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€3)a*t(£t 3txtUTl\$tntt 2 T H E NORTHERN STAR. ; ' : • ' "^ ¦ ¦- hi i ¦ . ^^^r^^^^mm _ ' ¦ fci
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TO MR . T . P 3 . 0 UT 229 , STRAKD , LO . NDOS . Frimley , near Bj « shot , Surrey , February 14 th , 1842 SIR , —Having suffered much from acute Rheumatism , I was induced to try your Blair ' s Pills , and ben to bear my humble testimony to } their ef-Bc-acj , not only m my own case , but in several of my friendo who have taken them on my recommeLdation . I am , Sir , your obliged , JuHxN GILES .
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KERMAN'S CELEBRATED GOLDEN PACKETS OF SPECIFIC MEDICINES , Under the Sanction and by the Recommendation oj Eminent Gentlemen of the Faculty and the Afflicted . SPECIFIC PILLS for Gont and Rheumatism , Rheumatic Headaches , Lumbago , and Sciatica , Pains in the Head and Face . —Is . 9 d . and 4 s . 6 d . per Box .
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Just Published , price 2 s . ( id ., and sent free on receipt of a Post-office Order for 3 s . 6 d . MANLY VIGOUR : a Popular Inquiry into the CONCEALED CAUSES of its PREMATURE DECLINE ; wiih Instructions for its COMPLETE RESTORATION , addressed to those suffering from the Destructive Consequences of Excessive Indulgence in Solitary and Delusive Habits , Youthful Imprudence , or Infection ; with Remarks on the Treatment of Ghonorrhoe , Gleet , Stricture and Syph ilia . Illustrated with Cases , &c .
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GREEN'S DISEASES OF THE SKIN . Second edition , in 1 vol . 8 vo , with two illustrative coloured plates , price 12 s . boards ; by permission , dedicated to the President of the Royal College of Physicians , A PRACTICAL COMPENDIUM ofthe DISEASES of the SKIN * including a Particular Consideration of the more frequent and intractable forms of these affections . Illustrated by numerous cases . By Jonathan Green , M . D ., 40 , Great Mdrlborough Street , Member of the Royal College of Surgeons , London , and formerly surgeoH in the Royal Navy . 1 % * For reviews of tho first edition see the medical and general press of the period . Whittaker and Co . Ave-Maria Lane ; to be had of all Booksellers .
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LETTER FROM MR . WM . HICK , NORTHERN STAR OFFICE , LEEDS . " Northern Star Office , Leeds , March 17 th , 1842 . C " p entlemen , —You will oblige by forwarding , at ll your earlip 8 t convenience , the same quantity of PARR'S LIFE PILLS as last sent . While I am writing I cannot refrain from communicating the flattering intelligence of the groat good your pills are doing in Leeds and its neighbourhood . It is clearly a great error to find fault with a medicine merely because it is a patent one ; and more especially since Its use has contributed so largely to the publio health . The fact is , however , predjudice is fast giving way , as it always must where the pills are tried . A few eases in point may serve to confirm and illustrate what I have asserted .
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Just Published , the 12 th Edition , Price 4 s ., and sent Free to any part of the United Kingdom on thebreceipt of a Post Office Order , tor 5 s .
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" ^ " ¦ . —^^^ r ^^^^ mm _ ' ' ""fc ^ i & \ . Z t ' a ¦ ¦ ^ bT 7 i jAlC L 4 » jHk ^ BJw # ^ TYf % ( SI > V ^ UrP ^ SlV ¦ HMfl ^ ^^ feV& ^ ^^ flHDVl ^ HmK . \ S ' jBK | U \ \ ffSQf ^^^ EHk ^^ k * Q » C . GRIMSHAW AND CO ., 10 , GOREB PIAZZAS , LIVERPOOL , T \ ESPATCHfineFirst-ClassAMERICANSHiPs L ) of large Tonnage , for NEW YORK , and NEW ORLEANS every Week ; and oc casionally to BOSTON , PHILADELPHIA , and BALTf MORE , and for QUEBEC and MONTREAL - ilso , Ftrsfc-rate British Vessels to NEW SOUTrf WALES and VAN DIEMANS LAND . In those for America , passengers can be accommo-
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Just Published , Price 2 s . 6 d . ( Or sent free to the most remote parts of * the Kingdom , in a sealed envelope , on the receipt of a post-office order for 3 s . 6 d . )
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NOMINATIONS FOR THE GENERAL COUNCIL . LOXIXiS— ( XEWXNGTOM . ) Mr . Thomas Allan , chairman , Charles-street , Brandon-street . Mr , William Dobell , carpenter , 1 * 2 , Salisbury Crescent . Mr . Nicholas Noddor , shoemaker , ? , Northamptonplace . Mr . "William Emery , glass cutter , No . 1 , King ' s Arch Court . Mr . James Batton , gentlemen , 14 , Elliott-place , Prospect-place , sub-Treasurer . Mr . William Pedley , plnmber , No . 5 , Southamptonstreet , CsmberaelL sub-Secretary .
