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TO BE LET , A WELL ACCUSTOMED PUBLIC HOUSE-, known by the Sign of the Geohue & QraGOn lVS , -wiib good Actoioraodaiion for Itannng , ani good Subling , at Eland , situated on the Halifcix and Hudderiifield Roai ) -Side . " N . B . Application W be made by Letter ( Postfiid , ) to ISAAC G 00 DALL , Inn Keeper , at : ! -. ' ,. ! . as aforesaid .
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NOW PUBLISHING , Prick Is . 3 d . pOUBETT'S LEGACY TO LABOURERS ; \ J in Six T . ettcrri , addressed to tht- Working People « f England . With a Dedication to SIR ROBERT J'EEL , Baht . By William Gobbbtt , M . P . Sold by J . HobsoK , at the . Northerp Star Office , and by ul ! Booksellers . CONTENTS . Dedication to Sir Kobbbt Pkbl ; Hutting the lUnsons for Writing the Book , snd also the Reasons for Dedicating it to him . Letter I . How came some men to have a greater Right to Parcels of Land thaa any other Men h » ve to the name Land . Letter II . "What Right have English Landlords te the Lands P H <™ came they in Possession of them P Of what Nature in their Title P Letter III . Is their Right to the Land Absolute t In the Land now their ou >» t or , are they still Solders under a Superior P Letter TV , Save they Domiuion in their lands ? Or , do they Lawfolly Possess only the Use of them ? Can they do urhal they like with "thrir Lands 1 Letter V . Can they Use them to as to drive tht Natives &om them ? LetUr VI . Can they Use them so as to eaase the Natives to Perish of Hanger or of Cold .
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. , This day is published , Price 0 n « Penny , THE LABOURER'S REWARD ; or , THK COARSEll-KUOl ) DIET-TABLE , as promulgated liv the POOR-LAW COMMISSIONERS . • This Table is published on a broad sheet , aud coiitKins an " Appeal to the Labouring Men * jf EnglntuV' t ' ^ sto ™ W be read in every Cottage and Workshop in tlie Kingdom . JnKt published , Price Dae Poiinv , COMPETITION IN PERIL ! or tlie prpsant Poaitioii of the Oweiiites or Rationalists Considered , ¦ together with Miss Martineira'a Account of Commn niticsin America . Just publishi'di Pncr Threepence , TRACTS on REPUBLICAN GOVERNMENT stnd NATIONAL EDUCATION . By R . I > . 4 > W £ N and Francis Wuioht . Price Twopence each . HOPES and DESTINIES of the HUMAN SPECIES . By K . D . Oivex . ADDRESS ON TREE INQUIRY . ByR . D . Owes PACTS erraws FICTION ; an Esiny on the Functions <> f the Brain . CHARACTER of C 08 BETT . By Hazlitt Price Sixpence . PLAIN ADVICE for tbe TREATMENT and CURE of most of dip DISEASES of tlm HUMAN BODY : forming a complete Medical Goide to the . Artisan , the Labourer , and the Back woodsman , ' and l » y which inearis most Families may suvu annusllvnaany Pounds ; to which is added , the compo ~ « ti ( in of uiauy Patent Medicines . By J . iues B . JiAin ; v , StalT-Surai-iiii in Llie United State * ' Army KE-IS £ UE of OWEN'S SIX LECTURES . This day 11 published , No . 1 and 2 , Price Twopence , io be completed in seven Numbers , the SIX I . EC'TL'RES ilolivoivd by Mr . OWEN , "previous to ihe Discussion . Also , Price S 3 . stitched , and Is . Cloti , A New Edition of OWEN'S ESSAYS on the FORMATION OF CHARACTER . . Price Sixpence . WILLIAM TliLL ; or , SWITZERLAND DELIVERED . ; . And , price One Shuliug . A PRIZE ESSA V oil ibc Comparative Merits o COMl'ETIONand CO-OPERATION , as the bes Principle for the Busis of Society . Also ; complete in StoIs . with Mpmoir oftlie Author E > ri * e 7 * . Sd . THE SYSTEM OF NATURE . Hi" M . I > E MlBlBAUII . ' Thu work of a treat writer it unijues lion ably is its "merit liesin tlif el ( Mluence of tha composition . —Lord BreiiK / ium't Ntilnral Throlbgy . Al * o ^ Price 'l ^ hn . hL'penct * . Tbe VISION of JUDGMENT . BvLoKoBvao ^ gg ^ Tliii Editinti is enriched with valuable Notes by Hubert Hall , VF . Smith , Eaii-, Professor Wilson &X . &c . ASK-JOIt "CLEAVE'S LONDON SATIRIST , '' WTTH CAttJC ^ TCHES , ilT f . J . OR . 1 ST . PRI 1 E ONE ITNNT . It coijtiiins Lota of good Things and reading fo everybody , with Eiigmvingsi . osiKi ' s :--Cieave , Shoe-Lime ^ Hobson , Norihert Star Office , Leedi ; and all Dealers in Chca Paper * .
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TO FLAX , TOW AND WORSTKL SPINNEES . J AMES SMITH , ROBERT BEACOCK , and THOMAS TANNET having Commencee the Business of Mac hike Makish in tbe abov . Line , bee leave to offer their Services to tbe Public Having devoted niaiyYenrs to the Trniie , they hav not the slig htest doubt of beinu nl ) le to Manufactur Machines of the very best Kind , and of the ni » i approved Princip les . Gentlemen favouring then with Orders may depend upon haying all sorb of Flu , Tow , and Worsted Machinery , Laithes Plaining Machines , Drilling Machines , Cnttin Engines , Fluting Engines , &c , &c ., executed in th ¦ very best style , at tha Victobia Fob h wit , Cam Fielil , Leeds . N . B . Screws anil Wheels Cut to order , and th strictest punctuality observed .
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Jiat FuifiiAeil , Price 1 * . 6 d . A SERIES OF-LBTTBBS . "FttOH FEARGTJS 0-CONKOR , Esq . B ABB 1 ST EH » T LAW J TO DANIEL O'CONNELL , Esq . M . F . ( CONTAINING a Review of Mr . O'Connell \ J Conduct derinf ! the Agitation of the Questio « f CsaWIo Ema ! H'i . \ iaton ; together with an A . m lysis of his Motives and Actions , since ht became Member of Parliament . Second Edition , contsiniD the Confirmation of T . Attwood , E > q ., M . P . fo BirmiiiKhmn , of the Principal Charge brought b Mr . O'CONNOR Aoaikbt Mr . O'CONNELL London : Published by H . Hetherington , 12 S Strand . 1837 .
