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Ct)attt«!t $nt?Wiscnc?.
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My deab Fsohcbs , —In a leader in last week ' s Star , 4 he Editor , in speaking of my joining , the Repeal AsoeiaSoB , says tiat ie is glad thai I goi a * xap < m fee icnekles" ftr joy over zaaL Jfc 13 not thefesi I iaveiad ; aior , I- fear , mil it be the last . I however entirely agree with fiie Editor , Sa 4 it was merited ; -while I flunk & majority trill isty those -Bio gare it more than Mm -who received it .
I am aow going to -write about ocs < twx xf ~ ziibs ; and I lave the consolation to know that ¦ when I imte for men engaged 3 n a honest straggle lor liberty , anstwd of ¦ a rap on the knuckles" I receive correcBon in the mildest form in -whici sonnd reason 2 nd . good feeling can administer it . We msrsow be-osgaiozb 2 "We mnst start jrom ihat point Tvfcere ire -were stopped ! The preliminary step -which I propose is the appointment of a General Secretary , pro ten- to
Tehran uraaanaiions Ehafl be sent preparatory to &e election of an Executive , ; and as we mn ^ plaoe confidence somewhere ; and as Mr . Wheeler hasaJreadj filed ihat effice during the absence of the 3 a » Secretary ; and as he was elected by Jus *> wn order , and discharged file dnties to their satisfaction j I propose that he shall be the man : and thai -when ihe -rotes are to be taken for the Exf enure thai a delegate shall be appointed from each Chartisi district in London , to aid and assist him in ma ^ np his return .
TSThen an Executive is elected , they should , in my opinion , csli a Conference of Delegates , to whom all Plans « f Organizxtion shall be submitted ; for the purpose of agreeing npos snch plan as shall 1 > tsfc sni our position , and guard the body from any legal persccu&oiu That is , to digest and adopt a good , strand , Jegal plsn of organization , by which the ErecuiiTe , the local ofScers , and Ihe members , shall be formed . This done , I shall make a bold push lo pre « rrs some central commodious building
5 n London , ss the properiy *> f the Association , as ihe centre zad rallying pomi ; the building to be used as I pointed eui in a former letter upon OrfUBzarion : Tor , rely upon it , that the Chartisi body sever will prosper nuts it has ** head qnarissf ana I know of 110 place so fitting as the Metropolis cf tie ceuntry . However that w 21 be s subject to ba hereafter submitted to asy Confereaee that snay be assembled . The election of an Execoirre is the first step and one which is indispensable to onr existence as a party .
"We Sad ihe " Ccmplete Suffrage men , as they fall ihesselves , amking with the leaders of the anti-Gprn Law league , and endeavouring « nce more to dekiie the people with masked principles . It is high tine ihat we sfeonid be up and doing ! Above sudbefore all , is is necessary , that we be on our guard against the machinations of villains now traversing the country ' , IH XHB HOPE OF 6 QQKG tp iSoiaEB 3 ETOLCHO 51 I have conversed -with two or three , "who were very nearly entrapped by those monsters . They proceed thus : they make
their way into public houses in densely-populated localities ; and , after spouting a quantity of stuff , 3 Ek those present , "if thi 3 would not be a good opportunity for raising wages , while so tctj many soldiers haTe been drafted to lislaEtP ! and insmaats thai " a row in England -would hare a powerful effect upon Irish politics . " Ivowhear what I haye to say ! and as my advice , if foiltrsvfcd in 1839 , 2 nd in August last , would hare spared yon much sorrow as well as mneh money , yon har * 3 right to give i ; its due weight . I tell too
ihex . that THE OBJECT OF THESE RUFJIAIiS 15 TO DESTROY US 2 and ajihough there msy not be any other man in England to do SO , I irill resisl this new attempt to annihilate Char-& 3 J 1 . ' It is your enty to think of the past , and take -warning ty it . NotMug wonid eo much gratify all panks as ihe ^ rrersion of the public raindfrom other subjects to a feeble Cnartis ; outbreak ! I -assure you ihat Ireland would become tranqoil as if by ms £ ic 5 snd the soldiers would bs all spared until ¦ we -sreie destrcyedl and a compromise of some sort a ot £ tr wcVl be entered into , when the only body really sincere and in earnest had been crushed .
I iar # heard it proposed to send Chartisi delegates to Wsles . I ieU too toboso such thisg ! If jcu & , THEY WILL BE ENTRAPPED . ! and fh » pTcroGi * T 3 of ihe plan , to -cotex tiiEmstlTeEj wiD a ? before , charge " all upon ihe Chartists - ° and again teU yen , ihat ¦** itsras Feargns O'Connor who ^ id , " ct -niso *• = pc-ile ^ all " . I tberefoie speak oat at once . We have , through the interposition of ProTJdence , escaped egreai calamity ! cotfromany tenderness of our Torv persecntcrs or Whigmalignersj for both equally
tMrsted for our blood ; but because we relied upon ihe 13 W and ^> nr own innocence ; and U 3 ed the law jrropcrlj Tot our protection . Let us nst then be hoiSiy embroiled in another covJRct tnih the Strong Gucenanejifl who , althoegh " thb whole THUG "WAS XBEXXGED BETWXEH THEM A 5 D ME , " -jronld , I assure yon , be well pleased to draw their pack c 5 fee Irish scent , and halloo them iu fuQ cry after me j and in which all the " Liberals " would gladly act their part of huntsmen , whippersixufconts , and dog-boys .
A person railed npon me on Tnesday ( yesterday ) ; and sa d that ** bs bsd saious notions of going to Wale 5 " ; and £ = £ ed ** icy «|» i 2 Jon of his project I " I told M 32 to " go to the Dsnl if he liked ; bnt to go cm of iej hDU 58 at all svesis ! Old Hozhxx Taoajfion , Dr . Bowrine , Dr . Bitehie , auS the " Complete Suifrage" men , had a festival last uisbs , Jsstph Sturge in the chair ; and no spsater ^ 33 tctts londly cheered tlan Mother
Thompson , wlale inoathiEg cut b = r old balderdash , litde Tineeor , wao strar * 10 the men of Derby that n -was a or . trise penitent , asd -would nefer err asain f Mr . B » 2 HS . who moTed the Birmingham tt Complete SaScagr' resolntions , in tbe Birmingham Couftjerce , seq refused 10 wi-udraw them when LoTeu c&red to wiftdraw bis , were there also . In short , as we sU ppeticied at Binniegham , th *> y hare tow opaiij and nEifcusEingiy joiaed for our "essruoiion .
