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Cfiartt'gt 3inunig:cn^,
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Mr DeasFbihtos ,-Ife are 4 , 000 , 000 , aye and more . Kwer . Iree Eight of that fact , that we are 4 , 000 , 000 and more ; and more I s » y , because oar petition lad nearly that nnmber of signatures , thousands being rolled on that never were and that aster eonld have been oounted j whfle Cornwall was late , and surely we hare thousands of Mends in Cornwall . Most of the Derby wer swept away by the fiood j the Bilston were stolen by a broker who seized the furniture , and frith it our petition , in Stvr&n ' s house , who went to America ; many were burned ; but yet we are 4000000 . . ¦ '
,, How proud was I to call you 2 , 000 , 000 just twelve Eionth 3 ago , when the prison walls separated us , and how doubly proud most I now be to call yon 4 , 080 , 000 ; aye , I could write it for ever . And now hear jne . - - - The political hemisphere beginB to thicken around its j for in proportion as we become numerous , united , and powerful , in the same proportion will be increased the secret machinations of our enemies to destroy us . Yes , yes , my bra ?* comrades , the old enemy is . once more in the field s tit I am npoo the watch-tower . What think you , thea ? Who think you is now the frontispiece of
{ he ssw X 2 WM 0 YB 2 " Who thick jon has been p laced upon the Sturge Council ! Why , Daniel O'Connell , ! Now was I right or was I not ! Now tr as Harrison right or was he not ? and were noi the Tils hypocrites wno contradicted him plotting in iheir . souls , while they were lying with their lips ? 0 but THEY must not be denounced ! O no ! The lambs 1 the intellectual dears ! O no ! they shall not be allowed to strengthen themselves in the dark , and then to shew their strength when we may be unprepared-to meet them . This more is the last effort of expiring Whiggery , and never , so long as I live , will 1 be a . party to' the mere transfer of power from Tory to Whig hands .
My Friends , thes 9 hypocrites must now be msi and conquered . I tell yon that , whatever pretended friends may S 3 y , if yon don ' t beat them they'll beat you . The body of their force consists of the aristocracy of labour—men who are too proud to work and too poor to live without it . Their leaders have besn the - staunch advocates of Whiggery , tyranny , aiid oppression—keeping a "fair" outside , Tfhils their works bear evidence of the blackness of their hearts .
They have now added to their ranks the conspirator sgains' the trade ? , the reviler of the Chartists , the denouncer of Frosi , the eulogist of the ** Irish boT 5 who shot down Shell and others , the recruiting sergeant for 500 , 000 fighting Irishmen to fight against freecom , the rotten prop of Whiggery ; he , who in last week ' s Dublin Register , is reported to hare spit out an increased vomit of abuse against the real and veritable Chartists of England . He , with more candour than bis asso elates , admits that the objec ; of the present move is to destroy us ; he . concs-isES us for our sympathy for Frost , and srill calls him traitor ; he praises our bitterest enemies , zzd he Gills upon his bludgeon men to enrol . Let them I We hare beat-en all sectionallj—we will
beat all unitedly . 2 > Ij fdends , Chartism is now no child ' s play ; is bis 2 ssutaed an importance which none could have anr . cipatML It has roused the passion of rotten WhiEgery , while it alone has forced the tariff from Sir Robert Peel . The tariff i 3 meant as a barrier to Chartisia , while the Whigs have no better claim to car support than their loud professions of Tory hatred . O , say they , " we are better thaa the Tories . " They are not ; and had they remained in oSca , to have witnessed the present distress , they weald hava silenced the crv of hunger with the sabre
aad the bullet . Yes , they would have mown us iovm like grass , and I snail eTer contend that but for this gailant commander , that jadicious soldier , that srave fa'Jt prudent man , Col . Wemyss , England , under Whujgery , would hare been visited with all the horrors of a bloody revolution . O : ' this I am perfectly convinced , that while every military precaution was -Kiseiy taken for the preservation of the peace , no inflated means were resorted to , for the parpojs- oi parading military skill against an unarmed people . I have known oScers before now
whi soiiicht honour , probation , and distinction , through blood , while CoL Wemyss had to deal with tiswor .-t S 3 . of magistrates in England , and while he W 23 placed in cornmaiid of the most impoverished disiriet , heh . a 3 never once allowed the Whig governffifs :, ihe local authorities , or the hungry people , to turn him from what he considered the wisest means f « r the preservation of the peace , w '^ ile he never onc e wounded tha feelings of a working man . Every man in Lancashire will bear ample testimony to this statement , a 3 I have gathered the character from the lips cf the poorest of the poor .
- , you ask why I mention this fact . I will tell you . Because having put forward our moral strength , tne factions who considered us but few and disunited , will strain erery serve to drive the people , where they are weakest and most distressed , into a physical outbreak ; and this Whiggery will saddle upon Cnartism , and then the WM ^ s will boast to the middle classes thus :- ?•** O ¦ you see how we defended you against the revolutionary Chartist 3 : onlj give us power once more , and we will complete the woik of Chartist destruction . " And to
abhorrent is the s ^ mggid for a fair day s icege for a fair day ' s icork to the monopolists , that they , apart from til political consideration , would join with any party who would support capital against labour , art again ?; Eature , and machinery against living man . Or 3 SEA 503 , 7 B . HA . CHER 7 , XSD IXDCC £ KENT TO OCT-• fcSiASj ihz >" , BEWxas , I BisKZCB you . It Is a hard crust for a starving man to chew upon the Gne hand but apoa the ether it is the last—the only hope oi faction .
