytbiug in their power to harass and persecute me ; in fact , they wish to murier me . It can be proved by evidence—that ' s all I wish to say at present The clerk—Is that all you wiBh to say ?
Prisoner ( hesitatingly !—1 can only say they have completely disordered my mind , and I am not capable of doing anything , compared to what I was . I am a vtry difikrenfc man to what I was before they commenced this system -of persecution . Tbe clerk—Do you wish to say anything more ? Prisoner-j-Oh . ' yes , I wish to know whether I am to be kept Is that place ( pointing towards the cell ) for a fortnight ? If bo , I am sure I shall not live . Tbe clerk—Ob , no , you will be taken to a proper placs of confinement , where you will be taken care of till you are brought iere again . Prisoner—Ob , very well , then I have nothing more to say .
Sir- Haxi—Have yon any objection to sign tbe statement you bave made ? Prisoner—2 f q , I bave no oVjecSon . Tiie statement having been read over to tbe prisoner , it was handed to Mm in-the dock , when ho immediately wgned it . He was then removed from tbe bar .
( From ihe Observer . J t appears tbat H'lTangbten bad resided for the last sixteen weeks in tbe house of & very respectable ¦ widow , named Dafcton , residing in Poplar-row , New ILent-road . He bad been well known to that lady for along time previon * . It is nearly three years since Va first came to lodge is her bouse , and be occupied at tbat period t £ e same apartment which be continued to rent tip to tbe period of bis apprehension on Friday . He was generally considered . by Mrs Dutton to be of a very quiet turn of mind , and appeared to bave no occupation , as be seldom rose before a late hour in Uia morning , when be left tbe honse , and returnedabput ten o ' cl * ck in tbe evening . He remained on this occasion three months witb Mn Dutton , and her general impression was that be was in search of employment . Tbe rent be paid for Ids
apartment was 2 s . 6 d . per week , aud tbe payments were always regularly made ocee a week . On leaving Mrs Datum ' s bouse he stated tbat he vu going to Prance , and tbat lady beard no more of him for many months , when be returned and took tie same apartment He stopped only three weeks in England on this occasion , and then told Mrs . ' Dutton that be was about to leave for Scotland . About the first week in October hs again returned , and onMra . Dutton opening tbe door to him be smiled , and said , " I -see you have a bill in your window , la it for my old room ? " Mrs . Xtatton answered , " "ygsSirj" and . M-Nflughton replied , " You seel am comraa £ k . ~ I said 1 should do so . " Nothing particular was remarked in bis manner at this time , but tbe gloomy temperament which marked bis general character was considered to be rather increased than otherwise . Be seldom spoke to any one in the house ,
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though always obliging and civil when addressed by any person . He never took meals at borne , but on one occasion , about three weeks since , he caught a violent cold , ana Mtb . Dutton supplied him during" three days in which he wa > confined to Ms bvd . He was never observed to read & newspaper or any other publication , and during the confinement fjabbve alluded to , Mrs . Dutton lent him a religious volume , which be appeared to peruse with much interest Mrs . Dattoa says , tbat her impression has always been tbat be bad something ' on his mind . He was not at all communicaiive , but on one occasion told Mrs . Dntton tbat be was in Scotland when her Majesty paid her recent visit to that country . He always appeared to be yery moderately
off , and on his taking up his abode at Mr . Dntton'a on the last occasion , bad only one shirt . He purchased a second after the first fortnight , and Mrs . Dutton regularly washed them for him alternately . His wardrobe , in other respects , seems to have been miserably pro-Tided . He had only two pair of socks and a flannel waistcoat . He bad no change of dress , and until within a fortnight , when be purchased a new pair , bis trousers were patched and darned in every direction , and full of holes . About a week ago he asked Mrs . Dutton if she could lend him a pair of old boots while bis own were mended , and at her instigation be applied to a
shoemaker in the neighbourhood , who allowed him tbe use of an old pair for a day or two during the repair of bis own . He had no boxes in his room , or property of any description . M'Naughten ' s habits were remarkably Bober and Bteady . The room he ocenpied was the back apartment on the second floor , and be seldom remained in it , if not labouring under indisposition , after nine o ' clock in tbe morning . It was bis habit to get up abou * that time , dean bis sb 9 es in tbe back kitchen , and then go out for the day . He seldom came home aftet ten o ' clock ^ iand sometimes he was earlier .
On Friday morning he went out about nine o ' clock as usual , and , after being absent from tbe bouse a short time , returned and went up stairs for a few minutes He went out again soon after , and Mra . Dutton beard no more of him until she was told that be was taken into custody . Mra Dutton states that she never saw much money in his possession , and her belief was that he was a young man in confiaed circumstances . She alEO B 5 J 8 , distinctly , that she never beard him mention Mr . Drummond's name , or allude in any way to politics It is very difflcnlt to reconcile the apparent poverty of M'N&ughten , as evidenced by his landlady , and borne out by bis personal appearance , with tbe possession of so large a sum of money as £ 788 . Tbere can be very little doubt of tbe gennineness of the check or receipt of the Glasgow Bank for £ 750 , and that fact proves the sum to have been deposited by the prisoner in the bank alluded to .