CLEBJCEJTWTSL'L , Mi . WilKani BaHs , blacking manufacturer , -49 Coppice Row . ' ' Mr . Robert fWn , cow-keeper , Margaret-street . Mr . Alexander Sharp , printer , S , Taylor ' s Row . GrSSST ^ tite , cordwainer , 15 , Bowling Mr . Michael Weedons , optician , Vineyard Walk . Mi . Richard Cameron , brace-maker and hosier 12 , Dorrington-street . , ' Mr . Chiiles Westray , printer , 49 , Coppice Row sab-Secretary . '
the Lambeth locality . Mr . MiDwd plasterer , 4 , Brooke-street , Lambeth . Mr . Dron , dyer , 25 , Oakley-street , do . Mr . Collins , artist , 25 , Paradise-sireet . do . Mr . William Rogers , shoemaker , 98 , East-street Lambeth- ' lax . John Moy , t * Sor , 1 , China-walk , do . Mz . Benj . Rogers , cooper , 1 , Ctina-walk , do ., sub-Treasurer . Mr . Charles Thorp , shoemakers , 8 , London-street , London-road , sub-Secretary .
MXKROW . Mr . James Milnes , wearer , Meadowhead . Mr . Henry dough , do . do . Mr . Robert Clegg , weaver , Milnrow . Mr . John Bntterworth , weaver , LawSeld . -Mr . John € 3 e ££ , fnller , LawSeld . Mr . Robert Milnes , weaTer , Moorhouse , sub-Treasurer . Mr . John Bntterworth , weaver , S ^ tonepitfield , sub-Secretary
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HEBDEKBRIIK 3 B . Mr . John Stott , rover , High-street . Mr . J- > hn Ingkam , tailor , Blackwater-street . Mr . Thomas Dawson , news-agent , Commercialstreet . Mr . Robert Gledhill , grocer , Bridge Lanes . Mr . James Midgley , powerloom-weaver , Calder Side . Mr . Elias Hitchen , pswerioom-weaver , Calder Side . Mr . John Greenwood , twister , Garden-Btrett . Mr . Toomas Mitchell , stripper and grinder , Hebdenbridge , sub-Treasurer . Mr . Henry Barret , grocer , Commercial-street , sub-Sscreiary .
SUJ ^ DESLAND . Mr . Ibskett Riley , weaver , Ropery-lane . Mr . Robert Watken , do ., do . Mr . Robert Heppeil , engineer , Middle-street . Mr . William Ciaalk , cordwaiuer , Robinson ' slane . Mr . John Chalk , butcher , High- street . Mr . Daniel Mitchell , rigger . John-street , Mr . James Hall , labourer , South-pier . Mr . Andrew Wilkie , mason , Tittert-lane , sub-Treasurer . Mt John Eaplin , cordwainer , 30 , Robinson ' s-Iane , sub-Secretary . COLXE .
Mr . George Whittaker , weaver . Mr . Abraham Greenwood , do . Mr . Benjamin Foulds , twister , Mr . Jumes Stansfield , wtaver . Mr . Robtrt Smub , do . Mr . Hrnry Hig = ou , Oo . Mr . Jime .- Driver , Le ? ter-street-Mr . Joseph Bnlcock , taHor . Mr . Jaajto Mooney , liigh-s ; reet , Windy-bank , sub-Secretary .
BOM . EY . Mr . Thomas Walker , butcher . Air . Jo .-eph Eastwood , gr < r <^ i gr ocer . Mr . BramwfU Dy * on , labourer . ^ r . Isaac K u > on , weaver . ilj . Friend V ; ckerman , c oth-drcsser . Mr . Matt-tw Buckley , w < aver , sub-Treasurer . Mr . John Huberts , slubber , sub-Secretary . \\\ communications to be addressed to the care of Mr . Bramwel ) Dy * on , Hunley .
WaKRIXjTO . N . Mr . Thomas Savory , powtr-loom wearer , Crossley ftreet . Mr . Tomlinson , spinner , Orchard-street . Mr . Jjmes Savory , power loom weaver , Naylor rtnet . Mr . Widwortb Fitton , pin pointer , Foundry lane . Mr . John Boardman , shoemaker , Dolman's lane . Mr . John BoardmsD , power-loom wearer , Hope s-tr « et . Mr . R-chard Hall , tailor , Warwick-street . Mr . John Webster , bootmaker , Bank-street , sub Treasurer . Mr . Joseph Houghton , watch-glass maker . Bear yard , Bridge-street , sub-Secretary .
