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Under the Sanction and ly the Recommendation of Eminent Gentlemen of the Faculty and the Jffiicted . SPECIFIC PILLS for Gout and Rheumatism , Rheumatic Headaches , Lumbago , and Sciatica , Pains in the Head and Face- —Is . 9 J . and 4 s . 6 d . per Box . PURIFYING APERIENT RESTORATIVE PILLS , For both sexes . Price Is . 1 ^ d . and 2 s . 9 d . per box - A most celebrated remedvfor Costive and Bilious Complaints , Attacks of Ferer , Disorders of the Stomach and Bowels , Cutaneous Eruptions , Indigestion , Dimness of Sight , Pains and Giddiness of the Head , Worms , Gravel , Dropsical Complaints , « fec .
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MOIIISONS PILLS . TTPWARDS of Three Hundred Thousand Cases U of well-authenticated Cures , by Morison ' s -Pilla of the British College of Health , having , through the medium of the press ^ beenlaid before the Public , is surely sufficient proof for Hygeianism . Sold by W . Stubbs , General Agent for Yorkshire , Queen ' s Terrace , Rouhdhay Road , Leeds ; and Mr . Walker , Briggate , and Mr . Heaton , Briggatej Mr . Badger , Sheffield ; Mr . Nichols , Wakefield ; Mr .
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CAUTION TO LADIES . THE PROPRIETORS OF EEARSLEY'S ORIGINAL WIDOW WELCH'S FEMALE PILLS , find it incumbent on them to caution the purchasers of these Pills against an imitation , by a person of the name of Smithers , and calling herself the Grand-daughter of the latti Widow WelcHj but who haB no right to the preparing of them , the Original Recipe having been sold to the lateii . Kearsley , of Fleet-street , whose widow found it necessary to make the ; following affidavit , for the protection of her property , in the year 1798 : ^ -
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BRISTOL . JACOBS , BOOKSELLER and NEWS AGENT , u Upper Maudlin-street , Agent for the Northern Star , London and Bristol Newspapers , &c . Periodicals and Papers always on Sale . N . B . "Ihe Tradesnpplied in Town and Country on the London terms ;
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M and A . CLARKSON , beg to inform their Friends and the Public that they have taken a HOUSE IN AN ELIGIBLE SITUATION , with Garden attached , near the Church , LOW HARROGATE , lately occupied by thVReV . Mr . Holmes , which they have fitted up for the reception of VISITORS desiriiig to bo accommodated with Comfertable Private Apartments . CONVENIENT BATHS BOR BATHERS . Good Accommodation for Carriage and Horses . Hariow Ville , Low Harrogate , June 201842 .
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IMPORTANT TO EVERY ONE . , This day is published , Price 6 d . SCRI CTURES ON CHURCH COMMERCIAL SCHOOLS , addrassrd to the Pareiits and Guardians of the Rising Generation , being a First Leseon for the Practical Preceptors of the Dioceeaa Board of Education . ' London : Published by Houlston and 'otoneman , 65 , Paternoster Row .
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H CROCKFORD begs leave to inform the Chartists of London , that he manufactures the CHARTIST BEVERAGE at 6 d . and 8 d . per pound and will give 2 d . in the Is . to the Executive ; also Id . in the Is . from , the sale of Piiider's Blacking . Mr . C . bein g the only Chartist manufacturer of the Beverage in London , he hopes that the Chartists of the Metropolis especially , will give him their support , as by their exertions they may greatly swell the Funds of the ExecutiYe , All orders punctually attended to . Agents wanted . Apply to H . Cfpckford , No . 3 , Cleyeland-street , opposite Foley-street , Marylebone . One Penny in the Shilling given to the Executive on Wholesale Orders .
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LEEDS BOBpUGH SESSIONS . IVJOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ^ that the ^ ext 1 \ GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS of the Peace for the Borough of Leeds , in the County of York , will be holden before Thomas Ftov / ER Ettis , the Younger , Esquire * Recorder of the said Borough , at the Court House , ia Leeds , on Wednespat , the Sixth Day of July next , at Two o'Clock in the Afternoon , at which Time and Place all Jurors j Constables , Police Officers , Prosecutors , Witnesses , Persons bound by Recognizances , and others haying Business at thesaid Sessions , are required to attend . . ^ And Notice is hereby also Given , that all Appeals not previously disposed of will be -heard at tho opening of the Court , on Thursday , the Seventh Day of July next ; and that all proceedings ^ under the Highway Act will be taken on the First Day of the Sessions .
