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( Continued frvn our Sixth page . } evident anxiety . Jfew for union , "Whispered some upon the platform ; now for the Charter , muttered those jjpon the floor . Mr . O'Connor could not proceed for acme minutes , the applause with ¦ which he was greeted tos so tremendous . Nor « Md he leave hia audience long ia donbt when he did commence . His declaration *> i hate suffered for the Charter . This is my sixth prosecution in lens th . an five years ; and if my Buffering ViB carry the Charter , T am prepared for the worst ; but from me faction has nothing to hope for ; and those iFbo imagine that t » avoid Buffering , or to make it the miider . I will form a junction with Whigs or free traders npon no better terms than lenity for myself , hi ? e made a wrong calculation of my mind and their
own powers . Here is the Charter Btandard ; here am I , rejecting none , but declining to more my BtanSaTd back a fraction of an inch for the purpose ol establishing a onion profitable to myself , hat injurious to my P 8 **? - " Tfa * declaration was received with sbouzs that made the building ring , and faction ahudj 2 . r . perhsps , fcowever , tho most striking portions of 2 Ir . O'ConnoJs address , were those statistical data real from iir . Hobeon " s Almanack , for the year 1843 , and whch the speaker used for the purpose of proving to the middle classes , that they paid indirectly for Chartist prossrcution . B e showed that the amounts paid for the procation of felons for the the tea years preceding reform , varied from £ 59 . 000 in 1831 to £ 74 . 000 in 1831 , "while in 1 S 33 tbs account opened with £ 147 , 000 , and
tlosea in 1541 with THRE HTJND 1 LED AND FIFTYEIGHT THOUSAND POUNDS , thus showing an ircrtase in that item between 1821 and 1841 of £ 300 , 000 , or the interest upon . nearl ? £ 10 , 000 000 ; he also showed that the Secret Service grant had fcecome angKiested within the same period ; and Afctf , the largest advances woe made from that fund dnring years of gen « ral election , and in those years when Whig spies bad been abroad . In 1833 , the amount wjs £ 25 , 000 ; while in 1834 , a ger . eral election , it was £ 49 000 ; in 1836 , £ 29 . 000 ; in 1 S 37 , a general election , £ 45 000 ; in 1840 . £ 27 . 000 ; in 1 S 41 , a general election , £ 37 , 600 . Bat fey far the most appalling , item was for 1833 , when the spy system was made general thronghont England and
Scotland , and daring which period , Fox Maule admitted the fact of sending 'Inspectors to look after Feargos © "Connor , and to report npon the state of the harvest " in 1838 ,. the winter of torch-light meetings , and jm-t befuns the election of delegates to the first National Convention . The amount ot Secret Service money was SEYEKTY-TWO THOUSAND POUNDS , being many thousands more than in any year for the twenty-six preceding Tears . Another curious column appears in this mvalnatle little compilation , under the beid 'Svjfering Parsons ; ' and here we learn , that th « Dissect ministry" wer e not as sparing in their beqnrsts to the parsons as they were lavUS in aVare of them . The item in 1831 amcntitedto £ 15 . 000 ; and in 1841 , while the flock
• was starving , and crying cut for bread , and the D . ssenters bellowing " Cheap Bread . " this item amounted to £ 37 000 , or hud been nearly trebled . F . om the y < rar ' lS 24 to the year 1831 , the annual amount paid to those suffering innocents varied from £ 17 . 000 in 1824 , to £ 15 , 000 in 1831 , and amonat * d to £ 37 , 000 in 1841 ; While in 1 S 18 , only £ 1 . 000 were panted to them . Now . then , here is Whig economy with a vengeance , in details too minute , and bestowed for objects too congenial for the supporters of Whjggery to condescend a glance at Let us now balance accounts . The Whigs left a general ^ eSdt npon their balance sheet , of over £ 2 , 400 , 000 sterling ; and if any arithmetician will Si ' e the trouble of balancing those sev-ral items of secret service mosey , suffering parsons' money , and
prosecution of felons' money , he will find that the amount psid in the ten years , from 1832 to 1841 , as cnmc&red "with the amount pad under the Bams heads from 1821 to 1 S 32 , leaves a balance against the ten Reform years of more than £ 2 . , 000 sterling . Now , tten , we have solved a problem for the Income Tax payers , and riven a solution of Whig economy , which will puzzle the best friends of Reform to answer . Of the meetiug we need only say , that it was in every respect snch as the country had a right to expect , and seen a one as does honour to the men of London ; none of the recruiting parties Hiade their appearance , though they made their way here and there , if occasion required . London has nobly done its duty ; let the country now respond . W ^ e shall do ours .
" In conclusion , we have to request that the Chartists in eTery locality will meet u speedily as possible for the purpose cf bearing Mr . Buncombe's bold , and manly , and eloquent speech read aloud to the classes ; and then to Hieh Association at once form a defence fund committee , and remit the proceeds to the treasurer , FO'Gennor , by post-ofnee order , mada payable to John Cleave , addressed to the Publisher , Evening Star Office , 252 , Strand . "
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be asked him if ha could have a bed there . The landlord , after a scrutinizing glance . , told him , n »! that all were occupied . James begged hard that he might lay on a bench by the fire-side , or anywhere nmier cover , for be was a stranger in the town , had travelled far , and did not know where to find a lodging . The landlord still hesitating , J 3 mes showed him a shilling and bold him he would pay for a night ' s rest on the floor just the same as for a bed , if he might stay . Mine host now emeabered that he had a bedstead without a bed in it which James might have if he chose . Oar wayfarer immediately accepted the offer with thanks , and was conducted by the landlord to the top of the house , into a large attic where stood two beds already appropriated and the said bedstead . After bidding him zood
night , and leaving him without a candle , the landlord went to his own comfortable quarters , and James laid down in his clothes . His mind immediately reverted to the occurrences ot the day—he thought . of the young wife that he had left and bid heaven bless her!—he thought of his foster-parents , and of the mystery that shrouded his birth—of the difficulties and hardships that seemed to be in his way , and were likely to prevent the accomplishment of his wishes—but he had heard that work was plentiful in the town to which he was travelling , and all his distresses would vanish when he was able to send for his wife , and earn a comfortable livelihood for both . His mind Boothed by these pleasing hopes , he was gradually sinking to sleep , when he was roused
by the most dismal groans that ever mortal in the pains of death uttered . They seemed to come . from . an old man in one of the beds , and contrasted strongly with the deep-drawn snores that indicated the sound sleep of the lodger in the other . The dying man uttered broken exclamations and prayers between bis groans , and at lbngth all was ailenca . James listened awhile , but could bear nothing , save the cry of the watchman from the street , going his rounds , and his " Past one ! " sounded like a knell as it die ¦ ' . away in the distance . Half-terrified , and half-starved , he sought in vain for rest , and , with the first dawn of day , arose , and went down stairs The landlord was already up , and received the shilling with a tbankye , while James took to the read—the Great Northern
Road ! The sun broke out at mid-day , and he lay by the wayside and slept He was now without moDey , aiid had to beg his way ; aad , though it was but seldom that he received any half-pence , yet he was plentifully furnished at the farm houses with broken bread ; for in those days a working man was seldom compelled to beg , and never in vain . It is not our purpose to lengthen out this narrative by minute details of the hardships , the insults , and privations which James endured , till he reached " canny Newcastle . " Trades' Unions were not then established , or he ( if s member ) would have bad » sufficiency ererj day allowed him for tramp-money , and , "when be reached the place of his destination , his brother Unionists trould have told him where to get work , if
any was to be had , or jriven him some snpport . However , on inquiry at a large stone-yard , he had the good luck to fall into a job immediately , and was directed fey one of the men to » street where he might find a suitable lodging . He called at the first house that had a notification in the window . The landlady , a woman of the world , a ^ ked him who had sent him ? He could net tell , for he knew not the man ' s name . " Then , wbere ' s your bundle ? " said she . " I have left it at the stoee-yari along with njy tools . " " Go and fetch it , my canny man , and we will then see about the lodging . " James went back for the talisman that was to be the " open sesime , " and , all being right , he was installed into his lodgings , worked daily at the yard , soon sent for his" wife , and became settled in " canny Newcastle . " ( To be concluded in our nesL )
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TO THE CHARTISTS OF SCOTLAND . Friends . —Having received from various places an assurance that they were desirous to join the National Association proposed by the meeting at Edinburgh , but desiring to have the rules sent to them , the committee now lay tbeafbefore the country through the press , not deeming themselves at liberty to piint them as final until they receive the sanction of the general body of the Chartists of Scotland , when , if a snfficient number sanction aud adopt them , to give a fair chance of the Association becoming national—they will then print them for general issue , to be sent to every part requesting them , after having adopted any alterations or additions that may have been generally desired .