Dr . Bowiine , the " pcei Laareate" of the " antimonopolists , " aad"fcTEign Bag-man" to the Whigs , tlechcred , that UB did not go Jar ejunufhjbr his CBsmopMie nofums *; for ** he would nnheeitaiiafcly enfranchise women . " Now , I -e-oold not : and i'H ieH yon my reasons why . Isol tbat I doubt their jadgmeBt , or ihe proper use of it ; or their honesty : tut because it wocjld lead to Fajaii-T dissestioss , icliife it ic % idd noi advance or &en > e the cause ofde-Bxx * jacxr one single bit . 1 think a working man and Ms sriJe conld agree comfortably as to the moa botteSeia ] use to be made-of the os » e Tote-1 and 1 feel
ascrcc mat the opinions or the wife would hare a powerful coattolHag tfiect over hex hocbaiid . Bnt T * i& a Female Suffrage , every prostitute streei wa&tr . ladies of &shicn , soldiers * wires , idlers , and the myes of liTery serrants , with the whole female staff at the command -of masters , men of fasnicn , sdo gbuiMers , would be eTer marched np to the poll in SDpjrtun of tyranny , prostitution , and oiprtesion . Tisse glib philosophers hare made many attempts io oni-lid as Ly e ^ drovaganl professions ; but I rejoice tist ihv soniid gOfci sease of tie working classes ha 3 enabled li-esa Uniiccoyer , *} i ** all are int so maoj aneinpts " to choke the doe with baiter ' .
I * is to be renembered that these extraTagajizas tome from the principal supporters of thai faction itho for ten long gears assisted the WMgsin Oteir crusades against the Chartist iodp ; and who now merely mske a profession of liberality in the hope or a job ! They attempted to change onr name , and failed 1 And they know full well thai any * &ange of principle -wonld be a still more fatal step . It is , then ,- that Tve may beiua position to give battle to our enemies of all shades and classes , that I implore of you to Jose not a xnomeni in reorganising &e Chartist body ; aud . while ihamlriBg my
london friends for the honour they-conferred upon ae , I take this , the most Siting opportunity ; to s&ie lhat ,. upott the adrice of several of mj best fifeudsj X haye come to ihe ^ termination voi to become a catididate for ihe EaracufiTe . My council and asstance shall be at the Eerrice of those whom fte people thiuk proper to entrust wi& their eonfi- j deuce . j 1 duuot see the neeessty sf saying more upon ftei sibject of Organisation for the present ; lest itj should care Ibe appearance and gira rise to the cry ; * f * sicujigs . " Lceb I conld not ay under the :
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circumstances . All I do say is , that I am ready for any honourable aud legal part that shall be assigned to me in my proper sphere j : And remain your faithful friend , Pkakgxjs O'Coskob .
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MIDDLE-CLASS HUMOUR AND HONESTY . At tbe Mansion Honse Police Office , on Monday , the Captain of ihe Lion S earner , which was stated to be in the service of iht Yaxa . onth Mackarel Company , was summoned before the Lord Mayor for heaving ont the hawser of the Gazelle steam vessel , bj which act he not only placed a great deal of property iu the Thames in greas hazard , but endangered the lives of til ? pa < s- ^ ngTS . Mr . £ JalL the whai £ ; . g « : r at lie Cnstom House
Qnay , stated that , iu all his experience , he never b ' ard of a more reckless sad wanton act on the rm-r Thames than tbat t , f v \ hicb he appeared to complain , asd he trusted ihat ample exposure Trouid be siven to the c-2 ^ j ; l »> nt , for the sake ot Loaaniiy aad of public justice . It was neitber m-are nor less taan that lbs Captain of a vessel had , in order to tavc himself aud h : s cr « rw a few minutes trciiblr , cut atvay , at two o ' ciork in tbe momma , the rope by vrhicb another ves ? i-i waa secured irt ) m TWinii-iz ii » so cancer Jjexsel / , aud end&UgeriBK the lives Eid property 0 / others .
Cap-aic Johu Horst . of the Gazelle steam wsjel , stated xh-aX he arrived i ^ the riv * r at buio o ' oiock , c-D Saturday bjs i 1 , at t'bb ticc , opposite to the Custom-bouse stasr . s and mM& tbe ves-. el iast to tbe lower 5 i . airs there , in order to wait till xhe following flood , when she was to clear oOt- There were i > aa-Eeaccrs and eisbi horses and a carnage belonging to the Dakc of St . Alban ' s , on boa ^ d , / »« Me watch was ordertd to call the bauds np a . "ou r o clock m mommK . At two o ' clock in the morjT « n « , the Lion came down the riverand instead of ^ oiug in tbe
, middle of the stream , wished to pass between the Gazelle and the shore , and called onS to th . 3 bazeUe to slack her hawser , -which was fastened to the stairs . Tne watch refused to slack the rope , and told the Lion to pass en the outside * -whereni ^ n , without more ceremony , one of the crew of the Lion , cut the hawser with a hatchet , learing the Gazelle " at the mercy of the tide , and of course running along witb die stream . The passengers aud tbe crew , alarmed at the occurrence , ran upon deck , in their shirts , and exerted themselye » to prevtxit
the consequences to -which they -were exposeo , ana which might bave been very serion 3 , if it had not been for taeir zealous activity . . An Attorney , who appeared for the Captain ot the Liou , handed to the Lord Mayor a set of byelaws , wjoich he snbmined «> n > ple : siy se ued the question in farour of his client .
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The Lord Mayor , however , said , the 32 nd byelaw to which the iolioitor pointed , referred to vessels lyiBg at anchor , and not to vessels in the condition in which the Gazelle had been placed . The Attorney for the defendant then stated that the Lion had cut the hawser for the purpose of preventing any injury to the Gazelle , which had most improperly refused to Flacken the hawser . The Lord Mayor said ho should liko to hear evidence in justification of the act of the defendant . Robert Fenuer , marine , and managing man on board the Lion for the Yarmouth Mackarel Com
pany , then stepped forward . He had been , he said , placed on board by the Company to see that the people on board did their duty , and bo witnessed the transaction complained of . ¦ The Captain of the Lion directed that his vessel , in consequence of tbe want of room to paB 3 tneGazelle on the other side , should go inside , aud called to the Gazelle to slack -her hawser and allow the Lion to proceed . The Gazelle refused to do , as she was required , and the Lion then certainly cat the hawser and passed ; and if she had not done so considerable joss would have been incurred .
The Captain of the Lion said he had been for forty years , in the habit of trading upon the Thames , and he had not violated the regulations of the river during that time . ' If he had not cut the hawser ou the occasion stated he would certainly have lost his mackarel Toyage . : The Lord Mayor—If you have had any experience you must know that you wero transgressing very seriously when you : cut the hawser . The consequences might have ; been , iu the case of so large a vessel , and with the river crowded with craft of all kinds , most frightful . You must know that it was your duty to go into the main stream . I consider the case is a very bad one , and fino the Captain forty shillings aud costsj and I must eay the public are much indebted to Mr . Hall for having brought it forward .
The Defendant ' s Attorney submitted that as his client did not cut the hawser with his own hand , the penalty couid not be inflicted upon him . The Lord Mayor —( evidently surprised . )—But the Captain ordered one of his men to cut the rope . The Defendant ' s' Attorney said he could not deny that , but still he mutt put it to his Lordship that the men who cut the rope ought to be compelled to pay the penalty , and not the Captain . — ( Laughter . ) The Lord Mayort-Surely , you do not mean to say that if a poor Fsarnan obey the directions of his Capta : u , the Captain ia to make him responsible ! The Defendant's Attorney—If-tho aoi commanded to bo done by the Captain is illegal , the man has no right to perform it , and becomes responsible if he performs it .
