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jSz Lobus -ceo Goitdex , —It is now nearly fonr rears aueel addressed a series of letters from a felon ' s " pellin Tork Castle to the landlords of Ireland ; and althoug h the then signs of the times furnished a fair Ttsawg to your order , and although eTerj prediction j } iat I then Tentnred upon is now in course of fulfilmart , yethare you been dead , dull , and stupid to all iho 9 e outward and "visible agns" "which manifest a growing hatredof your class , as well as a fixed-deterjaijiation to make you the Yiethns of all those * social and political anomalies which eonsiitnte the stoek-Injjaie of agitators and grievance-mongers of evenjjet and tlenomiriation . If a peasant is starring and
ties one ^> f your hares , and is prosecuted , hissufferigis a god-said to some pMIantrophic free trader . If tout workpeople cannot get -vrork , ihs fisuli is all placed to toot account . If any failure in speculations ftn- the China or India market takes place , the landlords hare done it . If trade flags at home , and if t 5 > erafives are starring , 70 U are chained Trith the cnme . In short , you appear to he the doomed section qf society on whom all , from the Prime Minister to the inmate of the union workhouse , may , with some plauable pretext , Tent their spleen ; nor is such reasoning altogether unjust when we take into consideration the treat social as well as political power that your class has beeo in possession of for centuries , a great por-^ of which yon still retain .
There is this great difference between your position sad that of the manufacturing class incorporated in a free-trade league . The manufacturers , it is true , -jjsisht considerably better the condition of their workpeople , and yet make larger profits on their labour than aay other class of capitalists ; but you haTe it in 10 CE power to make every other class in the state , as ¦ well a ? vonrselres , wholly independent of man's great enemy— -machinery . The free-traders haTe it not in their power to better the condition of the working
classes , withoutmakine ; what they term "a sacrifice " of their profits : but you have it in your power to render the working classes wholly independent of the . avarice and enpidiry of master-niannfarnirers . "What I have always struggled for is this—to induce the landlords , who are in every way kinder masters , better men , better neighbours , better friends , and better members of society , than the manufacturers , to refonn themselves in such a way as would make the ¦ chan ty universally beneficial , instead of allowing that change to be worked for the benefit of gambling
speculators . Tor ton vears 1 have been telling you that the landlord * ihvmselves can safely produce a change which will protect them against all foreign competi TatioB : whereas , if their obstinacy leadsto those inno _ lions which the free-traders-will sooner or later enforce , then , In the hubbub and confusion of ousting tenants , disposnj ; of stock , made a fictitious surplus by the necessity of iR to sell , together with the dismissal of agricultural labourers ; if you wait for that—that is , to be reformed by others—as sure as that an all-wl . se Creator rnles over us , so surely will society make a iresh division of vour properties ! Don ' t be foolish .
Don't hope to hedge yourselTes in , fenced by the Lords 2 nd the Commons . Thenexi cry ofhunger will level those two sreat bulwarks of your order . The reason why I hailed the statesman-like tariff of Sir R . Peel with pleasure and delight was , because it furnished voti with a graduating scale , whereby the evil effects Di iree-trade might haTe been averted . You hope to meet ihepresent clamour against your order by lalii . io ak-nx , " a stake in the hedge ; " "protection for labour : " baths and washbouses ; parks and improvement societies ; and you even diverge into the field oi t-olitk * to an extent whereby yon hope to insure popular hostilitv towards the Leasne .
One section of your order advocates i-ij- ~ r moii-y and trades combinations , as a means of protecting the labour of the working classes from the aggressions of cs&itsL ! Now these thin ire are all so much moonshine . I tell you , that you alone can make the recuired change ; and therefore , knowing it , if you do sot take the required step , you will be justly chargeable with all the distress and confusion that take ? place . The subject of the land and its capabilities was looked on as one uninteresting to the masses , and unworthy of consideration or thought when 1 fir > t broached it ; now , howeTer , it has became the all-absorbing topic : the " Aaron ' s rod" of agitation ; and the iEOTrled ^ ethat t he working classes have acquired
Emm the subject will be your best protection acain > t lie conspiracy -of the free-traders , if it induce ? you to comply with popular requirements . Gatton and lud . Sarum were a kind of political allotments : and ihe middle classes were demanding their destructionwhen they were looking for the Preform Bill . "Y our order resisted the lesser demand , until ai length you were compelled 10 submit to the greater infliction of HefL-na .
The people are now asking : br small farms : ju < t snsclent for each -ma-n to apply his individual labour , ¦ B-bich is ids capital . The subdivision of some of vc . nr larre barren , lack-reni ^ vUtfe , into small culiivaieabie allotments of four acres each , will enable tou to brine tout land , now a waste and a drag in ihr hands of large farmers , from the wholesale into the retail market ; and you will thereby open a competitive field for free labour , and establish a standard ofwajre * bj which the free-traders will be bound . You must be aware that labour is the only source of wealth and that the only way of giving the labourer his fair share of wealth is , by putting him in a situation . where he mav work for himself without hindrance ,
or molestation from other parties . You must also be aware of the impossibility of meeting the nations ! -iemand that will presently be made spon your estates , as well as the private demands for your personal liabilities ; and you will bevery lucky , if , instead of the Malt Tax being repealed duringthe next session , Sir Robert Peel does not pass some law ssMeh w £ D direcd y or indirectly impose fresh burthens on the land . Should such be the case n-o one can pity you . It is all very well to meet , and tat , and dr ink , and talk , and sympathize : but nobody Till feel for you , or can defend you , so long as you have tiie power , without ihejnterventioa of law , & ? correcting every angle grievance of which you complain , li is no satisfaction to the Door who cannot drink
milk , or eat stall-fed beef , to hear that cows feed upon ' 2 * d . a day will give good cream for the breakfast-table ; or that oxen may be fed to a ton weight . The people know , or are beginning to understand , that both the cream and the beef are the pro-< hte of labour ; and that if labour had fair play they could taste those thing's as well as hear of them . Ton have latterly endeavoured to ret np a kind of cc-ntter aritation to the Anti-Corn Law League . This is more of your nonsense . The only way in which you could possibly meet them , aye , and defeat
them too , is bi doisg , while t } t > y art talMna . You risk nsoney in many speculations ; but bow can the poor people have any respect fur your order when not a pound is spent in the proper direction ? If we asked yon to do too much for the poor , why then there might be a feasible excuse for not doing anything . Bei now 1 wil ] place something tangible before you . Yen can get thousands subscribed for purposes which mil not develope the value of labour : why not try a Me to advance its cause ? Trv one experiment . 1
"sill not go beyond a 1 , 000 acres ; and if your several humane societies will purchase 1 . 000 acres ; or if one landlord will subdivide 1 , 000 acres of tolerably fair land into 250 allotments of four acres each , and lest . *? dan fat 2 . corn-rent ) for n ^ r , to 250 working menhaving built a cottage , and advanced £ 40 for stockto each—I will Tenture to say that in three years the plan wffl become general : the labourers contented ; the country at peace . The manufacturers and shoivieepers would find this new population to be better customers than either Chinese or Indians .
