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F lTZffOGH, WALKER, and Co., », • Gbreef jazas, Liverpool, dispatch regularly, Fine-¦ Jjirst Claw- American Ships, of large Tonnage,.ft>r the following Ports, via—
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NEW YORK . ' A&D-, BOSTON-. PHILADELPHIA , jlllg ^ , and-BALTIMORE . " . pSBpffi NEW ORLEANS And which are intended to Sail punctually on-their appointed nays ; they are fitted up expressly forthe * comfort and convenience of Cabin , Second Cabin and Steerage Pas sengers who- may save themselves -the expence and ? delay of waiting in Liverpool ,. by writing a letter addressed as above , which will beimmediatel y answered ; the lowest price for passage and provisions told them ,- and they will be enabled to go direct on board , the . ship immediately on their arrival in Liverpool , thus saving tho expence of lodgings , and should F . W . and Co . detain the Shipafter the appointed time ,, passengers will be paid for detention .
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ASK FOR THE ENGLISH CHARTIST . CIRCULAR ! RftlOB ONE HALFPENNY . CONTENTS of Part Eight , Price sixpence : — \ J O'Connor ' s Letters on the Land—Sketches of the French Revolution by Pro Chartist—Speech of Pat Henry , the Orator of American Independence—Horrors of Transportation—Spy System and Blood Money—Leoture , by W . Jones , ( lately confined itt Leicester Gaol ) r-What is Blasphemy 1—An Address from the Poles—The Movement , by J . C . La Mont —Italy and the Operative Classes—Life of Wasfcinston—Letters * By . T . B . Smith—Several Chartist Addresses , including those of the Executive—Poetry , &c , &c .
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KABBIAGE 8 . On the 1 st instant , at tua pro'dh church , by the Rev . George Hills , Mr . Jofru" Walker , cow-doctor , to Elizibetb , only daaghto- of Mrs . Barker , flock dealer . Green ' s Coyrt , Bjr ^ jgate , all of Le : ds , On Tuesday , tlie ltS& inst-V at the parish church , Pontefraci , by the Buv ; R . Stainforth ^ yicir , Mj Pinder , of Pqntef > aot Park , to . Susan , jptmge ' - daughter of the Ir . re Mr . Blown , ef ChesterSeld , in , the . county of D ^ rby . ' """ ' ' '
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^ ErelieSoa their duty , sacrifice the suffrage in-^ sted to them at the shrine of party . Faction most v . c> overboard , « nd strict attention given to the ~ al interests of the Borough- We are not in a oadtion to pay men enormous salaries for doing little work , or merely strutting about as so many hashaws , who imagine the streets to be merely go many promenades whereon to exhibit their fll-shai en limbs . We must have the business done by really intelligent men , who wQl attend to their the townThis is
duties , and to the interests ot . not now the case , but the Burgesses can pare the way for a sew and better mode of management Let them not support candidates at the ensuing election who think it right to retain men in office at ihe rate of £ 500 or £ 300 per annum . The work can be done , and ought to be done well , for much less ; and many intelligent and - useful men might be found to do the duties better , and think themselves well remunerated with half the salaries now paid .
The rate-payers too well know the heavy burdens they have to sustain—they know also that our borough officials have ever acted counter to their professions of economy ; 1 st them then see to their own interests , and elect only such men as they are veil assured are not wedded to faction !; and who they know will labour to decrease the amount of local expenditure . We must have functionaries vrho vill work , and we most have a redaction in the number of those blue-coated idlers who are hourly pacing oar streets ; because they are not only an onnecssary burden , but vice and crime has been on the increase in the Borough ever since the establish ment of that detested force . Let the Bargesses keep aloof from those
candidates who evince a gusto for the present systemfrom all sticklers for class legislation—from all admirers of the accursed New Poor Law—from all supporters of standing armies and police establishments—from all place-hunters , and from all nominal Chartists , or those who assume the name for the ¦ occasion . Select and support men who are known iohave honesty and principle , and who are ooly intent on subserving the real interests of the masses . D o this and good may yet come . Give your suffrages to the pets of faction , or even mushroom Chartists , and you must sustain your present and more onerous burdens , till you learn better sense .
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than we could have done it ourselves . I have no fear for your determination : —the British bull-dog is not yet dead . The only matters doubtful are union and prudence . The former is & most important quality , and so far as end and purpOBe is concerned , a perfectly indispensable one for our success : but as regards means and matters of opinion , it is , though very valuable , too dearly bought , when at the sacrifice of prudence . Late events have taught me a valuable lesson ; a lesson which I purpose to remember . Never again will I sacrifice my own . clear judgment , of what means are best calculated to help on our movement and ensure success , to the
phantom of a union of sentiment . Never again shall the wish to avoid misconstruction and the charge of "denouncing" prevent me from expressing my opinions fully upon all the conduct ofall pnblic men in our own ranks . There are some men who seem naturally warm-hearted , enthusiastic , and sincere , but who are yet short sighted ; and withal so obstinate and so conceitedly self-willed , that it is scarce possible to hint , however diffidently and respectfully , a disoidence from their opinion , without having the matter magnified at once into a cause for quarrel , and a frothy declamation forthwith vented about "denunciation" and a purpose to "burke " and " crush " the " good men and true . "
We have had some men of this sort amongst ub . We have some now ; and they have doae us much harm . Whatever be the amount of their zeal or their sincerity , they are unfit for leaders ; they are better out of the movement than in it ; and the cause would suffer much Ies 3 by the lack than by the miBchief of their services . I have hitherto hoped that experience would teach these men wisdom . I have given them credit for an honest and devoted attachment to the cause , which I considered a sufficient ooverfor some faults ot judgment . I have therefore dealt tenderly with them . I have been more fearful ot controverting their opinions and proceedings than perhaps I ought to have been , lest in their schoolboy petulance , they might again revive the cry of " denunciation " and "leave the movement . " When I have
found myself compelled—as in one or two cases—to speak out , I have done so with the utmost caution , lest I might hurt the cause by driving from it an honest advocate . I now se 8 my error . I have been to some extent wanting in that Bame quality of firmness twhich I now find so necessary to inculcate upon you . I will retrieve this error . Never again , if I know it , shall one man be unsuspectingly led into a snare , because of my unwillingness to be denounced as a denouncer , or to introduce disagreement of opinion . Where men are all honest , temperate and gentlemanly discussion does no harm : it but elicits truth . It is only the fool or the knave who is impatient of contradiction ; and of these the former is little more trustworthy than the latter .
