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A - ¦ — - - - ^==^= = __
_ . j 3LocaI an& ©nural SntiHupttK.
J3anlmtpt& Nrt.
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TEE ill > "I > uP IHE PAST > THE PRESENT , AND THE FUTURE . vjeeioTti c ? mmd , Erst gift of God to man , «• . hail thy pTojpess as & light a far ; Borse through ti 6 n ^^ prejudice and doubt , Ilioa art t » o » a beacon and a star ! T ^ dondB of ignorance hare ah&dow'd o ' er ffiib & **** gloom the eye * , and souls of men ; ind tbej nave wander"d in the maze of sin , r ^ p jBS for truth in error ' s deepest den . 1 3 is ^? e hiTe they ma 4 e , and raia'd aloft , tad power , and strength have given onto it ; 43 d writ it Kj > g in blood and orphan * ' tears . Hen tsve they fallen down , and -worship ed it . ' per their own # hoaMers hare they form'd the lash ; foi iteir own limbs bare forged the galling chain ; ' On their own nt-eks bare plac ed the despot ' s heel ; On their brows bare bnrnt the mark of Cain . And vty ? In ignorance men toil'd and bled , — froth , acd her shUr Tirtue , were unknown ; por slaves aud parasite * had feanisbed them , ^ d plsoed the demon vices on their throne , Knowledge * nd wisdom mock'd and langb'd to scorn , fied far awayto more congenial spheres ; pall , brutish Tics asurp"d their chosen seats , &nd accels skh'd for man , and naonra'd in tears . ' Then despots rriumph'd and rrjoie'd , and thought , Firmly secured , anri stfs , their ill-got power ; For ignorance ard Tioe are royal piLars—Dccrlre * of them few thrones conld stand an honr .
T * rn did the cry g 0 forth— " Bow do ^ rn the bead , Fp « ak , ££ >* move , lire , and think S 3 &r- direct ; Far we were rcsde fcy God to rale , —an . l ye , — To £ eSct , bleed , and minister respect . " i . Bd Bsaons bow'd , and sin , pall-like , o'er spread The world ; the mind * and souls of men shrunk np IStt parchment scrolls before a burning ftinife , 4 ud sll-o ' e : flowing seem'd man " * bitter cap . £ n : d 3 ou , oh God . ' had ' st pity on mankind , pros thy bright seat on high thon saw ' at their woe , _ iB 3 bore sent down to sooth their drooping hearts , To amiEste the good , to raise the low .
jjjgn Hie a brilliant star through gloom of night , qjom forth fair troth to the bright world : £ si fflacy gszed witb lore upon it , Izi smght it long , through clouds and tempesta wbir : "d-&od tjnztB strove to qofncfe its lirht in blood , &n $ msde it death to gtz $ npon its sign , Bat shone it brighter , parer , loTelier . ' . iud men and nations worship ed at its shrine , The low down-trodden serf , whoee life had been One scese of misery , want , and woe ; Yi . ' . uew emotion ! thrilling through his frame , As tis soul wana'd with its celestial glow .
He looked above , and saw the heaTens bright ; Be looked around , and saw all nature ray ; Mm , only man , of all the works of GtxJ , Seemed to the worst of ills an hopeless pTey . ' And why is this ? " — he then would ask his heart—* ' Are men for ever doom'd to toil and bleed , For DMe-born courtiers , and kingly knaves , And weep , and monra in wo © , and want , and need . ' " Ana * fcii heart answered— " No ; mankind shall rise , And brat tbe image they have bow'd before . Alec kcew sot yet their strength , but thought goes forth , Ajh 3 ai a mighty tide ahall it past empires o'er . "
Baise tip yonr eyes , ye lowly ones ; look up ! And Tit * - the coming fi ^ fct ; your miseries , yoar woes Arr registered in Heaven ; each tear ye drop , Aj molten lead , shall pour down on your foes . And not a * feh bat shall be meted back , In bresth of Same to your oppressors' lips ; For mankind think , and dream npon their wrongs , And truth beams brighter far its long eclipse . Tei , mer are thinting ; God T > e thanked they thint ; Oh what a glorious world this earth will be , In m-. s y ~* . t « come , the mind nntrannnel'd , Hi » faca ' . tiec , Ms will , his actions free ! The eye grows dim before the golden beams , Which halo round the future to the mind , The heart exalts and bounds with hidden glee , And ioj corns * robbing as a sadden wind .
wisdom comes down <> Bce more to bl&ss mankind , Tir » e and Truth descend to earth a « m ; Asd nations with one utterance chorus forth , — Gissrj to God on high , and peace to men . » & April , 1843 . ¥ . M . F
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Ttt " Old King" has this week come out more this ora ' msrily warm ; and who can wonder at it ? The nucalled-for seTerity jtS ; c : ed npon the f « Bu 3 e prisoners who are entomKfd alive in the "Qj-en ' s Prison" has aron ? ed hi 3 sensitive rrind 10 the qnick , and has led him to read tie Home Secretary a lesson before which even the birdinood of a Cumberland baronet must quail . We should rot have considered that we had done Mr . Oastler a = tice had we overlooked this letter : —
TO THE RIGHT EON . SIR JAMES GRAHAM , BiilT ., M . P ., HER MAJESTY'S PRINCIPAL SECRETARY OF STATE FOB THE HOME DEPARTMENT . S ; i , —If eyer I desired to obtain yonr serious and nndiTide > i attention , and that of my readers , it is now . 1 am cal > ed to witoeas that at which my heart recoilstie pr&gr&ss of unconstitutional tyranny ; or , as the Hioterc phrase terms it , of " liberal and enlightened princij \« . " I Trill not be a sDtnt spectator—it nerer wa my habit to keep secret the tale of wretchedness . Ib * TB not fear&d to grapple with the oppressor , of * k > te-m raik , nor will I spare the tyrant now , though be Ve soaring ' ¦ in the highest regions of the political Umospbere . '
Tel ! Be n »{ that you are not responsible—that " the "Sr * Rates of thia prison are laid upon the table of the H' « e , " that you may be sheltered by the sanction of ^ MBajEecJ . Through yonr owe seeki-g , you aave been * &nud to tfce office of Keeper here— -what you propose , it a certain , owing to the great power of Ministers , «* "tbsBonW will pass . Hence , Sir , I hold you percBiHy , indrridnally [ -. nd constitutionally ] respon-BDis r and , unlike Mr . cobdz >" , I w , U not eat my wortu . jjjg higtQrj , of my conttry famishes me witb WEsij instances of the " fact to doubt the power ' of Cc-aatutional principle when even the highest officers of 5-ait trsisgress . It ia high time to speak out—rUecce would w > w be era ; iE » L
