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THE GOOD OLD PLOUGH . Let them sing - who may of the battle fray , And the deeds that hare long since past ; I / et them chant in praise of tie tar whose days Are spent in the ocean tss * ; I -would reader to these all the -worship yon please I -would honour them evennoie , But I'd glTe f&x mare from my heart ' s fuB store To the cause of the Good Old Plough , Let them land the notes , that la music floats Through their "blight sad thsir glittering halls ; While tie amorous twirl of the hairs' bright aid Bonnd the shoulder of beauty falls . But , dearer to me is the song from the tree , And the rich and blossoming Dough ; . Oh I these are the sweets -which the rustic greets As he follows the Good Old Plough .
Then bow jocund the song as it comes along From the ploughman's lusty throat ; ~ Did the hunter ' s shout ere ? yet give out To the brown -woods a merrier note ? Tfiongh he follows no hound , yet his day is ero wa'd With a triumph as good I trow , As though an tiered head at bis feet lay dead , Instead of the Good Old Plough . ynll many there oe that we dally see With a selfish and ioUotr pride , Whom the ploughman ' s lot in Ma bumble cot With a scornful look deride . Yet I'd rather take , aye , a hearty shake Prom his band than to wealth I'd bow ; Tor the honest grasp of that hand ' s rough clasp Hath stood by the Good Old Plough .
AH honour be then to these grey old men , When at last they are bo-w'd "with toil ; Their warfare then o ' er , -why they battle no more For they ' ve conquered the BVnfeboro son . And the ehsplet each wears are his silTer hairs , And ne ' er shall the tietortfbrow With a laureled crows te the grave go down , lake these sons of the Good Old Plough . Hesbt Moojr Doneistsr .
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FRANCE . —ie Siede contains an article on French commerce , deduced from the official returns just published by Government , by which it appears that the foreign trade of Prance has diminished considerably . The only exceptions made by Le Siecle to ibis observation refer to the trades -with the states of Italy . THeJtozfwna ^ direetstTieattention of Government to the danger which existed in the fact that 340 , 000 , 000 francs , the property of the Savings' Banks , were already , In the month of Jnne last , in the hands of the Treasury , every shilling of -which" might , as the law cow stands , be demanded on the same day . and thus rednce the Government to a state of bankruptcy . M . Ekgebban , depnty to the National Contention , the Council of J 5 ve Hundred , and the Corps LsgJslatif , died on the 27 ih alt ., at Avrancbes , in the 93 rd year of his age .
Pexthoss agaisst the fortifications of Paris is . ve been adopted by seYeral of the provincial towns . The Emancipaieur of Toulonse publishes one which lies for agn&tnre in that town . It is addressed to the Chamber of Deputies , and is to the following effect;—" Con-rinced thai the fortifications of PariB are an attempt on ihe liberty of Prance , and that they are raised bnt for tyranny and oppression , the nnder-Sgned implore yon , in the mane of humanity , to exercise your right , by demanding their complete demolition . Meanwhile , they entreat yon to prevent their beite at all supplied , and to refuse any
subsidies for ihe finishing of ihe works /' Sot £ b Hjdtjsg took -place at the School of Law on Thursday . The lectnre of II . Blondeaa , the doyen Jately dismissed , having been again postponed , the Students repaired to that of Ducaurroy . There they « ommenced crying , " FiceBlondeau J and down with Boss . " M- 3 > neanrroy was unable to proceed -with Iub lecture , buVirritated by the dlstur naneeyaltbongn not directed against him , he lost his temper , laid hold of one of the pupils , and was carrying him off TPntfrfche assistance of one of ihe officers of the school , ¦ when . the comrades of the offender assembled in crowds round the professor and liberated the
pri-Boner . M- C 05 SIDEE 1 KI , editor of the Democratic Pad-Jigue , a journal advocating the Phalansterian system , was elected on Tuesday member of the Council-{ Jeneral of Paris by the electors of the 10 th arrondissement . A sxre sbokb oct ± n a mninifactory for carding Wool at Bonen , on Tuesday , which w&b entirely contimed , with five adjoining houses . The Monlieut Parisien contains accounts from Borne of the 18 th inst ., announcing that the Pope never enjoyed better health than at that date . Several of the Cardinals , however , -were ill . Cardinal Pecca , the senior membsr of the Sacred College , was confined to his bed by severe illness . Cardinal Micara's health was so altered , that he had been obliged i © quit bis dioeeseand repair to Borne .
SPAIN . —According to letters of the 23 rd uli ., Madrid was in a state of great excitement , and there being some fear of an outbreak ^ the trosps were kept aJ zdeht under arms . A Marseilles journal of the 25 th says :-r Fresh fugitives from Barcelona are arriving . Yesterday the Phenicien brought fifteen individuals on board , all compromised in the late insurrection . Amongst them are four members of the late Junta , named De-^ ollada , Benavent , Zulneta , and Soles , the Secretary . Hie others were officers . "
Lettebs tboh Babcblo >* a of the 22 nd instant , mention thai tranquillity was not yet completely reestablished ia that city . In the evening of the 21 st , the militia , who still retained their arms , tumultnonsly assembled in the streets , crying "Death to Prim . '" and " Ttva the t > atral Junta . " The Captain-General immediately ordered that the Rational Guardsoe disarmed within six hours , under penalty of death , which measure was carried into effect without any resistance . Had this course not h : 3 D adopted , the peace of the city wonld not have
lasted eight days . On the 22 nd npwards of 100 insurgents embarked in the Trench vessels on the station . The members of ihe Junta were to be Janded at Port Vendres . One of them , the hunchback MasasetjWho had been apprehended for dilapidation of ihe public works , had made his escape . ** The English vessels of war , " says a correspondent of the Journal dps Delats , "lying in the roads , wonld not xeeeiTB any of the insurgents on board , The commander of the station , wishing tOTid himrslf of their importunities , had hoisted the quarantine flag . " '
CoBHESPOXDEyCE PBOM "M -UDEID of the-25 th Ult . announces , that Senor Olczaga , the newly appointed Prime ^ Minister , made his appearance in the Chamber of Deputies the preceding day , accompanied by his colleagues , with the exception of General Serrano , fte Minister of "War , who was absent from indisposition , . and in an eloquent speech declared his intention to do justice to all parties . He held ont hopes . ihat a period of peace had arrived with the declaration of the Queen ' s majority , and concluded bj assuring the Chamber that the Cabinet would sever be found wanting in zeal and energy in the Berrice of their country .
