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JTSEPORTANT RESOLUTIONS . —The Ma . ' ; jL Ktants of the various Towns , Villages , and Samlets in Lancashire , are informed that a 1 SEETING of DELEGATES from the VAnti-Bom Law Associations of this County , wasield at * heMitre Hotel , Old Church Yard , Manchester , to take into consideration the present state of tie iHew Poor Law Q ' uestion , and to organize some ~ fotsre plan of operation ; JAMES TAYLOR , Esq ., of Rochdale , in the -Chair ; when the following resolution ! were nnanimoody adopted : — - ; -.
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- ^ "Published by Beywood , 60 , Oldham-street , Man-; Chester , and sold by all Venders of the Nortltern ' Stor . j ^ L- * ¦ " " THE E E DIS OU SSI 0-NS ! Just out , Price-One Shilling . 4 REPORT of the Public Discussion "between J !* . the Rev . T . Daltox of the Methodist New Connection , Huddersfield , and Mr . Lloyd Joxes , * fManehester , upon " The Five Fundamental Facts , and the Twenty Laws of Human Nature , as found in ^ the Book of the New Moral "World , written by Robert Owen . " Revised and corrected by the ^ Parties .
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MINERAL TEREi . METALLIC , For Filling Decayed Teeth , without Heat , Pain , or Pressure ; and Incorrodible Mineral Teeth fixed without ( firing the hast Pain , or shewing any fastening whatever . LEEDS AND BRADFORD . ME . ESKELL , SURGEON DENTIST , 0 E NO . . 12 J , PARK-HOW , LEEDS / "O ESPECTFULLY announces that he is on a Professional Vifit to Bradford , and for the better Xv Accommodation of his Friends , has made Arrangements to attend those Places , and may be consulted in all the Branches of DENTAL SURGERY as follows , until further Notice : — Every Wednesday and Thursday , at Mrs . Briyg ' s , Well-Street , Bradford ; and every Monday , Tuesday , Friday and Saturday , at his Residence , 12 | , ' Park-Row , Leeds .
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In cons&juence of numerous application * continually received from Bradford and the Neighbourhood one of the Proprietors of Dr . Henry ' s French Meroine Pills , will attend every Wednesday ' and Thursday , at No . 4 , George Street , facing East . Brook . Chapel , Bradford A TREATISE IS JUST PUBLISHED ON THE VENEREAL & SYPHIt TTir DISEASES , AND GIVEN WITH EACH UOX OF " DE . HENRY'S FRENCH MEROINE FILLS .
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GOOD NEWS TO THE AFFLICTED . DR . B . COX "JT ^ MBRACES the present opportunity of announ-Vl cing himself as an experienced practitioner in the Cure of that troublesome DISEASE , so frequently contracted hy incautious youth of both sexes m the moments of imprudent excitement Upwards of Twenty-three years he has practised in the town of Leeds , daring which time he has had every opportunity of witnessing the effects of this dreadful malady in all its stages . The most obstinate cases he has had under hia treatment , which
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R . BUCHANAN , Tailor , HUDDERSFIELD . BEGS leave to return Thanks to his Friends and the Public for the Support he has hitherto received , and takes the liberty of informing them thathe has Removed from his past residence , ' 23 , Threadneedle Street , to the premises in the Pack-Horse Yard , formerly occupied as the Dispensary , where he will carry on his Business as usual ; and hopes by punctuality , and the execution of the Orders intrusted to him , in a Fashionable and Workmanlike manner , to merit a share of public patronage .
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.. * . - . ... ''^""^ r ™ . . - — Now Publishing , in i ^ w . ^ Srf . Each , and . w , Parts ¦ ' ¦" "f Gd . EaA . TH | r TRApks' EDITION - . V . ' ¦'' . ' - - ¦ ¦ OJ . THE : : . - ; - ¦ ' : "" " ' . ' GLASGOW COTTON SPINNERS TRIAL . rpHIS EDITIONgives all the Questions and _ L Answers , an Evidence ~ wiich no other doesand gives full ^ feeports of the Speeches ef Counsl ; also an "Appendix , containing many important Documents connected with the Case , and a full Account of the Income and Expenditure , and proceedings of the Committee , &c . The Committee therefore earnestly call on their Fellow-workmen , and tiie Public in general , to possess themselves of a Copy , asitis the only one from which they can judge fairly and impartially of the whole matter ..
