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April i, 1884 The Publishers' Circular 3...
Index to the Books putlisted between March 17 and 31. The Words in Italics are these under which the Titles are given Alphabetically in full, with the Publisher's Xante.
I Abstainers, Total, Vital Statistics, B...
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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Books Received :— From Messrs. A. 8. Bar...
I Ca Political talogues , received and Miscellaneous : —A Catalogue Works of , published Educational by ,
; & r . Infield , 160 Fleet Street , E . C . , Books received and for the notice Piano : — Griffith &
Musicians ( Farran ) . Sermons for the Church ' s Year . Part 5 ( ditto ) . The Seven Words on the Cross ( ditto ) .
! Cassell ' s Serials : — Encyclopaedic Educator , Part Dictionary 2— ^ Concise , Part Cyclopaedia 3—Technical , Part 26
—Great Industry in Great Britain , Part 1—The Ward Earl Lock y Day & s Co of . ' s Christianity Serials : — , Part 1 .
Every , Man , His Own Mechanic , Part 5—Haydn ' s Bible Dictionary , Part 5—Universal Instructor , ; Part 19—Popular Law Dictionary , Part 5—
Amateur Work , Part 29—Sylvia ' s Young Ladies ' Journal , Part 6—Thomas Hood , Part 17—¦ Clarke ^^ ^ ^ ^ - ^_ — ' s ^ Com ~^_ - — — mentary - — ^ m on — the — Hol - — - — — y j Bible , Part
' 36—Bob Koy , Part 7—Sylvia ' s Home Journal . I General Gordon ( Ward , Lock , & Co . ) . , From The Dead Over Hand the Water in the ( Walter Free Churches Smith ) . ' of Dissent
! A ( Vi ditto sit ) to . the Isle of Wight ( Wyman & Sons ) . I John Wicliffe ( S . W . Partridge ) .
I A Junior History of England ( John Heywood ) , I Answers to the Paragon Arithmetical and Examination Papers and Cards ( ditto ) .
Paragon Readers , Eeader 4 ( ditto ) . Analysis of the Book of Joshua ( ditto ) . A Practical Guide to German Conversation
( Simpkin , Marshall , & Co . ) . The Cyclist and Wheel World ( Iliffe & Sons ) . The Faithful Promise ( David Bryce ) .
i Golden Gems of Thoug Thought hts from from Great Classica Authors l Writers ( ditto ( ditto ; . ) . | Water Work Statistics ( C . W . Hastings ) .
; Gas Gas Work and Water Statistics Companies ( ditto ) ' . Dictionary ( ditto ) . Ixcirsions into Puzzledom ( 'Fun Office' ) .
lae Imam Mahdi ( Hamilton , Adams , & Co . ) .
Pamphlets and Magazines . Thoug , hts on the Interdependence of Water — — — and
Electricity v ( Wm . Ridgeway ^ ) . - Glasgow — ^^ j Oniversiry — — — -- — — _ J Review — — - — — ' ^ ( m Wilson m ^ " - ^ ^^ — — & ^ fe . ' ^ v ] ^ McCormick ^ " ^ " ^» " ^^ ^ " ^ ^ h ^ k ^ B V ^^ ^ h ^^ ) w ^ .
Is Sons God ) . Unknown and Unknowable ? ( Wyman & The Woes of 1 he Gospel ( ditto ) . I
Gardiner The House ' s Exp of Lords lanator —an y Geogrtph address ( David y , Part Bogue 2 ( ) J . . Heywood ) .
Arithmetical and Ex . imination Papers , Standards 1 to 7 ( ditto ) . Things a Cyclist Ought to Know ( IToulston &
Sons ) . The Scripture Foothold of Abstinence ( National Temperance Publi <\ iHon Depot ) .
Viral Statistics of Total Absrinence ( ditto ) . Calcutta Catalogue International ( N . Newman Exhibition & C > . ) . , 1883-4 , Official
Cornhill Magazine i ^ Smith , Eldtr , & Co . ) . From the Religious Tract Society : —
Boy ' s Own Paper—Girl ' s Own Paper—Leisure Hour Cottager —Sunday and at Artisan Home — — ChiLd Friendl ' s y Companion Greetings — —
Tract Magazine . Longman ' s jNIagizine ( Longmans & Co . ) . Health Magazine ( Wyman & Son ) .
English Illustrated Magazine ( Macmillan & Co . ) . MacmiHan ' s Magazine ( ditto ) . The Link ( Elliot Stock ) .
Antiquarian Magazine ( David Bogue ) . Garden Work—Cambridge Unirersity Reporter—John ^^ i _ f ^ pa ^ - ^^ ¦ W - ycliffo fc / — — — — the - — Bold — — - —Pitman — — —— *— ' s ¦ Musical " ^^— - ^^^ ~~— — ^^ ^ b ^^ P ~ - ^
Monthly—Boys' and Girls' Companion—Church Bailie Sunday — School Sacred Chronicle Melodist — — Church Home Worker Words— — The The
Dny of Days—The Fireside N " ews—The Church of England Temperance Chronicle—Church Bolls .
Periodical World ( Northampton , Mass . ) March No .
yvith Notes of 1 ravel , Anecdotes , bketches , & c .
April I, 1884 The Publishers' Circular 3...
