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DOUBLE SHEET . rPHE PUBLISHER of the EvBsina Stab an--L nonnces , that at an early time he will issue a sheet double its present size , at the usual price , one half of which will contain an entirb work of 400 pages , Bold at fifteen shillings , by the booksellers , entitled the LIFE OF
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MR . JAMES CLARKSON , SOLICITOR , DECEASED . HIS CREDITORS are requested to tend in tbeir Aocounts to us , at his late Office , Kirkgate . Bradford , to bo Examined and Paid . A > d his Debtors are respectfully requested immedia : eiy to pay their Debts to us , while windicg up his Affairs , and attending there to manage his Business . By Order of the Administratrixes , CARR & NETTLETON , of Wakefield , Solicitors . Kirkgate , Bradford , 17 th October , 1842 .
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LSEI 3 S BOKOTJeH SESSIONS . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN , that the next GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS of the Peace for die Borough of Leeds , in the County of York , will be holden before Thomas Floweb Eiiis , the Younger , Esquire , Recorder of the said Borough , at the Court House , in Leeds , on Wkdnesdat , the Twenty-sixih Day of Octobkb instant , at Two o'clock in the Afternoon , at which Time and Place all Jurors , Constables , Police-officers , Prosecutors , Witnesses , Persons bound by Recognizances , and others , having Business at the said Sessions are required to attend .
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Just Published , price One Shilling , FT 1 HE DEVIL . Twelve Lectures delivered at the -L Working Man ' s Church in London , in which it is clearly demonstrated from the original Scriptures that there is no foundation for the general belief of a Spiritual influence called the Devil , and in order that the working classes may have it in their power to procure this publication , they will be supplied at sevenpence , by the following Booksellers Mr . , Birmingham ; Mr . , Liverpool ; Mr .
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TO THE "WORLD . "VTERVOUSNESS is a term which embraces a IN frightful catalogue of disorders—even to insanity itself—to describe a tenth part of the symptoms nervous patients experience would fill a volume ; but although their variety is so great , they aro all referable to one and the same cause . A nervous patient is like a musical instrument with its chords loosened , emitting all Borts of discordant instead of harmonious sounds . What is , therefore , wanted to restore a nervous patient to heaith 1 The
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WATKINS'S TESTIMONIAL COMMITTEE . N OTICE . —A Special General Meeting will be held at the Dispatch Coffee House , Bride Lane , Fleet Street , on Monday Eveniro next , October 24 th , at Eight o'Clock , when all Parties having Raffle Sheets , Subscription Books , &c , are requested to bring thesame , as a Balance Sheet will be brought forward , and all Defaulters published the week folio v-ing . WM . SALMON , Seoretary . 5 , New Court , FarrinEdon StTeet , Oct . 18 th , 1842 .
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lYIORISON'S PILLS . TTPWARDS of Three Hundred Thousand Cases \ J of well-authenticated Cures , by Morison ' s Pills of the British College of Health , having , through the medium of the press , been laid before the Public , is surely sufficient proof for Hygeianism . Sold by W . Stubbs , General Agent for Yorkshire , Queen ' s Terrace , Roundhay Road , Leeds ; and Mr . Walker , Briggaie , and Mr . Heaton . Briggate ; Mr . Badger , Sheffield ; Mr . Nichols , Wakefield ; Mr . Harrison , Barnsley ; Miss Wilson , Rotherham : Mr . Clayton , Doncaster ; Mr . Hartley , Halifax ; Mr . Stead , Bradford ; Mr . Dewhirst , Huddersfield j Mr . Brown , Dewebury ; Mr . Kidd , Poutefract ; Mr . Bee , Tadoaster ; Mr . Wilkinson , Aberford ; Mr . Mountain ,-Sherburn ; llr . Riohardson , Selby ; Mr . Walker , Otley ; Mr . Collah , East Witton ; Mr . Langdale , Knaresbro' and Harrogate ; Mr . Harrison , Ripon ; Mr . Bowmen , Richmond ; Mr . Grasby , Bawtry ; Mr . Tasker , Skipton ; Air . Sinclair Wetherby ; Mr . Rushwortb , Mytholmroyd .