Y"n know that under the sanction of law we purttasd tte priTQfges of the Fleet or the Ber . ch . as the ttfc may bsve bets—you know that by la » we were ¦* " *« the luardiansbip of the J'jr '^ ea . Y ^ v have per-^ *< 5 Pjrli » ment , b 5 rttiinii-s Xbc purchase-money , to-OKraud us of the price of our comparative liberty , j fcift you bave torn us from the protection of the scges , asd transferred , nay , doomed ua to your own fcejing . 1 v ! ^ - - or tenths witnessed the ir' n preparations ° ^ t ee : rfii c'jcn of your tyracny—we now see the ° T ^ - . Bg tf yenr relzn cf lerroi . ! be
Y ^ -a erue difportion sLtll cot u , d » il ? cd withou t ^ - ¦ of , tfcengh yoc have selected a prison for the expe-J—aJt The unhrly rite * cf Infidelity , as they are per-P ^ * « this temple , shall be detailed—Er . glii . fi shall r " * * unjust , cruel , zni UBman ^ y the Boise Secret 7 l 0 B H'gh Priest , can prove himself . 1 do bo : kuowthat I -was ever before so much shocked " * bfcn y «* -fcrday . I 8 m writing on the 1 st of May . 1 I :,. '' eff : C ' J of PU ' ofophy i . e . Infidelity , fcibibited n j . u prisr . a . Ob th =: day , for the flrst time , tbe female prisoners , «^ tsd by their fem al e qooI * t is your ttrm is ) , were ^ Med , oedtr the && of a crowd of men , to and from
Tbfy w £ re let out from their close , cor . £ i * d yard , and ' * n >< 5-3 tniy ufhertd into the presence of tbe es > g ^ cser * tbs-y -srai ^ ed v : iTC v _ ar : j - ^ ere aftt-rwards tt , ' ? ^ FEin to LArT G 2-HAS S ^ ::: nrry , there v' ! l . tii - P till n-xt iuL .-l-r . ' T * .- ? tua -was .-hining -Jj a : fj— : t ~ broiri fri :. t caVi ^ a ? was ii ^ . tir . g—tbe i ^^ « Ba 1 -ly rfcfrt-.-hirg TI-. pj-srerr j > -: i ; .: ufcd to ter "'" J " ¦ ' ?« eTj ... jed " . j tbe : n " n , it- p-n ^ ilci ; es of Z ^ " ^ " r—pnvVrges Ijt -Kh ' . cb thry t- ^ t paid the £ ** Ue law dtiE £ td € c ; t . v .: tbr ^ v « . ie iait ^ ntly ¦ « -: l : o thtdr v ^ i , c ; ... mr tt ' . ^ ff iar' 1- When * * 7 c-f that bc-le -wis tain « J , I w- ^ ed that all tt ^ L < 1 C 0 ttId taTe ftlt ttu pan g wLicb rent my
U / i v ' " F ^ - " ~ e heirt-strins of En-rl-md msy ^¦ "~ ' ~^ . ' STe nr -w , it has T . bij-eu to ¦ & ? own . 1 J ^ a J "itther still th . re be EtiLp ^ h T in the breasts C 7 ^ liLLrj ILtC-if ; v . ; ^^ ^ ' cfcaEgfol . i ^ ^ - *> y vhst rich : you h ' ^ ve Feltcted the fc > ' u *~ . !^ pErt oi ' ^ - : Pt !^* & * tit females , ucd frtiL v ! t ^^ * ' - * - ^ teI 1 tte 7 « ° to VT TctnrI 1 U . V : " ¦ Erch > tfce ? Dkost Lave their feelings ttus iacetettta ^^ f- ^ " Jesl on mcl 1 * measure—a we Ttnich gj TM a cretturt ( and in bnman fom Patte jS *** ^^ Cbe&t > inrolt > BBd de « r&d 8 tte etS ^ f ^ Ow thc * ^ fentIe females walk from the thoB kht * yM * ' * e ftmile f ^^ "" followin 8 ' J « aiafcw * t " * .. * tindred-my mother , or siBters , * ae » « mlj « hcn ! d be justified in wreaking Tecget ^^^ who had irflicted such wtooe . When tbe
£ zT > c « n » t ^^ office , I conld not restrain my ir > thfr i ^ v- ^^ T 6 Et to i : - x soleic iiiy WEjn ytu—I , > t w V C < lrtd :-I » -i « ic * Acu its bour . da . oc * T * l ~ Ti '~ ' ime ^ c * I tarce to jjri > L , B . I observed th » 2 ^*~' Ltetr t frcra ch ^ ch . Sh ^ Ls enVan glrd ic tora ^ j ' t' ! , ° Cha ^ ctry , ard ha ? been e » 1 &m ii .-' * -Ve years cctfineii ;—she EieaJkB \ o no oi ^ e .
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The TTonrs she ha' 5 : if ^ -- : ;; ? -, ; .- ? .- , * . -i ; i Kfr Lt-i'I arair ^ t ma : ki n . J'u : : h 1- : ' . i . ^ -: i rci'n ! , r m htr attendance at charcb . she nn- ' i b-. ^ n coyt : nt a' ? h < - Lord ' s Tab ' e ; iAcre setnud ber only comf-rU Her privations hare often beta unnsuau ' v severe , Sa = is the daughlat of a clergyman , unirupeacbable in her ¦ ¦ character , and otherwise respectably cuntec' ^ . A sore proper objeci of sympathy and kindness I know not—the more fit . therefore , to be selected as an object on whom to exhibit yonr new system of torture . ] , ' Tntil that day , the SOth of April , ) she bad formed ' , one of the congregation witb vrh " m , for years , I hud \ worshipped in piiaon . She could not endure the iu- ;
dignity which your " ] S " ew Rules" iiupot ^ d—she re-. mained in bsr cell , as did three others , -who , since I ca ^ e to this place , have always attended church . 1 > o honours the -world can ^ ive will be to yon a ' recompense for tbe curse your crirae ensures . j The privations yon have now ii flicted on tbe unhappy inhabitants of Lady GRaHam s Nunnery , are i greater than those t-j which the f < . aiile felous in New- gate are subject . If you are aware of their condition , j and persist in continuing your harsh regulations , you j have not tbe heart of 3 man . The feJuE * in Newgate are provided with the necessaries of life , but tbe female prisoners here are debarred that sort of communication , without which they are unable to provide : for themselves
If I could but make my readers sensible of the agonies of mind , the undeserved tortures , which your " New Rules" have already occasioDed to the unhappy female prisoners , isowe of them as unoffending as tbey are defenctleja , ) and which is most lLbely to issue in » 3 ' 3 d&ss or pr-. miture deith , I am sure that a voiea would be rai-ed from every corner of tbe ' and where woman is bei ^ nred ard beloved—a cry t > at Would be echoed in th-. Queen's P . ilace . Thtn , be who bail bean the atthor tf ± 0 much wanton injustice and cmtlty towards some of the weakest and worthiest of ber ilsjpsty ' s sufj ^ cts , would ft-bl tbe weight of Royal displeasure , and evtr after carefully bide himself frum tbe gaze of
man-It has been the habit of my life to rsiso my voice in defence of the innocent , the helpless , the oppressed . I cannot be silent bera Depend upon it , Sir , you are hastening the ci-isis—you are paving tbe way to your own fail—you are teTeproviding a fulcrum on which I can rest a lever that will be your overthrow . Strong as the Government may be , Justice is stronger . I am not dismayed . My body only is in prison;—at no former period of my life baa the influence of my pen produced bo great an effect on public opinion . Be warned in time ; repent , restore to these poor female prisoners the rights , tbe pnrch * $ ed rights , of which you have harshly and unjust-ly depuved them . Perhaps you will be regardless of my Wiiming , as Wt _ re your predecessors . They despised the day of small thing *—they langbtd at tie little factory-cloud , which , twelve years ago , hovered over Fix by , no larger than a mans h ^ nd . They went on , and are punished .