The Lord Mayor—Yon cannot be serious in laying down such a maxim as that in a case of this nature It would be calculated to produce insubordination . Mr . Hall said it was disgracefnl in any professional man to recommend such a course , as well as disgraceful in the Captain to order one of his crew to perform such an act , and leave the whole weight of the responsibility upon the poor man ' s shoulder * . la order to save ten minnte 3 to himself the Captain of the Lion had put lives and property iu jeopardy . The Lord Mayor—And if any lives had been lost , be might have been prosecuted for murder . There is no excuse for such conduct . Mr . Hall requested that the amount of the penalty should be deposited in the poor-box . The Defendant ' s Attorney said , in his opinion the penalty would not be paid by his client .
Tne Lord Mayor—Then the alternative is three months' imprisonment . The Defeuaut ' s Attorney—The Captain did not « ut the hawser , and is therefore not responsible . The Lord Mayor—You don ' t mean to te \\ me that th » Captain would let the man he ordered to cut the rope , and who obeyed the order , go off to prison to suffer for the offence ? The Defendant ' s Attorney—That ' s matter of feeling , my Lord—( great derision . ) Mr . Hall declared tbat he never witnessed a mor unworthy case in every one of its parts . It was bnt natural , he admitted , thai a person who was capable . of gmng so reckless and inhuman an order in the first instance , should flinch from tho consequences , and make tho mere instrument under his absolute coutronJ responsible ; bul it was very seldom iudeed that a fellow capable of acting in such a manner would come forward to make so disgraceful a defence , with a lawyer to back him .
The Lord Mayor-rlt is altogether bad , and the penalty must be piid ^ Mr . Hobler hero called to the officer not to allow the defendant to leave the room without payment of tbe penalty . A young man , who ; it was believed was connectpd with the Yarmouth Mackarel Company , said he could not see the man who obeyed the order sent to prison , and paid the money which was , according to Air . Hall ' s desire , deposited in the poor-bos .
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MORE " PHYSICAL FORCE . " It seems desirable that earnest attention should be directed to the bul'jomed paragraph , which has recently ' gone the round' of the newspapers , indicating as it does the system that gradually obtains in the Government of Great Britain : — Akmixg am ) Broad Swobd Exercises of the Police . —The police are being convent-d iuto something more than a serai-military force , in order that they may perform the duties of the military , should any sadden emergency roD « ier their service neCCSBary- . The mounted Larse police are being instructed in the broad sword exercise , under the immediate inspection of military- men , aud in which they have already made great progress ! In the event of the military being called' off from the Tietropolis , the police will be enabled to act in their stead ; and it will be in the power of the authorities to use them , either as a civil or military force % as they may judge proper . —London Paper .
If there beany truth in this—and although widely promulgated it has not received any contradictionwhat a fearful future is sbadowvd forth in this virtual confession by the * powers that be , ' that s > uch sway as theirs can now only be upheld by un . iisgui ? ed pftysica / force—that henceforth they can only rule by the aid of the" broad swobd . " Aye , as Lord Grey once emphatically exclaimed . " What a picture of a government is here presented ! " The mere contemplation , indeed , of such a picture is " horrible ,
most horrible i" But this " more than a eearinjilitary force "—this new standing army—is but a iserc portion of the fruit of that atroeiousand libertyd straying parent tree of evil , ' yclep'd centralization , which the Whigs planted in . our English soil , and wh . ch their Tory successors in iniquity are apparently determined shall cover the land with its upas branches . And now it seems coolly contemplated that the roots of this tree must be nurtured even at the expence of blood spilt by the " broadswords . " wielded by the blue-coated myrmidons .
Merely as professing Chrisnans we are bound to fe «* l but htile of respect for those who follow blcodspiiling as a railing—the implements of whos- ; trade are swnrds , and musket ? , and bayonets , — whose bread is moist with tears and blood—yet must we admi il , at something like honour and * kin to human feelings , may be discovered iu some , at least , of those who unfortunately wear the scarlet uniform of tyranny ; but as for the blue coated , bludgeon wielding , and now *• broad svrorti exercised" army of Popays , we should be puzzled inoe « d to discover anything creditable to our common na ; ure in their composition—aye , even so much as a homoeopathic
dosa of humanity in . the whole " force . " While the soldier wv « ld disdain to act the part of a spy , the espenence of late years , if it be held as worth consideration , has bhewn * that no employment ia too mean or too infamous for police . The soldier would hesitate to fire upoa an nuarojed inuliitude , but such outrages as those of Caliaorpa-street and Kennington Common , testify bow eager the policemen , although his own cowaruiy carcase may be in no possible danger , is to knock unarmed men on the head , to trample defenceless woincn and even ohildren under his feet . If such , were the 'daring deeds ' of these * men of mettle' (?) when armed only with the bludgeon and cutlass , what may We not expect them to venture npon with their " broad swords I "
If we read the concluding een fence of the newspaper paragraph quoted above , in connection with tbe present aspect of affairs in Ireland—the swarming that country with soldiers—the inference is strong that our most humane and upright rulers are " looking ahead" for the time when they may proclaim martial law— " war io the knife" against Freedom in both countries , OLfet our friends " athome mark these words , Ih the event of the military being called of from ] the metropolis ( to Ireland for instance ) ihe pities will le enabled to act in their tteedf" i
5 hafact iB that the condition altogether of affairs in tJus country indicates a crisis , ike event of which must be to ensure its forward progress immensely , or , on the other-hand , to force its retrogression to a hopeless extern . The labouring classes—we may say , indeed , all classes , except the aristocratic landdronc-s—are heart and soul interested in the movement in advance—but ithesa have little political pswer—aud for these are not wielded the mighty engines of military and police—while it iB the inse-
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parable interest of the drones of which we have spoken , aad who exercise at will political , civil , and Military power , that we should be thrust backward—if possible beyond the point tho two last centuries of civilization have enabled us to distance . And lookiuR consequently by this light at such a measure as the further arming and drilling the bluecoated creatures that Peel called into existence by thousands , mast of neoessUy engender suspicion and watchfulness . Tho suspicion presenting itself to our minds is uot that the further suppression of crime is designed , bat that covert means are sought whereby tho blow shall bo rendered secure which is destined to strike from us the hope , the name of political emmcipatiou . * Peace and be still' are not to be tho words employed to lull the agitated waves of our political
ocean , but a ; mongrel race composed partly of the spy the policeman , and the soldier , and exercised iu the bad qualities of each , are to be thrust forward to awe us into submii-siou—perhaps by such means as attending the public meetiugB we may hojid in support , of our most sacred rights—parading forth with bludgeon and " broad-fewor
Watchfulness , we say , too , is likewise engendered among the millions . 11 is our eapred duty , as far as we may , to-render that watchfulness permanent . — Chartist Circulur ,
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SUNDERLAND . —Mr . Beesley delivered an excellent lecture here on Monday night last , the subject of wHob : was , " the evile arising from an Established Church . " Mr . B . handled the question in a maHtetly style , and save general satisfaction . SOUTH SHI 31 DS . —Mr . Boefiley lectured here on Tuesday evening , In the Market-place , Mr . Giffillan in the chair . The subject waa the . Repeal of the Cora L&'wb , which be handled in Brand style , and showed the fallacies of the humbugging League in their true light . A voto of thatiks was given to Mr . B . and tae Chairman , after which the me 3 ting separated . ¦
NEWCASTL 3—Mr . Samuel Ky < Ul of South Sh ield lee : ured on the Town Moor , ou Sunday afttrDOon ( being race Sunday ) to a . uu ' iaeroua audience . He very ably showed up the pernicious effects of the present system uflon tho productive portion of the community y , aud as several limbs of the aristocracy were listening to him , he enumerated to their faces the echenws which they resorted to , ; to rob tho labourer of his hire , and challenged any of them to deny his statements if they dared . Mr . Kydd lectured again in tho Chartist Hall in the evening , with very j { ood effeoc . Mr . { Sinclair in the chair .: a vote of thanks was tendered to Mr . Kydd , for the able manner in which : ho had advocated puro democracy ; and a rehoiutioti adopted unanimously , that Mr . Kydd bo requested to lecture again iu the same place ou nm Sunday evening .
