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SEbarttgi %m*Tli$tnc$.
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KBS 3 THE DCCHES 3 OF KSST . BLOFELD AND CO . ' s "NEW MAP OF ENGLAND , SCOTLAND , AND WALES , compiled from the Trigonometrical Survey of the Honourable the Board of Ordnance , and Corrected to the present time , from Documents in possession of the CoBsmissioners of Boards , &c . Size . —5 J feet long , by 4 feet wide , margin not reckoned . ¦ Where preferred , it can be had in two parts , the one containing the Map of Great Britain ; the other , the information round the border . With this Map are given , according to the Reform
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PEEX / S TARIFF OUTDONE THE COFFEE TAX REPEALED 1 ME SSRS . CROW AND TYRELL beg to call the attention of the Chartist Publio to the BEVERAGE prepared by them , as a Cheap and Wholesome substitute lor Taxed Coffee . Its natritioss qualities are equalled by none in Jh 0 Market ; while it ? mode of Preparation renders it vastly superior to the Trash offered for Sale by those who regard not the health of the Consumer . As a means of supporting the ik Executive Committee of the National Charter Association , " and as a means of crippling the Governmental Exchequer , it may be made a ready and powerful weapon in the hands of the Sons of Toil .
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THE SPINAL COMPLAINT . ¦ " ¦ p HERE is hardly a single complaint amongst the J- Hundreds to which the Human Frame ia liable so distressing and so prostrating as Affection of the Spine ; and there is hardly another complaint so difficult of cure . The discoverer of an almost unfailing Remedy may therefore safely be said to confer a boon upon his species ; and this Remedial Boon is proved by extensive experience to have been discovered by the Proprietor of
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Just Published , Price 2 s . 6 d . ( Or sent fTee to the most remote parts of the Kingdom , in a sealed envelope , on the receipt of a ¦ post-office order for 3 s . 6 d . )
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LETTER FROM MR . WM . HICK , NORTHERN STAR OFFICE , LEEDS . " Northern Star Office , Leeds , March 17 th , 1842 . f f rj , entlenien , —You will oblige by forwarding , at \ I your earliest convenience , the . same quantity of PARR'S LIFE PILLS as last sent . While I am writing I cannot refrain from communicating the flattering intelligence of the groat good your pills are doing in Leeds and its neighbourhood . It is clearly a great error to find fault with a medicine merely because it is a patent one ; and more especially since its use has contributed so largely to the public health . The fact is , however , predjudice is fast giving way , as it always must where the pills are tried . A few cases in point may serve to confirm and illustrate what I have asserted .
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Just Published , the 12 th Edition , Price 43 ., an * sent Free to any part of the United kingdom on the receipt of a Post Ofiice Order , for 5 s .
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A CURE IFOR ALL ! r HOIAVW AIT ' S OIHTMENT . HOLLOW ay ' s p » , EXTRAORDINARY CURE OF CASE j ABANDONED Br GUY'S , THE METROPOLITAN , KIN G'S pa LEGE , & CHARING CROSS HOSPITALS This fact was sworn to this 8 ih day of \ uJu , Before the Lord Mayor , at the ManaKJ' ^ SUMMARY OF AFFIDAVIT WM . BROOKE , Messenger , of 2 , UnW Southwark , London , maketh oafe ^ that he ( this deponent ) was afflicted with Rie *^ RUNNING ULCERS on his left arnC ^ F ? rated sores and wounds on both legs , foTtu- r ^ ponent was admitted an oufc-door patient ktu , A tropolitari Hospital , in April 1841 , whereheS Me > for nearly four weeks . Unable to ttce ;^ mini ^ niw / vucub ui at
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Just Published , price 2 s . 6 d ., and sent freaoartwipt of a Post-office Order for 33 . 61 MANLY VIGOUR : a Popular Inquiry into fte CONCEALED CAUSES of its PREMATORE DECLINE ; with Instructions for its COMPLETE RESTORATION , addressed to those suffering bom the Destructive Consequences of ExcessiTe Indulgence in Solitary and Delusive Habits , Youthful Imprudence , or Infection ; with Remarks on tie Treatment of Gbonorrhce , Gleet , Stricture andSjplilis . Illustrated with Cases , &c .
