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p_ —= hbichr1882 The Publishers' Circula...
I Ill Ac tor feJ £* * J ' ? 4*> ^ 21 1 *...
I BOOKS WAITED TO PURCHASE. I Particulars of price <fc. to be sent direct to the parties whose names and addresses are given.
m Hoticd— .We dettre to draw attention o...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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P_ —= Hbichr1882 The Publishers' Circula...
p _ — = hbichr 1882 The Publishers' Circular 2 ^ -
I Booksellers' Assistants Wantin8 I Situations.
Ill WANTED to Apprentice a Young Lady , ¦ l ll || YV Trades aged 17 . , to Has the some Bookselling knowled , ge Stationery of business , and I pancy Excellent references . Address M ., care of Miss I 1 Bray , Stationer , Abergavenny .
I ADVERTISER , age 30 , who has had many I and A in either Publishing years' of experience the Trad above e , in desires . the Moderate Wholesale RE-ENGAGEMENT salary Book 1 onl , News y to , commence with . —Address W ., PttblishersCircular Office , 188 Fleet Street , London , E . C .
A YOUNG LADY , aged 17 , requires indoor A SITUATION in Bookseller ' s or Fancy Stationer ' s Business ( or both combined ) . Has not I been out before ; would be wiiling to give time to I learn the business ; is quick and intelligent . Good I references . —Address Miss Gilbert , Collingbourne I Dncis , Marlborough , Wilts .
I D 00 KSELLING and STATIONERY .-A I D Young Man , aged 24 , desires a RE-ENGAGEI I Good MENT window in above -dresser business . G . -ood Ei references ght years . ' experience Town or . I country . —Address G ., care of Mr . S . Seager , 4 Hinton I Terrace , Hinton Road , Loughboro' Junction , London .
I A YOUNG LADY , aged 18 , will shortly I A be open for RE-ENGAGEMENT in the I Bookselling , Stationery , and Fancy Business . — I I App Winchester ly ' Delta . , ' care of Warren & Son , High Street ,
I ADVERTISER , giving up business , seeks I I good ^ situation firm . Hi as ghest First references Assistant . — or App Manager ly Y . C in , 11 a I Gray ' s Inn Road , London , W . C .
I Ill Ac Tor Fej £* * J ' ? 4*> ^ 21 1 *...
I Ac tor feJ £ * * ' ? *> ^ 1 * ^ ! n 5 Street **!** , Oxford Deoa in
Homo , English I Uixander SffiTl Adanwon ( , Chev ' 8 a . Memoirs , 42 ali Kingsland « r ) Memoirs of Luis Road de of Camoens , bda E . Vol . 182 1 ( Q . Vol . ) 1
H II I JJ SrS nt whey manh et ? ' B ' s ' La 8 Co Shelley ter mic English Tales and & Poe his c . ts Writings 1841 . . 8- . vol . Vol , . cloth edit . 2 . . . 1807 Murray 1868 . . Vol Vol . . 1 2
I KJkfwn l & i * Chaldrean C ' ? B ' * Commentaries Frantfort .-o-M on ., Germany Isaiah £ B » bliographer Be »^ rche ' 8 Manual 8
H I SK fiSS VlrtUfV SSf vZS ¦ ? ^ R ^ «* 8 Evld Lowth Chaldaean unaldaean ence wwe ^ s Commentary of Accoun Accoun Troth t t of of of . Scriptures Genesis Geneaia Any ed . Prophets alone
I ili Win ^ ? S * 0 ? "Dno 8 y Manners » ^^ S and de Customs Paris of Ancient Egy ptians ^ * nrnal of ^ dian ArchipelagolstSerVols 123
I iu . . . ,, cffl ? venChurche 9 fA 8 i 8
I I I C HE ^ ?* ? ' Gymnwium nl 1 8 Priesthood 1 * ] - 2 volsT by Oood <> Hohler - oopy ^ «' vo , 1888 12 ( Duncan . *~ '
I «« r ! lr S Conflrmation ; » cr - s - r 8 rd edit . I I lUDhr £ & *!! *^ * Offlce * Athenceum directory Boot of Store Somerset vols , Taunton poet 8 Vol
I * ^ £ r ? lS 2 ? Cablnet 1 Po «^ - * . vo . . 1
I SSF ^ ff r "** ¦ T * n ^ Trfal ^^ 1 > o * England . DivUion 8
^ ^ Barth Quarterly ts & Lowell Journal , 14 o C * / M va > ' ? * ^ Ma heVmatics 1 U rlboro . ugh 1874 Street -80 . , W Vola . . 14 to 17 Philos XT JLIAIUOU ophical ^ P UAO 4 U . Magazine AUOfel ^ AAaAAVa . Astronomical 3 rd Series IJVIIVO . Vols v v « K 7 * . 1 « . to . ¦ v Vols 17 - ¦ - 1 to 8
Monthly 19 to 27 N , otices 37 to 40 of the Society . . , Ba Brand tsford o , B ' s . 8 G . othic , 52 Ilfgh Architecture Holborn , W Vol . C . . 2
. Chambers * Civil Architecture Clark Engineer e ' s Electrical . Vols . 1 , Measurements ti ~~ 2 , 4 , ¦ - —— 6 , 7 —— —^— ^ .