I will make the calculation for you , although every . tiiiiig proposed for thejbeneni of the poor has something so impracticable" about it as to deter many from entering upon it . Take 1 , 000 acres , now worth £ 1 an acre , but not paid ; subdivide it into 250 farms of four acres each ; build a cottage worth £ 50 on each four acres , to which the tenant aslte improves may add at fleasure ; rive everv man £ 40 capital to commence
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; money-, no man refusetogrre £ l <) a year for that "take ; " that is , £ 1 an acre for the land , and nearly seven per cent , for tLe capital and money expended on the cottage . " O , but , " says some cautions EeonomLn , " the rascals would run off with the JE 40 . " Well , then , to provide against such a remote possibility , expend it yourselves . Buy the neeessary stock ; put the ne . cessary furniture into the house ; mark all as your own ; hire it for three years , on condition that the takers shall perform all the required conditions , and that if they pay off the £ 90 at the end of three years , they shall have the land for £ 1 an nere , or £ 4 a vear for ever .
2 \" ow I pledge my very existence that the 250 men so situated would , within three years , pay off the £ 90 , every man of them . If any were dishonest , they could neither remove the house , nor a particle of the stock or furniture that you had parchased-. Thus I show you the capabilities of the soil , and the value of labour when applied to it for the labourer ' s own benefit . It is in your power to try it ; and if you don't , who will say that yon ovght not to bear the consequences of your own neglect ? If improTidence has made you too poor to furnish the required capital , give the land , and J will undertake to
say that , the required amount of capital . shall be forthcoming . Do this ; and you will have relieved yourselves from that well-merited obloquy so unsparingly * heaped upon you . You will haTe destroyed the League , while you have increased your own property . You will have considerably enhanced the security for your rent . You will have convinced the people that you are their friends in deed as well as in word . You will have made the labourer contented with his lot , and will have restored the English aristocracy to that place in the affection of
the working classes , from which nothing but their own neglect could have dislodged them . Let the firs colony be called Yorxo Esglaxd , if you will ; ami then , when the working classes understand what you mean by "a stake in the hedge , " thty witth-iu yiru in jAarohip it tfurf . Until you have recourse to some practical means by which the value of labour , when applied to the land , can be made generallv beneficial , you will have done nothing ; when you accomplish this grand national object , theu I will subscribe mvsell .
i our most obedient , very humble and obliged servant , ¦ Feahucs O'Oossor . P . S . — -1 wiil give you a year ' s stewardship < rr <<{ h \ i von establish this first home-labour-colonv .
Ifornon Snteuicrenrc
ifornon SnteUicrenrc
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FRA . NTE . PiRSEcriios of the Phxss . —M . Bernays , editor of the German journal Yoncartt ( " Go-ahead " j printed in Paris , was- sentenced by the Court of L " orreetiona ] Police , on Friday , to two months imprisonment , and a fine of 30 » f ., for publishing his juvjht without having previously deposited the usual security . It was Stated publicly , and believed , that the prosecution was instituted at the request of the Pruh > ian Minister in Paris , in consequence of the appearance in the Vortfartt of an article justifying in some measure the attempt of Tscheeh against the life of the Kin ? of Prussia .
DbZA&TTL b 7 A 7 Z OP PiEJS . —PiZSCZ-TS OT MllOiLrru * s Rult . —The unprotected state of the public against the hordes of criminals at large in Paris lias excited nrutrh alarm there . The litjormc states that a number of" persons had written to the Prefect of Police in Pans , to inform him that their affairs obliging them to remain out to a late hour of the night , and not wishing to be murdered in the s-tret-ts , they -bould- hereafter walk armed with loaded cam- * , puiuards , and pistol * . SPAIN .
Tht . Rb ' jS or Terhoil—Mai > rii > , Dec . Oiu . — Matter * do not go so smoothly with General N . irvaez in Madrid as in the northern province * , hi i > ld Castile and in the Basque provinces he am ! bi > toot ; are allowed to shoot to their heart ' s content . General Breton has already shot twelve of the unhappy insurgents in lleebo and Anzo without trial , and bo questions asked . More executions are ;•> follow , and the crime of over-humanity , which , in tin case of Generals Oribe and Bayona led to their «! i ~ - mfesal , is likely to be n-li ^ iously avoided by their : nr-« -e-sor > . In Madrid , however , matters go tnherwi > e . <" ii ] . Kengifo . Captain Garcia , and Doctor Arilla . were condemned a few days ai . o to death by a ( ¦ -nun martial , composed of such materials as Narvaez
the galley * for the same crime . Col . Kengifo and hii-ompanions in misfortune were tolx- executed on the f'th , but , unhappily for Narvaez , the President <>! the Supreme Tribunal of War ajid Marine dechtred the proceedings illegal iaml for his honesty lie Las been dismissed i , and the Court of the Audienza niiashed the whole of ibe proceedings , 50 that theliveof these unfortunate individuals are saved for . a time at least , although it is probable that the unscrupulous personages in the cabinet will still succeed in destroving the victims of their vengeance . Sixty inhabitants of Barcelona had been transported to Carthasena , in consequence of the encumbered state of the pr isons of the first of those cities . M . Francisco Castanys , a former deputy , and M . Ezecbiel Porcel , ei-Adniinistrator of the Financa * , had been arrested as Barcelona , and banished to Palma .
Attempted lxsrRnzcnos at Cabthagixj . — The Government at Madrid received letters from Carthajrena , on the ' . > th , which stated that an attempt at insurrection had been made in that place by the populace , but that it had been suppressed bv the authorities , and that the town was quiet at t&e departure of the courier . The Tbaitor Lorrz . —M . Jose Maria Lopez has published a pamphlet containing an ¦ account of the principal political events which occurred in Spain durinir the Administration of the Oth of May , 1843 , and subsequently to the existence of the Provisional Government . The pamphlet , it is said , discloses impoinant secrets . The Journal th-t D ' -Iau , of Monday , announces that the Queen of Spain had pardoned Colonel Rengifo and his two associates , who had been sentenced to death bv a conrt-martiaJ .