Since Saturday , I kave visited Barnsley , Manchester , and Birming ' sam . At Earnsiey , good Barnsley , we had an overflowing and enthusiastic meeting } and the Charters of that town , nothing disappeared by tie insolence of faction , have resolved up ju redoubling ; heir exertions to meet it . As to jJLiLcbesier , it 13 stiil the aposiolic see of democracy . Even on Writ-Monday the gallant felivTVj lef ; their "port , aid ailed their spacious Hal ] to Lor cne who though . ! he had long since tired ihtm . And Birminsliam , in spite of ail the
madunaucrs of local tricksters , is alive to our principles , and has resolved once more to take the leas . 2 \ - ; ither quackery , preaching , or trickery will niccecd here . They cry peace , while they prociaia trar ; they cunningly profess a desire to unite , while ihsy are secretly conspiring a-ains ; us . They Epeak cf another Conference ; let i : come . We shall , and will , be represented there ; and , in order ih&E none may be taken by surprise , I now give notice that . , if elected , I will propose the following resolution at the outset : — *
Resolved , —That this Conference recognise the jtatice of the six points of the People ' s Ckart-er , and hereby resolve to contend for tbxm by all and every eonruiunonal means , until they are adopted as ih » constitution of this country , uader the XlXE , TITLE , AND DXilGSAlIOS OP THE P . EOPLE ' s Chatt es ; and that no new Association shall be formed , en- being already in existence , which has j- ^ — — — — - j
^ ceea ciiibliilicd by the working clasps tiiemiclvcS j and uudtr the laws , rules , and regulations of which , wisely , prudentl y , and boldly auminisured by cur ^ secii ii ve , we rave reached cur present commas d-Jsg position . And while we invite dl classes loving justice 10 join us , we admonish , counsel , and advise tnese who live by labour , to look with suspicion npoa ail who would induce them to abac don the Btandaart under whieh they have so long contended for their rights : and we further consider that
becoming members of the National Charter Association is the truest test of sincerity which can be given by those who approTe of our principles . " ^ ow , should I be elected to the forthcoming Conferenw , that is the first resolution which I shall more . Therefore the people throughout the land arenow aware of what they are to support , if they approve of unioa without compromise . let every locality , then , be prepared , and if they approve of thetbove resohnion , let them pledge their delegates to support it ; and if the distant towns are many of them too poor _ to send delegates from their own localities , we will appoint to Election Committee , to consist of the friends of 1 freedom in . land near Birmingham
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and seleot from the immediate neighbourhood good men and true , who , with the consent of the people at a distance , will represent those distant towns , whose expences will be thus considerably diminished We ask for no advantage , whil 8 we are resolved that none shall be taken of us ia that Conferencefustians and broad cloth , the priest and the layman , shall meet and sit together ; and , if a union of principle , and without compromise , can be effected , we will bail it .
The good men of Manchester vrill find in Manchester representatives for the most distant parts of Lancashire , where povertyImighi else silence the tongue of labour . They kave established a precedent .- Collins was rejected in Birmingham , an d was elected for Newport , in Wales . This will reduce our expences by £ 500 or £ 600 . At all events , nothing shall be left undone on my part , as I consider representation at euch meetings of the very highest importance .
Now , one word , and I have done . We do not sufficiently assist those friends who struggle for us . The good poor fellows of London gave all the tffect in their power to our glorious Petition , but for this they incurred great espence . Now , this wa 3 not a London demonstration ; it was a national demonstration ; and , therefore , the nation is bound to pay for it , else will the London men have jnst cause of
complaint . Now , a little from all will make the burden light . They have published a balance-sheet , by which it appears that £ 40 is due . Therefore , the country must see that all are in honour bound to forward their mite to the London Treasurer j who , I am sure , will gratefully acknowledge the aid of the province ? . The procession was the best part of our proceedings ; and it is scarcely fair that those who undertook tha trouble should be also
saddled with the expence . I am , my dear Friends , Your faithful Servant , FEABGC 3 O'CCN . NOK Birmingham , Wednesday , May 18 th , 1842 .
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BIRMINGHAM . GREAT CHARTIST MEETING . A numerous and enthusiastic meeting , called bv placard , - was held on the large piece cf building ground near the Canal brings , Duddlest ^ r .-ro-w , on Monday evening last . A eomTncdiouB hustings was erected on the occasion which was ornamented in front with the bwu ' tiful brusnei of the National Charter Association . The meeting -was called for the propose of enabling the 43 , 000 who signed the petition to hear the report of
thai * delegate to the Convention , and considering the course to , Jbe adopted in the present alarming state of the country . At six o"elocb , a large concourse of people Trere assembled in front of the hustings , whilst nunioreus groups -were to be Been on the outskirts warmly discussing the manner in ¦ which their petition had beta receiTed , and bitterly denouncing tUe conduct of the House of Corruption . A bill was posted on the hustings , hundreds of copies of "which has been circulated throughout the Xa ^ nx ; it contained the foUo"wiag ¦ words , " 2 »' eYer again w . Il I petition a den of thieves . "
At half-past six , Mr . J . Porter , of Moor-street , was unanimously called to the chair . The Chaib . ua > ' addressed ihe meeting in a brief and effective speech . He said they had assembled on the present oceasion , fcr tke pnrpese of hearing the report of the delegne to the Contention He made a ew remarks on the base conduct of the Hou-. e of Commons , and-concluded by calling on the meeting to give each speaker a fair and impartial hearing—( loud cheers ) . Mr . Joh > ' MaSOS propoHed the first resolution : he "was -warmly applauded , and said lhat a 3 they had agreed to the National Petition at their great To-sx-Hall meeting on & farmer occa » ion , and also elected a delegate to represent ttttm , this meeting was called to hear the result of that great ttetition ; and as their
delegate was then present , aad he < llr . Mason ) bnd to attend a meeting at Wednesbury that evening , lie must therefore be eicused for the brevity of b . 13 address on that account . The men of Birmingham wtre celebrated for the manner in which they h : id supported the claims of the middle classes , and their exertions had been mainly instrumental in carrying the Reform Bill . It now remained to be seen whether they ¦ would use the same exertions t-o procure libtrty for themselves—( loud cheersj . There never was a more numerously signed petition presented to the House of Commons than that "which had been rejected by them on this oecasioa , and although such vsa ihe case , yet there was a great alteration in the tone of the factions towards ths people's just demands . He then commented on the
conduct of Macauloy and Roebuck , and ably exposed the sophistry of the one , and tke base and cowardly treachery of the other . What h&i the people to expect from a body of men ¦ who net only oppressed and plundered them , but absolutely refused to hear a deputation from them at the bar of their House ? How was it that those men who boast so uruch of their learning were afraid to hear men , like himself , -who vrc-re styled ignorant ? The answer ¦ was plain . They knew that the people " - delegates would bring forward arguments in sepport 01 their just claims , -which all the sorhutry or special pleading of the factions could cot pessibly reiutsiloud cheers . ¦ . He impressed on the meeting the neeessity of watching the proceedings cf tin- ntxt election , exhorted them to union and ptrseYCiicce ; and concluded , by proposing the following resolution : —
' : That the thanks of this meeting are due and hereby given to Messrs . Duneoinbe and Leader fur t ' leir v . r . - Sinctiing advocacy cf the people " * rights in what should be the people ' s Hou * f of Parliament ; and also to these oibct Members who , -with a sincere desire that the People ' s , Charter should become the law of the land , voted , upon the Third of May , in f . ivcar of Mr . Dancombe ' a motion , ' That the peut , on = rs ba heard at the bar ef that House by their council or agents . '" Sir . Mason then retired amidst loud cheer ? . Mr . Henley seconded the recoiutioa . He cordially agreed in its sentiments , and ft ; lt much pleasure in seconding it . The resolution had been so ably proposed that little would te r ^ qaired from him—he would , therefore , be brief in the remarks he should nuke .
