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256 The Publishers' Circular March i, 18...
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256 The Publishers' Circular March I, 18...
256 The Publishers' Circular March i , 1890
SEELEY & CO . 'S IRew Books an 6 Iftew lebitiona SHORTLY . THE HIGHLANDS OF WEST SOMERSET . By J . Ll . w . Page , Author of « An Exploration of Dartmoor . * "With Etchings and other Illustrations by Alfred Dawson . SHORTLY . THE CHEMISTRY OP PAINTS AND PAINTING : a Handbook treating of the A Methods cademy . and Materials used by the Painter . By A . H . Church , F . R . S ., Professor of Chemistry to the Royal JUST PUBLISHED . MEMOIR together ^ vit OF h some T . Account D . HA of the ^ FORD Keswick -BATTERSBY Co veution , By Two , late bis Vi Sons car With of St . John Preface 's , Keswick the Kev ; H . C . G . Moule , With two Portraits . Cloth , 3 * . 6 d . SHORTLY . ONLY A DOG . By a Humble Friend . Cheap Edition . Sewed , 1 * . ; cloth , Is . ChL SHORTLY . UP AND DOWN THE PANTILES : Tunbridge Wells in Eighteenth Century . By Mrs . Marshall , Author of ' Her Season in Bath . ' Sewed , Is . ; cloth , 1 * . 6 d . 8 H 0 RTLY . THE OLD GATEWAY . By Mrs . Marshall . New and Cheaper Edition . Sewed , Is . ; cloth , 1 * . 6 d . SECOND EDITION . WESTMINSTER ' Memorials of the Savoy ABBEY , ' * Windnor . C B attle y the , ' & Rev c . With W . Twelve J . Loftib Plates , Author nnd many of minor * A History Illustrations of London chiefly by / H . Kailton . Imperial 4 to . cloth e 21 s . Large-1 ' aper Topiep ( 100 only ) , £ 4 . 4 s . justice * In to som the e respects graceful more proportions interesting of the than E « rly his English " Kensington in the st " » telv of last fane season , to the . The elaborate numerous carviug illustrations of the woodwork do ample in the choir , and to the rich fretwork of the ceilings and arches . '—Times . THE EARLIER ENGLISH WATER-COLOUR PAINTERS . By Cosmo Monk-Prout house , . Cozens With , Cop Thirteen ley Fielding Plates , Cat , aft termoJe er Turner , and , David Girtin Cox , Boniugton . feuper- , royal Dotman 8 vo , . cloth De W , 21 int s , . ; S Large andby - . Paper Hearn Copies e . Barret ( 100 , only ) , £ 2 . 2 s . of the ' The various author artists ' s observations . '—Daily are News sound . and appreciative , and the numerous illustrations are characteristic of the styles SECOND EDITION . FANNY BURNEY AND HER FRIENDS . Select Passages from her Diary and other hi Writings s World . . ' Edited With Nine by L . Copper B . 8 kklky -Plates . late after Follow Reynold ot Trinity s Gainsborough College , , Cambridge Copley , and , We Auth st . or , Cl of oth ' H , < Is race . Gd . Walpole and the defctiltory A handy b reader ook ( and us she as handsome has been with as it literary is handy persons ) , which ever should since make Macaulay Dr . Johnpon wrote his ' s " ess little ay . " Burney —St . Jambs " as ' popular . s Gazette wi . th THIRD THOUSAND . UNDER SALISBURY SPIRE : a Tale of the Times of George Herbert . By Emma Marshall . With Illustrations . Cloth , 6 . v . ' ' This One of charming the beat little which tale have /—Daily ever come Nkvvh from . Mrs . MurHh | all ' s * pen A delightful . ' ~ Athkn . volume i ; um . . ' - Gijahjdia . n . THIRD THOUSAND . OXFORD : Brief Historical and Descriptive Notes . By Andkew Lang . New and Cheaper Edition . With many Illustrations . Cloth , ds . 'Told in Mr . Lang ^ b beat manner . '—Litkkaky Chuuchaian . THIRD THOUSAND . CAMBRIDGE : Brief Historical and Descriptive Note * . By J . W \ Clakk . New and Cheaper 4 Edition thoroug . hly With artisti many c work lllustrationH of topograp . Cloth hical , 8 description a . and illustration . ' ---Illuhtkatkd London Nkwm . NEW EDITION . EDINBURGH Cloth , Us . (> fi . ; or roxburgh : Picturesque , 6 * . Notes . By llOBKitT Louitt Stkvknbon . With Illustrations . oa a * literary Daintily gem and of delicioiiHl the firat ) water illustra . '— ted St . and Jamkh charmingly ' h Gazette written . ; u volume which may bo described without exaggeration THE HAMMER : a Story of the Maccabees . By Kev . A . J . Chukou and Richmond Sejelkv . With 111 uatratJons . Cloth , 5 * . * ' A A vivid vivid picture and picturesque of JowiBh romance life and . ' character Daily Nkwh . '— Guaiidian . . * Pull of graphic sketches of those critical days . '—Jkwibh Standahd . I London : SEELEY & CO . LimitedEssex StreetStrand . I , * ,
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), March 1, 1890, page 256, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01031890/page/38/