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^f ef^Utw- 7 O GRIMSHAW and Co, 10, Goree Piazzas, • Liverpool, are. the sole Agents for Second Cabin
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and Steerage JPaasengers by tae " OLD" or " BLACK BALL" Line of Packet Ships , from Liverpool for New York , sailing punctually on the 7 th and 19 th of each Month ; they have also other first-rate American Ships . for New York , on the 1 st , 13 th , or 25 th of each month , and occasionally to PHILADELPHIA , BOSTON , BALTIMORE , and NEW ORLEANS . TO QUEBEC AND NEW SOUTH WALES . Applications , personally or by letter , will be promptly attended to , and the lowest rates and every information given .
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M , - ' said the late Sir Asttey Cooper , " I had fifty eyes , and each had a cataract , I would not submit one of them to the old operation of couching or extraction , but would avail myself of the valuable process described by Mr . Stevenson , in his treatise on the subject . "—xVow ready , the sixth edition , price 3 s . in cloth . ON CATARACT ; conveying in plain language , fall information on every point connected with the disease , with reference especially to the restoration of sight , by a peculiar mild and successful operation , illustrated by numerous cases . By JuHN STEVENSON , Esq ., M . R . C . S ., 38 , Conduit-street , Hanover-square , many years Surgeon to the " Royal Infirmary for Cataract , " and Lecturer on the Structure and Diseases of the Eye and Ear . Oouliat to His late Majesty , Oculist and Aurist to other
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SECRECY . —SUCCESFUL TREATMENT . MEDICAL ESTABLISHMENT , 13 , Trafalgar Street * Leeds . IT may be stated as a fact , that there is no disease -, which has demanded more , or received lesB , attention from tbe Medical Profession generally , than Lues Venera . From this cause alone , ifc ia allowed to sweep away hundreds of victima annually . By the application of proper remedies , ninety-nine out of every hundred of these might be saved . But to attaia this , it is necessary that a Medical Practitioner
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' " ¦ ' ¦¦¦ ¦ - ~* >* «^ ~~ ' ' ' ' " - - ¦ — ' ¦ ' NOTICE !!! THK BB 3 T , CHEAPEST , ANI > MOST POPOLaB AtHANACK f ^ * OF THE DXY . - . - . ;| OLD . MOOORE'S ALMANACK . ( With seventeen engravings , ) for 1844 . Now Ready . O IHIS ALMANACK , by the variety ofits Con-X tents , amount of Matter , neatness of Typography and other excellencies , is now deservedly placed at the head of all the penny Almanacks |; and is likely to retain its popularity by the exertions of the Editors and Pu ' blishefs ; who spare neitherin ' esha nor expense to render it worthy of Umvebsal Patbo-TtfAOTt ¦ ¦ ¦ ' Country Agenta and Booksellers desirous of securing an early supply , mnst give their ojrdera im-Inqbah * and Cook , Oane Court , Fleet-street London .
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THE PEOPLE'S HISTORY OF IRELAND . ON SATURDAY , 9 th September next , ' frill be published , Price Three-pence , ( to be contiuued everv succeeding Saturday till finished , ) No . I . of a HISTORY I 0 F IRELAND AND THE IRISH PEOPLE , under the * GrOTOrnment of England . * To be published also in Monthly Parts , Price 0 a « Shilling . The whole , . to be concluded in ftboat Twenty-four Numbers . The Work will embrace an account of the means by which Ireland was brought under subjection to the English Government , and of the legislative and other cruelties systematically inflicted on the Irish PeoDle . It will also include a History of the Civil
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Just Publishedjprice 2 s . 6 d ., and sent free , " enclosed in a sealed envelope , " on receipt of a Post-offioe Order for 3 s . 6 d . MANLY VIGOUR : a Popular Inquiry into the CONCEALED CAUSES of its PREMATURE DECLINE ; with Instructions for its COMPLETE RESTORATION , addressed to those suffering from the Destructive Consequences of Excessive Indulgence in Solitary and Delusive Habits , Youthful Imprudence , or Infection ; including a comprehensive Dissertation on Marriage , with directions for the removal of Disqualifications , and Remarks on the Treatment of GhonorrhcB , Gleet , Stricture and Syphilis . Illustrated with Cases , &c .