I shall have a good deal to say upon matters connected with the trap in which bo many of the Chartist body have been caught , and by which so large an amount of privation and misery , and so imminent a danger to onr cause , has been produced . Bnt the time is not now . Let us have the trials over . Till then let the people remember that the past can ' t be helped , and the done can't be undone . Let them look to our present position , and make even the onslaught of the enemy a means of triumph . They may do this : it needs bnt gallantry and prudence now , and our former losses may be all turned to our advantage .
Stick to the organization ; abide by the old ship of Chartism ; it is the only sound and safe one , after all . Beware of the Sturgites ; and beware of every man who would counsel the least adhesion of the working people to that rotten party . No such man is your friend , whatever be his pretensions , or however you may have used to deem him . I warn you solemnly that the Sturge men as a a party , and the Free Trade men as a party , are identical . They are parts of the Bame whole . And their only purpose is to nse you for their ends , and then plunge you in the mire , while they laugh as they tread you down . I warn you now ,
thatjall savage and relentless as the Tones are , these seeming patriots are worse . I give you this emphatic warning because I know that their emissaries are even now busy , seeking to turn what they suppose to be our disaster to their own advantage . Now , on the score of prudence , do not let your selfish desire for their services induoe you to press the fine fellows , my " brother conspirators , " who are committed for trial in March , into unsafe positions . Remember that they are only out on bail for " good behaviour , "—a most rascally vague term , which means any thing the villains choose to make it mean . When my bail bonds were perfected , I
asked the Clerk of the Crown what was meant by , " good behaviour " . He replied , " That , I shall not attempt to define , Mr . Hill ; for , in fact , I don ' t know what it means . " Take then your work for a time into your own hands ; but see that it be done . Imitate the spirit , the language and the conduct of the brave metropolitan delegates . Head their address in the Star of the 8 th inst ., which I have read to-day for the first time , and imbibe its spirit . Above all things , see that thejpoor fellows who are not yet bailed , be so , as soon as may be . Tbink when yon lie down at night upon the cold hard bed of your brave honest advocates !; and of the necessity that there is for them to be looking after the interests of their several families as well as working again in
the cause . And see that their families be cared for . They have a right to expect it from you . Read Campbell ' s letter , and consider the case of poor Masskt . It is disgraceful to the Chartist name . There are other instances not Ies 3 eo . What has Leeds done for Mr ^ T . B . Smith and his family ! Just nothing at all . Andl . fear that there are other places equally deserving of censure . This 13 not the way to have victims ready to offer ap themselves again . You must , if you intend to deserve the name and liberties of Englishmen , put forth your energies , and quit yourselves like men . Stir ! Stir ! Do your own work ; open your own eye 3 ; put forth your own arms ; help your own selves ; and then God will help you too .
In the free struggle of right against might , for the establishment of peace , righteousness , and honesty in all our public institutions , lam , Yeur fellow-labourer , and Your faithful friend and servant , William Hill .
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T . M . Whkklkb , London , correspondent to the Northern Star , informs the public that he has removed from Knightsbridge to 243 J , Temple Bar , where all future communications must be addressed . Timely notice of ail public meetings , § c , is respectfully requested . John JNewhocsk , Bismjngham , calls upon the Council resident in Birmingham , Dudley , Stouriridge , BUston , Wolverhampton , Tipton , Kidderminster , Bromsgrove , Redditch , and Worcester to take immediate steps to call a delegate meeting at Birmingham , to take into consideration the state of the cause , and to act with promptitude . West Kilbbidb Chaktists wish to remind the people of Saltcoats , Dairy , and surrounding
districts , who were connected with the White Demonstration , held in Saltcoats , that a balance of 8 s . l ^ d . remained in the Treasurer ' s hand , and would suggest that the above sum be without delay sent to the Committee for the Defence Fund . If the whole of the prisoner * are not included in the Defence Fund , 5 s . of the above to be given for John Duncan . RicaABD Rabfosd writes to correct an error in our report of last week ' s Liverpool Special Assist Aaron Thorp , who is aid to have been undefended , was defended by Mr . Wighami H . Pbitchasd , of Stroud \ would feel obliged if Mr . Abel D . Cooke , one of the London Committee , will send him his address , by post , a * speedily as possible , as he wishes to communicate with
H . Pbttcham ) . —Apply to Mr . Cleave . Johs Hbahw , Wigan , writes to inform us that the Wigan Chartists sent 7 s . to Mr . O'Connor , for the Defence Fund , in September , and that they have now sent 8 s . more . An Ekeht op all Monopolies . —We never insert such statements as he furnishes upon anonymous authority . Hekby Kttchek , Pkhtokvillk . —The letter to which tie alludes was thfotcn into the fire .