The SeraMo of the 25 ih nit . states , that & soldier reduced by & promise of 60 , 006 reals-, had purchased & quantity of corrosive sublimate , for the purpose of mixing inthe Jood of General Narvaez ; but never having found an opportunity of carrying his designs into execution , he had confessed his crime , and named his accomplices . tETTEBS PBOM idiDBID of the 25 Ul fii&U , that tranquility was foi a moment disturbed on that day in consequence of an order to suspend the reorganization ot the National Guard . ' She citizens having assembled , according to invitation , at the Townhouse , to proceed with the election of their officers , found it guarded by a military force , anda &ando posted up . stating that the Government had deemed it expedient to suspend tte operation until fiutser
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consideration . This measure did not satisfy the multitude , who vented their displeasure by cries of * Muera" to the enemies of the National Guard . A portion of the people having subsequently moved from the Town-house towards the Royal Palace , tho officer on duty there took alarm and sent for reinforcements . In a short time strong bodies of infantry and cavalry marched to the Palace , and dispersed the assembled crowds . On some points resistance was offered , and fourteen or fiften civilians and two soldiers were wonnded . * '
Order having been restored , the authorities caused the military posts to be doubled , the strictest commands were given to the troop ? , and half a battalion of infantry remained stationed at the Puerto del Sol during part of the day . In the evening , although tranquility had been perfectly re-established , numerous patrola traversed the streets , and Generals Serrano , Concha , Nsrvaez , Pezuela , and Mazarredo , were seen riding through the most populous quarters of the city .
GEH 2 OANY—Pbogbbss of Commumism . —Pbahkfokt , Ney . 26 . —The associations of the working classes for the purpose of introducing practically the ideas of socialism , or rather communism , by means of revolutionary reform , become daily more frequent and more dangerous . The governments are daily issuing decrees against the wandering customs of artisans and apprentices ; they especially prohibited their visiting Switzerland , which is considered as the home Of these revolutionary ideas . Several apostles of socialism have been arrested .
SWITZERLAND . —PxaSECTJTlON OF THE COMHU-Msis . —The Basle Gnsetle of the 29 th states the Supreme Tribunal of Zurich has passed judgment on the appeal of M . Weilling , who was found guilty in the first instance of disaffection , and sentenced to several months' imprisonment . Weilling is condemned to four months' imprisonment and five years' banishment ; first , for having excited the people to revolt ; and , secondly , for having entered into secret associations notwithstanding the laws of the country concerning refugees . He was acquitted of the charges brought against him of bringing religion into contempt . TDREE 7 . —&j&iz Pacha , the representative of the old regime has been overthrown , and a new council formed .
UNITED STATES . —It ia Btated at Washington , snd the declaration is generally credited , that Mr . Tyler will recommend the annexation of Texas to the United States , in his next message to Congress . An English lady , Mibs Isabel K . Keats , and niece of the late English poet of that name , died a short time since , at Cincinnati , from the accidental discbarge of a gnn wfaicb . she held in her hands . Philadelphia . —Mr . Bnssell , an English actor , and late manager of the Arch-street Theatre , in this city , was horsewhipped on Saturday evening by Mr a . Madison , an English actress , —cause , delay in paying the actress . Mr . Bussell could make no resistance to a lady , and therefore she was bound
over to keep the peace . This strange scene took place at the Western Hotel , Market-street , Philadelphia . General Bertrand has left this city and gone to Washington . He was complimented here with a public dinner . Monroe Edwards , the great forger , late hatched a conspiracy to escape from Sing Sing , by setting the prison on fire . The intention was fortunately discovered in time to secure Edwards , and save ihe lives of the prisoners . We have the sad sews of several American whaling ships ha-nng been lost in the Pacific . We have also news of Sir W . D . Stewart ' s party on their way across the Rocky Monntains . A few of the party have returned , and a Mr . L . D . Walker , of St . Louis , had been killed in a quarrel .
CANADA . —By th « Britannia ateamer we have accounts from Canada to the 3 rd nit . In the House of Assembly an address to the Queen w&s adopted by a Tote of b \ to 27 , concerning the proposition made by her Majesty to remove the seat of Government to Montreal . When the address came before the Council , it was opposed by certain Members . The measure however was insisted upon , and the further discussion was fixed in the Assembly for the 9 th , when the Hon . Mr . Morris rose and said , that in view of these strange proceedings , it became his
duty to record his protest , and retire from all further participation in the proceedings of the Council He then bowed to the Speaker and the House , and retired , followed by Messrs . De Blaquire , Ferguson , Crook 3 , Wash burn , Sherwood , Mackay , Dickson , Hamilton , Macanbery , Draper , Macdonald , and A . Eraser . Soon - after they retired the Council adjourned . Montreal , however , will be the future Beat of Government . James M'Dermott and Grace Marks have been sentenced to death at Toronto , Upper Canada , for the murder of Mr . Kinnear , in July last . The execution is appointed for the 21 st instant .
ALGIERS . —The Moniteur pnblishes the following report , addressed by General Baraguay d'Hilliers to Marshal Sngeaud . It is dated C ' onstantina , Nov . 4 :-** In the provinceof CoBStantina is a powerful tribe called the Sahari who inhabit the desert in winter , but in spring and summer come down in the Sh&k » nd the Tel ] , where they pasture a great man ; cattle . The Safari annually give rise to loud complaints against them . Sometimes they plant themselves on cultivated lands , which they devastate ; sometimes they carry on the trade of highway robbers , and uniformly , before retiring to the desert , they plunder one of the settled tribes . This year they made the Smoulls their victims . Without any provocation , while the Caid of the Smoulls was absent with his
goum , gathering ia the taxes from the Segnias , the Sahari invaded the tribe , killed many of them , and carried off one hundred eameis . I could not abandon the submissive tribes , and as it was quite time that these depredations should bo repressed , and the brigands punished , gave orderB to Commandant Le-£ rand , of the Spabis , to march against the Sahari and chastise them . One hundred and sixty chaseurs , as many Sp&his and bodies from the different tribes , assembled by the Kalifa , pursued the Sahari , and overtook them at the defile of Batena , Aware of our coming , they collected all their force and made
a Btont resistance . At first they beat back tho goum and the Spahis ; but when the chasseurs came up they were defeated and broken , with the loss of sixty men killed , and 2 , 400 camels and an innumerable flock of sheep captured . Thosa were all brought to Constantina . My intention being , not to ruin , bnt only to punish , I have sent to make known 4 o them that I will restore their camels if they will come in and petition for the Aman . I have no doubt of their ^ coming ; for by thus uniting generosity with severity we shall , vo doubt , impress them with a deep idea of our strength and power /'
MOBB ** GL 0 BT 3 "—The Message * - ^ nblisbes several despatches from Algiers , one a letter addressed by General Tempoure to Marshal Bugeaud annonnciag a battle on the 11 th of November , the result of which was that the Kalifat Sidi Embarrack was left dead on the field ot battle , with 400 of hia troops . General Tempoure Dursned the rest of the army , but by the last account had not overtaken them . On the 25 ; h of October , General Silleque took the town of Boussada , which he considered the key of the desert , as regards trade , without firing a shot . Bonssada is entirely of Arabian origin . No trace of Roman mine is found in it . Aecordipg to tradition it was built in tne fifth century of the hegyra . It has a population of about 4 , 500 persons .
