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Chartist ZtteUismtt.
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„ » , tie writings of J . B . O'Brien are rain . JPtaita V » Nk » * **¦ d ^ P ***• « er to ¦ » ^ ^ Thi opinion * in as well as out of priwn , I •^ funrW ^ M " 1 tha f ° lloirlu 8 erfcracfc from » *? L letter that I received some time ago from Mm , P I ~ f . J " pnl > lies £ icm . . p , joo *<* V Tonrt > respectfully ,
. a . , * And what , after all , my dear friend , / v ^ jTirbt «*« Cobbett , bnt a brace of Quads ? Vr € * unp- e » Cobbett ' s far-famed "Norfolk " ^ J" mu his ' 'Fourteen Kinchester Proposi-2 ^ which contain the whole of hia scheme—the ^ le of ti * pk ° 8 eta" * the J * * " of & « nation *^ 4 after comparing the Reformi therein de--ajuled -with thB actual state of society , tell . me "who 2 t » Q . n * ci moM ttto * sacii paltry wmedies * de-V , to garethe evils » egroanunder ? For-what do ST jmonnt to ? Why , jnrt to this—make sale of
tte ball of our P nWie P !**^ ( k »» , corporate crW , ere" * n lands , &c ) and -with the proceeds rff the y ^ ooal Debt , ( after redndng it by equit-* L td jostmeaW disband the balk of th « army , abolish " obs , *« - * ndl * ° En 0 rt ' S ° on retrenching our ^ HHshiBffii * ' " ^ cutting down our expenees , till -we ^« raj per t axation back to tie standard of 1 792 ; , then , fcy * & UEP r 0 Ted n" ^ ° f ** i « ng the Uxet M ^ T rnisiJS be required , that is , about * fcrfee » miUions -pp—SEd making the Parliament shift its sittings 1 Tcri sad Dublin—every thing -mil be renovated , pfl sfl -will ever tfte * n " smooth !!! I defy the toil , or She Sera * grandmother to match this for
-afkerr . Tet , if all this -were done , we should be pa , more , according to Cobbetti ditelples , Use most JobmJuhs peop le in the world J . ' . ' . ' Ah , my friend , I jeold almost give np one half of my remaining days jo hare a l » rg 8 "weekly paper established in Man-A gsjer , -with about £ 1 , 000 to carry it on . Were it ^ ly to demolish all such rubbish as this , with Cartirright , p » iaa , &cd To ' ney into the bargain—not forgetting oar M friend Robert Owen , who , -with & 11 his baUueinajjaoi , is th e on ly one of the lot that is worthy the Bine of Reformer . Owen is right , at any rate , as to eg sod , bat his means are delusive . The others seem jjufto laTB completely Hiistaken both ilie end and gg aessi . "VT ^ re sl l the prs : * jcal reforms proposed by
Piioe , Carswrigbt , and Co . to be caxn&d into comtUt ^ ct to-morrow , they would not realise any of Qg recite anticipated by their authors . They would laTe the radii or root of the evil where they found it , » d eonseqaenUy cause no substantial change in the jpsdiioa of the bulk of society . lie nait , cr root of the erD , lies in aD owing the nato of sdiiure to be private proptrity , and in a false ^ ses d txefcanges throughout erery department of boost . In other wards , the root of the eYil lies in
allowinj laad so be tie exclnsnreproperty of lndiTidn ^ s , and in ifloTing ciisr particular indiyiduals to hate the m iking , iHon ^ , sail regulation of the circulating medium , a aaT 2 S £ 7 > through the intervention of which all raltt dUts are interchanged . So long s * this double eTil Bines , there c ^ n be no real reform in society . Any iSBEpts k "practical relonns" ( bo called ) which shall BDS xectifj this rwo-fold source of eril , will prore utter tiains . Ttey will but mend o ~ e hole by -moving jEKis—ihty will bst traiisfgr power and peif from oss k : of schemers to another .
By is riches c / natter * , I mean of course the land izti aa , ana ail that they contain . Tiiese , which compn » within tiem .-Jl the raw materials of ^ realth , e ? xhs at . of A ' mighty God to all men alike , asd , tbsrtfcae , "were neTer intended to be prirate property ; sad , ioi& ^ l , cannot be made the exclusive property of set indiTidual , cr set of indrridosls , without Tiolating ths pirate property and Tights of all the indiriduals exdnded , and consequently destroying private property tsifaz an institution < rf socisty . "RThateTer God has mAe belongs equsHy to ail ; it i » the conunon property of » HGod ' s erestores . It is only wSat man has rcade thit eaa be ths suhjsct of private property ^ without
astping ths Tery fouadiiion of the institution , and opezuag h * U under the feet o ! society . It is for want d caking this distinction in practice , that society eontiaaes to be vriat it is— a chaos of antagonism , and crime , sad folly . The two errors combined " hxve made a riddle of liuman nature , and a pandemonium of the world . It belongs to enlightened reason to remore both sources of eTit , without pulling society to pieces in the attempt But that is a task which nature , Oi nature ' s god , neTer intended for such minds ss those t / f Paine , C&rtwright , Cobbett , or eren the boasted Tolney , whom certain shallow Chartists almost worship ss a diTiniry .
The taxes and the monopoly accruing from thtfd sa not w £ a : Paine ard Cobbett repreaented them . They m not tie staple of oar burthens ; they are n » t the main source of the plunder we complain of . They are bat a small slice of the phmder set a part or p-j& in a tarter by the plunderers , to protect the rett , which rest eccrJtcrei nearly the whole . Remove the whole of ths taxfis to-morrow , and in a few years , or peniaps BLOsSii ! , the great majority of us would find ourselres so better off than we are now . The landlord and zuaermonger , with their standing armies of lawyers ,
joatij soldiers , constabulary , l iterary prosti tutes , iasESi , brokers , gaolers , hired satellites , itc &c would abacs ! immediately swallow up the proportion of ths wing that ought to tail to our share . That result wwid be ineritabis Tnrfer the present constitution of * d « j . Alox , while the land continues to be privaie pnftri l , and until the uniTeraality of the nation shall be ta \ & maker , issner , and regulator of the currency , M Ve 3 as tie sole landlord , there is no hope for the ElSicm * * ? ? ? JiiLES B& 03 TERB . E O'BBJES .