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IliEDS BOK 0 UGH SESSIONS . Notic is hereby given , that tb « next General Quar ter Seesioai 0 . the Peace for the Borough of Leeds iu the County of York , will he hulden before Rober Biynes Armstrong , Esq ., Recorder of the said Bornu ' gh , at the Court House , in Leeds , on Thursday the ' Twcnty-eighth Day of December , 183 ? , stNin o'Clock in the Forenoon ; at which time and plac ill Jurors , Constables , Police , Officers , Prosecutors ¦ Witnesses , Person * bound by R 4 *) gnizanoe 5 bbc and others , having bosiviesa at tbe said Sessions si required to attend . dud Notice is hereby also given , that Entries 0 all intended Motions or Applications relative to th Maintenance of any illegitimate Child or Children mmtbe witi tie Clerk of the Peace some daysprio to the holding of the Sessions . That App lications in Bastardy will be heard im mediately on tic opening of the Court . That it Appeals will be hesri immediately after the Applies lions in Bastardy . Anil that all Proceedings ande the Highway Act , will ho taken on the First D » y 0 tbe Sessions . JAMES RICHARDSON , Clerk of the Peace for the said ]) orough . Leeds , 14 th Nov . 1 B 3 ? .
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WHEREAS a Fiat in Bankruptcy is awarded am issued against JOSEPH HIRST , of Gometsail in Ihe County of V « fc . Wool Merchant , Dealer am Chapman , and he being declared a Bankrupt , hereby required to surrender himself lo tbe Com nitsioners iu the said Fiatniuned and authorized , o tbe miyor pait of them , on the Sixth mid Twenty Ninth Days of December next , at Eleven o'Clock i die Poteuoou of each of the -aid Days , at the Cour House , in Leeds , in the County of York , and tnak a , full Discovery and Disclosure of his Estate nnc Effects " : when and "here the Creditors are to come prepwed to prove their Debts , and at the first Sitling to choose Assignees , and at the i ¦¦! Sitting tbe raid Bankrupt is required to finish his I- ' xsiLiiiiiiiiiun , and the Creditor * ore to assent to or dissent from the Allonnee of hi « Certificate . Ail Persons indebted to the slid Bankrupt , or that have any of his Effects are not to pay or deliver the lame but to whom ( he Commiodoners shall appoint , tut give Notioe to Messrs . MiKrssoN & Kjvndehh , Middle Temple , LoDdon ; or to Mr . FODEN , Solicitor , in Leed « aforrbaid .
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WILLIAM MIDGLEY , NEWS AGENT ut PERIODICAL PCULIHHER , Hp . 19 . Knascll Street , Near the Saddle ! : ¦ .. Halifax , RESPECTFULLY infomis the Public , that tie has' opened u Warehouse in the above Street , where , he intend * earryinn on the Trndoof a General lealcr in all the various Periodical Publications , as well aa thiit of a . News Agent for all the London and Provincial Newspapers . The following are a . rst of those he already supplies , viz . Northern V « r , Leeds Times , Leeds Mercury , The London ) ispatch and Mercury , nod the Halifax Erprett . W , M . returns bis most sincere Thants tn bis "rifnds and tbo Publio for the liberal Encouragement He bsis already received during his Residence at laley Hill , and hopes , by Punctuality and Attention to Buaines * , to merit future Favours and Support . Halifax , Kov . gdth , iS 3 f .
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J . HOBSON , PRINTER AND PUBLISHER , KORTHERN STAR OFFICE , LEEDS , rpAKES thin opportunity of returning his best _ L Thantu to his Friends and the Puhlic , for ic Support they have hitherto rendered him , and legs to assure them that no Efforts of his thai ! ic wanting to merit a continuance thereof . Evcrj' Und of LETTER-PRESS PRINTINGently and promptly eieeuted ; anch as Posting Jills , Circulars , Invoices , Way Bills , Law Forms , ' lunphlets , &e . &c . Bookbinding , in all its Sales ' .
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3 TALEY BRIDGE RADICAL ASSOCIATION . —¦—• THE Slembinber * " * of the above Association , and their Friends , will . Dine together in the Forsst-eks' Hall , on SATURDAY , the 6 th of JANUABY next . The following Gentlemen are invited to attend;—J . Fielden , Gen . Johnson , T . Waiely , & J . Brothcrton , M . P ' s ., P . O Conner , J . P . Cobbett , Rd . Oastler , and G . Condly , Esqn ., and the Rev . J . R . Stephens . Tickets 2 s . 6 d . cacls , may be luid of the following Persons in Staley Bridge !¦—Messrs . E . Hall , C . Dain , J . Mnir , and E . Buckley ; Rossbottovn Street , Jo . Deegan ; King Street , J . Haudfori"b ; Princes' Street , R . Loyd ; Grosvenor Street , R . Seel ; Canal Street , T . Benton ; Vaud sey Street , J . Dyson , Hyde ' s Street ; and J . Nield , Caroline Street . In Aehton : —Of J . Duke , Delsmare Street ; J . Beanley , Old Street ; W . Clark , Charlestons ; and J . Williamson , Oldham Riail . In Myde : —Of J . Goodfellow , and J . Ratten . In Mosle ; ' . —Of' D . Ram = d « n"L and in DukioEcld , o ! W . Cook , O | rfcn's Buildings .
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IMPORTANT WORE . FIFTEEN LESSONS ON THE ANALOGY AND SYNTAX 01 ' THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE , For the tne of Adult Persons who have negleclet the study rtf G-raJiimar . BY WILLIAM HILL . rpHESE -Lussons are intended , solely , for the use X of natives .. They are divested , therefore , o : ill thune hair ' s-brendih . distinctions and unnecessary subdivisions in analogy , wliich , if at all useiiil , can only Vie useful to foteignen . The seisaee of grammar is disentangled , in this wort , frran the folds o mysticism which have so long enshrouded it . The ahiurd and Dntueamng technicalities , which pervade all other works on grammar , art eichanged for terms which have a definite and precise meaning , illustrative of the things they re ]> nssont . The parts of spetch are arranged on an entirely new principle , founded on a philosophical consideration of the nature of language , and applicable to all languages . The necessary divisions und subdivision * are rationally accounted for—and the principles 0 universal grammar demonstrated so fully , that the meanest ca-padty may understand thorn as clearly as it understands thut two and two make four . In syntax , the formation of the English language is exclusively consulted , without any unnecessarj reference to other languages . A majority of the numerous rules given in most grammars , are shown to la liti \ etei"tei ( fasti . iteap of sttimelisa tautology Tbe -necessary roles arc demonstrated upon ratioui ; principles , and illustrated by a variety of examples The whole work is interspersed with eritica remarks on tbe nbilologici-1 productions of Dr Johnson , Dr . Lbwti , Dr . Prijstlev , Dr . A . , Slamy Dr . Crombie , Dr . Campbell , VT . RusseU , Dr Blair , Rev . D . Blair , Home Tooke , Mr . Harris Mr . Murray , Mr . Lenuie , Mr . Cobbott , Mr . Smith Mr , Lewis , and various other writers .