Am Affbat in New Zealaxp . —The Sydney Herald of the 13 th of July , gives late intelligence from New Zealand , according to which a coiifiict had taken place between the English and the natives at Cloudy Bay . The particulars are as follows : — Ranpero , a chief , had interfered with the p roceedinga of a party of surveyors belonging to Nelson , who were setting out * country seotiona' at Wairoa . It appears he at first remonstrated with them , and desired they would leave the place , which they refused to do : the consequence "was , that he burnt their hnlB , and detained or stole their effects . The Nelson authorities then issued a warrant for his apprehension , and a party of about forty persons proceeded to secure him and another accomplice ,
who , it was said , had assisted him : in Mb work of destruction . Having made known the object of their visit through the medium of an interpreter , the natives , who h&d assembled to the number of about eighty , exhibited their fire-arms , and Bhowed by gesticulations their small inclination to submit to the surrenderfof the parties re quired . The interpreter , who it is presumed was Mr . Tuckett , with the Company ' s agent , then retired to , the persons in the rear , for the pnrpose of bringing them np to "ihe spot , but in the mean time the report of a musket was beard , and he saw that they had been attacked by the natives , who kept up a rnnning skirmish with them as they ascended the hill . Mr . Tuckett now sought personal safety , and with five others gained
the coast , and made their retreat on board thebng which took them to CloudyBay . From the accounts published it cannot be gathered how many Euro ; peans remained with the natives j but it is stated that three of the former and four of the latter wsre killed . Upon the arrival of theirig ^ t 'Wellington , a meeting of the magistrates was held , and they determined to send off a large party to rescue the whites from the natives . The brigtook the company appointed , and after a cruise of two dayB landed them ; and two or three personB , at the latest dates , had eone ashore to make inquiries , and ^ treat with the natives . " A meeting of the inhabitants of Weilimrton was held on the 27 th of Jnne , to urge upon
fee Government at Auckland , the governor oi new South Wales , and the Secretary of State himself , the necessity of affording military protection to the residentB at Cook ' s Straits . The Sydney papers regard ? hfpre «^ o » ibreak a » exceedingly alarming , and beg the attention of the home Government . to it . From other facts disclosed 1 > y the present arrival , it seemB the natives have not the most friendly feeling for the settlers , since in several cases they have claimed payment for tracts of land before purchased from th » New Zealand Company , and were apparently qniteprepared to enforce their demands « theparties applied to refnsed . From Auckland the date is as late as the 17 th Jane .
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A Strange Stobt—The New York Courier and Inquirer says , that from recent dates of the Royal Gaxette&nd Guiana Times we have obtained tome information beautifully illustrative of the boasted magnanimity of British forces in protecting the poor African from bis oppressors . We give the statement of the facts from English authority , and leave our readers to judge bow appropriate is the boast , that all men , once under the shadow of the English flag , are free . With facts like these staring them in the face , how England has the assurance to prate to us about our slaves , evinces a degree ot impadenco utterly beyond onr powers to conceive . It appears that the Dutch Government echoener Henrietta Elizabeth , recently arrived in the river Demerara ,
bringing with her , under the charge of Mr . W , B . Inglis , secretary , &c a score or more of Africans from Surinam . This strange arrival produced no little i astonishment among the good people of Demerara , and upon inquiry it turned out that these poor wretches were the remains of a cargo of slaves taken in 1823 from a slaver named the Las Nievas ( the Snow ) which was captured at that time , and taken [ into Paramaribo , Surinam , for adjudication before the mixed British and Dutch commission at that place . The Guiana Times says— "Theslaves , then , some forty-nine in number , were of course declared , for decency ' s sake , free . In spite of wliioh , through the rapacity of the Batch Government , and tho criminality of the British Commissioner , they remained twenty long years in bondage , snbjeot to the lash , the Spanish buck , and all the other tender mercies of the code of Surinamuntil their numbers
, diminished down to twenty-six , inclusive of the children born during this sore and iniquitous servitude . Will it be believed that the British Commia ; sioner , who connived at this infamy , received the thanks of the British Government for his services ! From all the horrors of such a slavery these poor wretches have been redeemed , partly through the awakened activity of the Foreign Secretary of Statej but mostly , we have reason to think , through the honesty and Z 3 al of the present British Commissioner , Mr . Schenley , who , however , living in the camp of the selfish and insidious enemy , is daily threatened With personal violence , and unless he id supported by the Home Government , must necessarily give up his commendable undertaking , although there are several hundreds of bonafide free Negroes exposod to the torments from which the twenty-bix have so happily escaped . "
Dkeadftjl Coi * flictwith PiftATKS . —By the latest accounts received from ; Java , the expedition against the pirates , commanded by Captain J . T . A . Coerfczsn , was to the south-east of Celebes , and had succeeded in destroying the retreats of the pirates in the islands of Tannah , Djampea , and Kaloetoea , near Saleyer , with thirty large pirate vessels , taking forty pieces of cannon . Some days afterwards the Hecla discovered a great number of pirate vessels in a bay of the islands to the south-east of Celebes , which on seeing the Hecla immediately put to sea , and attempted to save themselves by flight . Being soon overtaken by the Hecla ( a steamer ) , an engagement ensued in the Strait of Boneratte ; the pirates seeing they could not escape , prepared to make a
desperate resistance , and waited for the steamer . The pirates on this occasion fought with a degree of intrepidity of which there are few examples . One of their largest vessels , on board of which was the serang or panglima of the pirates , and which ia said to have had a crew of one hundred and fifty men , fell into our bands , with thirty-seven slaves , among whom were eight women , five children , and five of the pirates , one of whom was tho serang , who , however , afterwards died of his wounds ; the others lost their lives . Another vessel , with about one hundred men , having been much damaged by our balls , turned to the shore and ran aground the crew fied up tho country . These two vessels were well provided with guns . The largest bad thirteen mounted , tWO of
which were six-pounders . The other pirate vessel fied , favoured by the approach of night and a high wind . We have to regret the loss of seven killed and twenty-six wounded . After the steamer fell in with the pirate vessels , and soon sunk one of them , the others retreated , and onr people thought they were rid of them ; when , after some debate , as it seems , having killed the women and thrown the bodies that were on board into the sea , resolved to conquer or die , they came on in greater numbers than before , and , notwithstanding the destructive fire opened upon them , they boarded the steamer , where a deplorable conflict ensued , which in all probability , considering the great superiority of the pirates , wonld have ended to the disadvantage of the
steamer , so that the Hecla would have been captured § nd the erew carried into slavery , ot put to the sword , had not the captain , with extraordinary presence of mind , thought of using the fire engine to pour boiling water on the pirates . They . beiDg quite naked , were burnt and scalded , and with fearful cries sought for Brfety or flight , so that the captain , who had not been able to use either his guns or bis small arms , had now the opportunity of completing , by his fire , the destruction of the flying pirates and . their vessels . PersonB who are acquainted with these pirates and their vessels , are convinced that if they had unhappily taken his Majesty's steamer , they would have obtained a degree of power which might have had the most fatal consequences for coasting vessels and merchantmen . —Dutch Paper *
ABTS 81 KI A . —The Bombay Times announces the liberation of 7000 Christian slaves from galling bondage , at the intercession of Captain Harris , late AmbHeBador to Abyssinia , whilst hundreds of doomed Pagan prisoners taken in the bloody forays witnessed by the British embassy were set at large . This was iol all ; for , through the same mediation , several members of the royal house of Shoa , and princes of the blood , whom a barbarous policy has , since the days of Solomon , doomed to chains and a living grave , have been liberated by British influence .
