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Vol. I. No. 10. SATURDAY, JANUARY 20, 1838, £»€¦ Fourpsnce Halfpenny, **=* =* =* = =* ¦ " - - ¦¦ - -•• •¦ -*•• | : Or Five Shillings Per Ouartrd
%$$<& UCoticeg.
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Waterloo-Street , near theBridge , Leeds . MR . G . SLATER , in announcing to his Friends that he has removed from the Yorkshire Anns to the above Commodious ^ Inn , begs to intimate , that he was the Founder of those successful Institutions known by the Name of the Circulating Medium Associations ; and that Four of them are now in active Operation at his House , One of which possesses a Floating Capital of upwards of EIGHTEEN HUNDRED POUNDS !! As the Merits of these Clubs have been so frequently before the Public , and are so generally known and appreciated , it is deemed sufficient to announce , that Books are now open to receive the Names of Persons desirous to become Members of a FIFTY POUND CLUB , to meet Monthly , and a TEN POUND CLUB , to meet every Tuesday , so arranged as to meet the Wants and Wishes of every grade of Society , from the Operative to the Capitalist . First Meeting for the £ 50 on Monday , January 15 th , and for the £ 10 on Tuesday , January 16 th ^ at Eight o'clock in the Evening .
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TSE PATRIOT MARVELL . mHE LIFE OF ANDREW MARVELL , _ L neatly Printed on excellent paper , and extending to 64 octavo pages , with a well executed Portrait . Price Is . may be had of Mr . Hey wood , Manchester ; Cleave . Shoe-lane ; and Hetherington , Strand , London ; of Mrs . Mann , Central Market , Leeds ; Mr , Ibbetson , Bradford ; and at the Office of the Northern Star . All Orders from the Country attended to by Mrs . Mann , Central Market , Leeds .
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J . HOB SON , PRINTER AND PUBLISHER , NORTHERN STAR OFFICE , LEEDS , rTIAKES this Opportunity of returning his best X Thanks to his Friend ' s and the Public , for the Support they have hitherto , rendered him , and begs to assure them that . no Efforts of his shall be wanting to merit a Continuance thereof ; , Every kind of LETTER-PRESS PRINTING neatly and promptly executed ; such as Posting Bills , Circulars , Invoices , Way Bills , Law Forms ; Pamphlets , &c . &c— Bookbinding in all its Styles Just Published , Price Is . 6 d .
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TRIAL OF THE GLASGOW COTTON SPINNERS . BEWARE OF FALSE REPORTS ! TT 1 HE COMMITTEE of DELEGATES who X have been appointed by their respective Trades in Glasgow , to enquire into the Case of the Cotton Spinners , hereby announce . to the Operatives of Great Britain and Ireland , and to the Public in general , that they have appointed Messrs . HENRY ROBISSON & Co ., 7 , Brunswick Place , their only Printer * and Publishers of the TRIAL of the GLASGOW COTTON SPINNERS , which was
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BLAIR'S GOUT and RHEUMATIC PILLS , continue to call forth the grateful thanks and approbation of all classes of society . From many of the highest branches of the nobility to the poorest peasant , they have happily been the means of giving a degree of health and comfort , which in most cases had not been enjoyed for years ; they effectually relieve the most acute fit of Gout in a few hours , and seldom fail to enable the patient to tesume his usual avocation in two or three days , and if taken on the firat symptoms , the patient is frequently left in doubt as to the reality of the attack . And there is another most important effect belonging to this Medicinethat it prevents the disease " flying to the brain , stomach , or other vital part .
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6 REAT ^ AVlN <* r TO FAMILIES AND LARGE L ESTABLISHMENTS . DOMESTIC WASHING AN 1 > WBINGIWO MACHINES . THE BEST AND THE CHEAPEST ! ! ! 8 AMUEI . WILKINSON Tf ESPECTFULLY takes this Opportunity of XV returning his best Thanks to his Friends and the Public for the Support they have hitherto conferred upon him , and begs to assure them that no efforts on his part shall be wanting to merit a Continuance of their Patronage . S . W , being the Sole Manufacturer and Vendor of the Newly-Improved Plan , and having been at a great Expense , and bestowed much labour and study in contriving their real Usefulness , and hag already made a great number , he has now broueht
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WANTED , i WORKING CUTLER , one who is accustomed xjL to the Manufacture of Surgeons' Instruments , and Jobbing in general Business . A Character will be required from the last Employer . Apply , if by Letter , ( Post-paid ) to Thomas C 4 rtwbight , Cutler , Halifax . \
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#¥ MJ ) DLI ) BOOKS . rpHE " utmost . Value-given for Libraries , or small _ L Parcels of 'BooKft , by Ricmahd Brook , Bookseller , 26 , Buxton-Road , Huddersfield .