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TESTIMONIALS OF . THE PRESS . " Mr . Hill is evidently an original thinker . He attacks , with ability and success , the existing ftystem of English grammar , aud points out the absurdities with which it is encumbered . Justly condemning the too frequent practice of mnldng pupils commit portions of grammar to memory as tasks , he maintains thnt the only proper way to the memory is through the understanding It ii hut justice tn him to say that , in a few pages , he g ives a wore clear and comprehensive "view of the structure of tbe English language than can l > a found imome very elaborate works . " —Literary Gazntle , December \ 4 th , 1 K 33 . * ' A sensible and useful book , particularly suited for private instruction . "—Athen / rum , December SI *! , 1 S 33 . " Mr . Hill has discharged his task with considerable ability j and no person can peruse his book ' with anything like attention , without obtaining u . clear und sufficient estimate of the construction and laws of his vernacular tongue . " —Leeds Times , Man * 15 M , 1831 . " A concise , philosophical , and lucid esposition of the principles on which the language of Hilton and Shatspeare resta^—eicelleuUy calculated to be of service to adult persons who have neglected the ituiy of grammar . " . —Bradford Observer , Miry i-2 nd , 1 B 34 . 11 This is a very useful book for those persons t whom it is addressed . Its style is clear , simpli and satisfactory . -.... All who wish 10 obtain a clea view of the construction of the English languag will do well to consult its pages . "—Weekly Police Gazette , June -Hat , 1834 . " This is a useful book . It is calculated to giv the student a correct idea of grammatical construe lion—of the aQaiopes of tbe language—and of th nature of the various parU of speech . It is simple bat not mean ; clear , but not diffuite ; . aid there ar few works in which tbe firet principles of granuna arc better explained or more ably followed up , " — York Chronicle , November 13 th , 1 SI 14 . " .... The method he has adopted to convey b lessons is the least repulsive to a learner that w have yet seen , not excepting that of Mr . Cobbett the "whole treatise seems to be intended » s 1 mental machine to abbreviate the labour of mine ...... We consider this trea . tir'e one of the nios useful that has yet issued from the press , under th class , English grammar . —Glasgow Liberator , Be . ¦¦¦ - ,- ¦ . > . .. 183 * 1 . Only a few conical of this important and valuab ! work remain , and mny be had of the Author , sit b residence , Bethel Chapel , Prince-Street , Hull ; a the Office of the " Northern Star , " Leeds ; and 0 : all the Agents for that Paner in Town and Countr * Price Two Shillings , bound in Cloth . Also , Just Published , And may be had as above , price , One Shilli « o Bound , "THE RATIONAL SCHOOL GRAMMAR AND ENTERTAINING CLASS BOOK , " By William Hill . A VJorV on the anmp principle as " Fifteen Les eons , '&c-but divested nf its critical remarks ani adapted to tbe capacity and use of children . By the "Use of this book and its accompanying ex incises , a child will in a few weekfl acquire h goot knowledge of Grammar without any of the dUgus ing drudgery of Tabus , which , under the pr * seo system , pruventa nine out of tenfrora ever aeqiiirin a knowledge of Grammar at ail . So mnch are the principles of tfais importan science simplified in these little works that by th use of either of them a parent having no praviou knowledge of the Bulged may in one week be quali fied to instruct He children without other assistance Also recently published and may be bad us abov * Price , OnB Shilling , Boonb in Cloth , PROGRESSIVE EXERCISES , Selected from the nest English Authors , and so mrnni-fii us to accord with tbe progmesive Lesson * * in either or both of the foregoing " vVltI- * , —By "Wit li 1 * j Hill .
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MORISON'S PILLS . ¦ PUBLIC'CAUTION . beware of imitations . THE Original and only genuine MORISON'S " FILLS" us compoundiid by the bete Mr . Mom , p to August , 1635 , are alontfjirapiirHlbySALMON nd HALL , , J '' : irri ] iaJoii- » iri'fi , London , the sol * ¦ roprieto ""!* . Thin ! and thw aloHe , In the Medicine which Sectt-d the extraordinary Cures on Sir Richard iuttOB , Lady Sophia Grey , Coyne Faskan , and nnumerable Others . " V Let Purchase ™ look on the Sump , and bserve the Signature of Mr . Salmon , the Hygeist lereon , in a Fac-Simile of his Hand-Writing;—11 others , let what wilt be on the Stamp , are bane ; ounterfeits . ¦ J . t-M Agents will be appointed upou Application , wherever there ia not one established . —Those Perrons who arc vending any other affand for tbe genuine , are injuring the Public as weil as themselves . TESTIMONIAL . ' 9 , Eliiabeth-Plaue , Balls' Bond , Out . 28 , 1837 . " TUB EDITOR OP TBB MILTOH iDVEHTISEIl . " Sir , —Perceiving that Messrs . Salmon and Hall , le Proprietors of tha 'Original Morison'B Pills , ' are n the CHnstant Habit of advertising in your Paper , bog leave to rtatc what I know to be the Fact—ano , is , that the two yonnget Morrisons have never , nee the decease of Mr . Moat , in August , 1835 , prepared the Medicine as it ought to he , and was prepared jefore his death . Indeed , I have long since difiarded the Use of their Medicine in my Family , und lave availed myself of the superior compound ii-bove eferred to , und can give my testimony to its perfeet ilcntity with Morifion's Pills as they were IP Mr . [ oat ' s Time . 