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^ TAKEFIELD ADJOURNED SESSIONS . N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN , that the Michaelmas General Quarter Sessions of tho Peace , for the West Riding of the Couutv of York will be held by adjournment in the GommUteo-Room , at the Hous o of Correction , at Wakefield , oa Thursday the Fourteenth day of December next j at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon , for the purpose of inspecting the Rising Prison , ( the said House of Correc tion ) and for examining the accounts of the Keeper of the said House , of Correction , making enquiry into the conduct of the Officers and Servants belonging the same ; and also into the behaviour of the Prisoners , and their Earnings . ^ C . H . EtSLBT , Glerk « f the Peace . Clerk of the Peace ' s Office , Wakefield , 29 th November , 1843 .
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STIRLING'S PILL FOR HEALTH AND LONG LIFE . —SIR WILLIAM'S ADVICE IT is well-known that the late Sir William Blizard . paid the highest deference to the efficacious merits of STIRLING'S STOMACH . PILLS , and earnestly recommended that no family whatever should be without them ; for , said he , in all oases of sudden : illness , they could be at once safely administered to the sufferer , who , perhaps , before medical assistance could arrive , might be carried off , or placed in imminent danger . Stirling ' s Stomach Pill * have , in all cases , proved superior to every other medicine in the cure of stomaoh and liver complaints , loss of appetite , indigestion , gout , Bensation of fullness and after meals , shortness of breath , and an excellent restorative after any excess at the table , as they geutly cl « auee the bowels , strengthen the stomaoh , and invigorate the constitution . Females , who value good health , should never be without them , as they purify the blood , remove obstructions , sallowness , pimples , &c , and give the skin a beautiful , clear , healthy , and blooming appearance . Persons of a plethoric { habit , who are subject to head-ache , giddiness , dimness of sight , drowsiness , attended with apoplectic symptoms , should take them frequently . They may be safely administered to children and persons of all ages , as they contain no mercury , nor any ingredient that requires confinement , or restrictions of diet . Prepared only by J . W . Stirling , Chemist , 86 , High-street , Whitechapel , in boxes at 1 b . l ^ d ., 2 a . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d . and 11 s . each ; and may be had of all respectable medicines venders . V Ask for Stirling ' s Stomach Pills ; and be sure the Name is on the Stamp .
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Messrs . Perry and Cd have removed their Establishment fromti&gningham to No . 19 , Berners-street Oxford-street , London . THE THIBTBENTH EDITION . Just Published , Price 2 s . 6 * d ,, in a sealed envelope , and sent Free to any part of the United Kingdom on the receipt of a Post Office Order for 3 s . 6 d , . THJB BlXjENT FHlENI > f A MEDICAL WORK on the INFIRMITIES of the GENERATIVE SYSTEM , in both sexes ; being an enquiry into the concealed cause that destroys physical energy , and the ability of manhood , ere vigour has established her empire : — with Observations on the baneful effects of SOLITARY INDULGENCE and INFECTION : local and constitutional WEAKNESS , NERVOUS IRRITATION , CONSUMPTION , and on the partial or total EXTINCTION of the REPRODUCTIVE POWERS ; with means of restoration : the destructive effects of Gonorrhsea , Gleet , Stricture , and Secondary Symptoms are explained in a familiar manner ; the Work is Embellished with Engravings , representing the deleterious influence of Mercury on the skin , oy eruptions on the head , face , and body ; with approved mode of cube for both sexes ; followed by observations on the Obligations of MARRIAGE , and healthy perpetuity ; with directions for the removal of certain Disqualifications : the whole pointed out to suffering humanity as a " SILENT FRIEND " to be consulted without exposure , and with assured confidence of success . By R . and L . PERRY , and Co ., Consulting Subgeons , London . Published by the Authors ; sold by Heaton , and Bucktoii , Briggate , Leeds ; Strange , Paternosterrow ; Field , 65 , Quadrant , Regent-street ; Purkis , Compton-street , Soho , London : Guest , 51 , Bullstreet , Birmingham ; and by all booksellers in town and country . THE CORDIAL BALM OF SYR 1 ACUM . Is a gentlestimulant and renovator of the impaired functionsof life , and ie exclusively directed to the cure of such complaints as arise from a disorganization of the Generative System , whether constitutional or acquired , loss of sexual power , and debility arising from Syphilitic disease ; and is calculated to afford decided relief to those who , by early indulgence in solitary habits , have weakened the powers of their system , and fallen into a state of chronic debility , by which the constitution is left in a deplorable state , and that nervous mentality kept up which places the individual in a state of anxiety for the remainder of life . The consequences arising from this , dangerous practice , are not confined to its pure physical result , but branch to moral ones ; leading the excited deviating mind into a fertile field of seducive error , — into a gradual but total degradation of manhood—into a pernicious application of those inherent rights which nature wisely instituted for the preservation of her species ; bringing on premature decripttude , and all the habitudes of old age . Constitutional weakness , sexual debility , obstinate gleets , exoes | es , irregularity , obstructions of certain evacuations , total impotenoy and barrenness are effectually removed by this invaluable medicine . Sold in Bottles , price Us . each , or the quantity of four in one Family bottle for 33 s ., by which one 11 s . bottle is saved . Prepared only by Messrs . PERRY & Co ., Surgeons , 19 , Bernera-street , Oxford-street , London . None are genuine without the signature of R . and L . PERRY and Co . impressed in a stamp on the outside of each wrapper to imitate which is felony of the deepest dye . The Five Pound oases , ( the purchasing of whioh will be a Baving of one pound twelve shillings ;) may be had as usual at 19 , Berners-street , Oxford-street , London , Patients in the country who require a course of this admirable medicine , phould send Five Pounds by letter , which will entitle them to the full benefit of such advantage . May be had of all Booksellers , Druggists , and Patent Modicine Venders in town and country throughout the United Kingdom , the Continent of Europe -and America , of whom may be had the M Sijlent FaiEN » . " Messrs . PERRY expect when consulted by letter , the usual fee one pound , without whioh , no notice whatever can be taken of the communication . Patients are requested to be as minute as possible in the detail of their cases . PERRY'S PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS , Price 2 b . 9 < L , 4 s . 6 d and 11 s . per box , ( Observe the signature of R . and L . PERRY and Co . on the outside of each wrapper ) are well known throughout Europe and America , to be the most certain and effectual cure ever discovered for every stage and symptom of a certain disease , in both sexes , including Gonorrhoea , Gleets , Secondary Symptoms , Strictures , Seminal Weakness , Deficiency , and all diseases of the Urinary Passages , without Joss of time , confinement , or hindrance from business . They have effected the most surprising cures , not only in recent and severe cases , but when salivation and all other means have failed ; they remove Scorbutic Affections , Eruptions on any part of the body , Ulcerations , Scrofulous or Venereal Taint , being calculated to cleanse the blood from : all foulness , counteract every morbid affection , and restore weak and emaciated constitutions te pristine health and vigour . Messrs . Perry and Co ., SurgconB , may be consulted as usual , at 19 , Berners-3 treSt , Oxford-street , London , punctually , from Eleven in the Morning until eight in the Evening , and on Sundays from Eleven till One . Only one personal visit is required from a couBtry patient , to enable Messrs . Perry and Co ., to give such advice as will be the means of effecting a permanent and effectual ; cure , after ail other means have proved ineffectual . N . B . Country Druggists , Booksellers , Patent Medicine Venders , &c . can be supplied with any quantity of Perry ' s Purifying Specifio Fills , and Cordial Balm of Syriacum , witb the usual allowance to the Trade , by most of the principle Wholesale Patent Medicine Houses io London . Sold by Mr . Hjeatow , 7 , Briggate , Le&ds .