If , like them , you turn a deaf ear to the vcice of warning , in their fcii tod may Bee pour fate . The fax : tories and the bastilts were their graves—Ladj Graham ' s nunnery will be yours . I am told that these brutal wrongs on the female prisoners were suggested by a clergyman ; If it be so , well may tbe church be in danger , not so much , however , from her open enemies us from such clergymen . Oace more I appeal to you . F-incy that your wife and daughters , being innocent , having been deprived of tbeir purchased rights , were pent up in that offensive yard—shut out from air and exercise—unable without personal degradation to attend the House of God . Remember who bath said—" All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you , do ye even so to them , for this is tbe . aw and tbe prophet *"' Do that , Sir , and when you are again tempted , follow the exa » ple of CHHisT , who said toyeur tempter ' s master" GET THEE BEHISDME . SaIA . V "
Having detained you so long on these prison matters , perhaps yon would be g ! aii if I change the subject £ xcnse me . There is another point on which I will discbarge my conscience . I must be plain , and speak in language benttin « tbe feelings of my heart . Ere now , I have wept for others' wrongs and sufferings , and have strove for redrew—I hafe a claim on Christian Bympathy—I will assert that c ! a : m . I am a married man . I am told , on good authority , that tbe " New Rules , '' which , I sm informed , have bern drawn up by a clergyman and pdotted hy you ,
wi ' . l Tery shortly be enforced , and that they tri I sepa rate mx * n and wife . I sni led to expect that tbit ilHiction of unbearable tyr&ni-j—that outrage upon Christianity—that unendurable torture , will shortly fall » pon myself . 1 shall not envy yon , Sir , even then . It may be that this rule has aforetime been enforced If » o , it is obselete , because of its brutality . Since I was a prisoner , Mrs . Oastlee has never been refused admission and residence , nor has the wife of any other prisoner , to my knowledge —» be only condition imposed being propriety of conduct .
A clergyman , ( not that one who has drawn out my divorce , but still a clergyman of the Established Cburch ; wbo is called tbe aine > aasad » r of tbe living G- > d , once declared at the Altar , in the name of bis Divine Master . respt-eUns MaRT and RlCHABD OaSTLEB— " THOSE WHOM GOD HATH JOINED TOGETHER LET NO MAN PUT ASUNDER . " He was q-iite serious upon that occasion—I was serious tos—so was my wifa Tw . eity-rix 7 Psr ? have TatiSed that dted—many trials have sacct ; iiei i- It shall not be aeedlt-ss'lj ' nmlified . Recollect , that God Eaccticr . ed , and the Church sealed that contract . That was not cue of your modern liberalizid " unions "—thai was a church marriage , s ^ emrizrd by a religious ri e . Qo <\ has declared that
mar , snail not bre ^ k that b ' -nd . If ytu dare to do so , I warn you , I warn you rrtott soi < -niily If you are invested with a rower to tear my wife from me— THAT POWEK IS SOT OF GOD . As his fo'lower I am buund to protest af ainst it . Most solemnly , in His name , I do . Before God and HU Church 1 ba- ? e vowed that " D- ^ alh alone shall part us . " G > J an the Church have sanctioned that vow , and prcuounotd that we be man a » d wife " TOGETHER "— " to remain in perfect fere and peace TOGETHER , and live according to HU / airs "— " u > to live TOGETHER t « this life , that in the world to come tee may have life everlasting . " Mark , "Together , ' not separate— " together according to God ' s laws . " Will you dare , by a prison-rule , at tbe ics'aEce of a clergyman , to break tbe law of God ? Recollect , Sir , debtors are
not criminals . Bclhink you of thoEe righteous " , holy sayings—of the authority of tbe Gburcb . They were not spoken in j-rt ; they are linked to the fiDP « t and holiest principles—to tbe strongest tiv . 8 and feelings of nature . They are net sport ; nor will it be sport if they are ruthlessly invadrd . There is a point beyond which " passive obedience would he criminal . Be careful not to reach that puint . Tea have sometimes professed » strong attachment to the Church of Engbnd—how then dare j on issue an order to sever her strongest , her holiest tits ?
" Well , theu , if a DEHOX 'man is foibiuden to do it ; God ' s own -words are— " L ; ' . r . o Mas pit annnitr ') — f say , Sir , ifaDEMO > " , in tbe custume cf a clergyman , has dared to Ldvise you to be the i c strum en t of separating mt from my wife , iX j-i / n listtn to that suggestion if Satm , you will b ^ ve given can&e of quarrel , personal quarrel , between me end yourself , the cotsequcDcts cf which I will not predict . The Constitution , will furnish me the means to n , ah . tain tbe strife , j If tbe prtn . iture death of my wife bbould follow cur J forced separation , ( as in btr feeble state may be ' expected , ) on your bead her blood will Test , and you will answer for it . 1
I will Bsy nothirg now about wrenching from me a j right I hii-re puTcbated—ftT " which ibe State has received the price . I will r ^ t low plead , tbut which ' is truth , ths . 1 I have not the means of maintaining my I wife out of this prison , separate fr' > m myself . No , Sir , j th < -B .- are fco'x niinor affairs . Bnt I will remind you that ; G : J has : > -ibiad « n I shMiVi quiescently submit to that unchristian , unnatural , barte ^ us act of -wanton tyranny . I If what I have h-rcin said be a lib + 1 against tbe Inw , ] that law iB a libel against God—an outrage upon nature > no iuch law can be of force in a " Christian land . ' j
Who is az . jrrifc . ved by Mrs- Oastler'S residence with me ?—who is inconvenienced thereby ?—who is « ven j anuoyed by her presence here ? No one- I appeal to j every prisoner , to every officer . No charge can be j brought against hf-r . Do « s the public suffer thereby ?— ' is her resuitnee here any cost to tbe state ?—No . Then : why this wonted ont ^ e on onr feeliuss . ' —this tramp- ling on tbe k «> of God and wan ? "Why !—I will tell you . To make way for the advance of ltfidel principles j —to promote the establishment of Ctntralizi ' . ion , the ; grtst bone of Ec ^' snd . j At prcse t 1 -sti'il leave you Brlemnly to ponder over these f- ~ c » s Place y urse : f in my situation—let LaDT Graham ' "" - su ^ jrC * ., in yonr imag ' nation , to be torn from you bj me , an I say , " Would your arm bestaycu ?" R * n .-niber & < aiE the words of Him who will be your Jc-ig _ - acd rr . in-- — "AD thir . gB -whatsoever ye wuu ! u i that . men -l-ould r . o to you , viu you even so to tbeui . " .
T ; - !§ crs v-huas ; is coninii ^ sioned > force n : y wife frcm ice , may ** <> it - !»; tb in : punity—rt ^ porsibilitv rests in a higher quart- ' . Is it to improve the morals cf the pris . " : = ra thai w , t <_ s are to be excluded ? Monstrous ! _ i I can easily conceive that a Gover nient which j favoured morality wonld rtiher enc .-umpe tht residtuce ; of t ; v < _ i in debtors' prisocs than forbid it Is it then j for th * er j . ur . UhsaFnt cn-y that y « u -would tbus outrage evuy religious , moral , and eocisJ feeling ? The safe cuitcuy of the debtor ' s perern is all that the law de . rr .. i > nd £ —our puniihm'nt is not p : ir : of t ! e law ' s office . ; But if eo it must be , I am not Eorry that I am called to feel the iron of Infidelity pitxeing my csm bouI , ; icasHinch as I shall be sb ' e more feelingly to sympa- ! tbise with the victims of tyrur . ny , and more efficiently j to plead their cause . —— — ¦ I hs . d intended that this letter should haTe conveyed to you ray thoughts on your Education scheme . The j remaining space is too small for tbe consideration of i that most important subject I will , therefore , occupy . it with a few obaerr&ti < rns on the clauses in your F ^ ctory Bill , on which I bad not space to remark in my ! last . ' \ I perceive , by tbe secend clauEe in that Bill , that you have entirely exempted " the manufacture of lace , bleaching , printing , end calendering" from its operation . These exemptions aie uijuBt You know them to be so . The R-pcrts of yi-ur own CommUsiontiB t £ im th . e neceEE : 'y for their introduction . Then why ,
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-r . p * t ! i ' -p . ? y u Va . ' ^ " that y"nr reason the p .-v . vrfu" ; i t ¦ - s . of r ' r . v rrh capftai-stS' . n ^ nL ' ^ din tho > 3 wotks . Y n huT ? tbu-- permitted wrs'lb to trample npon just . ce—you huva « iven a ver iint rgjinst evidence—you have iu "; ed , that money shall buy the li * w . Argument is unntcepsary—you know that tbe facts are as I have stated . Do you hope tbus to satisfy Eiiu-1-irul . Christian England 1 Ah , sir , you are but a schoolboy in your office 1 Clause 11 th gives the power in water mills to work np lost time . That is orjusL The owners have a vested interest in their property , but not in tbe lives of the factory children . Their property is liable to fluctuate in value fey floods or drought—it is not just to injure the children in order to give greater value to water-mills . Clause 13 th—The times fer meals should vary to suit the customs and babita of different districts and diffcrem countries—Scotland and England to wit .