The design of the association has been before you for some weeks—rules are here presented to you . In justice to your brethren that have taken the subject up , every place where there are any number of Chartists ehoald meet , no matter bow few they may be , and on or before the first of December transmit decisiens , whether they will join the Association or not , and what number of cards of membership they will need , the number stated beipg deemed an order for them . Also every place should get persons to" take names down for the Scottish Chartist Pioneer , price twopence , which has to be the monthly organ of the Association ; it is suggested that twopence be paid when the name is taken down , and the price of the ntxt when the first number is delivered , thus keeping the payment in a < 3 v £ . ne « s . To enable the committee to bring i % out 00 . January 1 st , 1843 , the orders -will have to be in by the early part of next week .
The committee respectfully hope that these places that have had the addresses and have not sent in the amount due for them , will do so ; and that each place that may have received them will bear in mind that there were other expences besides the mere « ost of the address , and that it is but just that each place assists the committee with a little to defray those expences . All communications to be addressed , Mr . Robert Lowery . 46 , Nicbolson-atreefc , Edinburgh .
BC 1 ES ASP OBJECTS OP THE JfAlIONAL ASSOCIATION . L—That the object of this Association be to obtain for every male of Great Britain and Ireland , of twentyone years of age , of sane mind , non-convict of crime , and a registered resident of cot less than three months in the pariah he shall vote in , a right to vete for the election of members to serve in the Commons' House of Parliament ; that the Totes be given by Ballot , the Election of the Members annually , No-property Qualification rtquireo of them , acd they to be paid for their services ; and that the country shall be divided into electoral districts for the election of those members in accordance with their population ; or in other words this Association is established to obtain the passing into law the principles contained in the document known as the People ' s Charter .
H . —That all its power shall be directed to the above ofeject , by peaceful and moral means , by agitating the public mind to the discussion of its priccfples through the press , on the platform , or in the House of Commons , and by the adoption ef practical modes of passive resistance to the evil and injustice it seeks to removethe object of the Association being the establishment of right and justice for all , it will repudiate acts of violence or wrong whether on the part of avowed enemies or professing friends , deeming any gnilty of snch acts as ceasing to be members .
III . - To carry out the objects of * he association every member shall take out a card of membership yearly , paying at' the time twopence , one penny for the card , and ene penny as one month ' s subscription in advance to the general fund of the association , established for general purposes , and continue to pay one penny per month afterwards to the same general fund , and that as far as possible the collection cf these subscriptions should be quarterly , in advance . IT . That -this association holds na correspondence through its officers or member * thereof , as officers or members with any other asrociatlon , it being illegal to do so , but that in any locality where there may be other associations established for the s * me objects , their members may become members of this also , by taking out their cards and joining this as a distinct body , paying only the penny per month , in consideration that they pay to others for local purposes .
V . —That where there are no distinct associations , or where the members of snch have abolished them to join this , ail persons joining this association in these places shall pay , besides the penny per month to the general fund , whatever more the members in these plases shall deem necessary for local pnrposes , the association leaving the nxing of those sums to every place to be guided by their circumstances , and use .: by them as thty see best , in conformity with the objects in view . VI . —That the management of the affaire of the Association be committed to a Council and Secretary , of seven persons , the Secretary only t * be paid for his services ; the Council to sit in Edinburgh , and be elected by Ballot there , except the Secretary , who shall be elected by Ballot by all the members of the Association , and paid thirty shillings per week for his services : if taken from home bis expences to be paid
also . That the above seven persons shall form a permanent Executive Council ; and that every town er locality where there are mere than ten members , « fral < appoint or nominate a sab-Secretary , to correspond with the Council ,, who shall receive and transmit to them the subscriptions . lor the General Fund , dispose of cards in the placs , and keep a list of the naaes of members entered , and transmit the name and address to the General Secretary , and assist him by sending such advice and information as they may deem useful ; such sub-secretaries to be elected into the Executive Council , and attend to take part in its business whenever they may think it necessary or convenient ; also , tfeat every place nominate one person for every ten members , to be elected into the General Council , and transact the business of the Association in that place in connection with the subaecreta t .
TIL Tnat the duty of the Secretary be to conduct the correspondence , keep the books of the Association , and edit tfce Scottish Chartist Pionetr , to be established as the organ of the Association , and conducted for Its benefit , to meet with the Executive at stated periods , and lay the business of the Society before them . That be and tte Executive shall give and receive plans and
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suggestions for advancing the cause , laying them before the general body , and receiving the opinion of the members thereon—to regulate the affairs of the Pioneer , engage lecturers ; or , in other words , execute the declared will of the Association , in consonance with its rules and objects , in as far as the members or majority make their wishes known , and furnish the means tocarry them out ; and lhat the books of the Association , with the member ' s sames , and account , &c , shall be open to inspection when desired , and a balance sheet published every month .
Till . —That the Lecturers engaged or recognised by this Association be men known to the public as possessed of good moral character , and talent fitted to enable them to advocate its principles effectually , or if previously not generally known to the public , have certificates of the above , from the locality they may come from ; and that any locality giving such eertiflc . tes , remember that if they give them from a mistaken sense of kindness to an individual , or allow a false delicacy to hinder them from refusing them when asked for , by those that are unfit , they commit an act of impostnre and injustica on their brethren .