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SECRECY .-SUCCESFUl TREATMENT . MEDICAL ESTABLISHMENT , 13 , Trafalgar Street , Leeds . IT may be stated as a fact , that there is no disease which has demanded more , or received less , attention from the Medical Profession generally , than Lues Venera . From this cause alone , it is allowed to sweep away hundreds of victims annually . By the application of proper remedies , ninety-nine but of every hundred of these might be saved . But to attaia this , it is necessary that a Medical Practitioner should devote his time almost exclusively to the consideration of this most insidiouB and dangerous disease . It appears under so many varied forms , and assumes so many different aspects , that nothing bat constant experience can enable even the most devoted student to detect and eradicate it . ^ When a Medical Man abandons the general practice Of the Profession , and devotes his studies entirely to this particular branch , then he at once looses caste , and is branded by his colleagues as a Quack . In defiance of this contumelious epithet , WILKINSON AND CO ., Beg to state that they continue to apply all their knowledge and experience to the eradication of thisbaneful Disorder , finding a sufficient recompense in the happiness which they have been the means of restoring to thousands who would , in all probability , have otherwise sank prematurely into the grave . This Establishment has now been open upwards of seven years , during whioh period , thousands of cases have been treated , and in no one instance has the patient been disappointed of an effectual cure . In most instances , a few days have sufficed to eradicate the Disease ; but where the disorder has been allowed to make serious inroads by delay or unskilful management , more time has necessarily been required to complete the cure . W . and Co ., know of no instance where any establishment devoted to the care of the same class of disease , has maintained so long a standing , which must be regarded as a conclusive proof of their integrity and ability . Long experience has enabled them to produce a remedy which is applicable to almost every stage of the disease . Their PURIFYING DROPS Have been used in thousands of cases , and witb the most signal success . Perhaps no Medicine was ever Offered to the Public , which has been eo efficacious in restoring the diseased to health and vigour They are powerful and speedily efficacious , in the most obstinate as well as recent cases . A Treatise of twelve pages is given with them , explaining the various aspects of the Disease ; and the directions are so full and explicit , that persons of either sex may cure themselves without even the knowledge of a bedfellow . Incompliance with the wishes of many of their Patients . Wilkinson and Co ., a short time ago , published a Work , entitled THE SECRET MEDICAL ADVISER ; Price Two Shillings and Sixpence , or sent free to the most remote parts of the kingdom ( in a sealed envelope ) on the receipt of a Post-office Order , for Three Shillings and Sixpence . Within the space of six months a very large edition of this valuable Work has been disposed of * which will be a sufficient test of its importance . It is a Practical Treatise on the Prevention and Cure of the Venereal Disease , and other affections of the urinary and sexual organs , in both sexes , with a mild and successful mode of treatment , in all their forms and consequences ; especially Gleet , Stricture , affections of the . Bladder , Prostrate Glands , Gravel , < fco . ; shewing also the dangerous consequences of Mercury , such a * eruptions of the skin , pain in the body , Ac , with plain directions for a perfect restoration—embellished with Engravings . An ample consideration of the disease of the woman ; also nervous debility ; including a comprehensive Dissertation on the anatomy of marriage , impuissance , celibacy , sterility or barrenness , and other various interrupt tlons of the laws of nature . AIbo , observations on the Secret Sin of Youth , which entails such fearful consequences on its victims . This invaluable little Work , together with their Purifying Drops and ether Medicines , may be had of W . k . Co .. at their Establishment , 13 , Trafalgar Street , Leeds ; or of the following AGENTS . Leeds . —Mr . Heaton , Bookseller , 7 , Briggate , and attheTftnw Office . Liverpool—At the Chronicle Office , 25 , Lord-street . Manchester—Mr . Watkinson , Druggist , 6 , Market-place-Ripon—Mr . Harrison , Bookseller , Market-place . Wakefield—Mr . Hurst , Bookseller . High-Harrogate , and Knaresboro *— Mr Langdale Bookseller . Barnsley—Mr . Harrison , Bookseller , Marketplace . Kt ) '" *??^^^ ' ' Comsy-street , Sheffield— -At the Ins Office . Beverley—Mr . Johnson , Bookseller . Halifax—Mr . Hartley , Bookseller . Huddersneld—Mr . Dewhirst , 37 , New-street . ^ Bradford—Mr . Taylor , Bookseller , near to the Post-office . Nottingham—At the Review Office . Newark—Mr Bridges , Bookseller . Pontefract—Mr , Fox , Bookseller . Gainsborongh—Mr . R . Brown , Bookseller . Mansfield--Mr . S . Dobson , News-agent , 519 , Belvedere-sir eet . - » , , Boston—Mr . Noble , Bookseller . Lonth—Mr . Hurton , Bookseller . _ Hrai—At Jtoe Advettizer Office , Lowgate , and Mr . Noble ' s Bookseller , Market-place . W . aad Co ., may be consulted daily at their Residence , 13 , Trafalgar Street , Leeds , irom Nine in the monungjiil Tea at Night , and on Sundays till Two . Alsoat No 4 , George-street , Bradford , every Thorsday from Ten till Five . Medicines and Books may be had at either of the above places . % Patients at a distance , W . and Co ., offer the moat certain assurances of a Cure . During the last seven years , immense numbers of both sexes have been effectually cured , who have merely sent in writing a description of their symptoms . A remittance of ' £ 1 is required before medicine ind advice can be sent ; but parties may rely upon the most prompt acd faithful attention . Medicines are invar iably Bent off the day after receiving the remittance , and they are so . securely packed as to ensure their safe transit , and escape observation . All patients at this Establishment are undertha care of j regularly educated members of the "w foesion .
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^^ 7 itt Ry 3 i c 0 GRIMSHAW and Co . 10 , Goree Pia 23 aa Liverpool , are the sole Agents for Second Cabin and Steerage Passengers by the " OLD" or "BLACK BALL" Line of Packet Ships , from Liverpool for New York , sailing punctually on the 7 th and 19 th of each Month ; they have also other first-rate American Ships for New York , on the 1 st , 13 th , or 25 th of each month , and occasionally to PHILADELPHIA , BOSTON , BALTIMORE , and NEW ORLEANS . TO QUEBEC AND NEW SOUTH WALES . Applications , personally or by letter , will be promptly attended io , and the lowest rates and every information given .
