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268 The Publishers' Circular March 1,18 ...
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268 The Publishers' Circular March 1,18 ...
268 The Publishers' Circular March 1 , 18 90
MR . T . FISHER UNWIN'S NEW BOOKS . THE ADVENTURE SERIES . . Large crown 8 vo , cloth , 5 * . each , fully illustrated . The ADVENTURE SERIES is a collection of the Lives of Men and Women remarkable for Adventurous Careers . Thus to the English fireside will be introduced Adventurers of all Countries—Travellers , Seamen and Soldiers , Buccaneers of note , and famous Robbers , Prisoners who have escaped from Captivity , and those who , banded together , have passed through danger and difficulty . That the reader may be better acquainted with his new acquaintances , preference will be given , where possible , to Autobiographies over Compilations , The Volumes will average 400 pages each . VOLUME I . NOW READY . THE ADVENTURES OF A YOUNGER SON . By E . J . TBELAWNY . With an Introduction by Howard Gahxett . Illnstrated with several Portraits of TrelawBy , ur . d an Autograph letter . OTHERS IN PREPARATION . Now Ready , the 23 rd Volume of ' THE STORY OF THE NATIONS . ' RUSSIA . By W . It . MORFILL , MA , Reader to the University of Oxford , in the Russian and other Sclavonic Tongue * . Crown 8 vo . cloth , 5 k . ; Trusentation Edition , cloth , gilt edges , Is . ' ad . ) Library Edition , cloth , red tops , 5 s . judgment Mr . Ho ... rtH . No l in better this introduction book shows that to Russia to thorough n history knowled could be ge desired of hi * subjec . '—ccot t he *» ian adds . both literary skill and unbiassed , Now ready , in 1 vol . Demy 8 vo . cloth , lCs . ITALIAN CHARACTERS IN THE EPOCH OP UNIFICATION . By the Countess E . MARTINEXGO CESARESCO . This work contains tie lives of Burn ino Rtcaholt , Conhtanck p'A / eolio , ( go Pafpi , Danikl Nasis , the Cajjk / lik , Luigi Slttembiuni , the Pokiuos , and many others . NEW VOLUMES OF ESSAYS BY DR . JESSoIT . THE TRIALS OF A . COUINTJRY PARSON . Some Fugitive Papers by Rev . A . JESSOFP , D . D ., Author of ' Arcady , ' ' The Coming of the Friars , ' & c . Cloth , Is . 6 d . ( 5 ) Qui Con e tents Custodiet : ( ly — 2 ) ( 0 The ) Cathedral Trials of Space a Country for Neglected Pairon— Records ( 3 ) The —( 7 Church ) Why mid 1 wish ihe to Villages visit America < 4 ) Snowed . up in A ready Now ready , demy 8 vo . cloth , 7 s . 6 . THE TWO KINDS OF TRUTHA T «» t of o 1 J L < uricM , with Special of the Application British A to saoc th i ose ution of for Evolution the Advancement , Tnstinct . and of Scieuce Immortality . . By tui Old IMc Mciaki A KKW HISTORICAL 8 TORY . THE HEART OF SHEBA ; Bci < t ^ the S : cry of a Great Queen , as told in the Parchment of Arnath , the Queen ' a Btoilicr . By KTHEL MAY HEWITT . Crown 8 vo . cloth , 5 * . T-W O ZDsTZETAT NOVELS . THE OLD HALL AMONG THE WATER MEADOWS . A Novel . By ROSA MACKENZIE KETTLE . Crown 8 vo . cloth , 0 * . MUMFORD MANOR . A Novel , By JOHN ADAM 60 N . Crown 8 vo . clotb , C ^ . I London : T . FISHER UNWIN , Paternoster Square , E . C . If
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), March 1, 1890, page 268, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01031890/page/50/