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EDWARDS'S BREAKFAST POWDER , SIX . PENCE PER POUND . AGENTS WANTED . TT \ HE rapidity with which this Article has found A general Consumption in many Districts , proves its great superiority over every substitute for Coffee hitherto offered . : >; . - ^ , „" Being prepared from British Grain , it is not Ex . ciseable , nor do Agents require a License to vend it , The Chartist Societies are adopting : its exclusive use ; many prefer it to Coffee , and its Cheapness enables all to effect a very important Saving . It is more nutritious than either Tea or Coffee . ¦ Agents who . are yet wanting for some Towns will be allowed a liberal Discount . Edwards , Brothers , Manufacturers , 99 , Blackfriars Road , Lendori . "¦ ¦''¦' " : ¦
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Satisfy the mind first , before you draw upon the pocket , and you will neither be the dupe nor victim of Professional or non--Professional quackery . RE ADER , if you wish to understand the natara cause and cure of disease ^ read and study M'DOUALL'S MEDICAL TRACT , published by Cleave , 1 , Shoe Lane , London . Price One Penny . ¦• ¦ ¦ " .. ¦/¦¦ : ' .- ¦ . V . ; ¦ : ' - ' ¦ ¦¦ ' : ¦ "• ¦¦ , : If you wish to remove successfully and naturally thodisoasestherein described , purchase
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THE NEW YORK LINE OF PACKETS Sail punctually on their regular days , From LIVERPOOL , as follows , viz : — Denmauk , Frost ...................... 612 tons , 28 th June S . Whitney , ThompsoH . 1034 tons , 1 st July PALBirRA , Sampson ^ 691 tons , 7 th „ Sheridan , Do Peyster ............... lO 12 tons , 13 th „ For PHILADELPHIA . North Stab ...................... "———tons , 28 fch June ForBOSTON . Soldan , .............. T— -tons , 28 fchJune .
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, TO THE PUBLrC . PATENT FELTED CLOTH . June . 28 , 1845 . ON account of my Machinery not being all ready , as I expected , r shall be under the necessity of putting off the Exhibition - . until a FUTURE DA Y . Next Week , THE DAY WILL BE . ¦ ANNOUNCED POSITIVELY . The time will be , I think , at present , somewhere about the middle of July . ¦ , ' ¦ ' . . ' ¦¦' .. ¦ .. - ¦ . . "¦ : '¦'¦ - : ; , One thing . 'I can say now : I shall be able to PROVE to the FULL EXTENT WHAT I HAVE STATED IN PRINT these laBt four or five weeks back or more , that FELTING ; on a WOVEN FABRIC will be such an improvement as to stagger belief in fine eooda as well as coarse . ¦¦
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LETTER FROM MR . W . HICK , NORTHERN STAR OFFICE , LEEDS . " Northern Star Office , Leeds , March J 7 th , 1842 . ^ CnENTLEMEN , —You will oblige by forwardvT iug , at your earliest convenience , ; the Bame quantity of PARR'S LlFE PILLS as last sent . While I am writing , I cannot refrain from communicating the flittering intelligence of the great good your pills are doing in Leeds and its neighbourhood . It is clearly a great error to find fault with a medicine merely because it is a patent one ; and more especially since its use has contributed so largely to the public health . The fact is , however , prejudice is fast giving way , as it always must where the pills are tried . A few cases in point may serve to confirm and illustrate what I have asserted .