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STOCKPOB ^ . CHARTISM AND SOCIALISiL Araagements haTing been made during the last fc pii £ lit , between the Soeialista and the Chartists of SutowB , for a public meeting between Mr . Leech , t ^ iEiK lecturer , and Mr . Campbell , Social ilissionary , « the rdatiTe merits of both prinaples , and whicn « eaicnis ted soonest and most permanently to bene&t t-e ^ -rarkjng classes of this country , the Social Rati on , ths place appointed for it to come off at , ¦*• almost crammfcd to sufiocation , on Monday ersaifig . Hi . Swrge Bradbum was elected r'h *'' m ^ for Mr . «« a , aan jir . jo ] m Crani for Mr _ CampbelL * i- Cexnk opened the meeting by reading the rules « >« goTenusent of the discussion , wkieh aDDeared
« / « both parties , allowing no disapprobation to be "E ^ n on either side ; ha ; f &n hour for the opening $ P * eh , and a qvxtti of an hour each af terwwds . « t Cakpbell tfcen rose , and obserred that the ** 7 and distress of this country were to be *^® ted to four causa . First , want of education ; f » M . want of employment ; third , low wages ; and r" ~« i > competition of machinery against manual I ^ - Ttare " * ere not markets sufficient for the proj ^ m the milHoiis of the population , wkich was ^« i * of the wan t of employmen t He contended ~ V-sre -was no hops for tiie people , so long as " rfJ * a » carrkrd on under the competitiTe system , ^ oa sader G ^ Ternment established on the princi-^ " « Uie Charter nor any other form . He would jw tiu argument by referring to Republican America gjjjv ^ ky wa fast approaching to the same state as wttE tTT , by the adranceniEnt of maehinerr . The
££ ** aa records proTed this to be the case , and it ever J ki till competition was pet a stop to , and th * £ ~ P * oxnud their attention to co-operaUon . He then J ^ wiw to lay down the principles of Socialism , in ^ S which , he enumerated many of the grieY&nees ^ j T ^^ ess upon the labouring classes . Every one , he fc Jr ' ° * the necessity of a change ; he hoped the £ a ^ JT SSem ¥ ed would best botli » dta of tie ques-^ « e r witicii , tb . fcj would be enabled to draw t&eii ^^ taians . He conelnded his first * peecfc , by « S ^ "W" his opinio * that Socialism vras best ^^ M to change the horrible state of society , with-«» d au - pCTson Md property . The greatest silence ^ « auon were bserred daring the delivery of Mr . jp ** * Mdreas . J Beidb ^ s , then introduced w T-T . ' * 8 * Te dear definition of the Chargj ^ nig it to be founded on nAtar al law . He fvw iwtm
fita ji * —'" * Mft , »» u > e ww cuacafaS »^ ^^ * tand # > od ' ona of tlie means oT bet-S 7 * . eoadition of the people , -without iomeUjii * fiKns ^^**"" ' U mttrt ** * dmittsd that many of 8 * . mSv ! ^ 1313 existence w er « the best schoJara . ^^ sei ded that the want of political power was the £ 1 J ~^ eni to tht m ass of the people . The property ? fau n !! : ** * d been P «*«! ted , whilst the labosr ^ ii ^ lS ^ *** been ^ protected . Therewas no ^ jro perry in existence but labour . The factories WsL ^^ de * d letter "Withont it . The capitalist Xfaw ^ f r 8 dace W * " «>* people to stanration S ^ o * !* aay re . irtoace , - becwise , if the people Wa bT ° ? J : * ° ^ for ^ P ricc . " » ey must be «» 5 ^^ *«* Which *» jast like jumping Cr ^ 3 ^ 8 Pin into U » fire . In re&ard to Mr . ** feL \ r aTUnenS respecting there being do 4 ^ Mr . Lee « h said that the home market was ra by the reductien of wages : there
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was no moaey in the hands ot the poor man . Tnere bad- bees 14 , 008 Acta of Parliament passed , out . f which not a single act was pused to protect the interest of the - srerking man . No lea than 6 , 000 , 000 of a « rei of land had been taken , from the people by the rich , and they bad passed laws to secure it Chartism gare eTery man equal power , from the king to the beggar . Mr . Leech then enumerated all the national and local taxes of ths country , and traced them to class legisbitioH . The Poor Law and Rural Police Bills were passed withont the consent of the people , and in opposition to them , because they had no power . Mr . Campbell had spoken of America as an instance that the Charter would not benefit the peeple . But he begged to inform him that America , although a Republic , was not goTtmed by TJniYerial Suffrage . There were 3 , 000 , 008 slaves , who had no Tote . Besides , the people had to be thei » five years before they were
entitled to citizenship , or hare a vote , Mr . Leech then remarked that it was impossible for the people to Bare money to purchase land for a community . A inau with good wages would save a fe-sr shillings one week , perbapB , but the next he might be out ot work , and then want it for rapport ; besides , it was utterly impossible for a hand-loom weaver to save £ 50 to be a , land Socialist ( Hear , hear . ) He would say let the people get political power , and a Parliament of their own choosing , and then they could say to that Parliament , grant us £ 20 , 000 , 000 to purchase land with , which would be no more unreasonable than granting the same sum to emancipate the black slaves . The Charter was only a means to an end . The laws of primogeniture might be repealed , and every other unjust law upon the statute-book . Mr . Leech glanced at many evils which he considered a Univeraal Suffrage Parliament would remove , and appeared to delight the audience .
The speaSing commenced at eight o ' clock , and continued till eleven ; and a more quiet , peaceable , and orderly diacnwaioB never « w hefrL Each man kept his temper , aid handled his subject in a masterly style . At the conclusion , Mr . Campbell called upon the Chartists and Socialists to endeavour to build a Hall to hold their meetings in , inrtead of being nearly suffocated every time they came together . A vute of thanks was given to the two disputants , and the Chairman , when the people dispersed , to reflect for themselves and form their own conclusions . A great impression was made , and gnat good is sure to be the result .
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CITY OF LONDON . —At the weekly meeting of the Chartists , on Monday evening last , at the Dispatch Coffee House , Bride-lane , Fleet-street , Mr . Saunders , member of the General Council , Etated that a public meeting will ba held for the Incarcerated victims , on Easter Monday , on Kepnington Common , and that one-fourth of a monUTs contributions of the members of London are to be deTOted foi the getting np ot the same . The Rotunda , near Blackfriar ' s Bridge , is not to be obtained for the use of the members of London . At present , active measures are making in this locality to obtain a very desirable chapel in this city . Another locality was formed in this city , which will hold its meetings at present at the Globe Coffee
House , Fore-street , Cnpplegate , on Sunday evenings . Mr . J . W . Parker read a long letter from Mrs . Peddie , detailing the ignominious sufferings of her husband , and thanks for the exertions of her city friends , and money suit . Mr . Parker also read a letter from poor Carrier , who is a real martyr also in the cause . Fifteen shillings were collected for him , and sent , with five shillings Mr . Cleave , of Shoe-lane , was so kind to give . Mr . C . also gave this locality fifty Charter A ) ir » n . Tiiu'Vi » to be sold for kis benefit . Messrs . Cleave and Parker waited upon Mr . T . Duncombe , M . P ., on Tuesday , for Messrs . Peddie and Carrier , who were courteously received by him , with a promise that he would wait « m Lord li ormanby , and try what he could do in the matter .
Lambeth . —At the weekly meeting of the Chartists of Lambeth , the recommendation of Feargus O'Connor was unanimously adopted in reference to the new Convention , It wss agreed that the subscription for the rictimi , at Eister , be proceeded with . The meeting next weak will , we understand , be on Tuesday evening , si Xa 54 , Webber-row , Duke-street , Waterloo-road , where all members are requested to attend . KORWICH . —The Chartists of Norwich held a public meeting on Monday last , to petition Parliament for the release of all political offenders , the recall of Frost , Williams , and Jones , and the election of a delegate . The xceetiDg was unexpectedly numerous , and the greates ; order and attention prevailed . The petition contained in the Star was
unanimously adopted , and Sir . Dover was elected ike delegate to London . wahsswortb . —On Monday evening , a lecture was delivered to the men of Waads worth and the Chartists , by Mr . Benjamin Hu / jgett , on the Rights of Labour ; a fair report of which has reached as , bat the other numerous demands upon our space a ; tins hour precludes iU insertion . At the close of the lecture , resolutions were adopted stating that , whilst all the other class interests had been protected , those of labour had been shamefully neglected , owing to exclusive legislation , which would continue until the Charter oecame the law of the land . It was announced that Messrs . Westerton and Hngtntt would lecture alternately once & fortnight , on Monday evenings .
