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Co !Uat>n'0 anti ^FotTeflponnentd.
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CJjantet 3EntelUg;ence.
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Losdos . —A Concert and ball will take place on Monday evening at the Social Institution , Johnstreet , Tottenham-Conrt-road ; the proceeds to be devoted to defraying the expenses incnrred fey sending delegates to the Birmingham Conference , Cbakhsis Attkkd . —Mr . FeargnBO'Gennorwm address his London friends , on Tuesday evening * ext , * t the New Hall , Tnraagain-lase , Skinner-Btreet , on the recenfrtrials at Lancaster . Admiss . on to ffee body of the Hall , two-penes sad to the plau Jcmn , Eixpenee . The proceeds will fee presented to tfce General Political Victim Fand . A MEETKfQ ef the Shareholders will be held on Monday evening at the Political and Scientific Iastitution , Tnrnsgain-lane , Skinnw-streei , to elect directors .
A Coscset junb Bah . will take place on Tuesday evening , it the Hall of Science , late Rotoadx , Blackfriars-wad , in aid of the fonds , for defraying expenoes iectiired at the Conference . Mb . Majth will lecture , -oh Sunday evening , at the Scientific and Political institution , Turaagainlane , Skinner-street . Mr . Wbeeleb will lecture , on Monday-evening , at Tillman ' s Coffee House , 59 | , Tottenhwa-courtroad . Ms , J « hs Watkiss will lecture at the Mechanics ' institaiiom Qrcns-strsat , Marykbone . on Sunday evening ivaxt , at half-past seven o ' clock . Gold Bsatbr ' -s Asms , Old St . Pa > cbas-mud . — Sir . Russell will lecture on Sunday evening .
The F&uix Chartists of the Tower Hamlets are requested to meet on Tuesday evening , at flo . 12 . "White-street , Beihnal Green , on business of importance . Fuai Tatebk , BiSssBimT PiTix .-r-A meeting ef this Locality will be held on Monday evening , when every member is requested to attend . "W-essiSG Mars Hau ., 29 J , Mile Exb Road . —The members of the different Chartist Localities in the Tower Hamlets , are requested to meet at the above place , on Tuesday evening , on business of the greatest importance .
The MTrnpttrai of the Shorediteh Locality are requested to attend at the Gloucester Coffee House Church-street , Shoreditch , next Tnesday evening Si eight o ' clock , to appoint class leaders , sod to assist in taking a large building , to hare a public meeting and lecture , from a gentleman of high repute in the Chartist cause . A ycBUC ball and concert will take place at the Social and Scientific Institution , John-street , Tottenham Conrt-xoad , on Monday , March . ' 20 , 1843 , towards defraying the expences incurred through sending delegates to the late Birmingham Conference for the Borough of Marjlebone . Si . Pascbas . —Mr . "Wheeler will lecture on Monday next , at Mr . Tollman ' s Coffee House , 39 , Tot-4 » nhanj Court-road . Mr . M'Grae will lcciure on Monday 27 th at the same place .
Sheffield . —Mr . Harney will deliver an address , on Sunday evening , in the room , Figtree-lane , at seven o'clock . Me . Pabs . es will deliver an address , on Monday erening , at half-past seven o ' clock . 1 VXST"BIIJI 5 G DXLBQAIB MjESUXG . —On Sunday ( to-morrow ) a general meeting of the Chartists residing in the Wtst-Riding , will be held in the Large Room , over the Co-operative Stores , Dewsbury , at eleven o ' clock in the forenoon , on matters of the greatest importance .
Ashtos-okdee-Line . Mr , John Crowder , of Lower-moor , Oldham , will lecture here , on Sunday evening , at sis o'clock . Ho person will be allowed to lecture here in future , except those upon the plan for this district , unless he give seven day ' s notice , and receive the sanction of the council , and lie must produce his credentials , before he be allowed to lecture , Bibxisghax . —The committee elected at the Hall of Science , Lawrence-street , for Mr . White ' s tiefence , are requested to attend at the Chartist room , Afihton-street , on Sunday evening next , at four o ' clock , when all parties holding books from that hodjf -trill be expected to produce them ? Siddalx . — -On Sunday evening Mr . A Hanson , of "Elland , will lecture in the Association Room , Cinder HiilR , at six o ' clock .
Halifax . —It is particularly requested that any lecturer , intending to Tisit Halifax , shall give five day ' s notice thereof , and also his address , otherwise Iris communication will not be attended to . Mb . Jakes Clattos , of Midgley , and Mr . Joseph Greenwood , of Waxley , will lectors i n the l arge loom , Swan Coppice , on Sunday , at six o'clock in the evening . Sowbsby . —Mr . B . Butterley , of Halifax , will lecture , « o Sunday , ( tomorrow , ) at six o'clock in the evening . Lower Wablkt . —Mr . James Bawden , of Ovenden , will lecture at this place , on Sunday evening , at ax o ' clock .
Qs SxrxDA . 7 3 March 26 , Mr . Butterley will lecture , at Luddendenj Mr . Bawden , at Upper Warley ; Mr , ' Greenwood , at Ovenden ; and Mr . Clayton , at , Mixenden , all to commence at six o ' clock in the , evening . Manchester Chartist Yocibs . —On Tuesday evening , the 21 st inst ^ a > nblic meeting will be held a the Yonths * Roam , G-mlding-street , when the following persons ;—Mr . Morrison , Mr . Christopher , Doyle , Mr . Thoma 3 Railton , Mr . Richard Pilling , and other Chartist " Conspirators" are invited to attend . Bbottk-stbeet , Manchester . —Mr , Lane will i address the Chartist mechanics in the above room , ' on Thursday evening next , at eight o'clock . The public are invited to attend . j
Cabpbsteb ' s Hah . —The Rev . W . V . Jackson ; -will deliver two lectures in the above hall , on , Sunday , ( tomorrow , ) at half-past two in the after- ' noon , and half-paBt six o ' clock in the evening . A DAHCI 5 G class is held every Monday and Saturday evening , at eight o ' clock , and a debating class every Sunday forenoon . Bbadfobs . —The members of the Co-operative S' -ore will meet on Saturday evening , at half-past seven o ' tlock . A full attendance is requested , as a fresh committee , salesman , and other officers will have to be elected . The salesman will be requested to reside in the house , Chapel-lane . The shop is ¦ well supplied with provisions of the best quality .
