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Leeds Woollen Markets.—There has been con-
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LEEDS .-—Printed for the Proprietor, F E A R G 0 S O'CONNOR, Esq. of Hammersmith, County
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TTOLTAIRE'S PHILOSPHICAL D 1 CTION' , ARY . Part 29 , price 43 ., is published this day and Part 30 , completing the Work , will be issued next Saturday . With the last Number and Part will be given an excellent full-length Likeness of Voltaire in his 70 th year , with a Critical Memoir of his Life and Writings , This is the cheapest book ever offered to the liberal public . For neatness and correctness it is unrivalled , f May be had bound in Volumes 53 . 6 d . each . Also , ] VOLTAIRE'S ROMANCES , commencing with Candid , Zidig , ice ., will be proceeded with more rapidly now the Diotipnory id completed . Part I is now re ^ d y . Part II next week .
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WAKEFIELD ADJOURNED SESSIONS . "VTOf ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN , That the Midl \ summer General Quarter Sessions of the Peace , for the West Riding of the County of York , will be held by adjournment in the Committee-Room , at the House of Correction , at WakefieAd , on Thursday , the Fourteenth day of September next , at Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon , for the purpose of inspecting the Riding Prison , ( the said House of Correction ) and for examining the Accounts of the Keeper of the said House of Correction , making Enquiry into the conduct of the Officers and Servants belonging the same ; aud also into the behaviour of the Prisoners , and their Earnings . C . H . ELSLEY , Clerk of the Peace . Clerk of the Peace ' s Offioa , Wakefield , August 30 th , 1843 .
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Now on Sale , Price Sixpence , No . III . of a PRACTICAL WORK ON THE MANAGEMENT OF SMALL FARMS ; Giving full Instructions respecting Rotation of Crops , Management of Cattle , Culture , &o . BY FEARGUS O'CONNOR , ESQ ., FABMEK AND BARRISTER . Nos . 1 and 2 , constantly on hand . No . 4 will b © ready in a few days . Also , on Sale , in Two Numbers , at Fourpence each , THE "STATE OF IRELAND , " Written in 1798 , by Arthur O'Connor . A compendium of Irish History , and a more correct Account of the Grievances of that Country than any that has appeared upon the subject . Cleave , London ; Heywood , Manchester ; Hobson , Leeds .
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Just Published , Price Threepence ^ Handsomely Printed on a Large Royal Sheet * fisted to adorn the Labourer ' s Cottage , a Faith-, ful and Spirited Representation of the Bloody . MANCHESTER MASSACRE ! CONTAINING also a Memoir of that Untiring \ J and Unswerving Advocate of the Rights of Labour , Henry Hwht ; with Full Particulars of of the " Deeds of the Murderers" on the Field of Peterloo ; the names of the Bloody Monsters ; the names of the Killed ; and the Trial , Conviction , and Sentence of Mr . Hunt , ft also details the means employed by the Governmental Spies to entrap him ; the famous Spa Fields' Meetings ; the Election of Mr . Hunt as M . P . for Preston ; his conduct in Parliament ; his just estimate of the humbug Reform Bill ; his communing with the Working People on that measure ; and his lamented Death . The Sheet also contains a VIEW OF THE MONUMENT erected , to perpetuate his Memory , by tbe Working Classes . Published , for the Hunt ' s Monument Committee , ( the Proceeds to go towards the Completion of tho Monument , ) by J . Hobson , Northern Star Office . May be had of Cleave , London ; Heywood and Leach * Manchester ; Hobson , Huddersfield ; andPatonand Love , Glasgow .
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Now publishing in Weekly Numbers , Price Ona Penny , THE POLITICAL SCOURGE ; a Journal dovoted to the Interests of the Masses . We'll put a scourge in every honest hand , To whip the scoundrels naked through the land . Iri the Press , SIX LETTERS TO THE NATION " ON THE PROSPECTS OF REVOLUTION . " Londou : F . G . Southy , 3 , Holywell-street , Strand ; Mr . Joshna Hobson , Leeds ; and all Booksellers .
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TEMPERANCE HOTEL . DRURY-HILL , NOTTINGHAM . W SWANN gratefully acknowledges the kind Support he has already received , and respectfully informs his Friends and the Publio generally , that in future the Business will be carried on entirely on his own account , and he hopes to be able , with very Moderate Charges , to afford every attention and comfort to all those who may visit his Establishment . W . Swann has great pleasure in announcing that Discussions , on all Popular Question ? , will take place every Wednesday Evening , as usual , in the Large Room belonging to the Establishment , when the Attendance of all Parties is respectfully invited . N B . —Well Aired Beds . &c . &o .
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CITY OF LOVDON POLITICAL AND SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTION , 1 , TURNAGA 1 NLANE , SKINNER-STREET . ON SUNDAY morning , September Srd , the following question will be discussed : " Has the Protestant Reformation improved the mental , political , and moral condition of the working class V * To commence at eleven o ' clock . Admission free . r—In the evening , at seven o'clock , the Rev . E . Mantz will lecture on the following subject : " Human Progression . " And on Tuesday evening , at eight o ' clock , the City Chartists will meet as usual for the transaction of their local business , namely , for reading the minutes of their former weekly meeting , receiving contributions and reports , and for the enrolment of members in the National Charter Association , &c . on which occasion Mr , J . Watkins will deliver a lecture , admission free . On Wednesdayevenings , Singing Classes , and on Thursday and Saturday evenings . Dancing Cla&ses are held . T- rms moderate . On Tuesday evening , Sept . 19 ch , 1843 , afc the Royal Albert Saloon , Standard Tavern , and Pleasure Grounds . Shepherdess walk , City-road , a Grand Gala , Concert , and Ball will take place ia aid of the Funds of the above Institute . The co-operation of all friends is earnestly requested upon this occasion . Terms : Saloon or Ball Tickets , GJ . eacii ; Stalls , Is . Tickets to bo had at the above Institution . —Share * in the Institute are 5 s ., payable at 6 d . per week . —Subscriptions are also received to defray theexpences of sending delegates to the Conference , and for the Metropolitan Victim Fund Committee . N . B . The Northern Star . Chartist Circular , O'Connor's Pamphlets on the State of Ireland , Saiall Farms , and other valuable works can be obtained at the above Institution .