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THE BEST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD !!! BEAD I AI «> jjHDGB FOB YOUBSJOVES 1 ! THE following statement of facts has been communicated to the Proprietors of PARR ' o LIFE PILLS : — j Messrs . T . Roberts and Co . j Malton , Jan . 30 , 1843 . Gentlemen , —Though it is but a very short time since I last wrote for a supply of Parr ' s Life Pills , 1 find that owing to an astonishing increase in the sale of them , 1 am again compelled to request you to send me twenty dozen of the small , aa also a supply of the large size . I should wish you to forward them by railway to York , thence by carrier , as early as possible , as I am afraid my present stock will be exhausted before they reach me . I enclose yon the case of a person who resides in Malton , and whose testimony may be relied upon as being strictly correct . This is but one case selected from an almost incredible number of others , which have come under my notice , in which cures have been effected by the use of Parr ' s Life iPills . Many highly respectable persons in this neighbourhood , who previous to the introduction of Parr ' s Life Pills had a decided dislike to Patent Medicines , are now thankful that they are able to add their testimonials to the beneficial effeets of these pills . By forwarding me , without delay , the quantity of pills as jordered above , you will oblige , Gentlemen , yours , respeotfully , j J . WRANGHAM . Gentlemen , —When I consider the very great relief I have experienced from the use of Parr ' s Life Pills , I think it not ; only to be my duty to you bat to ; everyone who may be suffering from similar com- , plaints with which ( I have been afflicted , to make my astonishing case as public as possible . For a long time past I have been greatly troubled with a most severe nervous complaint , giddiness , aud swimming in the head , which increased to such a degree that at times I was compelled to leave off from my work , being unable to bear the least fatigue or excitement . At the suggestion of many of my friends , I was induced to try various medicines , but found that my complaint instead of dimlnishiw :, waa daily ^ rowine worse . Having fortunately heard of the beneficial offsets of Parr ' s Life Pills , I resolved to give them a fair trial , though I must confess with but little hopes of deriving benefit from them , after having tried so many other medicines without success ; I immediately purchased a small sited box of Mr . Wrangham , chemist , the only agent for the sale of them in . Malton , and fortunate indeed has it been forme that I did so , for though I have just finished taking this one box , I find myself so Car relieved that instead of daily , nay hourly , suffering from that dreadful complaint , nervousness , with its attendant miseries , I am restored to my former good health ; my nerves are strong—the giddiness and swimming in my head are totally removed , and I am now able to attend regularly to my trade . Allowing you to make whatever use you may think proper of this statement and being truly grateful for the benefit I have obtained from taking Parr ' s Life Pills . i I am , Gentlemen , your obedient Servant , THOMAS PATTISON , Painter . N . B . I shall bej glad to answer any enquiries respecting the good the pills have done me . To Mr . T . Roberts and Co ., ' Crane Court , Fleetstreet , London , j A most extraordinary Case of Cure communicated ,: by Mrs . Moxon ot York . Mrs . Mathers , of j that City , had for many years been affected with a most inveterate dise ase , which her medical attendants pronounced to be Cancer . It originated in her breast , and continued to spread nearly all over her body , defying every effort of surgical skill . Parr's Life Pills being recommended to her , she resolved to give them a trial ; and , speaking of the result , she says she cannot express the inconceivable advantage which she haa already derived from them . She further states that she is , now almost well , and ascribes her convalescence solely to the persevering use of that sovereign medicine Parr ' s Life Pills , j i-From Mr . R . Turner , Lewton . To Messrs . T . Roberts & Co ., Crane Court , Fleetstreet , London . Lenton , near Nottingham , Deo . 12 , 1842 . Dear Sir . —I beg ' jle&ve to tender you my warmest thanks for the great benefit which I have recieved from your Valuable Parr ' s Life Pills in the cure of a distressing species of fluttering , or palpitation of the heart , whioh I experienced some years , and which has now , by the use of three small boxes of yonr invaluable medicine , entirely left me ; and indeed , I now enjoy better health and spirits than I have done for sometime . Hoping yoo will , for the benefit of the public at large , make my case known , I remain , Gentlemea , yours , very gratefully , j RICHARD TURNER . N . B . —Any person who may not credit this statement may , by referring to me , obtain satisfactory answers to their enquiries . j R . T . From F . Matiheisz , Jaffra , Ceylon i Jaffra , October 17 th , 1842 . Sir , —I beg to inform you that having undertaken the small supply of the celebrated Parr ' s Life Pills , lately received Here from you by the Rev . P . Peroival , they have met with a very rapid eale , and the constantly increasing demand from every part of the province ensures to ) a very large extent success to the dealer , and good to the people at large . May I theiefore take the liberty of requesting you will be good enough to send me 1000 box « s by tbe very first opportunity , making , if you please , the usual discount , to purchasers of such large quantities . I beg to remark that the value of the above will be given by me into the hands of the Rev . Mr . Porcival , who has kindly offered to be responsible to you for the same . I remain , your obedient ervant . j F . MATTHEISZ . lease address me F . Mattheisz , Jaffra , Ceylon . To Messrs . T . Roberts and Co ., Proprietors of Parr ' s Life Pills , Crane-Court , Fleet-street . Communicated by Mr . H . Foster , Chemist , Wini Chester . East Stratton , near Winchester , Dec . 13 th , 1842 . Sir , —You will remember I sent to your shop for a bottle of medicine ! round which was a paper containing testimonials ! of cures effected by the use of Parr ' s Life Pills . Amongst many others I observed one ; a case of Rheumatism , which appeared to ' me similar to my own case , and seeing it so successfully treated , simply ; by the use of Parr ' s Life Pills . I resolved upon giving that invaluable medicine a fair trial . I had been afflicted with Rheumatism many years , and at the time to which I refer was suffering acutely . I determined , as I have said , on giving Old Parr ' s remedy a fair trial ; and accordingly sent for a box of the Lifa j Pills , By the use of these pilb I am enabled to say that I am now as well as ever I have been during the whole of my life . Thank God , I can now walk as well aa ever I did . At the time when I first tried Parr ' s Life Pills , I could scarcely walk during the day-time ; and at night I could get ao sleep . ] lam now enjoying excellent health , and sleep soundly , and I am free from pain of every kind . I am , Sir , yours , &o . JAMES DANIELLS . ( aged SO years . ) Mr . H . Foster , Chemist , Winchester . Parr's Life Pills are acknowledged to be all that is required to conquer disease and prolong life . No medicine yet offered to the world ever so rapidly attained such ] distinguished celebrity ; it is questionable if therejnow be any part of the civilized world where its extraordinary healing virtues have not been exhibited . This signal success is not attributable to any system of advertising , but solely to the strong recommendations of parties cured by their use . At this moment the Proprietors are in possession of newly 560 letters from influential , respeotable , and intelligent members of society , all bearing testimony to the great and surprising benefits resulting from the use of the medicine . This is a mass ot evidence in Us favour such as no other medicine ever yet called forth , and places it in the proud distinct tion of being not only the most popular but the most valuable remedy ever discovered . i i CAOT 1 ON—BBWABB OP IMITATIONS . In order to protect the public from imitations , the Hon . Commissioners of Stamps have ordered the words Pabb's Life Pitts to be engraved on the Government Stamp , which is pasted round the sides of each box , in vrnrts letters on a bed ground Without this mark of authenticity they are spurious and an imposition t ' ; Prepared by the Proprietors , T . Roberts and Co .. 9 , Crane Court , Fleet-Btreet , London ; and sold wholesale by their appointment , by E . Edwards , 57 , St . Pauls , also by Barclays and Sons , Farringdon-street , and Sutton and Co ., Bow Ghurobyard ; S » ld by Joshua Hobson , Northern Star OmVe , Leeds ; land at 3 , Market Walk , Haddersfield ; i \ ad retail by at least one agent in every town in the L nited Kingdom , and by most respectable dealers in me dicine . Price 1 b . l ' id . 2 s . M ., and family boxes L s . each . Full directions are given with each box . \