The Chartists of Newcastle and Gatesbead held their usual business meeting on Monday evening . Mr . Young in . the chair . The minutes ot ' the previous meeting having beon read and confirmed , Mr . Frazer , shoemaker , Maoford's Entry , Northumberland-street , took his seat as secretary . Mr . Sinclair rpad the answer which he had received from Mr . WiLjam bharman Crawford , E ? q ., M . P .. respecting the Newcastle and Gatftshead petition for the IU peal 0 . the Legislative Union ,, which was highly satisfactory ; that gerulemau having considered it a pleasure to accedo to the wishes ot the petitioners . Not . 0 wiih tfee members for Newcastle and Gatoshoad , whjjn Mr . b . was instructed to request to support rKe prayer of that petition . Mr . Hutt says
t- cftoulu seel it his duty to oppose such a measure as ii Repeal of the Union . Mr . d \ i says that he will co vt . dur it his duty to give bis most decided oy pr . Miion 10 it . Mr . Fleming ihbii reportnl bho proceedings of the delegate meeting at Suuderland , having btth fi-qaestod to do so by ; soaao of the delegates there prcitnt , which gave rise to a lengthy tii : cussiu ; j , i ? .. titiupon the following resolutions wer •; u . ian oiously aaoptcd : —1 . "That e , comnactee of ei « bt pcrsoud be uppointed to investigate the report circuited by certain parties inimical to ttic goou diar .-icier of boaxo of the Chartiai body ; tha - two ol . vu . h m . rabers be ciiotcn by tho Cnartists of each ui » de following localities , viz . Ouseburn ,
bo'Uh bmciJrf , ounderland , and Newcastle . " Messrs . FraZ-T cud Cockburn were elected ; from Newcastle . 2 . " That a deputation be now appointed to confer with . he CZmruats of Ouseburu on the Bubject , and that our secretary be iuetruo'ted to correspond with the ChartiavSjot' South Shields and Sunderlaud , apprising them of the decision which the Newcastle Chartists . have come to , and requesting them to make the necessary arrangements for the meeting of the couvmiuee iA their earliest convenience . " M e ssrs . Fkiaing : < ud Johnstone were deputed to Ouseburn , and alter disposing of some local business the meeting was aojourned until next Monday evening , at eight , o'clock .
ROC&DAIjE . —On bmday last , a oarop meeting was held on Bagslate Common . Tho meeting waa very respectaolv ; in numbers a :: d very atU ' iitiva . Tha speakers were Misers . Mills , Chadwick , Wood , and Donovan ; the latur of whom spoke chiefly upon tne wrongs of Iivlaiul and hor present lamentable condition , coiitr-aetmg the patriotism of Morris , i'uzgerald , the Knight of Kerry , and Arth ' ur U'Cuauor ,. In th « ' evi uiiig , Mr . Donovan lectured iu our room ion " tho lineal Question" which was alto well attended .
TKOWBRI 3 BGE . —Acowruin . T ; to notice on Mon day evening last , a puM'o meeting uf the inliiibitants of this town was liokou iu the Duinocratic Hall , for the . purpooo of a . opiniR a petition to Parliament on behalf of »\' c-: nd . Ci'opOr , Richards , and tapper , now undtiy , o ! u ^ the-fry :- ; cruel treatwent in Stafford Gaol . Mr . li . ' . rdnn ; waa unanimously galled upon 10 pros ?< ¦• ( - ' . IJt » OfXTicd the bus :-iieos of tho metiing by tstiuing ii . o object lor wnich they had met , and coudu'icu by imioducwg Mr . Pajne , who gave a Jor-g t . ii ' . ' puweriul auaress and m » v < d the adoption of a ptiukm < -uliing tor redtess , which Was seconded by M .- . biev < -im and carriea unauimously , after Mr . llibben tiau spoken > n ha support . The ipetition was t'nivuslciV to ihe Garo oi ' Mr . liuneombe .
MAM CHESTER . —At tho ccuciuyion of Mr . Gsmmage ' s Lecture , on Sunday -evuuiug , ; u the Carpeiiter ' e HaU , Mr . James Whaler v / a ^ called lu the chair , who stated that about 1 < ar mon-. hs ago a committeti had been appointed Jor the pmpose ' ot pr ,. moling the ertctiou of a Chartist iiali , in aiiiuuUesier ; tiiat 240 shares had been tfttaja , i . i ^ hiy-iour ( tWnicii Wire pa \ d up ; and that . ihero waa then i » r J m ihe treasuri-r'a hands . He oaliod upon Mr . H , ward Clttrte , who , in a neat and elective t . ncich , niO ' . ej the tollowiug rosolutiou : — That this meetir ^ , i . ikiug into consideration tho necessity ior , und ih « artvau . ages likely to result from ^ the . Cb ;<«» i ; i » ot MjtUiJijcster haying a Hull of their own , iu which to transact all business connected with the Charuot movement , do Hereby pledge themselves to asM .-n tho
C / umiiteo appointed for the furtherance of thia oi-j . jct , by takiujg up shares and collecting voluntary contributions . " ' . Ihis was seconded by Mr . John Murray , ami eflfuctivoly apoken to by Mr . Gamuiage , aud caineu uuiiujmously , Mr . Jeremiah Lane then proposed tb * 3 foilomufi r « soiuuon , " That the town of Manchester hivju ^ been divided into distriot * , aad visitors appoiated for each district , this meeiing recommend thfe CvJiniuntee to issue bookB to the various vibitovs for tae purpose of entering the names ol iho ^ e vvibhing to lake up shares and for the receipt of voluntary contributions , " which , being seconded was carried unanimously . We hope the Chartists of M 4 flCM esu r W 1 ^ i ? % w UP their resolutions by the erection of a building iu which the pure dootrines of democracy may be taught to the adult a | ui iufautilo population .