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Joseph Thompson , Manchksteb . —The Lines to the Working Men of England" will not do . N . S . T ., Bristol . —Thanks for his friendly suggestion . We do not see how we can spare the space to act upon it . Unless all the documents of that description were given , mere dissatisfaction might be excited than by giving none of them ; and the lists from London , Liverpool , Bristol , and Hull would occupy more space than we can spare . F . M'Donald . —We cannot interfere in the mailer . Thbke has been a decline lately iu the number of Stars which used to cheer the night of the poorer members of the Irish Universal Suffrage Association . Circumstances account for this in degree . Thankful for the past , the Chartists of Ireland rest in confident expectation of future favoursDirect
. as usual , W . * H . Dyott , 26 , N . King-street , Dublin . David Ritchie , Stkathaven , sends us , on Thursday morning , the 20 th , a report of a soiree held in that ^ town op the 7 th : he could scarcely expect to see it in print . Mb . Edward Clayton sends us a notice of a lecture to be delivered by himself on Sunday evening but he does not say where . , A ., Brighton . —His letter does honour to him ; but we cannot find room for it . He will see his inclosure noticed elsewhere . G . A . N . sends us a glowing and eloquent appeal to the Chartists of Sheffield and its vicinity of the brave , good men , Otlej / , Harney , and Farkes , and their compeers in suffering : it came too late for insertion . SurxoN-iN-AsHFiELD Chartists . —Their
communication of Mr . Wests lectures , —if received at all , — would be received during the slight" confusion of affairs" consequent on Mr . HUl ' s arrest . We can learn nothing of it . Their mote of censure on Ministers might render us liable to another prosecution ; while its insertion could do no earthly good . If the people mean to subdue the power of injustice , they must fight it otherwise than by vote of censure . Mobh op the Sickening System . —A Correspondent sends us the following , upon which comment would be wasted : —
" Saturday , October 15 th , was the day appointed for the consecration of St . Mary ' s Church , Wolverhampton , on which occasion the Bishop of Hereford was to perform the ceremony . The day arrived , and brought with it the BiBhop , —a personage so seldom seen in provincial towns , that thousands go , out of cariosity , to look at him . I , amongst the teat , Bir , thought that I should like to see and hear the Biihop , and , as soon as I conld make it convenient , proceeded to the Church , for that purpose . When I arrived at the Church the service was commenced , and I accordingly opened the door as gently as I could , and was about to step inside , when I was accosted by a raw lobster , alias a policeman , with ' Ton cannot go in . ' I asked why ? and he replied , Oh ! we do not allow any
one to go in . ' ' Yon do not allow any one to go in , ' I said ; < bnt the laws of the Church of England do , and therefore I wish to go in . * Now , you had better be ruled by me , and go about your business , " he replied , for you oinnot ait down if you go in . ' Just at this moment another raw lobster came up , and , tapping me with bis cane , said , ' coma , come , come , you cannot be let in ; but if you will walk across tie road , they will give you some beef and bread ; ' and with this insult I was tuned out of the churchyard , while one of them stood at the gate to prevent my again enter * ins . I stood for some time without the gate , while
the conduct of the policeman called forth the indignation of many people . I had not stood here long before a young gentleman came up , and , after spskking to the policeman , was allowed to eater the Churcb . This surprised me , for I had been told the Church was full , aud no one allowed to go in ; and I began to think what prompted them to allow the young gentleman to go into the Church , and to keep me standing at the gate . I was in my working dress , and the gentleman had a better coat on than I had , —perhaps they thought his soul was of more value than mine ; er that he could give them a shilling , and I only a penny . "
Robert Loweby . —His letter , enclosing the long printed address , came to hand on Thursday . We shall not have time to redd it until after this week ' s paper has gone to press .
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THE Portrait OF T . DUKC 9 MBE will b « given to all our Subscribers on November 19 tb . They will be in the hands of all the Agents by November 16 th ; The eharge for the Star on the day the Portrait of Duneombe is distributed will be the same as the charge for it on the day the Petition Plato is delivered . THOMAS H 0 LBR 00 K . —Yes . G > Brown , Birmingham . —Refer to the Notices . Maurice Jones , Bradford . —Mr . Ibbetson ought not to have charged more than One Shilling for the Paper and Plate : the other fourpence-balfpenny must bs a mistake . Call upon Mr . Ibbetson and ask him to return it .
Lynn , Norfolk . —If the Lynn Subscribers , or the Agent who supplies them , would get their Stars from the Office , and not trouble Mr . Violet , of London , they would always get their Plates by telling us how to forward them . Mr . Tiolet appears to baTe been so afraid of " imposing upon them , " that he has kept the Plates and Papers . He has also forgot to sign his name to the slip of paper he enclosed in the Agent ' s parcel instead of the Papers and Plates he ought to have sent : it would have looked better with his name attached . A . J . Hayes , Cinderford . —Write to Mr . Campbell , secretary . Joseph Newbold , Carlsile , is emitted to the Plate from Mr . Atthnr if he subscribed the time he says in his letter .