2 To man who -was a friend to his cou ^ L-y t-ouid oijt-. t to the resolution ; as it was only justice to the parties who had to present their petition to return theni thasks for faithfully performing tLe ta .-k assigiicu them . He wished to a ^ k the men of Birminyh ; : m -whether th&y really wanted the People ' s Ccarter ? ( We du want it acd will have it . ) Weil , then , if they were cttvrmined to have the Charter , it was quite ck-ar that inure petitions would never get it . They must determine to form a strocg union , and stand firmly by Ihuss ¦ who took an active part in the present movement . Ttiey hnd sect a man to represent tLeni in London who br . d EoHy performed bis duty , and it now remained with t 2 : e people te do their duty also ( loud cheers . ; He trusted that they would not be supine hi the great vrork cf national regeneration , but that esch msn would act his part . As many bad yet to address them he- woul-. l conclude by seconding the resolution . ( Loud cheer ? . )
Mr . E . P . MEAD supported the resolution . It vra 3 quite dear thuit tiie prefect House of Commons was inimical to the people ' s lights , and in tha jaldsl of the people's oppressors it was refreshing to see such men as Dsncombe and Leader , who proclaimed the people ' s rights , regardless of the jeers and taunts of faction . They were entitled to the people's thanks ; bat although fortj-nine had voted for the peopi «" s delegates beii ; g heard at the bar , he doubted whether the whole of th : m would vote for the Charter . Seine of them might have an eye to the hustings when they gave thei / votes . The resolution , therefore , very properly made a distinction in favour of those who would vote for the ' Charter . He then proceeded at souie 1-r ^ th to rxpase the extravagance of the aristocracy , aal their Lujus- tice to the people , and concluded L . y supporting the resolution . i The Chairman put the motion , and declared it to be : carried unaninvousJy . 1
Mr . George White -was then introduced by the j Chairman , to deliver a report of his niisMon to London , t He -was received trite loud cheers , and said that he felt peculiar pleasure in having an opportunity of stating to those who had elected him , the result of his i errand ; and he hoped that they would afterwards take j sucb steps as they thought best to follow up what J had been done by the Convention . He sincerely hoped ] that the people of Birmingham -would enter Beriously and solemnly into the present sirnggle for liberty . They j were told by preyions speakers that the men of Bir- j mingham had not taken up the question of thu Charter as they aught to have done ; but they could hardly be j blamed for doing bo . They bad been grossly and saame- j fnlly duped by those who pretended to ba their ; friends ; and it seemed that they were now cautious lest they should be treated in a similar manner . But they should remember that the present movement was conducted by the working men , and that it had originated with the most clear-headei and determined of the j
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working classes , i ? ho , finding that the middle class wanted to turn all political movements to their own peculiar benefit , vrere resolved to do their own work , relying solely on their own intelligence and energy to procure their emancipation from one of the most degrading and inhuman sUte of slavery and impoyorishmenfc that * v <; r fell to the lot of man . ( Cheers . ) He could stand before them that day and fearlessly accouat for the manner in which he had fulfilled the duty confided to him , and he could also state that the rirembers of the lata Convention seemed to vie with each other in the performance of their duty to tha country . There was not a single farthing expended by them that was not absolutely necessary . They had pasted together and folded the National Petition with their © wn hands
and travelled on foot for miles to various meetings , being : determined not to have the filigflKst enjoyment at the expanse of the suffering peopla who had sent them to lay their griovaascJ before the corrupt and insolent Members ef a House that would , ere long , be treated with the scorn and derision of the people whose prayers and sufferings they had mocked and derided . During his st * 7 in London he went iuto ttio gallery of the Housa , to hear and spq for himself , the manner in which laws -were manufactured . After standing for half an hoax , on the staira , a door was opened and he was admitted , along with about forty others , to a place like a stable ; they then passed through another door , and , by petpir . g between some iron bars , they were enabled to see something at the end of the House ,
with a large wig on , which ha afterwards found to be the speaker . He never saw a more umuly assembly in his life . There wre somewhere about three hundred members present , to bvnr an election rquabbJe between Mr . Rigby Wasou and the committee appoiutcd to try the validity of his election for Ipswich . S jtue were talking in groups , others twirling their sticks round , and none seemed to take any notice of the speaker , and bis continued shouts of order , order , were taken no notice of . Poor liigby Wason "was coughed and laughed down ; arid , after his business was settled , ths speaker passed toverai meusures by himself , for not a man present could understand what ha was saying . Now , a great many who then heard him were members of sick and friendly societies , and how should
they like to allow a parcel of drunken men so to interrupt the proceedings , us that no man should know what was being transacted ; in fact , from , what he had witnessed of that house , he could compare it to nothing but a tap-rooui , filled with drunken icon . No wonder that laws were passed to plunder the poor , and leavo them destitute . ( Hear , hear . ) He then proceeded to explain the business which had been transacted by the Canrentiors , and described the manner in "which the trades of London were coming oat for the Charter . Ho hoped t "\ at from that time forward all thos » who now ieard Lim would be determined to work heart ami s ^ ul to establish the liberty of themselves and families . ] f thwy really wished to remove the Dresent unjust svstem , they must form
themselvi's uito a streng tmion . Whilst he nad been in the Convention , ttie m ft heart-rending statements were read hy some cf the members , describing the wretchedness that existed amongst working men , who had formerjy been iu comfortable civcuHutancea . Tens 01 thousands of ix-. ' -Uitriona men were in a state of starvation ; and theTe was no hope of an alteration , except ia the establishment of the Charter . ( Mr . O'Brien heT& entered the meeting , and was loudly cht-ere-. i . ) Ho would test them , and see how many of them -would consent to enrwil their n ; : rnes in the National Charter Association , and called on all who were willing to do so to hoi . I np their Innds . [ A forest of hands were than held up . ] He then gave notice thut he should address a meeting at that place
ev ^ ry Mon d ay evening , at se / en o ' clock , > f the weather permitted , and hoped that every man and woman present would inform their friends of it . Hr- proposed that t :: ey should afterwards proceed in precession to the Asaoci-ttfon Koom , where those who would assist in liberating their country could take out their cards . Now vvas the time for exertion ; let them solemnly protest th . it evening th : it they would no longer Bit qnitt . y and' .-r the load of oppression which ¦ was htaped upon them by a heartless Government—( loud cheers . ) He thanked thtia for the honour they had conferred upon him , by selecting him to represent them iu the p- ^ pVe Parliament , and for th- ? patient hearing which they had givou him , and retired amidst loud cheers .