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I LETTER FROM MR . WM . HICK , NORTHERN STAR OFFICE , LEEp ? " Northern Star Office , Leeds , March 17 th , 1842 . * Cp entlemen , —You will oblige by forwarding , at VT your earliest convenience , the same quantity of PARR'S LIFE' PILLS as last sent . While I am writing I cannot ; refrain from communicating the flattering int-eUjgenoe of the groat good your pills are doing in Leeds and its neighbourhood . It is clearly a great error to find fault with * medicine merely because it ia a patent one ; and more especially Binoe its use has contributed so largely to the public health . The fact is , however , prejudice Js fast giving way , as it always mast where the pills are tried . A few cases in point may serve to confirm and illustrate what I have asserted .
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¦¦ BLAIR'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS Ctse communicated by Mr . Lloyd , Chemist and Druggist , Richmond , Sarrey , toMr . T . T . Pxont , 229 , Strand , London . - - May 3 , 1842 SIR , —The wife of a person residing in Sfc John ' s Green , in this place , came to my shop a little time since , for a box of your Pills for her husband . She told me that previous to his taking them he had a violent attack of the Goat , which sometimes laid him up for weeks and months together , bat since taking them , the last six years he has ; never been laid tip , and only requires one doseof Pills to set him to rights . I have fieen the husband since ( yesterday May 2 nd , 1842 ) , and he told me the same exactly and moreover says , he never takes any other medi-¦
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Messrs . Perry and Co have removed their Establishment from Birmingham to No . 19 , Bernera-sireet , Oxford'ttreet , London . THE THIRTEENTH EDITION ^ Just Published , Price 2 $ . 6 d ., in a sealed envelope , and sent Free to anv part of the United Kingdoa on the receipt of 4 Post . Office Order tor 33 . 6 d ,
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f ItBTTH—Mr . George Julian Harney lectured here on Friday evening , 25 th I . » t ^ on " The state of the country , the necessity of & change , and the necessity of a ihorcogb Organisation of the people to effect that cbsnge . ** ASter afew introductory remarks , he entered irto the Unancial distress of the Govsnnnent , and showed in a very inmorons and instructive manner ¦ ff bat both . Whigs and Tories bad done te bring the country" to its present state . He sIbs' dwelt on the advantages -which ever } < isy vra » becoming more appaxe&t from the Pro-Tory Polity adopted by the Chartists si the last general election ; particularly as it had given us bat one faction to contend with . Mr . Harney then Trent on to shew tbe vrorKngB of the New Tariff and Corn Bill , exhibiting to view the min&zu effects It had pstdneed , both on the agricnlfcoraliat and mechanic .
Be also entered at great length into the necessity of a thorough National Oreair » tion of the people , in order to enable them to effect the changes which were repaired / or the people * * benefit , [ and concluded" a lecture -of three hours and a hall duration , amidst the hearty J 3 anditsof the meeting . The chairman John ilacrea , Intimated that as a new enrolment " of the memben of the Association had been commenced , it iraa requested they wosld tome forward on Tuesday eveninga ' and Wee ont fcrds ; and concluded by calling upon all -who rained the future prosperity of themselves and fellow men to come forward and join the . Association , so that 83 goon as the-Rational Organisation -was agreed upon , { hey would hare nothing to do . than to join ender it bJdLVat once . A Tote of thanks wss then given to * Mr . Barnay acd the Chairman .