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Fellow Couktbtm £ S , —You will , many of you , have observed in the minutes of the late Conference , published in the Northern Stor of last Saturday , that on revising that valuable document , the People ' s Charter , as we there , very happily , had an opportunity of doing ; you will have observed , I eay , and those of you who were present as delegates may do me the honour to recollect , that when you came to the clause which prescribe 8 the number of Electoral Districts , I venturned to move that the number of those districts be 500 , instead of the smaller number , 300 , as it had heretofore stood in the Charter . I contented myself with simply moving this proposition , withont occupying the time of the meeting with a statement of my reasons for bo doing , aud my motion was kindly and spontaneously seconded by a brother delegate , without a speech , and as qnickly disposed of in the negative by the
meeting . I have just been reminded of this proposition of mine , by a neighbour who had been reading the minutes , and to whom I foand , the proposed advance from 300 to 500 appeared somewhat unreasonable or extravagant . A brief statement of some of my reasons for the proposition , seemed to alter , very effectually , the earlier impressions of my neighbour ; and as deem it a matter of very great moment to the cause we bave so much at heart , I now respectfully and earnestly beg your attention to some of these reasons , and venture to hope that you will , in your several meetings , make this proposition of mine a subject of discussion ; and if you approve of it , and if you embrace it , as I flatter myself that jou will , I hope that you will , on any further revision , or on a confirmation of the Charter , cause the alteration to be made .
Perhaps I was remiss m abstaining as I did , from arguing the matter with my brother delegates . The reasons then present to my mind for so abstaining were , first , a settled aversion to retard the proceedings of the Conference , by raising a discussion on almost any point whatever , aud so to incur any risk of prolonging our sittings over Friday , the fourth day ; and , second , a pretty confident belief tbat we should have another revision of the Charter , and an opportunity somewhat more favourable of discussing and settling the point .
We have now that opportunity . The delegates assembled in Conference , after having , on their part , revised the Charter , aud made some alterations in the minor details for carrying its great provisions into effect ; these delegates , in the honest spirit of representatives , submitted the alterations they have made " to the consideration of the peopie , " as a proper step previous to its final adoption . To your consideration , then , and to that of your late delegates , 2 would thus , in a more deliberate manner , submit the alteration I hare named . The alteration proposed is , an extension of the
number of electoral districts , from three , to five hundred ; and , inasmuch as it is wisely designed that each district shall return one representative , and one only , so do I propose that the number of representatives shall he five hundred . Call to mind , first , If you please , that our CHARTER , as its title announces , is designed "for GREAT BRITAIN and IRELAND . " And then say , what must be the eize , the extent , of most of the proposed districts , seeing that each district is to comprise a three-hundredth part of the whole people of the two islands .
_ A three hundredth-part , it is true , in the populous cities and towns , will be found within a moderate extent of territory . And so far , the arrangements might serve . But such cities and towns aro neither eo numerous , norfo overwhelmingly important , as to justify us in adopting oar arrangements entirely for them : nay , in every point of view , whether of justice or policy , we ought , as I shall perhaps make manifest , to adopt our scheme rather to the security and due representation of the agricultural districts , from whence must come all our strength , and all
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the means of comfort and happiness . And consider , I pray you , how unwieldy " and how impracticable for any honest or beneficial purpose , in matters of election , must the ruraldistriots throughout the two islands be made , if each be to comprise a threehundredth part of tbe population . It is a matter of little or no moment which of the decennial tables of population we refer to for this purpose , seeing that the propositions in each of them will be much the same . But I will here take the last census , in which I find that the population of Great Britain and Ireland is 26 , 856 , 028 , a threehundredth part of which is 89 620 .
Now , this is a number so large as , in England , to be nowhere congregated together , save in each of tbe six Metropolitan boroughs , in the city of London , and in the five large boroughs , Manchester , Liverpool , Birmingham , Leeds , and Sheffield . In Wales , there is , of course , not a single community approaching this number ; Scotland can furnish us with only two compact bodies of people of this amount , namely , Edinburgh and Glasgow ; and Dublin and Cork , would be the only solid Electoral DistriotB to be foand in Ireland . So much for the cities and boronghs , as Electoral Districts . And now a few words as to tbe counties .
We have three entire counties in England , namely Huntingdon , Rutland , and Westmorland , and nine or ten , out of the twelve counties of Wales , not one of which would , of itself , form one of the proposed Electoral Distriots . Arid Scotland , out of her thirty-four counties , has , I see , only twelve that are , each in themselves , possessed of the requisite number of people to form Electoral Districts ; go that we should have to lay counties together , forming the Districts so large that bo man of modest merit , however qualified by his wisdom and public spirit to preserve and to benefit his country , not
solou himself , unless possessed of vast estates , couid become' known and appreciated through a District bo extensive , Tbe elections wxmld , it appears to me , under suoh an arrangement , generally fall upon high and wealthy aristocrats ; as our county elections ever bave done ; or on active and noisy and unprincipled pretenders . So that , through an error on this single point , all our labours and sufferings for the establishment of the Charter might be thrown away , and our country continue to sink as it has done , even since the late abortive Reform .