LTVXRPCO& . —On Wednesday evening last , a talented lecture on the People ' s Charter was deli-Tered ia-the ChartisiB' Hall , Preston-street , bj Mr . William Jones , to a numerous assembly . WARRINGTOK . —The Chartists met here as usual , on Monday , when , after a discussion , the following resolution was carried nn&nimonsly : — " That we , the Chartists of Warrington , do cordially agree with the plan laid down bj Mr . O'Connor , for tho assembling of a Convention hi London , on the 12 th of April , and that yre are determined to exert ourselves to the utmost of our power to carry the same into effect . " It was then agreed that 7 s . be » ent to the Sta ^ -o&ee , to carry the foregoing plan into effect . A discussion ensued npsn the propriety of forming & Teetotal Chartist Societj , and it was kept up with great spirit till nearly ten o ' clock , when it was agreed " that tbe Chartists of Warrington do invite all teetotallers to come and join the National Charter Association . "
WOOTTON-TJNDEB .-EBGE . —The Chartist * of this place , tender their sincere thanks to Mr . O'Connor for Ms plan , in furtherance of woich they have forwarded us a subscription , acknowledged elsewttre . KIDDERMINSTER . —The Ciiartists of this town held a meeting on Moadty night , at the Freemasons ' Arms Inn , to assist in carrying out th < 3 plan of our disinterested and patriotic friend , Feargus O'Connor , Esq . Mr . Charlton addressed the meeting in a very able manner on this occasion . It was then unanimously agreed , - that Mr . O'Connor ' s Convention Petition Pian be adopted . Auditors were then appointed to examine the accooafa , and to bring forward a balance sheet , by the next public meeting . BRADFOBD . —At the Chartist meetings , on Saturdays , the 13 : h and 20 th inst ., resolutions were carried to the effect , " That the money collected , after the funeral sermons preached on the 14 th inst ., be sent to Mrs . Clayton , Sheffield—that five shillings
be eiven from the Victim Fund of the Association , to Mr . William Brook , and that it be sent him to Nortnallerton House of Correction , in accordance with his request , and that fire shillings be given from the same fund to Mr . Paul HoldEWorth , he not being able to obtain work . " Mr . O'Connor ' s Petition Convention Plan was discussed , when it was agreed that the further discussion of it should be adjourned to Wednesday evening . Discussion Societt . —At a meeting of the Chartists , held as the house of Mr . R . Carrodus , North Tavern , Wapping , on Monday night last , it was unanimously resolved , " That a discussion class be formed , to oommeHCe at seven o ' clock , on Sunday evening next , ( March 28 th , ) and each succeeding Sunday evening , at the same hour . The subject for discussion , the first meeting , will be "Whether agricultural or commercial pursuits produce the greatest happiness to the people of this country . "
WfiST-BRXSTOl . Ax » CiajTOZ * . —At the weekly meeting of the Chartists of this district , on Monday evening last , a resolution in favour of the petition in the last -week ' s Star , was unanimously adopted . Tbe following answer to the letter sent with the Poor Law petitions has been received from Mr . Pielden , M . P . — " Sir , —The petitions jou sent me with years , of the lith instant , 1 presented to the House of Commons on the 19 th instant . I hope the inhabitants of every street in Bristol will petition without delay , against the unconstitutional Poor Law Amendment Aet , and the bill to uphold it now undergoing diMussion . Short versione , and & ahort prayer to each petition , is enough . " SWAIN © REEK . —A few working Chartists , on Sunday last , the 21 st , went round to the different beer-hon » e » on Swain Green , with , petition sheets for the liberation of Robert Peddie and O'Connor , and obtained 324 signatures .
hetwood , —Dr . M * Douall lectured here ou Wednesday l * st , on the " Devil ' s Law . " Petitions against the law are lying for signatures in yarioua places of the town . Mr . Job Plant preached an excellent funeral sermon on bthalf of Mrs . Clayton , after which twelve shiilings were collected . T « n ihilKnes and sixpence have been forwarded to the widow / at Sheffield , the other ooe shilling and sixpence has paid the expenees .
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LEICESTER . —Monday afternoon and evening , and Tuesday night were exhilarating occasions to the Chartists orLeicester . Mr . and Mrs . Vincent were happily met by Mr . Edwards , who left Oakham Gaol on Monday morniDg , and sat down to tea with a gleesom * party of two hundred and fifty , in the New Hall . After singing and other rational amusements , the young champion began his lecture to an audience of nearly six hundred . Mr . Vincent ' s manner and matter are alike calculated to win him a most enthusiastic attention , and the applause ~ was rapturous and frequent . Mr . Edwards * followed , with feelings almost irrepressible , from their having been lone and
pent up ; after a veree of the Chartist National Anthem , " God save John Frost , " the company broke up , highly delighted . The lecture was of a less exciting , but of a very solidly instructive character , on Tuesday nij ^ ht ; and Mr . Edwards again seconded the observations of Mr . Vincent . Cneera Trere given , as usual , for the Charter , Fewgus O'Connor , Frost and his companions , and all the prisoners ; also for Sir . Vincent and all the ChartisS advocates at liberty ; and for Mrs . Vincent and the Chanist women of England . Edwards departed for Wales on Wodnosday morning , and the young and happy pair for Longborough . Mr . Vincent lectures at Leicester again next Monday and Tuesday evenings .
TJPPER RAN&B 7 . —Agreeable to instructions through the delegate to Manchester , the Chartists of Upper Hauley a » d Smallthorn have joined the National Charter Association . BARKSLEY . —The sum of one pound has been subscribed for the Political Prisoners Liberation and Chartists'Petition Convention Fund ; seven and fourpence of -which vu subscribed by Worsborougn ComuiOB friends . The subscription list still lies open . BVDZ > ED £ TtEXtt > . —On Monday evening , a public meeting took place in the Chartist Association-room ,
Upperhead-row , for the purpose of electing a Dolegate to the Charter and Petition Convention , when Mr . Pitkethly was unanimously elected . Mr . Clayton proposed the following re&ulution , which created a short discussion : —*• That in tbe opinion of this meeting , as a misunderstanding exists between Mr . Pitketbly and ta » : ^| fest-Biding Dele ^ att-s , which assembled at HeckmoBdwike , it is necessary immediately to investigate tha said difference , and settle it to the satisfaction of all parties ; and that the case be referred to tha next meeting of the Council of Delegates for the West-Biding , which assemble at Dewsbury .