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LOVE OF COUNTRY . NOTHING can possibly prove an Individual's Patriotism more than the efforts he is making in behalf of his afflicted countrymen . The strength and bulwark of any nation lies in the happy frames of her Sons and Daughters . " A bold Peasantry , our Country ' s pride , " once reduced to effeminacy , stand a poor chance of successfully competing with the encroachments of foreign interference , or of domestic tyranny . In the pale and lanquid invalid , there is seldom the spirit to maiatain an independent position when assailed by the insidious or threatening attacks of the Oppressor , but he seeks rather to conciliate , or even concede a point , than to resist the infliction of a
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ADDRESS OF THE DELEGATES OF SOUTH LANCASHIRE TO THEIR CONSTITUENTS A 2 TD THE CHARTISTS GENERALLY . FiJ-LCn" SVFFERZUS -4 XD BBOTHER CHAETISTS , —We consider mat we should not he doing our duty to you if we did not at this cr . tical period of cur arita tion for political freedom give you a -word of advice . In October , 1840 , -we had only eleven localities in Sc-atb Lancashire , and very fc-sr enrolled members . 3 Cow there aic Ciisrtists in no fewer than ferty -places in South ^ Lancashire alose , and in all these places Ciiartism is triumphant over the factions , both Whig and Tory , who have so long misruled the destlnie * of the ¦ working classes of this country . Neither faction dare mett the ¦ verting ra&n in open discussion at meetings publicly ,
honestly , and fairly convened . 2 v o ; after all the calumny , niiErep ~; Beiitation , abuse , and insult that has been heaped upon the uarepreseat- ^ d and tmnrotected , " by the most diabolical malice that could possibly exist , the "working cla 3363 are masters of their oppressors ¦ when they dare to hear the tale of the "workies honestly told in any public meeting in the district . Yes ; after every opposition and subterfuge that the most canning schemers that ever existed could invent , has been tried to force , frighten , coax , or lead the workleg classes from their allegiance to their own . interests , ¦ we can proudly point to the enviable position we now occupy and txclalm , the people have brought themselves through more than conquerors over all schemes t > f jnrzlery . Having assisted in some measure
to raise the gigantic structure , we entreat you not to let the vantage ground you now occupy be taken from , beneath your fett , by any petty quarrels , so matter how iiiln ^ 'dal the individuals "who may engage in these nonsensical displays of petty feeling . Let Dot * na be saying "I zm of Paul / ' another , "I am of ApoUzs , " and anofchty , " I am of Cephas . ' No , let on ? -watchword be the Charter , the Peopled Charter , aiiii Universal liberty . The cause in "whith "we are engaged is too closely timed to admit of traiting to quarrel by the way . As a people we are starving , and oar iron-hearted rulera sho-sr no sympathy towards ns . They go on legislating only fjr themselvts , takinc care to airlje the spoil , 53 03 best to secure support to their ( . 'Wa interests . Oar cause is too sacred to admit of dlsimi'jn in our ranks .
Irft the past more than suffice , "wberein some have wrooght fully . For the future let onr course be on-• vard , amidst all we have to contend against , whether arising from an open foe or a pretended friend- If in ¦ the course of our career , we should discover a traitor in tJhe Chartist camp , leave him at once , and be will 1 * powerU S 3 for evil ; stay not to quarrel or give him time to kick , but let Ms own nations added to tb . 6 silent contempt of every honest man be as a scorpion to sting hi 3 uny souL Hold out the righ ; hand of feilo-sFsaip to ail who axe willing to jjin you , wiJjing to j jin -a principle , but above all , be not juggled into £ dj uTiitiz ot expediency irith those who iLvc so often betrayed your interests , These parties seek only their
ottu ends ; tki .-y have no sympathy beyond pounds , sldlilngs , and pen ^ a . Watch them -weli . Bs not deceived . f-T tlit-y seek to devonr ; your cs . n = e is barfed upon truth itself , the principles of ¦ which ire as imniata jle as tftd E : trnal , and in spite of tvtry machination ¦ Kill nhimatc-ly prevail . Do not encourage men to go abjnt Iceturitig "who ats not members of our associaiiya ; make them shew their proper credentials from tLeir oia *; : localities—or the Executive Be cautionsj te firm . When we look round and view the wretchedness and misery ¦ vrhich exiits amcrg the working class , we are led to exclaim that it is bigh time that the monit-sr class legislation was annihilated- JIhia can -only be done by union amonzst ourselves .