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To Agents . —AH agents -who & 31 to tftnsmit the amount of their accounts wi&j their ireXt week's orders must not expect their p 7 . pars , as In no instance Trfflftey be sent ; therefore E / ibsenbers and readers -will know , should disappointment take place , a \ wbcae door to place it Hssriso of the CosrKBJTsCB . —Aa "we rejoice to learn that the country gene / Ally baa done its duty in ffcaslesSlsn of . delegates 3 or the Conference * . to be holderi-on Tuesday next , £ fae- $ th inst , it behoves . tbe Srmingbim Cbsrtiste to . -provide a fit and proper place for their reception ^ all information as to which should be applied for !>;; Grangers st the nswToom taken by the Chartists ,. Ko . W , Peck lane , Brining
} wth- ' -where some pa son should be appointee ; to give the necessary Inf « rmafioa . Tfee delegates should assemble at ten o ' cloc / i on Tuesday morning . gp > Since the above w « m \ to "press we have information from Birmingham tf jafr&ll-ttie necessary arrangements have been made fcs r the reception of the delegates . JiHES FOX , 3 > r » SBTJfi * . —Kb , the notice is Dot legv&y sufficient , ^ jnless fijere be a special agreement to giTe and receii e stk months notice , given at the beginning of anj half-year of the taaaWy . If the landlord chooser to accept the notice , "well and good : tot merely keeping -jt , and saying " nothing , is not proof of acoepfa cme . "We fear , judging from the case as he has puti ' t , that the premises most he holden nntil May&gain ; and to get oateTen thai , notice must be given before the rent day = in November .
3 . & ., x Coasts spojbjexi itbaB . »» schesteb , wntea as followB : — Sr& , —Having sees an article in « onr paper of the 43 » of Hareh last , on ~ 1 be Land , and on the means how to get it , 1 take the liberty of Bendiag you these-few lines Jo inquire if yoc < oonld give me the direction of the Secretary of any of those dnbs "who have tmfearked their capital -on tbe land , as 4 : am assionB to tasow more about ifc ;^ tfae trade -er business to whkb . ' 1 belong has a great sum of money in the ¦ banks and I -wish to see it &&ter engaged ft sain the bsnis of -oar oppressors .
It appears , 'from , the srEtle referred to , that-the lambley me& 4 x&ve been -wise in looking to their-own interests ; for , instead of only receiving three and a half per cent , they are receiving cent per cent-, with ^• Jmiy own l&txwr . I ¦ want to know by what machinery the iambley ^ asa -work their Land ; -whether the profits arising from it is a joint interest , or if every mac has his plot of losd laid out ssfca -wishes :, and gets the-proSt ef his own labour . I am ( tadroBs of seeing it more fully carried out ; and as I intend 4 o bring tie- subject before our body next meeting , I rnsh you to answer me as soon as po&aible in your notices to eorreepondents .
"We cannot give Wm the information he seeks for- ; bnt hare printed tfaeJetterhere , that it may be seen both by the Xambley -men , and others , -who have employed their trades * Bionies , and their club monies , in ths rental and occupation of land ; and they will , no doubt , be happy to communicate the partpcnlaia required , that pthara-may ' go and dolikewiseT' We shall be happy to hear from them . Mb . Jaxss Bbatojt , Clitbexo . —We cannot remember anything of the report he speaks e £ We tare so reeaUectzoa of it at all ; and think it must ¦ bavs miscarried . James Bagulbt . —* 5 "es , he can hare any , or aH , ef the plates he enumerates , by sending Is . -each for them , and price of postage .
Josbvx Watsojt , C 9 L > 'E , complains of the « onduct of the Burnley and Padlnam friends , in sot supporting the decision of the district meeting ,-to send ill . Marsden to the Conference , as representative o the district He says : — At the Korth'Iancaahire delegate meeting--held In ¦ Padiham on Sunday , the 13 th of August , a delegate from Burnley attended ; and thengh their members fcad three ,-weeks' notice before , he positivtly stated that the question of a £ t person to represent them in the Birmingbaxn *' vi > nferenee had rarer been brought before their Asssoci&tum , and that he had come with full powers to-vote aa he -thought proper . J . need scarcely add that he represented himself and the land question . Kot being satisfied -with the decision of a nsjority of the delegates than assembled , ire bare good
icasonafor asserting that a one-sided sanvaa wu set on fboi , to rendtr-tie former decision abortive , at the delegate meeting , held at Ackrington and Enfield , an Sunday , ttie 20 th inst . ; fox the Burnley delegate positivelystated on the road , before the meeting took place , that if the delegates meant to sbite by the former decision ,-there would be & split in the-district ; xad he positivaly stated , -when the question -was before the delegates , that , if he stood alone , he weald not submit to tbeir decision , nor give any support to the man of their rhrocft : a fine spedmea of democratic priiiciplesi And these are the prndent and 'wise men , whom yoa contend have a right to special representation , though it-be in opposition to three-foufths of the district delegates , as -well as the majority of the members of their different constituents . We do not term this nonsense , haX call it no sense at alL
"We h » Te given insertion te this explanation , « r rather complai&t ^ though Use spirit is -which it k . coached is fcr fiotu bftVi-. g ffpTninpn ^ aWp , and is in striking contrast wiih . tljEi evinced "by the Burnley and-Padibam friends in . their resolution inserted in -our last . There , the ¦ whole point of difference is set forth in a business-lite-. manner ; and all -attempts to make a mountain out of amols-hill deprecated . What are the fasts al ^ be case ? That &e district selected a man for a xeprEsentetiVfir ' -whoscto / ioKsfy held opiniooa ,--iwjij vital gsgrftar , totally opposed to the opinions -of two most important localities in the district , Burnley and Padiham , That the Burnley and Padiham friends thereupon said ; "if that man goes to represent-m , he-will not be the bearer of our wants and wishes ;
but will Ectjc [ uite contrary to them . We , therefore , cannot be parties to sending him ; but will send one of our own . " iTowwaa not this right ? Will Joshua Watson contend that the Bnrnley and Padiham jden ought to pa $£ ax the « f ^> flTTig of a man to oppose that -which they deem to be essential to the success of the movement ? Is . thai in accordance with " democratic principle *' - ? Bistbjct Representation was only proposed . ^ Aere-it-caafa Se oyrtedKy acteddmi . & where the district -was so united , in feeling and purpose , as ta render it possible for one man to represent the entire feeling . But surely Joshua Watson -would not desisB ta / arce district representation where it isaot agreesHfr ? In his district there seems £ o < be a dT-ffrfrPTiee of feeling on a ~ measure of policy . fPill
Jcabua JVstsoadnsisi that , those -who disagree wrtb his views shall -s ^ ppvri , both by votes and pay , those views to which they are wholly opposed ? T « t this is -what Joshna Watson dees . And becaass this flagrant act of injustice is not acquiesced in , he gets angry , and writes in a bad spirit respecting those ¦ Who only claim . &ctzchich fhcu . lxxce accorded him , — full ¦ representation . There are several districts rJTrrlarly situated to the 2 forth Lancashire one . Portions of the district are sending special representative ; and ^ tbe remaining are sending others to represent them gsDerally . In tfce West Biding of " 3 f erk this is the case . . Leeds , for instance , send two of ilsvj . Halifax sesSs one or two ; and the rest of the localities in the . Kiding conjoined send two to represent them . The only difference between this ease and the ^ orth Lancashire one is . that hat it is
done ~ wi £ hout quarrel ,-or even fault-nndlng . Jtnd is not this nrneh better -than trying to force a man down the throats of flQier people "who object to swallow him ? It is the only sensible course to t ^ ke , -when there are diSerences of opinion upon matters of policy , Tcbich isak ' e it imposaiisia for one man to represent both aides of the qassHon , Mr . Watson further says : — As to our Burnley friends irmiigrring the public character of Mr . IMarsden , -r « hsve every xaason to think that the charge is -weil founded . But -enough of that .- Mark the glaring inconsistency of their pendent resolution ; for-while it places iaplicit confidence in Mr . Marsden as a public man , they &l the same , -time consider him unfit to represent the Jiistrict in the forthcoming Conference , forsooth , beescss his views on me particalar subject does not accord « itii thosa of a to ? in Burnley and Paaiham .