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SPURIOUS IMITATIO > S OF MORISON'S ¦\ : _ ., - . r ¦; . .:.: ;¦;¦ . pills . ¦ ' . ¦• . ¦ - % rANIFESm L , ROBERT . SALMON , the 1 'JL Hygeist , hereby give -Notice , that no Medicines purporting to be the Original and Genuine Morison ' s Pills , ins i | conipounded by the late Mr . Moat , ffrom " the . year 1 ) 328 to . August 1835 , are so unless bearingmy signature iij a fac simile of my hand writing on the Government Stamp ; and that the words "Mo ' rispn ' s Universal Medicines . " upon the stamp is no guarantee to the public since Mr . Moat ' s decease , the signature above stated being substituted for it .
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GREAT ANTI-POOR LAW DEL £ - .. GATE MEETING . A MEETING of DELEGATES from the Variwu BRANCH SOCIETIES of the SOUTH LANCASHIRE ANTI-POOR LAW 'ASSOCIATION , will be held at the Palace Inn , Market-Street , Manchester , on Monday , the 6 th day of February next , at Ten o'Ctock in the Forenoon , when the undermentioned Towns are requested to send Delegates as follows : — Manchester * 2 Preiton 2 Bolton 2 Ormstirk 1 B »« 7 2 Ashton 2 Macclesfield 2 Leek 1 Clitheroe 1 Colne 1 Todmorden 1 Leigh 1 Radclifle l Heywood 1 Fli * ton 1 Royton 1 Staleybrid ge 1 Chorlton 2 Salford 2 Blackburn 2 Liverpool 2 Burnley 1 ' Oldham 2 Stockport 2 Congleton 1 Warrington 2 Wigan 2 ChorleJ 1 Prescot 1 Padiham 1 " Rochdale . , v 2 Newchurch ... 1 .. 1 - ^ E ^ J ^ gfe- 'X 1 ^ HyAft iV ...... . ' .., < r . ' - ilullaWj \ . . ti . . . . z HttSttWJgWtt *• .... 1 Ther Delegates to "bring the Petitions from their respective Towns , and also the Petitions from the Townships in the Vicinity , that they may be arranged , previous to being forwarded to Lord Stanhope and John Fielden , M . P ., for Presentation , R . J . RICHARDSON , Hon . Sec .
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The Inefflcacy of the Cutting System Illustrated . I THOMAS ROTHERY , of Upper Wortley , ^ near Leeds , offer to the consideration of the afflicted , the following proof of the superior skill of Mr . J . L . WARD , Surgeon , No . 18 , Trafalgar-street , Leeds , I was afflicted with three deep running sores in one of my legs , which had materially affected my health , and prevented me from following my employment .
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Remarkable Cure of an Eating Cancer , without Cutting . T , JAMES CLAY , Horse-breaker , Armley Height , near Leeds , had , previous to the month of July last , been afflicted with an eating Cancer of my Nose for the space of Five Years , when my attention was directed to some extraordinary cures of Cancers and Tumours , advertised in the Leeds newspapers , which had been performed by Mr . J . L . Ward , Surgeon , 18 , Trafalgar-street , Leeds . ' I was thereby induced to apply to that Gentleman , and the result of my application having proved most satisfactory , I febl that I have an equal duty to make known the particulars of my case , with those who
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afterwards recommended an Operation , but being resolved not to submit to such means , she consequently applied to Mr . Ward , who has , by a regular process of . treatment , removed the said Tumour , whole and entire , without either cutting or causing the loss of a single drop of Wood , and without giving her much uneasiness . Her Cure , therefore , being going on in the most satisfactory manner , I have a great wish to add her case to the number of extraordinary Cures of this sort that have been performed by Mr . Ward , as those who are so afflicted would form a much better idea of Mr . Ward ' s mode of treatment by seeing , her at present , than when she is quite well .