We are arrived at the unnatural position in the epoch of oar conttry ef having a snrpias population , rendered so by the improvements in machinery "supplying the plsce of manual labour on the oDe band , 3 nd unjust laws forcing tae labourers from the agricultural districts on the other . What an anomaly ! A surpln 3 population in a country with only IS , 000 000 acres of land under tillage , and not less than 30 000 , 600 acrjs laid down in grass—land sufficient to employ more than double our surplus population . Tfcus it "will remain until the people are properly united , and , by their -s . nit . wi voice , hurl the monstrous system to tbe ¦ winds of Heaven .
In conclusion , we call upon yon to carry out the real orgaaizition of our Association in every localityspreading our principles in every town , village , hamlet , street , house , and family , bo that every one , wherever he may be located ; may bear the glad-tidings of " political regeneration 1 There mast be no standing still , ¦ whilst our most sacred interests are at stake . "Be that is cot for us ia against us , " for , so universal wiil be the coming conflict , that he "who attempts to act the part of rautralist will be tbfi most despicable creature in existence . Support your friends in each locality ; and , above all , support that portion of the press , -which has , and does , so nobly support and advocate yoni interests against all who are arranged agtiast you and your cause- " We are , jour ' s , In the cause of CLartism .
The Delegates of South Lancashire , D . Duuavan J . Jackson E Wit taker W . Roberts H . Wat « -3 W . Bell J- Millington E . Allen T . Lawless R . WhitfebesJ J . Massey R . Baaumont J . Brlley G Swan J . Haworth Thomas Kii ' ton , J . Cirtledgs Coalman Brow --street Caartixt R-wa , J' -iae 20 th . 1 & 42 .
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CAR&XS 2-B . —The council of the ChartiEt Assona * tion , held its usual weekly Keeling at the council n ~ om , No . 6 , Caldewgate , Mr . John Armstrong in the ' . shair . The Secretary read over the list of the new Exe entire , after -which , attention was drawn to the excellent letters of Mr . O'Connor , and the able and w ell-timed leading article , on the " State of the working people Necessity for cantion and prudence , " -which r . ppeared in the northern Star of that day . Such seasonable advice will , we trust , have a salutary effect on the minds of the -working classes , at this particular ju jcture in their affairs , and tend to direct their footsteys in the proper path to be pursued : more especially w hen dangers surround them on every side ; and one single false step may lead to consequences of the most serious and fearful
character . We fervently hope the people will most Btrictly adhere to the wholesome counsel of one of their best friends , and so demean themselves as to thwart the wicked intentions of their enemies , and secure the advantages which mtst inevitably arise from their purwring a proper coarse of conduct . Several sums of money were paid in to the Treasurer ; and it is hoped that those districts which hare not already paid in their collections , witt do so without delay , aa the council ase particularly anxious to settle up the whole of ¦ ti-eir accounts previous to the quarterly meeting , which will take place ia about a fortnight , but of which due notice will be £ iven in the Northern Star . A letter was read from the council of the Chartist Assoc'ation of
the quiet and aristocratic town of Penrith , where it appe&raian asaaciation has been formed , and a request made by the oouncil for a lecturer to pay them a visit Mr . Joseph Srown Hanson vras deputed to attend on Tuesday , and explain the principles of the People ' s Charter , and . the causes of the present unparalleled suffering aud distress which unhappily exist amongst the working classes of this sadly misgoverned country . We are glad to observe the spirit r . f Chartism spreading its cheering and salutary influence over the agricultural district * of this portion of the country , and "we fondly indulge a hope , that the middle classes will soon see into their grievous error of keeping aloof from those "who are their priueipal sripport , and on the welfare and happiness of whom the real interests of themselves depend .
SEDSELEY . —Ever since the brutal outrage upon Mr . Mason and the people of this place , Chartism has been progressing at a railroad speed . Mr . Fraser Pearson delivered a convincing and impressive lecture here oh Thursday evening to upwards of 1 , 000 persons The people are flacking to enroll their names . Hearty cheers were given for the champion of our cause , for the faithful conductor of the Star , snd our exiled patriots . A vote thanks was given to our worthy lecturer . Bbockmore , neak Sedgeley . —On Sunday moming , at half-past ten , a heart-stirring sermon was delivered here by Mr . Fraser Pearson , to a vast congregation , under the blue canopy of heaven—a handseme collection was made in aid of our worthy friend , Mr . John Mason ' s defence fund , and the seven injured working men cf Sedgeley .