IX —That when a Lecturer has to be tagaged , it shall be notified to the members of the Association by the Secretary , and that any one may propose a candidate , and that a list of the candidates shall be published , and the whole Executive , including the sub-Secretaries , shall decide by majority who shall be the person , and that all persons thus engaged shall be members of the Council for the time being in virtue of their office X . —That no great object affecting the general interests of the Association shall bo decided or acted on by any mere section of it , either as members or officers , unless the whole body has been cousulisd , aud a decision given in its favour through the medium of the officers appointed to ascertain the same ; that any locality wishing anything adopted must communicate the same to the Secretary , and through him let it be laid before the general body , that the opinions of the majority may there be known , and decide the same .
If . —That the Council and Secretary . "hall be chosen , and enter on office on January 1 st , 1843 , the interim ones acting until tuen ; and that afterwards the election of all officers shall take place on the first week of every month of December : all nominations having taken place and been published by the 1 st of the previous month ; no member being allowed to vote that had not taken oat his card before the nominations were published . That a list of the votes be kept , and should anything occur to deprive the Association of the services of any of its ofiicers , the candidate that was next to him in the number of votes shall be called to the office , and fill it until tho return of " the other , or the period of office expires .
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XO THE EDITOR OP THE EVENING STAB . SIR . —Breathing the free air during the past week , and enjoying the pleasure of addressing my Shaksperiaus twice yesterday , have had an exhilirating and rtstorative tfltct upon me . And how shall I employ tut fix * t hours of rtcovcTed health ? I vowed solemnly to William Ellis , in the dungeon beneath Stafford Court-house , that so long as God gave me lift ) and energy , I would not cease to proclaim his wrongs in the hearing of my countrymen , that I would , on every possible opportunity reiterate the circumstances of bis unjust and horrible condemnation , —and that , if I had to walk to London for the purpose , I would , before a second imprisonment , see Mr . Dnncombe personally , and lay my exiled friend ' s case before that honoured patriot , aa nearly as possible , in th » very worus in which he himself would have conveyed it to Mr . D . ' s ears , —in order that that unshrinking advocate of the oppressed might plead for his recal in the House « f Commons .
J had never seen Ellis in my life until I saw him throngh the grated bars of the chapel in Stafford . Let that be marked by all who doubt about thu justice of the Indictments against each and all of us during the late trials . Etlis , Capper , Richards , and myself were in one indictment "for conspiracy ! " Aye , conspiracy : although I had never seen Ellis , nor Ellis me , until , as I have just intimated , we were pointed out to each other , across the chapel cf the gaol , in the month of October Ia 3 t , the " conspiracies , " riots , < Sta , having occurred , be it remembered , in the middle of the preceding August . Ellis ' s appearance surprised me . He stands full bix feet in height His face is decidedly intellectual ; and the latent fire of h ' s eye tells you at once that he ia a being capable of no common energy .
We could uot exchange a word until we met in what is caUtd by the poor degraded beings who most commonly compose the tenantry of a prison , —the" gtory-hulo !"—a low , dingy , dirty dungeon beneath the Court-house at Stafford—lighted by a filthy , gioomy , lamp , and so unhealthily offensive to toe senses , that a turnkey was sent in several times , during the fortnights commission with a pail half-full of vintgar , into which he plunged a piece of red-hot iron , in order to create an exhalation that might counteract infection . From forty to fifty prisoners were iu this dungeon , some having received their sentences and other * waiting to be called up into the Court , on the evening , —the only evening—that we were together . After the first shake of the hand , we did not nit each other for one moment till the
summons was borne in by a turnkey , that Ellis , in company with eleven others who had received aentODoe , must be band-cuffed to the gang-chain , in order to be conveyed , in the windowless omnibus , back to the jaiL These three hours of converse 1 shall not forget , to my laBt moment . I found myself in contact with a mind imbued with moch metaphysical as well as political knowledge—a judgment gifted with acute penetration , both of human character , and of the correctness or falsity of trains of reasoning ; and , above all , a memory stored with a rich , —nay . a brilliant assortment of facts . In spite of his situation ( nut more than an hour having elapsed Bince the judge had pronouucod the awfnl words , ' twenty-one years beyond the seas , " in his distracted ears)—he entered on a survey of the movement , of the Kien who composed it , of the prospects of Sir Robert Petl ' s ministry , of the people ' s preparation
for their enfranchisement , of the growth of Socialism , { for be is a disciple of the venerable Robert Owen , ) and of the certitude that the grand community , the real millenium will be one day established , and men of every clime become one equal brotherhood . I esteem it remarkable , when I find a working-man who can tell me of a book on an important subject that I have not board of . Ellis can do this . He described to me " Etzler ' s Paradise in the Reach of all Men ;" and , from hia description , of it , 1 shall feel restless until I see it- Every subject that was touched upon he could handle in a way that I was not prepared for . There wa 8 a refinement about him , too , that was strikingly unlike the manners of the sincere , but unpolished i . ^ en of the Potteries . Above all , bis calm but intense earnestness on every subject that was worth an interest , won upon and delighted me .
Can I fail to regurd the banishment of such a man aa a deep loss to my country—as a veritable robbury of it ? Can I stifl _ indignation at the pampered tyranny which fosters titled villany and coronetted imbecility , while an En ^ lithinan , so intelligent and so true-hearted ns William Ellis , is condemned to chains and a foreign strand , —leaving a deeply devoted wife and her innocent babes to weep their perpetual bereavement ? I remember that your rpaca is brief , and therefore defer the continuance of this melancholy theme till tomorrow . Besides , my Shaksptriaiia are calling out thai it is time for the lecture , at ^ er having lustily sung— «» TwasFeargus O'Connor was diligent then . Well rally around him again and again . "
—So ho ! we are converts to some new faith , are we , at Leicester ?—Ha ha ! Yours , truly , Thomas Cooper . Leicester , Monday , Nov . 21 .
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that be shaves oiHIerB i aud the razor invariably turns up some Mack , Jet them wash themselves as clean a * they may . James Llvealey swears that he was at Atkms s fire , and saw Gaorge Goodwin there , drunk , and knew that he was drnnk , because he had seen him drunk so often . Joseph Bradley sweara that he was at Atkinsa fire , and saw a tall man there , who might be mistaken for Ellis , —but it was noi Ellis , —he knew him so welL Let this proof of EUis ' s alibi , and the testimony of the barber who shaved him next morning , be aet against the oath of a notorious drunkard , that he can swear to the identity of a man , although he only aees , at fiist , the back of a tall figure and then gets " a glance" at the blacked aide-face of the figure ; and who can fail to be filled with horror at the thought that a man must be sent iwenty-one years over the sea on such atra'iiye evidence ?
