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BIRMINGHAM.—On Sunday morning last, Mr. Mason held his usual meeting at ' Duddeston Bow.
Just Published, th ' e 12th Edition, Price 4s., and sent Free to any part of tho United Kingdom on tho receipt >of a Post Office Order, for 5a.
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Leeds :—Printed for the Proprietor, FE ARGUS
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DUCTIVE POWERS ; with means of restoration : the destructive effects of Gonorrbsea , Gleet , Stricture , and Secondary Symptoms are explained in a familiar manner ; the Work is Embellished with Engravings , representing ! the deleterious influence of Mercury on the skin , by eruptions on the head , face , and body ; with approved mqdk op coke for both sexes ; followed by observations ou the Obugations OF MARRIAGE , ana healthy perpetuity ; with directions for the removal of Physical and -Constitutional Disqualifications : the whole pointed out to suffering humanity as a SJILENT FRIEND" to be consulted without exposure , and with assured confidence ofBuccess .
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Now on Sale , Price Sixpence , No . III . of a , PRACTICAL WORE ON THE MANAGEMENT OF SMALL FARMS ; Giving fall Instructions respecting Rotation of Crops , Management ef Cattle , Culture , &o . BY FEAB . GU 3 O'CONNOR , ES 9 , FARMER AND BARRISTER . N 03 . 1 and 2 , constantly on hand . No . 4 will be ready in a few days . Also , on Sale , in Two Numbers , at Fourpence each , THE u STATE OF IRELAND , " Written in 1798 , by Abthuh O'Connob .
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DEATH . HHHE Chartists of London are requested to attend X the Funeral Obsequies of that Staunch Friend of Democratic Liberty , Charles Vjsbnon , late of Lambeth , which will take place on Sunday afternoon , at 3 o ' clock , at which hour all friends are requested to assemble at the Corner of Eaton Street , New Cut , Lambeth . An Oration will be delivered over tho Deceased Member ' s Grave . Chartists of the Metropolis , prove that you respect worth and honest integrity , by doing your duty on the occasion .
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HOUSE OF LORDS—Tuesday , AUG . 8 . Ute . -ISsrlof ItoDEK ^ presentedapeStion , tngnedby £ . 000 Pxotestanla of thejcpnhty of 3 > o"wn , and corsplsIning . ^ iBS T ^ pa jwoeessfons and meetinga / of the Koman CitboEcs f or the JispealpI -Use Union "were tolerated , jbSy lag -fceziTSSrVErely punlsaed tat- d ^ elEsSns tte snnivtnBay ^ -awl ^ ale of-tire Boyce ; Md calling Opan their XordBhitis lo take into consideration the dangers to which ibe * Irish ' Protestants Trere- « - jK » edfromaii . a ^ taiic > n ^ Mch , they leased * would ie-» 2 t 3 n / ciTSwar , _ IThelMoble lord urged ti » injustice of canjins ooitlJeliip-prdMhilnig party prooBgflons in a 3 I Sta j 3 gonr against ifi ^ e few Orangemen vSo bad -ventured to teasgrera it , " wlule isimsnse mnltitades , a ^ stnjMm 2 i ! itiilaiJDfirsl ) eariii ? iaotoes and PinWpinaof
8 edit 3 » ii , andBiBrchinginiiiay totbesonndof military jnnsjc , were indniged -with ooniplfito impunity , let the law ' either be put in force ^ nthout distinction or not at all it- any rate , let It not be strained to coerce a boay < & Tumi ^ iho , "under circumstances of gsosi ssibium , iad manifested most creditable forhesriuice ^ Tffita iesp&eVto the danger to "srluca the petUionere ljeBevtfi thanselvea as Protestants to be expossd , lie -bsb convioced thai Xb&hs -was no nn-Icnndea ajsm . Tney -were st least jusEfied in such an apprehension -Khen : fh ^ y saw a -vast proportion of Ha potation , drilled until they rivalled 4 be regular ity Ef % v 8 teran troops ^ and Implicitly obeying the comroanfiB of then leaders , -who openly professed 4 heir det « rminaUon to carry Repeal either by fair means
« r fry force , and premised to iieir lollowera deli Tesnce from the joke of . the Saxon . He angured TndxvotraZiiy , too , from the circumstance tb&t a Jnndi »« n ;> 1 lA » jjnnaber of reapers ' *??* '" usual Ink ] come to this country in search of employment , from the-preaence of a unciber « f foreigners in Ireland , and ipcm tis dose cocntxion ^ f the Bonsan Gat&olie bier-ST 2 hy -withlfcfi He wsl movement , and txpressed the general disappoirtnieiit -with-which tbe t ^« h BrbtesVanis bad remarked * ba absence of activity ^ tu > enemy fc tie QqtBnsnenttQ repress this agitation . He aobiirtrledgedwitlisraatnde the exoellenVdispositioii of
-Snahary force to meet any sanguinary outbreak ^ bnt Kgretted Qatno measures lad been employed to enlist the support of all who -would associate to preserve feangjuIliSr .. The apathy of tha Government had arisen many , -who "wae otherwise ¦ cell inclined , to 8 * rali tlieBipalarania ; but he tnxstedthatitTrouldnpw ea'Jepcur to retrieve ito srora . He approved tbe coniiaekof iomiEr Ticaoysin calling ont tbe yeomanry , acdafter an earnest appeal for protection for tbe loyal Protestants of Irelaad , corelnded by praying , In acosraases -wia Ihe petition , that fiie law relating to jroctzsioiis sdgbt either be repealed or broughtinto gcntr&I opeaBCffi .