The desirable thing , it appears to me , is to have the Electoral Districts as compact as may be . To have them within such a compass , that plain and worthy and sensible men , rather than tbe great wealthy and the showy , should be selected as representatives ; that the electors should have an opportunity of becoming well acquainted with the persons , the acquirements , aud the character aud conduct of the man presented to them ; a matter which is scarcely ever to be accomplished in districts so large as those under contemplation . Towards the accomplishment of the desirable object 1 have just named , the smaller the electoral districts and the more effectual ; and , were , 1 not restrained by other considerations , I should recommend a division of the kingdom into many more districts than the number whioh I proposed .
But this number , namely , five hundred , was hot , originally , of my suggestion . It was suggested by my excellent and chosen examplar , the late Ma job John Cartwright , in one of the notes to his admirable " Bill of Rights and Liberties , " published in 1817 . The worthy Major , in the note which I refer to , is arguing against the existing number of the House of Commons , namely , 658 . Some writer has observed that so great a number is fitter for the purposes of a mob , than for thOBe of a deliberative
assembly . And the Major says , " It were far better that tbe number should be reduced to about 500 ;" and he adds , " An assembly of 500 , supposing attendance to be secured ( as under a Reform it doubtless will ) would be more than sufficient for mere consultation and argument ; while yet that number of representatives for carrying to the Common Council of the realm an accurate knowledge of the condition , the interests , and sentiments of their several localities of a great kingdom , and watching over their welfare , might not be thought too many . "
With these words of the learned and venerable Major , I beg to recommend the subject , to your Beserious attention . There are other more weighty recommendations ! than those I have here named , for the adoption of the larger number of electoral districts . Tno 3 e recommendations I may submit to you on another occasion . I remain , brother Chartists , Faithfully yours , Thomas Smith . Liverpool , Jan . 17 th , 1843 .
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ing of cases of muskets , cloths , gunpowder , and a variety of other goods . She was , we understand , full y insured . The names of the the crew who have perished are as follows : —Captain Alexander Rowe , Mr . Henry Hall ( chief mate ) , Mr jSamuel Whitmore ( second mate ); William Johnson , Matthew Lynn , John William Holland , William Cakhcpe ( late of the Medusa ) , seamen ; Thomas Grey , John Sherlock , Marr , apprentices ; and two black Kroomen . Captain Rowe and feveral of the crew have left widows and lar ^ s families t <» lament iheir terrible death . . The loss of the vessel and oargo is estimated at several thousand pounds .
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GKEENOCK . IMPORTANT TO SEAMEN . A public meeting of the seamen here was held in the Harvil-lane Hall , at eight o ' clock in the evening of the 17 th instant , to hear addresses from Messrs M'Donald and Bailie , seamen from Dundee , on the necessity of having the Merchant Seamen's Act either amended , or , if possible , repealed ' altogether . In the course of his address Mr . Bailie mad- it appear tbat there are upwards of one hundred thousand pounds sterling exacted annually from the seamen employed in our merchant service , under the pretext of assisting them when disabled through accidents or rendered incapable of going to Bea through old age , while it is notorious that this enormous sum is directed to other purposes , and
expended none of those from whom it is taken know how . Every seaman , he said , in the merchant service was compelled to pay one shilling per month into what is called the " Seaman ' s Fund , " and yet when a seaman dies a natural death , no matter how long he may have paid into the fund , his relatives receive no benefit whatever from it . Associations are nocv being formed in all our sea-ports , for the purpose of having the present Merchant Seaman ' s Act either so amended that those who are plundered by it shall have a hand in the future management of the plunder , or have the Act entirely repealed . Mr . Bailie , who is a genuine specimen of ] the hardy British tar , concluded his rough-spun , yet perfectly intelligible address , amidst the warm and hearty plaudits of the auditory . I
Mr . M Donald then addressed the meeting in a very frank and animated manner , on the necessity of Greenock doing something in order to have this glaring grievance made known throughout the empire . It was well known , he affirmed , over the whole globe that were it not for her seamen , Britain would nut bo 'valued a single straw by other nations , and that if they knew their own value , no Government in . existence would long refuse to redress their wrongs ; He read a well written address by the seamen of Dundee to
the seamen of othtr places , urging on [ them the necessity of forming Associations in every port in the Kingdom , to . have the Act compiaiued of either amended or repealed . In the course of his address Mr . M'Donald took occasion to depict , in glowing terms , the former inhuman cruelties of the fiendish press-gang . How they used to tear the mariner from his wife and little ones , force him iuto the navy , and not unfrequently crimson thejgrean sea with his blood . These cruelties , he said , were once familiar to the British seaman ; and he had no guarantee that they would not be familiar to him
again . At the conclusion of Mr . M'Donald ' si affeoticg address , the following resolutions were moved , seconded , and ably spoken to b y several persons in the meeting , and agreed to unanimously :- ^ - Resolved , — " That this meeting consider that the Act of Parliament enforcing the' Merchant Seaman ' s Fund , ' is a violation of our civil rights as citizens of a free nation ; and , further , thit we bolie ve it to be unwarrantable , and tbat we shall agitate unceasingly till we obtain its amendment . " Resolved , — " That , in order to carry 1 out the foregoing resolution , this meeting do immediately form itself into an Association to effect as speedily as possible the specified object . "
The meeting , principally consisting of seamen , carpenters , riggers , &o ., then proceeded to nominate a committee of twelve , who instantly entered into preliminary arrangements for calling , another meeting of the whole seamen of the town and neighbourhood at an early period , to form an association in accordance with the resolutions they had passed . The meeting , which filled the Hall to the door , was presided over by one of the most notorious obdurate Chartists in this locality . In the course of the proceedings , he stated that he had been to sea for a short period in the early part of his life , and that he could nev « f forget the hellish mode of maintaining subordination practised on shipboard . Ho most cordially concurred in the objects of the meeting , and hoped that while no &tone was left unturuedlin their endeavours to have this infamous piece of classlegislation exposed and done away with , they would never for a moment forget the one thing needful , tbe People ' s Charter . ¦!