April i , 1884 The Publishers' Circular 32 g
Index To The Books Putlisted Between March 17 And 31. The Words In Italics Are These Under Which The Titles Are Given Alphabetically In Full, With The Publisher's Xante.
Index to the Books putlisted between March 17 and 31 . The Words in Italics are these under which the Titles are given Alphabetically in full , with the Publisher ' s Xante .
I Abstainers, Total, Vital Statistics, B...
I Abstainers , Total , Vital Statistics , Burns ( D . ) Id . Abstinence , Scripture Foothold , Dick ( T . ) Id . Acrobat Acrobat . , Da Da rcy rm . flip the Toung "Vrmntr Is la
Alrulie Africa -ffineid , , Missionary Virgil translated , , BiogTapli by , Dryden y . of Alfred , Morle Satter } ' s edit , 2 s . . 6 Is d . . Alccstia --- ( vHerbert - * - ^^* wi . m ) / Maittand inutiiunu \ ( B Dt . ) . j Pilgrim i ; iigiiui and nuu Shrine kiuiiiic , , 5 t / o s . .
America AttMrican , Euri Pictur Travel pides , Hardy , English Vol . ( Iza 3 in D Original a . ) Between Metres Ocean , 2 s ? . , 6 15 d . a . Anglo-Saxon , A Old esque English , Vocabulary , , irriV ^ M ued . 2 vis . 28 s . Architecture Mediaeval MilitaryClark ( GT ) 2 vols 31 sfid
Artirta Afiatocratic Attraction ' Homes Instincts , , a Portfolio , Hints , > to 4 < Personp W , . * ( M . , J B 'om . ) . Shouldn 21 . s . 't . , n e . . ( id . ~ vu Universal uuivurisui Sh lof ) le
^< rtn ( Alex .., , . ) Practical , Essays tutp arp . (^ W 4 s . . 6 H n d .. . it .. »« Bater * cr ( ( Valentino valentine ^ ) Paaha Paaha . Life Life . 1 Idd ..
Bankruptcy Bankruptcy , Act Law , 1883 and , Practice Uigg , ( J , . , M R . oxb ) 10 urg s . 6 h d ( . F . ) 12 s . 6 d .
H H H J Bankruptcy Betbeada * t < naan , , Loving Elbon Rules Ballad ( Barbara , 1883 of , ) H Lord cUUwor 3 vols , illna t 81 h . a ( by W . Cmikshank M A . ) Is . , n . ed . 6 s .
. . < . jjwveen Two OcoanB , // ar ^/ y ( Iza D . ) lfia . ? « , rtaday " Be Book oft abont the , -Savage edit ( M 2 . J 6 d ) 7 a . 6 d .
«» nmrok , Busch , iJyron ( M . ) Oar , new Chancellor . s . , 2 . vote . 18 s . "»«««« , Urt ., Her Story , new edit . Is .
M ^ ^ w * ^ * O J » , pital Elphirutone for Working , Selection , AUCinaughy of Official , Sa Writings . 6 d . , 21 a .
Brain- Chemical Constitution , Thndichnm ( J . L . W . ) 10 s . Gil . ¦ j /? y rfa I » . V ^ < * . i * , Winners TV * • r *^ k , ^ a ^ *** Social ^* ^^ Story ^^ mF , new — - - edit — . 6 s . |
Bull , John , his Neighbour in her True Light , Is . G < 1 . Butter Making , Why and Wherefore , Is . By and Bya HomanceMaitland ( E . ) new edit . 5 s .
( uli form inn , Stories , Uarte , ( Bret ) 2 a . Canon Law , Institutes , Owen ( R . ) 10 s . 6 d . Catalogue , English , of Books Published in 1883 , 5 s .
Caxtons , The , Lytton ( Lord ) new edit . 5 » . Chancery Practice , DanieWs , Vol . 2 , 2 parts , 84 s . Channel PortsEnglishRussell (\ V . C . ) Is . I
, , Chemical Analysis , B arker ( A . ) 8 d . I Cliemical Analysis Tablet-a , Semple ( A . ) 1 p . China , French in Indo-China , Garnier ' sExplorations , & c . ? s .
Christ and the Church , Sapftir ( A . ) new edit . 4 t * . Christian Life , Higher , Boardman <\ V . B ) new edit . Is . Christianity & Churchism , Fvaser ( P . A . ) 2 nd edit . Is .
Cinna , Corneille , edited by Del bos , la . 6 rf . City Children , a Plea , Pantomime Waifs , 5 s . Cleveland Triplet- " , Ceddet ( R . F . ) Stand . 4 , Is . 2 d .
Clockmiiker , 1 / uliburton ( T . C . ) new edit- 6 d . Comenlixa ( J . A . ) Life , Laurie ( 9 . a ) 2 nd edit . 3 s . 6 d . CommandMy FirstMaittand ( A . J . ) 6 d-
Comiiensation , , Crtpps , on , 2 nd edit . 16 a . Competitive Examination , Crawly ( W . X . C ) 5 th ed . 2 s . 6 d . Corper ( James Fenloiore ) by LounsbaryCa » I
, Cord , Thrtrfotd % now e lit . 6 d . I Covenant Promise of V * e Father . Poyn « CT . ) la . J
' ¦¦ .: ' ¦ :: ¦ : = ' " : »
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), April 1, 1884, page 329, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01041884/page/17/