1 consider it but a duty due to the ' ublic thus to declare it ; and T am satisfied , that r erc they more generally acquainted with the : "'" i .-upcriority of the Medicine compounded by Siilprum and Hall , over the wretched 3 tulT mado ub by the iresent Morisons , they would , one and ail , uso the onoer , and reject tbe latter . However , it is a oasolation to observe , from the increasing Saie ol Icssrs . Salmon and Hall's Medicine , an extr&orinary fnliing off iu the Ssle of the present Morions ' , that the eyes of the Public arc being daily pencd . " 1 am , Sir , your obedient Servant , " THOMAS CHAltLESWORTH , " CpwardB of Five Years Chief Clerk to Moriion Si Co . " We have received several letters this month of a imilar nature ; and feel happy in giving publicity a such Impositions -as are now being fostered upon the unwary . We caution ali Persona u > observe ho name of Mr . Salmon , the "Hygeist , "' upon he Stamp , without which the "Original iloiison's ? iHs , '" as compounded by the late Mr . Moat , cannot be obtained . LEEDS-MR . THOMAS PEACOCK , 42 , WelliDjrW-Strnet , Sole Wholesale Agent for Yorkshire and Lancashire , to whom all applications for iigeneiea miutbe made . liarnslcy , Mr . Ray , stationer , Market-place . l ) cd » le , Mr . John Slater , Market-place . Beverley , Sir . W . B . Johnuen , stationer , Marketplace . flnj * in "VI r Tivlllu
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f \ J LJ U ^ J LX \ kU . 1 ¦ * r | f # v j V Bradford , Mr . Thomas Fisher , druggist , New-st Mr . Morgan , Chemist , &c ., T , New Street . Bridlington , Mr . William Sowdcn , druggist . Dew ' sbury , Mr . T . S . Brouk " , stationer . Donciister , Messrs . Brook and Robinson , printers . Di'iflield , Mr . Edward Creasser , druggist . Marketplace . 11 Eaaiugwold , Mr . T . W . Willey , Miirkct-place . ' , EHand , Mr . Walter Smith , druggist . Ctuisbro , Mr . DauielDuck , Market-place . Halifax , Mr . Thomas Dcnton , Old Market . liarrogate , Mr . John Richardson , druggist . Hawes , Hi . John Kidd , draper . Hclmsley , Mr . Reed , druggist . Hornsea , Mr . Win . Henderson , Post-Ofliee . Howden , Mr . W . T . Pratt , stationer , Bridgc . gate Huddersfield , Mr . John Leech , Shorehead . Mull , Mr . Thomas Aldoroft , Pruspect-Street , Mr Siiuuiil Fisher , North Bridge , and Mr Thoiniis Kyder , grocer , Seale-laiu . ' . Seighley , Mr . Thomas Spencer , 101 , Low-street . Kirkhy-Moor-Side , Mr . Juhn Luniley , Hoiv-End . Knareshro ' , Mr . Henry Fall , Hijjh-Street . Leeds , Mt . R . C . Hay , Medical Hall , Bondstreet , Mr . Joshua Hobson , 5 , Marketetiett-Malton , Mr . Wm . Hotsley , Butuher-torner . Masham , Mr . John Haivkin , druggist , Market plate . Middleham , Mr . M . Longbothara , druggist Nortbaliertoo , Mr . C . Langdale , stationer . Otlcy , Mr . Win . Froster , Kitkgato . Pateley-Bridge , Mr . Henry Webster . Pickering , Mr . Wm . Ashton , Borough-gate . Pocklin ^ ton , M . r . John Bulmcr , Market-pkiW . Fontefiact , Mr . Janies Brice , Market-place . Reetbj Messrs . Me Collah ami Dighton . Richmond , Messra . J . and C . Wart j Market-place Ripon , Mr . 3 . L . Linney , stationer , Market place . Scarhro ' , Mr . S . H . Turner , 64 , Newbro-street . Sclby , Mr . R . Adams , grocer , Market-pl-ice Sheffield , Mr . George Slack , druggist , Church stieet , Mr . Anthony Whittaker , Irk ojpee , Fargate , and Mr . G . D , "Wreaks 2 , Angel-strcet . Skipton , Mr . Thomas Wilkinson , Market-place . Stokusley , Mr . Thos . Taylor , druggist . T-wloaster . Mr . "Wm . Carbntt , stationer , Kirkgate Thirsk , Mr . Thomas Foggit , Market-place . Thorp-Arch , Mr . Balby . WakeEeld , Mr . Francis Cardwell , druggist ] jm Mr . Richard Nichols , stationer "M" arV pt -T *\ a !*• -
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Wetherby , Mr . Barnabus Dalby , druggist . Wbitby , Mr . Thomas Yeoman , fnlifcrsiiiitb Bridge-street . Yarm , Mr . E . H . Jackson , druggist . York , Messrs . Beig hton and Moion , stationer * Pavement . Sold in Boxes at Is ., Ss . 63 ., 4 e ,, and IOs . each also the Vegetable Powdem , at In , per Bos . DECLARATION BEFORE THE RIGHT HON . THE LORD MAYOR . I , JOHN HALL , of No . 7 , Lady Leak * Grove , Mile End , in the County of Middlenei Manufacturer of the Vegetable Universal Meo'icinL do hereby solemnly declare , that I was assistant to the late Mr . MOAT , of No . 1 , Hamilton Place King's Crois , for the space of four years and up wards , during which time I regularly assisted th said Mr . Moat , in mixing and compounding th JU-dicine called Morison ' s Pills , and the Aperieu Cleansing Powder , and thereby became possessei of tfie secret of mixing and compounding the sail pills and Powder , as correctly in every part am proportion as die same was known to the said Mr Moat , who orginally brought tha Medicine to per faction . That the raid Universal Vegetable Meifioine , am Vegetable Aperient Cleansing Powder , compound and tali by the firm of SALMON and HALL ai the Original Moriaoa's Pills , «< made ( com * Jteeinely the same drugi , and contain the same identina ijnantities as the Pills and Powders prepared am sold under tie firm of Moriion and Moat , Dp to th period of Mr . Moat ' t decease in August 1835 . JOHN HALL .
