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itf Ihe dfiibliMers' Circular f ^' iv ^ ¦ __ ¦ ¦¦ . . - ¦ . ¦ : ' ¦ * ¦ ¦ .
' ..... - „ - .. j . : - — - , ] LEIGH T ^ 5 ^ TQN WHOLESALE , Hf ^ BOOKBINDERS INi -MiH , "¦ ' ^ W teleptone & E , ADDRESS : niimrfr H LEIQ london ? ' KEW-STpET SQUARE , FLpT STREET , E . C . ' ^ s ^ ' | L ., S ., & H . beg to intimate to PUBLISHERS , PBIHITEBS , AUTHOBS , & c , that thoy execute [ either in the in best Clo sty th le or and Leather on the . most Their , reasonable Stock ! of terms Engraved everyr Brass descri Pies ption is of most * WlLolesale extensile and Bookbinding varied , and , : their powerful Machinery and Steam-powerf give them unrivalled advantages in the rapid execution of i take large L every orders ., S ., descri . & H . ption have of a work separate , including Department the suppl for ¦ Account : / y of ' Paper .. -Book , Ruling Binding , Printing , and are , prepared Perforating , to under and - Paging of Books for Commercial purposes . Applications for * Estimaies will meet with prompt attention .
Hisher & Won ; BpO KBINDERfl t ^ hurch Gntry . fflP' ^ , gWEPJI Barter We ^ Lane Kg , , ex .
ztr o w ttis ^ jo ir . SHAKSPEARE'S HEROINES : A SERIES OF STUDIES BY TJJE GREATEST LIVING BRITISH PAINTERS . GOUPILGRA . VURE ILLUSTRATIONS . T 1 TLTC PAINTER TITLE PATNTKU Portia , Wife of ^ L . Alma Tadema , K . A ., Beatrice ... ... F . Dicksee , A . R . A . Juliet Brutus J P . R H . W . Calderon . S . , R . A . ^ Silvia ESSII ... f C E . . E J . . Perugini Poynter . , R . A ., Miranda ... F . Goodall , R . A . , - »> A \ R . W . S . I Imogen Mariana ... V H . . C Schmalz . Prinsep . , A . R . A . Portia Desbbmona H Sir . Woods F . Leig , h A . R . , A P . . E . Isabella Audrey ... F P . . W R . . Morris W . Top , A ham . R . A , . R . I . I oleopatra n j ( J . A W . R . . A Waterhouse ., R . I . , Annb Olivia Page ... E G . . Blair B . Leslie Leighton , R . A . . Ophelia Cordeslia . . . . . . . . . . . . Marcus W . F . Yeames Stone , , R R . . A A . . 1 ; Rosalind Katharine . . . . . . E E . . Long W . Macbeth , R . A . , A . R . A . Qu Jessica een Katharine . . .. . . .. Mrs Luke . L Fildes . Alma , R Tadema . A . . Artists' Proofs ( signed by the Artists only , ) . n a Twenty Portfol -one io , £ Plates 31 . . 10 , * . size net . 24 £ inches by 17 f inches , in Sets ( Limited to 100 Copies for Eng and each d , an Set d 50 numb for ered America from . [ 1 Each ] onwards Plate . ) will be signed by the Artist , Impressions Descri on ptive Colombier letterpress Quarto , in very Plate handsome Paper , 17 Persian inches morocco by 12 , ^ inches gilt ed , bound , £ 5 . on 5 s . guards net . , with * ?* Sj ? eoimon 8 of the above JPlates caii be seen at the principal Booksellers , also at the Publishers * | l London : SAMPSON St . Dun LOW stan , 's MABSTON House , Fetter , SEARLE ane , Fleet fetreei < fc ¦ BIVINGTON , E . O . , Limited , I
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Feb. 1, 1889, page 146, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01021889/page/44/