> Jr- J . B . O'Briex then presented himself , and Was loudly chetreci . He said ho should not have attended there that evening-were it not that hi ? absenca might be con&trued into a want cf respect for the people . His name had boen placed in former bills without his knjTriedce o ? consent ; and -when such was the case thty had to t ; unie themseives an'l not Liin . Whatever fau ' . ti he mi ; Ut po-. ^ ess , Want of respect fer the working clasa sl . ould not be eaUed one of th * m . He cougratuhted them on the position in which the Chartist niavem&r . t \ va 3 now place 1 . Since he ha-. l been reletLSid from prison :. e bad visited nim .- £ y-tfci'te towns , and couid es ^ tit SLa t there was a more eulishtened public opinion in favour of the Caartur than there was at . tee time when greater excitement existed , awl
instead of Ccortisji ' eing put down as asserted by s ^ -me who wished it to be so , it had gained a giant strength . It was trno they had imprisoned some , and caused thousands to leave the land of their birth , but ti . ey had gained strength in defiance of all opposi ' . ion—iloud cheers . ) He hsd not come there to deceive them , and would tel ^ them candidly that he bnd no faith in petitioning , it was only useful in so far ; n it brought their views before the conntiy . He would tell thtm one fact , s . ad he hppea they would tike it home in their minds . They would never get thtir rights unless thoy were prepared to take them—( ioud cheers . 1 Huw did the aristocracy get their rights ? D" ; d they ask any person to grant ' .. m ? No , th' -y took them , and kept thtm by force .
The midaie c . iissts navi also taken theirs , and if onetenth of the community could t 3 ke their rights without asking leava of tha other nine-tenths , why should not the ninfc tent'aB tuk'i thtirs in the same manner ?—( loud cheers . ) But som- j would say that was physical force . Hit wouid not adv : s- _ - 11 ? . ysical force , for a good reason , he ntver hud a cLa ^ ce of doiDg so—daughter . ) Let the people then e ' ect a i . atioral representation at the next general elt-cticn , and if the middle and upper classes tri ' .-d loiiJl thrm f > r duizig so , bow could they Lave thi 3 inn-. ru i *; :, ce of talking -afterwards about physical force . The Convention hai ! agreed to that pioposition . if they were in earne ?* , thuy would carry it out . If they were net in earnt-si , tben there was no nse in him , Fcargus O'Ccnnor , V . 'hite , or r . nybody else t : i-king
to th' -ra ; in fact , if tl : ey did not do it , he . for one wouut not-wasie hi * time in talking to thtm . The inen of Nfc "> Tcasr te b . id rciurnu-ci him , iiud wj- 'hed to get him int .- the present Houea of Coniraons , bat sucb was the love the ruling powers had te him , that nothing but a cas-iid was thought fit for his ri-siilence ; and iaa'xad of fii ^ tii . i , ' with tbe big thieves in London , he waa compc ; ie < l to herd with the small thieves at Lancaster—( iouci Jaushter . ) I > Ir . OBrkn then eulogised the men of Nev . casttc for their mas . ly advocacy of their rights , and Kiul that the very same , language for whieh he Lad tic-en imprisoned wu 3 ustu by him at the ( iuiidhali of N- ^ wcsi ' . Iu , with the Mayor in the chair . He described tbf » eoun « t' vrhirh sbcuhl be purtutd by the people at Vhfe f . jrtLcorn > ng electiuns , and t ^ id thai if the peupie act a "K-ith energy and dettrniinaticn they might tlieu t : iry U : fe CLsjt ' .-r . With vecarii to the stiitements wiiich fcr-i bren pat forward reipectinsr his couduct at the
C-u-pii-te S ' . iifr : ; g 8 Conference , there was u great miaiak ^ , aud so fir from having any connection with Mr . J ^ epli Sturge , he had never spokea a word to him exceyl publicly . But from what lie had witnessed of Mr . Starve and the Conference , he thought they -would < lo the Chartist cause a vast deal of good , that w ; ' ^ , provid' -d tlj ; y left us alone . Of course they knew what he meant , it waa that they should hold by their own organ-zstian , and on no account dissolve their own union to join another . The C- 'Tiiereiice bad plecigud themselves to the six points of the Charter , aad as some ol them represented a large number of electors they might therefora cueulate 011 ih Ar support at an election . He was nov p ; rEoruilly acquainted with Mr . Sturge ; but from whai he heard < .-f luni he beliavcd him to be a very gr-o ; l man . He differed with him on two points ; the Sri-t -wtiS thi : Mr . s . had stated that Le wouid rather ] o . q his ovrn life than tike pnothers . Now ho did noi
feeJit-ye in that tloctrlno . He would not stand quietly like a sl . etp to have his throat cut —( laughter ) . He als » 'Hfierfctl vrith him when he stated that he did not approve of Cb-irtists splitting their votes with Whigs or Tories . He -ft is for splitting with either party to secure the return of a Cb&tUst . Another Conference was about to !; e helu ; and he wculd there endeavour to do his duty to the people by standing firmly by the name as well as the principles of the Chatter . As he was not in good health . , he begged to be excused addressing tha meeting at gr = atsr length , and said that any time his services were required within four walls he would attend without money and without price . Mr . O'Brien then retired amidst loud cheers . A Mechanic in tha meeting said ho hoped the peaple would stand by those who stood by the name as well as the principles of the Charter , aad vrho had not acted like Lovett , Vincent , and others .
> I * . O'Brien said ho never heard any person raise an objection in the Conference to the name : in fact , all the Chavtist delegates present were determined to stand by the name , but it was never mentioned that the name should be altered . The next Conference would bs a really national one , and it would be the people ' s own fault if they had not all their own way . Mr . T . Soar moved the second resolution in an eloqaent address . He said that the presentation of the National Petition proved , to every man who had a mind to think or a heart to feel , thejuttet uselesaneaa
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of petitioning the present Housei of Commons . What would they think of & jury who went into court predetermined to find a man guilty ? Yet such was the cout duct pursued by the parties who styled themselves representatives of the people . E © then dwelt at great length and In . the ; most eloquent style on the contemptuous manner in ¦ which the people ' s sufferings w « re regarded by their oppressors . ; He condemned the conduct of' Roebuck in " strong terms , aud passed a iiigh eulogiuni on-. Mr , O'Connor for- his upright and praiseworthy l ^ ondncK ffe was loudly Cheered throughout his excellent address , and concluded fey proposing the followingjresolutioa : — .
" It is the opinion ' -of this meeting that the gross and insulting language iised by Mr . Roebuck , M . P . for Bath , on the occasion of Sir . Duhcombe's motion , da the third ef May , vms . piean , cowardly , and contemptible in the extreme , andy that wo cantot find words sufficiently strong to mark our indignation at tuch hefartless and nngentlsmanly conduct ; and wa consider his rimarks as a direct auft ' iinpardbnable insult to those who signed the National Petition . " Mr . Smith Lindon seconded the ^ resolution . He thought , aa the subject before them had been so ably spokoa to by the preceding Bpsaker , and as he should have other oj ^ portunitiea of addrtsslng them , it would not be pnidrot in him to occupy much of their time ; he would , tlfereforo , content himself by cordially secondina the resolution .