SOKKX&L , ( Valb op Lbves . )—The Bav . We Hill delivered a lecture to- the Chartists of tbe Yale , on Pridaj evening , the 25 th , in ths Independent Chapel , Alexandria , on the present state and fntnre prospects of the country . Mr . Hill spoke far two hour * , depicting the gloomy prospect of the labouring population through the effest of machinery depriving man of his libccr : ind . showed that ¦ tbe only remedy was the lasd ; but nctaths principles of th 9 Charter -waaiBBde lav ? J * e T ? oiiking classes never conld ^ get the land . Mr , Sid appealed to tbe Chartists to unite together in one common national union ; "never to rest until every man *» as made free ; and he concluded amidst the cheers of the meeUs ; . TheTJev . Gentleman also preached twice to 'he Christian Ch&rtuts on Sunday , in the Democratic
Scminsry , whJeb was filled both forenoon and evening .. XiOX 35 O 2 f—METSOPOLITaJ ! DELEGATE J 1 EETI 5 G . —St ^ tdaT ArTEBSOOB . —Mr . Pattendenin tbe chair . Credentials were received from Messrs Pattenden and " HTiif canrch , for Marylebone , and from Mr . Matthews , from Brompfcon . as . was received from Marylebone . Keports were received regarding the state of tie different localities ; notice of motion was given by Mr . 2 aatthews , respecting tbe metropolitan localities entering into subscriptions to easure -a gmnd demonstration X 5 « m the Teiease of George White . The subject of delefzisa toibe ensuing Conference was then discussed , and on the motion of Mi . Cowan the sum of 10 a . was recoinaended to be raised by each of the localities towards
defraying the necessary erpencea . Mr . Wheeler rejwrted that tie late concert for the above object had proved a faflnre ; the profit realised being only about 123 . Mr . Cowan moved ; •¦ Thai owing to tbe depressed Ehte of the funds , the am . of £ 2 10 s . ihonld be awarded to the delegates /* seconded by Mr . Matthews . Mr . Salmon moved , and Mr . Davoc seconded an amendment for £ 3 . The original motion was carried by a majority of one . Mr . Cowan moved , " That the nnmba of delegates to Birmingham be three instead of fear . " The motion was sot seconded . A committee of five was appointed to conduct the election on the ensuing Monday . Messrs . Pattenden aad Wheeler reported from another committee ; and ths meeting adjourned ,
Cut op Iosbos Ikstitdiiok . —On Sunday morn-Ing a discussion toot pises on the following subject : — " Has Siei'rotestantSeformation improved the mental , T&or&J , and political character of the people ? " Messrs O ~ wsn , Dsaine , and Buff , tooi up the negative position , liessrs . Spun aad J ) alrymple , flie affirmative . The subject was adjourned until the following Sunday , when Mr . Kathbone mfl open the discsssioa . The attendance W » s very numerous , and tbe most friendly feeling prevailed . On Sunday evening Dr . Bowfcctt delivered a Short address on his method of the -working classes accuirir- ¦» Irethold property . Messrs . Cowan , Cameron , "
Spur , JBenbow , Preston , and 3 dwell entered the lists in opposition to the Doctor , Vfeo made an able reply ; and the proceedings closed with a unanisions' vote of Hitmtai to Dr . Bowkett for bis liberality in bringing his plan Jsef-re the public for open discussion . " Several peses * r dialled themselves as shareholders . > Bsomptos . —The members of this locality met on ^ Fnesdsy evening , when , a code of Jajra were agreed to BBd othe ? bnajncssconiiected with JiiB'FictiiDi ' iMid transsetec ; Messrs . O'Connor ,. Wheelfcr , M Grata , and Oeava tr&e nominatad mm the delegates for iondon in . Jfcs ensuing CocfereBce . -
A PCBLIC MXKT 1 SS yOB 3 O 3 CB ELECIIOK OP DELB-« ATES TKOX XOBDOJi TO THS BlBMUiGHAM COStsbetce «? as holden oh Monday evening , at the City rfXor Jca lustiiatias , Tarnagsln-lane . The attendance « ss vsry good . - Shortly after -eight o ' clock , Mr . Bolwell -was called to the chair , and in » britf and . jszce&ent afidress , opened && business of the evening . Hz . Salmon read the resolations come to by the dele . gate i ^ eetisg relative to remuneration , &c The names of the ioUowing gentlemen were read , they being , the rajM ^ rln ^ CT itonitonVed" by the various loealliie * , viz . — Messrs . O'Connor , Roberts , M'GraHi , Wheeler , Fossell , Dron , Cleave , GrovET , Man !* . Cowan , Drake , Benbsw , Srown , and -TT » irmfq i , i . Tfa chairman having called upon the meeting to same ether candidates , Messrs BolweQ and Sfceftcm were nominated . Mr . Sielton declined standing , and Mr . Walker was elected to the tiair in tbe room of Mr . BolweE . Mr . Cnfiay ' moTed ,