AiajcruBX will oe delivered in the large room , Butterworth Buildings , on the Fallacy of the Question— "That the Repeal of the Cora Laws , under present circumstances , would benefit the working man or shopkeeper . " Free admission . - Discussion invited . To commence at six o'clock m the evening . Mb . Hebxet will lecture in the Chartist School Room , Park-lane , on Sunday morning , at ten o'clock . The members are respectfully requested to be punctual in their attendance , * 8 basin ass of import * sace will be laid before them . Mb . R » G . Gakkage , of Northampton , will lecture at the following places : —Brighton , Monday , Toesday , and Wednesday next ; Lewes , Thursday : Tonbridge Wens , Friday and Saturday j Tonbridge , Monday , 27 tn instant .
Oldeam . —Mr . Donovan will lecture in the association room , on Sunday , at six o ' clock in the evening . Ashtos . —A lecture will be delivered in the Chartist Association Room , on Sunday evening Bext , by Mr . John Crowder , at Bix o ' clock . Oldham . —OnSnnday ( to-morrow ) , Mr . D . Donovsd mil leetnre ' an the Chartist Room , Greavesstreet , at six o ' clock in the evening " . Rochdalb . —Mr . Lane , of Manchester , will address the Chartists of this place in the Association Room , at half-past two o ' clock in the afternoon , and at six in the evening of Sunday ( to-morrow ) . Hoixnrsram . —Mr . Pontefract will lecture here OH Sunday Uo-monow ) at six o'&ock in the evening , Kswtos Hbaih . —Mr . Glossop will lecture here on Sunday evening , at six o ' clock .
Leeds Distbict . —A district Council meeting will ba held on Sunday , March 26 th , in the Chartist ivoom , Holbeek , to commence at ten o ' clock . IiBs ^— Mx . RoBs , from Manchester , will deliver ! T ^^ -I ? c > "morrow afternoon and evening , in the Chartet Room , Cheapside , to commence at half J ^ sl ^ ro * *? tfa «* . Admission , one penny « ach , to defray expenees . / ^ WVJ-iJ-vt / i / yj , _ , JuM ^^^^^ j---
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&rocxK ) Br-On Sunday evening last , Mr . John Alhnsoa lectured to a large and Tespectable audience . He gave a lengthened acoonnt of the Charfast toumph at Lancaster . At theoonduBion , the thanks and confidence of the meetine was awarded iim . s Ybbmob , Isib op Wight . —Mr . R . G . Gammage lectared on the cause of Matinnal Distress andthe People * * Charter as the remedy , on Thursday the Sih instant , and on Monday the lSJhjboth lectures ¦ were nnmeroDBlj a-ttenced and ihe lecturer was listened to with profound attention .
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ATJCHTERMUCHTY . —On Thursday last ^ after listening to the sound of the drum , we were not a little startled at hearing the crier intimate by the orders of Mr . Arnot , Chief Magistrate , that a meeting of those friendly to the abolition of the Corn Laws would be held in" the-Town Hall that same evening , for the purpose of considering the utility of petitioning Parliament against the accursed system of taxing feod . The people , of course , congregated , yet paradoxical to say , the Rev . speakers , through their great zeal , had well nigh forgotten the hour of meeting for at the hour mentioned by the crier , not one « f them could either be seen or heard of . Time roHed on , tfe people became impatient , and were on the eve of retiring , when at the last a noise was beard on the stairs , when the Rev . Mr . Wise , with his colleague Dr . Taylor , slinkingly made their apppearance . Mr- Paterson was called to the
chair , whe , after reading the letter Bent to Mr . Arnot , begging the favour of the meeting , called npon Mr . Wise to address the meeting amid anxious disquietude— aH expecting something great from his hands . He mounted the platform , saying he could say nothing , having only had since last night to prepare , and so sat down as if ashamed , and blushed for offering so gross an inBult upon the public . Dr ^ Taylor was then called upon , and after delivering a threadbare harangue , called upon all present to sign a petition which had been carefully prepared for them , Auchtermuchty folks being too wise for him , knew too well that as things stand , their abrogation would rather be a curse than a blessing , and , therefore , left the . kail witbont one solitary soul appending bis name , leaving the petition in the hands of the committee to be hawked through the parish any way they think fit .
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THE TRIAL—THE PRESS—AND THE LEAGUE . Except the one party whom it was intended to pot down , the result of the late trial has placed all parties in a queer fix . " They dont know what to make of it or do with it . The Tories are ashamed of it ; the Goyemment wish they had had nothing to do with it ; the Whigs are mad with rag « , while ** liberalism" compels them to hold their tongue" ; and the ** League' feeli themselves somehow—all-OVEB 16 H—as if they anticipated a somewhat different result for their own turn when it comes .