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T ^ R ^ MPTON ! S PILL 0 ^^ HEALTH FOR JL BOTH SEXES . The unprecedented Sale of these Pills , arising from the earnest recommendation of the many thousands who have derived benefit from their use , render any lengthened comment unnecessary ; they are not put forth as a cure for all diseases to which mankind is liable , but for bilious and liver complaints ^ With their many and wett-known attendant bilious and sick head-ache , pain and oppression after meals , giddiness j dizziness , singing noise in the head and ears , drowsinessj heartburn ^ loss of "appetite , wind
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^^^¦ HBi ^ MsiwaaaBiMHMMMi GLASGOW COTTOtt SPINKEJife - ;¦!»¦ ' ' ' - Edmbbrgh , Cotton Jail , 15 tA January , 1838 . TO MR . MARSHALL , WRITER . SIR , —We have carefully Perused the PAMPHLET sent to us by you through the Governor * purporting to . be an < ' ACCOUNT OF OUBTRIAL ' , and the Causes which led to it- And , Sir , without imputing any Dishonourable Motives to yourself . Troth compels us to say that we hav » looked in vain for-some part of it , that we . migh * have the pleasjre of saying was Correct . It is , from beginning to end , a TISSUE OF MISSTATEMENTS , and INACCURACIES , with the exception of the evidence of a few Witnesses it is shamefully so . Names , Dates , and Statistical Accounta b le riduculoua . In one word , Sir , had the P 8 mn |^ t . come from any other Person than youreellfiSgtet would have at once concluded thatth * Writer . j | lra " khad no other object in view than to-Injure ^¦ nfeuae , and wound our feelings in our present tfBKiable Situation . 'flKWeare , Sir , && .. ¦ IB ; iHOS . HUNTER , '*« r - ^ m 4 PETER HACKET , William m'lean . JAMES GIBB , It is presumed Mr . M . had expressed Friendship for the Prisoners .
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ALTERATIQN-QF PRICE IN THE DISPATCH . "TT OELONDpKDISE'ATCH ^ d ' MERCURY , X thv only acknpwledgeo !^^ organ of the Working Classes , Edited by the ^ ^ tried'PatribtDt . JBEAUMbNT , will be Published on the 21 st ; with a ' Supplement , Stamped , Price 4 d . AdvertiseinehW for ' that Nufriper frrrust h * sent by : "Wednesday night .:
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TO PERSONS WANTING ROOM OR ¦ . \ y < mw& , "¦ : ;_ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ . - ;• ¦¦ \ TO BE 1 ET OR SOUDi J AND C . TOWNSENDS respectfully return their , sincere Thanks to their Friends and the Public Jn . General , for their liberal Support in the Cabinst-Makino and Saw-Mili * Departments , and while soliciting a Continuance of tfieir Favours , beg to inform them that nothing shall be Wanting on their part to merit a Continuance .
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"JOfflNf GH 0 FT HABDY , GREAT HAMPTON ROW , EIRMINSHAM j I ^ AN ^ TFACTUBEROE PRINTING INKS , J . Tj-, in auperior Black and Fancy Colours , suitable for " VV ' o . od Engravings , and Fine Letter Press Printing , also Lithographic , Inkstand Drawing Pencils , and Vegetable and Mineral Black , and Printer ' s Varnish . : ¦' - \ Coloured . Printing Inks , and Printer ' s Varnish , kept constantly on Sale . .. Japan , Red , Blue , and Common Writing Inks , Wholesale and Retail .
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STEPHEN DICKINSO ^ , FOUNTAIN KEAD CLOTHES WAREHOUSE , Na . 42 , Kin ( 3-Street , HuddebsfieiiP , "O ETUE . NS his sincere Thanks to his nuriieroua XV Friend ? and the ; Public , for their liberal Encouragement since he commehced in the Ready Made 'Clothes Trade , and solicits a ' continuance of their Support , being determined to supply good Articles at reasonable Prices . N . B . " All kinds of Men and Boys' Clothes made to Order , on the shortest Notice , not to'be surpassed by any House in the Trade .