and 31 r . Bidley seconded , •¦ That a person not present , « bonL ? cot be allowed to go to thepolL" ilr . Orerton moved , and Mr . Wheeler seconded , <¦ That no candidate should be debarred , if tbe mover or sseonder Troaia pledge Qiemselves for tbeL- stacding . " Mr . Wheeler pledged > nTn « P > Tf that Mr O'Connor would Astd . Tbe amendment was carried witi six dissentients . Mesas . Dear and Hornby were elected scrutisera . Messrs . PusseO , Hannibal , Boberts , Brown , Cowan , and Mante , rea ^ gBed . Tba nominations were fben proceeded with ; and ths novera , seconders , and esDd ' aciea britfly addresBed the meeUng . "Upon" a show cf hands bciag taken , idx . O'Connor was niianimously elected , and Measnu M'Gath , Wheeler . an 3 Cleave , "with but few dissentients . Every chance -of iEjjmte iras avoided by the successful candidates obtaining majorities , varying from one hundred and fifty to cne hundred vote * .
A 5 T 1-PEK 8 ECDII 05 SocrETT . —A pnblic meeting of this body was holden on Friday evening , at tte Scientific Institation , John ^ treet , Tottenham Court Boad ; Mr ; Hetherington in the chair . Resolutions xpsrs utonimoosly passed , condemning the conduct of \ be Edinburgh authoriiaea , in persecuting Messrs . Bobisson , Patenon , and Finlay ; and expressive of iheir thanks to those men for their manly defiance of thin invasion of private religious opinion . The chief « psakeia were Mesa * . Holyoake , Biaiey , Ryall , SkeV lon , ic The ^ ttP" ^ a-nrp was numerous and xeirpsctsble . Wobsiso Mra"s Haxi , Mn . E Ejtd Boad . —Miss Inge lectured here on Sunday evening la « t , to a most numerous and respectable . audience . Subject—" The nesesnty of as Oigsniu&m . " She gave very great satisfaction . -
Mahti . ebox £ —A public meeting of the inhabitants of ibis borough was boldea on Monday evening last , 38 th rust , at the Postman Arms , Milton-street , Dorseisquare , for the purpose of electing a nt and proper person to represent this borough in the forthcoming Ka-Jional Confereccej to be holden at Birmingham . Mr . ( Hiss LoTett was elected chairman , and in a neat and appropriate speech called upon Mr . . Law to move the first resolution , which being seconded by Mr . Abel Cook , was carried unanimously : " That this meeting is of opinion that it is desirable to elect a person to repre sent tha boroogh of 2 darylebone at the forthcoming
Conference to be held at Birmingham , on Tuesday Bept . ith and following days , in order to devise and determine upon » gener a l Plan of Organization under which ths people may enroll themselves in order to obtain , as the la w of tbe land , the People ' s Charter . " The second resolution was proposed by Mr . Clark and seconded by Mr . Jordan , and carried unanimously : " That we proceed to take the nsmisaikm of persons as candidates ; Hoi the names proposed be placed in a hat and drawn therefrom , and tbe persons address the meeting in the order thsy are draws fram tha hat ; after which tha election to be decided by ahew of hands . " Tbe
following persons were then put in DBHdnation—Messrs . Xarse , Buchanan , Cook , Paner , and Savage . Mr . Ctwk and Savage having xesigned , tbe vet-es was taken lor tae other three candidates , when Mr . Samuel isree was p ronounced by the chairman to be iiuly etec&d by a very large Jnajority . The following resolution was then carriedumamously .- ' That a snbscripfeon be now entered into to d ^ ray the expences attending the ConfewEce-, tte overphm , if Mys to ^ J ^ f J , tte general vic'im fund . " Avote of tomks waTpro posed and earned to the toaiman , after SSe meeting seperatcd . ""*