As every effort was made by the press to create prejudice , and to warp the course of justice previous to trial , so it has with . due consistency carefully smothered the disappointment of its foiled patrons at the escape of the " robins" from " under the riddle . " With few exceptions the press affects to treat the matter as one of small moment ; and this same trial , which in its anticipation was made to ring through the whole country , is passed over almost Bilently . By some portions of it , the villainous trick has been resorted to of giving the whole Bubstance of the case for the prosecution , and
suppressing the whole case for the defence . Yet even these are "bothered" with the result . The verdict still stands there . It acqutit half of the accused entirely ; and convicts half of the remaining half of that which every man knows to be no moral crime , and which the highest authorities have declared to be no crime in late ! This ib a stomach-blow . It ** knocks the wind out . " They look at it on all sides , and the
most part of them seem prudently to conclude that u least said may require least mending . " There is one , however , who is especially uneasy . The depth of his chagrin exceeds the power of concealment . It mast oat . He cannot be quiet . His bile boils over ; and most dirty puddle is it . ' Just read the following morsel from the London Correspondent , who is also , as we believe , the proprietor , of one of the most ultra of the ultra liberal" Irish papers , the Dublin Monitor : —
" The general impression prevailing with rejpect to the conviction of Fe&rgns O'Connor and bia associates is , that it is uot a satisfactory one . It isngarded as an attempt to do that on a small scale , sod with poor , paltry , and ioaignifieaat individuals , -which , at the close of the last oeatmy vu tried and failed , -when directed against the great and the clever . The case of Home Tooke was toe endeavour to establish the crime of eonitruetive-treason , whilst that of Forgus O Connor is to make a precedent for conBtructivcmisdemeanour . Notwithstanding the verdict of the Jory , it is considered that the prosecution has broken
down . My impreEsioa is , that wneu it was undertaken there was the expectation entertained that some of the leaden amongst the Chartist body would have become Crown witnesses ; but the great probability is , that Sir Frederick Pollock , who is , in private life , a must amiable , exoellttit , and honest man , would not countenance the project of his subordinates—he would sot content to * terms * being made with any of them—he would allow no price to be offered to any informerbe did not * think it meet to compound with him by tiie year ;* and hence the defect in the evidence which was looked for when those proceedings began . "
Now , isn ' t that rich 11 Just see the fellow ' s eadaveroBS scowl , as his brows knit , when be reads the verdict , and grumbles inwardly , " Curse on the stupid fools ! What can be done now ! Why this is actually a triumph 1 " Look at his pinking eyes a * they poke about from one corner to another of the paper , as if seeking Jot Borne oui \ et , tnrongh which to thruBt the intrusive * triumph . " See them recoil in disappointment from the turface of the paper and bend inward to a rakiDg of the dish of mud which he mistakes for his own brains , until they fix
upon the lump of dirt out of which this idea has been manufactured . And then se ^ how his piggy daylights twinkle as he drags it forth , and pursing up his mouth , says , Thwe ! won't I do for you , ye spalpeens 1 I'll circumvent you this time ; for I'll swear that you could have told upon yourselves and let out your secrets , only the Attorney-General would not hear them I" Now is not that fine ? with G&iFFtof and Cartledge Btaring at him 1 ! What fools these fellows must think their leaders to be !
The Anti-Bread Tat Circular congratulates the League upon " this legal acquittal of the charges bronght against the Anti-Corn Law League . " He makes italics danoe with the announcement that throughout the whole trial : — tt No tingle iiUle of evidence has been adduced connecting the Anii-Corn Laic League xcith any portion of the disturbances . *' Gently , Goody ; gently 1 Don't halloo till you are oat of the wood . We wish you as safe a deliverance and as true an one as that of the Chartists ; but it is a little" too blue" to parade the forbearance ol your victims as a victory over them . Wait till your tarn comes ; . will you ?
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THE "SHABBY" BARONET AND THE M CONSPIRATORS" AGAINST THE POOR MAN'S RIGHT . The starvatioa mongers are hard up . " They find enough of exercise for all their impudence to "keep open house" at all . They can only hang by the damning system by mtre " power of face" and Bandit Law—the law of power . This has been strikingly instanced in the House of Commons
during the past week . Never did we notice a more glaring , base , cowardly and yet impudent throwing of the shield of power over their ** comrogues of lesser note" than was practised by the Tory Government and their Whig supporters in the oaae of a motion by Mr . Fxsbxxd for the productions of certain documents having reference to the doings of a portion of the Poor Law Gaardiaas of Halifax , and one of the tramping-pauper scamps of Assistant Commissioners , named Clements .
The harpies of starvation rule seem to have fixed on Halifax as a peculiarly congenial sphere of operation ; Mr . Febbattd was desirous that the country should know something of their proceedings ; and , therefore : — " On the question that the Speaker do leave the chair preparatory to the House resolving itself into committee of ways and meatiB , " Mr , Ferrand rose to move , as an amendment , for a list of the Guardians of the H « . ii % y Union who assembled at the Board on Wednesday , the 1 st of March inBtant , specifying the eK-officio Guardians irom the elected Guaraians ; also a list of the Guardians who were not present , specifying the e * -vfficio truardians from the elected GuardianB ; also the name of the Assistant Poor Law Commissioner who
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attended the Board ; also a copy of their minutes and proceedings as well as of the resolutions adopted by the Board ; also a copy of all notices given at any proceeding meeting of the Board relating to any preceding or resolution adopted by the Board on the 1 st day of March . " The honourable geutfcman proceeded to state his TeasonB for this motion . Let those reasons be read stud coupled with the fact that this simple motion for information as to what the guardians had dono , that he might kaow , and th * t the country might know , whether the information whioh had reached the Honourable Member was correct or not , was strenuously and pertinaciously refused ; and that the refnsal was supported alike by the members ol the government and their predecessors and opponents : —
** He understood that there was reason to believe that : that meeting , at whioh eighteen guardians attended , was not convened by a proper notice issued by the clerk to the whole body of guardians . At that meeting the Board of GuardiaDs resolved that a strong athletic man Should be appointed , at a weekly salary , to act in the capacity of taskmaster , for the purpose of applying a more severe test to the out-door labourers . It would be found that the Board of Guardians having , with the sanction ot Mr . Clements , decided upon adopting a more severe test in respect of out-door labour , had alEO decided upon adopting a more severe test within the
workhouse . The question was brought before the board how that test could be most advantageously enforced , and different plans having been proposed , that of a treadtcheel was discussed , and how many men it would employ . Thi * treadwlieel the Board of Guardians directed to be erected , and a member of the board undertook to see it erected . He had stated this some time ago , when he last addressed the House on this subject . The Right Hon . Baronet ( Sir J . Graham ) stated that it was not ' so , and that , instead of a treadwheel to be applied to a rack machine , there was only to be erected a hand-mill for corn . He ( Mr . Ferrand ) next day received
more information from another person . The Right Hon . Baronet , however again said that the mill was only a corn mill , and that he was told that by the Poor Law Commisioners . The Board of Guardians of the Halifax Union had passed a resolution reflecting on words used by him in the discharge of his duty to bia constituents and to the country—a resolution which had been brought to the board from his own house by one of the ex ajficie guardians and this was passed by the Board of Guardians , Mr . Clements , the Assistant Poor Law Commissioner , assisting at the meeting . The same day an order was passed , with the sanction and