^ Ebe 3 > nXe oi WiiaasGios confessed that the e-vfls and ^ jcoCTeniesces attending tbe presaatatate of afiahs in lTft !» rijfI had been by no means exaggerated ; bnt after paying a ¦ weH-deserred compliment for their loyal forbearance to the Orasgemezi cf tfee Korth ,-proceeded to fcxpkin that the Act , the operation of -which ttifiy - ¦ were called on to extend , had nferenee only to JneeiingB or processions in commemoration of anniYertaxkato vlnch either a religions or political character " » as attached , snd conld iibZ consequently be held to inclnde tbose ^ t -which the Sepezl of the Union waa &scc £ sed . \ it might be asked ** Wby not , then , extend i £ i _ pK ) TiaiQn « ? " fcat altfaoo ^ h admitting tbe eTila ^ rbicti the present criminal agitation * h * "T inflicted , and most anxioos to pnt an end to tiem—aware ,
too , < h Ihe responsibility of Gorexnment for ltaomis aicD ? as ¦ srell as its acts—Isejdid not think it "definable to xt £ s whaiTPfc ^ JLts TwtjaiHi ^ fgf fnrli ^ ¦ f > iyT » -to tacplain tlli » in bia CSTl rlfjuTHn ^ 'n ^ eseiyilang t ^^ r scold be dose bad been done to enable it" to -preserve tbe peacs cf tha conairy , and to meet all mMortnnesandxon-Eeqa uc 8 S - » hich may issnh from the Tiolence of the p 3 £ si-.. ii 8 of those men -who nnfortmately guide the muU-iiade ^ n Irej&nd . " fie dispnted n « ither tbe -extent of fer conspiracy , tfee dangeia to be expected froni it , tk \ t x * ffl assistance it bad tlerived from forsigiieis ; . but lie Irit confident that from the mwmre » adopted , the Oo ^^^ nment -would ba able io reaiat ererj attempt aga ; : « t the public peace ; and be beliend it better , therefore , to perserere in its present course , and to Gupioj no other precautions nntll they thoald become
absolutely secesssry . Tbe Earl of Wincbilsea and S » Earl of Wicklcw app-. oTfcd the conduct of tbe Qoremment hi abstaining from coerciTB saeasarea ^ hat Ota Marqinas of Clanricarde , althoiigh Jcining in this ezpresaion of approbation , -wasanxiouB toifianrbat lOiiisters expected ' as the resnlt ol tbe present staje of aSaini in Ireland . Ad Irish GoTeznatent shonld hare other objects tb ^ n to receive const » bnlary reporte j and , as notbing had yet Jjsen tffected , he hoped that next session something Tponia ie done Trlth lbs Tiew of improriiig tte condition of HiB population .
InjrdBKOCGHiH—Nothing can he more lamentable t ^> r » the descziptJon giTen by my Jfoble Priend of the erudition 61 society in Ireland , —a noTtl state cf an empire , not only in this country hat in every other csunixji thai tbew shonldi he indications of an nni-•^ Tsa spread aUnosi < jf disorganizaJion through the » nflnpnfa of one oi two iodrridsals , -wbtse icfliKnce i = tapporied , and encouraged , and increaed , and s ^ graTaSed ^ axd exacerbated almost to exasperation by ihesa -Wbo , tsing the heads of the religion of peace , caght to he foremost to diacoantgnance sot only all ^ sobedksise to ihB laws , and all outrages o ! the Qaeen ' a peace , hut € rerythhjig -tendTTtg to produce onirags—( bear ) . Tbey had-sot , indeed , included all ihs pxiaaheoa ; 3 i » re ia « an , I hope , a large body » o far as to their
¦ nhj hare xot ^ one forget dnty t « their coantry and as preachers of the € kapeL The trcs difficalty « otu 3 sted in deciding -what abair be done to check the -MiM * W soxr prerailiBg in Irelaud . Ton mayiilie prepared ; " to pnt a summary stop to notora proceedings iT » y oatx&ge shouli be committed ; job roj - ^ ta ywnself in a poafion to-ieep the peace in case of any breachof it being atienpted ; jou-may so increase ibe military force in Ireland £ s to Tender any "breach ol the peace fatal to those ¦ arhn inay attempt it All tbia , indsed , had been Gone . My ' lioblaRieiia a * fliebje&d g ! the army had dreamy made eTery possible provision in tbe erent cf sny aueh emergency occurring . STerytMng tiust could he iequtod in order to inaiTrtafti the
law E 3 it stands , in the £ Tent of any -orert ' aet being sgmnnttea , : has , 1 imnPT » tBT ) fl ^ atreaay Taeen done , and done , as it appeared ^ to an exteni qnite sufficient to dtter « thea from following such an example . My Jfoble THend hehmfl me , howeTsr , tells ya that the only ranedy that -will realty hetter the condition of the TjsoplsoCTreland isbnBihat wools find employment ferTkepeople , Bere I confess I pause ; because I fio not eiEcQy see iny "way to any measures Uat tan put an m& to the [ present BUte of things . My Koble Friend had also told ns , ^ that o ^ ieasoa"why Ireland is not nrospemmsis , that -espital does not Sow into ihe conn-£ n . TJnhappT ^ " Sn « 3 a too true . But-why he » urwonda ? it
criBedatit ? fWatueedis there of - -Is 3 & 5 y lhat any caratalist -will send his capital to a sonniry -whereJie does = o | inow that there may not be so outbreaVheforehe fetshis first ^ uarter ' a payment ? 32 ae < apxfcaSst wad jsy »^ 2 )^ oaia likewy capital to i ^ inrestea ln a place "where I can go orer and look - > fter it , and -where , if neeessary , I can send a person to attena to it withoot the fear of being mobbed , and "where there i « no reason to fear -that lie next ery may ce for Bxityof capital , as it has already been of *• fixity of tenure ^ " * for that may be the next cry ; and as tbe tsnSenoyiw "Saaty or ienuTB" 5 b to-co ^ -rert tbe tsnairt fcito ths landlord , so &b tendency of " fixity of « apital ? ' mMifbe to tonTert the huTrower into the lenderto send his
—{ hvnghter ) . A capitalist does not like capitalto a country "wfeere a doctrine like this might be i otabEflhed on the . model of snother bo very sjmilar ¦ shich has already been aet np Siere—( laughter ) . ; CBpysEstscBaKareeTy / baYe confldenee in the persons 'Who call thsmBelres-eaKlnaiTriy fxienas of the people f Ireland—^ ose Agitatora -who profess for them a iKeBd ^ ipTraplfint , -y ^ emsnt , and absorbing—who prof ess to monopolisei all the feeltnjg and sympathy of tbe ieople oUrelana—^ in -nrtne whereot , I anppose , it i * tirt they iniuifrbm tie Irish peasant , from bis goodjj BTid chatbelB , Mb Trretcfeed : pltsance towardB their JUg sodafionsi flisirPrEcnreor and CathoBc Associations aBatbwaiastheh-Bejpeal Bentj aD aese ABSOciadffl ^ iang emnected "wiib ~ Jiiese agitators , and all which ceBtnboSass to * nch 0 » ociaet » ns ttiese agitators tell fbB ! of to