Mr . M'Donald intimated that they intended to visit Liverpool in the course of the present month ; and the newly formed committee agreed to postpone their intended forthcoming meeting till they returned . The meeting then broke up . Ship Building . —The business on which tbe great body of our population depends , has been for several months past all but annihilated , that is to say there are no vessels on the stocks at present , and those who live by rope-making , sail-making , block-making , rigging , painting , &c , are all , or nearly so , idle . Our foundries also , which sometime ago employed euch an immense number of hands in all the Various branches of steam-engine making , are likewise all but olosed ; and from the stand-still state of thece
two professions , the working people hero are in a deplorable plight indeed . From a statement respecting the present destitution amongst us , { which appeared in one of our tool journals the other day , signed by the chief magistrate , we learn that there are from six to seven thousand idle starving persons in Greenook at this moment , and it is expected they will be on the increase for months . Of these six or seven thousand from four to five thousand are supposed to live solely on the rations which they reoeive at the soup kitchen . These rations consist of an English pint of transparent skilly , { three ounces and three-fourths of an ounce of coarse bread , and four ounces of oatmeal to each individual per day , the expense of which is fivepence a-head
per week ; and the committee who manage the relief fund declare that all the money in hand will not enable them to continue even that beggarly pittance for above a week longer . We must by no means , however , forget that provisions in Greenock all the while are neither scarce nor costly . Prime beef and mutton , with the same quality of bacon , we have ticketed in onr fleshera' and grocers'iwindows at fourpence per 1 b . Good butter at sixpence , and excellent fish , fresh or salt , as cheap ad : you choose ! Oatmeal aft sevenpence a peck , and the best dry mealy pi tatoes we eVer had the pleasure of eating , at threepence per stone . Clothing , likewise , whether necessary or ornamental , was never seen so moderately priced in Greenock as now . From all this , then , it must be pretty plain that those who are blessed with fixed salaries , and those Who have high-rented , substantially-let shops and
dwelling-houses , must be in as comfortable circumstances as mpTtal 3 can well be , forming a most unchristian contraM with those who eagerly gulp the transparent skilly and exhibit the hideous effects of class-legislation . Of those in Greenock who enjoy fixed salaries and regular incomes from well ' -let property , &c , it is supposed there are about fifteen hundred , and from their manner of living it is conjectured they support about double that number of tradesmen , shopkeepers , &c , so that Greenocfc at this point of time may be said to be a perfect sample of what class-legislatioa is naturally intended , to effect . Five thousand rational creatures subsistieg on the least possible quantity of the coarseat kind of human food doled out in the most insulting manner ; to these is a devil-loving black coat stationed in the soup kitchen to terrify the shivering recipient . While on the other hand there are five thousand
of oht population who principally owing to olassraade laws and not to any me rit ol their own are enjoying every temporal comfort which nature or art can provide . But this is not the horrible and provoking state of Greenock alone- What is now communicated respecting Greenock may with much propriety wa hear be applied to every large town in the empire . Subordination we know is visible and necessary throughout the universe of God , but that the industrious portion of the crertion should perish for lack of bread , while the very feculence of
humanity possess more than they can use , is a grops insult to the majesty of Heaven . j Owing to the aforesaid stagnation of business here , and consequent want of employment , the Charter agitation bas rather subsided amongst us of late , more especially since our delegate returned from the late Birmingham Conference . One of our leaders , however , is getting up a concert , which it is understood will take place in our Mechanics' Hall , on the evening of Tuesday , the 31 st current , when it is expected the cause mil receive a freth impetus .