VllM AV 19 jjf ^ vi / IW *« a .- _ Clay Blenkarn ton ' s ' fl Ti Sp mber ecifications Edifices Habershon ' s Half-Timber Houses ontrasts
J Pughi ournal 's C of the Iron and Steel Institute . Any parts M Ewba oncrief nk ' s Hydrau Irrigation lics of # Jt Southern fc **^* Europe * -
iUUUVi ICi O a XlUpUWIVU ^^ X ^ V * »»> *« V ^ r-w Healey Green well ' s Ventilation ' s Mine Eng of ineerin Coal g Mines Price ' s Calculus . Vol . 4 to Art
Jopling ' s Septenary Impulse System of Generating Lines Rep ing orts , and of Second Science -ha ; also nd Boo Second ks upo -han n Architecture d Catalogues ,
Engineer-Bicker Fletch § A er Am ' s Essay , 1 Leicester on Bhakspeare Square , W . C . I \ Carlyle ' g Frederick 6 volfl . 8 vo . Vols . 45 « II
Rogers'Italy . 1830 , , , H A'Beokett ' a Jack Blue Beard the Giant Killer ffl II Index m 11
The Hook Himalayan ' s Iires of the Alps Archbishops . voL , ll Smith's History of the Greek Church . j
TO STATIONERS and BOOKSELLERS . ENGAGEMENT Required by as a Assistant Young Man . Seven , age 23 years , a ' RE ex - - 4 perience Suffolk . Road Town , South or coun Norwood try . — , Address London , 8 F . . E . E . H .,
TO BOOKSELLERSSTATIONERS & c . - * - An Experienced Assistan , t , with a good general , knowledge of the business , is now open to a REENGAGEMENT . Good references . —Address S . W ., Publishers' Circular Office , 188 Fleet Street , London .
WANTED , by a Young Lady of 11 years ' experience , an ENGAGEMENT in the Stationery and Bookselling . Age 26 . London or suburbs . —Address Miss Mitchell , 109 Harford Street , Mile End , E .
WANTED , by a respectable Youth , aged 18 , SITUATION as Improver in the Stationery ( or Bookselling and Stationery ) . Good references . —Address * Beta / Murhili House , Meyrick Street , Barton Hill , Bristol .
YOUNG LADY , experienced in the A Bookselling , Stationery , and Fancy Business , wishes a RE-ENGAGEMENT . A Church business references preferred . . —Address Knowledge A . B of ., 24 book St -keep . James ing ' . s Street Good , "Wolverhampton .
Printers 1 Assistants Wanting Situations.
"DRINTER . —Compositor seeks a Permareferences •*• neDcy . — in Jobbing Address or M News ., Mr and . Loxley Jobbing , . Melton Good Mowbray .
MACHINE-MINDER , disengaged , is open t 6 a SITUATION . Age 24 . —Address F . Payne , 8 Church Street , Upper Street , Islington .
I Books Waited To Purchase. I Particulars Of Price ≪Fc. To Be Sent Direct To The Parties Whose Names And Addresses Are Given.
I BOOKS WAITED TO PURCHASE . I Particulars of price < fc . to be sent direct to the parties whose names and addresses are given .
M Hoticd— .We Dettre To Draw Attention O...
m Hoticd— . We dettre to draw attention of Correspondents under this head , Books Wanted / u > an oft-repeated caution to be careful Swindlers not to have remit adopted cajh the or stamps plan of without reporting being books fully and satisfied requiring of stamps the bona in payment fides of ; the but thetr communications only address , as is ruwia 9 inuwu wii w ^* #
ttnirnotrn tv oe o / A < toccu ? m . posi-oj / tce ; on we outer nana , our ruv * urwcTw iy »» »»» m ^^ yw ^' v *™* " * » ™ . - ;
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), March 1, 1882, page 227, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01031882/page/43/