NORTHALLERTON —In compliance with an invitation from the Chartists of Northallerton and Brompton , Mr . Williams of Sunderland , visited this place on Wednesday last . It was announced by the bellman that a lecture would be given at the Cross , at seven o ' elcck . At the hour appointed a goodly number of the spirited and intelligent "weavers of Brompton marched into the town and took up their position at the Cross . Presently there was a large assemblage , among&t whom there was a considerable sprinkling of shopkeepers and others of the middle class . Mr . Isaac Wilson , weaver , of Brompton , ( a most worthy yoang man ) was called to the chair . Having briefly addressed th . 9 meeting , he introduced Mr . Williams , who stood forward amidst loud cheering . Mr . Williams then
addressed the assemblage for nearly two hoars during the whole of which time he was listened to with the deepest attention and respect , and at the close of his speech , if "we may judge from the manifestations of feeling , all present appeared to be convinced that the principles of the Charter were the only just and efficient principles of political reform that had yet been submit * ted to the nation . Three cheers were given for the Charter , three for the Star and the Editor , three for O Connor , Frost , Williams , and Junes , 4 t Mr . Williams then , accompanied by the Brompton friends , proceeded ta the latter place , a distance of two miles . The Brompton patriots appear to have cultivated the aTt of singing to some purpose , for during the journey back , they poured forth the fervour of their hearts by singing patriotic songs .
OARLINGTON . —On Thursday evening Mr . Williuns lectured here in Mr . Bragg's Long room . App ication had been made for the Town Hall , where anti-_ co n law , teetotal , and any ether description of lectures and even boxing exhibitions are allowed by the saints and fesy friends , but it was denied to the Chartists . Denied to them , althongh not long ago , when the Chartists weie lilftly to put an extinguisher upon one of these humbug meetings , they were solemnly and publicly assured that the use of the Hall would be given to them at any time they might require it , yet when application was made , the hall could not be had for a Chartist lecture .
ARBROATH . —At a large and crowded public meeting of the Chartist Association , held in their Pavilion , on ^ aturday night , Mr . Abram Duncan gave a lectnre upon the following resolutions , moved by Mr . Alexander Chrighton , and seconded by Mr . David Brown , and carried unanimously ; and ordered to be signed by the Chairman of the meeting : —1 st " That this meeting , having taken into consideration the destitute condition of the people of Ireland generally , and more particularly the inhabitants of the town of Ennis , that we express for them our sympathy , suffering , as they are at present , from the evils of class legislation . It is with horror and alarm that we have learned that these people , irritated by the wrongs and tyranny cf misgovernmeEt , aad smarting under the pangs of
hunger , have been fired upon , mutilated , and shot dead by the police . " 2 nd . " That as this unconstitutional police force is called into existence without the will or consent of the people , and officered by those in whom the people have no confidence , presided over by a magistracy utterly incapable of discharging their duties , or preserving the lives or property of the people under tfeeir charge , we call npon the Government to make go «> d the damage done by them to the people , from their private property . " 3 rd . The thankB ef this meeting are justly due to the Coroner ' s Jury for their righteous sentence of manslaughter , which- they have returned
against the thirty-tight of this unconstitutional and bloodthirsty force , the Irish po . ice . " 4 th . " We call upon onr suffering fellow-countrymen of England , Ireland , and Scotland , to abstain from all tumultuous and disorderly meetings—to respect human life as sacred ; next to it property ; to seek redress _ from the evils of class legislation by peaceful , legal , and constitutional means—by creating Chartist Associations where they are not , aad extending and strengthening those already in existence . ' 5 th . " That these resolutions Designed by the Chairman of the meeting , and published through the press as fir as is accessible . " ( Signed ) William XrrrDiE , Chairman .
HUIiL . —The Victim Holberbt . —Such was the eagerness of the people to hear the discourse announced to be delivered on account of the death of Holberry , on Sunday evening , that the Wilberferce rooms were not only crammed to suffocation ; but great numbers went away utterly unable to get even into the stair case . The heat of the room was excessive ; but notwithstanding that the people seemed to disregard it during the whole Service , which together with the sermon , continued till near nine ' cloefc . Ke announcement of any collection tad betn made , but two good Chartists went among the people after service , and collected about fourteen or fifteen shillings , which was at the Council meeting next nisht made up from the funds of the Hull Chartuts one guinea , for the benefit of Mrs . Holberry .