FOR THE NATIONAL DEFENCE FOND . £ a . d . From the Chartists of Woodhouse and Woodhouse-carr , Leeds , per W . Scott 10 0 „ Leeds , collected by a Young Chartist 0 4 0 ^ the Chartists of Nuneaton 0 10 0 « . the flint shoemakers , Grantham — 0 10 0 ,. Bishop Auckland , per Charles Connor 0 10 0 _ the Chartists of Plymouth 2 0 e .. the Chartists of Norwich 0 7 0 . » Bolton—a few friends at Mr . Crook's factory 0 7 10 „ a few friends at Temperance Hotel , New Market Place , Bolton ~ 0 12 2 _ from the Chartists of Hebden Bridge 10 0 „ Larry Tool , the Keswick Chartist ... 0 1 6 . » the Chartists and friends at Rochester 10 2 „ the Chartists of Dunfermline ... 0 1 6 _ a few friends in Lime Kilns , near
Dunfermline 0 3 0 „ the Chartists of Boston , per Fox ... 0 13 0 .. a friend at Sleaford , per Fox ... 020 „ the Chartists ef Finsbnry , collected by Henly , Knight , Davis , and others ... 0 10 0 „ G . B ., a Chartist of JDoncaster ... 0 1 0 „ the shoemakers of Newcastle-on-Tyne , per J . Starkey and T . Leman ... 0 14 2 „ the Chartists of West Kilbride , Ayrshire 0 11 0 ^ the Committee for Defence Fund , Birmingham ... ... ... ... 0 18 6 „ W . P . M ., Birmingham 0 2 6 _ the Chartists of Salford 18 0 „ a few friends in the Tailors' Society , Deptford 0 8 6 „ the Female Chartists of Kettering , per J . Roddia 13 0 „ the Chartists of Kettering , per J .
Roddis 0 9 6 .. the Chartists of Isham , per J . Roddis 0 13 0 £ _ the Cnartiats of Holbeck , collected by Daniel Garaide 0 5 11 _ a few friends at Upper Wortley , per J . Hartley 0 2 1 _ a Chartist at Middleton , per J . Roddis 0 10 „ J . M ., Braintree ... 0 2 0 „ C . Fish , Witham , Essex 0 3 0 _ a few friends , C . J . 0 3 0 _ the Chartists of Alva 1 10 0 „ six Chartista of Yentnor 0 4 3 „ a few Chartists of Cheapside , near Padiham 0 7 0 „ a few Chartists at Padiham 0 7 0 „ the Chartista of Lewisham locality 0 10 0 „ the Chartists of Wotton-under-Edgo O 10 0 „ a poor woman , Leeds ... ... ... 6 0 1 _ D . M . T ., Leeds 0 0 6 a few friendsUpper Wortleyper J .
_ , , Fletcher 0 2 4 . » Morley , near Leeds 0 5 D „ J . George , Warminster . 003 ^ G . Wilson , Edinburgh 0 16 „ the Chartists of Shutford 0 10 0 .. G . B-, labourer 0 0 6 „ the Chartists of Holbeck , per J . Broadbent 0 7 8 _ David Sykes , Lower Houses ... ... 0 3 0 . » Ventnor , I sle of Wight , per W . Nerman o 2 10 „ " A Woolwich Cadet" . ... 0 2 6 .. a lWery wrrent , Brighton 0 10 .. Brother Dick , ditto ... 6 0 2 _ . theCh&rtiiU , ofMilnrow , Rochdale ... 0 15 0 „ E . A . and friends , per W . M . 0 18 0 „ the Chartista of Cherteraeld , per
fT « MLm *•• ••* •?• ¦•» " * - . the CbartUta of St . Albans 0 5 0 „ the Chartista of Torquay , Devon ... 080 „ tbe blockprintem at Rhodes ' * printworks , new Middleton 0 17 6 _ the Chartists ef Colne ... ... ... 16 0 ^ a few working men at Kettering silk fector 7 0 3 11 „ tbe Chartists of Kilbaxehan , Renfrewshire , being proceeds of a raffle for a Plato ef the Monmouth Court House 0 14 0 .. Northwicb , pet George Moore ... 0 10 9 „ a few friends at Alnwiek . 10 0 _ Brighton , being balance ot old Victim Fond ... 0 8 11
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~ Brighton , first subscription ... ... 0 5 2 ~ \ x . ^ tn . . ¦ Bec « ld <*» - ...- ¦ : «« : ... i o o „ the Chartists ot St Paul ' s locality , Norwich , being proceeds of a ball 0 13 0 „ a banker * cledr at Braintree ... ; .., 0 2 6 -, John Gawett and his men . ... ^ it . o , 2 6 „ two friends at Braintree ,., ' ,. 02 9 „ E . B Martin , Braintree ' , „ . ' „ q 5 0 - Bumrpflelds , Dyke ' s Head , pe * France and Co . ... .... , „ . > ## 0 3 0 „ Newcastle , per France and Co . ... 6 6 3 „ W . C , Huddersfield , per J . Leech l 0 0
FOR THE EXECUTIVE . ' From the Chartists of Plymanth ... ... 0 10 0 From W . L . R ., Bralutree ... ... ' .. 0 10 „ Mr . Lundy , Hull , from sale of Finder's blacking ... ... ... „ . 0 3 0 „ Brighton , ^ 0 7 2 FOR MHS . HOLBERRT . From D . M . T ., Leeds ... ... ,.. 0 0 6 „ Brighton ... . „ , „ ... 0 4 5 FOR MRS . PEDDIE . From Mr . Craig , per M'Gregor , some time ago ... ... ... 0 2 2
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After writing the article which appears under this head , in reference to the nomination of Mr . MOKLING , hut too late for its withdrawal , my attention was drawn by the suh-Editor to the fact , that that article had heen written under a misapprehension . I was not aware of the publication , during my sojourn in the New Bailey prison , of an address from the temporary Executive appointed by the London men , calling upon
the people to elect a temporary Executivenot to supersede but to aid the present Executive , by acting in their places until they shall be at liberty to resume them , if that be between now and March . This , of course , alters the complexion of the whole matter , and makes void and pointless all those observations in the article which are levelled at the supposition of a purpose to supplant the present Executive ; a purpose which I doubt not Mr .. Morling and his
mends would regard with as much indignation as I did . I wrote on the supposition that these parties had , of their own accord , thought fit to take for granted that a new permanent Executive must be elected because the other had been pounced upon . My excuse for the misapprehension must be found in the fact > that the " worry " attendant upon my arrest , imprisonment , and attendance at the Court in Liverpool occupied every moment of my time from the arrest until last Thursday—the day we go to press ; that I was then in a very ill state of health , having been harassed by attending in Court three whole days , and
then travelling all night ; and that this , altogether , prevented me from being accurately acquainted with the contents of the two last numbers of the Northern Star . Usually I see everything that goes into the paper before it does go in . On this occasion the address in question , and the nominations consequent upon it , I had never seen at all , and hence the misapprehension on my mind . I wrote warmly , because I felt warmly . I thought injustice was being done to the Executive ; and I hate to see injustice done to any body . I hope this explanation will show that I had no intention by that article to do injustice to any body . 1