Clause 23 rd— "Wages should be paid to tbe operative during his confinement from woik occasioned by accidents ; so also Bbould tbe doctor ' s bill be paid by the employer . Clmse 30 tb—There is no limit to the number of sub-inspectors ; Thus a wide door is open for patronage . The whole scheme of inspection Is unconstitutional—to prescribe 00 limit to the number of sub-inspectors is most danperona . Clause 40 tb—The degree of relationship between the magistrate and mill-owners should be extended—i . e . father-in-law , Bon-in-la-w , ate Those magistrates should be excluded from all interference under this Act Clause 43 rd— Children should not be taxed with the payment of the surgeon ' s certificates .
Clause 49 ' . h—This is u vsanton fraud upon the children . Having once paid for the surgeon ' s certificate , surely it bternes the child ' s own property , in which he has a vesied right , Ic is manifestly unjust to require tbe child ataln to submit to a tax on changing bia place ot iab ' . mr . Clause 107 r -h , as it opp ^ ar 8 to > gives a license in very large concerns to break the law almost with impunity . The gain in such huge mills might exceed the penalty . After the third offence imprisonment should be awarded . Let these observations suffice , but remembei , no Factory Act which includes tbe system of Belays can ever answer the ( benevolent purposes of Michael Thomas Sadler ; nor can any such Act be productive of that amelioration in the condition of the working classes wbicb the factory people defttive ;—nay , such an Act will bs an aggravation of tbe evil it is intended to remove
Delay as much as you choose—pervert , prevaricate , and perplex as you will—nothing is more certain , tnan that to hare efficient law on this Buhjtct , y « u ma . st adhere te simplicity— TO ue efficient , O > £ OF TWO PRINCIPLES ML' 3 I BE ADOPTED — EITHER THE IMPRISONMENT O » OKFE ? iDEllS , OR THE SUSPENSION OF THE OPERATIOKS OF THE MOTIhG POWER . How niany raore years shall be lost in tbe contest between Trnth and Wealth , between Justice and Covetousness ? It is for you , not me , to answer that question .
I will , in my next , if I have opportunity , discuss tbe subject of Education as propounded in your Bill , premising that a useful national education n > ust have reference to the body as well as the mind—to tbe physical , as well as tbe mental devetopement . And also , that such education ought to be accompanied by the prevision of proper , useful , and profitable employment to the instructed in after life . If you educate 1 , 000 children in factory labour , yon must be careful that there shall afterwards be profitable and regular employment for all those children in their adolescence , else of what use is that part of their education ?
If , after providing l 000 factory labourers , you only provide employment for 500 , tbe result will evidently be , that the unemployed , after pressing down the prices of factory labour to the lowest pitch , will be forced into other employments , honest or otherwise , aa tbe case may be ; tbus disorganising society , preventing prosperity , and proving that their factory education was a national evil . Such a state may , for a time , answer very well far a few large houses—Frea Traders and Anti Corn-Law men—whose harvest will for awhile be most bountiful in that monopoly of misery which produces low wages . If you omit this precaution , your education will , as I conceive , become a national curse instead of a
blessing . I am , youi Victim , ' Richard Oastler . j
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BARNSLEY—A public meeting of the ! weavers ol" Barnsley was convened on May-day ; Green , on Monday , to give efficiency to a strike of j tick-wesvers of Messrs . Haxworth , CarneDy , and Co ., they having offered and still are persisting in reducing the wages of that fabric about three ehil- j lings in the pound ; Mr . Richard Taylor was called 1 to the chair . The first resolution was moved by ! Mr . Frank Mirfield , seconded by John Shaw , and I carried . It was " That it is opinios of 'this meeting thav the attempt made by Messrs . Haxworth and Co . to reduce the piice o ? tick weaving is unjust and cruel id the extreme , and highly injurious to both
masters and workmen , as reductions of this kind are in general followed by a more than corresponding reducement in the manufactured article , thereby reducing the profits of the former and increasing the privations of the latter , who , -with the present rate of wages when fully employed , are scarcely able to procure a scanty subsistence , and are daily pinking lower and lower in misery and destitution . " Proposed by John Grimshaw , seconded by Robert Garbut , " Tnat this meeting is of opinion , that it is their bounden duty to use their ntmosi exertions to prevent the off-red reducement in tbe prices of tickweavim : and to maintain the present rate of wages as stated in the manufacturers' arranged list . " A vote was then given to the chairman , and the meeting quietly separated .
CARLISLE . —anticipated Election fob the Bobucgh . —A jumour is afloat tbat William James , Etq ., M . P . for the Eastern Division of this county , is about to leave this country tor France , and that be intends giving up bis seat for Cumberland . In this case sn election will take place , and it is said that P . H . Howard , Esq ., M . P . for the Borough , retires from it , to coutest the county . The desire of Mr . Howard to retire from the representation of Carlisle arise ? , we are told , from the great annoyance which be has met w . ith irom the Anti-Corn Law party , who have lately been badgering him to support Mr . Vihiers ' s mo ion for a total repeal of the Corn-Laws , to which , we believe , he is wholly opposed . Should an election take place , tho Anti-Corn Law party intend bringing forward either Col . Thompson or Mr . Bright-
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Lady Franks has made an abatement of 20 per cent , to the occupying tenants on her estate in the county of Kerry , to enable them to meet the present agricuhural depression . Galway . —Two boats aud their erewp , coming from CoiiDemara to Galway , sunk ; the one at Furbourgh , the other at Spiddle , when all hands perished . On the wro > g side of Forty . —We notice that the House io always adjourned unless there are forty members present . Is noi this uunober on a most suspicious parallel with that of the Forty Thieves 1 A VRotPhRoxrs Measure . —A startling fact was annouEced at the mating of the Poor Law guardians at Cork \ &n Monday—that they were £ 30 , 000 in debt , £ 10 , 000 ot which was due to thvir treasurer ; the fact being that the collectors cannot get in the tax .
Law of Bastardy . —At the late Devon Sessions for tms county , an order of affiliation was refused , on tbe ground that tbe mother had fire pounds in the SaviBgs' Bank when she went into the workhouse , which had not yet been spent , The Court held that the child had not become chargeable "by reas-n of tbe ability of the mother to maintain it . ''—Devonport Independent . Beetles . —Dr . Horner , of Hull , recommended patatoes and arsenic as the most effectual means for the destruction of beetles . We have tried it in our house wuh the most triumphant success ; and nojr , I may say , we have cot one . This ci-r'a : i ! y is " asecret worth knowing ; '' ann 1 thercibit : ^ pt-ak it advisedly , wbtn I add , prolfiitutn at .
A regretfvl resuU of iV" opening of t'no Taiiioad at Wellington , was exper ' tneed in this iown on Monday last , in thp dircbafgp from th- ; r employment ot about eighty individuals , consisting of assistant clerk ? , porUrs , oilers , and drivers , until then occupied in the various coach and other conveyances from the western parts of this county and Devon , —Taunton Courier . Is ' i . wLY-MARRiED Ladi £ S . —It has been said that many youiig ladies , for tit first year aHer marriage , can never Icok at one of tbe : r own s-ex without a peculiar sort of expression en their conntenauce of a compassionate curiusity , arising cut of a conscious superiority , as much as to say , " Aw you a married woman 1 or if you are not "—Harry Mowbrag .