Above all—let it be remembered that after the Solicitor-General had made his reply and the case is thus virtually closed , on the Saturday night , new evidence iB raked up against the poor victim on Sunday , and brought against him on Monday morning . Still Judge Tindall , the profpundest lawyer on the bench , directs the jury , as plain as a Judge can speak , NOT to convict . Bat Lord Ingestre fixes hla eye on the foreman as soon as he is-enters the court , ( after himself and fellows had retired for twenty minutes )* the foreman nods significantly to his noble landlord , and returns the verdict , "Guilty" !!! "Good God ri said to Ellis , ' at the close of his recital , " bow did you feel when you heard thit fatal word ?' "I was stunned , " he replied ; " for I previously thought it impossible that snch a verdict could be returned : it setmed to meunreal : I felt aa if I could not trust my ears for evidence of correct Bounds . "
Let me express a fervent hope , Mr . Editor , ere I haste again to conclude , that public opinion will soon , very soon , express itself so strongly on the horrid Injustice done to our banished friend , as to compel Sir Robert Peel's administration to annul the dreadful sentence , and thereby restore the suffering patriot to his bereaved family .
lam , Sir , Yours truly , Thomas CoorEK , Leicester , Tuesday , Nov . 22 d , 1842 .
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TO THE EDITOR OP THE NORTHERN STAR SIR . —I would correct a mistake in the account of Mr . John West ' s bail . The Rev . H . Price ' s bail for one hundred pounds was at onca accepted . Tho other bail for one hundred pounds was a most worthy man and thorough Chartist of the name of George Harris , of Sbeepshead . I was much taken with the appsai-. mce and manners of this man . He was a volunteer in the cause ; a plain , countrified looking person of about sixty , who said he knew nothing of Mr . West beyoad what he had read vl him in the Northern Star ( which paper he takes in himself ) , and what he had heartVa friend say of ft lecture which Mr . West had delivered in
their neighbourhood . When Sir John Cave Browne Cave , the magistrate , asked George whether he could make oath that he was worth a hundred pounds after all his debts were paid , the honest man promptly replied , " I have no debts . " Magistrate ( good huraouredly )— " I am glad of that ; but are you worth one hundred pounds upon your oath ? " George—" Yes ; and a good deal more , or I should be very sorry . " The magistrate then administered the oath and accepted the bail . George was accompanied by a man seemingly in the same situation nearly with himself , who was anxious to be bound for flfcy pounds . He durst not go further , he said ; but as kia bail did not appear to be then wanted it should be ready for another time , I am , Sir , Your humble Servant , A Spectator and Friend , L W . H . Burton-npon-Trent , Nov . 21 st , 1842 .
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TO THE EDITOR OF THE NORTHERN STAR . SIR . —During tho ) a 3 t twenty-seven years , crime has more than quintupled , whilst the population has not advanced more than two-fifths . By the natural course of increase the Jinman species' doubles itself in seventy yearB and a fraction ; the increase of crime having advanced so inuch more rapidly tban population , sufficiently demonstrates that tho latter is not the chief cause of increase in the former I The most prolific sources of crime are distress and privation , of which , during the before stated period , the productive classes of the United Queendom have suffered an unprecedented portion from want of employment and reduced wages .
An " eminent" and much-admired political economist has attributed the want of employment and severe distress experienced , to a redundancy of inhabitants alone . Unfortunately , many of our " eminent"legislators and statesmen , apparantly without examination or consideration , adopted this ignorant dictum of Malthus , and stumbled upon the measure of Foreign Colonization as the most likely mode of rectifying the redundancy of workers in the United Queendom , without having counted the cost or considered the folly of entering upon such a difficult and outrageous plan . The average increase in tho population of the United Qneendcm in the ten years from 1820 to 1830 was , upon the average , 340 , 000 per year , exclusive of emigration , as appeared by the census taken for that date . The increase of the
first year would be about 316 , 700 ; that of the tenth year 862 , 300 . Sir Sidney Norton stated in the House of Commons , that the expence to thu Government of sending out emigrants to Cana-. ( a was £ 22 los . per bead ; at that rate ol expenca , 302 , 300 persona expatriating , would cost the nation eight millions , one bnndred and fifty-one thousand , seven hundred and fifty pounds per annum , to prevent increase ! still leaving the all edged evil of redundancy unmitigated 1 . ' It is therefore quite clear that it is not possible t » accommodate the number of the people to the means of giving due employment to labour , by expatriations , or even to keep it stationary . The s * ate of the nation and the poverty of the exchequer forbid it . If no other mode of relief can be adopted , the situation of the , nation is hopeless in the extreme .
I suspect that the advocates of foreign colonization are alone such from not having considered its futility , the Tuineus expence of making the experiment , ( if it can be so designated , ) and other attendant disappointment ? , sorrows , and sufferings that emigrants have exper i enced ; or from pecuniary considerations for those who have obtained large grants of land abroad , and their agents , for the purpose of peopling the land and rendering it valuable . How fallacious ! The All-wise and Beneficient Creator baa provided an ample resource for the employment of all in ourown soil 111 There is in the United Queendom more than twenty millions of acres of uncultivated land—by the culture of which more than ten millions of the suffering inhabitants mic ; ht be rendered comfortable and contented !! J But this readv ,
cheap , and efficient resource it too old fashioned , io easily attainable , too obvious to a common understanding * . to attract thfejattention of " eminent '' political economics ; though the state of the country , and consequent impending danger point to the soil as the chc-apes 1 ; , roost available , and only efficient remedy for existing eviiaund the promotion of permanent peace and prosperity , as with the finger of Omnipotence ! In the year 1825 , when such general and severe distress pervaded the manufacturing districts , my mind was deeply impressed by the probability thenjapparent of greater and more extensive suffering In future being caused by lack of employment for the labouring cla » 8 ea , if a national remedy for the apparent mighty impending evil were not adopted by the Government without delay . This turned my
attention to the consideration of the unhappy consequences of the absence of such efficient remedy for the then apparent sad results which , to me , appeared inevitable , if efficient remedial measures should not be resorted to ; and my mind was almost entirely occupied during several weeks , in an inquiry for the cheapest , most ready , and most efficient remedy . After being fully convinced that home colonisation and a national allotment system were the cheapest , most efficient , and easy of adoption that man could resort to , several -weeka of close examination and deep reflection were exercised by me in the attempt to discover the difficult and encouraging circumstances , the beneficial or evil tendencies of these measures , and I became so fully convinced of the numberless benefits that might bo rationally expected to result from them , in the improvement of the condition of the productive classes , the prevention ot crime , and the
creation of general good feeling , peace , and contentnitut they appeared so Kiuch calculated to diffuse through the community , and withal so free from objections of any weight , that I felt confident no one possessing calm consideration , a benevolent mind , and real desire for national peace and welfare , would attempt to oppose their adoption . Daring the succeeding six or seven years , my time was much devoted to the recommendation of . these measures from time to time to the most eminent leading members of both Houses of Parliament . I have gotten petitions presented to William IV . and the Hon . House of Commons , praying for their adoption ; have travelled and read lectures iu several counties upon homa colonisation and the gardeurallotment systems , frequently with apparent promise of success j but in a few instances only with the wished-for effect . And I also got a memorial presented to Ear ! Grey by Thos . Attwood , Esq ., of Birmingham .