Inpza . —Ovebiakd Mail . —The revolution in the PuBjauh has been the principal topic of interest during the month . The report of the murder of Dhyan Sing has been confirmed—he fell by the hand of the regicide Ajeet , who , however , shortly after met his death by being in turn slain . Heera Sing , the son of Dhyan Sing , has placed a suppoaitious son of Rnnjeet Sing , a boy of six or seven years of age , upon the throne , and himself occupies the post of Prime Minister . It is not known whether Lord Ellenborourgh will interfere , though reports of the immediate assemblage , on the Sikh frontier , of
an army consisting of from 30 , 000 to 36 , 000 men , tend to induce a pretty general belief * that he will eventnally , if not at oace , do so . The Bengal troops ordered to Sinde , to relieve those of Bombay , have been countermanded , and arc to remain for the present at Ferozepore , The •* Army of Exercise , " however , it would appear is still to be assembled on the Jamna . What this force is to be nobody positively knows , though it is surmised it ' . s intended for Gwalior . Dewan Sawun Mull , the powerful chief of Moultan , has been murdered . It is believed his assassination took place about the time of the first revolutionary outburst at Lahore .
News from Affghanistan has been received , which lead us to believe that Dost Mahommed is not destined to retain very long Itho reins of authority at Cabal . He has become exceedingly unpopular , many of his subjects are in open rebellion—the chiefs are dissatisfied—conspiracies are forming against him—and an attempt has been made to effect his assassination , which , however , luckily proved unsuccessful . From Sinde we have few details , save of sickness , from which the troops at Sukkur and Kurraohee have suffered severely . Apprehensions would seem to exist at Shikarpore of an attack on our troops by the Hill tribes and people of Moulton . Should this occur , doubtless Shere Mahomed , who was captured at Sehwan , in June last , has arrived in Bombay , and proceeds to join his fellow prisoners at Sassoor . Gwalior is still turbulent ; but it seem 3 doubtful whether we shall take measures for its pacification . Hurree Holkar , the ruler of Maiwa , is dead .
Intelligence has been received from Macao ( China ) to the 28 th of August , but it is of no importance in a political point of view . —Chronicle .
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Pbecept and Practice , —A humorous comment on systems of " artificial memory" was made by a waiter at an hotel where Feinaigle dined , after having given one of his lectures , A few minutes after the professor led the table , the waiter entered with uplifted hands and eyes , exclaiming , " Well , I protest ; the memory-man has forgotten hi s umbrella ! ' ' New Locomotive Poweh An empty coal waggon was lately driven by the force of the wind alone from Dalston to the station in Carlisle , 60 the Blaryport railway , in the short time of ten minutes . Tbe distance is upwards of four miles , and a man was on the carriage the whole way . This ia of itself a tolerable Bpeed , being at the rate of about twenty-four miles per hour .
IiAW . —In the Bail Court , London , on Tuesday , Mr . Brandon , tobacconist , Straud , brought an action against a student of the Temple , named Newington , to recover £ 2 7 s . for Havannah cigars , furnished to him in 1839 , not having been able to bring him sooner to book . The jury found a verdict for the plaintiff , and the costs in the action amount to £ 100 . Stkakge ^ Discovery . —We understand that the werkmen employed in pulling down an old dwellinghouse at Gotham , Nottingham , to their great surprise , found the probate copy of the will of a man named Burrowt , who had resided there many years ago , he having owned the property . Itvr&B found stuck between two walls in the staircase . This same property baa been long held by Earl Howe , In consequence of the inability of the parties to make any title to the same ; but it is now conceived that his lordship will , upon a pedigree being produced , and the title ot the belr-at-law established ( who , we bear , resides in Nottingham ) , readily relinquish the possession .
EOBBIBLB ASSAULT—Ab Michael Gallfoyle of Lls-Benisky , and others were on their way home , on Monday night , from Roscrea , they were waylaid at Loughton Gate , the seat of Lord Bloomfield , by twelve men armed with sticks , stones , and other deadly weapons , who beat : them in a most cruel manner , particularly the former , who received twelve wounds on the bead , and a dreadful fracture . There are no hopes of his recovery . ^ DonstaWe Ja mes 3 iaione , ot 3 lonegall | arrested nine fellows on suspicion .
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Sodden DEATH .- ^ On Tuesday week , as Mr . Lancelot Dove , late Sergeant-Major in the 8 th Fusiliera , was taking a walk on tho cliff , he felt himself ill , and went into the shop of Mr . Thorpe , when he immediatel y fell down dead . — # «// Advertiser . Police for China . —It is not , perhaps , generally Known that it is the intention of government to send out to Hong Kong twelve'inspectors of polios and twelve privates ; the general corps to be selected trom the nafcivea there . The inspectora are to be allowed , £ 400 per year . Sidney Smith and the Pbsbyites . —The Paseyltea date their letters as follows :- " The Feast of the Visitation , B . V . M . ; " " The Feast of the Transfiguration ; " " The Feast of St . Matthew . " &o . On tne Rev . Sidney Smith receiving a letter from one of those formal gentlemen , headed and dated after this tashion , he began his letter in reply as follows . — M Baking-day , eve of Washing-day . " ' . - . . ; — _ , ' "
Brighton . —Encroachment op the Sea . —Since theJate fatal accident , by the falling of the cliff at KOttingdean , other portions have given way ; and on Tuesday night , at Blackrock , close to Arundelterrace , Kemp Town , several tons of earth fell , completely undermining the carriage-road , and threatening Us entire destruction . It has been necessary to remove the palings into the middle of the road , leaving onl y sufficient room for One carriage to pass at a time . Numbers of the visitors are daily attracted to the spoi ; to see the destruction mado to one oi the best roads out of Brighton . Measures are being taken for cutting a new road from Kemptown to Rottingdean more inland , as no means can be adopted to save the present road . The Convict Stolzer . —This man has been removed , with seventy other convicts , to the Penitentiary at Milbank , under sentence of transportation
ior ute . it has seldom happened that . a convict in possession of sound intellect , as this man evidently was , has been known to manifest the confirmed apathy and dogged taciturnity which was displayed by btolzer , from the time of his committal to Newgate for murder to the time of his removal . As his trial approached at tne October Sessions he evinced no curiosity , and he reoeivwl the sentence of death passed on him with a sullen indifference ; and when taken below he said , " It ' s no more than I expected . " During his confinement in the cells the sheriffs , as is
already knows , mads application to the Executive for a commutation of the sentence , which in the first instance proved abortive . The culprit was informed of the application and its result . He expressed no gratitude for the exertions that had been made , and in reference to the unfavourable reply of the Secretary of State , he only remarked , " It ' s no more than 1 expected . " When the respite came down to Newgate a few days before that appointed for his execution , and the facfc was communicated , he did not show any surprise or express any gratitude .
