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, p ; 'rrps ^| ps ^ n : mpQKSi . . ¦ ¦ I a n 1 vf s c Ho ^ bt Cat i n di ctio n ary . A LATIN DICTIONARY - V FOR Just SCHOOLS published , small . 4 to B y cloth Chaklton , 18 « . T , Lewis , PhJX , Editor 1 * ! % * of JWke c lie new wls work and is Short pot a 'ft mere lAtia abridgment Dictionary , but .- an independent V- ;; * Dictionary , and the author , ; in its compilation ,, has been guided ! . by detail the . advice It U of designed a large to Committee explain every of scholars ward or phrase and experienced in Latin Books teacher * , commonly who have rendered read in valuable Schools assistance , including on the points entire of works of TerenceGssar , Cicero , Liry , Nepos , Vbrgil , Horace , Ovid , J uvb ^ al , I'h ^ bdhijb , and Oubtius ; the Catiline and Within Jugarfcha the limits of Saulvbt , to which , and reference the Germariia is made and the Agricola author aims . of Tacitus at giving , such an account of each t word as shall make it comp the letely best intelligible period , may in be every accepted passage by the in which student it as occurs , amodel . Every for use word or imitation or phrase . which Full references is cited , toithout aregiten comment ; buty , as from far the as possible prose of , an the effort citations has have been been made drawn accurately , fromthe to , mark boots quantities most commonly ; not for read tnetrtial . For purpotet the first time m ^ , in any general Vocabulary ' of the language ' , SHAKESPEARE AS A SECOND DRAM Just EDITION published ATIC ENItABGED * crown ARTIST 8 ro . cloth AND : 6 BEVISBD a Popu . lar Illustration of the I Principles University of ( Extension Scientiac ) Lectu Criticism re ^ . in By Literature Richard . Second & . Moultoh Edi tion , M , Enlarged . A ., late and Scholar Revised t > f -Christ . ' s College , Cambridge : N $ ! W BOQK BY DR . HODGKtN . THE DYNASTY OF THE Just O published DOSIUS , crown ; or , . Ei cloth ghty , Rilt too Years , 6 * . ' Straggle with the Bar-*«* harlans In this . volume By Thomas the Author Hodgkjn deprives , Hon in . D brief . O . 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QA < . aNETr , M . A ., Principal ol the CHAPTERS SECON OF E DITION ARLY J ENGLISH ust CAN pnbh O ^ * 8 b BBIGHT edt Second CHURCH S Edition « BABLY . 8 HISTORYJ vo BN cloth GLISH , 12 * C . HURCH > By HISTOBY W . Bright \ - . ' , D . D ., Corrected Canon or Christ Church , and " BegiuB /¦ ¦ Professor '' ¦ of Ecclesiastical History , Oxford . Second Edition , Revised and SOME STANDARD TEXT-BQOKSf A HISTORY new work OF BY ENGLISH MR . HBNRY SOUNDS swbbt . FROM EUCLID M . A ., Mathematical REVISED . Master Edited , Royal by Academical R . C . J . Nixon Institn- , ByHENRY THE EARLIEST S \ VEET , M PERIOD . A ., Balliol . College With Full , Oxford Word , Author -Lists . Books tion , Belfast I . and . Ufa Crown Is . 6 rf » . vo . Books 6 * . Book I .-IV I . . , , 8 1 * # . . 6 separately d . 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A . for a ? the OF - , B FO un 3 > . use . F D INDUCTIVE iB . . DAUC * . Third SC cr Students ilOOLS irnnr M . Edition A . B in . < s the , LOGIC . Univer ( By bv is Crown . Jt . This edition i- Biuiply without a rival . None oven bvo . l 9 . hu . ,,,, comes CHAUCER second to . it . '— THE Wkbtminstjeh PROLOGUE Keview . TO t ? E A TREATISE ON HARMONY . By Sir F . A . Nonne CANTEUBURY Prestes Tale TALES . Edited . The fP Knighte TO R . 2 Morris 6 s Tale , LL ; Tne . D . versify Gobb Ousewsy of Oxford , . Bart Second ., ProFeSSor Edition of , Jlusio 8 vo . XOs in . the Uni- . MIL top Edited . 8 vo ^ . r cloth R ^ R , < AWSET Bhowxb k . dd , , M . A 0 St Fifth ! B Bttjtion So ^ I . Extra -VI . CH GEOLOGY EMISTRY Williamson : Chemical Phil FOBJTUPE . Doc , F , Ph . 8 . ysical Se ^ S , ¦ and By Strati A . W , GRAY Eumuxd in white . SELECTED Parchment OobBE . Kxtra 8 # . fcp POEMS . < $ vo . Stiff . covers Edited , 1 .. 6 by d . ; grap Physical Z JJ ^ hic wo al . Volumes With By Joseph Maps royal Prkstwioh and Svo Illiistrations . " - ^©! , M . . IA . . , Chemica P . R . 8 . , T . G . II . S . BRACHET T > T > Ar * UT ? n *> S <* ETYMOLOGICAL rWtfAT , AATnAT DICTION nTDTTrw - Straliaraphical Map of Europe , and Physical oblier Mapa . With and Illustrations New Geological , 36 * . on AltY the O Principles F THE FR of 14 JTrench K 0 H L . Etymoloary ANUUA ° ' Winche ^ H . | , with Translated 8 ten a Jtfreface rhird by ; - Stands out from the ' long range ; of modern ' Academy treatises * . - ' . I I BRACHET Wii E TH At ^ iSo E ' nf 1 " SNCU ' cSSwn S HISTORICAL ? LANGUAGE i fio £ * M 'L ^ r at Translated GRAMMAR flnimritf the ai > same au OF A ENGHJSH Rev Mayhkw CONCISE . W . , U t from Bkhat . ^ DICTIONARY Ol Wadna d . L llfiO ltt . D m . to M College 1680 . A . Professor By OF , Oxford the MIDDLE Bev of ; and . A ; the L . - I / HewEdition . 8 # . t 5 d . by Saxon , Cambridge W- . , Grown , 8 vo . half ,, -roan , 7 s . 6 rf . Anglo I Ifyill Catalogues p ^ mt ^ ^ free oi * a % > plU ; atio ) t . I I London : HENBY jFBOWDE , Clarendon P ) ress WafXehouQ ^ II ^ Wlw ^^ " ^ "M ^ MM ^ MlMMWMMaMNMIIMMMMIMMMManawriWMlW ^^
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Feb. 1, 1889, page 133, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01021889/page/31/