Some persons may deride snch persevering endeavours of an humble individual void of influence 1 If such bad maturely considered the signs of the times , and anticipated the sad results which were almost as obvious to my views sixteen years since as they now are from demonstration , my endeavours , might have been more appreciated , and have induced others to take more interest in checking the impending evils before they , had so fearfully accumulated I More afflicting results yet impend , should not a sure pxospect of relief be opened to the suffering millions ! Hunger will break
through strong walls !! I thank God , a dawn of hope gladdtns my heart J . G . Marshall , Esq . ia at the present time engaged in preparing land for a considerable numbers © f garden allotments ; that gentleman being convircsd of the niffasive benefits o that measure : and this has imparted a hops that Mr . MarshalVs benevolent example will be copied by every township in the borough of Leeds , and impart its . benign influence to all adjoining parishes . Tho plan may be said , with propriety , to be unattended with trouble or expence , as the benefits it imparts to the recipients has the effect of reducing pauperism and crime eo materially , t&at
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benefit is found in the mere labour saved in the collection of poor ' s rates , and in their application , la addition to the value of the cantentuient and good feeling invariably consequent upon the establishment of the plan . I venture to hope , that few parishes only are so void of sufficient judgment aud humane feeling as " to be backward in the attempt to form an association and raise a subscription to aid and encourage the allotment tenants at the outset of the plan , ( it being fraught generally with highly satisfactory a'd beneficent results ); and to form a committee of management , to render aid t « such aa need it , to purchase seed potatoes , and encourage the tenants to cultivate carefully for their own benefit . So much , Mr . Editor , on the plan of allotments of land generally . I will next give a few bints for practice . . . ;
A proper and convenient portion of land for each tenant would , in my humble opinion be aa follows , viz .: twenty perches , or half a rood , for one without f&uiiiy ; thirty perches to one with two children ; forty perches , or one reod , to a tenant who has four children ; fifty perches , or one rood an 4 a quarter , to one with a larger family , having one or more a *> le to aid in the cultivation of the garden . A subscription equal to ten shillings per lot . to aid in thu purchase of manure , at the outset ( if necessary ) on loanB , to be repaid when the crop ia reaped , allowing an abatement of ona-VUird or half the amount of the sum lent , as a premium for good management , as the case might recommend . After the first year , only a very small additional subscription would bp necessary to sustain the fund for future aids ,
If the nllotmants were numbered from one upwards , and entered in ; i book with the name of the occupant , any gentleman who would be so kind as to take a view of the aUotmenkj occasionally , to encourage the tenants , and offer a friendly admonition ta any who appear caraiesH or negligent , would have a beneficial tendency , and might be a source of pleasing satisfaction to one exhibiting a kind solicitude for the advantage and comfort of the allotment tenants . Turning up the land early , in order that it rmy get tho benefit of laying opeu during two or three of the winter or spring months , to mallow and render its being prepared for cropping with ease and advantage . The first year the whole of a lot is generally aropped with potatoes ; after which only one half the lot each alternate yean the other half
being planted or sown with other useful vegetables , ot which few are snore fruitful , wholesome , and nutritious than parunips , as they stand the winter , and are considered in their prime when they begin to shoot leaves in spring . When the whole of the garden is cropped with potatoes , a garden bean is often put in between two potatoe sets to the number of five or six beans , at one end of tho rows , aa < l at the other end a cabbage plant between the rows ; this affords a little variety and prevents thu potatoes being taken for use sooner than they otherwise might be when small . The frequent turning up the ground in tho winter and spring months , which both lightens the soil and tends to keep down weeds , is very bi-ntficial . This practice , with a fair proportion of manure , ensures good crops , if not sown or planted
too tank . Room and air aro essential . Nothing affucts crops more injuriously tban sowing too thick , or planting too close . When land cannot be obtained in time to dig and let lay open two or three of the wjnter and spring months , or if it should have the sward upon it , it may be planted without being digged . This mode is much practised in Ireland , when the land lieslow , is in grass , or thought too moist for potatoes . In such cases the ground is marked out in beds of from three and a quarter feet to four and a quarter or five feet , according as the soil may be considered too moist or too thin to cover the sets dropped upon the ground without being digged , with , a space of from one and a half to two and a half feet broad , from which to dig earth to cover the potatoe sets placed npon the bed promiscuously , about nine inches asunder . If the land has the sward upon it a thin sod is taken from one-half the furrow , and turned with the grass downwards , upon the edge of
each bed to the right ami left of the furrow or trench , to prevent the earth which should be made line as may be , from crumbling off the bed into the trench , from which only as much earth is taken as is necessary to give the potato sets a slight covering , ¦ when tae shoota from the ' --plants - peep out , another slight covering withdrawn from the trench , over the beds which Is called the second spit : again , when these shoots appear thoough the second covering , earth is digged fr . iia the second trench to cover the bed a third time , as before—which is termed tho third or last spit . A few cabbage plants , or beans are frequently put in the sod at one or both edges of the bed . This mode ef cultivating potatoes is quite common in Ireland , and from it large crops are obtained . The award ia pretty w « ll destroyed by the potatoes growing over it , by the time of digging in the letter end of October .
lam , Very respectfully , sir . Your humble servant , Wm . Atkinson . November 19 th , 1842 . N . B . —If the grass be not quite short at the time of planting potatoes on the sward , the beds should ba close mowed by the scythe j and the grass left on the beds as manure .
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MR . BA 1 RSTOW AND THE EXECUTIVE BALANCE SHEET . TO THE EDITOR OF THE NORTHERN STAR , AND THE MEMBERS OF THE NATIONAL CHARTER ASSOCIATION . Mr . Editor and Brethren , —I should have replied in last week ' s Starto the " respectful suggestion" of the auditors of the Executive Balance Sheet , but other business filled my head and hands . I deem it perfectly legitimate in any member of the National body , of which 1 and my four coadjutors form the Executive , to ask for explanation oh matters of expenditure ; and , when couched in respectful language , to lay under obligation additionally strong the public servant so requested . Bat when , on the other hand , these requests arc put forth in an attitude of bullying , defiance-demanding , insisting , &c , presuming a profligacy that exists nowhere but in the querist ' s brain , and associated with insolent dogmatism , I treat them with silent contempt
I now proceed to an explanation of the respective items connected with myself . I deem , of course , that employed in the West of England , where the defection of the " Sturgites" from our movement left a wide gap in the agitation , none will object to a weekly receipt of £ l 10 s . for wages . 1 . The first journey , after my election on the Executive , was from Bristol via Gloucester and Birmingham , to Manchester , to our first sitting , and was performed on Sunday evening and Monday morning ; the sum stated was expended in bare coach hire and Railway fares . - ¦ . ¦¦ "• ' ' ;
2 , The enormous additional amount charged for travel line from Manchester to Bristol may have ve y reasonably excited surprise ; the sum charged being £ 2 15 s . 6 ( 1 . The reason was , the receipt of a letter from my father-in-law , from Lou ^ hborough , containing the painful intelligence that my beloved partner was in such a state , that if no spesciy alteration took place , a few hours would sea her exit from this world , and which immediately caused me to take the earliest train on the Leeds and Manchester Railway , to the Normanton Junction , thence by the North Midland to Derby , and up to Loughborougb by the Midand Counties ; expedition and economy being my objects . Afterwards I travelled from Loughboro ' via Rugby , Birmingham , and Gloucester , to Bristol . I trust this will be a satisfactory explanation of the difference between the sums charged for going and returning .