SWITZERLAND . > UPPRt < SlON O ? THE LSSXTRRXCTIOV—PARIS , Dec . 14 . Bv the last accounts Lucerne was again so far tranquil that the authorities felt conhdeut they should be able to preserve order , and declined to receive reinforcements , which they had in the first instance requested , from the neighbouring Catholic cantons . We are assured , however , that though the affair is for the moment put down at Lucerne , a very serious struggle is impending between the Catholics and Protestants of the republic generally . The Hdvttie states that a sreat number of persons had been killed and wounded on both sides ; that the toe-sin was sounding throughout the eountrr ; and that numerous
volunteers were coining to the aid of the vanquished . Among others , the volunteers of Argovia , Berne , Soleure , and Basle , are said to be on the march The canton of Berne has sent troops to the borders oi the canton to watch events and in this suite affairs remain by the latest accounts . But ^ even if the present movement be put down , which from all accounts it will very probably be . other insurrections will certainly follow , for in " tfee exasperated state oi the feelintrs ofa large portion of the people—an exasperation produced by the bad faith of the authorities it is not likely that either party will be satisfied with the present state of things . The following is an exiractofa letter dated Berne , Dec . 10 th , 1844 : —
" Bv the arrh als from Lucerne this morning , we learn that the cirr ^ s filled with troops , an < 3 that arrests cojjtimie to be made . The Jesuits triumph to the full estt-nt of the word , thauk * to the means of seduction they have emploved . Br . Stei ^ er , one of the chiefs of the Liberal parrv . who is paying l > y imprisonment for liis opposuiuii to the Jesuits , is a man of mind and energy , who was the onK one that could rally the Liberal jiarty of the country , which was without leaders . Colonel Knggenbuhler , another chief trf the liberal parry , has succeeded in escaping
into the territory of Berne , ilany other fugitires have succeeded in getting orer the border ; but although our Gorernment feels the necessiry of stopping the reaction , it will consider twice before it makes any demonstrations stiieh may become a signal for a general conflict id Switzerland . The people , however , who do not look so closerj to the federal compact , are discontented with this forbearance . A volunteer from Argzu , who joined the-expedition against Lucerne , writes from Arau last night , that nearly aD the eight hundred volunteers are returned , worn ont with fatijrue , and dissatisfied at no '
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liarjag met with any sujjj . urt from the people pf the places through -nhkTi they passed . There has been , nevertheless , a ser ious engagement at the bridge of the inline , half a league fr « m Lucerne , in which there were killed aud wounded on both sides . The volunteers succeeded in forcing the passage ; but finding no one on the other side ready or willing to join them , they retired , and were nearlT cut off at Sur = ee
RUSSIA . The hiTEMAL Censorship . —The Courtier Fraiwait says : — " Formerly the Russian censorship had contented itself with covering with black ink the articles oi the foreign journals , tho reading of which it would not permit in Russia , but for some time past , the Russian police having discovered that by means of a chemical preparation the reading-rooms of Poland were able to render the printed characters legible , the censorship has ordered these articles to be cut out , without paving any attention to the fact that the scissors at the same time invaded the offending article and the innocent matter at the back . In consequence , the Kwsian Gazette recommends such journals as have subscribers in Russia to print their sheets only on one side , leavinffrhe back Wank . "
TURKEY . Co . NSTAxnxorLE , Nov . 22 . —The representative of trreat Britain has suddenly left this capital , having embarked on board the English man-of-war , which is u ^ ays at Ms disposal . It is not known what direction he has taken ; but this sudden departure has given rise to many suppositions . There are persons who think that this resolution was taken in consequence of the difference which arose between the British Ambassador and the Porte about the recent conduct of the Pacha of Trebizund towards the British consul there .
UNITED STATES . Liverpool , Monday . —The British and North American Royal mail steam-ship , Britannia , Captain Hewitt , arrived in the Mersey this morning . Thx E : lectiox . —The final result of the Presidential contest has reached us . The number of electoral votes for Polk was 170 ; for Clay , 105 : majority ot electoral votes for Polk , 05 . . \ lr . Polk , the AVie lyrk Herald says , is to visit Philadelphia previous to his inauguration . Congress . —The second session of the twenty-eighth Congress was to commence on the 2 d inst ., ' and tho President ' s message would probably be delivered on the following day . It was . ' expected to reach . New ^ ork about the 4 th inst ., in which case we may look lor it by the next steamer , which will arrive about the 2 Uth . Speculation was busy as to the manner in which it would touch upon the questions before the country . It is generally agreed that the annexation of Texas will be strenuously urged .
The Asti-Rext War . —The Philadelphia correspondent of the Morning Chronicle says—I regret to state Unit the auti-rvut disturbauces , 01 rather tile rebellious movements against paying rents to the Van Rennsalaer family , have bteu renewed in Van Kcnnsalaer and other counties of the state of New York . Explosion , < fcc . —There has been another dreadful steam-boat explosion , that of the Tiger , below New Orleans , killing six persons . It will be a matter ot i . Teat satisfaction to hear , that Captain Paxton , ol the ship Elizabeth , with the passengers and crew , who were conjectured to have been drowned , have reached ( . ' aiupeaehy , and thence taken passage tu New Orleans , where they arrived on the 11 th ult . We have no particulars , merely an announcement ot the fact .
CANADA . Seizure of Arms . —AVe have little news from < unada . The ( lovenior-General ' s opening speech was anxiously awaited . > o official return o ? his niuk'riiy in the Legislature has reached us . A company oi the t ^ uth Regiment seized 12 V stand of arms : U a rhanty belonging to the Irish labourers on the Laehine Canal . This is a bad > ymptom . L > r . Nelson , one oi the leaders in the Canada outbreak of lS 37- £ , has been elected a member of the new provincial Parliament ' . Ti 7 u ) -. 'ra mittanti . tr , < fcc .