approbation of Mr . Clements , for excluding the reporters of the pnblio press from the board-room during the meetings of the board . But what sort of a cornmill had been erected , did the House think 1 Why , none at all ; but , instead , a rag machine had been erected , for the purpose of grinding rags obtained from the poor of the totems on the continent , and impregnated with all manner of contagion and filthy and he was told that the stench was so great , and the dust arhingfrom the grinding so oppressing , that they had the greatest difficulty in parts of Yorkshire , where rags of this kind were ground for the purpose of defrauding by ihe cloth manufacturers , to get persons to undertake the work . But , in order to make this more of an infliction on the poor
pauper , the wheel was to be worked by capstans , which were to be turned by the poor like horses . These capstans were to be worked at not only by the feet , but by the hands and breasts . According to the opinion of a medical gentleman whom he had seen , it was highly injurious to the health to labour in this way , and was likely to end in apoplexy . This was what was about to be erected in the Halifax Union Workhouse for the employment of the poor there , either with or without the knowledge of the Poor Law Commissioners ; if they knew of it , then they had deceived the House in the statement whioh they had authorised the Right Hon . Baronet ; to make in his plaoe ; if they did not know of it , then they had neglected their duty . "
The Honourable Member also made somo strong allusions to ft like case of horrible barbarity at Lambeth Union , where a Corn Mill had been erected for the purpose of more severely testing the labour of the poor . At the corn mill , in the Lambeth Union Workhouse , sixty-four persons were to work at once ; sixteen at in-door labour , and forty-eight at oat-door . The mill was worked by one crank , whioh was so large that every time these poor wretches worked they must bend with their hands to the ground . The mill was under a
shed . And the object of this contrivance was that whenever a poor person came to the workhouse to ask-for a loaf oi bread , be was to be shown those poor wretches working at the crank under a shed t [ He referred also to a leading article in the Times newspaper of that day , in which it was stated , that within the last seven years 9 , 315 persons had been committed to prison in EngJaod and Wales for offences against the rules and regulations of Union Workhouses , and that in the year 1842 , no fewer than 2 , 289 persons had been imprisoned in her Majesty ' s gaols for breaches of those rules and regulations !
In reply to those statements of alleged atrocity and to this most reasonable motion for enquiry into one of them : — " Sir J . Graham hoped the House would agree with him that on the present occasion it would not be expedient that he should follow the Hon . Member for Knaresborough ( Mr . Ferrand ) into any of the new matter that he had adduced . The Hon . Member had raised the question for the first time of the
Lambeth Union Workhouse . He ( Sir James Graham ) did not intend to follow the Hon . Member into t&at subject . He had had no opportunity to enable him to test the accuracy of the Hon . Member's information . Much less did he intend to follow the Hon . Member to the leading artiole of the Times newspaper , or into anything which might have been stated there that morning . It would be much better , in his opinion , to confine himself to the motion before the house . "
Doubtless , it is " not expedient" at any time to enter upon a defence of that which we know to be indefensible ! Henca the " shabby" effort of the Right Honourable Baronet to escape from as much of the investigation as it was po 38 ible to shirk . Lambeth and the Times newspaper were easily disposed of . They were new matter . " But there was the ' motion before the House . " This mint be " dealt with . " And hew did the bold Baronetthe high-minded , honourable Baronet who refused to continue with the Whigs because they were a " shabby" Government—deal with this motion 1 There were only three possible positions in which
the Government and their supporters could Btand in reference to the matter affected by Mr . Fekrand ' s motion . They must have known the allegations to be true ; or they must have known them to be false ; or they must have been in ignorance concerning them . In either of the two latter cases , it is reasonable to conclude that they would have been prompt and forward in acceeding to the motion ; because by the production of those papers the question would have been settled , and the truth established . While , on the other hand , if they knew the allegations to be true , and were determined to uphold , but ashamed to defend , the practices
complained of , they would be sure to throw every obstacle in the way of coming at the desired informations Villany , like falsehood , ever loves the daik . It is ; never " expedient" to expose it to the overhauling of common Reuse and right feeling . And the way in which the ** shabby" Baronet fenceB with the motion would ba proof sufficient , if we had no other / that this is precisely their position . He affects first to misunderstand Mr . Fereand . He makes him talk of a tread-mi // , instead of a tread-tcAre / , and is proceeding gallantly to deny that any sach thing & 3 a treadmill is known or dreamt of as part and parcel of poor law mercies at Halifax . Thi subterfuge , however , fails him . Mr . Fe&band won't
" stands . " He corrects him , and insists that he shall quote rightly the word used . He then trieB to blander oat of it , by denying that it is a tread wheeL He insists that it is a Aand-mill , and he read letters to that effect from Mr . Clements , and from some man named Cools-ion . Now , it required bat half an eye to see that the conflicting testimony of the friends of the poor to Mr . Fsr&an * , and of the friends of the " mill" test to the Right Honourable Baronet , was the best argument that could be found for Mr . Febrand ' s mot . ioa ; since nothing but the positive documentary evidence of the Guardians' actual proceedings could settle the motion , and show which was right . Mr . Ferband put this matter very forcibly : —
" He would not detain the House farther ; he would only say that the Right Hon . Baronet ( Sir 3 . Graham ) had insinuated that he ( Mr . F&ekand ) had stated in that House what was not true , and the Right Hon . Baronet { called on the Hoase not
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to place too much confidence in what he said . Now , whatever he might think of the Right Honourable Baronet ' s conduct to him , o > supporter of her Majesty ' s Government , as he had been , whenever he conscientiously could be , he had to tell the Right Hon . Baronet that the question was between the Right Hon . Baronet and himself whioh of their statements coincided with truth . If the Right Hon . Baronet could induce the House to agree to refuse these resolutions , still he ( Mr . Ferrand ) , it must be
remembered , was courting every inquiry . He deaired nothing more than that the matter should be sifted fully , and that the Right Hon . Baronet and himself should be placed fairly before the country . If the Right Hon . Baronet succeeded in refusing the papers , tho country would conclude that he was convinced that the production of the papers would show so much cruelty , and such ill-treatment of the poor that it would not be expedient to produce them . "
This Ferrand is a tough fellow—not easily " driven ; " and one might almost have expected this to be a poser . But a " shabby" Baronet is often lucky in mischances ; and so he discovered a perfect god-send of a sheet cover for his minion in the fact , that Mr . Ferrandhad made some reference to a vote of censure which had been passed upon him by the Halifax Poor Lawmen . This vote of censure was a " breach of privilege , " and it was a very ungracious thing in the Honourable Member for Knaresborough to wish to claim the M pririlege" of not hating the lie given to him by a tramping Poor Law Commissioner ! : —
" He could not think that it would be advisable for the House to embark on the question of breach of privilege under the guidance of the Hon . Member for Knaresborough . It would not be prudentit would not be discreet . " Here then was a god-send for getting rid of the whole matter . The degradation , the inhumanity , the murderous effect of the " Devil ' s dust" millwhether worked by tread wheel ox hand
wheelwere entirely lost sight of , and this " privilege question " was the only thing to be seen and talked of . The Right Honourable Baronet could not think of vindicating the " privilege" of the Hon . Member for Knaresborough . The cuckoo song was echoed by his satellites , both Whig and Tory , and " privilege , " ' privilege , " " privilege , " was the only thing they could any of them see in the whole a atter .