pseple ^ eaa towards tbe increase -what remains j Sseir podkets . Tfeere i * also 1 Mb otter thing "Which ; alarms eapita&t ? . " They b * -BTtbfc « e friends of Aelriib ! 1 ^ ople boating of their meetings , and of their being ] zHb to command ftw ? lamdreds of tion ^ siifla of am . j Tliey Bee the power -whieh they thuB boast of used for , tie purpose of conTejing the most -vehement attacks on j the t ^ oTemmexit , and tbe most -violent abnse of the rsstJon to ¦ siiiiSi Ih ^ ss caphriliBtB tbemseWes belong TheGelficcspital bems ; littla ^ nd the po-ywty excfflaT * —¦ a l 3 . nib)—3 cd tfee dem&ad of ths Celt for tbe capital cf -fee Saxon being fcxtrsins—the -wise < 3 eit boring fxa bi 3 objeci to lesen ibst exeessiVB poverty , acd draw s > ma poitiDn of tha Saxan capital to supply the Crfise wznte—Qos irira and judicious Mend cf litlaua . in ^ T 82 r to tffict his olgect . fleal * from one end cf tba year to fee oEher in fee most gross and uare-* mined abuse of everything Saxon , and ptoclsiuu
SsEXDnBnghad as this determined enemy « f Celtic ire-Izad—ibear . ) This lathe Irish way of infiocang English capit 3 lista to seed ovei their money to Irelaad . Tbese capitalisla , I say , hear fhe friends of the Irish T ^ qple boas&ng of their command over the mas ses . ThEyhsir aemhoaBtoftheh * mee&jj ! s of hundreds of fbcnsaiids— -Bever , ^ Baik , 3 s » fbsa 100 , 000 —( a laugh ) —samitimss , S 5 i » one cess , amonstin ^ « ven to 700 i C 00 .: 3 at your capitalist is rather a suspicious sort of person . Be cannot understaal trbit sort of a thb 3 ^ KiehafisaisringM 2 t » o , ODO or 500 , 000 peaons « 3 ddhe ^ £ > eaBnTDlftaiderstaaa tint , nor believe in i £ , any mow thinl » n fior-OHnghtei)—but , at an eventa te beHeres that tlia » has been » me great melting . Ho dbuht 20 . 000 people bare bt * n got together at these meeSrga , anS on one occasion—that of the meetiOT ^ at C 6 ri-J believe thEie was as many as ^ OOC ^ senfc ^^ &ssfore , at aD erects , lasge Hiassss « f met ii ^ i ^ isanh lea togsthK . How , 50 a 4 apitaliB ! jDteVJaife jn&HBes « f ^ ratface . 3 ^ hkeB to see largi mMses of jp ^ JtbdrajlTft—la laugb )^ cri » ge'ina » Bei ti sod 4 HH « BTOi approved names to them—ilaxigbtEr -ibnf fie « ra » ly doa cot fancy isr ^ e m-is ^ s of peoph - ^ ibeail ^ i- ^ SJ ^^ ffiasses cf people , top . ^ da
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; iuio > jjctctKirily ba lafee . for -when ajaan tells me of [ his sddreaslng 2 OO , CftO menT find it impossible to believe him : if he told me he bad addressed 20 . 000 or 30 , 000 I conld undentand it Bat -when he tells roe that the 200 , 000 men whom be proposes to address meet calmly todiscusB a great national ^ question ; I at once turn -with contempt , scorn ^ and , disgust from such a statement , because I inow it to be physically : iaipossible that at a meetiiig composed of : such ^ immenBe n"mlM rTB » ythi n g Tf |^/ n ^ ntn » yt ftn cft ^ f ^ lroflngft- ~ Well , tben , the capitalist Tery w « U knows tihat uo meeting of the kind canserre the purposea of discussion ; and if so , there must , of course , be some other : object Where such numbers assemble , the object cannot be a harmless one . I tery well know what that object Is ,
but the capitalist thinks it is for tbe purpose of breaking ao peaee . I do abt myself beliete V ) . 1 think that so long as the agitators can hold the issue of those meetings in their hands—thsar)—they will be the last to risk their own safety . ( Hear . ) I pn >« je ! rTirftieat the height of prudence , and no higher —( a laugh )—and , therefore , that they "will sot break the peace if tn ^ ean help it —( bear , hear)—but where you coBeot 30 , 000 men togetber and infijBte their minds by sndh barangnes as those which -we know have been delivered at those meetings , it is useless and absurd for yon t « say that they -will not take fire . As well might you approach a match to gunpowder , and say , " Dont explode . * ' { Hear , hear . } Bat I believe myseU that those persons bare a Tery different object in -view- I believe
that these meetings are part of a Tart system of intimidation , for the purpose of shewing the power of the leaders of the Irish people over them * [ and of overawing the GoYexnm&t ( Hear . ) Profoundly Ignorant are they xif the Osremment -with ^ wbicb they have to deaL ( Hear . ) They shew UiemBelvea profonndly Jgnorant of ray Noble Pj&nd , the N 0 W 9 i > uke opposite . He ifi as little likely to be overa-wed by any of theh machinations , thsir addresses , or their meetings , as those agitators themselves are likely , with their ^ eyoted and desperate followers , to be overawed or made to swerve from their course by any conscientious scruples or patriotic motives . There ia no capitalist in this country who -win Bend one farthing of money to a cenntry where there exists such , an organized system of
mischief . These , my Lorda , are the reasons in answer to my Noble Fjien ^' a lemsitat why I think capital has not been and will not yet be sentinto Ireland . I will say one -word about agitation , not only with reference to repeal , bat extending ¦ % little further . I see now many wfco do not care about repeal ; but who care a great deal about fixity of tenure , -which means confiscation of land , { bear , hear ) the dasfcrBotipn of property , the abrogation of all lights of property whatever ( hear , hear ;; Which means , tnmin g fomanf-. fntrt-lan /» ny ^_ an < J and tbe cultivator into owner { hear , bear ); that is a popnl * r doctrine , and very likely te be { well received , coming from those who have little property , to those who hare none . ( Hear , and a laugh . )! Tbat is Tery lately to make some way in Ireland ; and accordingly I
have heard there is something of preaching non-payment of rent and converting the landlord ' s rent into repeal rent , and that that is begun to be felt already . The law is strong enough to deal with it ; if not , it onght to be , asd I think it is . Bat do not let any one suppose that that is wholly an Irish doctrine . ( Hear , bear . ; Repeal is an Irish doctrine ; repeal will never cross tbe Channel . There wes only one English member , now no longer in Parliament , to support it ; and there will be no mere to support it in Parliament . But fixity of tenure , the destruction ef property , is sot Irish ; it is not local ; 16 is aa likely to spread in England as in Ireland . { Hear , hear . ) I should say t rather more
likely ; and let all in England , as in -Ireland , beware how they allew it to be introduced . ( Hear , bear . ) I should not have said so much , -had X sot beard something eaid in the other boose of Parliament , coming from a certain quarter there , that fixity of tenure , if a thing not to be attempted , "was a subject for consideration . ( Hear hear . i It strikes at the root of | society ( bear , bear )—of all government ; and if not put down with a unn band and with a strong and unhesitating judgment , it will outstrip all the efforts ef all the enemies of the country , in working the rain and degradation of this mighty empire . ( Tbe noble Lord resumed his seat amidst considerable cheering . ) ' After a few -words from the Earl of Glen gall , the "talk" concluded .