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FBIABGpE ^ fpSOT , , HB . *^ S ; SiH ' K |« i . Td ^| 3 Sli : i , BEGS tojretur ^ hWhesfcT ^ i ^ s ^ ln ^^^ and the -PubKc for thje " steady auduniforni Support which he has hitherto received ; MR . MITCHELL'S Stock of
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{ "" 1 EOBteE ! MASS | iRibegfJ leave jtp inform his \ J : Fri « mas ^ and t ^^ PuhB ^ Jbat / h ^ has REMOVED ; from No . ; il , - Boair-Eane , to ^ Offices over No . 1 ^ 5 j Briogate , next below Messrs .: Beckett ; Blayds , and Co . ' s Bank and whiles ^ he ^ teriderghis grateful Acknowledgments for the Patronage with winch hehas-bitliertb been favoured , he ' respectfully solicits a Contihuance ,: assuring themi that lie will use : his test' Endeavours ^ to merit their future Support . ; -: ¦ . ' . ; ¦ ¦ . ' : / . ' ' ¦ : ¦¦ ¦'¦ . ' . ¦; '' : . - ^ . . . "; - - ¦• - . ' ' - ; -V ''¦ ' Maps , 1 Plans , and Drawings Lithographed , arid Coloured . Invoice Heacjs , Price ¦ : Lists , Cards , Cheques , Law Forms , and other Variety : of Work , expeditiously supplied . Fac Simile Letters and CiRctTLARi 9 ^ at Three ^ Hours' Notice ^ a nd in som «' Instances at One Hour ' s Notice ,
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¦ ¦ . / : b . : u . &h . ' ln . . n ,. ¦ ¦ . - . ashto ^ -o tber ^^ ' . ¦ ¦ : -: '' . ; - V , - ' ¦ ; . : i * f ' ¦ , - ¦ . / ¦ ¦ •* : : " ¦ , . ¦ j AMES DUKE , late of the Cpnbh and Horses el Delamer Street , lias the bbnour to arinQunce to his numerous Friends arid the Public , that he has taken the BUSH INN , Stamford Street ^ where he hopes to render the same satisfaction as in his former Establishment . / ; ; ; J . D . has made many alterations in the Bush , and he trusts that , when his improvements are completed , his endeavours to please will insure for him a continuance of that support , which ; has hitherto been so kindly extended to him . The Proprietor , strictly following that which should be the Dealer's motto , namely , quick Sale and light Profit , has laid in a Stock of Spirits of all kinds , of a . ' Superior Quality , w ; hich he is determined to Sell at a mere remunerating price , J . ' DuKe is makirip ; consider-
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extent he went , when he did prescribe a medicine ; and the simplicitj of his injunctions upon all occasiong when , disease presented itself under any fornv'Read my book '— 'Blue Pill at night '— 'Draught in the morning —< Eatand drink less '— 'that ' s all you want . '—rlf the patient observed , 'My doctor says so and so , ' what was this great man's reply ? , 'Psha ! your doctor ' s a fool '—and often would he add— ¦ Now you know more than half the Doctors ¦ in the world . ' -The world may infer from this how little he valued the almost endless varir y of Drugs and chemical p * reparationa with which trie niateria medica , pharmacopoeia , or doctor ' s books , as they are called , are filled ; and if he could consider that
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principal assistants to the late Mr . Moat , —rhe ( Mri S . ) at once saw where their error was , and what he had before suspected only , he ^ Was now confirmed ih . His partner also assurea him , that it always appeared to him the two Junior Mr * Morisons were totally unacquaitited with that- important alteration the late Mr . Moat made in the original recipe , which their father had obtained ( not discovered by research as generally supposed ); and which alteration or improvement ; alone , made vt ; that useful medicine it was , and fit to be desi ghated " Universal . " . . ; . " ¦ ¦ ' ¦ : ¦ : ¦¦ " ¦' . '• ¦¦ ' - ' . " '' ..- ¦¦¦ . ¦ ¦ ¦" . ' .: ¦ .. ' - ¦
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lhat ^ ppheatjons Bastardy will he heard 5 W , mediately on ^ he _ opening of the ^ Ccmrt . ThaVS ] Appeals will he heard imihediately after the vu ! f cahons ^ Bastardy , and that all ftoceediril ^ ^ im ^ m * m ™^ $ « JAMESI RICHARDSON , " ; . - ¦ Clerk of the Peace for the said ^ Borough Leeds , March 9 . 1838 . ' : ; ' '
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^ . .. i- ^ O ^^ viM ^^ ' ^ J- / - ; Letter-Presi ^ and C ^ per ^ iate Printi STATIONER AND BOOKBINDER ^ * No . 15 j Qiles-sWeet ; top' 0 / York-street , Lee ds I ? — ?? S 5 LYret ^» thanks to ^ his Friendl JX . and the Pubhc , for the Favours conferred upon him during a period of NineXears , in which he hS been ^ engaged in the . above Branches of Business and desires to state , that no Exertion , on his part shall be wanting to secure aav Increase of tWT Patronage . ¦ " ; : ; , -. ' :.-. ^ - _ N . B .- ^ Mahufacturer of superior Black Ink , akn Bliie Writing Fluid * Sold in Bottles at 3 d 6 d i andls . each . ; ¦ . - •• . ' :- : ^ : ;;¦ : ; ' ^~ ' ' Sabbath and Day Schools supplied as usual . 00 easonable Terms . ;¦ ..- .... ^ ; ; v ' ^
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WORKS PUBLISHED by JOHN LIMBIBD , - - ¦ . - . ^ ;; ¦ ,, ; . - ¦ ; ¦ " liSySTRAND . ¦ ^ ^ ® ¥ F Saturday , with Engravings ^ at 2 d ., br in Monthly -Parts , 8 d ., and ready for delivery with the Magazines ^ ; : -
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2 - ; - " :... ~ " ' .. ^ ' ' ¦•¦" ¦ ¦ ¦ . - ¦ ¦ . - : ¦ : ¦ ¦ .. .:- ¦'¦ v ' / ¦ - - . - ¦ th ^ ^ /¦¦ - - " * k - ^ .. * . - .. ''^""^ r ™ . - —
Northern Star (1837-1852), March 31, 1838, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct999/page/2/