MAMCSESTER .-A meeting was holden in the Carpenters - Hall on Wednesday evening , the 22 cd ult an opportunity of delivering a lecfcore upon " the state i of tfcs nafaon . " Mr . John Murray ws / caHedto ^' ^ d& After a lew preliminary observations , bei \ £ Z . ' dueed Mr . Peddie , wbo on coming forward ^ fcnaiytheaed . Mr . P . ^ tered at great length into the canses of tbs present distoeas , asd commented in severe terms upona » factory system ; contrasting the peBtiTekkus effissra emitted from tbe rattle boxes with the pure air aad delicious aweetnea of the agricoltnral distriett He went on to shew tbe many advantages 'which wouia follow from the Bdoptioa of tbe fonr acre aBotment system , * nd highly eulogued Mr . OXkamoi for bis noble exertaons in tha cause of tbe people . Mr . P . thea . proceeded with great force an 4 clearnea of WMoniag todenonnoe tbe Whig and Tory factions , and took a review of tte bifamonn acta they bad been the » eans of pladug cm the statate book , amongst which
w tbe JnfsBxma New Poor law . Mr . P . concluded by abrj Sefeading tt » prlndplaa of democracy , and advising aB hlj bearers who were sot already members of the CharHat Assodatioa to become a * without delay , ai soibing bat the wntetment of tbe Charter would * m tbe&jetre * and fiunCiei boa utter nda .
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CABPEN 2 EES' Hall , Manchestbb . —On Sunday evening last , we were favoured with a visit from Mr . J . B . Bairstow , who delivered a leeture in < tbe . above Han , to a densely crowded audience . The lecture embraced a variety of subjects of the most paramount lm » port&nce to tbe cause of democracy ; and the mauner'in which they were treated gave great satisfaction- Any attempt to give n mere ontline of the lecture , would only depreciate it as a whole . The address occupied upwards of two hours in delivery ; and At its * close nineteen persons joined the Association . TO THE CHABTISXS OP NOTTINGHAM AND SOUTH
. DERBYSHIRE . Brother Democrats , —In accordance with one of tbe rules in your local plan of Organization , I now proceed to give you a report , though a brief one , of my -labours daring the last week . On Sunday , the 26 th instant , 1 lectured in tbe Market Place , Nottingham , or rather preached a political sermon to a numerous and highly respectable audience , wbo paid great attention to the discourse . Mr . Dorsnan , a worthy and honest Chartist , acted is tbe capacity of Chairman .
On Monday afternoon , ths . Chartists of Nottingham and -surrounding villages , celebrated the first anniversary of the Battle of Mappexley GDIs , where five hundred peaceable and defenceless men , the year before , were pounced upon by a ruffianly band of red and blue-coated mercenaries ; some of whom were imprisoned for six , and some for four , and some for two months . Mr . Barber was unanimously elected to the chair , and opened the business in a short but appropriate speech ; after which tbe meeting was addressed by Messrs . Doraan , Mormon , Lilly , and ayself . There was a band present , who played several patriotic airs ; and afterwards headed the procession to the Democratic Chapel , where i delivered a lecture to a crowded audience , on " Tbe Repeal of the Union . "
On Tnesday evening ; I addressed a large meeting in Arnold , on " The alarming state of the country . " I am happy to s ® te Coat there are a fine set of fello wj Id the above town ; but they are very poor ,, not averagings when they have foil work , above 6 s . a week . On Wednesday night I lectured in Lambley , and had an excellent muster . There are some choice spirits at Lamfeley . They are ' Chartists to the back bone ; bat like their brethren at Arnold , extremely poor and badly paid for their labour . On Thursday night , I lectured in HncknaL The meeting was rather thin at the beginning , but before I had done there was a considerable increase in our numbers , and the most strict attention paid . There ate a few sterling patriots in the above village , who have struggled bard to keep the associations sp , and I am sorry to say the poor fsllows have had many difficoltres to contend with owing to the strike .