Awful Fibe and Loss of Life . —From a Second Edition of the Cheltenham Chronicle . —We deeply regret to announce a most destructive fire attended by the loss of not less than seven lives , which dreadful calamity occurred on Wednesday morning , at Willereley , a small village near JSvesham . It appears that in the course of the preceding day , a chimney in the house of Mr . Rimell , who rents a small farm at Willersley , caught fire and it was Bupposed that it was completely put out—but unfortunately such was not the case , for about three on Thursday morning Mr . Rimsll awoke and found ihe horse was on fire . ; He immediately got out of the bed-room window , and brought a ladder , hoping to rescue his wife , eight children , and a poor woman from Weston j who had been washing at Mr . Rinaell ' s . Such , however , was not the case ; for dreadful to relate , Mrs . Rimell , five of the children , and the poor woman , fell sacrifices to the devouring flames .
The three surviving children escaped , two of them by a low window and the third by way of the staircase , before it was rendered impassable by the flames . Mrs . Rimell might have been saved , but when her husband begged her to come down the ladder , she exclaimed , " O , my poor children . " and returned into the room , when the floor sunk under them , and they were not seen again until dug out of the ruins mere cinders . The a ^ e Of the eldest child burnt is nine years and a half—the youngest one year and a-half . Poor Rimell has lost all his clothes , furniture , and money . What adds to this melancholy event is ; that the washer-woman was a widow , and has left eight unfortunate orphans to bewail her loss , f if the wealthy have hearts , surely this is a case that will call forth their active sympathies and induce them to attempt , bo far as possible , to heal the woirads caused by this dreadful calamity . Ed . N . S }
Discharging a Debtor—A debtor in Pennsylvania gaol lately sent to his creditor to let him know that he had a proposal to make which he believed would be for their mutual benefit . The creditor called upon him to hear it . M I have been thinking , " said the former , " that it is a very bad thing for me to be here , and to put you to the expense ; of one dollar and 25 ceuts . per week . My being so chargeable to you has given me great uneasiness—for heaven knows what it may cost ; yon in the end ; therefore' what I would propose 18 tfllB —you shall let mo out of « aoi , and allow me one dollar a week , and let the 25 cents , go towards discharging the debt . "—Berkshire Chronicle .
Love and Suicide . —Oh Saturday afternoon an inquisition was taken before Mr . Baker , at the Sir Walter Scott , London Fields , HackBey , on view of the body of Elizabeth Wright * aged seventeen . John Lande , No . 4 , Margaret place , Hackney , said that on Thursday night , about half-past eight o ' clock , he was standing on a wharf by the side of the Regent ' s Canal , near the Hackney-road , when he heard a splash in the water on the side opposite to that where he was . Soon after he saw a female rise , who held up her hands , with which she got hold of the side of the bank , and at the time she gave a loud shriek . She sank again , and on rising gave another shriek . The drags were procured , and she was got out in five minutes . She was brought
to the Sir Walter Scott , where a surgeon attended , who , for two hours » tried to restore life , but without effect . A bonnet and shawl were found on the towing path . William Henry Wright , of No . 7 , Vinestreet , Spitalfields , a weaver , said that he was de ceased ' s father , who lived with him . She had been in a good state of health . Latterly she was in such a depressed state of mind , that Witness thought she would turn melancholy . She wfts strongly attached to a young man , with whom she had a quarrel , and who had , during the last fortnight , slighted her a great deal . No one could have behaved more kindly to her than he and her mother did . She used to be a very lively girt . He saw her last alive about two hours before she was found in the canal . Verdict- -Found Drowned .
Alakming Fihes . —About ten o ' clock in the forenoon of Sunday , a fire broke out in the back part of the premises in the occupation of Mr . M . J . Winsor , victualler , Old King ' s Head , 18 , Bear-street , Leicester-square . One of the inmates noticed a strong smell of fire in the locality of the tap-room , which is on the ground floor at the rear of the building . Upon proceeding thither , the floor , benches , and furniture were discovered to be on fire . Several dozen of pewter pots , which were piled to dry were also melcing , and the inoltou metal was running upon the ground in a burning stream . Five brigade engines , under the direction of Mr . Fogo , of the KAng-str « et station , having arrived shortly after the outbreak , and a powerful one from the County depot , under the superintendance of Mr . Carter , the whole of which were well supplied with water , the
fury of the fire was soon subdued , bnt not before considerable damage was done . Mr . Winsor is inured in the County Fire Office . The fire is supposed to have originated by some embers of tobacco falling among the saw-dust on the floor of the tap toom . Another fire , which threatened the most serious consequences at its outbreak , was discovered shortly after noon yesterday , ! at the private residence of C . Cook , Esq ., Moutpelier Row , Lambeth . The fire originated in a foul flue ; thence it extended to the drawing-room , the valuable furniture in which is destroyed , and the building generally extensively damaged . Fortunately , by the judicious exertions oi Mr . Henderson , in cutting away the timber of the flue , and in directing the removal of the portable ' property , the fire was prevented from extending , and many of the effects saved . The occupier is insured ;
Death ot a Convic * . —It will be recollected by those who peruse the reports of the papers , that a postmaster in Lincolnshire , named John Nicholson , abstracted the halves of several bank-notes from a letter , and , with the view of rendering them available , transmitted them to Messrs . Cox aqd Savory , Corhill ; to pay for a quantity of plate ordered , at the same time promising to remit the other halves on its receipt , the order being given in the name of a clergyman . The plate was sent , and a Jew employed to dispose of it , aud the other halves of the notes not having been transmitted , au investigation took place , and the postmaster -was found guilty and sentenced to transportation . The convict was sent to Woolwich preparatory to the terms of his sentence being carried ont , but his degraded situation had so great an effect upon hia bodily health , that he p ined away and died last week . On , Thursday an inquest was held upon the body , as is the case
upon the body of every convict , and the jury returned a verdict , " Died of low fever and debility . " Dr . Bossey , medical attendant on the convict , observed , they might have said , "Died of a broken heart , " and there were many instances of similar cases amongst the convicts . From conversations with several convicts it would appear that many , die of broken heart and spirits , in consequence of iheir truly melancholy situation » and it requiresmore thaacrdinary care on the part of their medical attendants , to restore them to any degree of heaHb , if once attacked by il ' ness , as the absence of hope , especially amongst those sentenced to transportation for life , causes them to sink on the firsts appearance of disease of any kind , and they seldom recover , or , if they i are partially restored , it is only to relapse from the slightest circumstances , which would not in the least affect persons in the enjoyment of liberty .