Limerick . —Dr . White , inspector-general of prisons , in the report of his inspection , describes the six bridewells of this county , viz ., Glin , Newcastle , Rathkeale , Kilfinan , Croom , and Bruff , to be the worst he has seen in any county of the south of Ireland ! They are old buildings , Em&ll in proportions , damp , cold , insecure , and badly ventilated , without proper furniture . Of the six , Newcastle and Rathkeale are , it appears , comparatively tbe worst in every respect . The Quefn ' s Visit to 1 beiai < d . —The Dublin Mercantile Adverhzer fi .-ys : — "An official intimation ha > bi en received respecting the contemp lated vi .-it of the Queen and htr illustrious consort to this country in the course of the ensuing summer . Orders for certain arrallotments connected ™^ the royal vitit ha > c bwtn iecemd at the Castle .
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A Noble Employer— T-i- Marquis of Ex-. Vr , on . " ruiuriLy i i ^ r ., iv . duo , < i '•; -. ¦ Io p-r cent , thu warts 0 . ' ' .-ill the ivorKKKT and labourers in hi * em . >!« y at at Buivhb'y and the other es ' . i ^ s of his Lordship . Tne plea is , t . iat . the reduction is to meet the Inoomo Tax on the one hand , and the reduced price of provisions on tho other , 'f no savina to Lord Exeter , it is stated , will be £ 500 a year . —Stamford Mercury . Imperial Presents . —The presents which have been sent to Queen Victoria from the Emperor of China consiso of golden bedsteads and a quantity of silk of 3 sort which has never yet been seen in Europe . There was likewise two ear-dropa Rvrth £ 1 , 000 each ; and a shawl worked ia lieed ' le work , with every kind of beast on it known to the Chinese ; besides 14 large cases , each weighing 14 cwt , and a small box of jewellery .
A Deccnt Fortune . —We are assured , upon what we consider a good authority , that th « head of tbe Arkwnght family , who has just departed this life in ma 86 " ih year , has left behind him a fortune quite unparalleled in the annals of ancient or modern accumulation . To each of his tons he gives a million and a half , besides £ 40 , 000 a-year ia land , which goes to the eldest sen ; and , to each of his fifty-one grandchildren , and great grandchildren , £ 14 , 000 , —making £ 700 , 000 more , for this single item . We take it lor granted that tho daughters , one of whom ia the - ady ' of the Vice-Chancellor , Sir James Wigram , are not left wholly unprovided for , but we are not yet informed whether they have one , two , or three hundred thousand pounds a-piece .
Brutal Mukder of a Magistrate . —The Leinster Express gives the following horrifying particulars of one of those shocking murders which are disgracefully characteristic of the southern parts of Ireland : — " On Thursday night last as John Gatcheli , Esq ., of Coolr / jeg-jn , a magistrate of the King's County , was returning home from the Rev . Mr . Rid ^ 'eway ' d , of CJoDbmiogud , where he had been dining , he was waylaid at ( Jlonad , and brutally murdered . His body was found next morning on the aide of the Toad , with his ribs completely beaten in , aud his throat out , and mangled in a shocking manner , but up to the time inform-ition was received at obt office it had not been ascertained whether by bulletR or by a blunt cutting instrument . No clue has yet been ascertained as to the perpetrators of this horrid crime . "
Dreadful . Accident on the Brussels and Liege Railway . —Brussels , May 4 . —A dreadful accident happened yesterday on the railway . When the train which left Liege at half-past seven in the morning was near to Landen , two guards who were in a waggon carrying light goods , tho second in the train , saw the carriage full of smoke . They removed the parcels in order to discover the cause of the fire , when the flames burst forth , on which they gave tho signal to stop . Most of the passengers , hearing the sound of the whistle , looked out of the windows , when a violent flame , driven by the wind , seemed to touch tho carriages . Two passengers and two guards preserving their presence of mind , held the doors fast , to prevent any person from getting out .
In a few seconds the train stopped , the waggon that was on fire was detached , and all tho passengers alighted . Fourteen passengers and a guard were killed . Some linen was at hand , and the wounds were dressed as well as circumstances would allow . The most severely wounded were sent back in the carriage to Liege . Some were able to proceed on their journey . The cause of the fire is at present unknown , but the inconceivable rapidity with which the flame spread gives reason to suppose that some bottle or jar of highly inflammable spirit was broken , and that it communicated with the fire of tho engine . It is remarkable that the sufferers by this disaster were victims to the first impulse of fear , for all those who kept their seats escaped without injury .
" Good Health is one of the greatest blessings in human life ; without it , success in any undertaking must be of doubtful issue , and at best cannot be secured with pleasure . To thoao of sedentary habits , and whose employment is necessarily more of a mental than of a physical nature , good health although seldom possessed by them is nevertheless an almost indispensable requisite . Some constitutions and dispositions require an active uso of tho muscles of the body ; deny them this , and nature resents the offence by sinking into melancholy aud repiningmental vigour and elasticity droops and
ducayshope dies , and frequently a premature and rash death is chosen rather than life . Students , teachers , clergy-Hen , and others , whoae care and moot anxious thought is constantly being called forth , can hope for but little pleasure in their high and important undertaking ? , unless seconded by a proper buoyancy of spirit and vigour of mind . To secure this , then , becomes the first consideration of every individual ; and the fine balsamic preparation , Parr ' s Life Pilla , of all medicines , is without dispute the best calculated to produce a fine flow of animal spirits , a clear head , and a ready perception . "
Robbery and Murder at Bury . —We regret to have to record a murder which has paused a great sensation in this neighbourhood , having been perpetrated apparently for the saki of robbing the poor victim of some money , which he had incautiously displayed . This murder was discovered about haltpast six o ' clock on the morning of Thursday Ia- "t , by two labouring men , who were going along- a sort of footpath , by or through a gravel pit , in some waste ground , lying between the back of the New Market and the now Catholic Chapel , Bury . The men were passing along when , 011 looking a little on 0110 side , in a retired spot , near a hedfco which bounds some gardens , they saw an old man lying on the ground without his hat , and on going up to him found
that he had evidently heen treated with great violence , for his face and head were cut and bruised , and hie face was lywg closo to the ground in a small pool of blood . His lm was stuck on the thorn hedge near which he was lying . The men immediately hastened towards the New Market , and there seeing Sergeant Shiel , of the county constabulary force stationed at Bury , they called to him , and he accompanied them to the spot . He found the old man lying as the men first saw him , on hia face and left side ; his feot towards the hedge , and his right breeches pocket turned inside out . Tne Sergeant turned the bod y face upwards , and then saw the pool of blood in which tho face had been lying , and which appeared to hare flawed from the nose . The right
breeches pocket had been forcibly torn out . His hat , as we have said , was on the top of the hedge ; it was stained with blood , and in it were some pieces of bread and cheese , and a red worsted comfortable . In his coat pocket were two papers containing salves , and a large claBp knife , su « h as is used by country people . When the body was removed , Sergeant Sheil found beneath it an empty calico bag or pur . se with the tape strings undrawn , and an empty black bottle which had apparently contained some cattle medicine . At a little distance from him , oa the ground , was lying a roll of diachylon plaster , crushed il » t . Near him , on the ground , was a white handled pocket knife , with two blades , one a Wharncliffd , and the other a pen blade . The
deceased wore a red cotton neckcloth , and between it and the neck was found a broken thorn twi < c , with two point's upon it , which had pierced the skin . The thorn hedge near where tho old man was lying was splashed wi : h blood , and was very much broken , a number of twigs having been snapped off , and the whole hedge presenting the appearance of a violent struggle , in which gome person had been forcibly pushed or thrown upon the hedge . The ground was also much trampled , as if several men had been treading about the spot in various directions . Sergeant Sheil left the two men to watch the body while he proceeded to tho house of Mr . John Foster , aurgeon , Union-pquare , who followed him to the place , and under his inspection the body , which he was of