ST-AZiYBRIDGE . —On Friday night , there was a lecture delivered in the Town Hall , by Mr . T . Falvey from Macclesfield , on the Corn and Provision Laws , when the Cbartista assembled , and Mr . Wm , Atken from Athton-under-Lyne , after the lecture , addressed the meeting at some length , shewing that nothing short of the People ' * Charter , will ever relieve the working classes from tyranny and oppression .
HTTCKNAI .-XrWDER-Ht 7 TSWAITS . Mr . J . Simmoi ^ , from Sutton-in-Ashfield , delivered a most impressive lecture in this town , on Monday last . IX . KESTON , Derbtshire . —We have been favoured with a visit by Air . E . P . Mead from Birmingham , whom onr Nottingham friends have engaged for this circuit . He preached twice on the Common , on Sunday , and we bear willing testimony that his style of argnment , his persuasive and kind spirit towards middle clasa opponents , is ¦ well calculated to enlist them on onr side . His dry , droll , bnt cutting sarcasm to the hypocritical canters told with irresistible force . The effect of his two sermons seemed to be deeply felt , and we believe him to be a pei son well calculated , as a scholar and a sound democrat to spread the Gospel of Chartism .
NORTHAWPTON .-A meeting of the Northampton Charter County Council , was held on Sunday last , at the house of Mr . C . Harrison ; the following delegates being present—Mr . Peet , Da > entry ; Mr . Manning , Raund . * , Mr . Gurney , Long Buckby ; Mr . Barker and Mr . Jones , Northampton : Mr . Chamberlain , Pitsford , and Mr . Roddis , Kettering . Mr . Roddis was called to the chair . Messrs . Peet and Gurney were appointed auditors to examine the book 3 , whea after that duty was performed , Mr . Peet moved and Mr , Gurney seconded the adoption of the report , containing a balance sheet of the receipts and expenditure , up to the 26 th ultimo , which
was unanimously carried . It was then moved , seconded , aDd earned , ' ¦ That the resolution passed at a previous meeting of the council appointing Mr . Spencer to the office of treasurer , be confirmed . " It was resolved , that a lecturer should be engaged for three weeks , and the secretary was initructea to correspond with certain persons ( taking them in rotation ) with a view of engaging one . It was also agreed to recommend the various localities to adopt areselntion to the following effect , namely , That no salaried lecturer be employed , as such , in the county , unless ho gives six days notice , with a reference , to the county secretary , whose address is , John MTaxjaa , Scarlet WelJ-street . Northampton .
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From the London Gazette of Friday , June 21 . BANKRUPTS . JohnBatstone , Tooley-street , builder , to surrender July 1 , at one o ' clock , August 5 , at eleven , at the Bankrupts' Court . Solicitor , Mr . Teagne , Crown-court , Cheapside ; official assignee , Mr . Edwards , Fredericksplace , Old Jewry . Walter Bilton , jun ., Kingston-upon-Hull , wine-merchant , July 6 , August 5 , at eleven , at the George Inn , Kingston upon-Hull . Solicitors , Messrs . Hicks and Marris , Gray ' s-inn-squaTe ; and Messrs . Galloway , Bell , and Todd , Hull . George Gibson , Liverpool , stock-broker , July 5 , August 5 , at one , at the Clarendon-rooms , Liverpool . Solicitors , Messrs . Wamsley , Keightley , and Parkin , Chancery-lane ; and Messrs . Holden and Clarke , Liverpool . __ ___ " . ¦ ;•
Mark Anthony Hartnell , Rodborongh , Gloucestershire , carrier , July 5 , August 5 , at eleven , at the George Inn , Stroud . Solicitors , Mr . BayliB , Devonshire-square ; and Messrs . Winterbotham and Thomas , Tewkesbury . Edward Hilton and Nathaniel Walsh , Over Darwen , Lancashire , paper-makers , July 14 , at twelve , August 5 , at eleven , at the Commissioners-rooms , B 61 ton-le-Moors . Solicitors , Messrs . Milne , Parry , Milne , and Morris , Temple ; and Messrs . Neville , Ainswortb , and Buardsworth , Blackburn . William Goode , Monmouth , draper , June 29 , Aug . 5 , at eleven , at the Beaufort Arms Hotel , Monmouth . Solicitors , Mr . Berkeley , Lincoln's-inn-flelds ; and Mr . Galindo , Monmouth .