IWANCHESTEfl . —The Chartist ' s Room , Tib-street , waB crammed on Sunday evening , to hear Christopher Doyle , late member of the Preston "Whig College . Before he commenced , Mr . Wheeler , tbu chairman , announced that a gr « at number of Shares had been taken towards erecting a Chartist HalJ , and which is patronised by Fear ^ ua O'Connor , Esq . He urged those to take shares who ha . 1 not yet done so , that tho above gentleman ( F . O ' C ) inijjht lay the foundationstone the first time he enters Manchester . This was received with loud cheering . He then introduced Mr . Doyle , who commenced by saying he could not help congratulating them on the recent triumph they had gained over tLu Corn Law Lauibuga He had two reasons to be proud of the conquest First , because
the Corn Law Repea ' ers were insincere towards the working classes . Second , that tLe moling was called and took place in the open day , and at an hour when the bulk of the Chartista W | re confined in the cotton mills , jet they pu * . tbem to the rout . -Mr . D : > yle then ¦ went through tbe dishonest conduct of tLo Kvpealers , and expressed hLj indignation at the presumption of the Mayor in claiming the cbair , contrary tO th 6 majority of the meeting . Mr . Doyle then defended himself against a false report which appeared in the Maiidmler and So ! ford Advertiser , and stated that that paper advocated Whiggiam , to the very core . The . Editor of that paper ( Mr . Condy ) has denounood the Charciets because they had the moral courage to go to the metting on Friday , and tell those
public cheats of their hollow ax > d deceitful conduct , and that they had rights to be supported as well as the middle class ; and , indeed , their grievances Were of a greater importance , asd of a deeper die . ( Hear , hear . ) Mr . Condy , he Eaid , "was no Radical , but a political Whig shuffler . Mr . Doyle said that he and seven or eight of bis brother Cuartists had been at meeting of the Corn Law repealers tho night previous to the great meeting on Friday , at which Cobden , M * K . erro-w , and many othtrs of the great leaders of that party were present ; and tho Her . Gentleman let the " cat out of the bag , " by declaring , that if the Corn Laws . were not repealed tbe people would be unable to support the ministers of tbe Gospel , thus proving that be was an interested party , and not
labouring , because he oas such an amount of sympathy as he would wish tbe ¦ worktug men of Manchester to give him credit for . ( Hear , hear , and cheers . ) Having given his opinion on the proceedings of theae Corn Law humbugs , he proceeded with the subject of his lecture , which vraa on the miscalled National Debt &n 4 the Com Lairs . He began at tbe year 1 G 97 , and stated that at that time a war broke out , and the Government called upon the people to lend money ; and in many instances , sixty or seventy pounds were lent to the Government on the national faith , and was acknowledged as £ 100 , and tor which the parties received five per cent , interest This money was borrowed , not m much to prevent a foreign enemy landing npon the British shores , as to pot an extinguisher ,
if possible , upon republican principles . ( Hear , hear . ) The vmr in 1797 cost this country £ 21 , 500 , 000 ; the second war , in 1712 , cost , £ 43 , 000 , WO ; tha third war , in 1737 , cost £ 03 , 000 , 000 ; the fourth war , in 1766 , cost j £ ni , 000 , C 0 Q ; the fifth ( the American ) war , cost £ 139 , 000 , 0 * 0 ; the sixth war , commonly called the French Revolution , freui the year 1793 to 1815 , cost £ 850 , 000 , 000 . The men who were at the hea-i of tbese wars declared they could not help goiDg to warthat if they did not , 2 f apoleon would land in England , and take their estates . TbeB , said lie , according to their own shewing , if the money was burrowed to protect their estates , they , us a . matter of justice to the people , should discharge the debt . ( Hear , and cheers . ) It ought to be paid out of the landed property .
To shew his hearers how they had been robbed and plundered , he read a list of statistical tables , all of which had been paid by the blistered hands and fustian jackets of this country . Another trick played upon tho people was , tbe issuing of notes of twenty shillings each , and bought up by the Jews for thirteen shillings , and the people had to pay interest for twenty shillings , when in reality only thirteen had been had in value . These Corn Law Repealers assert that SlECd the Corn Laws hava been put on , that the people have fared -worse in their living than they did before . Bad as the Com Laws had b ^ tn to the country , there were two evils of greater magnitude ; the first was the sioneyocracy , aristocracy , and the bangers on of the public purse . ( Hear , hear . ) The second was , and he thought
the greatest of all , the vranS of political power to the many . ( Cheers . ) Who ¦ vvtre to blame for the machinery going abroad into eouatries , where our goods were formerly exported , but thoie rrho have got factories and are not not only manufacturing for themselves , but are absolutely furnishing other markets with their surplus ot goods } Whose fault is this ? And what will stop it ? Will a repeal of the Corn Laws ? Here Mr . Doyle read from a document , proving that in ono country , where we but a f « w years sg » exported CuO . . OOOlba . of twist , they not only manufacture for themselves , but exporting for others . This document was on the authority of Mr . Gregg , one of the Com Law party . H ow do the repealers intend to obviate thia difficulty ? Do they intend sweeping off the National Debt ? Oh ,
no ; they are constitutionalisms . Do they want to bring down the taxes of the nation , and put ns more on a par with other cheap governments ? JVo ! They say nothing about that Well , then , what is their panacea after the Corn Laws are repealed ? Why ¦ we ignorant fools forget that when the Corn Laws are repealed those gentlemen who have gone abroad with their capital , who hare laid out two or three hundred thousand pounds in erecting factories which are now paying them remarkably well , would stop their factories , and they who have never been agriculturalists would begin to till tho land for us and grow us corn , while we in this country manufactured for them in return . ( Cheers and laughter . ) Thi 3 ifl the argument of the Repealers -, but is it so \ iad ? \ No . ) No , it is
not Those countries are not so heavily taxed ; besides they are in possession of both factories and land , and consequently are independent . " Again , the British manufacturer is beaten by foreign competition . Why ? Let us take the account given by Qregg , one of tbe best informed of the maiiufacturers : — " The United States , " - which , he says , " manufactured only 100 bales ef cotton in 1814 , now manufacture 300 , 000 bales , as much as we then did ; further , sixteen years ago , the forest of Low Hill , in the United States , echoed HO Bound but that of the cataract ; bat now , there is a water power of 5 , 000 berses there , applied to cotton manufactures , spinning 40 , eoo bales yearly . The United States not only manufacture to consume , but to export ;
they send 84 , 000 bales of cottoa good * to South America , and 17 , 000 to the Cape , Calcutta , and Canada . " " tfusaia , " Mr . Gregg further informs us , " manufactures to the extent of one-third the quantity of Great Britain now does , perhaps 350 , 000 bales . France ire know manufactures 300 , 000 baiaa , &na Germany , &c ., about 260 , 000 more , altogether 1 , 150 , 000 bales ; a number greater than our whole cotton manufacturers . " Now , who can help this ? No one . So long as these nations are wise , snd understand their own interests , they wil employ their own subjects , and their capital , instead of the capital of the Com Law League . The manufacturers in tbe above countries work their mills by water power , which opposes the English manufacturer
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who -wotis hU mill by Bteam . So long as such odds are against ua- « o long as the whole expences of a Government only amount to about £ 15 , 000 , and they having tfce same privilege * as another , at the expence of mo . retban five hundred times the amount ; when theso ara put in competition with each other , the latter , which is England , must be successfully beaten . So much , then , for the fallacies of these Com Law humbugs . Mr . D . said , that in the year 1836 , there were manufacturers who realised . £ 200 , 000 . Them they did not cry out against the Corn Laws . These Repealera put him In mind ( when they expressed their sympathy for the working classes ) of the churchwardens , who eat
the rabbit , and gave the skin to the starving poor . jLaughter . > Mr . Doyle contended that if the Corn Laws were repealed , with an equitable ) adjustment of the debt , that we would be worse off than we were before . Land would fall in price , money would be dearer , wages lower , and the people less able to pay tho enormous taxes on ether things . He showed the inconsistency of tba middle classes calling upon tbe werfeing classes to assist in opposing a Parliament which they have created themselves , and which the working classes had no voice in choosing . He spoke at great length , and sat down amid the applause of the assembly .