opinion had been dead some hours , was removed to the house of Mr . Wright Greenhaugh , the Gray Mare public-house , near the New Market , where it now lies . As soon as tho body had been conveyed to the public-house , Sergeant Sheil reported the supposed murder at the police-office , and Mr . Superintendent Henshall , Inspector Hemer , Sergeaut Shiel , and other officers were promptly and actively engaged in investigating the matter . The deceased was soon recognized as a small farmer and cattle doctor , named James Heywood , redding at Simister Hail , Sirnister-lane , Unsworth , in the townshiip of Pilkington , from two to three miles from Bury . The fallowing particulars respecting him we have collected frcm his eldest son and other parties , and
believo they will bo found correct : —The d-ceased was a widower , having two sons and two daughters , all grown up . The sons \ v . "rk on the farm , and the daughters reside with their la'her , who , bisides carrying o-n his farm , practiced as a cow doctor . On monday ' as- * , bei . * g in Bury , he called at the shop of James Rjmsbottom , butcher , Fleet-street , and wanted to sell him a pig . ltanisbottcm declined to buy then , as his wife was from home , but said that it Heywood would come to Bury fair he would give him a " graitily order . " At breakfast on Wednesday morning last , Mr . Hey wood said to his daughter that he thought he shoiild yo to Bury fair , and that he would buy a cow it he saw one he liked . Ha usually kept his money iu a drawer in the parlour , and on Wednesday there was a sum thero in gold and silver , and when information of this robbery and murder reached home this sum was examined , and it
was believed to be deficient of the amount that was there before by £ 11 or £ 12 ; and this sum , it ia therefore tupposed , he took with him to buy a cow , and had it in the purse which was found empty under his body . He had also with him a silver watch , ( maker ' s name Thomas Lee , Bury , No . 302 , ) with a brass chain , to which were appended a brass seal and key . As there was no watch found in his pockets or near him , in all probability this was carried off by the murderers . Among other things th&t were ascertained as tending to throw some light on the transaction , and to furnish some clue to the murder , it transpired that a young man , named James Howarth , had been offering a silver watch for sale at an early honr on Thursday morning . Tho watch answered the description of that belonging to the tit ceased , and of course due search was made for Howarth , but , it was found that he had absconded . He is a weaver or a blacksmith .
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T ; if . " La ^ 'Casimk 1 : Ji : w Olttj . t-je I — A man in DuJsrs on E' - < : er S-. i- « iiy Is " , ' . » r a wa . ^ er ate ii :: / c ^ - . a twopenny ciko , " a quarter of buttery and' a pound of bacon , and said b < - w % s preparud to eas . a ( few doz : n more . This is a fact . 1 A Hint . —O 11 Thursday evening weak the box of : a commercial traveller connected with an exteusivt house in London , on his return to Scotland , was seized by an exciseman who awaited the arrival of the coach , and who , on examining it , found that it contained ten bottles < - > f whisky . Next morning he } was summoned before a magistrate . He saidiw had j offended ihruugh ignorance of the law , being under j the impression that any quantity nut exceeding two . gallons might be brought to England without a per- 1 mt . The magistrate convinced him of his mistake by fiuing him in the miu ' gated penally of £ 25 , the full penalty boing £ lOO . ~ Carlisk Journal .
Execution of Betty Eccles and Wilxot Buck I ley , at KiftitDALE . —The execution ot' tftese unfor- tunate criminals , who were eonricted at the late assiz s , took place on Saturday at the north-west angle of Kirkdale gaol . The time fixed was twelve o ' clock , I long before which the approaches to the scene of ! death were thronged with a gaping multitude . Tno , feina . lt * convict , it w . ll be remembered , was tried f or I the murder of her step-son , a boy about thirteen ! ! year 9 of age , at B > Iton , whom she had poisoned for ! i the purpose of getting a trifling sum of money out of j I a burial club ; and , from tbo disclosures on the trial , it was too clear that she had also poisoned two child- ' ren of her own by a former husband for the same ' ¦ obj-ci . The atrocious and cold-blooded Brutality of '
nci- crime left no hope of mercy , and none wa ? held out to her . But with respect to Buckley , his offence belonged to a milder category , and the jury seemed strongly inclined to reduce it to the worst speck-s of manslaughter . Even after they found him guilty of murder , they recommended him to the merciful consideration of the Crown . He cut hia wife's throat , in a field near St . Helen ' s , while they were taking a walk on a Sunday evening , she being at the time enciente ; but , from his own confession after the act , and other coroberative circumstances , it was evidently the impulse of a frantic momeut , done in the heat of passion , and produced by the tantalizing upbraidinga of his wife , who was joaloua of her husband , and viewed hia attention to other females with
distrust . Many persons , therefore , were inclined to belie re that in his case the extreme penalty of the law would not be enforced . Baron Parke told the jury that their merciful recommendation should be forwarded to the Home Secretary , but at the samo time he intimated his belief that it could not be entertained . Arrived at the press-room , the prisoners were seated in chairs , where they were pinioned , and Mr . Carson , asked them in a low voice and subdued tone whether they had anything further to say . Both replied in tho negative . The R « v . Mr . Appleton then read the burial service , at the termination of which Buckluy was led to ihe scaffold , where tho rope was placed round his neck . During this process the female prisoner remained in the chair , her
eyes fixed intently on the awful preparations which the other criminal was undergoing . This completed , the executioner led her forward ; she rose without any seeming agitation , and walked on , her lips moving in prayer . Mr . Appleton attended the dying peniteDts to the scaffold , still reading the service for the dead . At the close the fatal bolt was withdrawn , and the prisoners ia a few seconds ceased to exist . Owing to the pressure of a number of persons on the wooden bridge leading to the scaffold , we were unable to to ascertain whether they struggled much , but were subsequmtly interned that the straggles of the female were soon over , while those of Buckley were
more severe . Buckley made a hearty breakfast , but the other wretched sufferer was unable to eat . In a conversation with Mr . Appkton , Buckley repeated in substance the confession which he made immediately after his apprehension , that he committed the act under excitement , because hid wife upbraided him with infidelity ; and on being asked why he had a knife in his hand at the time he struck his wife , he replied that he had been cutting a stick with it . Betty Eccles acknowledged that she had poisoned her step-son , but would not say , though she hardly denied , that she had disposed of the other two children in the same manner . The roads to and from the
execution were densely crowded , and from the number of persons in vehicles of every description , it resembled a visit to tho race-course on some attractive occasion . The numher present we have heard variously estimated at from 20 , 000 to 30 , 000 . —Liverpool paper .
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CHINA AND INDIA . EXTRAORDINARY EXPRESS . The Indian Mail of the 1 st of April haa arrived . It brings a confirmation of the brilliant successes of Sir Charles Napier in Scinde , in tbe capital of which treasure and jewels to an amount considerab'y exceeding one million have been discovered . Doubts have been entertained if this treasure trove is to be considered prize money . Lord Eilenborongh has declared , according to rumour , in favour of the gallant army that won the . city of Hyderabad . The matter has been referred to the Queen in Council . In the meantime the Governor General has declared Scinde to be a British province , abolished slavery therein , and appointed Sir C . Napier to be the Governor ; and also declared all transit dudes abolished , and ths Ixdus open to the ships of all nation * .
