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I Feb i, i* 82 ^ e Publishers' Circular ...
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I Feb I, I* 82 ^ E Publishers' Circular ...
I Feb i , i * ^ Publishers' Circular i . i .
ALFRED PALMER & SON , PUBLISHERS' & BOOKSELLEBS COMMISSION AGENTS , 12 PATERNOSTER ROW , LONDON , E . C : Books Subscribed for the London and Country Trade . The Sale of Remainders undertaken . Second-Hand and Scarce Books inquired for . Commissions Executed for the Export Trade . | g = GENERAL ADVERTISING AGENCY .
TRADE VALUATION . MR . ADAM HOLDEN , Bookseller & c , 48 Church Street , Liverpool , having had a long and varied experience in the different branches of the Trade of a Bookseller and Stationer , offers to undertake the Valuation of any Business for Probate Duty , or for Sale or Transfer , in any part of the Country . Terms ( moderate ) on application , 48 Church Street , Liverpool .
- " *¦ . Valuer GEO . NE the WMAN Tradeoffers , Auctioneer his services in and all knowled shi matters p or Probate of Sal of e the , ; Transfer his various long , or , branches experience Valuations enable and for thoroug Partner him to - h render very ge valuable assistance to either Vendor or Purchaser on very moderate terms . No expense 51 m London placing Wall particulars on this Register . Offices : , E . C .
¥ R . Frick WILHELM ) , Bookseller FRICK to the Imperial ( late Faesy and Royal and Pub ^> art lishers , Vienna and , Booksellers Graben 27 to , forward will thank Prospectuses English ana and flare Catalogues Works of and New will Books be lad as to well undertake as of Old the a »« po 8 al wholesale , of important g Books .
WANTED . —Old and New Books on Astron omy BALLOONING , Meteorology and , etc . Kindred —Reports Subjects to bo , ad i . e - . J Endlong «* Ki to , 57 Mr . 58 A . Wilhehnstr Seydel , Pol ., y Berlin tech nische . Buch-
Business For Sale Etc.
J ? OR DISPOSA L after a limited period . — 8 FTttx £ ? INTINO > STATIONERY , and BOOKR I on to Wi * * , ! 1688 r ? !? ° Midlftnd BUS ^ c INI ^ Pying Counties « SS , in the . The best increas oldest situation ing established Town in the in ^ IhtV ^ on " i Wall P ^ , « Lo ulars ndon , , app Kc ly . to Mr . T . Woldon ,
A CONVENIENT FIRST FLOOR OFFICE - £ *• TO LET in the centre of Paternoster Row . Rent £ 40 per annum . —Apply to Joseph Frowd & Co ., 53 Paternoster Row , London , E . C .
PUBLISHERS and BOOKSELLERS . TO person of considerable experienco in each of these trades , and having some Capital at command , would be glad to purchase an interest in an established concern of sound repute and capable of expansion . —Address F . A ., 'Publisher ^ Circular Office , 18 S Fleet Street , E . C .
WAN TED . —PUBLISHER for < A New Theory of Nature : containing Observations on Weather , Tides , Sunspots , & c . '—Apply with terms to D . Dcwar , Ettrick , Selkirk , N . B .
Booksellers Wanting Assistants.
T ADY ASSISTANT required , able to take •* -J charge of a Library and to assist at the Counter . Age about 25 . —A . pply with particulars , references , and carte , to Cuff Brothers , Booksellers , Plain and Fancy Stationers , & c , Dover .
JUNIOR ASSISTANT . —Wanted an active ^ Young Man of good address , who is well-up in the business . —Apply , stating age , terms ( outdoor ) , with references and carte , to Messrs . Pawsey & Hayes ( late J . Haddock ) , Ancient House , Ipswich .
WANTED lishers , Counting JUNIOR House CLERK . Ago i 18 n to a P 20 ub . — - Apply by letter only , stating experience , to S . W \ , Office of the Publishers' Circular , 188 Fleet Street , E . C .
WANTED immediately , a Young Lady possessing thorough knowledge of the Bookselling Business and Stationery . Must be a good saleswoman and stockkeeper , and of the Church of and England inclosing . — Appl y , t stat e , to ing Messrs ago , . salary Croy , don references & Co ., , Iloyal Library , Teignmouth .
"DOORKEEPER WANTED in a first-class ¦* - * Booksellers' Establishment . Must bo accustomed to careful work and well recommended for A accurate pply , stating bookkeep ago ing an . d Salary full particulars £ 100 per annum in own . — Marshall handwriting , & , Co ., 4 8 . Stationers R , caro ' -Hall of Messrs Court . , London Simpkin . ,
WANTED , a ( LADY ) ASSISTANT . Book , Music , and Stitionory Business . Must with bo Churc part h iculars of Eng , Miss land Godding and experienced , Newbury . — . Address ,
WANTED , a YOUNG MAN , with some knowledge of the Book Business , to assist at and stat the ing Counter salary ago . , — required qualifications Apply , by to letter , Mr last . in Young em own ploy , handwriting , Bookseller references , , , Liverpool . 1 ¦¦ " " - ' —¦¦¦¦¦¦ - ¦ - ¦¦ ¦¦¦ - ¦¦¦¦ . _ . _ ..... _ .. — . *—^ MM _
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Feb. 1, 1882, page 131, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01021882/page/43/