3 . The next item of £ 2 2 b . was expended in travelling , as before , from Bristol to Maucheater , by the same route as before . 4 .. Under August 27 , Aug . ; 30 , and Sept 3 , are the respective sums , £ 2 , £ 2 , and £ 1 6 b . put down for " agitating expenees , " and "travelling . " The £ 4 was charged for travelling to Manchester through the Peak to Derby—thence to Leicester , back from Leicester to Longhboro" , from Loughboro' to Nottingham , back thence to Long Buckby , and after being ensconced
for better than a week from Government-sharks , thence to Bristol by Birmingham , Cheltenham , and Gloucester . This ifem , large as it is , was certainly enhanced by the necessity for privacy in travelling . The " agitating expences , " Sep . 3 d . were paid rue aa one-half of my incidental expences fur the previous two months , tbe localities in / which I laboured having always paid me the other half . In incidentals I include fees to cjachmeu , porters , servants , postage and paper of letters on business relative t <* the agitation , &c . ¦ "" : ¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦ ' ¦ ¦ " - . ¦ ¦ ¦ : ¦ ¦ ¦ .. .-
The next sum , under Sept 18 th , of 18 s . Gd ., charged as " agitating expenses , " was paid me for two journeys I performed between Bristol and Cheltenham , and was in the strictest conformity with the plan of organization , from one -half of it being expended in meeting an old , wily antagonist of Chartism , Mr . Richard Carlile , who was attempting to show that our organisation and machinery of agitation would ne \ er enable us to obtain the Charter . The next sum put down , " Bairstow ditto , " meaning travelling to London , is indefinite , as it does not specify fvom what point I started . I travelled by the Great Western Railway frem Bristol . It cost me , naked fare , the sum of £ 1 1 b . ; I charged only £ 1 . The laafc sum , under Sept . 30 , " Baixstow ' s travelling , 1
£ 1 5 a . ' was from London to Sheffield , my transit between the extreme points of the journey being described in a period of four weeks . The whole of my receipts have , I believe , been conformable to the plan of organisation , in clauses 17 and 18 , specifying the remuneration of officers , and compensation . Several items appear exorbitantly heavy to poor band-loom weavers , who earn perhaps 3 s . per week—have but little travelling , and that chiefly on foot ; but I have maintained the most fastidious accuracy in both keeping correct accounts of whatever I have received , and as rigid an economy as was compatible with the performance of duty , and the repeated calls of the people , in its outlay and expenditure . If my services or remuneration , as your accredited and elected servant , be unsatisfactory , give me legal notice , : ind I will quit
&To you , the members of the body who called me into my present capacity , 1 am amenable , and to you only : beneath no other earthly God will I worfcbjp ; nor will I prostrate myself before any other shrine than that whkn . is resplendent frith , tbe lustre , ot oux common
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and immortal principles . In tkeir advocacy I have given upwards of 860 lectures , speeches , and addresses ; travelled upwards of 5 000 miles ; and literally worn out a splendid constitution of body to a mere shade of what it was ; aud am ready , at any hour , sooner than recant , to lose my life on their behalf . Mr . Editor , on behalf of the poor exiled Doctor , it surely will not be too mnch to ask a cessation of attacks similar to those which appeared in the editorial columns of the Star last week , in charity to his own , and his broken-hearted wife ' s feelings . Exhaust your thunder on us , who are yet at large . >¦ Fours , faithfully , V J . R . H . BaibstoW . Hull , November 22 , 1812 .
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Monstrous Glutton . —Mr . T . J— -, of this town , for a bet of' 20 s ., undertook to eat 600 oysters , and drink two bottles of porter . He succeeded in eating 585 oysters , and drank tha porter ; bnt lost his wager by being unable to finish the remaining fifteen . This extraordinary and disgusting exhibition took place in a public shop , and , incredible as it may appear , we-have been assured of its truth by several of the persons who were present at th © time . —Tuam Herald . Attemptkd Mcrdeb . in Cambridge . —At the Town-hall , Cambridge , on Monday , Charles Triplow , a green-grocer , living in that borough , waa charged with having attempted to murder bis wife by cutting her throat in the market-place , on Saturday . Charles Wilderspen deposed that on Saturday , between six and seven in the evening , ho was in the market , when he saw the prisoner and his wife , standing against th < iir stall . The prisoner went up to his ' wife , and
pushed at her , two or three time 3 , as if angry , and they appeared to have been quarrelling . A woman called out to witness , ' "He ' s cut her throat . " He hastened to the prisoner ' s wife , and saw her bleeding from the neck . The prisoner turned off , as if to run away , when witness collared him . Some one then said to the prisoner , " You have been cutting your wife ' s throat ; " and he replied , "Yes , I'll cut her ———heart out before I've done with her . " The woman waa conveyed to the hospital . One of the surgeons to the hospital deposed that the wound we * three inches in length and one inch in depth ; the external juggler vein had been cut through . On his way to the station house , the prisoner said he meant to kill his wife , aud if she was dead he should ba happy ; be intended , after killing her , to kill himself . The knife was produced witk which the wound had been inflicted . ; it was a very large clasp knife with a sharp point , Aa the woman was dangerously ill , and not able to give any evidence against her husband , he was remanded for a few days . ,
ArrEMrT at Assassination .- — -This town waa thrown into a state ef great consternation between eight and nine o ' clock , on Thursday night , by a report that the Rov . Edmd . Mortlock , B . D ., Fellow of Christ ' s College , had been fired at by his nephew , Frederick Cheetham Mortlock . Mr . Mortlock , it appears , j vas sitting in one of hi 3 rooms , in the Fellow's wing of the College , about half-past eight , iu company with Mr . Thomas Mitchell , when his a < phew opened the door , and , making some observations , said he would shoot them both , at the sama time presenting a pistol . Mr . Mitchell made his escape ; and the missile from the pistol , which has not been discovered , grazed the clothes of Mr . Mortlock , providentially without injuring the
reverend gentleman . The assassin , in the mean time , made his escape , lashing two hunting whips together , and dropping a hijtht of three Stories into the Fellows * garden ; having first bolted the door , which was in vain attempted to be forced while he was making his escape . The unhappy young man has been held to bail , and imprisoned ia default for threatening his uncks—Edmund , the object of the above , diabolical attack , and Thomas , the head of the eminent banking establishment , far some grievance , real or supposed , relative to his father ' s will , to whioh- they are executors . —Cambridge Independent Press . —The examination of the prisoner took place on Friday , when the prisoner was committed to take his trial at the assizes for felony . " ¦
Destruction of a labgb Steamer by Fire . — The following has been received at Lloyd ' s : — "New Orleans , October 12 . — -The ship Hero , Captain Ensor , master , which arrived here yesterday from Havannah , reports that , on Thursday last , at about one o ' clock in the morning , they were surprised at observing the reflection of an extensive conflagration in the horizon ; They immediately made all sail in the direction from whence it proceeded , when , after going ten or twelve miles , they discovered it to be a vessel on fire . Upon coming up to her , at about seven o ' clock , she proved to be a very large ship ,
unquestionably a steamer . The fire by that hour had almost consumed the deck , the masts had fallen overboard , and she was rapidly burning to the water ' s edge . They cruised round the wreck for an hour or two , till she went down , which took place almost instantaneously . Upon first coming up , no person appeared on board , nor was any boat about . They , however , saw a barque bearing away to the westward , whioh , it was supposed , must have received the crew and passengers . From the mark of aa anchor , which was hanging at the cathead , and the appearance of several spars which were overboard , they judged the unfortunate steamer to be English . "
Atmospheric Changes . —Although changes in the temperature are more prevalent in the temperate zone than in other latitudes , there is scarcely a spot to be found where such great differences exist as in Great Britain , varying in a few hours some tweaty degrees or more . The effect of such rapid changes 011 the bodily health is very afflicting to many thousands of persons , especially thoBe in the middle and more advanced ages in life , causing attacks of those painful disorders , Sciatica , Gout , and Rheumatism . Happily , those who was afflicted with those painful diseases , chemical science has produced that excellent medicine , Blair ' s Gout and Rheumatic Pills .