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I , ROBERT SALMON , of No . 6 , Farringdo Street , in the City of London , Hygeist , and late ! Agent to Messrs . Morison and Moat , for the sa of their Pillu and Powder , and carrying on biwines . as men , nuder the firm of SALMON und HALL do hereby solemnly declare , That I have been we acquainted with the sail ! Medicine upwards of si years ; hiving derived great benefit myself therefrom , and at ali times subsequently have invar iiibl administered the same in my family , in every case from the infant of a day old , and upwards , and : ils seen the "beneficial effects to many hundreds of per goni who have taken the said Medicine under m direction , and that after Mt . MtKit ' s decease in Augnrt 1835 , ( vii . as soon as I received any Med cine from the present Messrs . Morison ' s , of the compounding ) I discovered the Medicine so com pounded by them to be different in its nature am effects , to the Medicine iD [ lie late Mr . Moat tiiJH-. That tie Medicine now compounded bj n » j i conjunction with my partner , known hi tb « Origina Morison ' s Pills , is , to tie best of my telicf , idem ually the sami- ae compounded hy tie fete Mr . Moat . ' EOBEltT SALMON And wa do severally and respectively make these our wlemn declarations , conscientiously Relieving the mune to be true , and by virtne of Uit provisions of an Act made and passed in the 5 th and Uth yean of the r * i go of his late Majesty , William the IVth . intituled an Act tn repeal an Act of the prewnt Session of Parliament , intituled an Act for the more effectual abolition of oattu and affirmation . ' , taken isi made in various departments of the state , ami to
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ubstitute declaration * in lieu thereof , and for the more entire suppression of voluntary and cXtnijudial Ooth . 1 and . affidavits , and to Distil Other pro siotut tor the abolition of imnecc ? sory oaths . " In virtue of tho ^ aid Act w ^ ticve renpevtoulj . attached our names . Declared by tlie said JOHN HALL , and ROBERT SALMON , before : uu ,, SDB or the Justices nf- the Peace for the City of London , this Mist day of August , 1 S 37 . THOMAS KELLY . Mayor .
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T 1 HE utmost Value given for Libraries , or siaall 1 Parcels of Books , by Richard Brook , Hookkem . kr , 2 @ , Bui ton-Road , lluddersfield .
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71 UEN ETUEE BROKERS and others in the : West Riding of Yorkshire , who visit Hull to uy Furniture , will do well to Call at 23 and 2 i , lackfriar ' * Gate , and inspect the Extensive Stock ' the Subscriber , wbich esnsists of almost every rtdcle in Honsebold Furniture , manufactured of seasoned Wood , find at Prices which cannot fail to [ rive Satiffnction to ail who will honour him hy inspecting his Furniture Depot . JOHN PECK , 23 and 24 , Blackfriar's Gate . Hull , Nov . 14 th , 183 r .
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STEPHEN DICKINSON , FOUNTAIN HEAD CLOTHES WAREHOUSE , No . 42 , Kino-Street , Huddeuspikld , EETURNS hi * sincere Thauks to bis numerous Friends and tbe Public , for their liberal EneMragKment since he commenced in the Ready Mails Clothes Trade , and soiicite a continuance of their Support , being determined to supply good Articles at reasonable Prices . N . B . All kinds of Men and Boys' Clothes made to Order , on the shortest Notice , not to be surpassed by any House in the Trade .
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NEWS AGENCY , AND PERIODICAL PUBLICATION OFFICE , No . 5 , UNION STREET , MARKET PLACE , HALIFAX . WILLIAM IBBETSON sincerely thanks his Friends for the very extensive support he has received amnny them , as a NEWS AGENT , and begs to inform them , and the puhlic generally , thnt be has lake : i a Shop , in the shove public and convenient Situation , where he hopes , by prompt attention to Business , to merit a continuance Hud extension of their support . W . 1 . receives a Parcel from London every week , and can therefore supply his Friends with all such Books , Pamphlets and Stationary as they may need , pntheBomo Terras as any other Dealir . All the London Mid Provincial Newspapers , of whiittver politics , supplied at the earliest possible period aftet Publication *
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CHEAP AND VALUABLE WORKS . Published and Sold by A . Heywood , NEWSPAPER OFFICE , , OLEHAM STSEET , MANCHESTEK . S ' - 'IX LECTURES delivered in Manchester , previnui to the Discussion between Robert Owen and the Rev . J . H . Roebuck ; and an Address delivered > t the Annual Congress of the Association of all Classes of all Nations . By Robert Owen Price 2 s . in .-doth . " They ( the Lectures ) set forth ibe principles ol Human Society , ts contained iu the Social llieory of Mr . O" * ven , und which principles , were , therefore , the grand objeei of attack and defence in the Discussion referred to . A peruasi of them itt ttiU condensed and continuous form , is desirable for all who n-ould read the Report of the Discussion with advantage , and at all events , however persons may demur as to tbe soundness aud practicability of Mr . Oiveu s "views , no one can rige from the penisal ol this hdok . witiout being impressed with , the henevrlecfc intentions of the amiable Socialist "—Manchester and Satftirtl-Advertiser . The DISCUSSION BETWEEN ROBERT OWEN and the Rev . J . H . ROEBUCK . Price 2 s . in cloth . The REVOLUTION of PHILOSOPHY ; or an Analysis iind Synthesis of the Universe , fly R Whalley . Priec Is . A DEFENCE of the SOCIAL PRINCIPLES , delivered in the Social Institution , Salford , in Answer to a Lecture by the Rev . J . R . Beard , Unitarian Minister , of Manchester . By C . J . Haslsun . Price One Penny . CUMal ' ITiJ-iiONS OF THE ASSOCIATION OF ALL CLASSES OF ALL NATIONS agreed to by Congress , held on the 10 th of May 1837 . Price One Penny . A CATE , TSISM ON CIRCUMSTANCES or tb p K * " --Stone of n Comuiunitj-. By lie Rev . 0 Price One Penny ,. A ? i if THE LIKE 01 ' PERCY BYSii , EY , with a Sketch of all his published •• .,. _ .. Price Two-pence . ¦ Hie SOCIAL BIBLE ; being ap Outline of thL Rational System of Society , founded on demonstrable facts , developing tbe Constitution ; ind Laws of Human Nature . By Robert Owen . Price Two-penes . COMPETITION TN PERIL ; or tie pceaen position of ( he Owenites . or Rationalists considered together with Misa Martineau ' s Account of Com munities in America . By Samuel Bower . Price One-penny . COMMUNITY , a DRAMA , hy tbe R « v Joseph Marriott . Price Four-pence . LETTER ADDRESSED TO THE CLERGY by a Weak Believer . Price One Half-penny eiich COMPETITIVE versui CO-OPERATIVE LABOUR : or Labour as it is , and Labour as i ought to b * .. Price One-penny . Tbe . above Works may also be bud of J . Hob eos , Northern Star Office , Leeds , and of ul Booksellers .