Here is another evidence of the spirit possessing Mr . Watson and his friends . The Bnrnley friends declare , by resolution , that the on ^ objection they ha-sc to Mr . ilarsden for a representative , is the notorious fact tfea . t he totally and wfeolly disagrees ¦ with them in opisiun on a matter ihegdesm essential ; and they xepuaisje the charge of maligning his public character ; and Mr . Joshua Watson rejoins that ha does not believe them . ' He has jevery reason to think the charge-is well-founded , " thoszh he does not condescend to giveiny reason at alL irr . Watson nmsi leam his lesson n ^ her better . It is ibis *• crabb ^ d" and motiTt-imputuig practice , -wheBevcr we cannot have our own -way , that has "worked much injury to our ciuse , Is it likely to do anytiang else ?
Eow would Joshua Watsan have fdt , had the motives and conduct of his friends been impugned in the rough ana uceeremonios * manner he haanni sued towards Iaoec of iis brethren , -who are tlas -Wbit as banest as bimself . anda » desirous to advance the good cause ? Ltt him applj this test to what he writes lespecting theinin future and he will act again evince such a spirit as runs amragh the whole of his present communication . We trust that the Bnrnley and Padiham friends will manifest more good sense and right feeling than to allow this exhibition of fceling , on the part of Mr . Watson , to divert * hem from their resolve . Thai resolve was , not to safer the matter to interfere with the general duties
of Qie district Cease not to act witk yom brethren . You have takes ths oalj wi « e course to avoid th « ill cossefB « scec of a " ipliS , " J > j lmlhg thos * who think Mr , ilaaden * t" to » pre « nt them at liberty to send Sim ; -while 70 * tend iiub to represent Jfom , -wbieli Mr- ilaadan could not do . Thai done , iwth partiei ought to be satisfied . Both are repre- ' £ * GtecL Both opinions » m be present at the Council tjjjjg , and -when they are duly deliberated on , that ¦ which appT" * ^ have most weight Tilth it , on the grounds of * tjasZ ^ SB ^ prscgce , will b&come tmbodied in a plan of acticn . ^ ' ibis ' er less than this , io man , or , & rf jnen , » Bld » tber desire or fail toaccord , if they -would h * & 3 ? to " democratic principla . ''
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Ihb Trcgk System . —It "wm to nave been hop © a tbst tbs retult of the txposnres maSe by Mr . T ( rrand ' s Truck Committee would have led to an aba tement of the practice . It Beems , however , that tbi a is far from being the < ase > It abounds in the collr eriea in Wales , and in the mineral works . The correB * pendent of The Times reports that the worknien at the Tin Works , at Cym Avon , have struck -work , not on account of a reduction in wages , bat that they refuse to work any longer without beln ? paid 1 a money , and not In goods from the shori . This truck system is moat oppressive . Numb ' . srless -are the cases where the earnings of the w > Mkers are reduced full 20 per cent by its operafionB alone . Bad food , at the highest price , is almost the invariable « onseqnence- " Nor is the practice confined to Wales . It feas extended almost all over t ' ce kingdom ; partlCBlMly in the small out-of-the-way - places , where
it csa be pursued almost Ttnheard-of 7 oy the world . We t » ve a eommnnication from a fiaend , alleging that it is openly and -Qnblushingly in -vogne at Battereea , just in London , where some builders there iieid on their handB spending at theii Bhop at least ia > o- ( hirds of tbeir -week's earnings , or they cannot have employment . It also exists in Sheffield , amongst those who make cast-iron rsaors . There it is Id * ucb extensive practice amongst the •* Free Traders , " that the Cutlers' Company have felt themselves bound to take up ' the question , and iissue a public 'Ciution , containing a summary of some of the dauseB of the Act prohibiting the payment of -wages in goods . That caution we snail here insert . It -will be found to be of great use to all engaged in labour , where the truck system is in vogue , as it -will show them the remedy they may have at asy moment they pleaBe . Here is the
cantion : — Notice as to the law prohibiting the paying of wages to workmen otherwise than in money . It having been represented to the Cutlers' Company that the practice of paying wages in goods is now very common , the attention of-the public is particularly called to the Act of the 1 st and 2 nd William IV ., cap . 37 , intitnled " An Act to prohibit the payment in certain trades of wages in goods or other-¦ wise than in thB current coin of tbe realm , ' in ¦ which Act all our cutlery trades are included . The 4 th , 7 th , and 9 th Sections of the Act are particularly vrortby of notice . The 4 th Section enables -workmen to recover -wages in money notwithstanding payments having been previously made in goods . By the 7 th section , If a -workman who may have received his -wtges in goodB , or any of his family shall become chargeable to the parish , power is given to
the overseers to -recover such ¦ wages from the man's employer , for which goods only shall have been so given within three calendar months . And by the 9 th Section , any employer who shall by himself or others , directly or indirectly have agreed with any contractors , or made any payment thereby illegal ; that is substituting goods for money ) , he shall for the first offence , forfeit a sum not exceeding £ 10 nor less than £ 5 for the second offence , double the same penalty ; and for the third offence , be guilty o < a misdemeanour , and liable to be fined £ 100 . These penalties are recoverable in a summary way before the Magistrates , who msy award-out sf the penalties any sum not exceeding £ 20 to an informer . The several members of the Cutler ' s Company are resolved to aid as much as possible the carrying into effect of the above salutary law . WH . Beoadht / BST , Master Cutler .