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CHEAP AND VALUABLE WORKS . Published and Sold by A . Heywood , NEW-SPAPER OFFICE , 60 , OLDHAM STREET , MANCHESTER . SIX LECTURES delivered in Manchester , previous to the Discussion between Robert Owen and the Rev . J . H . Roebuck ; and an Address delivered at the Annual Congress of the Association of all Classes of all Nations . By Robert Owen Price 2 s .. in cloth . : ^ : " They ( the Lectures ) set forth , the principles of Human Society , as contained in the Social Theory of Mr .. Owen , and which principles , were , there-
A Great Boon To The Poor , . Tm
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We claim the attention of all persons to aletter , -which mil be found in the third page of onr present ntnnber , addressed-to Earl Stanhope , and headed , " New Poor Law . " There is not an individual in this realm who is not immediately and personall ? interested in the subject and contents of that letter . The parties , however , who are most of all interested in it are the honest hard-working lalx > urers , of this country , who glory in achieving a hardy and hard-earned independence , by the sweat of their own
brow , enabling them , by the produce of their labour , to pay every one his own : and lire honourably , though poor . These constitute the true glory of the British name , and it is the glory of Old England that she is full of them . They abound in every corner of the land . And in this army of honest independence and inflexible integrity no troop is jaore -. promm ^ ntly di ^ inguisbed ttfiff the veteran Tarsand lied Coats Whose blood has flowed , and whose best energies have been expended , in the service of their
country . There is a manly pride about the English Soldier which distinguishes him from all the world besides . Inured to hardships and acquainted with privation , he contemns po-Terty and despises suffering , but his spol shrinks from the imputation of dishonour " , and he repels with furious indignation the least taint on his reputation which is at all times to him , of more value thin Ms life . 0 what a . glorious sight , to Mm who loves to contemplate the nobility of human
nature , is the toilworn veteran whose sears bear witness to the sen-ice he has seenwhose years of health , and lively manhood , have been spent amid the tented field / his country ' s safeguard , and who now in . the decline of life -when no longer able to wield the sabre with effect lays cheerfully hold of the scythe , the plough , or theflail and earns blythely and contentedly in his old ase thai subsistence which the penury of the service had forbidden him to provide for in vqutli . The interest and well-being of men like these should be cared for in every new
enactment . Xo law bearing on the distribution of social benefits should be so framed as to abridge their rights ; while every opportunity should be eagerly seized of increasingtheir scanty comforts , and providing for their real independence . How gratifying , then , must be , to these , the information that * The New Poor Law is a great boon to the poor . " Let them read the letter - to which we refer them , and learn what the boon is . Let them behold a proud hearted
independent English soldier , who has served his country during fourteen years , in every quarter of the globe , forced , by the operation of this ' " great boon to the poor , / to endure the haughty reprimand of a thief , who should be hanged upon a callows , because the sternness of his honour induced him to apply what could be saved , after five persons had been maintained , out of eight shillings and twopence a-week , to the payment of the debts which povertv had
compelled him to contract when not " able to obtain so much ! ' Such is the " boon 1 ' the blessed Poor Law to the poor of England . This is not a solitary and extraordinary instance of the overstrained application of the principles of this precious •" boon . " God knows , it is but too favourable an instance of its be ^ t " workings /'' The same letter contains other details of the " boon " still more atrocious than even this . We ourselves have witnessed , within
the sphere of our own personal observation , effects of this " boon " of a like character . And this is the law which is to elevate the moral character of our labouring population , and give them a feeling of independence ! This is the ' - ' boon ' " which the " threeheaded Devil-king , with the assistance of his " new batch " of myrmidons , purposes to confer upon our friends at Huddsrsfield next Monday week . What say the menwhat say the women of Huddersfield to this
" boon ? " Are they willing to receive it ? Are they ready to kiss the hand of him who bestows upon them this « great boon ? " If so , let them assemble by thousands , and by tens of thousands , to offer up their thanksgivings to the " new batch "' of ex-efiieio Guardians - —the" respectable chairman of the Board of Guardians , and all their other " excellent kind friends , " who are preparing on that occasion to set the springs in motion which
shall put them in full possession of the "boon . * " We like gratitude , aud we like honesty , and we are quite sure that the people of Huddersfield are not ¦ deficient in either of these qualities . We think , therefore , that if they be really in love with the " boon , " they ought to assemble , in large numbers to testifv their gratitude to those who seek to give it them ; and we also think , that if they don ' t want it , they ought to have the honesty to assemble in large numbers and tell them that they don ' t admire it , and , though grateful for
their good wishes , beg respectfully to decline it . X « et them not be outdone in the matter of politeness . The Guardians meet together out of regard to the people of Huddersfield , and they are required ALL to meet . Let the people of Huddersfield meet out of respect to the Guardians , and let them all meet . Let not a man , a woman , a child , of ten years old and upwards , dare to be so far wanting jn respect to their excellent friends as to neglect to meet and confer with them upon the best method of conferring this " boon" upon the town of Huddersfield .