WAKSEB GATE { NOTTINGHAM ) Mr . John Wells , cordwsiuer . New-street . Mr . Levi Gothard , framework knitter , Victoriastreet . Mr . Jam » 3 Leeson Sharp , framework-knitter , Manvers-street . Mr . Cornelion Varuey , lace-maker , ManversstTeel . Mr . John Reeve , framework-knitter , Poplarsquare , foplar . Mr . Elmer Rollett , framework-knitter , Woolpacklane . ^ Mr . Willaim Loreti , lace-maker , Poplar-square , Poplar . Mr . Edwin Smith , warp hand , Warser-gate , sub-Tr « 3-= nirer . Mr . John Gunn , labourer , Poplar-square , Poplar , sub-Secretary .
€3)A*T(£T 3txtutl\$Tntt 2 T H E Northern Star. ; ' : • ' "^ ¦ ¦- Hi I ¦ . ^^^R^^^^Mm _ ' ¦ Fci
€ 3 ) a * t ( £ t 3 txtUTl \ $ tntt 2 T H E NORTHERN STAR . ; ' : ' " ^ ¦ ¦ - hi i ¦ . ^^^ r ^^^^ mm _ ' ¦ fci
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BUKT . —On Honda ; evening last , the Councillors and members , in public meeting assembled , nnarumons ^ ypassed the iblioTCng resolution :--- la , conseqnenee of the resignation of Mr . John Campbell , as Q-sneral Seeefetsiy , that the books , cards , and other documents new in Ms hands , after they have been audited , be f Drth-sitl ) placed in the possession of Mr . John Cleave , until such time as a General Secretary can be elected . TtnVGUSY . —Mi Bigby , of Choriey , lectured at Mifijjley on Saturday evening last Snbj-ct , " The true state of political parties" lit K -gave general satiiliction . A few merniers were enroilid , and money paia . **•»• - Bigby preached two sermons on Sunday last , one on «¦*»¦»» legislation , and the other on the People ' s Charter A rery good collection -was made to aid the cause .
lTtTJuETOWN , UX UVE 5 SEDGE >—TheGhartists of this place held a social fcsa party on the 27 ih ult . in the house adjoInlrsK LitUcUrwa Gaidtns , occupied by 3 dr . Wflliam Boococfc The rooms -were tastefully decorated "with portraits of the permeated friends of the prople . Tea was on the table at five o ' clock , and Trp"wards of one fcundrrd and thixty persons partook of fije beverage , which tras prepared in 3 D excellent btylu , and jrave great satisfiction . SsVcial appropriate toasts veit -ifterwards riven .
ETOCKFORT . —Oa Sunday evening last , the large looin in Bomber ' s-ferow -Baa crammed to hear the report of delegates to the Conference . Mi . Joctph Carter was called to the chair , ilr . Thomas Clark then ros * and Buttxcd at laigih i » to the pioccedin ^ s of "ftje CoDference and spuke In flirteriag terms of the P ; an of Orgzja ' z ition sabTnitted to the CharfiBt delegates fcy Mr . Tcomas CooptJ , of Leicester . Mr . John AlUnson . the other deltrgste addressed the meeting for some time on the necbssty of union In our ranks , as the best mca&s of making the Charter the law of the land . A vote of thanks vas then nnonimoasly given to Messrs . Clark and Allinson , and the meeting broke up .
TAVISTOCB- —A public tea was htld at thB Temperax . ee Hote -, on Tuesday ifttk , « n -wLich occasion the room was tastefully dtcorate *! \ riih appropriate banners and evergreens . About 345 sat down amongst whom 'were a lvcmbex of rtspcciable females . After tea , the following resolutions trer * agreed to : — " Viewing with deep regret the late Jisturbaaces in ihe manufacturing district * and belWvis ^ them to hive enu . natad from class legislation , this meeting pltdres itself never to cease agitatio- until the ^ Charter become the uw of tte land . " " That in Use opinion of this metliBg tbe lat--condect of Lord Abin ^ er , In his address to th ¦ Grand Jury , at Liverpool , was tyrannical and ui < ju * t , sud this xaeetiflj ; pledges itself to use all legal means to remove him from the judicial bench . "
XiOKDON . —Sta ^ Copfse House , Goi . de > La > e —l > Lr . Bolwell , who had been elected as delegato to tb « Birmingham ConftTence , attended aud gave & report < A his mission ; and from the manner in which he was recei v&d , it vas evident he ga te satisfaction to h ' u constitnents , who passed 3 csa-iimona vote of thanks fur Ms condnct dnricg the sittings of that body in Birmingham . Mr Samuel Clark then endeavoured to show the » nestiBg that these Conferences did not in any way adv ^ cce the cause of Chartism ; that they were attended Vith a great expesce , the chief portion of which rsuie from the poorer classes of society ; that it was an excf
tovaxi ^ t irsste fnnds , as the monf-y would be bttt ^ r applied if given to the support of the -wives and families of the political victinu . He was listened to with great attention ; but failed to carry conviction to his bearers , as several present opposed his vietrs . Mr . Bolwall having replied , it was Tmanimously resolved , That , oa Sanday evening next , we dispense with a erturer-, and , is lieu thereof , that the following question ba discussed by thB membars : * ' Has the late Conference produced any beneficial result ? " Sir , BoVwell Trill open the debate , Tn * faT « i « fag the -affirmative . DisetUBion is invited .