Determined to leave them no loop-hole , " Mr Ferhand ' came up" again , and knocked down the privilege prop . He fiaid : — " His only object was to let the House and the country know what had taken place . He found that there was a treadwheel ordered for the Halifax Union , which was to hold from four to forty persons . He did not know what had since occurred , and he would take no steps to bring Mr . Clements to the bar of the House if the papers were produced . "
This was a closer ! among man of ordinary decency it would have decided the question . But tyranny sets decency at defiance when its objects are to be maintained . And after this frank and explicit avowal from Mr . Feriund , that what he wanted was the papers , aud not the " privilege , " Sir Robert Peel , if he be rightly reported , had the ineffable meanness still to insist that the motion was : —
" A renewal of the question of privilege , and that it was the intention of the Hob . Geutleman to enforce the charge against Mr . Clements . Into that question the House , in his opinion , had better not enter—( hear , hear ) . No person had more at heart the privileges of the Iiou ^ e than he , but it was because of his regard for them that he would uot wish to enforce a debate on them in the present instance . "
Now this is , to our thinking , paltry and despicable beyond description ! but it was the only weapon that could be used against Mr . Ferrand ' s motion . And Sir Robert and Lord Joun Ritssell shared the honour (!) of its handling between them . Mr . Fkriund ' s motion had , of course , no chance , and he withdrew it . 0 ! how we long to see the people assert their own " privilege , " that these sickening scenes may pass away 1
In the interim it is refreshing to see even one such member in the House as Bdsfield Ferrand , Tory though he be . Like a true Englishman , he " camo up to time" again , next day , as fresh as ever ; and the pair of " Shabby" Baronets finding him not to be choked off , but determined to play the part of " the importunate widow " , with a very ill grace , suffered the rehearsal to go on—reading their own part of " unjust steward" somewhat imperfectly . Thoy consented to produce all the actual transactions of the board on that day , but denied the " Notices " which would have proved the meeting to be a packed one for the purpose of censuring an M . P ., who had dared to speak in his place of their doings , and the resolution to exclude the press from their conclaves in future .
Here then we have an imperium in imperio with a vengeance ! A parcel of hired , tramping , scamping vagabonds called Poor Law Commissioners , commit atrocities againBt the poor , unheard of in any other country under heaven—and if a Member of Parliament shall breath a whisper of their doings in his place in Parliament , or venture to express an opinion that they are not the very pink of Christianity and virtue , these tramping , scamping , vagabonds call together a " picked party" of their middle class mates and tools , and denounce and censure him ;
they put this forth under the false pretext of its being tho resolution of the " Board of Guardians" ; they exclude the press , lest their lying subterfuges should be exposed ; and they are protected in all this by the Government of England in the active measures of its Premier and Home Secretary , who exert themselves with " shabby" pertinacity to prevent their atrocities from being dragged to light 3 Do the people want more argument to show them the impossibility of ever obtaining justice or fair play while the system lasts under whioh these things ean be done !
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Stockport Chartists tell us that Mr . Doyle is to lecture in the large room , Hillgate ; but they don't say when . An Elector op Marvlkbonb is referred to Mr . O ' C mnor ' s advertisement . John Fenton . — We do not know enough of law to advise him . We have sent his letter to Mr . O'Connor . George Batsman . —The Home Secretary was sub ' pmnaed , and he attended on the subpoena ; but representing , through the Attorney General , that his being detained until the witnesses for the
defence could be called was a serious inconvenience , Mr . O'Connor consented to his discharge , on the undertaking of the Attorney-General to produce for the prosecution a witness named Wilcox , from whom , by cross-examination , he could elicit the same facts to which he intended to have-had the evidence of Sir James . A Radical of Hunt ' s School . —Never mind the prating fool . Thomas Grbenrovd . — We know nothing about it : perhaps some of the London Chartists ean tell him .
Several Parties from Leicester write to ask how it is that M ^ Douall and others of the absent defendants were defended at Leicester by Counsel , and that Mr . O'Connor cross-examined the Crown witnesses on behalf of Leach , while Cooper was entirely overlooked ? To this I must say , that I can give no answer to any such qites lion ; and that U appears to tne to have been suggested by a captious spirit . At all events , it is most improperly addressed to me . I know
nothing about the matter . I had no concern tn the appointment of Counsel for the defence ; and all 1 know of the appropriation of the Defence Fund is that not a shilling ef it was appropriated to my defence ^ or to my use in { any way , —Wk , Hill . W . Knighton . —Write on one side of your paper only for the future . We had not room for any reports last week . Dobking Chartists will see that their communication is inserted .
Thomas Ibbotson , of Bradford , would greatly oblige the Chartists ofTyldesly if he would publish his address , as they wish to communicate with him . Will the Secretary of some cooperative society be so good as to send a copy of their rules to the Secretary of the Earl Shilton co-operative society . Oub Manchester Correspondent t « informed that his second portion of the meeting for Mr . Roberts was not received here till Thursday afternoon , — sixteen hours afttr the former part of it had gone to press .