Lord Ellenborough haa also ordered that the useless cannon taken at Hyderabad shall be cast into a column 0 commemorate the memory of all the soldiers who distinguished themselves in the battle of Meeanee , Scinde is said to be a most fertile district , which , when cultivated , will repay every cost tenfold , and render the territories of the Indus something like the banks of the Ganges . Tho position of Sir Charles Napier in Hyderabad required to bo attended to ; for the population of some districts , led on by some of the disaffected Ameers , were preparing to renew the conflict . Tne Bombay Government was most active in its efforts to send every succour to the g&iiant General , and troops had been sent from Forezepore to Sukkur , in order to co-operate with those lower down the river .
The Governor-General was at Agra , where he has taken up his residence in one of tbe palaces , and in which he had held an investiture of the Order of the Bath . He has ordered the celebrated Somnauth gates to be locked up there , and the officers employed in escorting them have been sent back to the regimental duty . The declaration of Sir Charles Napier , that the Indian army is too scantily officered , haa attracted attention , aud has become the subject of general comment .
The Ameers of Scinde , who are prisoners , will , it is said , be placed for safety in . the fortress of Ahmednuggur or Asseerghur . j Some disturbances still exist in the mountain- j ous districts of Buudelkund , but they are not of any great importance . Iudia is otherwise tran- j qwil . The most conflicting accounts were circulated re- j spectfng the state of Cabul . Ukhbar Khan is no longer popular there , aud another was 8 « d to have seized the government . Dost Ma-hommed was going back from Lahore to Cabul , but it was not known how he would be received there . He , wished to be aided by the Sikhs , but ihey did not seem inclined to give him any assistance . : The news from China extends to the 2 Ui of February . The latest was brought to Bombay by an American schooner—the Zfiphy r , which ia now plying as an opium trader from Bombay to China , and is
remarkable for her swift sailing . The Emperor has ordered an investigation into the murders of th < j crews of the Ann and Nerbudda at Formosa . Nothing had been done in the arrangements of the commercial treaty , for the British Plenipotentiary appeared to be waiting for the treaty as ratified by Her ' Majesty . The Chinese Commissiouer aud h « were ' on good terms . Doubts are said to exist of the dura- ' bility of any arrangement now entered into . The J Chinese were busy in repairing ail their forts and in , strengthening their positions ia the different places > . attacked last year . Trade was dull , but expected to revive ppecdily . At Canton some dissatisfaction still ' prevailed . The immature revolt at Manilla had been i put dewn , and the rebels executed . It had for its object to declare tho independence of the islands of j the Spanish yoke .
The Hmdostau arrived at Madras on the loh of March , ' ' 0 hours af ' ti r ¦ he mail iiad arrived at Bombay . This rapidity promises well for the steamers irom Calcutta ' to Suiz : her arrival at Calcutta took place on the 23 rd , before the express from Bombay with the maii had reached that city . The Hindostau was obliged , on going up the Hoogly , to anchor at Mud-poiut from want of water . Tho Bi-hop of Calcutta and Metropolitan of India arrived in Bombay on the 11 th of March , where ho held hi . " primary visitation , and presided at the founding of the Great Medical College . A magnificent comet was seeu through India from the beginning of March , and engaged the attention of all the astrouomtrs , one of whom actually declared it had become a satellite of the earth—a proposition which set thousands a laughing .
Dwarkanauth Tagore haa been excluded from his family ' caste , in consequence of his repeatedly eating with " the unclean Europeans . " The Captain of the Belvidere , whioh ship was burned some months ago at Singapore , was tried at Bombay for taking goods out of the ship while in harbour . He was honourably acquitted . A steamer had arrived at Bombay from Kurrachee , which brought intelligence to the 28 th of March , and mentioned that a fight of three days had taken place between Sir Charles Napier and the Ameers , in which the British were successful . There was great loss on both sides . Report said that the British General was slain , but this part of the report was not credited .
The Belochees had thrown a chain across the Indus , which they intended to vlefeiid by fortifications on both sides . Her Majesty ' s ship Nimrod and two small steamers were about to force the Beloochoea to retire aud leave the river open .
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, ' I , 1 j 1 ' j ) ! ; Robi- ; et {/ D . well , E--q , of Mr , ^ -. n ^ . o . n , Carnck on Suii :, iiii-sina ^ o an aDaitiiiUit 01 23 per cuui . in . , the ren ' . 3 of his tenants at Hus ^ ytown . " " j Fire at Liverpool . —About three o ' clo .-k on I Thursday afternoon a fire broke out in one of the I pile of ten v ? arehou 3 es , belonging to the trustees of 1 the Duko' of BridgeWdter , and situated between the ) Duke ' s and Kind ' s Docks . The flimes were first I discovered by one of the workmen in the top story of l ths-third warehouse from thce" 8 tend , and that and I the two stories belowh being BUed with cotton , th i fire soon cojamanicated downwards and to the vva-re-| houses on both sides . When the engines arrived , 1 the second , the third , and the fourth warehouses
f ' , [ j ' ! , ¦ ! were on fire , and the sraoke was issuing in di-nse ; masses from the windows of the fifth . The exertions i of Mr . HewittandofMT . Df 3 w ! ing ( Mr . Whitiy being > from homo , in consequence of indisposition ) were at I at once directed to subduing the fbmea in the ware-I houss in which the fire originated , aud , the neighbourl ing docks yielding an abundant f ^ npply of watsr , they i succeeded in a short time in making a visible impres-1 sion on the flames , and at abauc six o ' clock they I wtre completely got under in all the warehouses . ; The foar top stories of the third ivarshouse and their : evmtenta have been entirely consumed , with the exi ception of some little cotton , which will be saved in
a damaged S'ate . It is supposed that upwards of a thousand bales of cotton bare btvn des'royed , as the three top stories of this warehouse were filled with that article . The fire in the second warehouse extended to the third story , but entirely consumed the two stones at the top , and about a similar amorjofc of damage has been done to th « fourth warehouse . One of the firemrn , Ball , No . 380 , wa-f severely injured by the breaking of a ladder which he had mounted for the purpose of carrying up a hose to one . ot' the windows . H e fell from a height of about thirty feet . It is not known how tbe fire originated . The loss is estimated at from £ 15 . 000 to £ 2 iJ , 00 U . — Tiio property was insured .
Bpenos Atres and Monte Video . —Accounts to the 9 th of Maroh have been recieved from Buenos Ayr « s by the Carlotta , a Danish vessel , which landed her letters at Falmonth on Saturday . It appears from these , that , up to the latest moment , Oribe , who commands the Buenos Ayrean army before Monte Video , had not made any attempt to gain possession of the town . A considerable number of heavy guns and mortars had , however , been embarked at Buenos Ayres , for the purposj of enabling him to bombard or to besiege it in form .
Overdone . —A New York paper of the 6 th ult ., states , that the A-nerican distresses have been produced by over-banking , over-trading , over-spending , over-reaching , over cheating , over-borrowing , overeating , over-drinkin " , ' , over-praying , over-sinning , over-ihinkiiic , over-playing , over-riding , over-tippling , over-fiddling , and over-acting of evsry kind and description—except over-ploughing , which alone is the foundation of society , and tho corner-stone of civili zation . . The London City Mission . —Mr . Plumptre , M . P . is worried out of his life now that the Saiats have commenced holding their May meetings in Exeter Hall . Religionists of all creeds demand hia services * and he works like a mill horse iu the sacred cause .