Djssentiwg Parson ' s lxviDEhnni , ~ At a meeting of the Chartist General Council , on Tuesday evening la * t , the following reboiutioa was moved by Mr . Daniel Donovau , secouded by Mr , John Holt , and carried without & dissentient : " That ; we , the Commictee of Management tar the Carpenter ' s Hall Locality , feel bquud to express our gratitude to the Dissenting Parsons of this borough tor the publicity they have given jto the fact of our having established a Cuartist Sunday school . We alsp beg leave to inform the saintly hypocrites that their lying denunciations have had the effect of increasing the number
of scholars from j 70 to 151 . In justice to ourselves , however , we are bound , unequivocally and without reservation , to deny that we are engaged in the promulgation of infidelity , or that we teach the children to hold the Bible in contempt . So far from this being the case , we hereby call upon the parsons generally , and those who hare traduced us in particular , to act more in conformity with the precepts contained in that book ; more especially that commandment which says ' Thou shait not bear i ' atae witness against thy neighbour . '"
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CrfcASCrOw , —From a combination of circumstances matters have been rather slill hero for some time . To those who have paid close ! attention to all tbe circumstances connected with the Movement from the commencemet , it most have been clear that a calm would inevitably follow the storm pf August last . The people were duped ; advantage was taken of their ardour in the cause . Those whose only object was to live upon tbe Movement , through ingenuity and falsehood , succeeded for a time ; and , aa a natural consequence , the enthusiasm of those who ! had been 'vuftftmsea \? as turned into bitter dissatisfaction . In nineteen cases ont
of twenty these were our best men . However matters are now promising to assume a healthy tone once more . Many who for sometime past ha 7 e remained inactive , are again rallying round tbe standard of our country ' a freedom , and the poor man's or : iy hope . A MkETiKG was held oa Friday evening , in tbe Young Man ' s Academy , College-street , to consider the b < st tueaus of organizing the people cf Glasgow and suburbs . On the motion of Mr . Colquhouu , Mr . James Lang was'unanimously calkd to the cca ; r . Mr . Srown stated tbe object lor which the meeting was called , and urged upon tfeose present iihe necessity tor using their influence in again placing the cauae of Ctiattiain in that
proud position when Glasgow was , and justly , called tbe key-stone of the Mo ' vement . Tho meeting w . % afterwards addressed by Messrs . Sherriugten , M'Evvan , Smith , Hopley , Paitigr ^ W , & . C . Mr . Co ! quhoun said ho was happy to Bee tsouig ot tfaeii- ote friends in tbe meeting ; and as tbere appeared to bo nutue little tlifforence of opinion as to the best means ol carrying on the Movement , in the hope of meeting tho views of all he would move that a comini ; toe be appointed to draw up a plan , and to report at the next meeting . This was supported by Mr . Dennis M'MilUn , Wm . Clymic , &o ., and unanimously agreed to . The Committee was then appointed , aud instructed to bring forward theiv report on next Friday evening .
NOTTINGHAM—The Chartists mst on Sunday morning last , in the Democratic chapel , Rke-place , Mr . H . D jrman in the chair , whan the following resolutions were passed - *? - " That eaohjlocality choose collectors for tho purpose of visiting members to receive contributions . " v That we have viejwed with the utmost indignation the * base and slanderous conduct of the Times newspaper , in calamniatingJBnd traducing the character of F . O Connor , E- ; q . with reference to tho part he toeft in the late elections at Nottingham ; at ' which time every action of his being well Udowd to us , we declare
that grosser libels against any man were never printed ; and we further declare that ! Mr . Walter knew them' to be such when he published' them ; but ho did it for revenge , in return for the ! severe castigatien he got from Mr . O'Connor on the day of nomination , which was applauded by WhigsJ RidicalB , Stogies , and Chartists . We are highly ( gratified to learn tbat Mr . O Connor is about to punish the Old Weathercock by entering an action against him for libel . " The members of the Female CharUr Association of Notiugbam met in the Democratic Chapel , Riceplace , on Tuesday evening ! June 27 , when the Treasurer ' s and Sucretarie ' s books were examined , and found correct . A unanimous vote of thanks was given to them for their services . I The sum of 5 s . was raised for Mrs . Ellis , aad 2 s . for Mr . M'DuualL
STOCKPOBT . —The cause goes on well here . Poverty and tJemocracy ke ' fcp apace . Much fuss has been made through the country about " trade mending in Stockport . " It is quito true that a few of the many mills tbat have been standing are now at work ; but those that are employt-d get so little for their labour , that it matters little whether they work or play , as poverty is there never-failing portion in either situation . The calico printers , jwbo , before the introduction of machinery were probably the best paid operatives in any branch of th $ cotton manufacture , may now be seen going from doot to door , craving cbatity , and thankfully receiving the hurd-ciiwt that has to keep tbe wife and chiMi-jn jof a " free-born Britain ' from the tender merci . 's of a ; Poor Law Baatile . or the
bondage of the grave J No body of men in England has felt half so severely the jfffect * of machinery as the ill-used printers . The mule spinners , according to the doctrines of t ? ie | "Frco Boottrs , " ought to t ) is most comfortable circumstances ; as tbe " improvements" in jthe spinning department have bfeen so great , tbat whtire upwards of eigbt ban . dred spinners were employee some eitfut or nine years ago considerably under twopundrtd will now turn ofi ' more yarn than tbe eigtn huudred could at the former period ! These poor feliowsj are to be sten each Saturdoy night standing at the factory gate , bat in band , begging the smallest trifle from then old shop mates ; ami frequently they are ordered off by the purse-proud lard of the smoke and long chimney , who first made th <> m paupers and then treats them like dogs fov being euch . So much for the ' | iaeis&aing piospervtj" of this " Pla ^ ue " -riddea borough !