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D . Ha . rrower Jcn . —Certainly not ; but you must riot put them on newspapers . The Defence Speeches of Messrs Leach and Bairstow . — "Mr . Editor , —A treat many of your subscribers to the Northern Star are very desirous that the defences of Leach and Bairstow be published at full lengb in your coming number ofj this week . By so doing , they will feel much obliged . I am , on their behalf , yours most sincerely , W . Homer , sub-Secretary , Oldham . " — We'are sorry to be unable to comply unth this request } simply because we have no reports of the speeches of those gentlemen . In'order to ease the Reporter a little , —whose labours in this trial were really harrassing to an extent far beyond the power of most reporters , —aw arrangement
was made between Mr . Hill and Messrs . Leach , Bairstow , Harney , Beesley , and otjiers , that the speakers should kindly furnish their speeches j at the close of their trial , as it was impossible for any one man to lake them all at full length , and we were desirous to give all the defendants ' speeches entiie . The parties all promised , to supply their speeches , and consequently the Reporter took no note of them ; but Mr . Harney and Mr . Beesley were the only parties who did supply them . We regret this much ; as Bairslow ' s was an excellent speech : Leach ' s we did not hear . We can readily conceive that the turmoil of'" congratulations , " and bustling from place after the trial < may have prevented the other parlies from having leisure , to write them out . We make this statement , ]
therefore , not at all in the way of complaint ; . but iimply as explanation ; that it may not be supposed that any undue means have been re ~ sorted , to by us for suppressing these speeches . Had it not been that the parties premised to supply them , [ we should have had some report of them , j less or , more ; as it is , we have none- The omission will be , doubtless , supplied in Mr . O'Connor ' s report of the whole proceedings , which will be published shortly .
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James Sinclair . —Yes . Wm . Ccttle . — Sevenpenca each . Simeon—The first parcel was Bent before the letter arrived . : Robert Waring . —On the 19 th of April and about every six weeks ; but the time varies a little .
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FOR HKS . ELLIS . £ S . d . From a friend , Sheffield 0 0 6 .. Mr . Hunsworth 0 0 6 „ Mr . Bodgera 0 o 6 ^ Mr . Bernard 0 0 1 „ Mr . Lancaster 0 10 ^ London , per Thomas Farrar ... ... 0 10 0 I FOR VICTIM FUND . From West ! Auckland , per Mycroft 0 4 9 „ a few poor persons at Ormskirk ... 0 10 0 „ Thornley Colliery , per Q . Brown ... 0 2 4 | „ a few friends in the cause , per W > C . T 0 10 0 „ Wingate Colliery , collected by WeddleandCowina ' 0 12 0 ,. Ditto , collected by Embleton and Miss QowiuB 0 5 7 .. Wingate Colliery , raffla for a cradle , presented by George Brows . [ This cradle waa won by Mr . J . Borfeouse , who immediately presented it again ; and it ia to be raffled for , for the benefit of the Victims . ] ... 3 1 8 . ^ FOR ROBERT PEDDIE . Prom London , per Thomas Farrer 0 10 0 FOR MRS . ROBERTS . From Mr . Hans worth , Sheffield 0 0 6 _ Mr . Rogers ... 0 0 0
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TO THE EDITOR OF THE NORTHERN STAR . Sir , —If jFeargus O'Connor , yourself , and your coadjutors , who have been unjustly hailed before the judgment-seat , have not ( which is proven ) been guilty of creating " riots , tumults , and insurrections , to the great terror of her Majesty ' s liege subjects , " it follows , I as a matter of course , that the acts of August last must have been concocted and perpetrated by other parties than the active members of the Chartist body . These being fully exonerated ,
and , moreover , their conduct having elicited expressions of commendation from , not only the presiding Judge , but from the vicarious plaintiff , the Attorney-General , it would be incompatible with every principle of ratiocination to suppose that the disciples of these men—those advocates of Peace , law , and order "—should engage ia a physical crusade against the lives or property of their fellowmen . Tne thing is impossible , and its impossibility is evidenced by the Attorney General ' s tearing up of the black ; pages in the " Monstrous -Insict-MENT ! " :
Sir , I heartily rejoice at the result of the trial , as by it the innocent—but once suspected—are not only exculpated—but the cause has received an increased impetus—its lustre is more visible , and we may now joyfully anticipate a complete and permanent triumph over the hosts of despotism . But , Sir , who planned the outbreaks ! Who incited the credulous aud unreflecting to acts of violence ? Who drove the workies from their avocation and locked up their hells { The country have a shrewed guess ; and ! the thin-skinnednoss of Cobden and Co ., on the matter , serves to strengthen the guess , if proof was required .
Surely our triend Duncombe , and those gentlemen in the House , who have given us a specimen of their love of justice , will not only keep the inquiry in motion , but the country will support their exertions by loudly demanding a full investigation into the affair , to the end that justice may find the delinquents in their proper place—not lurking in the dark , " but at her own tribunal . Yours , truly , William Rider , i Leeds , March 16 th , 1843 .
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MANCHESTER . —Money received by Thomas-Davies , for the General Defence Fund : — ; £ s . d . An Old General 0 0 6 A few fine spinners , near Great Ancoats-Btreet ... 1 0 0 Piltingtott 0 10 0 Two friends 0 2 0 Ditto .. ' ~ 0 1 0 D . W ... 0 0 6 A few friends from Marple Q 10 0 James Allen 0 2 0 George Exley 0 7 6 John Hilton 0 16 Newsvenders of Manchester 1 10 3 Winster , [ Derbyshire , per James Jacksoni - 0 3 0 Brownhill and friends 0 3 1 ^ Timothy Booth 0 10 Joseph Ogden 0 10 Isaac Wilson 0 1 0 John Suiton 0 0 6 Charies Horton 0 0 6 Fred . Ogdjm 0 10 By a tailor 0 0 , 6 John Burgess , Hollins Green ... 0 5 0 Thop . Rankiu 0 0 6 A friend- ¦> 0 0 6 Richard Greenwood 0 0 6 Frederick Groves 0 0 6 Daniel Flinn 0 0 6 A . Tweedie 0 0 6 New Zealand 0 10 Thomas Hjfamed 0 0 6 Martha Brown 0 0 6 John Kerwiu 0 0 6 A Foe to Tyranny 0 0 6 W . C . > 0 0 6 William Groecott 0 10
Carpenter ' s Hall . —Two lectures were delivered in the above Hall , on Sunday last , in the afternoon and evening ! , by Mr . Peter Rigby , from Chorley . The lectures I were well attended . oldham . —On Sunday last , Mr , T . Clark delivered a spirited address in the Chartist Room oi this place . The audience listened with great attention till the conclusion of the lecture , although it was almost suffocating , numbers haying to go away who could not gain admittance . On Tuesday , Mr . Peter Rigby lectured in the same place ; his lecture ifave generalisatiefaction .