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Conjugal Dunta . —On Saturday night wesfc about forty women , led by a woman who-blew a born , assembled ] around the house of a tailor residing near Pontardulais , and who was in the habit of rather ill-using his better half . The party ( to use their own expressions ) gave tho ' snip" notice that , " as ho made but a very bad Methodist , " unless he reformed , they would adjourn to the adjoining river , and ; " make a Baptist of him . " The Tail&r belonged to- the former denomination . —Hereford Journal , 1 _ ., - , - ^^ t , — — , , ,-, — - -, — -ril n ~ m ^ -
A Canny Scotchman . —A young lady , who is a zealous non-intrusionist , and aa active canvasser for bawbee 3 and bodies in support of the Free Presbyterian Church , called the other day upon a poor man in the Links of Kirkaldy to solicit his mite ; and after in vain trying her ingenuity to find some means by which he might save a penny a week , to be given for the fu&tentaiton of the minister , who was about to be driven from kirk by the vile Ersstians , she asked , " Do you ebave yourself ?"— "No madam . "M How much does your shaving cost you f— " Twopence a-week . "— » ' Could you not learn to shave yourself , and then you would save the twopence , which you might give to the sustentation fund ?"" Deed , mem , I ' m ower auld to learn , but I'll tell you what I'll do j if yoar minister will come and shave me , ) I'll give him the tippenoe . "— Scotch paper j
A French Miser . —Several years ago , an old man named Dubuisson arrived at Pont Audemer , in the Seine Iuferieure , accompanied by his son . They were [ both without shoes , and scarcely covered from the weather , even in the utmost severity of winter . They brought nothing ; with them but an old iron-bound trunk , which was stated by- Dubuisson to contain only some old pieces of broken ironwork . In jthis state they con tinned to Ihe , having scarcely more than one dinner in two days , and apparently so' altogether destitute , that their
neighbours frequently offered them charity . The old man was enthusiastically dovoted to the memory of Napoleon , and , on the day of the transport of his remains to Paris , he committed the extravagance of buying a pair of Btaoes for his son , that he might go and see the prooession pass . This was the only pair ever seen on the feet of either father or son . In this abject state Dubuisson died , without medical assistance or other care . When , after his . death , the great truak was opened ; it was found to contain no less than 100 , 000 f ., in gold and silver coin . — Galignani . 1
Tom Steelh . —No one among the notabilities on the platform excited my attention to such a degree as the TomlSteele of newspaper notoriety , who is almost of equal fame with O'Connell through all Ireland , as jO'Connell ' s satellite , and who , without O'Connell , would probably have been as little known as Jupiter ' s ] satellites without Jupiter . This man has , as 1 was informed , spent no inconsiderable fortune , entirely ia agitating . He is now poor , and appears more than ever devoted to the cause for which he h ^ B sacrificed bis property . Tom ' Steele possesses as striking an appearanoe as one of Bardolph ' s , Pistol ' s , and Nynm ' s boon companions , or rather looksjlike what one could imagine Corporal Bardolph himself to have been . He has the long and meagre figure of a corporal , and withal the fiery nose of Bardolph . The only difference is , that bis
faoe appears , at any rate , now , more care-worn and melancholy than that of Bardolph . I need hardly say , that he j has the manner of a man without education , and when one hears him speak , it is hard to understand bow , except by expenditure of money , he has obtained any influence and power with the people . It may be that the man has other inward and nobler Qualities , which I know nothing of : this is possible ; but bo much is certain , that I have not exaggerated in the least in my description . Falstaff blames Prince Harry for the bad company in which he finds him !; and I must say , that Tom ' s physiognomy , —judging only from his physiognomy , —was such as led me to wish I had not seen O'Connell in his company . He was , however , received with load cheers , which he acknowledged , and then took a seat by O'CoimeU . —Kohl ' s Travels in Ireland .
Queer Cai . culation . —Some singular genius has perpetrated the following calculations : — " I have been marriedl thirty-two years , during which time I have received from the hands of my wife three cups of coffee each day , two in the morning and one at night , making 35 , 040 cups of half-a-pint each , or nearly seventy barrels of thirty gallons each , weighing 17 , 5201 bs ., or nearly nine tons weight . Yet for that period I have scarcely varied myself in weight from 1601 bs . It will , therefore , be" seen that I have drunk in coffee alone 213 times my own Weight . I am not much of a meat eater , yet I presume I have consumed about eigki ounces a-day , which make 8 l 5 , 806 lbs ., or about ten oxen . Of flour I have consumed , in the thirty-two years , about fifty barrels . For twenty years of this time , up to 1831 , I have dranktwo wine glasses of brandy' each day .