On Sunday evening last I delivered a disconrse in the market-place , upon the present position of parties iu the United Kingdom . The meeting was a very numerous one , and it contained a good sprinkling of the middle classes which proves that they too begin to feel tbe shoe pinch . —so much so that they cry out woefully . ^ Brother Chartisis . I implore you to rouse yourselves throughout tbe different localities . Bally round the standard cf democracy , and prove to your enemies by your steady adherence to principle , and your firm and united exertions , that you are determined to be politically fres . I remain yours in the sacred cause of freedom . Chxistotheb Dotlb .
ZtOTJGHBOROTJGH—On Wednesday evening , Aug . 22 ntl , the Bev . Wm » Linweod , of Mansfield , who had been invited by tbe Chartists of this place , delivered a very able lecture in favour of Chartism . The B « v . Gentleman declared himself a Chartist , stating that it was from the New Testament that he had learned to be so . He proclaimed those who did not do their utmost to cause those principles to be adopted as traitors to patriotism and hypocrites in religion . His lecture was an able exposition of the principles of tbe
Charter , their justice , and an appeal to the middle class to co-operate with the working class to secure them as the law of the land . The lecturer was loudly cheered by the " workies , " and what few of the middle class who were present ; few attending , though the theatre had been obtained for tbe occasion . At the close , a unanimous vote of thanks was given to the lecturer , and te Mr . J . Skivington , who occupied the chair , and the meeting broke up highly gratified . Many have since expressed a wish that the Bcv . Gentleman would pay them another visit .
, 5 tTDSERSFX £ XiX > . —The meetings of the Association still continue to be bolden in tbe Chartist Boom , Upperhead-row , on Tuesday evenings . Last Tuesday evening- an entry of several new members "was made , and steps taken , by which it is hoped the slumbering energies of Chartism in this neighbourhood will once more be roused . Time was when this locality was considered one of tbe Etrong-holds of-Chartists , and there are those who do sot despair of again seeing it take a proninent position in the onward movement . DiWsBUBT . —The Chartiste orDewBbnry mei in their room orei the Co-operative Stores , on Sanday evening at six ©' clock ; the night ! of meeting being altered from Tuesday to Sanday . Mr . Gecree
Sjkes -was called to the chair . On the motion of Mr . Robshaw , the new plan of Organization was read ; but owing to the pressure of other business , tbe discussion on it wa 3 adjourned to next Sanday evening . A subscription vras set on foot towards defraying the expenses of the county delegates to the National Conference . Chartism is again making rapid strides in Dewsbnry . Thirteen new members enrolled themselves in the Association . Others enquired when the subscriptions for the land would be commenced . Chartisis , attend at tbe Association room on Sunday evenings , at 8 ix o ' clock . The 'Northern Slar , and other papers are read , and matters discussed . Enrol yourselves , and look after -your own bnsness—see after the Land ! 1
Gbeat Public JIsetikg at Dewsbxtrt . —On Monday evening a meeting was holden at Dewabury , to elect delgatesto the forthcoming Conference . At seven o ' clock Mr . George Sjkes was called to the chair , who briefly opened the business by reading the requisition cailiug the meeting , and introduced Mr . Percival , of Bradford , to move the first resolution , as follows : — " That it ia the opinion of this meeting that two delegates shonid be elected to represent Dewgbury , Bradford , Barasley , Keighley , Hndders-^ eld , Todmorden , H < bden-bridge , Birstal , Deighton , Bingley , Idle , deckheatoo , and Heckmondwike , in a Conference about to be held In Birmingham on the 5 th September and following days , for the purpose of devising & legal plan of Organization , to
secure the adoption of the document called * The Peopled Charter' as the law of the land . " Mr . J . Watson seconded the resolution . Tbe Chairman called on Mr . James Dewhurst to support it , who was received with applause . Mr . JDawhirst entered into the . present condition of the county , and very abiy traced the evils of heavy and expensive government to class legislation ; and , in a style of argument greatly applauded , showed the urgent necessity of some legal plan of Organization . He forcibly dwelt on the cause of last year ' s flot , and the miser ; and afflstion that followed ; and ably refuted the charge of-Chartists wishing to destroy property , citing the fact of tha people being in thousands in Dewsbury , on the 17 th of August last year , asd no civil or military force to overawe them :
yet not a single particle of property was destroyed , although some ot them , te knew lor a fact , was suffering the pangs of hunger at the time . He concluded by calling on the people to unite and join the Chartist ranks . He was happy to announce that Charfcm was rapidly on the increase in Dewsbury . Mr . Dewhirst retired amid the most rapturous applause of the meeting consisting of 1000 persons . The next resolution was as follows : — " That Mr . J . W . Smyth and 2 Ax . J . H . Dewhiret are fit and proper porsonB to represent the towns named in tbe first resolution at the forthcoming Conference about to be holden in Birmingham , on the 5 th of Sept . " Mr . Watson seconded the resolution . The Chairman called on Mr . Smyth , to support the resolution .