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THE LEAGUE , THE OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE NATIONAL ANTI-CORN LAW LEAGUE , PUBLISHED EVEBT SATDRDAT M 0 EN 1 NG , " AT 67 , FLEET STREET , LONDON , BNDER THE TITLE OF " THE LEAGTTI . " t < A WEEKLY Advocate ^ of JFree Trade , and ix the total and immediate repeal of the Cora Laws . " This Journal contains arecord of allthi proceedings of the Anti-Corn Law League , and ia the vehicle for communication between the Council and its friends , throughout the kingdom . It will give copious accounts of all Free Trade proceedings , and reports in full of the speeches at the great Covent Garden Meetings ; also Lists of Subscribers to the Fund , &c . "The League '' is under ihe management of an Editor of established reputation and ability ; the Reviews will be from the pen of a gentleman well known in the Literary world as a critic and scholar ; —and the department of Agriculture-will be exolasively contributed by a practical agriculturist . The League is the size of an ordinary London Weekly Newspaper , —price 3 d ., and can be had through aU the News Agents in town or country . All Subscribers of £ 1 and upwards to the £ 100 , 000 League Fund , will be entitled to , and receive , a copy weekly of this publication for twelve months , from the date of their subscription . It Is requested that all subscribers will send their addresses , as well as their names , to Mr . A . W . Paulton , Offices of the League , 67 Fleet Street , London . Any person forwarding 3 s . 3 d . ia postage stamps , or by Post Office order , to the Publisher , 67 , Fleet Street , London , will have the numbers of "THE LEAGUE , " for ope quarter , forwarded by post on the days of publication .
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iJjKiYERSASY OF THE POLISH BEYOLTJTIOK . Wednesday , tlie 29 sh nit , being the thirteenth anni-TeraarvoTtbe Polish Revolution , the Polish Refugee * , resident in London , attended divine » ervloe in the Bslsixn CSsapftl , Xondon Boad / ai ten , j uh ., -whenih * offici&Bng clergyman , tbeir fellow-exile , the Rev . ^ naingki , aUiTered a tondung aueonise , the text of irhich be had taken from St . John , xtL 22 . At « ix p . m ., most of them attended -a meeting at Sauex Chambers , Dare-street , St JaneslB , irben Captain Jablosski , having been unanimously called to take the chair , addressed his countrymen at some length ,-rith much energy and feeling . He observed that the Polish nation , in jpiteof the sacrifices it bad made to regain its independence , 'was jrtfll groaning
under the yote -of its oppressors . Providence 'did not jet allov the Poles to enjoy : the frnlta of their labour is the cause ot their country , but doomed them to goffer the pangs of their adversity , that they might be the better able to appreciate their loss , and be wiser in their days of fcsppineu . Sooner or later the hour of retribution -would arrive when Poland would regain her liberty , and the perpetrators of those Iniqnitaea and crimes "which have reduced her to her present state of wretchedness , wooid be humbled to the iust . A nation of twenty millions Eke Poland , is whieh tlie tenements of nati # nallty are -deeply rooted in the bosoms of the people , though par tiiioned and oppressed by its aeTeral despoilers , may be silenced and redneedts slavery for a time , but cannot
be subdued for ever . Union constitutes the physical force , and aelf-eonfidenoe the moral force of a ration ; possessiBgboth these powers , any oppressed people is able to cast off its fetters . The events of last war afforded the Poles a useful , although painful lesson , that ibey should sever depend on foreign assistance . Union and confidence in their own forceshould be the principles from which they should never depart in their future struggles with their foe . Captain Jablonaki having made an alhudon to the indomitable perseverance of the brave Circaasians , and denounced the system of intrigues * nd violence pmsaed by Hnsn& is tbe afiain of Sara and Greece , said he wonld ruA afiiet Ha countrymen by enumerating the new deeds of persecution which the Gnr daily adds to that list with which -ttfcr . -w « r » * fcK * ag boi too well acquainted ; he eoxOU sot resist , however , mentioning a horrible ukase , fjy -which all the Catholics in the provinces of Tolhynia ,
Padolia , and Ukraine , were ordered to embrace the Bcsso- ( frees : religion , in the coone of two years , on pain of exile ""^ the confiscation of »>»«** property . In . condujSon , Captain Jablonaki urged upon EU eoosityvaea sever to despond of their cause , but to keep the firm belief that the day of restoration of thsir country was sot far distant ; trotting in the justice of the Almighty and rfgbfreonsnw of their cause , they must continue in the meantime ttf bear all the adversities of exile -with resignation . " Though we have lost , with our country , all Yb * j- 4 * w » Hfrnt « Mi man ' s happiness in -this world , '" said he , "though we are now / wanderers in foreign lands , exposed to many soflerings , and often pursued by unmerited reproaches and bitter calumnies itot which we have to thank the sleepless malignity of oar enemy and bis hirelin gs ') we itffi possess the best consolation , which a condition like ours will admit of , in the sympathy of a free nation , and thefavour and support of its most iUustrions dM » ns . "—( Great applause ) .
Mr . Ma : rk . O"wski rose to propose the first resolution , to the following effect : —*» That the Poles consider the BevoluUon of the 59 th of November , 2 83 d , as still continuing , although the straggle on the battle-field has been interrupted ; that they have left their native land to protest , as they sever ceased to do , against the gross inJM ±£ ee with -winch the political » "TrtWT » tton of their eonnlrv fr *» been Accomplished ; and that they solemnly declare that , trusting in Divine Providence and the justice of Sieir caose , they will bear the hardships of their state with resignation , and be always ready to racriflce their lives in the defence of the Independent existence of Poland in her ancient bound- ' aries , and in the assertion of hex civil and political liberties . "
Mr . Khcztkski Beeonded the resolntion , whkh 9 as carried T TnyrfTnn : n ^ i lyi * Mr . Jicsotrssi moved the second resolution : — "That file thanks of / the Polish refugees are dne to the British nation for the hospitality tfcey have sott-with in this country , and for the protection they have found in its laws . In particular their thanks are dne to the Corporation of the City of London , the Literary Associa tion of the Friends of Poland , the Bight Hon . Lord TJndley Coatta Stirtrt , aatd the otter public bodies and prirata individuals who hive ertDced tbeb sympathy withihemls&rtanes ot Poland , and wfcb have gene rously endeavoured to alleviate the hard position of the xerogeea , " Mr . P . T . Zat . kstci seconded the resolntion , which was carried unanimously .