The -workmen especially are informed , that the Cutlers ' Company have appointed a Committee , -who wiil sit every Monday evening , at the Cutlers * Hall , from Beven to nine o ' clock , for the purpose of receiving information and giving assistance to forward prosecutions under the above-mentioned Act Now this Act affords ample protection , if the men vrill but avail ineniseives of it , Let the tin-men of Cym Avon , for instance , seek for Virir wages , instead of striking . Lefe each one of the » prepare an account of the sums he has earned for the last three mouths , and let him set against that the money ho has received ; and also the goods he has been forced to take , every item beins dearly set forth . Then let
each one summon his employer before tbe Justices , for the wages due , over and above the money paid him . The master vsitt he bound to pay ; and may hare to pay a heavy fine into the bargain . He cannot set off the " gaods" he has supplied ; nor can he maintain an action to recover for theii value . This course would be much more sensible than striking -work . By it you may recover back again some of the -wages of which you have bain defrauded As a matter of course these hints will apply to every ease of truck ; and vre strongly advise that they be ijemeraUy acted on . If the action be general , it will be effectual . But if only one or two take np tbe question , they -will be victimised . Let til go to the Magistrate together ; and the truck system will soon
cease . P . PjelthaM , London , strongly calls upon the London CbartiBta of the Mile-End locality , to attend a spe-. dsl general meeting on Tuesday evening , Sept . 5 th , to devise means to retain possession of their valuable place of meeting , the Working Men's HalL He . represents the -cua as most urgent , and presses it upon the attention of his brethren . A ForB-TB-ta Ou > Chabtist , Easi > gto ?» . —It depends wbat instrument you have lent the money up » n whether you can recover tbe arrears or not If you have a promissory note , payable on demand , of course yon can recover . Mb . Geohge Marsdes , of Manchester , wishes to acknowledge tie receipt of 10 s . 2 d . for the National Tictim Fund , from a few of the Manchester Ckartists .
Mbs . Dckft , the wife of the Nerthaterton " victim , " desires to gratefully acknowledge the kindness of the Manchester Chartuts to her husband during Bis present very severe sffliction . Poor Daffy is labouring under a Bevere iinammatoxy attack on tbe liver and bowels , which his phyBieians have declared will terminate in death , his ¦ constitution having been emaciated by the sufferings be endured while im-• prisoned . R . -Scssell , a BESHOXDSEr CsaRIKT , pertinently asks : — " Will the Bermondsey Chartists have the kindness to attend to tbeir duty , by taking part in the discussion of the Cora Law question , at the 'King or Prussia , Tooley-steeet , next Tuesday evening ? One of the Cobdenites has had the impudence to say
that Chartism is almost extinct Step v ? , and tell him be is wrong . " Lo ? jSX > K CokRESP 0 Ndek « b . —Daring Mb temporary absence from London to tbe -Conference , T . M . Wheeler requests that all fcosraranicationB intended for the Jiorfhem Star may be sent to Mr . Cowan , 19 , AylesbBxy-street , QerkenwelL Axfkxd Abdkew , Socthwabh We have but one delivery . of London letters in a day . The mail starts from . Baslon-square at nine o ? cloak in the evening , and we iave them next moratng -at a little after seven Letters posted in Loodoa jo the morning reach us nc sooner than if posted before " general post time" in the eiening . A Tocsc Gsabtist , Portsmouth , writes in a very indignant strain , about tbe fun exhibited in that « ort and tow . n relative to the Queen ' s sportive visit .
Se says that tbe smiths , shipwrights , and painters have been wwking night &nd day to . get the new steam-ship , ths Victoria and Albert , and the accompanying -vessels ready for her Majesty ' s use . Nay , he avers that THEY HAD TO WORK ON SUN . lTA . ?" - ! Pretty . txxmpJ e this , ta be set bf " the head of our iPuBeyite ) Church " } She "wactB to go a-pkoSUTing ; arid to aecemplish this , scores , perhaps hundreds , have to " bieak the Sabbath" J that Iday wfeich they were commanded to keep holy , by SESTTKS f tosc . their laboias I Rwe keeping of tbe tornmandmeBts this ] If the " head of the Church " cause * tha " Sabbath thus to be broken " , to minister to her pleasure , how can tbe Church expect the poor to keep Md& that day by going to liBten to denunciations of vengeance . poured out on their heads , ¦ while net one -word of jreproof is administered to the great offender ?
The Co > te » £ * ce . —Severs ^ communications , respecting poiBfcs for delibeia&on at the Conference , h 3 ve been Mat to us for -pablieafcion- These we cannot find room for , but shall , if the writers please , hand them to £ he chairm&n , -Sfhen the Conference assembles . ZfiE Coli-isks' Strike . —Anxious 4 o place the present position of tie colliers fairly tefore their own - iody and the country , we are preparing some statis-4 iss wtieh , when eompleted , wiil be worthy of consideration . We ar * the more anxioo upon this poisrf , in coek queues . of the machinations now very geneealiy at wort to drive the men into « premature strike . This is the work of masters whb iaige stocks of cosls on hand ; and which , as a matter . of course , vrqvili . be considerably rafeed in value by a ee ^ ation Of labour . THE C 0 LLIEB 6 OF THE NORTH WOCiD
BE THE GBEATEST STTFJEBEES FBOM A STBIx ^ E AT THE PRESSXT MO 1 IEJ . T ; as in all tb . 03 . 9 districts most immediately in communication with the metropolis , tliere are large stocks on hand , as -we shall show , quite sufficient to make the masters independent of their " hands" until tbs present funds are exhausted , or the " Union " rendered abortive by a competition among tbe colliers themBclvesin districts not yet organized , to work for any wages raBier than starve . It set unfrcquenUy happens that parties engaged in a general undertaking make their own position the standard of
universal opinion , Nothing can be more dangerous thar inch a course ; and no means can so effectually prevent , the success of tie general object It 1 b but a few - »* eks since the great mass of colliers began to aakethtir first aovt ; and ardently to desire union of thontbV to enntre a « don of action . But * o sooaer havt they * akeB the first wise step , than soiw 6 Tcra * alo * s pord ^ m of the body thtui «« tt * or * ready I " foolish men , , vouare " r « ady » to sacrifice thepainB . the txouV . es ano ? expenw that you have incurred , to gratify your employers . STRIKE NOT if you are wse ! "If you ktrike , yourselves must bear the blow *
Good ™ Babmbt , LC ? DOK . -We cannot find 100 m thjs week . Will try wuat the next will da HAttiuoa GIU . X . —Sttll no room . And we hardly like tbe mancer in which he presents Mr Sms « it might be misuHderstood , and ] ead to mischief
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A Pauper , Leeds . —Th » measure does evince much kind consideration and forethought . To box them neatly tip , and speedily , when dead , is very desirabie . Less inquiry there is into the cause of death , the better . NetbAng like having the " wooden Bult " ready . No time is then lost We fully accord with him in opinion , as to the propriety of & public thanksgiving for the care and attention evinced ; and have pleasure in allowing kirn to state it for himself : — " Sir , —Oar parochial authorities have always laboured to be in advance of their neighbours in every good work , particularly when the intrinsic interests of the indigent constitutes the work of their dean hands or sagacious heads . For ptofundity' of thought tfeey stand unrivalled . In fact , they can see
through the thick veil of futurity as clearly as you could see a candle in a lanthora ; hence , they " take time by the forelock , " and prepare for every coming event My mind , Sir , is too obtuse to penetrate through the mist ; yet I feel thankful that the functionaries , to whose kind care and keeping I am committed , have sounded the alarm . They either perceive starvation or Cholera Morbns making advances upon us ; and in the plenitude of tbeir goodness , have prepared , and are preparing , a large quantity of coffins of all sorts and siz&s , and , -like the pedlar's barnacles , to " suit all ages . " The comfortable wrappers are piled up in a room in ' Pauper Hall" to be ready when called for . Now , Bir , I want to ask you if we ought not to present our considerate guardians with some token of
our gratitude for thus preparing to put ns to bed with tbe shovel ? Such superlative kindness in condescending to speculate on our death , Is certainly beyond all praise Johk Smaslt , Aberdeen . —The resolution he has sent would assuredly subject us to prosecution for " seditious libel / ' if inserted . It is a "fearful tbing" to talk of 'falsehood , slander , and absurdity " in a Queen ' s speech 1 The Dublin Report did not reach us till Thursday afternoon . We fear room cannot be found for it James Laibtj , Blatbgowbie , writes : — " Having seen in last week ' s Star , an able article on tbe growth and culture of potatoes , there is one think that I am anxious to know , that is the distance betwixt each plant in the row . " , We really cannot tell him . But he does not say ¦ whose potatoes he is inquiring after . Are they the Leeds Mercury ' s 1 If so , be should
addreBS his query there . Are they Mr . Linton ' s ? If ed a letter , addressed to that gentleman , inclosing a postage stamp for answer , will receive due attention . John Boabdman , Washington . —The announcement that he has commenced the news-agency business , would be an advertisement John Lowebt , of Erriss , near French Park , County Mayo , Ireland , would be thankful to any of his brother Chartists if they would forward him Stars when done with . John Ne-whobse , 11 , Court , Upper Tower-street , Birmingham , will feel much obliged to the Secretary of the Star Coffee House Locality of Chartists , London , for his address . W . E . Burroughs Bethnax Green—Thanks for his attention . The matter shall be used . Will he be fcind « nongh to furnish particulars of the intervieic ?