MEXICO AND TEXAS . Alarming }> jaie or Mexjco . —The Sew Orleans Picayune of the 17 th ult . gives the following summary of Mexican intelligence , the date of which is from the city of Mexico as late as the 2 nd . — * ' The most important Intelligence we have yet read Is the retusal oi the Chamber of Deputies to vote the Joan required by the Mexican Executive for carrying on the campaign against Texas . Those best informed in Mexican affairs think a revolution inevitable—many that the train is already laid . a « il that the explosion will be heard immediately . The Minister of Finance , Fijnieras . has resigned his position . Grievous charges had been made against him , and he had previously expressed his desire to retire from the Administra tion , but the wishes of his associates in power induced him to remain . Uniena , the miscreant who inflicted
Jin atrocious outrage upon a Frenchman at Mazatlan , has been convicted " and sentenced to eight years' \ m pr isonment . He has appealed , however , from the decision . Some of the Mexican papers assert that this man ' s crimes have been grossly exaggerated . In New Mexico there have Wen more Indian disinrbances . An at tempt was made to assassinate the < uivernor in his own house . Fortunately it was unsuccessful , and the criminal was hiniseli'killed . Various •• ncounters between the Indians near Abiqnich and the Mexicans had taken place , in which many men u- ere killed . The Mexicans , as usual , attribute all t ' le ^ e collisions to t he erunitv of the Americans , foolishly supposing that the Indians are supplied with r ' : cjr ammunition , etc .. from the American trading [ mi-is . The Criiwr of Vera Cruz announces the < lej-arture of the President Santa Anna from hisAafimWn nt" Manrro de Clave to meet his bride at Kncoro . "
Insurrection ix Mexico . —It is reported in ( Jalve ^ ton , by a gentleman just from the west , that intelligence had reached San Antonio that all Northern Mexico along the Rio Grande is now in a state of revolt against the dictator . The report , as brought by a Mexican major , who represents himself as havin « deserted from General Woll ' s army , is , that Arista is now marching for the city of Mexico with an army of 17 , <> 00 men—that he is already beyond the mountains , and that his numbers are daily and rapidly increasing by fresh recruits from all the surrounding country . It is stated that the spirit ol' revolution is universal and overwhelming . The Texas Coxosess was to meet on the 2 nd instant .
TURKEY . Sir . Stratfobd Caxxi . vo .- —The Herald of Wednesday denies the truth of the statement that the British Ambassador at the Porte had struck his flag . The fact is ( says the Herald ) , Sir Stratford has left Constantinople , but on a pleasure excursion to the island of Tenedos , and he : would have return * .. ' . i . i : the 2 Gth , but a noith wind blowing down the Dardanelles delayed the upward progress of the steamer . It is truo that difficulties had occurred between the Porte and Sir Stratford Canning , arising out of the misconduct of the Pacha of Trebisond , and that the
answer given by the Porte was not of a satisfactory nature . The departure of the British Ambassador from the Turkish capital at such a moment naturally led to misconstruction on . the part of those not acquainted with his Excellency ' s intentions ; and wo are glad to have from our correspondent so satisfactory an explanation of the whole case . A Fire proke out on the 17 th atBalikessa , in Asia Minor , which consumed about 1000 houses , including shops and buildings ; and another fire occurred at Constantinople , which reduced to ashes abou 1 300 housps .
Dr . Woolff . —We are glad to find , from letters received from Trebisond of the 16 th of November , that l } r . Woolff has arrived in safety at Teheran , on his way to Tabreez and Erzeroum , on his way to Endand .
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The Doings of the Manchester Leaoueks . —It has been the practice of the League mouthers in the agricul tural distj-icts , if any person dared to call in question their treatment of the factory operatives , to refer the objectors to the Manchester operatives , who would soon convince them that the statements of the opponents of the League were without foundation . Indeed they have repeatedly asserted that the working classes of Manchester were all members of the League . The various meetings which have been held by the operatives of late , have done much towards bringing to light the real opinions of the workies on this subject . When the workmen give a recital of the abominable robberies they are subject to , thev invariablv con < ude with— "and these arc
the men who want to nive us a big loaf 1 " At a meeting of Power-loom Weavers , a lew days since , the following statements were made concerning oue of those fellows always to be found on the right hand of the ehairman at the ticketed meetings of the " Plague '; " and , bye-the-bye , this gent is a reverend preacher . He is to be seen on the Sunday with black coat and white cravat , mounting the pulpit , and hurling heaven ' s vengeance against the poor sinner who dares to take a-walk in the fields on the Sabbath , after being confined for six long days in his stinking factory . He pays a person six shillings per week for supplying his mill with hot water for the work-people , while he makes the workers pay him nine shillings ! and his love of Christian justice is so intense , that it signifies not whether the worker
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working classes * ( Ilear , hear . ) During the agitation for the Reform Bill , the middle men ; were the agitators and the working men the shouteri He thought he saw Mr . Jordan , who was their first chairman at the establishment of the great 'Radical Association piesentr- ( hear hear ) , A wonderful alteration had , since that period , taken place in ! the mind of the country : and now the working classes had become eloquent and sensible speakers— ( cheers ) . We had seen a George Julian Harney , and a Pitkethly , standing on the * huBtings , opponents of the scions of nobility . At the next election we must not only get the shew of hands , but the vote too . I Wiloerforce used to boast that he and bis party were seven , and with this seven could procure patronage from the Minister .