Mr . Szulczewski rose and moved the third resolution , whkh was— " That the thanks of the Poles are dne to the editors of metropolitan and provincial journals for the noble manner in whkh they have advocated the cause of Poland , and raised their powerful voices against i&e zmcaasxng persecution of -which tti * t country is the Tictim . " This resolntion was seconded by Mr . Jastbzekbski , and carried ™» if fir"qi » Ty fr y the meeting . Two Poliah poets , Mr . Dtiewieki and Mr . OlixatowsM , read each apatriotie ode composed ta the occa sion , which Biade a most powerful Impresalea upon" the "MBdtPTWfW Thanks having been voted to the chrfrmnn , the meeting , which -was composed-only of Poles , separated .
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CENTRAL CMMXNAI . COURT . —TBIAI FOR MURDER " - { Before Lord Desman and Mr . Baron Parlce . ) Edward I > wyer , aged S 5 , hawker , was charged with the wilful murder of Us child , an infant , named James J > wver * oa the 21 th of October last , by feloniously , and with malice aforethought , striking its head , by which he caused a mortal wound , and killed his said child . The prisoner was charged , on a second count , with the murder of a child , name -unknown . Mr , Payne shortly stated the cue for the prosecution , infl gave anamfciTe of the transactisn , the dfitaUs ot wMch h * TB already appeared in this paper . According to tt » evidence of the witnesses on the trial , ibe mother of the murdered chQd had wrMftHa ^ even greater brutality than the wretched father . Judging from Hie evidence , * we should ^ onbt if tke miserable ¦ piM really knew what he was doing , whan he com mitted the fearful act .
Mi . "WSJkins addressed the Jury on behalf of the prisoner . He dwelt on the conduct of the mother , and suggested the possibility that the mother , who exhitefced to little affection to the child , mignt fcsre injured it before she bronght It to the pnbUc-bouae . It tiiat Iras not a probable supposition , could the Jury believe thai the prisoner , who was shown , by the evidence , to lave exhibited such affection aad tenderness towards the child , could an at once forget it , aad designedly have mardered his own offspring ? It was most improbable that this was the case , and if the prisoner was ths cause of death , it was likely that it was accidental . Th * T f MtTwai ^ Gentleman then laboured to throw doubt on the prisoner ' s sanity , and his responsibility for his acts . It was evident that his language was most incoherent , and Ms manner was that of a person who was not in his senses .
The prisoner , who appeared a guiet and harmless looking person , shed tears almost during the whole time that his Counsel was addressing the Jury . Jjard Penman then summed up the evidence . The Jury , after a short deliberation , found the prisoner guilty of murder , being •""!*»»> strong excitation 2 t tfo «* pnm . Lord Denman then proceeded to pass sentence ' of death on the prisoner , and said that the recommendation to merciy given by the Jury wonld be attended to and forwarded to the Crown , where It would probably be JsTOBzably considered . The prisoner was then led sway from the dock .
THE LATE FATAL DUEL . At ten o ' clock on Saturday , the Lord Chief Justice . and Mr . Justice Coltman entered the Court , Lord Denman being accompanied by and converting with the celebrated French advocate , M-Berryer . A * soon a * tbexrliordships irere seated , * Th © Atterney-etoeralrow and addressed the bench in a very low tone of voice . He was understood to say that he with his Learned Friend ( Mr . Waddington ) had been led to expect that Alexander Thompson Muiro , against whom a true bDl lad been returned by the Grand Jury at a former session of this court , for the wilful murder of David Lynar Faweett , would ^ surrender * ad be prepared to take his trial on Oat charge today . At a late hour last night , however , he had re-« f « a a note from xts > legal adviser of Mr . " Munro , which informed him that Mr . Munro could nor sarren-*«* « fPPear to take his trial , he having been attacked mthffiness , » Bd being thea lying saffisring from typhus
^^ Attottey-General , having read the note , procee 9 aa ^ say that hehad only-one course left to pearoe ^^^^ ms ^ ^ vado ^ , E to ask , did ss-Sssisaaa , " *—^ forfiw defence of Mr . Munro . TheV h-dS received an hour to countermand the attenaaace of witnesses . It wasfoolateevento seaitothe retpeeb * ie solicitor for thepioseeotion , butit wasnottoolKte tosend ^ o her Msjeity ^ Attomey-fieneraL They according ]/ aade the eoninumication , which it vai quite impossible to have made any ^ adiet Before rftui s down , he irould beg leave to add , with respect to the question put by tbe Learned Attorney-Qeneral to their Lordahips , that iis client ( Mr . Munro ) waa not under Terogniy ^ ircet .
Lord 2 ) enmM—[ to tiie Attorney-General)—Then yon tave no authority f oi calling on him . ' The Attorney-General bowed assent , and immediately letired .- .- ¦ - - ,
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ADDBESS OF THE "SCOTTISH ANTI-PERSECUTION TJKION . " The severe sentences passed upon Messrs . Patersoa ani Bobinson , of Edinburgh , for the publication of works advocating unpopular opinions on rtligidai topics , ( awi therefore accounted blasphemous ) , must convince every reasonable individual that we do not possess , in Great Britain , that liberty of which we so often boast . Inquiry is checked , the press is fettered , and trammels are placed upon the human mind . To aid strenuously in the removal of these iniquitous restrictions , is therefore the duty of every man and woman who professes to be a lover of the truth , and a friend to mental emancipation .
It seems strange , that in a country calling Itself Pretestant , there ahould be any necessity for bringing forward reasons against persecution for opinion ' s sake ; but the late proceedings in the High Court of Justiciary , show that such necessity really exists . Sabjoined are a few of the considerations pointing out the injustice aad absurdity of the prosecutions referred to : — L Blasphemy , if a crime at all , is undiscoverable by any fallible human tribunal It is a thing of chrono logy wd geography . Jesus Christ was a Blasphemer , aeoorawg to the Jexes , —Dr . Kalley , the Presbyterian Protestant , is now imprisoned in Madeira for beings blasphemer—according to the Roman Catholic authorities there—and Messrs . Patereon and Bobinsen are now incarcerated in Edinburgh , for being blasphemers , accord ing to fhe authorities here . In short , every man who deities all religions but hit mm , is an ivfidtl and biasphemer to every religion except the one whichhe pro fesses . - .