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" Tit for tat . " On Tuesday last Mr . O'Connor , accompanied by Mr . Holladay , arrived at the Oldham station at a few minutes after fire , to be present at a tea-party in the Town Hall ; the forbidden gboukd . On iis arrival , Mr . O'Connor was met by a lar ^ e procession , with band and banners , and tk number of those cen ' Avmen who constituted his committee in 1835 . The party proceeded to the place of meeting , and were joined in their march by an immense concourse of persons , who , upon Mr . O'Connor entering " holy land " , made the
air ring again with shouts of triumph , accompanied with cries of" He's in the Hall in spite of the devils . " Every ticket was disposed of at an early hour ; and after tea was over , Mr . J . Holladay was unanimously called to the chair . This exoellent and loved gentleman opened the proceedings at considerable length ; inviting tho people to union and further exertion , as the only means of salvation ; and deduced all the sufferings and oppressions of the people , even down to the refusal of their own Hall , from the hour they had ailowed classes imperceptibly to achieve triumphs over them , without making a struggle for thtir rights .
" The People" was the first sentiment ; and was responded to in a truly eloquent speech by Mr . Quarmby j and to which Mr . Knott , hat manufacturer , also spoke , in his usual forcible style , fully illustrating thefaet , that the people themselveB . andnot their opponents , were chargeable with every grievance of which they complain . He lashed the " political traffickers" and ** pedlars "; those who live upon the people ' s credulity . He concluded an admirable speech amid general applause . Tho health of " Mr . O'Connor and the other just patriots who are now struggling for the rights of the people , " waa the nest toast ; and was responded to by Mr . O'Connor , who vras received with loud and deafening cheers . He spoke at great length , and gave general Kati-faction . Tha next sentiment waa " Mr . Robert .
Peddie , and those patriots who had suffered m the people ' s cause . " Mr . Peddie spoke at considerable length , lowing the manner in which the minions of authority had laid their snare to entrap him and others in the general commotion of 1839 . He literacy astounded the audience with the many facts which he adduced , and which he said repeatedly did not rest upon his naked assertion ; but could be corroborated by a Bradford magistrate and a Government enquirer . But the most astounding announcement made by Mr . Peddie was the following : —He said , that having arrived in Leeds in pursuance of his commercial business , he was requested by the Chartists of Bradford ( who had read a speech of his , delivered at Newcastle on the hardships endured by Frost , Williams , and Jones ) to deliver a lecture on the same subject in that town ; that in pursuance with their request , he proceeded
to Bradford , and was instantly ushered into a room , where Harrison and Smith , the spies , along with some other twenty-four or twenty-j . ix armed men , instantly proposed marching to the Market Place , to take possession oF the town . He was forced out without any previous notice ; and saved the town from being burned . Subsequently he returned to Leeds , and in a few days was requested by the Whig officials to take the command © 1 a large spy force , the object of which was to entrap the leaders . Having refused this office , he still remained at Leeds , and was told by the same parties that fortune and forgiveness of tho past sbouid be his reward if be would become an approver Tot Government , with the intimation that in the event of his refusal , they had sufficient evidence to convict him of the Bradford treason . Here v * e will give Mr . Peddie ' a own words : —
" 1 COTJU ) , " SMD HE , " HAVE HAD FOB . 1 CNE AND FBEEOOM HAD 1 COSSETED TO PUT THE ROPE AROUND O ' -COJfXOB ' S MECK ; FOB ALTHOUGH THE MINIOKS OF WfllGGKBT "W £ BE A'OT SO FOOLISH AS TO SAY SO I « TEEilS , TET A CHILD MUST HAVE UKD&RSTOOD THER * 0 FF 2 B TO MEAN NOTHJ > G J 1 O 2 . K NOU LESS THAN THAT / Mr . Peddie , however , refused ; and upon the very threshold of trial , as he siated , a similar offer waa made to save him from a certain conviction for High Treason . The light which Mr . Peddie has at length thrown upon t ! ii 3 hitherto obscure plot , will , no doubt , lead to some important result . After the tea party had conclude d , the spacious Hall was prepared for dancing , which was kept up with spirit until a late ; hour . Upon the whole , the proceedings have given the greatest satisfaction .