Fatal Shipwreck off Flamboeough-head . —On Wednesday the brig Integrity , of Suuderland , came in collision with another vessel ( name unknown ) , by which the latter was sunk , and all hands unhappily drowned . The following letter , written by Captain Thomas Ramsay , master of the Integrity , states fully the particulars : — " I deem it my duty to make public the following unfortunate circumstance , which occurred this morning ( Wednesday , the 16 th ) at half past ono o ' clock , a . m ., to the brig Integrity , when onhor passage , timber-laden , from Poole to Sunderland . Whilst reaching to the northward , on the starboard-tack , with the wind at E . N . E . and rain , Flamboro »« h Head bearing W . N . W ., distant about twelve miles , a vessel standing to the
southward on the larboard tack ( which afterwards proved to be a laden schooner , of about the burden of fro . m six to seven keels , though I have no knowledge of her name ) , was seen by the man on the look forehead on boatd my vessel , at only twice or thrice our length off , coming upon our labroard bow , when he shouted 'Vessel a-head L' and I shouted out to the man at our helm , * Port the helm , hard a-pork ! but before I could call to the vessel herself ( on board of which there was a dead silence , as if the crew were asleep ) , she ran into our larboard-bow . I immediately called to them to get their boat out and come on board ,
thinking that * of the two our ship might have the best chance of keeping afloat . This they did not do , but answered , * You won't leave us . I replied , ' Depend upon it I will not . ' After having laid our yards aback , and got the vessels clear , I wore our ship round and reached towards the schooner , for the purpose of endeavouring to render her assistance ; but from the wind blowing so hard , we ran a good piece leeward of her , when I saw her turn upon her side and heard the crew cry for help as she was in the act of sinking . At this time owing to the heavy sea , we were uuablo to lower our boat , neither would have there bren time for us to have saved the lives
from the people having all gone down with the ship . " The Integrity got into Hartlepool the eame after ' noon , with her bow stove , anchor-stock broken , and other damage . . ' ' : Gin Dbinking Extraobdinabx . —A most determined act of felony and drunkenness occurred at Oundlo , in this county , during the past week , and which has nearly cost one of the depredators his life , but should he survive , it is imagined he will never relish the smell of gin again aa long as he exists . The following are the particulars : —Four well known characters residing in the above town , named John Nightingale , John Wortley , James Coles , and Samuel Allen , contrived to enter the yard of Messrs . Smith and Tibbitts , brewers , in Oundle , and to steal
therefrom a two gallon bottle filled with gin , which was placed on a waggon to be conveyed with other articles to Thurnley early on Friday norning , the 11 th instant . The bottle was them secreted in a heap of used hops , in Mr . Smith ' s close adjoining , where it remained till the evening of the same day , when a fifth person named Fox was intrusted with the secret , and despatched to convey it to a hovel near the union workhouse . There the five assembled and in the absence of a corkscrew the tap of the bottle was knocked off , and a half-pint pot substituted for a glass . Here they sat and regaled themselves till they finished the two Kallou 8 » Wortley was in such a beastly state of intoxication that lie could not be conveyed home , and lest he should lead to their detection , although some of the others could scarcely walk , they left him in » ditch contiguous to the hovel . Tiers ' he was discovered by Mr . Ambridge ,
the superintendent of police for the Onndle division , and with the assistance of Darker and another of the force he was wheeled to the Bridewell in a barrow . At first it was not . certain whether he was living or dead . andon medical aid being procured , Mr . Watson , the surgeon , applied the stomach-pump , and at least three pints of neat gin were ejected . The other prisoners were apprehended the same night , and the following morning ( Saturday ) , including Fox , who was taken into custody also as accessary . After the apprehension of Nightingale he confessed to the whole of the oiroum&tances connected with the rob bcry . The prisoners , with the exception of Wortley , were all brought up to the Town-hall on Monday last for examination before the magistrates at the petty sessions , but iu consequence of the debilitated state of Wortley the case was rcmanded . r- 'A or / AoinntonHerald , '
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TALES WRITTEN EXPRESSLY FOR THE " NORTHERN STAR . " BY CHABrltS . THE FOUNDLING OF AYR . PB . OM PACTS FCBSISHED BY A MASON CHA . BTIST . PAB . T II . The morning tliat saw James set out in search of a livelihood , to a morning ilmilar to that ¦ which had ushered him into life ; bat great was the difference betweeB tie bdplesB infank and the stalwart young man . With bis bundle and working-tools he trudged cheerfully alsns ; , for bis heart "waa lightened by hope ; aud the constant change cf scene , "with the prospect before him , contributed to exMlarate his spirits . Bnt he soon found his heavy tools an incumbnBee , not so much from their -weight aa that they chafed and made his shoulder sore . It was in vain that he shifted them from ose side to the other—it was only making one as bad as the
other . He most carry them , however , for they were to be his * ' bread-winners . * ' Fortunately , a gocd-n&tcred rnstie going with a eart for eoals , gave him a " lift , " ¦ which relieved him greatly , and at the end of the day he found himself in a town about fLve-and-twenty miles from the place of his departure . He entered a small public-bftue , and creeping to a comer of the-room ordered himself & pint of ale , and i ook out a little bread and cheese , which stD ! remained from bis day-meaL He asked if he eoald be accommodated with a lodging , snd being answered in the affirmative , he wished his bed to be got ready , as he was weary and had a long day ' s tramp before him on the morrow .