Now if seven against the Ministerial majority of seventy could effect this , what would a united party of twenty do , with Duncombe as their leader— - ( Loud cheers ) . If demonstrations took place , tliey were wafted on the wings of the press across the water to America . But unfortunately the Chartists were not fuEy represented in the press—( Hear hear ) . The people did not yet evince a sufficient degree of the practicable to carry on a continuous agitation . They were good at a demonstration , but when j that was over all was done . However , it had its good effect—it caused the people ' s voic £ to be heard in distant lands . Get twenty men into the House , and they ; will soon increase to fifty . The only practicable means of obtaining the twenty was by attending to the registration :. He Wl had
no time to arrange for a set lecture , therefore he took a fling at all subjects ; and perhaps that was the most profitable to them , ( Hear , hear . ) Lord Ashley , Lord John Manners , Mr . D'Israeli , Mr . Busfield Ferrand , in fact the Young England party , had resolved to make a dead set at al ] other parties in the House during the coining session ! lie looked on Young England as coadjutors , to a certain extent . He thought Young England would be inclined to ceurt public opinion— -perhaps attend sonie of their meetings , or call some of their own . In that case he would recommend that some of their best speakers should be selected to meet them , in ] a friendly spirit , and instruct them . ( Hear , hear . )! He stood there that evening , advocating the same principles he
advocated on the same spot nine yeai-s ago ; and he defied contradiction when ho asserted that he had consistently advocated the same principles during the whole of that period ; and that , tob , without a fartliing * s expense to the working man . ( Great cheering . ) Well , he hoped on the 4 th ofiFebruary next to see half a million accompanying iMv . Duncombe—Labour ' s only Parliamentary Representative—down to the House . ( Immense cheering .: ) He was happy to find that all that had gone j from them was only the chaff ; and that they were more united than ever . In fact — like Lord Ross ' s cocksthey were all on one side . Mr . O'Connor resumed his seat amidst great cheering . A Mr . Puddifortli then came forward , and said he thought the opposition
given to the League by the Chartists had done great luuin to 1 K 0 Pliartist cause ( laughter ) , and he just wished to ask Mr . O'Connor to attend to Wj w « -n business for the future , and let that other political party , the "League , " alone . I . etjMr . O'Connor get the Charter if lie could . At the passing of the Heform Kill , he ( Mr . P . ) was an elector of Lambeth , and had olforedto place his vote at the disposal of the unrepresented masses . He thought if the Corn Laws were repealed , the present landowners would be glad to rerepresontthepeopleforthe £ 50 « ayear . Mr . O'Connor , in reply , said , he thought if ever the League was unfortunate ^ it was to-night in their advocate . The gentleman had said the effect of Repeal would be to reduce the price of land so low , that the landlords
would be glad to take £ 500 a year as representatives of the people . ( Laughter . ) The gentleman advised the Chartists not to figlrt with the political party called the League . Mr . Cobden wont thank him for that . That gentleman contended that the League was not a political party and they proved it the other day , when Cobden and Co ., by their votes , kept Peel in office ' . The League called the Chartists " Tory Chartists ; " yet the League leaders had kept the Tories in office . Why should the Chartists give up their principles to any man or set of men ? ( Loud cheers . ) Qnly think of those poor men subscribing £ 100 , 000 to j get rid ofa grievance . ( Laughter ) . Let them give the working class political power , and then he ( Mr . O'C . ) would be perfect ]) ' content to abide by the decision come to by the honest working men . ( Great cheering . )—Mr . I ' uddiforth did bv no means wish them to give up
their own principles . —Mr . JordoiVsiudhc wished Mr . O'Connor would make it a point : to lay before the lieople the best means of getting on tiie re < a * Vn \ That was a most important point . Mr . O'Connor , in reply to Mr . Jordan , said , that lie was compiling a pamp ' lilet on the subject , and he would publish it . it such a price as should place it within the reach of all , and that as speedily as possible . Mr . Fairer tlicii moved a vote of thanks to Mr . O'Connor for the able lecture he had delivered , which was seconded by Mr . G . LoTctt , and carried unanimously amid loud cheers . Mr . O'Connor responded , and proposed a vote of thanks to the Chairman , which iwiis carried unnniniotislv . Three loud cheers were ; then given for the . Charter , Duncombe , and Repeal j three for the JWtli-rn Star , and three for Feargus O'Connor . After the enrolment of several member ? , the meeting dispersed . ¦
Ik-RXLEY . — A Meetixo of : the Meckan-k-p , Mon . PERS , Smiths , Miu . wrimits , E . Y <; r . \ i ; Kns , < fcc , was held in the Working Men's { News Room , Ilainlner ton-street , Burnley , when Mil P . M'Grath , President of the Executive Council , delivered an eloquent and powerful address to them on the necessity of a National Trades' Union . At thejelose of the address the following resolution was unanimously agreed to : — " That iu the opinion of this meeting , a National Union of the Trades is necessary ] to protect Labour from the unceasing aggressions ' of Capital . This meeting therefore call upon their fellow working men throughout the empire to commence the glorious work of Union . " Arrangements were then made for a conunittec for preliminary business , with a view to test the whole of the trades in the town on the above resolution . Tiie meeting then separated , highly pleased with the evening's proceedings . \
General Meetixo of the Building Trades of Asuton-under-Lyxe . —A genera } meeting of all the building trades of Ashton-under-Lyne and its vicinity , was held on Tuesday evening last , in the large room of the Crown Inn , Ashton , to take into consideration the steps necessary to be taken to assist the Manchester men at present on strike ! Tiie meeting was well attended b y the operatives of the above trades , and all appeared to be animated with one determination to use every exertion in their power to help their brethren . A second object of the meeting was to consider the propriety ot" the whole of the building trades forming themselves into a | consolidated union . The meeting was called for seven o ' clock , shor tly after which time Mr . Alfred Burton was unanimously from
called to the chair . Mr . Hughes ^ delegate the Bricklayers' society , gave an account of the grievances which the Carpenters and Joiners of Manchester had to contend with , and which had caused them to strike against Messrs . ! Pauling and Co ., and concluded a powerful speech by urging upon the meeting the necessity of the whole ot the building trades' uniting in one body . Mr . Hulnie , delegate from tue Painters' Society , next addressed the meeting . He said he was one of the deputation who waited on the firm of Pauling land Co . Those of the meeting who were in the habit of reading the " Northern Star" would know j that an aggregate meeting of the Manchester trades was held in the Hall of Science , to consider what steps should be taken
in reference to the propositions of the firm ; the result of which was that the niecting decided that the strike should not terminate ijntil Messrs . Pauling and Company had discharged jthe whole of their " knob-sticks . " This was agreed to unanimously . Hut notwithstanding this , some parties said that the correspondence had not had the ( consideration of the trade ; and at a meeting of the Joiners , in the 'Carpenters' Hall , it was agreed that special meetings of the various trades should be galled , and the correspondence laid before them . " This had been done , and the result was the same as that come to at the aggregate meeting , the members ] being for the men standing out until the "knobs" were discharged . He was happy to say that they had every prospect of gaining a glorious and honourable victory . Mr . Maxwell , delegate from the Joiners , said the building trades of Manchester had united , and they were desirous that their brethren in Ashton should da
likewise . Mr . Maxwell then moved the following rer solution : — " That it is the opinion of this meeting , that a union of all the building trades of Ashton is absolutely neeessary for their inmtual support and preservation . " Mr . M . resumed his seat amid much applause . The resolution was seconded by a person in the body of the meeting . Mr . Wellford moved an amendment to the effect that a general union of all trades Tfas highly desirabJe . The resolution was earned unanimously . Mr . Maxwell moved— " That delegates jbe appointed by the various trades to carry the foregoing resolution into effect . " The resolution was agreed to nem . coti . It was then agreed that delegates from each branch meet in that room on next Tuesday evening , at halfpast seven o ' clock . The thank ^ of the meetin g vera given to Mr . Dixon , reporter for the " Northern Star . " Thanks were then giy « n to the chairmav and delegates , and the meeting ! broke up .