The Chairman then called for a show of hands in favour of tha motion , and it was carried unanlmottaly . ' M . it WtP ^ E ^ S ' telt great pleasure in standing befota them to move the next resolution . H 6 cdnsidered a good workman to be worthy of good wages ; and ; according to that rule , he thought Guorge White entitled to their thank ? for the . manner in which he had performed his duty in the Convention . He wouid therefore propose the following resolution : — " That the best thanks of this meeting be given to -Mr . Georgo Wliite and theothetnienibers of the late Convention , for the untiring zeal arid patriotic energy displayed by them in their capacity : of members in the people ' s real and only House of Parliaments " Mr . Charles Thobpe Becended the motion , which was put and carried unanimously .
Mr . White replied . K « thanked them for thatadditional mark of their confidence in him , and would endeavour to merit it by increased exertions in their cause , in dtfianca of the persecutions of tyrants , or fear of thtir dungeons ; and again reminded them of his intention to address a meeting on that spot every Monday evening at seven o ' clock . A vote of thanks was then given to the Chairman for his upright and praiseworthy conduct The Chairman replied by assuring the meeting that he would do all in his power to forward the cause ; and if he had not a great ahare of ability , he had honebty and sincerity . He should feel ^ reat pleasure in rendering all the assLstance in his powers- ( cheers . ) Mr . Smith Lindon then gave notice that cards o £ thu Natiouul Charter Association could be procured at the huatincg .
Threo chaors -were ftiven for the Charter , three for O'Connor , three for Frost , Williams , and Jonts , and the Birmingham exiles , aud three for the incarcerated Chartists , after which the meeting separated . Thus ended one of the most busiuess-like , orderly , and enthusiastic meetings which . has been held in Birmingham for the last year . It has raisod the hwpes of the Chartist body , from the unanimity which prevailed , and there is now littlo doubt that by extjition and perseverance Birmingham will be itself again . All who are real friends of the Charter are requested to asspmble at Dudrteston Row every Monday evening , should the weather permit .
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Mr . E . P ^ MEAD ms . then introduced present an address to Mr . O'Connor , -which -will be found in our foo ^ ' : p |^ e ;; '' ; Mr . ' . llead . ; -mM- '; he '* telt ' great ?' pleasiiri 9 ' . Jn . having the honour of presenting an address from the Chartists of Birmingham to Mr . O'Connor—that was ( 2 ie proudest moment of his life . Although he was one that had fought the battles of despotism , or as they termed it , fighting for his country , he had now seen into the error of sneh conduct , and would endeavour to make up for it by struggling with the people for their just rights . Mr . Mead then proceeded at great length and in a rich vein of humour , which caused frequent bursts of laughter , to hold up the pteseutcoituptBystein in aUits aeformity , and concluded by presenting the address to Mr . O'Connor . He was lottiVly cheered .
Mr . O'COKNOR then rose amidst immense cheering and clapping of hands . Be said , Mr . CMirman and my kind good friends '; the address which they had kindly presented to him would cause him to be more determined than ever in their cause . . ; He quite agreed with Mr . Mead that he waa not infallible , but when he thought of those he had to support him , he felt doubly induced to go forward . He had exerted hiuiself for ten years in Ireland on bahalf justice , and although brought up in the ranks of the aristocracy , yet his heart was with the pe 6 ploi-- ( cbieerB . j He had been called wild and impracticable , but let them eonsider the sort of timea they live in ; the sort of vessel they had to ; atefcr , and the sert of ocean they were on ; and above all things , let them look at the gloiious muster-roll of
Chartism , and then let them say whether he was impracticable or not —( loud , cheering . ^ Ihey-weia now neithbr two nn three but four millions—( immense cheeriag);—some of the previous speakers had said that some parties objected to him , because he was an Irishman , and said they ougkt to have English leaders ; but thero was never au objection raised against Irish leaders , when they had done the work of tyrants . Tiia people ' s euemies never objected to Wellington because he was an irishman . They never complained of those who caused the blood of the people to flow ; and BotwithstahdiDg the chaos through which they travelled , he thanked God that nut a drop of blood waa shed through hia means . He was fiirly embarked in their cause : and would
never rrfax in his exertions to bring comlorfc to tbe homes of the oppressed millions . He was detavmined to go with the people , and would not stand on the threshold ; and although he might be afraid of the powers that be , yet knowing that if he -fall' iu their cause , hia name would live in the memory of tho people as one -who died to procure ttiem justice . Whete was the man who would " riot s ? U his life at such a price —( tvemendous ' . cheers ) . ? The people were oniy liable to the power of tyranny so long as they w re split into fractions . Previous to the present great movement , they found Manchesterpetitioning for one thing , Leeds for another , and Birmingham for : another ; but now the people were enlightened as to the one thing heedful , and thair whole power waa conceutratcil' for
one given objeefc ^ rtae Peoplo ' e Chatter . Ib , was by holding firmly to this that they were enabled successfully to oppose the various crotchet-mongers , and by following the same course , they would have power fiiifiioiiint to crush all opposition . Waere were the men who were with them in 1 S 32 1 Gone and left them , because the tide of public opinion did uot flow in the chaunal they thought proycr . What would they think of him , were he to desert them from the statements cf the Morning Chronicle ? they would condemn him as li renegade to hia principles , and justly so ; but it was pleasing to him to be enabled to ineet them in the few , as well as the many , and as lie was then in the midst of an intelligent and thinking body of his brother Chartists , he could fearlessly point to his past conduct
( Hear , hear , and loud -cheers .-- ) The position which the Chartists of Birmingham had maintained had done them infinite credit , aud it was wonderful to aee the determined mariner in . which they had held , tfeeir ground amidst the local factions they were troubled with . He was happy to find the men of Birmingham the same ardent lovers of liberty he first found them —( loud cheers , ) Mr . O'Connor then went on at great length , and in a masterly style , to disaect Peers Tariff , and exposed the fallacies promulgated under the specious title of free trade , and showed that at a time when their foreign trade was at its height , the whole amount received from that source foil infinitely short of the amount of taxes levied tha same year to support unjust wars . If they wanted to enjoy the same . ' . comforts as
S witzerland or America , they must have the laws established tho same as those countries , in order to be able to do so ; and thu shopkeepers of England would yet find out that although they now thought that because th « y received tlitir money from the aristocracy , thoy ought to look up to tbem aa their friends , that the working man who produced all was tl » niost valuable cf the two ; they would then feel it to be their interest , as well as their duty , to assist the people iu their demand for justice . With l ' egard to their gruaV petition , which hud-lately been presented , lie never had thu slightest idea that it would meet with a favourable : reception from the present Houso of Commons ; but he knew what it would do in other respects . When their
petitiun went slowly anrl myjt afeicaily to the House , he saw in it the downfall of the present unjust system . The press were obliged to take it up , and ttw National , a French paper , bud a- very important axticle on the proud pesition of the . Chartists . Thus the fame of their mighty petition had l > oeu carried Oiz tue wings of the press throughout Europe . ( Hear , a . id loud ckeers . ) Thea there was their glorions procession , ¦ The petition was the moral power , and the procession was the- physical power to back it . Nothing could now arreat their onward progress . They were arrived at a time when every stratagem had failed— -even the purse ' had been tried to seduce 'them , but that had failed
also— llourt cheers ) . What was it that caused the present agitation ? It was the mind of the people bursting through the : trammeis of igncrance . They were now aware of the cause cf their aufierings , and . determined to remove that cause—( cheers ) . He then went on to show " that- Governments ought to bo a reflex of the people ' s opinion ; and gave that as the chief reason why they fchoulii have Annual Parliaments . And in stating the obstacles in tho path of Qiartiim , he said he feared an aristocracy of labour more than any other aristocracy : and , after entering into a variety of subjects , which thsra is not space to enumerate , be concluded a most elcqueut and soul-stirring aidrass amidst enthusiastic and long-continued cheering .