I may just observe , in referenee to the election , that I think it a perfectly unnecessary one . My opinion is , that the good men appointed by the Metropolitan Delegate Committee are , under the circumstances , the men most fit to act as the Executive pro tem Their prompt and gratuitous efforts for the cause show them to be men of patriotism aud decision , and their appointment by the Metropolitan -Delegate Committee is a proof that they are men in whom confidence may be and is reposed ; and the very fact of their calling for this election is a proof that they are men not likely to abuse the
peoples confidence . They call for the election because they feel the delicacy and the forced irregularity of their position , and they wish the fair principles of pure democracy to be acted on in our movement , at least as nearly and as fully as circumstances will permit . The feeling does honour to them ; and I think the people will evince neither gratitude nor good taste if they elect other men . Of course , the people will use their own judgment ; but I presume that I have a right to an individual opinion , and to the expression of it . This is my opinion ; and I give it without any purpose either to " dictate" or " denounce . " William Hill .
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Glossop , Saturday . —Within the last few days , two investigations have been entered into , in the counties of Cheater and Derby , in reference to the horrible murder of a man named James Shaw , a shoemaker , aged forty-two , who for several years past had lived in the township of Charlesworth , which is situated on the borders of Derbyshire and Cheshire . The country in which the murder was perpetrated is peculiarly wild and romantic , hills and valleys stretching out for miles . The actual spot where the deed was done , is situated on the turnpike road , leading from Manchester to Sheffield , through Hyde , Mottram , CHossop , ( an extepsive estate of the Duke of Norfolk ) , and the Derbyshire and Yorkshire moots . It is not far distant from the great tunnel , how in the course of erection at Woodhead and Mottram , as part of the Sheffield and Manchester railway .
The particulars of the frightful deed are aa follow : — On Saturday evening , near twelve o'clock , Shaw , accompanied by his wife , Hannah Shaw , left the Angel Inn , at Mottram , in company with a man named James Ford , who bad for some time been employed on the railway as a labourer . It would appear that the party had been drinking together at the Augel , and that Shaw was advanced in liquor . When they had reached a solitary part of the road , called Braddock ' s Coal-pit , about a mile distant from Mottram , Ford began to teaz 3 Mrs . Shaw , and took liberties with her , which so displeased her , that she indignantly resented his conduct They all threa proceeded onward , and after walking about about a hundred yards farther , Ford renewed his misconduct towards Mrs . Shaw , when her husband ' s Bpirit was roused , and he quarrelled with Ford ; in
consequence Ford was very sbnaive , and drew forth a handkerchief , in which he tied a stone , and with the heavy sling he struck Shaw a violent blow on the head , and felled him to the ground . Whilst down Ford coatimued to beat him with the sling until he became quite insensible . During this dreadful conflict Shaw ' s wife , alarmed at the situation of her husband , repeatedly called out " murder , " but the loneliness of the place , and the lateness of the henr , it being past midnight , rendered it doubtful whether assistance could be obtained . Shaw lay stretched on the earth in a stupor , from the loss of blood ; and whilst in this helpless state Ford seized her ( Shaw ) , and forced her through a gate into an adjoining field ,
into which be dragged her to the distance of fifty yards , where he perpetrated a violent outrage on her person . Before be committed tbe offence he struck her several times , rendering her insensible . After thia second crime had been committed , be allowed the poor woman to quit the field , and with difficulty the reached the tnr opike-road , along which die walked till tha reached her own dwelling , believing that she bad left her husband behind her murdered . To her great joy , however , she found that her husband had crawled home , but was in a deplorable state , and apparently dying . Her neighbours were informed of what had occurred , aad Mr . Smith , surgeon , of Charlesworth , was immediately sent for ; and on examination of both parttM pronounced them to be la great darner .
Information of the diabolical affair having been communicated to Mr . Little , the Special High Constable at Hyde , he at once adopted means for the apprehension of the offender . After an active search be succeeded in capturing him , and on Wednesday he was taken before John Sidebottom , Esq . -, magistrate , who , after bearing the . evidence in tbe case , committed the
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pris oner for trial at Caeater Assizes , on the double char , W of cutting and maiming , and rape . At ter the committal of Ford to prison , Shaw grew daily worse , and on Saturday morning death put an end to his suflferinga ; his wife , at the time of his death , being hourly expected to expire . On . Monday , an inquest wag held on the body of Shaw , » t the George aad Dragon public-house , in Charles * rorth , before Thomas Manders , Esq ., one of the : eorm ier > for the High Peak Division or Derbyshire and a resj actable jury . The inquiry was very extended , continuing for upwards of seven hoars , when the jury returned a verdict against Ford of Wilful Murder .