Pirn Nevins , Leeds , cloth-manufacturer , July 8 , at ten , August 5 , at twelve , at the Commissioners ' -rooms , Leeos . Solicitors , Mr . Fidduy , Inner Tempte ; and Messrs . Bajr , Lofthouse , and Nelson , Leeds . John Fieher and George Henry Fiaher , Manchester , merchants , July 14 , at twelve , August 5 , at three , at the Commissioners ' -rooms , Manchester . Solicitors , Messrs . Johnson , Son , and Weatherall , Temple ; and Mr . Hitchcock , Manchester . Sarah Life , Chorlton-upon-Medlock , Lancashire , milliner , July 11 , at ten , August 6 , at three , at the Commissioners ' -rooms , Manchester . Solicitors , Messrs . Bower and Back , Gaauttais-Uaie ; and Mr . Bunting , Manchester .
JameB Sanderson , Crawshaw Booth , Lancashire , coiton-manufacturer , July 16 , August 5 , at eleven , at the Commisaioners' -rooms , Manchester . Solicitors , Messrs . Johnson , Son , and Weatherall , Temple ; and Mr . Grave , Manchester .
PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED . Gowen , Gibson , and Grantham , Kingston-upon-Hull , stone-masons . —A . and J . Morris , Manchester , mercers . —Pierce , Hall , and Co ., Liverpool , smiths ; as far as regards R . Pierce . —Morville and Butter worths Manchester , fent dealers—8 . JHutgtave and Sons , Leeds , dyers ; as far as regards W . Musgrave . —Berry and Williams , Liverpool , drapers .
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From the Gazette of Tuesday , June 23 . BANKRUPTS . George Eaton Kothe , merchant . Broad-street , City . John Flood , surgeon , Dean-Hireet . Westminster . John Hudson , Sen ., and John Hudson , Jan ., afe riers , Swallow-place , Hanover-square , Middlesex . John Collinson , carpenter , South Molton-lan * , Middlesex . ' . Thomas Janes , farmer , Hockliffe , Bedfordshire . Themas Woodman , farmer , Great Billiagfron , Bedfordshire . Tnomaa Williams , tailor , Bristol . , -
John Spark Aird , cattle salesman , East Hfefxtngton , Durham . .- ^ 11 Thomas Humphrey , Sen . and Thoma ^ Eumphrey Jun . shipwrights , Kingston-upon-HulL ^ t ? John Holland , cordwainer , Chopping Wycombe Buckinghamshire . Mary Otley , milliner , St James ' s-rtreet , Middlesex . James Hoskins , baker , Croscambe , Somersetshire . Robert Steane and Richard Steane , ribbon-manufac turers , Coventry .