SHEFFIELD . —Fig-Teee Laje . —On Sunday evening , 3 Ir . Edwin Gill read letters from the delegates of the Conference , giving an account of their tteward-Bhip , "which gave general satisfaction . He also shewed the hatred of the Stn&ites to an urdon with tht working masses , not only by their lecent conduct in the Town Hall , but by thsii factions ¦ withdratr&l from the Bitmingham Cocferencs . Mr . Peter Foden also eloqneutly addressed the mseting . The room was beautifully decorated fcr the Chrx&tmaa festivities and weli filled .
mAWCHESTHR . —The Chart-sts of . Manchester ield a tea-party in their room . Brown-street , on Sunday evening hut The room was splendidly decorated with festoons of evergreens and portraits of the moat distinguished characters connected with the Chartist movement . About 350 sat down te tea , and after negating themselves with the good cheer so amply provided for them , the tables were removed , and Mr . Donovan was editd upon t * preside , "who , after a few remarks , read the first toast , -which was , " The P ^ ple ' s Charter , and may ita glorious principles live in every heart , bt echoed by every tongue , and soon be recognised as the lav of the land , giving peace and happiness to our beloved country . " The Rev . W . V . Jackson responded to the toastin a most powerful and impressive speech , "which occupied nearly an hour in the delivery . The Rev . Gentleman -was loudly applauded throughout . The Chairman then resa and said the next to&st , was one
¦ which he "was sure-would recommend itself , and , therefore , -would require no recommendation from him : *• The Northern Star—may the gloxkros initba advocated bythat luminary shine more and more resplendent , mi every -vestige of ignorance be removed-from eff the people , thus rendering futile all further attempt * to enslave and degrade them . " Mr . Laue , one of the delegates to the Birmingham Conference responded to the sentiment in & most effective mannei , and was listened to throughout with the greatest attention . The Chairman then rose and said , the next toast was one in which he -was sure they would feel deeply interested ; itwas as Mlow 3 : —• 'Frost , Williams , Jones , and Ellis—may the people , for whose cause they are
suffering the horrors of txtfe , and the manacles of felens , never cease their exertions to restore them to their homes , their country , and friends ; and may those exerSons be speedily crowned with sncceBs . " The Chartist . National Anthem was Then suDg by the ¦ whole company , accompanied by the bind , which had a most solsmn and imposing effect . The Chairman then gave the next toast , "which was ably responded to by Mr . Pildes , and was aB follows : " The immmortal memory of Henry Hunt , Esq . "with all those that have died in ths cause of human freedom "—The yfrmyrmgn than « ai ^ hBTTould make no xexuaik upon the
next tcast , hut leave it to their ovrn feelings ; it was as follows : " FexrgnsjO'Connor , Esq . ; may he ever live in the grateful affections of a people fox whom he has dene and Buffered so much , and may biB disinterested Bervizes be duly appreciated by seconding his efforts to render them great , glorious , and free . " ( Tremendous cheering- ) The band then played several favourite airs , and several recitations having been giv&n , the clock of St . Andrews strnck one , when the company commenced sporting the fantastic toe , and broke up at nine o ' clock , highly delighted "with the manner they had commenced the new year .
OPENSHAW . —The Chartiste of this place held & tea party ^ sd ball in the Association Room , on Monday evening lost , when upwards of one hundred persons sat down . The -committee deserve the praise of all -who attended upon this occasion for their excellent arrangements , tfMcd . -were of that nature that notwithstanding the ym ^ H-npg ^ of the room all wtnt off with comfort and good order . The room vras beautifully decorated "with splendid portraits- On the tea equipage being removed Mr . Da-wson vras unanimously called upon to preside , ami the usual patrietic U > asts having fceen given , the company enjoyed themselves till a late hour , and retired highly delighted .
Blair's Gout A£D Rheumatic Pills.
Northern Star (1837-1852), Jan. 7, 1843, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct785/page/2/