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C^attigt 3Swtt'IUs*nc _ 2 THE NORTHERN STAR.
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"QLOFELD AND CO . ' s NEW MAP OF ENG--P LAND , SCOTLAND , AND WALES , compiled from the Trigonometrical Survey of the Honourable the Board of Ordnance , and Corrected to the present time , from Documents in possession of the Commissioners of Boards , < &c . Size . —5 $ feet long , by 4 feet wide , margin not reckoned . Where preferred , it can be had in two part ? , the one containing the Map of Great Britain ; the other , th « reformation TnriTid tVif > htvrripT .
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SEW ARRANGEMENTS FOR EMIGRAT 10 " ^ FROM LIVERPOOL To THE UNITJ jD STATES OF AMERICA AND CANAD A , FITZfiL'GH , WALKER , and Ce ., M jlbciuuib , and Geseral I . migration ; Age « t > Ne . 10 , Gorce Piazzas , Liverpool , having complt xed arrangements wita Messrs . Pomeroy and Co ., at tfce United States , proprietors of the " ExpresB " Line from the City of New York to the Western pa / ts of America , and Canada , " are now prepared tQ > offer new and important facilities to Emigrants proceeding to any part of America or Canada ; whioh are the following 1 st . Fitzhngh , Walker , and Co ., are prepared to contract to deliver Emigrants at , any ? art as above , either by Canal , Railroad , or otloer conveyance there , at fixed prices and low rate * , guaranteeing that no delay or detention shall occur in New York , or elsewhere , on the way . By this means the exact expence of reaching any part of the United States or Canada can be ascertained before leaving England .
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DR . STYAN , / CONTINUES with unabated success to cure a V CERTAIN DISEASE , and all disorders arising therefrom in a few days , without restraint of diet or hindranoe from basiness , at his Medical Hall , 125 , East-street , bottom of Kirkgate , Leeds . Observe , I have t > ften been advised to employ agents for the sale of my medicines , but I never wonld give ear to it ; I have seen too much the bad results of Medicines being sold in that way , they frequently leave more uncured than they cure . All cases are not alike . ^ I mu-t see my patients and then I can do them justice without imposition . i All diseases incident to the human frame very successfully treated . —Advice gratia . Bleeding , and Teeth carefully Extracted .
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FUNDS FOR THE NATIONAL DEFENCE FUND . TO NEWS AGENTS , SHOPKEEPERS , AND AE 80 CIATIONS IN GENERAL . TTICKERMAN'S REAL CHARTIST BLACKV ING , by far the CHEAPEST AND BEST ever yet offered to the Public . The Wholesale Profits will be devoted to the General Defence Fund . The allowance to the Trade more liberal than any other Manufacturer can allow . Give your orders immediately , and by bo doing you will raiBe a fund sufficient to defond your noble Leaders . Remember the " Ides of March" are coming ! All Orders and Communicatious to be addressed to Mr . Edwahd Clayton , News Agent , Hudderafield , who has been appointed Wholesale Agent . Give your Orders ! Give vour Orders !
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A CURE ! FOR ALL ! ! holliway ' s ointment , hollow ay ' s pills . EXTRAORDINARY CURE OF A CASE ABANDONED BY GUY'S , THE METROPOLITAN , KING'S COLLEGE , & CHARING CROSS HOSPITALS . This fact was sworn to this 8 . h day of March , 1842 , Before the Lord Mayor , at , the Manmon-hou ^ e .
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/ HE SPINAL COMPLAINT . ynE R" & vsh&rdlya single complaint amongst the J- Hub tftetfg t 0 which the Human Frame is liable so distr jssjng and so prostrating as Affection of the Spine ; ^ d shere is hardly another complaint so difficult f / cure . The discoverer of an almost unfailing Reme f $ muy therefore safely be said to confer a boon UP 011 his-3 pecie 3 ; and this Remedial Boon is proved Dv e . xteBSive experience to have been discovered by liie Proprietor of
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Just Published , price 2 s . i j d ., and sent free on receipt of a Post-office Order for 3 s . 6 d . MANLY VIGOUR : . a Popular Inquiry into the CONCEALED C . ' aUSES of Us PREMATURE DECLINE ; with In- itructions for its COMPLETE RESTORATION , * idressed to those suffering from the Destructive Coi ^ sequences of Excessive Indulgenoe in Solitary 4 ud Delusive Habits , Youthful Imprudence , or I jfection ; with Remarks on the Treatment of Gho- jorrhoe , Gleet , Stricture and Syph ilia . Illustrated jrith Cases , &o .