We were told the other day that Acland , the Coin Law lecturer , is about to visit Greenock again , but he need not pat hiraBelf to the trouble . The working people of Greenock hold that the Corn Law Repealers are only throwing doat in the people's eyes . Men consider that a repeal of the Corn Laws without other accompanying measures , would be one of the greatest curses our working population ever saw . But supposing it were otherwise , is it reasonable to believe , tbat our class-legklators will
repeal the Corn Laws to the detriment of their own incomes , without making themselves a handsome compensation ! We know tow they acted towards ; the West Indian planters , when the negroes were half-emancipated , and if twenty millions hardly ) satisfied them then , one hundred millions would be but a poor equivalent for the loss they would sua-i tain in repealing the Corn Lhws . We would therefore advise Acland , the sophist , to ponder on thest ; things , and try some other community than that of Greenock with bis blarney . We will have none of it .
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O'CONNOR AND ACLAND . Ma . Editor , —I cavejuat seen in the Northern Star , that Mr . Acland , in Scotland , has charged F . OConaor , Esq . with falsehood ^ in stating that he Mr . Acland did not say at Halifax , tfwt the masters were going to « top tbeir mills . MyD ; ar Sir , I sat as joint chairmsnafc the disenssion "between Mr . Acland an- P . O Ounor , Esq . ; Mr . Martin sat for Mr . Acland , I fur Mr . O Connor ; and after the discussion was over , Mr . Acland inclined himself towards Mr . O'Connor , and told him that either the Chatter woald become the law of the land , or the Corn Laws would ba repeated , and that u » a very short time . Mr . O'Connor said how ? The reply he received was just word for word as stated in the Star , on Saturday , ttw 2 lat I thought it my duty to the character of our worthy friend , to make this statement , as well as to rebut the falsehood of this hired tool of t ! ie League . I have no more to add but my good wisbea andsnppoit onto our cloriotiB eause , in which I have been a sufferer and def-flder for the last twenty-aeven years . Benjamin Rcshtoi * . Ovenden , January 25 th . 1842 .
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TO THE EDITOR OP THE NORTHERN STAR . Sir , —lam a middle class man , but h » d the satisfaction of Boning the flrst " National Petition"for '" the People's Charter , " aDd of subscribing in support of the movement . No doubt there bsve been , and are . falee and violent Chartists , jast as there are false and violent " physical force , " compulsory " Act of Parliament " Christian ? . But that is ne reason why undisguised and upright men should be ashamed of the name of Chartist , more than of that of Christian , And , therefore , why do Mr . Sturge and his friends shrink at the name of Chartist , and slink away from discussinij the Charter ! But , though thoroughly a Chartist , 1 have after reading the Charter , as revised at the late Conference , tboucbt it might still be amended . I would
submit the following suggestions . The Charter contains no enactment against the intimidation or the treating of voters . It does ' not a « - seit , define , and seoure the people ' s right publicly to meet and discusa . It sets forth no mode for trying controverted elections . It omits one most effectual piovuion against bribery ; that of always tendering the oath agaiaBt bribery and treating to all candidates and their agents . It constitutes the returning-officer of an electoral district , also the returning-officer of his own election ; should he , nftei serving three years , Beek to be rechossn . I would also render cabinet ministers in * eligible as members , but give to them and to the lawofficers of the Commonwealth , seats in both houses , without votes , by virtue of their offices . And might it not be ustful to levy on members daily fines for nonattendance , to be deducted out of their salaries at the
end of the session , except when absent unavoidably , or by pannisaiou ftom a given cause ? I own elso that thinking we cannot be too jealous , and with the lessons before us in history , of Annual Parliaments having enacted themselves into -Triennial , and -of a Triennial Parliament having still further treasonably prolonged itself by enactment into a septennial . I think it net unwise to enact that , in case any resolution or motion or proposal ot any kind to prolong the duration of Parliament should pass either House , the Parliament then sitting snail be , ipso facto , dissolved . I am also disposed to enact that the Parliamentary candidates should be at least twenty-five , if not thirty , years of age , that we may not be legislated for by boys . I am not sure also that it would be improper caution , or ttt just , to enact that all eltctors should be twentyfive years eld and able to read .
I will not trench on your valuable space by arguments in support of these suggestions , some of which , it seems to me , every sound representative constitution aLouid comprisei ; but if you honour and oblige me by inserting this in the British . " Polar Star , " yoa may again hear from A CHRISTIAN COMMOKWEALTHSMAN . PontyDOOl , Jan . 20 th , 1843 .
Patent Felting Clotfl.
At St . Peter ' s Church , Leeds , on Tuesday last , Mr . William Brown , cloth-fuller , Honslet , to Miss Jane Lawson , Holbeck . On Thursday , at Todmorden , by the Rev . J Cowell , incumbent , Mr . John Buttemo / th , innkeeper , Rochdale , to Harriet , eldest daughter of Mr . George Stead , joiner and builder , Dalton , Yorkshire . On Sunday last , at the . Collegiate Church , Manchester , Mr . Ashton Ashton , weaver , Hollinwood , to Miss Elizibeth Davies , milliner and dressmaker , of the same place .