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IiOKDOM . Mb . "Wheeleb . lectured on Sunday evening at the Chartist Hall , Grey Eagle-street , Bricfclane . ~ T > iw chair was ably iHledl > y Mx . Wells . Several Tnprn > tfr « -were enrolled . After the leetnra a discussion took place regarding the merits of the various plans of organization . A circular yas read from the Metropolitan "Victim Fund Committee , and its contents agreed mQL Mbtbopolhaj ? Delegate Meeting—Mr . Pickersgill in the chair . Five sbUlingB -was received from Bm Teetotallers , Waterloo-road jIb . 3 d . from the Star , Union-street , Borouzh ; 2 s . from Camberwell ; and 2 a . 6 d . from Lambeth . Mr . Rose reported from the Metropolitan Victim Fund Committee . Reports frere xeedved from various localities , cbitflj in reference to
Mr . Ceoper ' a plan of organization . Mi . Andrews gave notice of a motion respecting exclusive dealing . Mx . ¦ Wheeler wittwlrew Ms notice of motion respecting the old plan ol oiysir . zitJon , in order to give more tune to fiie localities to consider of it . Mx , Wheeler gave notice of his intent-on ef resigning the oSce of secretary to the Delegate Meeting . Mr . Rose moved , and Mr . MilXs seconded , " That the Secretary write to those JocaKties -wb . 0 -were behind hand -with their payment * , and also to those whose delegates trere remiss in their attendance . " Gsrm < L Mr . Mills also Impressed upon the meeting the necessity of seeing petitions were got up relative to the conduet of Lord Abinger ; other Delegates advanced Bimilai ebservationE . Me . Maynard complained of the non-attendance of the Observation Committee to its dnties . Mx . Wheelex
explained , and the Committee ¦ was ordered to meet on the ensuing Thursday . The treasurer -was icstructtd to pay the salary of toe Secretary , the account for slationaxy , fca ., and tiae rent of the Ha £ L . Mr . "Wheeler stated his intention of laying the quarterly balance sheet before them on the foils-wing Sunday . Mr . Pag- ; being absent , his motion relative to the appointment of a pro . iem . general . secretary was not entered into ; the remarks of the Editor of the Norther * Star were stated to be incorrect relative to tike appointment of a general secretary , the majority being of opinion that they had no business to interfere with that snbject . The resoiution approving of the immediate appointment of a Becretaxy , was only from one locality , and had not received the sanction of the body . Af ' . er the Vransacton of other husikess , the meeting adjourned .
The Metbopolitas Tictim Fuxd Committee met on Sunday evening , Mr . Coffoy in the Chair letters "Were read from Mrs . Wild , and the sum of 6 s . was ordered to "be sent to her . A donation of Is . Jras received from Mr . Overton . Mi . Wheeler taring been instructed to draw up rules and an address % o the pnblic from the Committee , read them to the meeting , and they were unanimously agreed to . A circular wss also ordered to be printed and distributed to AH the Metropolitan localities . Mr . RtDLET lectnred , on Sunday evening , to a good audience , at , the Working Men ' s Hail , Mile-End-Road , sad took his farewell of them , previous to going into the West to stand his trial for seditious language .