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longer ; any reason to fear the power of the Government . Its immoral and Buperstitioua inflnence over the public mind is gone , and its only reliance to maintain cruel dominion is in the increased military force which session after session it provides , to resist the progress of democratic reformation . We have no longer reason to feat the intrigues of faction , or the designs of rich political enterprisers ; for now we have an intelligent public opinion , with advocates of sufficient capability , to direct and apply that opinion , on any and every occasion , from the village to the metropolis itself . What , then , is necessary to give legal force to this immense moral power 1 What have we now to fear that can obstruct the success of our undertaking , since our enemies have neither power to resist , nor cunning to betray us ? Even our oppressors dread the calamities which their own tyranny has inflicted on British society , and urge Commercial Reform ^ to correct
Constitutional and radical evils ; though , vfere their demands conceded their condition , would be rendered more precarious and unfortunate—( hear , hear ) . Never , in the history of any country , were the prospects of the enlightened Reformer more auspicious . No nation or people , of which we possess a record , were ever presented with more favourable and adventitious ciroumstanoes to establish real and substantial justice—( loud cheers ) . We have nothing to fear but from the ambition or imprudence of ourselves . Let the stern yet generous-minded leader but do his duty—let the noblest spirits of this glorious struggle combine their energies , their minds , their feelings , and before twelve months we shall have an Organization , before which the oppressors of our country , in respectful submission to a power they will fear to persecute , will yield from necessitythat sorereign ooaFerter of tyrants , —our just and lawful demands—( loud cheers ) . Mr , Mason then read the following resolution : —
" Resolved , —That we , the people of Birmingham , in public meeting assembled , deem it our solemn duty , both to our country and our families , to adopt some great measure of national Organization in the present fearful junoture of social derangement , oppression , and misery , whereby we may legally force upon the consideration of the existing Government the just aud moral necessity of restoring to every working man in these realms those electoral civil rights , of which , in violation of religion , morality , and justice , he has been so unjustly deprived ; and approve of the National Conference , to assemble here on the 5 th inst . " Mr . M resumed bis speech , after proposing the resolution , and spoke at groat length , during which he was loudly applauded and retired amid general cheering . Mr . Welsfokd Seconded it in a brief but excellent speech , and ¦ retired amid loud cheering . The resolution was then put and carried unanimously .
Mr . Cooper waa called upon to propose Mr . Eames as a fit and proper person to represent Birmingham in the National Conference . Having done so , > Mr . Mavitty seconded the nomination . Mr . Eames was put and carried unanimouly . Mr . Murless then stood forward and proposed Mr . Mason as a fit and proper person to represent Birmingham in the Conference . Mr . Davies seconded the nomination , which was carried unanimously .
Mr . Mason , after the cheering had subsided which followed the declaration of the election , rose and said—My friends , I have done my duty in preparing a public feeling , to welcome the coming Conference ; and thank God , whatever have been the obstacles , 1 have had to combat , there is now enthusiasm , Organization , and respectable preparation , awaiting those who are to constitute that important assembly —( hear , hear ) . I can only return you my most aincere thanks for the honour you have done me . I will do my utmost to deserve it . Our success is certain , if judicious in our movements . —( Loud cheers ) . A vote of thanks having been given to the chairman , this most orderly and enthusiastic meeting broke up .
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DUBLIN . —The Irish Universal Suffrage Assooiation met at one o ' olook on Sunday last , at No . 14 , North Anne-street , Mr . Henry Clark in the chair , Mr . W . H . Dyott , secretary . Mr . Dyott read the rules and objects of the Asseciation , and also the printed list of legal aad other opinions of Chartism . This meeting was very well attended , both by members and strangers , in consequence of a placard having been posted all over the city , announcing that a lecture on the principles of self government , otherwise domestic legislation , would be delivered by the author of the Black Book , Rights of Women , &c . &c , and stating that this was the * iecture which was
prevented by a gang of drunken rxffians in August , 1839 , led on by Tom Ray , Tom Reynolds , Tom Steele , Tom Arkins , C . Cogne , Ralph Lawrence , J . J . Murphy , and other place-hunting patriots ; that the object of the lecture was , then , to tender the aid and co-operation of two millions of truehearted Englishmen to obtain for Ireland >; er just rights ; the Repeal of the Union , abolition of y itnes , or any other measure which should tend to the advancement of publio liberty . The placard attracted a very great crowd ; and not , as heretofore , a very attentive and well-behaved audience . The lecture , which took up two hours in its delivery , was listened to with the utmost attention , and was repeatedly and heartily cheered . At the conclusion Mr . O'Higgins said , that in August 1839 , he had had several interviews with Mr . John O'Btfien , Kerry , and other members
Mr . Keating « , of the Trades Political Union , with ft view to haya a lecture similar to that whioh they had jast heard delivered in the Corn Exchange . He had good reason since to know that » me of the parties with whom be was negociating were then in the p » y of the Whig Government , and that their object was to endeavour to entrap him ( Mr . O'Higgins ) into some seditions expression , in order that they might make an honest penny of him —( hear , hear ) . But they were grievously disappointed ; there he was to the good , safe and sound , and wholly regardless of the smiles or frowns , envy or disapprobation of either Whig or Tory—( cheers ) . Not so with those who sought to deliverhim over to their gentle friends , the Ebr . ngtons , the Russells . the Morpeths , and others they had obtained places for their services to their '
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Whig patrons , and now they must do the Tory bidding with as much alacrity as the veriest Orange slave in the kingdonv 4- ( hear , hear , bear ) . It can never be too often repeated ; in fact , every Chartist in Great Britain and Ireland should copy it and keep it , and look to it as an example to show how far some men will depart from every principle of political integrity in order to promote their own interest . In August , 1839 , when it was mentioned at a meeting of the ) National Trades' Political Union , that an English gentleman was then in Dublin—that he was anxious to address the meeting upon the principles of self-government , otherwise domestic legislation , and that he should tender the co-operation of two j millions of his countrymen
to promote every measure in which the people of Ireland took an interest—the Repeal of the Union , Abolition of Tithes , and Radical Reform—Mr . Thomas Reynolds , now City Marshal , rose and said : " That no Englishman should presume to address that meeting , unless he ( would first produce a certi . ficate to show that ] be was an accredited agent , that is to say his credentials ; and the moment he should do so , he would be taken into custody by policemen who were there present for the purpose ; and that he should be lodged in the gaol of Newgate , where he might rot before any good Irishman would visit him . " ( Shamo , shame . )! This base , atrocious , and truculent sentiment was cheered by the meeting , and Tom Arkins , the Whij » sword-bearer , who must necessari ' y be a Tory slave as well as a Whig ,
cheered so loud and clapped his hands so hard that he could never write a sentence , English or any other language , sinoe , nor can he , in fact , spell words of one syllable . ( Hear , hear , and " That is true , at any rate ") . Yet this man is sword-bearer and gentleman usher to the Corporation , and clerk of the Corn table , and must swear to the accuracy of returns which he does not understand . Davy M'Cleary was a friend to ] this fellow ; but poor Davy did not receive tho marked thanks of a Whig Lord Lieutenant for j having torn a Chartist missionary ' s coat —( hear , hear . ) Oh , he wanted a job . You know he keeps a slop-shop on Ormond quay . He baa a right to keep a slop-shop or any other shop ; but it is neither right or just to foist him on the Corn-factors of Dublin as a fit and proper person to fill the onerous office of clerk of the Corn-table . !