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DR . BIRD , SURGEON , BONE SETTER , 4 c , No . 7 , H ARPEK-STUEET ( ii"mi * ri , lebds , IN calling the Attention of a liberal Public to hi well-known CURES , begs to remind those wh have not been fortunate enough to hsra heard of hi unprecedented success , that be isdsily performing a his surgery , iu the treatment of diseases ill genera ! but more especially he has been led to study the ees and treatment of those difficult Disorders , \ ix Can ™ ui ) Venereal . Caneerf extracted without catting . The Cancer dreadful tn behold , spreading its branches arouad its victi ™ U once sapping the Constitution and vigou of lite , is nurely but slowly consuming its suffcre and bringing down its object to an untimely grave Several hive been the cases he has cured , althuug given a ^ \ pj others of more supposed merit , DK BIRD'S RED PIXiS . 17 m . How often the infatuated yout itniselves into that vortex of forbiddeu pie , nd excess , from which the sufferer scarce ly It retrieve his pait niisfourtuues by any pla he mjy adopt , or any medical treatment ho nu eipect to meet with . It is to these , in particular that he offers that aid of which they stand in so roue need . Many persons have received that benef which they so eagerly sought lifter , and have Kid to bless the instrument of their good to the end 0 theL li .. Hs does not offer it on speculative pur poses , but from bis own general experience of number of yean , in this larpe and populous town . COTIES . Mary Marshall , aged 76 years mother of Mr . J Manhall , No . 7 , St . Peter ' s-square . " The 26 th o last Swjiterober , I fell and dislocated my hip . I un fortunately sent for an unnkilful pfcysieian , who aa : my thigh was broken , and my hip was out . 1 length I applied to Dr . Bitd , and I received a pa feeteore . I enjoy both good health , and am we Able to walk . " Mart Marshall , St . Peter ' s Square . '; ilrs , Sykes , aged fi 9 , Denison-Row , Holbeck : — " I laboured under a very severe and painful com p laint . My ancle wae out of joint , and my leg wa verj much injured . Medical aid wat afforded , but found no reliof , nntil » t length I applied to D Bird , and have received a perfect cure . I am now at well as ever I was in my life , und have rea » on to praise God for him si Ions ns I live . Mm . Sykes , Holbeck . " US * Ttetl * Extracted , Bleeding , ani Vattinntioo BOSSES AND DOGS CURED ;
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TO TliL EDITOBS 6 * THE SOKTHKRN STAR . ^ JIR , —Some unprincipled persons bavins attempted J to impose upon the public by pretending to preart and . ietl the csii ; ism HoriBoii's Phls , as ompoimtlrd by Hie lair Mr . Hunt , at the same time . adnstriously spreading a report of my . death , I beg eave , while , trivin ^ under my hand thin decisive proof f my being alive , to cull the attention of your readers i thy fallowing letter sddrtreed to me by the said > lr . Moat , ^ nd hy him simtlltanenusly published in II the prineipal newspapers , and also in the Medical lisseater , vol . 2 , page 225 , aud MoriRoniaua , " vol . , page 411 , during tie life time . From this it will appear , that that gentleman , s » ir from pretending lo have licen the Original In-• tnter of these Pills , acknowledges that to bis ( irtuitouii meeting with me , and to my having than ecommended him to make iri . il of my curative 'item , be owed his recovery from an inveterate and i a in fill dii .-iirdt .-r . This , 1 donbt not , will be a sufficient answer to hose who pretend to derive their knowledge of the mode of preparing iny medicines from Mr . Moat ; nd . \ win only add , thatstiohaB they were originallv irepared or me , three years before I became aeuaited with Mr . Holt , and such as he took them ? my recommendation , the ;""" are now prepared und sold under my direction , at this my establishment . I am , Sir , yonr obedient servant JAMES ' MORISON , The Hygsirt . British College of Health , Hamilton Place , Lumluu , October 30 th , 183 ? .
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everything , and in any iiuantitj in moderation ; free from all fearfl of weather , temperature of air , or clothing ; fatigue from exercise , unknown ; after tea I take no other meal , and have no desire for any ; and st bed time begin thi > some routise for nnotiior day of real pleasure and health , to whion I seem to have a common ri ght , baring the BUfe means of enjoying it in my possessinn . From what I huve ciperienced in my own case , ( which I believe Ts that of a great majority of mankind ) I declare that jour theory is founded on the only true system « f procoring ' heaith to the sick , and of preventing sickness ( which is still better than the cure } to the most robust or healthy- ; that the puriiication ef the blond by vegetable purgatives is the onl y true desideratum hi the medical arf ; and that the new fsngled doctrine of the deitrnetion of the mucous membrane of the intestines by excessive pnrgation , is an ignis-fatuus , of quaefcic invention ; for if the rapid passage of an almost clear nnid could hnve this effect , what inoat be the consequence of hard and morbid matter forcing their way and scraping thin mucous membrance at every stretch of their psaiage to a vent P This ihbcoue membrane either is or in uot an internal lining to the intestines , as in the mouth , the Focket of the eve , &c . ; if it is , wit must be , mile- that portion of our frame is fanned on principliK * different to every other , then irnwt it possess all the powers of expansion and eollapaion necessary to perform all its natural functions , and that which passes * through its orifice with most ease -that is , in a more or lcs » fluid state , mast Be more or less destructive to fhfi lining of ( his nwmbnine ; if it la not this inner liniug of the intestine , then it must bo a fluid matter adhering to this very lining , and has a protectioa from friction to it ; as in tie manner of the fluid round the ball of the eye , the . saliva of the mouth , &e ., and which caxnot be injured by the fluids produced by vegetable purgatives , and cannot be corroded by mineral medicines , spirituous liquors , or dry haid undigested nulistsnces passing through the intestines .
ThuH , sir , -I have st your request given , you « true and fair statement of my ease , and candidly laid befnre you the result of my perseverance in the application of yonr inestimable medioiue , which has not only restored me to perfecl health , but insured inu of the means ( in my firm belief ) of securing it to a good oid age ; in gratitude for which great blossiug * , for the good of my follow men , and for the furtherance of your interest , I hereby authorise you to make what use you please of my name , by nufali » bing the whole or any part of my observations ; deeming the acknowledged sanctions of cases of cure highly essential to your service , and the public goud ; and I furthermore bind mjwtt to promote the introduction of your mode of combating and overcoming all curable diseases of the human frame in every family I can reaoh with ray increasing exertions , which con never compass the extent of the debt of gratitude I feel I must owe you for the inestimable blessing of health which I iiave received a ! your bands . I have read the whole of your publications with a great deal of interest , and admire your strength of argument against th « ignorance and mal-practices of the whole medical host , who ) mc so long purloined the public purse and seat their myriads to their untimel y graves ; an egregious evil , which every family , in nil what is termed civilized nations , has mourned over , but never , till now , saw the means of subduing : and ages yet to come ( if such there are to be , ) will bless tne era when a Men I Son led thiaa to the new and true light . Anil » m , Sir , Your ever gratefiil and obliged humble Servant , THOMAS MOAT .