Mr . Kav-iltt then sung , " Loud roared the people ' s thunder , " in excellent style . Tho Chairman than ' gave " The late National Convention . " Drank with three timea Varee . Mr . George White briefly responded to the toast He described the zsal and industry that had charactevissd them as a body , and the labours they had to perform . Mr . E . P . Mead sung " The Chartei" in excellent style , his oivncouipositioa . The Chairman ntxt gave " Messrs . Duncotube , L-ijuler , arid the meniViers who supported their motion . " The tpasfc was received with cheers . Tbe toast of " The Democratic Press , ' * was then put from the chair , and ' responded to by -Mr . 'O'Connor ; in a most excellent speech . ' Mr . SOAR th « n sung " The fine old English gentleman , " in a manaer that g « ve great pleasure to all present
The Chairman arose , and in an appropriate speech introduced the next tbast—r " The Puople ' s Charter , niiy it soon becotiia the law of the iand . " '"' : Song , by Mr . Beakin—" The Trumpet of Liberty , " suhk in flrat-Mte style . Mr . HoiiSLEV responded ro the toast of the People'a Charter . Erom the firfct d » y he read it he never deviated from th 8 opinion he then formed that it was capable of removibg . the evila which exist in soctety « . ' and be a general good to the people ; and although he had been greMly deceived in the parties who drow it up , yet he still held by it , and was delighted with those who had taken it np , and stood by principle . He then administered a severe Ciistigation to the Birmibgham delegates of the first Convention , for the base nrinner in which they had deserted the people ^ and concluded by stating that he had always stood by it , and would never desert it— ( loud cheers . )
The Cuaiuman tnen gave— ' Tke speedy return of Frost > WiiHauia , aU ( i Jones ; Howtll , Jones , and Koberts of Birmingham ; and the release of a ] I Chartist captives . " Mr . J . PORTER responded to the toast in an able and effective address , in which he exposed some of the base methods which ware adopted to entrap tkose victims of Whiggery . Mr . Porter was warmly applauded . The Chairman then gave , 'The Chartist Ladies of Great Britain ; " which . -was responded to by Mr . T . SOAR , in a mest eloquent speech . Soiig by Mr . Deakin , ' ? Here ' s a health bonnie Scotland -t ? tbw' Sung with loud applauee . Mr . Mageb then sang , "Oh ! Erin , my country , " in excellent style . Mr . O'Connor proposed a vote of thanks to the Chairman and Vice-President , in a speech highly complimentary to those gentlemen . . '' :. ; ;
It was passed with loud cheers and the Birmingham fire ; and was replied to in appropriate terms by those gentiemen , who severally' pledged : themselves to continno their exertions in the good oaiise . Mr . O'Connor then left the room , in company -with Mr . Porter , amidst the most heatty cheers . Thus ended one of the most exhilirating and enthusiastic banquets , which was characterised throughout with the greatest harmony and good feeling , as well as with an ardent attachment to the cause , and tho noble patriot ill whose honour itwasgotnp . It has done infinite credit to the Chartists who conducted it : and Mr . O'Connor cannot soon forget the
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—y V / J- ^ fr ** - -r // ¦ ' * ' ' - •" -- -- - ¦ ' ¦ ¦¦¦^^¦ " -r ' XV JPkt / 0 f *^^" ^ / A / 4 ^<^ Ay- z ^ ^^ t ^ z ^ M j warm-hearted reception he has received frsnt bis Birmingham friends , who are determined to stand by the Charter ia all Its purity , not giving np a single letter of the name . Birmingham will soon be itself again !
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^^ TROWBRIDGE .-At a meeting of the Trowbridge councillors , last week , the secretary was instructed to wr ite to Bath' for the paipoae of ascertaining when Mr . ©• Connor will visit the West They , have appointed a committee , with a view of co-operating with tbe Bradford committee , in making preparations foi his reception . At tbe sugge&tion of Mr . O'Connor , one meeting is to do for Trowbridge and Bradford .. It will be a glorious one , in case we have timely notice of Mr . O'Connor ' s visit . Ho having been so harassed or fatigued of late , we -luridly- - ' like to faouble h ! m ; bothy a visit from him to tbis place he would do immense good . ; , " : ; - ; , . . ; ; . ' ¦^ - . •¦; v- ' .,,. - .. - . . ' . . ¦ ; - ; : ' . ¦ " , . - -. " ' AI . NWICHL—Tho greatest indignation exists in the breasts of the Chavtists of this town at the rejection of the National Petition by the House of Commons , v ¦ /;>¦ . '' . " ''¦ ¦ - ^ ' ¦ ¦ , - . - ' : ''' ^ - ... - . MANSFIELD . —Mr . Jones of liyerjpodl lectured here on Wednesday the 1 lth inat , to a large audieuoo on ^ th e evils of class legislation .
BE 4 PAST . — We are still continuing 'to brave every difficulty ; our ranks are increasing eteryweek , ani persecution is uniting all opposing classes to endeavovir to orush us down , but still we are triumphant , " and our cause becoming more popular . The Whigites are much en ^ gedf and % e ^ are ^ fishingin the polluted sinks of their own base imagination for slander and ridicule , and lie * deteafr ; able to heap upon 113 . In all the papers we hive seen respecting the different places from WMcif signatures to the National Petition was forwaVded *
no mention is mado of Belfast , and we sent front ' this place' 1 , 600 signatures addressed to Mr . pun « ~ combe , and since then we have received Irom individuals ia the country , who had sheets for BignatureS , three sheets returned filled with names , but these came in to ua too late , so that ia all we bad 2 , 200 petitioners from Belfast and its vicinity . Y Of late we have received fewer Stars from England than after our first appeal ; at first we received ibove one hundred every week , aitd last week we received only one StarthtdaghtW j ^^ v ^^ * ec e | v « ic&ffltt ;
tbe ^ atthrA ^ oiiifotroTtHt ^ r ^ r v p ^ ^ iea Wildes , two pareels ci > ntainin ^ one hundred and twenty-three "Stars . The ¦¦ ' society .- wish to return their sincere thanks to their frienda and supportera in EnglaBd , and to request that they will continue to / brward their papers when read , as nothing has tended so much to advance our cause as the gratuitous distribution of the 1 Northern Stat . Lovera of the Charter ! continue then to send U 3 your Stars ; and direct them to "Hugh Oariile , 32 , Rassell-streefc f Belfast , ^ Who is now secretary of the society in this place . - ¦ ' " . ¦ .- ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ . ' . "¦'¦¦ - ¦ ¦' , : ; - ; . - ; : ,, '¦ ¦; . ' :
HOIZ . INWOOD . —Mr . Thomas Rankin of Salford lectured hero on Sunday eVening- last on the pesenta * don of the National Petition , the present existing distress , 4 ind the remedy . The lecturer gave a very interesting- ' -account of his latei . . mission to London during the presentation of the Petition , and a painful description ' of the distress which now prevails throughout the nation ; hfi also explained in a masterly manner the six points of ths Charter , and concluded by advising his hearers to adopt the whole as the only remedy for national grievances . The lecturer was listened to with great attention and gave general satisfaction .