On Sunday last , Mr . Thomas Clerk . iddressed a lar ^ e camp meeting twice ; first , at two u ' clock in the afternoon , and again at oix | o'clock in the evening . Both addresses were attentively listened to , aud well rto'faivud by the large assemblages . The police were in attendance , aa well as a special reporter . The military , it is said , were confined to barracks , in order to be ready for auy emergency . J Fortunately , neither the police nor magistrates created any disturbance ; therefore , there was no necessity for the interference of the " boiled ones . "
OLDBCAM . —On Sunday last , the Chartists of this town bad to undergo smother disappointment , in const queues of the non-aUea < Lince of Mr . J . Leacb , of Hyde , who bad previously made arrnngeraents to come . Tbese thiugs should , if possible , ba prevented : as 5 fc b « s a tendency to do great injury to tha progress of our cause . Fortunately , Mv . R . jCooper , of Oldhatu , svas present ; aud he kindly consented to deliver an address on education ; which ho did in an energetic and masterly style , wbicb gave general satisfaction . —[ We have before taken occasion to repijobate the practice of lecturers leaving their wgngfementa unfulfl'ied . In this ciee surely some Hiisuu'lerstanding ; , or forgetfulness , must have caused tbe ciijapriointment complained cf ; for we perceive that Mr . Leajch was fully ocenpiod at the Hyde eamp meeti'g : a proof tkat ho was not disinclined to lab ' vur . CitTe sbould , hnwuveif , be taken that these . disappointments should jnot continually occur . ]
On Monday Eve . vi . ng , Mr . M'Caba of this town delivered his third lectwt . « n | " K-peal and the hisiory of Irdand . " He shi-wtti eiiarly that if Kepeal was obtained under a rai ' ,: . < vo ciii ^ d roiietuueccy , it would not confer that btuefli which tho labouring classes of Ireland stand in need of ; azld he proved to a demonstration that unless tha Ke-pea ^ l was accompanied by a « extention of tbe Suffr . iae , baaed on tb- > principles of the People ' s Charter , they n . M not txp ^ et their condition to be bettered . His aviuivjas \ sa 3 listened to -with aAUntion . A vote of tbaiiks vas unaniuiousJy passed to the lecturer at tbe clo ^ e . COVENTRY . —Mr . J . R j n . BiiiBtow delivered a truly eloquent address oa " T j hu "Ki-ptsal of tue Union , " on Greyfriar ' a Green , un Monday evening , and aftir-¦ warda addressed the pt- plf , in tue a- ? ociation rootu , ou tbo cruel troatment of Cooper , C .. "Ot-r . an-J Kichareis . It was resolved to present a | ptitiort to t&a iiousa of Commons , prayiug for a Biii . igati u of tht-ir term of iriiurisonnient . or that tliev I'd coiiflbed in the Queen ' s
)> ri * on . The petition to be intrusted to the caie 01 mv , Tuomos Buncombe . j ABERDEEN- —The weather havins become exceed ingiy mild , the Cbartista hav ^ latfly bud 6 t 7 t > rn l outdoor meetings in various districts . Tvvi ' -f tLe&j were he'd last week , one at Jack ' s Brae , ami the other at tha populous village of WooVistde . Tutoo meeting wero well attended , owing toj the prevailing interet taken by © very person in the ( present position of Ireland , against a Government vrhicb boldly avows a fixed determination to deal out bletes wtt& a hea ^ y band , 1-a . iiicr than trouble itsulf to bdeonie bo buruth-tinR as to redtees arievances , vvhicb ta ^ ve bi . ta proved a ttsoulib
W ! ui times owr to be unbearable by nny people oa ( f ; vci of the sanh . Tbe various speakers an tbap j occasiiae have Erected the people ' s attention to the ctitical position of Irt ' . anrf ; aud ' hswe used eveiy prudent argntjJt-Dt to arouse tho wajrufest bympatnies in behalf of that patitjnt , oppressed , aisd lon ^ suffexiag people ; and it is Rotoriviis that every waerejthe sbortsighteiintss of the Brit ! -a Government is ajsubject of the deepest regret . A . petition ¦ waa apptove , d ot at a public meeting praying Puriiament to b ! 1 ow Mr . Kobert Peddie to be heard at the bar of ihe House ef Commons , to Isy before them , proof of bis ionuocence of the crime for which he suffered . It will be forwarded this week to Joseph Hume , Esq ., for presentation .
BIRMINGHAM . —Tha monthly council meeting of tbe Birmingham and Midland , Counties Charter Association was held at the Ship Inn , Steelhouae-lane , on Sunday last Mr . Dicks was unanimously called to the chair . On tbe motion of Mr . Welspond , the Secretary read over the imnnteaof the previous meating , which were confirmed . Letters were read from Coventry and Warwick . A conversation ensued ou the present state cf the people in tbe districts . It was the prevailing opinion of the delegates that a delegate meeting should assemble at the earliest opportunity , to take into consideration the piesent state of organisation . The meeting waa ! adjourned to Sunday , July the 9 th , then to meet ia the People ' s Hall , Wednesbury , at two o ' clock in ' the aftercoon ; when business of great importance , ! in reference to the piesent plans of organisatu-j will be submitted for the consideration of the assembly . I
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London . —A public meeting will be holden m the Britannia fields , City-road , at six o ' clock on Sundiy evening next . Mr . Bolwbll will lec t ure on Sunday evening , at the Star , Goldeu-iane , at eight o ' clock . Golden Lion , Dean Street , Soho . —Mr . Maatz will lecture at tae above place , ou Sunday evening next , at eight o ' clock . Beemondsky—Mr . Bolwell , from Bath , will deliver a public-L'Ciure on " che six points of the Cliarter , " at the Whi : e Bear , Long-walk , Bermondsieysquare , on Monday , Juiy 3 rd , at eight o ' clock in tile evening . A- Coxci-HT a : > d Ball for tho benefit cf Dr . M'Douall , will be k *> ld ou Monday evening , July 10 . Tickets-sixpeiveo each , .-
Mr . Wheeler ^ nM lecture on Sunday evening , at the Flora Tea Gardens , York-place , Barasbury-park at half-past , six o ' clock . City of London Political and Scientlfjc Institution , Tura * a ( i"ai . vla . ve . —Mr . Wheeler will deliver an addre-- " - ' 011 Tu sday evening , upon the " Pleasures and ndva . itag / s « fknowledge , " being an introduction to a course of Ipctiros ou scientific and literary subjects . Admibiiun free . To oouimenca at eight o ' clock . A Ball will take place on Monday evening at the City of London In-stitutiop .. Single tickets one shilling , double , one and sixpence . Marylebone —Mr . BucUanau will leeiur © ai ihe Mechanics' Iflstitiition , Q wr-street , New-road , ou Sunday evening next ., Julj 2 , id , at half-past seven o ' clock .
Kepkal of tee Union . — A . lecture will bo delivered by Feart'us OVon ^ f-r , Esq ., on Monday evening next , July 3 rd , at the £ y < val and Scientific Tn-tituqion , John-otrept , Ton-. . ; Lum Court-road . Chair to bo taken at half-past seven o ' clock . A discussion will take place at the Crown and Anchor , Cheshire-street , Waterloo Town , on next Sunday evening , at eight o ' clock . Subject— " What benefits would acorue . to the industrious clashes under the present system of class legislation , from a total repeal of tho Corn Laws I " Mr . M ' antz will deliver a i ' mura ! oration ou the doath of Mr . Win . Evan ? , ca Sunday , July 2 nd , at ths Black Horse and Windmill , Fieldgate-str ^ et , Whitechapel ; tho chair- to be taken at half-past seven o ' clock in the evening . The Members and frimis of the Black Hors 9
and Windmill locality will tcke an excursion wisn tho other localities of the Tower Hamlets to W hatford , on Monday , August 7 ih . . Wohk ^ g Mens' Hall , Mile End Road—A discusyion will take place here , on Monday , July 3 rd , subject— " Wiil a repeal of the Corn Laws remove the present distress of the country V Mottram . —A Chartist camp meeting wil ' i be holden on Wedensough Groen , on Sunday , July l \ at two o ' clock in the [ afternoon , and six in the eveni ^ sj . Mr . J . M . Lcaeti , Mr . Booth , Mr . Caudelet , i- ^ d eev . ral others will address the meeting . Stockport— -A camp meeting will be holden on the vacant space of ground at the back of the vailway arches , on Susday ( to-morrow ) at two o ' clock in the -afternoon , and again at six o ' clock iu t-he evening .