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HOUSE OF COMMONS—Tuesdat , Avq . 8 . Upon tbe report of the supply , Mr . BtniE recurred to tbe frauds iu the Customs , which be beUred had been te tbe extent of millions pgr fitmimi . The fault l » y In the improper selection of Cemmissionen , -who , instead of being chosen from a class of persons acquainted with the , business and capable of duly superintending it , were appointed merely from interest He called for the evidence lately taken upon this subject , contending that the Chancellor of' the Excbeqner ought to have suspended the -whole board ; and that the danger of aa hjterferencj with th 8 « mr » 6 of justice , which had bees urged as an ol-jt ^ tion , -was a trifi » in comparison withf the object to be attained by the production of this testimony . The
frauds had extwwtert sot only to light goods , but to tea , tobacco , and other articles . In one case , cigars bad been passed : as marble . He believed i the general opinion to be tbe traeone , -which wasthxt thepnblication would hare shown neglect on the ; part of persoub in high places , -who might by proper vigilance have prevented-theae frauds . Ifot only were tbe public cheated , but the honest dealer . But indeed , -while ihe present high duties were maintained , { there would alwayB be smuggling ; the only way to prevent it was to impc&e moderate duties , -which -woaltl leave the emuggltr without temptation . Tbe report iuslf admitted and affirmed this , though the general views of its authors were not Tery favourable to free trade . He moved tbe address to the Crown for the production of tbe evidence appended to the report ' ¦
Zdx . 2 ? arater seconded the motion , and $ Xr . Williams supported it j J&x . Gcwlbtoh agreed that publication , when the proper time fo ? it should come , weald do great good ; but to publish now would be to defeat the prosecutions . He vindicated the honour of tbe Commissioners of Customs , and the principle of their selectien , and observed , that nothing conld be more painful Ihan the detection of the treachery committed by tbe subordinate officers , except the discovery that * o many persona holding the high and honourable position of English merchants , should have been found capable of corrupting those officers , to gain an nnf&iz advantage over rival traders . The attention of Government was anxiously directed to tbe circumstances stated hi tbe report ; and eTery precaution that human means could include would be taken against the recurrence of similar malversations .
Dr . JBOWB . ING maintained , that publicity was a principle 0 ! our institutions , and asserted that the House had a right to the evidence . He wished to aee a thorough and organic change in the management of the Customs . j Mr . S . WofilLlf and Mr . Barin g ; concurred in the opinion , that the evidence ought not to be pnblished . . Sir Q . Clebk said it -would be published next Session . : Mr . X DUKCOMBE asked why not-now ? He recommended a redaction from nine commissioners to three ; and declared his belief that Government kept up the whole establishment for purposes of patronage . He proposed , that for tbe future all ordersof f the Treasury , of tbe Board of Trade , or of the Commissioners should be entered in books to be kept open for public inspection in tbe long-room and elsewhere . The production of tbese orders would have exposed the-incompeteDcy of tbe Commissioners- i
Lord Q . Sombbset assured tbe House that there -was no Oeiire on tbe part of the Government to suppress the evidence , bat that its production at this mome t would go far to assist the offenders in eluding justice , ' Mr . Hume finally withdrew his motion on the faith of these official declarations . ] Mr . Du 5 C 02 iBB afterwards moved for the public entry of tbe orders hi minute books to be kept in the Long Raosi , and for the printing and publication , on the flrat day in each month , of all sew orders made in the month preceding . \ jl ^ Mr . G 0 TI 1 BUB . M assented to the first-part of the jjBptioD , but redrted the second , which , [ on a division , After « hhb further business of no interest , it was observed , a little after four , that there were not forty members present ; the bouse was accordingly counted out
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ANOTHER TUKN-OBT AT ASHTON . w Rwinction " has been again offered at Ashton ; and nas driven thouBands into tbe streets soonpr than accede to it . From the Manchester Guardian of Wednesday weesiraot tbe foEowin ^ paruoul arB ; h . nn - onunately happeBing tor us , tbatpur Manobester Correspondent is at present laid on a sick bed ; or no dosbi he -would have . been on jibe spot , and ceismuni « n « d information thai other parties wonld not be able to get . On she whole the following aecount seems -written in a pretty fair spirit : — We again have to record a turn-out ! of mill bandB at Ashton-nnder-Lyiie , commencing , ifciatrne , with the spinnera only , aadvhofceof one mill , » at Bubseqnently in inn extended to the weavers of one or two mills , and during yesterday attempted to be carried into effect in several others ! bnt without tnccesa . It is not a little remariable that this
turnout should first assume a somewhat serious asptot yesierdity , via . ihe Bth of August , the iuniversary of tbetiaj in 1842 , when the dkttirbaiioe commenced which subsequently spread over-jjiia i VfiolBjefciBi s district . The foUowing ^ aie' ^ i ^^ jrcpjastBnoeB sja 1 ¦ we have been -enabled to ' oollwsi ,, in reference to the ca use ^ of' ^^ iptpseaVtnni-oui ^ ' and its subsequent r ? eogreac& = 3 - "~ j -. ^ On fi aday morning last , the roijiners in the ^ . Pfoy of Mi . James Buoklej , of Bjeoroft Lower ¦ Mill , Ashton , turned ons , in consequence , as they auege , ofa redaction of wages . During the day the hands paraded tb © stteets , and issaed bin ^^ alHBje ' a . mertinje to be held in Piarlestovm Meeting Boom , ob jfnday evemug . Towards eight o ' olooi , the time of meeting , Ihgrooja , « m eorroii ^ ed ; with factory 3 % * k $% Z&Pt % F * ^ " ^^^ mvakM . It was Tn ^^ a by-fc e turn-outs to admit no person into the ^ ooni bat spinners and rovers , and for that purpose the spinners' committee appointed parties to stand at a back entrance , and admit the select few by that
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method . In about a quarter of an hour , however , the pressm ? became so great , that the f tOnidoOlB were o ^ nea ^ atd tHe * f | iaoe ^ which is calculated to iold 1 , 500 , ( was filled to > yeifiofl ? ing ; a conBiderabje number not beiDg able to gain admiBBion . On the motion of one of the tnrnHBnts , B . Piling , one of the Chartists who was tried at Lau ^ gter , along with Feargos O ; Gonnor and others , was called to the chair . He opened the meeting by saying , that they vrier * met iogether . On that occasion , to conaidef matters-of j theigreatesJt importance j he hoped that thej hadl come there ia earnest' and not in jest ; Although- is ? himself was no spinner , jet he knew this much iabout BpinnerB , that thefr wages were quite low enongh . Ho was of opinion , that should