2 . If bm sect of body of men have a right to persecute , all have the same right . Hence , were the principle and practice carried tut , society would be involved in continual confusion , cruelties , and atrocities , S . Society is farther injured , by the repression of mental activity : corruption being the certain effect of stagnation . 4 . Such prosecutions are detrimental to morality , in as much as they tend to produce deceit and hypocrisy When men are punished for speaking their sincere convictions , do not the punishers practically direct them to be hypocrites and liars ! 5 . If Religion be divine truth , it most be triumphant over Infidels without the aid of physical force . Indeed Christians often boast , that the most unanswerable defences of Christianity have , been instigated by the writings of sceptics . Truth asks no assistance from dun » geon ban , or policemen ' s batons ..
6 . Infidelity , or any false doctrines , or unjust vituperations of truth , can be refuted by argument and exposure only . 7—It is glaringly inconsistent hi Protestants to punish men for being , like themselves , protesters against whatithey conceive to be error . By so doing they practically countenance the popish presumption Of assumed infallibility . 8—History shews that persecution has rarely been successful In producing the end contemplated . In these days , when , thanks to the progress of liberalism , extirpation by fire and sword cannot be retorted to , the interference of Courts of law with the expression of opinion can never suppress them . 9 . Cariosity , zeal , and sympathy , are excited , and the demand for the prosecuted work is increased .
10 . BelUf , er disbelief , being dependent on evidence , and not on the will , the bolta , ban , and walls of a prison cell , are not the agents calculated to effect conversion . 11 . The supporters of oppression ' and " error are foes of a free prat , because ii is ft foe £ && «» . A free press is the palladium of liberty , —a promoter of virtue , —a mighty contributor to enlightenment , and the means of eliciting truth . *» Injustice is seldom without an excuse , however flimsy ; and therefore many persons defend prosecutions , because , in lieir opinion the parties prosecuted used strong language , harsh expressions , and ridicule ; and because mere abuse of Christianity can only be answered by punishment , not by argument . To this we reply by asking , what right one man has io dictate to another the style he shall use ? Is it fair for one side
- in a controversy to be the sole arbiters of what is argument hi a debate , and then proceed to inflict pains and penalties fer -what , upon their dictum alone , ' is deemed villification ? Strong language is often necessary to express the truth . Jesus Christ spoke of some men as being " serpent * , " and " generation * of vipers , ' -with other expreidona of a like description . Luther , Cahrin , Kncx , and other great Reformer * , have not thought it proper to oppose fatal errors in the polite terms of drawing-room phraseology , bat they hare spoken from the heart in withering denunciation of the corruptions they have combatted . If any doctrines are false , we ought { to call them false ; if tkey are ridiculous , we ought to ridicule them ; and if aniemptible , we should held them up to contempt . Strong impressions give rise to strong expressions ; and it is a violation of fair discussion to prevent any "it" from " «^ "g the terms adequate to the Imparting of hlsidaa * .
It is untrue teMsert that unfounded abase and unfair ridicule cannot be answered . Fallacious arguments can be refuted , and unjust vilification may be exposed . If an individual erroneously endeavours to bring religion into contempt , let his charges be proven false ; but if he be persecuted for his opinion upon the subject , we are led to suspect his charges to be true . Away , then , with this paltry pretence—this sophistical attempt to countenance bigotry and intolerance . It is easy to perceive that opinions must be palpably true or palpably false , or their character in this respect mustDedoiio' / W . If evidently true , they ought not to be-prosecuted ; if palpably false , they can do no mischief , and prosecution is useless ; if doubtful , no authority has a right to decide by force , and suppress them by violence . Persecution has no plea left ; it stands before us in its naked deformity .
The formation of a Scottish Anti-Persecution Union is the first fruit of the Scetch prosecutions . That Union is made up of individual professors of almost every kind of opinion—political and religious . It is formed for the sole purpose of setting free the tongne and the press ; therefore an who are persecuted for expressing , or otherwiae publishing ttoeii opinions , willhave a legitimate claim to its support . The Scottish Anti-Pros « cuUon Union will neither be a party engine , nor struggle for party or sectarian purposes . It will neither know nor care anything about opinions peculiar to individuals . If they are persecuted , tiie Union will recognise and aid them , simply because they ore persecuted .
Let all professing liberality and enlightenment , unite then to forward these important objects . Assist with yonr purse or yonr personal exertions—do your dutyprovide the means of agitation , aad , ere long , the land will be purged of persecution , and in truth shall we be enabled to say ?• We are free - By order of the Committee , Hemkt Jeffbbt , Secretary . Letters , money orders , fee ., to be addressed to Mr . H . Jeffery , Secretary , at W . 4 H . Robinson ' s , 11 , Greenside-Street , Edinburgh .
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The Pacha of Sosdah , -who had rebelled against Mehemet Ali , has died very suddenly . " LOST his Abjcs I" —Mr . Sheppard , of Castle Sheppard , Tipperary , lost bis arms on Sunday while the family were at church . Thbeatehing Notice—Friday night the avenue gate at Cornfield , county Clare , the residence of Francis B . Bosslewin , Big ., was broken in pieces , and a notice threatening him with the murderous fate of the late Mr . Thomas Brew , of SSrush , was posted on the gate post . Deeadfci Outrage—A man named Patt Brien , on his return home from Nenagb , to his residence at Lisboney , was waylaid as be crossed a field to make a short cut . Three men attacked him , one snapped a pistol which missed fire , the others beat him with sticks and stones , under the effects of which he still continues dangerously HI ,
The Indian Mails—The cost of { the Indian mails was £ 81 , 000 last year , exclusive of the £ 50 , 000 paid the Indian Government , and the expenses of Her Majesty ' s steamers employed conveying the mails between Malta and Marseilles , while the return from the postage was only £ 64 , 000 . Dbeadfdx DEATH—Bridget Fox , a ppo ^ froman , fell into a drain or dyke , swollen by the late BallygibbSjnear BUmallock , and perished . James Bennett , Esq ., coroner , held an inquest . Verdict—Accidental death . Old Fools . —At Pargrey , two rivals happened unfortunately to meet at the house of Madame 27 . A quarrel ensued , and on the following day one ef the parties was found dead in his bed , owing to a rupture of a blood vessel of the heart The deceased was eighty years of age , his rival seventy seven , and the lady
Repeal op ihe Game Laws . —The Dake of Norfolk has directed all the game slaughtered on the preserves at Arundel Castle to be given to the inhabitants indiscriminately , of the town . : Bobbery , —A few days ago , whilst all the waiters at one of the restaurateurs on the Boulevards were engaged is | t ** o ^ H ^ ng on customers in the cabinets , whieh were crowded , some one entered the room where the plate waa kept , and took off , without being observed , one hundred and five silver spoons and as many forks , and twelve gravy spoons and as many soup ladles . COBS Habboub—The want of a light to mariners at Cable Island , off Cork tar dout , is much complained ot In the storm of Sunday night the Bristol steamer bad to lay out to sea for want of a beMoa to guide her in , aad the pawoagnrs snflered much from fatigue and terror .