NEW KSSE . LS . —Tke Chartists of this spirited village had a large public meeting on Whit Monday , when the remonstrance to the House of Commons issued by tta Convention was carried unanim 6 nsly s after which Mr . Leach of Hydo delirered a lecture en class legislation , A resolution was passed condenmirig-Mr . Roebuck for hia unmanly attack on the people's friend , O'Connor ; Mr , ' "D oyle spoke-for a length of time and Jashed bo 6 h Whig and Tory itt such style as will hot be forgotten . OLDHASI . —On Sunday last Mr . William Dixon gave a spirited address on the necessity of organiza > tion at this critical juncture of public affairs .: The audience was numerous aud attentive , and after the lecture several enrolled themselves and took out their card of membership . At the weekly meeting of the association . on Monday , the nomination of the Exscutive Council took place . After Which a strong resolution' condemnatory of Mr . Roebuck , was unanimously passed .
BTOCKPORT . —On Monday night last , a public meeting was held in the open air , 'near the ' Cotton Tree Inn , Mr . John Wright was called on to preside , who opened tho business of the meeting by reading some of the clauses contained in the People ' s Chaner . He then introduced Mr . Thomas Clark , who spoke for about an hour and a quarter in a fervid and lucid strain . In the course of his address he showed up the evils of the present system , and the benefits to be derived by the adoption of the People's Charter as the lav ? of the land . On Wednesday night , a similar meeting was held in the Association Rooms , Bomber ' s Brow , Mr . Davis in tho ' chair .. - Mr . Thomas Clark lectured on the same
subject aB on the Monday evening . On Thursday evening , Mr . Clark addressed another meeting in , the open air , Mr . John Wright in the chair . On Sunday evening , the room was , ag usual , well filled . Mr . Johnstoiie presided . Mr . Thomas Clark again lectured on the injustice of allowing the aristocracy to rule . -. He bandied hia subj ' ect in a manner to give satisfaction to all . Ssveral persons' came forward aud joiued the Association * and bought cards of membership , A handsomo collection was also made . Mr . T ;; omasDavies , sub-Secretary haf 3 , according'to the plan of orgaiiizationj nominaied Mr . Christopher Doyle , late Member of the Coftventioa , as a fit and proper person to sit on the next ; Executive .
MANCHESTER . —The Chartists of this town , haying lea ' rnod from the columns of the-Northern Star , that the invincible champion of their rights , Eeargus O'Connor , Esq ., would pay them a visifc upon the Monday following , they immediately set about getting a room and placarding the town for the occasion ; and notmcbsta , ndin £ the shortness of the notice ; and Us being Whit-Monday , the very worst day in the year for a public meeting in Manchester , the . Carpenters' Hall was crowded to exr qess ; a Jaoi o : respecta . ble and orderly assemblage of people we cover witnessed . At eight o ' clock , the cheering outside of the Hall , announced that Mr . O'Connor had arrived ; at this moment , the spectacle was -truly , ' -imposing- ; -- the whole mass of human
beings in the Hall , as if one impulse pervaded the whole , leapoadod to the cheeriag outside . The eheering , waving of hats , andhankerchiefscontinned until Ivir . O'Connor arrived on the platform , which was no easy ta ^ k to accomplish . Hie appearance was the signal for renewed cheering , which continued for several minutes . When order wag restored , on the motion of Mr . Murray , the Rev . Mr . Scholefield was called to the chair ; he opeucd the 1 baBtnes 3 in a neat speech , and introduced Mr . Ross to the meeting . Mr . Ross was received with several rounds of applause . He ^ ^ addressed the mosting for a short time In his usual elpqufint and energetic manner . The Rev . Chairni&ii reso to introduce to the meeting the uncaged Lion , Peargus O'Connor , the man of the
peoples' choice—the man whom they and he respected—not because they were man-worshippers , but because he was a man of principle--one who had bearded oppression in his den—one who had sacrificed ease , affluence , and cbmfort , to advocate the cause of the toiling millions—one who had "braved the battle and tlie breeae" —and was the same man to-night that he was the first day he rnet them in Manchester—the unflinching advocate of the people ' s rights—and this was the reason that they respected him . When Mr . O'Connor rose , the cheeriug was tremctndous . He addressed the uieefcingfor upwards of an hour and a half , in his usual talented manner . He demonstrated the present proud pbsition of the Chartist movement , aad
exposed the monopolies of the steamocracy and the landocracy I and in a clear and lucid manner analysed Peel ' s taring showed what would be its effects oa the various inJerests in the country , and proved that nothing but an entire change in the system of legislation would benefit the ijreat mass of the people . Mr . O'Cohnor was cheered throughou 6 ihe whole * of hia address , and sat down amid tremendous peals of applause . At the conclusion of Mr . O'Connor ' s speech , a young lady came forward to present him wUh a very handsome gold ring , which be declined accepting . The Chairman then called upon Mr . Leachj who received a hearty welcome from his follow-townsmen , and in a shore and pithy speech , showed the evil of the improvements in meehanichal science to
the labeurers of this country : and beautifully represented to the meeting the condition of the working man that was compelled to compete with a machine that required neither food nor rest ; and he must produce a piece of manufactured goods as cheap , or he must kave no employment . Ho concluded h's speech by ; an earnest appeal to the trades of Manchester , to come b p ldly ont for the Charter , a 3 nothing less than legislative protection would secure their labour from the grasp of the master class . Mr . Leach then eas down amidst repeated oneersJ—Mr . O'Cannor moved , and Mr . Bailey seconded u vote of thanks to the Chairman , which was carried with acclamation . Three cheers were given to Mr . O'Connor and the Star , and the meeting separated in a peaceable and orderly
manner . ;; , . . ¦• • ¦ ; . - . . ¦ - . •; . ..:. -. . - , . ¦;¦;¦ . Carpenter ' s Hall . —Mr . Campbell , secretary to the Executive , delivered an instructiTo and interesting lecture , in the above Hall , on Sunday afternoos , to a large audience . A unanimous vote of thanks was given to Mr . Campbell , for his present and past services , in the cause of democracy . In the evening , Mr . Leach addrcssod the Chartists of Manchester , in the same place , in his usual argumentative and convincing manner , upon the evil workings of the present system , and its efFects upon the industrious classes . He eloquently depicted the rapacity of the capitalists in their avarioious determination to accumulate wealth , regardless alike of the eonsequences to the country , or the well being of the work < ng olassesV - v ;
To The Imperial Chartists.