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Rochdale . —The factory workies in this town are going on well . The turnouts have gained » Le advance at all the mills . On Tuesday the hands at , Hutterwwtlrnnd Co . 's , IIari > ii , g-road ; factorv . fumed , out , determined to have the advance , This is the only mill where the hands are on strike at present . Dcncombe Testimonial . —Central Committee of Trades , < fcc , SaviJle-House , Leicester-square , Wednesday , December 18 th . Mr . Grassby in the chair . ' r avourable reports were received from the Carpenters ot St . Lukes ; from the Morocco . Leather-finisher ?; and from the Repeal Meeting recently held at the lemperan . Hall , Cleiiiejit ' s-lane . Aiessrs . T . M . JV heeler and Syme were deputed to wait on Mr . Duncombe
' respeetiffc the proposed procession in rebruaiy next . Mr . Gammin stated that the Corkcutters had come to ¦ a determination to pay into the hands of the treasurer next week their second sub- * smption , amounting to £ 20 . Messrs .-Dbwling- ' ani MaJlwood were deputed to wait on the Ihiri-ninr Horse Society of Carpenters on . Moiiday , December the 30 th . Messrs . ' . Grassbv and Stallwcod were deputed to wait on the Secretary of the Einsbmy C wuniitte on Saturday evening , December 21 st . Letters were read from the Islington Philanthropic b-oeiety , and from the Factory Operatives of Stocks port . Next Wednesday being Christmas-day , the C ommittee at its rising adjourned until Wedjimlav week , January 1 st , 1845 . -
Lancashire Miners . —The next General Delegate Meeting of Lancashire Miners will be held at the house of Mr . Dawber ,. Shevington Moor , near Wigan , on Monday , the 30 th of December . Chair to be taken at ek-ven o ' clock in the forenoon . A public meeting will also take place , which will be addressed by W . P . Roberts , Esq . The levy , including lawfnud and general contributions for the next fortnight , is Is . Cd . per member . Yorkshibe Miners ' . —The next general delegate meeting of the Miners of Yorkshire , will be held at the Griffin Inn , Northgate , Wakefleld , on Monday , the 30 th ofDecember , 1844 . To commence at nine o'clock in the morning , when the new cards and rules of the Miners' Benefit Society , willbe ready for delivery .
The ^ Wigan Misers' lately in the employ of Mr . Ralph Thickness , return their sincere thanks for the following -. —Jolly Miners' Lodge , £ 1 16 s . 2 d . ; Colliers ' Arms Lodge , £ 2 3 s . 2 d . ; Bridge Inn Lodge , £ 2 2 s . 7 d : Jerry Shop Lodge , 9 s . lid . ; Coalheavers' Lodge , 18 s . 8 d . ; Black Horse Lodge , 10 s . Gd . ; tireen Bam Lodge , £ 1 13 s . 3 d . ; Red House Lodge , 16 s . lid . ; Jolly Carters' Lodge , Us . 8 d . ; Cock Tavern Lodge , 6 s . 5 d . ; Running Horse Lodge , 9 s . 4 d . ; Church Lodge , 9 s . lid . —Thomas Smith , District Secretary for Aspull district .
, Great Meeting of Miners at Oldiiam . —A public meeting of Miners belonging to the Oldham district , was held on die afternoon of Monday last , in the Working Man's Hall . This was the largest indoor meeting ever held at Oldham : there could not be less than 2 , 000 persons present . W . P . Roberts , Esq ., was announced to address the meeting , and the miners engaged a band of music , with which they met him at the terminus of the Oldham and Manchester Railway , and escorted him to the place of meeting . At about two o ' clock a working Miner , named Halsworth , was unanimously called to the chair . He gave out some verses which had been composed" for the occasion , which were sung by the meeting ; after which he introduced Mr . Parkinson
of the county of Durham . Mr . Parkinson delivered a lengthy address on the benefits that had and would accrue to the Miners generally , by keeping up the association ; and not only the Miners , but the masters . Mr . P . sat down loudly applauded . . Mr . Embleton , of Newcastle , said that lie was an old Miner , — he was sixty-eight years of age , —and he was also an old Trades unionist . He had been an unionmt ever since the year 1810 . Air . K . concluded a . long and humorous speech amid loud cheers . Mr . llarnes moved , and Mr . Witworth seconded , " That it is the opinion of this meeting that the Miners of oldham and surrounding districts have been grosr . lv tyrauized over by their employers and agents ; and this meeting pledge itself to use every legal means to procure a redress of their grievances , and those of the whole of the Mining population of Great
Britain and Ireland . " The resolution was supported by Mr . Dixon of Manchester , and agreed to unanimously . The chairman said he now had much pleasure in introducing . W . P . Roberts , Esq ., who on rising was greeted with rapturous applause . Mr . Roberts congratulated them on the present position of the association , and the progress it was making . He was proud at having an opportunity of addressing them in that splendid edifice ; it was certainly . 1 proud monument ; -.. of the patriotism of the working classes . Mr . Roberts concluded amid repeated rounds of applause . . The thanks of the meeting having been voted to the chairman , the people separated in a peaceful and orderly manner . We are happy in stating that the advance sought by the men is likely to be conceded without a strike , several of the masters in this district having already given it .