Malton . —iMr . Brown visited this town , on Saturday last , and on Sunday he gave two excellent discourses on practical Christianity ; aod although the notice was short and the weather unfavourable , he had a good attendance and was well received . For tho future all lecturers must give five clear days ' notice , or otherwise they will not be supported . LONDON ]—Carvers akd Gilders , Bailey's Cop » ee House , New Cokpton-Sxrbbt , Seven Dials . —Mr . j Wheeler lectured here on Monday evening to a respectable audience . The chair was abl occupied by Mr . Hutchins . After the lecture , a discussion took place on the subject of the Corn LawB , in which a veteran Cora Law Repealer
Messrs . Wheeler , Alexander , and other individuals teok part . A library has been established in connection withjthis locality , and it bids fair to become a powerful accession to the Chartist body . Mr . Rujfy Ridlet lectured on Sunday evening « » ?? J ? e ™ UB auditory , at the Working Man's Hall , Mile Eaa Road , and was loudly applauded . Mr . Knight lectured on Monday eveniug to the Chartists meeting at the Flora Tavern , Barnsbury Park , on " Th « Slavery practised by the Milloorate and Mine Owners of this eountry on Men , Women , and Children . " The lecture elioited great approbation , i r
Mr . Bolwell lectured on Sunday evening , at the Mechanic ' s Institution , Circus-street , New Road . The aadien . ee was numerous and fiatbadastic .
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Chartist Hall , 1 , China Walk , Lambeth . — At a meeting of members in this locality , it waa agreed to adopt the remonstrance , to send 6 s . to the Victim Defence Fund , and meet next Tuesday , to consider the subject of exclusive dealing , as the most speedy , agreeable , and certain means of causing the Charter to become tho law of the land . One new member was enrolled . BIRMINGHAM . —White's Defence . —A public meeting , called by placard , was held in the saloon of tha Mechanics' Institute , Great Charles-street . on Tuesday evening last , at seven o ' clock . At the time appointed for commencing business , Mr Thomas Reece was unanimously called to the chair . ' The Chairman opened the business by reading tha
placard , and the address published by Mr . White ' s Committee , and introduced Mr . Wm . smith Lindon to move the first resolution . Mr . Lindon , in a neat and effective address , in which he dwelt onthenn . just measures adopted by the Government respecting the Chartist trials , alluded to the necessity of pro ? curing means to send the necessary witnesses to Warwick to rebut the evidence brought against Mi . White . He then moved ths following resolution » .-J 1 . "That as the misery which now exists in this country results from irresponsible Government , and as it is clear tbat there is no hope of amendment until an effectual change is established , this meetine therefore , resolves to continue the present straggle for liberty , and pledges itself to support the adtocatpa
of justice and equal laws , until the People ' s Charter the only hope of the suffering millions , becomes the ' law of these realms . " Mr . Walter Thorne seconded the resolution . Mr . George White was then called on , and addressed the meeting at great length . He explained his views of the Charter , and stated his determination to end as he bad begun , by standing with his own class , as a whole-hog Chartist . He dwelt at some length on the rottenness of the Whig Corporation of f Birmingham , and after referring to his forthcoming trial , retired amidst loaf cheers . 'The Chairman then pat the reso * lution , which was carried unanimously . Mr £ . P . Mead proposed the second resolution and * passed a high eulogium on Mr . White ' s conduct . The resolution was as follows : —•* That as the case of Mr . George White is inseparably connected with the town of Birmingham , we deem it to be our doty
to exert ourselves to the utmost of our ability , jQ order to enable him to convey the necessary witnesses to Warwick at the ensuing assizes . " Mr , John Mason arose to support the resolution , and was received with loud cheers . He delivered an elegant and spirited address , in his usual fervid style , and laid bare the corrupt system which produces so much misery in society , and called on them to do their duty on that occasion . He was loudly cheered throughout his address . The resolution was then put and unanimously agreed to . On the motion of Mr . John Follows , a vote of thanks and three cheers were given to the Chairman for his praiseworthy conduct . Three cheers were given for Feargua O'Connor , and three for George White , A number of persons afterwards enrolled their names in the Chartist Association , and the meetine separated .