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PEEL'S TARIFF OUTDONE THE COFFEE TAX REPEALED ! MESSRS . JCROW AND TYRELL beg to call the attention of the Chartist Public to the BEVERAGE prepared by them , as a Cheap and Wholesome substitute for Taxed Coffee . Its nutritious qualities are equalled by none in the Market ; while its mode of Preparation renders it vastly superior to the ; Trash offered for Sale by those who regard not the health of the Consumer . As a means of supporting the " Executive Committee of the National Charter Association , " and as a means of crippling the Governmental Exchequer , it may be made a ready and powerful weapon in the hands of the Sons of Toil .
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THE NEW DISCOVERY . BY WHICH th > Trembling Hand may become Steady , ! the Weak Heart Strong , and Nervous irritability ( so ofteu the precursor of insanity ) may bo arrested , ! is offered * , o the Publio , who may rely on nervous vigour being the reward of a patient trial . By the use of this Medicine ( whioh does not contain one particlejof any opiate ) refreshing Bleep has been obtained byfthose who have not enjoyed that blessng for years , and the most obstinate indigestion conquered . Above thirty of the Nobility now use this wonderful restorative .
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O GRIMSHAW AND CO ., 10 , Gorce Piaizas , Liverpool , Despatch fine FIRST CLASS AMERICAN SHIPS , of large Tonnage , for NEW YOHK and NEW ORLEANS , every week ; and occasionally to BOSTON , PHILADELPHIA and BALTIMORE , and for QUEBEC and MONTREAL , also first rate British Vessels to NEW SOUTH WALES and VAN DIEMANS LAND . THE "OLD" LINE ^ -PACKET SHIPS , ( black ball line , ) sail from LIVERPOOL FOR NEW YORK , Punctually on the Appointed Days , Wind permitting ,
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Just Published , Price 2 s . 6 d ; ( Or sent free to the most remote parts of the Kingdom , in a sealed envelope , on the receipt of a post-office order for 3 s . 6 d . )
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6 REENOCK . —Since the return of our delegate from Birmingham nothing of snffisiem interest to he iroith notice ias taken plsce here ; the retreat of the S-turge party has completely put a damper upon the chameleon ox -srea-htrcock crew in this place , and the good and trne Chartists are oa the look-out for the Corn-crakes or any other political Charlatans that may show their nose here , and should any sach dare to face as they *>** 11 haTe another proof of oar determination to stand toy principle . So far as the working classes are in circumstances the trade and provision thermometer iaat the lowest point , and those "who are the foundation , or Social pillar , are getting long sermons and short allffvance of soup , religious tracts ami red herrings . The masses are notr thoroughly convinced that the
People ' s Charter is the only compass -which is calcu lated to guifie us to fche port of prosperity and-peaca . The Victim Committee , seeing the appeal of our staunch and tried iriend , O'Connor , in behalf of the friends of free dom , determined to do what they could , and called a puMic meeting , to impress npan the people , the dnty they owe to themselves a . d to the patriots in giving them all the aid in our power . The meeting was held in the Chartist Church j Mi . Thomson , the teacher , in the choir , irho opened the business with a few remarks on tbe important business "which had brought tfcem toother : sfwr "wnich , tae audience "was addressed by 3 &r . Bnrrell , ilr . M'Lean , and Hi . Robertson . The Joliomng resolutions "were carried withsut a dissentient
Toice j — "That this meeting dt * ply regret the position inio "which some of the best friends of -freedom in . England haw been forced by claEs-made law , while doing all in their power to prevent the "working classes beinj made the tools of ths Corn Law L-agne , who iave been proved to be ths authors ef the late outbreaks in England , and to which body lord Brougham and Sir Fcrrand have referred in their places in Parliament , as being ths originators of the riots . " " That yre are rsjolved to do all in our posrer to aid the fiftynine individuals to be tried , and also all other faithful pioneers in the good cause by sending-such sums as we can collect for their assistance . And we hereby agree to gtt up a subscription immediately for that purpose . " We would also recommend all lovers of fraedom to