Bradford Woolcombers' Protective SociErr . — The fifth quarterly meeting of delegates from the various divisions in town and country , connected with . the above society , was held at the society's room , Tyrrel-coiirt , Bradford , on Monday , the 2 nd inst ., when resolutions were adopted expressive ot ' the determination of the meeting to persevere in the sacred cauBehvhich they had engaged in , viz ., the pi'Otection of their labour as far as practicable , from the greedy and avaricious trvasj ) of such capitalists as would , for the sake of competition in the market , reduce the labourer to the lowest possible pitch of destitution , provided a ready exchange of money for goods can be secured to them in the market ; this nefarious . traffic in slavery has long been practised by
uiijii ini'ipled manufacturers , especially in . the neigh-1 ¦ i ; t-i ¦ ¦ _ ¦ ' ' > wns and villages , where , at all times , are to Li :- ' . ii-i ready facilities for carrying it into execution . . >•!¦ ' ¦ ¦ 'Ceasioually engaged in agricultural pursuits apply to manufacturers lor combing-, when they find it most convenient , or when the season is unfavourable for out-door work ; they take out large quantities of wool and employ a great number of women and- girls to work it for about one-fourth of the price received by regular men in the business . And even this is generally allowed them in coarse food . Those manufacturer can , in consequence , bring their good * to the Bradford market and undersell the fair dealer , who h unwilling to reduce wages , but must be compelled to do so if such practices are
allowed . It was to effect an alteration 111 this state of things that the Wooleombei-s' society was formed eighteen months ago ; and during that time it has expended upwards of £ 2 , 000 of their hard earnings in withstanding the repeated reductions attempted by the masters . Those manufacturers , in addition to the advantages stated above , can get mill-hands at full 39 per cent less than what is paid in town for the same class ; aud notwithstanding our greatest efforts , we cannot yet , we regret to say , convince all our fellow labourers of the necessity which exists for a uniform organization for the defence of the only birthright which we inherit the protection of our labour . A deputation from the Cordwamers-Society waited on our meeting of delegates for the
purpose of effecting a consolidation of the whole of the trades for mutual protection . The deputation stated their views of the objects sought in a lucid manner , which met the approbation of the meeting , so far as they could consistently with their duty agree to . They determined upon urging the consideration of the matter on their respective constituents . A public meeting of tho Woolco ' mbers of Bradford was convened at the Odd Fellows' Hall on the ltith inst ., when this subject was brought before them , but the reasons before stated , viz ., the want of proper organization amongst themselves , and the meeting being Comparatively thinly attended , partly we suppose from the attendance of many at the Chartist Meeting which was held at the same time in Butterworth ' s-
buildings , obliged them to defer the consideration of the matter to a more favourable opportunity . The secretary , read a statistical report of the proceedings of the society since their last meeting , which , although not as flattering as they could wish , was still as favourable as in the present depressed state of the trade might have been expected . Resolutions were agreed to , urging the meeting to further exertions in the cause , and for the holding of sectional meetings preparatory to meetings of the men of each employment , to ascertain the real number of each firm , subscribers and non-subscribers , with a view of further extension by the influence which , the former may have over the latter . .. Thanks were given to Mr . George Roberts , chairman , and the meeting separated at ten o ' clock .
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M S withand at a rent" would VUL . Vili . ) . 371 . LONDON , ATURDAY , DECEMBER , 21 1844 ~ ™** ™™>™ v * or : * ^ ^ XfXXJUXV > ^ 1 , 1 O ^ . Fire Shillings and Sixpence per <| n « rtrr
To The Landlords Of England.
Sfraltt.S' $&&Eincni0.
Sfraltt . s' $ &&eincni 0 .
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iims-the water or not ; it must be paid for . One man m tnat meeting ^ Vv ^ a cdcahtloa of the time he hud woi-Kea for this pious nullocrat , and proved that this man had taken / romjiimsclf ( the worker . ) and family upwards ot £ 2 % water , of which they had never u .-ed a drop ! But this is not all . lie pays a man for oiling the > madunia fifteen shillings per week , for which he makes the hands pay twenty-four shillings per week , tnereoy pocketing nine shillings per week . Sometime ago he took upwards of £ 80 in fines from his workpeople , , and then , with all the hypocrisy imaginable S *™*^ to the Dispensary and ; Infirmary . We would ask . how can cither Christianity , ^ Corn Law rtepcai . or leetotalism prosper whilst they are represented by such men as these ? At a meeting of the and
Beamers Twisters , held last week , the chairman maue some statements which we think the public have a right to know : They relate to another reverend born Law Repealing millocrat . Tliis reverend gent used to glve a little boy twopence per week for carrying hot water to the factory . He had to go eleven , times' backwards and forwards for the twopence . A few weeks ago the hands turned out for an advance of wages , which turnout occasioned the boy to carry the water only ten times instead of eleven . Of course he must be "bated , " and bated he wasone penny out of the twopence ! After these examples ot pettifogging pillage , we think there will be no surprise that such men , by such means , should soon iHX'ome rich , earning themselves the just reprobation of all good men . —Manchester correspondent .
Maryleboxe . — Trades' Unions and their Effects . —A numerous , and highly respectable meeting assembled in the Investigation Hall , Circus-street , New-road , Marylebone , on Tuesday evening , December 17 th , to hear Feargus O'Connor , Esq ., " deliver a public lecture on Trades' Unions , and their effects on society . At eight o ' clock Mr . Aldous was unanimously called to the chair , and briefly opened the meeting by reading an abstract of the People's Charter , lie tlrni called on Mr . O'Connor to address the meeting . Mr . O'Connor , on rising , was greeted with much cheering . He said the chairman had read an abstract of die Charter ; he ( Mr . O'C ) supposed the chairman ( I'd so because he knew that tho audience had been loig absent from school , and mUst .