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DEATHS . Death of a Patriot . —It is with no ordinary feelings of regret that we this week record the death of that veteran , philanthropist , aud patriot , Charles Brooker , Esq . The deceased passed the entire ef his long and honourable life- ^ extended to upwards of seventy years—in the agricultural village of Aifriston , East Sussex ; but his name and manly viriues were things " familiar as household words" to every inhabitant of his native county . Having by his industry in early life accumulated a comfortable competency , still further increased by the demise of a relative , Mr . Brooker devoted him-Belf , " heart and soul , " to rescuing the labourers of Sussex from the physical and mental thraldom in
which they had been so long held by their focal tyrants . His untiring opposition to the " coarser food' New Poor Law system , secured for him the grateful attachment of the down-trodden " chopsticks ; " and , as a matter ef course , the enmity of squires , parsons , and "bull-frog farmers . " Mr . Brooker speedily perceived' that he was fruitlessly wasting his energies and fortune by attacking the effect of bad legislation , so long as the cawe continued in existence ; and , therefore , became as zealous an advocate of Chartism , as he had been an antagonist to the Poor Law Amendment Act . An avowed Chartist , he stood two or three contests for the Borough of Brighton , affording the liberal electors , oa each occasion , an opportunity of recording their suffrages at the poll , Mr . Brooker also represented the Brighton Chartists in the recent
Conference at Bmuugpain , when he gave his , nnfortan&tely , last testimony of fidelity to the Chartist cause , by recording his vote in favour of William Lovett ' s amendment . As an evidence of the high , regard in which Mr . Brooker was held by the Chartists of Brighton , we may instance the fact , that whereas a strong contest ensued for the election of his colleagues to the Conference , yet'MrVB . himself was the chosen of every party . Of Charles Brooker , indeed , the worst ever uttered against him by either Tory or Whig , was , that he was an "honest enthusiast / " The Chartists of Great Britain , however , will require no other eulogy than this one from Choir foes , to convince them that death has , in Charles Brooker , bereft the world of a true friend to humanity and liberty . May heaven call forth many such ? ' honest enthusiasts" !
On Thursday , the 19 th instant , at Kaaresborougft , Georgiana Frederica , the lacy of Eiirard Strangeway g , E » q ., of that place , and daughter of the late John Waiker , E .-q ., of Waher Clough , near Halitiix .
Rt^Ss- Hade Laws Hays M Ade Iheib ¦Hciims; 1et Tjs Endeatoub To Sb-231se Them.
THto"ff- " 5 WBKi : ; G ^ tE 5 ' — " ^ en 1 * eni the ad--sjijseioeBt to be published , which has appeared for iTigst few Treets , and which states that I will give j « r sbBBuf to tbe Execntive and one shilling to the ^ jjn rnnd « ut of every one hundred pounds weight \ vgyaage ; I say , my friends , at that time It struck * text forafcly thai the Tictim Fund stood much ^ arfaBeniesting , and I think so still , as you may ^ bj ibfci letter ; and I also think , I if may judge from % Ljjacee , th&t the country evinces but little diiposi-JKjto support the cause of Chartism through the g ^ enS-re , inasmuch as neither myself nor Messrs . f *^ snd Tynel have had much to ada to their fuudB * j icme creeks P * 5 t . * therefore propose that the Sole of the ave shillings per one hundred pounds be Sgn so the TitSams * Defence Fond , and it shall appear a bdere 5 a 2 ^ Cie&y ^*» Subscription list weekly , —jjl sis BSBZ 5 S « re over , when we can make fresh -j-sBanenS as ibe times may rtouire . 52 V , sj friends , it Tcmsaus wiUiihe people , whether giise mffl "fho nave been made victims for no other SJia L tfsa Sat ** demanding justice at the hands of coOTprssaB be left te the clemency of a merciless 4-jJ ; ssd & tjme-serviag jmy , or whether they shall vy ij feagj suScienUy supplied which will secure to j ^ j ,, jgjjae ; and we leust remember that there is only « ft * v&te to raise thfi money in , and we should also jeassber that " » b tfcat are at liberty are only bo -K jobss fee is « has oot got hold of ma , Jmt tbat we titans may have said and done more towards tbe ao ^ sfill el tyrants than those whom it is our duty to SCDOQTb " i no » leave tha matter in your hands , and only have V ) Bay , that I pledged myself in 1819 never to rest until ¦ we Trtre free—I wrer have nor never win . EO € EB PlSDEB , HuIL
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THE EXECUTIVE ACCOUNTS . TO THE CHARTISTS OF GREAT BRITAIN . Having been nominated in various places as a member of a committee for investigating the accounts of the Executive ; while feeling grateful for this mark of your confidence , I must still respectfully decline the office . As a member of the Exeoutive , pro . tern ., I have been forced , by circumstances , into the position of an accuser of the Executive , and for mo or my brother members pf tbe Jixecative pro . tem ^ to sit on tbat committee , would bave the appearance of a jury of accusers being the parties appointed to try the defendants . This 1 am convinced is not your desire , and I have no doubt you will take immediate steps to rectify ihe error . Yours , Thos . M . Wheeler , P . S . —Messrs . Dtob , Cuffay , and Knight , fully concur in the sentiments above expressed .