The People ' s Paper , tna Northern Star is read , every evening , at the Chartist Room , Kirfcsate . The CHABrisxs of Cheshire are requested to nominate delegates , to attend a delegate meeting , 10 be hoidtn at Northwitcb , on Sunday , Jnly 9 th , for the purpose of organising Cheshire . All comum iication 3 ioi-the delegate meeting to be addressed to Mr . Thoa . Clarke , Park-strser , Stockport . Nottingham . —Mr . H . Dorman will preach iu the Market-pia »; e , on Sunday evening next , at six
o ' clock . The subject— " The duty of the Government and duty of the people towards each otht > r . " He wilt also deliver a lecture ia the chapel . Riceplace , on xMonday evening next , at eight , o ' ctuek , upon tho " Liu , cb . aru . cter , and patriotism of Wills am Tell . "" Cariungton , near Nottingham . —A public meeting will be boldcn on Sunday evening next , a * , seven o ' clock , in Mr . Lce ' 3 large room , Mansfield K . j ^ d , sign of the N&w Inn , wben every lover of liberty is requested ' to attend , as buiinesa of importance will be brought before the meeting .
Haiifax . —A camp meeting will be holden on Norland Moor , on Sunday , July 9 lht at two o ' clock in the afiernocu . Oldham . — On Sunday , fco-morsrow , July 2 nd , two lectures will be delivered in the Chartist R- *> re , Greaves-street . First lecture at two o ' clock in he afternoon , subject— " Tha L « id . ' - ?~ Second . Lecture at six in the ov- * uing , tubjoei—* ' The wroBgs oi Ireland and Kepeal . " A collection will be made after each lecture to defray the expouce of the Room . Sukdehxand . —Mr . Beesley will lecture on Monday next , on " The evils of a Standing Army . " It is earnestly hoped that the working people will attend .
Manchester . —Chartist Painters . —A meeting of tho Ciiartist painters will fee fiolden fn the Painters ' Reading Room , Watson-street , Peter-street , oa Saturday ( this evening ) , at eigafc o ' olock , wheu business of importance will be laid before the meeting . Brown-street . —On Tuesday evening next , the continued discussion ou " tue cause of the present distress . " A Special Meeting of the South Lancashire delegates will take place , in the National Charter Association Room , Brown-street , near St . Andrew ' s Church , on Sunday next , July 2 nd , when , the delegates are requested to came fuiiy prepared with the opinions of tijeir constituents as to the mosC « fficient persons to ba put in nomination for tie contemplated Conference . The chair will be taken at one o ' clock iu the afternoon .
Carpenters' Hall . —Mr . Daniel Donovan wiJl lecture in the above Hall , on Sunday next , at halfpast two o ' clock in the afternoon 5 and Mr . James Leach , at half-past six in the evening . After the evening's lecture , reaolutiona of considerable importance will be submitted to the meeting . The Quarterlv Meeting of the members of the National Charte . r Association , residingin tho Carpenters ' , Hall locality will take place in the aWve Hall , on Sunday next , July 2 nd , at ten o ' clo ?< in the forenoon ; wheu business of an important nature will be brought before them . A numerous attendance is particularly requested .
KOUTE Of THE SODIH LANCASHIRE MlSSIONAUY . —Mr . Leach will visit the following places-: —Monday , July 3 rd , Ashtou-under-Lyne ; Tuesuav , 4--h , R . 'cli ^ ak ; Wednesday , 5 th , Stalybridge ; Tliuraday Gth , Oldham ; Friday , 7 th , Middleton ; Suncay , flili , Hollinwood ; Montl ^ y , 10 th , Bury ; Tr . fj'uay ll ' . tt , Rittciiffj Bridge ; Wednesday , 12 th , Bo ! to « ; Thursday , 13 th , Failsworth ; Friday , Hih , llaish&w Moor ; Sunday , 16 th , Newton Heath ; Moyiuy , 17 th , Chowbcut ; Tuesday , 18 th , Wigan ; WtKJncsaay , 19 , h , Hindley ; Thursday , 20 ta f Lc ^ h ; Friday , 21 st , Warriagton ; Sunday , 23 rd , Milnrow , uear Rocudalc . ilocaDALE .- A camp meeting will be holaen tomorrow ( ouuu « y ) , on Lobden , near Whitworti ) , to commtneo at ; vo o ' clock . Several speakers will be iu attendance irum Kochdaie and other places .
Sheffield . — . £ ' 10 Tres Lane . —The Northern Star aiid Nation iviii l < o r * ad , as usual , on Sunday eveuing , comaienciuK at six o'clock . A public discusoioii at ei « ht o ' clock . ,., ,,, _ „ A public meeting sv . U D ; noldeu , on Monday evening , July 3 rd , at e , i ; -&& o'clock , in the above roum , wuen . tbfl piopritty of the suggested National Conference will be taken iuto consideration—also the question of organizatiou . innaii ^ GUAM . —Tiio Council of the Birmingham Cha-rtK-tB will meet at their room , in Aston-street , at three o ' clock on Sunday next , when busiuesa of importance will be brought forward . The collectors are earnestly requested to briag ia their books and subscriptions . A ti . cruBE wiil be delivered in tho above room , at seveu o'clock , on Sunday evening .
Mr . G . White ' s Support Committee will meet in the Aston-sueet Room , on Sunday evening , at six o'clock , to receive subscriptions . Bradford . —The memembers of the Council are requests ft to meet in the Council Room , Butterwoith'B-buildings , on Sunday evening next , at 6 ix o ' clock-, to take into consideration the propriety of holding camp meetings during the Summer , in various partd of the district ; also to draw up a local lecturer ' s plan , for the ensuing three mouths . A full attendance is requested ; and all peisons holding coiiecting books are requested to bring them in , to be examined by the Council . . A committee will be appointed by the Council to raise subscriptions to detray the tent , of the room . A lecture will be dolivered by Mr . John Arran , in the Lar ^ eRoomjBttttetworth ' B-buildings , ou Sunday evening , at half-past seven o ' olock .
A Public Meeting of the wooloombers of Bradford , will be holdeu on Monday evening , in front of the Odd Fellows' Hall , at halt-past ; eeven o ' clock . The committee respectfully solicit the attendance of the trades of Bradford , as a code of rules will be read to the meeting , and arrangements made to enter into subscriptions immediately , for the purchase of land , in order to locate as many as possible of the " surplus l abourers , " made io by machinery . Little Horton . —Tae Chartists of Little Hortqn will , meet on fcun ^ ay morning at nine o ' clock , ia the school room , Park-place . A tull attendance is requested .