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EDWARDS' BREAKFAST POV / DER . rpHE MAMUFACTURERS of this excellent X Article have taken the Premises , 271 , Deansgate , Manchester , in order to supply Agents there , and in the neighbouring Counties , on the Bame terms as at their Warehouse in London . The Breakfast Powder is prepared from Grain of British Growth , and some of the mast eminent London Physicians affirm it to be far more nutritious and less heating than Coffee ; it is used and recommended by many medical men , and need but a trial to ensure consumption . Sold m rackets , in most Towns in the Kingdom , Price 6 d . per Pound ; Superfine Quality , 8 d . It is the aim of the Manufacturers to provide an excellent and wholesome Beverage at the cheapest possible rate , and from the satisfaction the Breakfast Powder has given , they fearlossly assert it to be the best and cheapest substitute for Coffee ever discovered . Ed wards Brothers , 99 , Blackfriar ' s Road , Londoa , and 271 , Deansgate , Manchester .
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TO THE PUBLIC . BEAD the Life and Sufferings of a FACTORY LAD . A Tale replete with the most riretting interest , commencing in No . 42 , of WHITE'S PENNY UNIVERSAL BROAD SHEET , in which publication also will be found numerous other tales , charades , riddles , original poetry , &c , and all the advantages of a Family Newspaper FOR ONE PENNT . London : Thomas White , 45 , Holywell Street , Strand ; Abel Heywood , Manchester ; and all the dealers of cheap publications throughout England , Scotland , and Ireland .
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Just Published , price 2 s . 6 d ., and sent free ou receipt of a Post-office Ordsr for 3 s . 6 d . MANLY VIGOUR : a Popular Inquiry into the CONCEALED CAUSES of its PREMATURE DECLINE ; with Instructions for its COMPLETE RESTORATION , addressed to those suffering from the Destructive Consequences of Excessive Indulgence in Solitary and Delusive Habits , Youthful Imprudence , or Infection ; with Remarks on the Treatment of Ghonorrhoa , Gleet , Stricture and Syphilis . Illustrated with Cases , &o .
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THE NEW YORK LINE OF PACKETS . Sail punctually on their regular davs from LIVERPOOL .-AsfoUows . viz . CAMBRIDGE Barstow ....... ; . 8 OO tons 19 th Oct . ROSCOE . Huttleston ... 617 tons , 25 th Oct . STEP . WHITNEY , Xhomp « m , 1031 „ 1 st Nov . These vessels are all first class , and have been built expressly for the convenience and accommodation of Cabin , Second Cabin , and Steerage Passengers , who will be treated with every care and attention . duriHg the passage by the officers of the ships . Fresh water is served out daily . All Passengers by these Ships will be found in lib .
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FRAMPTON'S PILL OF HEALTH Price la . lid . per box . rp HIS excellent Family Pill is a medicine of long-J- tried efficacy for correcting all disorders of the stomach and bowels , the common symptoms of which are costiveness , flatulency , spasms , loss of appetite , Bick head-ache , giddiness , sense of fulness after meals , dizziness of the eyes , drowsiness and pains in the stomach and bowels . Indigestion producing a torpid state of the liver , and a consequent inactivity of the bowels , causing a disorganization of every funotion ef the frame , will , in this most , excellent
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PEEL'S TABIFF OUTDONE ! THE COFFEE TAX RISPEALED ! MESSRS . CROW AND TYRELL beg to call the attention of the Chartist ¦; Public to the BEVERAGE prepared by them , a > Va Cheap and Wholesome substitute for Taxed Coffee . Its nHtritious qualities are equalled by none in the Market ; while its mode of Preparation renders it vastly su .. perior to the Trash offered for Sale by those who regard not the health of the Consumer . As a means of supporting the " Executive Committee of the National Charter Association , " and as a means of crippling tbe Governmental Exchequer , it may be made a ready and powerful weapon in the hands of the Sons of Toil . . ¦ ¦ .:. ; .. ¦ . A single Trial will prove its superiority over other Preparations of like pretensions . Prepared and Sold by the Proprietors , 81 , Belgrave Gate , Leicester .
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CAUTION TO LADIES . rTIHE PROPRIETORS OF KEARSLt PS 1 ORIGINAL WIDOW WELCH'S FEMALE PILLS , find it incumbent on them to caution the purchasers of these Pills against an imitation , by a person of the name of Shithers , and calling herself the Grand-daughter of the late Widow Welch , but who has no right to the preparing of them , the Original Recipe having been sold to the late G . Kearsley , of Fleet-street , whose widow found it necessary to make the following affidavit , for the protection of her property , in the year 1798 : —
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Just Published , Price 2 s . 6 d . ( Or sent free to the most remote parts of the Kingdom , in a sealed envelope , on the receipt of a post-office order for 3 s . 6 d . )
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KERMAN'S CELEBRATED GOLDEN PACKETS OF SPECIFIC MEDICINES , Under the Sanction and by the Recommendation oj Eminent Gentlemen of the Faculty and the Afflicted . SPECIFIC PILLS for Gout and Rheumatism , Rheumatic Headaches , Lumbago , and Sciatica , Pains in the Head and Face . —Is . 9 d . and 4 s . fid . per Box . PURIFYING APERIENT RESTORATIVE PILLS , For both sexes . Price Is . lid . and 2 s . 9 d . per box . A most celebrated remedy for CoBtive and Bilious Complaints , Attacks of Fever , Disorders of the Stomach and Bowels , Indigestion , Dimness of Sight , Pains and Giddiness of the Head , Worms , Gravel , Dropsical Complaints , &o .