Dr . M'DOPAtL . —On Monday evening , pursuant to announcement by placard , -Dr . M'Douall delivered a lecture . in tha Carpenter ' s Hall , on the evils of the factory system . Mr . William Greaty was called to the chair , and introduced the Doctor amid the plaudits of the vast assemby . At the conclusion of bia lecture , the Doctor gave a public challenge to Mr . Cobden , to meet him In discussion upon the question of the Corn Laws . Jlr . Wdtldns , a Corn Law Repealer of the first water , asked tbe Doctor whether the Com Laws wn an evil orjjot . The Doctor replied , and relteraUd his challenfe to any one of the Corn Iaw party . Mr . Watkin refused on the ground that tho Doctor was a
talented mats , and he himself was not ; consequently the Doctor wou'Abe certain of a victory . Mr . Bailey , an operative , rose and said he would undertake to meot Mr . Watkin if he chose , but he declined . Mr . Warren , the president of the defunct operative Corn Law Association , made a few remarks in his usual Hiistlfled manner . Mr . Bailey then reminded him of the agreement , which v ? aa made at the dissolution of tho Operative Association , that subsequently they would go for nothing less than the Charter , but this had not been followed out because some of the parties were paid by the Leagua The Doctor was then put in nomination for the Convention , and wa 3 elected at the Tib-street Boom , on Tuesday evening .
Lecture . —Mr . Leech delivered a leoture , on Tuesday evening , in the Chartist Room , Tib-street , Mauchustor , to a numerous attendance . Akbest . —Mt . Christopher Dean , member of the late Convention , was arrested on Tuesday , in Manchester , and scut to Kirkdale , to take his trial . tOCGHBOROTJGH . —On Thursday week , a meeting of the anti-Corn Law Association was announced to beheld , to which , in their address t * the inhabitants , they invited t )}» se favourable to repeal to attend . Tha Chartists , believing they intended to adopt a petition , resolved to attend to watch the proceeding * . The consequence of this was , that orders were given not to open the doors till the gentlemen came . After the people had waited till nine o ' clock , the meetiug beinj announed for eight , the Secretary of the anti-Corn Law Association , and whose name -was attached to the
address , made liis appearance , and ordered the lights to be put out , amid the laughter of the assembly . The Chartists immediately atfjourned to the Market-place , whore Mr . Bainstow made a spirited speech , dissecting the address used by the Corn Law gents . , aud giving them a sound thrashing . At the close , cheers wore given for Charter , &c , also groans for the humbugs . On Monday evening last , a public meeting was held at the Charter Hotel , Mr . Pratt was & > Ued to the chair , and gave a pleasing account of the progress of the good cause at Nottingham . Mr . Skovin ^ ton then came forward , and moved tho adoption of the peti tion contained in the Star , —repeated applause taking place during its read « lug , also execrations at the contrasts it contained;—it was unanimously adopted , and arrangements -were then made to get as many signatures as possible . Mr . Skevington was then elected a delegate to the Convention .
BIRTvIINGaAm . —Chartism is assuming a glorious position in thi ? town since the late meeting at Hollowly Hea 4 . The Chartist meeting Room in Freeman-street , will prove the foundation of u better and more numerous Association than has heretofore existed . The room has been well attended during the whole of tbe past week , to hear the eloquent addresses of Messrs . Martin and Taylor , tho talented Chartist missionaries for this district . Mr . Martin arrived on Wednesday evening , and addressed a numerous and enthusiastic audience , by whom he was loudly and repeatedly cheered . He was elected the same evening as the delegate for Birmingham to tho Petition Committee , about to assemble in London .
Chartist Preaching at Hollowat Head . — Interference of Police . —On Sunday last , pursuant to public notice , Mr . Wm . Martin attended at Holloway Hrad , for tho purpose of delivering a political sermon . He preached from tho following text : — " Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness sake , " and was proceeding , in an able manner , to show the luutility of persecution , and the hypocrisy of priests , when a large posse of policemen -were Been advancing , " rank and file . " Ono of them , who seemed to be a superintendent , or sergeant , stepped up to the speaker , ami ordered him . ¦ to desist . Mr . Martin
insisted on his right to preach the gospel wherever he thought proper ; after -which Mr . Geoige White demanded tiieir authority for coming there to interrupt the assembly . The "Jack in office" replied that he had been sent by Mr . Burgess , the superintendent , and had positive orders to disperse the meeting . A loud nmnBiir of dissatisfaction was then raised , some insisting en Mr . Martin to continue his address , whilst otheis advised an adjournment to the Chartist meeting room . Freeman-street . The latter proposition was adopted , and the people departed in a body to the Chartist meeting room . Oh ! What a blessing it is to live in a free ceuntry !
Now look on this picture , and mark the difference . —On Thursday week , three persons were proceeding down Spiceal ' -Btreet , but could not get through a crowd of some three or four hundred farmers , by whom the street was blocked up , to the annoyance of foot passengers- One of the above-mentioned individuals applied lo policeman 185 , to remove tbe crowd from the thoroughfare ; but woa told that they had orders not to interrupt them , as they were respectable farmers and corn-dealers . He was then oaked whether the Chartists would be allowed to stand there in the same manner ; to which the policeman made the following answer : — " Tea , to be afterwards removed to the dungeon . " This needs no comment , and proves the degree of slavery to which we are reduced !
Public meeting . —A public meeting was held at the Chartist Meeting-room , Freeman-etteet , for the purpose of bearing an address from Mr . Wm Martin , on the treatment received by the Chartist prisoners in Northallerton House of Correction , and also to nominate a couneil ; whose names are inserted elsewhere . Mr . John Willuini 800 ! the Chairman , introduced Mr . Martin to the meeting . He was received "with cheers and clapping of hanoB , and delivered an able address 011 the atrocities of Nortbollerton Hell , and tho bad treatment to which tho Chartist prisoners had been subjected . His address gave great satisfaction , and excited in turn the s ympathy and laughter of the assembly by
the peculiar mode of illustration which be adopted . After Mr . Martin had concluded , the meeting was addressed in an able and spirited manner by Mr . Mahou , of Coventry . He advised tbein to discontinue the use of intoxicating drinks . A very handsome mahogany box was presented to the members of the National Charter Association , by a gentleman who declined giving bia name . A vote of thanks was given him for his kind present ; thanks were also given to the Chairman , after which , three hearty cheers were given for the Charter , three for Feargus O'Connor ; lavee for Float , Williams , and Jones , and the incarcerated Chartista ; when the meeting separated .