First he presides at tho Wealeyan Missionary Society ; other sects then crave his services ; and , lastly , the City Mission ; and , really , the proceedings of this Society , as reported in the columns of tho Morning Post , are most amusing . The Metropolitan Police , it appear ? , have been furnished with libraries , consisting of tracts and holy books ; and the * ' agents" have been actively engaged at those periodical evils ( where the Devil plays his pranks ) , the fairs , and more particulrly daring the Easter recess at Greenwich , whioh had been visited by 140 , 000 Londoners , bent on the soul-damning sin of enjoying themselves in the fresh air . The report expressed a determination to put down , if possible , all fairs . Tha " agents" had al . so visited the Almonry , in Westminster , and the low brothels belonging to the Dean and
Chap . cr ; and they had also attempted to reform the inhabitants of York-Square , and other places of profligacy ; they had held 8 , G 06 prayer-meetings ; converted two stupid Mahomedans , who had brought the giraffes to the Zaological-gardens ; and they reported , moreover , that an elderly lady had presented 365 farthings , the result of her savings duringtwelve months . The Society ' s income is about £ 6 , 000 a-ycar , and all they have done has been to convert a couple of extremely ignorant foreigners , who will renounce Cristianity the moment they return home , and laugh at the missionaries for the pains they have taken to shake off their original faith . The amount subscribed at these meetings is really surprising ; and yet , when money is wanted to relieve the destitution of tbe poor , what is given is yielded grudgingly .
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From the London Gazette of Friday , May 5 . BAKKUOrrS . Robert Noyea , ot 1 , New Church-street , Lisson Grove , plumber , May 16 , at twelve , and Jane S , at two , at the Court of Bankruptcy , London . Mr . Green , official assignee , 18 , Alriernianbury ; and Mr . John Casley , solicitor , Gaildford-street , Russell-square . John AdDum . of Dnrringtcn-street , Clerkenweil , upholsterer . May 19 , at twelve , and June 7 , at two , at the Court of Bankruptcy , London . Mr . Lackington , official assignee , 3 . Colemau-street-buildiugs ; and Mr . Meyrick , solicitor , 4 , Furnival ' s Inn . Alfred Stocken and William Utton , of Halkenstreet , Belgrave-square , coach-makers . May 16 th , at eleven , anJ Jane 23 , at one , at the Court ot Bankruptcy , London . Mr . George Lackington , official assignee , 3 , Colemau-atreet-buUdinsj'i ; and Messrs . Van Sandau and Cumming , solicitors , 27 , King Btreet , Cheapaide .
James Farren , of Nine Elms , Surrey , corn-dealer , May 16 , at twelve , and June 20 , at half-past eleven , at the Court of Bankruptcy , London . Mr . Turquand , official assignee , 13 , Old Jewry Chambers ; and Messrs . M'Leod and Stenning , solicitors , 13 , London-street , Fenchurcb-street Joseph Naylor Ryalls , of Sheffield and Elsicar , vessel owner , May 16 , at twelve , and June 13 , at ten , at tbe Court of Bankruptcy , Leeds . Mr . Henry Philip Hope , official assignee , Leedfl ; Mr . Palfreyman , solicitor , Sheffield ; and Mr . Blackburn , solicitor , Leeds . John Thomas Nash and John Tomlinson , Jan ., of York , mustard-manufacturers , May IS , at eleven , and June 6 , at twelve , at tbe Court of Bankruptcy , Leeds . Vlr . Charles Featne , official assignee , Leeds ; Mr . W . Smith , jun ., solicitor , York ; and Mr . Buhner , solicitor , Leeds .
Jwseph Lewis , of Diwley , Shropshire , grocer , May 12 , ai half-past one , and June 21 , at the Court ot Bankruptcy , Birmingham . Mr . Yalpy , official assignee , Birmingham ; Mr . C M . Robinson and Mr . Thomas Smallwood , solicitors , Wellington ; and Mr . Slaney , solicitor , Birmingham . Joseph Humble , late of Trindon , Durham , ironfounder , May 22 , at one , anil June 29 , at two , at the Bankruptcy Court , Newcastle-upon-Tyne . Mr . Thomas Baker , official assignee , Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; Mr . A . Burn , solicitor , Ductora' Commons , London ; and Mr . A . T . Stevenson , solicitor , Darlington . Richard Almond , of Orrell , Lancashire , coal-dealer , May 23 , and June 16 , at eleven , at the Court of Bankruptcy , Liverpool . Mr . J . imes Cazanove , official assignee , Liverpool ; Messrs . Woodcock and Co ., solicitors , Wigan ; and Messrs . Gregory and Co ., solicitors , Bedrow , London .
partnerships . Thomas Naylor and William Henry G ^ rbett , of Leeds , tailora . James Carter and Ralph Carter , of Upperthong , Yorkshire , manufacturers . BeDJsmin Syddall and James Francis Watchurst , of Manchester , silk manufacturers . John Binge , sen ., and John Binge , jun . of Sheffield , pawnbrokers . Richard Sandham and Edward Richardson , of Gustang , Lancashire , joiners . Thomas Raffiald , George Raffield , jun ., and Peter Masters , of Liverpool , shipwrights ( so far as regards Peter Masters ) . Thomas Vernon and John Baker Hodgson , of Liverpool , engineers . William Dowse and Samuel Dowse , of Mold Green , Yorkshire , silk manufacturers . Joseph Hardcastle , William Hardcaatle , Thomas Aked , and John Collins , of Four-lane-ends , Yorkshire , coal merchants ( so far as regards John Collins . a .
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From the Gazette of Tuesday , Hay 9 . BANKRUPTS . Howaid Hall , pawnbroker , Fulham , to surrender M ;> 19 . attwtlve , and June 20 , at eleven , at the Court of Bankruptcy , London . Mr . Waitmore , official assignee , BasinghaU-street ; aand Messrs . Kias and son , solicitors , Fe > church-street . WTi : i ; im Davis Hart , tailor , Ballingdon , Essex , May 23 , ana June 20 , at twelve , , at the Court of Bankruptcy , London . Mr . Turquand , official assignee , Old Jewry chambers ; and Mr . Gude , aolicitor , Georgeyard , Lombard-street . Abraham Dn ? is , dealer in glass , Tottenham-courtroad , May 20 , at half-past eleven , and June 20 , at elev n , at the Court of Bankruptcy , London . Mr . Groom , official assignee , Abchuteh-lane , Lombard-street ; and -Mr . Lewia , solicitor , WilmiDgtoa-sqaare .
Riehard Thomas Hicks , wine-merchant , Coopei ' srow , Tower-hill , May 18 , at half-past twelve , at tha Court of Bankruptcy ; London . Mr . Groom , Abcharohlane , official assignee ; and Mr . Macy , solicitor , Bursatreet , St . James ' s . Joseph Spalding , ironmonger , Lincolnshire , May 18 , at one , and Jane 19 , at half-past eleven , ai tbe Birmingham District Court Mr . Bittleston , official assignee , Birmingham ; Mr . Carter , solicitor Spalding ; and Messrs . Gem and Son , solicitors , Birmingham . John Burgess , beer-seller , Manchester , May 26 , at one , and Jane 16 , at twelve , at the Manchester District Court Mr . Fraser , official assignee , Manchester ; and Messrs . Gregory , Faulkner , Gregory and Bsurdlllon , soli citors , Bedford-row , London ; and M * . Chew , solicitor , Manchester .
Sarah Chapman , sail-maker , Liverpool , May 25 , and June 22 , Hi twelve , at the Liverpool District Court . Mr . Follttt , official assigneo , Liverpool ; and Messrs Birkett aud Footer , solicitors , Liverpool ; and Messrs Vincent and Sherwood , 3 < jUskors , King ' s-beocb .- 'Walkj Temp ' e , London .
Untitled Article
Northern Star (1837-1852), May 13, 1843, page 3, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct650/page/3/