Cfiartt'gt 3inunig:Cn^,
Cfiartt ' gt 3 inunig : cn ^ ,
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SPLENDID PUBLIC DINNER TO FEARGUS O'CONNOR , ESQ . One of the most 1 spirited and enthuaiastic , as well as orderly assemblages , in thu shape of a public dinner , ifc has ever fallen to our lot to witness , Was held tit the Black Horae Inn , Prospect Row , Birminghiiin . The dinner was got up ; by the leading members of tho Natioual Charter Association , ss a tribute of respect and gratitude to the People ' s Ctianipioh , and waa iu every respect worthy the iriiportaiit occosiod for which it was got up . Tho dinner also afforded an opportunity to the sterling whole-hog-naide-and-ull Churtists , of convincing tbo country tkut Bvrminghain is ?¦ f all ripht , ' ' and that they are not to bo elivejtad from the object they have ia view by the hifih-sounding pre-UusioiiS of aham-patriots .
The large room of the Black Horse inn was tastefully dtcorated on the occasion . The beantsfut bamie ? of the Association was fuspcinJed over the cU ^ ir , and a handsome banner , which Was used by . the : bakera on presentinjj an acidresa to Mr . T . Attwood , Waa placed ovtr the vice-prtisWent ' s chair , 'i'iio other parts of the room were ornamented with portraits of Ft-argtis O'Connor , Euamett , Frost , &c , and two Ciiartisti by inns , printed in gold , were displayed in handsome frames—the titles of which were , " Hero ' s to the man , the brave truo man , " and " The Friends of the CLurier , God bless ' em . " Mr . Walter Cooper was chosen chairman , and acted his part admirably , to . the treat antisfactiou of all present ; and Mr , Frederick Corbett discharged his Outy as yice-president in an equally becominn manner .
At haif-past six o ' clock dinner was announced , and the large room was fiiifcd as closely aa it was . possible for the company to sit , and several had to dins in aaother room . The tables were abundantly furnished ¦ with the good things of this life , and much credit is due to the proprietor . of tho in ; s for tlie excellency of the arrangements . Grace was said by the Chairman , and tlien followed the work of demolition , until all were -well satisfied . The cloth was then drawn , and , after a slight pause , in order to enable the company to provide themselves with whataver beverage they thoueht proper ,
Tue Cuaihman arose and said , that he felt himself highly honoured by tho position ia which he was placed that evening . Hu bad bad the pleasure of presiding over meetings in that room before , but never felt us he did on that inipottant occasion . They had met that evening to-do ' , honour to a man that he wflS w **« l- conviuctd lived in the hearts of all present in that numerous and respt'ctablo assembly . ( Loud cheers . ) Yes , no matter -wh . it might be said about leaders , although he felt pleased at the pcoplo in a great measure doiu / j tbeir own work , yei the principles of justice Would dictate to them to do honour to whom hoiiour was due .
( i . oud cheers . ) Thv ' y bad met to honour a man who had alwi : ya kept tbair principlos tbrou ^ ii good report and through evil report , and who even endangered his life in his firm and unwavering advocacy of the people's rights—( loud ckeers . l He therefore trusted tliat each man present would do justice to thoir distiiiguislied gue ^ t , aud credit to themselves' by supporting ' him . in his intention of procuring a , fair and patient hearing to all who might be ci ) led on to address them—( cheer . ? )—The Chairniun then gave tho ' - first toast , — " Tie Sovereignty of the People . " Drunk with throe Mints three , and loud cheering .
Mr . TiiOMAS Soar responded to the toast in a most oloQncit ami tffective manner . Ho said he felt rather diflident in responding to such an important toast as tbo present ; but although uot so eloquetit as he could wish , yet ha would yield to none iu the love of the cause —( hear , twatl—aiid no matter what inight be thought by an usurping aristocracy , tb ^ ir pvincipies were rapidly progressing , and no power oa earth couM prevent tbeir ultimate triumph— '( -cheers . ) . The cajolery and knavery of the Whig- party when in' oilice , hud convinced the people that they ah-. l the Tories were one patty , for as soon as oae p < srty left the other stepped into their shoes— ( laughter , )/ But now a new era had dawned , their leaders bad opened -their eyes , and now they could . behold both factious iikv : negroes in gdiTbt windows grinning at eneh other , aud culling rach other blacks —( immense laughter . ) Thank God they had now got well tried men wtio would leftd tli » m ou until they gained tha sbvereiauty of the people .
Looi ai the manner in which they had been treated by tbe House of Commons , and the base attack which had been made on the champion of their cause by a -paltry fragment of humanity . Yes , it vua a im-je a . ifi cowaidiy attack on the man whose exertions bad raised him to the eminfenco which entitled him to be considered the rallying point of the Chartist iiiovtrBent—( loud cheers . ) He then alluded in glowing and eloquent lxBgunge to the immense progress tbyy hsd made , and the noble prospect before them . Tho people had spoien of the crotchetty nostrum which had tended to euslavc them , and had taken up nt . w acd healthy notions . They were determined to go once mere to the breach , and he hoped to see the men of Birnuni ; - ham again occupying the proud position they had previously sustained , and then they would be in a lair way for achieving the sovereignty of the people . He then made some clever rematks on tlie noble struggles which had been made by the French j and concluded amidst lond cheers .
Mr . Deakin then sung the Marseillais hymn in most excellent style , and was warmly applauded . The Chairman arose and said that the next toast was tbo toast of the evening , and little did he thjnk throe years ago that they should occupy shch a proud position that evening . They were told that if they met in that house they should be tafcen into custody . They were now met under more happy auspices , and had the people ' s cbampien as a guest . ( Loud cheer ? . ) He then gave , " F 6 argus 0 "Connorj Esq ., the unflinching advocate of the people ' s rights . " Dranfe with three time ^ three and the Birmingham fire , with loud and enthusiastic cheers . . '
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TOL . Y . NO . 236 . SATURDAY , MAY 21 , 1842 . ' ™ % ™ y £ ™ s * »* £ " ™ '
Northern Star (1837-1852), May 21, 1842, page unpag, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct890/page/1/