CAUTION . Whereas spurious imitations of my Medicines are iwjw in circuiMi&u , I , James Morison , the Hygeist , hereby give notice , that I am in no wiau connected with the following Medicines purporting to be mine , and ; "old under ihe various names cf "Dr . Morison ' s Pills , " "The Hygi-ian Pills " " The Improved Vegetable Universal Pills , ' "The Original Merismi ' s Pills , ad compounded hy the late Mr . Moat , " "The Original Hygeian Vegetable Pills , " &c . &c . That my Medicines are prepared only at tie British College of Health , Hamilton-place , King's Cross , and sold by Ihe General Agents to the- ' British College of Health , and their Sub-Agents , and that no Chemist or Druggist is authorised by me to dispose of the same . None tan be genuine without tlio words" Morison ' s Universal Medicines" arc engraved on the Governmout Stamp , in white letters upon a red ground . In wituees whereof I have hereunto set my hand , JAMES M . OS . ISON , The H . ygeist . The Genuine Medicines are Sold Wholesale and Retail , by Mr . J . DltBW , at the Principal Depot , No . 27 , Briggate , Leedi , And ,. ¦/ 'Miming Appointed Agents in Hit District : Abcrford , Mr . Wilkinson , Draper . Bawtry , Air . Grasby , Stamp Office . Bradford , Mr . Sjfild , Grccer . Dewsbury , Mr . Brown , furniture "Warehouse . Doncaster , Mr . Clavton , Perfumer , fie . East Witton , Mr . Me'CaUab . Elland , Mr . Noble , Tea Dealer , Westgata . Gilling , Mr . C- ; : i-: i . > n . Guunersidc , Mr . CaJvert , Grocer . Halifax , Mr . Hnctlay , Bookseller . Kuijhley , ilr . iHiagwortb , Drajipr . Enareshro' and Harrogate , Mr . Lsngdale , Bookseller . Leeds , Mrs . Stnioi , So . 1 , South Market . Mjouli'hum , Mr . Close . Otley , Mrs . Foj . Grocer . Oultoii , Mr . Samuel Wildblood . Pontefract , Mr . Standiib , Artist . Eichinond , Mr . Norman , Grocer . Kipon , Mr . T . Vant , Tailor . Eotherbaui , Mrs . Wibfon , Post Office . Bceth , Mr . CIoeb . Sheffield , Mr . Stubbs , DO , West-street . Ditto , Mr . Wigfall , Watson s Walk . Selby , Mr . Hichflrdson , Draper , Settle , Mr . Harducre . Shorborns , Misses V . and J . Johnson , Drapers . Skipton , Sir . Tasker , Printer . Scdburgh , Mr . Brnnskiil , G ! aiiier , &c . Tad [ ¦ ..- !• . t , Mr . Hutchinssn , SchoalinKster . Thorn , Mr . Mbsoii , Post Office . VTakeiidtl , T . Nichols & Son , Printers , Northgale . Wetherby , Mr . Hawkesworth , Booksclki . York , Mr . Webb , I . ondon CoFeeHouse . Feasegals , t&T Be sun- to nsk for <~ Morison ' B Pills , of thi ; British College of Health , Kiag- ' a Crom , " and look to the Stamp . Bewart- of Imitations !
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Copy of aletter from Mr . T . Mo * T , of Davenlort , to Mr . MokiSON , the Hygeist , London . Exeter , No . 1 , Hill's-Court , July 10 th , 1 S 28 . Mr . MoncsoN , Sir , — " There ia , " : u sajs our immortal hard , a tide in the aflairs of men , which , taken at die ood , l « ads un to fortune s" so , in oae at thuso Iqtttittous , or apparently Hccideuial ciroum stun res in the life of all whose history is worthy of recording , there are none who are capable of the least reflection , who will not acknowledge that io some period of their lives , they can clearly feel and recollect that they have been intluenccd by events so contrary Eo all human foresight or calculation , that they are compelled w admit that nothing but a supernatural direetioa of secondary causes could have produced such unlooked-for effects j and which if duly appreciated , aud acted upon with appropriate grateluineis and flircumapection , would not only have " led , " but driven them " to fortune , " or some great good . 1 believe ( ken are very few who have not bad cause to lament the rejection of this divine direction , at least once in their lives ' , and that there are many who have had freonpnt repetitions of these supernatural dra ^ s as though the divine angler was determined to hook , his favourites at last . Impressed with this conviction on my mind , and confirmed by the observations and incidents in the lives of others , who are almnst universally i « Wttinj ; that tney have let slip many favourable opportunities of proboblo success , which bad escaped them llirough their own negligence or undervaluing ; I am led to consider the extraordinary citcuinstance ? which first drove me into your presence as the greatest blessing thai has befallen me ( as to concerns of this life ) during my pilgramagc on earth fiir the Wi GO years uf an unavailing search after that health iind struu ^ ch of body which I conceive tci be the birthright of all the 30 ns of men .