The mun ( er bat caused great consternation in tbe densely popi ilated district £ » . which it took place . Shaw wag a native of Conieswortk , aad died in the bouse in which be . was born . He bad bo family . He had always borne a respectable character , and was reported an honest and industries ^ man . . Ford is 34 years of age , is by trade a carpenter , and native of liscard , Connty of Waterfprd . He is * powerfnl athletic man . The principal witness in the ease is Hannah Shaw , the wife , with about a dozen others , who give strong testimony . One of theoi a resident of the-neighbourhood , was near to the fcrtal spot during tbe whole of the tragedy , but , appreSensive oF violence from Ford , durst not Venture from his hiding place to render assistance .
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NORTHLEACH HOUSE OF CORRECri © N . ( FBOM THE MOBrMHG CHRCtfMGLE . ) The death of Charles Beale is only another -rfctfrn , added to the many whose days have either been shortened , or constitution shattered and broken , from the effects of the " starving system" whioh ha » for a length of time been adopted within the walla ot this damp and dreary dungeon . - A long residence at Cheltenham j and for'some time a regular attendance given at the publio office of- that town , in the discharge of a public duty , have afforded me ample opportunities of witnessing the unfortunate prisoners , and ascertaining their-state of health , looks , and appearances , both before and after their commitment to Northteaoh .
Thia town is a distance of fourteen miles frsm Cheltenham , on the London and Oxford road , and is not a little remarkable for its ornamental ' -appewiagts-i the new union workhouse being built at one extremity , whilst the house of correction graces the entruece from Cheltenham , the site of which is remarkably low and damp , tho building standing in the hollow of a field adjoining tbe London road , and from its situation I am not the least surprised to fiad , from the statement at the inquest held on tbe unfortunate man , Charles Beale , that , "in rainy weather the water often inns down the interior of the walls . " I am thoroughly convinced from its locality , and more particularly in the winter , the interior of the prison must not only be unwholesome , but exceedingly damp .
. It is to Northleach House of Correction that the Cheltenham magistrates commit ail prisoners who have the misfortune to be summarily convicted before the Bench ; such as reputed thieves , offenders against the vagrant laws , poachers , disorderlies , parochial defaulters , and , indeed , delinquents of every- description , whose cases are not sent to the sessions , are invariably committed for terms varying from , seven days to three months to bard labour at Northleaeh . All prisoners so committed , of whatever age or sex , are compelled to walk a distance of fourteen miles , handcuffed between two policemen , without tbe slightest xefreshmentallo wed on the road . The road from Cheltenham is , as I have already stated , along fourteen miles-extremely hilly , and in the winter season bleak , cold , and dreary . I have known even cripples , and females enceinte , being
compelled to walk this distance in the very depth of winter , and when the snow has been thick on the giound ; no conveyance being allowed either by tbe committing magistrate or the county . I recollect the case of one poor man , whose name has at this moment escaped my recollection , but he was committed by Thomas Kenney , Esq . He was at the time in a miserable starving condition , and more fitted for the inmate of an infirmary than a dungeon similar to that of Northleach . He was charged with beini ; found coneealcd in the stables of the George Inn , at Cheltenham , and with stealing tbe ostler ' s sapper from the corn bio . When brought before Mr . K « nuey he was a truly pitiable object ; exhibited a dreadful pair of black eyes ; his countenance frightfully disfigured and swollen from the effects
of a thrashing he received from the ostler , or some person connected with the ; yard ; he was so completely discoloured from the beating he had received , that it induced the magistrates to ask how he came in that dreadful state . He was committed to Northleach prison , and hard labour for one month , but before he had been many days in gaol , death released him from his sufferings . He complained of being starved aud want of proper nourishment , and there can be no doubt but he sunk under tbe low dietary of the prison . This poor fellow was compelled , in the most inclement weather , to walk in his weak state the whole of this dreary distance , without the slightest refreshment being given him on the road . The man , on kaving tbe court , complained of being dreadfully ill , and observed , that " he should never come out alive . "
The prisoners who have experienced the misfortune to become Inmates of this gloomy and damp dungeon have one and all declared , on their liberation , that the dietary allowed is barely sufficient to kotp body and soul together , and have complained of being quite starved , overworked , and being forced to sleep in damp cells . I am familiar also witb another case—a man of the name of Major , a cabinet-maker , who was committed by the Cheltenham bench for want of sureties . He was in perfect health when he went to prison , but when liberated wps a perfect skeleton . In a letter to his friends , while in confinement , he says , " This is the most horrible damp prison in England ; the prisoners are starved to death , not being allowed sufficient rations . I have got a severe rheumatism from being
placed in a damp cell . " When this person was at length liberated , he declared his coostitntion was impaired and ruined , aud that he was totally unfit for work . I could multiply many instances of a similar character , and con firm the statements relative to the treatment of the prisoners at Northleach , with which the publio have lately been made acquainted . The visiting justices of Gloucestershire are rather unfortunate in their prison discipline ; for I believe it will be feund , on inquiry , that the prison at Northleach is not the only ill-regulated place of confinement under their jurisdiction . The House of Cairection at Little Daan , in the Forest of Dsan , may perhaps furnish another illustration of the doings at NortbJeacb . At all events , it is acknowledged , even by the magistrates themselves , to be a miserable hole .