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Dublin . —Irish Unjvbbsal Suffrage Association . —On Sunday last , the association held its weekly meeting , My . Rafter in the chair . Mr . O'Higgius made his first appearance after returning from the Conference , at Birmingham , and was received with much cheering . Mr . Dyott opened the business of the meeting , and after reading tbe objects , &c , of the Association , propeeded to expatiate on tbe principles of the Charter , aud on popular prospects generally . Mr . O'Higgins also addressed the society at some length .
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Itcqbest o ? f Mk . Deuhmond . —On Thursday afternoon , at four o ' clock , an inquest was held before Mr . Gell , coroner for Westminster , at the aign of the Lion and Goat , Grosvenor-street , on view of the hody of Mr . Drummond . The proceedings excited the greatest interest , the jury-rsom being crowded almost to suffocation . The Jnry having been sworn , proceeded with the Coroner to view the body , which was lying at the residence of the deceased , and having returned , the Coroner made some obserTations with respect to the sanity of the prisoner , adding that in his opinion , they had nothing whatever to do with that fact , and after a ehort consultation , returned a verdict of " Wilful Murder " against Daniel M'Naughten . "
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DEATH OF MR , DRUMMOSD . ( From the Evening Star . ) With feeluvgB of unaffected sorrow and regret it is our melancholy duty to announce the death of this highly respected and most amiable gentleman . Mr . Drnmmond expired at hiB residence in ( Jrosveiior-street , on Wednesday morning , at about half-past ten o ' clock . We understand that the eminent medical gentlemen by whom he was attended , had but little hope of hiB recovery from an advanced hour on the evening of
Monday ; but at tsn o ' clock on Tnesday night , what little remained to induce the contuanarice of that hope bad fled for ever . It is Btated in the morning papers th&t the departed gentleman experienced but little pain . We understand , however , that this is not exactly the fact Mr . Drummond is stated to have suffered most acntsly during tbe last twelve hours of Ms existence , bat bore those sufferings with that calmness and resignation which religion alone can inspire . He was sensible to the last , and died in the presence of his afflicted family .
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' -tSs ? -BlEDE ! TO DeaIH . —CiBHABXHES . — J ^^ aj last , William Burnhai , a son of the i 4 jfc" 51 yw » 9 pd at Carmarthen , appeared > *>*» =. it ' Srat 7 ^ major , and Captain Davies , jj £ ? p the complaint of Mr . H . Thomas , the * aS »* T if Sooery for the Prevention of Cruelty S ^ r ^ ' ^ eh charged him with having on the j ^ T ^ at Aba ^ wmy , within the county and isiS * ™ V ^ rmanhen , wantonly and cruelly 21-Jt ^^^ P ^ Perlj ridden a certain mare , the ^ 4 thf ^ eMai S » et Lewis , m consequence of fciL *! maw " ^ thereby the said Mar-* na 2 ? " ^ " ^ damage to the extent of , £ 8 or
tss ejnrt ~ , « f "\ - " » oma 3 Btated that the charge ^ rsW + C ^ 01101 ™ 1 ^ circumstances ;—On the ^ g ^ t the Hon . J 0 M ShaftoTsughan , of Uan-^ jSmT * ^ "soaer-in Carmarthen county gaol , ^ AfJ , ^ *« discharge on that day , » te 5 Btf f *™ ^ the London mail , the defendant ^ Wt oir , °#° to i ^ Bdflo to obtain the requi-^ C 2 : >* a 3 necessary that this should * ftfcteA «? ™> wira ! -of the London m ^ fl , as it ^ sSh * ^ obtained before then , a de-• ^ B » mt . arnTe ijt 3 le Tns % and Mr . Taughan e * eK °£ f \ Jt " ffoald *• P « "ed that Bnrn-!!« * V&nr f f Margaret Lewi * abont ^ VtefV ? * ^^ fl" J 11 " " » at half-past & * l * rS , r amarau ? > Proceeded to Lian-!? HatfC , tras "Stained somewhere about an
S " U * affi £ vrocpred the-dischsrge , he Etarted Z ^ z&Tfhfi J !!*? » tnrn , and witnesses would f »» o ! ihe aS Ascribe the distressed condi-**<* fi » && £ ? * ^ ^ ent and wsnton con-2 ? ° a $ i » , ii T «' ffh <> continued to nrge on the 2 ? ^^ SS ^ g ^ y-bridge , where the ^ W * T ? i ? ttetl J unable , to proceed farther , ^^ itmT f deiendant had dismounted , it ic ^ ate ^^^^ J af terwarda died on the Irago ^ aWSKrtMM i « had been compelled IteP ^ dt ^ v i ? - * *** the defendantTTo l&fiat -ft * " * ' ^ g ^ 31 y-bridge is about l « £ *» fta » tarL ?? ^ that . hftand his hro-I £ i * tt ^ £ !~ adered the < & ** & clearly made N ^ lXKfrt ? 6111 ^ that t&B defendantpaj 4 ^* % iertt *^* £ ' imprisonment in the & 2 * £ 2 Xfc Tfle ^ « " ^ TOsalBo fined f feW 2 yS * ° *? Z ^ -treating the mare . " ^* ^ 2 ? & ? / M ! fc ? daBt ^ seven , weeks ' —^ a oe&Bli of paying £ io .