A { gentleman said , " Mr . Arkins can write , for here is a note which a friend of his got from him , an invitation to dinner . " j "Sir , don't be two lait , cum sea me ait , some praties an mait at five o ' clock on Sunday nixf . > " Youra , \ ' * Thos . Arkins . " Mr . O'Higgins . —This ! fellow had the privilege of " private entre" at the castle during the halcyon days of Mu ' grave and Ebrington . No wonder poor Jones was transported . But neither Arkins nor his son got the £ 300 reward for- that piece of service . Who got it 1 Mr . Bryan . Well , this is a great day ! At the find of four years heve we arc , safe and sound . It is not a transportable offence to be a 1
Chartist in Ireland now . We are not denounced as Tory Chartists now . The Whig spies of the Corn Exchange , are not now swearing that we are in the pay of the Tories . Truth and justice mHst prevail at last . ' Several other speaker ? addressed the chair , all expressing their firm resolve to stand by the principles of the Charter till they should become the law of the land , and congratulating each other upon the glorious triumph of truth lover falsehood and misrepresentation , even at the ] end of four years . What a difference between August 1830 and August 1843 . A vote of thanks , with three cheers , was given to the lecturer , after which Mr . John Kcegan was called to the chair , and the usual thanks having been given to the chairman , the meeting separated .
IiBEDS . —New plan oip Organization . —An adjourned Council Meeting ; for the consideration of the new plan of Organization , was held on Thursday night , Mr . Squire Parreriin the chair ; after he had made a few opening remarks , Mr . Brook said , he had read the plan carefully over , and taking it as a whole , and the situation '{ Which the movement was placed in at the present time , he thought that when one single alteration was made , it would be the most efficient plan that could be produced . The alteration he meant was the election of the Executive Committee . By the plan the Executive was to be elected by the annual Convention , and ! no district could send a delegate unless it numbered 300 members . The nominations , however , for the Executive rested
with the members ; bat a difficulty would arise with those districts which did not contain the number of three hundred ; and again , with those that contained more than 300 , and less than 600 or 900 members , those votes could not be recorded upon this question . He therefore , thought that the election of the Executive ought to be vested entirely with the members ; that the votes should be taken in a similar manner to that under the old plan . If this alteration was made , it would prevent anything like bad feeling or disunion taking place . As to the Land , it did not exactly meet his views He was averse to creating another aristocracy ;
but he believed it could not bemendedunder tho present state of things : it would be a great means of getting the Charter , aud therefore K © supported it . He moved : " That we perfectly agree with the Plan of Organization which appeared in the Star of last Satnrday , with the exception of thatjpart referring to the eleotion of the Executive Committee ; that in the opinion of this Council it would much more tend to promote that spirit of union which is so essential to the prosperity of the Society by taking the votes of each member of the Association instead of leaving it to the Convention . " Mr . James Thornton seconded it , and when put by the Chairman , was unanimously carried . :
Sheffield . _ Fig-Tree-Lane . —At a public meeting holden in the Fig-Tree-Lane Room , on Wednesday evening , announced by placard , the following resolutions were ( unanimously carried : — Moved by Mr . Evinson , seconded by Mr . E . Gill , "That this meeting of the Chartists of Sheffield , publicly assembled in the Fig-Tree-Lane Room , for the purpose of sending a representative to the Conference abent to be holden in Birmingham , on the 5 th of September instant } do hereby proceed to the election of a delegate to the said Conference . " On the motion of Mr . Royston , seconded by Mr .
Goodlad , Mr . George Julian Harney was unanimously elected as a delegate to represent the Chartists of Sheffield . Mr . Tankard moved , " That this meeting publicly assembled in the Fig-tree-lane room , having elected a delegate to represent it in the forthcoming Conference , to be holden in Birmingham , on the 5 th of September , 1843 , hereby instruct the said delegate to pay particular attention to the question of the Land , Benefit Societies , and all other subjects that may havefor their tendency the furtherance of the Chatti 9 t cause . " A vote of thanks being given to the ! chairman , the meeting dissolved . I
BIRMINGHAM . Aston-Street . -Mr . W . Chilton gave another lecture on " The Corn Laws and Free Trade , " on Sunday evening last ; and proved , by statistical accounts , that as trade had increased , so wages had decreased in proportion , until the workies were ground down to the starvation point . He took a rapid vie ; w of the " Free Trade nostrums" of the last two years , and concluded by exhorting bis hearers to stick to the whole Charter , as the only means to raise them from their present degraded condition . After the lecture , letters were read from Mr . George White on the Organization , and the duties of the ensuing Conference , which gave general satisfaction , j
Mn . White . —The Committee for Mr . White's support have determined to take a large building , and to solicit Mr , O'Connor ; to give a lecture some evening next week , to endeavour to raise funds towards the support of that much-neglected victim of class-made laws . j The Chartists of Birmingham , usually meeting in Aston-street , have taken ] a more comfortable and commodious room , situated fin No . 37 , Peck Lane , which will be opened to the publio , with a lecture , on Monday next , the 4 th inst ., on the state of the nation ; the lecture to commence at eight o'olook . A lecture will be delivered in the above room every evening during the Conference .
CMTHEROE . —A public meeting was holden here , on August 29 th , to elect a representative to the forthcoming Conference . Mr . Heaton moved , and Mr . Barker seconded , " Mr . ) Richard Mareden as a fit and proper person to represent them in the Birmingham Conference , for the re-organization of the Chartist movement . " Carried unanimously .
Leeds Woollen Markets.—There Has Been Con-
Leeds Woollen Markets . —There has been con-
siderable business done at both CJoth Hall ? , during both the marKet days , and this coupled with the fact that there is more doing both in wool and oil , is proof that trade in this district is much better than it has been for some time back . More goods are being sent off , and in the warehouses employment is now plentiful . Bradford Mabkets , Thursday , Apgbst 31 . — Wool— We cannot report ) anything better in this branch ; the market keeps well supplied , and prices about the same . —Farns . —There is no variation since our last , either in demand or prices . — Piece . —There is nothing new since our last ; goods suitable for the approaohing season fiad ready sales without alteration in prices .
Malton Corn Mareet , Aug . 26 . —The supply of grain at this day ' s market was unusually thin , tho farmers being cleared out of Stock ; the few samples whioh were shown belonged to the factors , and for which more money was demanded , but the millers looked shy and held off , which caused little bimne ? 3 to be transacted . Flour 3 s . per sack lower . Wheat 61 s to 64 * per quarter . Barley , nominal . Oats , lOd to 10 ^ d per stone .