Noble Example—We lean that the working men Qf ~ Riitn > ^ ifgfo fp y yo commenced a movement to wt ^ i ^ y b baths on a grand scale for ' their own use in that city . « iey are to hold a public meeting under ihe auspices or Lord punfemUne , that steady and earnest friend to ¦*? 1 l ? ' W » lordship , with many leading men ^ in Edinburgh , have resolved to encourage the P vil !? 41118 to P » mote the many-rirtueB which are the ofixpringof cleanliness . SLAm-The Slate Quarries at Valentia are at full ' w ^ SJi ? K f ^ ' : Beiwidt Blaekburne , Esq ., Who { returned to the island on Saturday , inttodncuiK £ 200 to be paid to those engaged in the works . There ig a steam machine constantly at woik in cawing the blocks . The manufactures consist of sofas , chairs , tables chimney pieoeB , buckets , sashes , window frame * , &e ' si ] of which are slate .
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Centenary Revolutioks . —The Courier Francais states , that some days since a statesman and academician , in the : course of a conversation , which 'took place at the . library of the National Institute , ebserred that ) in the middle ol each century for the jast 500 years , some great social crisis had occurred in Europe , "In 1440 , " he said , it waa Bacon and Descartes who demolished the Infallibility of Aristotle . In 1750 , it was philosophy which triumphed and prepared the revolution in 1789 . We approach the year 1850 , and it Is-evicent society Is preparing to undergo a fundamental renovation , " Pauliamentaby—A report prevails that Mr . Irving , M . P ., means to resign his seat for the county Antrim . ;
Impohtast SO Wrres . —Mrs . Ellis says , and truly , too , as many men and women can testify , that " there is not an hour in the day in which a man so much likes to see his wife dressed wi th neatness as when she leaves her bed-room and sits down to breakfast . " Ready * ob Anything . —The following advertisement appears in a Cork journal of Saturday : — "A respectable and steady Conservative , accustomed to firearms ! 1 would have no objection to receive an engagement in the establishment of a nobleman or a gentleman . " t ¦"
Death by Drowning . —On the evening of Tuesday , a farmer named Bobinson , residing in the townland of Toreagh , near Raloo , when returning from Ballyclare Fair , mistaking his way ia the darkness , rode his horse into the Six Mile river , and was drowned . H < s body wps not discovered till three o ' clock on the following Tuesday , having been carried about two miles down the r iver from the spot where the unfortunate man perished . His family are moat respectable , and a wide circle of acquaintances deplore his untimely fate . In crease of Cbime . —No less than seven burglaries and attempts at burglary have been committed in the Camberwell-road within the last twelve months , the . houses are situate within twenty yards , or less , ef each other ; and all of them face the public road .
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From the London Gazette of Friday , Dec 1 . BANKRUPTS . Thos . Alford , 26 , Harrow-road , Paddington , licenced victualler , Dec 12 , at two , and Feb . 8 , ot eleven , at the Court of Bankruptcy , London . Mr . Geoxge John Graham , official assignee , 25 , Coleman-street ; Mr . Berkeley , solicitor , Lincoln'a-inn-fields . John Hart , 66 , Quadrant , Regent-street , tailor , Dec . 8 , at half-past eleven , and Jan . 12 , at half-put one , at the Court of . Bankruptcy , London . Mr . George Green , official assignee , 18 , Aldermanbury ; Mr . Teague , solicitor , Crown-court , Cheapside . Richard William Elliott , 25 , Compton-street , Clerkeuwell , manufacturing silversmith , Deo . 8 , at eleven , Jan . 12 , at one , at tba Court of Bankruptcy , London . Mr . George Green , official assignee , Aldermanbury ; Mr . Evans , solicitor , 51 , Lineoln ' s-inn-fields .
James Smith , DareDth , Kent , carpenter , Dec . 12 , at half-past one , and Jan . 17 , at twelve , at the Court of London . Mr . Lacklngton , official assignee , 3 , Cslemanstreet-buildings ; Mr . Tripp , solicitor , Gfay ' s-un-square , London ; Mr . John Hay ward , solicitor , Dartford . Charles Williams , Sunderland , Durham , currier , Dae . 12 , at twelve , and Jan . 23 , at two , at the Court of Bankruptcy , Newcastle-upon-Tyne , Mr . Thos . Baker , official assignee , Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; Messrs . Ball and Co ., Bolldtwra , Bow-churchwar d , London ; and Mr . Wm . Snowball , solicitor . Bishop Wearmbuth . Wm . Stone , Birmingham , printer , Dec . 13 , at halfpast eleven , and Jan . 16 , at eleven , st the Court of Bankruptcy , Birmingham . Mr . Richard Valpy , official assignee , Birmingham ; and Messrs . Hay wood and Webb , solicitors , Birmingham .
Robert Lowes , Sunderland , Durham , common brewer , Dee . 8 , at eleven , and Jan . 22 , at two , at the Court of Bankruptcy , Newcastle-upon-Tyne . Mr . Baker , official assignee , Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; Messrs . Cox and Stone , selidtors , Poultry , London ; and Mr . Welford , solicitor , Hexham . John Jones , Conway , Carnarvonshire , ship-builder , Dec . 14 , at eleven , and Jan . 9 , at half-past eleven , at the Court of Bankruptcy , Liverpool , Mr . John Follett , official assignee , Liverpool ; Messrs . Lowe and Co .. solicitors , Sonthampton-baildings , Chancery-lane , London ; and Mr . Wm . Uoji Roberta , solicitor , Carnarvon . Thomas Faweett and John Molr , Hollingworth , Cheshire , builders , Dec . 16 and Jan . 12 , at eleven , at the Court of Bankruptcy , Manchester . Mr . John Fraser , efficial assignee , Manchester ; Mr . Joseph Hibbert , solicitor , Hyde ; and Mr . JohnlTyler , solicitor , Staples-Inn , London .
DIVIDENDS DECLARED . William Anthony Wlnfield , Newcastle-upon-Tyne , draper , a first dividend of 4 s in the pound , payable at £ 7 , G-rey-street , Newcastle-upon-Tyne , on Saturday , Sth December , or any succeeding Saturday . John Higgin , jun ., Lancaster , scrivener , a third dividend of 2 } d in the pound , payable at 72 , Georgestreet , Manchester , on Tuesday , 12 th Dec , and every following Tuesday . Allen England Fowler , Liverpool , merchant , a first dividend of 6 s in the pound , payable at 12 , Cookstreet , Liverpool , on Wednesday , the 6 th Dec ., or any subsequent Wednesday . James Stoodley , Bridport , Dorsetshire , twine manufacturer , a first dividend ef 6 s in the pound , payable at Paul-street , Exeter , on any day after the 1 st Dec . DIVIDENDS TO BE DECLARED IN THE COUNTRY .