making 900 ] quarts . The port wine , madeira , whisky , punch , &o ., I am notable to count , but they are not large j In champagne I have been extremely moderate , as il find from my bills that I have paid for fifty three baskets iu the last thirteen years , which is about one bottle a-week , and this not all consumed by me . When we take into theaccount all the vegetables in addition , such as potatoes ,, peas , asparagus , strawberries , cherries , apples , pears , peaches , raisins , &c , the amount consumed by an individual is [ most enormous . Now , my body has been renewed more than four times ia thirty-two years , and taking it for granted that the water , of which I have drank much , acts merely as a diluent , yet , all taken together , I conclude that I have consumed in thirty-two years about the weight of 1 , 000 men of 1601 bs . ] eacb , This id small when compared with the gormandizers . "
ApPftEHENSlON OF A GaNG OF SWINDLBES AT Liverpool . —On Friday , at the Police Court , a female , who ^ ave her Dame as Mary Scholes , but whose cognomen was supposed to be a fictitious one , was placed before Mr . Rushton , charged with being concerned in a very extensive system of swindling . The prisoner had been before the Court the day previously ^ and was remand ed until Friday , to afford an opportunity to make further inquiries . The police , with Mr . Dowling as their guide , then set to work to discover whether there might not be others engaged in these nefarious proceedings , and , after a diligent inquiry , succeeded in tracing three persons , two men and a woman , whom there was sufficient
reason to believe had been for a long time successfully engaged ia levying contributions upon the public at large , under specious and false pretences . The three individuals were apprehended by John M . 'Coomb , an active officer of police , at their lodgings in Christian-street , on Thursday night . * All the prisoners were of respectable exterior , the females being rather good rlooking and genteel , and were sufficiently well attired to give them the appearance of a sort of faded gentility . They gave their names j as John Neil , Andrew Craig , and Betsy Craiig , the wife of the latter . It was stated that the woman who gave her name as Scholes . there was good reason to suppose , was the wife Oi
the prisoner Neil , but there wjw not evidence at prfr sent sufficient j to establish that fact . They all resided together , and appeared to have s perfect understanding among them . The forgeries 'they have carried on have been of the class of begging letters , supported by forged testimonials of character , &c . Among the cases brought against them was one of imposing on Lord Newry , by means of one" of these letters , a fabricated recommendation from Lord Downshire being attached to it , along with the name of the Mayor of Cork , and a number of highly respectable individuals belonging to that oity . To give the document an appearanoe of being beyond suspicion , the corporate seal and arms of the city of
Cork were appended * and duly signed as being such by the Mayor of Cork . When the prisoners were apprehended , the police took possession of a quantity of books and papers , which , on examination , showed such a system of fraud and deception , on the part of the prisoners , as has rarely met with a parallel . From 'hese documents , it appeared that the ramifioations Of the ! gang extended far and wide , com-? rising all the principal towns and cities in England , reland , and Scotland . Letters and documents , bearing the names of the most wealthy and influential persons connected with the different localities in which they had practised their frauds and deception , were found amongst these papers , and , if but a tithe
of the sums there stated were given , it proves that they must have long practised a successful course of villany . Some of the papers seized related to the town of Liverpool , Manchester , and various places in Cheshire . In { these towna lists of all the wealthy individuals , particularly those having the character of being humane land benevolent , were noted down to be called upon and victimised ; and to show the diligence as well as the cunning exercised by these adepts at imposition , circumstances the most minute were pointed out regarding them to those undertaking the canvas . ] Their hours of attendance , the general disposition of the parties applied to—whether liberal or otherwise—were carefully noted down for the guidance of the party sent to defraud the unsuspecting dupe . The forged documents seized formed a catalogue unparalleled even in this age of fraud .
fer it appeared by these that the ; had carried on their depredations in Cheltenham , Birmingham , Leamington , Nottingham , Sheffield , and Newcastle , in this country , and had also practised to a great extent in Ireland . In Scotland their operations had extended to most of the counties and towns therein , comprising Berwiok-opon-Tweed , Haddingtonshirej Roxburghshire , Dumfriesshire , Kirkcudbrightshire , Fifesbire , and Forfarshire . Some of the forged oettificates bore the name of the Lord Primate of Ireland , the Bishops of Kiimore , Cashel , and Clogher , Lord O'Niel , Lord Downshire , in Ireland , and other prominent individuals in all parts of the country . The prisoners stand remanded . | On Saturday and again on Monday the prisoners were farther examined , and , on each occasion , evidence affecting them adduced . They were again remanded to this day ( Saturday ) ,
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** Whistling Jigs to MttEstoNEs I" —A writer in the Drogheda Argus , a Repeal paper sayi ^—The Radicals and Chartists are holding meetings for the purpose of sympathising with Ireland , and denouncing the present proceedings of the Government . I am very happy in stating that the advice of the Liberator for the Repealers of England not to interfere with those meetings haves had the desired effect . The Repealers keep aloof , and let those who get up the proceedings push them out themselves .
Awfuht Sodden Death m DBtrar Lank Thextbb—A melancholy instance of the uncertainty of life occurred on Saturday night about niie o ' clock , in the pit entrance of this theatre , Mr . Jeyes , is the act of taking out his money to pay for his admission , was observed by his friend to stagger . Running forward , he caught him in his arms , and with the assistance of Mr . Hooper , a retired naval surgeont residing in Chandos-street , bad him conveyed outside the theatre , where restoratives Were applied but without success . The body was conveyed to tho Sir John Falstaff Tavern , in Brydges-street , Coventgardes , to await the coronor ' s inquest .
Prevention of Shipwrecks—Public Meetings AT Glasgow—An influential public meeting of tha merchants , shipowners , &e .. of Glasgow , was held on Thursday , in tne Town-hall , for the pnrpose of taking into consideration the propriety of presenting a memorial to her Majesty ' s government , in support , with some exceptions , of the resolutions contained ia the first and second Reports of the Select Committee appointed by tho House or Commons to inquire into the shipwreck of British vessels ; the Lord Provost in the chair . Resolutions in favour of legislative measures and of defraying the expense of tonnage-duty on shipping were agreed to . —Glasgow Chronicle .
Extraordinary Preservation of a Seaman . — On Sunday last , Charles Robb , aged sixty-four , * seaman residing in Ropery-lane , Suoderland , arrived at home , after having been cast away at sea , and been four days alone in an . open boat . He was ontii of the crew of the brig Jane Helen , Campbell , of London , which sailed coal-laden from New FLombarangh Head . On the 27 th , a violent storm came on , and the vessel became very leaky and unmanageable . The crew considered her to be in a sinking state , and the long-boat was got oat ; in doing which" the mate was lost overboard . About an hour afterwards they came up with the schooner Mary , of North Shields , from Hamburg ; a short bass rope was thrown from
the vessel , by which the boat was made fast , and all the crew but Robb succeeded in getting on board . Just as he was attempting to leave the boat the vessel was driven off , the rope broke , and the vessel and boat separated . Robb was left in the boat alone , and without food ; and in this situation he remained for four days and three nights , when he was picked up , about one hundred miles from land , by the Danish vessel , Concordia , Capt . Orsted , from Copenhagen to Loadon . He remained on board of the Concordia till it arrived in London , about the 7 th of November , when he was put on board the Hospital Ship Dreadnought , and continued- there
several days . He was supplied with some clothes , and with two shillings on leaving her . Robb then made his situation known at the office of the Shipwrecked Mariners' and Fishermen ' s Society , where he was relieved with an order of £ Vb worth of clothes , and five days' board and lodgings at the Seamen's Home . He next stated the particulars of his case to Mr . G . H . Wawn , coal-fitter , of Coal Exchange , brother to J . T . Wawn , Esq ., M .. P . for Shields , who very kindly relieved him , and ordered htm a passage to the north in one of his ships , and he arrived with ber at Seaham , on Sunday last , tha 26 th nit ., from whence he travelled home to Sunderland . —Newcastle Chronicle .