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© narfcjst Xnteufonttt
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CABMSXS . —STATS OF PUBLIC FEELING—Ex-XHII 05 S OF IHBPZOPLB IK BEHALF OF THE IMCascerated Chaeiists . — During the past week , the meet intense anxiety has been " displayed by the worklug classes generally , for the faie of tbeii prosecuted Bed persecuted CbartUt brethren , who -were taking and expected to take their trial * under the Special CommisbJoes ia different parts of the cooctry . The Evening Star has been eaigerly locked after as the moat likely ¦ vehicle through which correct information is oonTeyed to the public . Parties have assembled each evening in different parto of the town to listen to the eontents of that independent and spirited journal , which bo well deserves tbe cardltl support of the working ^ re ** . being the only daily gsprr devoted to the prosperity 6 nd well-being of tie trcikicg classes , and opposed to
the tyranny and oppression of the great and wealthy . We trust tha workicg classes "trill do all in their power to promote and extend the tile of so valnable an organ , for it is of the most paramount impariarce , that the Teal condition , feelings , wants , end wishes of the people should be made public , aDd the vices , fallacies , tyrannies , and oppressions of the great and powerful , ably exposed , and this is more necessuy when we consider that thepret g in general , is a vile sink of iniquity sad corruption , and the Etrvile tool of the factions Which support it Moreover a paper conducted with that talent tad fearless independence which the Evauvt / Star has hitherto displayed , is ¦ well calculated to give a proper tone and direction to the people's wilL The partial , uEjc&t , and sajupunary charge of Lord Afain-er , to the grad jury at Liverpool , was" heard with feelings
of disgust and indignation , that the very judgment seat should be stained and poliuud by one placed there to juitly administer the law , ajid not to deliver siVly and nsjnsfc disquisitions on the politics of a party , taking carts to single out that party for destruction , by questioning their honesty and maligning their motives . The strange and unprecedented proceedings against ¦ William E iis at Stafford , in raking , up fresh evidence after the prosecution tad closed , and the defence made bad successfully established an alibi , which , without farther evidence , must fcave been fatal to a oonviction , ¦ was loudly and bitterly complained of ; while the able defence and triumphant acquittal of Cooper , were heard with feeling a c-f usmiEilt *! pleasure and delight It is eons : d- ? ed that Mr . O'Conncr and the other Chartists , against whom » true biii was found at Liverpool , did
wisely in traverfiicg nntii next assize . This course ¦ will allow the agitated state of public feeling , arising out of vhe late outbreak , to subside into a c ~ lm , bo that more impartial jo ^ tlce may be done to those charged with conspiracy , on tha evidence of a vile miscreant , whese word » iil not be token by an unprejudiced jury . Moreover , this course will ¦ allow time for getting up able ana conclusive defences ; and enable the people to support their friends with that ability , which th-y so well deserve . Let the Chartists in every locality exert themselves to the ntmost cf their power , in getting up defence funds for the suppoi t cf those who have already suffered much in the righteous cause ; and , above all , do not allow th « widow ' s tears , nor the
orphan's cries , to reproach you with neglect in performing so important a dnry . Let Committees and collectors he appointed in every place , where there is a Chartist Association ; and let the good work be immediately proceeded with ; perseverance , promptitude , and S 3 &I will secure complete success ; and you will bare the heartfelt satisfaction of knowing that you have nobly done your duty . There are few so well-calculated to perform this arduous duty as the females , and we were glad to lram that in Carlisle they had commenced operations , and were succeeding to a great extent . We trust this example wi « l tee followed in other places ; at the same time , it must no > for a moment damp the ardour ol the males , who ought to vie with Jbeir fair brethren ia the holy work . —Corr&spondeTd .