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Middlesex , by JOSHUA HOBSON . afc bis Printtag Offices , No * . IS and 23 , Market-street , Brfcgaitej and Published by the said Joshpa Hobsok , ( for the said FeaKGUS O'Connor , ) atbia Dwelling-house , No . 6 , Market-street , Briggate ; an internal Cammunication existing between tbe said No . b , Market-street , and the said Noa . 12 and 13 , Market-street , Briggate , thus constituting the whole of the said Printing and Publishing Offics one Premises . All Communications must be addressed , Post-paid , to Mrv Hobson , Northern Star Office , Lee ( Satmday , September 2 , 1843 . J
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THE ENGLISH QUEEN'S VISIT TO FRANCE , AND NARROW ESCAPE OF LOUIS AND THE ROYAL FAMILY . ViLLfc d'Eu , Aug 29 . —The announcement of the intended visit of our gracious Sovereign to the King of the French , has come fully as much as a surprise on the people of this country as it did upon those of Great Britain . But I have to announce a circumstance whioh haB here , for the time , superseded even the interest excited by ' the expected arrival of Queen Victoria ; an event which , in fact , might have plunged France into the deepest distress , and have deeply affected the interests of the whole of Europe . Yesterday the King aud the whole of the Royal Family of France
had the narrowest escape from destruction ; indeed , bo narrow , that I have been told by one who witnessed it , that their eaoape may be considered miraculous . The story , as 1 havo been able to learn it , is this : —It appears that the King , the Queen , the Count of Paris , the Prince and Princess of Joinville , the Duke d ' Aumale , and , in laot , all the members of the Royal Family now here , yesterdav afternoon took one of their usual drives in the neighbourhood Of the chateau . The carriage occupied by the Royal Family was a large open one , bung round with curtains , with seats across it , and capable of carrying a great number of persons . It is called , I believe , a " char-au-bano , " and is nos unlike the pleasure vans so common in our own metropolis . To show its great Bize , I need only
mention that the carriago I speak of contained , upon this occasion , no less than ten members of the Royal Family , including Louis Philippe , the Queen , and the Count of Paris . The carriage was drawn by four very spirited horses . The party , it appears , happened , in the course of their drive , to pass through Treport , a small fishing village , situated about two miles from this place , and it happening to be the firs * time the Count of Paris visited that place , the loyal inhabitants considered it their duty to do their future Sovereign especial honour on the occasion , and they accordinRly saluted his Royal Highness with a feu de joie . The gans were fired just as the carriage wae approaching ) the neighbourhood of a bridge which spans the Brezle , a small river , at the mouth of which the village of Treport is situated . -Nothing could be
more unexpected than the result . The hor&ea , startled by the noise , commenced plunging furiously . Tbe postilions lost all command of them , and they darted forward towards the bridge , the parapet of whioh the leaders cleared at a bound . The third horse waa dragged after its companions , and for a moment the destruction of the whole party seemed inevitable ; but fortunately the postilion was enabled to acquire some command over tbe fourth horse , and he did not follow . Had he done so , there could be no doubt of the result . Assistance , however , was happily at hand , and the whole party were released from their perilous position ; not , however , before tho traces had been with great difficulty cut , and the horses left to their fate . The three horses , of course , foil into the stream below , and were injured , but both the postilions , I believe , escaped .
I need hardly say that the alarm of the whole party in such fearful circumstances must have been very great . The Queen was much affected , and wept bitterly after the danger wa 3 over . The KiDg himself acted with great presence of mind . He held the yonng Count of Paris in his arms , and refused to leave the carriage till every member of his family waB placed on terra firma . % You wiil not wonder , after this detail , that an event so interesting to France and Europe in general should for a time have superseded even the interest of an expected Royal visit . But I am warned that it is time I should close my letter . —Correspondent of the Chronicle .
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BIRMINGHAM . ELECTION OF DELEGATES TO SERVE IN THE NATIONAL CONFERENCE . On Tuesday evening ,, a gnat public meeting was holden in the Hall of Science , for the above purpose . Nothing could surpaea the enthusiasm which pervaded the vatt assembly from the openiug to the closing of the proceedings . At eight o ' clock Mr . Fuss > ell vfaa calLed to the eaair , on the motion of Mr . Welsford . The ChaI «> iax , on rising to introduce tho object of the meeting , said that he fdt more than ordinary
pleasure on that occasion , especially when he reflected on the important nature of ihe business for which they had met , and when he beheld the decorum which pervaded the meeting and the enthusiasm that seemed to animate © very oue present . What could be more gratifying to a sincere lover of hb country—( cheers ) . ? Tne Chairman then read t . he placard calling the meeting , and Baid that he feiV confident the meetipg would preserve tbe strit test order duriBg the time the business wenld be Eubmi tted for their consideration —( hear , hear , and cheers > \ He would now introduee Mr . Mason , to move thO first resolution .
Mr . M ^ sojj immediately came forward , and was received Vith the most enthusiastic cheering , which lasteo several minutes . When the applause had subsided , he said , Mr . Chairman , ladies , and enslaved fellow countrymen . 1 consider the object for which we hav . assembled on this occasion , as inrolrivg results ml"i cn must Boon terminate either in the advancement * * d success of our country ' s freedom , or the defeat . of our former exertions , the abandonment of this str& ^ gte by all the most able and devoted advocates of u emocracy , and the ultimate despair of the enslaved and suffering millions —( hear , hear)—at least for a st ^ es of years . Your unbounded enthusiasm , your nunx bers , the marked attention with whioh you this eveniu'R listen to what the speakers advise , assHre me that jou are prepared for that new struggle , if wisdom , prudence , and energy are seated in its directing councils , and actuate those who may be entrusted with the promulgation of its objtets —( hear , and cheer *) , We b * 7 t ; no
West Riding Of Yorkshire.
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SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED BY MR . CLEAVE . FOR VICTIMS . £ . P . d . Long Buckley , near Datentry 0 11 0 J . F . ( Tower Hamlets ) 6 0 6 A Friend 0 0 5 Stroudwater 0 9 0 A Chartist , Nailsworth ... 0 0 6 Proceeds of a Raffle , by Jno . Andrew , Limebonse ... 0 8 6 Sutton-in-Ashfield 0 5 0 A , B . C . ( per Ridley ) 0 2 6 Mr . J . George , ( Do ) ... 0 2 6 Mr . Chatwin ... ... 0 1 o Mr . Ddacon 0 0 6
FOR MBS . CO 0 FEB . Proceeds of Harmonic meeting , Feathers , Warren-street , St . Pancras ... 0 15 0 FOR MRS . ROBERTS . Mr . Tanner , travelling grinder ... ... 0 2 0 " A Flint Woman ' s-man . " 0 0 6
Co 25ea3*R£ Sn& ≪S?Arr*Gjj0tt&Etttg.
Co 25 ea 3 * r £ sn& < S ? arr * gjj 0 tt&etttg .
Grand Demonstration At Oldham.
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Jeffeesos , York . —We have not a copy for July 22 nd . S . Bookhah , Nottingham . —Send six shillings and sixpence . VICTIM FUND . £ . s . d . Prom Astley , Mr . Leigh , per J . Unsworth ,... 0 8 G From J . Turner , Leeds , ... ... ...
Cftfrttgt 3eut*Lugcn«.
Cftfrttgt 3 Eut * lUgcn « .
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Leeds .-—Printed For The Proprietor, F E A R G 0 S O'Connor, Esq. Of Hammersmith, County
LEEDS .- —Printed for the Proprietor , F E A R G 0 S O'CONNOR , Esq . of Hammersmith , County
Northern Star (1837-1852), Sept. 2, 1843, page 8, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct945/page/8/