the men Bubnut to the reduction now offered , other -mMiers would do the 1 Bame m Mr . Buckley . He said , all eywrwere upon Ashton j evory district was taking cognizance , of their : movements ; and / it was for that . meeting to say what should be done . At this period , some little disturbance took place in consegnence of &ur or fife polioemen being seen making their way ] up the centreiof the room . The chairman observed . tthat the " cdiiaries" ( that being a nickname given ttf the police ) were only doing the bidding of their masters , and he hoped that they would take a seat boBideihimBelf j that they might hear every thing correbtlyi Thft officers accepted the invitation , and the hopiing ceased . As ' soon as drder was restored , ithe ohairmah lead the hill calling the meeting , and stated that it would be as well if some of the men , who had turned out , would state to that meeting , and ^ ihrcugh the press to the world , what
their real : grievances were . After waiting a Bhort time , one of the spinners got up and st&t ^ d , that tbe reduction pffeted was 3 jd \ out of every 2 a . 3 Jd . which they earned ][ for spinning twist , and 2 d . from every Is . 9 d . for weft ; those being the suma whioh they previously rieceived for spinning 1 , 000 hanks ; he thonght it = was unjust , and onght not to be tolerated , especially when it was considered that a majority of the masters ] of the town were paying more . He stated , that ] if the reduction was submitted to , it would be from 4 s . to S 3 . out of their weekly earnings . Another person said , that he understood soma allusion had been made to the Pokinfield Hall Mill , by Mr . Bucklsy , that the spinners of that mill were getting considerably less than his men , and be conld not afford io ; give more than other parties . He , as a spinner at that place , begged to ' say that they had their wages raised , a few days ago , 2 $ d per thousand hanks . ' \
Ona of the turn-outs said , ihe list which they were wishfnl to be paid by was of the masters' own making ; yet ; they were the first to break it . In his opinion , the ; present turn-out was a whole town ' s question , and ought to be so considered ; He said he could show , from the Manchester papers , that the masters were doing better now than they had been doing for the last twelve months . A general conversation here ensued as to what course should bo adopted by -way of assisting the hands who had turned out ; One individual pointed out the necessity of subscribing for them weekly , which proposition was immediately opposed by the turn-outs themselves who stated , that it was not that kind of support they wanted ; they had learned by experience that ,
if they began to receive contributions , their places would soon be supplied by other hands , who were out of employment . It was their opinion that a single strike would ] not do j if any good must be effected , there mutt he a general strike throughout the whole town . —( This proposition waajreoeived with deafening cheers . )—Tbe following motion was then made"That we have a general strike throughout the town , should ^ Mr . Buekley persist in making a reduction . " Thejmotion was unanimously carried . A deputation was then appointed , to consist of one spmner from each of the various mills , to wait upon Mr . Buckley , to ascertain what step * he intended to pursue . It was then arranged , that each spinner who was ia work should subscribe sixpence each on
the Saturday ' evening , to pay any expenses that might be incurred for printing , &c . The meeting was then adjourned to Saturday evening , on Thacker ' s ground , in order that ' the delegates might have an opportunity of stating what had been done during the day . On Saturday evening the adjourned meeting was held according to previous arrangement , and was addressed by PUling , ( who again acted as chairman ) , Wolfenden , and several others . It was stated , that the delegates had waited upon Mr . Buckley , but he would have nothing to say to them . [ We understand , that be declined to receive them , on the groHnd , that a number of them , were not mill hands , but shoemakers and other tradtg . ] A motion was then made , that , the meeting should again adjourn to
Sunday evening , at half-past seven o-clook , when they would meet in Charlestown , and some arrangements should be entered into , and carried out on the Monday , The meeting , which was very numerous , then quietly separated , On Sunday evening the turn-outs again assembled near to the Charlestown Chapel , when Robert Lees , better known as " General Lees , " one of the fifty-eight tried at Lancaster , was appointed chairman , and opened the meeting by giving out a hymn , &c . At this meeting it wad arranged that , shop meetings should bs held all over the town , and that each meeting ; should communicate with the sitting committee ; : after whioh the meeting , which was considered to consist of from 4 , 000 to 5 , 000 persons , termined . ' ' ' I i
A delegate meeting w&sholden on Monday night , at tbe house of Mr . Timothy Broadbent , the White Hart Inn , Park-street . We understand tbat of thirty-six mills , the operatives of which had been requested to send delegates to this meeting , no fewer than thirty-four were represented st it . The two bodies not sending xepio sentatiyes were the operatives in the employ of Mr . Chadwiok , t > f Throstle Nest , SStalybrldge , and those of Mr . Jonathan Andrew , of Dunkibfield . Amongst the delegates were Richard Pilling , —( the man whose defence at Lancaster ,-at the last assizefl , excited much attention and some commiseration : at the time , which was expressed both by the attorney-general > 1 1 ' ¦
in his reply ana the learned judge ) , and " General Lees , " another of the Chartists then tried and acquitted . —The meeting came to the unanimous determination that ' there should be a general turn-out of the spinners , ! if Mr . James Buckley did not withdraw tbe redaction he was alleged to be seeking . They also agreed to draw up a list and to require all the masters to agree to it . —Mr . Robert Newton , deputy constable of Ashton , was present till about midnight , when he left . We believe , however , that the chairman ( whose name we have not heard ) and a few of the delegates remained assembled til ] about two o ' clock In the morning , and the probability is , that they were engaged is drawing up a list . ¦ ' > ' ¦ i i
; Tuesday . ThiB morning placards , of which the following is a copy , were sent to the various mills and mill-owners , and in the course of the day were placed in various shop windows in the town : — To Vie Master Manufacturers of Ashton and Us Vicinity . GENTLEMEN , —We , the Operative Cotton Spinners in your employ , address you , on this occasion , in a spirit of conciliation . We are awaT © that a number of you are paying considerably lower for yonr spinning , than others in tbe town , and we are desirous of being paid | t , [