mute together to establish the happiness of the human race . " "That -we look upon an other agitatans , as got np by political jugglers , to serve their own ends , and calculated to deceive and betray the people which does not recognize ths People ' s Charter as the first and only measure of justice worth struggling for , and best calculated Jto give the industrious classes the power to remedy the manifold evils of ths infernal system under Vhich "Be Starra" The i- 'h-nrrn'm closed tbe proceedings with a few appropriate remarks , and after the nsual Vote Of thvfcs and cheers the meeting dismissed . Sis shillings tri 3 collected for the fund , and the treasurer haa 15 i in hand . We txpeci to be able to Bend £ 2 , next week . S > TJBLI ? f . —GHABTlSa TAKIXG ROOT AMONGST the Middle Classes at last . —Eighteen Citizens
ADMITTED HE 24 BEBS OF THE lltlSH UNIVERSAL SBTPRaGE association . —The nsual meeting of the Irish ' "Universal Suffrage Association was held on Sunday last ' Ai two o'clock the chair was taken by Mr Senry Clark . Mi Dyott read the minnfcwof the last day's proceeedings and the rules and oljtcta of the Irish "Universal Suffrage Association . He also read a letter from Mr Jas . Williams , of Bishopwearmonth , as well as several other letters . Mr . Dyott moved , " ThafAIr . J . Tierney , cabinet maker , bo admitted a member . * Mr . D . Danny seconded the motion , and took that opportunity of expressing his deep regret for ths language lie had used on the previous Suiday —( hear , hear , and cheers ) . He had altogether mistaken the objects of the Association and ths motives of those whom he
opposed . He saw his error , and he now pltdged himsef to co-operate neart and bouI with that truly rational and democratic Association—( great cheering ) while at the same time he begged to be distinctly understood that he reserved to himself the right of opposing any proposition of which he did not approve . He hoped that he should never again be in the warmth of debate , or otherwise be led into the use of unbecoming Isngn 3 ge—{ hear , hear ) . Mr O'Higgins said that ha bad seldom risen in Ms life with more sincere pleasure than be did upon tbe present occasion . He had taken a par * in politics from , his infancy , bad belonged to many associations , but he never had seen the real , the true , and genuine principle -of democracy carried into practical operation in any of them— ( bear ,
tear ) . There was a leaning to classes and higher orderainthem all , even in the Trades Political Union . However on the present occasion a bright example vould be held np for tbe whole country . He had the pleasure of proposing eighteen of hia f&U&w citizens lor admission , amongst whom were two respectable ¦ wealthy employers and their jourBeymen—fzre * t cheering ) . Did you ever hear of the masters having come forward on the same day to join in a political association "With their journeymen ar . d porters ?—{•• No , no . ttver . " ^ "Well , then , btre they are now ; look cut in the yard there and see the giga and carriages in which the masters have brought theii men to join us . There ie a practical answer to ths unfounded charges of JnegaSty snd infidelity which have been hurled against us . And who are those employers ?—men who never yet attempted to lower the wages ef a single man in their -employment—inear , hear ) . Mr . O Higgins coneluded by moving that Mr . Pat Qsrberry and bis
journeymen , and two purlers be admitted , and Mr . Pit Moonsy , feis journeymen , Mr . Michael Ennis , Mr . Michael Ward , Mr- Jobs "Dunn , Mr . John Finn , Mi . Jonn Kzilfoyie , Sir . Edward Dalton , kb 4 < nfcera be atljnifced . The motion having beenf seconded by Mr . Da n , the parties were admitted aciiJat the most hearty cheeris * . The adjourned debate on the address to the most Her . Dsjetor Murray , Catuolic Archbishop of Dnblin was Uien * e « imed . Mr . T ^ ott spoke for an honr in support of the address . It silbnced all oppoidtion bo fcffcctaally that Mi . O " Higgins , the mover of tbe address , waved his ri ? h . t to a reply to those who opposed it on ths previous Monday . The question having been put it was carried unanimously . The amount received this day was £ 2 33 . € d ., being the largest amount received in one day si&ce the formation ef the association . > Ir . Pat Mooney , the . new member T 3 s called to the chair , am ' , the usual thanks given to Mr . Clark , af m which tine mfe » bg separated .