There can be no doubt that their friend Sttain and their excellent friends ' *' the New Batch , " will be delighted to see them mustering by thousands to testify their pleasure and satisfaction . We shall not be much surprised , if they invite a few gallant soldiers to be witnesses of the good humour with-which the people of Huddersfield receive the « boon" at the hands of their benefactors ; if so , let them point each sol-
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dier to the Letter of which we have already spoken . Let them shew him the bearing of this " boon" upon his own prospects when old age or honourable wounds shall have disabled him from further sendee , and we calculate that the red coats will be just as much in love with this " great boon to the poor" as the men and women of Huddersfield , whose acceptance of it they come to . witness .
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W HEREAS a Tiat in BANKRUPTCY is awarded and issued forth against ROBERT MOORE SNOWDEN , of Malton , in the County of York , Draper , Dealer and Chapman , and he being declared a Bankrupt is hereby required to surrender himself to the Commissioners in the said Fiat , named , or the major part of them , on the 18 th Day of January Instant , and 20 th Day of February next , atthe Robin Hood Inn , in the City of York , at One of the Clock in the Afternoon on each Day , and ~ make & foil Discovery and Disclosure of his Estate ana Effects ^ when and where , the Creditors are to come prepared to prove their Debts , and at the Hirst Sitting to' choose Assignees , and- ' at the Last Sitting , the said Bankrupt is required to 'finish his Examination and the Creditors are to assent to , ot to dissent from the allowance of his Certificate .
. All Persons indebted to the saidBankrupt , or that hare any of his Effects are not to pay or deliver the same hut to -whom the Commissioners shall appoint , but give Notice to Messrs . Makinsoiv and Sandebs , Solicitors , Middle Temple , London ; or to THOMAS FRANCIS FODEN , Solicitor , Leeds .
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rpHE COMMISSIONERS in a Fiat in Bank-JL ruptcy , bear ing Date the 5 th Day of September , 1837 , awarded and issued forth sgainst JAMES-APPLEYARD , of Leeds , in the County of York , Corn Merchant and Factor , Dealer and Chapman , intend tomeet on thel 5 thDay of February next , at Twelve o'Clock at Noon , at the Court-Hou ? e , in Leeds aforesaid , to Audit the Accounts of the Assignee ? of the Estate and Effects of ; the said Bankrupt , under the said Fiat , pursuant to an Act of Parliament , " made and passed in
the Sixth Year . of the Reign of-his late Majesty Xing George the Fourth , intituled "An Act to amend the Lews relating to Bankrupts , " and the said Commissioners also intend to meet on the same Day , at the same Hour , and at the same Place , in order to receive Proof of Debts preparatory to making s . Dividend » jf the Estate and Effects of ' said Bankrupt , when and where the Creditors , who have not already proved their Debt * , are to come prepared to prove the same , or they will be excluded the benefit . of the . -said ' Dividend ,-and " all Claims not then proved will be disallowed . ' " T . F . FODEN , Solicitor .
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THE COMMISSIONERS in a Fiat in Bankruptcy , bearing Date the 26 th Day of May , 1837 , awarded and issued forth against " GEORGE WHEATLEY , of Leeds , in the County of York , Grocer , Dealer , and Chapman , intend to meet on the 9 th Day of February next , at Two o'Clock in the Afternoon , at the Court House , Leeds aforesaid , to Audit the Accounts of the Assignees of the Estate . ind Effects of the said Bankrupt , under the ~ aid Fiat , pursuant to an Act ° f Parliament mnde and pas-cd in the Sixth Year of " the Reign of His Late Majesty King George the Fourth , intituled " An Act to Amend the Laws relating to Bankrupts . " T . F . FODEN , Solicitor .
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« pHE Commissioners in a Fiat of BANJv-J . RUPTCY , bearins date the 5 th Day of September , 383 7 , awarded and issued forth against JAMES APPLE YARD , of Leed-., in the County of York , Corn Merchant and Factor , Dealer and Chapman , intend to meet on the 15 th day of February next , at One o ' Clock in the Afternoon , at the Court House , in Leeds , aforesaid , in order to ' make a Dividend of the Estate and Effects of the said Bankrupt , when and where the Creditors , who have not already proved their Debts , are to come prepared to prove the same , or they will "be excluded the benefit of the said Dividend ; * and all Claims not then proved will be Disallowed . T . F . FODEN , Solicitor .