by tha following list , which we consider is nothing but a fair and impartial one . We Are sorry that a reduction should have been offered to some part of our branch at a time when there was not the least necessity for the same , and we' hope that the reduction offered maybe averted , and that the calamitous consequences of August last may not be repeated on the present occasion . The following list-is nothing but just ; we ask for nothing more , and we hope , as some of you are paying the prices asked , that yon will at once accede to the request of the Operative Cotton Spinners of Ashton and its-fieinity . t , , i f ' I ,
863 . Twlflt Weft . Twist . . Weft Doz . s . d . s . d . Dox . s . d . S . d . 30 ... 2 6 i ... 2 1 63 ... 2 0 | ... 1 7 J 31 ... 2 6 J ... 2 Of 54 ... 2 q \ ... 1 7 32 ... 2 6 ... 2 0 ^ 65 ... 2 o | ... 1 6 | 33 ... 2 5 J ... 2 0 | 56 ... 2 0 ... 1 6 * 34 ... 2 5 J ... 2 0 57 ... 1 11 ^ ... 1 6 { 35 ... 2 Sk ... 1 11 } 58 ... 1 111 .. 1 6 36 ... 2 5 ... 1 Hi 59 ... 1 II 4 ... 1 S | 37 ... 2 4 % ... 1 ll £ 60 ... 1 11 ... 1 Bi 38 ... 2 4 ... 1 11 61 ... 1 Hi ... 1 5 i | 39 ... 2 4 ... 1 Wi 62 ... 1 ll | ... 1 53
40 ... 2 4 ... 1 K'A 03 ... 1 ll | ... 1 S | 41 ... 2 35 ... 1 io | 64 ... 1 llf ... 1 6 42 ... 2 3 i ... 1 10 65 ... 1 llg ... 1 6 £ 43 ... 2 3 | ... 1 9 f 66 ... 2 0 ... 1 6 * 44 ... 2 3 ... 1 H 67 ... 2 Oi ... 1 6 i 45 ... 2 2 J ... 1 9 ^ 68 ... 2 Oi ... 1 6 i 46 . „ 2 21 ... 10 69 .. 2 oj ... 1 . 7 | 47 ... 2 2 j ... 1 8 | 70 ... 2 Oi ... 1 6 £ 48 ... 2 2 ... 1 8 | 73 ... 2 Og ... 1 C 4 S ... 2 1 ? ... 1 8 | 72 ... 2 0 J ... 1 7 50 ... 2 l 3 ... 18 73 ... 2 0 J ... I 7 $ 51 ... 2 l | ... 1 7 | 74 ... 2 1 ... 1 7 t 62 ... 2 1 ... 1 7-A 75 ... 2 Ij ... 1 7 i
A public j meeting will be heJd on tbe vacant ground , near Thackert foundry , on Tuesday evening , Angus 8 tb , 1843 , at half-past seven o ' clock , to hear the result of tbe delegates . Fail not to attend . Abont a quarter after nine o ' clock this ( Tuesday ) morning , some wea-vcrB in the employ of Mr . James Buckley , went to him and complained that they could not weave up the weft , which—as bisepiuners had Btopped-i-hc had purchased in Manchester , in ordertokeep the weavers employed ^ alleging that this weft Was of bad quality . Believing this to be a mere wetexton the part of the weaverB—( who , it is
said , haye been called upon bythe Bpinners to aid them , in return , as it is alleged , for the spinners having aided the weavers in some ; former turn-out ) —Mr . Buckley directed the engine to be stopped , and all the weavers ihen left the mill . Ia the alter noon they ABsembled together ^ with the spinners and others , and proceeded to Mr . Kenworthy ' s mill , and succeeded ingettiugout a part of thehandsCweavers ); but the remainder were prevented leaving the mill , by the doors being Fastened . The turn-suts thus increased in iumbers then proceeded to themiil of Messrs . Rayier , whioh is nearly opposite that of Mr . Kenworthy , -and shouted , on which the greater part
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if not the whole of Messrs . Rayner ' s weavers immediately left Work and joined them . The body of turn-outs then prooeoded to the mill of Mr . teter , Plati . in Old-Btroct , where they shouted ; but they were not joined by any of the hands from that mill . The mob then went to the mill of Mr , Afellor in the same street , where a number of the most aotive of them , chiefly lads and young men of seventeen or eighteen , proceeded to ( close the window shutters ot ? pio lower rooms of ithe mil ) , ixext the street . One of the Messrs . Mellor instantly went put , and Mr ^ Robert Newton being fortunately in the neigh * bourhood with a number of the police , went in amongst the turn-outs ; this bad the effect of causing them to soparate and disperse in different directions .
Wet have not heard thatjtbey went to any other mill aftor this time , which ] was a little before three o ' clock . Lest any violenoe should be attempted , there being only a company of the 8 th Foot in Ashton —( at present stationed in the Town Hall ) , —information of these proceedings was sent to Manchester , aodj Major Hartley ^ commanding the 8 tU Regiment , whose head quarters are | in Manchester , proceeded to Ashton at four o ' clock this afternoon . During the afternoon , the police were stationed m the streets , to prevent any parties from being intimidated . We have not heard of any aotsof violonce beiug attempted , and all w » 3 quiet when the last train left in the evenihgi From enauiries we made last evenioe in Ashton ,
we learned that a belief existed iu many quarters , that-the turn-out would become general throughout Ashton , this ( Wednesday ) morning . On the other hand , several well-informed persona were of opinion that ! the prices paid by ruany of the principal firms differed in so slight a degree from those in the men ' s list , ! that some arrangement would be made . It appeared to be admitted on all hands , that the turnout , ' even if it became general , could not be of long duration . We understand that on Monday evening the hands of Mr . Mellor gavo notice that unless the iull | -atefl were given they should turn oui on Wednesday morning . We ate told that amongst other firms Mr . Mason , who ! is said to be giving as high ; wages as any employer in Ashton , Mr . Abel
Backlev and Mr . Mellor are giving prices equivalent to those in tbe men ' s list , and agree to accept that list . I Mr . Mellor states that , having taken the average earnings of forty-two spinners for some time pas i he finds that average to be 27 s . fid . per week . His hands are by no means desirous to turn out ; but they I say that , if they were to continue working , and Mr . James Buckley ' s hands to remain out , he would soon ) fill his mill with fresh hands , as there are so many wanting employment ; and , therefore , unless there is a general turn-out , it lvould be perfectly useless for the bands of one mill to contend against a siuglo employer . Unless ; therefore , all the mills turn lout this day ( Wednesday ) , they declare tHeir
mtentiou to oontinue at work at the present rate of wages . Mr . Peter Plant states that he is giving the list prices , and that he had received no notification fromjhis hands up to last evening of any intention to quit their work . Indeed , it is said , that only a few of the smaller manufacturers are paying the low prices , and this is sdpposed to furnish ground for the belief that the turn-out will not become general ; or if so , that it will not ; last long—the difference between present pricoa and those proposed by the operatives being generally speaking so small as regards the great majority of the manufacturers , thattjit seems to offer every facility for an amicable arrangement .