ZiOXSON , —55 , Old Bailey , Sunday evening , Mr . Slants delivered air excellent political sermon . The loom was crowded to excess , and 3 good collection was made for the political victims . The shareholders ansouneed that they were about taking very extensive premises to concert into a Chartist Hall , tke present zoom being much toa limited for the numbers wishing % o obtain admission . METROPOLITAN delegate meeting , Snnday , Oct . 16 th , Mr . King in the chair . Upon the roll bsing called , a long discussion arose upon the son-attendance of members , and the secretary was instructed to enforce the rule upon that subject Oae shilling and sixpence was received from the Albion for delegate meeting ; 6 s from the Albion for defence fund ; 8 s . from the Three Doves ; Is . 8 d . from the deckhouse ; 7 di from the Carpenters '
Arms ; 3 s . 3 d . from Tower Hamlets' bootmakers ; and 8 s . 5 d . from Chartists and otber friends at Stratford . Credentials were received fiom Messrs . Mudge and Cook , from ilarylebone ; Mr . Teulon , from Lambeth Teetotallers ; Mr . Wright , from Isiington ; and Mr . Hanlz , from the silk-wearers , Tower Hamlets . Reports trere received from several localities regarding th 6 new subscription books issued by the delegate meeting ; and it -was ultimately resolved that the books should be cold to the localities , and they should take steps in disposing of them , and the returns asoordiBg to their own judgment Mr . Droa reported from the Observation Committee , acd rfccommendsd that a succession of public meetings should be got up in order to create a
public manifestation of sympathy on behalf of the polifcical victiias . The Committee were authorised to take What steps they deemed most expedient to carry out that ohjett . Mr . Cook was elected a member of the -Observation Committee in the place of Kr . Abel Cook , resigned . Mr . Ciiffir moved , and Mr . Manfz seconded , that tbenajue cf -Jr . Matthews be withdrawn from the Observation Committee , en acconat of his beiog a jnember of the Complete Suffrage body . After some discussion , the subject was deferred until the ensuing Week . Tfcs ra > jeci of the Tract anu Ltctoring Committee having tan disposed of , some discussion arose regarding the Provisional Committee , and the meeting adjourned .
Work is < j ilAS's Hall , Mile E : ; d —Mr . Illing-Worth lectured to a crowded audience to their satisfaction . Mr . Shaw read a letter from Julian Harney in the Northern Star , and Ss . 8 d . was collected for the victims . The Committee for assisting Dr . MTJouall ' s family met at tha Rosa Ian , on Sunday evening , Mr . Simpson in the chair ; Mr . Wheeler reported that tie money eollected was £ 15 19 s . lid ., and that £ 10 had been promised by llr . Dtmcombe , M . P .. Mr . Wheeler was requested to write , and a deputation tras likewise appointed t « wait on all persons who had received books sad not returned them . All books not returned by Sunday , Oct 22 ad , the holders will be considered defau'ters and iherr names published accordingly . Mr . Cafcy was auiaorz . d to draw of the treasurer pro tern , Mr . "Wheeler , the sum requisite to furnish materials to T 7 i ; . ka a suit of clothe ; Messrs . Caffiy and Cook baving kindiy volunteered to manufacture them free of expense . A balance sheet ¦ vrill shortly be published .
Observation Committee—On Thursday evening this body met as usual at the Dlsp-teh , and consid-rable business was transacted . Messrs . Wheeler and Ctiffay Were instructed to lay out the sum cf 9 i 6 d . in tracts , and eonTeratioa took piaea regarding the propriety of the Committee publishing a series af tracts . Messrs . Cuffay and Wheeler were also deputed to procure parchment lor the ofiieil credentials of parties acting as lecturers in the metropolitan districts , and Mr . Wheeler was BUthoKssd to vrnte all persons whem it might be deemed avisable to entrust 'vr . th the arduous duties of Chartist lec ' . nrers in these perilous times of spies and traitors . The meeting then discussed the propriety of getting np a Series of public meetings , and unanimously agreed to xecoumeBd the same to the delegate Ksetiag .
Albiox Coffee House , Church-street , Shore-Ditch . —A spirn&d discussion on the Sturge address took place on Sunday Evening , and the question was adjourned to next Suaday evening at seven o ' clock . tb . 3 Eieznbcrs s ?» invited to-, attend . Nine shillings Was collected on Sunday the 16 th , for the victims . Towkk . Hamlets . —A gensralmeeting cf the CouncUlor ? of this locality was held on Sunday evening , at the Bricklayers' Arms , Brick Lane , &t which it was resolved— " That the said Councillors do meet the first Sunday in November , at the Halifax Arms , Mile End , yew Town , and every succeeding month , at the places f meeting cf the several localities , with the view of better concentrating their energies . " Mr . Robaon was appointed Secretary , and Mr . Drake Treasurer , U the United Councillors . The Secretary was empowered to gall together the Councillors upon any emergency that Hay arise requiring their deliberations .
