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j ^^ i The Publishers' Circular 2 gi ]
WHOLESALE T" ^ f ~* TV \ T T BOOKBINDER " " * Cy C ** S ~\ TV T ^ t ^ . ^ ^^ -jw W S , ^^ 1851 ^^ . ^ 76 Fleet Street , LONDON , 76 Fleet Street ^ ^^ ^ ^ * M Publishers , Booksellersy and Trade in town and country are herewith informed thai this Jirm execute rapidlyy punctually ' , and in Jirst style , all orders for Plain , Elegant , and Ornamental Binding ; original designs by good artists . Additional I steam power and new machinery enable them to compete successfully with other firms , in taste , speed , and price . Estimates and samples by return post .
T . Gates i ^ iniT Darton & Co . n ^ j ^ nsrir ^ j ^ OTTJ a- BOOiKZBiiNriD iEJiE ^ s , 7 KIRBY STREET , HATTON GARDEN , LONDON , E . C . T . GATES BARTON ( late of the Jinn of Westleys § Co ., Friar Street ) has now taken newl y erected premises , supplied throughout toith engine power , at the above address , 1 They are central , accessible , ample , and convenient , furnished with machinery and implements of the most approved character for Bookbinding . After his long experience and management at Westleys §• Co . 's , he trusts , by careful and efficient oversight , with able assistance fro ? n his son and other superintendents , and with a staff his of skilled 29 years work 1 connection people , to with merit the and Jinn obtain at that Friar support Street of had which ceased ( jsinc ) he e it has became alread known y received that many kind assurances .
OUPPLIED to the TRADE on the MOST LIBEKAL TEEMS . A large Stock of ^ Popular Foreign Educational , Literary , and Scientific Works always on hand . N . B . —Fast- Train Parcels received from the Continent twice a week . SAMPSON LOW , MARSTON , SEARLE , & RIVINGTON ( Proprietors of the business Crown of Buildings the late firm , 188 of Fleet William Street Alijln , London & , Co E . . C , 3 . tationers ' -hall Court ) ,
FOREIGN LITERATURE . SAMPSON LOW , MARSTON , & CO ., E o lith , American , Foreign , and Colonial Booksellers and Publishers , 188 Fleet Street , London , will forward , post free , to any addressa List of French , German , and American Newspapers and Periodicals with Rates , of Subscription ; also Catalogues of a large variety of Foreign BooJcs , always kept in stock . Books not in stock , or Rare Books , pro-Six cured Copies with of the Catalogues least delay . of Express Old and p Rare arcels Books from sent the , Continent free of expense Tivice , a to WezJc the rr ^> 8 t likely Foreign Purchasers . They 'must be delivered { free of expense ) , addressed Foreign Department . Catalogues of Old and Rare Foreign Books 9 % o in ^ s also executed be had . in A all gents matters in all connected the princi with pal Ci International ties of the World Copyrig . Cornmis ht , both - rt Home and Abroad .
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), April 1, 1881, page 291, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01041881/page/51/