I , like nine-tenths of iny fellow nojoumera on earth , whether from inheritance , inattention in childhood , carelessness in youth , negligence in manhood , maltreatment of the faculty in every stage of life , , more gesernjly , from a combination of all these causes together , have laboured up the weary hill of life , with an ever ailing , wenkly , spare frame , which in every stage ( to the appearance of :: l ] arouud me ) , wore the close approach of a consumption , which 1 was tied to believe there whs no cure , and which could only he warded off , or protracted to the sliurt period of a few yearn , by tbe extreme ( if care , and abstinence from every excess , of the usual induigenciei . and enjoyments of life . Bj a parsimonious adherence to this imperious necessity , I have , however , spun out my existence to this advanced period , much beyond mj early expectation —^ nevei seriously ill , but always looking for thivt attack which , from tbe loss of sis children ( from ( he agu of nine to twenty-one years ) in consumptions , assured me waa to be my fate . Time has driven me K-yoad tbi-usual period of that mode of exit . I have found that my old system of attack upon the lungs has shifted its quarters , aud that a hutkiness on the tthe . it , a dry excoriating cuuyh and a heutic breuthing threaten ail Ihe approaches of an nsinniB . At this period , whilst under the influence of a vinltnt inflammation in my left hand and iirui , occa . sioned by a slight scratch on the fore finger , on which I had undergone asuigteal operation , withoot which from mv thrn ignorance of tlie nature of mj case mid frame , I bad every apprehension of losing apart , if not the whole of the limb , as tbo centration of every sinew of the hand , up to the arm-pit , and the excessive pain all down the left tide to the short rib , threatened the most serious consequence ! : at this period , kind Providence , hy one of [ hose fortuitous circumstances above noticed , threw me io . your way of ameliorating Ihe miseries of human life . My helpless hand drew you into inquiries ] your ( to me ) new views of ths cause of ill health struck mo with astonishment , and entering into your thuory , of tbe ot the blood tlic ol all
¦ impurity being cause disease , with every plausible conviction , I determined do putting it to ^ he pvorf \> y taeeffiung your patient : —the result of which if , the contraction of the sinews gave way with tie first dose of five pili « of No . I ] the second dose of the same number completely removed tbe contraction in the arm , * nd every tymptcmof pain intbasidci and the repetioii of from five to ten pills , alternately , of Nos . 1 and 3 , for ten days , gave me t ^ e useful action of my thumh and three fingers ; » nd the daily improvement in the wounded fore finger , gave me full assurance that the necessary perseverance in the daily doso would effect a certain and perfect cure . Determined to put your { what I conceived ) bold assertion , of " acontinaal purgation being not only notinjur ious , but highly beneficial to the inner coats of the intestines , " to tbe test of an uninterupted continuance of tbe dose ; I have now been under their operation thirty daya , by which I am come to the clear and full conviction , that yon are perfectly home out in your assertioiv ¦ , if I £ afi . y be idk ^ ed to judge from my own case , and in drawing my comparisoa from what I was and even have been , with what , thank God , and the blesssinga of your introduction , I now am . From the general debility of iny frame , tender bowel * , bad digestion , and constant bilious affection , attended with hard phlegmj expectoration , headache , dimness of sight j and difficulty of speaking , with a husky cou ^ h ; I have ever labourL > d under the deprivation of receiving that natural nourishment which the vegetable world so amply presents for the support of tht ) human frame , and which is bo very necessary in the forwarding of the digestion of animal food , and the repular supply and purification of the-itream of life . Likes and dislikes to particular ailments ; voracity of appetite , and no appetite , have been my constant attendants , but from irregular digestion , productive of do nouri ^ l . nir-. L- : whilst > he continual uttuck of acrimonious bile was kept , under by the constant use of magnesia , with which the bile was temporally neutralized , and carried off with griping lodgments in the bowels : thus , then , was the real stata of my frame , up to the period when tind Providence directed
me to your presence ; I am now , and 1 attest it before God , and all the world , free from any sensation , or idea of ailing iu every sense of the word : my breath is free an air itself' . I can read aloud for two hours rtithoul fatigue ; my sleeep is sound ; my mind calm , and incapable of being ruffled even by the storms of life ; my imnellecis , mind , and spiritu , buoyant and expansive : my palid and deep lined eountenanre ha « beconut comparatively plump , and tinged with the bloom , of health ; my dim eyes bright ; my sight ctear , and my powers ol vision considerably enlarged : my appetite good , but neither voracious * nor attended with particular desires of choice , taking all things in common , and unattended with fears of mixture , convinced that all that nature present ? for the food of man igood , and lends each its portion for the benefit o ! his health ; crude vegetables , or salads , saturated in vinegar ( against which the supporters of the mucous membrane system , indeed the common feelings of mankind would decry as an abomination h hilat under a strong regimen of purgation , ) I find a nourishing relish of the highest zest ; in short , I im lieeome anew man , and feel thai I » ui nowonlj beginning to live : and how have 1 obtained thit great gift . —simply by swallowing five or ten pills on i :. ii > is ; to bed ; after which I have six houn sound "" ' ¦ : . "¦; awake in perfect calmness ; have one and ontj sontetituea two copious evacuations , in undisturbed tramjuility ; take my two or thr ° e hours ' sweet repose ; rise to 3 heart ; breakfast , at whicl I take my tea , coffee , or chncoiale , with egg . i , fish , meat or saladn , with eo , nal indifference , at nothing interferes with the operation ; take exercUt-, ui follow the avocations of the day with agility anc perfect ea . se , tai * a hearty dinner of anj thiag 01
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WHEN an incessant anplicatipn of talent and experience are concentrated into one fine of practice , a success must attend such application not to be found elsewhere . This has been fully evinced by the established reputation , of Dr JOHNSTON , of S-t , Huraber-StreetjOld Southend ! Hull , opposite the Humber Tavern , who continue * to iw consulted , in all Cases of Peculiar Delicacy and Derangement of the General Health of both * Sexes iae-Jerv Stage oflliis most distressing alfiicfl on whether of a Ions protracted date , or uf a nio « recent acquirement . The treatment aJoiiteit ig yt once humane and effective , has been found to be invariably attended by tbe most beneficial results . A gratifying proof of t * e superiority of the treatment observed by him in the eradication of this disease , is the speedy disappearance under hi * treatment of all its most distressing symptom * . N . B . The delicate female under the most distressing circumstances will meet with that patient attention and friendly advice which the natm * of her situation m ^ y particularly require . Dr . Johuston particularly cautions the pubfi ; against a company of Quacks and Impostors , who have lately resided at Leeds , but have now [ eft , and are visiting the towns of Hudaersfield sun Manchester , distributing hills and pamphlets to gull the Public . You may know him by his splendid watch guard , which he is in tie habit of vrsari-ng ( if it i » not in pledge ) . He is in the habit of chang ing his name in every town , in consequence of drawing in * . young man and getting his acceptance on several accommodation bills , mid the dark deeds of the said Quack wiU be brought forward at the next Assizes . Tradesmen are particularly requested to beware of him . Observe Dr . Jobnrton is not » travelling empiric , here to-doy and gone to-morrow , he being a natinof Hull , and his wuli-tried abilities have been proved for the lent twenty year . s . And he will undertaie to cure the Venereal Disease in a few days , or he will forfeit the fee . THE ITCH CURED IN ONE HOUR , N . B . Attendance from Sevm in the Morning till Ten at Night . Medicines carefully « rat to any part of the Kingdom . Letters , post-paid , ( inclosing a remitttmce answered by return of Post . . Residence , 5 < , Old South End , Humbsr-Street . Hull . *
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' % ^ tHE NORTHERN STAR , December 16 , 1837 .
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Northern Star (1837-1852), Dec. 16, 1837, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct986/page/2/