WARWICK . —At the usual -weekly Chartist meetk > g held at the Saracen ' s Head , the first question iisenssed was , what effect will the present reign of terror have on the Chartist movement ? and the con-• fcsion arriTed at was , that it would remind the people « f the zeal fihurarfo * of the hereditary enemies of civil and religious liberty ; bat as gold seven times tried in tbe fire , Chartism would ultimately come out pure , maaHoyed , and triumphant The working classes have ptffl « i «»« t knowledge now to move , even without leaders , therefore they should bold firmly together and support ihab incarcerated brethren and their familes , and thus Would they prove themselves invincible , and the yr i » ftpia « of the Charter immutable as fate . Twenty two a ^ nift ""* raffia tickets for the General Defence Pud wen sold at Is . each , and eight more were ordered ; 10 s . 6 d . wu handed in lor White's rapport ; fe . ni acknowledged from Birmingham , for ditto . The mHtioa tor < Wfn « rfnn next night will be , what course ifcoold the CbartiBts adopt in tbe event of the Corn ZkwXeane renewing their agiUtww , u threatened by
Otbdeo and bis bnndlM of fraeti ? GHS&TEIfHAXff . —The e&uie of freedom It npidly ptogrowing ia tbii town . On Wednesday evening , Oct . Iftb , Mr . Gammage , of Northampton , delivered a very tetareiting lecture on the petition that the Chartist body now held , and . gave great satisfaction to an present . —Mr . William Mflsom lectured an Sunday fTCBiDS , at to above room , after which a collection Vai naaa for tits defence food . Ok MOHDat evening last , a meeting wss held in the Xnhftalef Institution , to audit the accounts for the fut . qmrter . jKid likewise to nominate persons for the general Council . The report of the accounts was MeeiTBd ; aad ten shillings paid in for the defence find , making a total of three pounds , wkveh have been Wltetal ia toil place . .
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N £ WCASTIiE .- ^ -Mr . Kimpster Robeon lectured in the Chartist Hall . Gloat Inn , Cloth-market , on Sunday evening , on the present distress of this country , clearly proving misgover :: ment to be the cause of it , and a foil and free representation in the state , to be the only mews of carirg it The Chairman then made an appeal to the meeting on behalf of the widow and orphans of the late Mr . RasseU , of Nottingham , whose body was found drowned in the Tyne . on Wednesday last , and 5 s . 9 d . was eollected for them , and after a few remarks on the Stafford Commission , and the specie * of justice meted out to Mr . EUIb . the meeting Bepsr&ted , highly gratified with Mr . B . ' s lecture .
The Chartists op Newcastle held their weekly meeting en Monday evening as usual , Mr . Smith in the chair , vhen Messrs . Frankland , Sinclair , Smith , Knox , Binns , Gib , and Shrimpton were appointed to draw up the rules and make other arrangements for the anticipated debating society . Mr . Wm . Beesley was nominated as a fit and proper person to form one of the Executive Cjmmittee . A vote of thanks was unanimously agreed to for the gentlemen in London , who in tho time of need came forward and made np the deficiency made in out Executive bj the powers that be , and became the Provisional Executive pro . Urn , and another vote of thank * was unanimously carried , to Mr . Roberts for his able services to our cause at SUfford . BRIGHTON . —The sum of £ 1 has been sent from this place to the Treasurer of the Defence Fund . At a meeting on Monday evening , Mr . T . L . Clancy was nominated for the Executive .
OrjSSBURN—The Chartists of this locality assem bled in their room , E&st end cf the Railway Bridge , on Sunday morning , when business of great importance was transacted . Several pieces from the northern Star were read and commented on . Several sums were handed in for the Defence Fund . IOAKSFISIiD . —The Chartists of this locality met in their room on Sunday , when it was resolved that a second subscription of one ponnd be sent fjr the general defence fund , to tha Evening Slav office , and that five shillings be given to an exile in distress . HEBDEN BRIDGE . —A ball was held in the Democratic Chapel , on Friday , the 14 » h inst , which was numerously attended . Some good musicians were in attendance . The amusements were continued till a late hour , when the company separated highly delighted with the evening ' s eatertainmeot .
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2 THE NORTHERN STAR . , ,. ¦ ¦; : ¦ ¦ ' ; ' . - ; ¦ ¦; . ¦ : ;¦ ¦ - ' ' : . -
Evening Star.
Northern Star (1837-1852), Oct. 22, 1842, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct776/page/2/