Aston-street Meeting . —Mr . E . P . Mead da * livered a lecture in Aston-street Room , to an attea * tive audience , on Sunday evening last , Mr . Thomas Bates in the chair . The lecture gave general satisfaction . LEEDS . —Mr . Robert Peddie , whose past suffering * , during bis three years' confinement in Baverley Hell , are too well known to require enumeration , is once mpn restored to liberty . Upon his enlargement he immediately resumed bis labours as an agitator , having deli , vered lectures on Chartism in Hall , Bradford , and Leeds . In the latter place he on Saturday evening last , gave a detailed account of his past sufferings during th& long confinement in Beverley prison . In the coarse of the lecture he adverted to the nature of the evidence brought against him , proving from a number of letten and other documents that every witness employed for the purpose of ensuring bis conviction was perjured ia the extreme ; he moreover intimated his intention of
bringing the guilty parties before a fitting tribunal en » charge of gross and wilful perjury , and from the positive nature of the evidence which he advanced in support of bis allegations , be must finally triumph over ~ ab cruel and Inhuman foes . Of the evidence and other matters , connected with his conviction , it Is not requisite now to apeak , as he i ntends to l ay the ent i re facts of the case before the public , through the median or a circular , and , as it will contain ( fn addition to tha particulars of the trial ) a faithful description of the treatment of political offenders , such as he himself experienced at the bands of the authorites ; it must prove a valuable auxiliary to the cause of democracy , in every locality , when Mr . Peddie ' a sufferings have been enumerated . The statements made by Mr . Peddte relative to the treatment of prisoners , and the severity of prison discipline ; are of such a nature , as to merit immediate investigation . In vain do our rulers boast of civil'zttion , and the blessings of Christian charity , it cruelties like these ate to he tolerated in the heart of a
Christian land : not even the fabled honors cf the ancient Inquisition , " with ail Its appendages of gloomy borror , can outweigh the refined cruelties of the present time . Backs and tortures , chains and dungeons , the fire and the faggotthese are said to have been used , when mental darkness enveloped society ; but the present system , though diversified in character , is nevertheless as painfol in cruelty . The tread-mill breaks up the physical constitution as effectually as the rack—the silent cell will engender madness—hunger and wretchedness will insure death as effectually as though administered at tho bauds of the executioner . This Mr . P . dearly demonstrated ; he moreover adverted to the conduct of the magistrates , who , after his conviction , refused to allow him the right of petition , although he had ample evidence to prove his innocence of the charge for which
he stood condemned , aud he was thus cruelly denied the means of petitioning , although jastly and legally entitled to the same ; bat of these things tha public will bear more anon . There is but one way of crushing the power of persecution , and that is by avoiding secrecy , as our worst and greatest fue . Spies and informers , intriguers and political assassins , ma ; attempt to impede the onward progress of democracy ; bat unity , watchfulness , and perseverance , will enable us to survive them alL Mr . Peddie informs me that the Chartists ol Bradford are about to get up : a petition praying Parliament to institute an inqairy touching the conduct of those partieB who witheld from Mr . P . the means of proving his innocence , by refusing him tbe " right of petition . D . BOSS —On Monday , Mr . Peddie gave a similar statement at Hull , to a crowded meeting , at the Freemasons' HalL
Aumley . —On Menday , the 13 th of March , Mr . Koss , of Manchester , gave an interesting lecture on the fallacies of the Corn Law humbug , and tho benefits arising from the People ' s Charter , which was listened to with great attention , and gave great satisfaction . SHEFFIELD . —The Chartist Triumph—Such must be the reading of the late " Chartist Trial" for tbe future , for triumph , and a glorious triumph too , that trial has proved . On Monday evening a crowded mesting was held in the Fig-tree-lane Room , to hear from Mr . Harney an address on . his return from Laucaster . Mr . Briggs was called to the chair . Mr . Harney delivered a lengthy adoress descriptive of the lato . trial , in the course of which he highly lauded the conduct of Mr . Biron Rolfe . at tbe same time paying a just tribute
of admiration to Mr . O'Connor for nia unmatchable services , and to all the rest of his brother defendant * far their unflinching patriotism . Mr . Harney concluded by moving the adoption of the following resolution : — " That this meeting , while upon a former occasion tt Btrongly condemned Lord Abinger for his p « tiz » -antt disgraceful conduet at the Liverpool and Chester Specal Commissious , deem it their duty to express their admiration of the impartial and juBt conduct of Bsk » Rolfe at the late trial at Lancaster , and this meeting expresses ita hope that the noble example sut by tbat Judge will be imitated by all who ocenpj the judicial bench . " Mr . Parkea seconded the tt » solution , which , was unanimously agreed to . M » . Harney movedseconded by Mr . Parkes , the
fallow-, ing resolution , which was also unanimously carried : — " That tbe thanks of this meeting are due , and «» hereby given , to Feargus O'Connor , E « q ., for his splendid defence of the principles of Chartism and hie unequalled labours in behalf of his brother defendant during the late trial ; at the same ti-no , this meeting expresses its thanksto W . P . Roberts , Esq ., for bis «> wearied exertions ia behalf of our persecuted brethren . Mr . Roy ton considered that there were other P 6 * ** wno deserved the thanks of the meeting , and none more BO than Mr . Harney and Mr . Parkes , wbobadnob ^ done their doty and manfully defended the principle of the Charter : he therefore moved , " That tbe ttuwW of this meeting be given to Mr . Julian Harney and Mr . and
Samuel Parkes for their honest , patriotic * , ooorageous conduct as defendants ia the late trial * " » resolution was unanimously adopted . T aanka 1 w * r then voted to the chairman , and the meeting dissolwa ABERDEEN—On Monday evening week , Mr * John Frazer lectured ia the Hall , 38 , Geor « e-9 t «> etf subject , " Industry the only true source . of national prosperity and happiness ; and on Monday lastj ™ ^ Henery lectured on the " Progress of Democracy * both lecturers acquitted themselves highly tau » satisfaction of the audience , and it is but oarejas * tice to say , that , each of them , displayed a deepness of thought and research , very seldom to «» mw with .
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KNABESBOROUGH .-A public mee $ « was held on the 15 th instant , to adopt a potiW to Parliament on machinery , something similar . w the one sent from Leeds- We hope this questwa will become general throughout all the manui » ttinng districts , where the hand-loom weavers nave suffered so much from its effects . The peuwm » be presented to the House by Mr . Fvrrand , and m-Duncombe will be requested to support the prayer of the same . A vote of thanks was given to J » r > Duncombe for his sterling advocacy in the people 8 cause , and likewise for bringing the conduct m Lord Abinger before the public . Mr . Marsh » uj letter on the subject of the allotment system w » read , and the subject will be taken » PaBQ 0 ?| , " middle and working classes at no distant penoa , » we intend to have a public meeting , and get ^ P » memorial to the head * of the town and tne laua owners in particular .
The Northern Stab,. Saturday, March 18, 1843.
Co !Uat≫N'0 Anti ^Fotteflponnentd.
Co ! Uat > n' 0 anti ^ FotTeflponnentd .
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QnSaturaayiOOrniBgjMr . Joseph Mooney , printer , I / ongwDod House , sear Huddersfield . On Snnday , the 32 th inst ., aged 65 , at Bart ' B Terrace , in the suburbs of York , George Wood , Esq ., of Manchester , * nd vf . the ] Pavilion , Scar , borough .
Cjjantet 3entelug;Ence.
CJjantet 3 EntelUg ; ence .
The Strike.
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Northern Star (1837-1852), March 18, 1843, page 4, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct642/page/4/