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. : ¦ • ? — THE MODEL PRISON AT PENTONVILLE . TO THE EDITOR OF THE MORNING CHRONICLE . Sib , —I was enabled a few days ago , by your kindness , to lay before the publio the evidence of an American physician upon solitary confinement , who found in the Penitentiary of Philadelphia no fewer than twenty-six lunatics ; and I also showed that the Penitentiary of Millbank furnished the Lunatic Asylum at Hanwell with no inconsiderable number of patients . It would indeed , be desirable that Borne member should move for a return of all the persons' names driven mad in the Penitentiary ; though , even if it were granted , it must be incorrect , for no retnrn conld be made of those idiots partly demented who range the country , and have been lost sight of since their dismissal .
My object , however , at present is to direct attention to the enactments of a bill ( 5 Victoria ) for establishing the model prison at Pentonville . Some of these are of incredible severity , but the twenty-third clause contemplates , with horrid foresight , the generation of madness , and it directs tbat when a prisoner shall be reported insane to the Secretary of State , it shall be lawful for the Secretary to remove him to some lunatic asylum , and he shall remain in it till of sound mind . Then , if bis sentence be not expired , he shall be conveyed a second time to Pentonville , and there undergo the remainder of it—the Secretary sending bis warrant to the keeper of the mad-house for that purpose . No provision is made for the treatment of those incurably insane , nor any remission of punishment in favour of those who had been already driven to madneBS . Now , I challenge the annals of the
Inquisition to produce an instance of more deliberate cruelty than this ; search its records in Valencia and Madrid , and read all that Florente has written , fora greater act of rigour than this Ycu first drive a prisoner mad by your treatment , you reBtere his reason , and you a second time bring him to the stake . Again , what more inhuman , what more likely , to bring on insanity , than a return to the same cells , tbe same diet and discipline , the same exhortations from the same zealous chaplain , as those that first engendered the mental malady ? What unspeakable horror must seize the convalescent who a second time finds himself on the same spot , beset by the same instruments , under which be first felt bis reason stagger . Is not such a shock capable of producing incurable mania ? Would not humanity dictate the liberation of any peisou who had once bean subjected to an experiment that deprived him for a season of his reason , and which perhaps shook
its throne for ever ? Did not Sir Robert Peel , in 1824 , when Home Secretary , dismiss the whole body of prisoners iu the Penitentiary , when a dreadful disease bad broken out among them , by low diet , deeming , justly deeming , that their sufferings had made ample compenaation for their Crimea ; and shall dementia , brought on by the prison discipline , be treated with less mere ; 7 The advocates for that treatment will , no doubt , say tbat their surgeon is to watch the frst symptoms of this malady to tbe patient ; but tba officer has , pe * haps , in his charge SQO prisoners ; and , be be ever to zealous , can be discern the first dawn of this subtle malady ; successfully seize what Johnson called , " the variable weather of tbe mind , tbe flying vapwus of incipient madness } " May not the affliction eomeon in a day , an hour ; may not toa penitent be lunatic ere the oTOrbtuied Secretary has leisure to read the report , and direct bis transferrence to Hanwell 1 The surgeon of the Penitentiary possessed not tbe alchemy , for many of hia patients are . the tenants of Haawell at this
moment , . . , . . I proceed to the 2 lst claase , which is bo framed as to secure in the most absolute seclusion the whole process , tUl the catastrophe—nettjier the wife , nor the parent , nor the child , aor the . clergyman , save the prison chaplain , admittetb-no provision for the Catholic , nor Dis-
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senter ; no admission for a magistrate ; no prison inspector , save thv authors of this bill ; a penalty of £ 50 , or six months' imprisonment opon the turnkey who shall convey a letter , clothing , or food . All that tbe relatives can know is summed up in this- — " J . D . went mad ; be is now in HanweJl , and , when cured will be returned here that he may receive bis deserts . " The 24 th clause subject * the , convict to three yean additional incarceration if be break prison—an unheard * of period , and a dreadful sentence ; a second attempt is construed to be nothing abort otfeloriy , which might entitle him to transportation tor life I ., The attempt to break out ct a cell is leniency itself , merely a twelvemonth ' s additional priori , and tor assaulting any officer of any rank , two years and corporal punishment .
Such , sir , is an ; outline of this- ibrniidabie code , such the character of this formidable prison , compared to wbieh , Northleach aud its- cruelties , horrible ae > they arev are merciful , for tfcey do but sfflict and destroy the body , while thi » contemplates the destruction of the brain . 1 will conclude this letter , already much too long , in the well knowa words of Burke : — " Thoae philosophers consider men , fev their experiments ; no more than they do mice a an exhausted receiver , or in a reeipient of mephitio gas-. " lam . sir , Your very obedient servant , . ¦ '" FREDEEiCifr PH 50 C BrooJte ' s , St . James's-street , Oct . 12 .
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ANOTHER ARREST . » c j * JhtB 6 s Mooney , from Colne , was arrested on Monday afternoon , in the public street , by WiHiasa A 8 qmth ,. deputy cons&able of Colne , and cenveyed oif to Manchester to be examined .