It is not very clear , how that which iu the origin was | a turn-out of the spinners only , should have been j so strenuously supported by the weavers , who now appear the more determined of the twt branches of mill hands in their resistance . We have heard this accounted for by the statement , that the weavers are desirous to obtain the prices paid them before the last reduction made in March , 1842 ; but if this be soi we fear , that so far as regards this oiass ot mill-operatives , tho dispute may not be so easily Fettled , as a return to the prices paid prior to March , 1842 , 1 would place their wages considerably above the rates paid throughout ! the whole of the country . At present , tho Ashton prices for weaving are as
high as those paid throughout tho county , wherever power-looms are used . The rate of wages to thu Ash ton Bpiuners was also fixed by the masters' list of March , 1842 , whioh was then agreed to by the operatives ; » ud which , it is alleged , has been departed from by some four , or firo firms , thus leading to the results we have noticed . The Chartists . —We understand , that on Sunday evening , the Ashton Chartists had a meeting iu their { room , at Charleatown , when thuy came to a resolution , that , they wonlil not mix themselves up with ihia movement hi any way ; so that it should be left perfectly free from all political complexion or character . :
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- Aw . * Vp * O 4 m DUwUum ( | wywuvt ' v ^ »*** - « enthusiastic . Several names werp enrolled . Thera is every prospect of the cause soon resuming its just and exalted position ! iu the scale of political power . OnITuesday Evening last , a moat excellent and numerous meeting was holden at the Hall of Science , to hear Mr . Mason's usual weekly lecture , and to elect a General Council to , promote tho Organization , and watch tho movements q ¥ the Attwoodite New Movers . The following friends of the c&use were each put separately , and carried unanimously : —Mr . A . Fussell , Mr . J . Follows , Mr . D . Potts , Mr . Welaford , | Mr . Hewhouee , Mr . ] Davies , Mr . Mavitty , Mr . Williams , aud Mr- Alcocki At tho conclusion of the lecture , Mr * Mason observed— " The Journal of Saturday has placed the rumours of these few weeks beyond " the possibility of doubt . Mr . Attwood has declared his intention of again entering upon a New Movement , the objects of which he declares will unite fall classes : his plains to be submitted in the course of a few days . Let us once ascertain what this , miraoulota plan is , and then we shall move . ( Cheers . ) If it does not mean full and ample justice —if it does not mean equal representation to the enslaved millions with any and every class in society ; if it does not tneau equal legal protection , labour as capital—( cheers)—then doWn with it—( loud cheers )! We shall not yet , however , pronounce our opinion on plans we have not yet seen . Let us act ration ally . [ No condemnation until we have fairly judged , i Rumour s&jb it is merely , to oust ministers . But let me tell you , my friends , uo ministry dare propose measures that would confer substantial relief under the present constitution of government ; that is , , provided they had the disposition , whioh they have not—( hear , hear ) . What ! good would it then be to us to oust one humbug ministry and put in another humbug batch of ministerial tyrants ! No , no ; dowo with the system ! The whole Charter , and nothing less than the Charter—( loud cheers ) . So soon as we learn what is meant , the Council will be at its post- |( hear , hear)—and an address will be issued" — ( cheers ) . Mr . Masou then stated that the subject of hw next week ' s lecture would be—The coming crisis . ZiBEDS , —Mr . Christopher Doyle , of Manchester , delivered lectures on Sunday and Monday last . The room was crowded on each . occasion . The leoture upon Repeal , on Monday n'ignt , was a masterpiece ; it told well . A good many ot' our Irish brethren were present , and evitioed their aa : isfaotion by rapeated applause . Mr . Doyle dwelt upon the attempt of certain parties to C 4 u > e a disunion betwixt the English Chartists and the Irish Repealers , and he called upon his Irish brethren to pay no attention to thesejlibellers of the great body of tho working men of this country , but to jud ^ e and act for themselves . The visit of Mr . Doyle has done great good to the Chartist cause in this town .
Sooth London Hall of Science , ( late Rotunda . ) — -On ] Tuesday evening last , the members met as usual , Mr . Ross iu the chair . The minutes of the previous , meeting were read aud confirmed . A discussion ensued upon ihe address from the Metropolitan Delegates , in whioh Myers , Thorp , Buckman , ] and Andrews took a part . It was resolved , " That it is the opinion ol this locality , Birmingham is the most propar place tor the Conference to be holden , and that it should meet as early as possible in September . " Mr , Martin then gave a powerful lecture upon "the evils of aristooratical influence ;" afterj whioh it was announced that Mr . Bolwell wtuld lecture next Tuesday evening , on the life aud character of Robert Enomett .
Mr . FussELr . lectured at the Black Horse and Windmill , Fiel « ign . te-street , on Sunday last , and gave jgroat satisfaction . The CHARTfST Youths ^ Manchjbsteb , held their usual weekly meeting , in the Brown-Btreet , Chartist Room , on Tuesday evening last , when Mr . John Leaoh , from Hyde , delivered an animated and instructive address upon the present staie of the thecountiy , and tho duty of jjhe young men iu particular to come forward in the cause of a nation ' s freedom . The above rooju is open every Tuesday ^ vening , when lectures are delivered upon political gubjeots . The public arc invited to attend .
At A PoBtiC , Mfetino of the Somers Town Jocality , held at Mr . Duddndge ' s , Bricklayeffl' Arms , TonbTidge-Btreet ,. New-road , Mr , F . O'Connor , Mr . Roberts , solicitor , from ! Bath , Thomas Wheeler , and Mr . M'Grath , of London , were nominated as fit and proper persons to represent London in the Conference to be holden in Birmingham . Somebs Town LocALiTv . —Oh Sunday last Mr . Farrar' . lectured . The drift of his lecture was to shew ! that from the present representative system , or its creatures , the people bad nothing to hope ; that the principles of the Charter could alone work oat the salvation of the country , and secure it from
the ruin which appears inevitable ; that its course cannot be arrested , unless by securing a House of Commons commensurate iwith the mind , wishes , wants , and happiness of [ a whole people . Saofobd . —At a meeting of the Chartists of this [ locality ^ held on ^^ TuesdiaiyeveniuR , August 1 st , the following resolutions were unanimously agreed to"Thatwe consider it essentially necessary that a General Conference be holden aa aoou as convenient ; and jweare of opinion that the 5 th of September will be the moBt suitable time . We also think Nottingham would be the * most central place of meeting . "
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HOUSE OF LORDS . —THURSDAY . Lord Brougham brought before tho House a " stupid , ridiculous , malicious , and false libel " upon him , which hadj appeared ia the Examiner , tie would not , at this season of the session , move for the party to be jbrought before the bar , but-would do so next session . Lord Campbell said it was a breach of the privileges of the House ; and he doubted whether Lord Brougham could } give notice to bring the matter before the House next session . He thought they must deal with it ' then . Lord BaotJGHAM said he would put that aside . He should proceed at law and prosecute , and they should then see whether the law had any protection to afford the Members of Parliament .
