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Apri , , tm The Publishers' Gircular 335
- Recent Foreign Works.
Atti belle della arti . R . Accademia . 11 ( 1882-83 ) Napoli di archeologia , 25 a , lettere [ 1814 e Beitrapr d . anatomi e s \ ? ir chen Morphologi Institut tU c Erlangen nnrt Morphocrenie von Leo Vf G ¦ erlacb \ : aus
I . -- 4 to . n . Stun vU < jrviii jnrt , 14 JHQUl s t zu £ *\ A . JUJ M . L (\ l J f 5 \ JI * ; j Vl / IL JL ^\> v ^ » ^ [ 1815 •«*>¦ ' . BrannfeJs hiftorlsche ( Novellcn E . )—TTofge . Cr soh . 8 ichten vo . Dresden ana droi 5 s . 6 Jahrhumdorton d [ 181 G , ,
; Brnijrseli Ahth . III . ( BT Die . )— geogr Thesaurus . Insch inscription riften altiigypt am . / . Egypti Denkmiiler « carum . . 4 to . Leipztg , 26 s [ 1817
I Club p 108 port . 6 - a iLlmanach 2 me ann , io annuairo 1884 ' , lGmo international . limp 7 .. parchment 1 des cercles . , .. [ et 1818 arii dn .
Commission ouvrlers et des industries d ' enqu < 5 te d ' art sur , 4 to . Paris la situation , 20 s [ 1819 dea Distel . miircn , ( Th ein © ^ - Mlttbeilunpr ^ Aus Wilhelm Msher v . Humboldt unbokanntor ' s letzen Briefe Lebens , m - .
Portrait " Ortrait v v . . Frau Frn . 11 t v . Ilumboldt irnrrk »>^ Mf . . 8 flvn vo . JM Jj > pziy in * in , 2 s [ T 1820 1 R 90 D et 1 souvenirs * ^ ^ iwt do voyage -A . ndre . . 6 Mexique m . 8 eO . Pa a » ijonrd ris , 3 d ' . hui 66 , imprcssion [ 1821 H
' Orrin eiettrlcjt nazlone l elettrica ( A R , . m )— accliiao I , recontl transm magneto issiono pro (? - re « e elettrica si dinamo roile -elettricho dell applicazion ' energia , illumi i mec dell - - ' ™ MWmo ica . 18 loeomozione b elettr . & c . 377 engravings . 8 vo .
t V ? . .. [ 1822 TenlUct ( Octave )—La veuve . 8 m . Sxo . Paris , 3 s . < Jd . [ 1823 P MaZ ^ S aflcA 5 ^® h £ < 208 Knno "ea )— 6 ren J . G . Phllosophle Fichte n . , seine vol . Vorprtinger v . 2 edit . . 1824 8 Ge vo - .
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Hirzel Nachtriigen 3 s . 6 d ( 8 . ) — u . Verzelchnips Fortsetzung einer v . S . Gopthe Ilirzel . -Bibliothek 8 vo . Leipzig , [ 1829 mit
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des Zollaaftea . 4 to . Halle , 55 s . 6 < 1 [ Krnkenbergr Physiologie der ( C Parbcato . F . "W . ) ffo —GrrundzUtfo uttd der Farben einor . 8 ve vo rgleichenden . lieldelbera .
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Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), April 1, 1884, page 335, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_01041884/page/23/