FROST , he , Restoration Committee . —A meeting of the above Committee was held at tho Chartist meeting-room , Freeman-Btrcet , on Tuesday evening last . A letter was read from' Leamington containing 5 s ., and enquiring whether the committee intended to act on the plan suggested by Mr . O'Connor ; one from Hey wood containing a remittance and accompanied with a memorial ; and one from the North West District of Glasgow , with a memorial signed " Josh . Dixon . " After the correspondence had been read , a long discussion took place as to the m anner in which the memorial should be prasented . Mr . Wm . Martin was proposed and unanimously elected an honorary membe * of the committee . Mr . Charles Ashton was added to the committee , after which , an enquiry was made regarding
Bome pecuniary matters , in which Mr . Cottoa , onto ! our late secretaries , is interested . Mr . Barratt was appointed to wait upon him . A balance sheet « p to March lit -waa then read and approved . Ik ww » then moved by Mr . Noaks , and seconded by Air . Blake , " That this meeting highly approve of Mr . Wm . Martin as a at and proper penon t « act on the proposed Convention about to assemble in London , and are satisfied with his nomination , on behalf of Birmingham . " A long discussion then took place concerning Messrs . Moir and Pitkethly , and as to the manner in which the business of tho committee might bo transacted in London . It was ultimately arranged that no further steps should be . taken until it was known who had been appointed . to- attend the London Convention .
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BRIGHTON—A public meetlEgoftheCba ' TtiBts of Brighton , waa beld at the Cap of Liberty , Pb rtlandstreefc , on Wednesday evening , March ltth , J 841 , when it was unanimously resolved , That the p , Va of Featgus O'Connor , Esq ., as to a Convention to hu * . * ^ London , for the purpose of getting up petitions for * H the political victims , 4 c be adopted , and acted upo . ^ immediately ; " it was farther resolved , "That the draft of a petition to the House of Lords , inserted in the Star , for Frost , Williams & Jones , be also adopted and signed by the Chaiijnan on behalf of the meeting . " The good cause progresses steadily but fiimly in Brighton . MABYLEBONE . —At a meeting at the Mechanics ' Institution , on Sunday evening , the plan of organisation , as laid down by the late delegate meeting at Manchester , was discussed , when resolutions- were passed in favour of it , and Mr . O'Connor's Convention Petition PJan .
CITY OF WESTMINSTER . —The Chartists held their weekly meeting on Wednesday , the 17 th of March , at the Pavlour ' a Arms , Jfohnson-street , when a resolution was adopted in favour of Mr . O'Connor's Petition Convention Plan . CHELSEA . —At a meeting of Chartists , held at the United Temperance Coffee House , Lower George-street , Chelsea , on Sunday evening last , " Captain" Wall , in a short lecture , ably expeunded the principles of the People ' s Charter . Many new members were enrolled , and other business waa transacted .
DERBY . —On Sunday last , Mr . Bairstow preached a funeral sermon , in the Market Place of thia town , to a crowded and attentive audience , for the beneSt of the widow and family of poor Clayton , when the sum of £ 1 16 * . S ^ d . -was collected . Expences being dedttotodfoc biU » printing , post order , &c && , wab » T » forwarded to Mrs . Clayton £ 1 . Mr . TtimtsWttM his tuxt from the nineteenth chapter and sixth verse of the Gospel according to St . . John— " When the Chfef Priests and officers therefore saw him , they cried out , Baying , Crucify him , crucify him . ' " Mr . B . applied the text in an able and masterly manner . SOWEBB 7 . —O'Connor ' s plan for the formation of tho " Charter and Petition Convention" is highly approved ot here , and the sum of 9 s . has been collected for its support .
HALIFAX . —On Sunday last , two sermons were preached in the Chartists' Lecture Room , Waterhousestreet , by Mr . John Arran , of Bradford . The text was from the 13 th chapter of Hebrews , and the third verse , " Remember them that are in bonds , as bound with them , " from which he delivered a spirit-stirring discourse . Public Meeting . —On Monday evening , a public meeting was holden in the same place , to adopt the plan recommended by the people ' s champion , Feargus O'Connor , Esq ., Mr . John Crosland in the chair .
Resolutions , sympathising with Frost , Williams , and Jones , and all the incarcerated victims of a tyrannical Government , and stating that the meeting resolved to petition the Commons' House of Parliament on behalf of the said suffering parties , as well also to make the Charter the law of the land ; and agreeing that the petition , as published in the Star , be adopted by this meeting , and also that Mr . L . Pitkethly , of Huddersfield , was a fit and proper person to sit in the Convention , to watch over the presentation of the petition ; were adopted .
STJNDERLAHI ? . —On Sunday afternoon , Mr . Binns delivered a lecture at the Life Boat House , to a large and very attentive auditory ; nt tha close of his address a collection vras made on behalf of tho widow of the system-murdered Clayton . The Life Boat House fronts the ssa beach , near the Pier , which being a place of great resort in fine weather , ia admirably adapted fur open air meetings . It is intended to continue those meetings , weather permitting , every Sunday afternoon , at half past two ' clock . Petition Convestiom . —On Sunday morning , a meeting of the Council of the Charter Association of Sunderland , was held in the Corporation Hall , to consider the proposed Convention . Mr . Oliver of Newcastle , proposed , ou behalf of the Chartists of that place ,
that Suudemnd should unite with the former , in electing and supporting a Ddlegate to the said Convention . Th « Convention was unanimously approved of , and it waa resolved that a public meeting should be held in the evening , to bring the subject before the inhabitants ot the town . On Sunday evening , the Co-operative Hall , by the numerous audituce assembled there , exhibited clearly that the Petition Convention was ' deemed a subject of great importance to tbe cause . Mr . Dobbie being c illed to the chair , explained the : ; ature and objects of the meeting . Mr . Williams thun came forward and after an energetic and suitable address , moved the first resolution , viz .: —That this meeting has heard with pleasure the proposal , submitted to the country by Mr . O'Connor , to form a Petition Convention , in London ,
and believing that the said Convention would in many ways be powerfully calculated to advance the cause , determines to adopt the most speedy and energetic means to ci » rry the Borne into effect , Mr . Deugau ably supported the resolution , which was carried unanimously . Mr . Oliver , of Newcastle , addressed the meeting , after which the following resolution was moved by Mr . Williams , seconded by Mr . Kirker , and carried unanimously : — " That this meeting accepts with , pleasure the proposal of our brethren in Newcastle , to co-operat * in the election and maintenance of a delegate to the said Convention . " The following resolution was then moved by Mr . Deegan , seconded by Mr . Small , and carried by acclamation : — " That this meeting tenders its warmest thank 3 to Mr . O'Connor , for the excellent advice contained in his letter on tho proposed Convention , and
assures him that they will cheerfully and energetically aid him , in every suggestion and measure calculated to advance the interests of that causa for which he is suffering a cruel and unjust imprisonment" The friends in Newcastle having expressed their wish that either Mr : Williams ot Mr . Binns should be selected for tho office of delegate , it possible , Mr . Williams stated that having just entered upon business , which required his constant care to establish flltnly , he would bounder the necessity of declining the honour ; but would give his best exertions ill Sunderland to arouse the spirits of his brethren , and strengthen their resources and power . Mr . Binns not being present , it was determined to ascertain whether he could comply , and , in the event of his Inability , to solicit that Btauch and able patriot , J . Watkins , Esq ., to represent Durham and Northumberland in the proposed
Convention . Temperance anp Chaetism . —Itbas been resolved by tbe Temperance , or Teetotal Chartiata of Sunderland , to wed the regenerating and tax-destroying cause of Teetotalisin to Chartism , on Monday evening next , by the formation of a Teetotal Charter Association . Thia atop has been forced upon them not less by the mutual connection between , and importance of both Temperance and Chartism , than by the contemptible bigotry , fanaticism , and tyranny of
the Old Teetotal Society ; the management of "which is now in the bands of a sectarian clique , to whom the interests of the cause ara subservient to tbe aggrandisement of a sect , and the gratification of their Tory spleen againBt all political Reformers . Tho use of the Temperance Hall waa recently denied to the Mechanics ' Institute Committee , who wanted itfor popular concerts , on the ground that tbe Committee were composed of Chartista , Socialists , and Infidels ; and for similar reasons it was refused to the Charter Cjmmittee , on Messrs . Williams and Binns' liberation from prison .