X , 62 fx ) ON . —The Metropolitan Dalegaie Meeting ¦ was lield on SuEday , at the Political and . Scientific Institute , Turn-again-lane , Mr . Overton in the chair . Credentials -were received froa Mr . Bond , for Bloomsbnry . A deputation was received from the National Association , inviting tie delegates in their individual capacity to a meeting on Tnursday evening , at the . Hall of the Association , in order to take xteps for calling public meetings to adopt the Remonstrance . Mr . Simpson reported from the Yictim Committee , and the secretary of that body was ordered to be communicated i ¦ with . Mr . Simpson moved , and Mr . Humphries ¦ econded , That the Observation Committee be dis- solved , a-nri a new one appainted . " Cjxried . Messrs . Wieeler , Cs&ij , Simpson , 2 > z ~ n , M ^ raphreTB , Staxj ) ,
Mills , Salmon , and Slaynsrd , v « b elected . Two and sixpence was received from » ne Juniors , and two and sixpence from Globe Fields . A long discussion took place regarding the future meetint . a of the delegates , and Messrs . Wneeltr and Cuffay were appointed to wait on the Managing Committee of the Institution to ascertain the terms , &c , at which the hall would be let to the delegates . Mr . Cuiky , after a brief address , moved lie adoption of the following resolution : — *« Teat the MbfcopoBtan Delfcgate Meeting returns Jts t * ' * '" ** to tbe anii-Com Law Xsague for tbe excellent and commodious place -of meeting is provided for th em on Tuesday , Jan . 21 st , and trusts they "will ¦ speeoily give the staunch Gfcastista of tbs "SBetropoliB another opportunity of publicly asserting tiieir
prin-« iplc » . " MfGrew seconded tbe motion . Mr . Whee-er 2 Boved , and Mr- PickersgHl seconded" the following amendment : — " That ths metropolitan delegate meeting returns its sincere thanks to their broths Chartists for theii coble conduct in defeating the efforts of tbe anB-Corn Law faction , on Tuesday , February 21 st . and trust Sat notwithstanding tbe lying calumnies of ths aistropolitan press , they will never ctase boldly to advocate their principles at every public meeting which may be called by that party . " Tbe amendment was carried by a considerable majority . During the discussion , it was stated that the gentlemen in their hasty TeVreat broke a large mirror value £ 20 , which adorned &e back uf tbe falhiy ; of coarse , it iras all owing to the Chaxtist violences the meeting then adjourned until the following Sunday at the same building .
The Hetb . ofoi . ita 5 Victim Committee met on Sunday evening , Mr . Caffay . in the chair . Mr . Bantvot laid before the Committee ! the case of his brother , now a prisoner in Chester Castle , lai acting as Ctturman at a meeting held at Macclesneld , in August last , and stated that his brother ' s case had not yet been examined -wnli a "view to preparing bis defence . 2 Jr . Salmon mo-red , and Mr . Sateisan seconded , that Mr . "WKeeler be instructed to carrespond with Mr . Roberts upon the Eibject Carried unanimously , and the meeting adjourned . Hi . Skeltos lectured at the InfiUtntion , 1 , Tumagain-lane , on Snn .. ay evening , to a numerous audience , ¦ en the subject of education . At the " conclusion , some MBiasis were made In opposition by Mr Cowan .
SOTTO 2 I-XK-ASHFIE 1 J > . —A lecture was delivered herera Sunday by lax . Peter Sigby . after which a aeries of resolutions in favour of the Chattel , aud of ti » working classes becoming possessed- ef the soil ¦ wett earned by acclamation . Mr . Bigby received the thinks of thtmeenng for his excellent lecture . HKWTON-STTJAHT . —A public m&etus was fieM in the Creebridge Hall , on the evening of Thursday laat , to consider the propriety of memorializing the member * for Galloway , to support the motion of Sharmsn Crawford , Esq ., which comes on on the 9 th of
Jiarch . Jit Crawford was called to the chair , after -which -Mi . Somers addressed the meeting at some length , and concluded by moving a series ef resolutions in favour of a radical reform ef the House of Commons , sod tbe getting up of memorials to the three representative ! of Galloway , to be signed by the elector * , and urging them to TQte for Sharcnn Crawford ' s motion . The resolutions were seconded ££ d unanimous ] y adopted -ynfl a committee appointed to carry them into effect Alter giving a vote of thanks to tbe cbairman , » ho is a county elector , the mrsting G *« missfr * .