There were ona o * two smokers and drinkers , pothouse politician * , Pittites and Fuxites , occupying their « ld accustomed seats in the warm ingle-nook . They were in high debate on the candnct and chsracter of Bonspme who w&s at that time vainly endeavouring to mike an ally of England in his crusade against the Crowned tyrants of Europe . Wn * t , " said the Pittite , "joia with th * t nsurpcr , that tyrant and murderer !—did h » not poison his sick troops at Jaffa ? * " No , " replied the Foxite , " he did not—it was the doctor . " "Bnt , " eays the other , " Bonaparte gave the doctor orders to do it" " On the contrary , * the Foxite replied , " it -was by the doctor ' s advice that such Orders were given—the men were tick of the plague , snd the infallible tokens of that disease shewed thtm to be p-. sj rc « 0 Tery—it ia a common custom among doctors
to crre a quielcs to their patients to shorten their mortal agonies , and Bonaparte complied with this custom from a motive of humanity . *• Humanity ! echoed tLe Pittite in a fury— " it is such humanity as I wish yon and ail admirers of that arch-villain ccnld exptriecce . " " Why , you Tories , " said the Foxite , eahuij , " would fee worse than the Turks if we » ere to fall into your bands—and certainly I bad rather be poisoned than left to your tender mercy . " "Here's Catuch and King , " fchoat&d the Pittite , drinking his gliss TTfth an air of exzsperatien , and netting it down ¦ With rach a clash that it broke to pieces . " Aje , is that th = way yen Tvouid serve your favourite , " said the Foiite— ' now I would treat mine more mildlyhere ' s Church and Stale ! and our constitution in its purity . "*
_ Janifcs bad listened during his frugal repast with considerable interest to this dLcussion , which now appeared to be ended , for each pirty having gnlped down hia principles with all the satisfaction that the liquor couH impart , besan to digest them in silence , puffing their pipes with an appearar . ee cf triumph . Whether it was thtt th ^ go « l cater had enlivened his spirits , or the dfctate hi : i roused hia latent enthusiasm , James , who fc £ 3 tfc-. roushly imbibed the purs democratic principles ° - J ' -i ^ e , and coek qaently -was no admirer of Church 01 Slate in their present corrupt and monarchical fona —Jmhe ? could not htlp likewise shewing his opinions .
SEd < isri success to Reform The magical word was no sooner nttered than the startled gaaa of both Whig and Tory was turned upon our hero—the f > rmer seemed Jeuij : to wonder at his boldness , while the Utter eyed him with a mixture of contempt and detestation , ss though he were some odious reptile that had crept into his presence . " Whit ! " said he , "have we Reformers here ? —it-. y are Do better worth than burning—I would ba * & them all served as the lads serve the stakes they pnt fate the middle of bonfires , and call Tom P&iners . "
" Indeed ! " said the Whig , " as then doctrines are destructive , they themselves ought to be destroyed . " Jsinea was surprised to find both belligerents so snd-^ sl ? form a coalition ngainst kim with snch terms of bitUr animosity ; but btf * re he had sufficiently recovered from his surprise , he received a genile intimation frcin ite landlord that their beds -were all full—they eos M not accommodate Mm : our Befonner to obliged to fake up his bundle and walk . It was now late at Bi fchtr-tke giiops vere au closed , all bnt a few hnek-« fen of the poorer aort . The benighted wanderer fc ^ ged up and down one or two street * completely lost , and thought that it -was hard he should be made
an outcast for being a Reformer , a character that ought to be honoured and loved everywhera As he now tod then caught a glimpse through a lighted parlour window of the comfortable icmates within , sitting down to c = rd « ot to supper—erjoying every luxury because « = 7 were Tories and favoured by the system , -while be }^> without a home or a lodging , in a strange place , ™ eonld not bnt reflect on the necessity of that reform a which he was an humble advocate , and instead of Jf ™* " ^ to promote his own interest by turning Tory , he became all the more rooted in Radical principles . At "agth he spied a bali-open door of a public house—lies Entered just as the last guest was quitting it Accosting the lanulord , who was about to close up for the night ,
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TO THE EDIIOfi OF THE NORTHERN STA&-Sir—If you can insert the following letter and rules in your next publication , you will confer a favour on the committee , and oblige Yours in the cause , Robert Loweey .
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TO THE EDITOR OF THE KORTHEEN STAR . Sir , —To pursue the narrative of my brief and only meeting with Ellis , commefcceU in the Evening Star of Monday . So vivid was the interest he evidently took in the grand movement for human progress , that there was but ene thought which drew him into sadness : it was the anguish of being separated from his wife and children . That thought seemed almost to choke him with agony , and his whole frame trunbled with the effort to keep down his feelings , as he hung on my arm , and allusion was made to this dreadful s& ' ction , while we walked to and fro in the dungeon . His eye sparkled
with hope when I piotfsted to him that I thought there was something so flagrantly unfair in his condemnation that it must excite pnblic sympathy , and compel the government , to reverse it . He then requested me to listen while he presented to me the most striking points of his trial , accswiing to bis own judgment . He had not proceeded far btfore I desired him to stop , in order that I might take down his observations in pencil I have them befere me ; but they are too lengthy for me to copy them , word for word . The most striking feature of injustice in William Ellis ' s condemnation is this : —
On the evidence of one solitary -witness , Geowse Goodwin , he is declared " guilty" of arson , by the jury . And what kind of a witness ? A man who swears that he was but five minutes at Atkins's flre ; that during some part ef the five minutes he saw a tall man standing inside the rails , with his back toward * him ( the witness ); that the said tali man was NOT taking an active part /—that he ( the witneBS ) " somehow" got a glance at tho tall man ' s side-face , —saw tbat ^ ia face was blacked , black , or "» dirty tinge , " —* could not tell whether he had a hat on . or how be waa dressed , — but the tall man was Ellin 1
Such is the unique eYidence ' on which William Ellis is convicted of arson by a British jury , and then sentenoed to twenty-one yean transportation . All this , too , in face of the facto that Jane Brooks with whom Mr . and Mrs . Ellis lodged , swears that she locked her door after she &&w her lodgers go to bed , and found the door locked the next morning ; and that Ellis could not go out of her house without passing her chamberdoor , and disturbing her . Ann Rogers , on a visit to the house , swears that she fetched the oandla out of their sleeping-room , and left Wm . Ellis and his wife in bed . Peter Rogers swars that on his return fi » a Hanley to Burslem , Ellis waa not in the room below , and his wife , Ann Rogers , informs him that Ellis is in bed in the other room . John Billington , barber , swears that he shaved Ellis the next roorniug ; that his beard bad no appearance whatever of havin been blacked ;
Untitled Article
Northern Star (1837-1852), Nov. 26, 1842, page 7, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct914/page/7/