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DESTRUCTION OF A VESSEL BY EXPLOSION . On Tnesday , accounts arrived at LIoyd' 9 of a melancholy catastrophe having occurred on board the schooner New Times , belonging to London , while on her outward passage to the coast of Africa , by which the vessel was totally lost , and all hands on board , consisting of her commander . Captain Alexander Rowe , and a crew of twelve seamen , met with a frightful death . It was occasioned by the explosion of nearly 100 barrels of gunpowder , that were ptowedaway in the magazine of the ship , but in , what manner they ignited is wholiy unknown . The particulars below detailed are extracted from a letter furnished by Messrs . Halton and Sons , the owuers of the schooner , who received them on Tuesday from a gentleman in the service , and who witnessed the sad calamity . The letter is as follows : — " Badagry , Oct . 18 , 1842 .
" When I left Cape Coast on board of the NeW Times , with her valuable cargo , I was calculating on a successful trading expedition down the coast ; and of returning to Cape Coast in due time to perform the pleasing duty of acqoainting ' you with the result of my exertions , and little did'I expect that all my hopes and prospects would be in a sudden and extraordinary manner cut off by a painful dispensation of Divine Providence , whioh has at one stroke deprived us both of the vessel and her oargo . To acquaint you with the distressing catastrophe now becomes my painful duty , and , I assure you , I do it with feelings of the deepest anguish and distress . " On Thursday morning , the 6 th inst ., we arrived and made a safe anchorage off this plaoe , Badagry ,
and I went ashore . We landed no eargo , and after Wednesday morning , the 12 th , had no communication with the New Times ; but , as Captain Rowe was on board , we , of course , calculated on all being well , both with the vessel and her crew . At one o ' clock p . m . the following day , Thursday ( the 13 th , ) we were alarmed by a , tremendous explosion , and on looking in the direction of the beachjsaw an immense volume of black smoke rise immediately over the spot where the vessel was anchored . As I knew we had a large quantity of gunpowder on board , I instantly suspected the destraotion of the ship . The shock was terrific , and must have been heard at a great distance . Although the town of Badagry is situated about two miles and a half from the sea , and the ground so low that the hull
of a vessel in the roads cannot be seen , yet the concussion was distinctly felt , and every bouse was shaken . I , with others , immediately hastened to the spot , and discovered that the masts had disappeared . We lost no time , and crossed the river to the beach , and I regret to bay that en our arrival there we could not see a vestige of the vessel or any Eerson to give ns the least information respecting er . I can form some idea of the distress whioh you will feel on the receipt of this sad intelligence , and deeply do I sympathise with you in the heavy loss you have sustained , I wish I could add some information relative to the captain and crew of the vessel , as the means of alleviating in some measure the grief which you must feel ; but I fear the worst , and must add to the foregoing Bad event my conviction that every soul on board of her perished .
" To form an idea of the cause of this sad disaster is impossible ; none of her crew being spared , it must for ever remain a mystery . At the time of the explosion I was busily engaged ttking stock with Captain Parsons , from whose stores we could have seen the smoke had tha vessel been on fire previous to tbe explosion ; and , moreover , had such been the case , the crew would oertainly have had sufficient time to take to the boats and to two large canoes which were lying astern of the vessel . This proves that the explosion was instantaneous . Half an hour at least elapsed after we heard the report before we reached the beach , at which time , as I have already stated , not a vestige of the vessel conld be seen . 1 , nevertheless , got a canoe launched , and 1 with the
assistance of the two canoes tbat were lying astern of the vessel , and which had broken loose , search was made for several miles distant for the poor suffererers , but we returned at dnsk unsuccessful . ** Shortly after we reached the beach we perceived something in the water where the unfortnnate schooner had been anchored ; which , on examination proved to be the jib-boom , windlass , and spritsailyard . They are still stationary , and are a little above water ; and not having seen any portion of her hull , with the exception of a pitce of coppered plank about a foot square * which was picked up in the bottom of one of the canoes , we conclude that the
stern of the vessel was blown oat , and that she had sunk at her anchors . Whether her decks or masts are blown oat we cannot say , bnt it is evident that tbe prinoipal part of the cargo has floated out of her as in two hours after the accident the sea was covered with the tattered remnants of cloth , pieces of puncheons , cases , butt-ends of muskets , &c . ' In consequence of there being no other boats at band , we were utterly unable to save anything , u Besides the original crew , the vessel shipped three others at Cape Coast . I have kept a sharp look out for many miles along the beach ; but , as Jet , none of the bodies of the unfortunate creatures ave been washed ashore .
"J . H . AKHURST . " The New Times was considered a fine sailing craft , about 1 : 20 tons burden . She left London a *} out the middle of June last with a cargo consist-
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Northern Star (1837-1852), Jan. 28, 1843, page unpag, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct635/page/5/