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SIA " r * CHESTER . —SCtTH LANCASHIRE DELEGATE Meetisg—The above meeting was held on SusdBy last , in the Chartist room , Brewn-itreet , East Manchester . Delegates present from the following places : Mr . Ihnid . Donavon , Carpenters' "Hall , Manchester ; Mr . Thomas Railton , Chartist Joiners ' , Manchester ; Mr . Edward Wittaker , Chartist Mechtnics ' , Manchester ; Mr Senry Waters , Miles-Platting Chartists ; Mr . John MiUicsjton , Salford ; Mr . Tbomas Lawless , Oldbas ; Mr , John Massqfc Newton-Heath ; Mr . Jokn BiUey Droylsaen and Openihaw ; Mr . Jonathan Haworth , Rateliffe-bridge ; Mr . James Cartiedge , Warrington ; Mr . James Jacfcson , Ashton-xinder-Line ; 2 dr . Michael Roberts , Bary ,- Mr . William Bell , Hey--wood ; Mr . S . I ward Allen , Failsworth ; Mr . Robert
Whitehead , Hollingwood ^ Mr . Robert Beaumont , "Waterhead Mills ; and Mr . George Swan , Bccles Rochdale , Liverpool , Ormskirk , Lambert Head Green , and Hindfey , were represented by letters . Mr . Thomas RsHton -was called to the chair , and caDed upon Mr . "Wm . Bril , who had b « n elected at tha last delegate meeting to visit and lectnre chitfly at places where the principles of democracy had been least advocated , and if possible 6 st&blisn associations , to gire sa a report of Ms labours ; from which it appeared that fee had been at Leigh , Ashton-ir-iiie-WUlows , Wirrinaton , Erescot , Si . Helens , Liverpool , Ormskirk , Wigtn , Hindley West Houghtcn , End Lambert-bssd Green . in ¦ many places he had some vety -excellent meetings , and in all well received- ThereeaJt of his labours
Tras , that dnring"ttie last three weeks be bad established three "bodies of Chartists , "who had jofeed the Association and created * spirit o f enthusiasm -and enquiry , and enrolled S 3 Smeiabtrs to the . National-Charter Association . The desire seemed to be unives'sal that either he or some one attend and lecture again as soon -as he eoald , and they would contribute towards the coanty fund for -sach a purpose . Every delegate appeared highly gratified at the very encouraging report . The Secretary had also received many letters confirming the statements of the lecturer . A printed circular was r « ad which had been sent from Mt . Mason's Defence
Fund GcniiEitt * -e , which appealed to the delegates for prompt assistance . The subject was taken up spiritedly , and from observations made by Beveral delegates , " we ascertained that some places bad taken the matter up , sc . l -were making collection * for that purpose . After'due deliberation it ¦ was considered most judicious for esch deleeate to go bact to his constituents , and urge them forthwith to do all in their power , and a resolution to that effect -was carried . An address was read aad proposed , with a request that the Editors of the-Chartist organs-would give it insertion in their current publications , iir . D . Danavan next rose , and moved , in a sensible roeecb , tie following resolntion , —"
" Tint we , the delegates of South Lancashire , balieve it to be cf the utmost imp « rtance that a lecturer be sent to Ireland , 2 nd therefore we appeal to the Chartists of Grt-ct Britain to send riot less than one penny each per "weeit , from etch locality , to the Executive Committee for that purpose . " A long discussion was held on the subject Several amendments were moved , which were ¦ withdrawn , and the motion carried xem . con . The balance sheet , which had been audited by Mr . Dixon and Mr . Railten , w&s read and found correct , and ordered to be printed , in nrcnlwform , to be sent to the various localities in the Southern division of Lancashire . The nest sohject -was the propriety of engaging a lecturer for another moBtb . She prevailing opinion of the delegates ¦ was , that taking into consideration the amount t . f good prodnced within tae last fortnight , that one te engaged for a month . Messrs . Brophy , of Dublin , Jones , of Liverpool , and Bell , of Heywood ,
were pet in nomination , and the votes being taken , Mr . Bell was elected by a large majority . The plan of lecfnrers having nearly run oat , a committee , consisting of Messrs . Dixon , Cartiedge , Beesley , Railton , and Divies -were ejected to draw up another for the ensuing Quarter . Mr . CarUedge . the District Secretary-, roBe and said , that in consequence of his having to leave MaRchfcstpr to go to the Potteries , he must resign tae secretaryship , snd called upon the delegates to elect some ore to fill the office . Mr . Griffin was proposed , seconded , and carried unanimously , as the future District Secretary , to whom all letters connected with the business of South Lancashire Chartist delegate meetings must be addressed , at 1 * 0 . 8 , Robert-street , Bank-top , Manchester . Business of minor importance having been gone throngh the meeting -was adjourned till that day month . The delegates sa * from eleven o'clock in the morning till half-past five in the afternoon .
Untitled Article
2 _ J THE N 0 R T H E RjSf j ^^ g . ___ / ; . ' ___ , _ ____^_ ^ - V V- ' ^
Herman's Celebrated Golden Packets Of Specific Medicines,
Northern Star (1837-1852), July 2, 1842, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct895/page/2/