Mr . Smyth then entered into the plans of Organization , and contended for tbe adoption of the Land Question as an auxiliary to the attainment of the Charter . He reviewed the difference between the Jabonrer of Switzerland and England ; contrasted the ^ amount of taxes paid by other countries ia Europe with that of England , and shewed the superior mode of government in the latter connfry . He called on the people to remember the" Tariff" was tobe a sovereign remedy for all evils , and askod if they had received the promised good . ( Cries of " We are worse off new . ") Mr . 5 myth observed , "If you had more ' Free Trade' your condition would be worse , unless yoo enjoyed the Suffrage , and aU the other points of the
Charter . " He then called on the people to unite in the -agitation for the Charter and the Land . He trusted that ere long they would meet for the full exercise of the franchise in electing representatives to make laws for them , free and unshackled by any of the pernicious modes at present practised . The chairman then put tbe resolution , when a forest of hands were held no , and not one to the contrary . A vote of thankB waa givtn to the chairman , and lie meeting separated highly satisfied at the prospect of another agitation about to commence . After ; tbe meeting , the people were congregated in groups discussing the propositions laid down by the speakers ; and the prevailing opinion seemed to be in i&vour of the Land being added to the Organization .
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— v NOMINATIONS FOR THE GENERAL COUNCIL . CITT 07 LONIMK ? LOCALITY . Mr . Wa . Salmon , 24 , Dean-street , Fetter-lane . Mr . Win . Allnntt , 14 , Leather-lane . Conamon 1 Ward MileS > 8 l Uith CaTter' 1 * ne ' Doctors ' Mr . Daniel Sullivan ' l 3 . New street , Cloth-fair . S £ * f *^ ?* A hbon ?> 2 « Founiain-court , Sirand . Mr iT * * * 1 ™?^ « Stone Cutter-place . iiw ^ serB ^ sssSee , iHS ^^^ ' HucSeSy ? ^ * ^ ** ' * & 7 .
Cfcart&T %Mtliisent$.
Cfcart&t % mtliisent $ .
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COWS . —At a public meeting of the Inhabitants of Coins , legally convened , on Thursday evening , tbe 24 th ult , in the Chartist Lecture Boom , Mr . Richard Marsden , of Preston , was unsntaouBly alected as delegate to the forthcoming Conference to be b « Jld in Birmingham on Tuesday next ,, the 5 th , of September . : COALBROOH DALB ,-Salop . —On Sunday morning last , a few Chartist friends , met at Little Pawley , at seven o ' clock a . ni . ; to take into consideration the Land question and tbe Allotment System , when it was agreed on to have a public meeting ia the same place , on Wednesday evening , at seven o'clock , when we intend to make a beginning and pay oar . first deposits . I" ¦ j ! - ¦ ¦ | ¦ «| ¦
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2 THE NORTHERN STAR 1 . ^^ T ^ m n m ¦ ' " ¦ ' ¦¦¦ ¦ - ~* >* «^ ~~~ ' ' ' ' " ¦ - - ¦ — ' ¦ ' I ¦¦
^F Ef^Utw- 7 O Grimshaw And Co, 10, Goree Piazzas, • Liverpool, Are. The Sole Agents For Second Cabin
^ f ef ^ Utw- 7 O GRIMSHAW and Co , 10 , Goree Piazzas , Liverpool , are . the sole Agents for Second Cabin
Northern Star (1837-1852), Sept. 2, 1843, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct945/page/2/