DWSKAM . —We have very great pleasure in statiug that the Chartista of the city of Durham continue to maintain with judgment andzd&l the cause of liberty . They arts -weekly adding to their numbers , and have now engaged of Mr . Bradford , Temperance Hotel , a large loom , -where they meet every Monday evening . At thosa meetings , discussions , songs , recitations , and lectures have been , or will be delivered ; and although they cannot , fr * m the scruples of tha landlord , be sa ' . dto be public meetings , yet , as every friend
Chartist has the liberty of introducing a , or friends , they will be greatly serviceable to the cause . They have resolved to establish a reading room , and have ordered a quantity of the English and Scotch CIiaHisl Circulars the Teetotaller , Stephens ' * Magtxim , Northern Star , Weekly Dispatch , and Dundee Chronicle , &c . We bid th « m God speed , and desire them to remember , that while struggling for theit rights , they have wisely adopted a course which will contribute to their personal improvement and enjoyment , as -well a » their country's redemption .
OUSBBURN . —The Chartist * of this place met on Sunday evening last , ia tU « Byker Building School Room . After soirie financial business bid been transacted , the National Petition was read and gaw g « tn « al satisfaction . On Monday evening , a special meeting of the CaattiBts waa called to hear a deputation ftorn Newcastle . The deputation proceeded to state that it wa » in contemplation by the ChartUU of Saaderlana , Newcastle , and Gateshead , to send , a . delegate to tb « Charter Convention , and they ww ' jed the co-operation of the me * of Ouseburn . An animated < U * wa » l « a e » -
aued which was put a stop toby Mr . J . H * ll propaidnsr , and Mr . J . Hebden seconding , the following resolution : — " That we , the Cba- .-tista of Ousebum will co-ope'ate with our friends \> f Sunderland , Newcastle , and Gateshead , in sending a delegate to the Charter Convention ; and tliat tt- & Committees of Ouseburn , Newcastle , and Gatesheari amalgamate into one to carry out the above object" ' . Meetings will be held in Newcastle , Ousebnrn , and Gateshead , durin g this week , to elect a delegate , and a dopt tbe National Petition ,
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• ' <* 0 ^ t ^^^^^ eJC * : * < &z *~* sfL * > ' ^> -. OABAittJ 5 . - \ Y > a » hap W * ^ t ^ y * &U O'Connor * plan has been onivemlty acted upon botk y here and in the neighbourhood . Tattoo * Bums of atpoey / ^ L have betn sent from the different neighboaTing vjflligeM , v o'v ^ TLe calico printers of Cummewdale , havecojuefonraS ~" with their usual spirit and generosity , by subscribing no less a sum than seventeen shillings . A council meeting took place on Monday evening , when letteta were read by . the secretary , Mr . Joseph Richardson , from Wigton and Dalston , expressive of the determination of the people in those places to . do all in theup power to assist in carry ing out the praiseworthy object The council did not finally decide on sending a delegate to London , as they considered money might be want-? 1 \ k
ing for that purpose . We would strongly recommend the conncil , the propriety or sending a delegate , for two cogent reasons—firstly , Mr . O'Connor has singled oat Carlisle , knowing well the strength , spirit , and intelligence of the Radical party there ; and , secondly , they possess in the House of Commons , one of the most straightforward and independent men in that House , who has never- failed in doing his duty towards the people , and whose particular kindness and feeling conduct towards that suffering body of men—the handloom ¦ weavers—ought never to be forgotten—not to mention his manly and persevering conduct in the House . in favour « f Mr O'Connor . The expence of a delegate , fe . \ and from London might be from £ 5 to £ 6 . Now s impose Carlisle to raise £ 3 , Wigton 258 ., Dais ton 10 a ., Ci \> mnersdale 10 s ., and minor places 20 s ., this aunt cou I * easily be raised .
C . VESTERFXELD AND BROMPTOtC . —Tha Chariu ta resident in these places held , their weekly meeting on Monday evening last The Secretary handed t n 12 s . 6 d . from a friend , ( S . W . Y . ) and the folio-wing resolutions -weie unanimously passed : —1 . " That a W *? ' ° f thanks be given to out friend , S . W . V ., forhisdonik ton-to thiB Society . "—2 . That 6 s . 3 d . be sent to the . Northern Star for the Convention Fund . " 3 . " That we nominate a delegate to the Convention . " 4 . " That Mr . \ Villiam Martin , the late victim of Whig tyranny , be tho delegate . " —5 . " That as the Chartista of this neighbour . * J 0 ° d have got possession of a room of their own to m ' et in » an < ^ intend having it opened about Easter , a h * t « r be written to Mr . William Martin , to know wh . ¦* ' day wi ^ best suit him to come . " 6 . " That this Soeietj **** the agency of the English Chartist Circular , and <* her cheap publications . " —7 . " That our woekly n . ieetings be held on Tuesday evenings . "—8 . " Thattb * . ' foregoing be sent for insertion in the Northern Star "
NOTTINGHAM . —At a public meeting , held on Monday evening last , it-Wv w agreed that Mr . Sweet , Goose-gate , be appointed to . represent this town and co—ty 1 » theConveirtten , rect - « "w > ded by-My . - OC « - ner , to meet in London ^ on tins . ISthof April next , and that the petition , aslfc appear * a ' the Star of this week , bd adopted . BOMPO ?* . —Foreign Vouc . * . —M'Douam , and WarPEN . —Dr . M'Douall gave » * ' ecture to the men of Bolton , in the Theatre , on Monday 1 "wt , on the " RighU of labour . " At the conclusien of . the lecture , Mr . J . Warden , of foreign-policy notoriety stood up in the pit , and was about to address the i leeting , when he was invited to the stage . When t 2 u re , he reminded the audience of his having pledged Mm « if to vindicate the course he took in Joining the ranks of the Foreign Policy men , and to refute the charge of dishonesty circulated against that party by Mr . M'Doui ' - 11 - He came
forward , he said , to redeem that pled * \ and Loped that the Doctor would be ready to meet bin ior > an early day , as he would within a week , perbajM , < iuit publio life and return to his original occupation . The Doctor expressed himself most willing to meet > hi m , and to prove his charges of political dishonesty ag " ^ t that party who were long ago dead , and named 1 ' riday for the discussion . Messrs . Lord , Gilkspie , and oti 'era then stated that , at Mr . Warden ' s request , a public meeting of the Chartista bad been held for the purpoe i of affording him , as a Chartist leader , an opportm » ty of vindicating his impolitic and devious course , ' which , after a patient hearing , he failed to do ; and th . » t hia conduct in again attempting to revive the Bubject c u 8 t to be held in very great suspicion . Mr . W . ' wai mly replied , and was as hotly answered , amidst criei of ' cock-taii ginger , "— " off , off , " and groans , and fa VA cheero from a number of his friends , waich have gron u " Small by degrees and beautifully less , "