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CAR 1 ISI . E . —The Defence Fuwd . —The work goes br&vely on . ' A meeting of the council and collectera was beld at No . 6 , John-street , Caldewgate , on Sunday last , when various snms were paid ia from aiff-.-rent districts , to the amount of nearly two pounds , which , with three pounds four shillings , which was sent to Mr . John Cleave , last week ; making together upwards of five pounds for Car iBle a ' one ; several ef the neighbouring districts having sent off their own subscriptions . The small , but spirited village of Dilston , 5 &nt , we believe , one pound . The sum of five shillings was sent at the same time for the bereaved ilrs . Ellis , the proceeds of a collection at the Working Men's Mental Improvement Society . The Council have also j-aid Mr . James Arthur ' s expenses to Lancaster , three pounds having been sent for the Borne object some time ago . The whole amount from Carlisle will be nearly ten pounds .
Thb Working Men ' s Mental Improvement Society . —The members of this society , held their usual weekly meeting at their room , No . 6 , Johnstreet , Caldewgate , on Sunday evening last , Mr . Joseph Wharton , in the chair . The minutes of the former meeting were read over , and confirmed ; after which , some discussion took place on the following question : " Have the egotism and denunciation of the late William Cobbett and other distinguished public men , bad a beneficial or injurious tendency on society . " Oa the motion ol Mi . GilbflTt&on , the dkcusaion was again adjourned , until ntxt Sunday evening , when it will be reEumsd . Non-members admitted tra-tia .
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CLITHEKOE . Mr . James Marsden , cordwainer , Shaw-bridge . Mr . William Colbridge , cotton spinner , Low Moor . Sir . John Barker , do . do . Mr . Richard Robinson , shopkeeper , do . Mr . John Driver , couoi ^ Epinner , do . Mr . William Hargreares , cordwainer , Castlestreet . Mr . Wm . WhiDp , cotton spinner , Waterloo . Mr . Richard Cuduse , cordwainer , Castle-street . Mr . Jas . Robinson , block printer , Boatlands , sub-Treasurer . Mr . Robert Whitham , green grocer , Shaw-bridge , sub-Secretary . CPPEH "WAHLET .
Mr . David Mande , woolcomber . New-land-gate . Mr . Wm . Shaw , ditto , Broad Tree . Mr . Wm . HoTsfield , ditto , Raw End . Mr . John Wilkinson , ditto , Popplewdls . Mr . Thomas Wilkinson , ditto , Lictle Town . Mr . James Briar , ditto , Little Moors , snb-Trea surer . Mr . Joseph Greenwood , weaver , We 3 tfield , sub Secretary .
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Trade -with China . —The Gazette of last Tuesday night contains an order in Council prohibiting her Majesty ' s subjects from resorting , for the purposes of trade and commerce , to any other ports in the dominions of the Emperor of China thau those oF Canton . Amoy , Foo-chaw-foo , Ningpo , and Shanghae , or than may be in tbe occupation of her Majesty ' s foroeB . Any persons committing a breach or violation of this direction , are , npon conviction in any of her Ma jesty ' s courts of record or Tice-Admiralty , liable 10 a penalty , not exceeding one hundred pounds , or to imprisonment , for a term no : exceeding threo months , at the discretien of the Court . Thb Executors of the Earl of Durham have , given this winter nearly L 600-tons of coal to the poor people of Sunderiand , Bishopwearmouth , Southwick , Deptford , North and South Hjiton , &c . &c—Tyne Mercury .
C^Attigt 3swtt'ius*Nc _ 2 The Northern Star.
C ^ attigt 3 Swtt'IUs * nc _ 2 THE NORTHERN STAR .
Dedicated, By Permission, To Her Most Gbaciod Slajestt Queen Victoria, And Her Royal Highness The Dx?Ches3 Op Kkjft.
Northern Star (1837-1852), March 4, 1843, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct792/page/2/