Exposure to Cold . —On Saturday last , Mr . Baker held an inquest at the Red Lion , Battystreet , Commercial-road , St . George ' s in-the-East , on the body of a child named Charles Robinson , three weeks old , twin child of Henry Charles Robinson , a sailor . It appeared by the evidence that tho mother had been delivered of twins inSfc . George ' s Workhouse , and on Thursday morning last , both of them being in good health , she proceeded with her mother to the Catholic chapel in Virginia-street , RatolinVhighway , for the pnrpose of having them baptised . Oa their arrival they were told iiaA they must wait until the priest had concluded prayers . They continued in the street ( with several other females who had come with their children upon a similar errand , and to be churched ) , for upwards of
an hour , there being no place appointed m the chapel for their reception ; when the priest said he could not perform the ceremony until the following Tuesday , and they were all sent away . They were all Very cold by waiting so long exposed to the cold weather , and proceeded to Wapping to the father . On opening out the shawl in which they were wrapped , it was found that the deceased was nearly lifeless , and upon being taken to a surgeon in the neighbourhood he expired in the shop . Mr . Wil&on , parish surgeon , attributed death to convulsions produced by irritation of the bowels . The Jury commented in very strong term ? upon the practice of keeping females in their delicate condition of heaUh so long exposed to the air , and the coroner , at their request said he would write to the priest on the subject . — Verdict— " Natural death . "
THE PILLS OF OLD PARR . The science of physic has often reveal'd The medicinal stores which the earth has conceal'd But what are the mineral remedies worth . When compar'd with the herbal productions of earth * Of all the fam'd physics ( though many there are ) , Not one can compete with—The Pills of Old Pabb . If you wish to have vigour and lightness of mind—If you wish for that beauty which nature design'd—If you wish to be healthy , and active , and strong—And if , gentle reader , you wish to live long ; No longer yoar earthly felicity mar But seek what you wish in—The Pius of Ou > Pare .
It is said that the seasons allotted to men Exceed not the number of " threo-score-and-tcn ;" Yet , nevertheless , Father Parr , we are told . When he died , was a hundred and twenty years old : Aye ! and you may extend your existence as far By prudently taking—The Pills of Old Pabb . Nay , you need not be under the slightest alarm , For the Pills are bo pure they cannot do harm . They cleanse the foal blood as it flows through the veins , And search out disorder wherever it reigns—For weakness , for bruise , for eruption , or scar , There is nothing to equal—The Pills of Old Pabb .
Untitled Article
' Manchester Corn Mabket , Saturday Dec . 2 . — The trade since our last report has undergone little or no change ; the demand for both Flour and Oatmeal , during ihe week , having continued moderately steady , and no disposition having been manifested to press sales , former prices were supported . There was only a limited amount of business transacted in Wheat at our market this morning ; but the sale 3 made were at folly the currency of this , day week . The best descriptions of English and Irish Flour met a tolerably heavy sale , at previous rates ; but for inferior aud low qualities there was no inquiry and the value of euch must be considered nominal On good , dry , heavy Oats we raise our quotations £ d . per 451 bs . With a moderate demand for Oatmeal late prices were maintained , and , in some instances , rather succeeded for choice oats .
LOKPON COBN EXCHANGE , MONDAY , DEC . 4 Home-grown Wheat is at prices quite equal to those obtained on this day fie ' nnight ; but the demand tot all other descriptions was in a-very sluggish state , and , in some cases the rates suffered an abatement o { is . per quarter . For good fine Foreign Wheat last week ' s quotations were readily supported . Bonded parcels were next to nominal . Malting descriptions of Barley sold freely ; ether kinds at late rates . In Malt the currencies were supported . Oats at very full prices . Beans and Peas at late rates . Town and country-made Floor unaltered .
London smithfield Cattle Market , Mondat , Dec . 4 . —The Bnllock arrivals were by no means large ; for really fine animals the demand was comparatively firm , and , in some instances , the quotations had an upward tendency , say of 24 per lfc , thebest Scots producing , without difficulty , 4 s per 81 bs . With Sheep we were tolerably well supplied ,. Prime old Downs supported their last week ' s prices , or from 4 a to . 4 s 4 d per 81 bs . ; but the rates of all other breeds had a downward tendency . In Calves we can notice no alteration in prices . Small Porkers at our quotations . In large Hoga very little business was transacted .
BOBOUGH and Sfitalfields . —During the pass week rather an extensive Buppty of potatoes has been received at the water-side , 900 tons having ceme to hand from Scotland , 800 ditto from YorfcaBire , 38 O ditto from Guernsey and Jersey , 400 ditto from Devonshire , 600 ditto from Essex and Kent , and 400 ditto from ottierquartew . Fine qualities areTin demand ,, at full prices ; but , in other binds , exceedingly little is doing . Bobough Hop Mabket . —We have a limited quantity of botb New and Yearling Hops on Bale , while the Remand la active , at about equal terms to tUcee obtained last week . Woot MaBKETS . —By private contract » very moderate amount ot business is doing ; yet tne quotations are generally supported .
Tallow . — There Is no alteration in prices to notice In our remarks this morning ; bat there is a large Increase in the stocks . The ships having all arrived , with two or three exceptions , though they are not reported ^ at the Coatom House , their cargoes , tnerefore , are n ^ included in the stock of this day . Town Tadl >< dined last Friday , | aud ia sow 42 a . nett caah >^
33 omg «
Ifj Or*%N ;^«&M*Nljs,
ifj or * % n ;^« &m * nljS ,
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A WOBD IN SEASON . BT CEABLXS D 1 CKJE 5 S . They have a superstition is the East , That ALLAH , written on a piece of paper , Zs l > etter unction than can come of priest , Of rolling incense , and of lighted taper : Soldiug Jlist any scrap which i > eirs that name , Ia any characters , its front imprest on , - Shall help the finder throngh the purging flame , And give his toasted feet a place to rest on . Accordingly they make a mighty fuss With every wretched tract and fierce oration , And hoard the leaves ; for thej are not like us , A lugHly dTilised and flunking nation ; And always stooping is the miry "way 8
To look for matter of this earthy leaven , They seldom in their dust-exploring days , Have any leisure to look up to Heaven . So I hare inown a country en ths earth , Where darkness Bat upon the living -waters , And brutal ignorance , snd toil , and dearth , Were the bard portion of its sons snd daughters ; As&yei , -where they TrOoshDnld have oped tile dooi Of charity and Ugat , Tor all men ' s finding , Squabbled for words upon the altar floor , And rent The Book , in struggles for the binding . The gentlest man among these pious Turks God's living image ruthlessly defaces : Their best higb churchman , -with no faith in -works , Bombings t 3 » TMu&s in tiis madtfet-placea . lbs Gimstisii ? amh , -whom feoth . secta curse .
( They curse all other men , and curse each other , ) Walks thro' the -world , not much the -worse—Poes all the good he can . and loves hia brother .
Market Intelligence.
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THE NORTHERN ft T A R . 3 ¦ ' i .. - ¦ M .- ¦ -. !¦¦ ... — ¦ ¦ ¦ | nr , ¦ ¦ i - _ ¦¦ ¦ —fi * " i 1 yi t n ~ ' tifit . T if' * ~—¦ f * ni * iiiT-ff -. ' p- ' - ' -f- - __ j < 5 ___ t
Northern Star (1837-1852), Dec. 9, 1843, page 3, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct958/page/3/