The League , daring the few past weeks , hav * been quite . xampant with their- ticket-meetings in various parts of the Metropolis , and have met with several vary humiliating defeats . On Thursday last , they intended to have had a grand collection of all their forces at a public meeting in the CoUoseum , Harylebone ; every exertion was used V > ensure a trimnph over the misguided Chartists ; agents were at Work in every direction , showing thB impolicy of the Chartists attending this meeting ; the aid of the vestry and . the parish officers was called inte play to lender the effect more imposing . Committees of ladies were engaged for weeks previous in beating up for recruits ; even threats were iiad recourse to . Joseph Hume is reported to have asserted that if they ccnld not beat She Chartists by moral means they would by physical ones . Members of the committee asserted that if
O'Connor , Ridley , Blackmore , or other Chartist orators attended they would be given into custody ; bnt after all this vapouring , when the night of meeting came , no Corn-Law "Repealers were to be found . Withont giving any public notice of their intention , they had pntofF the meeting well knowing that certain defeat awaited them . A whisper of their intention had got abroad and prevented many from attending ; but at the appointed hour hundreds « f good Chartists were at Iheir post ; but discovering "the hoax , they * adjourned to the Feathers , and other Chartist bonses in the neighionriood . A grand public meeting was also to have taken plsce on Tuesday evening last , at the Horns "Tavern , " Kennington ; this also is pnt off untfl they can have the aid of certain iLP / s . after the opening of Parliament ; the real fact Is , they dare not call a public meeting , being conscious that they would be completely defeated .
TiOB-iTATEBS , Brassbcbt-Pabe . —Considerable local business was transacted here on Sunday week . It » as agreed that five shillings should he sent to the General Defence Fund , and that a general mt-eting of the members should be held at the above house on Monday evening at eight o ' clock , * Mr . "Wheelkb lectured on Monday evening , at the teetotal locality , Waterloo-road . Mr . Baibstow lectured on Monday evening to a go * d audience at the hall of the National As 3 ocisuon .
ship Tatebs , LosgLase , Bekmoxdset —At the usual meefinj of the above locality , on Monday evening , communications were received from the Lambeth and 2 iewirj £ ton localities . Mr . ilayuard reported from the delegate meeting , and it was resolved that only one member attend from this locality as delegate to the meeting of delegates at 55 , Old Bailey . Two and sixpence was voted fox the use of the delegates . The members of the . general council , belonging to this locality , are requested to attend at the King's Arms , "King-street , Borough , on Sunday next , at two o'clock In the afternoon ; it is also requested that the members of this locality will attend- on next Monday night The Cambkrwei . 1 Locality met at the Cock Inn , as usual , on Monday evening . Mx . R . Sewell resigned office as treasurer , and Mr . T . Sewell was elected in his place . The latter gentleman will deliver a lecture on next Monday evening , at the above Inn .
"B * lDSER ? dXKSTBR . —Mr . fiammage , of Northampton , lectured on Friday last , upon the . justice of the People ' s Charter . KORTUW 1 CU . —On Saturday evening , the Rev-Hr . Jackson , of Manchester , delivered an able and eloquent lecture on the evils of class legislation .
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WAKEFIELD ADJOURNED SESSIONS . TVTOTIGEIS HEREBY GIVEN , That the Christ-X \ mas General Quarter Sessions of the Peace , for the "West'IUdiDg of the County of York , will be lield by adjournment in the Committee Room , at the House of Correction , at "W akefield , on Wednesday , the Eight day of Februaiy next , at Eleven o ' clock ia the JTorenoon , for the purpose of inspecting the Siding Prison , { the said House of Correction ) and for examining the accounts of the Keeper of the Baid House of Correction , making Enqniry into the conduct of the Officera and Servants belonging the 5 ame ; and also inio the behaviour of the Prisoners , find their Earnings . C . H . ELSLEY ,. Clerk of the Peace , Clerk of the Peace ' s Office , "W akefield , 23 rd January , 1843 .
Dedicated, Bt Permission, To Heb Host Gbaciotj Hajestt Ottebs Victoria, Akd Her B-Otai H1gb
Sebarttgi %M*Tli$Tnc$.
SEbarttgi % m * Tli $ tnc $ .
¦West-Riding Of Yorkshire.
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Northern Star (1837-1852), Feb. 4, 1843, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct977/page/2/