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THE COMMISSIONERS in a Fiat in Bankruptcy , bearing date the 25 th Day of " Mat , J £ 37 . awarded and issued forth against " \ V 1 LLI \ M BROYTS and WILLIAM ANDREWS , of LzEns . Jn the County of York , Cloth Dressers and Merchants , Dealers and Chapmen , and Co-Partner , intend to meet on the 12 th day ' -of February next , at Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon , at the Court House , in Leeds aforesaid , in order to Audit the Accounts of the Assignees of the Estate and Effects of the said Bankrupts under the said Fiat , pursuant to an Act of Parliament made and passed in
ne bixth 1 ear of the Reign of His late Majesty , King George the Fourth , intituled , An Act to amend the Laws relating to Bankrupts , ' and the said Commissioners also intend to meet ou the same Day , at the same Hour , and at the same Place , to receive Proof of Debts , preparatory to making a Dividend of the Estate and Ett ' ects of * the said Bankrupts , when aud where the Creditors who have not already proved their Debts are to come prepared to prove" the same , or they will be excluded the Benefit of the said Dividend , and all Claims not then proved wiilbe disallowed . - T . F . FODEN , Solicitor .
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T ^ HE Commissioners a Fiat in BAUK-_ L RUPTCY bearing Date the 25 th May ,. 1837 , awarded and issued forth atrainst WILLIAM BROWN and WILLIAM ANDREWS , of Leeds , in the County of York , Cloth Dressers and Merchants , Dealers and Chapmen , and Co-partners , intend to meet on the 25 th Day of February next at Twelve o'Clock at Noon , at the Court House , in Lesds , in the said County of York , in order to make a Dividend of the Estate and Effects of the said Bankrupt * , -when and where , the Creditors who have not already proved their Debts are to come prepared to prove the same or they will be excluded the benefit of the said Dividend , and all Claims not then proved , will be disallowed . T . F . FODEN , Solicitor .
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- \ rOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN , That J 3 | WILLIAM SHAW , of Grasseroft , in Saddleworth , in the County of York , Gentleman , hath by an Agr eement , in writing , Let to THOMAS HEAP of TJppemnll , in Saddleworth aforesaid , Slubber certain Room and Premises , with Power of Turning in a Water Mill , situate at or near Uppermill afore ° said , called Giles Mill ; together with the Scribbling and Carding Engines , and other Machinery therein , which are enumerated in a Schedule and Valuation
thereof now in my possession . And there / ore , Notice is herehy given , that the said Scribbling and Carding Engines , and other Machinery now standing and being in the said Room , and parts of the said 31 ill , and in the said Schedule and Valuation so enumerated , are the Property of the said William Sharr , and the said Thomas Heap has no interest therein further than the use thereof for the Term and subject to the provisions in the said Agreement contained . - ' RICHD . REDFERN , Solicitor to the respective Par-ies . Oldham , 16 th Oct ., 183 " .
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Scirrhus of the Female Breast successfully treated without the Knife . ME S . JEWETT , Rosemtary-Row , Tadcaster , having been lately Cured of Scirrhus or Cancerous Affection in one of her Breajts br Mr . J . L . "Ward , IS , Tratalgar-S : creet , Leeds , is desirous of making it knewn that she was afflieted with the Disease for Three Years , wa 3 an out-patient of the Leeds Infirmary , but received do benefit , for as well as the Complaint in her breast having continued to get worse ; sh « gradually became worse of herself , and was in a very poor state of health . She therefore thinks that it will be interesting to those who may be similarly afflicted , to know that she was cured br Mr . Ward in about Six Weeks , without Cutting or ^ Keening , " and that her health is now perfectly restored . Tadeaster , Jan . J 6 th , 1838 .
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Vol. I. No. 10. Saturday, January 20, 1838, £»€¦ Fourpsnce Halfpenny, **=* =* =* = =* ¦ " - - ¦¦ - -•• •¦ -*•• | : Or Five Shillings Per Ouartrd
Vol . I . No . 10 . SATURDAY , JANUARY 20 , 1838 , £ » € ¦ Fourpsnce Halfpenny , ** = * = * = * = = * ¦ " - - ¦¦ - - •• •¦ - *•• | : Or Five Shillings Per Ouartrd
%$$≪& Ucoticeg.
%$$ < & UCoticeg .
The Great Club Mart, Waterloo Ihw, ¦
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Northern Star (1837-1852), Jan. 20, 1838, page unpag, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct989/page/1/