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Just Published , the V 2 ih Edition-, 'Price 45 ., and ] Eent Free 10 any part of the United Kingdom ; on the TtCiipt of a Pos ; Ofiee Order , for 5 ; . { T 3 E SH > £ 2 T 7 WS jjsbuj , "I A MEDICAL WORK on the INFIRMITIES ; of the GENERATIVE SYSTEM , in both ; sexes ; being an enquiry into the concealed cause I that destroys physical ererjjy- aE ( i lhe ability of ] manhood , ere Vigour has established her empire : — j ¦ with Obicrrarir . ns en the baneful ffferrs or ; OLI- ; TARY IVlTULGENCE a * d INFECTION ; local ud eonnitiuioa *! WEAKNESS , NERVOUS IRRITATION , CONSL"M-PTIU > . " and oa the j pfrtLdor tots ! EXTINCTION of the REPRO- i SUCTIVE POWtRS ; with mean * of re 5 torat ; on : j
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THE INHABITANTS OF LEEDS AND ITS VICINITY ARE RESPECTFULLY APPRIZED THAT A GRAND CHARTIST DEMONSTRATION , IN HONOUR AND SUPPORT OF THE EQUITABLE AND JUSTPRINCIPLES OF THE PEOPLE'S CHARTER , Win be made in the MUSIC HALL , ALBION STREET , on MONDAY , the 19 th of DECEMBER , - 1842 , when a S 0 "WILL I G 1 E TE : ? TO E E T . S . DUNCOMBE , ESQ . M . P . ' The Presenter of the National Petition , signed by 3 , 500 , 000 British subjects , to the House of Commons ; and which will also be attended by FEARGUS O'CONNOR , ESQ , CHARTIST ADYOCATE . The following Gentlemen have also been invited , and are expected to be present : — J . T . LEADER , ESQ ., M . P , JOHN GULLY , E = Q , Ackworth Park . CAPTAIN WOOD , of Sandal . MR . JAMES LEACH . Manchester . MR . J . R . BAIRSTOW , Leicester . ; MR . WILLIAM JONES , Liverpool . A Party of Glee Singers will be in attendance , and take their part in the proceedings of the Evening . Doors open at half-past Five ; Tea on the Table at half-past Six . Tickets , Is . 3 d . each , m 3 y be had at the undermentioned places : —The Star Office ; Mr . Brook ' s , Kirkeate , Corner of Yicar-lane ; Sir . John Cook , News Agent , Daw .-bury-road end ; Mr . Robert Eutwiatle , News Agent , Sweet-street , Brewery-field ; Mr . Samuel Dunn , Temperance Hotel , Kirkgate ; Mr . Fisher , News Agent , West-stre t ; Mr . F . Phillip 3 , Hair Dresser , Kirkstall-road ; Mr . William Scott , No , ; 2 , Scott-street , Wocdbonse ; Mr . Henry Rinder , Seven Stars , Dock-street ; Mr . William Masen , ; Gran tham Arm- Dyer-street : Mr . Edward Farrar , Ordnance Arms , North-street ; and at the Times Office . .
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Messrs . Perry and Co ., Surg * ons , may be consult- j ed as usnaL , at 19 , Beroers-street , Oxford-street , i London , and 4 , Great Charles-street , ( four doors from Easy-row , } Birmingham , punctually , from 1 Eleven in the Morning until eight in the Evening , ' and on Sundays from Eleven till One . Only one ; personal yisit is required from a conntry patient , j to enable Messrs . Perry and Co ., to give such advice ' as will be the means of effecting a permanent and ' effectual oure , after all other means have proved ' ¦ ineffectu&L : N . B . Conntry Draggisrs , Booksellers , Patent Medicine Venders , and every other Shopkeeper can ; be Enpplied ~ with any qsantity of Perry ' s Purifying Sp » eiSc Pills , and Cordial Balm of Synac ^ m , with : tha usual allowance to the Trade , . by most of the principle Wholesale Patent Medicine Kcuses in i London . ; Sold by Mr . Heatcs , Briggaie , Leeds j
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'The security of happiness in the ' . m .-uuuage state is the chief anxiety of all ; but mauy dread entering upon wedded union , through a secret fear of unfitness ^ for the discharge of matrimonial obligations . This essay is most particularly addressed to all suffering under a despondency of the character alluded to ; and advice will be found calculated to cheer the drooping heart , and point the way to renovated health . " Messrs . Lucas & Co . are to be daily consulted from ten till two , and from five till eight in the evening , at their residence , No . 60 , Newman-street Oxiord-sjreet , London . ' ,
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' ¦;¦ ED . WARDS' BREAKFAST POWDER . rriHE MAMUFACTURERS of this excellent JL Article have taken the Premises , 271 , Deansgate , Manchester , inorder to supply Agents there , and in the neighbouring Counties , oa the same terms as at . their Warehouse in London . The Breakfast Powder is prepared from Grain of British Growth , and some of the most eminent London Physicians affirm it to be far more nutritious -and less heating than ^ Coffee ; it is used and recommeuded by many medical men , and needs but a- trial to ensure general consumption . "Sold in Packets , in most Towns in the Kingdom ,. Price 6 d . per Pound ; Superfiue Quality , 8 d . It is the aim of the Manufacturers to provide aa excellent and wholesome Beverage ; at the cheapeat possible rate , and from . the satisfaction the Breakfast Powder iaas given , they fearlessly assert it to be the best and | cheapest substitute for Coffee ever disco * vered . ' . ¦' . •¦' - ' ' . ¦ - ' . '• '" ¦ . '" . ' . . : ' _ '' . ;¦ . ¦' - ¦ Edwards Brothers , 99 , Blackfriar ' s Road , London , and 271 , Deansgate , Manchester . .
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" The next and last oase which I shall mention at this time , is 0110 of a most extraordinary nature . I have not seen the individual myself , but I shall give you the fact as I have received it from his employer , and from Mr . J . Hob » on , who has frequently seen him since his convalesence . The man is a working mechanic and had spent about thirty pounds last year oh the doctor , in going to the Isle of Man and other places , for the benefit of his health , but to no purposo . His food had consisted for a long time of nothing but rice milk , the stomach refusing to take anything stronger . His body was greatly emaciated and his temporal prospects clouded ; with a mind
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LETTER FROM MR . VVM . HICK , . NOR-* THERN STAR OFFICE , LEEDS . " Northern Star Office , Leeds , March 17 th , 1842 . f f r \ entlemen , —You will oblige by forwarding , at ¦ IT your earliest Convenience , the same quantity of PAKR'S LIFE PILLS as last sent . XVhilel am writing I cannot refrain from communicating the flattering intelligence of the groat good your pills are doing in Leeds and its neighbourhood . It is clearly a great error to find fault with a medicine merely because it is a patent one ; and more especially since its use has contributed so largely to fho ^ public -health . The fact is , however , predjudico Is fast giving way , as it always must where the pills are tried . A few oases in point may serve to confirm and illustrate what I have asserted *
C H A E Ti.8m!
C H A E TI . 8 M !
Untitled Article
Northern Star (1837-1852), Dec. 3, 1842, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct967/page/2/