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¦ i AND LEEDS aENERAL ADTEETISEB . . 1 ; , _ : . ; ; 1
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T 0 L > YI- WO . 294 . SATURDAY , JULY 1 , IMS . ^^ ggtr ^ EST °
Ct)Attt«!T $Nt?Wiscnc?.
Ct ) attt «! t $ nt ? Wiscnc ? .
To The Impehial Chartists.
Glorious Demonstration In Leeds In Favour Of Ireland An3x The Fiepealof The Legislative Union
Untitled Article
Ou Monday , iu accordance to previous announcement , the Democrats of Leeds held a public ; meeting in the Vicar ' s Croft , for the purpose of aiding the movement in Ireland to obtain a Repealof the Legislative Union . Long betore the appointed time for meeting , the vast area in front of the platform was crowded by great numbers , whose serious and orderly demeanour at once bespose ineir feelings on the occasion . A little after seven o ' cloek , the speakers , Messrs . West , Ros ? , T , B . Smub , and several others ascended ihe platform , wheu , upon the motion of Mr . Brook , Mr . Joseph Jones was called to the chair . Tbe Chairman having road the placard calling the meeting , st once proceeded to
busuess , bj introducing Mr . Ross , of Manchester , as the first speaker . His address was listened to withuihe most intense interest by the thousands who Eorronnded him . As an Englishman , bis ' words carried conviction to the hearts of bis countrymen ; and at the conclusion of hi 3 address he was honoured pri ' . h tbe most rapturous and unbounded applause . Mr , West , # f Hull , was next introduced to the meeting , and for more than two hours riratted the Busds _ of his audience upon the past aud present coiiaision of Ireland . H is impossible to do justice to his speech , unless conveyed in his own language . Mr . T . B . Smith next followed , and in a speech remarkable for its power and pathos , nobly completed what the preceding speakers had so well begun . Mr . Beaumont moved , and Mr . Boothman seconded the first resolution 1—
- " That it is tho opinion of this meeting , that the inhabitants of that part of the United Kingdom called Ireland haTe been for many years subjected to the most unmerited hardshipa jpd merciless oppressions , against which evils noi ^ roteeriou can be offered so long as the laws are made by the few , and framed for tie advantage of privileged classes ; and in order to afford a fair and fall araonnt of justice to all classes of society , we are of opinion that Ireland merits , and that justice demands , the immediate restoration of her native Parliament .
" That it is the opinion t > f this meeting , that the present affairs of Ireland do uot warrant the British Ministry to attempt to put-down the mind of Ireland , by the introduction of Coercive measures , such as the Arms Bill ; believing that all such anemprs are dangerous to every interest connected with our country aud directly opposed to every principle of " justice and humanity ; and as vre are of opinion that Ireland is more than justified in seeking the Repeal of the Legislative Union , we , as Englishmen , offer our best sympathies to Ireland in the fearful emergency ; and we respectfully , yet firmly , call' upon the British Ministry to adopt such measures , as will at once enable them to restore tranquUity to Irelsad by at once Repealing the present existing Act of Union . " The Chaiehan put it to the meeting , when it wss carried unanimously amidst enthusiastic cheering .
JAx . Ws . Ekook then moved the folio wing , petition for presentation to the House of Commons . Mr . Joseph Bxjggs seconded it , and when put to the meeting , thousands of willing hands expressive of the feeling of the heart , were elevated in approval . To ihe Honourable the Commons of Great Britain and Ireland in Parliament assembled . The Petition of the Inhabitants of the borough of Leeds , iu the county of York , in public meeting assembled , June 26 th , 1843 ,
Sheweth , —That your petitioners have long viewed with sympathy ana deep regret , the varions hardkhip 3 and oppressions to which the inhabitants of that part of the United Kingdom , called Ireland , have been subjected for many years , which hardships and oppressions your peti : iouers believe to originate m class legislation , and also iu the virtual jion-repre&ectauon of the Irish people in your T ^[ /\ T [ r \ T- yftl \ 7 p xiouSC That yenr Petitisners have beheld with extreme alarm and regret , the mea . -ur <_ s recently resorted to by ber Majesty ' s ilmittfcr = for the suppression of the legal acd peaceable agitation of the Repeal question in Ireland , bclieviug , as your Petitioners -00 , that nothing shcrt of a Repeal of the Legislative Union , and ihe salaiary kfiaej ; ce aud fostering care of a domestic Legkiarure , fnily aud freely chosen by the whole people , can give satisfaction or prosperity to that long misgoverned poriion of the British Empire .
Yonr Petitioners hnmb'y pray that your honourable House will refuse its sanction to any bill or bills introduced by the Minister of tbe Crown , or by any Member of your honourable House , having for its ofcj . ; et 4 he restriction or abridgement of Irish liberty ; and your Petitioners further pray that your honourable House wiU , without delay , proceed to pas 3 an Act for tha immediate Repeal of the Legislative Union uow subsisting in name , but not couterTing equal advantages as regards civil or religious privileges between the two countries , and providing for a full and free election of an Irish Parliament . And yonr Petitioners will ever pray .
Mr . Brook tbeu moved , and Mr . John Firth seconded , — " That the petition , when signed , bt trancmittfcd to T . S . Dnncombe , Etq ., M . P ., for ; presefatatiou , and that John Fielden , Sharman Crawford , Thos , Gisbourne , and Wm . Aldam , E-qmres , be requested to support its praver . " As soon as Mr . l > ancpn > be ' a name was mentioned , three hearty ehcers were given for him . The resolution wasj > arried by acclamation . Tcaiik ? were then given to the chairman , accompanied with three cheers for Repeal ; after which ths assembled thousands dispersed , deciaricg that such a meeting had never btfore been held in the
vi «; ry of Leeds . Such a feeling was never before exhibited on behalf of Ireland . And when the democrats of England fellow the noble exuaple thus set them by their Leeds brethren , England and Ireland insist present such an aspect , as will ultimately lead to the emancipation of both countries . When the peritioD ( whio is now ready for signature ) shall have been signed by 4 D . 0 D 9 or 50 , 000 Englishmen , and presented to t arh&ownt , Ireland will find that the mand 0 / £ agla £ d , once roused , never shrinks from me cenLfi&t , and tbat Ii eland ' s best defence yr ill be lound in the de ' -rmi nation evinced in her favour by the democrats of En ^ and .
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Untitled Article
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Untitled Article
Routes of Lectureus—Again use notice that all 14 routes" sent here , to en&nre publication , must . be signed by the sub secretary of the hcaMy , or district , where the arrangements are made for . We u-itl not ia future publish any that may be sent without such signatures . It is not right that any locality should be visited by a lecturer , unless he has corresponded with them , and made mutual arrangements . Considerable inconvenience has arisen to portions of the Chartist body from , unarranqed-for visits , which we have partially caused by printing unauthorised * ' routes . " We shall do so no more .
Northern Star (1837-1852), July 1, 1843, page 1, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct808/page/1/