Wm . Morgan , Bristol , ship builder , Dec . 29 , at one , at the Court of Bankruptcy , Bristol—Thos . Holroyd , Bristol , shipbuilder , Dec . 29 , at two , at the Court of Bankruptcy , Bristol—James Norroway Franklyn , Bristol , ship builder , Dec 28 , at eleven , at the Court ot Bankruptcy , Bristol—John Jones , Cnepstow , Monmouthshire , wine merchant , Dec 29 , at eleven , at the Court of Bankruptcy . Bristol—Samuel Peace Ward , laverpool , common brewer , Dec . 22 , at one , at the Court of Bankruptcy , Xiverpool—Bfltty Thorniley , Broadbottom , Cheshire , grocer , Jan . 8 , at eleven at the Court of Bankruptcy , Manchester . —Timothy Duggan , St . Joseph ' s Print-works , Cheadle-grove , near Cheadle , Cheshire , calico printer , Jan . 9 , at the Court of Bankruptcy , Manchester—Wm . Hussey , Nether Knutsfsrd , Cheshire , bread baker , Jan . 9 , at eleven , at tho Court of Bankruptcy , Manchester . certificates to be granted , unless cause be shown to the contrary on the day of meeting .
George Winning , 24 , Dover-street , Piccadilly , upholsterer , 2 > e& 28—Nathaniel Fraley , Bristol , merchant , Dec . 28—John Anderson , Manchester , Tootal-bridge , and Ainsworth-hall , Lancashire , calico printer , Dec . 22 —Job . Ridgeway , Manchester , merchant , Dec . 22—A . Pickard , Onsett , Yorkshire , cloth manufacturer , Jan . 6 Charles Lowe , Liverpool , builder , Dec . 22 . certificates to be granted by the Court of Review , unless cause be Bbown to the contrary , on or before Dae . 22 . Charles Tandle , I , Beaumont-street , Marylebone , coach maker—Thos . Osborn , Bordesley , Birmingham , banker—Samuel Polak , Newport , Monmouthshire , woollen draper—Charles Ridge , Chlchester , Sussex , banker—James Gregory , Sheffield , manucfacturer of table knives—Daniel Henry Brown , Haverfordwest , linen draper—Wm . Burton , Great Glenn , Leicestershire , currier—Michael Jackson , East Tbickley Steam-mill , Durham , miller .
PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED . Ellen Hanson and Mary Hanson , Blackburn , confectioners—John Healey and Charles de Bergue , Bolton , Lancashire , machine makers—Caleb Dawaon and SamL Potter , Birkacre and Manchester , calico printers—Wm . Stones , Thos . Pilkington , Ecclea Shorrock , and Robert Hopwooa , jun ., of Blackburn , Lancashire , sawyers .
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From ihe Gazette Tuesday , Dec . 6 . BANKRUPTS . Matthew Allen , apothecary , Walebam Holy Cross , to surrender Dee . 15 and Jan . 16 , at the Court of Bankruptcy , London . Mr . Pennell , official assignee ; Messrs Blschoff and Coxe , solicitors , Coleman-street , Edward Thomas Gore , caUle-dsaler , Tilehurst , Berkshire , Dec . 19 , at half-past two , and Jan . 16 , at halfpast eleven , at the Court of Bankruptcy , London . Mr . Graham , official assignee , Coleman-street ; Mr . Johnson , Temple . John Liddeli Heathorn , ship-owner , Abchurch-lane , City , I > ec 19 ; at half-past one , and Jan . 16 , at one , ab the Court of Bankruptcy , London . Mr . Edwards , official assignee , Frederick-place , Old Jewry ; Messrs . Pering , Minet , and Smith , Laurence , Pountney-lane .
Job Gibson , grocer , Kirton , Lincolnshire , Deo . 18 and Jan . 10 , at the Court of Bankruptcy . Leeds Mr . Young , official assignee ; Mr . Longstaff , Lincoln ; Messrs . Payne , Eddison , and Ford , Leeds . Samuel Wilson Suffield , druggist , Birmingham , Dec . 13 , at one , and Jan . 16 , at half-past eleven , at the Court of Bankruptcy , Birmingham . Mr . Christie , official assignee , Birmingham ; Mr . Ryland , Birmingham . William Sh > w , saddler , Stafford , Deo . 14 and Jan . 15 , at half-past eleven , at the Court of Bankruptcy , Birmingham . Mr . Bittieston , official assignee , Birmingham ; Messrs . A . and T . S . Ryland , Birmingham . Henry Tregent , merchant , Baainghall-street , City , 2 > ec 18 , at eleven , aad Jan . 16 , at twelve , at the Coast of Bankruptcy . Mr . Green , official assignee , Aldermanbury ; Messrs . Crowder and Maynard , Coleman-street
Richard Pusey , baker , Abingdon , Berkshire , Dec . 15 , at half-past twelve , and Jan . 16 , at eleven , | at the Court of Bankruptcy . Mr . Green , ' official assignee ; Mr . Ford , Bloomsbury , London ; Messrs . Frankham and BarHett , Abingdon . Edwin Bancrcf t Bsyley , stuff printer , Pendleton , Lancashire , Dec 19 and Jan . 17 , at eleven , at the Court of Bankruptcy , Manchester . Mr . Potfc , official ass i gnee , Manchester ; Messrs . Claye , Thompson , and Welsh , Manchester ; Messrs . Faulkner , Gregory , and , BourdWo nBedford-row , London .
, Chaslott « Eleanors Bhort , calico printer , Woodend , Cheshire , Dec , 19 and Jan . 17 , at eleven , at the Court of Bankruptcy , ; Manchester . Mr . Hobson , official assigned ; Messrs . Atkinson andSannders , Manchester ; Messrs . JIakinsoa end Sanders , Elm-court , M'iddle Temple , London .
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Borkb and the Riot Act—A member of Parliament when that body was hononred with m membership of Mr . Burke , Fas generally so dull fa his sneecBestnat his rising often was a signal to desert the benches . Having at one time thinned a fall bouse down to a few dczan , be unexpectedly called for t&e reading of the Riot Act , to aupport something in his argument ; Mr . Burkei who had been anxiously waiting to speak on the subject , could contain himself no longer , but jumping up , cried put > with an irresistibly comic air , "the Riot Act J my dear friend , the Riot Act ! to what purpose ? dont you see that the mob is completely dispersed . "
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R 0 SBEBTE&- —Considerable excitement has pre-¦ tailed in the neighbourhood of Hehester in consequence of the accidental discovery of several robberies which have taken place in the immediate locality . This discovery is in a great degree to be attributed to Mr . Bolt ^ the active and indefatigable supenstendent of thB Yeovil police . The dwelling-house ef > Ir . F . H . Dlckenson , M . P ., of Krcgrreston , and cibeiSj have been broken open and robbed of guns , meat , « fe& , *«;
West Ridinq Of Yorkshire.
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Northern Star (1837-1852), Dec. 9, 1843, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct958/page/2/