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HOUSE OF COMMONS ^ Wednesdat . The adjourned debate on the Irish Church was resumed by , Mr . Tbelawney , who advised the House to fake into its deliberate consideration , that they must either abolish the' Established Churoh in Ireland , or submit to the alternative of civil war . . Sir R . H , Inql | 9 followed , criticising ; Mr . Ward's plan for redistributing the revenues of the Irish establishment . The member for Sheffield , though belonging to the ) established Church in England , would coolly rob { the sister Church of 17 s . 6 d . out of every pound sterling of her income—would put a halter round her ntok , with the other end of the rope in the hands of heir bitterest enemies , and drag her to dishonour and destruction .
The Earl of Libtowel warml y and emphatically condemned the past policy of England towards Ireland , the blame ot which he did not wish to throw on any existing party , but which now required to be dealt with vigorously and impartially , if we wished to retain tile affections of the peoplo , or to preserve the Union . Lord Bernard contended for the apostolioity of the Church of England in Ireland , which he supported , notbecauso it was the Church of the majority of the empire , but because it was essential to the welfare of a . Protestant state to maintain the asceadancy of the Protestant Church . Mr . Cochrane [ said , that the maintenance of the Union was involved in that of the Churoh .
Mr . Villiebs Stuaht contended that the question of the Established Church in Ireland was not one of religion bui of property—^ not of faith but of money . I Mr . Hardy , considering that the primary function of the established Churoh ia Ireland was to preach the Gospel , defended it on scriptural grounds . While he was speaking , notice was taken that there were not forty membars present , which proving to be the case , the House adjourned ar eight o ' clock . Thubsdav , Aug . 3 . A long conversation ensued on the " counting out " of the House tbe night before , when it appeared that the cause was the \ non-attendance of the " liberal " English and Irish . Members . A conversation also ensued on toe Scotch Church Bill , and then somo unimportant business followed .
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THE F ROME ACCIDENT . We are happy to hear that the number injured bythe late accident was not so many as at first supposed . Mr . Bolwell went to Frome on Monday , for the purpose of procuring a correct account of the injuries sustained , and ascertaining the amount of damage done . | The following he has found to bo the injuries sustained : — Sarah Cabbie , aged 15 , broken thigh , and injury in the back . Her parents have eleven children , and are without work , j One man severely injured in . the head and face . ¦ Three other men , and one Jlfpnian , slightly injured . 1 '" ^ The amount of damage is estimated at £ 7 .
The friends at Frome are naturally anxious to render toe suffering parties some little assistance . It is a tremendous j heavy visitation upon the poor unwillingly idle family of eleven children I They wish to render all tho relief they can to the poor sufferers ; aud thus soothe , in some measure , the misfortune that has fallen upon them . To effect this they need thej aid of their Chartist brethren throughout the country . They are but few , and poor , themselves ; and , therefore , call for that assistance from others tbey would gladly render themselves had they tho means . Mr , Bolwell , of j Galloway-buildings , Bath , will receive subscriptions , and duly report the same .
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Leeds Woollen Markets . —The demand which we noticed in our last , for manufactured goods , still continues , and both on Saturday and Tuesday last , a much larger share of business was done at both the Cloth Hails . In the fine descriptions , however , the trade is dull , and the demand seems to be chiefly for low-priced cloths , with a few tweeds , plaids , &o . — Wool . —The call for the finer descriptions is slow ; buc there is much doing in noils and low priced wools . Leeds Corn Market , Tuesday , Aug . fi . —There has been a very large supply of Wheat to this day ' s market . The millers haying purchased freely of late ; there has been very little business doing tot-day , and Wheat has been 2 s to 3 s per qr . lower . " Outs and Beans very heavy sale and not much doing . The weather was showery up to Saturday evening , sinco finer .
York Corn Market , Saturday . Aug . 5 . —We have had variable weather since our last report , Thursday and yesterday being very wet , to-day more favourable . The supply of Grain is hot so large aa at the last two markets . For Wheat the sale is very slow , and rather lower rates are submitted to , but our farmers are unwilling sellers at the decline . In Oats and BeauB no alteration , but they partake of the general dullness . Mai / ton Corn Market , Saturday , Aug . 5 . — The supply of ail kinds of grain was larger than usual , the farmers were more eager to press sales than of late , and wheat may be quoted full ; 4 s per qr . lower . The prices ranged as follow : —Wheat * 8 s to 83 6 dper 5 st ., 64 s to $ 83 perqr . Barley nominal . Oats , lid to 11 Jd per stone .
Richmond Corn Market , August 5 . —We have a largo supply of Grata in our market to-day , particularly Wneat , which caused a depression in that article of 4 s . per quarter . Wheat sold from 7 s . 3 d . to 8 s . 9 d . ; Oats 2 s . 9 d . to 33 . 9 & . ' , Barley 3 a . 9 d . to 4 s . ; Beans 4 s . 6 d . to 4 s . 9 d . per bushel .
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O'CONNOR , Esq . of Hammertmith , County Middlesex , by JOSHUA HOBSON , at his Print ¦ : * ing Offices , No > . 12 and 13 , Market-street , Briggatei and Published by the iaid Joshua Hobsow , ( fox the said Feabgds O'COJWOB , ) athij Dwdling-boufle , No . 6 , Market-street , Briggate j aa internal Cemmnnicatioh existing between ^ he aaid No . 5 , Mtrket-street , and the / said No * 12 and 13 , Market-street , Brtggat * , thus conatltattng th « whole of tbe said Printing and Publishing Office onoPremises . All Communications must be addressed . Post-paid , to Mr . Hobsoh , Noilhern Star Office . Leeds . < Saturday , August 12 , 1843 . )
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3lm|Imaj Mzvtoimtnt
3 lm | imaJ mzvtoimtnt
Birmingham.—On Sunday Morning Last, Mr. Mason Held His Usual Meeting At ' Duddeston Bow.
BIRMINGHAM . —On Sunday morning last , Mr . Mason held his usual meeting at ' Duddeston Bow .
Just Published, Th ' E 12th Edition, Price 4s., And Sent Free To Any Part Of Tho United Kingdom On Tho Receipt ≫Of A Post Office Order, For 5a.
Just Published , th ' e 12 th Edition , Price 4 s ., and sent Free to any part of tho United Kingdom on tho receipt > of a Post Office Order , for 5 a .
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Leeds :—Printed For The Proprietor, Fe Argus
Leeds : —Printed for the Proprietor , FE ARGUS
Northern Star (1837-1852), Aug. 12, 1843, page 8, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct814/page/8/