therefore , have forgotten their lesson . ( Laughter . ) However , the Chirter was a good thing , and would bear repetition . \ Cheera . ) Masters , when it suited their interest , patud the men on the back , and professed to admire Unbns ; but if the Trades , by union , endeavoured to uplold their rights as men , their Unions instantly bocune pernicious , and things to be put down . He lud always admired Trades' Unions ; and lie believed , if a Chartist Parliament assembled tomorrow , that lhat Parliament uouldflilrocfltoTrades ' Unions , as a licans of carrying out into detail what was necessary _ to be done . Trades' Unions were like political sock-ties -. the latter , if successful , were the glory and alnriration of the world ; but when unsuccessful , their leaders were traitors . So of
Trades' Ununs ; if they succeeded , they were the lights ol the world , but , when unsuccessful , their officers were plotters against the peace and good order < f society , and only fit for the felon ' s cell or the < onvict hulks —( hear , hear ) . The most important Inion and Strike he had ever witnessed was that of tie Colliers ; and he only regretted that it had not met with that success it so much merited—( cheers ) , hir J . Graham wished to intimidate all Trades through the' Miners ; and as that body had sti-uck , ana applied themselves to the law instead of to riot , confusion , and destruction ofproperty—( hear , hear ) , the Commons said the law is too powerful in their favour—' tis too strong for us—we must change tiie laws and crush all such combinations- ^ hear , hear ) . He ( Mr . O'C . ) contended that Parliament should exist for the protection of labour ; and if nicotines like that he was addressing did not tend to
the comfort , welfare , and happiness of the people , he would retire arifl never attend another . Duncomlie ( ehecrs ) , aided by : tho Trades , had strangled the monster-measure of-last session ( cheers ) . Lord Fitzwilliam , a philanthropist , had said from his place in the House of Lords , that "the working classes ought not to repine , as there always was poor , and it was written they should ' never cease out ol the land . ' " True it was so written ; but it was not written that the same persons should always continue poor—( hear , hrair ) . Tnert might he a change of places —( cheers ) . Lord FitzwiJiiam went to Sheffield , and he there said that Government should put Trades' Unions down , either by moral or physical power ( hear , hear ); and the Messrs . " Chambers , ; of Edinburgh , had come to tho Earl's assistance with their pen , with Poor Law Chadwiek at their dbow—( tiotvv , UctirV 'But he contended that the thousands united could alwavs beat
the tens—( cheers ) . Well , then , why should there not bo one general Union of all Trades for the protection of all ? The masters now fought one trade against the other . ( Hear , hear . ) It was the top sawyers , the aristocrats in the Trades , that oppressed tho pitmen or democrat . Yes , the men with 36 s . or £ 2 per week thought their day of evil would never conic ;—and it was this that caused the disunion ; this internal strife that the masters took advantage of . ( Hear , bear . ) Let ' a general Union of all be formed , find it would inspire confidence , give strength to all , and lead to great and important results . ( Loud cheers . ) lie would show the value ot union ; and could not better illustrate his position than bv pointing to the
Trades of . Sheffield , They had united—and soon saw the necessity of restricting the hours of labour—and the result was , they earned , on an average , more by working eight hours than they did , when labour was unrestricted , wnen they worked fourteen or fifteen hours . ( Cheers . ) Just suppose that a butcher bad Imt a small quantity of meat in the market—why , his meat brought a larger price : but if he had a large quantity , the market would be overstocked , and the meat would be depreciated in money-value . I Hear , hear . ; He admitted the axiom , that when one channel of labour closed another opened : but the
people should be supplied with the means of reaehinc that other channel . ( Hear , hear . ) Not only had tlw trades of Sheffield found the advantage arising from the restriction of hours of labour , but the colliers had experienced its blessings likewise . He believed machinery would prove a blessing , if made man ' s holiday instead of man ' s curse . He would quote a working man of the name of Butterworth , who , in reply to Mr . Cobden , said , " You may go to bed by machinery , get up by machinery , eat your food by machinery , pick your teeth by machinerv—or do anvthine else vou tilease with chinery—or do anything else you please with
it—providing you do not make machinery take the loaf off ray table , ov the bed tVoni under rat . " ( Cheers . ) Freetraders might say what they liked ; but he had seen mills lighted up all night , and little children only allowed half an hour ' s rest out of nine or ten hours . ( Hear , hear . ) If it required just 100 < t hands to do the work of a certain district , and an extra 100 hands came from a distance among them , and they were allowed to compete , the result would be , that in a short time wages would be reduced from 30 s . down to 20 s . ( hear , hear ); but if the 1000 were united , and knew their duty , when the 100 men came , instead ot' letting them go to work , they would provide them with means and let them go and take a cold bath with the Bishop of London , or a
walk with Lord J . Edgerton in the grottoand pleasure grounds provided ; or have a lounge in the library and read Coningsby . ( Laughter and applause . ) By this means they would keep up wages and maintain a respectable position in society . ( Loud cheers . ) He would admit that so long as the Spinners could obtain 35 s . a week they looked upon the land as a dronish , plodding occupation ; but machinery had stepped in and taught them a lesson . Perhaps there was some present who might ask what had machinery to do with them up in London ? What had it to do with Tailors , with Shoemakers , with Bricklayers , with Masons , and such like trades ? lie would shew them . Machinery did the work of manual labour in the
manufacturing districts . Well , the men thrown out of employ came to London , competed for clerkships , letter-carriers , warehousemen , light porters , anil also with those trades which did not require a great amount ofsicilL This is what machinery has to do with those he had named . ( Loud cheers . ) But it was pleasant to find that all writers and talkers had turned their attention to the land . When he ( Mr . O'Connor ) first directed attention to that subject , he was called a madman ; however , he had bitten them all , for they could not now take up a newspaper a pamphlet , a magazine , or a novel , but the allotment . system stared ithehi in the face . ( Cheers . ) Someone had got hold of the Times newspaper , and was writing in favour of Emigration under another name . Young England told them that they ought not to have too much land ; no , only sufficient to amuse the holders , to grow a few flowers for their wife , and a dish oi
marrowfats for themselves . ( Loud-laughter . ) If . lie ( Mr . O'C . ) had one thing to boast of . more than another , it was that he had always taught the people to rely on themselves ; and that WhigB arid Tories were one atnd the same under different names . ( Cheers . ) He had told them>—and Mr . Duncombe , in a letter to the Trades of Sheffield , stated the fact—that Sir J . Graham was about to introduce another Master and Servants' Bill . ( Hear , hear . ) Mr . Duncombe told him ( Mr . O'C . ) that he would resist it by all means in his power—( great cheering ); but what could one man ' s voice do without the help of the people ? ( Hoar , hear . ) He assured them it was no agreeable task to go amongst the people , sometimes chastening them and sometimes praising them for some little good they had done for themselves . ( Hear , hear . ) All that , wrote or spoke from authority did so against the I : ¦ ¦
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Meeting of the Bishops . —His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury has announced his intention to summon a meeting of the Bench of Bishop * , in coasequence of the unhappy schism which at present agitates the church of England , in order to deliberate and determine upon the rubrical observances to be enforced throug hput the various dioceses of England over which his Grace has jurisdiction . As yet it is undetermined whether the assemblage of the Bench
of Bishops shall take place about the period of the annual convocation at St . Paul ' s , or whether the synod shall take place at the commencement of the ensuing month of January . The issuing of the recent pastoral letter of the Bishop of Exeter has caused fresh excitement among the laity , and a new source of embarrassment to the Church ; it is , therefore , not at all improbable that an early day will be determined upon by their Lordships , so that the feverish controversies relative to the gown and surplice , and the weekly offertory , may be finally disposed of .
Landlords axi > Tenants . — -Now that the allotment system is extending to the labouring class , let us call public attention to another plan for " allotment , " greatly needed . It is unreasonable that farmers { as vast many have ) should occupy such very extensive farms- ; and these of course are men ofproperty , otherwise they could not undertake these " monster " farms . These farms otight to be subdivided , andr , by that means , thousands of other families might reap a comfortable maintenance . This is a subject , at the present time , worthv of general consideration .
Northern Star (1837-1852), Dec. 21, 1844, page 1, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct838/page/1/