since his connexion with the foreign policy hnmboi . However , Friday was fixed on for the discussion , and was looked forward to with much interest . At eightt o ' clock on that evening the bouse waa filled in every " part Mr . R . Alarsden was called to the chair , and it way agreed that each , speaker should occupy half an . hour alternately . -Warden commenced , and consumed his time more by unworthy and petulant persoaalitie » towards his opponent , ' than by the matter of the question . To these the Doctor found no difficulty in replying , and carrying with him tbe good sense of the meeting . Warden'then came nearer to the point ; and endeavoured to , prove the paramount importance of keeping an eye on the thieves at a distance , rather than on those with their hands already in the pockets of
the people ; spoko largely of international law , and the foreign policy of Ministers , which he denounced ; and showed that he was better acquainted -with the modern names and divisions of the ancient Bosphorus , than he was with the manufacturing districts and condition of the people of Lancashire . He was frequently interrupted by cries of ' Give it up . Warden ;"— «• Go home , " < 5 co . &c . &c Dr . M'Douall , in reply , was quite at home , triumphantly upsetting and demolishing tho fallacious arguments and sophistries of bia opponent ; satisfactorily showing , however , that the fruits of the foreign policy mania were to its advocates of a more substantial and golden nature than those gathered bj the men devoted to the Chartist cans * Warden then wound up a most weak , lame , snd
impotent < ltfence , by proposing the following specious resolution— " That It is the duty of every man to inquire into the foreign policy of his country . " Dr . M'Douall Contended , that as the working men of this country were in a state of political serfdom—a mere slave class—their first duty and their best interests commanded them to look at home , and to put forth their every energy for their emancipation from political thraldom . He moved t&e following amendment" That tlie foreign policy of this country would neither be honourable to human nature or beneficial to mankind , until political power was vested in the people according to th © principles of the Charter . " This
amendment was carried amidst reiterated cheering , A few Conservatives held up their hands for the motion . The Chairman then stated that one of Mr . Warden ' s friends wished to be heard for two minutes , -when , to the astonishment of all , Mr . Caido staggered toward the front of the stage , where he stood for some time , amidst cries of "he ' s drunk , " skouts of indignation , groans , and hisses . The Chairman interposed and said he would take the sense of the meeting , in the regular way , as to whether he should be heard , which being put , was found to be unanimously against him , when Mr . C . retired , under tho same infliction of popular disapprobation which he received ou his appearance . The meeting then separated , cheering for the Charter , 4 c .
SUBUtt .-CUAB . TiST Association . —The weekly meeting of this Association was held on Sunday evening last , in the Reading-room , Golden-lane , which was numerously attended , Mr . Patrick Rafter in the chair . The meeting was addressed in very eloquent terms , by Mr . O'Malley , in support of the People ' s Chair ; after which the following resolutions were put from the chair , and carried by acclamation : —1 . * 'That we sympathise with our illustrious , unflinching , and patriotic countryman , Feargus O Connor , 'Esq ., who is now suffering in the felon ' s dungeon for advocating ths People ' s Charter , and that we cannot but look with horror and disgust , upon that base and tyrannical Whig Government , for their unprecedented cruelty and barbarity towards him , and the other patriots still suffering in tbe different dungeons throughout England , as
well as their tyranny towards Messrs . Frost , Williams , and Jones , who were illegally banished from their native land . " 2 . "That we view with no little surprise the great decline of the Northern Star from amongst us , since the formation of the Committee in Liverpool for its distribution . " 3 . " That the marked thanks of this association teta due , and hereby given , to the different persons in England , Scotland , and Wales , for their kindness in sending us the Northern Star . " 4 . "That we unanimously request that all communications and-papers , that our friends may deem fit to favour us with in future , be directed to the care of Mr . John Norton , No . 8 , Golden-lane , for this Association . " After these resolutions had been passed , th » meeting separated , giving three cheers tor Fearga O ' Connor , Esq . and the Charter , and three dismal groans for the base Whigs .
CHARTZSSK IN IBIXAND . —The following extract of a letter ( dated Drogheda , March 13 , in answer to a friend of the cause in BoUon , who has bees ia the habit of sending Star * and Chartist bracts to the writer in Ireland ) will show that too good cause of Chartism has taken root in that town , and will in due season produce abundance of fruits"With respect to politics , though . I was for some time ignorant of Chartist principles , I am no longer so ; and am always preaching them in my limited circle . Several others get &ar& here . Mr . O'Connor takes credit to hiauelf for helping , and I believe producing , through the medium of hi * paper * the agitation for the Charter , which ? i tbe first combined movement the people , as ft body , have made for their rights . Xl » people's right * are clearly defined in the Charter , and arj «* ch » no true friend to liberty can objeot to . It ( the
Charter ) embraces all that theerists have bten bo long talking abont , and I wish thai the people here would agitate for it likewise . We had a large meeting here , the other day , to petition in favour of Morp *^ Bill . SoM » of the « peaker > went into a > history of iae fr » ncbi «> from the time that none but serfs were excluded . I with iea # bold fellow had been present to advocate the Charter ,, for as I had been speaking previoaalf to evbw Of the Bioremte * - liijent persons there about it , and declared myself ft Chartist , soveral of them replied ¦• ditto : * but it unfortunately happens that the great bulk « f the people , whom is more immediately concerns , know nothing about it-HBven among the respectables , who are generally horrified at the same . Some honestly confess , when I have explained the C&arter , that they know nothing of tha principle * . ' Ail who have acquaintances in Ireland ebould imitate qqx Bolton friend ' s example .
-O Tffk Kditos O* Tetb Xobthxits Stab.
Chartist Ztteuismtt.
Chartist ZtteUismtt .
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, * » s ^^^^^ ti T *** ' ' ^ ' /¦^ H bbbB IbH W ^ KbW . ^ bbV ^ bbW rl bbbbbk ^""¦ " ^ 1 bbbbbv . ^ bbbW . ^/ ^ bbbbW ^ bbW ^ bbbbj ^^^ H ^ bbW ^^ bbW . ^ bbW ^ bW . ^ bV A . « X ^ bbbbbbbbbbbbMbbbw C ^^ S ^ y ^ t A ^ ^ L ^ ^— y ^ — ' — ^ y AND LEEDS GENEEAL ADVERTISEE , '"* ' ' * "' -.. ,. - —¦ ' ¦ —— _ - . - ... . ¦¦ ¦ - _ . . _ _ , _
Untitled Article
to YOL . iy . ISO . 176 . SATURDAY , MARCH 27 , 1841 . PW 0 B * w *» m «>^^ - * ¦> ¦ > . ' riv aniiHng * per Quarter . t
Northern Star (1837-1852), March 27, 1841, page unpag, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct848/page/1/