F Ltzffogh, Walker, And Co., », • Gbreef Jazas, Liverpool, Dispatch Regularly, Fine-¦ Jjirst Claw- American Ships, Of Large Tonnage,.Ft≫R The Following Ports, Via—
F lTZffOGH , WALKER , and Co ., » , Gbreef jazas , Liverpool , dispatch regularly , Fine-¦ Jjirst Claw- American Ships , of large Tonnage ,. ft > r the following Ports , via—
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TO THE CHARTIST PUBLIC . Northern Star , Thursday , Oct . 20 , 1842 . MT VZKS . Frib > ds , —The hTrrry-scurry having a little Bttbdded , I can again look round me and survey our position . Tis not the best that might have been , but it is for your to make the best of it . This last has been a " bold stroke "; the boldest and most sweeping blow that has been aimed at public liberty since the suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act under the " strong government" of Castlereagh and Sidmoutb . It gives you an earnest of the unchanged character of Toryisic Yon may learn from it what may be expected
from the honesty , thejustice , or the equity of a " strong Goyenunent /* whenever the circumstances of the times may be such as to induce them 10 venture the experiment . Bold as is their present ' flight of daring , it is a mere feeler ; preparatory to a swoop infinitely fiercer and more fell , if you but show the disposition which may warrant ihem in supposing that you wQl bear it . TWb is but one part of a grand conspiracy and plain determination to suppress entirely the ri ^ ht of pu blic meeting ; to stifle and put an end to the expression of opinion ; and to establish b » re , in England , a system of pare despotism and terrorisni under the name , though almost without , the
forms , of law . It is for you to say how far this conspiracy shall be successful- It has so far " cleared its ground" pretty eStjctoally . It has thrown the iron meshes of the law around almost all your more prominent and trusted champions at one time . True we may thank the madheaded inconsiderate zeal of some of those champions for affording the opportunity : no matter ; the eagerness with which that opportunity was grasped and the vile use made of it show the animus by which the -now dominant power is actuated , and demonstrate the sort of stuff you have to deal with . Tis always well to have
a good knowledge of your enemy . Ton now know perfectly the one yon have at present to contend with . He is awate to the importance ef the struggle ; he knows that it is for life ; he has no jot of generosity ^ he will KVa every advantage that is offered to him ,- he will prosecute every advantage to the utmost ; he will follow up the more fiercely as he finds you te become the more feeble , or more timid , or more unguarded ; and if you lie down beneath the pressure of his blows , or give up the contest in despair , he will immediately bind all your limbs so that nothing bnt a miracle can re-tore to yon their nse .
What say yon then ? will yon suffer the cause to be lort for want of union , for want of spirit , for want of determinstion , for want of perseverance , for want of prudence ? All these requisites must be now called into active exerd&s or yon are lost , and will bequeath to posterity only the heritage of slavery ,- asd go down to your graves -with tbe print of cowardice , folly and ingratitude deeply seared upon your foreheads with the branding iron of oppression , and written upon your tombstones with the finger of deserved scorn . If indeed you be Ken and Englishmen , now is the time to
prove yourselves ! The dungeons are crammed with I the choicest spirits of democracy ! Your fettered leaders look to you for kelp and sustentation ! Your i expatriated brethren lift their shackled arms , and point j you k > their desolate homes , their weeping wives , and j waHing children ; Yonr own homss , your own wives , I ycrai own children , and your own hearts second the j appeal ! The rampant bands of faction mock your j misery , and watch eagerly for the appearance of inde- \ cision or despondency . ' Their treacherous emissaries '
are ready to -whisper in your ears the lying story * of cheap bread , and plentiful employment , or of increased j power by an union with the middle classes , on the con- I dition that you pledge yourselves to use the franchise , ! when acquired , for the prosecution of their purposes : in preference to your own ' . Europe and America are :
anxiously looking on l The fate of yeur movement , I big as it is with the destiny of nations , is now in your j own haads ! Will you new flinch ? Will yon now ] give back ? Will you bend the knee to the oppressor ? j Will you lick tbe hand that smites you ? Will you not \ rather redouble all your energies , and show youi selves ] invincible to tyranny , and invulnerable to its shafts ? Will you not brave privation , persecution , imprisonment , 01 death , rather than slacken your exertions , or cease your agitation till its just object be attained ? !
I cannot , will not , for one moment admit the supposition that you will now be found wanting ; that you wiD thTinfe- from filling np the gaps which tyranny has made , or that you will leave those who have sacrificed all for you to chew tbe bitter end of disappointment in reflecting on their worse than nseless labours . To avoid this , let your energies be all aroused , and the even tenour of your way pursued , only with increased diligence . Let your meetings in all the localities be still bolden just as usual , every man and every woman
mating it a point of solemn duty neTer to be absent . Whit though yon miss yonr speaiers ! nevermind that ; speak for yourselvei . You are all educated for it ; every man is eloquent upon the subject of his own sufferings ; nature keeps a true school of oratory , and her pupils never lack tho power to command attention . "U p then ! arouse ye ; from the hoary headed sire to tha lispbg chad 2 Each to his post . ' Let yeur ; moral might be sow isazahalled , and yoor battle-cry- be " Justice' "
Bet remember that it is nseless to bring mere courage into such a contest . Yon must temper" it with discretion , if joa intend it to be successful You must remember that you have great odds to SgUwfth . The enemy have all the trained and maiBkailed physical force of the whole eonatry at titeir eoamand . They have also the power of the law , ^^ Mtoits msiingsjiditeadniiiiistration , These * re their armB of warfare ; while unbonnded wealth gives them every advantage in . the nm-no
of them . Against all this , you can only oppose justice , united numbers , determination , and prudence . The odds are great ; bnt if yon bring to the battle all these qualities the victory is yours ; if yoa fail la one of them you are undone . The justice of your cause yon cannot leave behind you . The numbers by whom onr principles are known and recognised must of necessity increase ; for they need only to be known to be received , and oar enemies are spreading forth the knowledge of them faster
®≪R &E$Tw& «Ntr @Otve$$Ovtoent
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•'The Executive."
Most Atrocious Murder And Outrage On A Female.
Northern Star (1837-1852), Oct. 22, 1842, page 5, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct776/page/5/